Category:They Are Not
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- A devotee is not allured by any of the opulences of this material world. They are not interested. They are interested to transfer themselves in the spiritual world where, it is stated in the BG, yad gatva na nivartante tad dhama paramam mama - BG 15.6
- A devotee's position is ajata-satru: he has no enemy. He has no enemy. Ajata-satru. Nirmatsara. Nirmatsara means because they are not envious. A devotee is always open to everyone
- A hog begets, at a time, one dozen children. What you beget? You are afraid of begetting one child even. This contraceptive method. But they are not afraid. They beget one dozen children at a time, twice in a year
- A materialistic father and mother want to engage their sons in begetting children, striving for improved economic conditions and rotting in materialistic life. They are not unhappy when their children become spoiled, useless citizens
- A part of a machine cooperates with the whole machine; a part of the body cooperates with the whole body. The hands, feet, eyes, legs & so on are parts of the body, but they are not actually the enjoyers. The stomach is the enjoyer. BG 1972 Introduction
- A sannyasi is recommended to beg from the house of a brahmana. Caitanya Mahaprabhu used to do that, because a brahmana is always suci; they are not unclean
- A sannyasi should not be enthusiastic about constructing temples. We can see in the lives of various acaryas in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that they are not very enthusiastic about constructing temples
- A student is sent to gurukula for practicing brahmacarya. This is tapasya, not comfortable life. Lying down on the floor, going door-to-door for begging alms for guru. But they are not tired
- According to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the so-called Vedanta societies, the so-called, I mean to say, learned scholars on Vedanta, they are not actually Vedanta scholars. They are all fools and rascals. Because Vedanta-sutra is very difficult to understand
- According to Vedic injunction, women are not allowed to undergo the purificatory process of initiation by the sacred thread, nor are they advised to undergo the strict disciplinary procedures
- According to Vedic injunction, women are not allowed to undergo the purificatory process of initiation by the sacred thread, nor are they very expert in discussing the philosophy of self-realization
- According to Vedic system, unless the human society comes to the institution of varnasrama-dharma, they are not to be accepted as human society. The system, the whole system was to gradually educate people to be elevated to the spiritual platform
- Activities in bhakti appear to be like ordinary activities, but they are not contaminated. BG 1972 Introduction
- Actually, in India, the temples are just like royal palaces. They are not ordinary buildings because the worship of Krsna should be performed in just the way that a king is worshiped in his palace
- Actually, sastra is not for the loafer class. For highly learned brahmanas and highly elevated ksatriyas. And the vaisyas and the sudras, they are not expected to become very learned in sastra
- Actually, they (modern moon excursionists) are not going to the moon but to the planet Rahu, and after reaching this planet, they come back
- Actually, those who are Krsna conscious, they have no material suffering. Although it appears that they are suffering, they are not suffering. They can accept any so-called suffering and accept it as mercy of Krsna. They never take it as suffering
- All religious system of the world, they are taken from Vedas, from different parts. Therefore they are not complete. The age of Bible is not more than two thousand years. The age of Veda you cannot calculate, millions and millions of years
- All the activities performed by the living entity in the subtle body are called illusory because they are not permanent
- All the demigods are servants of Krsna; they are not equal with Krsna. Therefore even if one goes to a temple of the pancopasana, as mentioned above (purport of CC Adi 7.157), one should not accept the deities as they are accepted by the impersonalists
- All the modes of material nature are binding; they are not sources of liberation. Even in the mode of goodness one is conditioned. BG 1972 purports
- All the nondevotee living entities are desirous of becoming equally as powerful as the Lord, although they are not fit to become so
- All the swamis and yogis who came here, they do not belong to this parampara system, so therefore they are not bona fide guru. They are presenting themselves as guru, but they are not guru
- All these conclusions are unfit to disclose in public. But if they are not disclosed, no one will understand them
- All these forms (Krsna's forms) are described in the scriptures, and when they are thus presented they become worshipable. They are not imaginary as the Mayavada philosophy says
- All these loving affairs are also temporary and they are not pure. They are simply a perverted reflection of the pure love that is existing between you and Krsna
- All these ten to twelve thousand men who are now attached with this Krsna consciousness movement, they are not committing these four pillars of sinful life
- All these varieties of life are not controlled. He accepts to be controlled. Nature does not want to control you. When you become a criminal, then police force controls you, not that police force is made by the government unnecessarily to control you
- All Vedic words, they are not ordinary, mundane words. Just like Hare Krsna mantra. This is not mundane sound. This is transcendental sound
- Almost all of them (millions and billions of men and women) have a wrong conception of life, for they identify themselves with the gross and subtle material bodies, which they are not, in fact
- Already I have begun this, that because they are not educated how to become human being, so they remain animal. So this is the best social work, that we are bringing animal, two-legged animals, to real human being
- Although Brahma, Visnu and Mahesvara, the three incarnations of the material modes of nature, are the principal deities for the creation, maintenance and destruction of the cosmic manifestation, they are not the final authority
- Although ksatriyas are allowed to kill animals in hunting, they are not freed from the resultant contamination of sinful reactions
- Although one of the three modes of material nature is always prominent, they are never represented unalloyed by one another
- Although such ceremonies (Vedic ritualistic ceremonies) are certainly mentioned in the Vedas, they are not meant for the intelligent class of men
- Although such demigods as Lord Siva have eternal life, they have inauspicious habits like living in crematoriums. And even if others are well qualified in all respects, they are not devotees of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Although such devotees (those engaged in devotional service according to the ritualistic principles) can attain sarsti, sarupya, samipya and salokya, they are not concerned with these liberations
- Although such persons may chant the holy name of the Lord, they are not yet properly purified. Such people should be respected within one's mind, but their association should be avoided
- Although the Bhagavad-gita is the scripture of Hindus and the Indians, still, they are not so easy to accept Krsna consciousness. Because their brain is puzzled
- Although the impersonalists also reach that spiritual sky after giving up the subtle and gross material bodies, they are not placed in the spiritual planets
- Although the Mayavadi philosophers appear to be very much advanced in knowledge, they are not yet perfect. To come to the point of perfection they must voluntarily surrender to Krsna
- Although the yogis and jnanis are trying to understand God, they are not aware of their illusory condition. Maya-sukhaya bharam udvahato vimudan: They are fools because they are working hard for illusory happiness
- Although they (Mayavadis) have apparently realized that they are not material body but spirit soul, they nonetheless neglect the duty of the spirit soul, which is to render service to the Supreme Soul. Therefore their intelligence remains unsanctified
- Although they (the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran) have their arguments and reasonings, they are not very sound and transcendental. As such, modern people advanced in science and philosophy deem these scriptures unacceptable
- Although they are not as exalted as Haridasa Thakura, such Americans and Europeans, having accepted the principles of Vaisnava philosophy and behavior, should never be excluded from Vaisnava society
- Although they are not in darkness, but without being in the platform of sattva-guna, nobody can become very intelligent person, philosopher, or mental speculator also. Their position is very high in the material calculation
- Although they're written just like ordinary story activities of a person. But they are not ordinary things. If you simply read Krsna book, although it looks like story, then you become delivered from these clutches of repetition of birth and death
- Although Vaisnavas accept Lord Visnu as the Supreme, they are not prone to offend demigods. They give the demigods proper respect. Vaisnavas accept Lord Siva as the best Vaisnava. For a Vaisnava there is no possibility of offending any demigods
- Among the living entities who live on the ground, only 400,000 are human species, and out of these 400,000 human species, many are uncivilized or unclean; they are not up to the standard of proper civilization
- And somebody, they are coming, going. So you cannot check them, because they are not our paid servants. If they are very kind that they have come here, cooperating with us
- Anitya means they are not permanent. Agamapayino 'nityah. They are seasonal changes. They will come and they will go. Simply ethereal arrangement only, we must know, external arrangement. It is, rather, illusion
- Any sampradaya, either the Sankara sampradaya or Vedanta-sampradaya, if they have no standing on the Vedanta-sutra, they are not recognized
- Any way so far I have studied the American people they are very much eager to learn about the Indian way spiritual realization and there are so many so called Yoga ashramas in America. Unfortunately they are not very much adored by the Government
- Anyone questions, you can answer. That is required, preaching. Just like this girl, "Why you are recommending your Bhagavad-gita?" Answer must be there, - Because this is. They are all rascals. They are not speaking Bhagavad-gita as it is
- Anyone, even up to date, who is trying to help the propagation of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, preach this sankirtana movement all over the world, he is also associate of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They are not ordinary human being
- Anything and everything which is exceptionally possessed of power, opulence, mental and perceptual dexterity, strength, forgiveness, beauty, modesty, opulence, appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- Anything without Krsna consciousness, without God consciousness, they are all cheating religion. They are not religion
- As a government officer is sometimes accepted as the entire government although he is actually but a departmental manager, so the demigods, having achieved power of attorney from Visnu, act on His behalf, although they are not as powerful as He
- As fragmental portions (of God), they (the living entities) are qualitatively one with the Supreme, but they are not unlimited
- As Prahlada Maharaja said: People suffer from material distress because they are not attached to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. A pure devotee's chief concern, therefore, is to raise the ignorant mass of people to the sense of Krsna consciousness
- As soon as they can read, that's education finished. They will understand, practical demonstration, arati, worship of the Deity, and they play mrdanga, they chant, they join Hare Krsna chanting. They are not meant for any technology
- As the Lord descends by His mercy upon this planet, so, in order to help in the pastimes of the Lord, these devotees also come here. They are not ordinary living entities or conditioned souls; they are ever-liberated persons, associates of the SPG
- Aside from liberation, even if we consider only the preliminary necessities of life - dharma, artha and kama (religion, economic development and sense gratification) - we will see that they are not the same for everyone
- At last He says, sarva-dharman parityajya. That means the so-called dharmas that we have manufactured, man-made dharmas, they are not dharmas. Dharma means what is given by God. But we have no understanding what is God
- At least these things should be accepted as they are in the Bible, "Thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not covet." Illicit sex life, intoxication, and killing of animals. These are in the Bible. Why they are not accepted?
- At night when we dream of tigers and snakes, they are not actually present, but we are afraid because we are affected by what we envision in our dreams. Everything material is like a dream because it actually has no permanent existence
- At night, hellishly engaged persons take advantage of wine and women to satisfy their tired senses, but they are not even able to have sound sleep because their various mental speculative plans constantly interrupt their sleep
- At the modern age the educated public, they are not interested in religious life because they think that in primitive stage the people were taking to religious life for economic development
- At the present moment, especially in Kali-yuga, they are not very much educated. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bha . . . (SB 1.1.10). They are simply busy how to earn some money and fill up the belly, that's all
- At the same time, they are not indifferent to the execution of their duties. Such people are interested in collecting only enough money to keep the body and soul together
- Background is Krsna conscious. Sukrtina. Sukrtina. They're not so sinful. In India they're not so sinful as the Western. Sukrtina. Catur-vidha bhajante mam janah sukrtinah arjuna. And in the Western countries they are simply acting sinfully
- Because bees bite one another when they enjoy honey, they are not exclusively enjoying the sweetness of the honey, for there is also suffering
- Because nondevotees do not realize that Lord Visnu stays with His eternal consort, Laksmi, within the hearts of all living entities, they are not endowed with the opulence of Lord Visnu
- Because of the lack of training or culture in the upper section of the social orders, they are no more to be designated as the dvija janas, or the twice-born
- Because people are not devotees of God, therefore despite all education, all advancement of scientific knowledge, still they are dealing like cats and dogs. They are not peaceful. The peace cannot be attained without Krsna consciousness
- Because people are not educated, they're accepting these rascals as Vedantists. Really, the Mayavadi Vedantists - they are bluffers. They are not Vedantists. They do not know anything of the Vedanta-sutra. That is the difficulty
- Because the brahmanas and Vaisnavas are always directed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are not greedy for material wealth. What is absolutely necessary they possess, but they do not want an expanded kingdom
- Because the Lord is all-attractive, He is called Krsna, but the damsels of Vrndavana are attractive even to Krsna. Therefore they are not of this material world
- Because there is no Krsna consciousness, there is no culture, these literatures, they are not appreciated
- Because they (people) are not giving any importance to the instructions of Krsna, the advancement of their so-called civilization resembles the crazy efforts of men in a lunatic asylum
- Bhaktas are different from karmis and jnanis. Jnana-karmady-anavrtam (CC Madhya 19.167). They are not influenced by the tenets of jnana and karma. They are influenced by activities which can satisfy Krsna
- Bhakti means they appear also just like ordinary activity, but they are not contaminated activities
- Bible or Bhagavad-gita or Srimad-Bhagavata, they are not meant for the atheistic persons. So whatever auspicious things are in the world, they are meant for the faithful, not for the atheistic persons
- Blind men may lead many other blind followers without true knowledge of material conditions, but they are not accepted by devotees like Prahlada Maharaja
- Bodha means knowledge, and budha means one who possesses knowledge. So those who are devotees of Krsna, they are not rascals. They are not rascals. They are budhah. Not only budhah, but also bhava-samanvitah
- Bodily pains and pleasure come and go; they are not permanent. Tams titiksasva bharata. So you have to learn how to tolerate these bodily pains and pleasure, but you have to take care of the soul
- Both crows and ducks are undoubtedly birds by birth, but they are not of the same feather
- Both the demigod and the living entity are dependant on the supreme will. They are not independant. BG 1972 purports
- Brahma and Indra, they are not fools. When they saw that "A boy is in Vrndavana, and He is accepted as the Supreme Lord, and He is doing something like God. Let us test"
- Brahma began to think, "All the boys and calves were taken away by me, and I know they are still sleeping. How is it that a similar batch of boys and calves is playing with Krsna? Is it that they are not influenced by my mystic power?"
