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This Hare Krsna, this chanting, if you ask these boys and girls, they can chant continually for twenty-four hours in ecstasy, continually, without any stoppage. That is spiritual name

Expressions researched:
"this Hare Kṛṣṇa, this chanting, if you ask these boys and girls, they can chant continually for twenty-four hours in ecstasy, continually, without any stoppage. That is spiritual name"


Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures

If we imitate that, "These boys and girls are chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa. It is a name only. So let me chant . . . instead of Kṛṣṇa, let me chant John," but that chanting will not help you, because you cannot chant more than three, four times or ten times, that's all. But this is the proof. And this Hare Kṛṣṇa, this chanting, if you ask these boys and girls, they can chant continually for twenty-four hours in ecstasy, continually, without any stoppage. That is spiritual name. You cannot take any other name and chant and enjoy like that. So it is practical experience. I am touring all over the world, three times in a year, and because this chanting is Absolute, everyone is joining—Europe, America, Africa, Canada, Japan, China, everywhere. Nobody says that, "This is a word from India. Why shall I chant the Indian name?" No. It is God's name.

Now, if we imitate that, "These boys and girls are chanting Hare Kṛṣṇa. It is a name only. So let me chant . . . instead of Kṛṣṇa, let me chant John," but that chanting will not help you, because you cannot chant more than three, four times or ten times, that's all. But this is the proof. And this Hare Kṛṣṇa, this chanting, if you ask these boys and girls, they can chant continually for twenty-four hours in ecstasy, continually, without any stoppage. That is spiritual name. You cannot take any other name and chant and enjoy like that. So it is practical experience. I am touring all over the world, three times in a year, and because this chanting is Absolute, everyone is joining—Europe, America, Africa, Canada, Japan, China, everywhere. Nobody says that, "This is a word from India. Why shall I chant the Indian name?" No. It is God's name. God is neither Indian nor American nor otherwise, neither Christian nor Hindu nor Muslim. God is God.

So we are at the present moment rotting in this material world. Puruṣaḥ prakṛti-sthaḥ. That is also mentioned in the Thirteenth Chapter. It is said that puruṣaḥ prakṛti-sthaḥ. Where is that verse? (aside) I told you to . . . puruṣaḥ prakṛti-sthaḥ? Puruṣaḥ prakṛti-stho hi. Yes.

puruṣaḥ prakṛti-stho hi
bhuṅkte prakṛti-jān guṇān
kāraṇaṁ guṇa-saṅgo 'sya
(BG 13.22)

Puruṣa. Puruṣa means the enjoyer. Every one of us sitting in this hall, we have got different mentality to enjoy differently—different dress, different mentality, different opinion—because every one of us, we are individual. So this individuality is both in spiritual world and the material world. But in the material world our individuality is different on account of associating or infecting different qualities of the material nature. Just like there are different types of patients in the hospital. Why? Because each and every one of them is infected by different types of germs of disease.

Page Title:This Hare Krsna, this chanting, if you ask these boys and girls, they can chant continually for twenty-four hours in ecstasy, continually, without any stoppage. That is spiritual name
Created:2023-05-18, 07:51:36
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1