Now, suppose there are impersonalist who believe in the ultimate, I mean to say, merging into the supreme effulgence, brahma-jyoti. And what is that brahma-jyoti? Brahma-jyoti is just the atomic spiritual combination of atomic spiritual portions. That is brahma-jyoti. Just like the sun ray. Those who are scientists, those who know what is the sun ray.
The sun ray is a small molecular, glazing atoms, the sun ray. You have got experience of sun ray, but what is the sun ray? It is not homogeneous. It is heterogeneous. When you can analyze the sun ray, you'll find small particles of molecules. Similarly, brahma-jyoti is also spiritual atoms combined together. Just like the sun rays, different material molecules combined together, similarly, brahma-jyoti is also like that.
Now, as in the sun rays there are different planets—they are also generated from the sun ray—similarly, from the brahma-jyoti there are different planets. But those planets we cannot see here. That is beyond this sky. So in that planets, and the spiritual planets, there are different forms of God, Kṛṣṇa. That is described in the Brahma-saṁhitā:
- advaitam acyutam anādim ananta-rūpam
- ādyaṁ purāṇa-puruṣaṁ nava-yauvanaṁ ca
- vedeṣu durlabham adurlabham ātma-bhaktau
- govindam ādi-puruṣaṁ tam ahaṁ bhajāmi
- (Bs 5.33)
Just like Kṛṣṇa has expanded Himself with these molecular atomic portions of these living entities, similarly, He has got many other expansions as Viṣṇu. So that is the nice subject matter.