Category:That Is
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- A brahmana will never speak lies. That is the first qualification
- Everything is food, that's all right. But you can take only what is allotted for you, that's all
- I want to present Bhagavad-gita as it is; that is my mission
- If we actually want to be happy, we must take to Krsna consciousness. There is no alternative. That is our point
- In his childhood Manduka Muni was playing with an ant, piercing the rectum with a thorn. That is also taken account, "All right. You will be punished." Just see how finer laws are there in nature
- Just like in the desert, Arabian Desert, there is no food, no grain, for them animal-eating may be permissible. Because after all, we have to live. That is a different thing
- One life is meant to be eaten by another. That is nature's law. But we should use discrimination in what kind of foodstuff we shall eat
- Please see that the accounts are kept and that no money is wasted; that's my only request
- Regulative principles should act as servants of the basic principle - that is, one should always remember Krsna and never forget Him
- That is my experience
- That is my mission (Prabhupada)
- That is necessary
- That is the first business, make books and distribute. So I am always encouraged to hear that you are increasing in this respect of making books in foreign languages
- The relative is lamenting, crying, "My father is gone." That means he never saw his father; he saw the body only. But at the time of death of his father he understands that this father is not this body; that is soul
- The Supersoul, which is situated in all bodies as the friend of the individual soul, is conscious of all bodies. That is the difference between supreme consciousness and individual consciousness
- We are eternally servant of God; we cannot become God. Better to remain servant of God; that is our happiness
- We are preachers on behalf of Lord Krsna, that is our occupational duty
- We have not come to beg; we have come to give them something. That is my mission
- You become guru. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission
- You cannot imitate Jesus Christ. You shall have to abide by his order. That is your position. Then you are guided by Jesus Christ. That is actually obedience
- You cannot say, "Prabhupada, milk is better than water. Why don't you take one glass of milk?" That is not anukula. You must supply me what I want. That is anukula. That is favorable
- A big . . . I gave that a big animal, lion, is fearful to the small animal. But because he is lion, very strong, does it mean that he's a human being? That is going on
- A boy is given to a carpenter. He learns very easily. A weaver, he learns very easily. A shopkeeper, grocer, he learns very easily. That is education. Why he should waste time for academic education and create unemployment
- A boy loves a girl, a girl loves a boy. That is not love, that is lust. As soon as there is some disturbance in lusty affair, they divorce. So therefore that is not love
- A boy should not go to the girl's father and ask for the hand of his daughter in marriage. That is considered to be humbling one's respectable position
- A brahmacari is supposed to assist a sannyasi; therefore a brahmacari should not try to instruct a sannyasi. That is the etiquette. Consequently Damodara should not have advised Caitanya Mahaprabhu of His duty
- A brahmacari is supposed to work as a menial servant of the Spiritual Master, and whatever collection he gets, it becomes the Spiritual Master's property, not the brahmacari's. That is real brahmacari life.
- A brahmacari is trained to refrain from sex life. That is brahmacari, celibacy. But if he is still not able, then he is allowed to accept grhastha life
- A brahmacari, from the very beginning of his life, he is trained to act only for guru. That is brahmacari. It is enjoined that a brahmacari live at the shelter, at the care of guru just like a menial servant
- A brahmana does not require to kill a person with weapon. No. That is ksatriya's business
- A brahmana is employed, a ksatriya is employed, a vaisya is employed. Otherwise, if they are unemployed, idle brain, then idle brain will be devil's workshop. That is happening. Because everyone is not employed
- A brahmana is strictly prohibited from becoming a servant of anyone else, for that is the business of dogs and sudras. A dog must satisfy his master, but a brahmana does not have to satisfy anyone; he is simply meant to satisfy Krsna
- A brahmin is estimated the high-class man. Why? That is also materially estimation. But if he has no devotion to the Lord, then that is . . . that means he has no spiritual qualification
- A Brahmin, according to Vedic culture, a Brahmin is considered . . . Brahmin means vidya-vinaya-sampanne. He is very gentle and very learned. That is the first qualification of Brahmin. Not by birth but by qualification
- A certain class of philosophers, they are astonished simply by seeing the great magnitude of God. But there is smaller, smallest, anor aniyan. These are much smaller than the atom magnitude. But that is beyond our experience. Therefore we say nirakara
- A child is generally welcome in his attempts to go places, but if it so happens that a child is checked from entering a door, he naturally becomes very sorry and angry. That is the nature of a child
- A crane stands on the edge of a pond that is always disturbed by flowing water, mud, and stones. The crane is like a householder who is disturbed in the shelter of his home but who, because of too much attachment, does not want to change his position
- A devotee does not go anywhere. He goes to Krsna only, even if he has got material desires. That is the advantage. This advantage: that if you go to Krsna for some material advantage even, then the day will come, you'll forget that material advantage
- A devotee even if he is sometimes found that he is attracted by sex life, that does not mean he is degraded. That is by chance
- A devotee gives up the entire mentality of enjoying and engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. That is his constitutional glorified position. At that time he is isvara, fully independent
- A devotee has no enmity towards any living entity, but that does not mean that he mixes with everyone. That is prohibited. Aprasangatah means "not to be in intimate touch with everyone
- A devotee is always free from all bad association. Sometimes one is praised and sometimes one is defamed; that is the nature of human society. But a devotee is always transcendental to artificial fame and infamy, distress or happiness. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee is always satisfied because he feels the presence of the Supersoul within his heart and thinks of Him twenty-four hours a day. That is real satisfaction
- A devotee is taught to address all his contemporary as prabhu: "My dear sir, my dear lord." That is the position of Krsna consciousness
- A devotee is, being always in Krsna consciousness, naturally he is in blissfulness. Still more, when he meets or associates with his Lord, still more blissfulness. That is the position of the theist devotee
- A devotee like Mother Yasoda, a devotee like Radharani, devotees like gopis, devotees like the cowherds boy, they can control Krsna. That is Vrndavana life. So this Krsna consciousness movement is trying to take you there
- A devotee means, real devotee means, he has no purpose for material gain. That is real devotee. Now we have to see what kind of devotee he is. There are two kinds of devotees: with purpose and without purpose
- A devotee of Krsna is the first-class yogi. That is accepted by Krsna
- A devotee should always be very kind to the general public in instructing Krsna consciousness because that is the only solution for getting out of the clutches of maya. That is really humanitarian work, for it is the way to show mercy
- A devotee should not be affected by the results of karma and jnana. One has to simply understand Krsna and carry out His desires. That is the pure devotional stage
- A devotee shows compassion to those poor souls who are wanting in spiritual knowledge by enlightening them in order to elevate them to Krsna consciousness. That is one of the duties of a devotee
- A devotee taking all risk, preaching for the benefit of the whole human society. He is called gosthy-anandi, increasing the number of devotees. That is preferred by Krsna
- A devotee who commits sinful acts, which he may do unwillingly or accidentally because of his former habits, is excused. That is the value of the sankirtana movement
- A devotee who is always in KC, for him there is nothing unknown. Just like we can give information of the whole creation - not only of this material world, of the spiritual world. Clear conception: where is where, what is what. Everything. That is KC
- A devotee who is fully in Krsna consciousness, who is not attracted by any other loka, or planet, including Brahmaloka and Sivaloka, is immediately transferred to Krsnaloka (mam eti). That is the highest perfection of life and of the evolutionary process
- A devotee's sinful activities is excused, and if he is repentant, then he is again elevated to his original position. That is the verdict of all sastras
- A devotee, because a nondevotee has become a devotee, he is practicing how to simply accept Krsna's orders. But by his previous habit he's still engaged in "do it" and "don't do it." That is his previous habit
- A devotee, his business is that "Because I have got this material body and because I had my past misdeeds, although I am suffering, it does not matter. It comes and goes. It does not matter. Let me do my duty." That is advice of Krsna
- A devotee, however, always offers personal prayers. A devotee says, govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami: "I offer my respectful obeisances unto Govinda, unto Krsna." That is the way to offer prayers
- A devotee, if he is educated, he tries to apply his educational qualification in describing Krsna by so many literatures, so many publications. That is the proper use
- A devotee, on account of his eyes being smeared with the ointment of love of God, he sees Krsna twenty-four hours within his heart. That is the vision of the devotee
- A disciple should always meditate on the order of the spiritual master, and that is perfectional meditation. Not only should he meditate upon that order, but he should find out the means by which he can perfectly worship and execute it
- A diseased man is accustomed to eat bitter medicine, not very palatable, & so many things, passing stool & urine. As soon as they inform that after being cured there is also passing of stool & urine & eating, but that is palatable, he cannot understand
- A doctor has forbidden his patient to take any solid food, and if the patient is asking, "Give me some solids," and if you give him solid food in charity, then you are not doing good to him. That is ignorance
- A dog cannot be educated to understand God but a man can be. So if this human life is misused in the matter of animal propensities then it is a great loss. His propensities for understanding God should be aroused that is real education
- A father's duty is that as soon as the girl is grown up, she must be married. She must be given in charge of a suitable boy. That is Vedic system
- A fish that is taken out of the water cannot be happy by any arrangement on land. He must be supplied with water. In the same way, the minute sac-cid-ananda living entity cannot be really happy through any amount of planning in this material universe
- A fool will never agree that he's a fool. He'll always say, "I am very intelligent." That is another foolishness. After spending millions of dollars for one coat for going to the moon planet? Forty-thousand dollar? What is that?
- A foolish person may deride Him, but that is an ordinary person. Krsna is actually desired to be seen by demigods like Brahma and Siva in His two-armed form. BG 1972 purports
- A glossary of some of the important words in this chapter (SB 4th Canto, Ch 28): Idhmavaha - The devotee who approaches the spiritual master. Idhma refers to wood that is taken to burn as fuel for a fire
- A God conscious person is not subject to such misery (of hankering and lamentations). If something is lost, he knows that it is God's wish, and he thinks - God desired this, so it is all right
- A God-conscious person means he has no sin. He cannot be within the jurisdiction of sinful activities. That is God consciousness. You cannot become God conscious at the same time sinful. That is not possible
- A gorgeous temple means many flowers, beautiful decorations, and prasadam distribution. Some sort of kirtana must go on continuously. Further, chanting 16 rounds must be completed, that is our spiritual strength
- A great dramatist, government officer. He wrote one book, Shah Jahan. That is very famous book for theatrical play. So in that Shah Jahan, means the king emperor Shah Jahan. Practically, the name which is given on the book, the hero title, he's the hero
- A guru should be accepted as God. That is the injunction of all sastras
- A human being is called rational animal. If you come to the rationality, that is required. If you remain also another animal, another type of animal, that will not help you
- A human being is not meant for wasting his time like animals, simply eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That is animal life. The extra intelligence of human beings should be utilized how to understand - what I am? I am a spirit soul
- A human being should be given chance to understand the philosophy of life. And that is Vedas
- A human being supposed to be controlled. That is human life. The more you control, you become perfect. And though, the more you become loose, you are animal. That is the difference
- A jnani knows, "So why shall I bother myself for these temporary designation?" That is jnani. He is jnani. He is man in knowledge
- A karmi must be envious because he wishes to enjoy material pleasures to their fullest extent. That is the material disease
- A king should also be strict in chastising the atheists. In other words, an atheistic or godless government should never be supported by a king or governmental chief. That is the test of good government
- A Krsna conscious education means one is trained to give up material consciousness altogether. That is perfect Krsna consciousness
- A Krsna conscious person can never be turned into Marxism. That is not possible. That is explained in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Because they have seen the highest perfection of life, they cannot be misled by all these third-class, fourth-class philosophies
- A Krsna conscious person cannot sit idly. He thinks that "Such a nice philosophy of life, why it should not be distributed?" That is his mission
- A ksatriya may speak lies. That is allowed, because he has to be diplomat, politician. But a brahmin, oh, he's not allowed to speak lie. This is the system, caste system or varnasrama system
- A little family, a little community, that is your world. We do not think in that way. We include even the animals, trees, plants - brothers. That is our philosophy
- A living entity cannot remain steady in one or the other because changes are going on. That is the nature of the material world
- A living entity has got natural inclination for vyavaya, sex life; and madya sevah, intoxication; amisa sevah, and meat-eating. A natural instinct there is. But asuras, they do not try to stop it. They want to increase it. That is asura life
- A living entity must have desires; that is the symptom of life
- A living entity must have independence, although it is very little, minute. That Krsna does not touch. He'll never touch. You'll have to agree, "Yes, Krsna, I shall surrender unto You. Yes. That is for my benefit." This is Krsna consciousness
- A living entity, when he cannot serve God, that is his material condition, or unhealthy condition. When he serves God, that is his natural condition. Because he's part and parcel of God
- A living man is very powerful, very good position, everything. As soon as he lies down . . . he is lying down on the floor, and if you kick him on his face, he'll not protest. So where is that strength? The strength is gone. That is spiritual strength
- A madman will say, "I have no anxiety." But no sane man will say that "I am free of anxiety." This is material life. So if you want to become free of anxieties, then you come to the spiritual life. That is the only remedy
- A maha-bhagavata sees that, "Everyone is engaged in the service of the Lord except myself." That is maha-bhagavata's vision. But we should not imitate that
- A mahatma accepts the standard, deductive, descending process - that is, the method that comes down directly from the Supreme Lord or through His bona fide representatives
- A mahatma never tries to approach Godhead by any invented method, any inductive, ascending process. Rather, he accepts the standard, deductive, descending process - that is, the method that comes down directly from the Supreme Lord
- A man comes and joins this Krsna consciousness movement, and in the middle he falls down, he does not make further progress because he falls down. But whatever he has done, that is permanent credit
- A man is working and thinking: "Let me work now very hard, and let me have some bank balance so when I shall get old, I shall enjoy life without any working." That is the inner intention of everyone. Nobody wants to work
- A man retired from household life must practice austerities of the body, mind and tongue. That is tapasya. The entire varnasrama-dharma society is meant for tapasya. Without tapasya or austerity no human being can get liberation. BG 1972 purports
- A man showing that he is a great devotee, he's great man of knowledge, but he has no reference with the books of knowledge, or the authoritative books, oh, that is simply creating disturbance. That is not religiosity, neither devotion
- A man works very hard, being energized by his wife or mother. That is the history of the whole world
- A married man becomes responsible, because there is affection, family affection. And one who is not married, he's irresponsible, because there is no family affection. That is the basic defect of the present society
- A master is asking servant that "You knock me here." So he's knocking like this. So that is service. The others may see, "Oh, he's knocking and he's thinking, 'I am serving'? What is this? He's knocking." But master wants that "You knock me"
- A materialistic person sometimes thinks that simply by executing pious activities and remaining at home one can understand the Absolute Truth. That is denied in this verse - SB 5.12.12
- A motor car is working. All of a sudden it stops. So there are technologists who can repair the car and it will again start. That is technology. Now the man is working, stopped. So where is that technology to make it move again
- A particle of gold is also gold, but that does not mean that the particle of gold is equal to the gold mine. That is the real understanding of philosophy. We are gods, undoubtedly. In which way? Qualitatively. God is gold
- A peon's duty is that he must sincerely carry out the order of the postmaster and deliver the letter to the proper person. That is their duty. Similarly, this parampara system is like that. Every one of us should become a spiritual master
- A person in knowledge should be in, I mean to say, happiness. That is a sign of knowledge. So one who is in knowledge, he is not disturbed
- A person may claim something within this world to be his property, but that is a false claim. It is a fact that it is someone's property, but it is God's property (isavasyam idam sarvam). This does not mean, however, that the property is false
- A person who always desires to serve Krsna is interested in ways to convince people that there is a Supreme Personality of Godhead & that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is Krsna. That is his ambition. It doesn't matter whether he is in heaven or hell
- A person who has understood little value of this Krsna consciousness, he should take this movement very seriously and distribute to the fallen souls. That is the best work
- A person who is highly advanced in spiritual knowledge and who has attained the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage neither laments nor hankers for anything material. That is the stage of spiritual realization
- A petari is a kind of big basket that is carried in pairs on the ends of a rod balanced over the shoulders. The man who carries such a load is called a bhari
- A pure soul is the eternal servant of God as His fragmental part and parcel. He comes into contact with maya (illusion) due to the desire to lord it over maya, and that is the cause of his many sufferings. BG 1972 purports
