Category:I Am
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Pages in category "I Am"
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- Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me - CC Adi 1.15
- Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me - CC Antya 1.5
- Glory to the all-merciful Radha and Madana-mohana! I am lame and ill advised, yet They are my directors, and Their lotus feet are everything to me - CC Madhya 1.3
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that "I am a brahmacari-sannyasi, but if I can bring Krsna conscious child, I can beget hundred children. I have no objection."
- Pure love means there is no reason. "Why I am loving Krsna? Oh, there is no reason. I love Krsna. I want Krsna." This is love
- "I am born" means
- "I am Brahman" means
- I am as good as the Supreme Being means
- I am eternal means
- I am Hindu means
- I am increasing my age, number of years of my age, means
- I am means
- I am not an Indian, I'm not an American, I'm not brahmana, I'm not ksatriya means
- I am sinful means
- I am Supreme means
- Naham means
- So 'ham means
- A devotee is praying to the Lord that "My dear Lord, I have experienced that I came to enjoy this material world, but actually I am being kicked up." "By whom you are kicked up?" Kamadinam. Kama, krodha, lobha
- A devotee once stated, "I have already conquered the modes of ignorance, and I am now on the platform of transcendental knowledge. Therefore I shall be engaged only in searching after the SPG." This is an instance of alertness in ecstatic love
- A devotee said, "In this state of consciousness I am so condemned that I cannot relish the transcendental ecstasy of remembering the S P of Godhead." In this statement there are two ecstatic loving humors, namely neutrality and ghastliness"
- A devotee says, "I am always swimming in the nectarean ocean of the pastimes of the SPG & I have no more attraction for religious rituals, economic development, sense gratification, or even the ultimate salvation of merging into the existence of Brahman"
- A devotee who follows the six principles of surrender always thinks, "O Lord, I am Yours in every respect; I am Your eternal servant." In this way a pure devotee becomes cleansed. There is a nice verse in this connection in the SB 11.29.34
- A devotee, his business is that "Because I have got this material body and because I had my past misdeeds, although I am suffering, it does not matter. It comes and goes. It does not matter. Let me do my duty." That is advice of Krsna
- A diseased man, he cannot say, "I am perfect in health." That is not possible. Similarly, if we are defective in so many ways, and if I want to become teacher or preacher to give you the truth, then how can I give? This is not possible
- A father gives education to his son to earning livelihood, gets him married, and settles him, but he knows that "This kind of business, earning money and marrying, begetting children, I have done, but I am not satisfied"
- A fool will never agree that he's a fool. He'll always say, "I am very intelligent." That is another foolishness. After spending millions of dollars for one coat for going to the moon planet? Forty-thousand dollar? What is that?
- A fortunate child in the womb of his mother prayed to Krsna as follows: "O enemy of Kamsa, I am suffering so much because of this material body. Now I am trapped within a mess of blood, urine and liquid stool, within the womb of my mother"
- A great devotee prayed, "I am a little surprised, however, that although Krsna is the husband of the goddess of fortune, His body is often marked with the nail pricks of ordinary society girls"
- A healthy man, he thinks, "I am enjoying," but he does not see that even he is now healthy, he will be an old man, he will be attacked with disease, he will die, and still he thinks, - I am healthy
- A human being can become philosopher. But the, so long I'm in the bodily concept of life, I'm in the line of cats and dogs. So how we can become philosopher? There is no question of philosopher. But they're philosophizing, means bluffing
- A human being must put the question of why am I suffering. Animals also suffer but they have no sense to put the question of why
- A karmi, he is thinking that "I am poor man. If I become rich man, I will be happy." He is thinking in that way. Jnani is thinking that "Poor and rich doesn't matter. I am Brahman. I am spirit soul. If I merge into the Supreme Brahman I will be happy"
- A madman will say, "I have no anxiety." But no sane man will say that "I am free of anxiety." This is material life. So if you want to become free of anxieties, then you come to the spiritual life. That is the only remedy
- A man has got a particular type of body by which he can prepare a vehicle or cycle, and he can run on. He is thinking that "I am running in greater speed than the dog; therefore I am civilized." This is the modern mentality
- A man is dying on the deathbed, and his friend comes, "How you are feeling?" "Yes, I am all right." (laughter) Now he's going to die, and he says, "I am all right." So this is called maya
- A mudha, falsely thinking that "I am giving up." What you have got? Nobody can give up; nobody can enjoy. This is real knowledge
- A person who in this life becomes falsely proud, thinking "I am great," and who thus fails to show proper respect to one more elevated than he by birth, austerity, education, behavior, caste or spiritual order, is like a dead man even in this lifetime
- A small child feels free as long as he knows that his father is there. He thinks - My father is standing by me, so I am free. No one can harm me
- A student educates himself with an ambition that "When I am grown up I shall have this standard of life. I shall become a high-court judge, I shall become a military man, I shall become a very good businessman"
- A surrendered soul should take shelter of a holy place like Vrndavana, Mathura, Dvaraka, Mayapur, etc., and should say, "My Lord, from today I am Yours. You can protect me or kill me as You like." A pure devotee takes shelter of Krsna in such a way
- A transcendentalist who wants to work from spiritual platform, he has no botheration, "Whether I am doing good or bad?" He has only to see, "Whether I am acting on the platform of spiritual consciousness or material consciousness?" That's all
- Abhayam means we are always afraid. We are always agitated, anxiety, because I am thinking, "I am this body." But if you are completely realized that you are not this body, you are something else, spirit soul, then I am immediately free from anxieties
- Actually the mind is acting as my, because I have got little independence, because I am part and parcel of the Supreme who has got full independence, therefore I have got little independence
- Actually, my position is servant. Just like a woman. Natural position is to remain dependent on man. That is natural position. But if some woman artificially tries to become man or master, that is suffering
- Actually, the enjoyment is in my mind. That is not enjoyment. Real enjoyment is when I am free from this embodiment of five elements, gross elements, and three subtle elements
- Actually, we are not independent. If I think I am independent of Krsna, then I am dependent on the influence of material nature. Just like, if I think that I am independent of government regulations, then I become dependent of the police force
- Admitting that you are defective, I am defective, but I have got some authority. You have nothing. You are in the darkness
- Advaita Acarya accused Nityananda Prabhu, saying, "You can eat ten to twenty manas of rice. I am a poor brahmana. How shall I get so much rice"
- Advaita Acarya said, "Please do not give up whatever I have already given You. Now, whatever I am giving, You may eat half and leave half"
- After creating in bodily relationships so many unwanted things, I am absorbed in thought that, - I belong to such-and-such nation. Therefore I have got my duty to do this, do that for the nation or to the society or to the family or to my personal self
- After death, my mind and intelligence carry me to another separate body according to my thinking at the time of death. So false ego. This false ego is that "I am something of material product." This is called false ego
- After giving up this body, the soul is going to accept another body. Now the human civilization, is it not duty of the human society to know what kind of body I am going to accept?
- Again He addressed Svarupa Damodara and Raya Ramananda, speaking despondently, "Alas! My friends, you can now know the certainty within My heart, and after knowing My heart you should judge whether I am correct or not. You can speak of this properly"
- Agitated by these transformations, My mind fled, leaving My body, his place of residence, empty. Thus I am completely in trance
- Akrura thought, "I am so fortunate that I will be able to see those very lotus feet on this day, and certainly I shall be able to see the beautiful face of Krsna, which is marked on the forehead and the nose with tilaka"
- All respect should be given to him (pure devotee), and whatever he offers should be accepted. Such devotees are as worshipable as I am
- All the bhaktas who have basically accepted that "God is great; I am small, very small particle. Therefore, as the small serves the great, my real duty is to serve God," this is liberation
- All the Vaisnavas, they are expert. Just like Rupa, Sanatana, expert managment, even in worldly affairs. Not that "I am so much big devotee that I cannot manage worldly affairs." Expert. Must be expert
- All these inauspicious days & nights are not passing, for I have not met You. It is difficult to know how to pass all this time. But You are the friend of the helpless & an ocean of mercy. Kindly give Me Your audience, for I am in a precarious position
- Along the Buddhist path there are nine principles: (1) The creation is eternal; therefore there is no need to accept a creator. (2) This cosmic manifestation is false. (3) "I am" is the truth. (4) There is repetition of birth and death
- Although I am a fallen soul, the lowest of men, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered me from the blazing forest fire of great material opulence by His mercy
- Although I am a Mayavadi sannyasi, a nondevotee, I am also floating in the ocean of love of Krsna simply by touching you. And what to speak of others
- Although I am known as the great Brahma, perfect in the disciplic succession of Vedic wisdom, and although I have undergone all austerities still I cannot understand Him, the Lord, the very source of my birth
- Although I am recognized as such by the great forefathers of the living entities, who offer me respectful obeisances, still I cannot understand Him, the Lord, the very source of my birth
- Although my bodies have changed so many times, I am cognizant; I know that I had such-and-such body. Tatha dehantara-praptih: to transmigrate from one body to another. This is the authoritative statement of Bhagavad-gita
- Although the body has changed, I am not changed. This is my position. Therefore perfection of life is to keep oneself in his original, constitutional position, not to change body
- Another meaning of "Hari, Hari" is - I am stealing. I am stealing
- Antakam means death. So death is called maya. You are thinking, "Now I have arranged everything. Things are going very nicely. Now I'm very happy." But, all of a sudden, the death comes. That you cannot avoid
- Any part of the world, anybody can secure and offer to Krsna. "Krsna, I have nothing to offer You, I am very poor. Please accept this." Krsna will accept. Krsna says, tad aham asnami, "I eat." So main thing is bhakti, affection, love
- Anyone in the most miserable condition of life, he'll think, "Oh, I am very happy." Ask him, "How are you?" "Oh, very nice. Very nice." - So there is no adjustment. A Krsna conscious person knows that here, only adjustment is to live in KC
- Anyone who understands this philosophy that, "I am servant's servant's servant's servant, hundred times, million times lower servant," he is a liberated person
- Anyone, you will find somebody lower than him and higher than him. But nobody can say that, "I am the supreme." That is not possible
- Anything you want to do you must take sanction from the Lord. You cannot do anything whimsically and you think that "I am rendering service to the Lord."
- Approaching the King of the Yavanas, Kalakanya addressed him as a great hero, saying: My dear sir, you are the best of the untouchables. I am in love with you, and I want you as my husband. I know that no one is baffled if he makes friends with you
- Artificially we are trying to banish God, saying, "God is dead," "There is no God," or "I am God." But when we give up this rascaldom, Krsna will give us all protection
- As expressed by mother Yasoda herein (SB 10.8.42), I am not the owner of possessions, the opulent wife of Nanda Maharaja. The estate, the possessions, the cows and calves and the subjects like the gopis and cowherd men are all given to me
- As God knows where to use anger, similarly, devotee should also know where to use anger. "I am not angry. You can beat me with shoes, I am not angry." That is not devotional
- As I am eating an animal, that animal will have the opportunity to eat me
- As I have previously indicated, I am describing the mad speeches and bodily transformations of the Lord only in brief
- As I say, the active principle, I am also the active principle. As I say, the dead body and the living body, difference is, when the active principle is not there, it is dead body
- As long as I am in household life," He (Caitanya) told His mother, "I must have a wife, for household life does not mean staying in a house. Real household life means living in a house with a wife
- As servant of God, I may have many activities. But my identity is that I am eternal servant of God. This is our identity. So if I love myself, because I am eternal servant of God, therefore, if I actually I love myself
- As soon as he (Sikhi Mahiti) awakened he embraced his brother and sister and informed them - I am still seeing the same dream (Caitanya was entering the body of Jagannatha and again coming out of His body). Do you think I have become deranged
- As soon as he awakened he (Sikhi Mahiti) embraced his brother and sister and informed them - I am still seeing the same dream! And the most wonderful thing is that as soon as I came near Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He embraced me with His long arms
- As soon as he thinks that "I am independent," that is another insanity. He is under control. Just like the same man. He is thinking, "I don't care for state laws." He is insane. He will be forced to accept state laws in the prison house by the police
- As soon as I rise up in the morning, I remember, "Oh, I am such and such officer. I am such and such father, such and such husband, and I have got to do such and such things." Everything remembered. But during your sleep, you forget everything
- As soon as I understand that "I am not this body; body's acting through my consciousness," if I am firmly convinced, if I stand steadily on this conviction, that "I am consciousness," then all my designations at once go
- As soon as the body's finished so I am not going to take birth again. So long I am living, let me enjoy life - This is the modern philosophy, hedonism. But that is not the fact
- As soon as the problem is finished, they forget God: no more church, no more temple. You see? That is not devotion. Devotion is that, "No problem. I am ready to serve You, my Lord." That is life
- As soon as you are touched with the Supreme Spirit, viraktir anyatra syat, no more enjoyment in this material world. So Krsna is there. Krsna is also sitting within the heart, and I am also sitting within the heart, just like two friends
- As soon as you become devotee, the test is that all those twenty-six qualities will develop. You have to test yourself, "Out of the twenty-six qualities, how much I have developed?" If I am lacking, then you must know that you are not developing
- As the dog is thinking, "I am dog, very stout and strong dog," so another man is thinking, "I am big nation." But what is the basic principle? A dog is also thinking on the basis of his body, and this big nation is also thinking on the basis of body
- As we cannot find our self within this matter, although I'm here, that we can distinguish, the distinction between dead body and living body, something minus. That something is spirit
- As we make progress in the matter of Krsna consciousness, then our original, constitutional position becomes revealed. And as soon it is fully revealed, I am free from all these material obligations. Oh, my place is reserved there
- Asa-bandha means to continue to think, "Because I'm trying my best to follow the routine principles of devotional service, I am sure that I will go back to Godhead, back to home"
- Asat means which will not stay, nonpermanent, for the time. Just like we have accepted this body. This is asad-graha. This body will not stay. Everyone knows, but still, I am too much attached to this body. This is called asad-graha
- At night I get another body. I dream. I dream there is tiger. I go to the forest, and there is a tiger, and it is coming to kill me. Then I am crying, and actually I am crying
- At night the gross body does not work. We are thinking, "I am sleeping." Sleeping means the body is so much tired, it is no more working
- At that time I forbade him to do this, telling him, 'O best of the brahmanas, I am not a fit husband for your daughter'
- At the present moment we are in subtraction - God minus myself. I have no sense of God; therefore I am in minus condition. So yoga means God plus I. That is the real meaning of yoga. So long I was God-minus, now God-plus
- At the present moment, nobody can observe the strict rules and regulations, that "I am born in a brahmana family. I cannot accept anyone's service." Then you will have to starve
- Athato brahma jijnasa. One who is inquisitive to understand "What I am? Am I this body or something else?" That is beginning of spiritual instruction
- Athato brahma jijnasa. Then the question will be that "Why I am not free? What is the reason?" Then that is, real human life begins. Otherwise he's a dog
- Atheists want evidence for the resultant actions of past activities. Therefore they ask, "Where is the proof that I am suffering and enjoying the resultant actions of past karma?"
- Awaken your Krsna consciousness, then automatically your atma will be satisfied, oh. Just like Mrs. Sharma was describing, "Now I am so happy." She is not an ordinary woman. She is very rich. She has got business. But she is finding happiness here
- Balabhadra Bhattacarya replied, "My dear Lord, You are Krsna Himself, and therefore You are merciful. I am a fallen living entity, but You have bestowed a great favor upon me"
- Balarama said, "I am now prepared to smash the whole universe, and I know that Krsna will not be angry with Me. "Then He addressed Krsna: "My dear Krsna, tell Me immediately why the whole world is trembling, and why the moon has become elongated!"