- Brahma could create many powerful demigods, including Lord Siva. So they are isvaras, or lords of the universe. But they are not the supreme powerful. The supreme powerful is Govinda, Lord Krsna. He is the Transcendence
- Brahma said, "We may be proud of being controllers of the senses, but here the residents of Vrndavana are so transcendental that they are not under our control. Actually they are enjoying their senses through service to You"
- Brahma-bhuta living entities are allowed to stay in Brahmaloka or Siddhaloka, but unfortunately they sometimes again fall into the material world because they are not engaged in devotional service
- Brahmana family means devata family. But because nowadays they are descendants, they have deviated, deviated from the brahminical culture, they are not to be considered as devatas. That is also mentioned in the sastras. They are called brahma-bandhus
- Brahmanas accept poverty... Not accept poverty. They are not very much interested. Either lie down on the ground or lie down on the sofa - they don't find any difference, because they are not interested with these bodily comforts
- Buddha knew everything because He is incarnation of God. But He had to cheat the people in that way because they are not intelligent enough. Why not intelligent? Because they were killers of animals, they lost their intelligence
- Buddha philosophy flourished for temporary relief, for stopping the animal killing & the Mayavada philosophy also flourished to stop the Buddha philosophy. So both of them are asat-sastra. Asat means emergency regulation. They aren't for our eternal life
- By advanced knowledge in spiritual realization, the transcendentalist knows that this beautiful material world is nothing but a shadowy reflection of the reality the kingdom of God. They are not much captivated by royal opulence or anything like that
- By nature they (women) are not very pure, nor are they very much attached to auspicious activities. Therefore, how wonderful it is that these women have developed transcendental love for Krsna, the Lord of all mystic yogis
- Daivī-prakṛti means . . . there are two prakṛtis, two natures: internal and external. Internal energy is spiritual energy, and external energy is material energy. So mahātmās, they are not under material energy
- Demigods depend on the protection of Visnu; they are not independent. Bhagavad-gita, therefore, condemns the worship of demigods because there is no need of it and clearly states that only those who have lost their sense go asking favors of the demigods
- Demoniac people worship goddess Kali to obtain some material benefit, but they are not excused of the sins performed in the name of worship. To sacrifice a man or animal before the deity is specifically forbidden
- Devotees know perfectly well that the Absolute Truth, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is one without a second. They are never pantheists, worshipers of many Gods, for this is against the injunction of the Vedas
- Devotees, they have dedicated life to this. Where you can get such worshiper by paid man? They are after money. They are not after God
- Dharma means which is given by the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is dharma. You cannot manufacture dharma. Just like nowadays so many dharmas have been manufactured. They are not dharma. dharma means the order which is given by the Lord
- Different people claim to follow different sections of the Vedas, but in fact for the most part they are not followers of the Vedas because they do not follow the rules and regulations of the Vedas
- Different types of religion has sprung up - the Buddhism, Christianism, Muhammadanism. They are not perfect understanding of religious principle
- Disturbance is always there, but they are not mindful about the real disturbances of life
- Do you think that I have to accept the astronomers blindly? If there are innumerable suns, why they are not present at night? Why you are suffering from want of one sun?
- Do you think this lump of matter is giving life? But they are not dhira. All rascals, they cannot understand. The word is very important. How the rascals will understand? Therefore our Krsna consciousness movement is to educate the rascals
- Don't think that "These boys are brought here. They're not giving any education, academic. They do not know what is history, what is geography." They know little, little; not very much
- Don't think that these description in the Vedas, they are stories. They are not stories. They are facts. But we cannot accommodate in our poor teeny brain. That's all. So what we shall understand about God? It is not possible
- Dravidian culture. Dravida. They are non-Aryans. Just like these Africans, they are not Aryans. Now they are mixing up with European and American
- During the daytime the dogs and asses think, - We are working, but these spiritualists, they are not working
- Either the seeker of the Brahman, either the seeker of the supreme soul, Supersoul, or the seeker of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are all transcendentalists. They are not in the material world. They are tattva-vit
- Empiric philosophers may assume very important roles in the material world, but they are not necessarily eligible for liberation. BG 1972 purports
- Europe, America, they work very diligently, hard, and they have got material prosperity. And the Eastern countries, they are not working, intelligent. From material point of view. From spiritual point of view that is another thing
- Even born in kirata family, the aborigines . . . these names are of the candalas. They are not Aryans. Non-Aryans
- Even Chief Justice, he cannot make a law. The law is given by state. Similarly, dharma means bhagavata-dharma and other so-called dharmas, they are not dharmas. They will not be accepted
- Even if we are not born, the spark comes out of Krsna, so we are different; the sparks of the fire are fire, but they are not the original fire
- Even in such an advanced country there may be possibility such failure but failure in America is more dangerous than that in India. In India they are not so much dependent on electricity but in America the whole activity is dependent on electricity
- Even there are distress in this material world, we should learn to tolerate, because these are ephemeral. They are not neither real distress
- Even they (the children who will be educated in Krsna consciousness) are not literary person, they will have character and they'll become Krsna devotee. That is real education
- Even though they (brahmanas and Vaisnavas) may sometimes appear to violate the laws, they are not to be punished by the king
- Even though they (the so-called yogis) are endeavoring in a so-called yoga system, they are not self-realized. Such people cannot understand the process of the transmigration of the soul. BG 1972 purports
- Even though they are not sometimes following the routine work of cleanliness or something else, still, because he's sticking to the principle of worshiping Krsna, he does not do anything else, then he's sadhu
- Everyone has got the gold, but they are not in awareness that what is that gold
- Everyone is dying, but those who are engaged in krsna-katha, in Krsna consciousness, those who are busy in Krsna's business, they are not dying. They are living
- Everyone is engaged in his duty. They are not interested to hear about Krsna-katha - that is the real business of life - because they are engaged in duty, duty. So why they do that?
- Everyone is trying to be educated to acquire money. In the Western countries, these are very prominent, janmaisvarya-sruta. They are not very much interested about the janma, but aisvarya, sruta, they are interested, and sri
- Everyone wants to elevate himself to a higher status of existence or, out of frustration, become one with the Supreme. All these desires are different types of materialism; they are not favorable for devotional service
- Everything is there, but they are imitation, chaya. They are not reality. So if you want real friendship, then make friendship with Krsna
- Everything is under the laws of nature. You have no control over it, you are completely dependent. But people, on account of dull brain, they think that they are free. They are not free
- Factory is another name for hell. At night, hellishly engaged persons take advantage of wine and women to satisfy their senses, but they are not even able to have sound sleep because their various mental speculative plans constantly interrupt their sleep
- Factually you'll find our these disciples, young boys and girls, they are not practicing in a secluded place the yoga system. They are chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Followers of the smrti-sastra are called smartas. Most of them are nondevotees, and their main business is following the brahminical principles strictly. However, they are not enlightened in devotional service
- For a materialistic person, material wealth and opulence are only illusory. Actually they are not possessions but entanglements because by enjoying the material world a conditioned soul becomes more and more entangled by incurring debts
- For detachment from children, wife & home, it is not meant that one should have no feeling for these. They are natural objects of affection, but when they are not favorable to spiritual progress then one should not be attached to them. BG 1972 purports
- For example, as there is no separation between fire and air, there is no separation between Krsna and the living entities. When the living entities forget Krsna, they are not in their normal condition
- For Krsna, we are working day and night. The karmis are also working day and night, but they are not happy. We are happy
- For the common karmis, there is no hope because even if they are promoted to the higher planetary systems, they are not guaranteed freedom from the miseries of birth, old age, disease and death
- From Bhagavad-gita we understand that all these stars (naksatras) are like the moon, in that they reflect the sunshine (BG 15.12). They are not independent luminaries
- From India they are coming, but I am very sorry to inform, they are not giving the real, not delivering the real culture
- From the above verse it appears that the mayavadis or impersonalists are more or less contaminated. They are not pure
- From the Vedas we understand that He (God) is supplying everyone's necessities, and we can actually see that the lower animals, the birds and the bees, have no business or profession, yet they are not dying for want of food
- Gadadhara & Srivasa, although included in Visnu-tattva, are dependent, diverse energies of the Supreme Lord. In other words, they are not different from the energetic, but they are manifest diversely for the sake of relishing transcendental relationships
- Gaudiya Vaisnava, the devotees following the footprints of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's, they are not sahajiyas; they are devotee of the Adhoksaja. Beyond the sense perception
- Generally I don't have much faith in these politicians. They are no more interested for the welfare of the citizens. Simply they want some votes to exploit others. But let us see what can be done
- Generally they (so-called swamis) are not attracted by the natural beauty of the woods, although they may assume the dress of a man who is meant to live in the woods
- Ghosts and mischievous hobgoblins are also the creation of Brahma; they are not false. All of them are meant for putting the conditioned soul into various miseries. They are understood to be the creation of Brahma under the direction of the Supreme Lord
- Gopis, they are not conditioned souls. They are liberated spirits
- Guru is teaching everyone to surrender to Krsna. Others, they are not teaching; they are so-called gurus. They are not teaching; they are bluffing, cheating people: "I am God. You press your nose, you become God . . ." So many nonsense things are there
- He (God) is always present with innumerable incarnations (ramadi-murtisu kala-niyamena tisthan nanavataram akarod bhuvanesu kintu). Nonetheless, although He appears in various incarnations, they are not different from one another
- Heavenly demigods like Indra and Candra, the leaders of the Bhurloka planets, the leaders of the earthly planets, the leaders of the lower planets, appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- Here is Bhagavad-gita. Try to understand it, make your life successful, and then broadcast this message all over the world. That is paropakara. So actually, India and India's people, they are meant for paropakara. We are not meant for exploiting others
- Hindu religion has no philosophy, therefore it has died because in this age people have become very much hardened by material living and they are not much interested in sentimental religions like Hinduism. Sentiments are temporary and they always dry up
- How can these superior powers control the evolutionary process of the living entity if they are not free from all imperfection? The followers of the Vedic instructions can't accept the Darwinian theory of evolution for it is marred by imperfect knowledge
- How much devoted, beautiful. They are spiritual, they are not material. Their bodies are not material bodies. Krsna does not embrace a material woman
- Human being in the modes of ignorance and passion, they are animals. They are not considered as human being. They are animals
- Human being means with logic. According to their definition, man is rational animal. They're not even rational. Like cats and dogs. There is no rationality
- Human being or animal, they are not different, because the body is made of the same ingredient. If you manufacture a dog like a dog, like a man, what is the difference? The ingredient is the same: earth
- Human beings, animals, birds, etc., are also parts and parcels of the Lord and have different material bodies, but they are not the controlling deities of material affairs
- Human life begins when he is ready to serve the Supreme Lord Visnu. That is human life; otherwise it is animal life. Therefore the whole world is in chaos. They are not eager to serve Visnu. They are simply eager to serve their senses
- Human life is meant for understanding the spiritual value of life, but on account of the people being sudras, they are not interested. They are forgetting the real purpose of life
- I am a human being and others are lower animals, that is the greatest abhimana. That is also, what is called, false ego. Human being or animal, they are not different, because the body is made of the same ingredient
- I am Indian, so I have tried my best to give you this Krsna consciousness. It was the duty of the Indians to preach this cult. But even they are not doing, so you can take up, and for the benefit of the human society, you simply preach about Krsna
- I am very pleased with your monthly Bhagavata-Darsana. That is a solid program. Please continue it steadily. One thing is, you must be careful with the subscription books so that they are not counterfeit or used by cheaters
- I can challenge all this so-called yoga societies in the western countries that they are not standard in terms of Vedic yoga system
- I can understand that old man. He is not a bad man and this, what is called? Bhogaji, vairagi, he also not a bad man. They are not properly guided. They have learned some hodgepodge. That's all
- I have come here to sell My emotional ecstatic sentiments in this city of Kasi, but I cannot find any customers. If they are not sold, I must take them back home
- I have come to America with this view, that America is on the summit of material civilization. They are not poverty-stricken
- I myself (Brahma), Siva, Visnu, great generators of living beings like Daksa and Prajapati, yourselves (Narada and the Kumaras) appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- I saw in Paris, in Germany, they are not as rich as the Americans. Because American inland, there was no such big war, so their opulence is existing. But on account of these two wars, British completely finished
- I think they are not prepared to hear these things. If you talk that "You are God, I am God," then they will like it. As soon as the real process of self-realization, God-realization, is put before them, they are not agreeing
- I think we shall all forget now the past fratricidal war and now come forward for a good cause. If they are not agreeable then do it yourself and I am at your service. Please therefore consider this and let me know by wire if you are agreeable
- I want Englishmen to join more than from the Indian community because they are not fixed up, neither they are very serious about Krishna Consciousness. They are more interested in something else
- Idle brain is a devil's workshop. If they're not directed, then think like devil. We are thinking rightly because we are taking direction from Krsna, the most perfect. Therefore our thinking has meaning
- If one is cultivating his life like hogs and cats and dogs - the behavior is also like that and remaining in that position - so his faith & one who is advanced, who is worshiping Deity & having three times bath & chanting mantras, HK, they are not equal
- If somebody chants the name of Narayana knowingly, that "I am chanting the name of Narayana; therefore let me do, act some sinful activity," it will be counteracted. They are very sinful. They are not excused
