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- A big . . . I gave that a big animal, lion, is fearful to the small animal. But because he is lion, very strong, does it mean that he's a human being? That is going on
- A boy, a girl or a man, a woman in relationship of love but it breaks as soon as the lusty desire is not fulfilled. So here there is no question of love. It is all lusty desire. Real love can be achieved when it is exchanged with Krsna or God
- A brahmacari should live under the guidance of the spiritual master as menial servant, and whatever he collects, he would give to the spiritual master
- A Brahmacarini asrama is certainly a great necessity because there are so many girl devotees who are attached to our Krishna Consciousness movement. Those who are married couple, there is nothing to be said - simply to live together as husband and wife
- A brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha - these are different groups, and if they are favorably trained up then spiritual understanding becomes very easy
- A child, without knowing the science of fire, physical constitution of fire, if he touches the fire, the fire will act. And, I mean to say, a great scientist who has physical knowledge of this fire, if he touches also fire, he is also burnt
- A class of ksatriya must be there, a class of vaisya must be there. This is called varnasrama. For the peaceful execution of material life these things are required, division
- A devotee means, real devotee means, he has no purpose for material gain. That is real devotee. Now we have to see what kind of devotee he is. There are two kinds of devotees: with purpose and without purpose
- A devotee who has fully surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are worshiped by devaloka, siddhaloka
- A father's duty is, as soon as girl is thirteen years old, fourteen years old, it is the duty of the father, or in the absence of father, it is the duty of elder brother to get her married. Some way or other, find out any husband
- A hog, he is working day and night to find out where is stool. He likes stool. He eats stool and becomes very fatty. He enjoys
- A human being, if he does not become Krsna conscious, that means knowingly, he is taking poison, and he must die. Janiya suniya visa khainu. Sometimes I do not know what is poison. Just like child does not know. He may take. But he'll not be excused
- A ksatriya should be so trained up, when there is fight, he must come out, forward. Not that he will sit down in his secluded place and poor man will fight. No. He should come forward as leader, - Come on
- A living being gets the opportunity to understand all the secrets of nature's path, but he's denied the opportunity. Very dangerous. He's thinking like animal
- A living entity is not purusa; he is prakrti. But because he wanted to enjoy this material world, nature has given him a dress like a purusa, and he is falsely trying to enjoy it. This is the position
- A living entity who is entrapped by this material energy, illusion, he's a madman. And the whole treatment is to get out of this disease of madness, misidentification, misconception of life. So it is not difficult to find out a madman. Any man is a madman
- A man should not desire to become a father and the woman should not desire to become a mother unless both of them have taken the vow that - I shall beget a child and stop his cycle of birth and death
- A person who begins a spiritual life in Krsna consciousness, his asset will go with him. Never mind, in this body we may be little uncomfortable. A spiritually advanced man, or a person in Krsna consciousness, is never in discomfort
- A person who has understood little value of this Krsna consciousness, he should take this movement very seriously and distribute to the fallen souls. That is the best work
- A person who is a very rigid student of bona fide acarya, he becomes next acarya
- A person, when he becomes ghostly haunted, he speaks all kinds of nonsense. So maya grasta jivera sei dasa upajaya. Those who have come to this material world under the influence of the external energy of Krsna, maya, they are all madmen
- A regular educational institution should be there where proper training of brahmana, proper training of ksatriya, vaisya, must be given. These four divisions must remain there
- A small animal is giving vote to the big animal. But suppose a big animal, a lion, he is very powerful. Does it mean he is human being? He is animal
- A young boy sees another young man or a young man sees another young girl. Natural sex appetite, natural. But one who can control that, that is dhirah. That is dhirah. Dhiras tatra na muhyati. That is yoga practice
- Abhadrani means inauspicious things accumulated within our heart. By this Krsna kirtana, as recommended by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, ceto-darpana-marjanam (CC Antya 20.12), the heart is cleansed
- Abodha means fools, rascals, ignorant; born foolish rascals, ignorant. We are all born foolish. So if we are not properly educated, then we remain fools and rascals, and the activities of fools and rascals, this is simply waste of time
- Abodha-jata, these rascal fools, born foolish. He does not inquire about the self-realization, so whatever he is doing, it is all defeat, he is spoiling his time, because he does not know. Atma-tattvam, the science of self-realization
- Acarya gives some way for simple understanding. The same conclusion, but according to the time, circumstances, they give a very easy method to understand. That is acarya
- Acaryavan puruso veda. Acarya upasanam. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said. So we have to accept the principles laid down by the acaryas
- Acaryavan puruso veda. How one is understood that he knows spiritual science? That means who has a spiritual master
- Acaryavan puruso veda. One who is acaryavan, who has taken shelter of acarya, he knows. Why? Because acarya receives knowledge from Krsna and he distributes knowledge to his disciple. That is perfect knowledge
- Acaryavan puruso veda. You have to follow the acaryas. In our country there are acaryas, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, those who are recognized authority
- Acaryavan, one who has acarya as his guidance, he is supposed to know everything. Acaryavan puruso veda
- According to different types of body, we are developing different types of consciousness. Is it very difficult to understand? But when we transcend this bodily concept of life, then we come to the one standard consciousness. That is Krsna consciousness
- According to Krsna consciousness movement, you can get out of all sufferings if you simply change your consciousness, that's all. That is Krsna consciousness
- According to law. It may be it is man-made law, it is wrong, but the principle is that whatever is judgement of the sastra, we have to take. It doesn't matter who is that man and how great he is
- According to our Vedic knowledge, the first-class intelligent man is he who knows what is God. He's first-class intelligent man. Otherwise cats and dogs, they also eat, sleep, have sexual intercourse, and die
- According to the Vedic rites, the injunction is that one has to perform yajnas, sacrifices. And without that sacrifice you'll be liable to be punishment for that unconscious killing of small animals
- According to Vedic knowledge - or it is a fact - there are three kinds of suffering. One kind of suffering belonging to the body and the mind
- According to Vedic system we should be sinless. Unless we become sinless, there is no possibility of understanding God. That is not possible
- Actual aim of spiritual life - to come to the stage of loving God. That is real spiritual life
- Actually all the senses are acting because Krsna is acting. As soon as Krsna desires that these senses will not work, it will not work. So in spite of your claim that this is my hand, this is my eyes, this is my mouth, it will not work
- Actually human civilization means that people should be very serious to have perfection of this human body, spiritual perfection. That is perfect human civilization
- Actually the demigods, they cannot accept anything from you. But the sacrificer, he approaches a demigod for quick result for material benefit and these things will be explained in the Eighth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita
- Actually the job is to go to such pilgrimages, holy places, to find out experience spiritual advancement. Because many spiritually advanced men, they live there
- Actually there is no scarcity, but it is the so-called economic law, man-made law, that creates scarcity. From God's side, there is no scarcity
- Actually, the soul is active, not this body and mind. As soon as the soul is out of this body, there is no activity. So the real source of activity is coming from the soul
- Addicted to everything - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication, and gambling. And now they have given up everything
- Adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika, three kinds of miseries, there must be. Either three or two or at least one must be
- Advanced civilization means every man must have sufficient space to live. Why do you create this path? People will recreate, they will feel repressed, so space is required for refreshment. So what is this civilization? Three inches room
- After all qualification, if one has to do the same thing just to fill up the belly, working twelve hours, fourteen hours, then what is this civilization?
- After all, we are searching after happiness, pleasure. So on account of our impure existential condition, our so-called happiness is temporary
- After many, many births, when one is developed in his real consciousness, he can understand. - What? What he understands? Vasudevah sarvam iti sa mahatma su-durlabhah: (BG 7.19) - That Krsna is the Supreme
- After scrutinizingly studying all the process of self-realization or transcendental realization, when one comes to the perfectional point, he understands that vasudevah sarvam iti: (BG 7.19) Vasudeva, Krsna, is everything
- After serving the senses of so many people life after life, when one comes to his real knowledge that "This kind of sense gratification will not make me happy. Let me gratify the senses of Krsna," that is real knowledge
- All classes of men, from all groups of men, all religious societies or nation, they are joining this movement. They are joining it
- All fifth-class, sixth-class men. No regulative principle. The human life is meant for regulative principles. Just like we are insisting our students only for regulative principles just to make them real human life
- All methods of acquiring knowledge can be divided into two groups. One group is called aroha-pantha, or research, inductive process. And another method is called deductive process, or avaroha-pantha
- All our feelings of happiness and distress, it is due to this body. That we do not know. So therefore the best solution of miserable condition of life is to stop this material body. Then you become spiritually situated, and there is no more contradiction
- All right, you become very good bluffer. That's all. We don't accept you. All the acaryas, they did not accept, those who are authorities. Vyasadeva, he did not accept these foolish theories
- All the books, laws, everything - education, culture, philosophy, science - it is all meant for the human being, not for the cats and dogs
- All the foolish persons who are born foolish, all their activities are defeat for them unless they are enlightened to inquire about atma-tattvam
- All the stanzas of Bhagavad-gita, they're strictly according to the nyaya-prasthana and sruti-prasthana. So any book which is strictly written according to the Vedas and Vedantas, that is also accepted as Vedic literature
- All the universities, they have got these departments, medical department, engineering department, law department, but there is no department which is teaching perfectly well about the science of soul
- All these boys & girls, they are neither Hindus nor Indians, nor they have any knowledge of Sanskrit. But they easily pick up this Hare Krsna & chant & getting the result. So this is the easiest, universal method of self-realization in the present age
- All these leaders, these scientists, these philosophers, they are applauded by the small animals, but they are also animals, big animal, that's all. The test is whether he understands the spirit soul different from the body
- All these materialistic person, they are simply interested how to enjoy senses; therefore they are called dina-cetasam, cripple minded. They have no other idea. So to enlighten them it is the duty of the sannyasi to go from door to door
- All these so-called Vedantists, they will have to wait for many millions of years to understand Krsna. That is the position
- All you are young Westerners. You never study Vedanta, but you can surprise many so-called Vedantists how to understand Krsna
- Although Lord Buddha appeared in India, for some time many people became followers of Buddhist religion, but later on it disappeared from India. It went outside. What was the reason?
- Although the body is material and there are so many material demands, so we have to adjust things in such a way that my major portion of my attention or energy may be applied for advancing spiritual consciousness or Krsna consciousness
- Although the soul and the Supersoul both are situated within the heart, and the heart is the center of all vitality, energy of this body... That is accepted
- Although there is no difference by chanting sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda and Hare Krsna mantra, maha-mantra, but still by chanting this Panca-tattva, you'll get immediately, quickly, result
- America is favored country. Little misguided about spiritual affairs, but if you introduce this Krsna consciousness movement in right way, keeping yourself to the standard, then people will accept it gradually
- Amongst the Aryans there is some conception of religion, either Christian religion or Mohammedan religion, Buddhist religion, Vedic religion, based on conception of God
- Ananda means blissfulness, joyfulness. There cannot be any joyfulness in this body. There are three kinds of miserable condition of material life: adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika. So either these three or one or two is always there
- Anantam means unlimited. You are searching after happiness, but this is limited. Even if you enjoy sex life, that is also limited for a few moments. But anantam. That is... You will enjoy it eternally
- Anartha means meaningless. No artha. Artha means meaning. So if we want to stop this anartha, misconception of life, then we have to take to bhakti-yoga
- Anartha, this anartha, this misconception of life, if you want to discard this misconception of life, that "I am this body," and you act according to that consciousness and suffer... This is your disease
- Anasaktasya visayan yatharham upayunjatah. The same advice is given in several places, that - Work, but do not work with attachment. Just to make the best use of a bad bargain, that's all. You go on working like that
- Any amount of scientific method, you cannot see the sun at night. But in the morning you can see the sun automatically, without any torchlight. Similarly, you have to create a situation, you have to put yourself in a situation wherein God will reveal
- Any body, any material body, that is meant for miseries, miseries, tapa-traya, threefold, threefold material miseries, and, besides that threefold miseries, ultimately birth, death, old age and diseases
- Any class man, you can train him. It requires training. Even one is in the last-class, fourth-class, fifth-class, sixth-class, if he likes he can be trained up to become a first-class man
- Any knowledge will not help your wife or children. Any knowledge, any amount of knowledge, will not help his real problem. What is his real problem we do not know. The real problem is... That we do not know. The real problem is janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
- Any other question? Put some intelligent questions. Then we can understand that you are studying really
- Any person who is trying to elevate himself in the spiritual line, he has to become fearless
- Any sane man, any intelligent man, he should think like that, that - This opportunity, this nice form of human life with civilized, in civilized society, with developed consciousness, I must utilize this opportunity for my spiritual perfection
- Anyone can come and hear about Krsna. That is the process of Krsna consciousness movement. We try to invite everyone, from every corner of the world, to hear about Krsna. And that is becoming successful also
- Anyone of us, serving somebody. But the result is, this material service... I have given several times the example that Mahatma Gandhi, he gave so much service. But result was he was killed
- Anyone who dies without knowing the value of life, he's krpana, miser, cripple-minded. - Because he could not utilize the opportunity given to him by nature
- Anyone who has taken birth in India, Bharatavarsa, let him make his life successful, and kara para-upakara, and go outside India and do good to others. - Para-upakara. This is India's business
- Anyone who has taken to Krsna consciousness, he's first-class intelligent man. So don't be first-class fool, but become first-class intelligent man. That is my request
- Anyone who is addicted to vyavaya, sex life, amisa, meat-eating, madya-seva, intoxication... That is the natural tendency of anyone in this material world. Vyavayamisa-madya-seva nityah. So spiritual advancement means to give up this amisa-madya-seva
- Anyone who is engaged in bhakti-yoga, in real process, he is immediately elevated to the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage, transcendental stage. This is material stage, jiva-bhuta stage
- Anyone who is in bodily concept of life, he is no better than animal, like cows and asses. This is the verdict. So therefore, when we are in the animal consciousness of life, there is no possibility of getting Krsna consciousness
- Anyone who is inquisitive to understand first-class knowledge, he requires to go to a guru. Those who are interested in third-class knowledge, they do not require any guru
- Anyone who is inquisitive to understand higher truths, he must surrender to guru
- Anyone who is not in Krsna consciousness, is he is praised, those who are praising, they are also animals. Not to become Krsna conscious is animalism. That is animalism
- Anyone's special talent should be engaged in the service of the Lord, and thereby becomes successful in his life. I think that you can go on playing on your guitar and make it successful for Krishna kirtana
- Anyone, he may be a ordinary man, he may be so-called swami or maybe so-called yogi or so-called leader, but our test is whether he's Krsna conscious. One test. If he's not, then he's a rascal. That is our challenge
- Anyone. Here.... Here is a process. Just like in our temple they have dedicated everything to God, the life
- Anything which has not given satisfaction to Krsna or God, that is bad. Now you have to judge yourself how Krsna is satisfied. That requires training; that requires understanding
- Anything which you do not love, you cannot repeat. It will be disgusting. Anything, any word you take, if you simply repeat, you'll feel disgusted
- Anyway, apart from others, the devotee, for him, appearance and disappearance the same thing
- Archbishop of Canterbury said rightly that "You want kingdom of God without God." That is the disease. Everything we want. Therefore our propaganda is just the opposite. We want everything with center Krsna
- Arjuna becomes the disciple of Krsna, and anyone who understands Bhagavad-gita, following the footprints of Arjuna, he can understand rightly what is the purpose of Bhagavad-gita
- Arjuna wanted to become nonviolent the whole BG was taught to him, how to become violent, and this rascal said that in the BG there is nonviolence. It is not false? So a man preaching falsehood, is he a gentleman? Or he is a right man?