- Because he may be lion, but if he sleeps, that "I am king. Let me sleep and my food will come automatically in my mouth," that is not possible. This is the example. Very good example
- Because I am accustomed to think like that (my son or my grandfather is dying). So there must be grief. - So Krsna replied, "Yes, that's a fact. So that you must have to tolerate, that's all. There is no other remedy." Tams titiksasva bharata - BG 2.14
- Because I am conscious, I am thinking of marrying, begetting children. Because I am conscious. And because there is no consciousness, therefore this wood cannot think that he'll beget. The original consciousness, in the Vedas it is said, eko bahu syam
- Because I am disgusted with this material varieties, let it be zero, void. That is a temporary solace. We cannot remain without varieties. That is not possible
- Because I am eternal, you are eternal, so I want to live forever. But we are put under certain condition of this material world that we have to die
- Because I am following the standard method, so my spiritual life will really be perfected - We must have this confidence
- Because I am not supreme controller, because I am in diseased condition, therefore my business is to cure the disease. Cure the disease - that is sane man's business
- Because I am part and parcel of Krsna, so everything belongs to Krsna. Therefore, with my hands, with my legs, with my eyes, I cannot do anything except serving Krsna
- Because I am part and parcel of Krsna, then what is my duty? To serve Krsna. There is no other duty. Any other duty I manufacture, that is illusion. That is maya, any duty I manufacture
- Because I am put into jail, "All right, it is very good. Without working, I am getting two times food. Let me remain in the jail," oh, that is not very intelligent question. You see? We must get out of the jail
- Because I am servant of cigarette. So you have to train yourself to become swami, master of your senses
- Because I am situated on the platform of knowledge - Kamsa said - understanding that I am not at all the killer of your (Devaki's) sons, I have no responsibility for their death
- Because I am so fallen, I shall never get a chance to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead.This was my false apprehension. Rather, by chance a person as fallen as I am may get to see the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because I am the lowest among men, I shall not be able to see You. How shall I maintain my sinful life
- Because I am very unfortunate, unqualified, and the most fallen, therefore I am seeking Your benediction so that I may be able to convince them about this (Krsna Consciousness)
- Because I am Your eternal slave, You can do whatever you like
- Because I cannot understand Krsna's transcendental activities unless I am actually dovetailed with Him. So, let us develop this Krsna consciousness, and gradually we shall have . . . now, that is called svarupa-siddhi
- Because I depended on him, the plunderers have deprived me of my two sons the lambs, and therefore I am now lost. My husband lies down at night in fear, exactly like a woman, although he appears to be a man during the day
- Because I do not remember what I did in my mother's womb, that does not mean that I had no a little body. The body is change, I am there. Therefore, I change this body I will remain. This is common sense business. I am changing my body daily every moment
- Because I have got very good means of living, very good means of sleeping, nice house, and very good wife and very good bank balance and good government, therefore I am secure. That is nonsense
- Because they do not know, rascal, what I am, what I can do, - avajananti, - they think, - Krsna is like me
- Being bewildered by this maya, this soul, who is part and parcel of Krsna, or God, he's thinking that 'I am a material product. I am made of these material things
- Bhagavad-gita informs us that in this body there is a proprietor. I am the proprietor, and others are the proprietors of their bodies. I say, "My hand," but not "I hand." Since it is "my hand," I am different from the hand, being its owner
- Bhagavan pumsam isvarah. Bhagavan is isvara, the controller. We are not independent. No one can actually say, - I am independent
- Bhajahu Re Mana, 1966 part one - I am requesting, my dear mind, you do not drive in this way, dangerously. Please worship Lord Krsna who is fearless shelter
- Bhakti means to satisfy Krsna. Bhakti cannot be applied to anyone else. If somebody says that "I am a great devotee of Kali, goddess Kali," that is not bhakti; that is business. Because any demigod you worship, there is some purpose behind
- Bhakti-yoga means vairagya, detachment for material enjoyment. That is the sign. Not that "I am a big, big devotee, but I have got very great attachment for material enjoyment." That is not bhakti
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes surrender unto the Lord in this way: "My Lord, I am now surrendered unto You. I am Your eternal servant, and if You like You can kill me, or, if You like, You can protect me. In any case, I am fully surrendered unto You"
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura sings, "On account of my fruitive result before the beginning of the creation, I am now in this material ocean." "I do not find any means how to get out of it." This is knowledge
- Bilvamangala said, "I am eagerly waiting to see that boy of Vrndavana whose bodily beauty is captivating the whole universe, whose eyes are always bounded by black eyebrows and expanded like lotus petals"
- Birth after birth you have been My eternal servants. I am sure that Krsna will deliver you very soon
- Blasphemy means you have good qualities, but still, I am defaming you
- Bodily occupational duty changes, because as soon as the body is changed... I am now human being, and next time, if I become some animal, so my occupational duty changes. Or if I become demigod, my occupational duty changes
- Brahma Continue, "Although I know that You are the supreme source of all benediction, I am puzzled to know how You will be able to repay all the service that You are receiving from these residents of Vrndavana"
- Brahma never agreed to give Hiranyakasipu immortality. But he wanted to cheat Brahma that "Indirectly, by the negative way, I have taken everything. So I am immortal." This is called mudha
- Brahma said, "As far as I am concerned, I admit frankly that for me it is not possible to realize You by my body, mind or speech. What can I say about You, or how can I realize You by my senses?"
- Brahma said, "I am simply surprised with the fortunate position of Maharaja Nanda, mother Yasoda and the cowherd men & gopis, because You, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Absolute Truth, are existing here as their most intimate lovable object"
- Brahma said, "I shall therefore consider myself fortunate to be given a chance to take birth in this land of Vrndavana in any of my future lives. My dear Lord, I am therefore not interested in either material opulences or liberation"
- Brahma said, "I think I am very, very insignificant before You (Krsna), and I am therefore begging Your pardon. Please be merciful toward me"
- Brahma said, "Krsna, the cosmic manifestation that we are visualizing at present is all within Your body. Yet I am seeing You outside, and You are also seeing me outside. How can such things happen without being influenced by Your inconceivable energy?"
- Brahma said, "My dear Lord, You are the only worshipable Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead; therefore I am offering my humble obeisances and prayers just to please You"
- Brahma said, "Only by Your mercy can one understand, to some extent, what You are. My dear Lord, You are the Supreme Lord of all creation, although I sometimes falsely think that I am the master of this universe"
- Brahmananda Bharati said, "You instruct the general populace by Your behavior. I will not do anything against Your wishes; otherwise You will not offer me respects but will neglect me. I am afraid of this"
- But as far as I am concerned," Sati said, "I do not have much knowledge about self-realization. I am poor because I do not know the actual facts. I am attracted by my birthplace, and I want to see it
- By executing your particular type of religion, the result must be there. Phalena pariciyate. Whether you have come to this consciousness, "What I am? I am not matter; I am spirit. I have to go back to my spiritual." That is wanted
- By nature I am active. By nature, because I am spirit, and by nature I am active. And my activities are exhibited even I am contaminated with this matter. And when you become purified from matter, do you think you shall be silent?
- By the influence of nature, by the modes of nature, we are thinking that "I am happy." That is actually not happiness
- By their mercy, all these devotees ordered me to write of the last pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Because of their order only, although I am shameless, I have attempted to write this Caitanya-caritamrta
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked, "Why are you dissatisfied?" Sanatana Gosvami replied, - I am such a poor pandita that I do not even know the goal of life. I do not even know what is beneficial for me. I am simply being carried away by sense gratification
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu never said that "I am directly servant of Krsna." No. Gopi-bhartuh pada-kamalayor dasa-dasa-dasa-dasanudasah: "Servant of the servant of the servant of the..."
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, jivera svarupa haya nitya-krsna-dasa. Because I am part and parcel of Krsna, then what is my duty? To serve Krsna. There is no other duty
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu teaches us, - My dear Lord, Nanda-tanuja, son of Nanda Maharaja, Krsna, I am Your eternal servant. Somehow or other, I am now fallen in this material ocean
- Caitanya-caritamrta author (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami), he describes himself that "I am lower than the worms in the stool"
- Candrasekhara said, "My dear Lord, You have bestowed Your causeless mercy upon me because I am Your old servant. Indeed, You have come here personally to give me Your audience"
- Catching the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Haridasa Thakura said, "My Lord, do not create an illusion! Although I am so fallen, You must certainly show me this mercy"
- Changes (of material body), you can understand, that you had a body like a baby; a body like a child; you had a body like a boy. Now you have got youthful body. Some days after, you will get a body like me. So the body is changing, and I am the same
- Completely under the grip of material nature, the rascals, they are thinking, "I am independent. There is no God, there is no control; I can do whatever I like." That is not the fact
- Cultivation of knowledge required. He must come to the senses, that "I am suffering. Every time I commit some criminality, I am punished. This is not very palatable. So why I cannot stop it?" This is the beginning of human life
- Damah means senses, controlling the senses. My tongue is dried up, asking for a cigarette. Now, if I am brahmana, then I shall say, "No, you cannot smoke." That is damah
- Dambhah is there even in the dog, even in the lower animal, even in the cat. But the divine characteristic, "Oh, I am so low," Trnad api sunicena, "I am lower than the grass. I am lower than the grass"... This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's teaching
- Dead - means gone. So factually I never saw my father who has gone. I saw the body of my father, and that is lying on the bed. Why I am crying, "My father is gone"? Therefore this is called ignorance
- Dear daughter, don't be worried because Radharani is belching. I am about to offer a remedial measure for this symptom. This belching is not due to indigestion; it is a sign of ecstatic love for Krsna. I shall arrange to cure this belching symptom
- Death is not my obligation. Because I am impure, therefore I am dying. Birth is not my obligation. Because I am impure, therefore I am taking birth." Four things: janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi (BG 13.9). Janma, birth, is due to my impure consciousness
- Death means this gross body, this overcoat is left, and I am carried away by the subtle body, and I enter into another overcoat, or gross body
- Deha, deha means this body. Apatya means children. Kalatra means wife. Here is struggle for existence, and you're thinking that "This my strong body and my nice children and my wife, they are my soldiers. So I am saved." Everyone is thinking like that
- Demons' thinking, So long I shall be aspiring more and more, I am getting entangled more & more within this material world. Because Krsna is so kind, He has given me freedom to enjoy this material world, but according to my work, I am becoming implicated
- Desire cannot be completely absent because I am living entity. So my desire should be not to forget Krsna. That's all, that one desire. That is real desire. All other desires, they are foolish. We cannot be desireless, but we should desire only bona fide
- Desire must be there. Because I am living there, living being, I must have desires. That is the symptom. A stone has no desire, but a living being, however small, insignificant ant, it has got desire
- Devahuti said: I am very sick of the disturbance caused by my material senses, for because of this sense disturbance, my Lord, I have fallen into the abyss of ignorance
- Devahuti said: If You (Kapiladeva) will kindly explain it (the Absolute Truth) to me, even though I am not very intelligent, I can understand it and thereby feel transcendental happiness
- Devahuti said: My dear son, Kapila, after all, I am a woman. It is very difficult for me to understand the Absolute Truth because my intelligence is not very great
- Devotees take it for granted, even there is distressed condition of life, they take it that "It is created by God. I am now in distress. It is creation of God. So why shall I hate it? Let me tolerate. Let me undergo this distressed condition of life"
- Dharma means characteristic. So what is our characteristic? I was going to explain. That we are now serving our senses. This is our material characteristic. Material characteristic because originally I am servant. I am not master
- Do you think you have attained peace? Can anyone of you say, "Yes, I am completely in peace." Then why the youngsters are so much frustrated and confused?
- Doctor says, "I am doing my duty." The engineer says, "I am doing my duty." The father says, "I am doing my duty." The mother says, "I am doing my duty." That's all right. But Bhagavata says, "Thank you very much, that you are doing your duty"
- Don't be disappointed that "Because I am poor, I cannot become devotee." Everyone can become devotee
- Don't create a situation that "I am this. I am that." Simply create a situation that you completely understand that "I have no other business than to advance in Krsna consciousness, and my only duty is to serve Krsna." This is wanted
- Don't think that, "I am very learned scholar. I can manufacture my own way how to find out God," or "I am God," and so on, so on. This practice should be given up
- Don't think yourself, that you are very man of knowledge. Because our knowledge is very limited, so we should not be puffed up with false thinking that I am very learned man. No. Just become a little gentle and submissive
- Due to my past deeds, I am residing at Varanasi, but here I do not hear anything but the words 'maya' and 'Brahman'
- Due to our misunderstanding we are creating problem. There is no problem at all, but the same misunderstanding: that this land does not belong to me; I am claiming, "It is my land." This body - I am not this body, but I am claiming, I am this body
- Durvasa Muni said: I am very pleased with you, my dear King. At first I thought of you as an ordinary human being and accepted your hospitality, but later I could understand, by my own intelligence, that you are the most exalted devotee of the Lord
- Dvesa means "envy." When one becomes envious of Krsna, or the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one thinks, "Why should Krsna be the all and all? I'm as good as Krsna"
- Each and everyone of us, we are thinking, "I am independent, and my wife, my children, my society, they are my soldiers. If I am in danger, they will help me." This is going on. This is called maya
- Eating is not prohibited. You have to eat, because you have got this body. But not that simply for eating I am living. This is called yukta-vairagya
- Either I become president or minister or head of the family, head of the community, society - whatever I may be, my position is servant, but I'm thinking that I have become master. This is called illusion
- Even a person with no knowledge can immediately acquire all knowledge simply by the benediction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore I (Krsnadas Kaviraja Gosvami) am praying to the Lord for His causeless mercy upon me
- Even a plant you cannot kill, what to speak of bigger animals. If one thinks that "I am killing only plants; therefore I am very pious, vegetarian," no. There is no question of vegetarian, nonvegetarian. They are equally sinful
- Even after becoming elevated in devotional life, one should not think - Oh, I am already elevated to the highest stage; therefore I may violate the scriptural regulations for executing devotional service
- Even if you make compromise that "Never mind. I am happy now to my estimation," the answer is duhkhalayam asasvatam (BG 8.15). You cannot make permanent settlement. That is not possible
- Even President Kennedy in his procession had to submit to nature's law and change his body for another body. He could not say, "Oh, I am the President; I am Mr. Kennedy. I cannot do that." He was forced to do it. That is the way nature works
- Even the artah, even a distressed person, he is praying to the Supreme Authority, "My God, I am very much hungry. Kindly give me my daily bread." He's also philosopher, because he's searching out the Absolute Truth
- Every human being should try to become very important. That importance can be achieved by culture, and not by simply "I belong to this nation. I belong to this family. I am the son of such big father." No. You must be also qualified
- Every one of us is little, a small controller. Somebody controls in his office. Somebody controls in his family life. Somebody controls a few factories. There are controllers. But nobody can say that "I am the supreme controller." That is not possible
- Every one of us, we are simultaneously one with God and different from God. One in quality. The quality of God is also in me. I am of the same quality
- Everybody will be thrown in the laws of nature according to his karma. Now I am father, he is son, but after death my son may become demigod, I may become a dog. And here I may keep the photo of my father, and father may be rotting somewhere as a dog
- Everyone complain, "I am sick because I am eating too much," or "no eating." Why? No eating or eating too much should be avoided. Simply you eat what will keep your health nice. That is eating
- Everyone falsely thinking, "I am free. Our nation is free. I am free." What nonsense free? You are locked up already. He has preferred to remain in this prison locked up by sex because he is rascal
- Everyone is afraid of being killed. That is the most fearful position. But if you are convinced that "I am not killed; I exist . . ." That does not mean I shall be voluntarily prepared to be killed. No, that is not the idea
- Everyone is being washed away by the big waves of the ocean of nescience, but if he simply accepts, "No, I am Krsna dasa. I am not master. I am not God. I am simply a servant..." And the more you become servant of the servant, more you are perfect
- Everyone is conscious of his activities, ego: "I am doing this." But this ego, this is called false ego. This material. . . under the material energy, this ego is called another way upadhi - designation
- Everyone is servant, but falsely thinking "I'm master." That is material disease
- Everyone is servant. Therefore we teach our students to address "prabhu." "I am your servant, you are my master, prabhu." That is the meaning of prabhu. Prabhu means master. And Prabhupada means supreme master. That is the meaning
- Everyone is serving. Nobody can say that, "I am not serving." No, you cannot say. Even if you have no master, then you create one master, a dog or cat, and you serve him
- Everyone is thinking like that. "Now I am in a good family. I've got my family members very nice. I've got very strong body. Oh, what do I care, God is dead?" That's all
- Everyone is thinking, "I am very comfortable at home. I have got my wife. I have got my children. I have got my bank balance. I have got so many things. I have got my nation, community. I am secure. I am secure." Why he is thinking like that?
- Everyone is trying to become master. Even in the cats' and dogs' society you will find one dog is trying to predominate by barking that "I am better than you." So this is called struggle for existence
- Everyone is working so hard. So when one becomes intelligent, then he understands that, What I am doing? I am thinking that I am master, I am proprietor, I am the head of the family, but what I am doing actually? I am acting as servant of my senses
- Everyone knows animal life is full of suffering, but they cannot realize. But a human being can realize. And when the question comes, when he becomes intelligent enough that "Why I am suffering?" then his human life begins
- Everyone requires protection. That is nationalism. Not that crippled ideas: "I am good, my brother is good, and everyone is bad." That is not nationalism
- Everyone who is captivated by the material energy and absorbed in thinking "I am this body, and everything belonging to this body is mine" is in illusion
- Everything is mine - my eyes, my finger, my hand. My, my, my, and what is the I? The I is that consciousness, in which I am thinking, - This is mine
- Faith can be changed, but my character is still that I am servant. That cannot be changed
- Falsely think that "I am the supreme, I am controlling everything. The sun is moving under my direction, the everything, the water is, seas, I mean to say, there under my direction." This is their meditation. Impersonalists
- Finally he (Dhruva Maharaja) became an akama-bhakta and said to the Lord, svamin krtartho'smi varam na yace: (CC Madhya 22.42) "My dear Lord, I am very satisfied simply to serve Your lotus feet. I do not want any material benefits"
- Finally Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya said, "My dear King, do not worry. Because of your firm determination, I am sure that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy will definitely be bestowed upon you"
- First Advaita Acarya said, "I am sitting in line with an unknown mendicant, and because I am eating with Him, I do not know what kind of destination is awaiting Me"
- First of all our direct perception is on the sensual platform by sense perception. Just like seeing directly and seeing directly this special. And then I am seeing by hearing from others
- Flesh is called mamsa. "The animal I am killing, he will have the right to kill me and eat me." That is going on, repetition: "I kill you this life. Next life you kill me. In this life you have become a cow or goat. Next time I'll become a cow or goat"
- Foolish people thinks, "I am better off being busy with my material comforts - maintaining a nice apartment, family and sex life"
- For a nice citizen, government is there. He's taking all advantage offered by the government and he's obeying the laws. No trouble. But one who says "I don't care for the government. I am free. I shall become naked..." Just like that John Lennon
- For example, I am eating... So I am creating some energy, and therefore my body is maintained. So therefore your body is made out of your energy
- For the comforts of life, the so-called comforts of life I shall be able to enjoy, I am forced to work day and night. And I am thinking I am happy. This is called maya
- For these reasons, my dear husband, I am very much anxious to go
- For you the attraction of social life and the consideration that someone is father, someone is mother and someone is sister, which are illusory relationships, is over; but because I am a poor woman, I am not so advanced in transcendental realization
- Formerly people used to have golden and silver utensils, but now they have plastic ones, and still they are very proud to be so materially advanced. What is your position? You have a bunch of paper and think, "I am a millionaire." What is the value
- Frog may think himself that, "I am the proprietor of this well," but that will not give him right information what is Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean. Not only one, but there are millions and trillions of Pacific Oceans floating in the air
- Ganges appeared before King Bhagiratha and said, "I am very much satisfied with your austerities and am now prepared to give you benedictions as you desire." Being thus addressed by Gangadevi, the King bowed his head before her and explained his desire
- Gaura Pahu, 1969 - Why I have invited the spiritual death? Because I am engaged in something which is useless and I have rejected the real purpose of my life
- Genital has become my master, the tongue has become my master, the hand has become my master, the leg has become my master. So I am the servant of so many masters. So my position is very precarious
- George Harrison, the famous Beatle, he is supplying beads and bags to his friends: "Chant Hare Krsna." And he has written in his record that "Anyone who is friend of Krsna, I am his friend"
- God consciousness means cleansed heart. Ceto-darpana-marjanam (CC Antya 20.12). "I am servant of God." That is wanted
- God is great, and I am very small; He is the supreme proprietor supplying all necessities, and I am His servant. Who can challenge this? It is a fact
- God is the supreme consciousness, and I am His servant. So, for our present understanding, subordinate means servant
- Govinda replied, "I shall never be able to repay My debt to you. Lord Jagannatha has saved You. I am insignificant"
- Grha means compact in a room. So I am the living entity, spirit soul, I am compact within this body, encaged, or I am encaged within this universe. This is also compact
- Guru means he'll always enlighten the disciple with the light of sastra. Not that he will say, "There is no need of sastra. I am incarnation. I, whatever speak, you take it."
