Although you have got your eyes, you cannot see which is situated a very long distance away. Just like you see the sun like the disc. Huh? So the sun is not like a disc if you get closer. It is big.
So with every sense you analyze, you will find, not only your eyes, your all other senses, they are imperfect. Imperfectness of senses . . . you have got four defects. One defect is that you commit mistakes. One defect is that we accept something for something else, illusion. Just like everybody, practically 99.9% all over the world, they are accepting this body as the self. It is also imperfect senses. One who accepts this body as the self is in the line of the animals. The animals . . . the dogs are thinking, "I am dog," and he's barking. So similarly, if I think, "I am Indian," "I am American," where is the difference between the dog and me? There is no difference. Dog does not know that he is not this body, and I do not know that I am not this body.
Actually I am not this body. That is a fact. You analyze your body. From every point of view—bhūmir āpo 'nalo vāyuḥ, this material body is composition of five gross elements: earth, water, air, fire and ether. So mind, intelligence, ego, that is aparā, inferior energy. Kṛṣṇa says, apareyam itas tu viddhi me prakṛtiṁ param (BG 7.5). These material elements, gross and subtle, they are aparā, inferior. You cannot manufacture life by this inferior way. Otherwise, the so-called scientists would have manufactured long, long ago. Earth is available, water is available, and fire is available, the air is available. Why don’t you manufacture it? If life means combination of these five elements or eight elements, why don’t you manufacture it? Do you think there is life within these elements? You are . . . (indistinct) . . . you say the man is dead because there is no breathing. So what is this breathing? This breathing is air. So if there is a scarcity of air, why don’t you take a little air and inject, or make some machine? You are very expert in making machines. Make some machine with bellow, and put it within the . . . and it will . . . (indistinct) . . . it whenever you like. So analyze in this way. Actually if you are scientist, will you find in the breathing life? No. Then if you say that the blood has become white, therefore he is dead, then make the blood red. (laughter) It is natural red. Natural red doesn’t mean . . . so many flowers are naturally red. Is that life?