- Arjuna was Krsna's friend, but He never said that "You stop your working." Rather, He engaged him in his real work. He was a fighter
- Arthadam means you can derive the greatest value in this life. Arthadam. Artha means money, and paramartha means spiritual consciousness
- As a citizen, good citizen, you are expected. Similarly, we must know what is dharma, what is God. That is humanity
- As a son has no shame to ask his father, so I feel no shame for it because there is no other help at the present moment
- As Bhavananda Maharaja said. They are firmly fixed up. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam, "Let us sacrifice our life for Krsna." That is real jnana and vairagya. Bhaktya. This is to be understood, bhaktya
- As I have got consecutively from boyhood to childhood, I have, from childhood to boyhood, boyhood to youthhood, aged body, so why not next body? This is simple truth, that the living entity, or the soul, is transmigrating from one body to another
- As it is very difficult to extinguish the forest fire, similarly, the problems of material life cannot be extinguished simply by material benefits
- As many villages and towns are there in the world, His (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) mission is to be preached there
- As one becomes crazy when it is ghostly haunted, similarly a person under the clutches of maya, he becomes also crazy like that. He talks all nonsense
- As soon as a devotee sees anything material, he sees immediately the energy of Krsna, and along with the energy of Krsna, he sees immediately Krsna. Reactory. He actually. With reference to the context
- As soon as he sees the energy of Krsna, he sees Krsna. Therefore instead of seeing the tree, he sees Krsna. Because one after, after, coming, reference to the context
- As soon as I take this Bhagavad-gita in my hand I see the picture that Arjuna is asking Krsna to place his chariot in the warfield, and Krsna is driving the chariot by his order. So this is creating some feeling in me
- As soon as I utter "Sudama," I immediately remember, "Sudama was a friend of Krsna," so I remember Krsna. Reference to the context. So therefore this is offered, spiritual names
- As soon as people are addicted to these four principles - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling - when everyone can see, that means Kali-yuga. Drstva
- As soon as the heart is cleansed, one can understand Krsna immediately. It is a cleansing process, this hearing process. Hrdy antah-stho hy abhadrani suhrt satam. He is friend... Krsna is friend of everyone, but He is a special friend of the devotees
- As soon as there is asrama that means "Here some men, saintly persons, spiritually advanced persons, lives." That is asrama
- As soon as we are rebellious to the authority of the Supreme Lord, we are captured by maya - that is also an energy of Krsna - and we become conditioned. So this is our position
- As soon as we forget Krsna, as soon as we forget that this body is given by Krsna, this body should be utilized for the satisfaction of Krsna... That is real sense. That is real knowledge
- As soon as you become submissive and hear from authorities, then the whole thing will reveal within yourself. God is the always ready to be revealed to you
- As soon as you become submissive, surrender to Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there will be no more natural disturbances
- As soon as you forget the simple truth that you are servant of God, you are irresponsible. Now your suffering begins
- As soon as you get time, read books, discuss amongst yourselves, partial closing. Don't fill up the ears with rubbish things. Then advance will be choked up
- As soon as your tongue is controlled, immediately your stomach is controlled, immediately next your genital is controlled. Simple thing. Controlling the body, mind. Mind being fixed on Krsna, no other engagement, controlled
- As the river is going after the sea spontaneously, without any artificial attempt, so such spontaneous love for Krsna, or God, that is the perfection of yoga. This is yoga
- As we are now living under some false conception, so when one gives up this all false conception, that is called mukti
- As we had past life as child, as boy, as young man, similarly, we have past life also. This simple truth, they cannot understand. Or there is no attempt in the educational field
- As we have got law here, here we can escape man-made laws, but you cannot escape God-made laws. That is not possible. Man-made laws sometimes we escape because everything made by man, that is insufficient, imperfect
- As we make sincerely sincere effort to perform this yajna, particular yajna for this age, then we make our progress. It is most inexpensive and very easy and very powerful. Why don't you adopt it? That is my request to you
- As you are married, there is no need of separation as you are practicing artificially. You must live just like a respectable married couple and earn money as a Grhastha, and spend 50% for Krishna - that is the real program
- As you have elevated yourself from animal consciousness, animal body, to this beautiful human body, similarly, you have to still more elevate yourself to higher standard of life. They are called demigods
- As you were hearing Krsna-kirtana, I am sure that you were directly promoted to Krsna-loka
- Asann api. This body, asann api, it will not exist forever. It is temporary, but it is troublesome always. Adhyatmika, adhibhautika, adhidaivika. Three kinds of miseries are always there
- Ascending process and descending process. So by ascending process, we can never come to the real knowledge. That is not possible, because our senses are imperfect
- Associate with Krsna consciousness movement and you will be able to give up this false misconception of life
- At least the Christian religion accept that supreme father, God, and the material nature is mother. And we are all sons. Not only human beings, every living being, even the dogs. This is philosophy, real philosophy
- At least those who are claiming Buddhist, they are killing animals. Bruce, is it not? Yes. But in the Buddhist religion there is no sanction for killing animals
- At the end of my life, if I get a good balance, bank balance, then I shall live peacefully without any botheration. - So everyone hopes like that for future. But what is this civilization? They have no future hope
- At the present moment everyone is very much anxious to become God and cheat you. There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that - You are God. I am God
- At the present moment the mass of people are kept in their animal consciousness. And therefore they elect another big animal to become president
- At the present moment they are reading Bhagavad-gita years after years, big, big scholars, big, big theologians and... But they cannot understand. After reading Bhagavad-gita, they are accusing Krsna as immoral
- At the present moment they, being conquered or influenced by the Western culture, they are also losing their identity. Therefore my Guru Maharaja ordered me to do something about the spiritual life in the Western countries. On account of this I came here
- At the present moment we have to perform sacrifices by chanting the hari-kirtana, the glorification of Krsna. - This is yajna
- At the present moment, vague idea, what is God; practically no idea. What is their God? "God is good." They . . . sometimes they say: "God is great," but what is that God, how great He is, how He is good, nobody knows
- At the time of death the situation of mental situation, according to that mental situation he gets the next body
- At the time of death, you think of what you have done all through your life. So the mental situation at the time of death will carry you to the different form of life as your mental situation
- At this present moment there is want of first-class men and also second-class men. The whole world is filled up with third-class, fourth-class, fifth-class men. Therefore the society is not properly adjusted
- Athato brahma jijnasa. One who is inquisitive to understand "What I am? Am I this body or something else?" That is beginning of spiritual instruction
- Atma-darsanam does not mean hrdaya-granthi vrddhi or increasing. Therefore, real atma-darsana, real liberation, real consciousness is separation from this material attachment. Voluntarily, forcefully, or by knowledge, that is required
- Atmani, within his heart, he can see the Supreme Soul, Krsna, atmanam bhaktya. There is the real process, bhaktya: by means of devotional service, not by speculation or mystic power
- Attempt should be made how a fourth-class man can be raised to the first-class position by culture and education
- Bahunam means after many, many births of culturing knowledge, when he comes to the real knowledge, real, I mean to say, summit knowledge
- Bali Mardan, you have asked how the Sankirtana activities become more relishable every day. It is due to Lord Caitanya's benediction. All Glories to Sri Krishna Sankirtana
- Be sincere and hard-working. Then the success is sure. Not to be bewildered, misled by the so-called avatara, incarnation. You see? The so-called avataras, they are simply rascals. Especially in Bengal
- Because I am conscious, I am thinking of marrying, begetting children. Because I am conscious. And because there is no consciousness, therefore this wood cannot think that he'll beget. The original consciousness, in the Vedas it is said, eko bahu syam
- Because the word "love" can be engaged only in relationship with Krsna. Otherwise, there is no question of love. So when the love, love of Krsna is transcendental, there is no material impediment
- Because they were brahmanas, saintly person, they did not like the killing business in their own hand. That was the system. A brahmana will not kill. A brahmana, simply by cursing, he can kill
- Because we do not know what is actual enjoyment, therefore the so-called enjoyment is turning to be distressed condition
- Because we have got substantial sale of books, we are free to get money. And it is unbelievable that religious books are sold thirty thousand, forty thousand, fifty thousand daily. There is no history
- Because you are cheating government or do not following the laws of the government, that is very risky life. Similarly, if you do not perform yajna, you cannot avoid it
- Being carried away by the waves of nature, and subjected to the repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. No scientist can stop it. But still, they are very much proud of advancement. They do not know the real problem and how to solve it
- Bhagavad-bhakti-hinasya jatih japas tapah kriyah: "Great nationality, great work, great achievement, minus bhagavad-bhakti, God consciousness, is just like decorating the dead body." That's all
- Bhagavad-gita is a very authoritative book, and it is popular all over the world, sometimes people take advantage of this book and present their own theory in an adulterated way
- Bhagavad-gita is spoken in the warfield. Bhagavad-gita is spoken when Arjuna was in problem, whether to fight or not to fight. That is the, I mean the, background of Bhagavad-gita
- Bhagavad-gita is the most authorized scripture in the Vedic literature. Vedic literature means it is not spoken by any ordinary human being. Apauresaya means this literature, Vedic literature, is spoken directly by the Supreme Person or Lord
- Bhagavan is not that when amongst His foolish disciples, He declares Himself Bhagavan, and when there is some toothache, He goes to the physician to help Him. Bhagavan is not like that. Bhagavan is self-sufficient. So everything is full
- Bhagavata means pertaining to God. So whatever your idea of God may be, that must be impressed from the childhood, that "There is God." Actually there is God. To deny God or "God is dead" is simply rascaldom
- Bhagavata means the devotee. They have accepted a spiritual master, as a good devotee, so they are serving, bhagavata-sevaya
- Bhagavata says that religious principle is first-class. Which one? Sa vai pumsam paro dharmo yato bhaktir adhoksaje (SB 1.2.6). That religion which helps you to advance your devotional service and love of God. That's all
- Bhakta, they know where is real water. That's all. This is the difference. The karmis are like animals. They are after shadow water, running, running, running, exhausted and finished. That is karmi
- Bhakti does not mean sentimental fanaticism. That is not bhakti. Bhakti means to engage all your senses for the satisfaction of the proprietor of the senses. That is called bhakti
- Bhakti should not be contaminated by karma and jnana. Bhakti should remain pure. Then the result will be very quick and nice
- Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu by Rupa Gosvami which we have translated by the name, Nectar of Devotion, the Complete Science, the Complete Science of Bhakti-yoga, this is very important book of understanding how to become purified in devotional service
- Bhakti-yoga is so strong, if you take to the positive side of service of Krsna, the material service or maya's service will automatically become negative
- Bhismadeva was grown-up boy, twenty, twenty-two years. But nature, his father wanted to marry again. Bhismadeva is the son of mother Ganges. Bhismadeva's father married the predominating deity mother Ganges, of the Ganges water
- Birth, death, old age and disease. - So when we get free from these four problems, that is real independence. Otherwise, there is no independence
- Body is not everything. The moving power of the body is the spirit soul. We are repeatedly trying to convince people this simple truth, but they are so dull-headed they cannot understand
- Bona fide guru means he must be authorized by the superior guru. Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, amara ajnaya guru hana tara' ei desa (CC Madhya 7.128). He must receive the order from the superior. And the superior must be bona fide
- Born foolish. That... He has to become intelligent. But when he talks foolishly, he remains foolish
- Brahma is the most intelligent creature, so intelligent that he is given the power of creating this universe. So not that in the beginning there was no intelligence. The first-class intelligence is there in the beginning of the creation
- Brahma-sutra-padais caiva. He's (Krsna) recommending. He is Vedanta. Therefore whatever Krsna says, that is the ultimate conclusion of Vedanta
- Brahmacaryena means controlling the sex appetite. That is a brahmacari. Tapasa brahmacaryena samena ca damena ca. Samena means keeping the mind, equilibrium, without being disturbed. The process of meditation is meant for keeping the mind in equilibrium
- Brahmanas, they are to be trained up how to become truthful, how to become controller of the senses, how to become simple, how to become tolerant
- Brahmany upasamasrayam. He has finished all business of material satisfaction. That is the symptom of acarya
- Brahmin's duty is to guide the Ksatriyas whether he is actually executing his duty according to sastra. That is Brahmin's duty. Brahmin, Ksatriya, Vaisya, Sudra. Similarly, Vaisya's duty is to see economic development of the state
- Bring any so-called swami and yogis and talk with them about jnana. They will be, I mean to say, victorious, even they are with me for only four and five years
- Buddha philosophy says that this material body is a combination of matter. Now, as soon as the matter is dissolved, then the feelings of happiness and distress is gone. But according to BG, the existence of soul is accepted in the Vedic literature
- Buddhist religion from India was practically banished. So these are historical facts. The real fact is that as soon as the natural sequence of living entities is jeopardized, at that time, non-religious principle, unnatural life, becomes prominent
- Business or whatever nonsense it may be, but our first proposal is that you become sinless
- Busy fool, what is the value? He is fool, and he is busy. So nowadays the education is to make busy fool. That's all
- By challenging, you cannot understand actually what is Krsna. One has to become submissive
- By chance, I have got this life, and it will be finished after death. There is no question of past, present or future. Let us enjoy. - This is called ignorance, tamasa, irresponsible life
- By chanting Hare Krsna mantra we become immediately sinless. That's a fact. But why shall we commit again?
- By fortune he gets a guru. And by the instruction of guru he gets Krsna. So to create fortune we have to take this regulative principle, to become fortunate that someday he'll be able to meet somebody who is real guru and who will give him real guidance
- By going daily to the temple, or to the church, or to the mosque, or anywhere, any religious building or institution, if you do not develop your propensity to hear about God, then you have wasted your time
- By killing the body or by protecting the body, that is not the solution. The solution is that the living entity has infected itself with the material disease. It has to be cured. That is the whole purpose of Vedic civilization
- By Krsna consciousness, we shall gradually develop our intelligence, real intelligence. Then we shall naturally like to enjoy that spiritual happiness. And as we make progress and get taste of spiritual happiness
- By Krsna's omnipotency the same Vrndavana is duplicated. It is possible. That is called nitya-lila. Wherever He likes, He can bring in Vrndavana and He can have His pastimes
- By nature one dies natural death, and you have accelerated-many millions of people can be killed by this atomic weapon. So what is your achievement? Save millions of people
- By nature's course, you automatically come to human body. Now, in the human body it is a junction, whether you want to make further progress and if you want to go back again to the cycle of the birth and death and the evolutionary process
- By responsible life, they can make advance. Irresponsible life will not help. Therefore loke vyavayamisa-madya-seva nitya hi jantoh. So our tendency for sense gratification is controlled
- By serving Krsna, all my objective, all my perfection is there - this conviction makes you perfect. And this is real, this is reality. There is no imposition. It is reality. Simply one has to understand
- By spreading this Krsna consciousness movement, we are seeing practical result. The most wretched, most rotten, they are coming to life, they are understanding the value of life, the aim of life, and they are trying to be elevated more and more
- By the grace of guru, he could understand that - I am in this condition, material condition, means suffering from threefold types of miseries, and I am uselessly wasting time for material comforts, for economic development
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has given us a little formula, that if you strictly follow the teachings of Bhagavad-gita and if you preach the purpose of Bhagavad-gita, then you become guru
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu practically exhibited that hari-nama sankirtana, krsna-kirtana, can attract even animals, tigers, elephants. They also join with Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says you simply repeat as Krsna says. That will save you. The so-called political leaders, they have no realization, but they manufacture their ideas. That is dangerous
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, gives you the easiest method. He says that "In this age simply chant Krsna and you'll get all perfection."
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is to preach. So you join us. Why should you be limited within Vrndavana?
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission was to distribute Krsna-prema. Prema pum-artho mahan. He distributed love of God, how to love God. That is the highest perfection
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, this Krsna consciousness movement propagana, what is this propaganda? He says that "Every one of you become guru." He wants not rascal imitation guru but real guru
- Can anybody say in this meeting that he's not servant of anybody or anything? He must be, because that is his constitutional position. But the difficulty is that by serving our senses, there is no solution of the problem, of the miseries
- Can anyone give better instruction than Krsna for solving all the problems of the world? No. That is not possible. But still, we shall find out some imitation Krsna. This is our ill luck, misfortune
- Caste system means a man is born in a brahmana family, and if by habit he is fifth-class man, and he is accepted first-class man on account of birth. Similarly, a person, very intelligent, he can be adaptable to all first-class habit
- Catur means very intelligent. Unless one is first-class intelligent, he cannot worship God. It is not possible. Foolish person cannot worship God
- Catura means very intelligent. Only the first-class intelligent men in the human society, they can take to Krsna consciousness, not even second class, what to speak of the third class?
- Chanting must be pure. Your guru is writing books. If you think, "There is no necessity of reading books," that is guror avajna
- Civilization is that you must know what is your real position and act accordingly, and then you become liberated
- Cleanliness and following the routine work. That is our method. You must be very clean, neat and clean, rise early in the morning. We have got our duties
- Complete purification means to be situated in pure spiritual life. That is complete purification
- Completely divine means eternal, blissful and full of knowledge. So automatically by divine consciousness you try to contact the persons who are developing divine consciousness
- Completely spiritualized means that no more material activities. That is possible. If we follow the process, we can turn our life from material contamination to pure spiritual life
- Crows will never come to a nice place. They'll go to the filthy place, where everything rubbish is thrown out. The crow will take advantage of it: "Oh, here is enjoyable thing." Tad vayasam tirtham
- Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya (BG 7.14). He does not know that nature will not allow me to live peacefully. So we bring problems after problems. That is material life
- Deity worship is pancaratriki-vidhi, and bhagavata-marga is hearing, chanting, like that. Both of them should be accepted, parallel line. Otherwise, one without the other will be later on troublesome
- Devotion to God is considered to be the great practical value, as much as it forms a part of practice of yoga. Those who are practicing yoga, they must be devotee of God
- Dharma does not mean so-called some religious fanaticism. Dharma means occupational duty. Just like you are medical man. You have practiced medical dharma. Medical dharma
- Dharma means to understand God and to abide by His order. To learn this scientific method, one has to approach
- Dharma means your occupational duty. Dharma means it is a fanaticism. That is not. That is not the meaning of dharma
- Dharma, the principles of dharma has to be accepted directly from the Supreme Lord. So now the Supreme Lord is helping. We have begun this process
- Dharma, this principle of dharma, religious system, is ordained or given by God
- Dharmasya hy apavargyasya. This is meant for getting out of this entanglement of birth, death, old age, and disease. That is real... The first step is religiosity. Unless you are pious, religious, there is no possibility of getting liberation
- Dhira means gentleman. So if one does not understand this simple truth, he's not even a gentleman, what to speak of learned scholar
- Dhira means one who is not disturbed. That requires training. In great dangerous position, one is not disturbed, that is not ordinary thing
- Dhruva Maharaja went to the forest, and he had practiced so much penance and austerities. Then he saw God. And I can see God immediately without being trained, without undergoing training? No. It is not possible
- Discovering some nonsense, scientific means and people are starving. There is no food. And they're busy in discovering scientific method
- Do everything for Krsna, that is all right, but this world, if you become simple and the whole world is full of cheaters, then you suffer
- Do not consider that Krsna belongs to the Hindu community or Krsna belong to the India or any way, ksatriya, no. He does not belong to any material designation. He is above
- Do not keep a guru as a pet dog. No. You must be submissive. Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya (BG 4.34). This is wanted
- Do not take the position of a teacher unless you have assimilated the whole thing. Simply by hearing others you may misunderstand, you may not present the real thing
- Do you think God is so cheap thing, anyone will understand? Because they do not understand, they present something nonsense: "God is like this. God is like that. God is like that."