- Guru means heavy. So if I am light and I take knowledge from another light person, then what is the use of such knowledge?
- Guru says, "Just brush my shoes." "Yes, sir." You cannot think, "Oh, I am coming from a respectable person, I am so much learned, and my guru is asking me to 'Brush my shoe'? No, I am not doing it." No, then you are not disciple. That is the training
- Haridasa Thakura replied, "I cannot go near the temple because I am a low-caste, abominable person. I have no authority to go there"
- Haridasa Thakura said, "I am the most sinful and lowest among men. Later I shall eat one palmful of prasadam while waiting outside"
- Haridasa Thakura said, "Let Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu take His lunch with the devotees. Since I am abominable, I cannot sit down among you"
- Haridasa Thakura said, "My dear Lord, please do not touch me, for I am most fallen and untouchable and am the lowest among men"
- Haridasa Thakura said, "You are going to Jagannatha Puri, and that is all right, but what will be my destination? I am not able to go to Jagannatha Puri"
- Hatha-yoga is not practiced in assembly of so many men. Just you go to a hatha-yoga class. There are hundreds of members practicing, and he is collecting money, five dollars per seat. And you are thinking, "I am practicing." That is useless waste of time
- He (a devotee) prays to the Lord, My dear Lord, it does not matter where I am born, but let me be born, even as an ant, in the house of a devotee
- He (a diseased man) is lying on the bed. He's passing his nature's calls in that way. He's eating bitter medicine, and he, he cannot move. All these inconveniences, and he says: I am well
- He (a great devotee) sarcastically prayed, "I am very anxious to see Krsna, the S P of Godhead, who is many millions of times more affectionate than the pitrs (forefathers) in the Pitr-loka, and who is always worshiped by the great demigods and sages"
- He (Ajamila) never meant that "I am going to Narayana." He wanted his son because he was affectionate. But he got the opportunity of chanting the holy name of Narayana. This is his good fortune
- He (Arjuna) is speaking, - Even in exchange of kingdom of the three worlds, I am not prepared to fight
- He (Caitanya) never claimed that "I am avatara." But we understand from the sastric evidence. He never claimed. Rather, when He was addressed as Krsna He blocked His ears
- He (Jarasandha) thought, "Under the circumstances, I am prepared to give them (Krsna, Arjuna and Bhima) anything. Even if they ask for my body, I shall not hesitate to offer it to them." In this regard, he began to think of Bali Maharaja
- He (Jaya) doesn't mind that "I am going to be enemy of Krsna." The principle is that he's following. If Krsna says that "You become My enemy," I can become His enemy. That is bhakti-yoga. Yes. I want to satisfy Krsna
- He (Madhumangala) jokingly said, "My dear Lord, please be merciful upon me. I am praying for Your mercy." This is an example of uparasa in fraternal affection and neutrality
- He (Narottama dasa Thakura) is liberated, but representing ourself. "My dear Lord, I am very unhappy." "So I am praying Lord Nityananda to make me happy." Rakho ranga caranera pasa - Please keep me in some corner of your red lotus feet
- He (one) falsely thinks, "I am different from my enemy, and my enemy is different from me. The enemy has done this, and therefore my duty is to kill him." This misconception is described in this verse (SB 7.5.12) as bheda-gatasati
- He (Prahlada Maharaja) went on to say: I am not very anxious about living in this material world. I have no anxiety for myself because somehow or other I have been trained to be Krsna conscious always
- He (Sahadeva) began to cry and call out, "Mother Madri! Where are you now? Father Pandu! Where are you now? I am very sorry that you are not here to see these footprints of Krsna!" This is another instance of devotional service in compassion
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) first of all said that - Actually, I do not know what I am, and why I am subjected to the miserable condition of life
- He (Sanatana Goswami) went on to tell the Lord: "When they call me a great scholar, I am satisfied, but in truth I am such a great fool that I know not what I am." Sanatana Gosvami was actually speaking for all of us, for this is our present situation
- He (Sanatana) presented his case before Caitanya as follows: Ordinary persons, those who have no knowledge of transcendence, address me as a great leader, a great scholar, a mahatma, a paramahamsa, and so on. But I am doubtful whether I am really so
- He also desires only to be a servant of Lord Krsna. Sri Sadasiva always says, "I am a servant of Lord Krsna"
- He asks permission, "Swamiji, can I smoke?" He's being predominated. He does not know. He's thinking that "I am smoking," but he does not know that smoking is eating him. He's thinking that "I am enjoying LSD," but LSD is killing him
- He complained, "Sivananda Sena has not arranged for My residence and I am so hungry I could die. Because he has not come, I curse his three sons to die"
- He does not consider that "I am seeing under certain condition, and I am so much proud of possessing my eyes." This is called foolishness, abodha-jatah
- He first offered his respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Lord. He then said, "My dear Lord, I am King Nrga, the son of King Iksvaku. If you have ever taken account of all charitably disposed men, I am sure You must have heard my name"
- He for whom I have left everything is personally killing Me with His own hands. Krsna has no fear of killing women. Indeed, I am dying for Him, but He doesn't even turn back to look at Me. Within a moment, He has broken off Our loving affairs
- He has to be treated by this Krsna consciousness treatment, and the maya will be separated, and he will see, "Ah, yes, I am part and parcel of Krsna." Then he comes to the direct relationship
- He is not happy, he is distressed (by being forced to work), but he is thinking, "I am happy." This is called maya. So this knowledge is required that, - Why I am forced?
- He is slapped by the police. He says, "Oh, I am independent. Go on slapping." This is insanity. Is it not insanity? The police slaps him, and he says, "I am independent." Do you think independence? So that sort of independence we are having
- He is so much absorbed in ignorance that he has no time to think that "Repeatedly I am stealing, and repeatedly I am arrested, and I am punished, I sent to jail. Why I am doing this?"
- He is thinking that "I am independent. I can do what ever I like," ahankara-vimudhatma kartaham (BG 3.27). We have to give up this. Then vipascit, sahasa vipascit. Otherwise we have to continue the miserable condition of life
- He is thinking, "I am independent," barking, attacking somebody. Oh, he is thinking he is free to do everything. When one comes to this sense, that he is not free, that is beginning of human life
- He said, "For a long time, i have desired to see You, my Lord. Now Lord Jagannatha has fulfilled this desire; therefore I am seeing You"
- He said, "I am a famous exorcist, and I know how to rid you of this ghost." He then chanted some mantras and placed his hand on top of the fisherman's head
- He thinks that "By killing this body, I am free from this bodily miserable condition of life." No. He's immediately . . . either he has to accept a next abominable body or he'll have to become a ghost, one who commits suicide
- He thinks, "I'm suffering. If I commit suicide, then everything will be stopped." But he does not know that by committing suicide he'll increase another set of varieties of miserable conditions of life. He'll become ghost
- He will never think that "I am fool number one." He will always think, "Oh, who can be greater than me? I can think myself. Why? What is the necessity of a spiritual master? I can become a religious leader, I can become such and such, or..."
- He will starve to death, but he will not accept. You see? He will think, "Oh, I am born in a brahmin family. How can I wash your dishes?" This is false prestige
- He's thinking that "Now everything is settled up; I am very happy." Next day death comes and kicks him out, that he does not understand, that "Any moment death can come and kick me out of all this arrangement." That is ignorance. That is foolishness
- He's thinking, "I am so busy & working so hard, yet I am not getting a good salary. And this man is just sitting on the bench, and he's getting such a fat salary." The criticism of Hinduism as "inhibiting progress" is like that: it comes out of ignorance
- Hearing this news, all the devotees again appealed to the Lord, but the Lord replied, "I am a beggar. It is impossible for Me to do anything about this"
- Here (in SB 4.2.30) it is stated, brahma ca brahmanan. Brahma means the Vedas. Aham brahmasmi means "I am in full knowledge
- Here in this material world he is actually the small particle of God, but there is disagreement. He is falsely thinking that "I am as good as God." This is material life. When we are free from this wrong conception of life, that is liberation
- Here is said, so 'ham rathi nrpatayo yata anamanti: "I am the same Arjuna, great fighter. People were offering their obeisances to me, 'O Arjuna, you are great friend of Krsna. You are great warrior.' Now nobody cares." How it has vanquished
- Here the statement of self-realization aham brahmasmi, which is interpreted by the Mayavada philosophy to mean "I am the Supreme Lord," is explained. The Supreme Lord is the original seed of everything
- Hiranyakasipu, he also performed tapasya. What was that tapasya? He performed severe tapasya, so much so that the whole universe become perturbed and Brahmaji came to see, "What do you want?" No, I am performing tapasya for becoming immortal
- His body trembling, he spoke as follows: O infallible, unlimited Lord, protector of the entire universe, You are the only desirable objective for all devotees. I am a great offender, my Lord. Please give me protection
- How can these questions (Why am I suffering? Wherefrom have I come? What is my constitutional position? etc.) be solved? Sukadeva Gosvami says: nasnatah pathyam evannam vyadhayo 'bhibhavanti hi, evam niyamakrd rajan sanaih ksemaya kalpate - SB 6.1.12
- How that consciousness acts? That "I am a servant of God. I am servant of Krsna." When this consciousness is firmly fixed up, this is called Krsna consciousness
- How you can become svami? Because we are falsely thinking that "I am the proprietor. I am the enjoyer. I am the leader. I am the friend of my family, my society, my nation," so many ways, you have to convert these things
- How you can say that whatever you see, it is perfect? I am seeing now things under certain condition; next moment I will see things under certain other condition. So as the condition changes, therefore my sight also changes in different ways
- Human life begins when one is inquisitive to know, "Why I am suffering?" That is human life. And if he keeps himself in darkness - Oh, this is . . . Suffering is suffering. Let me enjoy
- Human life is especially meant for taking advantage of this form of life and understand, - What is God? What I am? What is my relationship with God? How to act? Why I am conditioned by so many miserable condition of life
- Human life is meant for understanding, "What I am? What is God? What is relationship with God? Why I am here in this material world? Why I am suffering?" These are the questions for human life
- Human philosophy is to understand first of all, "What I am? I am this body or something else?" That is human life. But nobody questions this. There is no institution to teach this science, therefore the whole human society is misguided
- Humor is practically in every direct relationship. And indirect also, there is humor. "I am thinking of you as enemy" - that is also another type of humor
- I (Akrura) am bereft of Your transcendental association, being just like a foolish creature who leaves a water hole covered by water-nourished vegetation and goes in search of water in the desert
- I (Arjuna) am now unable to stand here any longer. I am forgetting myself, and my mind is reeling. I see only causes of misfortune, O Krsna, killer of the Kesi demon
- I (Kasyapa Muni) am not at all conversant with what is good for me, since I could not control my senses
- I (King Priyavrata) am not going to enjoy any more. Just see how I have become like a dancing monkey in the hands of my wife. Because of this, I am condemned
- I (Krsnadas Kaviraja Gosvami) am more sinful than Jagai and Madhai and even lower than the worms in the stool
- I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) am submitting that I personally have no desire to add or subtract anything. I have only written what I have heard in the disciplic succession
- I (Uttanapada) am very much addicted to my wife, and I am so fallen that I have abandoned all merciful behavior, even to my son (Dhruva), who is only five years old. I have banished him and his mother, even though he is a great soul and a great devotee
- I (Vrtrasura) shall not kill you, for unlike you, I am not so evil minded as to kill persons who are neither heroic nor willing to fight. If you have faith in your heroism, please stand before me
- I also feel that I am controlling my bodily affairs to some extent, but because I am not the supreme controller, if there is something wrong in this body, I have to go to a physician. Similarly, I have no control over other bodies
- I am a servant of Krsna. That is very nice. So one become... One has got the tendency to become proud. So if one is proud to become a cats and dog or a tiger or a so-called big man of this material world, that is for his bondage
- I am (Mother Earth) being neglected by kings who are not punishing these rascals who have turned into thieves by using grains for sense gratification. Consequently I have hidden all these seeds, which were meant for the performance of sacrifice
- "I am a Mayavadi sannyasi," Lord Caitanya protested. "I have no knowledge of the transcendental features of devotional service"
- I am a big sannyasi and big devotee, I do not go outside Vrndavana, I do not go outside India. I am jagat-guru . . . This cheating is going on
- I am a good man, - "I am a bad man," both of them are designations. From spiritual point of view, there is no difference between good man and bad man
- I am a human being and others are lower animals, that is the greatest abhimana. That is also, what is called, false ego. Human being or animal, they are not different, because the body is made of the same ingredient
- I am a poor brahmana, and You have come to My home. Please be satisfied with whatever little food You have received and give up Your greedy mentality
- I am a poor sannyasi, I cannot abandon the duties of the renounced order, and therefore I follow them strictly
- I am a shopkeeper. I have got different varieties of goods. Now, if you pay me less, then I can supply you inferior quality of goods. Another customer is paying me and a good amount; then I will supply you superior quality of goods
- I am a third-class man, and if I change the statements in the Bhagavad-gita, then where is the authority of Bhagavad-gita? That is going on
- I am a young sannyasi, and I actually have no knowledge of what is good and what is bad. Therefore I am taking shelter of you and accepting you as My spiritual master
- I am accepting this gross dream and this subtle dream, but what is my actual position? That I do not know. This is called ignorance. That actual position we can understand if we become Krsna conscious
- I am already born foolish, and my education is given to make me more foolish
- I am also afraid of my enemy; the cats and dogs are also afraid of enemy. Then where is the difference between cats and dogs? The difference is that I can be trained up to become religious; the cats and dogs cannot be trained. That is the difference
- I am always engaged in offering obeisances to Lord Vasudeva in pure Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness is always pure consciousness, in which the Supreme Personality of Godhead, known as Vasudeva, is revealed without any covering
- I am always too anxious about my family, home, wife, wealth, land and kingdom. And because I have been so maddened by this material atmosphere, I am thinking now that my life has been simply spoiled
- I am ashamed to say that Your impudent lips sometimes attract even Your flute, which is also considered a male. It likes to drink the nectar of Your lips, and thus it also forgets all other tastes
- I am becoming a devotee for this purpose - no, that is not pure devotee. "I am eternal servant of God, so it is my duty to serve Him, that's all." That is peace. And so long he'll desire, then he'll not have any peace. That is not possible
- I am born in particular type, particular time or particular country, I cannot render service to Krsna - that's not a fact. Anywhere, any part of the world, any part of the universe, any man, in any condition, he can serve Krsna. There is no impediment
- I am busy, and I have to remember Krsna? Sometimes this argument is put forward. But that argument is not strong
- I am celebrated throughout the whole world as brahmacari, but if I would have been in the position of Krsna... He was dancing with young girls, but He was not agitated. But I would have been agitated. I admit
- I am combination of spirit and matter. As soon as I am spirit, I am away from this matter, this body becomes matter. "Dust thou art; dust thou beist." Yes. So those who are mahatma, they have to take shelter of the spiritual energy
- I am covered by this body and as soon as I go away from this body, the body has no meaning. It may be a very important soul's body, a great scientist's body, but the body is not the scientist, the soul is the scientist. The body is instrumental
- I am cutting throat of one poor animal under my protection. If somebody cuts my throat, how much I am unhappy. And I'm doing the same business and I'm human being? How can I call myself a human being? I have no sense even of compassion
- I am different from my soul. "I am" means I am my body, or I am soul, different from the body. So Krsna has no such differentiation. A conditioned soul does not know that, because he's not following Krsna
- I am engaged by the Supreme Personality of Godhead to create. Following His orders, Lord Siva dissolves everything. The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His form of Ksirodakasayi Visnu maintains all the affairs of material nature
- I am eternal. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). I do not die after this body is finished, and again I will have to . . . tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). So this is knowledge. One has to always think of this. That is called tapasya
- I am existing in this body; you are existing in your body - how it is known? By the consciousness. If I pinch your body, you feel pain. You pinch my body, I feel pain
- I am feeling proud of my goodness - therefore as soon as there is pride, it is mixed up with the quality of passion. So therefore you'll find all the Vaisnavas, they never think that he's very good. He thinks - Oh, I am the lowest. I am the most fallen
- I am fool number one, but people say I am learned, and I accept it
- I am fortunate, you are fortunate, but we have got many equals and many greater than. But when you reach somebody where you find nobody is equal to Him and nobody is greater than Him, that is real Bhagavan. This is a logical conclusion, who is Bhagavan
- I am given the hand to use it for my purpose, for my eating, for my collecting. But actually it is not my hand
- I am going in a secluded place and thinking, "How many women I have hunted." What is this nonsense? Eh? And showing, "I have become very much advanced. I am leader." And my leading is I'm thinking of woman. That's all. And money
- I am in the renounced order of life, and so are you. Yet you are purposefully giving Me pain, and I do not see any good logic in this
- I am in the renounced order, and therefore I must lie on the floor. For Me to use a bedstead, quilt or pillow would be very shameful
- I am individual person. And the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is also individual person. Nityo nityanam. This is Vedic information. We are plural number, nityanam. Cetanas cetananam: He's the supreme living force amongst all other living forces
- I am killing somebody, he is being killed. I am envious. And I forget that I'll be killed. Then I am envious to me also
- I am killing somebody, somebody is killing me. That is nature's way. So what is your special credit? There is no credit. There is no credit. You save yourself not to be destroyed by others
- I am living very comfortably with my society, family. "Society, friendship and love, divinely bestowed upon man," there is one poetry. That's all right. But it is so nice, so pleasing, but one day comes, "Please get out." Finished. You cannot protest
- I am neither dog, I am not man, I am not this, I am not that. This is all superficial. I am spirit soul. A dog is also spirit soul; the snake is also spirit soul; the tree is also spirit soul. - Panditah sama-darsinah (BG 5.18). That is real knowledge
- I am not a brahmana, I am not a ksatriya, I am not a vaisya or a sudra. Nor am I a brahmacari, a householder, a vanaprastha or a sannyasi. I identify Myself only as the servant of the servant of the servant of the lotus feet of Lord Sri Krsna
- I am not angry. You can beat me with shoes, I am not angry - That is not devotional. You see? But the thing is, a devotee is not angry on his personal account. Just like God also does not become angry on His personal account
- I am not iron, but I am covered with dirty things; I look like iron. This is the position. Actually I am not iron; I am gold, because I am part and parcel of God. If God is good, then I am good
- "I am not joking with you," Sanatana informed him (mendicant). "I am very serious. Will you kindly exchange that torn quilt for this blanket?" Finally the mendicant exchanged his torn quilt for the blanket, and Sanatana returned to the Lord