- A pure Vaisnava is not subject to the rules and regulations of the smarta-brahmanas. That was the reason for Advaita Acarya’s stating, apanara sama more karibara tare: to raise Me to Your own standard
- A pure Vaisnava, he simply always expects, "When that time will come, Krsna will be pleased to accept me?" Otherwise he is not very hasty. But he is interested with the service. That is pure Vaisnava. A pure Vaisnava can go to the hell for serving
- A real wife is dharma-patni. That is, a woman accepted in marriage by ritualistic ceremony is called dharma-patni, which signifies that she is accepted in terms of religious principles
- A royal procession like that of Maharaja Pariksit surrounded by well-decorated chariots, cavalry, elephants, infantry and band not only is pleasing to the eyes, but also is a sign of a civilization that is aesthetic even on the fighting front
- A sannyasi cannot meet his wife again. That is renouncement. Renouncement means renouncing connection with woman, or renouncing sex life
- A sannyasi is expected to collect a little food from each and every householder. That is to say, he should take whatever he requires to eat. This system is called madhukari
- A scholar will not speak anything as he is thinking. No. He will give authoritative quotation to support. That is Vedic system. When you support your proposition with the Vedic version, then it is accepted
- A servant is always ready to receive the order of the master. That is faithful servant. That is real servant. Not that at night duty he is sleeping somewhere. No. That is not faithful servant. Faithful servant means always alert
- A sincere devotee of the Lord shuns all material sense enjoyment due to his higher taste for spiritual enjoyment in the association of the Lord. That is the secret of success
- A sincere devotee should read every chapter and every word of Srimad-Bhagavatam, for the beginning verses describe that it is the ripened fruit of all Vedic literature. Devotees should not try to avoid even a word of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- A sinful life can be counteracted by various processes of religion such as yajna, vrata and dana - that is, the performance of sacrifices, the taking of a vow for some religious ritual, and the giving of charity
- A small ant, it can move, but a big tree cannot move. That is punishment. Just like in our childhood we were being punished by the teachers, "Stand up on the bench." So it is like that
- A son's duty is not only to make the father the source of supply for all his needs, but also, when he is grown up, to render service unto him. That is the law of creation beginning from the time of Brahma
- A spirit soul, being part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, he is by nature very powerful. We do not know how much spiritual power we have got, but that is being suppressed by the material covering
- A spiritual master empowered by Krsna through his own bona fide spiritual master should be considered as good as the Supreme Personality of Godhead Himself. That is the meaning of saksad-dharitvena
- A spiritual master is expert in giving special instructions to each of his disciples, and if the disciple executes the order of the spiritual master, that is the way of his perfection
- A successful life is one of Krishna consciousness. By the grace of Krishna from the very beginning you are a devotee and that is the real profit of your life
- A sādhu, as described above (in SB 3.25.21), is a devotee of the Lord. His concern, therefore, is to enlighten people in devotional service to the Lord. That is his mercy. He knows that without devotional service to the Lord, human life is spoiled
- A teacher can be in the list of teacher if he does know: "Yes, I know." That is teacher. If he says, "I do not know," then what kind of teacher he is? He's a rascal, cheater
- A temple president should have more time for preaching. That is important
- A thief is thinking that, "I'm living here very comfortably, without stealing. I'm getting food and shelter. And if I go outside, I have to steal again." So it is good life? That is due to ignorance
- A thing which you cannot get back by paying millions of dollars, if that is lost unnecessarily, so how much loss you are suffering just imagine. This is material calculation
- A Vaisnava acarya's body is never burned. It is entombed. They worship the body. But that is spiritual body
- A Vaisnava accepts anything favorable for executing his mission. But foolish persons, not knowing the purpose of such exalted Vaisnavas, indulge in criticizing them. That is forbidden
- A Vaisnava comes, God also comes and God's son or very confidential devotee also comes - their only mission is how to save these sinful men who are suffering so much. That is their mission
- A Vaisnava is also self-sufficient, depending only on Krsna. That is Vaisnava. So he has nothing to lament or nothing to regret
- A Vaisnava is nivrtta-trsna; that is, he has no material purpose, for his only purpose is to preach Krsna consciousness
- A Vaisnava is not only thinking of the community or society or family, he is thinking of all living entities. That is Vaisnava. Lokanam hita-karinau, all planets
- A Vaisnava like Prahlada Maharaja is not interested in such a bluff of spiritual advancement (so-called meditating in the Himalayas). Rather, he is interested in enlightening people in Krsna consciousness because that is the only way to become happy
- A veda-vadi cannot be purified from material contamination unless he becomes a tattva-vadi, that is, one who knows tattva, the Absolute Truth. Tattva is also experienced in three features-brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate - SB 1.2.11
- A weaver, he sees 'Kat, kat, kat'. He's got it. Does it require M.A., Ph.D. Simply waste of time. And that is going on. I don't want that, for 'Kat, kat, kat', M.A., Ph D
- A woman has no independence... She is always under the protection, either under the protection of the father or under the protection of the husband or under the protection of the grown-up sons. That is position. And woman becomes happy in that way
- A woman requires protection. But normally we regard that any unmarried woman with children should take security of the temple - that is more secure than the protection of Krishna
- A yogi should see the same soul in all manifestations, for all that exists is a manifestation of different energies of the Supreme. In this way the devotee should see all living entities without distinction. That is realization of the Supreme Soul
- A young boy sees another young man or a young man sees another young girl - natural sex appetite, natural. But one who can control that, that is dhirah. That is dhirah. Dhiras tatra na muhyati. That is yoga practice
- Above the mental and intellectual planes, where the atmosphere is spiritualized, we can understand, "I am not this mind, intellect, or body. Aham brahmasmi - I am spirit, part and parcel of the Supreme Lord." That is the platform of real understanding
- Above this planetary system is Bhuvarloka. Above that is Svarloka (the moon belongs to the Svarloka planetary system). Above Svarloka is Maharloka; above that is Janaloka; and above that is Satyaloka
- Acarya does not accept anything on his own account. Acarya accepts everything on Krsna's account. That is the principle. And because he is representative of Krsna, he is dealing on behalf of Krsna
- Acarya gives some way for simple understanding. The same conclusion, but according to the time, circumstances, they give a very easy method to understand. That is acarya
- Acarya means one who is speaking exactly the same instruction as Krsna has given. That is acarya. Not everyone becomes acarya
- Acaryopasana. Krsna says. That is the way of knowledge
- Acaryopasana. We have to worship the acaryas. That is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita for making progress in spiritual life
- Acaryopasanam. That is required. But these yogis, jnanis, karmis, they have no acarya. They are self-made
- Acaryopasanam. You have to approach an acarya. That is the way of learning transcendental knowledge in all Vedic scriptures
- Acaryopasanam: we have to understand through the acaryas. That is our process. That is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh
- Accept Krsna as He says. That's all. Finished. That is the main business. Our philosophy is simple because we take it, Krsna's word, as it is, that's all. And we believe it firmly
- Acceptance of spiritual master means to accept anything, whatever he says. Therefore one has to select a spiritual master whom he can completely surrender. That is the technique. Veda-vakya
- Accepting these four spiritual and four material principles of life, that is humanity. One who is not within this category, varnasrama-dharma, he's not accepted as a human being or a civilized human being
- Accidentally I have got this body in America or India or Africa or in hell or heaven. That is accidental. Or by my karma. But actually, I am not this body
- Accidentally somebody takes birth in the Hindu family; he becomes Hindu. Accidentally he takes birth in the Christian family; he becomes Christian. These are all designation. So when we give up this designation, that is desirelessness
- According to association, atmosphere, circumstances, the desires changes. So that is... Desire means consciousness. Just like our boys, they had different consciousness before coming to Krsna consciousness
- According to astronomical calculation, the planets and the universe, they can increase. So the Absolute Truth, that is eternally increasing. There is no comparison of Brahman's increasement and magnitude. Sanatana: and that is also eternal
- According to Ayurvedic medicine system, this body is made of tri-dhatu: tejo-vari-mrd. That is also stated in the Bhagavata, tejo-vari-mrd. That means heat, water and earth
- According to Bhagavad-gita, one should make research by philosophical discretion into the nature of the soul. One should make research to understand with what the self is concerned. That is recommended. BG 1972 purports
- According to Darwin's theory, 5000 years ago, men were uncivilized. Now this literature is written by uncivilized men. Just see. So highly intellectual writings, they were uncivilized. Now they have become civilized. That is Darwin's theory
- According to etiquette, things used by Krsna should not be used by anyone else. Similarly, things used by the spiritual master should also not be used by anyone else. That is etiquette
- According to Mayavadi philosophy, the Lord is a product of this material nature, and the living entity is in the lowest stage of ignorance. That is the sum and substance of Mayavadi philosophy
- According to our Indian system, their enjoyment is not meat-eating as in the Western countries. Their enjoyment is eating ghee more, become chubby, fatty. That is their enjoyment
- According to our Vedic information, this is only one universe, which is within our vision, this sky, the dome. That is one universe. The other universes are outside this universe. That is the Vedic information
- According to religious injunctions a man is restricted to enjoy sex only once in a month, after the menstrual period of the wife, and if the wife is pregnant, he is not allowed sex life at all. That is the law for human beings
- According to Sanskrit, the dharma, the word dharma, that is translated into "religion," and religion means a kind of faith. But it is not like that. It is a science to understand your real identification
- According to sastra, karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1), there is superior examination. Yamaraja is there. Now, this man is now dead, this soul is now changing body. What kind of body he'll get next? That is judged by the superior authority
- According to spiritual communism, one cannot possess more than he needs for his personal maintenance. That is the law of nature
- According to the body, our occupational duties change. But real occupational duty is of the soul. When you come to that platform - the occupational duty of the soul - that is the highest class of religion
- According to the opinion of authorities, Kamsa attained sarupya-mukti after death; that is to say, he attained the same form as Narayana
- According to the standard of the Gita, a learned man is he who sees on equal terms the learned brahmana, the dog, the cow, the elephant and the dog-eater. That is the vision of a true devotee. BG 1972 purports
- According to the Vedic system, there is prayascitta. So prayascitta, that is also very heavy task. In this age nobody can perform prayascitta
- According to Vedic civilization, all knowledge is received from the Vedas, perfect authorized source. Sruti-pramana, evidence from the sruti, from the Vedas, that is perfect
- According to Vedic civilization, one has to give up family life at a certain age (the age of fifty), take vanaprastha and eventually remain alone as a sannyasi. That is the prescribed method of Vedic civilization known as varnasrama-dharma
- According to Vedic communism, in your house if there is a lizard, if there is an insect, if there is a rat, if there is snake, you have to see that everyone has got his food. That is Krsna consciousness
- According to Vedic principles, bones and dung are generally considered very impure. If one touches a bone or stool, he must take a bath immediately. That is the Vedic injunction
- According to Vedic principles, sex life cannot be performed without a married life that is sanctioned by religion. Therefore in human society there is system of marriage
- According to Vedic sastra, guru is worshiped like God. This is . . . just like my disciples, they have given this seat and . . . almost equally with God's seat. That is injunction. Yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah
- According to Vedic scripture, one is classified according to his work and quality, not by birth. That is the classification of sastra. Just like in the Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah
- According to Vedic system there are samskaras, reformatory methods, and when the child is taken for samskara, that is called upanayana. Upanaya means bringing him nearer to understand spiritual life. That is sacred thread ceremony
- According to Vedic system, a woman should dress very nicely just to satisfy her husband. That is the Vedic system. If her husband is not at home, then she should not dress nicely. There are injunctions
- According to Vedic system, even after passing my own stool, evacuating, I have to take bath. And what to speak of others' stool. That is the system. So stool is impure. One, after touching stool, he must take bath
- According to Vedic system, no girl should be allowed remaining unmarried. So there is no question of brahmacarini. Every girl is supposed to be married. That is the Vedic system
- According to Vedic system, there is no independent life of woman. Na stri svatantryam arhati. Manu-samhita, that "Stri" - stri means woman - "should not be allowed independence." They should be given all protection. That's a very nice system
- According to your body, your eating problem, your sleeping problem, your sense gratification problem and defending problem are already settled. That is the verdict of the sastra
- According to your mental condition, you'll be offered the next body. Yam yam vapi smaran loke tyajyaty ante kalevaram (BG 8.6), you'll find. Therefore, give up doggish mentality. That is Krsna consciousness
- Action in inaction - action means to do something of which the result is enjoyed by the doer; that is action
- Activities of the material world means to act in such a way that you become liberated at the end and go back to home, back to Godhead. That is real activities of this material world
- Activity is not limited. Any activity that makes one progressing for realization of Krsna consciousness, that is higher, the highest pious activity
- Actual aim of spiritual life - to come to the stage of loving God. That is real spiritual life
- Actual fact is there is no love in this material world. That is false propaganda. What they call "love" here is lust only, desire for personal sense-gratification
- Actual perfection of knowledge is in attaining pure Krsna consciousness; that is described in the following verses (of BG 18). BG 1972 purports
- Actually Arjuna was considering himself master of his actions, as if he were directing the good and bad results of such work. He forgot that the SPG was present there, instructing him to fight. That is the forgetfulness of the conditioned soul. BG 1972 p
- Actually bhakti begins with the tongue. Sevonmukhe hi jihvadau. Beginning from tongue, krsna-bhakti begins. It may be very awkward to hear, that "By tongue, how bhakti begins?" But that is the statement in the sastra
- Actually bodily I am not getting much strength, but spiritually I am getting much strength because my spiritual children are growing in spiritual strength. That is my strength
- Actually classless society means when these brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, they work for Krsna. That is classless. That is Krsna consciousness
- Actually human civilization means that people should be very serious to have perfection of this human body, spiritual perfection. That is perfect human civilization
- Actually it was the body left by Vrtrasura that was cut to pieces by Indra; Vrtrasura himself was not killed. In his original consciousness, Vrtrasura returned home, back to Godhead, to become an associate of Lord Sankarsana
- Actually not only the problem of nationalism, but every problem of the world is due to a lack of Krsna consciousness. That is the only scarcity
- Actually our desire is that "There must be easygoing life. I shall not work very much. I shall live in a comfortable house in a secluded place and live peacefully." That is his desire
- Actually that is our most important business-to distribute our Back to Godhead magazine and if you will go on in this way with enthusiasm and determination for distributing BTG to everyone you meet then Krishna will surely bless you more and more
- Actually the human life is meant for being educated that he is not this body; he is soul. That is the Vedanta-sutra philosophy, to inquire about the spirit soul. That is our main business
- Actually the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, is the supreme enjoyer. When a living entity wants to imitate Him, he is given a chance to satisfy his false desire to lord it over material nature. That is the beginning of his downfall
- Actually this Krishna Consciousness movement is the greatest need of the present day situation of the world. It is authorized approved and very old, and practical. It can be accepted by any person in any part of the world; that is already tested
- Actually we are not annihilated. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire , nityo sasvato 'yam. So that is our real business. This requires little intelligence, that "We are eternal. Why we are put into this process of taking birth and death?"
- Actually we are understanding about the sun not by our direct eyes but through the authoritative knowledge, through the sastra, through the books. Sruti-pramanam. That is evidence
- Actually we should not increase our foolishness. Human life is meant for utilizing our intelligence. That is human life. Instead of utilizing intelligence, if we increase our foolishness, that's the wrong type of civilization
- Actually worshipful is the Supreme Lord, Krsna. Others, they should be shown respect. But worship means for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He is worshipful. Saranyam. He is to be taken shelter of; He is to be worshiped. That is being taught
- Actually, a yogi concentrates his mind on the form of Lord Visnu. That is real yoga. Krsna is the original form of all visnu-tattvas. The gopis could not go to Krsna personally, so they began to meditate on Him as perfect yogis
- Actually, by hearing about rasa-lila the result will be that one will be raised to the platform of transcendental service, and the disease of lust within the heart - that is material disease - that will be completely vanquished
- Actually, human life should be very easy, very easy. No hard work. Living very simple life and eating very healthy food, living in open space, no quarrel, no antagonism, everyone is happy, everyone is free. That is human civilization
- Actually, if one is self-realized, he is no more fearful or concerned with the bodily necessities of life. That is liberation
- Actually, my position is servant. Just like a woman. Natural position is to remain dependent on man. That is natural position. But if some woman artificially tries to become man or master, that is suffering
- Actually, nothing is private property. That is our philosophy. Isavasyam idam sarvam (ISO 1): "Everything belongs to God." That's a fact. Under the influence of maya we are thinking that "This is my property."