- Don't allow the mind to go away from Krsna and because we cannot fix up our mind sitting in one place in Krsna, that requires very high training. To sit down in a place and always fix up in Krsna the mind, that is not very easy job
- Don't approach the cheater guru, bluffer guru, and be cheated. Stop this business. This has spoiled the whole spiritual atmosphere of the world. Take guru, the supreme guru, Krsna
- Don't change, don't alter. You simply try to preach what Krsna has said. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's instruction
- Don't claim that there is no God. There is God, and He is great, and you are small. Then what is your position? You have to serve Krsna. This is simple truth. So that rebellious attitude is called maya
- Don't come to the ritualistic performances. Let them chant, as far as possible, and see the result. This is the easiest method of transcendental realization
- Don't follow rascals and fools. Then it will be useless waste of time. Follow the great acaryas. Acaryavan puruso veda. One who is acaryavan, who has accepted acarya, he knows. Others, all are fools, rascals
- Don't foolishly... Don't become rascal, that you are one with God or equal to God, that you have become God. This is all rascaldom, simply rascaldom. You are eternal servant of Krsna
- Don't manufacture ways and means, falsely trying to lord it over. That will... You'll not be happy because you cannot lord it over the material nature. It is impossible
- Don't misinterpret according to your own, I (Prabhupada) mean to say, fertile brain. No. Just hear Krsna, what Krsna says, as it is. Krsna... Don't try to interpret, mal-interpretation
- Don't neglect Bhagavad-gita or Bhagavata as ordinary books. You must be very careful. As you take care of the Deities, you should take care of the books also
- Don't think that a little happy life for ten years or twenty years is the solution of your problem. That is not solution. Real solution is different
- Don't think that it is a sentimental so-called religious movement. But you come to the right conclusion to the spiritual platform by this easiest method introduced by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Don't think that Krsna consciousness is a joke, is a jugglery. It is the only remedy if you want to save yourself. Otherwise, you are doomed. Don't take it, I mean to say, as a joke. It is a fact
- Dr. Judah has admitted that you can mesmerize the drug-addicted hippies and engage them in understanding Krsna, is a great achievement
- Dravya-jnana. Dravya-jnana means physical knowledge. And brahma-jnana means spiritual knowledge
- Dronacarya was guru, spiritual master, teacher in military science. Druhah. So he was thinking like that. But the real point he was missing, that whatever he has done, it has been done under the instruction of Krsna
- Duration of life, mercifulness, bodily strength, memory, these things will be reduced gradually. You won't find nowadays very fertile brain. It will reduce
- Durvasa Muni, because he offended to Ambarisa Maharaja, he was not excused even by Visnu. He had to fall down on the feet of Maharaja Ambarisa. Yes. Ambarisa upakhyana. So vaisnava-aparadha is the greatest offense
- Each philosopher has got different opinion. So how to get real path of religious way? That is recommended in the sastra that mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. You have to follow the footsteps of great personalities. And Prahlada Maharaja is one of them
- Each planet, there are millions and trillions of living entities. Now if not all, some of them are offering sacrifices, at least the sober section, in all the universes, and Krsna is enjoying
- Education means how to make one brahmana, how to teach him how he become sense controlled, sama, dama, mind control, how to become truthful, how to become clean, how to become simple, how to become full of knowledge
- Education, culture, is meant for the higher two classes, the brahmanas and the ksatriyas. Education means for them, those who are intelligent, for them
- Ei rupe brahmanda bhramite. He (the spirit soul) is loitering, wandering without any aim. "What is the aim of life? Why I have put into this condition, accepting this material body, the source of all miseries?" - these questions should be asked
- Either don't produce children or produce children as much as you can manage. This is Krsna philosophy. Our philosophy is not simply negation. It is positive
- Either now, neither able to enjoy, because it is not your property. If you want to enjoy other's property, then you'll be implicated in criminal offenses
- Either you are a child or grown-up man, when you touch the fire it will act. There is no excuse. Similarly, knowingly or unknowingly, if we do something wrong, we have to be punished. This is the law of nature
- Either you are in jail life or you are in free life, you are always under government control. Similarly, either we remain in the material world or we remain in the spiritual world, we are controlled by Krsna
- Either you change your faith or don't change your faith, your character is still to serve, will continue. That is the reality. That is sanatana. Sanatana means eternal
- Either you get a princely body or a dog's body, because you have accepted a material body, therefore you have to suffer. You have to suffer. There is no excuse
- Either you hear from Krsna or from Krsna's representative. Just like Arjuna is hearing from Krsna, and you hear from Arjuna. Then you get the perfect instruction
- Either you try to become sinless by your efforts, but if you think that you are unable, then you simply surrender to God, and He will help you
- Elephant is a very big animal, and it takes bath in the lake, very nicely washes the body. Then, as soon as he comes on the bank, he immediately takes some dust and throw it over the body
- Elephant is taking hundred pounds daily, twice. Once at a time he takes hundred pounds or more than that. And the ant takes only one grain. Now if the ant thinks that "I shall also take hundred pounds," oh, it is impossible for him. It is impossible
- Elephant is very big animal. You ask the elephant, "Please become like an ant." "Oh, that is not possible, sir. That is not possible." But God is so great that although He's universal, He can enter into the atom
- Enthusiasm does not mean if I attain something immediately the result is immediate. No. The result may be delayed but we should not be disturbed. But we must go on working with enthusiasm. This is called patience
- Especially amongst the brahmanas and ksatriya, the boys were trained very nicely. Very nicely. So by reformation, when the boy is, I mean to say, mature, at the age of twelve years or thirteen years, he goes automatically to a spiritual master
- Especially civilized human being all over the world, there is some type of religion, either it may be Hindu religion or Christian religion or Muhammadan religion or Buddhist religion. That is the sign of civilized human society
- Especially in India, where Krsna personally came, where He gave..., left behind Him so valuable instruction, Bhagavad-gita, why you are refusing? Why you are misinterpreting and spoiling your life and spoiling others'? Don't do it. Take it very seriously
- Especially those who are educated, they should take serious consideration of this Krsna consciousness movement. Try to understand each and every verse of Bhagavad-gita, especially, and, if possible, Bhagavatam
- Even 10 year old boys are smoking, so much degraded. We are trying to convince people to become first class men rather than fifth class men. We have to fight
- Even a child, if he touches the fire, the fire will not excuse. "Because it is a child, he does not know, therefore I shall not burn his finger." No. No excuse. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya. You cannot escape the stringent laws of nature
- Even a small child can chant Hare Krsna. We see every day. A small child is chanting and dancing without any training
- Even at the present moment. They are reading Bhagavad-gita, and they are trying to kill Bhagavan, Krsna. That's all. That is their business, killing... Kamsa's business. Kamsa was trying killing Krsna
- Even if I advise, try to meditate, I meditate upon my wife, upon my children, on my business. This is not the stage of seeing Krsna everywhere. That requires training. That requires advanced knowledge
- Even if you have sufficient to eat, you cannot avoid death. So death is inevitable. That is the problem of material life. Birth, death, old age and disease
- Even if you perform austerity, penances, the worldly circumstances are so implicated that it will involve you some way or other again into the material modes of nature. There are many instances. Many sannyasis, they give up this world as mithya, all false
- Even if you read some books, you cannot understand unless you understand it from me. This is called parampara system. You cannot jump over to the superior guru, I mean to say, neglecting the next acarya, immediate next acarya
- Even in faraway countries the Europeans are there, the Indians are there, the Africans are there. But, on account of this bodily designation, separated-European quarter, Indian quarter, this quarter, that quarter, this designation
- Even in socialistic country like Russia, first of all they wanted to make classless society. Later on they have made a manager class and worker class, because this is not possible
- Even so-called followers of Gita, they will be caught up by this movement as rascals. Because the real purpose of Gita they do not know. Real purpose of Gita is to know Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Even Sri Krishna cannot compel one for co-operation because every living being is given full chance of utilising independant views. The human form of life although temporary it has a great value for utilising for the service of the Supreme
- Even though I (Prabhupada) am a fool number one, I become guru, because I am repeating what Krsna has said. That's all. I don't require any education. Very simple thing. Everyone can become guru if he simply repeats what Krsna has said, that's all
- Even Vyasadeva is surrendering to Narada. Such a great scholar. Even Arjuna is surrendering to Krsna. So why? Either you have to surrender to Krsna or Krsna's representative. Then there is solution. Otherwise there is no solution
- Even we are eating, we can remember Krsna. Krsna bada daya-maya, karibare jihva jaya, svaprasada-anna dila bhai. So we want. While sleeping, if we think of Krsna, it may be that we may dream of Krsna also. That is possible
- Ever-conditioned means those who are in this material world, they do not know when they came in touch with this material world. Neither they do know when they will be liberated
- Every living entity has got an independence, minute, because he is also spiritual atom. We are all spiritual atoms. That atomic, spiritual atomic force... Just like a material atomic force is so strong, so you can just imagine how strong is spiritual atom
- Every living entity is eternal servant of Krsna. Therefore unless he comes to the platform of serving Krsna, there is no question of happiness. There is no question of happiness
- Every one of them is thinking on the bodily platform: "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am German," and "I am Englishman," like that. Therefore there is no solution because the basic principle is wrong
- Every one of you become a guru, not a bluffer, but a guru, real guru. "How real guru? What can be done? I have no qualification." Yare dekha tare kaha krsna-upadesa: (CC Madhya 7.128) "You simply take the words of Krsna and preach."
- Every paisa should be spent for Krsna; otherwise we shall be liable to pay. If we use one farthing for our sense gratification, then we will have to pay for it. This is the law of karma
- Every point is very clear. In the Bhagavad-gita, every point is very clear, unless you interpret it in the wrong way
- Every scripture is made according to the time, atmosphere, persons - so many things there are conditional. Therefore we sometimes find differences in one scripture from another
- Every step, there are three kinds of miserable condition: adhyatmika, adhibautika, adhidaivika
- Every year, the new batches of students, and you'll have opportunities of selling a new set. If the university professors cooperate - they must; they should - then we'll have every year a large number of books sold
- Everyone accepts Him (Krsna), all the acaryas, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Sankaracarya, Lord Caitanya. So why don't you accept Krsna? Why you're searching after learned man? Here is the best learned man. Simple truth
- Everyone can be, sudhyanti, they can be purified. But if you take the real process, this is Krsna consciousness process
- Everyone has some vague idea of God, but no clear idea. Therefore God descends to show what He is. If we speculate on God, someone will think one thing and another person will think another. This is the result of speculation
- Everyone in this material world, they're born foolish and still they're manufacturing knowledge. That is cheating. That is going on
- Everyone is at the present moment out of touch of the real science of spiritual knowledge. Everyone is going under some religious badge only, so it is very difficult to deal with them unless they are very much serious to understand the science of God
- Everyone is eating. The ants within your home, within the hole of your room, they're also eating. So who is not eating? Everyone is eating. Why you have made a civilization to work hard like an ass for your eating? What is this civilization?
- Everyone is fighting. The Pakistani is fighting with Hindustani. Twenty years ago, there was no Pakistani. But due to this false identification of body, a section has become Pakistani. Similarly, long, long ago there was only Vedic culture
- Everyone is hankering after good position, but where is that good position, that he does not know. Everyone is hankering after water, but he is going after water in the desert. That is animalism
- Everyone is in ignorance. Any sinful activity is done out of ignorance. So ignorance is no excuse. The butcher is killing animal because he does not know what is the effect of this killing
- Everyone is riding on the chariot of mind. And the mind is taking him here and there, here... And the yoga practice is also treatment
- Everyone is sudra. Kalau sudra-sambhavah. Who is going to become brahmana? We are inviting everyone, "Come here, become brahmana." Who is interested?
- Everyone is thinking, "I am very comfortable at home. I have got my wife. I have got my children. I have got my bank balance. I have got so many things. I have got my nation, community. I am secure. I am secure." Why he is thinking like that?
- Everyone is trying to bring in the forefront the party politics because the leader cannot be successful unless the whole country accepts his philosophy, his party. But Krsna consciousness is so nice that it does not require that a community
- Everyone is under the grip of material nature. How you can be highest authority? But they imagine, "Yes, I am high authority. I am..." Meditate: "I am the highest authority, I am moving the sun, I am moving the this," simply rascaldom
- Everyone is unhappy although they are rendering service and taking service. This is going on, but nobody is happy because this is artificial. Real service... Unless the thing comes to the real point, there is no peace
- Everyone is welcome to take this culture, education. We have no such sectarian view. No
- Everyone should be engaged. That is management. So all GBC members must see that in every temple, everyone is engaged
- Everyone wants to be master of another. Actually he does not serve anyone. He serves because he gets some money. So as soon as the money payment is stopped, immediately servant becomes disobedient. Therefore there is no service in the material world
- Everyone, all nonsense rascals, silent. He does not know what is God. And what is his religion? If you do not know what is God, a vague idea, that is not religion. You must know what is God
- Everyone, door to door, a devotee has to go and teach them that - You are leading a very, very irresponsible life. Be responsible to your consciousness and be a devotee of Krsna. That will save you
- Everyone, the materialistic man means ghostly haunted. He's talking so many nonsense. The whole grade, philosophy, science and everything, all ghostly talking, that's all. There is no reality
- Everything belongs to God. You can simply enjoy after being sanctioned by God. Otherwise not. This is real philosophy
- Everything belongs to Krishna and He is giving everything, even to the nondevotees, even to the animals who have no consciousness of Krishna; and what to speak of His devotees
- Everything can be utilized for Krsna. That is our preaching. That is truth. There is a nice car. Why shall I condemn it? Utilize it for Krsna. Then it is truth
- Everything is said there, we are discussing one point, that, one is, if we are convinced, that requires education. Love, we are being frustrated every point. Now when the perfectional point we shall come, that is by loving the original objective
- Everything is scientific reason, philosophy. But the simple method is so easy to perform that anyone can understand very easily. What is that? Sarva-dharman parityajya... (BG 18.66). What Krsna says, you accept
- Everything is there, but it has to be cleansed. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission. By chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, you'll be able to cleanse your misconception of life
- Everything we are now doing in the matter of sense gratification, we have to prepare ourself, we have to train ourself for the sense gratification of Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- Everything will be all right. So this is not a sentimental fanaticism, religious movement. This is scientific movement for the good of the whole world
- Everywhere, wherever we have got our center, a varnasrama college should be established to train four divisions: one class, brahmana; one class, ksatriya; one class, vaisya; and one class, sudra
- Existence... To purify the existence we have to practice tapasya, not running like cats and dogs here and there. This will not make solution of life
- Farming means if you live in a farm... Just like in New Vrindaban they are doing. Produce your own food
- First of all surrender. Then what way you shall surrender, that is different thing, another stage, more confidential. First of all there is surrender
- First of all try to become sinless: no illicit sex life, no intoxication, no meat-eating, no gambling. Observe these four regulative principles and chant Hare Krsna mantra as far as possible, at least sixteen rounds
- First of all try to train yourself to be free from the sinful activities. Then you'll understand what is religion
- First of all we pray to God to help us in the, our, I mean to say, preaching or chanting process. Then we begin chanting this Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, Hare Rama Hare Rama, conjoinedly, congregationally
- First of all you have to follow a perfect leader. Then whatever he says, that is perfect. So that peace, you have given a definition of peace
- First of all you have to step on the first step, then second step, then... Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate (SB 1.2.11). So everything requires training and knowledge
- First of all you must know it, athato brahma jijnasa, that superior knowledge. That is required. But everyone is neglecting
- First of all, Suta Gosvami was selected because he received the knowledge from Vyasadeva and other sages very perfectly on account of his becoming submissive and serious
- First of all, you have to die. You may manufacture some so-called ananda, but you'll die. Now, suppose we are dancing here, and if we understand that immediately death will take place, then we shall not be able to enjoy the dancing
- First of all, you must become graduate, then you should take entrance in the law college, then you must learn. So what is God, that is the inquiry, but it requires training. And that is Vedic dharma, varnasrama-dharma
- First thing is by chanting your misconception of life will be cleared
- First-class brain means to realize self, to understand God, and do accordingly. This is required. This is called varnasrama-dharma
- Fools, rascals. Abodha-jato, they have been described - all rascals, fools. Parabhavas tavad abodha-jato yavan na jijnasata atma. So long they do not come to the point of understanding spirit soul, they are simply rascals
- For any intelligent man, Bhagavad-gita is perfect knowledge. There is no doubt about it. But unfortunately most men are rascals. That is the difficulty. Otherwise, there is perfect instruction
- For cruel people, those who are accustomed to killing, for them this is best advice, "Thou shall not kill". Next stage - prasadam. First of all let them stop
- For preaching work, especially in India, preachers are generally sannyasi. And I know that even in Buddha philosophy, a Buddhist, a person following Buddhist religion, he has to take sannyasa at least for some time
- For providing myself, my body and soul together, I have to, work so much. But Krsna, He is providing millions and trillions of living entities without any endeavor
- For the comforts of life, the so-called comforts of life I shall be able to enjoy, I am forced to work day and night. And I am thinking I am happy. This is called maya
- Formerly the brahmanas, real brahmanas, they refused to take any charity from others, even up to this date, because according to Vedic system, when charity was to be given, it is to be given to the brahmanas or the sannyasis. That is real charity
- Formerly the ksatriyas, they were trained up how to govern. They were trained up by military men, just like Dronacarya trained Arjuna, Duryodhana. All the royal princes were trained up how to kill
- Four orders of spiritual life and four orders of material life, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. This is called varnasrama-dharma. So India, it is especially practiced, India
- Four varnas: brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra; and four asramas: brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa. These are called varnasrama-dharma. So in every varna, brahmana, his qualification is described in the sastra
- Get prepared to meet anyone, scientists, philosopher, poet, talk with them, and he can give answer to all their questions. But our method is very simple
- Glories to the sri-krsna-sankirtana, which cleanses the heart of all the dust accumulated for years together. Thus the fire of conditioned life, of repeated birth and death is extinguished
- Go on chanting, offering prasadam. You have got your food grains. Don't be dependent on anyone else. Become self-independent. And don't be after money. Simply produce your bare necessities of life
- Go on finding out more, more, more. When you come to the final, that is God or Krsna. So we take instruction from Him. Therefore we are better than the so-called university professors
- Go to gurukula and serve the mahat guru, the broad-minded guru, just like a menial servant. What is that? Now you go collect everything for guru, alms, and do not claim proprietorship. It is guru's property
- God is not conquerable, but He becomes conquerable, He is conquered, by a devotee who gives up this nonsense process of understanding Him by his limited knowledge and becomes submissive
- God is one. God is neither Christian nor Hindu or Muslim or... No. God is God. Just like gold. Gold is gold. Either in the Hindu community, or Muslim community, gold is gold
- God is present here, and still, you are wasting your time. Therefore Krsna says, mudha. Mudha. Na mam duskrtino mudhah (BG 7.15). Simply rascal. They cannot be given any other title except this one title, mudhah
- God is the supreme controller. And we have to learn how to remain peacefully under the supreme controller. Just like citizens and the government. Good citizenship means one who lives under the control of the government
- God is witnessing all our activities, and our mental situation. So He orders maya, the external energy, prakrti, that "He requires to be given a body like this," and the material nature gives the living entity a particular type of body
- God says, "Surrender unto Me." Guru is preaching... That is real guru. He's preaching, "Surrender to Krsna." He'll never say, "Surrender unto Me."
- God-made law, if you kill an animal, you are equally punishable as you kill a man. That is God's law. There is no excuse that he..., when you kill a man you are punishable, but when you kill an animal you are not punishable. This is concoction
- Good citizen means who follows the laws of the state. He is good citizen. Good citizenship means strictly following the laws of the government. Similarly, first-class human being means who follows the laws of God
- Good citizenship means living under the direction of the government. That is good citizenship. Similarly, human life means to live nicely under the direction of God. The cats and dogs, they cannot understand
- Government gives protection to the good citizen, and those who are rogues, punish them. Law and order. Two things are there: maintenance and law and order. So similarly, our Krsna consciousness is also the same thing
- Gradually try to convince them that this movement is the perfection of Communism. Go on singing Krsna kirtana. That is our program
- Gradually we develop different types of body and different types of consciousness. So when we come finally to God consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, that is the perfection of life
- Grhamedhi. These rascals who are very much attached to so-called family life, grhamedhi... Grhastha is different. Grhastha means he knows everything. But he is not so advanced, but he wants to live with wife and children, but for Krsna consciousness
- Guru cannot be a false guru. False guru has no such thing. If one guru is genuine and the disciple is genuine, then both of them are benefited and they go back to home, back to Godhead
- Guru is there, but unless you are actually serious, you cannot get real guru. If you want to be cheated or if you are a cheater, then you'll get a cheater guru
- Hari-tosanam - whether by your duty, by your action, the Supreme Lord is satisfied. Just like we want to satisfy... In the schools, colleges, we want to satisfy our professor, teachers, principal. Or as good citizen we want to satisfy our government
- He (Arjuna) sacrificed all sentiments, all connection, everything for Krsna. That is called sannyasa, real sannyasa. Although he was a warrior, a fighter, a householder having more than dozen wives, but he was sannyasa
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) was in renounced order of life; He gave up His family, beautiful wife, very affectionate mother, very comfortable home, very prestige, too much prestige of His personality in the society. He gave up everything
- He (Krsna) is in everyone's heart and giving direction, all contradiction. This is Krsna. Don't try to imitate Krsna, rascal. Krsna is not so easy. Krsna is Krsna. You are you are. That is real philosophy
- He (Krsna) is special friend of the devotee. Suhrt satam. Satam means those who are devotees Asatam means nondevotee. So He is suhrt satam. So He is sitting within your heart
- He (Krsna) is the owner of the universe, He is the supreme enjoyer, the supreme knower of everything, and that we are always welcome to associate with Him by the grace of His devotees, by the grace of a spiritual master
- He is eating stool and becoming fatty, and as soon as there is sex desire, without any discrimination he enjoys many she-hogs, never mind sister or mother. Because the life is so made that he will enjoy in this way
- He is greatest offender, one who thinks that - By chanting Hare Krsna mantra, I become free from reaction of sinful life. So the whole day I shall go on committing all kinds of sinful activities, and at night or sometime I shall chant Hare Krsna
- He is receiving knowledge from the perfect, and he's simply repeating that knowledge. That is the instruction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- He may be a king's son or a very great brahmana's son, but as soon as he agrees to live with the spiritual master, he has to live just like a menial servant
- He said, yadrcchaya copapannam svarga-dvaram apavrtam: Arjuna, you are hesitating to fight, but it is a great opportunity for you. Because as a ksatriya, if you kill these cheaters and rogues, that will be a great achievement for you
- He's (Krsna) friend of everyone, but a special friend of the devotees. Suhrt satam. Therefore you have to become a devotee. Therefore it is said, na yujyamanaya bhaktya. Bhaktya means devotee
- Hearing is the first step in God realization; therefore if we can simply convince these big men to hear, then gradually they will come to the point of accepting us
- Here is a lame man; here is a blind man. All right, combine together and use them. That is wanted
- Here is Krsna, the direct, I mean to say, highest authority. Mattah parataram nanyat kincid asti dhananjaya (BG 7.7). The Lord says that "There is no other superior personality than Me."