- I am not the proprietor of this body. Krsna is the proprietor of the body. I wanted a certain type of body to use it for my sense gratification. He has given it and I am not happy. Therefore I shall learn how to use this machine for the proprietor
- I am now entrapped or encaged in this material body, and all my sufferings are due to this body. Therefore the whole aim of human life is to get away from this material body and to be situated in the spiritual life
- I am now prepared to give you all benedictions, according to your desire. I belong to the celestial world of demigods, who do not die like human beings. Therefore, although you are subject to death, your audience with me will not go in vain
- I am now young man, let me enjoy. And in old age, after passing sixty years, when there will be no other engagement, at that time I shall chant Hare Krsna mantra. - No. Immediately, turnam yate
- "I am part and parcel of God, so my duty is that everything is nicely done, everything is nicely preserved, everything is nicely utilized for the service of God." That is the knowledge of science of God
- I am permanent. And body is changing. This simple truth, what is the difficulty for the people to understand this simple truth? The body is changing, but I am not changing. I am eternal
- I am possessing so many things, but if I do not be engaged in Krsna consciousness, everything will be taken at the time of death. - That we do not consider; we are so foolish
- I am put into this body under certain circumstances. Otherwise I am not this body
- I am saying this from my practical experience from my Guru Maharaja, from my spiritual master. He would never say that "I am going," "I am doing," no. "If Krsna desires, then I shall do it." "If Krsna desires, then I shall go." Like that
- I am seeing now things under certain conditions; next moment I will see things under certain other conditions. So as the condition changes, therefore my sight also changes in different ways
- I am servant of God, this is my real occupation, but giving up my service to God, I am giving service to maya
- I am servant of the establishment, but I'm given some power to control over certain departments. So simultaneously, I am servant and controller. As controller, I can be called isvara, isvara, god, as controller. But I am not controller, Supreme Controller
- I am serving, but now I am serving maya. I'm not happy. Let me serve You - This is the meaning of Hare Krsna
- I am sexually inclined, but I cannot do it. This is not the time. - That is tapasya
- I am simply instrument. If God does not like that you should live, then all my medicines, all my scientific knowledge, medical knowledge, will fail. - The ultimate sanction is Krsna's
- I am simply seeing dreams, day and night. I am seeing, that's a fact. Law of identity, "I am." "Then what I am? I'm simply to see these dreams? What is my actual life?" That is tattva-jijnasa
- I am simply trying to write about Gauracandra's transcendental activities & spiritual madness, which are very wonderful & uncommon. I dare to write of them only because I have heard from the mouths of those who have personally seen the Lord's activities
- I am so much fallen, how I can associate with Krsna? So that is isa-sangat. Isa is absolute. Everything has emanated from Isa, God. So in that way everything is Isa. There is nothing but Isa, but we haven't got the eyes to see
- I am staying here at Nilacala, Jagannatha Puri, according to your order. As long as I live, I shall not leave this place
- I am such a pandita that I do not know what is the goal of my life and what is real benefit for me. I am such a pandita. That means, I am murkha. I do not know my own self-interest
- I am suffering. Or I have lost something or some friend, so many things. So sufferings of the body and mind, and then sufferings by the nature, nature. This is called adhidaivika
- I am surprised that You imitate the activities of ordinary human beings just to please Your devotee - Devaki prayed to the Lord
- I am taking care of this body, I am taking of this hand, this leg, this head because there is intimate relationship with this body. Suppose if your head is in danger, I am not going to protect. But when my head is in danger, I prepared to give life
- I am taking so much care of this material body, which will not exist, which I shall become 'Dust thou art; dust thou beist.' Again it will mix up with dirty things. I am taking so much care of this body. What about that living force, which is important
- I am taking the trouble of going ten miles to see a friend or thirty miles to see a medical practitioner, but I am very much proud of my car, that I have got a car
- I am taking your things, I am eating, but I am not feeling any gratitude for you, then I am a thief
- I am the lowest of men, the most sinful, fallen and condemned. Nevertheless, I desire to attain shelter at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- I am the servant of Isvara Puri. My name is Govinda, and following the orders of my spiritual master, I have come here
- I am the servant of the servant of the servant of Krsna - That is purification. Then desire. Then you'll not desire anything except Krsna's service. That is perfection
- I am thinking in so many different consciousness. I am thinking in consciousness of nationality, community, society, friendship - so many ways - but without Krsna consciousness. Therefore our consciousness is impure
- "I am touching you just for My purification," the Lord (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) replied (to Sanatana Gosvami), "for you are a great devotee. By your devotional service you can deliver the whole universe and enable everyone to go back to Godhead"
- I am trying to become a religious person, but my inner desire is how to make my economic position developed. This is my inner position; therefore it is called kaitava, cheating
- I am trying to enjoy. This is material world. We have forgotten that we are part and parcel of Krsna. Our business is not to enjoy but to help Krsna to enjoy. That is our business, part and parcel
- I am undergoing miseries, so many miseries. So the whole idea is that I have to get out of this material contact and reinstate myself in the pure spiritual life so that I shall not, I shall be free from all miseries
- I am undergoing troubles by nature's laws, and by the state's laws. So the question of freedom is how to become free from all these troubles. The Vedanta-sutra also says that the soul, my actual self, is by nature joyful. Yet, I am suffering
- I am very glad that you are eager to see our foreign temples and that you wanted my advice in this connection
- I am very happy. I have got such a nice father. Nice father, nice mother. And other friends, they are taking - This . . . these are described by Bhaktivinoda Thakura in a song
- I am very much disturbed to hear of Kanupriya's activities, and I advise you that so long he is engaged in these nonsense activities, you should not have any association with him. Best thing is that you remain in the association of devotees
- I am very much thankful for your promise to help me in my missionary activities
- I am very satisfied with your behavior. I shall not accept these gold coins, but I shall get you across that hilly tract of land simply to perform a pious activity
- I am working as American, I am working as family man, I am working as this, that. These are all designations. When I shall work as eternal servant of Krsna, that is real mukti. That is Krsna consciousness
- I am working very hard day and night to decorate my country, my society, my family, my house, everything. That is not very happiness, working very day and night. But it is maya
- I am Your eternal servant, but I forgot Your Lordship. Now I have fallen into the ocean of nescience and have been conditioned by the external energy
- I appear or any living entity appears in this material world. That is not under my control. As soon as I give up this body, I am fully under the control of nature. The nature will offer me a particular type of body according to my work
- I can remember some of the incidences of my childhood, of my boyhood, of my youthhood. Therefore I am permanent. That is the real understanding of the living entity
- I can see that You have bestowed special mercy upon Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya. Therefore You have touched me, although I am untouchable. This is due only to his love for You
- I can understand what is going on within my limited body, but I cannot feel what is going on in another's body. I am present throughout my body by my consciousness, but my consciousness is not present in another's body
- I cannot control my senses if I am on the material plane. It is impossible. But I can control my senses, this is possible. It is not impossible fact
- I cannot say that I will have such-and-such body my next life. But in one sense, if I am intelligent, I can prepare my next body. I can prepare my body to live in certain planets, in certain societies. Even you can go to the higher planets
- I cannot say what is going on in your mind, in your body, what pains and pleasure you are feeling. But I can speak about myself that, "I am feeling like this." That I can say. So my consciousness is not perfect. It is perfect so far I am concerned
- I consider my hand as a part of my body. Now, it is moving in its own way. "As I want, let my hand be moved. Let my legs be moved. Let my eyes be opened and see." So, I am dictating, and these parts are working
- I did not know anything about this incident. I am very sorry for it however, and I am inquiring into the matter further
- I did not want their benedictions, however, because I am interested in the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who created everything in this material world. I am more interested in the Supreme Personality of Godhead than in all material benedictions
- I do not want all these miserable condition of life, but I am forced to accept them. Therefore what is my position? Why I am forced to accept? - This should be the question
- I forget - means I am illusioned. Atma-maya. Influenced by the modes of material . . . the one who is most influenced by the modes of material nature, they forget
- I go there and eat the food My mother offers, but she cannot understand that I am eating it directly. She thinks that this is a dream
- I have got only interest in that particular house where I am living. But the landlord has got interest in so many houses. So Krsna has got interest not only in my body or your body. He has got interest in each & every body. Because He says, sarva-yonisu
- I have got some infection, so I am diseased. You may know it or not know it, that doesn't matter. If you infect, knowingly or unknowingly, you will be diseased
- I have got this body. I am suffering. I am undergoing threefold miseries, threefold miserable condition of life. Why I shall make another body, again undergo the threefold miseries of life
- I have now converted My body and mind into the ecstasy of Srimati Radharani; thus I am tasting My own personal sweetness in that form
- I have seen. My father has died, my mother has died, my brother has died. So everyone has died. So I'll die. So what I am doing before death
- I have tried to give knowledge to the people as far as possible, as far I have known from reliable sources. So why I am not satisfied
- I join some political party because I am finding out the opportunity how I can become a minister or how I can capture some power by going through this political party. This is my real aim. I am not serving that party, but I am serving my ambition
- I know something, or I can know the Supreme, by my knowledge. "I am something, I am very important," our process is to forget this first of all. This is called humbleness, submissive
- I know that our scriptures are full of imagination and mistaken ideas, yet because I am a Muslim I accept them for the sake of my community, despite their insufficient support
- I love the soul. This is the fact. This is atmavit, atma-tattva-vit. And why I love soul? Because I love Krsna. Soul is part and parcel of Krsna. So why I am so much fond of soul? Because it is part and parcel of Krsna
- I love this body. Why? Because I am the spirit self, or soul is within this body. Therefore just like I love this apartment. Why? Because I live here. Similarly, I love this body because I am spirit soul, I am living within this body
- I may be now American or Australian, very nice living, very nice motorcar, roads, everything, but why I am forced to leave immediately? This is the problem of life. Janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi
- I may be very rich, I may have immense wealth, but if my body and mind is not in order, I am in trouble. So simply material opulence, material wealth will not satisfy us
- I may control my disciples, but I am controlled by somebody else, by my spiritual master. So nobody can say that "I am the absolute controller"
- I may dream that I am in a great storm, or that I am being pursued, or that someone is taking my money, or that I am being devoured by a tiger, but actually these are all creations of my mind
- I replied to Visvarupa, 'I have My helpless father and mother, and also I am but a child. What do I know about the sannyasa order of life?
- I said, 'Your Majesty, I am now not willing to engage in political activities. I desire only to stay at the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Kindly give me permission'
- I shall not maintain you any more. A henpecked husband like Lord Rama may accept a wife like Sita, who went to another man's house, but I am not henpecked like Him, and therefore I shall not accept you again
- I sincerely take shelter of that form of Yours which I am now seeing. This form is the original source of all living beings and their senses
- I took birth from the lotus that grew from Your navel. Thus You are both my father and my mother, and I am Your son
- I understand that this transcendental form is generally perceived in meditation by the great sages, but I am still afraid because as soon as Kamsa understands that You (Visnu) have appeared, he might harm You - Devaki expressed her motherly affection
- I was born in an inferior family, and my body is most abominable. I always engage in low work. Therefore, I am the lowest, most condemned of men
- I was searching after a piece of glass, but instead I have found a most valuable jewel. Therefore I am so satisfied that I do not wish to ask any benediction from You
- If a humble devotee thinks that "I am the lowest. I am untouchable, this way," that does (not) mean he is out of the touch of God. But this humbleness is very good
- If a person, president, cheats his countrymen somehow or other, and why not others? They will also do that. "Oh, president does it. What I am? What can I know?" In this way, the more we are inclined to sense gratification, we become sinful
- If a swan is provided with all the necessities of life, why I shall not be? I am so much developed human being. Why I am so much busy in economic development? This is called illusion
- If anyone says that, "I am guru" then he cannot be guru, because he has no knowledge. But he can cheat some people. That is different thing. You can cheat all people for some time and some people for all time, but not all people for all time
- If anyone thinks that "I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra. It is reacting all the effects of my sinful life. Then again I can commit and chant Hare Krsna. It is very good business..." No. That is great offense
- If during this life, I am changing so many body, so many bodies, still I am there, similarly, it is natural conclusion: when I change this body, I shall remain
- If God is good, then I am good. So because I am covered by the material dirty things, I look like not gold. So this is the test. As soon as you become God conscious, your original all good qualities will manifest automatically
- If God is iron, then I am also iron. That is my position. But as I am carrying different airs by my association with this material nature, I am getting a different body. It is very simple to understand
- If he (a poor man) is claiming that "I am millionaire," then you have to ask that "Where is your sign of being a millionaire? You have no good dress. Your feature is so ugly. How you are millionaire? What is the definition of a millionaire?
- If he (the living entity) sincerely surrenders unto Krsna by simply saying once, "My dear Lord Krsna, from this day I am Yours," he at once gets out of the clutches of material energy
- If he is half-hazardly, half-hazardly, halfway he finishes, then what is the result? Etan me samsayam krsna (BG 6.39): I am doubtful about these things
- If he makes his choice after getting good education from the right source that, "I am going on in the wrong way by the desire to lord it over the material nature, but I am eternal servant of Krsna, therefore I must surrender now,"
- If he thinks himself that, "I am non-entity, helpless," then he can remain (humble). If he thinks, "I can do something. I have got so much intelligence," then he cannot become humble
- If he's actually rendering devotional service, then he must be feeling. Just like if you are eating actually, then you must feel strength & satisfaction of your hunger. You cannot say, "I'm eating, but I'm not satisfied of my hunger." That is impossible
- If I am a family man, I have got my children, my wife. So they expect something. So they must be given - but twenty-five percent, not all
- If I am actually pious, I should not get this material body. Just like to remain in the prison house means criminal. You may be a first-class prisoner, it doesn't matter, but you are a prisoner, you are a criminal
- If I am addicted to intoxication and if I say that "You don't take any intoxication," then who will care for me?
- If I am eternal as God is eternal, then why I am subjected to birth and death? This is real question
- If I am eternal, then why I shall remain in this material body which is subjected to death, birth, old age and disease? Therefore Krsna instructs that this miserable condition of life is due to this material body
- If I am eternal, whether it is possible to get an eternal body? Or eternal happiness? That is the problem of human society
- If I am eternal, why there are so many miserable condition of life? And why I am forced to die?" So this is actually the intelligent question
- If I am following the dictation of my senses, then I am not the master of the senses; I am the servant of the senses
- If I am in darkness, I do not understand in what condition I am living, this is conditional life. That's . . . everyone can understand. That Sanatana Gosvami understood. And we should follow the footprints of Sanatana Gosvami
- If I am in renounced, I am naked, I eat, only eat fruit, and I live within jungle, and I have got many lady monkeys with me, oh, what sort of renouncement that is? That is not... That is called "monkey renouncement"
- If I am in the mode of goodness then I may be preparing for promotion to the higher planets
- If I am in the mode of ignorance I may be degraded to animal life or a lower grade of human life
- If I am in the mode of passion then I shall remain here in a society where activity is very prominent
- If I am in trouble, I express my mind, I open my mind before you, and you also try to help me. These are the six signs of love. That is Vedic civilization - everything exchange of love. No business, mercantile
- If I am nitya, eternal, then I should be interested in eternal happiness. But the eternal happiness is not possible to enjoy by this body
- If I am not fit for a certain thing and if I am engaged in that business, that will be failure. That will be failure. For a particular type of business, occupation, one must have particular type of brain. So therefore this is division
- If I am not this body, then in relationship with this body, whatever I have expended, my extended selfishness, is at once vanished. Then I am mukta-purusa, I am liberated soul
- If I am one with the Supreme, how I have fallen in this condition? No. I am not one. I am one in quality, small particle
- If I am part and parcel of God, my duty is to serve. This example I have given you many times: Just like this finger is the part and parcel of my body. So what is the duty of this finger? The duty of the finger is to serve the whole body, that's all
- If I am part and parcel of God, then my only duty is to serve God. This is Vaisnava philosophy. So therefore, in Vaisnava philosophy, everything in relationship with God is service
- If I am realized then this material composition of this body is disbursed and I am the spirit soul, small particle, I am immediately promoted to the spiritual sky. That is the highest perfection
- If I am smaller than the grass, that's a fact. I am still smaller, smaller, I do not know how smaller but I am thinking of this body. An elephant is thinking that "I am so big," or a man is thinking, "I am so big," ant is thinking, "I am so small"
- If I am surcharged with electricity, I touch, you also become electric. And if he touches, he'll become. But if one is not in touch with electricity, then it will not act. So one must be electrified. Then if he touches somebody, he'll be electrified
- If I am trained in KC, then I am the sane man, I am not a madman, because I know what is my position, what is God, what are other living entities, what is this world, what is this material nature, what is this time, what are these activities
- If I am trying under the, I mean to say, cover of becoming bhakta and trying to gather some material profit, that is not bhakti. That is very dangerous
- If I ask you how many hairs you have got on your head, you do not know. Similarly, we have got this body. I am claiming my body, but I am not in full knowledge of my own body. And what to speak of knowing your body or other's body?
