Category:They Are
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- Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me - CC Adi 1.15
- Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me - CC Antya 1.5
- Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me - CC Madhya 1.3
- In the Western countries, they are very much fond of keeping best friend, the dog. So at the time of death if you think of your favorite dog, then in next life you become dog
- Nirvisesa-sunyavadi, impersonalism and voidism, they are practically the same
- Saints of your caliber are themselves places of pilgrimage. Because of their purity, they are constant companions of the Lord, and therefore they can purify even the places of pilgrimage
- They are advertising as scientist, philosopher - false propaganda. They are nothing, all bokas. My Guru Maharaja used to say. In the beginning I could not understand, "Why he says everyone is boka?"
- They are very much proud
- When six atoms combine together, they are called a trasarenu, and this is visible in the sunshine pouring through the holes of a window screen
- A ass is trying to become a pig. What is that civilization? So ideal is to become a pig, and for that, fulfillment of that idea, they are working like ass. Is it not? Just see. Think over
- A boy who is in Krsna consciousness, he is giving the best service to his parents, families, countrymen, society. Without being Krsna conscious, what service they are giving to their parents? Mostly they are separated
- A brahmana is employed, a ksatriya is employed, a vaisya is employed. Otherwise, if they are unemployed, idle brain, then idle brain will be devil's workshop. That is happening. Because everyone is not employed
- A brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra, brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha - these are different groups, and if they are favorably trained up then spiritual understanding becomes very easy
- A brahmanas and ksatriya, er, sannyasis, although they are meant for collecting, they do not collect heavy at a place. Little. Because they are collecting not for his sense gratification. He is collecting for satisfying Krsna. So everyone is given chance
- A car or house is actually made of material elements; as long as the material elements combine together properly, the car or house exists, and when they are disassembled the house or the car is disassembled
- A certain class of philosophers, they are astonished simply by seeing the great magnitude of God. But there is smaller, smallest, anor aniyan. These are much smaller than the atom magnitude. But that is beyond our experience. Therefore we say nirakara
- A child is required, progeny is required, for that sex life is good. But they are using sex life for pleasure and killing the child - and implicated in sinful activities and therefore suffering
- A conditioned soul and a liberated soul may apparently be on the same platform, but factually they are differently engaged, and their attention is always alert, either in sense enjoyment or in self-realization, respectively
- A devotee is not weak, but they think that, these devotees, they are weak. They cannot do any materialistic work. They cannot build skyscrapers. They cannot build a subtle machine. So they have taken to Krsna consciousness. They are chanting Hare Krsna
- A devotee never commits any sinful activities. They are so careful, so sober, and because they are protected by Krsna they never think of acting anything sinful. But sometimes it happens because this material world, sometimes we are prone to fall down
- A devotee never takes dangerous position as very reverse position or very calamitous position. He welcomes. Because a surrendered soul, he knows either danger or festival, they are all different demonstration of Krsna. Krsna is absolute
- A devotee of the Lord also can earn money in the same spirit, working day and night. Superficially it will appear just like this man and that man. There is no difference. They are working the same day and night for earning some money
- A devotee of the Lord regards both the activities of the Lord and those of His pure devotees on an equal level, for they are all transcendental
- A devotee of the Lord shows respect even to an ant, what to speak of the demigods? The devotee is aware that all living entities are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord and that they are playing different roles only
- A devotee who has fully surrendered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are worshiped by devaloka, siddhaloka
- A drop from the ocean of Your (Caitanya's) mercy can drown great mountains like Sumeru and Mandara. Since these two gentlemen are little hills by comparison, it is no wonder that they are being drowned in the ocean of Your mercy
- A God conscious person has no discrimination between human being and animal or trees or plants, because they are also living entities
- A Godless civilization cannot bring about peace and prosperity and when they are anxious about it we must administer the required medicine
- A grhastha means he may live, just like here we see Sri Caitanya, Sri Nityananda, Sri Advaita and Gadadhara Prabhu and Srivasa Prabhu, they are all grhasthas, family men, but their business was different (from grhamedhis) - to cultivate self-realization
- A human being can become philosopher. But the, so long I'm in the bodily concept of life, I'm in the line of cats and dogs. So how we can become philosopher? There is no question of philosopher. But they're philosophizing, means bluffing
- A human being, so-called human being with two hands and two legs, but they're animals who do not accept the authority of scripture and do not accept the existence of God, so Bhagavad-gita very nicely describes them, naradhamah
- A karmi, a business man, is improving his business. Just like in your country there are..., there were many great business brain-Mr. Henry Ford, Rockefeller. So they concentrated their attention how to earn money. They are also called yogi in that way
- A king is not allowed to take contribution. Because he is administrator, he can tax, so his source of income is tax. And the brahmanas' source of income is contribution because they are rendering transcendental service
- A Krsna conscious person, devotee, he is never misled, because Krsna is always guiding him, whereas those who are not Krsna conscious, they're in charge of maya, and maya will do the needful
- A ksatriya or a rich man is sometimes visited by persons who are in need of money. When they are asked for a donation, it is the duty of the possessor of wealth to give in charity in consideration of the person, place and time
- A leader of the man, if he is ideal, the followers also become ideal. And if the leader of the society or country is not an ideal man, then the followers or the countrymen or the members of the society, they are also of the same type
- A list of incarnations is given in Srimad-Bhagavatam & they are: (1) Kumaras, (2) Narada, (3) Varaha, (4) Matsya, (5) Yajna, (6) Nara-narayana, (7) Kardami Kapila, (8) Dattatreya, (9) Hayasirsa, (10) Hamsa, (11) Dhruvapriya or Prsnigarbha, (12) Rsabha
- A little higher grade of life, they try to understand about some religious principle, and they are generally become religious for some gain, some material gain
- A Little knowledge is dangerous. Then finished. So they are doing like that. A little knowledge, I think, "I have become more than my Guru Maharaja." Finished. That is the defect
- A living entity has constitutionally mind, intelligence, and ego, but they are contaminated in contact with matter. At the present moment, our ego is working under some designation
- A man has got attraction for woman; a woman has got attraction for man. This is nature's bondage, shackle. And when they are actually united, either by the father, mother, or by their own way, that shackle, that attraction, increases
- A man is to be understood in knowledge when he is giving, I mean to say, importance to the spiritual side. He is called jnani. Otherwise they are fools
- A man wants a woman, and a woman wants a man, so we say, "All right, take it. Live peacefully, but don't change partners." We don't allow divorce; once they're married there is no separation
- A Mayavadi philosophers, they are so dangerous that they mislead their follower to the hell. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has therefore strongly warned, mayavadi-bhasya sunile haya sarva-nasa
- A nondevotee works for his personal sense gratification or for the sense gratification of his family, society, community or nation, but because all such activities are separate from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are considered asat
- A paramahamsa does not require any reformatory process, because they are already reformed
- A person possessing an agricultural field may employ another person to produce food grains from it, but because the grains are produced from the land, they are considered the property of the owner of the land
- A person who does not understand things as they are laments. In the material condition we are simply changing bodies all the time; that is our disease. It is not that we always change to a human body
- A person, when he becomes ghostly haunted, he speaks all kinds of nonsense. So maya grasta jivera sei dasa upajaya. Those who have come to this material world under the influence of the external energy of Krsna, maya, they are all madmen
- A pure devotee does not accept any kind of liberation - salokya, sarsti, samipya, sarupya or ekatva - even though they are offered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A sannyasi should never see a man or a woman for material benefit. In addition, talks with materialistic men and women are also dangerous, and they are compared to drinking poison
- A section of the population, especially male, did not marry at all. Instead of allowing their semen to be driven downwards, they used to lift the semen up to the brain. They are called urdhva-retasah, those who lift up
- A sisya, a disciple, comes to the guru for enlightenment. Everyone is born foolish. Everyone. Even the human being, because they are coming from the animal kingdom by evolution, so the birth is the same, ignorance, like animal
- A sixteen-year-old boy can go safely all over the world, but a sixteen-year girl cannot. That is not possible. By nature, they are weak. So they require protection
- A small insects, they are also enjoying eating, sleeping, mating. A small, very small ant is captured. Jivo jivasya jivanam. One life is meant for being eaten by another life. You can see, might be very small, he has got all the same tendencies
- A society of thieves can never be happy, because they have no aim in life. The gross materialist thieves have no ultimate goal of life. They are simply directed to sense gratification; nor do they have knowledge of how to perform yajnas
- A spiritual body is not burned. They are kept, samadhi. Just like in Western countries they give samadhi to any, everyone, tomb, entombing. In India the tomb is offered to a very advanced spiritually person
- A street dog has no position and sometimes they're killed. Similarly, when we live under the full protection of the Supreme Lord, that is our healthy condition, that is our real life
- A sudra, actually those who are by qualification sudra . . . sudra means lamentation, simply changing. They accept something, and then they find it's useless, and they lament. The so-called scientists, philosophers, they're all sudras
- A temporary life for fifty years or sixty years, they are busy, making very, very gorgeous arrangement. This is asuric civilization
- A Vaisnava feels for others. A Vaisnava understands that "Those who are not Krsna conscious, those who have forgotten Krsna, they are rotting under the spell of maya. Let us do something for them"
- A Vaisnava, Brahma, is offering respect to Mother Durga. So similarly, a Vaisnava never disrespects any demigod. Why demigods? They are so exalted. They do not disrespect even an ant
- A woman can be better Krsna consciousness, because they are very simple. They can accept any religious system. Generally the women, they accept it, because they are very simple. They have no crooked mind
- Abhadra means the quality of ignorance and passion. They are abominable. Ignorance is most abominable, and passion is abominable. These two things must be given up
- About our tenants; most of them are employed. So, there is good chance of their vacating when they are transferred. You should be very vigilant to see that they do not transfer occupancy to someone else and cause unnecessary harassment
- Above all these (karmis, jnanis and yogis) are the devotees, who simply engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord; they are situated seriously on the topmost platform of ecstasy
- Acaryavan puruso veda - One who is under the guidance of bona fide acarya, he knows things, what they are
- Acaryopasanam. That is required. But these yogis, jnanis, karmis, they have no acarya. They are self-made
- Acceptance of authority is not new for us; everyone accepts authority in some form or another. For education we go to a teacher or to a school or simply learn from our father and mother. They are all authorities, and our nature is to learn from them
- According to Bhagavad-gita, because the leaders of society are bereft of all factual knowledge due to their atheistic way of life, they are actually sinful rascals and are the lowest among men
- According to Bhagavad-gita, the living entities, although they are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, they are taken as prakrti
- According to Bhagavata direction, these Nobel Prize winners are exactly like dogs, camels, hogs - sva-vid-varaha-ustra - and asses. And they are praised by similar animals. That's all
- According to Brahma-samhita, the Lord is served very respectfully by hundreds and thousands of goddesses of fortune. They are always in a lonely place also with the Lord
- According to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the so-called Vedanta societies, the so-called, I mean to say, learned scholars on Vedanta, they are not actually Vedanta scholars. They are all fools and rascals. Because Vedanta-sutra is very difficult to understand
- According to Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- According to Mayavadis, Vedanta refers to the Sariraka commentary of Sankaracarya. When impersonal philosophers refer to Vedanta & the Upanisads, they are actually referring to the commentaries of Sankaracarya, the greatest teacher of Mayavadi philosophy
- According to medical science also, they (vegetables, cow milk) are very rich in vitamins, food value. So why should we kill? Especially if we are human being, the cow is supplying us milk, the most important foodstuff
- According to one's activities of piety in different degrees, one obtains different standards of life, but none of them are permanent, and therefore they are all impure
- According to our own brain, teeny brain, we are making plans. Just the, in the state also, they're making plans. Personally, individually, and commercially, everyone is making plan. The plan-making means becoming entangled
- According to our sastra the planets are held on the hood of Ananta. He is carrying. But they say they are staying on account of law of gravitation
- According to religious principles, stool, urine, wash water, must be left at a long distance. Attached bathrooms, urinals, may be very convenient amenities of modern civilization, but they are ordered to be situated at a distance from residential quarters
- According to SB, there are twelve authorities, & they are all famous because they were all great devotees of the Lord. These authorities are Brahma, Narada, Lord Siva, Manu, Kapila, Prahlada, Janaka, Bhisma, Sukadeva Gosvami, Bali, Yamaraja & the Kumaras
- According to Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 7.5.30), they (atheists) are simply progressing to the darkest region of material existence. Adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram
- According to the monists, God and the devotee may be separate in the material state, but when they are spiritually situated, there is no difference between them. This is called advaita-siddhanta, the conclusion of the monists
- According to the principles of the Mayavadi sannyasis, singing, dancing and playing musical instruments are strictly prohibited, for they are considered to be sinful activities. The Mayavadi sannyasi is simply supposed to engage in the study of Vedanta
- According to the Vedic civilization, cows, women, children, old men and brahmanas should be excused if they are at fault. But asuras, uncivilized men, do not care about that
- According to the Vedic literature, living entities have knowledge, and thus they are called cetana, which means "in knowledge." Their situation in different conditions of life, therefore, is not accidental
- According to the Vedic system, when one is born in this material world he has many obligations. He has obligations to the demigods - the demigods of the sun and moon, King Indra, Varuna, etc. - because they are supplying the necessities of life
- According to them (pasandis), no one but the brahmanas can chant the holy name of Krsna, for if others chanted the holy name, its potency would be reduced. They are unaware of the potency of Lord Krsna’s name
- According to them (the impersonalists), the Supersoul and the individual soul are on the same level; they are one, without any difference between them
- According to time, according to place, according to the audience, they (who comes as representative of God) may speak, speak something which is, which may be different from the Vedic conclusion, but they are accepted as powerful incarnation
- According to Vedic civilization, it is imperative to give up the family at a certain stage, by force if necessary. Unfortunately, so-called followers of Vedic life do not give up their family even at the end of life, unless they are forced by death
- According to Vedic civilization, one should rise early in the morning and chant Hare Krsna, perform mangala aratrika, worship the Deity. This is the morning business. But the richest nation of the world, they are going to work at six-thirty for earning
- According to Vedic politics, the children and Brahmin, old men and woman, they have no fault. They are out of all laws of the state. Their fault will never be taken as seriously. They are innocent. They require protection
- According to Vedic principle, everyone has some authorized duty. The classification is brahmin, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. They are followers of the enjoined duties. Others, they are called pancama; they are out of this core
- According to Vedic sastra, if one lives with one woman, one man, they are also brahmacari
- According to Vedic system, the government has to look after about the ultimate goal of life also. The modern government, they are anxious to give material comforts
- According to Visnu Purana, Bhagavad-gita and all other Vedic literatures, the living entities are generated from the tatastha energy of the Lord, and thus they are always the energy of the Lord and are not the energetic
- Acting as Supersoul, the Lord gives inspiration to a suitable person to perform the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies. In this connection, four classes of priests, known as rtvik, are required. They are mentioned as hota, adhvaryu, brahma and udgata
- Activities in Krsna consciousness are on the absolute plane; they are transcendental and have no material effect. One is, therefore, filled with peace in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Actually a mukta, or liberated soul, is he who understands his constitutional position as an eternal servant of the Lord. Such liberated souls engage with faith and devotion in the service of the Lord, and they are called krsna-bhaktas
- Actually it is a fact. The United Nations is barking like dogs, what have they done? Any sane man can understand that after 30 years they are simply barking
- Actually people should be trained up to be happy with one's own self. So the yogis and the philosophers, they are trying to be satisfied with their own self
- Actually the Mayavadi philosophy was started with Vivekananda. Because I don't find in the Christian faith that they are Mayavadis. Their belief is service to God. Of course, they are somewhat Mayavadis
- Actually the meaning of the words of the Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavatam are revealed to one strictly following the orders of the spiritual master. They are also revealed to one who has equal faith in the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Actually the state belongs to the Supreme Lord. The rivers, oceans, forests, hills, drugs, etc., are not creations of man. They are all creations of the Supreme Lord
- Actually the sum and substance is those who are impersonalist, they are envious. Impersonalists are on the spiritual platform, but because they are envious of the Person, they fall down to the material world
- Actually there is no love; they are all lust, but going on in trade in the name of love. Love is possible only with Krsna, or God. Prema pum-artho mahan
- Actually these four books: Krishna, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad-gita, if these four books are translated and distributed widely in German language, alone they are sufficient to give everyone the whole contents of Krishna Consciousness subject matter
- Actually they (the impersonalists) are impure in heart on account of being devoid of knowledge of the personal feature of the Absolute
- Actually they (the sannyasis who artificially think that they have become liberated) are self-interested because their goal is becoming one with the impersonal Brahman. BG 1972 purports
- Actually they are all saintly persons, but now they have taken the form of bees. Although You are playing like a human being, they could not forget that You are their worshipable Deity
- Actually those who are meat-eater, beef-eater, they are killing their father and mother and become implicated in sinful life
- Actually we are busy with something which is not permanent - a temporary arrangement by the laws of nature. Therefore those who are too much full of anxiety for all these things, they are called demons
- Actually we do not condemn. We simply ask people to do whatever they are doing in Krsna consciousness
- Actually, everyone is butcher. Actually, so-called gentlemen who are, I mean to say, supporting these butchers, they are also butchers
- Actually, everything belongs to Krsna. Krsna says, bhoktaram yajna-tapasam sarva-loka-mahesvaram (BG 5.29). He's the proprietor. But because people are not educated in Krsna consciousness, they are thinking - I am the proprietor
- Actually, in the Kali-yuga, because there is no ksatriya, where is the government? Sudra government is no government. Sudra has no right to govern, but by force they are governing. That's all - Might is right
- Actually, self is beyond this body, beyond this mind, beyond this intelligence. That is the position. Those who are grossly on the bodily concept of self-realization, they are materialist
- Actually, that is the fact. We work so hard, accumulate money for showing to our relatives, to our friends: "Now, just see how I have become rich." But if they are all gone, then "Whom shall I show this kingdom?" thinking like ordinary worldly man
- Actually, the demigods are not different forms of God, but they are God's different parts and parcels. God is one, and the parts and parcels are many. The Vedas say, nityo nityanam: God is one. BG 1972 purports