- Here is no cheating process. We say that this maha-mantra can save you, we are distributing publicly, no. Free, without any charge
- Here is the person, Supreme Personality of Godhead. If you serve Krsna, then your senses become satisfied. Therefore His name is Govinda. Actually, we want to serve our senses, but the real senses, the transcendental senses, is Krsna, Govinda
- Here is the truth, Bhagavad-gita, Krsna. So why don't you accept this truth? If you are actually trying to find out the truth, here is the truth. It is accepted by all learned scholars and acaryas of India: the Supreme Absolute Truth is Krsna
- Here it is, the bhagavan word is, used; therefore I give you a little definition of bhagavan. So bhagavan uvaca. Now, because He is complete in knowledge, therefore His instruction is valuable
- Here our one sannyasi is present, Satsvarupa. He is visiting the libraries, universities, professors, and we are getting very good response
- Highest authority means nobody is equal to him, nobody is greater than him. That is supreme. So these rascals who are claiming to become God, is it a fact that nobody is equal to him, nobody is greater than him?
- Hindustan has become independent, but while she was under foreign government she had the liberty to preach her culture and religion in foreign countries
- His hand is like this. His flute is like this. His hair is like this. Eyes are...- Study everything minutely. Then that is meditation, and this will help you to think of Krsna constantly
- His Holiness Srila Gopala Bhatta Goswami was the originator of Vaisnava Smrti in our Gaudiya Sampradaya and your good self is the worthy descendant of Sri Goswamiji. I hope you will kindly take this matter very seriously
- How a three-month-old child can kill a big demon, Putana. These things are there in the Bhagavatam about Krsna's life. How do you claim to become as good as Krsna? This is crazy. Animalism
- How can you deny that there is no consciousness in the matter of sun rising, moon rising, seasonal changes, and so many planets floating in the air? So many wonderful things are being done in the material nature
- How can you save yourself, not become a cockroach? Because the body is changing. That is in other's hand, Karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1). By superior supervision. It is not your choice
- How can you support Christ that if he has done killing business himself and he instructs others not to kill?
- How everyone can become spiritual master? A spiritual master must have sufficient knowledge, so many other qualification
- How great rascals they are! Simply to deny the existence of God, that's all. That is their business. And the creation has no brain, asatyam. Anisvaram - There is no God. It is all false
- How I can say God is dead? Because if God is the law-giver, by His order everything is moving nicely. The sun is rising exactly at the time, the moon is rising exactly at the time, the seasonal changes are taking place exactly in due course of time
- How subtle things are going on, that is described in the Sankhya philosophy presented by Kapiladeva, but we do not understand practically how things are going on
- How these European, American boys and girls, they are coming to Krsna consciousness? How? They have changed their quality. By the process, we have got this process. In this process we can change the quality
- How we can expect good government? You become Krsna conscious, you elect your representative, Krsna conscious, and the government will be all right. You'll be happy
- How you can expect good society, good management? If you want good society, good management, people happy in this life and next, then you have to adopt the principles given by Sri Krsna Himself in the Bhagavad-gita
- However burden you may feel, as soon as you perform krsna-kirtana, you'll find immediately refreshed. So one who has got taste for this kirtana, he has no problem
- Human being can inquire about spiritual affair. So when there is spiritual inquiry, then one requires a guru
- Human form of life means to make solution of all the problems of material life. Sukham atyantikam. Every one of us, we are searching after happiness, that's a fact. But we are misguided
- Human life is an opportunity to stop all the problems of material life. So if he does not do so, if he does not understand or take to this business how to solve all the problems of life, then he's missing the opportunity
- Human life is meant for tapasya, austerities, not to live extravagant life, irresponsible life like cats and dogs. No
- Human life means athato brahma jijnasa. They, the human being should be inquisitive to understand Brahman. That is the special significance of human life
- Human life means when we inquire about the Absolute Truth. That is human life. So there are so many societies, so many religious institutions. But nobody is interested to know Krsna, or the Supreme Being
- Human society is so arranged that the people, the members of the human society, should be free from all anxiety. Therefore we require good citizens, good father and mother, good system of government, and pious, virtuous, cooperation between God and nature
- I (Prabhupada) beg to introduce myself as an Indian monk, following the Vedic principles of religious life, and at the present, I am in the renounced order of Sannyas (aged 72 years) and preaching God consciousness all over the world
- I (Prabhupada) have already admitted, that by modern scientific method if you can change the condition of your present body then you can go. It may be possible, but that is very remote
- I (Prabhupada) have presented a summary study, and the summary study has come to 407 pages. If we would have elaborately described each and every verse, then it would have come to at least thousand pages
- I (Prabhupada) have quoted so many slokas from Lord Caitanya's writing - He has actually taught how to love Krsna, or God. That is the most significant point of His preaching work
- I (Prabhupada) request you that each and every one of you just become mahatma, not crippled-minded, but broad-minded. So that is possible when we understand Krsna is the source of all energy
- I (Prabhupada) say always, the lame man meets the blind man. Together they do wonderful. And different they cannot do anything. He is blind, he is lame. But they join together, Indian culture and American money, they will save the whole world
- I (Prabhupada) think I have spoken about my own life. You know that I was a married man. So after being married, I did not like my wife. (laughter) Somehow or other, I did not like
- I (Prabhupada) understand. But I am understanding from my teacher, just like I told you, Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Visnu Svami, Lord Caitanya. There are so many stalwart teachers, practically whole Hindu community
- I (Prabhupada) would request you to join. We have got branches here. We are chanting daily twice. Especially we are holding meetings on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. And you try to understand
- I am killing somebody, somebody is killing me. That is nature's way. So what is your special credit? There is no credit. There is no credit. You save yourself not to be destroyed by others
- I am now young man, let me enjoy. And in old age, after passing sixty years, when there will be no other engagement, at that time I shall chant Hare Krsna mantra. - No. Immediately, turnam yate
- I am permanent. And body is changing. This simple truth, what is the difficulty for the people to understand this simple truth? The body is changing, but I am not changing. I am eternal
- I am servant of God, this is my real occupation, but giving up my service to God, I am giving service to maya
- I am speaking this freely because you are a gentleman, but the civilization, modern civilization, everyone is addicted to intoxication, everyone is flesh-eating, everyone is illicit sex, everyone is addicted to gambling. So where is pure person?
- I am undergoing miseries, so many miseries. So the whole idea is that I have to get out of this material contact and reinstate myself in the pure spiritual life so that I shall not, I shall be free from all miseries
- I can develop the body like an elephant, but the elephant is conducted under the direction of a man. You know? Such a big animal is controlled by a small boy of human being. So everyone is under control
- I can meet the president or some exalted person, but to become in love with him in intimacy, that is not easy job. But Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu distributed this Krsna love immediately
- I do not know the modern expedition of going to the moon planet, how far it will be successful. I think it cannot be successful. According to Vedic literature, it cannot be successful because people cannot adjust to enter that planet
- I do not pay these boys. Rather, they pay me, and they engage the service. They pay and serve. In the material world, as soon as you stop payment there is no service. Why? Because they, by serving Krsna, they get transcendental pleasure
- I don't wish to take much of your time, but our method is very simple, and your life will be sublime. There is no loss. The gain is very great. So if you like, you can take it
- I have already explained the four kinds of sinful activities you should avoid. But if you think that you are chanting, therefore there will be no reaction of sinful activities, that is the greatest sin
- I have explained that, what is meant by God. God means the source of everything. Where is that theologician who can deny it?
- I have given understanding already in my book. That I am explaining. Why these books are being written? Just to explain things very nicely. They are already there. You try to understand
- I have got everything complete. But it is no guarantee that next life you shall become American and you will be situated in the same position. Therefore my enjoyment, so-called enjoyment is false enjoyment. Temporary
- I have got so many assistants, so many, all over the world. So as soon as you take up Krsna consciousness movement and its originator, founder, so he is not alone
- I have noted by your letter that already you are progressing nicely by associating with devotees & chanting 22 rounds daily so there is no more any need to wait. You may send to my Los Angles address your chanting beads so that you may receive initiation
- I have rejected the real purpose of my life. - Adhama means valueless things. And dhana means valuables. So actually, everyone of us, neglecting our spiritual emanicipation, we are engaged in material sense gratification
- I have repeatedly explained that if somebody has no master to serve, he voluntarily accepts a cat or dog as his master to serve. The nice name is pet dog, but it is serving
- I have several times explained that you cannot make law in your comfortable home. No. Law is made by the government. And you have to accept it
- I have to give up this body, again accept another body, again suffer? This is the problem, but mudha, duskrtina, they do not see to the real problem. That is their fault. Neither they have knowledge to see the real problem
- I hope you will appreciate this process of preaching to please the facts as they are confirmed by all Vaisnava acaryas. We are publishing our books thoroughly on the basis of this philosophy
- I know that the ghost, if you go in a house ghostly haunted, if you chant Hare Krsna mantra, they'll go away. They cannot tolerate. In my life there was several incidences like that
- I may be small. I may be a spiritual atom. My position is that I am spiritual atom, and the Supreme Spirit is all, the greatest, but that does not mean I am different from the quality. I am of the same quality. So I am not void
- I might have been cheated or I might not have approached the proper person, but that does not mean that I can stop that idea
- I must hear and I must chant with the tongue. Then you keep yourself always in Krsna consciousness. Our method is very simple
- I repeatedly request the management that you must be very expert in managing these temple affairs. Everything to the right point. Not a single farthing should be wasted. A Vaisnava must be daksa, expert in everything. This is no excuse
- I say the real yogis, they do not come out. Because that will fail. It is clearly stated that he must live in a secluded place alone. Then yoga practice perfection is possible
- I shall show you God." This business is going on. God's seeing is so cheap thing that any rascal comes, "Can you show me God," and another rascal says, "Yes, come to me
- I think they are not prepared to hear these things. If you talk that "You are God, I am God," then they will like it. As soon as the real process of self-realization, God-realization, is put before them, they are not agreeing
- I want Englishmen to join more than from the Indian community because they are not fixed up, neither they are very serious about Krishna Consciousness. They are more interested in something else
- I want especially that my books and literature should be distributed profusely. This is our substance, real philosophical information, not some weak sentiments
- I was married... My wife was eleven years. So in this age there is no question of love. It is not that the husband and wife lives together, no. Unless the girl is grown up, she is not going to the husband. She remains with the father and mother
- I'll speak something, you may forget, but if you read from the book, you will get good opportunity to understand the philosophy
- If a man is suffering from the bodily ailments, if he is given some relief in the hospital, or if the society is not educated, give him education, this is all good work undoubtedly. But the ultimate good work is not known to them
- If a material thing can have so much effect, immediately, the spiritual atom cannot do that? That is called science. Similarly, the biggest spiritual identity, Krsna, He can become all-pervading. We are particle spiritual, spark
- If all of us take to Krsna consciousness, then our life is successful, mutual cooperation
- If anyone has advanced little in spiritual life, they come to the point of nirakara, or nirvisesa-brahman, formless. That is the first step in Brahman realization
- If anyone offends a Vaisnava, a pure devotee of Krsna, he is the greatest offender. Krsna never excuses
- If body says, "I have brought lamp. You can see," this is nonsense. So Bhagavad-gita is so perfectly illuminated that anyone can understand without any very advanced knowledge, simple knowledge
- If by chanting His holy name we become sinless, how God can become sinful? It is not possible
- If by karma he has to accept the body of a rat, it will not be excused by nature that "You have constructed skyscraper building; therefore you'll again come and live there." No, that is not possible
- If devotees chant always, that is Krsna or Vaikuntha. Tatra tistha... Tatra tisthami. Yatra gayanti mad-bhaktah. They must be pure devotee and always talk about Krsna, chant about Krsna. Then it is Vaikuntha
- If everyone is God then where is the necessity of religion? If everyone is president then where is the necessity of lawmaking? So this is going on. This is very unfortunate situation
- If he makes his choice after getting good education from the right source that, "I am going on in the wrong way by the desire to lord it over the material nature, but I am eternal servant of Krsna, therefore I must surrender now,"
- If I am addicted to intoxication and if I say that "You don't take any intoxication," then who will care for me?
- If I can live by eating fruits and grains and milk, why shall I kill animal? This is human consciousness. Milk, if you get milk, you can prepare hundreds of nice preparations, all full of vitamins and nourishing
- If I do not change for the better, then my life is very risky. Suppose a healthy man, if he is in the society of contamination, is it not his life is very risky?
- If I do not know you, you do not know me, when we live ten thousand miles away, there is no question of love. Love means when there is intimacy. So to understand God is very difficult
- If I keep myself in the darkness like cats and dogs, that "I am this body," then my life is very risky. By nature's way we are given this opportunity, human form of life
- If I want to inquire about God, shall I go to the storekeeper or drug shop or a motor shop? No. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). If you want to know the transcendental science, then you must find out a guru. That is injunction
- If Krsna does not manage things nicely, then we are doomed. Just like we were walking on the sea beach. Such a vast ocean
- If Krsna is pleased upon you, then what remains? Everything you get. Everything you get. Yasmin vijnate sarvam eva vijnatam bhavanti. Easiest way to please Krsna... You don't require much money, much education, and nothing of the sort
- If Krsna says "Go away," we shall go away, what is that? Why so much legal implication? Everywhere, although we have got big, big buildings, I don't think we own it. It is Krsna's
- If Mr. Renovich is interested only in philosophical discussions, we are prepared for that. But at the same time we are concerned mostly with the mass of people, therefore Hare Krishna kirtana is our life and soul
- If one actually becomes wise, jnanavan, he understands this simple truth, that jivera svarupa haya krsnera nitya dasa, this simple truth, that every living entity is eternally the servant of Krsna
- If one actually interested in real philosophy, they must come to spiritualism. Atma-tattvam. That is atma-tattvam
- If one adopts this process, hearing from the realized soul in an attitude of humbleness, then he can conquer the ajita. He can understand
- If one becomes bhakta, then mukti becomes her maidservant. Why shall I ask for mukti? Mukti is nothing. Kaivalyam narakayate. What is the mukti? It is as good as hell. Mukti means to merge into the Brahman effulgence, but there is no service of Krsna
- If one can understand Bhagavad-gita then he becomes a bona fide student of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- If one is able to control the mind, then he becomes real yogi, and at that time, dhyanavasthita, meditation. Dhyanavasthita tad gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah (SB 12.13.1). Then he sees the Paramatma always. That is perfection of yoga
- If one is absent-minded, he cannot work nicely because mind is absent or not in order. Therefore our method of controlling the senses is to engage the senses in the service of the Lord
- If one is engaged in the transcendental loving service to Vasudeva, then automatically the stage of Brahman realization automatically becomes revealed. So this ceremony is just according to the strict principles of Vaisnava smrti
- If one is intelligent enough, he will understand by association of sadhus that this material life is not happy at all, but we want happiness. That is a fact. Every one of us, we are searching after happiness
- If one is interested for spiritual advancement of life, he will go to some rascal, some avatara, some yogi, some bluffer, some magician, as spiritual salvation. Mandah manda-matayo. Why they are attracted by these rascals?
- If one is not fully Krsna conscious, then he's obliged to do his duty. This is the easiest way to become free from all obligation - to become Krsna conscious
- If one is not on the platform of God consciousness, he is not human being. He is animal. That's a fact. But we should not hate the animals because our mission is to bring them to the human consciousness
- If one is trained up to indulge in sex only for begetting nice children, there is already contraceptive method. There is no necessity of unnecessarily producing cats and dogs children. So that requires training, determination
- If one makes it his point to remain in a comfortable home life, for him, either by speculation or by teaching or by meeting, he'll never develop Krsna consciousness
- If one tries to understand Krsna, as He is, not by fiction, not by speculation, not by so-called scholarly, foolish commentation, but Krsna should be understood as He is. Then, that is right Krsna consciousness
- If our mind is... Nature of mind is always agitated, and if we artificially give impetus to the mind to be more agitated, then where is the question of samadhi? There is no question of samadhi. They'll never be able to concentrate the mind
- If people agree to take our guidance, we can change the face of the world. That is a fact. Whole world will be peaceful immediately
- If some organized things are done like government help or people help, then this movement can be pushed further nicely. Otherwise slowly it will go on, as Krsna desires
- If some yogi shows some mystic power, and little gold if he can manufacture, we accept him as God. But we forget the real yogi who has created millions of gold mines, floating in the air
- If somebody chants the name of Narayana knowingly, that "I am chanting the name of Narayana; therefore let me do, act some sinful activity," it will be counteracted. They are very sinful. They are not excused
- If somebody comes and helps this movement, one or two, we can make very steady progress. We have no money. We are struggling very hard. You see? This boy is a professor in the Ohio University. So whatever he's earning, he's spending for this
- If somebody is engaged in meditation for two hours and other is engaged for twenty-four hours, then whose meditation value will be greater?
- If the body, the American body or Indian body, or good name and big name, it has no consciousness, then what is the value? No value
- If the child touches fire, the fire will not excuse. It will burn. Similarly, as soon as you put yourself under the control of the material nature, then, according to your association, you have to accept the result
- If the king or the president understands Bhagavad-gita, he can make solution of all the problems. But he remains a rascal, and there is no solution
- If the leaders become nice, Krsna conscious, then everything will be all right. These rogues, by force, by device, they all occupy the government post. Formerly, Vedic, the king was trained up very nicely by the brahmanas
- If the man is habituated to commit sinful activities throughout the whole week, what is the use of his going to the church and confessing and give some bribe or... You take in any, any field. So it is very intelligent question. There is practically no use
- If the nature law allows sense gratification to the lower animals, birds and beast, why not to the man? But it should be controlled. Tapasya. So this is also tapasya
- If the people refuse to take Krsna consciousness, they'll never be happy. This is a fact
- If the so-called advanced in education they speak so irresponsibly, naturally, others will follow. Therefore, at the present moment, the whole generation is covered with ignorance and darkness. No clear knowledge
- If there is happiness, why the young boys and girls become hippies? No. Happiness is different. So long you have got this material body, there is no question of happiness, either this American body or Indian body. That they do not know
- If there is real jnana, then there will be vairagya. Because we are suffering on account of an attachment to this material world, so jnana means that - I have nothing to do with this material world because I am not this material body
- If there is some chance of entering such a immortal, eternal kingdom of God, why should I not take chance? - You should take chance at all risk in this life to enter into the nitya-lila, nitya-lila, eternal pastimes of the Lord
- If there is the superior identity... And for understanding that superior identity we require superior knowledge, not ordinary knowledge. Divya-jnana hrde prakasito. So this is the duty of the guru, to awaken that divya-jnana
- If there was no consciousness either in you or I, then I could not chant, neither you could hear, or neither you could chant, neither I could hear. So therefore the position of the consciousness is activity
- If these American boys or English boys would have thought that they are Englishmen, then they could not mix with us Indian in such humble way because they have their prestigious position
- If they are actually theologians, why they should not hear? Jesus Christ says that he's the son of God. But why not of the father. And what is this?