- If somebody is not a bona fide medical practitioner, but he gives, "Doctor," "M.D.," he's punishable. There are so many bogus. They are not detected. But if they are detected, they are punishable
- If such persons (who identify the body with the soul) take shelter of Lord Siva, gradually they will understand that they are not the material body but are spirit soul
- If they are not devotee, how they can interpret on Krsna? Just like a member of a family can say very nicely about the head of the family; how outsiders can say about the family? That is not possible
- If they are sincere, how they become fall down? They are not sincere; therefore they fall down
- If we study the living entities in the cosmic manifestation, it will appear that they are not different from the original Absolute Truth
- If you cover your body with blanket, the hands and legs are invisible. But you are not the blanket. So the trees and plants, they are more covered. They are not in full manifestation. The human form is the full manifestation of the soul
- If you divide all people, you will find one class of men, they are not interested with this opulence of material happiness. They are seeking - philosophers, learned scholars, scientists, religionists, reformers. Their business is different
- If you have got sufficient food grains and milk, the whole food question is solved. And these rascals, they are not giving protection to the cows, but they are killing cows
- If you put bad money, just like nowadays the currency is some papers, paper currency, so drives away good money. Good money means gold coins. They are not to be seen. That is economic law: as soon as you put bad money, the good money will vanish
- If you say that, "We are seeing daily that you are offering prasadam, the vegetable, rice. They are all material," no, they are not material. This is real understanding. How it is not material? That is acintya, inconceivable
- If you want to enjoy life, then you must be intelligent also. Just like the animals, they are not intelligent enough; therefore they cannot enjoy life as a human being can, standard
- If you want to enjoy senses, they are not very easily available. It is said that unless you become industrious, laborious, you cannot enjoy even this material world
- If, by your action, as it is described in the sastra, the Supreme Lord is satisfied, then your life is successful. But they are not doing even sva-dharma, bodily. Therefore the ultimate solution is sarva-dharman parityajya
- Illicit sex life, intoxication, and killing of animals. These are in the Bible. Why they are not accepted? This is not our impositions. This is already there
- Impersonalists and the enemies of the Lord are, because of attraction to God, allowed to enter into His kingdom, but they are not allowed to enter into the Vaikuntha planets or the Goloka Vrndavana planet of the Supreme Lord
- In bhakti, one can immediately . . . because real process is to surrender to God. That is the real process. But these jnanis, yogis and karmis, they are not prepared to surrender to God
- In either case, both the Supersoul and the individual soul continue. They are not destroyed. One who can see in this way can actually see what is happening. BG 1972 purports
- In his Anubhasya, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura comments - The gopis are purely engaged in the service of the Lord without motive. They are not captivated by the opulence of Krsna, nor by the understanding that He is the SP of Godhead
- In India still, because they are not so materially advanced, even the poorest man has got some certain fixed-up place, his cottage, he has got his wife, he has got his child, and he works, whatever he can do
- In India still, they are not so degraded. You see. Even at night you can safely walk on the street. But in Europe, America, you cannot with confidence walk alone in the big, big streets
- In India they have got organized family attachment. They are not interested. They are after money now. That I have experienced
- In India, they're very conservative, perverted. So they accuse that "Swami Maharaja is spoiling the Hindu system of religion because he's accepting brahmin from outside." So actually they're also not aware
- In material conditional life, no works are completely purified. They are mixed. They are not in pure goodness
- In material conditional life, no works of material nature are completely purified. They are mixed. They are not in pure goodness. BG 1972 purports
- In modern days the people in general occupy the administration by the strength of manipulated votes, but they are never trained in the primary duties of the king, and that is also not possible for everyone
- In New Vrindaban we are keeping cows. That is an example. And the cows are giving milk, delivering milk, double than other farmers. Why? Because the cows know that "These people will not kill me." They are not in anxiety
- In spite of being born in India, in spite of having the privilege of studying Bhagavad-gita, they are not taking advantage of it, and they are being misled like cats and dogs. Very regrettable condition
- In spite of hearing the glories of devotional service, they (those who are in the modes of passion and ignorance) are not attracted. Thus they manufacture their own way of elevation. These are some of the defects of human society. BG 1972 purports
- In the beginning of life, the children, beginning from five years old up to twenty-five years, they are trained up as brahmacari. Those who are not in bad association from childhood, if they practice celibacy, they are not disturbed
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.48) it is advised that one should not give up his occupational prescribed duties, even if they are not always flawless
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that beyond the senses, the mind is there. Beyond the mind, the intelligence is there. Beyond the intelligence, the soul is there. So they are studying the mind. They are not even on the intelligence platform
- In the higher sky there are living entities who can travel through the air without being hampered. Although we can travel in outer space, we are hampered by so many impediments, but they are not
- In the Laghu-bhagavatamrtam it is defined that these saktyavesa avatara, they are all living entities; they are not on the level of Visnu-tattva. But they have special power and special, I mean to say, opulence to glorify the Supreme Lord
- In the material existence we find so many species of life-animals, insects, men, and so on. All are arranged by the superior power. They are not accidental. BG 1972 purports
- In the present age people have become degraded for want of tapasya because they are not taught how to execute tapasvi life. Criticism for its own sake will not do; one must be effectively trained in the life of tapasya
- In the prison house there are some population, but they are not majority. The majority of the population, they're outside the prison house. Similarly, majority of living being, part & parcel of God, they are in the spiritual world. Only a few falls down
- In the spiritual sky the planets are called Vaikuntha because the residents of these planets are free from all anxieties. For them there is no question of birth, death, old age and diseases, and therefore they are not anxious
- In the transcendental mellows of neutrality and servitorship, there are similar divisions of yoga and viyoga, but they are not variegated
- In the Vaikuntha world all the living entities are in oneness with the Supreme Godhead because they never defy His orders. Here in the material world, however, they are not sammata, agreeable, but always asammata, disagreeable
- In this age people are generally short living. They are not living for more than sixty or seventy years. Formerly they were living more than hundred years. Gradually their duration of life is decreasing. And it is stated also that it will decrease
- In this age we have to give chance to the people, direct contact. No slow process method will help them, because the life is very short, they are not very much fortunate and the association is very bad. Therefore, direct contact - harer nama
- In this material world there are dangers at every step, but they are not meant for devotees who have fully surrendered unto the lotus feet of the Lord
- In this material world we suffer, but due to the illusion of maya they are thinking that they are enjoying. That is nonsense. They are not enjoying
- In this society, Western society, the so-called learned men - they're supposed to be the topmost learned men - they don't even know of the soul. Therefore they're not even in the class of an ignorant man. They're lower than even ignorance
- In village they have got their family, husband, wife, some children. If one lives spiritual life, he is actually happy. Materially, nobody can be happy. In your country, although there is enough facility for material enjoyment, actually they are not happy
- In Vrindaban there are many dilapidated, important temples started by the Gosvamis, but still they are not closed. They are becoming debtor and debtor and the temple building is practically falling down, but still the Deity worship is going on
- In your country, I have studied it thoroughly, that the younger generation is looking after some sort of new engagement, and they are not very much interested in the materialistic way as America is professing
- India there are six kinds of philosophies, but they are not recognized. Rsibhih, just like Devala Rsi, Narada Rsi, Vyasadeva, Asita Rsi, Valmiki Rsi, they are recognized. Rsibhir bahudha gitam. So they have got different philosophical ways to understand
- Intelligent persons take to the devotional service of the Lord. When they chant the holy name of the Lord without offenses, they are no longer subject to my (Yamaraja) rulings
- It does not mean that one who is taking care of dressing the Deity, he is higher than the man who is washing the dishes. No. They are not karma. By washing dishes he is executing devotional service, and by dressing the Deity he is also
- It is also stated that a sannyasi should not be enthusiastic about constructing temples. We can see in the life of various acaryas in the line of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu that they are not very enthusiastic about constructing temples
- It is just like a lunatic asylum: The patients are running around madly and when the doctor tries to give them treatment, they insist that they are not crazy. Sometimes the patient even strikes the doctor. So our task is like that
- It is not a question of arranging huge sacrifices. The priests (of King Nabhi) were regretful, thinking that they were not on the path of devotional service and that their sacrifice was not pleasing to the Lord
- It is not possible to purchase food for the cows. So maintain in this way, so, by natural food. And in your Germany I have seen, they are not given extra food. They are living by pasturing ground. That should be arranged
- It is not that, that sometimes things which are beyond the test of our material senses, they are not existing. That is foolishness. We must accept that our senses are imperfect. So how we can understand everything by the test of experimental knowledge?
- It is said, "Bad money drives away good money.'' If you put bad money, just like nowadays the currency is some paper, paper currency, so drives away good money. Good money means gold coins. They are not to be seen. That's economic law
- It is the guardians' duty to find out a suitable husband or a suitable wife. Nowadays the boys and girls, they do not take parents' guidance, and they are not happy
- It is very important movement. This morning also I said at the press representative meeting at the airport that there are so many universities and, especially in your country, department of knowledge, but why they are not discussing this point
- Itihasa means history, and puranani, puranani means old itihasa. All the statements or narrations described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, they're all historical evidence, they're not imagination
- Jnanis want to become one with the Supreme or liberation, so it should be uncovered by the result of jnana and karma and fully devoid of any other desire. That is bhakti. So those who are bhaktas and desiring after liberation, they are not pure bhakta
- Just as Krsna behaves like an ordinary man when He descends to this planet, so the members of the Yadus and the residents of Vrndavana execute activities just like ordinary men. But they are not ordinary men; they are as liberated as Lord Krsna Himself
- Just like Englishmen: Englishmen, they established the British Empire, great, powerful, most powerful nation in the world. Now they are not so. Because they misused their power. So you get power, opulence, by the grace of Lord Krsna
- Just like in our this Krsna consciousness movement, all the activities, they are not material. They're all spiritual. But still, because it is being enacted in the material world, we have also so much anxiety, although that anxiety also bhakti
- Just like Lord Jesus Christ was crucified. So he could not be crucified. It is a false notion. There was resurrection. Because God or God's representative, they are not under the laws of this material nature
- Just like on the street it is "Keep to the right." So this is for the human being. If the cats and dogs goes from right to the left or wrong, they are not prosecuted. The law is meant for the human being
- Just like there are many philanthropists. They are busy doing welfare activities for the human race, but they are not interested for the benefit of the animal race
- Karmis are simply full of desires because they try to enjoy sense gratification. They are not peaceful in this life, nor the next, during the past, present or future
- Krsna consciousness persons, they are not after will-o'-the-wisp, phantasmagoria. No. They're actually making progress to the concrete Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krsna continued, "And it is a fact also that My devotees, My dearmost friends and servitors, are always free from material contamination, even though they are not inclined to ask Me for such liberation"
- Krsna said - My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the value of life. They lead not to higher planets but to infamy
- Krsna said to Uddhava, "These are, of course, very nice activities, but they are not as attractive to Me as the transcendental loving service rendered by My devotees"
- Krsna went on speaking, "But because they are not attracted by the names of Krsna and Balarama, you had better not ask them for anything in My name. Better ask for some charity in the name of Balarama"
- Ksatriya's fight, it is not ordinary fight like cats and dogs. The cats and dogs also fight and the ksatriyas in the battlefield of Kuruksetra, under the guidance of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, they are not the same
- Living entities are also part and parcel of Lord Visnu, but they are not as powerful; therefore when a living entity descends as an incarnation of Visnu, he is especially empowered by the Lord
- Lord Rsabhadeva refused to manifest mystic yogic perfections, and Maharaja Pariksit asked why He did not accept them, since, for a devotee, they are not at all disturbing
- Lord says: All these processes - the yoga process, the sankhya process, the ritualistic process, or studying the Vedas or undergoing severe type of penance and austerities - combined together or individually, they are not suitable for achieving Me
- Manu-smrti. Now they are changing so many. They... Strictly speaking, the modern Hindus, they are not strictly according to the Hindu scripture
- Many want to speak something to others, but because they are not trained to speak on the subject matter of Vedic wisdom they are all speaking nonsense, and people are receiving them with no sense
- Mass of people may be poor, but we want to approach respectable persons. They are not poor. They will pay. Why third-class printing, fourth-class matter? Our first-class matter, first-class printing. We have got better scope than Gita Press
- Mass of people, they are not advanced. So simply by their vote, if somebody is elected, then they will have to repent
- Materialistic persons are always anxious to get material profit, but they are not serious about spiritual profit
- Mayavadi philosophers, they also accept Vyasadeva as their original spiritual master, but they have interpreted Vyasadeva's views; therefore they are not considered to be bona fide disciples
- Mayavadi philosophers, they cannot understand. They are thinking that "Why these people are taking so much trouble, dancing, jumping?" They cannot under . . . therefore they feel displeasure. They feel disturbance, because they are not purified
- Mayavadi sannyasi. Again they fall down in this mithya jagat. They come for political work, they come for social work, daridra-narayana-seva and this and that. That's all. Because they are not pure
- Mayavadi sannyasis who falsely think of themselves as liberated from the clutches of maya are called vimukta-maninah. Actually, they are not liberated, but they think that they have become liberated and have become Narayana Himself