- Actually, the individual souls have spiritual senses, but in condemned life they are covered with the material elements and therefore the sense activities are exhibited through matter. BG 1972 purports
- Actually, the living entities are infinitesimal parts and parcels of Brahman, and as such they are prone to be covered by the illusory energy
- Actually, there is no brahmana or ksatriyas. They are extinct. And because the brahmanas and ksatriyas are extinct, therefore social orders are in chaos. There is no brain; there is no good administration. That's all
- Actually, there was only Vedic culture all over the world. As the things deteriorated, new system of religion came in either Sikh or Christian or Muslim religion. They are,deformed type of religion. Real religion is that sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam
- Actually, these ideas what we have explained in our books, they're unknown to the modern world
- Actually, they are pessimistic of this material world, but they want to forget. Somebody is trying to forget it by liquor. Somebody is trying to forget by LSD, and somebody is marijuana, or ganja. But that forgetfulness will not save you
- Actually, they are rascals. They do not know the value of life and the real problem of life. Simply like animals they are eating, sleeping, having sex life and dying. That's all
- Acyuta refers to the infallible Lord Visnu, whose heart is always infallible. Because the devotees are attached to the infallible, they are called acyutatma
- Adanta means unbridled, uncontrolled. Go means indriya or senses. Materialistic persons, they cannot control their senses. They are servant of the senses, godasa. Go means indriya, and dasa means servant
- Advaita Acarya is the typical example how to become acarya. All are our acaryas: sri-krsna-caitanya prabhu-nityananda, sri-advaita gadadhara srivasadi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda. All of them are acaryas because they are following Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- African villages are supposed to be uncivilized, but I don't think. They have got enough of these things, patram puspam phalam toyam, anywhere. And they are being taught by this Krsna consciousness movement to offer to Krsna and take
- After all, anyone who is coming to Krsna consciousness, man or woman, boys or girls, they are welcome. They are very fortunate
- After all, in the material world a man requires a woman and a woman requires a man. When they are combined, they should live peacefully in Krsna consciousness and should not be restless like the lightning, flashing from one group of clouds to another
- After all, in the material world a man requires a woman, and a woman requires a man. When they are combined, they should live peacefully in Krsna consciousness and should not be restless, like the lightning, flashing from one group of clouds to another
- After all, the human race is divided into two sections. The one is legitimate and the other is illegitimate. Those who do not care about any laws of life, but simply work on the principle of sense gratification - they are all illegitimate
- After all, this class of men, they are falsely puffed up that they know something about mysticism, but actually they want to be flattered by somebody. So they are keeping some spiritual master or instructor, means to keep them as pet dog and cat
- After cleansing the rooms and floors such kind of auspicious paintings are done every morning or in every ceremony. In Bhagavad-gita is is said that they are part and parcel of religious life. In most cases these engagements are meant for the women
- After death they (atheist class of men) do not know, they are so fools and rascals. After death there is life, they don't believe in. If they believe, then their whole plan is spoilt. But believe or not believe, there is
- After death, such persons (who have no good behavior, cleanliness or regulated life) are thrown into the hell called Puyoda, where they are put into an ocean filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things
- After death, such persons are thrown into the hell called Puyoda, where they are put into an ocean filled with pus, stool, urine, mucus, saliva and similar things. Sudras who could not improve themselves fall into that ocean and are forced to eat those
- After each annihilation of the material creation, all the living entities are merged within the body of the Lord, and after creation they are again impregnated within the material energy
- After finishing a so-called education, the so-called educated persons move like dogs from door to door with applications for some service, and mostly they are driven away, informed of no vacancy
- After passing so many examinations, they (the people) are seeking after master. And without master they will starve. This is doggish mentality. A big technologist, unless he gets a good job, he is nothing but dog
- After the dissolution of the Universe the living entities remain in slumber within Maha Visnu, and again when the creation takes place they are impregnated in their original position and they come out in different species of life
- After the varieties of living entities are created, they are subject to happiness and distress according to their association
- After touching the ceiling above the door, you have touched the coconuts. Now they are no longer fit to be offered to Krsna because they are contaminated
- Again and again the day comes, and this host of beings is active; and again the night falls, O Partha, and they are helplessly dissolved. BG 8.19 - 1972
- Again and again, when Brahma's day arrives, all living entities come into being, and with the arrival of Brahma's night they are helplessly annihilated
- Ahankara-vimudhatma, those who are carried by the material egotism, they cannot understand. They are thinking that by material adjustment everything will be done nicely. No. That is not possible
- Aim of civilization is to understand Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But they're missing the point. They're thinking motor tire civilization, very nice road and running motorcar in seventy, eighty miles speed, that is civilization
- Ajamila lived for more than eighty-eight years, but what is the use of prolonged life? Aghayuh. Just like trees, they are standing for thousands of years
- Ajnani may have an impersonal conception of God, but because he is taking shelter of the ultimate, the Supreme Absolute Truth, he is also to be considered pious. These four types of men are called sukrti - pious - because they are all after God
- Akrura replied, "We may make very great plans, but unless they are sanctioned by the supreme authority, they will fail. Everyone in this material world knows that the supernatural power is the ultimate disposer of everything"
- All acts performed in this sense of servitude are called pure love of God because they are performed for the absolute sense gratification of Sri Krsna
- All along he is thinking these things are like soldiers of security to safeguard his happy life, but they are described as "fallible soldiers'' because they will not help us at all
- All bogus man, they're becoming teachers. Therefore the world condition is so degraded. A cheater is taking the place of teacher. Therefore the whole world is degraded
- All classes of men, from all groups of men, all religious societies or nation, they are joining this movement. They are joining it
- All conditioned souls have imperfect senses, they are subject to commit mistakes and become illusioned, and they are influenced by the propensity to cheat
- All confidential knowledge culminates in devotional service. Generally, people are not educated in this confidential knowledge; they are educated in external knowledge
- All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation? BG 2.28 - 1972
- All debauch. Because they're getting good fat salary. What they'll do? They do not know how to use it. Wine, woman, restaurant, dance - finish
- All devotees in the Gaudiya-sampradaya accept the activities of Lord Ananta related in the Srimad-Bhagavatam as authentic, and they are thus benefited by going back home, back to Godhead
- All forms of happiness or distress, such as winter cold or summer heat, are due to material sense perception only. They come and go according to the laws of nature, and they are therefore to be tolerated without our being disturbed
- All glories to Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami, Jiva Gosvami, Raghunatha dasa Gosvami, Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami and Gopala Bhatta Gosvami, the six Gosvamis of Vrndavana! They are all my masters
- All great men or great personalities who have appeared on this earth and rendered great service to the humanity, they are still remembered
- All great men or great, I mean to say, personality who has appeared on this earth and rendered great service to the humanity, they are still remembered. Just like in your country, President Washington, he rendered very valuable service to your country
- All human beings, although they are born sudra, he can be made a brahmin by the process. Samskara means by reformatory process, bhaved dvijah. Dvija means second birth
- All Indian kings are given titles. Sometimes they are known as Chatrapati, sometimes as Narapati, sometimes as Asvapati, and so on. The King of Orissa is addressed as Gajapati
- All initiates must practice chanting 16 rounds daily & strictly follow the four regulative principles which must be stressed with great care so that they are very familiar with them. The brahmana must be clean inside & out by bathing with water & mantra
- All living beings are stated to be the parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, and how they are so is explained in this verse - SB 2.5.37
- All living entities are creatures of the material nature, and consequently they are bewildered by the wonderful display of the three modes of material nature. Such bewilderment is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 7.13
- All living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord and are qualitatively one, but they are now differently shaped in 8,400,000 species of life, just like many different ornaments manufactured from the same source of gold
- All living entities are part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and they are supposed to be always agreeable to the order of the Supreme person; that is perfect oneness
- All living entities are serving Krsna in different ways, but when they are Krsna conscious, their service is fully manifest
- All living entities who are residents of the material universes are considered to be more or less criminals because they do not wish to abide by the order of the Lord or they are against the harmonious activities of God's will
- All living entities, they are ajnah; they have forgotten what is the value of life
- All living entity, anyone who has come into this material world, under different body or different dress they are suffering in this material world. Therefore the sastra is meant for the human being so that he can understand his awkward position
- All manifestations that you are observing, they are different combination of these three qualities. Now that can be made into nine. Three into three equal to nine; nine into nine equal to eighty-one; and so on - go on diluting
- All of our children should go to Dallas when they are four and begin their training program there. In Dallas, they have full facility approved by me, I have personally seen that they are doing very nicely there
- All of the devotees all over the world are simply praying now. They have been placed into great transcendental anxiety, Srila Prabhupada. They are simply praying for your recovery. Do you think that this powder has been successful
- All of the energies are of Visnu-sakti, that is to say they are different potencies of Lord Visnu. That energy is para, transcendental. BG 1972 Introduction
- All of the Lord's arms are auspicious, whether they are holding conchshells and flowers or clubs and discs
- All of Them (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Advaita Gosani) are prabhus (predominators or masters), and They are sometimes called Caitanya Gosani, Nityananda Gosani and Advaita Gosani
- All of these forms (mentioned in CC Madhya 20.215-217) are murti forms, and They are worshiped in the temples
- All of these personalities (Uddhava, Daruka, Satyaki, Srutadeva, Satrujit, Nanda, Upananda and Bhadra) remain with the Lord as His secretaries, but still they are sometimes engaged in His personal service
- All of these symptoms are transcendental, and they are exhibited in different ways, acting and interacting under different conditions. They are like the reciprocation of love between the lover and beloved
- All of us, beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, we have come here for material enjoyment. And in this material world, according to different desires and karma, they are getting different types of bodies
- All our disciples in Europe, America, they were habituated to so many bad habits, and because they are chanting, they are now cleansed. So it is small-scale. If you propagate it large-scale, everyone will be cleansed
- All our leaders they are blind, they have no perfect knowledge, they do not know what is after this body. As we have... everyone of us this experience that we had a body like a child, we had a body like a boy, like a young man
- All over the world people are chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. And practically we see, those who are chanting, they're becoming free from the contamination
- All people except Krsna conscious devotees are to some proportion pasandis, or demons, and thus they are punishable by the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead
- All politicians saying something in the mouth and doing something else, because they are sudra
- All rascaldom going on under the name of religion, cheating religion, they're completely kicked out from Srimad-Bhagavatam. Simply on scientific understanding we are presenting what is Krsna consciousness
- All rascals should be challenged vigorously. They are misleading the whole population, and blaspheming the Indian spiritual culture. People are depending so much on this culture for their upliftment, and they are blackmailing for money’s sake
- All religious system of the world, they are taken from Vedas, from different parts. Therefore they are not complete. The age of Bible is not more than two thousand years. The age of Veda you cannot calculate, millions and millions of years
- All right. You kill and meat. Why you are maintaining slaughterhouse? Is that Jesus Christ's instruction, rascal? Thousands of slaughterhouse you are maintaining under the order of Jesus Christ? So they are rascals
- All rogues, they are political leaders. Political leader means rogue. Nowadays, these... Here is so-called religious leader, Sai Baba, another rogue. This is Kali-yuga
- All rubbish, these modern girls, they are all rubbish. Therefore they are simply used for sex satisfaction. Topless, bottomless
- All rubbish, these modern girls, they are all rubbish. Therefore they are simply used for sex satisfaction. Topless, bottomless...
- All services in this world - whether social, political, communal, international or even interplanetary - will remain incomplete until they are dovetailed with the Complete Whole
- All sinful persons go to these hellish planets and how they are punished there by the assistants of Yamaraja
- All the big Vaisnavas, those who are representatives of Krsna, they are called thakura
- All the commentaries in the market, they are simply presentation of the particular commentator's personal view. That is not Bhagavad-gita. If you want to understand Bhagavad-gita, then you should understand as they are said
- All the cranes and swans in the water are being enchanted by the melodious song of Krsna's flute. They have approached and are worshiping the S P of Godhead with full attention. Alas, they are closing their eyes and are becoming completely silent
- All the demigods are servants of Krsna; they are not equal with Krsna. Therefore even if one goes to a temple of the pancopasana, as mentioned above (purport of CC Adi 7.157), one should not accept the deities as they are accepted by the impersonalists
- All the demigods are surrendering and entering into You. They are very much afraid, and with folded hands they are singing the Vedic hymns. BG 11.21 - 1972
- All the demigods engaged in the administration of each universe (brahmanda) offer their respectful obeisances unto Him. Indeed, the helmets on their heads are beautiful because they are decorated with the imprints of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord
- All the descriptions of the transcendental nature of the Personality of Godhead are factual realizations by the devotee of the Lord, and by the causeless mercy of the Lord they are revealed to His pure devotee, and to no one else
- All the expansions of Lord Krsna are actually residents of the spiritual world. But when they descend into the material world, they are called incarnations (avataras)
- All the foolish persons who are born foolish, all their activities are defeat for them unless they are enlightened to inquire about atma-tattvam
- All the four (Brahma, Sri, Kumaras & Rudra) Sampradayas above mentioned, they are after worshiping the Supreme Lord Visnu, in His different Expansions, and some of them are in favor of worshiping Radha Krishna
- All the immovable trees and plants seek their subsistence upwards. They are almost unconscious but have feelings of pain within. They are manifested in variegatedness
- All the inhabitants of Vrndavana are Vaisnavas. They are all-auspicious because somehow or other they always chant the holy name of Krsna
- All the living entities who are in this material world, they have rebelled. They have refused to give service. And they are all put into this material world. And in this material world there are different varieties of living entities
- All the members of Ramananda Raya's family are Your eternal servants. Now they are in danger. It is not befitting for You to be indifferent to them in this way
- All the people of the world, they are struggling hard for existence, simply calculating that, - This much I have achieved today, and this much I'll achieve tomorrow. In this way my bank balance will be increased more and more
- All the planets, they are of different atmosphere, and each and every planet there are varieties of living entities. So even if you divide so many thousands and hundreds, still, 8,000,000. This is God's creation
- All the planets, they are rotating on account of heat of the sun. If the sun moves little this side or that side, everything will be blazing fire or frozen into ice. This is scientific truth
- All the political parties - I have seen personally - simply they are making plan how to keep their position in the government so they may not be dethroned, other party may not come. The whole time is wasted
- All the Ramakrishna mission sannyasis still, they are eating meat, egg and everything, especially in America
- All the relatives of the Lord are His devotees only, and they are situated in different transcendental mellows as friends, parents, and lovers
- All the residents of Vaikunthaloka know perfectly well that their master is Narayana, or Krsna, and that they are all His servants. They are all self-realized souls who are nitya-mukta, everlastingly liberated
- All the samskaras, purificatory processes, are not mere formalities or social functions only, but they are all for practical purposes and can be successfully performed by expert brahmanas like Dhaumya and Krpa
- All the scriptures they are advising you to search out your real father. To search out your real father then you will be happy. Don't try to be happy by this false dress and false father, false platform. No
- All the senses, both of the Lord and of the devotees, are without material contamination. They are so because they are beyond the material cause and effects, as clearly mentioned herein (SB 2.7.47) - sad-asataḥ param
- All the senses, they are, being material. So constitutionally, they cannot see God, they cannot hear of God, they cannot chant of the holy name of God. But it is possible. The sastra gives you indication
- All the stanzas of Bhagavad-gita, they're strictly according to the nyaya-prasthana and sruti-prasthana. So any book which is strictly written according to the Vedas and Vedantas, that is also accepted as Vedic literature
- All the swamis and yogis who came here, they do not belong to this parampara system, so therefore they are not bona fide guru. They are presenting themselves as guru, but they are not guru
- All the universes and the innumerable planets within them are similar to such rockets, and they are all controlled by the Personality of Godhead
- All the universities and educational institutions are in darkness and still they are very much proud of advancement of knowledge. This we shall challenge everywhere and come out victorious
- All the Vaisnavas, all the acaryas, Gosvamis, they acted accordingly and preached. Therefore they are acaryas
- All the Vaisnavas, they are expert. Just like Rupa, Sanatana, expert managment, even in worldly affairs. Not that "I am so much big devotee that I cannot manage worldly affairs." Expert. Must be expert
- All the varieties of life, they are under the control of the material nature, and therefore you see varieties of life
- All the young boys, they are keeping big, big hair. That is foretold in Bhagavata, five thousand years: "In Kali-yuga, they will think by keeping long hair they become more beautiful"
- All their (human being's) activities are targeted towards the goal of sense gratification without control, and therefore by all this business they are unknowingly entering into the deep regions of darkness
- All these (childhood) pastimes of Krsna, and the great enjoyment exhibited by the mothers, are transcendental; nothing about them is material. They are described in the Brahma-samhita as ananda-cinmaya-rasa
- All these big, big men, let them have one set of books and study. It is not any expenditure for them, but if at their leisure hour they read some of the line - they are all intelligent men - they'll get ideas, what is this Krsna consciousness
- All these boys & girls, they are neither Hindus nor Indians, nor they have any knowledge of Sanskrit. But they easily pick up this Hare Krsna & chant & getting the result. So this is the easiest, universal method of self-realization in the present age
- All these conclusions are like the newly grown twigs of a mango tree; they are always pleasing to the devotees, who in this way resemble cuckoo birds
- All these Darwin's theory, chemical evolution, simply they are basing that from matter life has come
- All these embassies and the ambassadors, they are prized post. It has no use
- All these energies (sri, bhu and nila) act in relation with the living beings, and thus they are together called jiva-maya
- All these faulty explanations of Vedanta-sutra are considered atheistic. Because the Mayavadi philosophers do not accept the eternal transcendental form of the Supreme Lord, they are unable to engage in real devotional service
- All these forms (Krsna's forms) are described in the scriptures, and when they are thus presented they become worshipable. They are not imaginary as the Mayavada philosophy says
- All these grhasthas, you will find they are accumulating money, they are enjoying sex life, then daughter's sex life, son's sex life, grandson's sex life. They are busy
