There are many universes and many planets. So in either of them or each of them, some sort of incarnation is present there. Just like in government, in every department, there is a government representative. Just like in your city, your mayor, mayor is there. Or very responsible post, there is some director, there is . . . similarly, indrāri-vyākulaṁ mṛḍayanti yuge yuge. Yuge yuge means different yugas.
The same example, just like the sun. The sun is present everywhere. Just at this moment it is now eight, eight o'clock (a.m.) in New York. In India it is night, there is no sun. But here it is, sun present. Similarly, in your country also, if you go more farther eastern, western side, somewhere the sun is I mean it's already there somewhere, somewhere the sun is not there. So similarly, the sun is there, but it is the particular time and place where people can see and cannot see. So Kṛṣṇa is there always, everywhere, but it is the power of seeing where Kṛṣṇa is or Kṛṣṇa is not.
So indrāri-vyākulam . . . He is, by His one plenary portion, He is in either of the all universes. So in this universe, when He comes . . . just like when sun appears in your country it takes round of twenty-four hours, similarly, when Kṛṣṇa comes on this universe, it is only in one day of Brahmā, that is, some millions and millions of years after, He comes. He has got a scheduled time also, to appear in this universe. We get information from authentic scripture. Indrāri-vyākulaṁ lokaṁ mṛḍayanti yuge yuge.
So He is . . . just like sun is rotating, or we are rotating, similarly, Kṛṣṇa is there. At a certain interval of time we see Him in this universe. He is present always, but at a certain interval . . . just like the motorcar passes. It is going on. But when it is in front of my storefront, I can see. That's all. Not that because the motorcar has passed away, out of my sight, there is no motorcar. No. It has passed away from your sight. That's all. It is going on. It is going on. Similarly, incarnation, representation of Kṛṣṇa, is always going on. When we can see, then it is . . . Kṛṣṇa we can see. That is His omnipotency.