- Mayavadis are attractive. They are very educated. They can put things in jugglery of words. That capacity they have got. So people become amazed, almost everyone. So therefore they are not very much pleased with this movement, that "Krsna is God"
- Men with a poor fund of knowledge claim to be equal to the Lord. They are never equal to the Lord. This is never to be
- Milk is nothing but transformation of the blood. So instead of taking the blood, take the transformation and live nicely, like honest gentlemen. No. They are not even gentlemen. Rogues, uncivilized
- Miniskirt, trying to show the private part and people will be attracted and she will be happy. This is regular prostitution. Regular prostitution. Still they are not getting husband
- Modern presidents, governors and chief executive officers are all unworthy of their posts because they are not conversant with Vedic administrative knowledge and they do not take direction from great saintly persons and brahmanas
- Modern psychologists can study the actions of the mind - thinking, feeling and willing - but they are unable to go deep into the matter. This is due to their lack of knowledge and to their not being associated with a liberated acarya
- Mr. Marshall explained that the family affection is the origin of economic impetus. That's a fact. These hippies, they have no family affection. They are not married, and therefore there is no economic impetus. They can live in any way
- My birth and death is disease. You have to cure this disease. That is your problem, real problem. But they are not serious about curing . . . solving this real problem, birth and death
- My dear Lord, I have served the senses in so many ways, even though abominable. But I find still they are not satisfied, and neither the senses are very kind to me. Because I have served so faithfully, still they are dictating and I am doing
- Narada is advising Vyasadeva; Vyasadeva is advising his disciple Madhvacarya; he is advising his disciple. This is Vaisnavism. They are not concerned for personal self
- Narada Muni says that even if one falls from the platform of devotional service, he is not lost, whereas nondevotees are lost entirely because they are not engaged in service
- No, if they are not cows, there is no need of protection. When gives milk, that is cow
- Nobody is interested in God. Nobody. They have no idea of God. They are not interested in God. Still, we are predominant, or people know us as Hare Krsna people. This is our good luck
- Nobody is paid here a single farthing. Rather, he brings money. But still, he is happy. But the karmis, they are getting money, salary; still, they are not happy
- Nor are they (women) advised to undergo the strict disciplinary procedures, nor are they very expert in discussing the philosophy of self-realization
- Not all sakti; two panca-tattva. Isavatara, tat-prakasa avatara, they are not sakti. They are all the saktiman
- Not only it (Krsna Consciousness) is authoritative; it is accepted by millions and thousands. At least in India there are many. And in the Western countries also, they are also accepting because it is scientific. They are not fools and rascals
- Now the farmers, the father is working on the farm, and the sons, they do not come. They live in the city. This is the tendency all over the world. They are not producing food grain. Therefore there is scarcity
- Now unless one is shot dead, he would not leave family life. Even Mahatma Gandhi, he got independence and everything; still he would not leave. So he was shot dead. This is our position. All politicians, all big big men, they are not going to retire
- Now, Krsna is there. We have got Krsna's picture, Krsna's photo, Krsna's temple, so many Krsna's. They are not fictitious. They are not imagination, as the Mayavadi philosopher thinks, that "You can imagine in your mind." No
- O my Lord, all the demigods, headed by Lord Brahma, are sincere servants of Your Lordship, who are situated in a transcendental position. Therefore they are not like us - Prahlada and his father, the demon Hiranyakasipu
- O my Lord, Your transcendental pastimes and enjoyments all appear inconceivable because they are not limited by the causal and effective actions of material thought. You can do everything without performing bodily work - SB 6.9.34-37
- O Partha, I speak to you the truth. The gopis are My helpers, teachers, disciples, servants, friends and consorts. I do not know what they are not to Me
- Oh, why for the benefit of the human being, other animals' throat should be cut? Even they have no common sense. National. National means one who is born in that land. That is national. So why the animals born in that land, they are not national
- On account of imperfect senses, they cannot understand what is cause and what is effect. And without knowledge, they have become teacher. Therefore they are not teacher but cheater. This is the conclusion
- One attains to the kingdom of God, where spiritual varieties are there. They are not variety-less; otherwise, the Lord would not have said that samstham. There is a regular establishment
- One can learn to earn bread, eat, sleep and mate without a formal education. Animals are not educated - they are not technicians, and they have no university degrees - but they are also eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- One karma cannot be nullified by another karma. Karma means activity. They are going on, passing resolution after resolution and laws after laws, but things are in the same position. They are not changing. Therefore it cannot be checked in that way
- One must first please the spiritual master, and if he is pleased, then we should understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also pleased. But if the spiritual master is displeased by our actions, they are not spiritual
- One person worships in the temple, another earns money honestly by executing his professional duty, and yet another preaches Krsna consciousness with the devotees. Apparently these three types of service appear separate, but actually they are not
- One should also consider that those who engage in the missionary activities of the Krsna consciousness movement are under the guidance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They are not actually beggars; their real business is to deliver fallen souls
- One who can see and is familiar with devotional service, however, will know that they are not material activities. They are all spiritual and devotional, uncontaminated by the material modes of nature. BG 1972 purports
- One who cannot understand Krsna, they are cripple-minded. They are not broad-minded. If one becomes broad-minded, then, by the grace of Krsna, he can understand Krsna
- One who goes to pray in the church or in the temple, "O God, give us our daily bread," or "God, give me some money," or "God, give me relief from this distress," they are also pious. They are not impious
- One who is eating simply krsna-prasadam and simple foodstuff, vegetable, grains, milk - they are not allowed to eat anything and everything; they are not allowed to take anything in the hotel - so practically, they are fasting
- Only pure devotees, they are, they are simply satisfied to carry out the orders of Krsna. Therefore, they have no demands. And anyone who is wanting something predominance, materially or spiritually, they are not pure devotee. They are impure
- Only the devotee of Lord Visnu is called sura, not asura. Lord Krsna is very much pleased with His devotees, even if they are not on the topmost stage of devotional service
- Other men, even they are not fighting spirit, we can kill very easily. But own men, although they are fighting spirit, still he (Arjuna) hesitates, because own men
- Panditah means those who are learned, they are not affected by this body, either dead or alive. So that means one should be inquisitive to learn about the soul which is sitting in the body. That is real knowledge
- People are trying to control birth, but they are not able to control death; and if one cannot control death, one cannot control birth either. In other words, artificially controlling birth is not any more feasible than artificially controlling death
- People are unaware, and they are not interested what is vimoksaya, what is nibandhaya. Exactly like cats and dogs, they are after these four principles of material body
- People are very short-living, and they are not very enthusiastic for self-realization. Manda. Even they, somebody becomes interested in self-realization, they accept some wrong path
- People have got short life, they are always disturbed. They are disturbed with material disturbances, diseases, and they are unfortunate also. They are not very fortunate
- People in general have a tendency to learn the history and narrations of different men and times, but due to a lack of knowledge in the science of Godhead, they are not apt to study the history of the incarnations of the Personality of Godhead
- People in this age, they have become so misled, misguided, that they are not taking care of the real problem, but they are very much engaged in the temporary problems which are already solved. We are simply mismanaging them
- People should simply engage in the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, thus they will come to understand that they are not the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as they have been taught by the Mayavadi philosophers, but are eternal servants of the Lord
- People's attentions are diverted by so many nonsense literature, and they are not interested to inquire from the real source of knowledge, real treasure house of knowledge
- People, being godless, they are dishonest, they are not working honestly and so many things. The only remedy is that people should be taught to become God conscious. And this method is very simple: chant Hare Krsna
- Pious and vicious, these two activities are concern to the human. It is not to the animals. Animals, they are not subjected to the rules and regulations. Just like state law - state laws are meant for human beings, not for the cats and dogs
- Prahlada Maharaja says - These demigods, they are appointed servants, and they are not disturbing like us. And Your incarnation is specially meant for them
- Presently scientists are trying to go to other planets, but due to their material bodies, they are not free to move at will. However, when one is situated in his original spiritual body, he can move anywhere and everywhere without difficulty
- Prestigious position, material wealth, beauty, education and so on, but although these are certainly good qualifications in material dealings, they are not necessary for achieving friendship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Pure devotees are not desirous of any material enjoyment, nor are they averse to it. They completely dovetail their desires with the desires of the Lord and perform nothing on their personal account. Arjuna is a good example
- Pure devotees may deal with the three modes of material nature, but because of their transcendental intelligence in Krsna consciousness, they are not influenced by the material qualities. The spell of material activities does not attract such devotees
- Pure devotees simply act for the pleasure of the Supreme Personality of Godhead; therefore the results of their activities are spiritual, or permanent. They are not like those of the karmis, which are nonpermanent
- Purusam means enjoyer. Although living entities belong to the marginal energy of the Supreme Lord, they are in material contamination. They think themselves enjoyers, but they are not the supreme enjoyer. BG 1972 purports
- Radharani continued, "By nature loving affairs are very crooked. They are not entered with sufficient knowledge, nor do they consider whether a place is suitable or not, nor do they look forward to the results"
- Radharani is a pleasure potency, and these gopis are expansion of Radharani, pleasure potency. So they are not ordinary girls, neither Krsna is enjoying like us, that in the hotel at dance
- Rati-karsitah means that the damsels become morose after sex enjoyment. Although they accept sex enjoyment as a bodily demand, afterwards they are not happy
- Real guru will not talk differently. Some guru says that "In my opinion, you should like this," and some guru will say, "In my opinion you'll do this" - they are not guru; they are all rascals. Guru has no "own opinion"
- Regarding frozen vegetables, they are not bad, but if they are twice boiled, then they should not be used
- Religion does not mean to follow some ritualistic process. That helps us to approach, but they are not, I mean to say, primal necessity
- Rsabhadeva says, "My dear sons, this body, human body, this body is not for wasting like, dogs and hogs." They are not wasting. They are in the gradual evolution process. They are coming to the human form of body gradually, by nature's law
- Rucih means taste. Unless they have got taste, why they should remain with me? They are not coming from poor family
- Sad-dharma, or duty performed for going back to Godhead and thus becoming His (Krsna's) unalloyed devotee, is the only pious activity; all others may pretend to be pious, but actually they are not
- Sad-dharma, or duty performed for going back to Godhead and thus becoming His unalloyed devotee, is the only pious activity; all others may pretend to be pious, but actually they are not
- Sadhu means who are pure devotees. Bhajate mam ananya-bhak. That is sadhu. Otherwise there is no sadhu. The so-called sadhu, they are not sadhu
- Sadhu, those who are saintly persons, they're always thinking of the miseries of the people in general. They are not meditating for their own purpose
- Sahajiyas are amongst the thirteen rejected apa-sampradayas. In the name of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, there are so many apa-sampradayas. Apa-sampradaya means they present themselves as belonging to the Caitanya cult. But they are not at all bona fide
- Sai Baba. He is showing little yogic aisvarya. But people are, because they do not know, they are not aware of Krsna, they are taking him as God. You see?
- Saintly persons are very kind to all kinds of living entities, but they are not unhappy when a serpent or a scorpion is killed. It is not good for saintly persons to kill, but they are encouraged to kill demons, who are exactly like serpents and scorpions
- Senses are called spiritually purified when they are not involved in sense gratification
- Since these living entities have very little knowledge of self-realization, they are not getting any relief, although they are very anxious to attain peace of mind and some substantial happiness
- Since they (pure devotees) are not attracted to other features of Krsna (what to speak of the demigods), they are not concerned with any form of a demigod or of a human being. BG 1972 purports
- Since they (so-called sannyasis) are not freed from these four principles (sinful life, namely illicit sex life, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling), they are cheating the public by posing as svamis
- Sinful persons are already suffering tribulation in this life, and because they are not perfect in self-realization they will be plagued with further tribulation in the next life
- Siva said, "If they are elevated to the higher planetary systems, or if they get liberation from material contamination, or if they are pushed down to the hellish condition of life - in fact, in any situation whatever - they are not afraid of anything"
- Small animals praising the big animals, that's all. At least they say something about God. They are not zero. But they have no clear conception of God
- So human life is meant for understanding this. Athato brahma-jijna... These are all Brahman subject. They are not material subject matter
- So long they (Mahatma Gandhi, Churchill or Hitler) were living, they were always full of anxiety, fighting with one another. Now they are not existing. What is the loss there? But unnecessarily they were busy, so without me, my country will be finished
- So long you are in the material world, such problems will come and go. They're not permanent. That is explained in the Bhagavad-gita: agamapayinah anityah tams titiksasva bharata. These problems, they'll come and they will go, just like seasonal changes
- So many scriptures are there, so many teachers are there, so many rules and regulations are there. They are not meant for the animals, because they cannot be purified. They must have to come to this position by evolution of human being
- So take for example that, our, in our country, Mahatma Gandhi, he was considered to be a very good man... They may be good, but they are not ultimate good. The ultimate good is Krsna consciousness
- So the Yamadutas, their description of the body already given. They are not very good-looking. So when they saw the Visnuduta - the description of the Visnuduta is in the next verse - they were surprised, that - Wherefrom such nice features of the body
- So there are doves, there are pigeons, there are sparrows, there are crows. Now Iran, the same doves, same... Why they are not called "Iranian sparrow"? Why they are called only sparrow?