- All these jewels (of the Red Fort) have been taken away when British government was there, and they are now protected in the British museum
- All these Krsna consciousness books, we are selling daily five to six lakhs of rupees. All over the world. I have estimate. That religious book. It is full of religion and philosophy; still they are selling
- All these leaders, these scientists, these philosophers, they are applauded by the small animals, but they are also animals, big animal, that's all. The test is whether he understands the spirit soul different from the body
- All these living entities born in this material world in different forms of life, abodha jata, all rascals. All rascals. We can prove they're all rascal. Nobody is intelligent. As soon as he'll become intelligent, krsna ye bhaje seva-ucate se bada catura
- All these living entities within this material world, they're exactly like the misled child of a big, rich man, loitering in the street. Therefore the greatest benefit to the human society is to give him Krsna consciousness
- All these living entity, they are never created; neither they ever die. Nityah sasvatam na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). They are eternal, ever existing
- All these loving affairs are also temporary and they are not pure. They are simply a perverted reflection of the pure love that is existing between you and Krsna
- All these Manus and Brahmas, they are living only on the breathing period of Maha-Visnu. Maha-visnura nisvasera nahika paryanta. And just imagine what is that breathing? Eka manvantaravatarera dekha lekhara anta
- All these materialistic person, they are simply interested how to enjoy senses; therefore they are called dina-cetasam, cripple minded. They have no other idea. So to enlighten them it is the duty of the sannyasi to go from door to door
- All these Mayavadi sannyasis, they are very learned, but they'll never accept that God has form. They say it is kalpana, it is imagination. So Caitanya Mahaprabhu has designated them very, very dangerous, these Mayavadis
- All these people, they're in darkness. They do not know where they are going. They have no aim. But when you are spiritually situated, you know what you are doing, where you are going, what is your future. Everything is clear
- All these plans (of the so-called scientists) are ultimately failures because they are illusory. In this way the living entity forgets his position as an eternal servant of the Lord. He instead becomes a servant of maya. In any case he remains a servant
- All these politicians, they're spoiling the situation
- All these queens are spiritual. All the gopis, they are spiritual. Ananda-cinmaya-rasa-pratibhavitabhis (Bs 5.37): and they are all made of ananda-cinmaya-rasa
- All these rascal scientists, they are all frog in the well. They have got little calculation of this planet, and they have no information of... There are so many millions of planets
- All these symptoms are listed under the dried-up existential condition known as smoky, and they are exhibited in different ways
- All these transformations do not take place automatically by mutual combination. Rather, they are under the direction of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All these twenty-four forms constitute the chief prabhava-vilasa pastime forms of the Lord. They are named differently according to the position of the weapons in Their hands
- All these various speculative philosophers are one in denying the existence of the Supreme Lord Visnu, and they are very much enthused to propagate their own theories and be recognized by the people
- All these young boys, they were Christians and they are attracted, attached to Swami, and they are so nice. They can appreciate that their character and their behavior, everything is so godly. They are astonished
- All Vedic literatures advise us to approach a bona fide spiritual master to get free from the perplexities of life which happen without our desire. They are like a forest fire that somehow blazes without being set by anyone. BG 1972 purports
- All young boys and young girls, they are after joyfulness, but they are being frustrated in this material world. That is the inebriety. The spiritual world means these things are there, but without any inebriety
- Alpa-buddhayah: less intelligent. They are simply busy with these bodily necessities of life. There is no education of the real living force
- Alpa-medhasam & su-medhasam, they are two words in the Vedic language. Medha means brain substance. One who has got su-medhasa, nice brain substance, they will understand something & one who has got no brain substance, they will understand something else
- Also inquire from them if they are interested in being the sole selling agency in India. In this case, they must purchase at least 500 books. If not, they can help us by sending a list of leading book sellers in India who can help in selling our books
- Although a liberated soul has the by-products of the body - children, wife, house, etc. - he does not identify himself with those bodily expansions. He knows that they are all products of the material dream
- Although all living entities are also transcendental, they are neither original nor infallible. The living entities are apt to fall down under the clutches of material nature, but the Lord is never like that
- Although all three potencies - namely internal, external and marginal - are essentially one in the ultimate issue, they are different in action, like electric energy, which can produce both cold and heat under different conditions
- Although aristocratic birth and other such opulences are impediments to advancement in devotional service because they are causes of false prestige and pride, these opulences never disturb a pure devotee of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although at the present moment the younger generation in Western countries has sufficient education, beauty and wealth, and although there is enough food, clothing, and facilities for sense gratification, they are in distress
- Although both Yogamaya and Mahamaya act in all material activities, doglike watchmen such as politicians and diplomats think that they are protecting their neighborhoods from the dangers of the outside world. These are the actions of maya
- Although crocodiles are very fierce animals, they are powerless when they venture out of the water onto land. When they are out of the water, they cannot exhibit their original power
- Although demoniac people are most abominable in the world, still, by artificial means, the world creates a false honor for them. Although they are gliding toward hell, they consider themselves very much advanced. BG 1972 purports
- Although devotees undergo severe tapasya, however, they are vimanyavah, sadhavah, which means that they are never angry. They are always decorated with good qualities
- Although each energy has no direct relationship with the unlimited, they are subordinate to the Lord because the Lord is the master of all energies
- Although each process (of devotional service) appears distinct, when one is situated on the absolute platform he can see that they are identical. For instance, hearing is as good as chanting, and remembering is as good as chanting or hearing
- Although flowering plants like the mandara, kunda, kurabaka, utpala, campaka, arna, punnaga, nagakesara, bakula, lily and parijata are full of transcendental fragrance, they are still conscious of the austerities performed by tulasi
- Although God is great and the living entity small, they are spiritual individuals
- Although He (Govinda) is the oldest person, He always appears as a fresh youth. Such eternal, blissful and all-knowing forms of the Lord cannot be understood by the academic wisdom of the Vedas, but they are always manifest to pure, unalloyed devotees
- Although His (Krsna's) expansions are also called the Supreme Personality of Godhead, They are attained only by the execution of regulative devotional service
- Although human beings are creating their beehives in order to enjoy the sweetness of their senses, they are at the same time suffering from the bites of other persons or nations. Godhead as Paramatma is simply witnessing all these activities
- Although Lord Sri Krsna is the supreme emperor of the entire creation, while He was on this earth He never violated the principles of the Vedic injunctions because they are the guide for human life
- Although Maha-Visnu, Padmanabha and Ksirodakasayi Visnu are all shelters and controllers of the entire universe, They are nonetheless but plenary portions or portions of the plenary portions of Krsna. Therefore He is the original Personality of Godhead
- Although Mathura and Vrndavana are situated on this planet earth, they are transcendental abodes of the Lord
- Although no one can compare with Sri Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, there are many unscrupulous rascals who imitate the rasa dance of Sri Krsna. They are Mayavadis, and people should be wary of them
- Although ordinary citizens work under the direction of the government, they cannot understand how they are being governed or what the government is
- Although people have no knowledge, they are very proud. But it is not advancement of knowledge to go to the moon after ten years of effort and take a rock and come back
- Although Rahu attempts to attack both the sun and the moon, they are protected by Lord Visnu. Being very afraid of Lord Visnu's cakra, Rahu cannot stay in front of the sun or moon for more than a muhurta - forty-eight minutes
- Although sakti-tattva & jiva-tattva within the category of Panca-tattva, represented by Gadadhara & Srivasa - are worshipers of the Supreme Lord, they are in the same category because they eternally engage in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Although such a wise man is very dear to Krsna, the others are also accepted as very magnanimous because even though they are distressed or in need of money, they have come to Krsna for satisfaction
- Although the American people are extremely eager to get out of materialistic chaos, they are sometimes found to patronize the makers of stone boats. That will not help them. They must take the proper boat offered by Krsna in the form of the KCM
- Although the asuras oppose devotional service, it is to be understood that they are inclined that way due to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although the asuras, the godless demons, struggle for existence, they are directly attacked by the goddess Durga, who is well equipped with ten hands with different types of weapons to punish them
- Although the atheist class of men may think that they are engaged in idol worship, it is not idol. Those who are atheist, they may see idol, stone. But those who are devotees, they see saksad brajendranandana hari
- Although the blazing firewood, the sparks, the smoke and the flame cannot stay apart because each of them is part and parcel of the fire, still they are different from one another
- Although the devotees of the Krsna consciousness movement are quite young men, they no longer read materialistic newspapers, magazines and so on, for they are no longer interested in such topics. They completely give up the bodily understanding of life
- Although the eight gross and subtle material energies - namely, earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego - are stated to be bhinna, separate from the Lord, actually they are not
- Although the forms and activities of the Lord appear to be the same as those of a conditioned soul, they are supernatural and impossible for the conditioned soul
- Although the impersonalists are always engaged in the worship of Lord Siva, they are unable to understand the prayers offered by Lord Siva to the bodily features of Lord Visnu
- Although the jivas (living entities) are part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are still counted among His multipotencies
- Although the less intelligent regard them (Krsna's extraordinary activities) as mythological because a dull brain cannot understand them, they are real facts
- Although the living entities also come from the Lord’s body, they are categorized as a superior energy
- Although the living entities are Krsna’s parts and parcels, they are prakrti, not purusa
- Although the Lord, the Supreme Lord Krsna, is present, still, they are thinking that Supreme Lord is nirakara. Nirakara means to avoid. How Supreme God can be nirakara? If the Supreme Lord is the supreme father
- Although the material, or physical, elements are the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are separate. The Supreme Personality of Godhead is therefore not affected by material conditions
- Although the Mayavadis have undergone penances, austerities - very strictly they follow the principles of spiritual life - but because they are under maya, at the end they are thinking that "I am God, Purusa," the same disease, purusa
- Although the moon appears to be located in the branches of a tree, it is actually situated very far away. Similarly, none of the avataras, or incarnations, of Krsna are within this material world, but they are visible by the causeless mercy of the Lord
- Although the pastimes of Lord Caitanya, as they will be described in this chapter (of CC Adi 14.5), appear like the activities of a small boy, they are uncommon pastimes impossible for an ordinary human child to execute
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, not to believe in a next life and not to believe in a distinction between pious and impious life, and although they are teaching them how to drink wine
- Although the present leaders of India are influencing the people not to believe in God, they are teaching them how to eat meat and become supposedly civilized
- Although the problem (disease or death) is there, they are trying to solve, but they have no means. Here is the means - Krsna Consciousness
- Although the purpose of life is to become spiritually rich, unfortunate men, misguided as they are, are always engaged in trying to become materially rich. Such material engagements, however, do not help one in the actual fulfillment of the human mission
- Although the servants of Lord Visnu, Narayana, in the Vaikuntha planets are equally situated with the Lord, the devotees there know very well that the Lord is the master whereas they are servants
- Although the seven secondary rasas are indirect, they are also counted within bhakti-yoga if they are used in the service of the Lord. In other words, bhakti-yoga is all-inclusive
- Although the SP of Godhead has no material form, He accepts innumerable forms to favor His devotees and kill the demons. As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, there are so many incarnations of the SP of Godhead that they are like the waves of a river
- Although the spiritual and marginal energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead Visnu, they are predominated subjects, whereas Lord Visnu is the predominator
- Although the street dogs are not appointed by anyone to act as watchmen, they think they are responsible for protecting the neighborhood, and as soon as someone unknown enters it, they all begin to bark
- Although the sun appears to rise and set, it is continuously shining somewhere on the earth. Similarly, although Krsna’s pastimes seem to appear and disappear, they are continuously existing in one brahmanda (universe) or another
- Although the words 'sri' and 'laksmi' convey the same meaning and are therefore almost redundant, they are nevertheless not redundant
- Although there are many foolish Mayavadi philosophers who think that they are even greater than Krsna, Krsna is asamaurdhva: no one is equal to or above Him
- Although there are many transcendental forms of the Lord, they are still one and the same Supreme Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Although there are ten kinds of evidence - direct perception, the Vedic version, historical reference, hypothesis & so on - & although they are all generally accepted as evidence, the person presenting a hypothesis is certain to be imperfect in four ways
- Although these (brahma-bhuta) living entities undergo severe austerities to rise to the platform of Siddhaloka, they cannot remain there perpetually, for they are bereft of ananda - bliss
- Although these items (of devotional service to God) are not mentioned here (CC Madhya 22.129), they are to be added to the previous thirty-five items. Thus the total number becomes thirty-nine
- Although these kayasthas or karanas are considered sudras, they are very intelligent and highly educated. Most of them are professionals such as lawyers or politicians. Thus in Bengal the kayasthas are sometimes considered ksatriyas
- Although these qualities are present in Narayana, the dominating Deity of the Vaikuntha planets, they are even more wonderfully present in Krsna
- Although they (devotees) are satisfied in any condition, there is nothing they cannot obtain, because they are purely engaged in the service of the Lord
- Although they (engineers) invent imitation wings for the airplane or rocket, they cannot invent a soulless body. When they are able to actually do this, they will deserve credit
- Although they (human beings) go on making such questions and answers for their whole lives, they are not at all satisfied. Satisfaction of the soul can only be obtained by questions and answers on the subject of Krsna
- Although they (Mayavadis) profess to understand the Vedic mantra sarvam khalv idam brahma (Chandogya Up. 3.14.1), which means "Everything is Brahman," they are unable to understand that the holy name is also Brahman
- Although they (people of the present world) are fallen, if they simply submit themselves at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they will be saved from sinful reactions
- Although they (so-called scholars and philosophers) are forced to suffer, they think they are advancing in civilization - ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham iti manyate
- Although they (so-called scientists) cannot even estimate the varieties existing throughout the universe, they are very proud of their knowledge, and they are accepted as learned by persons of a similar caliber
- Although they (the demoniac) are always full of anxieties on account of accepting nonpermanent things, they still continue to engage in such activities out of illusion. BG 1972 purports
- Although they (the four sampradayas) are four in number, their conclusion is the same. And another sect is Sankarite sampradaya. So all these five different section of the Hindus, they accept Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although they (the Mayavadis) present themselves as great Vedantists, they are factually mayayapahrta-jnana; in other words, they seem to be very learned scholars, but the essence of their knowledge has been taken away
- Although they (the members of the Panca-tattva) are on the same platform, they have appeared differently in order to facilitate tasting of transcendental mellows
- Although they are American, European, Canadian, African, Australian - not all of them are Indian; Indians are also there - but because they are giving aural reception to this transcendental message, they are becoming enlightened
- Although they are different mixtures of different materials (sky, air, electricity, water and earth), such mixtures do not take place automatically, just as a mixture of colors does not take place automatically without the touch of the living painter
- Although they are incarnations of the Lord, Lord Brahma and Lord Siva worship Lord Visnu, and thus they are also counted amongst the demigods and not as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although they are lacking the knowledge of Vedanta presented by the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the transcendental form of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Mayavadis are very proud of their study
- Although they are medicine, but they are bitter medicine. Not very palatable. Neither everyone can take it
- Although they are ordinary living entities, they are able to attain responsible posts, like Lord Brahmā, Indra, Candra and Varuṇa
- Although they are so degraded, still, they have not sanctioned as yet to have openly sense gratification on the street like hogs and dogs. That is regulated. That's still going on
- Although they are trying to solve the problems of human society in the United Nations, they are still baffled. Because they do not follow the liberated instructions of the Vedas, they are unhappy
- Although they are very much puffed up at being liberated, Mayavadi philosophers very shortly fall down again to material activities due to their neglecting the lotus feet of the Lord
- Although they have no shafts, they are very beautiful, and they have very sharp, piercing points. They appear very peaceful, and thus it seems that they will not be shot at anyone
- Although they're written just like ordinary story activities of a person. But they are not ordinary things. If you simply read Krsna book, although it looks like story, then you become delivered from these clutches of repetition of birth and death
- Although we are not meant to suffer from fever, sometimes fever comes, and we have to take precautions and remedies to get well again. The fourfold miseries are like a fever, and they are all due to the material body
- Although you have not yet experienced these achievements which are free from fear & lamentation, I offer them all to you because you are engaged in my service. Now just look at them. I am giving you the transcendental vision to see how nice they are
- Although your father and uncle are charitable to brahmanas and greatly help them, they are nevertheless not pure Vaisnavas. However, they are almost like Vaisnavas
- American or many other Western countries, the young men, they belong to a rich nation, so practically they have no want. But still, why they are becoming hopeless and confused? Because this material want is not all
- American people are materially comfortable. But why they are producing hippies now
- American people, I very much appreciate them. They are religious. They have got very good potency for understanding God consciousness. That is my opinion. And I do not know why I was inclined to go to America. It was also Krsna's desire
- Americans happy by having big, big cities? No. That is not possible. Now they are trying to imitate, but that is a false attempt. That is not the life
- Americans, they are also chanting. Why not ourselves? It is our property. But unfortunately, so much dull brain
- Among people in general, 99.9 percent try to talk like experienced advisers, but they are actually devoid of spiritual knowledge and are therefore like inexperienced children speaking nonsensically. Consequently their words cannot be given any importance
- Among the creators & living entities, Brahma is the chief. The various Brahmas exhibit four, eight, sixteen, etc., heads accordingly, & they are the chief creators in their respective universes. The Brahmas are representatives of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Among these fifty-nine items (of devotional service mentioned in the purport of NBS 12), five are considered so important that they are mentioned again separately, thus completing the sixty-four items of devotional service
- Amongst the animals, amongst the birds, there is no contraceptive method. They are increasing their population, and they are being fed by God. So why in the human society the population theory is so acute?