- If they cannot distinguish between right and wrong, then what is the result of this education? Education means one must be able to distinguish between the right and wrong
- If they give up that little one piece of meat, say, one ounce or two ounce, immediately we can save ourself from so much sinful activities
- If they take up Bhagavad-gita and introduce the teachings all over the world, then it is successful, United Nation. Otherwise where is unity? All false
- If we accept the ABCD, then we come to literature. Then we pass M.A. examination. Yes. So Gita is the preliminary step, first step of understanding God
- If we act for Krsna, that is called yajna. Yajna means to act for the satisfaction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead or the supreme authority. Just like a good citizen. A good citizen means who is acting exactly to the regulative laws
- If we act from the material platform, even in the modes of goodness, that is also not solution of my life. But even, even in the spiritual, from the spiritual platform, if we act which apparently may seem to be acts of passion, that is not reactionary
- If we actually are serious to understand the Absolute Truth, then one must have the shelter of acarya
- If we actually serious about our life, to get free from all the problems of life, then this is the only medicine. What is that? Tasmad bharata sarvatma bhagavan isvaro harih, srotavyah (SB 2.1.5). One has to hear
- If we agree to work under the direction of Krsna, then our original life is revived. That is wanted. The Krsna consciousness movement means that we are trying to educate people to change the consciousness
- If we are actually serious about Krsna consciousness and going back to home, back to Godhead, make our lives successful in this very life, then... Life successful means mukti, to be not entangled again with this material body
- If we are in Krsna consciousness, even if we are in the midst of mayic activities, it will not affect. So everything is there, but if you change your consciousness, then you are safe
- If we cannot understand Krsna by reading BG and sastra. Krsna therefore giving us the very easiest method. All right, you cannot understand me, you are drinking water every day, four times, three times, you just remember this taste is Krsna
- If we change our consciousness to Krsna type of consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, that is perfection of our life. The process is: by chanting Hare Krsna we keep always alive to Krsna consciousness
- If we do not accept the standard knowledge of Bhagavad-gita, then we shall continue to remain in darkness and there will be no solution of the problems of life. This is our propaganda
- If we don't understand this philosophy as Krsna teaches, asmin dehe dehinah, "Within this body there is the occupier, soul," so if you do not understand, that is very risky life. Nature's way must go on
- If we increase our quality of humanity, then our life is perfect. But if we remain in animality, then our life is imperfect. So we have to increase our human consciousness. That is Krsna consciousness
- If we miss the opportunity to understand God, then again we are put into the cycle of this evolutionary process. We should not therefore misuse this form like other forms
- If we perform this Krsna sankirtana, then immediately our core of heart, which is filled up with all dirty things will be cleansed
- If we remain in animal condition of life, then that is aghavan. When one is in animal condition, that means more sinful. So we have to become sinless. That requires jnana-vairagya
- If we simply discover atomic weapons for defense, that is not final advancement of civilization. Final civilization is how to save yourself from death. That is civilization
- If we simply keep ourself on the business of eating, sleeping, sex and defense like cats and dogs, this is very, very risky life
- If we study that the asuras, their symptoms are described... So asuras are condemned. They cannot have any happiness. They'll simply go on theorizing. There is no solution, so one has to become deva
- If we take simply the advantage of the pious river, yat-tirtha-buddhih salile, but we don't care for the persons who are living there, very experienced, spiritually advanced persons, then we remain animals
- If we take the shelter of the so-called bluffers, then that is not Vedanta. People do not know anything and they can be bluffed and cheated by anyone. That is the... And now they should learn from this Krsna consciousness movement what is Vedanta
- If we utilize our human form of life properly, then we stop the cycle of birth and death. And if we do not use this human form of life properly, again we go to that cycle of birth and death
- If we want to approach God, we must be pure. Just like without high temperature, nobody can enter into the fire, similarly, God is the topmost temperature. We must acquire that temperature
- If we want to save ourself from the fierceful condition of this material life, then we must take shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If we want to save ourself-We do not know how to save. Gadurika-pravaha. Gadurika-pravaha-nyaya. There is a logic of gadurika-pravaha. One man is doing something, and another man is following
- If you accept Krsna as the center... Just like in a family if you accept the head of the family, your father, as the guiding principle, the family's happy
- If you accept natural death and natural body, then your karma ksaya, you annihilate your karma, but if you commit suicide, then you become ghost. Because nature's punishment. You got a body and you neglected it
- If you actually serious about advancement of spiritual life, then you cannot encourage illicit connection, no. I request all my young students that - You get yourself married
- If you actually serious of going to the spiritual sky and Vaikunthaloka, then take this simple method, Hare Krsna
- If you actually want to save yourself from dragging down again to the lower abominable species of life, then you must take to Krsna consciousness, bhakti-yoga
- If you adopt spiritual life, then your material miseries will be gradually decreased, and practically it will be nil. And when we are actually free from material affinity, then your real spiritual life begins. Athasakti
- If you all keep to the standard practices of pure spiritual life as I have humbly instructed you, there is no doubt that this Sankirtana Movement of Lord Caitanya will overtake all the earth and all opposing parties will be cracked down to nothing
- If you allow people to indulge in sinful life, how you can expect good citizen? That is not possible. Their character must reform. So we have taken from the root. We are making men of character, knowledge, sincerity, God conscious
- If you are a student of Vedas, then you must have clear conception of God. That is real knowledge, no vague idea, but clear conception. That is knowledge, Vedic knowledge
- If you are actually hankering after Krsna - Krsna is within yourself - He will give you a guru. He will give you a guru. Guru-krsna-krpaya. But we must be fortunate to get real guru
- If you are actually inquisitive to understand what is sreyas, that is sreyas-kamah. kamah means desiring, and sreyas means ultimate good. Not preyas-kamah. If you want to enjoy these material facilities, then you can go to such kind of men
- If you are actually intelligent, then you'll think that, "Who can be more intelligent than Krsna? Let me take His advice." That is real intelligence
- If you are actually serious about becoming immortal, then you should study the Vedic literatures from India
- If you are actually serious about the ultimate goal of life, then you approach a guru
- If you are actually serious student, research worker, then after executing research work for many, many birth, when you are actually wise, jnanavan, then you will surrender to Krsna
- If you are actually serious, then come to the process, adau sraddha. Just like you are hearing me kindly. It is called sraddha. You have got little sraddha. Next stage is sadhu-sanga
- If you are fourth-class man, then serve other. If you are fifth-class man, then go to the jungle and hunt some animal and eat. Then these persons, they, cheating, stealing, these are the occupation of the tenth class, eighth class, like that
- If you are interested in the skin, if you are interested in the flesh, so at least wait for the time the animal will die. There is no doubt about it. So at least let him, let her die natural death. Why you should kill?
- If you are sinful, how you can lead persons? Andha yathandhair upaniyamanah (SB 7.5.31). Blind man is leading other blind men. Therefore there is no solution. Why the world is in chaos? Because the leaders are all sinful
- If you are thinking of your pet dog, then you get the dog's body. And if you are thinking of Krsna, God, then you'll get the body like Krsna. That will be decided at the time of your death
- If you become Krsna conscious and if you act in that way, then all other problems in the material conditional life - solved
- If you become leader, so-called leader, rascal leader, and you are addicted to illicit sex and intoxication and meat-eating, you must be si . . . if you are sinful, how you can lead persons?
- If you become submissive and if you begin this service, chanting and eating prasadam, then svayam eva sphuraty adah, simply by these two kinds of practices, Krsna will Himself reveal Himself before you
- If you can execute cent percent, then the whole life is perfect. But even if you do not come to the perfectional point, whatever you have done, that is your permanent asset. Next life you begin from that point
- If you can help, you can simply repeat the instruction of Krsna. Otherwise you have no power to help. It is all concoction
- If you can inject this Krishna Consciousness to the young children, it will be a great service to the humanity and to the Lord
- If you change your consciousness to Krsna consciousness, wherever you are, you are in Vaikuntha
- If you chant about Krsna, if you think about Krsna, if you offer worship to Krsna, if you engage yourself with some service to Krsna, if you offer everything for Krsna, you'll see Krsna always, twenty-four hours. This is the process
- If you chant Hare Krsna mantra regularly, you'll be cured. Otherwise, regular tapasya is almost impossible nowadays
- If you continue your demonic civilization, there is no question of happiness. That Hitler will come and this will come, that will... They will fight for some time, create some disturbance and go away
- If you do good work, you'll have to enjoy, so-called enjoyment. And if you do bad work, then you have to suffer. But if you work for Krsna, there is no such reaction
- If you do not become a good citizen, then you are put into the prison house, good citizen and bad citizen. Similarly, the aim of human life is to approach Visnu
- If you do not know what government desires, expects from you, then what is the meaning of your good citizenship? There is no meaning. Similarly, to become religious without any clear understanding of God is bogus, is cheating. That is cheating
- If you do not take education, if you remain fools and rascals, then you will suffer and create disturbance for others also. Therefore everyone must be educated, good citizens. It is good for him, good for others
- If you don't infect a certain disease, then you don't grow it. And if you infect... Therefore you must know or you must know the rules and regulation, how you can save yourself from infection
- If you engage in your sense gratification, how you can satisfy Krsna's senses? So you have to stop this nonsense sense gratification, you have to adopt the real sense gratification. That is renunciation
- If you establish Deity, you must worship to the best capacity of your possession. That is Deity worship. But if one hasn't got to offer anything, he can offer everything within the mind
- If you have got perfect knowledge, then the result will be yaj jnatva. If you possess that perfect knowledge, then moksyase asubhat
- If you have got power, then you'll reach the sun planet, you'll see the sun-god, because the original source of the sunshine is the sun-god. Similarly, brahmajyoti, the origin of brahmajyoti is Krsna, brahmano hi pratisthaham
- If you have knowledge, theoretical knowledge even, that everything is Krsna's energy and if you have love for Krsna, with reference to the context, whatever you see, you see Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- If you have no other engagement, then we have got these beads, "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna..." You can day and night, twenty-four hours, go on. This is called mauna
- If you have something best then you forget low grade pleasure. So this sex pleasure is lower grade pleasure. It is not pleasure, it is illusion, but in material world this is the greatest pleasure
- If you have understood Bhagavad-gita, then you should have understood that whatever Krsna has said, that is truth
- If you infect some disease, it must develop and you must have to suffer. There is no excuse. Similarly, if you are associating with the modes of ignorance and you are committing some sins, the effect you must have to suffer
- If you keep them as dogs they will simply bark. There will be no more peace. Just try to understand practically. You have to make them a human being. If you keep them dogs and cats, there cannot be any peace. This is really knowledge
- If you kill somebody, then you become criminal. But when a soldier kills hundreds of men, he is not criminal. The process is the same, but because one is acting on behalf of the supreme lawgiver, he is immune
- If you kindly hear sri-krsna-sankirtana, if you cannot chant Sri Krsna, the holy name of Krsna, you are so reluctant, or if you cannot because to chant Hare Krsna mantra, that also requires little fortune
- If you learn how to surrender to Krsna, that is real understanding of Vedanta. Bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19). This conclusion comes of the Vedantist, so-called Vedantist
- If you love one girl, if you love one boy, that is very nice. That is natural. That is not unnatural. But don't change that love. Be combined permanently
- If you perform one yajna, sankirtana-yajna, then you become clear from everyone's debt. Gato mukundam saranam saranyam. Then we are freed from all debts
- If you practice acting only for Krsna, then that seed of your material existence will be wiped out completely. So that is bija-nirharanam, wiping out the seed altogether
- If you produce some fourth-class, fifth-class, tenth-class of men what is social work? We are producing that. Just see. Here is first-class man. They do not have any bad habit, illicit sex, intoxication, meat eating, or gambling
- If you put foodstuff in your stomach, all the parts of your body feel energetic. That is material service. That is not spiritual service. Spiritual service (is) beyond that
- If you put yourself in the waves of natural inclination, that is not human life. You have to restrict. The whole human life is meant for learning restriction. That is human life. That is perfect Vedic civilization
- If you receive the knowledge from the authority, then you are in perfect knowledge, simply by..., not by reading the books. Therefore our method is to accept the perfect guru to understand the subject matter
- If you render service to Krsna, then He'll reveal to you. Revelation. So, he, how much service he's giving, that will be tested how much he has, I mean to say, realized Krsna. This is the test. If Krsna is still vague idea to him, then he hasn't advanced
- If you simply consult dictionary, you can understand what is the meaning of God. God is so cheap thing, huh? Supreme being. Are you supreme being? Supreme means the highest authority. Highest authority means nobody is equal to him
- If you simply cook for your sense gratification, then you have to take responsibility of all the killing business. But if you offer to Krsna and take the prasadam, you become free from the contamination
- If you simply repeat what Krsna has said. Krsna says, man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam namaskuru (BG 18.65), mam evaisyasi asamsayam. What is the difficulty?
- If you simply repeat what Krsna says or Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, then you become equal to me. Equal to me? That is guru. Guru means who is equal
- If you simply study Veda, you will never be able to understand Krsna. Therefore so many so-called Vedantists, they do not know what is Krsna. They consider Krsna as ordinary human being
- If you simply wash the cage very nicely and cover it and paint it and the bird within the cage is crying, starving... What is this civilization? Similarly, we spirit soul, we have been encaged within this body
- If you take false thing, then you will be frustrated. If you take real path of God realization, there is no question of frustration
- If you take to the devotional service submissively, if you become submissive, surrendered, and you render service to the Lord, then, by His causeless mercy, He becomes revealed
- If you take, simply take religion without basis of philosophy, then it is fanaticism. That's all
- If you think still that "I am more intelligent (than) Krsna, let me deliberate and consider," then you remain rascal. You cannot be more intelligent than Krsna. He says sarva-dharman parityajya (BG 18.66), you take it. That is real intelligence
- If you think the major portion of the audience can understand directly English, then it is much better. I am not very much enthusiastic to speak in a place where English is not directly understood
- If you think, "Here is marble statue, and if I commit some offense, who is going to see?" this is wrong conclusion. He is, Krsna, personally present here in a form which we can see
- If you touch the bone of an animal, you become immediately impure. You have to take bath. But this bone of animal, conchshell, is taken to the Deity room. It is so pure. So from our human consciousness we find contradiction in the Vedic instruction
- If you understand your position, then what is your real occupation, real activities, you will understand
- If you violate, immediately you go to the law. But a dog, he doesn't care. If you say, "A dog does not obey this law," that is no excuse. You are human being
- If you want actually to make yourself jolly, full of happiness, then you should search out your occupation in such a way that it will lead you to the devotional service of the Supreme Lord
- If you want divine life, if you want spiritual elevation back to Godhead, back to home, that means eternal life, blissful life full of knowledge, then we have to train ourselves in divine consciousness or Krsna consciousness
- If you want real satisfaction, as we have already described, that ahaituky apratihata yayatma suprasidati. If you want satisfaction of your self, then you must practice this devotional service
- If you want stop population why you are inducing "Indulge in sex life"? Stop sex life - brahmacari. Everything is contradictory
- If you want sunshine, then you have to wait til morning, when by the grace of God, by the order of God, sun will rise: you'll get sunshine. Not by your scientific method
- If you want to advance in knowledge, then you must worship the acaryas. Otherwise what knowledge you will get? You cannot get, manufacturing knowledge or getting knowledge from somebody who has manufactured knowledge
- If you want to approach God, then you must be pure. If you remain impure, you cannot understand
- If you want to approach to the perfectional point of purificatory birth, then you associate with mahat-seva. Seva means service. Service. Our whole process is service
- If you want to be free from anxiety, give up this so-called family life. Go to the forest and take shelter of Lord Krsna. - That is Prahlada Maharaja's advice
- If you want to get relief from this uncomfortable position of anxiety, then you must take to this Hare Krsna mantra. This is our request. You can try for it and you will see the practical result. It will not cost you anything; there is no loss about it
- If you want to know Adhoksaja, that is the real purpose of religion. Religion is not a type of ritualistic ceremonies. That is external. Real fact is how to contact the adhoksaja who is beyond our material conception
- If you want to know our socialistic idea, I (Prabhupada) can give you
- If you want to manage things, there must be two classes of men, and two classes can be divided into so many other classes. Therefore the intelligent way of civilization is described in the Bhagavad-gita
- If you want to offer to God, then - God is all-pure - the things you offer, that must be pure
- If you want to possess real knowledge you have to approach somebody who is perfect
- If you want to reach to the ultimate conclusion simply by arguments and speculation, that is not possible
- If you want to save yourself from suffering, then you must take to Krsna. It is a question of "must." It is not your option
- If you want to save yourself from the hellish condition of life, you must take to Krsna consciousness and surrender unto Him
- If you want to save yourself from this chaotic condition of life you must take to Krsna consciousness. That is our proposal
- If you want to save yourself from this repetition of different types of birth and death, then you must come to Krsna consciousness. That is the medicine
- If you want to save yourself from this resultant action of karma, then the first thing is to control the mind. That is yoga system, to control the mind. But one who has got intelligence, he takes to KC, and the mind is automatically controlled
- If you want to understand this philosophy through books, we are not in scarcity. We can supply you volumes of books. These books, some of them are demonstrated
- If you're sincere, Krsna will direct you that "Approach such and such guru," and if guru is pleased, then you'll get Krsna, that guru-krsna krpaya, both, parallel line
- If you, actually, you are serious that "I must stop these inconveniences of birth, death, and old age," then you must join this Krsna consciousness movement. That is my request
- If you, by innocence, put your hand on the fire, so fire will not excuse you. So innocence is no excuse. You have to be learned. Therefore we are here to give proper education to the people
- If, at that time (death), you are thinking of your pet dog, "What will happen to my pet dog? How he will live? Let me leave some of my property in his name," then you can leave the dog with some property, but you are going to be dog
- Ignorance is no excuse. If there is law and if you do not know the law, and you commit offense, that is no excuse, that you do not know the law. Similarly, human life is meant for understanding God. That is the main business of human life
- Ignorance is no excuse. Therefore human life is distinct from animal life. If we live in human life without caring for the supreme laws, then we are destined to suffer
- Illicit sex life, intoxication, and killing of animals. These are in the Bible. Why they are not accepted? This is not our impositions. This is already there
- Impersonalism is another type of atheism, and this impersonal theory of the Absolute Truth has converted practically the major portion of the world into atheism
- In all our centers, we have got this arrangement. We invite everyone - Come on, take prasadam
- In America all the universities, professors, learned scholar, they are giving us standing order, "As soon as published (books), please send this."
- In any form of civilized society there is marriage. Everyone has got sex appetite. Therefore, marriage is allowed by the Vedic system
- In bhakti, one can immediately . . . because real process is to surrender to God. That is the real process. But these jnanis, yogis and karmis, they are not prepared to surrender to God
- In Boston, while I was coming, there was three couples married. So they are living peacefully. There is no intoxication. They do not smoke even, do not take even tea or coffee. And they are taking nice prasadam every day. They are happy
- In British time there was no begging at least. Now their independence means they are begging. So these are all false notions. Nobody is independent. He is dependent in some way or other under the laws of nature
- In distributing the "perfection in yoga" leaflet, when people come to your temple you may explain to them the principles of yoga as they are described in the Bhagavad-gita. Such instructions by you may be preceded and followed by Krishna kirtana
- In every minute, every second, He (Krsna) is taking His birth and He is fighting in the Kuruksetra. That is called nitya-lila, eternal. His everything eternal
- In every step you'll feel, oh, that spiritual bliss. - Param vijayate sri-krsna-sankirtanam: "All glories to Sri Krsna Sankirtana."
