Prabhupāda: He wrote it nice.
Mādhavānanda: Yes. Cancer is the largest killing disease now. (break)
Makhanlāl: (laughter) These are some pictures of our farm project, St. Louis farm project.
Prabhupāda: Yes, increase farm projects. It is very nice project. Self-dependent. Very good. Kṛṣṇa personally, He lived in village—farm, cows, calves, land, Govardhana Hill. It is very nice. Land, in America, you have got so much land. Produce vegetable, grains, milk, eat sumptuously, no economic question. Prepare very nice product. And make some money by sending ghee in the city. Śrutakīrti will take charge. (laughter) There is sea also? No. Water?
Makhanlāl: There's a small creek in one . . .
Prabhupāda: Not ocean.
Makhanlāl: Not ocean, no.
Hari-śauri: That's just the hills in the background.
Prabhupāda: I think this farm organization will not be liked by the government.
Hari-śauri: Because of the self-sufficiency? Once they know that we can live independently, they won't like it.
Mādhavānanda: They don't like it already. They are attacking in New Vrindavan, publicity saying that this is just a hippie farm and this and that. They don't like it.