- An intelligent person does not stand under the protection of different demigods, although they are part and parcel of Krsna. Rather, he stands on the solid ground of Krsna consciousness. That makes his position sound and secure
- An intelligent person knows that he does not want miseries, but they are inflicted upon him by force. As stated before, we are always in a miserable condition due to this mind, body, natural disturbances, or other living entities
- Anadir adir govindah sarva-karana-karanam: (BS 5.1) Govinda, Krsna, is the original cause of all causes, but He has no cause for His appearance as Govinda. Govinda expands in multifarious forms, but nevertheless they are one
- Ananya-bhavena, without any deviation, unflinching, staunch devotee, they are called sadhu. So we have to associate with sadhu. Satam prasangat. When you discuss about Krsna with sadhu or devotees, it becomes very pleasing
- And out of the four millions, eight million, four..., 400,000 human species, so mostly they are like animals. So unless one comes to the Vedic civilization, he's not human being
- And somebody, they are coming, going. So you cannot check them, because they are not our paid servants. If they are very kind that they have come here, cooperating with us
- And they are going to moon. They are going nowhere, simply taking laboratory photo, studio photo, and cheating. Why this cheating can go on? You do not know
- And when you have thus learned the truth, you will know that all living beings are but part of Me-and that they are in Me, and are Mine. BG 4.35 - 1972
- Animal life means there is no sin. It is promotion. Because they are animal, their consciousness is not developed. Just like a child - a child, if he steals, that is not sin. He will not be criminally charged
- Animal life, however, means you can do whatever you like. On the road, animals may keep to the right or keep to the left; it doesn't matter. Their irregularity is not taken as an offense, because they are animals
- Animals are also accepted as the sons of the Supreme. But they are differently dressed
- Animals cannot understand that they are suffering, but human beings can. One who does not know that he is suffering is in animal consciousness. Animals may be standing behind a fence to be slaughtered, but they do not understand this
- Anitya means they are not permanent. Agamapayino 'nityah. They are seasonal changes. They will come and they will go. Simply ethereal arrangement only, we must know, external arrangement. It is, rather, illusion
- Another duty of the ksatriya is that people are being educated spiritually. That is ksatriya's duty. Or the king of a kingdom is looking over the citizens, that they are properly being trained up
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, just see the deer! Although they are dumb animals, they have approached the son of Maharaja Nanda, Krsna"
- Another meaning of Purana means supplement. So they are explanation of the Vedic knowledge in a supplementary way by taking references from the history, from the life of great saints and sages. So they are addition
- Another meaning of the word nirgrantha is "a foolish person." Thus even birds, bees and foolish people engage in the service of the Supreme Lord when they are favored by the pure devotee
- Any activities spiritual, that is all good, and any activity, material, that is all bad. This is the difference. Here, the so-called morality, goodness, they're all bad. And in the spiritual world, so-called immorality is also good
- Any activity, good or bad, performed in this material world - they are all contaminated, faulty actions because of material association. The foolish conditioned soul may think that he is offering charity by opening hospitals
- Any condition, one can live locally. That is my point. They are supposed to be uncivilized, and they live in the ice cottage. There is no sufficient things for eating. And how they live? That is the point. So why civilized man cannot live locally?
- Any education which does not give enlightenment on the subject matter of how to stop death, they are all foolish talking. That's all. This is the conclusion
- Any living entity who has come in contact with matter, beginning from Brahma, down to a small ant, is changing its body; therefore they are all fallible. In the spiritual world, however, they are always liberated in oneness. BG 1972 purports
- Any other Sampradaya who are Impersonalist or voidist or non-devotee, they are rejected by us
- Any part of the universe, the sun is one. Nobody can say, "Oh, it is American sun" or "It is Indian sun." So either Jesus Christ or Rama or Krsna, whoever comes from the kingdom of God, they are the same
- Any philosopher who takes Krsna also subjected to these, I mean to say, laws of maya, they are called Mayavadi
- Any philosopher who takes Krsna also subjected to these, I mean to say, laws of maya, they are called Mayavadi. Mayavadi, or sunyavadi, practically the same
- Any principles of religion current in the world, they are all included in Krsna consciousness, any principle
- Any scripture of any country, not only of this BG, but any scripture, they are aiming simply how to get us back to Godhead. That is the purpose. take for example any of the great religious reformer or acaryas of any country, like, Jesus or Buddha
- Any way so far I have studied the American people they are very much eager to learn about the Indian way spiritual realization and there are so many so called Yoga ashramas in America. Unfortunately they are not very much adored by the Government
- Anyone can understand. Vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya. As our garments, coats & shirts, when they are old, rotten, no more usable, so we throw it away and get a new garment, shirt, coat. Similarly, the soul is changing garment from childhood, from babyhood
- Anyone can visit our Temple and see how our students are in blissful life. Naturally they are in jolly mood by chanting, dancing, and taking Prasadam
- Anyone who comes as representative of God, or as God, as powerful incarnation, they are all welcome
- Anyone who has accepted this material body, even a small ant, and the demigods, Indra and Lord Brahma, by their pious activities they have got big, big post as demigods, long, prolonged life and many other facilities. But they are all living entities
- Anyone who has got little control, he can be called isvara. That is the dictionary meaning. But even the original isvaras, namely Brahma, Visnu, Mahesvara, they are also not supreme isvara. The supreme isvara is Krsna
- Anyone who has taken his birth in India, he should make his life perfect by studying this Vedic literature and then spread the knowledge all over the world. Because they are in ignorance. Here also now they are ignorant
- Anyone who has understood that the material worlds are places of misery and temporaryness, they never return here again, and because they are mahatmanah, the great souls, Krishna keeps them with Him, having qualified themselves to escape this nasty place
- Anyone who is advanced in spiritual life, they are called Aryans. Anarya-justam (BG 2.2). Arjuna was chastised by Krsna that - You are talking like non-Aryan
- Anyone who is claiming to be superior, should not claim to become such and such unless they are able to save the subordinate from the imminent danger of death. Because death is there so long one is not spiritually advanced
- Anyone who is in this material world, he is supposed to be atheist. Just like the government gets together all the criminals in the prison house, similarly, those who are disobedient to the laws of the Supreme Lord, they are sent into this material world
- Anyone who is Krsna conscious, who knows Krsna, he is guru. Otherwise all rascals. Why should you go to a rascal? Immediately you can understand he is guru who has fully surrendered to Krsna. He is guru. Others? They are all rascals
- Anyone who is simply exploiting the resources of nature, the so-called industrialist, others, they are taking all goods from Krsna
- Anyone who is unconscious, who is ignorant of his spiritual identity, identifying himself with this body and misusing this opportunity of human form of life simply for animal sense gratification, they are also butchers
- Anyone who says that there is no soul, there is no birth after his death, they are all rascals
- Anyone who thinks like that (to be on equal level with God), they are imperfect knowledge. That is not perfect knowledge. They have been described as avisuddha-buddhayah, imperfect knowledge. Buddhi means intelligence. They have no intelligence
- Anyone within this material world, they are prisoners
- Anything without Krsna consciousness, without God consciousness, they are all cheating religion. They are not religion
- Anywhere the four prime religions of the world, namely Hinduism, Christianism, Mohammedanism or Buddhism, directly or indirectly, they are accepting God. And without accepting God there is no meaning of religion
- Anywhere, those who are actually sadhu, saintly persons, they are very tolerant. Ksama-rupa tapasvinam. That is the qualification of sadhu: titiksava. At the same time karunika, merciful. The others are torturing him, but still he is merciful
- Apahrta-jnana means that although they have got university degrees, although they are called civilized, advanced in material civilization, but mayayapahrta-jnana
- Apparently propaganda is being made celebrating freedom as opposed to a regulated life, but one who sees things as they are can understand that freedom from all restriction is animal life. Therefore Sukadeva Gosvami recommends tapasya
- Arjuna proposed that, "Krsna, why shall I fight with my brothers? After all, they are my brothers. They are enjoying the kingdom. Let them enjoy. I shall better live by begging. Why shall I fight with them?" It is a very good proposal
- Arjuna trees are still found in many forests, and their skin is used by cardiologists to prepare medicine for heart trouble. This means that even though they are trees, they are disturbed when skinned for medical science
- Arjuna was thinking in terms of his own sense gratification, because "The other side, if they are killed, I'll be unhappy." That was his consideration. Therefore he was not willing to fight
- Artah means those who are distressed; artharthi, those who are poor, need of money; jijnasuh, inquisitive; and jnani. So the artah and artharthi, they are lower than the jnani and the jijnasuh
- Artharthi means in need of money. People generally go to church (or) temple when they are suffering from some ailments or need of money, these two classes
- Arya means the advanced. One who is advanced in knowledge, in civilization, they are called arya, Aryan civilization. So in the Aryan civilization there are four divisions to maintain the society in the correct balance
- Arya means the person who has got godly qualification. This is the meaning of Aryan. Aryan, advanced. Aryan does not mean godless society. They are non-Aryans
- Aryans civilization means who is progressive, advancing. They are intelligent. They are fair-complexioned. Therefore Aryans means progressive
- Aryans means advance. And what way advance? Advance in eating? Advance in sleeping? No. Advance in purification. They are called Aryans. And the most advanced purified is called the brahmana. And less than that, the ksatriya. And less than that, vaisyas
- As a consequence of sinfulness, men are condemned (mandah), their intelligence is unclear (sumanda-matayah), they are unfortunate (manda-bhagyah), and therefore they are always disturbed by many problems (upadrutah). This is their situation in this life
- As a matter of fact, they (the enemies of the karma-yogis) are pantheist pretenders, trying to cover their extravagancy by falsely labeling it transcendental service to Godhead
- As already explained in the First Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Absolute Truth is realized in three different phases - although they are one and the same - in terms of the knower's capacity to understand
- As an evidence, people are receiving these boys who are chanting and dancing. Out of their love they are contributing something, they are purchasing magazines. So this is sympathy, sign of love
- As Bhavananda Maharaja said. They are firmly fixed up. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam, "Let us sacrifice our life for Krsna." That is real jnana and vairagya. Bhaktya. This is to be understood, bhaktya
- As cats and dogs, if they are practiced to run here and there, either on legs or on cars, is that advancement of civilization?
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (6.41), they (the transcendentalists) are allowed to take their next birth either in the family of a bona fide brahmana or in the family of a rich merchant who is devoted to the service of Godhead
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21), ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: persons who perform pious acts are transferred to higher planets, but when the effects of their pious acts are over, they are again transferred to earth
- As confirmed in the Brahma-samhita, all these forms of the Supreme Personality of Godhead (Vasudeva, Pradyumna, Aniruddha and Sankarsana) are advaita, nondifferent, and they are also acyuta, infallible; they do not fall down like the conditioned souls
- As criminal prisoners scatter as soon as their terms are over and they are released, all of us who have temporarily assembled as family members will continue to our respective destinations
- As described here (CC Antya 3.50), the symptom of yavanas is that they are violent killers of cows and brahminical culture
- As far as fruitive activities are concerned, they are mainly based on the platform of sense gratification. Therefore an advanced Krsna conscious person does not take to them
- As far as habitual emotions are concerned, they are manifested as pastimes, enjoyment, preparation and forgetfulness
- As far as jnanis are concerned, they are interested in jnana-yoga, but even if one elevates oneself, after a great performance of austerity, to the Brahman effulgence, there is a chance of falling down again to the material world
- As far as Krsna's transcendental pastimes are concerned, they are mostly executed during the kaumara, pauganda and kaisora periods
- As far as material enjoyments are concerned, they are innumerable, and the materialists are eager to increase them more and more because they are under the illusory energy
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed & edited at least 25 books. They are all very much celebrated, & they are listed as follows: (19-25) 7 sandarbhas: the Krama-, Tattva-, Bhagavat-, Paramatma-, Krsna-, Bhakti- & Priti-sandarbha
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed & edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, & they are listed as follows: (17) a description of the lotus feet of Srimati Radharani, (18) Gopala-campu - in two parts
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (1) Hari-namamrta-vyakarana, (2) Sutra-malika, (3) Dhatu-sangraha, (4) Krsnarca-dipika
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (11) a commentary on the Brahma-samhita, (12) a commentary on the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (13) a commentary on the Ujjvala-nilamani, (14) a commentary on the Yogasara-stava
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (15) a commentary on the Gayatri-mantra, as described in the Agni Purana
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (16) a description of the Lord’s lotus feet derived from the Padma Purana
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (5) Gopala-virudavali, (6) Rasamrta-sesa, (7) Sri Madhava-mahotsava
- As far as our information goes, Srila Jiva Gosvami composed and edited at least twenty-five books. They are all very much celebrated, and they are listed as follows: (8) Sri Sankalpa-kalpavrksa, (9) Bhavartha-sucaka-campu, (10) Gopala-tapani-tika
- As far as the bad men are concerned, they are also four in number: (1) those who are simply addicted to the mode of progressive fruitive work and thus are subjected to the accompanying miseries
- As far as the bodily emotions are concerned, they are manifested in posture and movement
- As far as the emotions of the mind are concerned, they are manifested as beauty, luster, complexion, flavor, talking, magnanimity and patience
- As far as the guna-avataras, or qualitative incarnations of Visnu, are concerned, they are three - Brahma, Visnu and Siva
- As far as the heavenly planets are concerned, to a devotee they are like a phantasmagoria or will-o'-the-wisp, and as far as yogic perfection is concerned, a devotee does not care a fig for such perfection
- As far as the holy names of Rama and Krsna are concerned, they are on an equal level, but for further advancement we receive some specific information from the revealed scriptures
- As far as the inhabitants of Siddhaloka are concerned, they are endowed with all mystic powers. The yogis in this planet practice the eightfold yogic mysticism - namely yama, niyama, asana, pranayama, pratyahara, dharana, dhyana and samadhi
- As far as the living entities are concerned, they are impregnated into this material nature, and as a result of their past deeds they take different positions. Thus the activities of this material world begin. BG 1972 purports
- As far as the mystic powers of the yogis are concerned, they are also material entanglements on the path of spiritual realization
- As far as the spirit souls are concerned, they are one qualitatively with the Supreme Lord. Therefore, the rasas were originally exchanged between the spiritual living being and the spiritual whole, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- As far as the women class are concerned, they are accepted as a power of inspiration for men. As such, women are more powerful than men. Mighty Julius Caesar was controlled by a Cleopatra
- As far as vibhutis are concerned, they are very explicitly described in the Bhagavad-gita in the Vibhuti-yoga chapter. And for all these different types of incarnations, the fountainhead is the Garbhodakasayi Visnu
- As for future development, all living entities undergo six basic changes. They are born, they grow, they remain for some time, they reproduce, they dwindle, and finally they vanish.
