Anyone who knows perfectly well, he can preach. Otherwise, what he will talk? We'll have to talk about Kṛṣṇa. If we do not know about the activities of Kṛṣṇa, then what we shall talk? So this talking of Kṛṣṇa, vacāṁsi vaikuṇṭha-guṇānuvarṇane (SB 9.4.18), will make him immortal. It is not the frog's crowing. The frog's crowing will gradually lead him to death. But this kind of transcendental, glorifying vibration will make him immune from death, will elevate to the eternal life, blissful life.
Therefore this mantra, ahaṁ tariṣyāmi duranta-pāraṁ tamo mukundāṅghri niṣevayaiva (SB 11.23.57). Aham: "By accepting this order of life, I shall cross over this nescience of darkness." Tamo mukundāṅghri. Mukunda. Kṛṣṇa's another name is Mukunda. Muk means liberation; ānanda, He gives liberation and ānanda, eternal bliss. So aṅghri, aṅghri means lotus feet. So "By worshiping, by serving the lotus feet of Kṛṣṇa, I shall cross over the dark ocean of nescience." Ahaṁ tariṣya. How? By talking about Kṛṣṇa. Vacāṁsi vaikuṇṭha-guṇānuvarṇane. Simply by describing the Vaikuṇṭha world.
In the morning we are now having class, describing about the nature of Vaikuṇṭha world, how it is constituted, what kind of population there are, how they live, how the Supreme Personality of Godhead is living with goddess of fortune. These things we are discussing in the morning from seven to eight. So those who are interested may come. There is a Vaikuṇṭha world. Vaikuṇṭha. Vigata kuṇṭha yasmād. Vigata means gone; kuṇṭha means anxiety. Vigata.
Here everything is full of anxiety. This is not Vaikuṇṭha. This is kuṇṭha, anxiety. Sada samudvigna-dhiyām. Samudvigna. Samudvigna means full of anxiety. Everyone, even a bird, he is also not peaceful. If he has comes to take some food from the ground, the bird sees this way, that way, that way. Kuṇṭha, always anxiety: "Is not one coming to kill me?" Therefore you will find the birds doing like this, danger. No anxiety-less, nobody. Either human being, animal, birds, beasts, everyone. Therefore it is called kuṇṭha jagat, full of anxiety.
But there is another world, where there is no kuṇṭha. Everyone is free. Some of us trying to become free from all kinds of anxieties, but that is not possible here. We can become free from all kinds of anxiety when we take to Kṛṣṇa consciousness; otherwise it is not possible. We are aspiring, every one of us, aspiring how to become free of anxiety. But that can be done only when we take shelter of the Vaikuṇṭha-pati. Vaikuṇṭha-pati, Vaikuṇṭheśvara.
So, so long we are accepting asat, asad-grahāt . . . here in this material world everything is temporary. Suppose this body, your body, my body. This is called asat. Asat means temporary. It will not exist. So because we have accepted everything which will not exist, therefore we are full of anxiety. This is the full definition of anxiety. And if we take the sat, the . . . which will exist, and we sacrifice everything for that, that is called sannyāsī. Sat nyāsī, sannyāsī. If we accept asat, then we will be full of anxiety, and if we accept sat, then we will be free of anxiety. This is the secret of spiritual life.
So we shall invite every one of you. We have opened this temple in this country. So we invite all Japanese boys and girls, young men. Especially we invite them because they can understand. Old men, they are sophisticated. They, whatever they have understood, it will take hundred years to forget. (laughter) But young men, they are inquisitive, they are receptive. They can easily . . . practically all over the world, all our followers, disciples, students, they are all young men or teenagers, some of them, about twenty-five years or thirty years, but no old men. That is the special feature of this movement.