- Actually, one by one, as people are coming to the association of (this Krsna consciousness) Societies, automatically he is becoming Krsna conscious. That is practical. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah. This is sadhu-sanga
- Actually, our living conditions can be minimized as far as possible. Simply we should live for propagating Krishna Consciousness. That is our life
- Actually, pure devotion is explained in the previous chapter: the mind of the Supreme Lord and the mind of the devotee should be dovetailed. A devotee should not wish anything but to execute the desire of the Supreme. That is oneness
- Actually, self is beyond this body, beyond this mind, beyond this intelligence. That is the position. Those who are grossly on the bodily concept of self-realization, they are materialist
- Actually, there is nothing as materialism. Materialism means forgetfulness of God, that's all
- Actually, to become free from all responsibility and anxieties, if one remains a brahmacari, that is very good. That is the recommendation of sastra
- Actually, we are servants of God. That is our real position. But we sometimes become envious, that - Why shall I become servant of God? This is slave mentality
- Actually, we should become on the platform of brahmana, qualified brahmana, qualification Vaisnava so that others may not criticize. That is our special request. That chance is there, everyone
- Adahyo 'yam. This is the nature of the soul, adahya. Asosyo 'yam, asosyo 'yam. The. . . that is the distinction between the soul and the matter
- Adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram. If your senses are not controlled, then your senses will drag you to the darkest region of hell. That is another problem
- Advaita Acarya considered the meaning of the verse in this way: "Not finding any way to repay the debt He owes to one who offers Him a tulasi leaf and water, Krsna thinks, 'There is no wealth in My possession that is equal to a tulasi leaf and water'
- Advaita Acarya disclosed the whole situation, telling Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "Wherever You are, that is Vrndavana. Now it is My great fortune that You have come to the bank of the Ganges"
- Advancement in self-realization means purification from material contamination. That is real advancement. This is practical
- Advancement of civilization means brahma-darsanam. That is advancement. Because so long we do not come to the platform of understanding that "I am spirit soul, I am part and parcel of the Supreme Spirit"
- Advancement of Krsna consciousness means he's no more interested with anything material. That is Krsna conscious
- Advaya-jnana, no duality. Everything is one, absolute. Krsna is absolute, Krsna's instruction is also absolute, Krsna's pastimes absolute. Everything. That is Absolute Truth. There is no difference
- After all, it is the earth that is the resting place for all other living entities, and it is the earth that produces grains for them
- After attaining full Krsna consciousness, the devotee does not return to this material world after death. He goes back home, back to Godhead. That is the perfect stage of happiness, unblemished by any trace of distress
- After death, he sees, "Yes. The body is not my son. The body is not my husband." So that is foolishness. The foolish person understands late, and intelligent person understands very quickly. That is the difference
- After finishing his (Vidura's) rest, he was offered a comfortable place to sit, and then the King began to talk about all happenings, both family and otherwise. That is the proper way to receive a beloved friend, or even an enemy
- After finishing the meal, Ramacandra Puri requested, "My dear Jagadananda, please listen. You eat the food that is left"
- After getting his sons and daughters married, a householder can retire from household life, leaving his wife in the charge of the grown-up sons. That is the social convention of the Vedic system
- After hearing Lord Siva's prayer, Lord Krsna replied, "My dear Lord Siva, I accept your statements, and I also accept your desire for Banasura. I know that this Banasura is the son of Bali Maharaja, and as such I cannot kill him, for that is My promise"
- After hearing the equivocal sonnet by Advaita Acarya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu quietly smiled. "That is His order," He said. Then He fell silent
- After hearing their statements, the Supreme Personality of Godhead smiled. He told them that they should not be sorry for being refused by the brahmanas, because that is the way of begging
- After hearing this explanation, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied with affectionate anger. "Gopinatha Pattanayaka does not want to pay the King the money that is due," the Lord said. "How then is the King at fault in punishing him"
- After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes & all that is. Such a great soul is very rare
- After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare. BG 7.19 - 1972
- After many births we have attained this human form; therefore before death comes, we should engage ourselves in the transcendental loving service of the Lord. That is the fulfillment of human life
- After one understands the position of maya, he can approach the Supreme Lord in pure devotional service. That is the actual purpose of philosophical speculation
- After self-realization of the Absolute, that is Aha brahmasmi (I am spirit), I am not made up of material elements, earth, water, fire, and air, No! This body of ours is made up of earth, fire, water, air , sky, of all these elements
- After struggling for existence for many births one may take shelter at the lotus feet of Vasudeva, Krsna. When this happens. one actually becomes wise and surrenders unto Him. That is the only way to stop the repetition of birth and death
- After the attachment increases to some degree, then next degree is find out nice apartment to live together. That is another increase of attachment. Then we have got an apartment. Find out some means of earning money
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, Maharaja Yudhisthira was again able to rule his legitimate kingdom, and he reinstated the principles of honor and respect for religion. That is the beauty of a kingdom ruled by a pious king like Maharaja Yudhisthira
- After three days after the demise of a Vaisnava a function should be held for offering the departed soul and all others prasadam. This is the system
- After too much material enjoyment, the next stage is frustration. That stage is coming to your country. Therefore the boys are becoming hippies. After too much material enjoyment, the next stage is - that is natural-frustration
- After twenty-five years he will remain a student brahmacari, then you accept one wife according to religious ritualistic ceremony. But no illicit sex. That is not allowed. Bachelor daddy is not allowed. That is very dangerous
- After working hard during the daytime, a tired man either sleeps or engages in sex habits at night. That is the program of materialistic civilized life for the less intelligent
- Again these quadruple forms expand three times, beginning with Kesava. That is the fulfillment of the pastime forms
- Ahaituki, without any cause. "O Lord, I love You, God, because You supply me so many nice things. You are order-supplier." No. Not that sort of love. Without any exchange. That is taught by Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Aham brahmasmi. That is Vedic instruction. And as soon as you come to this point, if you are firmly convinced that you are not this body, that is called brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage, Brahman realization stage. That is knowledge, real knowledge
- Ahimsa. "Don't kill." That is the greatest sin. So Lord Buddha is propagating that "Let these people be saved from the greatest sinful activities"
- Aim is toward Krsna. That is very nice example. It is very ordinary. Everyone will understand it
- Ajamila's example is given, how he was downtrodden and fallen. Still, by the grace of Narayana, he was elevated, that is history, which is, Suta Gosvami is citing, how Krsna consciousness is powerful. That is the motive of narrating Ajamila udha
- Akhila-bandha. Akhila. Akhila means complete, wholesale. And who can give this contribution? That is also stated that, atho maha-bhaga bhavan amogha-drk: whose vision is clear
- All activities whether for the welfare of family, society, country or humanity at large, must be performed in Krsna consciousness. That is the instruction given by the Lord to Kardama Muni
- All culture of knowledge, austerities, sacrifice and activities should be aimed at changing the quality of the influence that is acting upon us
- All desires within this material world are sinful because material desire means sense gratification, which always involves action that is more or less sinful
- All Indians should take up this mission and do welfare activity. That is India's special function
- All knowledge disseminated in the material world is related either with the body or with the mind, and that is the root cause of all despondencies
- All living creatures, who are struggling for existence in this material world, that is their pravrtti, to enjoy this material world. But when one becomes inclined to nivrtti, he becomes devata
- All living entities are by constitution eternal servant. That is their healthy position. So long they remain servant of the Supreme, that is healthy
- All living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and they are supposed to be always agreeable to the order of the Supreme person; that is perfect oneness
- All living entities are traveling within this material world in different species of life, in different planets. Sarva-bhutani yantrarudhani mayaya: on the chariot given by the material energy. So that is mind
- All men, they have been declared in the Bhagavata abodha-jata (SB 5.5.5), born fools and rascals. But these are very strong words. But if we state this strong, that is another foolishness
- All of Lord Caitanya's followers used to dance with raised hands. If someone dances with ecstasy, that is all right, but it is better to dance with raised hands
- All of you who have come to Krsna consciousness movement, that is our request, that you, all of you, become guru but don't speak nonsense. That is request. Simply speak what Krsna has said. Then you become brahmana, you'll be guru, and everything
- All one has to do is bow down before Krsna with faith and say, "My Lord Krsna, I was forgetful of You for so long, for so many lives. Now I have come to consciousness of You. please accept me." That is all
- All other religions except the one that is known as sanatana-dharma are meant for the culturing of physical or psychological effects
- All our senses should be engaged in the service of the Lord. That is perfection. It is indirectly being said in these verses that if our senses are not engaged in the service of the Lord, then it is dead. Savau. Savau karau no kurute saparyam
- All pure devotees of the Lord come to this material world with full compassion to deliver the sinful. They undergo all kinds of tribulations, suffering them with tolerance, because that is another qualification of a Vaisnava
- All that is manifested in the material world is the product of the mahat-tattva-avyakta, and things that are visible in our material vision are nothing but combinations and permutations of such variegated material products
- All the devotees of Lord Visnu are devas, or demigods, whereas all others are asuras. That is the division of the devas and the asuras
- All the devotees should be satisfied. They have given their lives to Krishna, so we should see they are always happy. Their service is voluntary. It is not that we can force anyone to do anything. If we do they will go away and that is a great loss
- All the emotions, whether those of father, mother, teacher or friend, are full of sentiments of servitude. That is the nature of love of Krsna
- All the family members can sit down together and simply clap their hands and chant the maha-mantra. Somehow or other, everyone can manage to perform such a yajna & distribute prasada to the people in general. That is quite sufficient for this age of Kali
- All the gopis, girls, before their marriage, they prayed to Katyayani that "You give me Krsna as my husband." So Krsna..., it is not possible socially, but Krsna makes such a plan that He accepted every one of them as His wife. That is vastrana-lila
- All the laws, all the books, all the scriptures, all knowledge, everything is meant for the human being, not for the animal. That is the difference between animal and man. Man follows restriction; animal cannot
- All the senses are to be stopped in their external activities - that is the perfection of yoga - and concentrate the mind on Visnu-murti
- All the stanzas of Bhagavad-gita, they're strictly according to the nyaya-prasthana and sruti-prasthana. So any book which is strictly written according to the Vedas and Vedantas, that is also accepted as Vedic literature
- All the Vedas worship the transcendental form of the Lord. In the Vedic mantras the devotees request the Lord to remove the glaring effulgence because it covers His real face. That is the version of the Isopanisad
- All the young boys, they are keeping big, big hair. That is foretold in Bhagavata, five thousand years: "In Kali-yuga, they will think by keeping long hair they become more beautiful"
- All their activities are without God, without God consciousness. Therefore they have failed. Everyone will fail, because they do not know what is the aim of life. That is the mistake
- All these activities should be performed without any expectation of result. They should be performed as a matter of duty, O son of Prtha. That is My final opinion. BG 18.6 - 1972
- All these so-called rascal scholars of Bhagavad-gita, their only business is how to kill Krsna - Kamsa, as Kamsa was planning how to kill Krsna. That was his plan, demon. He was also thinking of Krsna, but he was thinking Krsna, how to kill Him
- All young boys and young girls, they are after joyfulness, but they are being frustrated in this material world. That is the inebriety. The spiritual world means these things are there, but without any inebriety
- Although a physical body is not present, the vibration should be accepted as the presence of the spiritual master, vibration. What we have heard from the spiritual master, that is living
- Although atma, the self, is different from this body - that is the first lesson in spiritual life - still, this body, although temporary, but as soon as you accept this material body you will have to suffer according to the body
- Although Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan are the same and one absolute truth, still devotees like Kamsa or Sisupala could attain only to the Brahman effulgence. They could not have realization of Paramatma or Bhagavan. That is the distinction
- Although demons have created many plans for industry and hard labor so that people will work day and night like animals, this is not the purpose of civilization. Such endeavors are jagato'hitah; that is, they are meant for the misfortune of the people
- Although everyone is free to consult the revealed scriptures in this connection, one still requires the guidance of a bona fide spiritual master, and that is the direction in this verse - SB 2.9.36
- Although God is here, still, he'll not accept. That is mudha, naradhama. And why he's mudha? Because naradhama. He does not take the process. He wants to manufacture something. Don't do that
- Although He's cause of everything, but He hasn't got to work. Na tasya karyam karanam ca vidyate. That is Vedic information; in the Upanisad you'll find. He has nothing to do
- Although in the phenomenal world it is not factual, the products of the phenomenal world can actually affect things. That is visible and experienced. As such, even though material activities are impermanent, they cannot be said to be untrue
- Although Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead and can see all that is past, present and future, to teach the people in general He used to always refer to the scriptures
- Although she (Kunti) was a woman and considered less intelligent than a man, still she realized the glories of Krsna. That is the purport of this verse
- Although the bluish tint of the sky and the sky itself are different, we conceive of the color of the sky as blue. But that is a general conception for the laymen only
- Although the individual living being, who is compared to the bird that is eating, is sitting with his friend the Supreme Soul, the individual living being cannot see Him
- Although the living entity and the Supersoul are one in quality, the individual soul has to pursue the instruction of the Supersoul. That is the state of liberation
- Although the soul and the Supersoul both are situated within the heart, and the heart is the center of all vitality, energy of this body... That is accepted
- Although the word Brahman indicates Krsna and nothing else, still, according to the process that is followed, the Lord is realized in three different aspects
- Although there is a process of gradual elevation, if one, by the association of pure devotees, takes directly to Krsna consciousness, that is the best way. BG 1972 purports
- Although there is no fault, the guru's business is to, "Where is his fault?" That is guru's business. Tasmad tadayet na tu lalayet
- Although there is the name of the Supreme Lord, still you have to follow the sastra. If you say Rama Rama Rama, Radhe Radhe Radhe, Krsna . . . there are so many mentioned. That is also name, but you have to follow the sastra. Sastra says, Hare Krsna
- Although this world is dead body, when there is Krsna consciousness, it becomes enlivened. That is our movement. We are trying to inject Krsna consciousness in everything dead within this world
- Although we are running after false water, it does not mean there is no water. Water is there, but not in the desert. That is intelligence. So happiness is there, but not in this material world. It is in the spiritual world
- Although You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead and are completely independent, still You are dependent on the love and affection of Your devotees. That is Your nature
- Although you know everything, you ask such questions because that is the behavior of saintly persons. Such intelligence is befitting your position
- Although your spiritual master may be self-realized and experienced in the Absolute Truth, still, you have to question. You have to understand from him all critical points by your intelligent questions. That is allowed
- Always be engaged in Krishna activities and be happy. That is my desire
- Always joyful. That is the symptom of spiritual life. You'll see Krsna always smiling, always playing on His flute
- Always remain busy in Krsna Conscious activities and there will be no disturbance created by Maya. That is the standard of real peace
- Always remain engaged in the service of Krishna. That is the sure and safe method to be safe from the grip of Maya
- Amanitvam means that we are very much proud of our material existence. That pride must be given up. That is the first principle of knowledge
- American body, the nicest body, very beautiful body, very rich body. Don't misuse, please. Utilize it. Develop Krsna consciousness and be happy. That is our propaganda. We are not asking anything that "Give me some fees"
- American people, I very much appreciate them. They are religious. They have got very good potency for understanding God consciousness. That is my opinion. And I do not know why I was inclined to go to America. It was also Krsna's desire
- Americans happy by having big, big cities? No. That is not possible. Now they are trying to imitate, but that is a false attempt. That is not the life
- Among yourselves, there is no strong man. That is the defect. All like child. That is the defect. And it requires a very strong man. That is lacking. In every minute details I have poked my nose
- Amrta chadi' visa mage: - "such a devotee (who serves Krsna for material sense gratification) is like a person who asks for poison instead of nectar." Ei bada murkha: "That is his foolishness." Ami-vijna: "But I am experienced."
- An intelligent person, a brahmana, aspires for liberation from material bondage. That is the real self-interest of a human being
- An irresponsible life of indiscrimination is risky, and that is the declaration of all scriptures
- An ordinary person engaged in his occupational duty, like Arjuna, should execute his duty for the satisfaction of Krsna; that is within his power. Arjuna was a fighter, and Krsna wanted him to fight for His satisfaction
- Analogy means points of similarity. That is the law of analogy
- Ananda means blissfulness. That is our nature. Therefore we want to live. We do not wish to die. We do not wish... Nobody wishes to die, but we are forced to die. That is our punishment
- Anantam means unlimited. You are searching after happiness, but this is limited. Even if you enjoy sex life, that is also limited for a few moments. But anantam. That is... You will enjoy it eternally
- And because one is chanting Hare Krsna, he thinks, "Even if I do something sinful, it will be counteracted," that is aparadha
- And jyotir means that spiritual world. First appreciation of the jyotirman, Brahman, Brahmaloka, Brahman effulgence, that is the first entrance
- And what is bhagavat-pranitam dharma? That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, we know, everyone. He came, Krsna came. His mission was dharma-samsthapanarthaya, for establishing the religious principles, or reestablishing
- And what is the main business of material nature? Just to beat you with shoes. That is nature. Therefore we are suffering in this material world. Because we have taken shelter of the material nature
- And yet everything that is created does not rest in Me. Behold My mystic opulence! Although I am the maintainer of all living entities, and although I am everywhere, still My Self is the very source of creation. BG 9.5 - 1972
- Animal education means when we are too much interested with eating, sleeping, mating and defending, that is animal education
- Animal-killing is only allowed when it is absolutely necessary, for medicine. Suppose by killing one animal hundreds of lives are saved, so that is allowed
- Another duty of the ksatriya is that people are being educated spiritually. That is ksatriya's duty. Or the king of a kingdom is looking over the citizens, that they are properly being trained up
- Another gopi said, "That is Your (Krsna's) extraordinary feature (sweet movements and being independent). Please, therefore, come before us and bless us with the lotus flower in Your hand"
- Another process is you become a devotee of Vasudeva, then jnana, vairagya, will automatically come. You'll... Because the human life, the perfection of human life is to accept jnana and vairagya. That is perfection
- Another significant feature in this verse is that only the Lord, and no one else, is to be served. That is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita - 18.66 mam ekam saranam vraja
- Another temple opened, another book published, that is the success of this Movement
- Antar hrdayad, in the core of the heart the individual soul and the Supersoul is there, and Yamaraja will take, his order carriers will take the, not the heart, but the soul. The heart of the body, that is made of this material element
- Ante narayana-smrtih (SB 2.1.6). That is the perfection of life. Ante, at the time of death, if you remember Krsna, then your life is successful. Tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti kaunteya
- Anukulyena. Whatever Krsna orders, if you discharge that, that is bhakti, simply favorable to Krsna. Whatever Krsna says
- Any activities spiritual, that is all good, and any activity, material, that is all bad. This is the difference. Here, the so-called morality, goodness, they're all bad. And in the spiritual world, so-called immorality is also good
- Any body, any material body, that is meant for miseries, miseries, tapa-traya, threefold, threefold material miseries, and, besides that threefold miseries, ultimately birth, death, old age and diseases
- Any condition, one can live locally. That is my point. They are supposed to be uncivilized, and they live in the ice cottage. There is no sufficient things for eating. And how they live? That is the point. So why civilized man cannot live locally?
- Any country you go, if you are strictly adherent to the rules and regulation of chanting sixteen rounds, that is your spiritual strength, and following the, I mean to say, prohibitive rules, then you will be honored everywhere
- Any group of men, they have got a particular type of dress, the military dress, the police dress. So people can understand that "Here is a police." Similarly, by this dress they will chant, "Hare Krsna!" immediately. That is our experience
- Any kind of distress we suffer is due to our impious activities in the past. Even if he gets sick, that is very temporary
- Any kind of religion which is going on under the name of religion, but the system has no information of God, that is cheating religion
- Any man can be trained up. Not cent percent, but even one percent man becomes ideal, the ninety-nine percent will see and follow. But there is no ideal man. That is the defect
- Any method we manufacture, we discover, to conquer over the laws of material nature, it is backed by another set of dangerous things. That is the law of nature. That is not the way to get out of this material pangs of life
- Any moving animals we can eat. But that is the natural law for the animals and uncivilized man, not for the civilized man
- Any other action devoid of Krsna consciousness, is binding upon the worker, and that is the real aspect of vikarma, as explained hereinbefore
- Any other action devoid of Krsna consciousness, is binding upon the worker, and that is the real aspect of vikarma, as explained hereinbefore. BG 1972 purports
- Any other religion is not religion. That is bogus. We have concocted so many religious principles, but real religion is which teaches to surrender to God, to love God. That is real religion
- Any person whose constant occupation is Krishna Consciousness, he is not a karmi; he is a devotee in all circumstances. So you should accept the best source of monetary income and use it for Krishna. And that is better than sannyasa
- Any process for self-realization, you cannot manufacture. That is to be taken directly from God and His representative. That is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Any rascal, if he gets vote somehow or other, then he acquires the exalted post. That is also written in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there will be no consideration who is fit to occupy the exalted post of presidentship or royal throne
- Any religion where pasu-ghatam (animal killing) is there, that is not religion. That is not religion. That is simply barbarianism, under the name of religion
- Any religion which gives you knowledge of God and you understand what is relation with God, that is perfect religion. We have no quarrel
- Any religion without scientific understanding through philosophy, it is simply sentiment; it is not religion. And philosophy without religious understanding is mental speculation. That is also useless
- Any religious system which is teaching to divert the attention of the follower to so many things, that is cheating religion
- Any religious system you follow, it doesn’t matter - but the test is whether you are increasing your love of God, the Supreme. That is the test of religion
- Any saintly person would come, my father would simply say, "Give blessings to my son that he may become a Radharani's servant." That was my father's prayer. He never prayed that "My son may become very rich man."