- As for hiring the bhajan group Bharati Mandal, they are not as good as our bhajans. They eat anything and everything but no bhakti
- As for jnanis, they cannot be peaceful because they are too busy trying to attain liberation or merge into the existence of the Supreme. Similarly, yogis are also restless to get mystic power
- As for saintly persons, who must travel to preach transcendental knowledge, they also are restrained by the rainy season. But during the autumn, all of them leave their confines
- As for the agitations of the flickering mind, they are divided into two divisions. The first is called avirodha-priti, or unrestricted attachment, and the other is called virodha-yukta-krodha, anger arising from frustration
- As for the demoniac, it is clearly said here (in BG 16.19) that they are perpetually put into the wombs of demons, and thus they continue to be envious, the lowest of mankind. BG 1972 purports
- As for the ksatriyas, they are supposed to be the kings of the land, and the land should be distributed to the vaisyas for agricultural activities, cow protection and trade
- As He (Krsna) breathes out, innumerable universes are produced, and as He inhales, they are annihilated. All of the energies of the Maha-Visnu are spiritual, and they have nothing to do with the material energy
- As it is an offense to consider oneself to be Krsna, so it is offensive to consider oneself to be Yasoda, Nanda, or any other associate of the Lord. We should always remember that they are transcendental; they are never conditioned souls
- As it is suitable, they are changing the words of Bible. They are useless. Things which are changeable, that cannot be accepted as scripture. Scriptural injunction means you cannot change
- As Krsna's part and parcel, we offer respect to everyone. So not that they are amazed with the greatness of a living entity. He thinks that his greatness is due to Krsna's favor
- As long as one is under the clutches of maya in the material energy, one has to engage in sinful activity. Bhagavad-gita describes such people as duskrtinah, which indicates that they are always engaged in sinful activity
- As long as the living entities are situated in the lower four stages of life - anna-maya, prana-maya, mano-maya and vijnana-maya - they are considered to be in the material condition of life
- As long as the living entities are situated normally as His (Krsna's) servitors they are happy; otherwise they are always unhappy. That is the Vedic conclusion
- As long as the soul and the body are combined, we can understand that there is life. But when they are separated, there is no manifested existence of the body or the soul
- As referred to above, not only ordinary literatures devoid of the transcendental glorification of the Lord are condemned, but also Vedic literatures and speculation on the subject of impersonal Brahman when they are devoid of devotional service
- As soon as man and woman are united, they become attached to home, hearth, land, friendship and money. In this way they are both entrapped in material existence
- As soon as people declare their independence of the supreme controller, they are immediately put into this material world to try their luck freely, as far as possible
- As soon as such persons (who aspire for the Brahman or Paramatma) come to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are satisfied in all respects. In other words, they become devotees and want to see the form of the Lord continually
- As soon as the calf is there, in front of the mother they are killed. You see? So if these things go on without any brain, without any intelligence, you may make hundreds of organization, the society will never be happy. This is our verdict
- As soon as the children are a little grown up, they are sent to our Gurukula school, where they are trained to become fully Krsna conscious devotees
- As soon as the demons see a Vaisnava dressed in saffron garments with beads on his neck and tilaka on his forehead, they are immediately irritated. They criticize the Vaisnavas by sarcastically saying Hare Krsna, and some people also chant sincerely
- As soon as they (the American boys) enter the Krsna consciousness movement being started in America, they are trained to meet the brahminical qualifications, even though they have fallen to the lowest conditions as sudras
- As soon as we forget Krsna, immediately there is maya. Just like the sunshine and in the shade, they are existing side by side
- As soon as you say "it is supposed," it is not scientific. They are teaching imperfectly. Just like they are advertising so much about the moon. Do you think their knowledge is perfect
- As soul they are one in quality, but in consciousness they're different. He knows everyone's pleasure and pains; I know my pleasure and pain
- As stated by Bhismadeva to Maharaja Yudhisthira in Srimad-Bhagavatam (1.9.16): O King, no one can know the plan of the Lord (Sri Krsna). Even though great philosophers inquire exhaustively, they are bewildered
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 12.5), impersonalists simply waste their time in mundane mental speculation because they are addicted more to false arguments than to reality. Therefore, the association of the impersonalists is condemned herewith by Brahma
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7), mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah: the living entities are parts and parcels of the Supreme Lord, and thus they are qualitatively one with the Lord
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the Lord is always in a transcendental position, even when He is within the material world. But ignorant men consider the Lord one of the great personalities of the world, and thus they are misled by the illusory energy
- As stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, men and women are naturally attracted to one another, and when they are united by marriage that attraction becomes very strong
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita, ananda-cin-maya-rasa-pratibhavitabhih: in the spiritual world the associates of Krsna, especially the gopis, are manifestations of the pleasure potency of Lord Krsna. They are expansions of Srimati Radharani
- As the Lord descends by His mercy upon this planet, so, in order to help in the pastimes of the Lord, these devotees also come here. They are not ordinary living entities or conditioned souls; they are ever-liberated persons, associates of the SPG
- As the Lord says in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): "The living entities in this conditioned world are My (Krsna's) eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind"
- As the mother is authority for the child, similarly, the sruti, the Vedas, they are called mother, mother of knowledge. So for such spiritual knowledge we have to accept the authority
- As the universal elements are both within and without, similarly the Lord's name, form, quality, pastimes, entourage, etc., as they are described in the revealed scriptures, are factually being televised in the heart of the devotee
- As the various servants in the different departments of big establishments cannot see the supreme managing director under whom they are working, the conditioned souls cannot see the supreme friend sitting within their bodies
- As there is no fear of a serpent with broken teeth, so there is no fear from the senses when they are automatically controlled. BG 1972 purports
- As they (the impersonalists) desire, they are allowed to merge in the spiritual effulgence emanating from the transcendental body of the Lord
- As water passes down a river, many straws and grasses are carried from the shore. These straws and grasses come together in the river's current, but when the waves toss this way and that, they are separated and carried somewhere else
- As we are above these lower animals - aquatics, birds, bees, trees, plants, insects, cats, dogs, so many - we are nara, human being, similarly, there is another group: they are called demigods
- As we have already pointed out, these dualities - such as heat and cold, pleasure and pain - arise due to the contact of the senses with their objects. In other words, they are born of identification with the body
- As we have miseries uncalled-for, so we may have happiness also without being asked, for they are all predestined by kala
- As you are not living separately, you may put your deity on the regular temple altar, and as they are caring for the deity and feeding and dressing and cleansing, so the temple pujari may also give your deity the proper care and worship
- As you can see from other important magazines like "Life" and "Time" they are distributed in foreign countries is the same name without being translated into the local language. If you think that such change will be more convenient, I have no objection
- As you have elevated yourself from animal consciousness, animal body, to this beautiful human body, similarly, you have to still more elevate yourself to higher standard of life. They are called demigods
- Asadhu, or demon, means persons who deny the authority of God. They are called demons
- Aside from omkara, none of the words uttered by the followers of Sankaracarya can be considered the maha-vakya. They are merely passing remarks
- Asura means demon. They are just opposite . . . they are very much against anything, they want simply . . . cheaply to become God. That is their demonic principle
- Asurah means they are also very powerful, but almost atheists. Just like in the modern world there are many powerful men and materially advanced, many powerful men. But because they are godless - they have no sense of God - they are called asuras
- Asuram bhavam asritah refers to those who are out and out atheists. Although there are no disadvantages to surrendering unto the Father, people who are thus characterized never do it. As a result, they are constantly punished by the agents of the Father
- Asuras do not know the secret of the energy of Lord Siva, and they prefer to worship goddess Kali or Durga or Lord Siva for material benefit. Due to their demoniac character, they are reluctant to surrender to Lord Krsna, as indicated by Bhagavad-gita
- Asuras, although superficially showing expertise in passionate activities, are actually all fools. They are neither sober nor expert. Whatever they do is imperfect. Moghasa mogha-karmanah
- Asuras, they are engaged for fruitive result. They are working, but they are expecting that "I shall enjoy the result" So that freedom is given to everyone, that "You can work at your responsibility and enjoy or suffer"
- Asuras, they are simply planning for his own sense gratification. And devotees, they are simply planning how to satisfy Krsna's senses. That is the difference - how Krsna will be satisfied
- At any stage in the material world, they (the living entities) are all dreaming. In the spiritual world, however, everything is awake
- At least at the present moment, nobody knows that he has to satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is the aim of life. He does not know. He does not know even what is God. They are making research what is God, the theosophists, the theologists, making research
- At least those who are claiming Buddhist, they are killing animals. Bruce, is it not? Yes. But in the Buddhist religion there is no sanction for killing animals
- At present Russians and Americans are undoubtedly very much advanced in many departments of technological science, but they are still ignorant of the spiritual science
- At present they are all living here. Their residences are in various quarters. Here you will get the audience of them all
- At the fag end of life, they are thinking, if intelligent person, that "What I have done actually?" If one has sense, he should come to this understanding
- At the Kumbha-mela, millions of people come to take bath in the Ganges because they are interested in how to become spiritually liberated from this material world. They're not lazy
- At the present age, this human society, although they are coming from the Aryan family, very nice family, but due to association the only environment is there's woman and intoxication, meat-eating, and gambling
- At the present moment civilized nations have given up God consciousness for economic development. They are actually no longer interested in advancing in God consciousness. Formerly their forefathers were engaged in executing religious principles
- At the present moment education means many Indians are coming to America to learn how to polish motorcar parts or how to create technology. This is not education. Europeans & Americans, they are going to India for learning brahma-vidya. That is education
- At the present moment everyone is in a diseased condition: people are thinking they are something other than servants of Krsna. Now this movement is trying to bring everyone to the position of recognizing that they are eternal servants of Krsna
- At the present moment everyone is very much anxious to become God and cheat you. There are so many so-called swamis. They are coming, and they are preaching that - You are God. I am God
- At the present moment human society is so degraded that people cannot even provide themselves with life's daily necessities, yet they are captivated by Mayavadi philosophers and are being misled
- At the present moment in the Kali-yuga, practically they're all demons
- At the present moment neither the king nor the governing body is interested in seeing that the people are engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are more interested in advancing the machinery of sense gratification
- At the present moment no one can perform the proper ritual of sacrifice, nor can anyone afford to pay for the marriage ceremony of sons and daughters. Therefore householders are very much distressed when they are confronted by these social duties
- At the present moment people are denying the existence of God, or they are thinking that God is dead. That means imperfection of knowledge
- At the present moment people are very, very much addicted to sinful life. Because they are less intelligent
- At the present moment the human civilization is very much proud of advancement of knowledge, but they are concerned with these four principles of life, namely eating, sleeping, defending and mating
- At the present moment the people have become rascals. They have given up the Vedic knowledge. They are hankering after technical knowledge. That is India's main fault. Otherwise real knowledge is there
- At the present moment the president, they don't care for public opinion. Irresponsible. They say: "Responsible government." They are most irresponsible
- At the present moment the so-called democracy means, to tell the truth, all cunning, 3rd-class, 4th-class men, they are doing. They have no sympathy for the general public. Their only aim is, so long he's in the office, gather as much money as possible
- At the present moment there are many vacant lands throughout the world, and if they are properly utilized, there will be no scarcity of food. As far as rain is concerned, it is the performance of yajna that attracts rain
- At the present moment there are three dozen minister, four dozen secretaries and two dozen governors and so on, so on. But there is no peace. There is no peace because they are missing the central point, the central point, Krsna
- At the present moment they are busy with these four things: how to eat, how to sleep, how to have best process of sex life, and how to defend by atomic bomb. This is their advancement of civilization
- At the present moment they are neglecting (religion). But in every country, either there may be temples or churches or mosque, people were very religious-minded before this age
- At the present moment they are reading Bhagavad-gita years after years, big, big scholars, big, big theologians and... But they cannot understand. After reading Bhagavad-gita, they are accusing Krsna as immoral
- At the present moment they're very active, but they're all foolish. Therefore the world is in danger. Active foolishness. Foolish, if he stops, he does not work, it is better. But as soon as he becomes active he becomes more dangerous
- At the present moment they, being conquered or influenced by the Western culture, they are also losing their identity. Therefore my Guru Maharaja ordered me to do something about the spiritual life in the Western countries. On account of this I came here
- At the present moment we are not happy. This social system, observing the varnasrama-dharma, was so perfectly made as the king would see that they are actually being executed
- At the present moment, education means to give facilities for sense gratification. That's all. Boys and girls in the school and colleges, just from the very beginning they are given all liberty for sex life
- At the present moment, human civilization is acting on a false platform of bodily identification; therefore it can be said that the people of the present age have lost their souls, and in this respect they are no better than animals
- At the present moment, in spite of so much arrangement by the government, nice school, nice university, colleges, but they are producing hippies. They're so much frustrated. So they are now worshiping hog
- At the present moment, the entire world is full of foolish people. Bhagavad-gita describes these people as mudhas. They are trying to rule human society, but because they are devoid of spiritual knowledge, the entire world is in a chaotic condition
- At the present moment, the world is missing God, or they are rejecting, demonic. There are two classes of men always. One is called devata, godly, and the other is called demon, asura, or satanic
- At the present moment, there are so many so-called brahmanas. They have no sadacara. Still they are passing as brahmana. Illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating - everything is there, but he is a brahmana
- At the present moment, they are after the sense gratification. They do not know that there is another life beyond sense gratification
- At the present moment, throughout the entire world, the atheists are extremely numerous. They are trying to prove that there is no God and that everything takes place due to combinations and permutations of material elements
- At the present moment, throughout the world, killing is prominent. Men are killing trees, they are killing animals, and they are killing other human beings also, all for sense gratification. This is not an Aryan civilization
- At the present time a group of so-called devotees maintain that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the enjoyer and that they are enjoyers as well. They have actually deviated from devotional service to the Lord
- At the same time, a devotee of the Lord does not foolishly mistake them (the demigods) to be the Supreme Lord. Only foolish persons accept the demigods as being on the same level as Visnu; actually they are all appointed as servants of Visnu
- At the stage of nonmanifestation, the living energies remain potent in the Lord, and when they are let loose in the cosmic manifestation they are exhibited differently in terms of different desires under the modes of nature
- At the time of death, the condition of your mind will transfer you with mind, intelligence, subtle body. They are seeing that this gross body's finished, but they cannot see that there is another body which is made of mind, intelligence and ego
- At the time of death, there are all kinds of sufferings, and they are also mentioned in the authoritative scriptures. These should be discussed. BG 1972 purports
- At the time of offering bhoga, the coconuts are again clipped and cleansed. After holes are made in them at the top, they are offered to Lord Krsna
- At this present moment, even those who are born in the best brahmana families are not reformed, nor is there any certainty that they are actually born of brahmana fathers
- At Vrndavana in India there are temples still, they are spending thousands and thousands of rupees for palatable foodstuff, offering to the Deity. And those foodstuff are distributed to the, I mean to say, the devotees
- Athato brahma jijnasa. The life, human life, is meant for enquiring about God, and God is explaining Himself about God. Instead of studying Bhagavad-gita very scrutinizingly, they are wasting time: "The cells, this, that, atom." That's all, wasting time
- Atheistic people are not concerned, not a drop they are concerned for advancing in spiritual life
- Atheistic Sankhya philosophers think that the total material energy causes the cosmic manifestation, but they are wrong
- Atheists are so much averse, sura-dvisat. They are envious. So to such person the madhyama-adhikari cannot preach because it is useless waste of time. If one is innocent but not envious we can preach there. That will be, I mean to say, fruitful
- Atheists do not want God because they're always sinful, and if they think of God, that there is God, then there is a great risk of punishment. They shudder. Therefore they deny God
- Atheists think that they are independent, and therefore they do not care about the supremacy of the Lord, yet the Lord asserts His supremacy when He overcomes them as death
- Attached bathrooms, urinals, etc. may be very convenient amenities of modern civilization, but they are ordered to be situated at a distance from residential quarters
- Attraction and repulsion for sense objects are felt by embodied beings, but one should not fall under the control of senses and sense objects because they are stumbling blocks on the path of self-realization
- Aula, baula, kartabhaja, neda, daravesa, sani sahajiya, sakhibheki, smarta, jata-gosani, they have been condemned by Bhaktivinoda Thakura, smarta and jata-gosani. Smarta-pandita. Very serious about performing ceremonial rituals, they are called smartas
- Aurobindo or Dr. Radhakrishnan, they have written Bhagavad-gita, annotation, so many others also, but Krsna is missing. They're faulty. Krsna is missing. Through Bhagavad-gita, they want to make the society Krsna-less
- Avaisnava, who is not a Vaisnava, Mayavadi . . . Mayavadi philosophy is very dangerous. Caitanya Mahaprabhu has personally said, mayavadi haya krsne aparadhi. They're offenders to Krsna
- Background is Krsna conscious. Sukrtina. Sukrtina. They're not so sinful. In India they're not so sinful as the Western. Sukrtina. Catur-vidha bhajante mam janah sukrtinah arjuna. And in the Western countries they are simply acting sinfully
- Bad and evil things, which are produced out of ignorance, are also Krsna, when they are applied by Krsna
- Bad men also will get peace? This is nonsense. Just see how nonsense philosophers they are
- Balarama said, "It is clear that they do not want a peaceful settlement, for they are factually warmongers. With great pride they have repeatedly insulted Me by calling the Yadu dynasty ill names"
- Balisa means people, ignorant men, who do not know what is Krsna consciousness. They are called balisa, just like child. Child is called balisa. Ignorant men, balisesu, dvisatsu ca, and other class
- Base quality means kama, lusty desires, and greediness. In material world, generally they are under these base quality, means always filled up with lusty desires & not satisfied, greedy. So when we conquer over these base qualities, then we become happy
- Be sincere and hard-working. Then the success is sure. Not to be bewildered, misled by the so-called avatara, incarnation. You see? The so-called avataras, they are simply rascals. Especially in Bengal
- Because a devotee of Lord Krsna is desireless, he is peaceful. Fruitive workers desire material enjoyment, jnanis desire liberation, and yogis desire material opulence; therefore they are all lusty and cannot be peaceful
- Because a human body is very much advanced, has got the power to kill animals, therefore they are speaking this nonsense that the animal has no soul
- Because a human body is very much advanced, has got the power to kill animals, therefore they are speaking this nonsense that the animal has no soul. Why the animal has no soul? What is the symptom of possessing soul
- Because almost all of these twenty-five lila-avataras appear in one day of Brahma, which is called a kalpa, they are sometimes called kalpa-avataras
- Because atheists are Raksasas, they dare to do things that are most abominable, and thus they are punished without fail
- Because both (man and woman) want to enjoy one another, they are sometimes described as purusa (male). Actually neither is purusa, but both can be superficially described as purusa
- Because cow dung and conch shells are considered pure by the Vedas, they are accepted as pure by the followers of the Vedas, without argument
- Because cow dung and conchshells are considered pure by the Vedas, they are accepted as pure by the followers of the Vedas. If we want to understand the statements by indirect interpretation, then we have to challenge the Vedic statements
- Because everyone who has come to this material world, that is for sense gratification. Those who deny to satisfy Krsna, they are sent here, "All right, you satisfy your sense by your labor here"
- Because he (such and such scientist) has posed himself as a very big man, people follow him blindly and they're misled
- Because He is the father of all living beings, therefore there is response from Europe and America. Otherwise, what connection they have got? They have got their Jesus Christ or something else. But why they are attracted to Krsna
- Because human life is meant for knowledge, there are schools and colleges, philosophers and scientists and mathematicians. The processes of eating, sleeping, mating and defending need not be taught, for they are learned instinctively
- Because living entities have different kinds of bodies, in terms of the different aspects of nature, they are induced to act according to that nature. This is the cause of the varieties of happiness and distress. BG 1972 purports
- Because materialists cannot understand Krsna spiritually, they are advised to concentrate the mind on physical things and try to see how Krsna is manifested by physical representations. BG 1972 purports
- Because Mayavadis have understood what is the difference between spirit and matter, it does not mean that knowledge is perfect. They are thinking, "Now we have understood what is spirit and what... Therefore we are liberated"
- Because modern civilization is misled, householders want to remain in family life until death, and they are suffering
- Because most people are fallen and because there is no time to elevate them by a gradual process, the best course, according to Caitanya, is to let them remain in whatever condition they are in but to engage them in hearing of the activities of the God
- Because mushrooms grow in a filthy place, they are not usually offered to Krishna
- Because of all their false propaganda, everyone is asking, What is Hare Krsna? What is Hare Krsna? And that is our triumph. They're chanting Hare Krsna
- Because of the influence of the various modes of nature, the living entities have various tendencies or propensities, and therefore they are qualified to achieve various destinations
- Because of their (devotees' of God) realization of their spiritual identity, they are more concerned with spiritual emancipation than with material comforts
- Because of their (Persons) foolish activities, they are unaware that the ultimate goal of human life is to achieve Visnu, the Lord of the cosmic manifestation
- Because of their (the plenary expansions and incarnations of the Supreme Lord) activities in controlling maya, sometimes they are known as mayika, or having a relationship with maya. This is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 2.6.42
- Because of their envy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, nondevotees are born in demoniac families life after life. They are great offenders, and because of their offenses the Supreme Lord keeps them always bewildered
- Because our cows know very well that we are not going to kill them, they are happy, and they give ample milk. Therefore this instruction given by Lord Krsna - go-raksya - is extremely meaningful
- Because our process is chanting. So if my students, my sons, my friends, they are all in God's name, then I chant always. This is the significance - of giving spiritual name
- Because people are becoming more and more in the modes of darkness, they are eating so many abominable things. And prakrti also, I mean to say, minimizing the supply of sattvika food. Just like nowadays it has become scarcity of grains, of milk, of sugar
- Because people are generally interested in material enjoyment, they are interested in worshiping Mayadevi, the energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because people are not devotees of God, therefore despite all education, all advancement of scientific knowledge, still they are dealing like cats and dogs
- Because people are not devotees of God, therefore despite all education, all advancement of scientific knowledge, still they are dealing like cats and dogs. They are not peaceful. The peace cannot be attained without Krsna consciousness
- Because people are not educated in terms of the goal of life, they are working like madmen and becoming more and more attached to the material atmosphere
- Because people are not educated, they're accepting these rascals as Vedantists. Really, the Mayavadi Vedantists - they are bluffers. They are not Vedantists. They do not know anything of the Vedanta-sutra. That is the difficulty
- Because people are not God conscious, they are doing so many wrong things that is has been almost impossible to govern the people
- Because people are now associating with the modes of ignorance (tamo-guna) and, to some extent, passion (rajo-guna), with no trace of goodness, they are becoming increasingly greedy and lusty, for that is the effect of associating with these modes
- Because people are without Krsna consciousness, they have become thieves, and consequently they are being punished by the laws of material nature. No one can check this, not even by introducing so many relief funds
- Because people do not refer to the instructions of sastras, which are free from defects and imperfections, they are therefore misguided by so-called educated teachers and leaders who are full of the deficiencies of conditioned life
- Because people have no control over the senses and there is no institution to train them to control the senses, the poor fellows fall victim to the criminal offenses of sense gratification, and they are punished after death
- Because people require a place to sit down comfortably and chant, then we must do the needful and accommodate them in the style they are accustomed
- Because people want to be cheated, men such as you mention have become very popular. They are preaching all nonsense and the people are accepting them, but if someone wants to be cheated, what can be done?