- So this civilization, modern civilization, is just like madman civilization. They have no knowledge of past life, neither they are interested in the future life
- So we should deeply study this fact, that people are struggling very hard, expanding themselves for achieving riches and wealth, but they're not satisfied
- So-called Vedantists are simply reading this Sariraka-bhasya. They are not reading other bhasyas, like the Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is natural. And they are cheating people. That's all
- Someone may aspire for one of the eight yogic perfections in the mystic yoga process, such as to become the smallest, to become the heaviest, or to acquire anything he desires, but these achievements are material; they are not perfection
- Sometimes I think that so many cars are going this way, and so many cars are going this way. Why they not settle up their business by telephone, that "I do here your business", "I do here,"?
- Sometimes intellectual platform is taken as sentimental. Krsna's statement, they are not sentimental. They are vijnana-sahitam
- Sometimes people indulge in hearing portions of Srimad-Bhagavatam which they are not prepared to hear
- Sometimes the common man is bewildered by all this and considers such activities (of God) contradictory, but they are not contradictory. There is a great plan behind all the Lord's activities
- Sometimes they (the ecstatic symptoms) are not visible even in the body of the first-class devotee for certain circumstantial reasons
- Spiritual knowledge cannot be acquired by these blunt senses. It is not possible. Just like people do not take much interest in our movement because they cannot understand. The senses are so blunt that they are not receptive
- Spiritual world means there is no work. There is simply ananda, joyfulness. That you see from reading Krsna book. They're not working. Krsna is going with the calves and the cows. That is not working. That is amusement
- Sri Krsna says: "Earth, water, fire, air, ether, mind, intelligence and false ego - all together these comprise My separated material energies." All of these are Krsna's energies, and if Krsna is the source of them, how can they be untrue? They are not
- Sri Krsna’s pastimes in this material world are called prakata-lila (manifested pastimes), and His pastimes in the spiritual world are called aprakata-lila (unmanifested pastimes). By unmanifested we mean that they are not present before our eyes
- Srila Prabodhananda Sarasvati has analyzed all kinds of benedictions available in this world, and he has clearly declared that for a pure devotee they are all of no significance
- Stalwarts of society like Gandhi are trying in various ways to usher in an age of peace, but because such endeavors are not inspired by the spiritually evolved saints, they are not turning out successful, nor will they be fruitful in the future
- Such (sages with imperfect mind) great sages also have their disciplic successions, but they are not authorized because such knowledge does not come directly from the independent Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana
- Such activities (giving up all material engagements and meditate upon Krsna) and motivations are unknown to the gopis; they are not at all expert in executing such auspicious activities
- Such nondevotees are compared to chained animals, for they are not able to go beyond the jurisdiction of the formalities of a certain type of faith. In the Bhagavad-gita they are condemned as veda-vada-rata
- Such people (who are in mode of ignorace) are very lazy. When they are invited to associate for spiritual understanding, they are not much interested. They are not even active like the man who is controlled by the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- Such person (engaged constantly in devotional service) is not meant for going to the hell. - No. They are not meant. It is stated that such devotees, they will not in dream also see what is hellish condition of life, they are so guaranteed
- Such persons are ever bereft of DS due to being too attached to sense gratification, and therefore, although they perform various kinds of sacrifices and take great vows to satisfy the demigods and forefathers, they are not interested in KC
- Such things (atomic weapons) are created solely for the destruction of the world, & this is indicated here (in BG 16.9). Due to godlessness, such weapons are invented in human society; they aren't meant for the peace & prosperity of the world. BG 1972 p
- Such wonders (as Americans became nice devotees all of a sudden) are possible only by the mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. They are not ordinary or mundane
- Suhrdam sarva-bhutanam. They are not selfish, "Now I have become Krsna devotee, that's all right. Let others go to hell." No. They want to see that everyone becomes a devotee of Krsna. Therefore they are real friend
- Superficially, the catching of the rat and the kitten appear to be one and the same, but actually they are not. When the cat catches the rat in its mouth it means death for the rat, whereas when the cat catches the kitten, the kitten enjoys it
- Tad-vijnanartham means "To understand that transcendental science," gurum eva abhigacchet, "one must take shelter of guru." It cannot be manufactured. Those who manufacture the method of understanding transcendental science, they are not bona fide
- Talks about Krsna and His pastimes - especially His pastimes in Vrndavana and His dealings with the gopis - are all very confidential. They are not subject matter for public discussion
- That abode is manifested within the material world by the will of Lord Krsna. It is identical to that original Gokula; they are not two different bodies
- That is also sudra training, to become obedient. Because people are not obedient. What are these hippies? They are not obedient. So obedience also require training
- That is our success, when there is opposition. They are not going to oppose any such movement like Transcendental Meditation
- That is the position of Krsna consciousness. They are not heartless. They are very submissive.
- That is the whole mystery of the material creation - the living entities come from God, they are not products of the material nature
- The activities of a person, even if they are not very extraordinary, create an impression of wonder in the heart and mind of the person's friends
- The animals are afraid of some higher authority. But these atheists, they are not afraid of higher authorities. Although they are being kicked by the laws of material nature in every moment, still, they are proud, - No, there is no God. There is no God
- The anthropology, Darwin's theory. They do not believe in soul, transmigration of the soul. They have their own theories. But they are also not definite
- The Aryans are white. But here, this side, due to climatic influence, they are a little tanned. Indians are tan, but they are not black. But Aryans are all white. And the non-Aryans, they are called black. Yes
- The Aryans never maintain slaughterhouses, and they are never enemies of poor animals
- The asuras, they are not aware of the spiritual world; neither they are endeavoring to go back to home, back to Godhead
- The atheistic are always disturbing, and godly persons, they're peaceful. They're not disturbing
- The boys, they do not want to marry because they are not very much inclined to marry unchaste wife
- The brahmana family is rich in knowledge, and the ksatriyas and the vaisyas, they are rich in opulence, wealth, material riches. And sudras, they are not rich either in material wealth or in knowledge
- The Buddhists are not so advanced that there is spiritual desire. That they do not understand. But so far the material desirelessness, that is accepted by us also
- The cause being a fact, the effects are also factual. They are not illusion
- The cowherd men from Vrndavana gave the brahmanas cows decorated with golden ornaments and beautiful garlands. The brahmanas are given charity because they are not engaged in any business profession
- The cultivation of knowledge and the renunciation of fruitive activities may be necessary to understand one's spiritual existence in relation to the material conception of life, but they are not part and parcel of devotional service
- The demigods are also in the category of living entities; they are not separate gods. But men whose knowledge is immature and contaminated by the modes of material nature worship various demigods, according to their intelligence
- The devotees of Vrndavana are also spontaneous lovers. They are not required to strictly follow regulative principles because they are already naturally developed in transcendental love for Krsna
- The devotees, they are, even though they are not forgotten, but they are not interested in sense enjoyment. They are interested in Krsna. That is the difference. This is maya and Krsna
- The devotees, they do not want anything material. They are not captivated by so-called followers. No. Na dhanam na janam - janam means followers - na dhanam na janam na sundarim kavitam va jagadisa kamaye
- The enjoyer and the enjoyed both participate in enjoyment, but, deluded by the illusory energy, the living entities want to become the enjoyer like the Lord, although they are not meant for such enjoyment
- The feminine feature of the Lord is displayed by goddesses of fortune - Laksmi, Radharani, Sita, etc. All these goddesses of fortune are servitors of the Lord; they are not the Supreme, as falsely imagined by the impersonalis
- The first prohibition is, "Stop this animal killing." Otherwise, this dull brain will not be able to understand. They are not fit for understanding. Mudha. Mudha. Na mam duskrtino mudhah
- The followers of Lord Siva are generally unclean. They are not even very hygienic; they do not take baths regularly, they wear long hair, and they smoke ganja. Persons of such irregular habits are counted amongst the ghosts
- The Gandharvas acknowledge that although the demigods may represent themselves as the Supreme, actually they are not supreme. Real supremacy belongs to Krsna
- The generation are becoming degraded, because they are not aiming at the sreyas. They are simply aiming at the preyas - immediate pleasing thing. They do not know that immature sex life spoils the brain, spoils strength. Everything is spoiled
- The gopis are the epitome of this perfectional stage of knowledge. They are not simple mental speculators. Their minds are always in Krsna
- The gopis, they are village cowherds women. They are, according to social construction, they are not very high class. They did not belong to the brahmana class. But their worship, method of worship, has been taken the highest
- The great sage Rsabhadeva instructed his sons in this way: In this life you have acquired these beautiful bodies. Now you should know that they are not meant for sense gratification like the bodies of hogs and dogs but for spiritual realization
- The great sages, the great demons, the great atheists and the great spacemen, as well as the dead bodies, evil spirits, satans, jinn, kusmandas, great aquatics, appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- The heavenly planets are also temporary, and therefore they are not the goal of life. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, has never been seen or heard to possess inebriety
- The heaviest mountains and oceans on the face of the earth hold more living entities than there are human beings, and they are not overburdened
- The highest example of pure devotional service is that of the gopis in Vrndavana. They are not interested in understanding Krsna, but only in loving Him
- The human life is meant for being trained up to be detached. Just like we are training our students. They are not... If not cent percent, major portion, major percentage, they're detached. That is perfection
- The individual fragmental spirit soul is represented by Arjuna, and the Supreme Soul is the Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna. They are not on the same level, as it will be apparent in the beginning of the Fourth Chapter. BG 1972 purports
- The individual sparks of the supreme whole (the Lord) possess almost eighty percent of the known qualities of the whole, but they are not quantitatively equal to the Supreme Lord
- The jnanis, yogis and karmis cannot expect this direct cooperation of the Lord. They are not able to satisfy the Lord by transcendental loving service, nor do they believe in such service to the Lord
- The jungle animals are also maintained by the Lord with their respective foodstuffs, but they are not advanced in God consciousness
- The kapalika mendicants are tantric materialists who carry skulls in their hands. They are not Vaisnavas and have nothing to do with spiritual life; therefore they are untouchable
- The karmis are fully under the bodily conception of life, and the jnanis, although theoretically understanding that they are not the body, also have no information about the lotus feet of the Lord because they overly stress impersonalism
- The karmis try to receive the favor and mercy of Laksmi, but because they are not devotees of Narayana, their opulence is flickering
- The King's (Pariksit's) distressed condition was certainly unprecedented. The devotees like Maharaja Pariksit are powerful enough to forbear such (hunger and thirst) distresses, by the will of the Lord, and they are never disturbed
- The laborer class... In India, of course, we have got this distinction. They are not satisfied for, with this white rice. They want coarse grain for satisfaction. While gentleman class, they cannot eat coarse grain. They want finer grain
- The leaders (of India) are blind. They have no training. They are not in disciplic succession. They do not know what is what, and they are taking the part of leadership, then everything is spoiled
- The leaders are blind and they are leading other blind men. So it is a very dangerous civilization. In spite of being born in India, in spite of having the privilege of studying Bhagavad-gita, they are not taking advantage of it
- The leaders of human society - the politicians, philosophers and scientists - are blind because they are not Krsna conscious
- The leaders of the Gandharva planets, the leaders of the Vidyadhara planets, the leaders of the Caranaloka planets, the leaders of the Yaksas, Raksas and Uragas, appear to be the specific truth and the form of the Lord, but actually they are not so
- The liberated living entities, however, in the sanatana (eternal) manifestation, are unconditionally surrendered souls, and therefore they are not subject to the conditions of creation and annihilation
- The living beings who are obedient to the supreme father are called devatas, or demigods, because they are not contaminated by the material conception of life
- The living entities are parts of the Lord, but they are not the Lord Himself. The living entities in this material world are not inconceivable, but the Lord is
- The living entities are the marginal energy of the supreme form. As such, they are not different from the supreme form, but at the same time they are not equal to the supreme form
- The living entities who are within the universe are called conditioned souls; that is, they are not free to move everywhere
- The Lord and His associates appear and disappear by the will of the Lord. They are not subjected to the laws of material nature
- The Lord has form, otherwise how can it be stated here (in SB 3.24.31) , tany eva te 'bhirupani rupani bhagavams tava: "You have Your forms, but they are not material. Materially You have no form, but spiritually, transcendentally, You have multiforms"?
