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The sun is the source of the sunshine. So similarly, brahmano hi pratisthaham, "I am the source of Brahman, the effulgence." That's a fact. Brahman is not greater than Krsna. Krsna is greater than Brahman

Expressions researched:
"The sun is the source of the sunshine. So similarly, brahmaṇo 'ham pratiṣṭha" |"I am the source of Brahman, the effulgence" |"That's a fact. Brahman is not greater than Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa is greater than Brahman"


Bhagavad-gita As It Is Lectures

The sunshine, all over the universe it is spread. Does it make it is greater than the sun? The sun is the source of the sunshine. So similarly, brahmaṇo 'ham pratiṣṭha (BG 14.27), "I am the source of Brahman, the effulgence." That's a fact. Brahman is not greater than Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa is greater than Brahman.

The conchshell sound is going beyond this temple. Does it mean that conchshell sound is bigger than the conchshell? The vibration of the conchshell, apparently it seem to be very great, but does it mean it is great? The great is the conchshell where from the vibration is coming.

That is the ultimate source. So oṁkāra vibration is all over the universe. That's all right. But wherefrom it is coming? That you have to search out. When you search out, you'll find Kṛṣṇa. Therefore Kṛṣṇa is the ultimate, not the vibration. Is that clear? Yes.

The same example: The sunshine, all over the universe it is spread. Does it make it is greater than the sun? The sun is the source of the sunshine. So similarly, brahmaṇo 'ham pratiṣṭha (BG 14.27), "I am the source of Brahman, the effulgence." That's a fact. Brahman is not greater than Kṛṣṇa. Kṛṣṇa is greater than Brahman. Mattaḥ parataro nāsti. You will find in the Bhagavad-gītā, "There is no more greater truth than Me." These people, they cannot understand. Less intelligent.

The same example: Because they see that the sunshine is spreading all over the universe, therefore it is more important, greater than the sun planet. But actually it is not. The simple truth. And if you go into the sun planet you will find Vivasvān, the sun-god, is there. The sun planet is so dazzling due to his presence. Similarly, with all impersonal conception, when you reach Kṛṣṇa, then you reach to the goal.

There are so many crude examples. Just like your country, there are so many departmental government businesses going on, this department, that department, all over the country. The whole thing is concentrate in the President. How can I deny it?

The everything is going on on the finger's end of the President. This is a crude example. Similarly, ultimately, unless there is the Supreme Person on the background . . . that . . . Hayagrīva has brought one book, Evidence of God. So many scientists they have written in that book, and they have agreed that if God is there, He must be person. He must be person.

Page Title:The sun is the source of the sunshine. So similarly, brahmano hi pratisthaham, "I am the source of Brahman, the effulgence." That's a fact. Brahman is not greater than Krsna. Krsna is greater than Brahman
Created:2022-10-03, 13:46:50
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1