- Because persons who are acting for transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord, they are called Krsna conscious, so it has connection with God. Therefore it is religion, dharma
- Because snakes are always envious, so they are first up to be burned into that forest fire. They cannot go very swiftly. Others, tigers and other beasts, they go away. But the snake, they crawl. They cannot get out. Mostly they burn
- Because such easy going rascals are unable to assume the position of "Prabhupada'' or unfit for the post, they are so envious and you are talking on their behalf. I am very sorry for this
- Because such great sages can remember everything, they are thoughtful, self-realized and completely fixed in the service of the Lord
- Because such vibrations of transcendental sound (Omkara or Hare Krsna) can deliver a conditioned soul, they are known as tara, or deliverers
- Because the breasts are equally attractive, they are described as sama-vrttau
- Because the demigods are all materialistically conditioned souls, although they are situated in very exalted positions, their benedictions cannot be permanent. permanent benediction is spiritual benediction, since a spirit soul is eternal
- Because the liquor and beer are inferior, they are placed in an iron pot, and because soma-rasa is superior, it is placed in a golden pot
- Because the living entities, they are trying to exploit the resources of this material nature. That is going on all over the world. A country is supposed to be very rich which has become able to exploit the material resources
- Because the Lord does not wish to separate Himself from the hearts of such pure devotees, it is understood that they are specifically dearer than the impersonalists
- Because the machine and industry, therefore, now they are producing from the university hippies. Unemployed. Thousands and thousands of young boys and girls. Girls are not meant for working outside. Girls are meant for working inside
- Because the Mayavadi philosophers do not accept the eternal transcendental form of the Supreme Lord, they are unable to engage in real devotional service
- Because the Mayavadi sannyasis teach Vedanta philosophy to their students or disciples, they are customarily called jagad-guru. This indicates that they are the benefactors of all people
- Because the Mayavadis misrepresent Vedic knowledge, they are the greatest offenders to the lotus feet of the Lord
- Because the people of this age have no gold in their possession, they are actually poverty-stricken, and therefore they are considered unfortunate
- Because the potencies and the potent cannot be separated, they are identical
- Because the pure devotees have developed their spontaneous love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are allowed to enter into the spiritual planets to enjoy spiritual bliss in association with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because the words ha rama are the spiritual summum bonum, the fact is the same, whether they are uttered by yavanas or by great devotees, just as fire is the same both for a child and for an elderly man
- Because their (men with a mercantile mentality) desires are not purified, they are still mercantile men, even though they go to temples to make a show of being devotees
- Because their (Siva's and Sankarsana's) activities involve them with the mode of ignorance, they are sometimes called tamasi
- Because there is no cultural education in this age of Kali, everyone is spiritually untrained, and everyone is therefore to be considered sudra. When all the people become sudras, certainly they are very bad
- Because there is no first-class man to take charge of the woman, they are declaring independence. All the men are doing that. They keep girlfriend, make her pregnant, and go away
- Because these living entities do not wish to keep their individual existences, they are combined and allowed to remain in Brahmaloka like so many atomic particles of sunshine emanating from the sun
- Because these Mayavadis, they are after mumuksa, so mumuksubhih parityagah, if they are giving up, then phalgu-vairagya. It is called phalgu-vairagya, false renunciation. The world is not false, but the so-called renunciation is false
- Because these two animals (a horse named Uccaihsrava and an elephant named Airavata) were produced from nectar, they have special significance, and they are representatives of Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Because they (association of women by marriage and flesh-eating by sacrifices) are injunctions of the Vedas for particular types of persons, such activities by the pravrttas are not considered adharma
- Because they (food cooked more than three hours before it is eaten) are decomposing, such foods give a bad odor, which often attracts people in mode of darkness but repulses those in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- Because they (materialistic men) are too materially absorbed, the conception of retaining the personality after liberation from matter frightens them. BG 1972 purports
- Because they (mode of goodness, passion or ignorance) are produced by Krsna, their position is in Him, but He is not in them, for Krsna Himself is transcendental to the three modes
- Because they (Modern politicians) get some political power for some days, they become so much attached to their positions that they never retire unless they are removed from their posts by cruel death or killed by some opposing political party
- Because they (persons engaged in devotional service) are nirmatsara, not jealous of anyone, they want to make others devotees, even their enemies. In this regard, Srila Madhvacarya remarks, kanksate moksa-gam api sukham nakanksato yatha
- Because they (the dealings of the gopis with Krsna) are completely spiritual, Uddhava and all the other dearmost devotees of the Lord desire to participate in them
- Because they (the four orders of social and spiritual life) are offering the result to the Lord, they are accepted as devotees. When one has no such desire, but acts spontaneously out of love of God, such a person must be accepted as a pure devotee
- Because they (the living entities) are forgetful of their spiritual identities, they think the material bodies to be themselves
- Because they (the Mayavadis) are offenders at the lotus feet of Krsna, they are actually unable to utter the holy name of Krsna
- Because they (the Mayavadis) reject devotional service, they are unintelligent and unable to understand the effects of devotional service
- Because they (the philosophers of Benares) have no information about devotional service, they are called nondevotees, or those who are against the devotional service of Lord Krsna
- Because they (the so-called householders) are unable to control their senses, they continue a life of chewing the chewed and therefore descend to the darkest material regions
- Because they (the sons of Priyavrata, namely Kavi, Mahavira and Savana) completely subdued their senses, they are understood to have been great sages and saints
- Because they are (whose knowledge is contaminated by the modes of material nature) unintelligent and not very advanced and have not properly considered the truth, they take to the worship of various demigods or speculate according to various philosophies
- Because they are between the internal and external potencies, the eternally transcendental living entities are called the marginal potency of the Lord
- Because they are devotees of Vasudeva, they are no longer attached to these material things. This is the result of bhakti-yoga, which enables one to be detached from material enjoyment
- Because they are fools, they do not know their happiness is different. It cannot be had from the ugra-karma
- Because they are ignorant and bewildered concerning the soul and its activities, even though some of them have a vague idea of the soul, many controversies arise, and the philosophical speculators can never reach a conclusion
- Because they are kanistha-adhikaris or prakrta-bhaktas (materialistic devotees who are not advanced in spiritual knowledge), they are envious instead of happy, and they try to find faults in the Krsna consciousness movement
- Because they are missing the aim of life, they are committing suicide. And this varnasrama-dharma was planned in such a way that everyone would be spiritually advanced
- Because they are offenders unto Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is identical with His holy name, the holy name 'Krsna' does not manifest in their mouths
- Because they are servants of the Supreme Lord, devotees receive knowledge directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He speaks it in the Bhagavad-gita, or sometimes as He imparts it from within as the caittya-guru
- Because they are so poor that they cannot purchase diamond. But diamond must be there. They are so poor-hearted, their education has been so poorly given that they cannot understand
- Because they are spiritually enlightened. That is the cause of brightness. And materially involved - moroseness. Because it is ignorance. Material life means life of ignorance, and spiritual life means life of enlightenment. That is the difference
- Because they do not know (what is the self-interest), therefore, out of ulterior motive, they are thinking that, - Satisfaction in the material way of life will give me ultimate pleasure or ultimate satisfaction. That is my ultimate goal
- Because they have become imperfect, therefore they are blaming God. "God is good;" they forget this. That is their imperfectness. One side, they say, "God is good." Still, they're blaming God. What is this nonsense?
- Because we are imperfect. Suppose a big professor, just like that Russian Professor Kotovsky, they are trying to understand things by so-called inductive process, or aroha-pantha, going up by one's speculation, by speculative method
- Because we are minute particle of Krsna . . . we have got qualities of Krsna not cent percent; seventy-eight percent. When they are perfect, so minute quantity, then we can also become a little more advanced than at the present moment
- Because we are so advanced, there are so many hundreds and thousands of men, there is no fixed purpose of life. Even in your rich country we see such men without any purpose, without any aim of life. So they are called manda-bhagyah, most unfortunate
- Because we are spiritual beings. That I was trying to explain. That we have bodily necessities, at the same time we have spiritual necessities. This Western civilization, they are simply after the bodily necessities
- Because we follow Vedic principles. So Vedas declare that these four kinds of activity, they are sinful. So we accept. Our authority is Veda, just like lawyer's authority is law book
- Because women accepted one fourth of the sinful reactions, they are untouchable during their menstrual period
- Beggars always present themselves as possessing nothing, and this may be very good for them because in this way they are assured of not losing their money and of always drawing the attention and compassion of others for the sake of collection
- Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant ant, no living entities are meant for enjoying the material opulences. They are simply meant for offering everything to the supreme proprietor, the Personality of Godhead
- Beginning from Brahma down to the insignificant worm in the stool, they are coming down and going up, coming down. This is going on. This is called samsara-cakra, cycle of birth and death
- Beginning from Ravana (everyone is trying to become independent of law of material nature), who wanted to prepare a direct staircase to the planets of heaven, down to the present age, they are trying to overcome the laws of nature
- Beginning with the Seventh Chapter, the Lord already explained His different energies and how they are acting. Now in this chapter (BG 10) He (Krsna) explains His specific opulences to Arjuna. BG 1972 purports
- Being bitten by this python, they always remain in the darkness of ignorance. They are like dead bodies thrown in a distant forest. Thus the conditioned souls cannot understand what is going on in life
- Being in the tamo-guna, just like the spark being in the water... Water and fire, they are two opposite. So if one remains in tamo-guna, he has no chance of coming out to become fire again. There is no chance
- Below the planet named Goloka Vrndavana are the planets known as Devi-dhama, Mahesa-dhama and Hari-dhama. These are opulent in different ways. They are managed by the S P of Godhead, Govinda, the original Lord. I offer my obeisances unto Him
- Beneath Mahatala is the planetary system known as Rasatala, which is the abode of the demoniac sons of Diti and Danu. They are called Panis, Nivata-kavacas, Kaleyas and Hiranya-puravasis (those living in Hiranya-pura)
- Better to resolve the whole situation by approaching their leaders at once & reconciling everything with them by bringing them prasadam & other nice gifts & giving them our philosophy, and if they are willing to hear it, also teach them how to chant HK
- BG gives us that knowledge (of the self & the Supreme Self), specifically knowledge of the self. The living entities are parts and parcels of the Lord, and therefore they are simply meant to serve the Lord. This consciousness is called KC. BG 1972 pur
- BG says, "O son of Prtha, those who are not deluded, the great souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. They are fully engaged in devotional service because they know Me as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, original and inexhaustible"
- Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.34): Attraction and repulsion for sense objects are felt by embodied beings, but one should not fall under the control of senses and sense objects because they are stumbling blocks on the path of self-realization
- Bhagavad-gita confirms that the laws of nature are stringent because they are conducted by three different modes. But one who surrenders unto the Lord overcomes the stringency of nature easily
- Bhagavad-gita is mostly read by almost all classes of people of the world, but unfortunately they are accepted in an independent choice of indirect interpretation. That is a deviation, and for that reason only they cannot derive the direct benefit
- Bhagavad-Gita says, "O son of Prtha, those who are not deluded, the great souls, are under the protection of the divine nature. They are fully engaged in devotional service because they know Me as the S P of Godhead, original and inexhaustible"
- Bhagavan means the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But those who are very, very advanced, recognized by Bhagavan, they are also sometimes called bhagavan. Just like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Narada Muni, on their status, sometimes they are called bhagavan
- Bhagavat-parsadatam prapte mat-sevaya pratitam te: "The pure devotees are convinced of attaining the association of the Personality of Godhead, and thus they are always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord"
- Bhagavata is natural commentary on Vedanta-sutra, and Lord Caitanya therefore gives evidence from the Bhagavata generally, and Puranas also, Mahabharata and Upanisad. They are all authorities
- Bhagavata means the devotee. They have accepted a spiritual master, as a good devotee, so they are serving, bhagavata-sevaya
- Bhaktas are different from karmis and jnanis. Jnana-karmady-anavrtam (CC Madhya 19.167). They are not influenced by the tenets of jnana and karma. They are influenced by activities which can satisfy Krsna
- Bhakti means three things: bhakta, Bhagavan, and the service. That is bhakti. They're individual
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura therefore says, jada-vidya yata mayara vaibhava tomara bhajane badha: "Materialistic studies are the glare of maya only, for they are an obstacle to spiritual progress."
- Bhargava means the descendant of Brghu. Brghu is one of the great sages, seven sages, rotating around the polestar, seven sages. And Brghu Muni is one of them. Bhargava. In India there is still a brahmana's family, they are called Bhargava
- Bhavananda and Jayapataka Maharajas are the approved directors of Mayapur. They are selfless workers
- Bhismadeva, Dhrtarastra, Dronacarya, Duryodhana and Bahlika said, "They (the Yadus) had practically no position before we gave them a portion of our kingdom to rule, and now they are trying to command us"
- Big commercial and industrial firms have contributed many thousands of rupees to a defense fund that burns the money in the form of gunpowder, but unfortunately, if they are asked to contribute liberally to advance the KC movement, they are reluctant
- Big, big professors, big, big scientists, they are putting the theories that life has come from chemicals, chemical evolution, and they are getting Nobel Prize
- Big, big rich men in America, they spend fifty thousand dollars in a week in Florida for seeing naked dance. Is it not? Is it not a fact? Because they are sudras. They do not know how to spend money
- Big, big stalwart acaryas, mahajanas, they are accepting; therefore we accept. That is sense. And if you sit down, "No, no, I have no faith," you'll sit down and remain a rascal, that's all
- Birds, beast, you will find the pigeons, the dogs, they are enjoying sex at least four times in a hour. So there are men also like that. So here in this material world the sex life is this top pleasure. But it is very abominable
- Birth can be stopped? They cannot think of. They're trying in a different way - contraceptive method or killing the child. That is not the way of stoppage. No. Nature's law is so strong that if you kill the child in the womb then you'll be also killed
- Blood transforms into milk. To drink milk is auspicious, but to drink blood is inauspicious, although they are one and the same thing. This formula is applicable in the case of cow's milk also
- Body is not everything. The moving power of the body is the spirit soul. We are repeatedly trying to convince people this simple truth, but they are so dull-headed they cannot understand
- Body is the material - earth, water, air, fire and ether, mind, intelligence, ego. They are also emanating from Krsna
- Body means misery. You cannot keep it comfortable. That is maya. It will never be comfortable, but they are all trying to make it comfortable. This is called maya
- Bogus Yogis they are cheating the public, but at the same time your countrymen also want to be cheated. They are cheating the public by words of extravagancy, saying that anyone can meditate even he is a drunkard
- Bombay city is the best city, most advanced city in India, the best city in India. And people are also very nice. They are religiously inclined. They are opulent. They can take up better things very nicely. Therefore I wanted to start this center, Bombay
- Both becoming the most powerful man in the material world and desiring to become one with the Lord are different illusory snares. And because the pure devotees of the Lord are surrendered souls, they are above the illusory snares of maya
- Both the Lord and His devotees are liberated. They are on the same platform, the only difference being that the Lord is the master and the devotees are servants
- Both the servant and the master are already purified because neither of them is in touch with the impurities of material existence. They are already equal in quality because both of them are the purest. However, there is a difference in quantity
- Both the Supreme Soul and the jiva soul are sitting in the same body, as confirmed in the Upanisads. They are sitting as friends, but one is suffering, and the other is aloof from suffering
- Boys are enthusiastic to play with other boys or with various diversions because they are encouraged by desire. But there is no possibility of such desire for the Lord because He is self-satisfied and detached from everything at all times
- Brahma began to think, "All the boys and calves were taken away by me, and I know they are still sleeping. How is it that a similar batch of boys and calves is playing with Krsna? Is it that they are not influenced by my mystic power?"
