There are many stalwarts. And especially these twelve persons, just like Brahmā, Lord Śiva, Manu, Kapila, Mahārāja Prahlāda, Bhīṣma. There are authorities. So even their evidences in the authorized scriptures, even they are accepted by great stalwarts and the sages and munis, still, the asura prakṛti, those who are atheistic person, they'll never accept. They'll never accept. They'll simply go on arguing.
The process is that if . . . Vedic process is if something is mentioned in the Vedas, and it is accepted by the previous ācārya, then it is accepted; I have nothing to bother. That's all. This is the proce . . . the simple process. Suppose I am a fool number one. That doesn't matter. I may be fool, but if I follow the previous authorized ācārya, then I am all right. Just like a child, he may be a child, innocent child, but if he catches the hand of his father, then he's all right. He can walk. He can cross the street. This is the Vedic process.
Vedic process, research, oh, there is no research in Vedic process. What research, nonsense, you'll do? What sense you have got? You shall research about God? The frog philosophy? (chuckles) There is no research. Research, that is not accepted in Vedic philosophy. You have to accept the authority. That's all.