- If I don't take education and enlightenment how to become religious, I do not know how to distinguish between right and wrong, then yatha pasu - then I am as good as animal
- If I identify myself as an American, as an Indian, or this or that, then I am on the material Plane
- If I pinch your body, He feels that I am pinching somebody, as Paramatma. These things are explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- If I think "I am Muhammadan," "I am Christian," then you are gone. But if we purify the senses that "I am spirit soul. The Supreme Spirit Soul is Krsna
- If in this life I am trying to become a devotee, this does not mean that in my many past lives I was one-hundred-percent pious. That is not possible
- If Krsna has nothing to do, then - I am also part and parcel - I will also have nothing to do. Everything will be there, present. But that is our real constitutional position. We don't require to work
- If my father is happy, so I am the son of my father - why I shall not be, I shall be unhappy? This is natural conclusion. Because I will enjoy my father's property as my father is enjoying
- If one is puffed up with false prestige, thinking - I have so much opulence, and I am giving something to Krsna - one's offering will not be accepted by Krsna
- If one is simply sticking up to the system without seeing "How much progress I am making in my life?" then that is waste of time. That is called niyamagraha, simply observing the rules
- If one repents that "I should not have done this, but I am so sinful that I have again committed this sin," so this repentance will help him to be excused by the Supreme Lord
- If one wants to do something in order to satisfy his senses, Krsna gives all facility. This is stated in Bhagavad-gita. Sarvasya caham hrdi sannivistah: I am sitting in everyone's heart
- If some rascal inquires, "Why you are keeping so many servants?" And "Because I am big man, I want." Simple philosophy. Similarly, if God is the supreme authority, then He must have so many assistants. Otherwise, how He will manage
- If somebody comes and drives us out of this room, that does not mean I am finished. I shall go and take shelter of another room. Similarly, when the soul, when the body is killed or annihilated by nature or by force, the soul takes shelter of another body
- If somebody is claiming that "I am brahmana," then government should force him to become actually a brahmana. That is government's duty; that is secular state. Not that "Let people go to hell. We don't care for them." That is not required
- If somebody says that "I am introducing this religious process," that is nonsense. Nobody will be interested. But if God gives you law, just like the state gives you law, one has to accept. So religion means to accept the order of God. That is religion
- If somebody thinks "I have got some money. I am very fortunate." It is, actually it is not fortune. Real fortunate is he who is advanced in Krsna consciousness. He is fortunate. Otherwise, all are unfortunate
- If someone says, "I'm not educated at all, & I cannot read books," he is still not disqualified. He can still perfect his life by simply chanting the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- If the son sometimes says, "I am one with the father," there is no controversy because he is one in quality
- If these four principles are followed, he will never touch any sinful activities. But if somebody thinks that "Because I am chanting Hare Krsna I become free from all sinful reaction, therefore let me do all nonsense," no, that is the greatest sin
- If we actually want to be happy, then you have to inquire about your constitutional position, what I am
- If we analyze our life, we will find that it is full of suffering. Why then are we coming here? The conditioned souls are not very bright. We should inquire, "Why am I suffering?" If there is a remedy, we must take advantage of it
- If we associate with all these things, sravanam kirtanam visnoh, hearing and chanting about Visnu, then this misconception of life, that "I am purusa," will vanquish. Then you become liberated
- If we do not take care of this, that "What I am going to become next life?" if you simply waste your time simply on the matter of eating, sleeping, mating and defense, then we are wasting our time
- If we do not try to understand in this form of life, "What is God, what I am, what is our relationship," then we are committing suicide
- If we falsely claim that, "I am also the supreme consciousness," that will be a false claim. We are not actually the supreme consciousness. Qualitatively, we are one
- If we fight amongst ourselves that, "I am proprietor of India; you are proprietor of America; you are proprietor of Germany," this is false conception of life. Real proprietor is Krsna
- If we perform some nonsensical action and think, "I am doing this for Krsna," that will not be accepted. The work must be verified by Krsna's acceptance or by the acceptance of Krsna's representative
- If we think that "Because I am now..., I have got a machine of chanting Hare Krsna, so I shall commit as much sin as possible and it will be counteracted by this process," oh, that is the greatest sin. You cannot do that
- If we think that "I have got attraction on Krsna and also the sense gratification," that means bogus. The test is how far I am detached to sense gratification. Then it means that you have increased your spiritual life
- If we try to understand simply our body, actually that is meditation. Meditation means to understand what is this body and what I am
- If we understand that "Whatever I have got, it belongs to Krsna," then I am liberated person
- If we understand that everything belongs to God, so that sense will lead me: "No, I am not enjoyer." So my sense gratification, my anger, my lust, all finished at once, at stroke, if I understand that "Nothing belongs to me; everything belongs to God"
- If we work on behalf of the Supreme Lord, then that is called yoga-sthah. So our work is also not stopped, and at the same time I am situated in the spiritual platform. That technique is taught by Lord Krsna
- If You (Lord Krsna) think that I (Arjuna) am able to behold Your cosmic form, O my Lord, O master of all mystic power, then kindly show me that unlimited universal Self
- If you accept bhagavad-bhakti-yoga, devotional service to the Lord, you shall be prasanna-manasa. You shall be always feeling jolly. If I am not jolly, if I am not prasanna-manasa, that means maya has attacked me
- If you actually Vedantist, then you should be inquiring that - I am eternal. Why I am put into this temporary body, and on account of this body, I am subjected to so many miserable condition of material life
- If you analyze yourself silently, "What I am? I am this finger? I am this body? I am this hair?" you will deny, "No, I am not this." So beyond this body, what is, that is spiritual. That we can feel
- If you are actually hankering after Krsna - Krsna is within yourself - He will give you a guru. He will give you a guru. Guru-krsna-krpaya. But we must be fortunate to get real guru. If I am unfortunate, I'll not get a guru
- If you are associating personally with President Nixon, how much proud you feel? "Oh, I am with President Nixon." So will you not feel very much proud if you are associating the supreme Nixon? Who can create millions of Nixons
- If you are doubtful, prove that Krsna is not proprietor. But that you cannot do. Or bring another person who can claim like that, "I am the proprietor." Therefore you have to accept Krsna as the proprietor. And it is accepted by all great personalities
- If you are sober & actually thoughtful, you will find that "This is not my life. But I am falsely thinking that I am enjoying life." Therefore frustration. Next stage is frustration. Everyone, frustrated because we are in this material world
- If you artificially think that "I'm not going to bow down anyone. I am independent," then you suffer. Simply you have to seek out the proper place where you have to bow down. That's all
- If you can reach that (without any motive) love of Godhead, then you'll feel, "Oh, I am so fortunate." Otherwise we remain unfortunate
- If you chant this Hare Krsna mantra, the first result will be that you will understand your real, constitutional position, for which many great mystics, sages and saints are meditating, - What I am
- If You do not give up Your shame and fear, however, I shall continuously drink the nectar of Krsna's lips. I am slightly fearful because You also have the right to drink that nectar, but as for the others, I consider them like straw
- If you eat proper, nourishing foodstuff, you'll feel yourself strength and your hunger satisfied. You haven't got to ask anybody. Similarly, if you come to the proper path and if you follow the principle, you'll understand, Yes, I am making progress
- If you eat, you will feel satisfied. Your hunger will be satisfied. You will be getting strength. Similarly, when you'll no longer be attracted by this sex desire, then you should understand that, "I am now making progress in KC." This is the test
- If you falsely think or imitate Haridasa Thakura, then you go to hell. That's all. We should not falsely think that - Now I am advanced and elevated. I can do whatever I like
- If you falsely think that, "I am the proprietor of this Los Angeles city," is it not your false thinking
- If you falsely think that, "I have created this banana tree. I have worked so hard. Now the fruit is there. Now I am the enjoyer," then you are mistaken
- If you follow, you'll understand, yourself, "Yes. I am getting something." It is not that you are in blindness, you are blindly following. As you follow the principles, you'll understand
- If you have deeply studied what is God, you can understand God. Because I am a sample of God, I am minute particle. Just like the particle of gold is gold. The drop of ocean water is also salty. The ocean is also salty, you can understand
- If you search out the genealogical table of this universe, especially of the human society, then you go on searching. I am begotten by my father; my father is begotten by his father, his father, his father, his father - you go on
- If you simply falsely claim that, "I am everything of this city. Everything belongs to me," will that stabilize him, that he is everything? Then? How you are everything? Prove it
- If you simply understand that Krsna is the only enjoyer, then your propensity to become false enjoyer will be vanquished that, "I am not enjoyer. Krsna is the enjoyer." Then there is no question of renunciation
- If you think that "I am serving for my sense gratification: I have to eat, I have to sleep, I must have sex and I must defend . . ." These are the necessities of the body. These necessities are there in the animal form of life also
- If you think that "I am the only son of God, and the animal is . . . has no soul, and let us kill," that is not a very good philosophy. Why not? What is the symptoms of possessing soul
- If you think that "I'm the car . . ." The car is dead. The car is moving because you are alive. Similarly, this dead body . . . this body is dead, already dead from the very beginning, but it is moving on account of the soul. This is knowledge
- If you unintelligently accept some bogus person as perfect, that is your fault. You must be assured that, "The person from whom I am asking, he is perfect." Then you take it. Otherwise don't take
- If you want to know what is dharma, then you have to approach these twelve great personalities. Otherwise it will remain durbodham, very difficult to understand. Although it is very pure, because I am impure, I will not be able to understand
- Immediately, as soon as he understands this philosophy of life that, "I am uselessly serving this material world or the society, friendship, country and so on, so on, without serving Krsna," that is called jnana, knowledge
- Impurity is due to my this material body. But at that moment (while chanting Hare Krsna), I am in the spiritual platform, so this impurities cannot touch me. These are, I mean the points of realization
- In a comfortable position, if I keep myself in the dog's mentality, then I am going to get my next life as dog. Then what is the value of this comfortable position
- In Bhagavad-gita the Lord says, sarvasya caham hrdi sannivistah: (BG 15.15) "I am sitting in everyone's heart, and because of Me one's remembrance and forgetfulness occur
- In materialistic life one is encaged within the body and deluded by false egoism. Thus one thinks, I am this body, I am a human being, I am an American, I am an Indian. This bodily conception is due to false ego
- In order to change this consciousness (to satisfy own senses), however, knowledge is required. That knowledge is knowing "I am part and parcel of Krsna, the superior energy of Krsna." That is real knowledge
- In real meditation, we ask, "Where am I? What am I?" We cannot find the answers to these questions by any material effort, and because of this all the universities are setting these questions aside
- In reality, "What I am," that can be understood through devotional service, not by karma, jnana, yoga. Give this example, I mean to say, authoritative statement of Krsna, that bhaktya mam abhijanati - BG 18.55
- In schools, colleges, assemblies, societies - everywhere - there must be questions of "What is God? What I am? What is my relation?" These should be answered scientifically and understood scientifically. Then there will be peace
- In spite of that, my Lord, I am praying to You to kindly fulfill my desire. May I please be informed how, in spite of Your transcendental form, You assume the mundane form, although You have no such form at all
- In systematic way you discuss. "I must worship, because I am dependent. I am not final authority. So the great . . . God is great, and I am always small. So it is my duty to submit to the great." So that is bhakti
- In the beginning he was proud of being Brahma, the lord of the universe, but now he understood, "Here is the Lord of the universe. I am simply an insignificant agent. Govindam adi-purusam tam aham bhajami"
- In the beginning when I am child, boy, I think of my body only, and when I grow up, I get my wife. Then I think of two bodies. Then from the two bodies, when there are many other bodies, children, we think of. This is our sphere of activities
- In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna says to Arjuna - O Arjuna, I am now imparting the same knowledge (which was coming from Krsna) to you because you are My very dear friend and good devotee
- In the Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 5.205) Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami thinks of himself in such a humble way: I am a worse sinner than Jagai and Madhai and am even lower than the worms in the stool
- In the CB it is described that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was so pleased with Vasudeva Datta and so affectionate toward him that He used to say - I am only Vasudeva Datta’s man. My body is only meant to please Vasudeva Datta, and he can sell Me anywhere
- In the forest, She (Srimati Radhika) told Krsna, "My dear Krsna, I am unable to move anymore. Now if You like You can take Me wherever You desire"
- In the Hari-bhakti-sudhodaya (7.28) Dhruva Maharaja said: I came to search out some particles of colored glass, but instead I found a very valuable gem like You. I am satisfied, and I do not desire to ask anything of You
- In the human form of life, one should understand that "Everything belongs to Krsna. So why I am hankering after satisfying my so-called body? Rather, I have got now the senses and the body. Let me serve Krsna." That is intelligence. That is bhakti
- In the human form of life, we should utilize our intelligence that "This constant change of body, how it can be stopped?" And we should remain in our eternal body, because I am eternal
- In the human life it is necessary to question, "What I am? Why I am put into miserable conditions of life? I do not want it, but it is forced upon me. If there is any remedy? What is that remedy?" These questions are very big questions
- In the material world, everyone thinks, I am the best man in this world. I know everything
- In the material world, grha-medhi . . . grha-medhi means those who are entrapped within this universe or within this body, same thing. This is also entrapment, I am within this body
- In the Narayana-vyuha-stava it is said: I do not aspire to take birth as a Brahma if that Brahma is not a devotee of the Lord. I shall be satisfied simply to take birth as an insect if I am given a chance to remain in the house of a devotee
- In the relative world, the word water and the substance water are different. When I am thirsty, if I simply chant "Water, water, water," my thirst will not be satisfied
- In the same Skanda Purana there is a statement about submission and humbleness. It is stated there - I am so greatly sinful and offensive that when I come to confess my sinful activities before You, I am ashamed
- In the Skanda Purana there is a statement by devotees praying to the Lord, "I am praying at Your lotus feet that my mind may become attracted unto You in the same spontaneous way"
- In the Vedas the Lord says: "Since everything is a manifestation of My energy, I am known as Parabrahman. Therefore everyone should hear from Me about My glorious activities"
- In these days they cannot understand that "This material body is a foreign element, and somehow or other I am victimized, I am entrapped within this body." This problem is real problem. But they do not know. And this is called avidya, ignorance
- In this age people want false, I mean to say, designation that, "I am very religious," "I know everything," "I am God." These are false pride. Actual knowledge is that "I am smaller than the straw in the street." That is the instruction of Caitanya
- In this Dvaraka-dhama, I am being attracted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is personified spiritual bliss
- In this material condition, we are serving our whims, kama. Sometimes I become angry and I serve my anger - I beat others. That means I am serving anger. I am serving my lust. I am serving my greediness
- In this way Sanatana Gosvami convinced the jailkeeper, who replied, "Please hear me, my dear sir. I am willing to release you, but I am afraid of the government"
- In this world every one of us, we know that, "Somebody is lower than me, somebody is greater than me and somebody is equal to me." We cannot say that I am or you are absolute. Nobody is absolute
- In two places there were earthen pots filled with another preparation made with yogurt, sandesa (a sweetmeat made with curd) and banana. I am unable to describe it all
- In typhoid fever, solid food is forbidden strictly, but the boy did not know. He asked his younger brother that, "If you steal one parata and if you give me, I am very much hungry." So he became very sympathetic to his brother, and he gave the parata
- In your country also, why this section of people have become hippies? From university student, they have become hippies. Why? Frustration. They know that "What is this life? If I am become educated, then what is my future?" There is no future
- Indeed, He said, "Although I am invited to eat by Advaita Acarya, today also is a fast. So small a quantity of food will not fill even half My belly"
- Indra said, "Kindly give me Your blessings so that I may not act so foolishly again. If You think, my Lord (Krsna), that the offense is very great and cannot be excused, then I appeal to You that I am Your eternal servant"
- Inform Sanatana Gosvami that I am coming to Vrndavana for a second time and that he should therefore arrange a place for Me to stay
- Inspired by Him only, I discover what is already created by Him (Narayana) under His vision as the all-pervading Supersoul, and I also am created by Him only
- Intelligent man, he takes things very intelligently that, - Caitanya Mahaprabhu said jivera svarupa haya nitya krsna dasa (CC Madhya 20.108-109), then why I am falsely thinking that 'I am God. I am not dependent on anyone,' this, that? Let me accept this
- Intelligent means that I have no freedom actually. I am acting under the dictation of my senses. I am servant of my senses. So why not become servant of Krsna? This is intelligent. Everyone is acting under senses, order of the senses
- Is it not? "We trust in God. I promise to pay you. Take this paper now. Not even one cent worth. It is written there hundred dollars." So I am thinking I am very happy: "Now I have got this paper." That's all. Cheaters and cheated. This is going on
- Isvara means controller. We are controller, everyone. Nobody can say that "I am without controller." No, that is not possible. Everyone has got a controller
- It doesn't matter you are a very great swimmer. When you are in the Pacific Ocean, you are in danger. So similarly, when that very man is taken away from the Pacific Ocean and put into the land, then he becomes prasannatma, - Oh, I am saved
- It is also said in Srimad-Bhagavatam that by the acquisition of knowledge, one becomes liberated immediately. That knowledge can be very easily acquired, for it is simple: God is great, and I am very small
- It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss - When everyone is rascal, to become intelligent is rascaldom. Otherwise you say, "I am also a rascal." Then it is all right. If you say, "No, you are rascal," then there is fight
- It is my duty to serve Krsna. I am eternal servant of . . . karyam. Must I do it, must I serve Krsna. That is my position. That is sannyasa
- It is My vow that if one only once seriously surrenders unto Me, saying "My dear Lord, from this day I am Yours," and prays to Me for courage, I shall immediately award courage to that person, and he will always remain safe from that time on
- It is not that "Because I am poor man, I cannot help this movement." No. If you have got... You have got your life. So if you dedicate your life, that is all-perfect. If you cannot dedicate your life, give some money
- It is not that anyone is accepted who comes along and says, "I am an incarnation of God." There are characteristics of God given in the sastras
- It is recorded in Srimad-Bhagavatam that Maharaja Dhruva sought out the Supreme Lord because he wanted to get some land, but when he finally saw Krsna, he said, "I am so pleased, I don't want anything"
- It is similarly difficult for me to make You understand, Ramananda replied. As far as I am concerned, I can only speak what You wish me to
- It is the duty of the government to see that "This man is claiming as a brahmana, whether he is actually executing the duties of brahmana?" That is government's duty. Not that they should simply fight that "I am brahmana," "I am ksatriya"
- It is the ksatriya's duty to see that one is passing as a brahmana, whether he's qualified. Why he should pass? Suppose he says, "I'm medical man." He must be qualified. And if he says, "I am medical man," then he's cheating
- It is very simple philosophy. The rascal will not understand. I am changing my body. You may say growth or . . . but it is changed. I had a childhood body; that body is different from my this present body. It is changed
- It requires little intelligence that, "I am eternal. Why I am in this business, accepting one body and again giving up, giving it up? And there is no guarantee what kind of body I'm going to accept next." There is no guarantee
- Jagadananda Pandita replied, "He who will eat has cooked this. As far as I am concerned, I simply collect the ingredients"
- Jagadananda Pandita therefore gave Sanatana Gosvami the message from the Lord, "I am also coming to Vrndavana; please arrange a place for Me to stay"
- Janasya moho ‘yam aham mameti (SB 5.5.8). Material existence, wherein one thinks, "I am the body, and this belongs to me," is also illusory. One must redirect his attraction to Krsna
- Jesus says, "There is God. I am son of God." That is parampara. Yes. Unfortunately nobody cares to follow Jesus Christ. That I must say. Jesus Christ says, "Thou shall not kill," and Christians are very expert to kill
- Jiva-bhuta means you are thinking that "I am a product of this material world." All scientists, all philosophers, they are the same concept that, I am this body. Beyond this body there is nothing
- Jnani has been eulogized. So even I am not jnani, even I am a needy person, if I take to Krsna and ask Him, that process is also recommended because ultimately, when I shall be purified, I shall know my real nature
- Just before leaving his body a man may say, My dear boy, I am being forced to leave. Please take charge of the family affairs." He speaks in this way, not even knowing his destination
- Just like a foreigner is traveling from one place to another, similarly, I am also changing my body from one body to another, one planet to another. But there is no permanent settlement anywhere in this material world. This is our condition
- Just like a rabbit. Enemy is in his front, and he is going to die, but he thinks, "Let me close my eyes. I am out of danger." This is atheistic view
- Just like father's property is meant for the son's enjoyment. That's a fact. So "If other sons, without any labor, without any endeavor, they can get their food, why I am stealing?" This is knowledge
- Just like I am in distressed condition, puzzled, I take some intoxication. This is called happiness. I remain in the same condition. After my intoxication is over, I come back again into the same condition
- Just like I am talking some nonsense. That is the vaco vegam; it has no value. We should fix something which has value, one who can control. It is better not to talk than to talk foolish
- Just like if I think am millionaire, does it mean I have become millionaire
- Just like if somebody claims that "I am millionaire. I am very rich," a poor man, walking on the street with niggardly dress, if he claims that "I am rich man," will you accept?
- Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he said that, "I am son of God." So he's representative of the Supreme. And similarly, Hazrat Muhammad, he also identified himself as a servant, padat hi bandhah, a servant of the Lord
- Just like Lord Jesus Christ, he told that, "I am the son of God." He's happy. So everyone, you can become similarly happy as soon as you are reinstated in your position
- Just like the Christians. Jesus is guiding them, “Thou shalt not kill,” but they are killing. Where is the Jesus guidance? Simply saying, “I am guided by Jesus Christ” - will that do?
- Just like the same child, crying. "I am now on the lap of my mother,'' it is happy. Similarly, when you come to Krsna consciousness, then you can become happy. Otherwise, go on crying for millions of years on different laps or different bodies
- Just to indicate those pastimes, I am presenting a general survey of the chief pastimes in the form of a synopsis
- Kalakanya continued: O gentle one (King of the Yavanas), I am now present before you to serve you. Please accept me and thus show me mercy. It is a gentleman's greatest duty to be compassionate upon a person who is distressed
- Kalayavana began running very fast, thinking, "Now I am nearer; I will capture Him," but he could not. Krsna led him far away and entered the cave of a hill
- Kalidasa replied, "My dear sir, please bestow your mercy upon me. I have come to see you, although I am very fallen and sinful"
- Kalindi said: "Knowing me to be performing austerities with the desire to touch His feet, He came with His friend Arjuna and accepted my hand. Yet I am but a maidservant engaged in sweeping the floor of the house of Sri Krsna"
- Kaliya continued, "I did not know Your actual position, and out of ignorance I have committed such horrible offenses. Please save me. I am a most unfortunate, foolish creature. Please be merciful to me"
- Kaliya said, "O killer of the Mura demon, I have acquired many mystic powers by my austerity and penances, but before You I am nothing, I am most insignificant. Therefore, please be kind upon a poor soul like me, and don't be angry with me"
- Kamadinam kathidha na kathida palita durni-desah. Even I don't want to do it, something wrong, but my senses are dictating, so "All right, let me do it." So we are... I am servant of the senses
- Kamsa said, "My dear Akrura, actually I have no better friend than you in the Bhoja and Yadu dynasties. You are the most munificent person, so as a friend I am begging charity from you"
- Kamsa told the wrestlers, "They (Krsna and Balarama) are actually two sons of Vasudeva. As you know, I have been destined to be killed by Krsna; there is a prophecy to this effect. Now I am requesting you to arrange for a wrestling match
- Karta means the proprietor or the master. One is not actually master, but under the influence of different modes of material nature he is feeling, "I am master. I am enjoyer. I am bhokta." This is the trouble
- Kesava Bharati replied to the Lord, "You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul. I must do whatever You cause me to do. I am not independent of You"
- King (Maharaja Pariksit) addressed him as follows: "I am surprised that Rukmi and Krsna, who were so greatly inimical to one another, could again be united by marital relationships between their descendants."
- King Jarasandha was very liberal in giving charity to brahmanas, and thus he informed Lord Krsna, Bhima and Arjuna: "My dear brahmanas, you may ask from me whatever you like. If you so desire, you may take my head also. I am prepared to give it"
- King Mucukunda said, "My dear Lord (Krsna), because of my bad deeds in the past I am everlastingly aggrieved. I am always suffering from my desires, but still my senses are never satisfied with material enjoyments"
- King Nimi said, I am just trying to find the path of well-being for all living entities. A moment of association with holy men is the most valuable thing in life, for that moment opens the path of advancement in spiritual life
- King Nrga said, "Although I was in the midst of luxury and opulence and was subject to so much of the happiness and misery of material existence, I am so fortunate to be seeing You (Krsna) personally"
- King Nrga said, "I am very much surprised that I am able to see You (Krsna) personally. I know that I was engaged in so many activities, especially as a king
- King Prataparudra said, "You are very fortunate, for you have been graced by the touch of Srivasa Thakura. I am not so fortunate. You should feel obliged to him"
- King Puranjana inquired from the household women: Kindly let me know the whereabouts of that beautiful woman who always saves me when I am drowning in the ocean of danger. By giving me good intelligence at every step, she always saves me
- King Yudhisthira said: O my lot! I am the most sinful man! Just see my heart, which is full of ignorance! This body, which is ultimately meant for others, has killed many, many phalanxes of men
- Kinkaram, I am Your eternal servant. These things have to be accepted. One has to realize his constitutional position. That is self-realization
- Krodha means anger. So it has also urge. Suppose I am insulted by somebody. Naturally I'll be angry, but if I can control, All right, let me . . . he's a foolish. He has done. Why shall I lose my temper?" that is called controlling krodha-vegam
- Krsna . . . once surrender sincerely, "Krsna, I am Yours," Krsna will never leave him. He will protect you. But if he had become little stronger, then there is no question of falling down
- Krsna advised Arjuna to become a yogi, but Arjuna said that - Krsna, it is not possible for me. Because I am a politician, I am a soldier, I cannot sit down to practice yoga superficially. My mind will be disturbed in political affairs, in state affairs
- Krsna cannot be impersonal. That is nonsense. Krsna is exactly a person like me, you. But the difference is that He's very, very, unlimitedly powerful. I am limited. This is the difference
- Krsna consciousness is the original status of the living entity. Just like a son is conscious always that "I am the son of such-and-such person." This consciousness is natural
- Krsna consciousness movement is meant for reviving that lost consciousness. We have lost this consciousness that, I am the part and parcel of Krsna, the supreme blissful enjoyer, but somehow or other, being complicated within this matter, I am suffering
- Krsna dasa Kaviraja Gosvami, the author of a literature, Caitanya-caritamrta, unique in the world, he said that, I am lower than the worm in the stool
- Krsna is asking to work for Him, giving up everything. That is clear, everyone knows. "Here also I am working very hard, but here I am working hard to be happy, but the viparitani, I am becoming unhappy. So why not work for Krsna?" This is intelligence
- Krsna is assuring Arjuna that, "What I'm talking to you is not a religious sentiment, but it is jsanam." Jsanam means it is practical knowledge. Jsanam. Jsanam means theoretical knowledge, and vijsanam means practical knowledge
- Krsna is Brahman, or spirit, and I am also Brahman, but He's the Supreme Brahman, while I am minute Brahman. So my business is to serve Krsna
- Krsna mentions this bhava stage in the Bhagavad-gita (10.8): I am the source of all spiritual and material worlds. Everything emanates from Me. The wise who know this perfectly engage in My devotional service and worship Me with all their hearts
- Krsna requests, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: (BG 18.66) "Give up all varieties of concocted religion & simply surrender to Me." This is practical religion. Just surrender to Krsna & think - I am a devotee of Krsna, a servant of Krsna
- Krsna says to Arjuna, tatha dehantara-praptir. Tatha: As I have passed through so many bodies, those bodies are no longer existing; but I am still existing. I am remembering
- Krsna says, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66), and we say the same thing: "Give up all other ideas of so-called dharma and surrender to Krsna." The same thing. we don't say of ourselves, - I am the authority
- Krsna says: "I am the proprietor." But they'll not accept it. Krsna says, the real proprietor says that - I am the bhokta. Sarva-loka-mahesvaram
- Krsna went on speaking, "But at least if you utter the name of Balarama, they may prefer to give in charity to a ksatriya rather than to Me, because I am only a vaisya"
- Krsna, He is the enjoyer, He is the proprietor, and He is the real friend. In the Vedic scripture you'll find, He's such a nice friend that I am transmigrating from one body to another, and Krsna is also transmigrating in the same body, Supersoul
- Krsna, the jagad-guru, is teaching that living entity is never born and never dies. So why I am taking birth and I am dying? This much intelligence they haven't got, because they do not take the instruction of the jagad-guru
- Ksetra-jnam capi mam viddhi sarva-ksetresu bharata: O scion of Bharata, you should understand that I am also the knower in all bodies
- Kulasekhara said, "Whether I am elevated to the heavenly platform or remain on this earthly planet or am dispatched to some hellish planet, that does not matter at all to me"
- Kunti prays to Krsna, - I am a woman, and women are generally attached to their families, so kindly cut off my attachment so that I may be thoroughly attached to You. Without You, both families are zero
- Lalita says that "I know Swamiji is very exalted. I am simply afraid... He has so many American disciples. If some of them do something wrong, then that will be very bad thing for him." Lalita was telling me like that. But what can I do?
- Lalitagopi addressed Srimati Radharani, "My dear friend, my inner desires have been polluted. Therefore I shall go to the place of Yamaraja. But I am sorry to see that Krsna has still not given up His smiling over cheating You"
- Let me understand what is that relationship, what is God, what I am. That freedom, that open-heartedness will make it. But if I try to understand as Christian, as Englishman, as Japanese, as Indian, then it will be difficult
- Liberation means to get out of the blazing fire of this material existence. It is simply change of consciousness, that I am thinking in so many ways. But when you think that you are eternal servant of Krsna, that is your real, constitutional position
- Lord Brahma continued, "My Lord, sometimes I am puzzled as to how Your Lordship will be able to repay, in gratitude, the devotional service of these residents of Vrndavana"
- Lord Brahma praised Kardama Muni's nine daughters, saying: All your thin-waisted daughters are certainly very chaste. I am sure they will increase this creation by their own descendants in various ways
- Lord Brahma said, 'If someone says that he knows everything about Krsna's opulence, let him think that way. But as far as I am concerned, with my body and mind I consider it in this way'
- Lord Brahma says, "O infallible one! I am born in the modes of passion, and therefore I have been falsely proud of being the creator of this material world. My false pride was just like dense darkness, and in this darkness I had become blind"
- Lord Brahma, was asked by Hiranyakasipu to make him immortal. He was undergoing severe penances to become immortal. So Lord Brahma immediately said, - I am not immortal. How can I give you the benediction of immortality? That is not possible
- Lord Caitanya said to Ramananda Raya: By the greatness of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya My mind has become clear, and I am now trying to understand the nature of devotional service to Lord Krsna
- Lord Caitanya said to Ramananda: Srimati Radharani does not touch anyone but Krsna; therefore She has influenced Me with Her complexion, mind and words. In this way I am just trying to understand the transcendental flavor of Her relationship with Krsna
- Lord Caitanya said: My dear Ramananda, I am not a different person with a fair complexion known as Gaurapurusa. I am the selfsame Krsna the son of Maharaja Nanda, and due to contact with the body of Srimati Radharani I have now assumed this form
- Lord Siva said, "As far as I am concerned, I act as Your (Krsna's) ego"
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Please speak on. I am very happy to hear you because a river of unprecedented nectar is flowing from your mouth"
- Lord told the brahmana: Formerly I was the son of mother Yasoda. At that time also you became a guest in the house of Nanda Maharaja, & I disturbed you in this way. I am very much pleased by your devotion. Therefore I am eating the food you have prepared
- Lying in bed uncomfortably taking bitter medicine, and unable to move! Yet despite all these inconveniences he says, "I am well." Similarly, in our material conception of life, if we think, "I am happy," that is foolishness
- Ma grdhah kasya svid dhanam. Be satisfied what God has given you. This is pandita. Not that making plan, "I am big lawyer, making plan how to grab others' money." That is not pandita
- Maharaj Pariksit inquires from Sukadeva Gosvami, "I am astonished that Vrtrasura has become such a devotee"
- Maharaja Kulasekhara, a great devotee, prays, "My dear Lord, may I die immediately now that I'm healthy so that the swan of my mind may enter into the stem of Thy lotus feet." BG 1972 purports
- Maharaja Pariksit said: O most powerful brahmana, why was this place so empowered, and who made it so powerful? Kindly answer this question, for I am very eager to hear about this
- Maharaja Pariksit said: Sukracarya was a very powerful brahmana, and Maharaja Yayati was a ksatriya. Therefore I am curious to know how there occurred this pratiloma marriage between a ksatriya and a brahmana
- Maharaja Prataparudra continued, "If Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is determined not to see me, then I am determined to give up my life if I do not see Him"
- Manisinah - this word is very significant. Manisi means thoughtful. Unless one is thoughtful, he cannot understand that he is not this body. But if one is a little thoughtful he can understand, - Oh, I am not this body. I am consciousness
- Manusyanam sahasresu kascid yatati siddhaye (BG 7.3). Out of many millions and millions of persons, one is intelligent enough, he can inquire "Why I am suffering?" Everyone is suffering. That's a fact. Only the rascals, they think, We're enjoying
- Material consciousness has two psychic divisions. One is that I am the creator, and the other is that I am the enjoyer. But actually the Supreme Lord is both the creator and the enjoyer. BG 1972 Introduction
- Material thought means these fruitive activities. "I shall work very hard, and I shall get so much wealth, and for this purpose I can go to church & temple. If God gives me millions of dollars, then I am ready to go." Real purpose is sense gratification
- Matsarata means envious. I am envious of you, you are envious of me. This is material life. Therefore in the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that this Krsna consciousness is not for the people who are envious
- Maya is so strong that after being kicked so many lives, life after life, still he is thinking, "I am purusa. I am enjoyer." This is the disease
- Maya is so strong, because we are qualitatively one (with God), we are thinking we are the Supreme Brahman. That is another nonsense. "Because I am salty, therefore I am the sea water." This is not very good logic. A part cannot be equal to the whole
- Meditation means to attempt to understand oneself, "What I am." That is real meditation
- Men have now got the mistaken idea to make a permanent settlement in this madhouse! Just like the hog is eating stool and he is thinking, Oh, I am enjoying like anything
- Mind is so uncontrollable, just like madman. Mind's business is like that. Immediately I am accepting something, and again rejecting. Everyone has got this experience
- Mira challenged that "I came to Vrndavana. I know that only Krsna is purusa here, and everyone is woman. So how does it mean that Rupa Gosvami's declined to see another woman?" So Rupa Gosvami agreed, "Yes, I am mistaken"
- Misconception of life is that "I am this matter." This is ahankara, false ahankara. But I am actually not this matter; I am spirit soul. Therefore pure ahankara is aham brahmasmi, a spirit soul. That is the beginning of understanding
- Mother Ganges replied: When I fall from the sky to the surface of the planet earth, the water will certainly be very forceful. Who will sustain that force? If I am not sustained, I shall pierce the surface of the earth and go down to Rasatala
- Mother Parvati spoke to Citraketu exactly like a mother who says to her naughty child, "My dear child, I am punishing you so that you won't do anything like this again
- Mother Yasoda began to argue within herself, I am an insignificant woman with no connection with the demigods. Why should they take the trouble to put me into devamaya? That also is not possible
- Mother Yasoda began to argue within herself, I am not sleeping, nor am I dreaming. Then maybe this is an illusion created by devamaya. But that is also not possible. What business would the demigods have showing such things to me?