- Brahma could create many powerful demigods, including Lord Siva. So they are isvaras, or lords of the universe. But they are not the supreme powerful. The supreme powerful is Govinda, Lord Krsna. He is the Transcendence
- Brahma has knowledge of those historical facts (the histories of the universe), and therefore all the puranas are histories. As originally composed by Brahma, they are part of the Vedas and are called the fifth Veda
- Brahma is the deity of rajas (passion), and Siva of ignorance. They are the three departmental heads of the three qualities of this material world
- Brahma said, "Persons with a poor fund of knowledge may think that because You are the son of Maharaja Nanda You are not the original person, that You are born just like a human being. They are mistaken"
- Brahma said, "They (Krsna's devotees) know they are always protected by You (Krsna), and so they can matter-of-factly pass over the heads of their enemies without any care"
- Brahma said, "We may be proud of being controllers of the senses, but here the residents of Vrndavana are so transcendental that they are not under our control. Actually they are enjoying their senses through service to You"
- Brahma said, "When the sun is present, there is no question of darkness; so, for those who always remain in Your presence by engaging in Your service, there is no question of bondage or liberation. They are already liberated"
- Brahma, Siva, Indra, Candra, Maharaja Yudhisthira or, in modern history, Napoleon, Akbar, Alexander, Gandhi, Shubhash & Nehru all are servants of the Lord, and they are placed in and removed from their respective positions by the supreme will of the Lord
- Brahma-bhutah prasannatma (BG 18.54). Without being fearless, one cannot be joyful. The bhaktas, the devotees, are fearless and always joyful because they are constantly engaged in the service of the lotus feet of the Lord
- Brahmacari is meant for the boys, not for the girls. Girls, they are to be married. A brahmacari may remain unmarried for life, but according to Vedic civilization, a girl must be married
- Brahmacari means student, unmarried student, without any sex life. That is brahmacari. And then grhastha, householder. Those who are living with wife and children, they are called householder, grhastha. Then vanaprastha, the retired persons
- Brahmaji, being so questioned by Naradaji, congratulated him, for it is usual for the devotees to become very enthusiastic whenever they are questioned concerning the Almighty Personality of Godhead. That is the sign of a pure devotee of the Lord
- Brahmana family means devata family. But because nowadays they are descendants, they have deviated, deviated from the brahminical culture, they are not to be considered as devatas. That is also mentioned in the sastras. They are called brahma-bandhus
- Brahmana, they are teachers, natural teachers, and there is no fees. No fees. Just like we started this Krsna consciousness movement, teaching, but there was no fees. This is the teaching, real teaching
- Brahmananda Swami has worked very hard to regain the respect and support of the Indian community in Kenya. Needless to say they are supporting our movement in Kenya and we must be straightforward in our dealings with them
- Brahmanas are beautiful when they are forgiving, ksatriyas when they are heroic & never retreat from fighting, vaisyas when they enrich cultural activities & protect cows, & sudras when they are faithful in the discharge duties pleasing to their masters
- Brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras, they are trained differently. Brahmana - for understanding Vedic knowledge and guide the other three subdivisions
- Brahmanas, the topmost section of human society, are mostly devotees. They are generally unaware of the happenings within the material world because they are always busy in their activities for spiritual advancement
- Brahmanas, they are to be trained up how to become truthful, how to become controller of the senses, how to become simple, how to become tolerant
- Brahmanda Purana, Visnu Purana, Srimad-Bhagavata Purana, they are sattvika-puranas. The whole scheme is that everyone, every living entity within this material world, they are infected
- Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate: "The Absolute Truth is called Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan." (SB 1.2.11) The Mayavadis try to understand Brahman only, or, at the most, Paramatma. However, they are unable to understand Bhagavan
- Brahmin were taken to so much respect, because they're ideal character, learned and godly, knows the science, spiritual science. Therefore they're held in high estimation and topmost of the society
- Brahminical culture and preparation from milk makes a man perfect for spiritual understanding. Therefore they are two very important items, go-brahmana hitaya ca
- Bring any so-called swami and yogis and talk with them about jnana. They will be, I mean to say, victorious, even they are with me for only four and five years
- Buddha appeared to stop this nonsense (animal sacrifice) & to establish the Vedic principles of nonviolence. Therefore each & every avatara, or incarnation of God, has a particular mission, & they are all described in the revealed scriptures. BG 1972 p
- Buddhist, I know that. They are strictly vegetarian, those who are strict followers
- Business activities in our society, they are increasing
- But at least, they could not go there. Otherwise, why they are giving up this job? They could not go there. That's a fact. Their plan was to... They were selling land even on the moon planet
- But people's attentions are diverted by so many nonsense literatures, and they are not interested to inquire from the real source of knowledge, real treasurehouse of knowledge
- Butchers cannot be interested in Krsna consciousness, for they are already materially allured. Their only interest lies in developing comforts for the temporary body
- By chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, this pure vibration of transcendental sound has enlivened them, and they are awakened to Krsna consciousness
- By deprecating the principles of Vedic civilization and supporting cow-killing, they (so-called Brahmanas) are immediately degraded to the platform of mlecchas and yavanas
- By drinking urine, they are going to Mars and bringing report. All false propaganda to keep the prestige of the scientists
- By following a political leader, and for party superiority they are doing so many things, always thinking of party's activities, always offering obeisances and worshiping the party's principles. If all these things are transferred to God, they become good
- By following any guru or any principle, if you actually develop your love of God, then it is nice. Otherwise it is useless waste of time. That is the test. But they, so far I know, these yogis, they are themselves God. They say that everyone is God
- By God's arrangement there is sufficient food, land and prospects for food on this planet, but we have arranged things in such a way that in one part of the world people are suffering and in another part they are throwing grains in the ocean
- By literary contribution, one's intelligence is tested. All big, big men of the material world, scientists, philosophers, even technicians, they are recognized by their writings, by their contribution, not by their gigantic body
- By nature all the activities of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu are very wonderful and sweet, and when they are described by Vrndavana dasa Thakura, they become like a shower of nectar
- By nonrestricted sense enjoyment they are gradually going to the animal, lower grade of life. They cannot explain why there are so many varieties of life. They cannot explain
- By one kind of activity we create another, and they are all products of our mental concoctions
- By pleasing goddess Durga one can obtain such benefits (wealth, strength, fame, a good wife and so on), but since they are temporary, they result only in maya-sukha (illusory happiness)
- By political adjustment, by economic adjustment, or by religious adjustment, they are trying to make the whole human society happy, but Bhagavata says, durasaya ye bahir-artha-maninah. This is something which is beyond the fulfillment of hopes
- By Prabhupada's influence they (boys and girls) have joined Krsna consciousness and left everything enjoyable. But actually this is not so. They are all intelligent, educated boys and girls, coming from very respectable families; they are not fools
- By so-called development of industrial enterprises, they are now using pots of gutta-percha instead of metals like gold, silver, brass and copper. They are using margarine instead of purified butter, and one fourth of the city population has no shelter
- By spreading this Krsna consciousness movement, we are seeing practical result. The most wretched, most rotten, they are coming to life, they are understanding the value of life, the aim of life, and they are trying to be elevated more and more
- By taking to Krishna consciousness they can become purified and no longer have to take birth again in this material world where they are the four-fold miseries of the body
- By the grace of the Supreme Lord, when they (four kinds of impure devotees) are fully Krsna conscious, they actually enjoy spiritual association with the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- By the Maha-Visnu's breathing, innumerable universes are produced, and in each universe there are innumerable Visnu-tattvas, but it should be understood that Lord Krsna is the master of them all, and they are but partial plenary expansions of Krsna
- By the moonshine, all the vegetables are nourished. The moonshine is so pleasing that people can easily understand that they are living by the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- By the omnipotency of the Supreme Lord, the whole material creation evolves by the process of transformation and reactions one after another, and by the same omnipotency, they are wound up again one after another and conserved in the body of the Supreme
- By the result of their actions one should know that they are asara, or useless, whereas the success of the ISKCON party, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, which strictly follows guru and Gauranga, is increasing daily all over the world
- By the supreme will of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they (the stars located above the moon) are fixed to the wheel of time, and thus they rotate with Mount Sumeru on their right, their motion being different from that of the sun
- By their devotion to Sukracarya, they have increased their strength so much that now they are even able to easily seize my abode from me
- By this material civilization they will never be happy. And it is risky. That they do not know. They do not believe in the transmigration of the soul. So irresponsibly… Or just like these elderly person, how they are wasting time
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu and all the sastras, they are giving directly in touch with Krsna. Step by step, it is very difficult. So that is the special gift in this age
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu continued, "Conchshells and cow dung are nothing but the bones and the stool of some living entities, but according to the Vedic version they are both considered very pure"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu had to lead a civil disobedience movement against the propaganda of the so-called followers of Vedic principles. These people are described as karma jada-smartas, which indicates that they are priests engaged in ritualistic ceremonies
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has no astra. But this is astra, this hari-sankirtana. This is astra. In the Kali-yuga there is no profit by killing them. They're already killed. Therefore this is the astra. To kill the miscreants this is astra, this hari-sankirtana
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has summarised all the Vaisnava philosophies in acintya-bhedabheda-tattva. Simultaneously one and difference. Some of the philosophers they say maya and Krsna they are different
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna, merciful. Papi tapi jata chilo hari-name uddharilo. All the demons, full of sinful activities, they are to be delivered by this weapon, Hare Krsna. Otherwise, killing is going on
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered, bharata-bhumite manusya-janma haila yara. It is for the perfect human being. The other parts of the world, they're in darkness. So there is great necessity of spreading the knowledge of Bhagavad-gita all over the world
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, I deserve very little credit for these activities of chanting and dancing, for they are being done automatically by the grace of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says that "Jiva-tattva, the living entities, they are never the energetic; they are energy." Energetic and energy. So how it is so? The evidence is from Bhagavata, Visnu Purana and Bhagavad-gita. Because one has to give evidence
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to prove that He and Brahmananda Bharati were jivas and that although the jivas are Brahman, they are many but the Supreme Lord, the Supreme Brahman, is one
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission is that paropakara, benefit of the human society. All living entities within this material world, they are in ignorance, all 8,400,000 different forms of life
- Cats and dogs are passing on as religionists. Some hogs and pigs are going on as philosopher. And other animals is going as scientist, Darwin. They're animals only, cats and dogs. They are the leaders of the society
- Cats and dogs in the household of Srivasa Thakura were also liberated. Cats and dogs and other animals are not expected to become devotees, but in the association of a pure devotee they are also delivered
- Cent percent men, they are mandah, bad men. They won't hear about their real necessities of life
- Central point is God, but we are making central point - somebody is making his own self, his body; somebody is making his family; somebody is making his society, community or nation - or somebody is making the whole human race. But they are all imperfect
- Ceremonial shows of religiosity are not accepted as genuine. They are all in the mode of darkness; they produce a demoniac mentality and do not benefit human society. BG 1972 purports
- Chanting is a spiritual method for cleansing our heart. Because all dirty things are there in the heart, if the heart becomes cleansed, then we can understand things as they are
- Chapters of Caitanya-caritamrta are very . . . these are postgraduate study. You have to read it very carefully and as they are described
- Charity is offered to the brahmanas because since they are always engaged in higher spiritual service, they have no time to earn their livelihood. BG 1972 purports
- Cheating religions, they are teaching that "We can create God. As we can create television, similarly, we can create God." They are teaching, "This is dharma." Just see how degraded they have been. And these things are going on as dharma
- Chewing the chewed. The business is the same, but changing body gives some relief. Just like these men, the business is they're wasting time by changing, wasting time at home, come to the golf club. That's all
- Chiefly the impersonalist and the void philosophers, they are called Mayavadi, because they have no other information. They want to simply negate, nullify, but they have no positive information
- Children are not given freedom, but that does not mean that they are kept as slaves. BG 1972 purports
- Children under five years old are called kaumara, from five years up to the tenth year they are called pauganda, and from the tenth year up to the fifteenth year they are called kaisora. After the fifteenth year, boys are called youths
- Children, as you teach them, they learn. They are innocent. Unfortunately, we do not give them training about Krsna consciousness. We give them education for sense gratification, how you can earn money, economic development
- Children, they're allowed to play, but under certain condition. So we all, we are all children of God, Krsna. So we have come here to enjoy, to lord it over the material nature. That is the tendency. So Krsna has given us the facility
- Cidiya-kunja is a place now managed by the gosvamis of Srngara-ghata in Vrndavana. They are also known as belonging to the Nityananda family, most probably on the basis of their relationship with Krsnadasa
- Cobbler is taken as the low..., those who prepare, expert in skin. So they are generally very poor man. Now they have advanced, because now the Kali-yuga is the age of the sudras
- Common men advertise them (the demon preachers) as God and worship them, and by the foolish they are considered advanced in the principles of religion, or in the principles of spiritual knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Common men on the earth are very much fond of reaching the heavenly planets because they have heard that comforts of life are far greater there than on the earth. They are now trying to reach the moon by spacecraft
- Communistic idea is borrowing this idea from... But because they are imperfect, they have made center, state. And because it is imperfect, it is not successful. They have made center the state
- Communists means the so-called low-class people, sudras and candalas, they are now in majority. They have formed a government that on principle, as soon as some brahmana comes for government service, he will reject. So the brahmanas are now hiding
- Completely under the grip of material nature, the rascals, they are thinking, "I am independent. There is no God, there is no control; I can do whatever I like." That is not the fact
- Conditioned souls are agitated by six kinds of transformations; namely, they become agitated when they are hungry, when they are thirsty, when they are aggrieved, when they are illusioned, when they grow old and when they are on the deathbed
- Confusion, everywhere. You know that in the Western countries, the hippy movements. What are the hippies? They're also educated, coming from very rich family also, but they do not like the way of envelopment as their fathers and grandfathers liked
- Convince means you have to convince me with your reasoning power or presentation. That is not very difficult thing. Two lawyers are fighting in the court. They are convincing. Now the judgement is there. So that fighting means for convincing
- Convince them to...the Americans should take this KC movement, and because they are blind, we shall give them direction. So blind and lame man together will perform a great task. Blindly, simply accumulating money, but they do not know how to utilize
- Countless universes reside like seeds within the skin pores of Maha-Visnu & when He exhales, they all are manifest. In the material world we have no experience of such a thing, but we do experience a perverted reflection in the phenomenon of perspiration
- Countless universes reside like seeds within the skin pores of Maha-Visnu and when He exhales they are all manifested - CC Intro
- Cow dung is so beneficial. That they are avoiding. And they are associating dog stool. The dog mentality
- Croaking toads who think they are making a big conference, and then one day the snake of death comes and swallows them up
- Culture begins, civilized, in the Aryan families. Therefore they are called Aryans, "advanced." Aryan means advanced. People want to group themselves in the Aryan family
- Cupid has five arrows, representing form, taste, smell, sound and touch. Krsna is the owner of these five arrows, and with His Cupid-like beauty He conquers the minds of the gopis, though they are very proud of their superexcellent beauty
- Cyavana Muni said: Although you are ineligible to drink soma-rasa in sacrifices, I promise to give you a full pot of it. Kindly arrange beauty and youth for me, because they are attractive to young women
- Daivi prakrti means they are no more interested with this material world. They are interested with the spiritual energy
- Damodara Pandita and others are more advanced in receiving the mercy of Lord Krsna; therefore they are independent of public opinion. As such, they want Me to enjoy sense gratification, even though it be unethical
- Danam isvara-bhavah. On one hand, ksatriyas have the propensity to rule, but on the other they are very liberal with charity. When Maharaja Yudhisthira gave charity, he engaged Karna to take charge of distributing it. Karna was very famous as Data Karna
- Darker side also should be thought of. That is intelligence. Just like they are doing. After calculating the darker side - enemy means darker side: "They can defeat me at any moment," that is darker side
- Darwin's theory that life is made possible by chemical evolution is not correct. They are missing the soul. That is their mistake. They are simply observing the material cover. That is the basic mistake of modern civilization
- Day after day the symptoms increased, and at night they increased even more. All these symptoms, such as transcendental anxiety, agitation and talking like a madman, were present, just as they are described in the sastras
- Dear Krsna, because of their separation from You, the inhabitants of Vraja are so afflicted that they appear to be diseased. Their bodies are feverish, and they cannot move properly. They are simply lying down on the ground and breathing heavily
- Declaration of independence by the woman class, is not their happiness. They are unhappy. Better to become dependent upon father, upon husband and upon elderly children. That is their happiness
- Defeat they are taking as success. Just like these rascal scientists, they could not go and settle in the moon planet. Still, they are saying, "It is success." Just see the fun. What success? You could not stay there, and what success you have got?