- In ignorance if we fight, there is no solution. In darkness if we fight, we may wound, I may wound you, you may wound me, but there will be no solution. So the whole world is in darkness
- In India because it is tropical climate... I think in Western countries they attain puberty not before fifteen, sixteen years. So although a girl is married before puberty, she is not allowed to go to the husband until she has attained puberty
- In India millions and trillions there are, Krsna conscious persons. And practically there is not a single . . . even there are Muhammadan Krsna conscious. In Allahabad University there is a Muhammadan professor, he's a great devotee of Krsna
- In India still, the wife addresses the husband as pati-guru. And father is guru. That is natural. So why don't you become real guru to your wife, to your children, and instruct Bhagavad-gita as it is? This is our mission
- In India there are many devotees of Durga, that they take Durga as the supreme. Durga is supreme, the supreme power and energy within this material world. The supreme energy, that is external energy, that is called Durga
- In India there is a system of jata-guru, the guru by caste. By familywise, they become guru. One family is attached to another guru family by hereditary rules, the sons after sons accepting guru, the other party, and there is regular business
- In India, everyone feels for Krsna, but they have been educated in such a wrong way, they cannot accept Krsna as the Supreme, as Krsna says, mattah parataram nanyat. This is the difficulty
- In Montreal the children, when I was walking on the street, all the children, the shopkeepers, the storekeepers, they will say "Hare Krsna!" And that's all. So we have forced Hare Krsna within the mind
- In order to be elevated to the kingdom of God, they cannot go directly from the heavenly planet. They'll have to come here
- In order to manage things very nicely, you cannot make classless society. Four classes. The most intelligent class, brahmana, and then next intelligent, the ksatriyas, and the next intelligent, the vaisyas, and the last one, who has no intelligence, sudra
- In our diseased condition of this bodily conception of life, if we increase our so-called enjoyment, enjoyment of the body, oh, then we shall be more and more entangled in this conditional life of material existence
- In our Krsna society we are not very much anxious for economic development or sense gratification. We are simply interested how to develop our Krsna consciousness
- In our movement we ask everybody, especially our serious students, to refrain from four kinds of sinful activities: illicit sex life, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating. These are the pillars of sinful life
- In our Vedic knowledge there is no vague idea, rascal's idea. All clear. What is Bhagavan? Immediately you get the enunciation, definition - This is Bhagavan
- In religion where there is no discrimination of foodstuff, what is that religion? What is that religion? This is fanaticism. That is not religion. Religion is to understand God. And one cannot understand God, the purest of all pure, unless one is pure
- In Sanskrit it is called silpa-naipunya. That is not jnana. Real jnana is atma-darsanam. That is jnana. So... But we are wasting our time temporary, silpa-darsanam. But atma-darsanam we want. That is real jnana
- In such rabid condition of human being the panacea is "Krishna sankirtana" recommended in all scriptures. By this process, the forgetfulness of human being of his eternal relation with Godhead, is removed altogether
- In the animal society, however a big animal may be, either he may be a lion or a tiger or an elephant or any other big animal, he cannot be taught about the constitution of the soul, although he has got the soul also
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, "The mind is the most dearmost friend, and mind is the bitterest enemy." Everyone's bitterest enemy and dearest friend is there. That is the mind. It requires little training
- In the Bible it is said, "Thou shalt not kill," and their fathers indulge in killing business. So naturally their generation has degraded
- In the desert or in very scorching heat, summer season, you can find before your car there is water, reflection. So this is called illusion
- In the desert there is no water, but the mirage suggests that there is such a thing as water. In the material world there is no water, there is no happiness, but the real water of actual happiness is there in the spiritual world
- In the God's law there is no such thing that if you kill a human being you'll be killed, and if you kill an animal you'll not be killed. That is imperfect law, man-made law
- In the human form of life, when he studies athato brahma jijnasa, when he is inquisitive to understand Brahman, spirit, that is real life
- In the human form, if we change our consciousness, then we become, we can revive our original status. Original status means eternal life of blissfulness and knowledge. That is the original life
- In the human society there is school, college, education, culture, not in the animal society, because they can be made into perfect, not the animals
- In the Kali-yuga there are three different incarnations mentioned in the Bhagavatam or any other authentic Vedic literature. One incarnation is Buddha, & another incarnation is Caitanya, & another incarnation, in the last stage of this age, is Kalki
- In the Kali-yuga, the real yajna is hari-kirtana. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah. Sumedhasah, those who have got good brain, they perform this yajna, hari-kirtana
- In the laws of nature also, the laws of nature is very strict. There is no excuse. The laws of nature is very stringent. Just like the fire. Fire, it burns. That is natural. This is the law of nature
- In the Manu-samhita it is said that if a man kills, then he should be also killed. No excuse. From Manu-samhita the hanging or killing of a murderer, that is enjoined. That is there
- In the material stage of life, we are being driven by the chariot of mind
- In the middle, there were some questions, intelligent questions, by Pariksit Maharaja. Question is also required. If you simply hear, do not understand, just like dumb stone, that's not good
- In the Ninth Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita you will find that this is the process by which you can understand practically whether you are making actually progress in spiritual life
- In the particular type of consciousness, when one gives up this body, then he is transferred into that position next life
- In the Vedanta-sutra it is said, athato brahma jijnasa. This human, this civilized form of human life is meant for inquiring about Brahman, the Supreme, the Absolute Truth
- In the Vedic literature the principles or the institute followed by the inhabitants of Bharatavarsa is called varnasrama-dharma. That is real occupation
- "In warfield, and you are talking of nonviolence, rascal. There is no question of nonviolence. You have to fight." So he (Arjuna) was still arguing. Then He (Krsna) finally said, "My dear Arjuna, you fight or don't fight. It doesn't matter"
- In the Western countries, the younger generation are becoming too much addicted to this intoxication, LSD habit, and it has become a problem to the government and they have established so many institutions to stop this habit, but they have failed
- In this age it is very difficult to follow all the rules and regulations of sacrifices. Therefore it is the greatest gift of Lord Caitanya that you come directly to Krsna consciousness
- In this age of Kali it is a great ocean of faults. But still, there is one sublime gain. What is that? Now, kirtanad eva krsnasya (SB 12.3.51). Simply by krsna-kirtana, kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah, he becomes liberated
- In this age the sastra-vidhi is hari-kirtana. The more you chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, the more you become perfect. This is sastra-vidhi. And Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirmed it
- In this age this ocean of faults, there is a very valuable thing. That is special concession to these fallen souls of this age. Because Krsna is so kind, He is always anxious to deliver us
- In this age, if we want to save ourselves from this onslaught of this age, the proposition is kaler dosa-nidhe rajann asti hy eko mahan gunah
- In this age, Kali-yuga, the age of quarrel and fight and misunderstanding - this is called Kali-yuga - in this age this is the only means - hari-kirtanat. The sankirtana movement is hari-kirtana
- In this country also the vitality is being reduced, strength is being reduced. The more the Kali-yuga will advance the vitality will be reduced, the strength of the.... Therefore the span of life will be reduced
- In this Kali-yuga, everyone is a sudra. You hardly find a real brahmana or real ksatriya or vaisya. Because they are after service
- In this Kali-yuga, when people are very, very fallen... Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah (SB 1.1.10). They are very unfortunate also, and manda-bhagya, and although unfortunate, they are disturbed by so many external factors
- In this life you are prime minister, and next life, you are preparing to become a dog, so what is the use of becoming prime minister? You could not save yourself. Nature's law will go on
- In this material world the material world is problems of life. Padam padam yad vipadam (SB 10.14.58). Material world means in every step there is danger. That is material world. So therefore we should take guide from guru
- In this material world, they are simply struggling. There is no solution. Therefore the every Indian should study Bhagavad-gita
- In this temple we are living, we are living in the spiritual world. Because here there is no other business than Krsna consciousness. There is no other engagement
- In Treta-yuga, by sacrificing big, big yajna, performing yajna; in Dvapara-yuga by temple worship; and kalau tad dhari-kirtanat, and in this Kali-yuga, simply by hari-kirtana, by chanting the holy name of the Lord, you can get the same result
- In your country there are so many transcendental yogis, and they say, "Yes, whatever you like, you can do. God has given you senses, you must enjoy." These are manufactured cheating processes
- Increase farm projects. It is very nice project. Self-dependent. Very good. Krsna personally, He lived in village, farm, cows, calves, land, Govardhana Hill. It is very nice
- India became divided, Pakistan and Hindustan. Actually India was one, but we see now it is Pakistan. And some day another "stan" will be divided. So this is going on. So sarva-loka, in all planets, all the planets, actually that is God's place
- India has got so much great, exalted knowledge given by Krsna. India should learn it and teach it to the whole world. That is India's business. Paropakara
- India is meant for para-upakara, not for exploiting others. That is not India's business. That may be for the fools and rascals in other countries. But in India is dedicated. Therefore in India Krsna comes
- India is now divided, Pakistan and Hindustan. So if we actually try to understand Krsna and Krsna consciousness, there is solution for all the problems of society, of government, and everything
- India's business is para-upakara. India's business is not exploitation. That is Indian. And para-upakara means not that daridra-narayana bhojana, no. Para-upakara means to give him knowledge, for want of which he is suffering
- India's business is to distribute the spiritual knowledge all over the world because they are in darkness
- India's original culture is all right. But unfortunately, our modern leaders, they are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture. Now it is openly there are beef shop, wine shop. So what can be done? It is Kali-yuga
- India's position is that they have lost their own culture, and they could not assimilate the western culture. But in the western countries, if they accept this Vedic process of civilization, then they will again take it
- India's position is very precarious, because they have left their own culture & they're trying to imitate the Western culture, which they cannot due to so many circumstances, & therefore they're put into, between the horns of Scylla & Charybdis. You see
- Indians were called by the Muslims on the other side of the River Sind, or Sindu, and they pronounce Sind as Hind. Therefore they called India as Hindustan, means on the other side of Sindu, or Hindu River. Otherwise, it has no Vedic reference
- Instead of utilizing the valuable form of human life, there is always wasting. And at night they are sleeping, and at noon they are playing football, you see, wasting in this time
- Instead of working uselessly, if we use our legs for going to the temple then it is spiritualized work. And instead of going to the cinema, if we go and see Deity then it is spiritual eyes
- Intelligent persons, they should try to get the ultimate transmigration. Ultimate transmigration means go back to home, back to Godhead. That should be the actual aim of life. That is first class intelligent
- Intelligent persons, they will see this instruction of Krsna, "Krsna says..." That is our method. Our method of acquiring knowledge is to hear from the authority. That's all. Now, who can be better authority than Krsna?
- It doesn't matter whether he's Indian, American, or black and white. No, no conception. Or even human being or animal. He is kind to everyone, friend, well-wisher of everyone. He does not create any enemies. Such... These are the qualifications of sadhu
- It doesn't matter whether you kill a big animal or a small plant. You are responsible. Just like a soldier. He kills hundreds and thousands of men and he is given gold medal. And as soon as he kills one man for his sense gratification he is hanged
- It is compulsory business of our life to understand God, or Krsna, if you want santi. Jnatva mam santim rcchati. If you want santi, then you have to know God, what is God, not vague idea, actually. Jnatva mam santim rcchati. You have to know
- It is forbidden, those who are nondevotee, those who are not initiated, those who are not chanting regularly, their offering to Krsna will not be accepted. We must be very careful. We must know our position
- It is indicated that even if you are the greatest personality, you have to approach and serve the spiritual master just like ordinary menial servant
- It is not blind following. Krsna consciousness is not a sentiment. It is backed by knowledge and practical knowledge. Vijnanam
- It is not by my whims I accept Krsna as the perfect person. No. There are many authorities, Vedic authorities
- It is not like that, a pet dog, that "Everyone makes guru, and let me guru, let me have a guru." But that is not the... Guru means first of all the condition is pranipata, fully surrendered
- It is not religion. It is a question of becoming sinless. Every religion will say that you become sinless. Every religion
- It is not that because one has to accept the Vedic culture, he has to stop industry or material progress. Not like that. Bhagavad-gita does not teach that. Simply to change the consciousness
- It is not that we are serving, we have no sense gratification. The married couples are there. Nothing is prohibited; everything is there. But it is adjusted, adjusted. Not like cats and dogs
- It is not to make a farce - some lecturing and. . . or some mutual praising society. No. It is Krsna Society. Everyone who will join this Krsna Society movement, he is more than a brahmana
- It is not very difficult. Krsna comes to instruct this simple truth, that "You are being controlled by the material energy. You give up this business; you be controlled by the spiritual energy, and your life is successful." This is the method
- It is only we, Krsna conscious people. We are teaching. - Stop your this cycle of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. Come to eternal life and blissful life
- It is said there that sreyah-srtim, the real path of salvation, sreyah-srtim, bhaktim, that is devotional service, Krsna consciousness
- It is said, rna-karta pita satruh: A father who dies a debtor, then he is enemy. And mata satrur dhicarini: Mother, if in the presence of his son marries again, she is enemy
- It is ten-thousandth part of the upper portion of the hair. You have got experience up to the upper portion of the hair. It is just a little point. Now divide it into ten thousand parts, and that one part is yourself, spiritual atom
- It is the change of consciousness. The same man, if he changes his criminal consciousness, then he's no more subjected to go to the jail. Similarly, liberation means, if you become complete in Krsna consciousness, then you are liberated
- It is the duty of the father and the mother to stop the repetition of birth and death of his son
- It is the duty of the vaisyas. Krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhava-jam. It is the duty of the vaisyas to protect the cows, to increase agricultural activities and trade
- It is the easiest method conceivable because the method is so easy that we simply ask people to come and chant the name of Krsna
- It is the easiest method conceivable, because the method is so easy that we simply ask people to come and chant the name of Krsna
- It is to be settled up that dharma means the injunction of the Supreme Narayana. And adharma means that you manufacture something out of your own fertile brain. That is adharma
- It is very difficult to surpass the jurisdiction of maya, duratyaya. But punishment will not be excused. Ignorance of law is no excuse. Similarly, this maya, this material nature, is very, very strong
- It is very good to hear that you are being assisted by Vaikunthanatha and Puranjana. Encourage them and keep good relations with them so things may go on nicely. This is management
- It is very simple truth. Just I am this body. I am seeking happiness. So why I am seeking happiness? The... If you simply discuss on this point, then you'll find that a man is reasonable. Why I am seeking after happiness? What is the answer? That's a fact
- It is very, I mean to say, what is called, intelligent question: Why there is Kali-yuga? Kali-yuga means these ages are change
- It is, the Kali-yuga, it is an ocean of faults. How...? Suppose all over your body there are boils. So where you will apply ointment? You just dip down.
- It may be Christian religion, it may be Hindu religion, it may be Buddhist religion, or it may be Muhammadan religion, Jewish religion - it doesn't matter. Any civilized form of human society must have a sort of religion. Otherwise it is animal society
- It's a farce condition. That so-called democracy is nonsense demoncracy. And by this demoncracy, it can be done. A demon may be, if he can simply secure votes. What is the position? Without any training
- It's a very intelligent question. People will ask you, perhaps they ask, "Have you seen Krsna?" "Why you are Krsna conscious?" What is your answer?
- Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9). There is no excuse. So intelligent man, why he should endeavor for things which are temporary, maybe ten years or hundred years or ten thousand years? That is intelligence, that why should I try for temporary things?
- Jantu means animal. Although he's living entity, he's not called jiva soul. He's called jantu. Jantur dehopapattaye. Jantu. This material body is developing for the jantu, animal
- Jnana means theoretical knowledge and vijnana means practical knowledge. So we have to do it practically, not that "I have read Bhagavad-gita and Bhagavata. So I have become a devotee." No
- Jnana means theoretical knowledge, and vijnana means practical knowledge. Simply to know "God is great," that is not sufficient
- Jnanam means you must know things theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. That is, jnanam means theoretical knowledge. And vijnanam means practical knowledge
- Jnanavan means the first-class intelligent wise. Mam prapadyate. He understands what is Krsna
- Jnane prayasam udapasya namanta eva (SB 10.14.3). Just become submissive. Submission means that we cannot understand Krsna, simply just serve, that's all, and develop your dormant love. That is perfect
- Just as we have got a few students here, sincere students, both boys and . . . they are developing. If not complete, but they are developing, Krsna. Otherwise, why they shall waste their time in chanting Hare Krsna? They are developing
- Just because the summer is hot, should I give up cooking? Work must be done. Similarly, just because water is cold in the winter, should I give up my bath? No
- Just become submissive and attract the attention of God. Then you'll be successful
- Just change the consciousness and everything will be clear. Just change the consciousness. Real treatment is to get him Krsna conscious. That is real treatment.
- Just like - concrete example - if I desire a very nice apartment for my personal sense gratification, this is diseased desire. And if I desire a nice costly temple for Krsna, that is purified desire
- Just like a chaste woman has got good reputation, similarly, a chaste tongue... Chaste tongue means... Chaste tongue and ear. Jihvadau. Our spiritual life begins from tongue
- Just like a soldier, his business is killing by the order of the state. he's killing so many persons. And he's getting recognition, medal, gold medal. And as soon as he comes home, if he kills one person, he'll be hanged
- Just like a student is working very hard to find out the possibilities of nuclear weapon. That is also tapasya. But what is that? For finding out some means to kill the human society. That sort of tapasya is not required
- Just like a thief is going to steal. The Supersoul is ordering, "Don't do it," because without God's sanction he cannot steal. But when the thief persists, then He says, "All right, you do at your risk." This is the position of the Supersoul and the soul
- Just like a thief, he has got good brain. A rogue, he has got good brain, but he's applying for mischievous activities, for making people unhappy. That is not the right use
- Just like a thief, he's praying to God: "My dear Lord, give me some opportunity. I can steal that thing." Krsna first of all says, "No, no. Don't do it." But he insists. Then Krsna says, "All right. Do it." But as soon as you do it, you become entangled
- Just like a thief. He has got merit, but his merit is being used for stealing. So that is called duskrti. And sukrtina, just the opposite is sukrtina. Sukrti means one is acting or utilizing his merit for sukrti
- Just like a tree, you cut it, it has no consciousness to protest. But, even an ant, a small ant, because it has developed consciousness, you try to kill it, it'll protest. Therefore the more consciousness you develop, you become active
- Just like Ajamila. In the past history he, simply sinful, Jagai-Madhai, simply sinful, but as soon as they come to the position of pure devotional life, he is pure. That's all
- Just like amongst our students there are many married couples also, and there are brahmacaris also. That I barred from this? He is not barred. Nobody is barred. Simply following some regulation. That will gradually train him
- Just like Arjuna. He fought. He killed. Killing is not good business, but he killed on the advice of Krsna, and he became a bhakta by killing
- Just like Bhagavad-gita is smrti. Bhagavad-gita, the purpose of Bhagavad-gita is the same as the Vedas, but it is not directly Veda; therefore it is called smrti
- Just like Bhagavad-gita. It is sastra because it is spoken by the supreme guru, Krsna. So who is guru? At the present moment so many unauthorized persons are presenting themselves as guru
- Just like Bhagavad-gita. It is simple. It is the entrance book for spiritual understanding. It is not very, I mean to say, highly theosophical or theological literature
- Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He delivered Jagai-Madhai. They were all this: addicted to illicit sex, meat-eating, drinking and intoxication, gambling. That was their business.