- Mother Yasoda considered whether the vision might be due to bewilderment: "I am fit in health; I am not diseased. Why should there be any bewilderment? It is not possible that my brain is deranged, since I am ordinarily quite fit to think
- Mother Yasoda said, "I see that the child (Krsna) is very fearless, but in spite of His fearlessness, I am becoming more and more afraid of His falling into some danger"
- Mucukunda said, "Somehow or other I am, by Your (Krsna's) grace, now in a peaceful condition because I have taken shelter of Your lotus feet, which are always free from all lamentation, fear and death"
- Mukunda replied, "Raghunandana is my father, and I am his son. This is my decision"
- Murari Gupta then replied, I am Your servant and Your order-carrier. I have no independent existence
- My attraction for family is not for their benefit. By my sense gratification the family members help me, therefore I am attracted. The wife gives me pleasure; therefore I like wife. The wife also likes husband because husband gives pleasure
- My childhood body, my babyhood body is finished. It is no longer existing. So how I am existing? Therefore his statement that body is finished and the soul is finished is wrong. We see practically. The body is finished, the soul is existing
- My dear bumblebee, you are a very cunning friend of Uddhava and Krsna. You are very expert in touching people’s feet, but I am not going to be misled by this
- My dear Dhruva, as far as I (Suniti) am concerned, I do not find anyone who can mitigate your distress but the Supreme Personality of Godhead, whose eyes are like lotus petals
- My dear friends, you are all My intimate friends. Now I am begging a favor of you. Please give it to Me
- My dear Lord (Narada Muni), the hunter replied. My name is Mrgari, enemy of animals. I am following the teachings of my father who taught me to half-kill animals and leave them flopping about. When a half-dead animals suffers, I take great pleasure in it
- My dear Lord - Prahlada began - I am not very anxious for my own deliverance. At this point we may contrast this attitude with that of the Mayavadi philosophers who are very careful that their personal salvation is never interrupted
- My dear Lord Nityananda, You are always joyful, in spiritual bliss, and You appear always very happy. So I have come to You because I am most unhappy. So if You kindly put Your glance over me, then I may also become happy
- My dear Lord, although You bestow such mercy upon the fallen, conditioned souls by liberally teaching Your holy names, I am so unfortunate that I commit offenses while chanting the holy name, and therefore I do not achieve attachment for chanting
- My dear Lord, because of Your separation My (Srimati Radharani) mind has become overly agitated. Now tell Me, what can I do? I am very poor and You are very merciful, so kindly have compassion upon Me and let Me know when I shall see You
- My dear Lord, he (Dhruva Maharaja) said, "I am fully satisfied. I do not ask for any benediction for material sense gratification"
- My Dear Lord, I am not afraid of this your fierceful feature, but I am afraid of the repeated cycle of birth and death in the material existence
- My dear Lord, I am not thinking to become happy by getting the daughter as a bride. I am simply thinking that the brahmana has broken his promise, and that is giving me great pain
- My dear Lord, I am Your eternal servant, but somehow or other I have fallen into the ocean of this material world. Kindly pick me up and fix me as a speck of dust at Your lotus feet
- My dear Lord, I do not possess even a trace of love for Your lotus feet. If I did, how could I have gone to another country? I am therefore a most sinful man
- My dear mother, Devahuti! O emblem of peace! My weapon, the disc of time, never vanquishes those for whom I am very dear - for whom I am the Supersoul, son, friend, spiritual master, well-wisher, worshipable Deity and desired goal
- My dear Sir, mother Sita is the mother of the universe and the supreme goddess of fortune. She has been touched by the demon Ravana, and I am troubled upon hearing this news
- My dear son, I am not yet satisfied in my sexual desires. But if you are kind to me, you can take the old age given by your maternal grandfather, and I may take your youth so that I may enjoy life for a few years more
- My father's eldest brother, he inquired, "Is your mother dead?" I consider like that. No, no . . . "So I am also dead." He died later on
- My Guru Maharaja never took mango throughout his whole life. Whenever mango was offered, he would say, "Oh, I am a offender. I cannot take that"
- My Guru Maharaja ordered me to read; therefore I am reading. But actually I cannot read. So frankly I admit. This is staunch faith in spiritual master
- My lord, do not make the wife of Dronacarya cry like me. I am aggrieved for the death of my sons. She need not cry constantly like me
- My Lord, please do not touch me. I am most abominable and am not fit for You to touch because my body is sinful
- My Lord, You are always affectionate to Your devotees. I am just an imitation devotee, but nevertheless I wish that You fulfill my desire. That is my expectation
- My mentality will create another gross body. If I am dog mentality, then I'll create another body, dog's body. And if I am God mentality, then I'll create another body like God. This is the process
- My original characteristic is to serve, but I am misplacing my service to somewhere else. Therefore it is said, dharmah projjhita-kaitavah atra. Kaitavah means cheating. So everyone is serving his senses, but he is thinking that he is master
- My position is very precarious. This morning, one man came to challenge me that how I am converting these mlecchas and yavanas to Vaisnava
- My sense says, "Please take me to the cinema," the eyes. I immediately go and stand there three hours for the ticket. You see? So I am ruled by the senses
- My spiritual master, he would never say that "I am going," "I am doing," no. "If Krsna desires, then I shall do it." "If Krsna desires, then I shall go." Like that. Always depending on Krsna. This is called visuddhatma
- Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). This is the authoritative statement, that I am not annihilated on account of my body being annihilated
- Nakula began lamenting: "O, all auspiciousness to Krsna! I am so surprised to see that the condemned descendants of the Kurus, who so unlawfully occupied the throne of the Kuru kingdom, are at the same time criticizing Krsna with diplomatic devices"
- Nanda said, "And above all, I have a son like Krsna, who is such a powerful, wonderful worker. Therefore, even though I am a householder, I am feeling so satisfied!" This is an instance of mental endurance resulting from the absence of all distress
- Narada advised him that "You have written so many books: Puranas, Vedas, Vedanta." But Vyasadeva said, "Still I am not feeling very satisfied." So Narada Muni advised that, You are not feeling satisfied because you have not described about the Supreme PG
- Narada Muni said, "My dear Lord (Krsna), I am therefore sure that the day after tomorrow I shall see demons like Canura, Mustika and the other wrestlers and elephants, as well as Kamsa himself, killed by You. I shall see this with my own eyes"
- Narada Muni said, 'I do not want any of the skins. I am asking only one thing from you in charity'
- Narada spoke as follows: "Your (Krsna's) transcendental position is always inconceivable to everyone. As far as I am concerned, I can simply offer my respectful obeisances unto You again and again"
- Narayana-parah sarve na kutascana bibhyati(SB 6.17.28). This is the sign of pure devotee. Others, they are afraid of the fierceful appearance of Narasimha-deva, but Prahlada Maharaja says that, "I am not afraid." He was a child of five years old
- Narottama dasa Thakura has sung, "When I am eager to understand the literature given by the Gosvamis, then I shall be able to understand the transcendental loving affairs of Radha and Krsna"
- Narottama dasa Thakura has sung: "I am suffering from the poisonous effect of material enjoyment. Thus my heart is always burning and is almost on the verge of failure"
- Narottama dasa Thakura says, ei chaya gosani yanra, mui tanra dasa: I am the servant of the Six Gosvamis
- Naturally a child, he thinks, "I am safe now with my mother." But the Kali-yuga is so cruel that even with mother you are not safe. And still you say it is a place of happiness? This is called illusion. It is not place
- Nature is so strong that you must die. "I am very strong." You may be very strong, that's all right. There is a, I mean to say, joking story that one man thought how to avoid death
- Nityananda Prabhu continued, "You are such a monist! And now I am eating beside You. I do not know how My mind will be affected in this way"
- Nityananda Prabhu replied, "O Lord, You are the life, and I am the body. There is no difference between the body and life itself, but life is more important than the body"
- No enviousness. Why I shall be envious? If somebody is eating very nicely, and I am not eating nicely, why I shall be envious? We should be satisfied. Krsna has given him
- No one can see how far the tree (this banyan tree) extends, nor can one see the beginning of this tree. Yet one has to find out the cause. "I am the son of my father, my father is the son of such and such a person, etc." BG 1972 purports
- No one individual can say, "I am the supreme. No one is above me." Nor can anyone say, - I am the most inferior. No one is below me
- No Vaisnava will claim to be one of the eight Gopis because that will tinge one with Mayavadi philosophy. If somebody says "I am Krishna." or "I am Radha." or "I am one of the eight Gopis." that is against Krishna philosophy
- Nobody can be independent. We are dependent. And this is called knowledge. When you come to the sense, that "I am dependent; I am not independent," this is called knowledge
- Nobody can claim that "I am the only rich," or "Nobody is richer than me." That is not possible. But if you find somebody who is the richest - nobody is richer than him - then he is God
- Nobody can say that "Because I am poor, I cannot serve God." No. God can be served both by the poor and the rich without any difficulty, because it is not material affair
- Nobody can say that "I am completely happy and peaceful." No, that is not possible. The material world is made in such a way that you cannot feel happy. That is not possible
- Nobody can say that, "I am not controlled." Everyone is controlled. That is a fact
- Nobody is thinking that "I am increasing the requisites of the body, but I am not this body; I am soul. What is the requisition of the soul?" they have forgotten. Real interest they have forgotten
- Nobody's satisfied. There is always disruption. In this moment, I am your friend. Next moment, I am your enemy. This moment, I am your husband or wife. Next moment, no. "Don't see my face. I'll not see your face." Divorce. So these things are going on
- Not that "When there is problem I am surrendered, and when there is no problem I am independent." No. Always surrendered. That is Arjuna's position
- Not that anyone will come: "I am a sadhu." No. We must know by the characteristic of sadhu. That has been described
- Not that because He (Krsna) will give me something more than expectation I am giving service. That mentality is not good
- Not that I am going to a class and, weekly or twice weekly attending yoga class, and I remain the same thing for the so many years. No. There should be practical realization
- Not that I am simply controller, but I am controlled by higher authority. So therefore I am not supreme controller
- Now all of you, or all of us, we are working. Nobody can say that "I am not working" or "I am independent." Everyone is working. But they are working for their sense gratification
- Now I am being killed," she said, "under the protection of an unworthy husband, who is a coward and a eunuch although he thinks himself a great hero
- Now I am engaged in Krsna's service. Krsna actually He'll be merciful upon me. He'll deliver me from this miserable condition of material life
- Now my (Maharaja Kulasekhara's) mind is undisturbed, and I am quite healthy. If I die immediately, thinking of Your lotus feet, then I am sure that my performance of Your devotional service will become perfect
- Now that attachment has become a natural sequence between Ourselves. It is not that it is due to Krsna, the enjoyer, nor is it due to Me, for I am the enjoyed. It is not like that. This attachment was made possible by mutual meeting
- Now that I have brought him here, I am asking him to leave. Now he can go wherever he likes, for I am no longer responsible for him
- Now this same sound vibration has entered my ears, and I am always feeling the presence of the Supreme Personality. Gradually I am becoming bereft of all attachment for material enjoyment
- Now you can say that "Arjuna was a fighter, and there was great need of the Kuruksetra fighting, so he satisfied Krsna, but I am a poor man, I am not Ksatriya, not (indistinct)." That doesn't matter
- Now, how one can become guru and representative of Krsna? Everyone will say, "I am a representative of Krsna. I am guru." No. That is enunciated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says: "You just become guru on My order"
- Now, I purchased this for one dollar. Oh, I am getting demand. I must charge five hundred times." No. That is irreligious
- Now, say, I'll live eighty years. Now I am seventy-one. So after nine years I'll have to change this body. Sure. There is nobody can, by scientific process, can stay here. No. That is not allowed. You have to change your body
- Now, taking it for granted that I am doing all pious work. That's all right. And I am getting my birth in a very rich family or very pure family, just like brahmana family or something like that
- Now, what do you consider the dearmost thing? Have you analyzed? You yourself are the dearmost thing. I am sitting here, but if there is a fire alarm I shall at once take care of myself: How can I save myself
- Nowadays, mothers do not supply milk. That is also to be supplied by the cow. So from the very beginning of my life I am subsisting by the foodstuff given by mother, cow, and when I am grown up, I kill. This is my gratitude. Just see
- Nrsimha-deva wanted to give him benediction, blessings, "Whatever you like." He refused, he said "I'm not a mercantile devotee that I'll get some benefit from You, but first benediction I want that let me engage in service of Your servant, Narada Muni"
- O best of the brahmanas, without saintly persons for whom I am the only destination, I do not desire to enjoy My transcendental bliss and My supreme opulences
- O best of the virtuous (Maitreya Rsi), the original king of kings (Manu) was a great devotee of the Personality of Godhead Hari, and thus it is worth hearing of his sublime character and activities. Please describe them. I (Vidura) am very eager to hear
- O King, overlooking my offenses, you have saved my life. Thus I am very much obliged to you because you are so merciful
- O Lord of lords (Krsna), O refuge of the worlds, please be gracious to me (Arjuna). I cannot keep my balance seeing thus Your blazing deathlike faces and awful teeth. In all directions I am bewildered
- O mighty-armed one (Krsna), all the planets with their demigods are disturbed at seeing Your great form, with its many faces, eyes, arms, thighs, legs, and bellies and Your many terrible teeth; and as they are disturbed, so am I (Arjuna)
- O my beloved friend Vrnda, where are you coming from? "I am coming from the feet of Sri Hari." "Where is He?" "In the forest on the bank of Radha-kunda." "What is He doing there?" "He is learning dancing." "Who is His master?"
- O my dear wife with beautiful eyebrows, I am exactly like that he-goat, for I am so poor in intelligence that I am captivated by your beauty and have forgotten the real task of self-realization
- O my Lord Krsna, I could not reach You, nor could I reach Your abode, Mathura. I am dying in my unhappiness, and now this rascal has come to give me more pain
- O My Lord, O Krsna, son of Maharaja Nanda, I am Your eternal servant, but because of My own fruitive acts I have fallen into this horrible ocean of nescience. Now please be causelessly merciful to Me. Consider Me a particle of dust at Your lotus feet
- O supreme protector, O supreme soul! O supreme controller! Kindly give me Your protection. I am so much embarrassed - This statement by Mucukunda is an instance of humility resulting from a severely miserable condition of material existence
- O woman with beautiful raised breasts, I (Agnidhra) am your (Purvacitti's) follower. You may take me wherever you like, and your friends may also follow me
- Of horses know Me to be Uccaihsrava, produced during the churning of the ocean for nectar. Of lordly elephants I am Airavata, and among men I am the monarch
- Offering his obeisances to Gopinatha Acarya, the Bhattacarya said, "Because I am related to you and you are a devotee, by your mercy the Lord has shown mercy to me"
- Often when a man is distressed, he will go to church and pray, "Oh my Lord, I am in difficulty. Please help me." Although he is praying for some material necessity, such a man is still to be considered pious because he has come to God in his distress
- Old age and disease. But the real science is that "I am the soul. I am the part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. So Supreme Lord, God, is eternal. I am also eternal."
- On the one hand we realize that all our perceptions and activities are conditioned by arrangements of material nature, yet we also ordinarily feel and say, "I am perceiving" or "I am doing
- On the top stage there is no such thing as demon and devotee. The top stage, the devotee sees, "Everyone is engaged in Krsna's service. Simply I am not engaged." This is topmost devotee's vision, that, I am lacking Krsna's devotion
- On this very night I would have killed you and taken your coins. It is very good that you have voluntarily offered them to me. I am now relieved from such a sinful activity
- Once the boy and girl unite intimately the hard knot is formed, and the girl is thinking Oh, without him I am lost, and the boy is thinking Oh, without her I am lost, that is Maya's arrangement for keeping us bound-up tightly in the material atmosphere
- One aged devotee of Krsna addressed Him in this way: "Dear Krsna, O killer of the demon Agha, my body is now invalid due to old age. I cannot speak very fluently, my voice is faltering, my mind is not strong, and I am often attacked with forgetfulness"
- One animal is being slaughtered; the other animal is seeing. Because he has no knowledge, the next turn is he . . . being slaughtered, but he is chewing some grass. He is thinking that, I am happy. Next moment it will be slaughtered, but he does not know
- One bird is eating the fruit of the tree, and the other bird is witnessing. That witnessing bird is Krsna, and the eating bird is myself. I am eating, I am enjoying the fruits of my work in this material world, and Krsna is simply observing
- One can please the spiritual master simply by surrendering to him and rendering service, saying, - Sir, I am your most obedient servant. Please accept me and give me instructions
- One can simply sweep over the floor of Krsna's temple. That will make him remembering Krsna, that "I am cleansing the floor of Krsna's temple." He's as good as the editor of Back to Godhead
- One devotee boldly said, "My dear Lord, now I am turning my face from any thought of association with young girls. As far as Brahman realization is concerned, I have lost all interest, because I am completely absorbed in thinking about You
- One devotee said, "I am nicely educated, but my education has simply been used in government service. I have not considered formidable time, stronger than anything else, which creates and annihilates everything"
- One devotee said, "My dear Govinda, here is a nice flowery bush in Kailasa. I am a young girl, and You are a young poetic boy. After this, what more can I say? You just consider." This is an example of uparasa, caused by impudence in conjugal love
- One has to find out the cause. "I am the son of my father, my father is the son of such and such a person, etc." By searching in this way, one comes to Brahma, who is generated by the Garbhodakasayi Visnu. BG 1972 purports
- One has to learn the philosophy of life from the person superior, spiritual master. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). Do not remain puffed-up, that "I am all-learned, I know everything." That is false
- One householder devotee once said, "My Lord (Krsna), I am so wretched that these two eyes are never desiring to see the glorious city of Mathura. Therefore, my eyes are actually condemned"
- One is immediately freed from the clutches of maya if he seriously and sincerely says, 'My dear Krsna, although I have forgotten You for so many long years in the material world, today I am surrendering unto You. I am Your sincere and serious servant'
- One is indulging in intoxication. He may say that "I am very pure." But how one can become pure, he's addicted to intoxicants?
