Category:I Am Simply (Prabhupada)
"I am simply"|"I have simply"|"I simply"|"I was simply"|"we simply"
Pages in category "I Am Simply (Prabhupada)"
The following 83 pages are in this category, out of 83 total.
- Abruptly if we stop, that will not be good. So we have to rectify by arrangement and agreement. I am simply surprised how you all GBC men agreed to give him $4000 per month. So the mistake has been made, now it has to be corrected by other ways
- Accredited or not accredited, it doesn't matter, I simply want to present this great philosophy to serious students who will understand it and deliver the world from the present-day ignorance of misinformation
- And so far we are concerned, we don't talk anything, except what is mentioned in the books. That's all. We remain always foolish. And as foolish men, we do not talk. We simply talk what is mentioned by Vyasadeva, by Sukadeva Gosvami
- Anu means repetition, and anu means following the footsteps of authority, spiritual master, anu. Our process is anu. We don't manufacture anything. We simply follow
- At least in India there must be an institution that is strictly following the principles of Bhagavad-gita. This is my institution. We don't want anything more, other help. We simply request them that "Give some of our men permanent residentship"
- I (Prabhupada) am not saying anything which is not given by my Guru Maharaja. I am simply repeating what I have learned from him. So you please do the same and your life will be full of ananda - blissful happiness
- I am going from Australia day after tomorrow. I simply came to see my disciples, how they are doing; to give them direction, further direction to improve. That's all
- I am lower than you. I am the lowest of the all creatures. I am simply trying to execute the order of my spiritual master. That's all. That should be the business of everyone. Try best. Try your best to execute the higher order
- I am not saying anything which is not given by my Guru Maharaja. I am simply repeating what I have learned from him
- I am not taking any very great active part. They are doing. I am simply reading
- I am praying to my spiritual master to give me strength to finish this work. I am neither a great scholar nor a great devotee; I am simply a humble servant of him, and to the best of my ability I am trying to please him by publishing these books
- I am simply an instrument in the hands of my Spiritual Master. I do not know how far I have got the capacity to carry His order, but I may say that I have a sincere desire to do it. This is Parampara system
- I am simply counting upon you to faithfully execute your duties in Krsna's service & follow the regulative principles strictly. Then you shall be able to help spread this mission to the suffering persons of your country & that will be the greatest service
- I am simply messenger. Mercy is of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. Before your coming they predicted, that "Somebody will bring." Maybe that somebody I am. Bhaktivinoda Thakura predicted
- I am simply surprised when I compare British days and nowadays. My practical experience - one of my maternal uncles, he's a very big, rich man. He was; he is not existing. So he was doing business, rice exporting
- I am simply trying to place before you. That's all. I believe. And that is my qualification. It is not that I doubt, no. You can say that is my qualification
- I am speaking simply what the Supreme Personality of Godhead has said. I'm just repeating the same words. That's all. Don't think that I am speaking. I am simply instrument. Real speaker is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is without and within
- I am this old age, I cannot move. Still I am traveling all over the world. I am simply interested that whatever I have done, it may not be vanquished in my absence. Let me go and encourage them
- I do not want immediately a very large storefront or anything like that; I simply want that a center may immediately be started in Berlin and gradually we will try to develop it
- I don't say it is my movement. Neither do I say that I am God. I am simply speaking of the established movement
- I had only forty rupees with me, and a return ticket in the Scindia Navigation Companies. So for two, three months, six months, there was no response. I was simply maintaining myself by selling my books
- I have no personal qualification, but I simply tried to satisfy my guru
- I have not done anything personally, very wonderful. I am simply serving my spiritual master and all the acaryas in the disciplic succession. If I have done anything of credit it is that I have not changed their teachings
- I have simply adopted the easy method of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu just suitable to the modern people in general
- I have simply presented the scriptures such as Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam as they are. Therefore just see the effect they (my books) have on the world
- I know that your new house is very nice with a good view and that you and your family will take very good care of me. Let us see our program here then I shall let you know. My health is very slowly improving. I am simply trusting in Krishna
- I never deviated from this plan. Since I heard it from my Guru Maharaja, I've simply planning how to do it successfully
- I planned that "I must go to America." Yes. That was the reason. Otherwise, generally they go to London. I did not go to London. I was simply dreaming, "How to go to New York?"
- I simply want to engage everyone in the service of Krishna, that's all. And that means preaching. So if the preaching work has stopped, what can I do? In that case you must expect there will be so many troubles
- I simply want to see that you, your wife and your whole family become perfect Vaisnavas, Krsna's devotees. Remain in your position and try to understand the philosophy - that will make you perfect
- I tell you frankly, whatever little success is there in this Krsna consciousness movement, I simply believed what was spoken by my Guru Maharaja. You also continue that. Then every success will come
- I want to retire now and simply concentrate on translating work, but how can I do it if I cannot give over the management of my society to you all my advanced senior disciples?