- Deha, deha means this body. Apatya means children. Kalatra means wife. Here is struggle for existence, and you're thinking that "This my strong body and my nice children and my wife, they are my soldiers. So I am saved." Everyone is thinking like that
- Dehi means the proprietor of this body. Both we all, not only we human being, but also lower than human being, all living entities... There are 8,400,000 forms of living entities. They are called dehi
- Demigods are always ready to render service to the Supreme Lord because they are perfectly aware of the fact that every living entity is constitutionally an eternal subordinate servitor of the Lord
- Demigods could very easily drink the nectar and get its result because they are always under the shelter of the dust of the Lord's lotus feet
- Demon means he is not a devotee. That is demon. There are two kinds of persons: one demon, and one demigod. Those who are devotees, they are demigods, and those who are not devotees, they are demons
- Demoniac people are most abominable in the world, by artificial means the world creates a false honor for them. Although they are gliding toward hell, they consider themselves very much advanced
- Demoniac species of life are held to be always full of lust, always violent and hateful and always unclean. They are just like so many beasts in a jungle. BG 1972 purports
- Demons and atheistic persons can go on insulting the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but they forget that they are subjected to the laws of birth and death
- Demons are full of hate, greed, anger, lust, etc., & they are tireless in their efforts to illicitly amass great wealth merely to gratify their sensual urges. On the other hand, their competitors are no less expert in cheating them of their black wealth
- Demons do not know that "I am not this body. I am spirit soul. Aham brahmasmi." So therefore they do not know this. Therefore they are called nastatmanah. They have lost their spiritual sense. Why? Alpa-buddhayah, not very intelligent
- Demons do not like such activity (devotional service). They are always envious of God and His devotees
- Demons habitually find fault with the demigods, brahmanas and innocent, to whom they are a constant source of fear
- Demons means one who harasses saintly persons and who does not believe in God. This is the definition of demon. So there is a class of men always who do not like saintly persons and do not believe in God. So they are demons
- Demons, they are anxiety. Everyone has anxiety, but their anxiety, aparimeyam. Just like ordinary man, he has got some anxiety: "How to maintain my family? How to get money to maintain family?" like that. But the demons, they are immeasurable, unlimited
- Demons, they are too much attached to material enjoyment, bhoga and aisvarya. So they cannot take to it. Therefore our general principle is to perform sankirtana, not to talk philosophy
- Demons, they do not believe in God or God’s service or next life. These are the demons. They are thinking that this is the chance for sense enjoyment
- Descriptions of Krsna's eternal pastimes are in all the revealed scriptures. But one cannot understand how they are continuing eternally
- Desire cannot be completely absent because I am living entity. So my desire should be not to forget Krsna. That's all, that one desire. That is real desire. All other desires, they are foolish. We cannot be desireless, but we should desire only bona fide
- Desires are very difficult to fulfill; but if one desires something which is unreasonable and can never be fulfilled, the desire can be subdued and satisfied, and that is an art. By this art one can also subdue sex impulses when they are aroused
- Devahuti requests her glorious son, Kapila Muni, to explain about this continued journey to impress upon the conditioned souls that they are undergoing a path of degradation by not understanding the path of bhakti-yoga, devotional service
- Devaki said - Such (self-effulgent, changeless and uncontaminated by the material qualities) eternal forms (of Lord Visnu) are ever-cognizant and full of bliss; they are situated in transcendental goodness and are always engaged in different pastimes
- Devaki said - Your (Visnu's) forms are eternal and all-pervading. They are self-effulgent, changeless and uncontaminated by the material qualities
- Devaki said, "Such eternal forms (of Krsna's) are evercognizant and full of bliss; they are situated in transcendental goodness and are always engaged in different pastimes"
- Devaki said, "Your forms (Krsna) are eternal and all-pervading. They are self-effulgent, changeless and uncontaminated by the material qualities"
- Devotees are always thinking about how to serve Him; they are always designing ways and means to serve the Supreme Lord, even in the midst of the greatest obstacles of material existence
- Devotees are always tolerant, forbearing and very merciful. They are the well-wishers of every living entity. They follow the scriptural injunctions, and because they have no enemies, they are very peaceful. These are the decorations of devotees
- Devotees are compassionate to every conditioned soul, and therefore they are known as aparakya-buddhi
- Devotees are empowered by the Lord to distribute devotional consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, to the people in general. They are known as authorized spiritual masters & it is by their mercy that a conditioned soul gets the seed of devotional service
- Devotees are expert in all transactions (yasyasti bhaktir bhagavaty akincana sarvair gunais tatra samasate surah (SB 5.18.12)). Therefore they are called kovida, which means - expert
- Devotees are free from all problems because they are fully surrendered unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Devotees are friends of every living entity, but they are misunderstood to be enemies
- Devotees are mentioned here (in BG 9.29): they are always in Krsna consciousness, and therefore they are always transcendentally situated in Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Devotees are merciful because they spare the poor animals, and they are clean because they are free of contamination from unwanted foodstuff and unwanted habits. Austerity is represented by restricted sex life
- Devotees are neither in goodness, passion nor ignorance. They are transcendental to all these qualities
- Devotees do not fear the annihilation of the body, for they are confident that after the annihilation they will go back home, back to Godhead
- Devotees do not have to endeavor for any yoga-siddhi, or perfection in mystic powers. They are competent to understand everything by the grace of the Lord, who is sitting in everyone's heart
- Devotees do not undertake the trouble to meditate upon the impersonal Brahman because the they are bhakti-yogis; as indicated here, they meditate on brahma paramam, or the Supreme Brahman
- Devotees have no lusty desires for oneness; instead, their desire is to be freed from all material hankering. they are called niskama, desireless
- Devotees like Prahlada Maharaja laugh at how foolish they are to be busy in a temporary life without knowledge of the soul's transmigration from one body to another
- Devotees of the goddess Maya, or Durga, do not know that they are being cheated by that goddess
- Devotees of the Lord are honored equally with the Lord because they are engaged in the most confidential service of the Lord, for they deliver out of the material world the fallen souls whom the Lord wants to return home, back to Godhead
- Devotees who render continuous service to the Lord have already attained immortality, for whatever they are doing in this life they will continue to do in the next
- Devotees, they have dedicated life to this. Where you can get such worshiper by paid man? They are after money. They are not after God
- Devotional activities sometimes appear to be impure in the neophyte stage, but in the mature stage they are completely pure, or free from material activity
- Devotional service does not produce any result. And the ordinary man... Suppose they are also selling books. An ordinary man also selling books, it appears to be the same. But they are not creating any result
- Devotional service should be taken exactly in the line of the great authorities. Just like our sampradaya, Gaudiya Vaisnava sampradaya, they are following. Rupanuga
- Devotional service to the Lord and the Lord Himself are one and the same because they are spiritual - the internal energy of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Devotional service to the Lord does not kill the natural desires of the living being, but they are applied in the right cause of devotional service. This qualifies the desire to be transferred to the spiritual sky
- Dharma, artha, kama and moksa are called catur-varga. They are all within the system of inferior, material knowledge
- Dharma-yuddha. Even there is fight, there is religion, there is piety. Even by killing and being killed. Two ksatriyas are fighting. Either he kills or he is being killed, in both ways they are profited
- Dharmena hina pasubhih samanah. They are animals, that's all. The modern civilized man is nothing but an animal - dressed animal, two-legged animal. The animals are four-legged, and these animals are two-legged, that's all
- Dhruva Maharaja was very devoted to the brahmanas, who engage in the study of the Vedas and thereby know the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are always busy propagating Krsna consciousnes
- Dhruvaloka is one of the lokas like Svetadvipa, Mathura and Dvaraka. They are all eternal places in the kingdom of Godhead, which is described in the Bhagavad-gita (tad dhama paramam) and in the Vedas
- Different devotees have different inclination to offer his service to different features of God. Therefore, He has got innumerable features of the presentation. They are differently named
- Different living beings are situated in different consciousness, Some are satisfied in the matter of eating and sleeping, they are on the annamoya stage
- Different potencies of the Lord are engaged in serving the Supreme Lord in different transcendental relationships. They are situated in conjugal love, in parental affection, in friendship and in servitude
- Difficulty is these rascals are going on as scholar, dehatma-buddhih. Their life is bodily concept of life, & they are passing as scientist, scholars, leaders, politicians, & they are leading us andha yathandhair. They are blind, & they are leading us
- Dina-cetasam means poor-minded, dina; or crippled, cripple-minded. Actually, I see all the householders in Western countries, they are cripple-minded. Just like animal they are living. There is no high thought: what is next life, what is God
- Discovering some nonsense, scientific means and people are starving. There is no food. And they're busy in discovering scientific method
- Discussion of the rasa-lila among people in general is discouraged because they are affected by the Mayavada philosophy
- Dishonest. They are producing only dishonest men
- Distress and happiness, they're already destined, according to our body. We have discussed this point. Take, for example, you American boys and girls: you have got a body by your previous activities. So your standard of living is better than other country
- Do not be very much serious about this body. The soul is the subject matter to be considered. But the modern civilization, they are concerned with this body. Just the opposite
- Do you think all the caves of the mountains they are now closed? There are many caves. If you want at all shelter, there are already there are natural rooms, apartment. (everyone laughs) You can live there
- Do you think this flower which is coming out daily in your garden in different colors and different smell and flavor, they are being done without any artistic sense? This is nonsense. There is sense. There is God's potency
- Doctors, medical practitioners, they first of all ply their knife on the dead body and find out where are the nerves, not a living man. When they are fully practiced, then they are allowed to practice surgical operation
- Dog is loitering in the street, no food. So these men with all this high technological knowledge, if they do not get a proper master, they are nothing but dog. This is university education
- Don't be disappointed. Go on with your regulative principles, as they are advised in the sastra and the guru
- Don't keep Indian culture airtight, and don't keep American money for sense gratification. Use it for Krsna. So they are doing that. And Krsna is giving them intelligence. Bhakti-yogam dadami tam
- Don't spoil your children. The modern educational system without any knowledge of Bhagavan, I may tell you frankly, not only in India, everywhere, they are practically slaughterhouse
- Don't think that the hogs eating stool are unhappy. No, they are getting fat in that way. They are very happy
- Don't think that these description in the Vedas, they are stories. They are not stories. They are facts. But we cannot accommodate in our poor teeny brain. That's all. So what we shall understand about God? It is not possible
- Don't you see that two men, they are working day and night, very hard. One man has become all of a sudden millionaire, and another man, he has no employment. Why? Why this distinction?
- Double-dealing is natural for girls. When they are satisfied within, they externally show dissatisfaction. Such feminine dealings are very palatable to boys who try to make friendships with them
- Dr. Vajpeye's review we are going to print and widely distribute, especially in Bombay and Madras, where there is so much propaganda from these bogus gurus and yogis. He has got practical experience of how they are cheating the innocent people
- Due to a poor fund of knowledge, living entities conditioned in this material world claim to be God. They are thus illusioned
- Due to being illusioned by the external energy and due to a poor fund of knowledge, people tend to envy one another. Because of this they are entangled in fruitive activity, and they try to escape this fruitive activity by mental speculation
- Due to his pious activities in previous lives, the conditioned soul attains material facilities in this life, but when they are finished, he takes shelter of wealth and riches, which cannot help him in this life or the next
- Due to the reduced water and scorching heat from the sun in the autumn, the small creatures living in small reservoirs of water are very much disturbed; they are exactly like uncontrolled persons who are always unhappy from being unable to enjoy life
- Due to their (the living entities') unauthorized plans for economic development, the price of commodities is rising daily all over the world, so much so that is has become difficult for the poorer classes, and they are suffering the consequences
- Due to their unclean habits they are prohibited, but at the same time they are given other facilities so they may be elevated to the highest grade of devotional service by association with pure devotees
- Duhkhalayam means the place of miseries. We are thinking that we have made a paradise, but actually the place is miserable, because the threefold miseries, they are there
- Durasaya means the hope which will never be successful. So these rascals, they are trying to be happy by so-called scientific advancement. That is durasaya. Not possible. Hopeless
- During the daytime of Brahma they (jivas) exhibit their activities, and at the coming of Brahma's night they are annihilated. BG 1972 purports
- Durvasa admitted his fault & said, "For pure devotees who are always engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, nothing is considered impossible, for they are engaged in the service of the God, whose very name is sufficient for liberation"
- Dvayam means two, Radha and Krsna. They are one. There is no difference, energy and the energetic. So Radharani is the energy, pleasure energy, of Krsna
- Dvija means brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya. One who has got the right to take the sacred thread, they are called dvijas. But out of the three, brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, the brahmana is called dvija-srestha
- Dwarkin and Son superior quality kholes and pakhwaz, so when we receive them if they are satisfactory, then I will place order for your center
- Dying is going on, but that death is going on in other countries also. They are dying, committing suicide. And maybe some person are dying out of starvation. You cannot stop death
- Each and everyone of us, we are thinking, "I am independent, and my wife, my children, my society, they are my soldiers. If I am in danger, they will help me." This is going on. This is called maya
- Each day of the demigods in the upper planetary system equals six months of our measurement. Although the demigods in the upper planetary system are attached to material enjoyment, they are all devotees, and therefore they are called demigods
- Each verse, read every day carefully. Try to assimilate, understand, & you will get more profit, every day 100 yards forward. They are so important verses. How nicely composed by Vyasadeva. In two lines the whole thing is explained. This is called sastra
- Economic development may be pleasing for some time, but it cannot endure. Thus many big businessmen are now very morose because they are being harassed by various plundering governments
- Either expansion or incarnation, they are all candles. The original candle is Krsna. It is not that expansion of expansion is less powerful. The candle power is the same either origin or expansion or expansion of the expansion
- Either in religious scripture or by law books or by morality or ethical principle, they are taught to the human, civilized human society
- Either Krsna or His representative who come on this planet or in this world just to show example how you should live, how you should utilize your human form of life, they have nothing to gain. They are complete
- Either the seeker of the Brahman, either the seeker of the supreme soul, Supersoul, or the seeker of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are all transcendentalists. They are not in the material world. They are tattva-vit
- Ekadandi sannyasis can be situated on the platform of pure Brahman because they are aware that the spirit soul is different from the body, but they are mainly impersonalists
- Electric energy sometimes working for cooling, sometimes working for heating. But to the engineer of electric energy, who is generating, for him there is no such distinction. But those who are using it, they are thinking it is hot, it is cool
- Elephant has got a particular type of body, and it has got its standard of living. Similarly, there are higher beings also, in the higher planetary system. They are called Svargaloka, Janaloka, Maharloka, Tapoloka, Brahmaloka
- Emphasis should be given to the words of Bhagavat, they are spiritual and will have powerful effect if someone only hears them with attention, do not be very much enamoured by fancy costumes and stage-decorations, they will only distract
- Energies are always controlled by the energetic, and therefore living entities are always controlled by the Lord - they have no independant existence. They are never equally powerful, as unintelligent men think. BG 1972 purports
- Engaged constantly in chanting and hearing about Me, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the sadhus do not suffer from material miseries because they are always filled with thoughts of My pastimes and activities
- Enjoyment is the goal of everyone's life. But the difference is that the materialist is trying to hanker after flickering enjoyment, and the transcendentalists, they are hankering after the spiritual enjoyment, or eternal enjoyment
- Especially at the present moment, misguided men are suffering in the darkness of materialism, and their so-called learning has enabled them to discover the atomic bomb. They are consequently on the verge of annihilation
- Especially in India, there are many such doctors (who becomes a doctor by practical knowledge) who perform their medical services perfectly. They are accepted even by the government
- Especially in this age they are so fallen that they do not know what is the goal of life. All these big, big political parties, philosophers, scientists, they have no knowledge. They are in the darkness
- Especially those who are born in India, they should take advantage of the privilege. Unfortunately, they are criticizing the foreigners, those who have taken to it. They're suspecting. It is very, very regrettable fact
- Eternal, blissful, all-knowing forms of the Lord are usually understood by the best Vedic scholars, but they are always manifest to pure, unalloyed devotees. BG 1972 purports
- Eternally liberated living entities never come into contact with material nature, and therefore they do not have any experience of material life. They are eternally engaged in Krsna consciousness, or devotional service to the Lord
- Evam parampara-praptam - who? Rajarsayoh. They are king, but just like saintly persons. That is king, not a loafer class is elevated to the royal post. Rajarsayoh. Although they're holding the post of a king for administration, they're just like rsi
- Evam parampara-praptam, rajarsayah. The Bhagavad-gita, it meant for the rajarsis. King, but they are saintly person. Therefore they are called rajarsi. Raja and rsi, both, combined together, rajarsi. So all the kings in those days, they were all rajarsis
- Even a bird maintains a wife, even a beast maintains wife. And human being hesitates to maintain a wife? You see? And they are advanced in civilization? Hm? It is a very horrible age
- Even a few years ago, such hippies (who are addicted to drugs) did not know the Hare Krsna mantra, but now they are chanting it and becoming pure Vaisnavas
- Even at the present moment those who do not accept Krsna as the Supreme Lord are accepting the knowledge given by Krsna to Arjuna. So in this way they are accepting Krsna indirectly
- Even at the present moment. They are reading Bhagavad-gita, and they are trying to kill Bhagavan, Krsna. That's all. That is their business, killing... Kamsa's business. Kamsa was trying killing Krsna
- Even big, big advanced spiritually sannyasi, they are thinking that - I am Krsna. I am Krsna. Why shall I go to serve Krsna? This is slave mentality. Just become Krsna. I am Krsna
- Even dog is afraid, what to speak of man. The animals, when they are taken to be slaughtered, they cry. So animal is afraid of death, why not man? Everyone is afraid
- Even Gandhi, in our country, he was full of anxieties. All politician, they're full of anxiety; although they hold very exalted post, still the material disease, anxiety, is there. So if you want to be anxiety-less, then you must take shelter of the guru
- Even great sages, if they are against Your transcendental topics, must rotate in this material world
- Even if devotees fall down, they are still strong enough to traverse the heads of their enemies
- Even if in the future they are able to manufacture some machine whose speed may be accelerated to the velocity of the wind or mind, the mundaners will still be unable to imagine reaching the planets in the spiritual sky
- Even if the associates of Lord Visnu sometimes descend as if cursed, they are always liberated
- Even if They (Sankarsana, Pradyumna and Aniruddha) are full expansions, the flaw of generation remains
- Even if they are hidden under different guises, I offer my respects to all of them. By their mercy, may there be good fortune in the royal dynasties that are always offending them
- Even if they are illusioned by some ghastly scene or by any accidental occurrence, devotees never forget Krsna. Even in the greatest danger they can remember Krsna
- Even if transcendentalists slip away from the path of progress in some way or other, they are again given chances for making progress
- Even in Africa, in the village, where they have got so big, big earrings, they are also chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra. They are also chanting. Therefore the African government is a little afraid of this movement
- Even in communistic country, they call "classless society," but they are also creating a managerial class. They cannot do without that. They could not avoid it, managers. Why manager? Make classless society, all worker. That is not possible
- Even in distressed condition, because Krsna has given me distress, so-called distress, it is not distress. So this is all right. - Because here, distress or happiness, they are simply mental concoction
- Even in human society the inhabitants of the jungles or the deserts are different from those of the cities and villages. They are so made according to different qualities of the modes of nature. Such adjustment by the laws of nature is not blind
- Even in India they (the members of the present Krsna consciousness movement) are well received as perfectly well behaved Vaisnavas wherever they go
- Even in the civilized society, there are persons, they are put into such a circumstances that they will never be able to understand what is God consciousness or what is Krsna consciousness. They are so misfortunate
- Even in the United States, when our devotees chant on the street, American ladies and gentlemen inquire from them whether they are actually Americans because no one could expect Americans to become such nice devotees all of a sudden
- Even in this life-span we can sometimes experience dreams of our childhood. Although such incidents now appear strange, it is to be understood that they are recorded in the mind. Because of this, they become visible in dreams
- Even in those who are apparently very educated, the same family attachment is there. They cannot give up the association of their families, even in old age or invalidity, for they are attached to sense enjoyment
- Even in your house there is a serpent, see that he is not fasting without food. This is the spiritual communism. They are now after communism, but they do not know what is communism. Everyone will be taken care of. That is communism, real communism
- Even it is little offensive, still these rascals should be taught good lesson. Yes. They're misleading. Godlessness. As soon as you say "God created", immediately they become arrogant. That is our protest. If they accept God, then we give them all credit
- Even killing of animal is required for sacrifice, the Vedic religion also allow - but not cow. These goats, they are allowed. The meat-eater, under restriction, they can eat goats. But not the higher caste. The brahmana, ksatriya, vaisyas, they would not
- Even one goes to God for praying something material, they're better than those who do not go to God
- Even persons who are in this material existence can give up womanly attraction if they are attracted by the Supreme Brahman. Such was the case with Haridasa Thakura
- Even pure knowledge does not look well unless it is complemented by tran