Interviewer (3) (Indian man): Have you any program for the common people?
Prabhupāda: Yes. Common people have joined. Everyone. We are opening centers so that any common man from any caste, any creed, any nation, they can come and join.
Interviewer (2): My friend, perhaps you would like to do is . . . I know you are doing some social work for . . .
Prabhupāda: This is the best social work. We are making animal into man. Already I have begun this, that because they are not educated how to become human being, so they remain animal. So this is the best social work, that we are bringing animal, two-legged animals, to real human being. If a human being is not properly educated, he remains an animal. So this is the proper education. Therefore we are bringing animals to human being.
Interviewer (3): Has your movement arranged once any political event which is a movement in a particular country?
Prabhupāda: Oh, yes. When we are many in number, then we shall take politics also. Yes. First of all let there be perfect men. If there is no perfect men, the government will be imperfect. If there is perfect men, the government will be perfect.
Interviewer (4) (Indian man): Do you think, Swāmījī, that man can become perfect?
Prabhupāda: Oh, yes. That is the chance of a human being. Therefore in the human society there is school, college, education, culture, not in the animal society, because they can be made into perfect, not the animals. So if they are denied proper education, that is the greatest harm. They got the opportunity, and the authorities are not giving them their opportunity.
Interviewer (4): No, but do you mean the perfectness is to become the God or to become the man? Then I want . . .
Prabhupāda: You cannot become God.
Interviewer (4): What does perfectness mean?
Prabhupāda: Perfect means to become godly.