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So our method is very simple, and it is very sublime. And it is not that we are dreaming. Practically it is happening in every part of the world

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"So our method is very simple, and it is very sublime. And it is not that we are dreaming. Practically it is happening in every part of the world"


General Lectures

So our method is very simple, and it is very sublime. And it is not that we are dreaming. Practically it is happening in every part of the world. We have got so many branches all over the world, and each and every branch you will find devotees like this.

(CC Antya 20.12).

Just like the moon rises from a line. On the pratipara day, on the first moon side, you will see just like a line. But gradually it develops, develops, develops, and it becomes a full moon, very beautiful. Similarly, if you chant this Hare Kṛṣṇa mantra, then your first vision of your self, your constitutional position, will be visible just like a line of the moon. But if you go on continuing, you will find one day it is full moon and brilliant, very soothing, and nectarine. You'll taste your life as very sublime, blissful and hopeful.

So our method is very simple, and it is very sublime. And it is not that we are dreaming. Practically it is happening in every part of the world. We have got so many branches all over the world, and each and every branch you will find devotees like this. Twenty-five . . . at least twenty-five devotees, up to one hundred devotees we have got. In America, my students, these boys and girls, they have been known as "Hare Kṛṣṇa People," "bright-faced people." You can compare their face with others, how they are feeling happy and blissful. That's a fact. It is not a story.

Page Title:So our method is very simple, and it is very sublime. And it is not that we are dreaming. Practically it is happening in every part of the world
Created:2022-10-29, 15:07:48
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1