- Any scripture of any country, not only of this BG, but any scripture, they are aiming simply how to get us back to Godhead. That is the purpose. take for example any of the great religious reformer or acaryas of any country, like, Jesus or Buddha
- Any scripture, any literature, transcendental literature, whose aim is to understand God, that is Veda. Therefore, anyone who is searching after the Supreme Lord, he is following the Vedic religion. This is another conclusion
- Any society where there is no intellectual persons or Krsna consciousness, that is a rascal society, because there is no head. Either it is madman or a headless man or dead body. If there is no brain, there is no head
- Any type of religion - it doesn't matter what it is - which teaches this philosophy of life, that is first-class religious system
- Any work you do, do it very nicely. That is expert. Don't do it haphazardly. To your best talent, to your best capacity, try to finish it very nicely, whatever it may be. You are entrusted with some work. Do it nicely. That is expert
- Anyone can come and hear about Krsna. That is the process of Krsna consciousness movement. We try to invite everyone, from every corner of the world, to hear about Krsna. And that is becoming successful also
- Anyone can take education as a brahmana or a ksatriya, as a vaisya. There is no... Vaisya doesn't require any education. Ksatriyas require little. Brahmana require. But that is free. Just find out a brahmana guru and he will give you free education
- Anyone can understand that behind the beauty of nature, behind the succulent fruits and vegetables, and behind the wonderful heat and light of the sun, there is a Friend. So we should contact that Dearmost Friend, Krsna. That is rational thinking
- Anyone commits mistake. There is no doubt about it. But after committing mistake, if I stick to that mistake, that is foolishness. When it is detected that it is mistake, you must admit. That is greatness
- Anyone goes any part of the world, ask him, "Who are you?" He will say, "I am the material body. I am Mr. such and such," "I am Russian" or "I am German," "I belong to this family" and so on, "this nation" - all the body. That is our practical experience
- Anyone who goes to Krsna or guru for asking, he is pious. He is not miscreant. Duskrtina. He is not duskrtina. He is pious. Maybe he is in the lower position, but he is pious. That is described
- Anyone who goes to the Vaikuntha planets or Goloka Vrndavana planet is freely offering his service to the Lord. That is complete independence
- Anyone who has accepted this Krsna consciousness movement, if he follows the principles, then he's surely going to home, back to home, back to Godhead. That is certain. But if you deviate, if you become attracted by maya, that is your business
- Anyone who has developed how to exploit the resources of nature, that nation is called to be very highly civilized, or advanced. But that is the lowest stage of civilization
- Anyone who has got money, he has got power. That is open secret. What is the secret? (laughs) If you have got money, you have got all power
- Anyone who has got very scanty knowledge of God, that kind of religion is also scanty. That is the definition in the Vedic literature
- Anyone who has listened from right person, authority, about Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam, about Krsna or about Rama, he would like to preach that. That is automatic, glorifying. That preaching is equal. That is called kirtana
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, that is special facility. In their previous birth, they had performed many austerities, much austerities. Even the demigods, they desire also to take birth in India to get this opportunity
- Anyone who has taken to Krsna consciousness, he's first-class intelligent man. So don't be first-class fool, but become first-class intelligent man. That is my request
- Anyone who is a representative of Krsna - if he takes (charity), that is perfection
- Anyone who is born in India should attempt to broadcast the message of Bhagavad-gita and Krsna. That is the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Anyone who is desiring to go back to home, back to Godhead, he has to learn to be tolerant and forbearing. That is the instruction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, trnad api sunicena taror api sahisnuna
- Anyone who is in the material world, he has got this material body. Therefore it is called ayam deha: "this deha, this body." I am not deha. That is the tenth-class ignorance if I think - I am this body
- Anyone who is not in Krsna consciousness, is he is praised, those who are praising, they are also animals. Not to become Krsna conscious is animalism. That is animalism
- Anyone who is preaching about God is empowered incarnation. Krsna-sakti vina nahi krsna nama-pracara. That is there in the Caitanya-caritamrta
- Anyone who is preaching something else other than God consciousness, he is a cheater. He is a cheater. Sumanda-matayo. Because real progress of life is to become God conscious. That is the real progress
- Anyone who thinks like that, that "Because I have got this disinfectant method, so I shall commit sinful activities and I'll chant Hare Krsna, and it will be neutralized," so that is the greatest sin
- Anyone who wants to become guru, if he cannot teach his disciples how to surrender, govinda-carana-dvayam, anasritya, how to take shelter of the lotus feet of Govinda, he should not become guru. That is cheating
- Anyone who will read (my books), he'll get some benefit. That is sure, because such literatures are not available throughout the whole world. It is a new revolution to the people in general. Am I right or not?
- Anyone, he may be a ordinary man, he may be so-called swami or maybe so-called yogi or so-called leader, but our test is whether he's Krsna conscious. One test. If he's not, then he's a rascal. That is our challenge
- Anything created by God is enjoyed by everyone, not that a particular type of society or a particular type of community. God's gift is enjoyable by everyone. That is actually spiritual communism
- Anything done on account of Krsna, that is pious. There is no contamination. Api cet suduracarah. Even in the public eye it may appear sometime that it is not pious, still it is pious
- Anything grown in the garden, that is hundred times valuable than it is purchased from the market
- Anything that is beautiful and opulent in the material sense is enjoyed by those living entities who are like crows
- Anything that is enchanting in the world is said to be a representation of the Lord (Krsna)
- Anything that is material or mundane - be it acquisition of knowledge or of wealth - is vanquished along with the annihilation of the material body
- Anything that is presented before Lord Krsna should be so done after due presentation of respectful prayers. That is the standard procedure & Arjuna, although an intimate friend of the Lord, is observing this method for general information
- Anything that is produced must also be annihilated. Therefore if we accept the birth of the living entity, we also have to accept his annihilation
- Anything which has not given satisfaction to Krsna or God, that is bad. Now you have to judge yourself how Krsna is satisfied. That requires training; that requires understanding
- Anything which I own, that should be utilized for my purpose. Your things should be utilized for your purpose. So if God is the proprietor of our senses, then these senses must be used for God's purpose. That is the constitutional position
- Anything which is done for the satisfaction of his own senses, that is kama, kama, lust, desire
- Anything which is favorable for krsna-seva, if we give up that business as visaya, that is mistake
- Anything you do for satisfaction of Krsna, that is good work. This is the division of bad work and good work. The same thing, if you do for your personal satisfaction, it is bad work
- Anyway, you remain strong. Don't be intimidated by this (indistinct). That is my request
- Anywhere, those who are actually sadhu, saintly persons, they are very tolerant. Ksama-rupa tapasvinam. That is the qualification of sadhu: titiksava. At the same time karunika, merciful. The others are torturing him, but still he is merciful
- Apparently, they (the gopis) left their father, husband and came to Krsna. So that is, from Vedic principle, it is wrong. One young girl cannot go to other young man, giving up the protection of father, brother, and... So they did it
- Ara na kariha mane asa, that is instruction. Do not need anything else. Stick to the principle of instruction of guru. Then you become perfect
- Arca means the form of the Lord established in some temple and worshiped. That is also incarnation of God. That is not idol worship. People who do not know that this is an authorized process of realizing God, they cannot understand
- Arca-murti, the form worshiped in the temple, if somebody thinks it is made of wood, it is made of stone, that is naraki-buddhih
- Archbishop of Canterbury said rightly that "You want kingdom of God without God." That is the disease. Everything we want. Therefore our propaganda is just the opposite. We want everything with center Krsna
- Are we able to supply clothing and food to all the needy persons of the world? That is not possible. How, then, can we be merciful to every living entity? By giving them KC. That is how Prahlada Maharaja is showing his class friends real mercy
- Arjuna in the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. There was a fight. That is the history of greater India, Mahabharata. It is called Mahabharata. This Bhagavad-gita is part of Mahabharata. Mahabharata means greater India or greater planet
- Arjuna in the beginning was declining to serve Krsna on consideration of his bodily attachment, but at the end he decided, "No, it is my duty to serve Krsna, not to serve my senses." And that is the instruction of Bhagavad-gita
- Arjuna is asking not to a third-class so-called philosopher and chemist and economist, but to Krsna. Krsna. Because whatever answer Krsna will give, that is fact. And sastra means the things which have been spoken by Krsna. That is sastra
- Arjuna is encouraged, because Arjuna was thinking in the terms of material calculation. Just like Gandhi introduced this nonviolence. That is material calculation
- Arjuna knows that in spite of His (Krsna's) being the source of all appearances and disappearances, He is aloof from them. His personality is not lost, although He is all-pervading. That is the inconceivable opulence of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Arjuna replied immediately, karisye vacanam tava: (BG 18.73) "Now I shall execute Your order." That is Krsna consciousness
- Arjuna was a military man. He was not a Vedantist. He was a grhastha, not even a sannyasi. Why Krsna selected to instruct Arjuna as the disciple of the renovated parampara system? That is also spoken by Krsna
- Arjuna, he loves Krsna, he's a lover of God; therefore he's asking question from Krsna. But whatever question is answered by Krsna, that is perfect, because He is perfect. So our process of receiving knowledge: from the perfect
- Artha. Artha means profit. So real profit is spiritual profit. That is real profit, because that will never be lost
- Arthadam means you can realize your self. That is the greatest achievement, if you can realize your self, whether you are this body or you are soul
- Artificially we are thinking it is American pain or it is Indian pain. That is artificial. This artificial covering has to be removed. Then we come to Krsna consciousness. Feelings, consciousness is not American, African or Indian
- Arya-samaja does not mean to become rascal and fool and deny the existence of God. No. That is Anarya. Just like Krsna rebuked Arjuna: anarya-justa. "You are talking like anarya"
- Aryan means advanced. So if you claim to belong to the Aryan family, then it is your duty to study Vedic literature and understand your position and make your life successful. That is Krsna consciousness
- As a Christian you understand God is great, "Two plus two," but how He is great, that you have to learn in the Vedas. That is real education. Because you do not know how He is great, therefore you do so many sinful activities
- As a citizen, good citizen, you are expected. Similarly, we must know what is dharma, what is God. That is humanity
- As a great devotee of Krsna, he (Sri Arjuna) could not forget Krsna even for a moment, because that is the nature of a devotee
- As a living entity, as part and parcel of Krsna, you want ananda. So ananda is required society, friendship and love. That is ananda. That is not impersonalism. That is personalism
- As a matter of principle, devotees should read, speak and hear Srimad-Bhagavatam persistently, twenty-four hours daily if possible. That is the recommendation of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- As a spiritual person, such a devotee (who follows the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) returns to the Personality of Godhead and plays and dances with Him. That is the ultimate goal of life
- As antaryami He (God) witnesses everything that is going on, and He awards us the results of our actions as karma-phala
- As Bhavananda Maharaja said. They are firmly fixed up. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam, "Let us sacrifice our life for Krsna." That is real jnana and vairagya. Bhaktya. This is to be understood, bhaktya
- As confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam: svanusthitasya dharmasya samsiddhir hari-tosanam (SB 1.2.13). One has to satisfy Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is the perfection of the regulative principles of fruitive activity
- As education begins at the age of five years, similarly, Krsna consciousness, or bhagavata-dharma, should be taught to the children as soon as the child is five years old. That is his (Prahlada) instruction
- As everything has got some particular characteristic, similarly we living entities, we must have some particular characteristic. And what is that? That is dharma and jnana, to understand. Jnana means knowledge
- As explained in the Narada-pancaratra, one's mind and senses should be purified (tat-paratvena nirmalam (CC Madhya 19.170)). One's senses must be engaged in devotional service to the Lord. That is the process (process of Bhakti-yoga)
- As far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned, it is the direct method (of devotional service) that is stressed. Everyone is advised to take to the direct method and surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- As far as charity is concerned, one should give 50% of his earnings to some good cause. And what is a good cause? It is that which is conducted in terms of Krsna consciousness. That is not only a good cause, but it is the best cause. BG 1972 purports
- As far as different faiths are concerned, religions may be of different types, but on the spiritual platform, everyone has an equal right to execute devotional service. That is the platform of oneness and the basis for a classless society
- As far as entering crematorium is concerned, no, we cannot go. That is social system, but we are sannyasis. A sannyasi is in spiritual life, not in social life at all
- As far as possible live, for we have got rooms like that. Live there and take little prasadam, and fully devote time how to advance in Krsna consciousness. That is success of life. So it is authorized by the sastras
- As far as possible we shall not deal in business. That will not be very good for our spiritual progress. But if somebody contributes for our good cause, that is different
- As far as the devotee is concerned, he is at once transferred to the spiritual world in the association of the Lord. That is the Lord's special mercy
- As far as the restriction for reading the 10th canto pastimes of Krishna. That is only for those who do not know what is Krishna. but you are initiated, so you can read because you know who Krishna is
- As far as the seven transcendental meters for singing the names of the Lord, that is not so important for now. Better to try to increase the purity of the chanting first, that is our most important thing
- As far as those relating to Krsna in paternal love, they include devotees like Yasoda and Maharaja Nanda - that is, Krsna's mother, father, uncle and similar relatives
- As far as we know from sadhu-guru-sastra. That's all. That is our understanding
- As for our general understanding, Caitanya introduced the philosophy of acintya-bhedabheda - simultaneously one with & different from the Lord. That is explained by Krsna in BG (15.7): mamaivamso. jiva-bhutahthe - living entities are part & parcel of God
- As human being, we are all sons of God. We are one. That is the conception. So at the present moment, we have divided the world on account of this shirt and coat. That is not. That is not good
- As I have taken this work as my life and soul on the order of my Spiritual Master, similarly if you take my desires as life and soul, then the whole thing is immediately connected with Krsna. That is the meaning of Parampara system
- As in the Christian church they go and say, "O God, give us our daily bread." That is also good because he has gone to God. The atheists, they do not like to speak of God, what to speak of praying from God
- As it is said, traivargikas te purusa vimukha hari-medhasah. Those interested in trivarga - that is, in dharma, artha and kama - are religious for the sake of achieving a material position with which to gain better facilities for sense gratification
- As it is suitable. It is not that because the ksatriyas were killing by bows and arrows formerly, you have to continue that. That is another foolishness. If you have got... If you can kill easily by guns, take that gun
- As living representative of Krsna, our duty is to save these fallen conditioned souls. That is our duty. One may agree to come or not come. It doesn't matter. You try your best to bring him to this Krsna consciousness position
- As long as one remains in the bodily concept of life, he may act according to the duties of social convention, but if one is elevated to the spiritual platform, he must simply serve the Supreme Lord; that is the real execution of sva-dharma
- As long as the living entities are situated normally as His (Krsna's) servitors they are happy; otherwise they are always unhappy. That is the Vedic conclusion
- As Lord Krsna states in Bhagavad-gita (13.3): O scion of Bharata, you should understand that I am also the knower in all bodies, and to understand this body and its owner is called knowledge. That is My opinion
- As mentioned in the life of Maharaja Ambarisa, all of the senses must be engaged in Krsna consciousness, for that is the correct technique for controlling the mind. BG 1972 purports
- As one intelligent person puts himself under the treatment of a physician to get out of the disease, similarly, human life is meant for putting himself to the expert physician who can cure you from your material disease. That is your business
- As soon as a disciple takes initiation, he immediately is supposed to beg alms and make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. In that light, all devotees who are taking initiation must make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. That is the system
- As soon as he thinks that "I am independent," that is another insanity. He is under control. Just like the same man. He is thinking, "I don't care for state laws." He is insane. He will be forced to accept state laws in the prison house by the police
- As soon as one becomes a devotee of the Lord, he also has a direct relationship with the Lord. That is a very elaborate subject matter. BG 1972 Introduction
- As soon as one chants the Hare Krsna mantra, he sees the forms of Krsna, Rama and Their energies, and that is the perfect stage of trance
- As soon as one has a land sufficient to produce, he is safe. His food problem - that is the real problem - is solved
- As soon as one has gold, he is no more interested with God. That is the infection
- As soon as one hears the name of Krsna, immediately, spontaneously, he should be ready to serve Him. That is pure devotion. Not that forced
- As soon as one is liberated he is immediately a resident of Krishna Loka, and anyone who knows the truth of Krishna can become Spiritual Master. That is the version of Lord Caitanya
- As soon as our enthusiasm is agitated, it is better to sit down in any temple suitable and chant Hare Kṛṣṇa. There is no question of being disappointed. After all, we commit so many mistakes. That is human nature. To err is human
- As soon as the boon was offered to him, the demon wanted to touch the very head of Lord Siva. That is their way
- As soon as the consciousness is pure, you get your eternal existential life. That is the sum and substance of becoming Krsna conscious. And this movement is for that purpose
- As soon as the jungle people see a big sea, ocean, they offer obeisances. Offering obeisances to the great, that is natural. That is the gradual appreciation of the potency or energy of the Supreme
- As soon as there is asrama that means "Here some men, saintly persons, spiritually advanced persons, lives." That is asrama
- As soon as they can read, that's education finished. They will understand, practical demonstration, arati, worship of the Deity, and they play mrdanga, they chant, they join Hare Krsna chanting. They are not meant for any technology
- As soon as this body is finished, whatever I acquired by my material qualification, that is all finished
- As soon as we are free from this conditional life, that is our real, actual life. That is called liberated life
- As soon as we are rebellious to the authority of the Supreme Lord, we are captured by maya - that is also an energy of Krsna - and we become conditioned. So this is our position
- As soon as we dovetail our activities with Krsna, or Krsna's activities, that is perfection. Jnanam yada apratihata, ahaituky apratihata. That is real activity
- As soon as we forget Krsna, as soon as we forget that this body is given by Krsna, this body should be utilized for the satisfaction of Krsna... That is real sense. That is real knowledge
- As soon as you are self-realized, you become jubilant. In the bodily concept of life we are always full of anxiety and morose. Yes, that is the material condition
- As soon as you become master, you will be kicked. But that is also false position. We cannot become master; we are servant. But instead of serving Krsna, we are serving maya. That is our position
- As soon as you get your eternal body, which is already there within this temporary body, then you also become blissful and full of knowledge. That is oneness, one in quality
- As soon as you surrender to Krsna, all this maya, misconception, will go. You'll become right person, in knowledge. That is Krsna consciousness, to become perfect man
- As soon as you understand Krsna, you understand everything. That is stated in the Vedic language, yasmin eva vijnate sarvam eva vijnatam bhavati (Mundaka Upanisad 1.3): One who understands that one Supreme, he understands everything, immediately
- As stated by Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura in his Amrta-pravaha-bhasya, "The purport is that one can realize life’s perfection simply by satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead." This is also confirmed in Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 1.2.13
- As stated by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19): After many births and deaths, he who is actually in knowledge surrenders unto Me, knowing Me to be the cause of all causes and all that is. Such a great soul is very rare