- One man is kicking on your face, and you are saying: "Yes, in future, when I shall become strong, I shall kick him." But you are, my dear sir, being kicked now. What you are doing now? "Yes, I'm getting strength by your kicking"
- One may accumulate a large bank balance or an expensive home, a wife, children, and so many amenities, and he may think, "I am living very peacefully," but at any day he may be told - Please get out
- One may think, - I am illiterate and have no education. I was not born in a very high family. How can I become a guru
- One must be intelligent enough to see God. Now, this bird I do not see, but I am hearing the sound. So one must know there is a nice bird. Because the varnasrama-dharma is lacking, nobody is being educated as a brahmana. They have lost all knowledge
- One of our Godbrothers, he's thinking that "This institution was started by me and Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati as partners. Now the senior partner is dead. Therefore I am the sole proprietor. Who are these Godbrothers? Let them go away." So this is maya
- One should always think oneself dependent on Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness. One should always think, - Without Krsna my life is useless, and I am in danger
- One should be conscious of his precarious position, that "I am eternal, but I am encaged in a temporary body which will not exist. However I may try to make it youthful by so many arrangement, but no..." The science cannot give you permanent life
- One should be very much enthused, "Oh, I am going to Krsna, in the spiritual world." How much enthusiasm you should feel. So that is utsahat
- One should not try to be an artificially advanced devotee, thinking "I am a first-class devotee, so it is best not to accept any disciples." Such thinking should be avoided
- One who can see that "I am acting in this way, there is no reaction," that is inaction. And one who sees that "I am doing this, but there is reaction," that is action. So it requires little intelligence to see how it is action or inaction
- One who has got this sense, that "I am serving maya. I am serving illusion. So Krsna is demanding from me service; why not serve Krsna?" this is intelligence
- One who has sufficiently developed consciousness, who is intelligent, inquires why he is suffering. "I do not want miseries. Why am I suffering?" When this question arises, there is chance for becoming Krsna conscious
- One who is intelligent, he should try to understand that "What kind of body am I going to get next?" That is intelligence. So that is also explained in the Bhagavad-gita, what kind of body you can get
- One who remains a great fool number one before his guru, he is guru. And one who says that "I'm advanced so much that I can speak better than my guru," then he's rascal. This is the process
- One who thinks that "I am God," he is a dog. And one who thinks, "I am servant, God's servant's servant's servant, million times servant's servant," he is liberated. This is the process
- One whose body is fully surrendered takes shelter at the holy place where Krsna had His pastimes, and he prays to the Lord, "My Lord, I am Yours." Understanding this with his mind, he enjoys spiritual bliss
- One's land, home, wealth and all of one's possessions belong to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although we wrongly think, I am this and These things are mine
- One's material life begun from this conception, that "I am purusa. I am enjoyer." And because he cannot give up this idea that "I am enjoyer," life after life he is viparyayah, reverse condition
- Only because of illusion do we wrongly think, "I am existing" or "Everything belongs to me." Thus mother Yasoda completely surrendered unto the Supreme Lord
- Only due to ignorance does a person think, "I am a demigod," "I am a human being," "I am a dog," "I am a cat," or, when the ignorance is still further advanced - I am God
- Only the drinking water remained, and there was only enough to satisfy one person, but when the King was just about to drink it, a candala appeared and said, "O King, although I am lowborn, kindly give me some drinking water"
- Our constitutional position is like that. If we do not serve God, we do not agree... We are servant of God, but if we deny that "No, I am not servant," so that means I become servant of maya. Servant I'll have to remain. That is my constitutional position
- Our death condition is for seven months only. As soon as I leave this body, at once I am injected into other's mother's body according to my karma
- Our difficulty is that when we want to convince another person about Krsna consciousness, he thinks that "I am Hindu, I am Christian, I am Mohammedan, so they are trying to proselytize me"
- Our Guru Maharaja, when we offered obeisances, he used to return me, daso 'smi: "I am your servant"
- Our miserable conditions are caused by our thinking that "I am the proprietor. I am the owner. I am the enjoyer." One becomes to owner, proprietor, because he wants to enjoy. So this is our disease. Actually, we are servant of Krsna
- Our own business is that we should know that, "I am not this dream. I am fact, spiritual fact. So I have got a different business." That is called spiritual life
- Our prayer should be, "Dear Lord, You are so great that I want to engage in Your service. I have been serving all these rascals, and I am not satisfied. Now I have come to You, please engage me in Your service." This is the last word in prayer
- Our senses are imperfect, and with all this paraphernalia, when we want to teach, that is not teaching; that is cheating. Because I am imperfect, how can I be teacher? That is not possible
- Our whole trouble of life, this material existence, it is, according to Vedic literature, this is our condemned life, material, because I am put into a different atmosphere, this body, which I am not
- Over and above this, within my heart I consider You to be Krsna, and I am therefore very eager to serve You
- Pariksit Maharaja questioned to Sukadeva Gosvami, "What is my duty? Now I am going to die within seven days, what is my duty?" So he inquired about Krsna
- Pariksit Maharaja, he did not go to the temple. He sat on the bank of the Ganges, and he was very serious because he knew that "I am going to die within seven days. Let me finish as soon as possible simply hearing of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Pariksit said: "Now I am quite fit. I am not at all disturbed by my hunger and thirst." This indicates that although on the material platform there are disturbances from hunger & thirst, on the spiritual platform there is no such thing as fatigue
- Pariksit said: My lord, Sukadeva Gosvami, you have elaborately described all the periods of the various Manus &, within those periods, the wonderful activities of the S. P. G, who has unlimited potency. I am fortunate to have heard all of this from you
- Patri said to Krsna: "I am suffering from Your separation, which is more severe than the hunger of Aghasura, the poison of Lake Kaliya and the burning of the forest fire. So why should You not protect me from the pangs of separation?"
- People are being educated, but they are all rascals because they have not this simple knowledge that ajah sasvato 'yam, "I am aja." How it is aja, proof? Yes, there is proof
- People are very against us: "No, I am a scholar. I am a philosopher. I can interpret in any way." We say, "No, sir, you cannot do that." This is our propaganda. Veda-pranihito dharmah
- People do not understand, and they read Bhagavad-gita daily. And they are very much proud: "I am reading Bhagavad-gita daily." If anyone actually reads Bhagavad-gita, then he will be Krsna conscious
- People search out that, "I have got some material disease, and if somebody can cure, some saintly person, then he's guru or he's Bhagavan. I am poor. If he can give me some money, then he's guru." No. The sastra does not say like that
- Persons conducted by such a conception of life (the conception that "I am everything") can never get liberation from material bondage
- Phalgu-vairagya means that I am giving up, renouncing everything, superficially, but within me there is a desire how to become God. I am giving up, but I cannot give up this desire
- Please do not be hesitant. I am your servant, and when I serve you my heart becomes jubilant
- Prahlada Maharaja regrets, "I am thinking of these rascals, fools." Maya-sukhaya: "For maya-sukha," means this false or illusory happiness, - they are making some huge, gorgeous arrangement
- Prahlada Maharaja said, My Lord, I do have a problem, however, for I am simply thinking of these rascals & fools who are busy with maya-sukha, temporary happiness, without knowledge of devotional service unto You. This is the problem faced by a Vaisnava
- Prahlada Maharaja said: I am certain that wherever I go, I can glorify Your (God's) heroic activities and be saved
- Prahlada Maharaja said: There is no question of my falling down, but I am simply anxious for those who have created a type of civilization in which they are always busy working hard. I am thinking of them
- Prahlada Maharaja, five-years-old boy, he was chanting Hare Krsna. His father did not like. "Why you are chanting Hare Krsna?" "Because Krsna is the Supreme Lord." - Krsna is Supreme Lord? I am Supreme Lord. You do not do this
- Prahlada Maharaja, humbly submitting, because he is Vaisnava, that "What is my position? My position is that I am born of rajas-tamo-guna." This birth takes place according to quality we acquire
- Prahlada Maharaja, when he was ordered by the Lord to take some benediction, he said that "I am not a merchant, Sir, that by giving You some service I'll take some return. Please excuse me." Nrsimha-deva was very much satisfied: "Here is a pure devotee"
- Prahlada Maharaja, while praying to Lord Nrsimha, said, O my Lord, I am very much afraid of the materialistic way of life, and I am not the least afraid of Your present ghastly ferocious feature as Nrsimhadeva
- Prahlada prayed to Nrsimhadeva, "My dear Lord of the universe, I am feeling transcendental pleasure in Your presence and have become merged in the ocean of happiness"
- Prahlada said, "I am not proud of being able to offer prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. I simply take shelter of the mercy of the Lord, for without devotion one cannot appease Him"
- Prakasananda replied, "You (Caitanya) are much greater than I am; therefore all my spiritual achievements have been lost because I have blasphemed You"
- Prasannatma means he becomes immediately enlivened: I don't belong to this. Why I am identifying myself with these miseries of material world? I belong to the part and parcel of the Supreme, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (Bs. 5.1), eternal, blissful knowledge
- Preach this truth to the world, that "You are all rascals. Why you are thinking independently?" Huh? "Why I am rascal?" "Because you are thinking independently. That is the proof that you are a rascal"
- Pure consciousness, Krsna consciousness. He knows that "I am part and parcel of Krsna." That is pure consciousness
- Pure devotional service means anyabhilasita-sunyam: no other desire, no duplicity, pure - "I am servant of Krsna, and it is my duty to serve Krsna," not I am serving Krsna with a motive
- Puru thought - I should have accepted my father's proposal before he asked, but I did not. Therefore I am not a first-class son. I am second class. But I do not wish to become the lowest type of son, who is compared to his father's stool
- Radharani said, "My dear friend, now I have met My very old and dear friend Krsna on this field of Kuruksetra. I am the same Radharani, and now We are meeting together"
- Radharani tells Her friend, "I am now unable to see Him, it would be good for Me to be a blind woman." This is another instance of disappointment due to separation from Krsna
- Ramadasa replied, "I am a sudra, a fallen soul. To serve a brahmana is my duty and religious principle"
- Ramananda Raya then told Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, "At first I saw You appear like a sannyasi, but now I am seeing You as Syamasundara, the cowherd boy"
- Rambha was asked, "My dear Rambha, who are you?" She answered, "I am peace personified." Question: "Then why are you in the sky?" Answer: "I am in the sky to experience the supreme absolute truth
- Real education is brahma-jijnasa, athato brahma jijnasa. That is real education. What I am, that is brahma-jijnasa. Aham brahmasmi. When he comes to the conclusion that he is not this body, he is spirit soul, that is real education
- Real ego is "I am servant of Krsna." So there is no necessity of giving up egotism or egoism, but it must be real. At the present moment we are falsely thinking, "I am this body," every one of us. There is no argument
- Real fact is that I am spiritual particle, and the whole spirit is Krsna, or God. Therefore, as part and parcel of God, it is my duty to serve God. That is spiritual life, bhakti-yoga
- Real knowledge is understanding "what I am." Unless we come to the point of understanding what we are, we cannot attain real knowledge
- Real religious system is to understand that God is great; I am His servant. I am supported by Him; it is my duty to serve Him. This is religion. This is called bhagavata-dharma
- Real self-interest is that - I am spirit soul. I am son of God. My father is very, very rich, opulent. I have given up my father's association and therefore I am suffering
- Real value is to understand atma-tattvam, "What I am? Why death is imposed upon me? I do not wish to die
- Regulative principles are meant for everyone, all varnas and asramas. Not that "I am now sannyasi. I have got the highest platform. Therefore regulative principles is not meant for me. It is for the kanistha..." This is rascaldom
- Religion does not mean that you stamp some stereotype religion, "I am Christian," "I am Hindu," "I am Muslim," "I am Buddhist," and then fight. That is not religion. That is fanaticism. Religion means how one has become devoted to God
- Rsabhadeva says that this human form of life is not meant for working so hard like cats and dogs. That is not recommended. Ayam deha. But the material world, people are so enchanted that working day and night they think I am enjoying
- Rules of hatha-yoga are not followed. Simply they have got some bodily gymnastic sitting posture. They are thinking, "I am practicing." No. That is one of the items. So all the items cannot be observed in this age. Therefore it is wasting
- Rupa Gosvami said, "As far as philosophical knowledge or pious words are concerned, I don't see any opportunity for me to execute such activities. But above all, I am not even born of a nice family"
- "So 'ham" does not mean "I am God." I am God-ly - I am part and parcel of God
- Sacrifice means my senses dictate that "You enjoy," but I am not enjoying. I am not enjoying. This is sacrifice
- Saibya said, "I am sterile and have no co-wife. How can this girl be my daughter-in-law? Please tell me." Jyamagha replied, "My dear Queen, I shall see that you indeed have a son and that this girl will be your daughter-in-law"
- Sakuntala said: I am the daughter of Visvamitra. My mother, Menaka, left me in the forest. O hero (Maharaja Dusmanta), the most powerful saint Kanva Muni knows all about this. Now let me know, how may I serve you?
- Sama-duhkha-sukhah, this material happiness and distress. Because I am not this material body, if I am actually convinced, so the pains and pleasure of this material world is due to this body
- Sanatana composed: I am poor in love of Godhead, and I have no asset for hearing about devotional service. Nor do I have any understanding of the science of devotional service, nor any cultivation of knowledge, nor any righteous activities to my credit
- Sanatana fell at the feet of the Lord and with great humility asked about his own real identity. "I am born of a lower family," Sanatana said
- Sanatana Gosvami approached Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, asking Him the question, - What I am? Why I am put into these threefold miserable condition of life
- Sanatana Gosvami composed: I am not born in a high family. Nonetheless, O darling of the damsels of Vraja, I still maintain hopes of achieving You, and these hopes are always disturbing me
- Sanatana Gosvami continued, "Previously I have done much for you. Now I am in difficulty. Please return my goodwill by releasing me"
- Sanatana Gosvami put this question before Caitanya: "My dear Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, these common men, they say that I am very learned scholar. But I am so big scholar that I do not know what I am and what is my aim of life." Just see
- Sanatana Gosvami replied, "You (Nawab Hussain Shah) are going to Orissa to give pain to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. For this reason I am powerless to go with you"
- Sanatana Gosvami said, "I am a very insignificant living entity. I am low and poorly behaved. How can I understand who is the incarnation for this Age of Kali"
- Sanatana Gosvami said, "My dear Lord, I am a very lowborn person. Indeed, I am a servant to lowborn people; therefore I am very, very downtrodden. Nonetheless, You have taught me conclusions unknown even to Lord Brahma"
- Sanatana Gosvami said: "I do not know what is independence. I am dancing like dog, how independence I can get, that I do not know." Real independence is: birth, death, old age and disease. When we get free from these 4 problems, that is real independence
- Sanatana Gosvami said: By Your (Caitanya's) grace I have appreciated the conclusions which You have taught me, but I am so low that I cannot even touch a drop of the ocean of Your instructions
- Sanatana Gosvami said: I am born of a very low family, and I have always associated with lowly people; therefore I am the lowest of sinners. Yet You (Caitanya) are so kind that You have taught me lessons which are not even understood by Lord Brahma
- Sanatana said to Lord Caitanya: Although I am what is known in the world as a great learned man, I am in fact so much of a fool that I myself even think that I am learned
- Sanatana said, "I am not joking; I am speaking the truth. Kindly take this blanket in exchange for your torn quilt"
- Sanatana said: My associations are all abominable, and I am fallen, the most wretched of mankind. I was suffering in the dark well of material enjoyment, and I never knew the actual goal of my life. Indeed, I do not even know what is beneficial for me
- Saranagati, surrender, means to have firm conviction that "Krsna will protect me. I am engaged in Krsna's service, so Krsna will give me protection."
- Saranagati, surrender. Surrender means that "I am surrendering to Krsna with full faith that He is quite competent and able to give me protection." This is called surrender
- Second-class? Those who are trying to understand the Supreme, the Absolute Truth, by identifying himself with the Supreme, that - I am, I am the Supreme
- Seeing the condition of his brother-in-law, Gopinatha Acarya said, "My dear Bhattacarya, previously I had said that when one is favored by the Supreme Lord, he will understand the techniques of devotional service. Today I am seeing this fulfilled"
- Seeing this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was overwhelmed with the transcendental mellow of the rasa dance, and He thought, "Now I am with Krsna in Vrndavana"
- Self-realization does not mean something humbug. Self-realization means to understand his real constitutional position, what I am
- Self-realization is when you actually engage yourself in the service of the Lord. That is your self-realization. Because you are part and parcel, your duty is to serve the whole. If you think yourself, "I am whole," that is wrong conception
- Servant is declaring to become master; therefore suffering. And as soon as we accept that "I am not master; I am servant," then there is no suffering. Very simple philosophy. That is mukti. Mukti means just come to the right platform
- Servant we are, because constitutionally I am servant. And because I am not servant of God or servant of Krsna, that I have become servant of my dog
- Servant's business is to surrender, not to argue with the master or to claim that "I am equal with you." These are all fanatic, mad proposal
- She (Queen Suniti) said, You came to me crying, having been insulted by your stepmother, but I am unable to do any good for you