- Just like doctors, they go, treat patients suffering from infectious disease, but they keep themselves always unaffected. They know the remedial measures, antiseptic, prophylactic processes. So this prophylactic antiseptic process is Krsna-kirtanam
- Just like Englishmen: Englishmen, they established the British Empire, great, powerful, most powerful nation in the world. Now they are not so. Because they misused their power. So you get power, opulence, by the grace of Lord Krsna
- Just like from the spiritual body, you have developed this material body, similarly, from the spiritual atom, you can develop your spiritual body. Tyaktva deham. Tyaktva deham means that giving up this material body, he develops his spiritual body
- Just like good citizen means he knows what is the government and what is the law of government. He is following. Similarly, religious person means he must know what is God and what are the words of God
- Just like good citizen means one who satisfies the government. Law-abiding. Good citizen. Similarly, good karma means who satisfies Lord Visnu, the Supreme Lord
- Just like good citizen means well-behaved, to abide by the state laws. So first thing is religion, to learn how to become God conscious. This is the first business of human society
- Just like here the nature is working in that way. You build a very nice house. Gradually, the nature's course is it will become old and you'll fall down. This is the way of nature here. You cannot keep anything fresh always
- Just like if a man is killed. If a man is killed and there are so many persons implicated, it does not mean that only one who has killed, he becomes criminal. All others who are implicated in that killing business, they are criminals. This is pollution
- Just like if anyone is inquisitive to understand God, so best thing is those who are dealing with God only, they have no other business. Then you go there. That is the intelligent
- Just like if you have a cheap thing, it goes wrong, you have to purchase another new thing. But if you purchase a real, nice thing it will go, continue for good. Similarly, so long you are getting this cheap body, material body, you have to change
- Just like if you irresponsibly live and there is epidemic and you contact some disease, infection, then you must suffer from it. There is no excuse. So we are acting in this life, in this material world
- Just like in a educational institution there is tenth class, eighth class, fifth class, sixth class. And with the yoga, it is just like a staircase or a lift. So there are different stages of perfection
- Just like in a educational institution there's tenth class, eighth class, fifth class, sixth class. & with the yoga, it's just like a staircase or lift. So there are different stages of perfection. The highest perfection is who's always thinking of Krsna
- Just like in free life you can go from this home to that home, in prison life you cannot do that. You must stay to your cell. So all these planets are like cells. We are trying to go to the moon planet; that is not possible
- Just like in our association we don't allow four kinds of sinful activities: illicit sex life, nonvegetarian diet, intoxication, and gambling. So by following the regulative principles one becomes freed from all these sinful activities
- Just like in our country the camaras, they take away and take the skin for preparing shoes and eat the flesh and use the bone. So we request those who are flesh eaters, that "Wait up to the natural death. Why you are killing?"
- Just like in the material world also, you will find unlimited atomic existence, similarly, in the spiritual also, there are unlimited spiritual atoms. And one of the atoms is myself and yourself or the ant or the elephant
- Just like in Western countries they feed the children with powdered flesh, mixed with water, boiled, and push with the spoon, and... They become fatty, of course
- Just like in your country, a section of youngsters, they're disgusted with this materialistic way of life. They have taken to the hippies' path. Why? It does not give satisfaction, but they do not know the right way. They have taken a wrong way, hippies
- Just like in your country, big, big professors, they do not believe in the spirit. They simply think of this body. So how they can understand about Radha and Krsna and Their pastimes, all spiritual affairs?
- Just like Krsna existing in everyone's heart. There are millions and trillions of living entities. Isvarah sarva-bhutanam hrd-dese arjuna tisthati (BG 18.61). Krsna is existing
- Just like Krsna says that tad viddhi, that, that thing which is spreading consciousness, that is soul. Now you can perceive there must be something which is now absent, otherwise why there is no consciousness?
- Just like law means obedience to the state, and one who obeys the laws of the state, he is good citizen, similarly, the laws given by God, one who obeys the law, he is religious or saintly person
- Just like Lord Jesus Christ is a bona fide teacher, and he has given his teaching, his commandments. If you follow those commandments, then you are bona fide student. But if you don't follow then you are not bona fide
- Just like Lord Jesus Christ. He, he's worshiped as good as God because he dedicated everything for God. Similarly, if you also dedicate your life, your intelligence, your money... Pranair arthair dhiya vaca. By four things you can attain greatness
- Just like one married couple. As soon as they're married or united, atah grha. Grha. Grha means apartment, home. They must live very nicely
- Just like our principle is that we are working for Krsna, this is real philosophy. Every one of us, one who is offering arati, he is also working for Krsna, and one who is building this construction, temple, he is also working for Krsna
- Just like so long the sun is visible, there is heat and sunlight. Similarly, so long the soul is there within this body, we have got this consciousness. And as soon as the soul is gone from this body, there is no consciousness
- Just like somebody believes or not believes in dehantara, but nature's course will go on. Young man thinks "I'll remain young. I shall not become old man." He may believe like that, but he has to become old man
- Just like sometimes the politicians, scholars, they also try to understand Bhagavad-gita. Because Bhagavad-gita is very authoritative book, they want to exploit. They do not understand what is Bhagavad-gita
- Just like the Jains, they do not ride on car, but if by going in a car I can go and preach, very swiftly, and come back again, why shall I give up this car? So our philosophy is not like that
- Just like the matter created by the male and female, the jiva soul enters and then the body develops
- Just like the young man likes to love a young woman and the young woman likes to love a young man. That is natural. That is natural. But when they meet together, it is revived. It is not that something new imposition
- Just like there are so many sex literatures, very attractive, it is selling like anything. But we are not interested in those rascal literatures. Tad vayasam tirtham, such literature is considered as the place of enjoyment of the crows
- Just like there are some persons who also present themselves chanting Hare Krishna. But they have a purpose they want to gain some material satisfaction. So that is not kirtana
- Just like these boys are being trained up in Krsna consciousness. So it requires little training. Just like you are mathematician. To make another student mathematician, you have to train him
- Just like these Mayavadis, they want to imitate Krsna. They want to become Krsna. Nobody can become Krsna. These rascals, they think that by mystic yoga process one can become God. Simply rascaldom
- Just like these Western people, mostly Christians. It is clearly stated in the Bible, "Thou shall not kill," and they're simply killing. Their only business is killing
- Just like under the influence of planet one becomes, what is called, ghostly haunted, like that. So devotee means when he becomes Krsna haunted. That is wanted. That is Krsna conscious
- Just like Vasudeva and Devaki. In their previous life they underwent severe austerities. They were married couples, but they had no sex. They were determined that "Unless we get the Lord as our son, we are not having any son."
- Just like we are living in a state, either in England or in Germany or in America or in India, there are state rules and regulations. Good citizen means who are abiding by the state laws. Similarly, a devotee means who is abiding by the laws given by God
- Just like we don't keep any furniture in our hou... What is the use of furniture? We can lie down on the floor. So many things, materialistic persons they possess. But we try to simplify matters, plain living. Well-wisher to all
- Just like we give some reward to the doorman to enter into the room of a great officer, similarly, demigod worship means to get the result very quickly
- Just like we have dress. So this dress of sannyasi is not all. I must be real sannyasi in knowledge, in education, in behavior, not that... Hitler studies by the dress. That is the foolishness
- Just like we have got so many books. After initiation, one become bona fide student to study all these Vedic literatures
- Just like we have got this form, human form of life. It is not permanently I shall be able to enjoy. Just like you have got a particular dress now. It is not permanent. You can change your dress any moment
- Just like when Caitanya Mahaprabhu fainted in the Jagannatha temple, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya examined that there was no consciousness. Even the abdomen was not moving. When you actually you have consciousness and you breathe, the abdomen moves
- Just like when we sleep deeply, there is no consciousness. There is consciousness - this is called susupti, unconscious. So again, as soon as the body is complete, then we get back our consciousness
- Just like when we were chanting Hare Krsna, all the members who were assembled here were joining in, but when I am now talking about philosophy, some are leaving. It is very practical to see
- Just like when you, in the aeroplane, there may be thousands of aeroplanes, others, but when your aeroplane is in danger, nobody can save you. You have to save yourself, Otherwise, you go to hell. Similarly, we have to save ourself individually by KC
- Just like you are the same person, either as professor in the university or at home before your wife, you are the same person. Your wife may address you in a different name, and the students may address you in different name, but you are the same person
- Just like you elected Nixon and then you wanted him to come down. So this kind of election has no value. Sometimes you elect and sometimes you pull down. So what is the value of this election?
- Just like your father is a person. That is a practical knowledge. Your father's father is also a person. His father is also a person. His father is also a person. Immediately you can understand. Therefore the supreme father must be a person
- Just maintain a first-class, intelligent man. Don't disturb them. Give them all facilities. Let them cultivate Vedic knowledge and help you. - That is required
- Just make your life successful, and spread this knowledge all over the world. - This is India's mission. India's mission is not to imitate technology and work like ass day and night. This is not India's business
- Just patiently go on working. Utsahad dhairyan niscayat. Niscayat means to have full faith in the words of Krsna. Krsna says, kaunteya pratijanihi na me bhaktah pranasyati
- Just see in the Western countries; all the younger generation, they are so much addicted to intoxication. And the government is spending millions of dollars, how to stop it. But they have become animals
- Just try to study this life, how much painful it is. This is the human body & what to speak of the dog's body, cat's body? You study very minutely. You'll find, from the beginning of my life in the womb of my mother up to the death point, simply miseries
- Just try to understand sreya and preya. Preya means according to one's position, there are different subject matter of sense gratification. That is called preya. And sreya means for future goodness. Ultimate good
- Just we accept the Vedic scripture but don't change it. That example I have given many times. Because Lord Buddha wanted to change Vedic literature, therefore he is rejected
- Just you understand, God is all-powerful, all-famous, He possesses all wealth, He possesses all beauty, He possesses all knowledge and He possesses all renunciation
- Kalau, in this age, most, major portion of the population will be sudras. Sudras means fourth-class men. Fourth-class men means sudra-karma svabhava-jam
- Karma is not sinful. Karma means according to the direction of the Vedas. That is called karma-kanda. But vikarma means against the principle of dharma. That is called vikarma
- Karna was refused to take part in the sporting, piercing the eyes of the fish, because Draupadi actually knew that "Arjuna is my real husband. So if Karna takes part in this sporting..." Karna was powerful. He would gain. But she did not like Karna
- Keep amongst yourself and produce. Produce food grain, produce cotton, mustard seed. Self-dependent
- Killing business has so expanded that they are killing their own children. Just see the influence of Kali-yuga. The children, they take shelter of the father and mother, thinking very safe. Now, in this Kali-yuga, even there is no safety
- Killing is bad, but a ksatriya's business is to kill. Without killing, one cannot become perfect ksatriya
- King Janaka. He's the father of Sita, Janaka Maharaja. He was a great king, but he had no attachment. Even great sages used to go to learn from him about spiritual affairs
- Kirtana means sravanam kirtanam visnoh, Visnu-kirtana. But these rascals have discovered because they are very fertile brain and they can discover so many things
- Krishna Consciousness means to come to the pure understanding that one is neither American nor Indian, but he is eternal servant of Krishna, and thus engages himself in rendering loving service to the Lord. This is his pure spiritual life
- Krishna says - Give up all nonsense engagements and come here and surrender unto Me! - that is real philosophy. Krishna says that anyone who is worshiping any demigod, it is all nonsense, and just give it up and come to me
- Krs means the greatest, and na means pleasure. He is the symbol of greatest pleasure, greatest pleasure. So we are also part and parcel of that greatest pleasure
- Krsna also took part in everything. He was a politician, He was a philosopher, He was a socialist, He was a communist - everything. That is Krsna
- Krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga vancha kare, as soon as you desire to enjoy independently, immediately - that means immediately he is captured by maya
- Krsna bhuliya jiva bhoga-vancha kare pasate maya tare japatiya dhare. As soon as a soul desires to be enjoyer, then he is immediately captured by maya
- Krsna can be understood only such persons who has dedicated everything to Krsna
- Krsna can become my friend, Krsna can become my husband, Krsna can become my son - whatever you want. So in this way, if we advance in Krsna consciousness, then we can save ourselves
- Krsna consciousness is real consciousness, but we color it with other consciousness. That is polluted. So this Krsna consciousness movement means to purify your consciousness
- Krsna consciousness is so nice that naturally it will make you beautiful, not black-faced, not morose - beautiful face. That is the sign of spiritual advancement. By the face you'll understand that - Here is a man who is spiritually advanced
- Krsna consciousness means perfect civilization, perfect advancement of civilization, according to the direction of the Vedas
- Krsna consciousness means, as our thoughts are always absorbed in some type of consciousness, we are absorbed in some type of thought, similarly, when our consciousness will be absorbed in Krsna thought, that is the perfection of life
- Krsna did not go to find out a Vedantist to teach, a so-called Vedantist. "A Vedantist" means he's devotee. Veda. Veda means knowledge, and anta means ultimate
- Krsna did not like to instruct the confidential system of yoga to any so-called impersonalist or so-called Vedantist. Arjuna was ordinary householder
- Krsna did not select a so-called Vedantist to understand BG. Because Arjuna was not a Vedantist. He was a military man. He's not supposed to become a great philosopher. He was a grhastha. But the real qualification is to become a devotee of Krsna
- Krsna has given you the ears. Therefore Vedic knowledge is called sruti. You go to a proper person, guru, and hear from him
- Krsna has not pushed us. You wanted something for your enjoyment, so-called enjoyment. Krsna has provided you. Just like you want to enter into the prison life, therefore government creates a prison house
- Krsna has said that sannyasa, real sannyasa, means one who does not take any remuneration for his service to Krsna. That is sannyasa
- Krsna is accepted by the greatest learned scholar, Vyasadeva, and greatest saintly person, Narada
- Krsna is not meant for the Hindus, but Krsna appeared in Hindustan. Therefore it is the duty of all Hindus to know Krsna first. And they also conscious. Every Hindu knows Krsna
- Krsna is not restricted to Hindus. Krsna's picture, that Bal Gopal. He's embracing the calves. Krsna does not embrace only the gopis, He's embracing the calves also. That is Krsna. He's equal to everyone
- Krsna is not sectarian God. Krsna, from the name of Krsna... Krsna means, as we have explained above, Krsna means the greatest pleasure
- Krsna is one, the Supreme, and all the jiva souls are part and parcel of Krsna. Therefore the eternal relationship is there
- Krsna is ready to give you all help. How their samskara is changed? From the very beginning of their life they are addicted to these principles: illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication, gambling. How they have changed? They don't touch it
- Krsna is so beautiful that Madana becomes enchanted by Krsna. And Radharani is so beautiful that Krsna becomes enchanted. That is spiritual sex. That is not ordinary
- Krsna is so merciful, He comes personally, He authorizes His devotees, servants, to enlighten these conditioned souls. Now our Krsna consciousness movement is an humble attempt to raise the standard of these conditioned souls to Krsna consciousness
- Krsna is the real husband. Therefore He married 16,108 wives. Why 16,000? If He married sixteen trillion, billions wives, what is the wrong there? Because He is the real husband. Sarva-loka-mahesvaram
- Krsna is the suhrt; He is well-wisher of everyone. Therefore he comes, because he is well-wisher of all living entities, because living entities are His sons
- Krsna is the supreme leader. Nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam (Katha Upanisad 2.2.13). supreme leader, perfect leader, without any mistake, without any illusion, without any cheating, and without any imperfection of the senses
- Krsna is there. He never leaves from Vrndavana. He is there. Why? Here also
- Krsna knowledge is so perfect. And if we take the real process, sravanam kirtanam visnoh smaranam pada-sevanam (SB 7.5.23), the devotional service... Because Krsna says, bhaktya mam abhijanati yavan yas casmi tattvatah
- Krsna points out in the Bhagavad-gita that real freedom is when you get freedom from four different problems. What is that? Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam
- Krsna says "Sex life which is not against the principles of dharma or the varnasrama principle, that is I am." Sex life also is Krsna
- Krsna says - Nobody is dearer than him who is in the process of preaching this Bhagavad-gita
- Krsna says He's the compiler of Vedanta. So who will know Vedanta better than Krsna? The so-called Vedantists, they are very much proud of their knowledge of Vedanta, but the, the real compiler of the Vedanta philosophy is Vyasadeva
- Krsna says the essence of Bhagavad-gita that "A person who preaches this sublime message of Bhagavad-gita, he is My dearmost friend in the human society." This is the open order of Krsna
- Krsna says, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi duhkha-dosanudarsanam: (BG 13.9) "Keep always in your front that there is death, there is birth, and try to save yourself from this." This is philosophy
- Krsna says. We are fool, rascal. We simply repeat Krsna's words. That's all
- Krsna wants that "These rascals, these condemned persons, who are suffering in this material world, and they cannot understand that 'We are suffering...' They are making plan. No plan will be successful."
- Krsna will help you. They are wiping out Krsna, and your business will be to establish Krsna
- Krsna yei bhaje sei bada catura: "Anyone who takes to Krsna consciousness, he's first-class intelligent person." All other: fools, rascals. You can call them. There is no harm
- Krsna's lila is called nitya-lila, not that one lila is going on, other lila is finished, no. Everything is existing simultaneous
- Krsna's speaking is there in the Bhagavad-gita. You simply repeat what Krsna says. You become spiritual master. It is not very difficult
- Krsna, although He's person, He's situated... Goloka eva nivasati. He's enjoying there in Goloka Vrndavana. By His energy, He is expanded. This is simple truth
- Krsna, says that real activity begins when one is self-realized, one is situated in Brahman realization. Brahman realization does not mean to stop
- Krsna, when He wants, "Give Me a little flower, a little fruit, a little water," it does not mean that He is begging. He is just inducing me to the practice of offering everything which belongs to Krsna
- Krsna-kirtana is so nice that even without sacred thread, because he is regularly chanting, he is to be supposed to be purified. That is the recommendation given by Jiva Gosvami
- Ksatriya king has got two functions. One function is to give protection and happiness to the good citizens, and another function is to kill the demons or the disturbing elements in the society
- Ksatriya. They should be trained up in politics, in fighting, not to flee away from fighting. These are the training of the ksatriyas
- Kuruksetra. Krsna wanted to wipe out all unwanted demons from the face of the world and enthrone Maharaja Yudhisthira because he is the exact representative of Krsna
- Lamentation is that the person within the body, whether he's going to hell or heaven. Urdhvam gacchanti or tamo gacchanti. That is real concern. Body will be finished, today or tomorrow or after a hundred years. Who can protect it?
- Let me go direct to Krsna. - Yad gatva na nivartante tad dhama paramam mama (BG 15.6). That is intelligent, to become Krsna conscious, to take to Krsna wholeheartedly. That is real intelligence
- Let them inquire. Our... Everything is open secret. We are selling books throughout the whole world to the extent of six lakhs rupees per day. So money is coming from Krsna
- Let us execute this Krsna consciousness movement by chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra and speaking something from this Bhagavad-gita. We are getting practical result
- Let us with logic, philosophy, talk. There is no conception of God throughout the whole world. Vague idea
- Life is meant for to possess complete knowledge of the Supreme. That is perfection of knowledge. That is possible in the human form of life, not in the life of cats and dogs
- Living entity is anandamaya, full of happiness, but they have fallen in a different condition. Therefore unhappy. Different condition
- Lobha, greediness; anrta, falsehood; jihma, means diplomacy; and himsa, violence or jealousy. When these things will increase, one should know that the influence of Kali-yuga is increasing
- Lokasya ajanatah, they (people in general) do not know what kind of risky life they are conducting. So the Krsna consciousness movement is trying to make them awakened to the consciousness. That is the duty of a sane man or a gentleman
- Long, long ago. And still, we are also following Narada Muni's path, Narada-pancaratra. Our method is Narada-pancaratra
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Krsna also recommended this process, that if you give chance to the people to understand the real knowledge from the Bhagavad-gita... Now it remains to the people to accept it or not accept it
- Lord Caitanya never spoke philosophy in public, he held kirtana and distributed prasadam. When he meet Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya he talked high philosophy, otherwise, Chanting and prasadam distribution
- Lord Caitanya said that by chanting this krsna-sankirtana, Hare Krsna Hare Krsna Krsna Krsna Hare Hare, the first result will be that your heart will be cleared of all dust accumulated by years and years, life after life with this material association
- Lord Jesus Christ also advised, "Those who are meek, the kingdom of God is for them." Is it not? So that's very nice qualification, to become humble and meek. Don't try to imitate falsely, "I am God." That is simply rascaldom
- Lord Krsna recommends that "By this knowledge, you can very easily cross over the ocean of nescience, ocean of ignorance." The whole thing is: we are suffering due to... Just like ignorance is no excuse in the law court
- Lord Krsna says that a person who is spiritually advanced, for him there is no misery even in this world and what to speak of the other world?