- As stated in BG, Surrender unto Me, and I will give you protection from all kinds of sinful reaction." That is His mercy. But this does not mean that one who has surrendered to the lotus feet of the Lord has committed no misdeeds in his past life
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the Lord Himself guides the pure devotees toward the path of realization due to their constant engagement in the loving service of the Lord in spontaneous affection. That is the secret of entering into the kingdom of God
- As stated in Brahma-vaivarta Purana, there is a gradual evolutionary process, but it is not the body that is evolving. All the bodily forms are already there
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.2.6): That religion is best which causes its followers to become ecstatic in love of God that is unmotivated and free from material impediments, for this alone can completely satisfy the self
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.2.6): yayatma suprasidati. One can be fully satisfied simply by devotional service, and that is the result of association with a devotee
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, everyone should try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead through the execution of his occupational duty. That is the perfection of life. This system is called daivi-varnasrama
- As the Lord is not affected by the modes of material nature, so a pure devotee of the Lord is also not affected by the modes of nature. That is the primary qualification for being one with the Lord
- As the river is going after the sea spontaneously, without any artificial attempt, so such spontaneous love for Krsna, or God, that is the perfection of yoga
- As the river is going after the sea spontaneously, without any artificial attempt, so such spontaneous love for Krsna, or God, that is the perfection of yoga. This is yoga
- As there are different ambitions, similarly, for your next life also you can maintain different ambitions. That is in your hands. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, yanti deva-vrata divan
- As we are individual, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also individual - but He is the supreme individual. That is the difference between God and the ordinary living entities
- As we are now living under some false conception, so when one gives up this all false conception, that is called mukti
- As we cannot find our self within this matter, although I'm here, that we can distinguish, the distinction between dead body and living body, something minus. That something is spirit
- As we do not expect fire (in our apartment or house) but it takes place, similarly, even I do not try for my material happiness, whatever ordained, whatever I am destined to achieve, that will come. That is the answer of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- As we have got day and night, in the higher planetary system the waxing and waning moon, then when the moon is present there and the sky is in light, that is the day of the higher planetary system. And when the moon is dark, that is the night
- As we have got distinction between the body and the soul, Krsna has no such distinction. Krsna is completely soul. And if we think that Krsna is like us, that is forbidden
- As we make advancement, offenses should be gradually diminished; advanced devotees, in fact all devotees should study how to do this very carefully in the NOD. We can understand the Absolute Truth by hearing, that is how we can become perfect
- As we make sincerely sincere effort to perform this yajna, particular yajna for this age, then we make our progress. It is most inexpensive and very easy and very powerful. Why don't you adopt it? That is my request to you
- As you are married, there is no need of separation as you are practicing artificially. You must live just like a respectable married couple and earn money as a Grhastha, and spend 50% for Krishna - that is the real program
- As you are temple president, that is a great responsibility. So you must try to execute it with great care
- As you depend on me I similarly depend on you, parasparatam. The brahmanas and ksatriyas should cooperate, that is the Vedic civilization. The hands and legs should cooperate with the brain in order for the whole society to work properly
- As you have suggested, you may make any suitable arrangement and that is approved by me however you make it fit. The only thing is the artists must be always engaged fulltime in their painting work
- As you think of Krsna, as you see Krsna, as you read of Krsna, as you work for Krsna, some way or other, if you remain in Krsna consciousness, that is your benefit. And that benefit will save you from taking birth again in the material world
- As you will not eat stool, you will like halava, you have got rationality, then hog has got rationality. He'll not eat halava, he'll eat stool. So where is the want of rationality? Why don't you eat stool? That is rationality
- As your production is there, give me twenty-five percent. I'll give you protection - That is ksatriya business
- Asakti, that tendency of attachment, should be transferred to Krsna. That is Vrndavana life. In Vrndavana the center of asakti is Krsna
- Asasvatam means temporary. Even if I agree, "All right, it is a miserable place. Let me live here perpetually," no. That also will not be allowed. As soon as there will be order, "Please get out," you have no power to remain
- Ask my disciples. I have never shown any magic. Why? That is cheating business. That is not required. It is meant for the foolish men
- Association means to develop love for the person. That is association. Dadati pratigrhnati, guhyam akhyati prcchati, bhunkte bhojayate caiva, sad-vidham priti-laksanam
- Astikyam means completely convinced of God and his relationship with God. That is called astikyam. Or full faith in the statement of the Vedas. Whatever Veda says, that's right. Yes. No argument
- Asura means demon. They are just opposite . . . they are very much against anything, they want simply . . . cheaply to become God. That is their demonic principle
- Asuras, they are simply planning for his own sense gratification. And devotees, they are simply planning how to satisfy Krsna's senses. That is the difference - how Krsna will be satisfied
- At least a section of man must be first-class so that others can see that what is the ideal character of man. So this Gurukula means from the childhood age we are training them so that in future it will be easier. That is the purpose of Gurukula
- At Mayapur each year a program is chalked out for the entire year, and that is to be executed till the GBC meets again
- At night, you go to sleep. So that is a sort of death. And again you get up in the morning. So death is something like that
- At that (Brahman realization) time, he realizes that all living entities, they are spirit soul, panditah sama-darsinah (BG 5.18). That is equal vision - not the bodily vision
- At the end of Kali, that means at the last stage, after about 400,000's of years, the incarnation of Kali (Lord Kalki) will appear. That is predicted in the Vedic literatures, as Lord Buddha's appearance was also predicted in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- At the end there will be no rain. Then this whole planet will be ablaze with fire. That is the beginning of destruction. Everything will die - all trees, plants, animals, everything. It will be made into ashes by the fire
- At the present moment . . . that is sudra. Kalau sudra-sambhavah. In this age of Kali, everyone is in the modes of ignorance. Sudra
- At the present moment education means many Indians are coming to America to learn how to polish motorcar parts or how to create technology. This is not education. Europeans & Americans, they are going to India for learning brahma-vidya. That is education
- At the present moment in India - a man is born in the brahmana family, he is brahmana. No. He must have the brahminical qualification. That is the verdict of the sastra. Not by birth. Birth is a facility
- At the present moment the first-class men who can understand God, who can speak about God, the science of God, that is missing
- At the present moment the people have become rascals. They have given up the Vedic knowledge. They are hankering after technical knowledge. That is India's main fault. Otherwise real knowledge is there
- At the present moment there is no aim of life. The aim of life is sense gratification. That's all. Indriya-trpti. That is forbidden in the sastras
- At the present moment they have taken that lying down on a very nice bedstead, cot, and silken bed, that is advancement of civilization. But that is not advancement of civilization
- At the present moment we are in subtraction - God minus myself. I have no sense of God; therefore I am in minus condition. So yoga means God plus I. That is the real meaning of yoga. So long I was God-minus, now God-plus
- At the present moment, there is no samskara, there is no training. The training is only for earning livelihood. No other training. How one can earn money and enjoy senses - that is the training at the present moment
- At the present moment, there is violence because one party is trying to become Supreme than the other. That is going on everywhere, all over the world, the struggle for existence. Everyone is trying to become supreme than the other
- At the present moment, we are accustomed to see my dress. "How costly dress I have got, I become satisfied..." No. When by dressing Krsna you'll feel satisfied, that is spiritual satisfaction. That is spiritual satisfaction
- At the present moment, we are all designated: "I am Indian," "I am Christian," "I am American," "I am Pakistani," "I am Hindustani." These designations are going on. When you give up your designation, sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam, that is mukti
- At the same time, he (Maharaja Prthu) performed the duty of a son who delivers his father from hellish conditions. The word putra means one who delivers from hell, called put. That is a worthy son
- At the time of death it is decided what kind of body you are going to have next. That is decided by superior authority. You cannot dictate that "Give me this body," or "I don't want this body"
- At the time of death our remembrance to a certain thing gives me next body. If I think like a dog, then I become next life a dog, and if I think like a god, then I, next life I become god. That is the test at the time of death
- At the ultimate issue, when one is fully absorbed in thought of the Supreme Lord and meditates on Him constantly, that is the highest perfection. Bhagavad-gita confirms that one who is always absorbed in such a way is to be considered the topmost yogi
- Athato brahma jijnasa. One who is inquisitive to understand "What I am? Am I this body or something else?" That is beginning of spiritual instruction
- Athato brahma jijnasa. Then the question will be that "Why I am not free? What is the reason?" Then that is, real human life begins. Otherwise he's a dog
- Atheism means anyone who does not believe in scriptures, standard scriptures. That is called atheism
- Atheistic and demoniac cultivation of spiritual knowledge is always futile. That is the indication of this verse (BG 9.12). BG 1972 purports
- Atma-darsanam means to see oneself by knowledge; therefore, when one is freed from the false ego by the cultivation of real knowledge, he sees himself, and that is the ultimate necessity of human life
- Atmendriya-priti-vancha-tare bali 'kama' (CC Adi 4.165): "When I want to satisfy my senses, that is kama." But krsnendriya-priti-iccha dhare 'prema' nama: "And when we want to satisfy the senses of Krsna, then it is love, prema." That is the difference
- Attachment, that is my natural instinct. I cannot be free from attachment. I shall be either attached to this matter or I shall be attached to spirit. If I am not attached to spirit, then I must be attached to matter. This is the process
- Atyaharah, eating more than you require. Actually, we should not eat unless we are very hungry. That is good eating
- Austerity, penance, that is human life. Otherwise, it is animal life. Simply animal civilization. It is not human civilization
- Avaroha-pantha is deductive process, getting knowledge from higher authorities. So our Vedic understanding is to receive knowledge from the authorities. That is perfect knowledge
- Axiomatic truth. How it is truth? You may not have sufficient intelligence, but if you go deep into the matter you will find it is all truth: "Yes, it is all right." That is called Vedic injunction
- Bad and good, that is your creation. Krsna's creation everything good. God is good. What you think bad, for God is good. We cannot understand Krsna. In our consciousness it is bad, but we do not know that for him there is no such thing as good and bad
- Basic principle is love of God. That is religion. Don't bother about the ritualistic process. Just try to see how much you are increasing your love of God. Then you are religious
- Battle of Kuruksetra was performed in a place which is called dharma-ksetra. So sometimes war is also performed in terms of religiosity. That is prescribed. That is required
- Battlefield or no battlefield, wherever there is Krsna, that is transcendental. This has to be understood
- Be happy and make all others happy. That is Krsna consciousness. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. That is Vedic idea. Everyone be happy. That is the benediction. Sarve sukhino bhavantu
- Be Krsna consciousness. Just become a devotee of Krsna. Offer your respects..." You have to offer your respect to anyone. You are not supreme. You have to flatter somebody to get some service. That is an... Even if you get nice position
- Be master of something. It doesn't differ. Either you follow Lord Jesus Christ or Lord Buddha or Krsna, it doesn't matter much. But do it perfectly. That is our request
- Because "To err is human." Anyone commits mistake. There is no doubt about it. But after committing mistake, if I stick to that mistake, that is foolishness. When it is detected that it is mistake, you must admit. That is greatness
- Because anyone who is not a devotee of the Lord - he is not rajarsi, devarsi - he is not praiseworthy at all. He is a fool. He is a rascal. That is our conclusion. No, it is real conclusion
- Because educated class means wine, women, meat, and Vivekananda allows this. That is the point
- Because He (Krsna) is within your heart He is always hearing you - whether you are praying or not praying. When you are doing some nonsense, He is also hearing you. And when you pray, that is very good - welcome
- Because He is all-powerful, the Lord can do anything and everything. He can excuse all sinful reactions. He can immediately transfer a person to Vaikunthaloka. That is the inconceivable power of the SPG, who is favorably disposed to the pure devotees
- Because He possesses unlimited knowledge, Krsna has a memory that is boundless
- Because his consciousness is not very developed, the child can tolerate it, otherwise he would die. That is the benediction of maya, who endows the suffering body with the qualifications for tolerating such terrible tortures
- Because I am disgusted with this material varieties, let it be zero, void. That is a temporary solace. We cannot remain without varieties. That is not possible
- Because I am part and parcel of Krsna, then what is my duty? To serve Krsna. There is no other duty. Any other duty I manufacture, that is illusion. That is maya, any duty I manufacture
- Because I know that, "I have chanted the holy name. Now my all sinful reaction of my life is now vanished. Then why shall I commit again sinful activities?" That is the natural conclusion
- Because if one is raised to his Krsna consciousness, the whole problems of his life will be solved. That is real welfare activity
- Because in the mundane philosophers, mundane scholars, they want to give his own interpretation of everything. That is their habit. They don't accept the interpretation of the higher authorities
- Because India has got the opportunity to be spiritually advanced by the grace of learned, saintly persons, they should first of all make their life perfect by taking education & distribute the knowledge throughout the whole world. That is India's mission
- Because it is mixed up with that medicine of Krsna consciousness it will cure your material disease. That is the process. Because it is mixed up with some medicine which is called KC, it will not entangle you. It will give more and more enlightenment
- Because it is truth, you will come triumphant. There is no doubt about it. It is truth. Now you have to know how to present the truth. That is your business
- Because Krsna is infallible. Whatever knowledge we get from the infallible, that is perfect knowledge
- Because Krsna says: "If somebody offers Me fruits, flowers, grains, milk with devotion and love, I eat," so we are pledged to Krsna, I offer these things to Krsna, and we eat. That is our process
- Because of all their false propaganda, everyone is asking, What is Hare Krsna? What is Hare Krsna? And that is our triumph. They're chanting Hare Krsna
- Because of her (mother Yasoda's) deep affection for Krsna, she could never think that her very son was Narayana, the Personality of Godhead Himself. That is the action of yogamaya, the internal potency of the Supreme Lord
- Because of her nature, a woman can respond to even a slight offense from her husband by not only leaving him but even killing him if required. To say nothing of her husband, she can even kill her brother. That is a woman's nature
- Because of our being contaminated by the modes of material nature, we distinguish one spiritual spark from another. That is also another kind of dreaming
- Because one happens to take birth in a brahmana family, without any qualification, he claims to become a brahmana. That is the falldown of Vedic civilization in India. A rascal number one, he's claiming that he's brahmana - without any qualification
- Because people are misled. So they should be given opportunity to study, to understand what is God consciousness, what is Krsna consciousness. So through the sastras. That is also required. The Gosvamis practically demonstrated in their life everything
- Because people are now associating with the modes of ignorance (tamo-guna) and, to some extent, passion (rajo-guna), with no trace of goodness, they are becoming increasingly greedy and lusty, for that is the effect of associating with these modes
- Because Sanjaya could understand the feelings of his master that he wanted the fight, no compromise, ksatriya spirit: "Let my sons and my brother's sons fight." That is ksatriya spirit
- Because that stool and urine is also useful. Cow is so important. They'll eat and they'll pass stool and urine. That is also important. If they supply milk, it is well, very good. Otherwise the stool and urine is also important
- Because the living entities, they are trying to exploit the resources of this material nature. That is going on all over the world. A country is supposed to be very rich which has become able to exploit the material resources
- Because the Lord's form and activities cannot be understood by materialistic people, He is described by the sastras as nirakara, that is, one whose form cannot be ascertained by a materialistic person
- Because the pure devotee engaged in Krsna consciousness in devotional service of the Supreme Lord achieves eternal blissful existence that is full of knowledge, his achievements and those of the common worshiper of the demigods are different. BG 1972 pur
- Because the system of religion has become polluted, we should not give up religion. That is our prime duty. Dharma hi tasya eka visesa. What is the difference between animal and man? The animal has no religion
- Because the water has become black, it does not mean the liquidity is lost. Similarly, because we are now in contact with material designation, our services atti..., service attitude is not lost. That is there. But it is being rendered in a different way
- Because they are spiritually enlightened. That is the cause of brightness. And materially involved - moroseness. Because it is ignorance. Material life means life of ignorance, and spiritual life means life of enlightenment. That is the difference
- Because they do not know (what is the self-interest), therefore, out of ulterior motive, they are thinking that, - Satisfaction in the material way of life will give me ultimate pleasure or ultimate satisfaction. That is my ultimate goal
- Because they have become imperfect, therefore they are blaming God. "God is good;" they forget this. That is their imperfectness. One side, they say, "God is good." Still, they're blaming God. What is this nonsense?
- Because they have no information of the Vaikuntha planets, they again come to these material planet. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Because they have no rest, they become perturbed
- Because they make research in their teeny brain, they come to the conclusion voidism and impersonalism that, "Make it zero, this botheration." That is also imperfect. So when they come to Bhagavan and engage himself in the service, then it is perfect
- Because we are all Krsna's sons - we are suffering - so He wants to see that our sufferings are mitigated immediately. But we are obstinate. We don't accept the supreme father's advice. That is our difficulty
- Because we are bewildered, we are misdirected, so . . . so guru's word, that should be taken seriously. Ara na koriya . . . "No more, anything." That is . . . Therefore how much difficult it is to find out such guru
- Because we are so fallen in this age, the simple chanting of glorification of the Lord will be equal to performances of all kinds of sacrifices. That is mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Because we do not know what is spirit, and we think spirit is something just opposite to this matter, and matter we find manifestation, form, therefore spirit should be formless. That is their conclusion
- Because we have all forgotten Krsna. That is our miserable condition of life
- Because we practically see, all the college students are hippies. Irresponsible vagabonds. If she wants her son to become like that, that is different thing. Irresponsible vagabonds, that is the present status of this country (America)
- Because you are cheating government or do not following the laws of the government, that is very risky life. Similarly, if you do not perform yajna, you cannot avoid it
- Because you are in different dress, you are not enemy. But that is going on. That is going on. "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am Chinese," "I am Russian," "I am this," "I am that." And the fighting is going on on this point only
- Because you have got the standard, how to make life successful. Here is Bhagavad-gita. Try to understand it, make your life successful, and then broadcast this message all over the world. That is paropakara
- Become authority. That is . . . We said that. You become guru, authority. But you learn first of all as cela from the guru. And then you become guru
- Become religious. If you are really Christian, that is all right. But you are not Christian, because you are violating the orders of Lord Jesus Christ
- Before asking me, if you give me, "I think you may require a glass of water," that is friendship. Friendship means feeling friend's welfare always. Suhrt. Friendship is not simply chatting. Friendship means thinking, "How my friend will be happy?"