- The Lord is so kind that He awards them (demigods) all sorts of material happiness, more than they can desire, but He is not satisfied with them because they are not pure devotees
- The lower animals, the birds and the bees, have no business or profession, yet they are not dying for want of food. They are all living in nature's way, and they all have the necessities of life provided - namely eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- The manifestations of this energy (coldness in the refrigerator or heat in the electric stove) may be different for the living entities, but for Krsna they are not different
- The material varieties may be temporary, but they are not false. They are a reflection of the spiritual varieties
- The material world means they are making progress towards nonpermanent life. So those who are intelligent, they are not interested in nonpermanent life
- The materialistic persons, they are after blessing for some material benefit. They are not after Krsna. That is another offense. Therefore to go to guru or to accept a guru, there should not be any material purpose
- The Mayavadis accept the description of the pastimes of the Lord as stories, but actually they are not stories; they are historical facts
- The mind, the senses and the vital force, or living entity, have forms, although they are not visible to the naked eye. Form rests in subtle existence in the sky
- The modern civilization is suffering from this defect, that they are not inquisitive about the Brahman. They are simply... Just like cats and dogs, they are interested with this body and the bodily necessities of life. They do not know beyond that
- The only offense of persons adhering to principles is that they are not devotees; they are always blasphemous toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees
- The only offense of persons adhering to these (CC Adi 17.260) principles is that they (materialists) are not devotees; they are always blasphemous toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His devotees
- The path of knowledge, mystic yoga and renunciation has nothing to do with the pure soul. When one is temporarily in the material world, such processes may help a little, but they are not necessary for a pure devotee of Krsna
- The people should take care of mother cows also. But they are not taking care of mother. Therefore they are sinful. They must suffer. They must have . . . there must be war, pestilence, famine
- The rascals, they are thinking they are independent. They are not independent. Completely under the control of the material nature. Otherwise why there are different species of life? Where is the arrangement?
- The sadhu, they are not interested about rhetorical or grammatical adjustment. The sadhu wants to see who has spoken. If he's a Vaisnava, then his words will be accepted
- The sakama devotees are self-interested because they do not think of others, and therefore they are not able to satisfy the Lord perfectly
- The same young gopi said, "This proves that they are not ordinary birds; they are great sages and devotees, and just to hear Krsna's flute they have appeared in Vrndavana forest as birds"
- The scriptures must be transcendental. Nonsense scripture, and people become nonsense. So except Vedic literature, all nonsense scripture. They are not scripture. Manufactured
- The scriptures of the yavanas are three: the Old Testament, the New Testament and the Koran. Their compilation has a history; they are not eternal like the Vedic knowledge
- The senses require real engagements, and if they are not engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they will certainly seek engagement in the service of materialism
- The senses require real engagements, and if they are not engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, they will certainly seek engagement in the service of materialism. BG 1972 purports
- The separated energy acts as if it were independent, but here it is said that although such energies are certainly factual, they are not independent but merely separated
- The separated, material energy bewilders the living entities (jivas), and thus they work very hard under its influence, not knowing that they are not fulfilling their mission in life
- The so-called learned scholars and philanthropists are actually karmis and jnanis, and some are actually misers engaged in sinful activity. All are condemned because they are not devotees of Lord Krsna
- The so-called sadhu, they are not sadhu. Sadhu means bhajate mam ananya-bhak. Sadhur eva sa mantavyah, bhajate mam ananya-bhak (BG 9.30). So by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra, even the lowest of the mankind, naradhama, he can become a sadhu
- The so-called vaisyas - the industrialists or businessmen - are involved in big, big industrial enterprises, but they are not interested in food grains and milk
- The so-called yoga societies in big cities may be successful in earning material benefit, but they are not at all suitable for the actual practice of yoga. BG 1972 purports
- The society requires to train a certain class of men to become brahmin. Just like we are training the Krsna conscious. The Krsna consciousness is meant for the brahmins. They are not meant for fighting
- The songs of the queens at Dvaraka, which are mentioned at the end of the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam, have a very special meaning. They are not understood even by the most learned scholars
- The soul exists, the mind exists, the intelligence exists, although they are not perceivable by these gross senses
- The sound of Krsna's flute always resides within the ears of the gopis and increases their ecstasy. When it is heard, no other sound can enter into their ears, and amongst their family they are not able to reply to questions properly
- The standard of living of a human being and the standard of living of an animal, different. As the body changes, the standard of living also changes. Therefore, they are not eternal. They are not eternal
- The statement in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are meant for highly developed conscious person. They are not for ordinary person
- The sunshine is combination of many millions and trillions of small shining particles. That is sunshine. But each particle has got individual identity. They are not homogeneous
- The sunshine is combination of small atomic molecular parts, shining parts. They are also different. They are not combined together. That is scientific. Similarly, we are also sparks of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Supreme Lord is the master of innumerable eternal energies, which are unlimited. Sometimes these energies are manifested, and sometimes they are not. In any case, all energies are under His control
- The Supreme Person (Bhagavan) said: My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the progressive values of life. They do not lead to higher planets, but to infamy. BG 2.2 - 1972
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: My dear Arjuna, how have these impurities come upon you? They are not at all befitting a man who knows the value of life. They lead not to higher planets but to infamy
- The theoretical knowledge, experimental knowledge, always remains in doubt. All the scientists, they are not confident
- The university authorities, they are not coming to our asrama, but they'll get the benefit by reading our books
- The upper planetary system, beginning from Surya, they are called devaloka. They are all devotees of the Lord; therefore they are called devata. They are not pure devotees, but they are not disobedient to the orders of the Supreme Lord
- The Vaisnava devotees, they are not very much anxious to see God. They know, "Why God shall come to me? He is so busy, He has got so many business. Let me do my duty"
- The vaisyas and sudras were unimportant elements in society, and they are not mentioned herein (SB 1.9.41). Due to the change of social activities in the modern age, the importance of men has also changed in terms of occupational positions
- The vaisyas must be engaged in producing foodgrains, but they are not interested. They are interested for opening factories for bolts and nuts and tires, Goodwheel tires, Goodyear tires. Now you eat tire and bolt nut. No, you cannot eat
- The Vedantists are simply reading the Sariraka-bhasya. They are not reading other bhasyas, such as the Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is the natural commentary. And they are cheating people. That's all
- The Vedas are called apauruseya, for they are not written by any man or demigod, including the first living creature, Brahma. Brahma is not the creator or author of the Vedas
- The Western people, they are not fools, but misguided. So you take the charge of guiding them; then Krsna consciousness movement will be successful. They will appreciate, they will take it up and reform, and their life will be successful
- The Western people, they are now opposing this movement, so they are not fortunate. So everywhere there are fortunate and unfortunate. But mostly in this age they are unfortunate
- The whole human civilization is; and all the directors, they are not giving chance to know the value of life and how to conduct life. It is the first time, that we are giving the real idea of life. Otherwise whole world is in darkness
- The whole human society, especially at the present moment, they have given up God consciousness. They are not interested. That is their disease. And everyone requires treatment
- The whole process is to increase our feeling of love for Krsna. That is required. Not anything else. Just gopis. They are not Vedantist. They are not scholars. They are village girls, and also low class
- The whole world is in chaos. They are not eager to serve Visnu. They are simply eager to serve their senses. Go-dasa, servant of the senses
- The word "Brahman" indicates the greatest of all and the maintainer of everything. The impersonalists are attracted by the greatness of the sky, but because of their poor fund of knowledge they are not attracted by the greatness of Krsna
- The words and activities of the Lord are deathless; therefore they are not manufactured of this material world
- The words are ambrosial because they are not my personal words, they are instructions of my predecessors and I am just trying to administer them to my best knowledge. That is the way of Parampara system
- The world is most sorely in need of education in Krsna Consciousness, but due to the ignorance of the age they are not interested in knowledge of the self
- The Yamaduta, they come to take to the sinful, sinful person, not devotees. Just like the whole population of the city, they are not all subjected to the prison laws. Some criminals. Similarly, these Yamaduta goes to such sinful persons
- Their (caste gosvamis who professionally create some disciples) aim is to make the connection between the spiritual master and the disciple into a very cheap thing. They are not serious in wanting to understand spiritual life
- Their (the varied expansions of the Personality of Godhead) bodies, composed of eternity, bliss and knowledge, are everlasting; there is no chance of their decaying, for they are not creations of the material world
- There are another five qualities, which exist in the Vaikuntha planets in Narayana, the Lord of Laksmi. These qualities are also present in Krsna, but they are not present in demigods like Lord Siva or in other living entities
- There are five other transcendental qualities (of Krsna) which can be seen in Visnu, the Supreme Lord, and partially in Lord Siva also, but they are not visible in ordinary living entities
- There are innumerable self-luminous planets there, and in each one an expansion of Krsna resides. They are four-armed and have innumerable names. They are all persons - they are not impersonal
- There are many big leaders, yogis, svamis and so-called incarnations who are very much addicted to mental speculation and who advertise themselves as perfect personalities, but they are not ultimately successful
- There are many innocent men, actually, they do not know what is to be done, who is God. They are innocent. They are not offender
- There are many persons who worship different demigods, considering all of them to be separate gods, which in fact they are not. The fact is that every demigod, and every living entity, is part and parcel of Krsna - mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah
- There are many practical experiences, and so many scholars, books we have studied, and their commentary is all nonsense because they are not bhakta. They try to understand Bhagavad-gita simply by their academic qualification. That is not possible
- There are many so-called devotees, but actually they are only karmis and jnanis, for they are not directly devotees of Lord Krsna
- There are many stories in the Puranas that are intended to interest ordinary men in transcendental subjects, but actually these refer to real facts. They are not to be considered stories without a transcendental purpose
- There are many such statements in the Srimad-Bhagavatam from which we can understand that there were facilities to travel from one planet to another, especially in the higher planetary system, and who can say that they are not still traveling
- There are many things, many injunctions in the Vedas, which may apparently appear as contradiction, but they are not contradiction. They are on experience, on transcendental experience
- There are many universities, especially in the United States, and many departments of knowledge, but they are not discussing these points. Where is the department for this knowledge that we find given by Sri Krsna in Bhagavad-gita
- There are many, many very artistic Bhagavata reciter, but they could not turn even one man to Krsna consciousness, because they are not self-realized, svanubhavam
- There are so many big, big so-called sadhus, saintly persons, simply busy on mental speculation. They are not perfect
- There are so many doctors, PhDs, and MAC, BAC, and very, very big man, and because they are not in Krsna consciousness they have no good qualification?