- Low class means the more they are addicted to meat-eating. Just like animals. They may be very strong. A tiger is also strong, but what is the use of it? Nobody cares for the tiger
- Mahajana means great personality. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. That is the real path, if you follow the great personality
- Mahatma Gandhi, he was supposed to be a very great, I mean to say, perfect leader of the country. He also committed mistakes, so many. And what to speak of us. What to speak of us. So a conditioned soul is sure to commit mistake. That is one imperfection
- Mahatmas, they'll travel so that the householders, who are cripple-minded and full of sinful activities, they'll go there and make them purified. This is the idea of sannyasa
- Major portion is earth, and there major portion is fire. So somewhere major portion is water. So therefore there are vibhuti-bhinnam, different atmosphere. That is God's creation
- Man is dying every moment, so you have invented something to accelerate that death. That's all. Is that very, very good credit? So there is no solution of death
- Manu-smrti. Now they are changing so many. They... Strictly speaking, the modern Hindus, they are not strictly according to the Hindu scripture
- Many gentlemen regularly takes bath in the Ganges. And the modern scientific method is - all the garbage, throw into the river
- Many, many plans, many, many skyscraper buildings, roads and motor cars. What is the real purpose? The purpose is they want to be happy. But that is not possible. Therefore they are vimudhan. Rascals. They are going in the wrong way
- Mare krsna rakhe ke. When Krsna desires to vanquish, nobody can save you. Finished. Still, these rascals say, "There is no God." Simply rascals. At least expose these rascals
- Material body means three kinds of miseries, threefold miseries always. And at least threefold miseries are exhibited in four kinds of distresses, namely birth, death, old age, and disease
- Material nature is not working independently, not by accident. It is not accident that exactly at 6:30 or 6:15 the sun is rising. Do you think accident takes place every day?
- Material thing, you take this side or that side - there is no question of happiness. When you become brahma-bhutah, spiritually realized, then there is happiness
- Maya has given this vehicle, anywhere wandering, up and down, sometimes demigod, sometimes dog. This is going on. And in this wandering process, if he gets in touch with a devotee, then his real spiritual life begins
- Maya, or the influence of nature, in this age especially, it is very, very strong, and majority of people are therefore addicted to this sinful life: illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication
- Meditation, dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa, mind is absorbed in the Supreme Personality. That is the real process of yoga system and meditation - to see the form of Visnu
- Meditation, if you meditate individually, you will have to try so many things, but when I loudly chant Hare Krsna, your meditation immediately attracted. This is the easiest method of meditation in this age. Chant
- Misconception of life is that "I am this matter." This is ahankara, false ahankara. But I am actually not this matter; I am spirit soul. Therefore pure ahankara is aham brahmasmi, a spirit soul. That is the beginning of understanding
- Miseries means we have got three kinds of miseries: miseries pertaining to the body, pertaining to the mind, and pertaining to other people with whom we have got connection, and pertaining to the nature's disturbance
- Most important thing is people should come to his consciousness, real consciousness. That is Krsna consciousness
- My (Dasaratha) dear boy, You'll have to go to forest for fourteen years. That is the desire of Your youngest mother. And I promised that I shall fulfill her promise, uh, request. So please accept
- My (Prabhupada) request to you all who are in Krsna consciousness movement - do not be a bluffer. Behave in your life how to become Krsna conscious and teach others. Then the whole world will be benefited, and the Yamaduta will not come to them
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that don't accept spiritual life for living. Just like we are sending the sankirtana party. If we take it, "Oh, it is very easy method for living without working. We are getting money for our livelihood," this is not wanted
- My mind, my body, and my words - everything is dedicated to Krsna. It will be used only for Krsna and for no other purpose. - This is called tridanda-sannyasa
- My open order is... I get... I receive so many letters daily that "I wish to marry." Immediately I sanction, "Yes, you get yourself married." But one who is strict, one who can follow very rigidly the orders of brahmacari and sannyasi, they continue
- Nanda-kisora is Krsna. So this is full surrender. "My dear Nanda-kisora, whatever I have got, now I am offering everything to You."
- Napoleon was conquering all over Europe, and he thought that he would be able to enjoy this. But where is Napoleon? The arch is there. That's all. This is the position
- Naradhama means this life, human life, is an opportunity to understand how things are going on. But they do not take advantage
- Nationality means expanded selfishness. They are very much fond of nationality, but that nationality is also selfishness - by combined effort
- Natural antiseptic water. Any septic, you simply wash with water, it will be antiseptic, natural. In India even the poorest man who has no sufficient cloth, but he will daily wash the cloth twice
- Nature has given the fertile brain, but they are misusing it, duskrtina, only for sense gratification. The brain was given to understand God, but the rascal is using for illicit sex, meat-eating, drinking, and gambling
- Nature's law will act in its own way. It will not allow to change it by your so-called devices and fertile brain. That is not possible
- Nature's law, there is no excuse, the same thing, that if a child even touches fire, nature is not very merciful; it will burn. Similarly, at the time of death we have to think very rightly. That is required. That is human life
- Neophyte devotee does not know how to preach. He simply goes to the temple, and offers everything with devotion to the Deity, and he doesn't know anything else
- Never trust your mind, always try to control. And the easiest method recomended in the sastra and confirmed by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu - harer nama harer nama harer nama iva kevalam, kalau nasty eva nasty
- Never try to go away. Discrepancies there may be. You should adjust. And this chanting and dancing amongst . . . within the society of devotees, has got great advantage, great value
- Nine processes are hearing, chanting, then worshiping, serving, offering everything. In this way there are nine different ways. The beginning is hearing. Hearing, just you all ladies, gentlemen, you have come here to hear
- Nirgatah means went out of home, not simply enjoying comfortably at home. Similarly, for a preacher also, that is digvijaya. Go from country and country, from village to village, town to town, and make digvijaya - Here is our philosophy
- Nitya-lila means everlasting pastimes. Our lila, material, that is not nitya-lila. Whatever I'm acting by this body, it is not nitya; it is temporary
- Nitya-lila means the janmastami is going on. His (Krsna) govardhana-lila is going on. Everything. Everything, what He displayed when He was present, that is going on
- Nitya-lila means the pastimes, or the loving exchange, affairs between Radha and Krsna, that is eternal. That is not temporary
- Nitya-mukta means eternally liberated. They never come down in this material world. And we are nitya-baddha-ever conditioned, eternally conditioned
- No more Hindu and Muslim. It is simply lump of matter. But because they got a type of body, a type of mental situation, consciousness, they fought with one another, and then after death, no more claiming - Hindu and Muslim
- No new society. A new status of consciousness. We don't want to change anything. We want to change the consciousness because they are in ignorance
- Nobody can be equal with Krsna; nobody can be greater than Krsna. Everyone is lower than Krsna. So this intelligence is real intelligence, and if we think that equal to Krsna or greater than Krsna, that is all maya
- Nobody can understand Bhagavad-gita unless one is very dear to Krsna and bhakta of Krsna. Nobody can understand. That is the first step. One must be very dear to Krsna and one must be a devotee of Krsna, then he can touch Bhagavad-gita
- Nobody can understand Krsna without being trained up by a self-realized devotee
- Nobody drinks poison knowingly, but these people, we are all drinking poison knowingly. They're refusing to take Krsna consciousness
- Nobody goes to sadhu for going back to home back to godhead. It is only (material) proposition. Otherwise the so-called yogis, sadhus, swamis, they are making good luck business simply by promising that you'll get this material power
- Nobody is without any occupation. Everyone is engaged some sort of duty. The storekeeper is engaged in his business, the factory man is engaged in his business, the lawyer is engaged in his business. Everyone
- Nobody knows the real interest is to go back to home, back to Godhead. Nobody knows. Ask any so-called sadhu, yogi, swami - they do not know
- Nobody knows what is God, neither he knows how to trust in God. That is instructed in the Bhagavad-gita: what is God and how to trust in Him. This is the subject matter of Bhagavad-gita
- Nobody knows what is soul; nobody knows what is the goal of life; nobody knows what is the necessity of the soul. These things are not discussed, neither they know it. So-called religious institution or so-called . . . they do not know
- Nobody understands this philosophy, but this is real philosophy: not to waste your valuable time for improving your economic condition. That is not possible. You have to utilize every moment to see how we are improving Krsna consciousness
- Not by enviousness. Chastisement means correction. He's in the wrong way; he is corrected to the right way. So gradually you have to take the power of the king to correct the whole human society
- Not feeling, practically, training that I am spirit soul, I am eternal part & parcel of the Lord. When you come to this position, this is called sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam. Freed from all designation. These are, the bodily identification is designation
- Not only Vedanta-sutra, but also all the Vedas. Sama, Yajur, Atharva, Rk, the ultimate objective is Krsna, to know Krsna
- Not to enjoy, but to abide by the orders of my tongue. Therefore in the name of so-called enjoyment, we are all serving the senses
- Nothing is hampering in the process of preaching Krishna Consciousness. The only qualification required is that one should know the genesis of Krishna Consciousness and then he is just the fit person to preach this great philosophy
- Now combinedly go on with your preaching work. I am very glad to know that you are keeping your accounts up to date with BTG and the book fund. This is good and proper management. So you continue to keep these accounts weekly
- Now good boys like yourself and all my other spiritual sons and daughters all around the world have been giving me great hope that I may be able to successfully fulfill my Guru Maharaja's plan
- Now I've got this body, you've got this body, and if we do not change our attitude to serve Krsna, then we get again next body
- Now just like we are selling millions copies of these books, they are reading, and how many of them coming forward? So it requires training. Training is essential to make them Krsna conscious
- Now our appeal is to everyone, every religious sect, that people are becoming godless generally at the present moment. So we should make combined effort to revive their God consciousness. Otherwise it is doomed
- Now our socialist idea is: God is the father of all living beings. And whatever there is on the surface of the globe, on the sea, on the sky, everything belongs to God
- Now our this Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is the topmost selling book in London. All the booksellers, BG. So Macmillan Company is our publisher, and within one year they have published three editions, fifty thousand each. So real thing will have real value
- Now that loving propensity can attain its perfection, and as soon as you reach that perfectional point, you become happy. This is the formula for happiness
- Now the fault is without being trained, simply by votes one becomes prime minister or home minister, he has no training how to administer, but simply by vote, he occupies a big post. And that is his qualification
- Now the younger generation are after suicide. I do not know if this is fact. There is some dearth. So many things are. So actually, there is no cause of frustration. There is very good news for jubilation. That is this Krsna consciousness movement
- Now this civilization has spread in the Western countries - they want to remain naked. There are so many nudie clubs. So next life they'll be given chance to become tree, to stand naked for thousands of years
- Now this nudie movement is there, how to remain naked. That means next life they are preparing for becoming tree: Thousand years, stand up here, naked. Nobody will object
- Now we have come to establish some branches in India. We invite everyone. There is no discrimination that "You are such, you are such." Anyone can join us
- Now we have got books. These rascals, they have no books to read about this realization. They have got only Freud's philosophy and this . . . what is that? And Darwin's theory. All rascaldom, simply rascaldom. Let them read these books
- Now we shall have to find out why our happiness has been disturbed so that life after life, we are searching after happiness but we are becoming frustrated. That is our business, not to make the temporary place very comfortable
- Now you be always travelling here and there, visiting the centers in your zone, seeing how things are going on and how the students are making spiritual progress. That is our real concern, the spiritual progress of life
- Now, after taking instruction from Christ, first of all they killed Christ. That means they could not understand the instruction. Therefore their first business was to kill the instructor. And after that, two thousand years passed, still they are killing
- Now, duskrtina, always committing sinful life. What is sinful life? Illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication, and gambling. Because they are addicted to these things they are duskrtina and naradhama, lowest of the mankind
- Now, especially in our country, we say it is Hindustan, Bharatavarsa. So we are not giving the bharatiya or Hindu spiritual cultural education. So that's a great loss of the secular state
- Now, mind that, karma-yogi. Those who are yogis, those who are trying to get spiritual life, regain their spiritual vitality, they are called yogis
- Now, to come to the real knowledge, real platform of knowledge, the cultivation is required. So cultivation is required. Suppose somebody has said, the same example, that there is fire in the wood
- Nyasa means giving up, giving up. Sat nyasa, sannyasa. Om tat sat. Sat is Krsna. Therefore when you sacrifice everything for Krsna, that is real sannyasa, not this dress. This dress is symbolical. That's all
- Of course your idea that when I go I shall talk with him and get some big contribution from the Indian community is all right. But my mission will be more successful if the Americans construct a temple
- Of course, in the process of development, there is no consciousness, just like deep sleeping. It is like that. But as soon as the body is little developed, the... There are nine holes: two nostrils, two ears, two eyes, one navel, one genital, one rectum
- Of course, we must be careful to prepare foodstuff, because we are going to offer to the Lord, and we must offer things which is acceptable by the Lord, at least
- Old age and disease. But the real science is that "I am the soul. I am the part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. So Supreme Lord, God, is eternal. I am also eternal."
- On the strength of holy name of Lord, if one commits sinful activities, he is a greatest offender
- One can become liberated simply by chanting Hare Krsna mantra. This is real Vedanta. And actually it is happening. So they want to be misguided. And there are so many bluffers, they misguide them. What can be done?
- One can chant the holy name of the Lord in a humble state of mind, thinking himself lower than the straw in the street, more tolerant than the tree, devoid of all sense of false prestige, and ready to offer all respects to others
- One can practice for quick result and self-realization and liberation even in this life. He hasn't got to wait for another life. It is so nice, Krsna consciousness
- One cannot become a bona fide devotee without being trained up under the regulative principles of sruti-smrti-puranadi-pancaratra-vidhi
- One has got tendency for a certain thing. That tendency can be engaged in Krsna's service also. It is not difficult. Simply it requires training and guidance
- One has to accept the proper person who can let him know what is God. And if he is determined, then it is not difficult
- One has to adopt some means by which one can become sinless. So simply by hearing, you become sinless. And after being sinless, you become more and more interested
- One has to become freed from the sinful activities. Then one can understand. But the easiest method of becoming free from sinful activity is to accept this Krsna consciousness movement. Easiest way
- One has to become mahatma, greater soul, great soul, must understand. So therefore there must be training. Without training, how... Because after all, we are coming from the lower grade of life, animal life
- One has to become purified by freeing himself from all designations. This is the first step. We are now under different designations
- One has to take shelter of Krsna as the Supreme guru, or His representative. Then all these troubles, means ignorance, can be dissipated
- One has to take this process, four divisions of varnas and four..., four divisions of social order and four divisions of spiritual order. That is called varnasrama
- One has to take to this process of hari-kirtana. Anyone can take, without any prequalification. You haven't got to study philosophy or Vedanta
- One has to undergo tapasya; brahmacarya, celibacy. Tapasya. Brahmacarya means stopping sex life or controlling sex life. Brahmacarya
- One has to work for Krsna. Either he's a brahmacari or sannyasi, it doesn't matter, or householder. Otherwise he'll be captured by maya
- One is apara, and one is para. Apara-purusa is the living entity, who is trying to enjoy this material world. But para-purusa is the anumanta, guiding principle or order-giving
- One is called ascending process, or inductive logic, and another process is descending process, or deductive logic. So ascending process is based on speculation, and descending process is based on fact
- One must approach a guru. That is the Vedic injunction. That Arjuna has already done. When he was he was to fight or not to fight, But he could not make solution. So to make a solution we must approach Krsna as guru, or Krsna's representative
- One must be free from this karma-kandiya vicara and jnana-kanda vicara. Must be pure devotee. What is that? Anukulyena krsnanu-silanam. Simply to carry out
- One must be pure. Then he will be able to attract. So if they see practically that "These people are very happy; they have no anxiety," then they will be attracted
- One must be very much inquisitive to understand the spiritual science. He requires a guru. Tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh. Jijnasuh means inquisitive
- One must seek after a guru - when? When he is inquisitive to understand the transcendental knowledge. Jijnasuh sreya uttamam
- One professor in Oxford University, he is a student or professor of Bhagavad-gita, has written book. Now his conclusion is that Krsna is immoral. That means he could not understand Bhagavad-gita
- One should be inquisitive to understand what is the highest benefit of life. And that is the beginning of Vedanta-sutra, athato brahma jijnasa
- One should be inquisitive to understand, "What is my constitutional position?" Then it is perfect life. Otherwise it is crazy life
- One should be inquisitive, inquire from the spiritual master, being jijnasu, very inquisitive to understand the spiritual science. Not that "I know better than you. Let us talk." No
- One should become a saintly person. That is human civilization. Therefore in the Vedic civilization - brahmana, the first-class men. There is no first-class men now in this society. Everyone third class, fourth class, fifth class
- One should go to guru to serve him as menial servant. That is acceptance of guru. That is required. Nicavat. Nica, nica means menial. Just like menial servant, he does everything. Similarly, to live with guru means to serve him as a menial servant
- One should go to such holy places not simply to take bath in the water, but he must be intelligent enough to find out some spiritually advanced man living there and take instruction from him
- One should have very clear knowledge that "I am not this body. This is my body." You are not this body; it is your body. You are spirit; I am spirit. We are different from this body. This is the first instruction given in the BG in the beginning
- One should not take guru as ordinary human being. Ordinary human being, he'll cheat you, or he'll give some information, he's cheating. But a guru, real guru, he'll not cheat you
- One should think always in danger without Krsna. This is the first step. And by taking shelter of Krsna's lotus feet, one should always feel safe
- One thing is that all translations should be checked by you and Candrabali because those who are not our students, if they write some wrong conclusion, the whole thing will be murdered
- One thing we must be very careful, that we should not commit again sinful life. If you chant Hare Krsna mantra, you become free immediately from all sinful reaction. But if you commit again sinful life, that is your responsibility
- One who can take up the reformation, he can be situated as a brahmana, as a ksatriya, as a vaisya. This is not by birth, but by education, by training. That is recommended for the all human society
- One who cannot understand Krsna, they are cripple-minded. They are not broad-minded. If one becomes broad-minded, then, by the grace of Krsna, he can understand Krsna
- One who does not know the law of the state, he's not a good citizen. He's a fool, rascal. What to speak of humanity
- One who has no consciousness, he cannot do anything nicely. If his consciousness is disturbed, then his work cannot be... Just like a madman
- One who has no knowledge, he is taking the part of a teacher. So a hodgepodge, must be. He is speaking something hodgepodge. Just like this, one does not know what is Vedanta, and he is reading Vedanta. It is very simple truth
- One who has taken birth in the holy place of this Bharata-varsa, it is huge duty: make his life perfect and do welfare activities for others. This is India's business
- One who is beyond the conception of bodies, he has no obligation of these material things. Just like there are many sadhus, they simply remain naked body. Even in severe cold. They are practiced
- One who is driving on the chariot of mind, mano-rathena. The chariot of mind will take him, will fix him only on material conditions. So long one remains in the material conditions of life, he cannot have good qualifications
- One who is fully engaged. Bhajate mam ananya-bhak. He has no other engagement. Not partial, some percentage for this purpose, some p