- Before death comes again, we must prepare in such a nice way - no more death, no more birth. That is education
- Before surrendering, one is free to deliberate on this subject as far as the intelligence goes; that is the best way to accept the instruction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Before this universal creation, Krsna took the form of Mahavisnu, and Mahavisnu's breathing period is the creation and annihilation. So long the breathing goes on, exhaling, that is the creation period; inhaling, the destruction, annihilation
- Before your next death you finish your Krsna consciousness. That is the real gain of life
- Behind the (Hare Krsna) movement, that . . . this is the idea, that you try to understand the Supreme Being behind all, everything. That is perfection
- Being a pure devotee he (Arjuna) agreed to fight on God's instruction because he came to his senses & realized that satisfaction of God at the cost of his own satisfaction was his prime duty. He became akama. That is the perfect stage of a living being
- Being completely aware of Brahman, the Supreme Absolute Truth, not a bogus. If you want to receive knowledge, then you must approach a guru who is brahma-nistham. That is the qualification of guru
- Being perfect in sense control, one will follow the regulative principles even if he becomes a householder. From household life one is ordered to accept vanaprastha life and go to the forest and then accept sannyasa. That is the perfection of life
- Being so favored by the Lord, Brahma's schemes and plans are all infallible. If sometimes Brahma is seen to be bewildered, he is bewildered by seeing the action of the internal potency, that is also for his further advancement in transcendental service
- Being under the clutches of this prakrti, whatever little light was there as part and parcel of God, that is now covered. So this position has to be discovered or this covering has to be taken away, then we come to our position, original position
- Believe means it may be fact or not fact - I blindly believe. That is a different. Here is a science. "One plus one equal to two." Just like that. This body changes, this body changes, this body changes, and the living entity's there, everywhere
- Best idea is for Subala to go to Fiji and preach. That is the business of sannyasi, not opening restaurant. Restaurant is for grhastha
- Best intelligence is to accept Supreme Lord, Krsna, as the predominator and be predominated by Him. That is our natural life. One who does not know, he falls down
- Best thing is to be above suspicion ourselves, then if we see discrepancies and make suggestion the others will automatically respect and take action to rectify the matters. That is cooperation
- Better allow them (the grhasthas) to live together. What can be done? But we cannot lose them. After training so much, if they are lost, then that is a great loss. This I am giving hint. Now you GBC, you change them. Make process
- Beyond the urdhva-loka planets, that is to say above the Brahmaloka, are the material coverings of the universes & above that is the spiritual sky, which is unlimited in expansion, containing unlimited self-illuminated Vaikuntha planets inhabited by God
- BG 3.27: "The bewildered spirit soul, under the influence of the three modes of material nature, thinks himself the doer of activities that are in actuality carried out by nature." The living entities work only under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- Bhagavad-gita begins education, instruction. Immediately He puts forward that you are not this body. That is the beginning of education
- Bhagavad-gita is based on philosophy, this system, krsna-bhakti. Bhagavad-gita means krsna-bhakti, devotion to Krsna, Krsna consciousness. That is Bhagavad-gita
- Bhagavad-gita is mostly read by almost all classes of people of the world, but unfortunately they are accepted in an independent choice of indirect interpretation. That is a deviation, and for that reason only they cannot derive the direct benefit
- Bhagavad-gita is prohibited. Vasudeva speaking about Himself, but that is prohibited. And if somebody's reading, some rascal is reading, he's making minus Vasudeva. That's all. Bhagavad-gita minus Krsna. This is going on
- Bhagavad-gita is spoken in the warfield. Bhagavad-gita is spoken when Arjuna was in problem, whether to fight or not to fight. That is the, I mean the, background of Bhagavad-gita
- Bhagavad-gita never says that "You don't require to eat. You simply breathe air and practice yoga." No. But we must eat neither more, nor less. That is recommended. Yuktahara-viharasya. We should not eat more, nor less
- Bhagavad-gita says you are not this body. That is the beginning of education. And now education means be nationalist
- Bhagavad-gita should be discussed amongst the devotees. Sometimes we discuss Bhagavad-gita amongst the non-devotees. That is due to higher order, higher order - Guru Maharaja asked that "You go and speak." So we are doing that
- Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, it is not meant for Indians only. That is not the idea. But nowadays everything is seen through national consciousness. But in the BG you will not find anything as so-called nationalism or communism. That is spiritualism
- Bhagavan is the last word in the realization of the Absolute Truth; one should reach up to that platform of understanding the Supreme Personality of Godhead & engage in the devotional service of the Lord. That is perfection of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, has no material body, but He can assume any kind of body by His supreme will. That is made possible by His internal energy
- Bhagavata is so powerful that nityam bhagavata-sevaya: we have to read Srimad-Bhagavatam daily, and twenty-four hours. That is the injunction: nityam. Nityam means "always." So our members especially, I mean to say, those who are inmates
- Bhagavata says, sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhoksaje (SB 1.2.6): "That is first-class religion which helps one to love God." So we are propagating, teaching people how to love God. That is our mission
- Bhajahu Re Mana, 1966 part two - Don't put me into the ocean of birth and death. Please save me, and just make your life successful in the association of saints and sages. That is my request
- Bhaktas, they think, tat te 'nukampam susamiksamano bhunjana evatma-krtam vipakam. When a devotee is in trouble, he thinks that "I am suffering for my past deeds" That is a devotee's attitude. "Let me do my business, chant Hare Krsna"
- Bhakti is not achieved by studying. Bhakti stage is achieved by practice. That is the special significance of our institution, that we are engaging our men in practicing. Therefore they are getting knowledge - not by reading
- Bhakti is only for Bhagavan. Not that "My bhakti for this or that, for this demigod, for that demigod, for my family, for my country, for my society, for my wife, for my cat, for my dog." This is not bhakti. They are imitation only. That is lust
- Bhakti is so sublime that only through bhakti can one understand the constitutional position of the Lord. That is clearly stated in the BG (18.55): bhaktya mam abhijanati. One can understand the SG through devotional service, and by no other process
- Bhakti is the path that is appropriate, not the paths of karma-kanda and jnana-kanda
- Bhakti may be considered in three stages - guni-bhuta, pradhani-bhuta & kevala, & according to these stages there are three divisions, which are called jnana, jnanamayi & rati, or prema - that is, simple knowledge, love mixed with knowledge, & pure love
- Bhakti means devotional service to the Lord which is free from desire for material profit, either in this life or in the next. Devoid of such inclinations, one should fully absorb the mind in the Supreme. That is the purpose of naiskarmya. BG 1972 pur
- Bhakti means rendering service. So when one learns how to render service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, direct service, then that is the ultimate goal of religious principles
- Bhakti means to satisfy Krsna. Bhakti cannot be applied to anyone else. If somebody says that "I am a great devotee of Kali, goddess Kali," that is not bhakti; that is business. Because any demigod you worship, there is some purpose behind
- Bhakti means when we engage our senses, in the service of the proprietor of the senses, that is our perfect life. but as soon as we desire to use our senses for the gratification of the senses, that is called karma. That is called material life
- Bhakti means without any material desires. That is the sign of pure devotee. He has no motive to satisfy his material desires by devotional service
- Bhakti, love of Godhead, the symptom is that he's no more in love with material things. That is the test. You cannot... Just like you cannot love two persons. That is divided. One love concentrated, that is perfect love
- Bhakti-yoga means vairagya, detachment for material enjoyment. That is the sign. Not that "I am a big, big devotee, but I have got very great attachment for material enjoyment." That is not bhakti
- Bhakti-yoga requires little tapasya, not playthings. Tapasya, that, "We are addicted to so many sinful activities. We must give it up." That is tapasya
- Bhakti-yoga requires little tapasya, not playthings. Tapasya, that, "We are addicted to so many sinful activities. We must give it up." That is tapasya. "We must observe fasting on Ekadasi day, on Lord's birthday." These are tapasya
- Bhakti-yoga therefore requires little tapasya, not playthings. Tapasya, that, "We are addicted to so many sinful activities. We must give it up." That is tapasya
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura was against giving sannyasa. He didn't like these babajis. They were markata-vairagya, superficially . . . markata-vairagya means monkey. They live naked, eat fruits, live in the jungle. That is vairagya. But three dozen wives
- Bhattacarya again began to praise the Lord and said, "You have turned a stonehearted man like me into a devotee, and that is very wonderful indeed"
- Bhinna means the quality different; not of the same quality. Apareyam - This is inferior quality, but there is another, superior quality, jiva bhuta, and that is living entity
- Bhinna prakrtir astadha. Just like I am speaking, it is being recorded, recorded. But in my absence, if the record is played, it will exactly vibrate the same sound. So that is my energy or anyone's energy, but bhinna, separated from me
- Bhisma was piercing His body; the blood was coming out. Still how it is pleasing? So that has been explained by Visvanatha Cakravarti that when a lover is kissing and biting, that is also pleasure
- Bhismadeva also advised that the shyness of woman, lajja, is the control. If you break that shy, what is called, shyness, then there will be disaster. That is the control valve naturally given. And woman's shyness is one beauty, beauty
- Bhismadeva never forgot the Lord (Krsna) in His transcendental feature as the Partha-sarathi, and the Lord was present personally before Bhismadeva while he was passing to the transcendental world. That is the highest perfection of life
- Bhismadeva wanted this much only: that his mind be absorbed in thinking of the Lord and that he pass away thus. That is the highest ambition of a pure devotee
- Bhumir apo 'nalo vayuh, this material body is composition of five gross elements: earth, water, air, fire and ether. So mind, intelligence, ego, that is apara, inferior energy
- Big big so-called professors, learned scholars, they talk foolishly: "Swamiji, after this body is finished, everything is finished." That is their conclusion. And the body comes by accident
- Big, big stalwart acaryas, mahajanas, they are accepting; therefore we accept. That is sense. And if you sit down, "No, no, I have no faith," you'll sit down and remain a rascal, that's all
- Birth, death, old age and disease. - So when we get free from these four problems, that is real independence. Otherwise, there is no independence
- Body of Christ is not ordinary body. That is spiritual body
- Bombay is the best city in India, and people are also very advanced, enlightened. So let us combine together and develop this institution for the whole human society. That is our ambition. It is not for any sect or any creed or any particular class of men
- Both Lord Krsna and Lord Baladeva have such (beautiful, black) hair on Their heads, and thus even in advanced age They appeared like young boys sixteen years old. That is the particular symptom of the Personality of Godhead
- Both man and woman desire one another; that is the basic principle of material existence. Women in general always keep themselves beautiful so that they can be attractive to their lusty husbands
- Both mother (Queen Suniti) and son (Dhruva Maharaja) decided to take shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord because that is the only solution to all material problems
- Both Nandarani and yourself are advancing in Krishna Consciousness and that is a great solace for me. We require many boys and girls like you to spread this movement
- Both of you please accept my full blessings and sanction for your marriage. Work together for your mutual advancement in Krsna's service and be increasingly joyful in your Krsna Consciousness life. This is my desire
- Both the father and the mother were responsible for the boy's success in being liberated from the material bondage. That is the process of successful family planning. It is to beget children for complete perfection
- Brahma distributed this Vedic knowledge, some to the sons. Vyasadeva also, he distributed knowledge, some to his sons, some to his disciples. That is explained in the SB. So that is the process of disseminating Vedic knowledge
- Brahma Purana states, "That is, the demigods see the inhabitants of Jagannatha Puri as being four-handed"
- Brahma said, "That is Your transcendental quality: You are very affectionate toward Your devotees. But in spite of Your great affection for me, I cannot estimate the potency of Your bodily activities"
- Brahma said, "When one forgets Your personality, that is the conditioned state of maya. Therefore one who is fixed upon You both internally and externally is not illusioned"
- Brahma said, "Your (Krsna's) teachings in the Bhagavad-gita are that one should give up all other processes of self-realization and simply surrender unto You, for that is complete"
- Brahma satyam jagan mithya. This is all false. Now let us become Brahman, become one with Brahman." But that is also false. That idea, to become one with the Brahman, that is also false. So real reality is Krsna consciousness
- Brahma says, "Dear Krsna, the inconceivable qualities, beauties & activities which You have revealed by Your presence on this planet cannot be calculated by any material measurement. If one even tries to imagine, that is also impossible"
- Brahma wanted to remain in his actual position as an instrument of the Lord instead of becoming puffed up by the false prestige of thinking himself the creator. That is the way of becoming dear to the Supreme Lord and receiving His benediction
- Brahma was surprised. The original cowherd boys and cows, he thought, are still where I put them last year. So who is it that is now keeping company with Krsna exactly as before? Where have they come from
- Brahma-bhutah prasannatma (BG 18.54). This is the stage of perfection of jnana. Na socati na kanksati. He has nothing to do with the material world. That is jnani
- Brahma-sutra-padais caiva. He's (Krsna) recommending. He is Vedanta. Therefore whatever Krsna says, that is the ultimate conclusion of Vedanta
- Brahmacari is taught that how he should behave in society, what is the aim of life. That is brahmacari
- Brahmacari means how to control the senses, to keep under his own control, not that "I am now sexually inclined. I must have immediately sex." No. Danta. That is taught
- Brahmacari means student, unmarried student, without any sex life. That is brahmacari. And then grhastha, householder. Those who are living with wife and children, they are called householder, grhastha. Then vanaprastha, the retired persons
- Brahmacari, householder and retired - everyone has got specific duty. That is mentioned in all the sastras
- Brahmacarya is very, very essential. And that is, when one becomes detestful to sex life, that is the beginning of spiritual life
- Brahmacarya means, strictly. Brahmacarya means that one should not look upon woman, 'Oh, here is a very beautiful girl'. That is also sex, subtle sex. And to talk, 'Fsh, fsh, fsh, fsh', that is also subtle sex. So these things are to be avoided
- Brahmacaryena means controlling the sex appetite. That is a brahmacari. Tapasa brahmacaryena samena ca damena ca. Samena means keeping the mind, equilibrium, without being disturbed. The process of meditation is meant for keeping the mind in equilibrium
- Brahmaji, being so questioned by Naradaji, congratulated him, for it is usual for the devotees to become very enthusiastic whenever they are questioned concerning the Almighty Personality of Godhead. That is the sign of a pure devotee of the Lord
- Brahman includes everything - nirakara, sakara, and whatever you can speak. But Brahman ultimately is sakara. It's not nirakara. That is the verdict of the sastra
- Brahman life begins when we understand that "I am not this material body. I am spirit soul." That is brahma-jnana. And one who has got this knowledge, he is brahmana
- Brahman realization is not very difficult for a intelligent man, because one can understand that he's Brahman, he's not this body. That is the first instruction in the Bhagavad-gita: dehino 'smin yatha dehe kaumaram yauvanam jara
- Brahmana does not keep himself educated. That education, that means he is brahmana, he makes others also brahmana. That is brahmana, not that "I remain brahmana. I remain Vaisnava, and others may suffer." No
- Brahmana family means devata family. But because nowadays they are descendants, they have deviated, deviated from the brahminical culture, they are not to be considered as devatas. That is also mentioned in the sastras. They are called brahma-bandhus
- Brahmana is the quality. That quality is gone. With the departure of the soul, that quality is gone. Now this body is simply a lump of matter, so there is no shame when the body is burnt into ashes
- Brahmana means as it is, they will describe. That is brahmana. And if one has got some motive, that "Bhagavad-gita is popular book. Let me utilize it and make my rascal philosophy popular . . ." That is wrong. That is sudra
- Brahmana means one who has acquired these qualifications, satya sama damo titiksa. The first qualification of brahmana is to become truthful. He'll never speak lies. That is the first qualification. Satya sama, then controlling the senses
- Brahmana's business is that, preaching. Brahma janati. One must know Brahman, and distribute the knowledge of brahma-jnana. That is the business of brahmanas
- Brahmana, his qualification is that he knows what is his business. And that business is sat-karma. Sat-karma means a brahmana has to become very learned. Pathana. He must be a serious student of Vedic religion. That is first qualification
- Brahmananda Bharati herein (CC Madhya 10.169) asserts that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the Supreme Brahman and that he is the subordinate Brahman. This is confirmed in the Vedas: nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam - Katha Upanisad 2.2.13
- Brahmanas are not so very strict following the brahminical principles. So there is chance of falling down. But if you keep yourself on the transcendental platform, aprakrti, that is, beyond the material world, then there is no falldown
- Brahmanas, they would simply advise about health and the future, so that is their profession and people give them eatables, cloth, so they have nothing to do for working outside
- Brahmany upasamasrayam. He has finished all business of material satisfaction. That is the symptom of acarya
- Brahmin does not become by birth. Brahmin is a qualification. That is the injunction of Vedic literatures. The most intelligent man is called brahmin. And how his intelligence is exhibited? There are twelve qualities
- Brahmin's duty is to guide the Ksatriyas whether he is actually executing his duty according to sastra. That is Brahmin's duty. Brahmin, Ksatriya, Vaisya, Sudra. Similarly, Vaisya's duty is to see economic development of the state
- Bring them first class prasadam, very palatable. Foodstuff means even one has no appetite he'll eat. That is food. Not that even one has got appetite, he'll forget. That is not food
- British Empire was for the time being that prosperity. Now to keep up your prestige you are concerned in so many ways. So anything you do in this material world, that is temporary
- Buddha appeared to stop this animal slaughter. He, he was born in Vedic family, ksatriya family, princely order. That is Vedic order, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. So . . . but he enunciated a new type of religion, which is called Buddha religion
- Buddhi-yogam itself is action in Krsna consciousness; that is the highest intelligence. BG 1972 purports
- Business means if you have got extra grains or extra foodstuff, you can sell where there is necessity, there is want. That is business. We are not going to open mills and factories and... No. We are not going to do that. That is sudra business
- Busy-ness is so important that Prahlada Maharaja says, kaumara acaret prajno: (SB 7.6.1) "Beginning from childhood, one should work for self-realization." One should not lose a second's time. So that is Vedic civilization
- But everyone is violating this first commandment. Then where is your claim to become a Christian? If you violate the injunction given by Lord Jesus Christ, then where, how you become a Christian? That is our question
- But for these three items - namely, eternal relation with God, exchange of dealings with Him and the attainment of love for Him - all that is instructed in the Vedas is superfluous and that any other explanation of the Vedas is concocted
- But for... all that is instructed in the Vedas is superfluous and concocted
- But if you can prove scientifically that there is God, that is successful. Otherwise, it is nonsense. If you prove that there is no God, God is dead by scientific method, it is simply lunacy, craziness
- But nobody can sit idly. That is the point. If one is engaged in making for flower garland, all right, you may not take him. It is not compulsory for you
- But the difficulty is: who is authority? That we require to learn who is actually authority. So authority means who has no mistakes, who has no illusion, who does not cheat, and whose senses are perfect. That is authority
- But there are others above us, the transcendentalists, who are concerned not only with their body and mind and the world at large, but also with the transcendental subject that is above the body and mind and the world at large
- By austerity, celibacy, and control of the mind and senses one can advance in pure life. Similarly, advancement can be made through charity properly directed. That is called tyaga, renunciation
- By bhakti-yoga one can know the Lord, and by knowing the Lord as the Supreme, one is able to know everything else. One who knows the Supreme knows everything else. That is the version of all Vedas
- By chemical process, one can turn the bell metal into gold. That is alchemistry, that bell metal, if it is treated with mercury properly, then it can become gold
- By devotional service one has to become vasudeva-parayana, devotee of Lord Vasudeva. That's all. That is being taught here: how to become lover of Vasudeva
- By devotional service one should not expect, "My miserable material condition may be improved" or "I may be liberated from this material entanglement." That is also a kind of sense gratification
- By following your religious system, if you develop your spontaneous love of God, then whatever religion you are following, that is perfect
- By God's inconceivable potency, He can present before yourself in sound incarnation. That is His potency