- There are so many Indians in this country. They're not helping me. But these boys, these girls, because they have come to the transcendental platform, they're helping me so nicely. Therefore the Movement is going forward. This is practical
- There are so many people are hearing this sound vibration, but why they're not becoming Krsna conscious? Because there is no seva, there is no service
- There are so many, the politicians, the scholars, they are commenting Bhagavad-gita in so many ways, but they are misled. Because they are not devotee of Krsna, they cannot poke their nose in the Bhagavad-gita. It is not possible
- There are two classes of men: iconoclast and iconographer. Those who imagine the form of God, they are not jnani, they are iconographer. And those who think that "I have killed God" or "I have finished God," they are iconoclast
- There are two entities - the head and "I." They are not identical, although they appear to be one conglomeration
- There are two kinds of living entities. One kind of living entities, they are trying to go back to home, back to Godhead. They are called devatas. And the asuras, they are not aware of the spiritual world; neither they are endeavoring to go back to home
- There is no feeling of nationality because they are not thinking of the nation; they are thinking of their own pocket, that's all. Where is the nationality? They are simply bogus slogans. Actual unity, nationality, universality, is in Krsna consciousness
- There is no question of installing more than one set of Radha Krsna deities. The smaller set of Radha Krsna deities may be set on the altar at the feet of the larger ones, as you describe. But they are not installed
- There is no, I mean to say "barricade" to enlighten woman. Everyone can be enlightened. Everyone has got the light. But ordinarily the sudra and the vaisyas, they are not to be considered very intelligent
- There is undoubtedly a difference between the Lord and the cosmic manifestation, but actually they are not different. Accepting them to be different is called avidya, ignorance
- There must be some relation. Without relationship one cannot exist because he is part and parcel. Just like persons in the prison house. They are not out of government. There is relationship with the government, but that is indirect
- These 8,000,000 different forms of body below the human being, they are not punishable because they are animals. They have no intelligence
- These all people, 99.9% people, they are not inquisitive. They are searching after some happiness, but they are not inquisitive what is the source of happiness. They are being baffled in the material world
- These are the inquiries, tattva-jijnasa. But they are not interested, neither educational department nor any other department. They are simply interested, Where is money? Where is money? Where is money
- These big, big men who are so much eulogized by some rascals, all these big, big leaders, what they are? Because they are not devotee of Krsna, they cannot lead. They simply will mislead. Therefore we take them all rascals
- These books are so valuable for public reading, but some way or other they are not being introduced in proper channel namely the school and college for reading
- These dances, they are not artificial. They feel some transcendental bliss, therefore they dance. It is not they are dancing dog. No. They dance from the spiritual platform
- These European and American boys who are with me, there are hundreds and thousands of them sacrificed their life. They are not coming of foolish parents or foolish nation. Unless there is some profit, how they are doing? There must be some profit
- These examples are given in the sastra. They are not exaggeration but actual fact. And we have to take it in good faith
- These goddesses of fortune (in Vaikunthaloka), accompanied by their friends, always create a festive atmosphere of transcendental mirth. Always singing the glories of the Lord, they are not silent even for a moment
- These gopis, they were not supposed to be educated. Village girls - who is giving them education? They are not Ph.D.'s. But still, strong desire for Krsna. And that is called yesam nirbandhini matih
- These great sages and saintly persons, what is their qualification? They are situated in knowledge, in sattva-guna, in light. They are not in darkness
- These hippies, they are frustrating. They have given up everything. We can study their psychic movement. They are not satisfied. That is the main principle. That is natural, to accept adversity voluntarily, adversity. So this is frustration
- These imitative sahajiyas are cheated and unfortunate. They are not equal to advanced devotees (paramahamsas). Debauchees and paramahamsas are not on the same level
- These people, they were not born in India. They are not Hindus. They are not Vaisnavas. Their forefathers never heard what is Krsna, neither they heard. How they are taking? It is the process
- These rascals are jackals. Now they are talking nonsense. We can detect that, "Here is a jackal." So we have to expose them. They are not leader; they are jackals
- These scriptures of the Buddhists and the Christians may be the words of God, but still the are not always applicable to us
- These temple activities, they are not in Melbourne; they are in the spiritual world. Just like your Australian embassy. The members of the Australian embassy, suppose they are in foreign countries. They are not in foreign countries, they are in Australia
- These things are very much eulogized in the society, child's simplicity, mother's affection. They are necessary. But they are not qualification to raise one to the spiritual platform
- These two forms of Mine - namely, the transcendental sound and the eternally blissful spiritual form of the Deity, are My eternal forms; they are not material
- These verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are Vedic mantras. They're not ordinary wording, set of wording. It is not. Veda-mantra; samhita. So every one of you must try to chant. This is required
- They (anyone who does not know what is God) are not innocent; they are stupid. They are not innocent. They will never agree
- They (devotees) are not liable for my (Yamaraja) punishment. Even they commit some mistake or fall down, or even they commit a very sinister, sinful activity, still, they are not under my jurisdiction
- They (foolish persons) may be scholarly, and they may be elevated in other departments of knowledge, but they are not even neophytes in the process of attaining the highest stage of perfection, love of Godhead
- They (impersonalists) are not admitted in the spiritual planets, but they are again given a chance to act on the material planets. BG 1972 purports
- They (materialists) devise many systems - such as capitalism and materialistic communism - to advance their material position. They are not interested in the laws of God or in a higher goal
- They (Mayavadis) are unable to understand the purport of tridanda-sannyasa, and as such they are not inclined to dedicate their lives to the service of Mukunda
- They (people) hold many conventions, meetings and discussions to solve the problems of this worldly situation, where they can remain for only a few years, but they are not interested in understanding the spiritual situation of the Vaikuntha world
- They (people) travel thousands of miles to take bath in the Ganges at the holy place of Prayag. So although they are not busy in the dog's race, these people are not lazy
- They (saintly devotees) are not concerned with dharma (religiosity), artha (economic development), or kama - sense gratification
- They (so many boys) have got easy income, and they are not working. And because there is no proper work, they are becoming hippies. They are manufacturing independence. "Idle brain is a devil's workshop." This human psychology is the same everywhere
- They (so-call yogis) engage themselves in fruitive activities, and thus they are bound by desire to accept another body. They are not aware that the ultimate goal of life is to approach Krsna
- They (the Mayavadi philosophers) sometimes take to so-called devotional service, and as long as they are not liberated they continue their devotional service, but at the end, when they become liberated, they "become one with God." BG 1972 purports
- They (the people) are becoming rascals and lowest of the mankind. And whatever their university degrees are there, that knowledge is useless. And they are not going to surrender to God. This is the present position
- They are calling themselves as Christian, but they're not following the example of Lord Jesus Christ. But they should follow, everyone
- They are not actual leader. They are animal, but because we are small animal, we are praising. So it is very difficult to understand our philosophy, but still, we have to preach. That is our mission
- They are not afraid of going to hell? There are two alternatives: either heaven or hell
- They are not after preaching but material gain and reputation and adoration. Otherwise why they are non cooperating with me? So no cooperation is possible. Do not think or indulge in loose talks. Be careful always
- They are not attached to their homes, although they may be householders. Nor are they attached to wives, children, friends or wealth
- They are not coming to the point of understanding that "We are trying so much, so hard, to become happy, but nature is not allowing me." This is real intelligence. And that is Krsna consciousness
- They are not educated themselves, but their education is by hearing from the authority. Iti susruma. This is real education. Therefore Vedas' another name is sruti. Sruti means the knowledge which you receive by hearing
- They are not fiction or imaginary stories, all the Puranas. Itihasa, yes. So Sukadeva Gosvami is giving an instance from the history which is very instructive
- They are not interested in all these political affairs or so-called social affairs and resolution, because they know this is not the method of becoming peaceful or prosperous. This is not the method
- They are not my words (in my books and letters and my speaking at meetings), as I have repeatedly informed you that I am simply the bearer of the message from Lord Chaitanya through the disciplic succession and I do not make any addition or subtraction
- They are not paid dancer, but why they are dancing? There must be feeling. This is practical. They are feeling pratyaksavagamam
- They are not smoking. They are not taking marijuana or are taking . . . no. This nonsense we don't allow. Simple food and chanting. That makes them happy. Simple thing
- They are not, of course, very big business magnate or politicians; they are common men. But it is appealing to the common people. There is no doubt about it
- They are out of touch with the Supreme Personality of Godhead because they are not Krsna conscious
- They are spending years. They are all European, Americans. They are not Indians. You go to Melbourne. We have got big branch. In Sydney we have got. In Europe. They are doing that. It requires training, proper training. Then it will be done
- They completely control the six bad qualities - lust, anger, greed & so forth. They eat only as much as required, & they are not inebriated. They are respectful, grave, compassionate & without false prestige. They are friendly, poetic, expert & silent
- They do not know what is the value of life, how to make this human form of life successful. Mandah. Just like we are chanting all over the whole world that "Chant Hare Krsna mantra and you will be happy." Still, they are not very much interested
- They have been put in one group: woman, vaisya and sudra, because they are not very intelligent. They can be molded by another intelligent man to the proper channel; therefore they require guidance
- They have been put in one group: woman, vaisya and sudra. Because they are not very intelligent. They can be molded by another intelligent man to the proper channel. Therefore they require guidance. They require guidance
- They have discovered this horseless carriage - very busy. 'Hons, hons', this way this way, this way. But actually, they are not intelligent. Busy fool. Therefore they are creating problems after problems
- They think to become rich is more than understanding Krsna. That is the position. Therefore they are not interested. They say frankly that "We are not interested. Why do you bother us?" Just see
- Thieves, rogues, cheater - not ordinary persons, honest persons; they are not taken there (to Yamaraja). Similarly, only a few number of the whole human society. Now in the Kali-yuga it is increasing
- This (worshiping themselves as God) is also a type of God worship, for they can understand that they are not the material body but are actually spiritual soul; at least, such a sense is prominent. BG 1972 purports
- This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's... And people are hankering after receiving this instruction. Unfortunately, the so-called swamis, yogis, they are going... Or even politicians, they are not presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is
- This is civilization. Although they are advertised so much, becoming very, very rich, but they're unable to maintain the family. I was surprised
- This is Krsna consciousness. Why should I kill unnecessarily an animal? We have got so many nice foodstuff. Krsna has given me grains, fruits, milk. The cows, they are supplying tons of milk, but they are not claiming
- This is most crude idea of civilization, nationalism. This is tribalized. It is nothing but development of just tribalism. And eating also the same. They are not advanced in civilization. This nationalism is another form of tribalism, that's all
- This is one example. Another example is just like if you are hungry. Actually, every man is hungry for spiritual happiness. Therefore they are not satisfied. They are trying to gratify their senses in so many ways, but still they are not satisfied
- This is the age of Kali. Therefore the only shelter is Krsna. There is no other way. In India it's practically dwindling. Now there is no reason they are not sanctioning our temple
- This is the demonic civilization. They do not know what is the aim of life. And, in the material atmosphere, they're not happy, they're failing always, missing the real point
- This kind of activity, sense-gratificatory activities, they are not karmis even. They are vikarmis. Because they are preparing their ground-adanta-gobhir visatam tamisram (SB 7.5.30) By such activities they are going to the darkest region of hell
- This Krsna consciousness movement is an attempt, however small it may be, to bring back the human society to real civilization. It is not ordinary movement. They are not civilized
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant to deliver people to the proper understanding that they are not their body, that they are pure spirit soul. We may or may not be appreciated, that is not our concern
- This Krsna consciousness movement is this expanding this bhakti cult on the basis of Vedic knowledge. It is not a sentimental thing. These European, American boys and girls who have joined us, they are not going on sentiments
- This material nature is the separated energy of the Supreme Lord, and similarly the living entities are also the energy of the Supreme Lord, but they are not separated. They are eternally related. BG 1972 Introduction
- This partiality, that "Only human being is my brother, and the cows and the other animals, they are not my brother," this is lack of knowledge
- This was the system, that a ksatriya is presented with a kind of weapon, a brahmana is presented with Vedas, and so far vaisyas and sudras are concerned, they are not very important
- This world has emanated from the Absolute Truth. Then how it can be untruth? Does it mean that truth produces untruth? This is the defect of Mayavada philosophy. They are not actually monists. They are dualists
- This yoga system, Krsna consciousness, even you take it from religious side, this is first class - because there is no motive. They are not serving Krsna to supply them this or that
- Those small particles which we see through the window with sunshine, they are combination of six atoms. They are not original atom. But the atomic constitution of the living entity is a thousand times smaller than the atom
- Those who are after fruitive results for sense gratification may be elevated to a higher standard of life-even to the higher planets; but still, because they are not free from material existence, they aren't following the truly auspicious path. BG 1972 p
- Those who are born in high-class, rich family or brahmana family, they are not ordinary. But there is no brahmana family now. So at least the richer section, they can be induced to send their boys to learn Sanskrit and English and Bhagavad-bhakti
- Those who are coming to this Krsna consciousness movement, they are very fortunate, because they are not in the category of ordinary men. They are serious to know about God
- Those who are confident that they are not the material body, that they are spiritual parts of the SPG and are therefore engaged in the transcendental service of the Supreme Godhead, have nothing to fear. Their future is very bright. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are desiring for Krsna, they are not behind any enjoyment. They are rather in perfect enjoyment. These Krsna conscious students, they are desiring for Krsna nice prasadam, so they are not bereft. Practically they are enjoying but it is Krsnized
- Those who are devotees of Narayana or Krishna, they are not afraid of any planet, even they are sent in the heavenly planets or the hellish planets, because they have Narayana within their heart, they are equally situated
- Those who are devotees, they are not fools; they are actually a man in knowledge
- Those who are eating another animal, they are not human being. Although they have got the form of human being, they are not considered human being
- Those who are engaged in God consciousness, they are not God, but godly. Because this human life is meant for this purpose
- Those who are falling down from Krsna consciousness again to the material attraction, that means they are not serious about advancing in the Krsna consciousness
- Those who are intelligent, they are not concerned either for living hundred of years or hundred thousands of years. They want to live perpetually, eternally. That is intelligence. Because I am eternal: na hanyate hanyamane sarire
- Those who are interested in reviving Krsna consciousness and increasing their love of Godhead do not like to do anything that is not related to Krsna. They are not interested in mingling with people who are busy maintaining their bodies
- Those who are killing cows, maintaining slaughterhouse, they are lowest of the mankind. They are not human being. Less than animal. They have no gratitude