- By His (Krsna's) controlling power, by His supreme will, this material creation is moving. That is also confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- By His (Krsna's) supreme will the Lord employs His one internal potency to accomplish many different purposes. That is the information we get from the srutis (Svetasvatara Upanisad 6.8): parasya saktir vividhaiva sruyate
- By killing the body or by protecting the body, that is not the solution. The solution is that the living entity has infected itself with the material disease. It has to be cured. That is the whole purpose of Vedic civilization
- By Krishna's grace, the higher learned section is appreciating our books. That is the only hope for pushing on. But, I am very much depressed by the recent incidences in Germany
- By law of gravitation, such a big mountain, it cannot stay in one man's finger. That is our calculation. But Krsna did it. That means He counteracted the law of gravitation. That is God
- By misusing his independence, the living entity falls down from the service of the Lord and takes a position in this material world as an enjoyer. That is to say, the living entity takes his position within a material body
- By our nature we want to be very blissful, always happy. That is our nature. And we can possess, revive our nature of eternal happiness, provided we try to get it in this human form of life
- By punishing them, he teaches the citizens to obey the laws of the state. Again, you have said that punishing a person who is deaf and dumb is like chewing the chewed or grinding the pulp; that is to say, there is no benefit in it
- By pushing one button, the plane goes high, and pushing another button, it comes down. It is not automatically. Any machine you take. Nowadays wonderful machine, computer. That is also handled by an expert
- By reading, you cannot understand. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. That is also vidhilin: "In order to understand that science, he must go to guru"
- By regularly hearing SB and rendering service unto the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is practically destroyed, and loving service unto the glorious Lord, who is praised with transcendental songs, is established as an irrevocable fact
- By regularly hearing the Bhagavatam and by rendering of service to the pure devotee, all that is troublesome to the heart is almost completely destroyed, and loving service unto the Personality of Godhead is established as an irrevocable fact - SB 1.2.18
- By rendering devotional service, one gradually rises to the platform of love of Godhead. That is the chief goal of life. On the platform of love of Godhead, one is eternally engaged in the service of the Lord
- By research work, when one understands that Krsna is the original cause of everything, then that is siddhanta
- By satisfying the spiritual master, you satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is very natural. Just like when you go to your work, the immediate person who is in charge of your work, he must be satisfied. You don't jump up to the proprietor
- By symptoms we have to accept whether one is brahmana or ksatriya or vaisya, not by birth. That is the injunction of the sastra
- By that time I shall be in Boston, and I shall examine you personally then I shall do the needful. In the meantime, you can sit down silently, and increase your number of chanting. That is your work for the time being
- By the actions of Kardama Muni we can understand that in spite of his immense mystic power, he remained a devotee of the Lord. That is the real position of every living entity
- By the Grace of Lord Sri Krishna your one of the very important business magnet and I may inform you on the authority of great Acharyas and books of knowledge that it is our duty to make the best use of our money so long it is with us
- By the Grace of Sri Krishna through His mercy personified - my spiritual master, I have realized it most thoroughly that going "Back to Godhead" is the highest privilege of mankind and that is the supreme perfection of human life
- By the grace of the Lord, Arjuna could see them (Krsna's manifestations) while sitting in one place. That is due to the inconceivable potency of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- By the process of bhakti-yoga, even a child less than five years old, or anyone of any age, can be purified. That is the special significance of bhakti-yoga
- By the two energies, the spiritual energy and the material energy, para and apara-prakrti. That is expanded all over the universe, creation
- By their nature, gestures, dress, women are lusty—that is their habit
- By this art (if one desires something which is unreasonable and can never be fulfilled, the desire can be subdued and satisfied, and that is an art) one can also subdue sex impulses when they are aroused, as they are even in brahmacari life
- By this art (if one desires something which is unreasonable and can never be fulfilled, the desire can be subdued and satisfied, and that is an art) one can make even an enemy one's friend
- By this art (if one desires something which is unreasonable and can never be fulfilled, the desire can be subdued and satisfied, and that is an art) one can transfer the direct action of a physical element to other things
- By this attraction (the attraction between male and female), one becomes overly attached to the material world in terms of grha-ksetra-suta-apta-vitta - that is, home, land, children, friends, money and so forth
- By understanding, by hearing from authorized sources or by reading from authorized sources, the forgetful living entities will come to his senses. That is the purpose
- By your chanting some public is satisfied - no, we are not concerned with that. He may be satisfied or not satisfied. But if I chant in the proper way, then my predecessors, the acaryas, will be satisfied. That is my business, finished
- By your constitutional nature, you take away sins, and that is why we are touching you. Kindly continue to purify us
- By your education you just describe the quality, the greatness of the Lord, yad-uttamasloka-gunanuvarnanam and that is the perfection of your education
- By your own example you have to keep all the devotees enthusiastic and that is done by strict adherence to the regulative principles. Hope this finds you in good health
- By your own work you can recruit men locally, that is the best process. So immediately resume the preaching work amongst the Africans and show yourselves as always meek and humble and refrain from a tough attitude and in this way gain their confidence
- "Caesar's wife must be above suspicion." So anyone who is on the position of teacher, he must be above suspicion. That is our first acceptance of teacher. We don't accept any teacher who is under suspicion
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu advises that you make your life perfect and distribute this Vedic knowledge to the whole of the world. Paropakara. Paropakara. You are meant for paropakara, not for exploiting. That is the duty of the Indians
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all the sastras, they are giving directly in touch with Krsna. Step by step, it is very difficult. So that is the special gift in this age
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu explains the position of pure Vaisnavas who are anxious to return home, back to Godhead. Niskincanasya bhagavad-bhajanonmukhasya. Those who actually want to return back to Godhead are niskincana - that is, they have no desire
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has come with the same mission. His mission is not different from Krsna, because He is Krsna Himself. So His mission is to offer prema, bhakti. Prema-bhakti-vadanyata. That is His magnanimity
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given the example: stool is impure, rejectable. Everyone knows. Veda says: "No, cow dung is pure." And you examine it; you'll find it is pure. That is Vedic knowledge
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has said, "Any rascal" - of course, "rascal" he did not say; I say - that. "Anyone who considers the body of Krsna is prakrta" - prakrta means material - that is the greatest offense
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has shown us the way, that we kill the demons in a different way. We kill the demons in this way: By chanting Hare Krsna mantra, we purify him so that his demonic activities are stopped. That is also another way of killing
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself, although belonging to the renounced order, took instruction from Sri Ramananda Raya. In this way Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu exhibited His opulence through Sri Ramananda Raya. That is the special significance of this incident
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu never discussed Radha-Krishna Lila with ordinary persons. We have so many other things to discuss; what is the soul, what is bhakti. To understand Radha-Krishna's Pastimes, that is our aim, but we should not indulge in this at present
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu prays to Krsna (CC Antya 20.47) "You do whatever You like, but still You are my worshipable Lord." That is service. "I don't ask any return from You." That is service. When you expect some return, that is business
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said that while chanting and dancing He had developed the kind of mad ecstasy that is possible only for a liberated soul. Yet even in His liberated position, He referred everything to His spiritual master whenever there were doubts
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, prema pum-artho mahan (Caitanya-manjusa): "The supreme gain of life is how to be situated in the platform of loving service to the Supreme Person, God." That is actual perfection
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that take, assimilate the Vedic knowledge, and distribute it to the other parts of world. That is para-upakara, real welfare activity
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says you simply repeat as Krsna says. That will save you. The so-called political leaders, they have no realization, but they manufacture their ideas. That is dangerous
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, amara ajnaya: "On My order." That is the crucial point. One does not become spiritual master by his own whims. That is not spiritual master. He must be ordered by superior authority
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu taught that way. That is that if you want to cry for Krsna, then no more crying for this material world. Finished. If you can once learn how to cry for Krsna, then you will no more cry for this material world. That is Vedanta
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu was mad after God. He cried, sunyayitam jagat sarvam govinda virahena me: "I find everything vacant without Krsna." That is the supreme ecstasy. So these things cannot happen without love
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission was to distribute Krsna-prema. Prema pum-artho mahan. He distributed love of God, how to love God. That is the highest perfection
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's special grace, that He accepted two rejected gentlemen from the brahmin society and made them gosvamis. That is the special significance of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching is so sublime that such things (varnasrama-dharma), which is the beginning of human life, that is also unnecessary
- Caitanya said, "Even though I do not see the moonlike face of Krsna as He plays on His flute, and although there is no possibility of My meeting Him, still I take care of My own body. That is the way of lust. In this way, I maintain My flylike life"
- Caitanya said, jivera svarupa haya nitya-krsna-dasa. He's eternally servant. Either he understands or not understands, he is servant. But when he's serving consciousness, conscientiously, then he's deriving the real profit. That is Krsna consciousness
- Can anybody say in this meeting that he's not servant of anybody or anything? He must be, because that is his constitutional position. But the difficulty is that by serving our senses, there is no solution of the problem, of the miseries
- Can you count how many atoms are there, atomic? That is your limitation. Therefore I say "frog philosophy." The limited wants to study the unlimited. That is frog philosophy
- Can you tell me like this? - No, that is challenge. Very submissively. Tad viddhi pranipatena (BG 4.34). The question should be put by surrender. If somebody challenges, he will never be able to understand. The question asked should be very submissive
- Canakya Pandita has said that this is, if one has learned these three things, he is learned. Not that he has got a university degrees. No. Matrvat para-daresu para-dravyesu lostravat, atmavat sarva-bhutesu
- Canakya Pandita says if you have got some money, it will be spent up. In your life or your next life, your son's life, it will be spent up. Vinase niyate sati, that is the nature's way
- Cats and dogs cannot be elevated to the platform of jnana and vairagya. That is not possible. A human being can be elevated by education, by culture, to the platform of jnana and vairagya. That is the ultimate goal
- Celibacy does not necessitate that one be absolutely free from sex life; satisfaction with one's wife is permitted also under the vow of celibacy. The best policy is to avoid sex life altogether. That is preferable
- Cent percent of the modern people, they do not believe in God, and they do not know what is religion. That is the position
- Certainly my Guru Maharaja will bestow His blessings thousand times more than me and that is my satisfaction
- Certainly unwanted children cannot be a source of happiness in society, but through the Krsna consciousness movement they can be raised to human standard by chanting the holy name of God. That is the unique contribution of Lord Caitanya to human society
- Ceto-darpana-marjanam means to solve all the problems. That is Krsna consciousness movement. If you take to this Krsna consciousness movement, then all the problems of the society, human society, of the world, will be solved
- Chant Hare Krishna Mantra and be happy. That is my desire
- Chanting must be pure. Your guru is writing books. If you think, "There is no necessity of reading books," that is guror avajna
- Charity should be given only to propagate Krsna consciousness all over the world. That is charity in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- Chraddadhana, adau sraddha, those who have got faith, that is the beginning. Then chradda dhana, simply having faith, will not do. Then one must associate with sadhu, chraddadhana munayo, must be thoughtful philosopher, munayo. Chraddadhana munayo
- Christianism is Vaisnavism. Anyone who accepts the supremacy of God, he's a Vaisnava. So Christian, Christianity, "God is great," they say. So that is Vaisnavism - God is great
- Cintamani-prakara-sadmasu kalpa-vrksa-laksavrtesu (Bs. 5.29). The spiritual world, cintamani-dhama, is surrounded by these kalpa-vrksa trees, but the parijata tree is also found in the kingdom of Indra, that is, on Indra's heavenly planet
- Cit means knowledge. So in this material body we have no knowledge. Even if we have got . . . now imperfect knowledge, limited knowledge. But in the spiritual life you have got full knowledge. That is spiritual life
- Civilization means how to get out of this material miseries—birth, death, disease and old age. That is real advancement of civilization. If there is any way and means to get out of this problem, then we must adopt in this human form of life
- Classless society is Krsna consciousness. "Eat Krsna-prasadam." Everyone will like. That is classless: "Everyone chant Hare Krsna, everyone eat Krsna-prasadam." Life is successful. Classless society on the spiritual platform, not on the material platform
- Cleanliness and following the routine work. That is our method. You must be very clean, neat and clean, rise early in the morning. We have got our duties
- Combine together (men and women), working differently but for the same purpose, for pleasing Krsna, then you will become happy. That is equality. Unity in variety. That is wanted. Variety is enjoyment. Variety is not disturbing
- Combine together, working differently but for the same purpose, for pleasing Krsna, then you will become happy. That is equality. Unity in variety. That is wanted
- Come to the bhakti-yoga by chanting Hare Krsna. Immediately. You haven't got to wait. Immediately take. That is the special gift of Lord Caitanya
- Comfortable means without anxiety. That is comfort. Real life is without anxiety. That is comfortable life. And if you are living, sleeping in a very high skyscraper building and full of anxieties, is that comfortable life? That is not comfortable life
- Coming to the platform of bhakti, pure devotional service, one immediately ceases the blazing fire of material existence. That is the effect of Sri Krishna Sankirtana
- Compared with the ocean of transcendental pleasure that is love of God, the conception of impersonal Brahman is no more significant than a drop of water
- Competition. That is material disease. Now there is competition in between the capitalist and the Communist. Now the Communist or the laborer class men are thinking that, why the capitalist should gain? We must gain
- Complete purification means to be situated in pure spiritual life. That is complete purification
- Concerning the proposed meeting with the Pope, I have no objection cancelling or delaying the journey to Tehran if the meeting with the Pope is assured. That is important
- Conquer over death. Aihistham yat tam punar-janma-jayaya. So that is this highest knowledge. Highest knowledge is to conquer over the death
- Conquering over sleeping, conquering over sex life and conquering over eating, these things are required. Pious life means gradually decreasing the unnecessarily bodily demands. That is pious life
- Consciousness belongs to the soul. That is the symptom of presence of soul
- Consciousness is there. That is a symptom of life, symptom of spirit soul. But the difference is due to material contamination
- Conservative means unnecessarily you catch some rules and regulation without any meaning or without any utility. That is conservative. In Sanskrit it is called niyamagraha
- Constitutionally, we are following the leadership, but we want immediate, temporary relief for our miseries. We do not want permanent solution of all miseries. That is the defect of our life
- Contamination from sinful activity requires proportionate atonement. That is the prescription of the scriptures
- Continue chanting and associating with devotees and your spiritual growth will be assured. In this way, be happy, that is my blessing. I want to see the whole world happy in this way - that is my only ambition
- Contraception means to make the womb deteriorated so that it no longer is a good place for the soul. That is against the order of God. By the order of God a soul is sent to a particular womb
- Control... That is the distinction between animal and human life. Animal cannot control. The human civilized man must be, must have the capacity to control. That is human civilization. That is called tapasya
- Controlling the mind by the yogic process, by meditation, is impossible. It was possible in the Satya-yuga: read so many sastras, the essence of the sastra. That is the duty of the acarya
- Convince them to give by your preaching the Absolute Truth, not by tricking, that is more mature stage of development of Krishna Consciousness
- Cooking means if you have no appetite, it will create appetite. That is cooking, not that simply some ghee and masala and cook it. No. It is a great art
- Cow dung is pure. If there is any impure place, if you smear over it cow dung, then it is pure. - That is also injunction of the Vedas
- Cow dung is stool. In one place it is said stool is impure; in another place it is said cow dung is pure. Now, one may argue, "What is this, contradiction?" But you have to believe it. That is Veda
- Creating the background very nicely, sattva-guna, they'll beget a child. That child will come, some great man, now great devotee. So everything has got the material relationship, how to do it. That is sastra. You do it, but follow the sastric injunction
- Culture and business means you may do whatever business you are doing, according to your division, or according to your capacity. But if you want perfection in your business, then you must try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is culture
- Culture of knowledge means spiritual knowledge. That is real knowledge. And advancement of knowledge for comforts or to protect this material body, that is the culture of nescience
- Cyavana has misspent, that is clear. Therefore, indirectly we are responsible because we could not control him. Slack management Arrange things so that in the future these things may not occur
- Daiva means godly. You may arrange everything, but if God is against you, in spite of your all arrangement, everything will be failure. That is described in the Bhagavad-gita
- Daiva-netrena means by superior examination. That is called the day of judgment in the Bible. Whether this soul is going to hell or heaven, that is the day of judgment
- Daksa appreciated that the punishment offered to him by Lord Siva was a manifestation of Lord Siva's mercy. That is the symptom of a person making progress on the path of Krsna consciousness
- Damah means senses, controlling the senses. My tongue is dried up, asking for a cigarette. Now, if I am brahmana, then I shall say, "No, you cannot smoke." That is damah
- Dancing girl, when she was on the stage, she saw that her relatives are there as visitors. So she began to draw the veil. So this is not required. You are a dancing girl. Now you have to dance. You cannot be shy. You must freely dance. That is your duty
- Danta means sober. Children are generally restless, and the brahmacari-asrama means to train him how to become peaceful. That is the first training, not that to make him very good scholar in grammar
- Darker side also should be thought of. That is intelligence. Just like they are doing. After calculating the darker side - enemy means darker side: "They can defeat me at any moment," that is darker side
- Darwin's theory that life is made possible by chemical evolution is not correct. They are missing the soul. That is their mistake. They are simply observing the material cover. That is the basic mistake of modern civilization
- Death is described in the Bhagavad-gita . . . what is that death? That death is Krsna, or God. That is stated in the Srimad Bhagavad-gita: mrtyu sarva-haras ca aham
- Death means separation of two energies: the material energy and the spiritual energy. That is death
- Death means sleeping for seven months. That's all. That is death. When this body is unfit for living, the soul gives up this body. And by superior arrangement the soul is put again into the womb of a particular type of mother
- Death means unconscious for seven months. That's all. That is death. There is no death. Death means I give up this body, enter the womb of another mother's body
- Death means we shall sleep for seven months continually, and when we get up I see another body. That is birth and death
- Death means you have forgotten everything. Suppose I was a very big king or prime minister or president. But that is all finished. Now I've got another life, another chapter of life
- Declaration of independence by the woman class, is not their happiness. They are unhappy. Better to become dependent upon father, upon husband and upon elderly children. That is their happiness
- Deha means this body, and dehi means who lives within the body. That is first of all explained. Dehinah asmin dehe: "In this body there is the resident of the body." That is soul. That is the beginning of spiritual knowledge
- Deity is installed by the authorized person and it is worshiped according to authorized methods. So it is not idol. Idol worship, you imagine something and you, some doll or idol, and do in your own way, that is idol worship
- Deity of Krsna should be seen. That is the benefit of the eyes. The ears should be engaged hearing about Krsna. The tongue should be engaged for eating Krsna's remnants of foodstuff, prasadam