- Those who are Krsna conscious are very intelligent because they are not interested in getting promotion to any planet where there is death, despite a long duration of life there. Rather, they want to get a body like God's
- Those who are Krsna conscious are very intelligent, because they are not interested in gaining entrance to any planet where there is death. They will reject a long duration of life in order to attain a body like God's
- Those who are not interested in the science of soul, atma-tattva, but they are interested only in the science of body and mind, they are grhamedhi. Grhamedhi. They are not grhastha
- Those who are not pretending - simple, ignorant - they are not unfortunate. But those who are pretending, they're most unfortunate
- Those who are thinking in terms of society, nationality, country, religion, or so many things, they are not mahatmas. They are ksudratmas, small, crippled minded
- Those who are thinking of first of all analyzing Krsna, whether He's God, they are not first-class devotee. Those who have got spontaneous love for Krsna, they are first-class devotees. How you will analyze Krsna? He's unlimited. It is impossible
- Those who are worshiper of Krsna, they are not persuaded by lust. They are persuaded by love. That is the difference
- Those who belong to the Mayavadi or impersonalist school consider themselves to be one with God, or liberated, but according to Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself and Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are not actually liberated
- Those who have a poor fund of knowledge accept these false sannyasis and their pretenses, although they are not bona fide guides to spiritual advancement
- Those with a poor fund of knowledge cannot accept the idea that the Lord appears in person on the face of the earth. Because they are not conversant with the intricacies of the Lord's transcendental position
- Thousands of Europeans & Americans, say a few years ago - they did not know what is Krsna. But now you ask them, they will explain. They are not foolish, they are not uneducated. Unless they are situated in the spiritual platform, how they are sticking
- Thousands of people for thousands of years, reading Bhagavad-gita, but they do not know Krsna. Is it not a fact? Yes. So because they are not going through the proper channels
- To gain a position where there will be no fear, we have to accept a fearful method. So, in the material world whatever we think, they are not very happy proposition, that's everything is fear
- To understand Krsna is not so easy job. First of all, so many millions and millions of living entities are there. They are not interested. They are just like animals: "Eat, drink, be merry and enjoy." Nobody's interested what is the success of life
- Transcendental ecstasies are called asta-sattvika-vikara (CC Antya 14.99), which means "eight kinds of transcendental transformations." They are never to be imitated, but when a devotee actually becomes perfect, these symptoms are visible on his body
- Unauthorized fasting or austerities for some political end are certainly very disturbing to others. They are not mentioned in the Vedic literature. BG 1972 purports
- Unfortunately they (professional reciters) are never devotees of the Supreme Lord. Consequently, they cannot impress upon the audience the real essence of knowledge, Krsna
- Unfortunately they (so-called artists and poets) do not understand the transcendental affairs of Radha and Krsna even to the smallest degree. They are simply meddling in a matter in which they are not fit even to enter
- Unless I have developed devotional service, then how I can chant Krsna? Just like they (disciples of SP) are chanting Hare Krsna. But I am advising everyone. But we, who others are chanting, they are not chanting, because they have no love for Krsna
- Unless there is sufficient grain . . . people are giving more stress how to produce machine, but they are not giving any stress how to produce foodstuff. So many land are lying vacant
- Unwilling conditioned souls are not allowed to enter into the liberated life of spiritual existence because at heart they are not willing to serve. Instead, they want to enjoy themselves as imitation Gods
- Usually the features shown in the material world have no existence in the Vaikuntha planets, and thus they are not accepted by the pure devotees
- Various demigods, beginning from Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and even Visnu, are supposed to be the creator, maintainer and annihilator of this material world, but actually they are not
- Vedic sounds, they are sabda-brahma. They are not material sound. So nama cintamanih, spiritual. Krsna and Krsna's name, there is no difference. Nama cintamanih krsnas caitanya-rasa-vigrahah
- Very expert swimming, but that does not mean happiness. Similarly, here, in the ocean of nescience, all these rascals are swimming. They are making plans to become happy, but they are not happy
- We are following strictly the principles of Vedas, the principles laid down by great authorities, and if we accept them, then we'll get the required perfection of life. And they are not very difficult
- We are not for this so-called democracy, because they are not trained. If the king is trained . . . that was the system of monarchy. Just like Yudhisthira Maharaja or Arjuna or anyone. All the kings. Rajarsi. They were called rajarsi
- We are simply concerned with the instructive lessons of such incidents, even though they are not in order by our limited range of understanding. Bhismadeva described such narrations before Maharaja Yudhisthira in reply to his different questions
- We are simply dreaming. All these activities are just like at night you dream, but they are all false. Whatever you dream at night, they're not facts, they're false
- We are teaching in our Dallas children simply to learn Sanskrit. They have nothing to do anything else. They are not going to be technologist or servant of everyone. No. We want some generation who can preach Krsna consciousness
- We can become a teacher of a particular subject matter, but that does not mean you should be worker. Still, there are many professors, they are teacher; they are not worker
- We cannot agree to make a mixed up association without any authorized principles. So far as Hindus are concerned, they are not fixed up in one principle
- We cannot see air, radio waves, or sound, nor can we perceive minute bacteria with our blunt senses, but this does not mean they are not there
- We cannot stand to see people suffering due to ignorance. What is that ignorance? They do not know that they are not their body
- We cannot stop our activity. The activities are to be purified. And these purified activities are called bhakti. Bhakti means they are, they appear also just like ordinary activity, but they are not contaminated activities. They are purified activities
- We have got cheating propensity, we are prone to commit mistake, and we accept illusory things. These four principles of imperfect is in the conditioned soul. But who is liberated soul or who is God, they are not under these conditions
- We have manufactured so many dharmas: Hindu dharma, Muslim dharma, Christian dharma, Parsi dharma, Buddha dharma, this dharma, that dharma. They are not dharma; they are mental concoction. Mental concoction
- We have manufactured so many different types of religious faith, but they are man-manufactured. They are not laws. And now it is being supported by many so-called swamis
- We have no quarrel with the nonvegetarians, because vegetable also has got life. The plants, the grass, the trees, the fruits, the flowers, they have also life. They are not dead. So simply becoming vegetarian is no great qualification
- We have seen, that in Moscow, all big, big buildings, they are not recent buildings, they are old, damaged buildings, and (indistinct). So that means their economic condition is not so sound. The old buildings are not very nicely renovated
- We have to protest. Why we are. We have to protest and kick them (the scientists) on their face. That should be our position. If others are not protesting, why we shall sit down?
- We Indians may lie on the street because we are poor, but they are not poor, nor the Americans. Why has some of the younger generation accepted this way of life? You have enough food, enough house, enough money, facilities, machines - everything
- We may declare very foolishly that we are independent. That is the foolishness of the modern civilization. They are not independent, nobody. Everyone is dependent
- We prescribe to our students no illicit sex-life, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling, but they are not ends in themselves; the real end is how to serve Krishna and sacrifice everything for Him
- We saw in our childhood, Europeans were very tall, and now they are not coming typical so. Naturally when they'll not get sufficient nourishment, they'll be stunted
- We see in an opulent country like America, enough food, enough residence, enough material enjoyment, still they are becoming hippies, all over the world. They are not satisfied, because it is spiritual starvation
- We should always remember that these wordings of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are not ordinary sounds. They are transcendental sounds, just like Hare Krsna
- We should know that these (CC Madhya 3.85) are all joking words between Advaita Acarya and Nityananda Prabhu. They are not to be taken as insults
- We should take advantage of the sastras, Vedic knowledge. It is India's property. Everything was cultivated in India, but because andha yathandhair upaniyamanah. Our rascal leaders (of India), they are leading these andhas, they are not interested
- We sometimes praise the quality of child, the ignorance. But that child, when grown up, becomes a vicious man. So this ignorance or innocence, they are not very good qualities
- We work with our hands, but they are not our hands but God's, for when the power to use the hand is withdrawn by God, the hand becomes useless
- What is the use of changing party? Because this party or that party, they are not surrendered to Krsna. So unless you come to the point of surrendering to Krsna, there cannot be any peace. Simply by changing from frying pan to the fire will not save you
- What is this philosophy? Sex life? Even dog knows how to have sex life. And he's writing philosophy. So this kind of philosophy can be appreciated by the rascals and... We do not appreciate that. They are not philosopher
- What the American boys have got to dance for Krsna unless it is from the heart? They are not dancing dogs, that I have trained them and they are dancing
- What was the result of the disastrous war twice? The whole European nations ruined. They are not now more rich
- What, then, is the use of fruitive activities - which are naturally painful from the beginning and transient by nature - if they are not utilized for the devotional service of the Lord? How can they be very attractive
- Whatever Arjuna has said to Krsna in order to avoid the fighting, so those things are correct. But from the spiritual platform, those things may be correct or incorrect, but from spiritual platform, they are not to be considered very serious
- Whatever you dream at night, they're not facts; they're false. Similarly, these are also daydreams, these activities. Daydream. They're also false. The only thing what we can actually take benefit out of it is Krsna consciousness
- When a person comes at your home, never mind even if he's enemy... Friend is welcome, that's all right. But even an enemy comes, they are not forbidden (Vedic injunction). Not that in the gate there is, oh, "Beware of dog," "No trespasser allowed." No
- When a person comes at your home, never mind even if he's enemy... Friend is welcome, that's all right. But even an enemy comes, they are not forbidden. Not that in the gate there is, oh, "Beware of dog," "No trespasser allowed." No
- When a person is in a distressed condition, even his family members - his sons, grandsons and wife - become disrespectful. They no longer are under the command of the master of the house
- When God comes personally to punish you, then you are not ordinary. Just like He came to punish Ravana, Kamsa. They are not ordinary. But ordinary person, a little headache is sufficient to finish him
- When I walk on the street and go anywhere, I simply think how these nice bungalows, house, but still, they're not satisfied. It is "For Sale." Why? There is no Krsna
- When Krsna is there, it is to be understood that all His plenary expansions, such as Narayana, and incarnations like Lord Nrsimha and Varaha, are with Him, and they are not subject to the conditions of material existence
- When Narada Muni advised Vyasadeva that, You have written so many books, but actually they are not very much beneficial to the human society. You write such a book that they will come to Krsna consciousness
- When one becomes an invalid, his senses and organs are weakened. In other words, they are no longer under one's control. The senses and sense objects then begin to oppose him
- When people are demoniac in spirit, they are not merciful toward the poor animals. Consequently, they maintain various animal slaughterhouses. This is technically called suna, or himsa, which means the killing of living beings
- When the Lord's pastimes are visible to the human eye, they are called prakaṭa, and when they are not visible they are called aprakaṭa. In fact, the Lord's pastimes never stop, just as the sun never leaves the sky
- When there is allowance for sex life or meat-eating or drinking in the sastras, they are not meant for instigating that "You go on with this business as much as you can." No. Actually they are meant for restriction
- When they (so-called jnanis, yogis, karmis and tapasvis) say they are as good as we are, we must say that only we are good and that they are not good. This is not our obstinacy; it is the injunction of the sastras
- When they (the devotees of Lord Krsna) feel dizziness or go to sleep, they are not considered to be sleeping under the modes of nature, but are accepted as being in a trance of devotional service
- When they are instructed to undergo mystic yoga practice, they are not at all satisfied. On the contrary, they become more and more angry with You
- When they are maintaining their body, they have to commit sins. They have to eat other animals or vegetables, never mind. So how they are not committing sins? These are very intelligent questions
- When you come to temple, don't think that, "Here is a picture of Caitanya Mahaprabhu or Radha-Krsna." They are not picture. You should know that personally They are present. You'll realize the personal presence by the quality of your devotional service
- Where is the economic question? Just the small birds, teeny birds, they are solving their economic question, coming (makes sound) "bup, bup," finished. They are not stocking, they are not thinking of tomorrow, but are satisfied
- Who is saintly personality? That is given here, mahantas te sama-cittah. Sama-cittah means they are equipoised, means they're not agitated by the worldly activities
- Why do they not take the daridra-narayanas in the big, big building they have got? Their mission is daridra-narayana seva. Why they are not doing that
- Why Lord Jesus Christ sacrificed his life? Just to show that the human society must be God conscious. But unfortunately, people do not take care. They are following, they are calling themselves as Christian, but they're not following the example
- Why there is poverty? Because they are not producing food. Everyone wants so-called comfortable life. So-called education. Sitting idle in the table and chair, and talking all gossips, nonsense, and sleeping. They have been trained up in this way, sudra
- Why they should maintain slaughterhouse, and do not think that they are not sinful, and still they want to be happy without caring for God? That is lack of brain
- With the materialistic mind one can reach the best planet in the universe, but no one can enter into the kingdom of God. Senses are called spiritually purified when they are not involved in sense gratification
- Woman, according to Vedic civilization, they are not recommended freedom. They should be taken care just like children are taken care of
- "You are seeing the extra chemicals. They are not cause, they are effect." Sometimes when a rascal cannot understand two things, which is cause and which is effect, they misunderstand effect as cause or cause and effect
- You can maintain a dog like this, and a dog can become fatty like this, - oh, it is very scientific matter. You see? So they are called grhamedhis. So they have got many subject matter to hear, but they are not agreeable to hear only one thing - about God
- You come to the eternal life, back to home, back to Godhead. But they are not willing to give up this material enjoyment. That is the defect. So it requires education. It requires knowledge. It requires training
- You go to a person who has seen the truth and you understand. Because they are not understanding Krsna directly or through the agent, they are misled, they are misinterpreting. That is their folly
- You have done right by removing the pictures which deal in Gopis and Krishna. They are never for public show. They are very confidential & meant for advanced devotees. The neophytes will be misguided by such pictures. I hope you will understand me right
- You have got practical experience that if you violate the law of the state you become criminal and punished. But if the cats and dogs or animals, they violate the law, they are not punishable
- You take grains, just like paddy or wheat. These plants, after producing the fruit, the grain, automatically they die. You are not killing. So those who are taking fruits, vegetable, grains, they are not actually killing
- You will find so many yogis; they can play jugglery, magic, but they are not devotees. They will not surrender to Krsna
- You write to say that these days the educated class of people have rejected devotional service - and it is their misfortune. This means they are not being educated; rather they are being degraded
- Your anxiety for food, that is not humanly. Even the cats and dogs, they are not anxious for their food. Even the birds, they rise early in the morning, they are also not anxious for the food. God has arranged for food, everyone
- Your appearance is for the protection of these demigods. They are not disturbing to You. - In this way he (Prahlada) begins his prayer, very nice, simple, a child, although there is no question of Vedanta philosophy. The simple truth
- Your modern process is that the electors, they are not trained up, and they elect another big animal to become the president. Therefore it is failure. All over the world this is going on. This so-called democracy