- Demigods are supposed to be fully fixed in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness; that is the auspicious path that should be protected
- Demon is thinking how to wipe out, how to banish Krsna, how to kill Krsna. They don't want Krsna. That is demonic. So therefore they do not know that a demonic person is always suffering. That is due to his forgetfulness of Krsna
- Demon means he is not a devotee. That is demon. There are two kinds of persons: one demon, and one demigod. Those who are devotees, they are demigods, and those who are not devotees, they are demons
- Desire must be there. Because I am living there, living being, I must have desires. That is the symptom. A stone has no desire, but a living being, however small, insignificant ant, it has got desire
- Desire you cannot stop. That is not possible. So long you are, your desires are there. Desire should be purified. When I desire to gratify my senses, that is material. When I desire to satisfy Krsna, that is spiritual
- Desires are very difficult to fulfill; but if one desires something which is unreasonable and can never be fulfilled, the desire can be subdued and satisfied, and that is an art. By this art one can also subdue sex impulses when they are aroused
- Desires you cannot give up. That is not possible. Desires will remain there, but at the present moment, in the conditional stage, the desires are being misused. That is the defect. Therefore the definition of bhakti means anyabhilasita-sunyam
- Devahuti said, "Your (God) being born from my abdomen is certainly wonderful because although You are the source of all creation, You have so kindly taken birth as my child. That is most wonderful
- Devahuti said, "Your (God) body is the source of all the universe, and still You put Your body within the abdomen of a common woman like me. To me, that is most astonishing
- Devaki was afraid of Ugrasena-atmaja; that is, she was afraid not of Ugrasena and his men, but of the son of Ugrasena (Kamsa). Thus she requested the Lord to dissipate that fear, since He is always ready to give protection (abhayam) to His devotees
- Devata and asura does not mean that asuras are very ugly and devatas are very beautiful. Even the ugly man can become a devata, or even a beautiful man may become asura. That is due to his mentality. Because, after all, the soul is pure
- Developing the business of economic condition, means the business of eating. And defending - either you defend with atomic energy or with your nails and claws, the process is defending. That is in the animal life also
- Devotee hasn't got any personal decision. That is the process of Krsna consciousness. Evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh. We should decide by the order of Krsna through the disciplic succession, via media, the spiritual master. That is required
- Devotees are distributing their possession to these unfortunate people. Therefore he's immediately recognized. That is the process. Devotee does not want any recognition, he knows that, My Lord wants this rascal to go back to home. So let me try my best
- Devotees do not suffer from skin disease, black or white or brown or red or whatever. In the material world black and white are opposites, but spiritually black and white are varieties. That is the proper vision
- Devotional service is to be offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is the Supersoul of everything, for that is the only reliable path of self-realization, or Brahman realization
- Devotional service so nice. In one life they can be benefited with that position as cowherd boy, as he likes - as friend, as gopis. That is possible
- Dhananjaya is a name of Arjuna, and Krsna said that, "My dear Arjuna, there is nobody greater than Me." So if anyone claims that he is God, he must prove by practical example that nobody is richer than him. That is the first
- Dhanena dhanavan. They say that a rich man means one who has got sufficient stock of food grains. Food grains. Dhanena dhanavan. That is Vedic economic system
- Dharma does not exactly mean a kind of faith. It is characteristic. Just like sugar is sweet. That is the characteristic of sugar
- Dharma first. That is the beginning of humanity, human civilization. Otherwise animals
- Dharma is not a religious sentiment. dharma means our occupational duty, real meaning. I think I have given it in Srimad-Bhagavatam. So when we forget our duty, that is called dharmasya glanih. Glanih means deterioration of our real occupational duty
- Dharma is not meant for developing economic condition. That is secondary. But dharma is meant for ultimate goal of liberation. People do not know that. People are not educated that what is the ultimate goal of life
- Dharma means the prescribed rules by which one can elevate himself to the transcendental life. That is dharma, religion
- Dharma means the rules and regulation which is given by God. That is accepted everywhere. In Bible, in Koran also. The laws of God
- Dharma, which we call religion generally, you cannot manufacture by your concoction. It is stated by the Supreme Lord. That is dharma
- Dharma-yuddha means right, righteous fighting, and adharma-yuddha means political. That is... One politician, he wants to keep his position, he engages the people in fighting, declares war. That is another thing
- Dhira means, I have already explained, not to be disturbed, even the cause of disturbance is there. So that is the qualification of becoming immortal
- Dhiras tatra na muhyati. That is yoga practice. That is yoga practice, controlling. "When there will be need, I shall use it"
- Dhrtarastra had suffered the effects of his own misdeeds by the will of the Lord, but Maharaja Yudhisthira was thinking only of his own unavoidable misdeeds. That is the nature of a good man and devotee of the Lord
- Dictated by the material nature, we are acting in some way and thereby creating another resultant action, means another body. In this way it is going on. That is called samsrtih
- Direct contact is not possible. Neither that is the way of worshiping by the method of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. That is sahajiya-vada
- Direct perception, that is evidence. People with poor fund of knowledge, they want direct perception of everything. That is not possible. Direct perception of everything is not possible
- Disciple should be always ready to be chastised. He should not think that he has become perfect. That is perfection
- Dishonest men cannot go to back to home, back to Godhead. That is false. God is pure. One must be very, very pure. A thing which is not fire, it cannot be allowed to enter into the fire. One must become fire; then there is no trouble. Fire can enter fire
- Distribute as much literature as possible, English, Hindi, and Gujarati. That is real preaching
- Distribute my books profusely. That is real preaching
- Division means under the jurisdiction of the three modes of material nature. That is division. Otherwise, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, these divisions are calculated when one is under the control of the material nature
- Divya-jnana means transcendental knowledge. So divya is di, and jnanam, ksapayati, explaining, that is ksa, di-ksa. This is called diksa, diksa, the combination. So diksa means the initiation to begin transcendental activities. That is called initiation
- Do everything for Krsna, that is all right, but this world, if you become simple and the whole world is full of cheaters, then you suffer
- Do it very cautiously, because after all, we are beggar. That you should consider. But if somebody comes forward, that is our business - to induce others, moneyed man. Let his money be spent. That we are doing actually
- Do not be diminished in your enthusiasm. You should always think of yourself that you are sold to Krsna as slave and that is the only way to get relief of the slavery of Maya. I hope you will understand me rightly and do the needful
- Do not compare Krsna with any human body. That is great offense. To think of Krsna as, ordinary human being and as equal, or a human being is Krsna, these are, two things are offensive
- Do not count on others. If somebody comes forward to help us, that is welcome. But if we at all take the job, we must take it on our own strength
- Do not depend on outside help. Also, for financial support depend on Krsna. That is preaching success
- Do not destroy that cottage where I stayed last time, that is very dear to me
- Do not lose this opportunity. Do not be foolish, misled by so-called scientists or philosophers or politicians. Take to Krsna consciousness. And that is possible only guru-krsna-krpaya
- Do not try to foolishly search anything and waste your time. Hear from a bona fide spiritual master, and that is final knowledge. That is final knowledge. There is no question of researching or corroborating when the guru is speaking
- Do you like fever? No. Why does it come? I do not know. But it does come, does it not? Yes. Did you try for it? No. So how does it come? By nature. That is the only answer
- Do your business nicely. That is expert. And when it is dovetailed in Krsna, there is no gradation that this business is better and that business is lower because everything is for Krsna. So that business becomes Krsna. Do it nicely and Krsna is satisfied
- Don't accept any guru all of a sudden as fanatic. No, don't do that. That is the injunction. And guru also must study the disciple who wants to become a disciple; must study him, whether he's fit for becoming a disciple
- Don't be disappointed that the whole day you work, you got no collection, and nobody was interested in Krsna consciousness. No. Don't be disappointed. You have worked sincerely the whole day, that is your credit
- Don't be greedy, so "This man is millionaire, so I have to become a millionaire." Competition. That is material disease
- Don't be puffed up. Always be careful. You are dealing with Krsna. That is my request
- Don't bother very much to know Krsna. That is not possible. Simply increase your unalloyed love for Krsna. That is perfection of life
- Don't change from this to that. That is your American disease. This is very serious that you always want to change everything
- Don't follow any rascal. You follow the acarya, you get the benefit of Krsna consciousness. That is our request
- Don't make any plan. Accept Krsna's plan. That will be simply giving trouble to Krsna. Therefore, a devotee does not pray even for his maintenance. That is pure devotee. He doesn't give trouble to Krsna even for his bare maintenance
- Don't remain mudhah. This is Krsna consciousness movement. Krsna consciousness movement is to educate people not to remain mudhah. Be intelligent. It is a very nice cultural movement that it is trying to awaken people to their God consciousness
- Don't run after this mirage. Just turn back to Godhead, back to Krsna. That is our propaganda
- Don't slip down. That is my request. Whatever I could do, I have done. Now it is up to you to spread this movement all over the world. Don't go away
- Don't surrender to any nonsense. You have to... And how that intelligent or nonsense can be found out? That is also mentioned in the sastra. That is mentioned in the Katha Upanisad
- Don't take this movement as something sentimental, religious faith. No. It is a very scientific, educational movement. Take advantage of it. That is our request. You can understand this movement by reading so many books
- Don't think that it is a sentimental so-called religious movement. But you come to the right conclusion to the spiritual platform by this easiest method introduced by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Don't try to approach Krsna directly, jump over. That is useless. As you receive knowledge through the steps, parampara system, similarly, we should approach Krsna through these step
- Don't try to do anything artificially. That is sahajiya, which means a class of men that take everything very cheap. You want to perform sacrifice so continuously read our Vedic scriptures and perform the Vaikuntha yajna
- Don't try to understand by false argument, dry argument, which is beyond your conception, beyond your reach. Simply waste of time. Then how to know? Now, srotavya. You have to hear. That is the only means
- Don't waste your time for material happiness. You simply save your time for development of Krsna consciousness. Then you will be happy. Then you will be free. That is the instruction of Krsna
- Don't work for sense gratification or personal interest. Real interest is how to satisfy Krsna. That is real interest
- Draupadi is sympathetic. That is Vaisnava. She is Vaisnavi. This is the attitude of the Vaisnava. Para-duhkha-duhkhi. Vaisnava is para-duhkha-duhkhi. That is Vaisnava's qualification. He doesn't care for his own personal distresses
- Dull means cannot understand what is God. That is dullness. Otherwise for eating, sleeping, sex life & defense there is no need of university education. Nobody goes to the university to learn how to eat, how to sleep, how to enjoy sex life, how to defend
- During Krsnadasa' time there was no Radharani deity, Madan Mohan was alone. Radharani was later introduced. The temple of Madan Mohan was formerly on high level, that is, the original old temple
- Each and every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and thus his eternal position is to cooperate or to dovetail his energy with the Supreme Lord. That is his unchanging position
- Each and every planet has some distinctive facility. That is the beauty of the varied creation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Each and every soul is part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he (the devotee) does not see any difference. That is the vision of a learned devotee
- Each of the cowherd boys was tending calves to the extent of a koti, arbuda, sankha and padma. That is the way of counting
- Each philosopher has got different opinion. So how to get real path of religious way? That is recommended in the sastra that mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. You have to follow the footsteps of great personalities. And Prahlada Maharaja is one of them
- Each woman was accompanied by her husband. Thus they looked so beautiful that Sati, Daksayani, was impelled to dress similarly and go to the sacrifice with her husband (Siva). That is the natural inclination of a woman
- Eating is the basic principle for keeping one's health. Eating too much or too little causes disease. Therefore Bhagavad-gita says yuktahara vihara. Simply eat to keep fit. That is one important business of those in Krishna consciousness
- Eating must result in good health. That is eating. Eating does not mean to fill up the belly with all rubbish things. Eating means that you become healthy, nice eating
- Eating, sleeping, mating and defending, that is given special stress, but not to the point of, goal of life, reaching Visnu. That we have neglected
- Education begins, that is the Indian system, from five years. Up to five years, the children are not bothered with any kind of education. They play and become free. But as soon as he is five years old, he's sent to the school
- Education does not mean how to find out a fish expertly. That is being done by the birds. Education means to solve the problem of life. And what is the real problem? Birth, death, old age and disease
- Education may be wrong or right, but science is always the fact. "Two plus two equal to four," - that is equally good in the East and West, not that in the western countries, two plus two will be five
- Education means atyantika-duhkha-nivrtti, the ultimate solution of all unhappiness. That is education. Not that after coming to some extent - No, you can die happily
- Education means brahma-vidya: to understand what is that living force within this body that is working, what is his position, constitutional position, how it is working, wherefrom it has come, so many things. That is called brahma-jijnasa
- Education means enlightenment. If you foolishly do something, immediately you become criminal. So education means to enlighten them to know what is right, what is wrong. That is education
- Education means one should be advanced in education to inquire about himself. That is brahma-jijnasa. Athato brahma jijnasa
- Education means to develop the intelligence. That is education
- Education means to do the right thing, not the wrong thing. That is education. Education means enlightenment, to know what is right, what is wrong
- Education means to enquire about the living force which is moving this body. That is education. This is not education, that we have manufactured nice car or nice machine. That is called craftsmanship
- Education means to lead the people gradually to Krsna consciousness. That is education, God consciousness
- Either he's externally a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, American, Indian, black, white, it doesn't matter. That is bodily. When you come to the spiritual platform, that is one. Because spirit is one
- Either illicit sex or legal sex, the after-result is not good. There are so many aftereffects. Even if you live . . . Of course, that is the Vedic training, dharmaviruddho-kamah (BG 7.11), sex life not against Vedic injunction
- Either you change your faith or don't change your faith, your character is still to serve, will continue. That is the reality. That is sanatana. Sanatana means eternal
- Either you eat animal or vegetable, you eat some living entity. That is inevitable. You cannot avoid. Now it is the question of selection
- Either you follow Christianity or Vedic principle of Mohammedan religion or even Buddha religion, there is conception of God. There is an attempt to understand God. That is human society
- Ekadasi day -- there is no eating sumptuously. Simply you take little fruits and flowers. Try to avoid that also. You don't take even water. That is really ekadasi
- Ekanta-bhakti means unalloyed devotion. This is the secret of devotional life. Even God is not physically present, a devotee can be very much exalted by devotional service. That is the teaching of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Electrician comes - suppose the power has failed, and he manipulates and brings the power - that is technical education. But real education is different. That is to understand the atma-tattvam
- Encouraging means your behavior should be so nice that he voluntarily gives. That is encouraging. Not that begging
- Enjoy, but where is your enjoyment? Come to the practical point. Where is your enjoyment? You are simply suffering. That is their rascaldom
- Enjoyment, ananda means enjoyment. Enjoyment cannot be impersonal; there must be varieties. That is enjoyment. You have got experience that when there is a bunch of flower of different colors it is very enjoyable
- Envious men will find out some fault anywhere. There is no fault, actually, but they will manufacture some fault. That is their business. So many persons were envious of my Guru Maharaja, but He was preaching and did not care for them
- Enviousness means because they have no knowledge they say, "No. The Supreme Absolute Truth cannot be person." That is enviousness
- Envy means the cow has got right to live. He does not allow the cow to live. That is envy
- Envy means the cow has got right to live; he does not allow the cow to live. That is envy. You cannot understand this? Suppose you are walking. You have got right to walk, I have got, and if I kill you, you cannot walk. That is envious
- Equal terms. "If you have no sword, I will give you a sword." Yes. "Take this sword. I take another." That is ksatriya spirit
- Especially civilized human being all over the world, there is some type of religion, either it may be Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muhammadan religion or Buddhist religion. That is the sign of civilized human society
- Especially in India, there is no brahmacarini. But here, in your country (America), the boys and girls mix very freely, but just to restrict such free mixing, we think that the unmarried girls should remain separately. That is the contemplation
- Especially in the Western country, I have seen, a girl is not married, but she has got child. What is that? That is varna-sankara. So varna-sankara increases; the world becomes hellish
- Especially in this age of Kali, family life is being reduced. Everyone is becoming self-centered because that is the law of nature
- Especially it is harer nama (CC Adi 17.21), it is not gupta. That is in the Kali-yuga it should be openly chanted, and we have to follow our predecessor, Haridasa Thakura, namacarya
- Evam parampara-praptam - who? Rajarsayoh. They are king, but just like saintly persons. That is king, not a loafer class is elevated to the royal post. Rajarsayoh. Although they're holding the post of a king for administration, they're just like rsi
- Evam parampara-praptam. That is guru. So that is recommended. If you want to know Krsna, then tad-vijnanartham. In order to understand that science, then you must approach guru
- Even a man is in the modes of goodness, that is also considered as ignorance, because real knowledge, real knowledge is to know his relationship with the Supreme Lord. That is real knowledge
- Even at the present moment. They are reading Bhagavad-gita, and they are trying to kill Bhagavan, Krsna. That's all. That is their business, killing... Kamsa's business. Kamsa was trying killing Krsna
- Even better than visnu-aradhana is to worship the Vaisnavas." Mad-bhakta-pujabhyadhika. Krsna has said also that "Anyone who is worshiping My devotee, pure devotee, that is better worship than one who is worshiping Me directly
- Even Cupid becomes attracted by Krsna. We are attracted by Cupid, but Cupid is attracted by Krsna. Therefore His name is Madana-mohana. That is the only remedy
- Even from historical references, there is not a single person who can be compared with Krsna. Therefore He is all-attractive. And everything that we experience, that is the manifestation of Krsna's energy
- Even if another Vaisnava was actually at fault, Raghunatha Bhatta would not criticize him; he saw only that everyone was engaged in Krsna's service. That is the position of a maha-bhagavata
- Even if he (one) does not accept the principles of Christian or Hindu, because he is born in the family of a Hindu or Christian or Muhammadan, he is accepted as Hindu, Muslim. But that is due to this body
- Even if I am not well conversant with the Vedas and Puranas, if I see that my spiritual master is doing that, that's sufficient
- Even if one concentrates his mind on the boar form of the Lord, that is also yoga
- Even if one is in the material mode of passion, to create something in the world he has to take shelter of the Supreme for the necessary energy. That is the path of the successful termination of any attempt
- Even if one lives twenty thousand or fifty thousand or even millions of years, in the material world the years are all counted, and death is there. How can we escape this subjugation by death? That is the lesson of Bhagavad-gita - 2.20
- Even if we are contaminated by the quality of goodness of this material world, that is also contaminated. That is also cause of our entanglement
- Even if we change our body, still we can find out our means of living by that inherent intellect. That is advertised as intuition. But this intuition is previous experience only
- Even if we do not accept God, if we do not accept the leadership of God, we have to select another leader. We cannot get rid of this principle, that we can live without leader. That is our constitutional position
- Even if we don't accept the leadership of God, we have to accept some other leader. That is our position. We cannot avoid it
- Even if you are put into the jail life, prison life, for these things government has arranged already. In the jail life there is eating, sleeping, arrangement. So for these things we should not be very much anxious. That is human life
- Even if you are unsuccessful, you must know it firmly that without Krsna's desire, nothing can happen. If you are unsuccessful, then you should.... That is Krsna conscious....
- Even if you do not understand, your dull brain, but we have to accept the words of Krsna. That is the critical point. If we take Krsna's instruction, everything will be solved. There will be no problem
- Even if you give up whole career an