- I was simply inquiring from other disciples of my spiritual master. At that time I was not a disciple. "So when His Holiness will speak?"
- I was translating Bhagavatam, and when three books were published, I prepared myself to go to America, singlehanded. Not for getting any material reputation, but simply to try, because I knew my Guru Maharaja was very, very anxious to preach this cult
- I went to your country with this word only. I did not show you any magic, neither I have any knowledge how to play magic. That is not possible. I simply repeat the same thing, that, Here is Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If you follow my instructions very carefully as you promise in your letter, then your life will be perfect. I am not saying anything which is not given by my Guru Maharaj. I am simply repeating what I have learned from him
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we are simply teaching our students to become fit brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- It is not a movement that I have manufactured something. No. The movement was already there. I am simply presenting as it is. That is my service
- It is not our manufactured movement but it was ordered by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and we are simply carriers of his shoes
- Kindly therefore do the needful immediately as I want both the passport and certificate very urgently, and I am simply waiting for them
- Krishna will give us all facilities. After all, it is Krishna's business. We are simply servitors. Our sincere desire is to serve Him and this is our bona fide position
- Krsna as cowherd boy was running with his train. I have to take. And Jagannatha was snatching her cloth. They are very poisonous things. I was never fortunate with such incidences. I am simply trying to carry out the order of my Guru Maharaja. That's all
- Krsna consciousness movement is not a manufactured movement. It is simply based on this Bhagavad-gita - Krsna. Bhagavad-gita means Krsna. Krsna, everything Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness. We are simply placing Bhagavad-gita as it is
- No, we are interested. (laughter) We want gold for spreading Krsna consciousness. Nobody is paying us. We are simply selling our books
- Now I am old man and a little inclined for retirement, but now our organization is expanding more and more and I simply want to see that the things get done, therefore I am relying on you, my senior disciples, to do everything nicely for Krsna
- So far we are concerned in the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya, if we simply abide by the order of the Acarya in disciplic succession, then things are made very easy
- So I say I am not a wonderful man I simply follow Krsna
- So long as he was here, he was taking care of me very nicely, and I am very much obliged to him. I simply said that he may live for some time with the Sankirtana Party, and he became upset. So I do not know what to do
- So our program is very easy. And actually, these boys and girls, they were not advised in the beginning to become my initiated student. I simply invited, - You please come
- That is nice that you are distributing many books. I do not want money, or buildings or anything else, I simply want to see that my books are being distributed and because you are doing that I am quite happy
- That was my qualification, whatever you may say. I was simply asking, "When Guru Maharaja will speak? When?" & I will sit down & go on hearing, & I will understand or not understand-others will disperse-I will not disperse. That he marked
- There is no need of manufacturing. We are very safe because we don't manufacture. We simply repeat, parrotlike, what Krsna has said
- They are not my words (in my books and letters and my speaking at meetings), as I have repeatedly informed you that I am simply the bearer of the message from Lord Chaitanya through the disciplic succession and I do not make any addition or subtraction
- This is the sum and substance of our Krsna consciousness movement. We are simply requesting human society to follow in the footsteps of the teacher of Bhagavad-gita
- This Ratha-yatra, Radha-Govinda seva, prasada distribution. Only the new thing I am doing-writing of books by the order of Guru Maharaja. Otherwise, whatever I have introduced, I was trained up in childhood. I simply imitated. I am simply surprised
- We are not teaching any particular type of religion. We are simply teaching that you love God. And this is possible simply by chanting these three names
- We are simply presenting the truth, which is that outside of Krsna Consciousness there is no hope for betterment of the troubled conditions of modern affairs, rather they are going to hell without check
- We are simply trying to execute the orders of our spiritual master to the best of our ability
- We do not want this magic, neither we want to show magic. We simply, as canvasser of Krsna, we are preaching Krsna consciousness
- We have no new discovery. We don't manufacture. This is our process. We simply follow the predecessor's instruction. That's all. Our movement is very easy because we haven't got to manufacture something
- We have simply to present them (Prabhupada's Books) without any adulteration, in humble service spirit. That is the secret of success
- What can I say? Krsna says. I am simply a child, repeating the words of Krsna
- Whatever is being done it is not on account of my intelligence or endeavor because I am simply an instrument in the hands of my Spiritual Master
- Whatever is being done, there is no credit for me, but all the credit goes to my Spiritual Master, because He has arranged everything, and I am simply to abide by His order
- When they chant and dance, I simply remember Bhaktivinoda Thakura. That's all. I pray to Bhaktivinoda Thakura, "Now they have come to your shelter. Give them protection." That's all. What can I do more? I cannot do anything more
- Where there is need of money, send there. I mean to say, just like Africa and other backwards . . . I am simply dreaming, and you are actually on the field
- Why shall I force? That is not my business. I am Krsna's servant. I simply say, "Here is good thing. You take it."
- You are more advanced in every way, you Americans. And because I have come from India with some poor knowledge, I am injecting something in your brain? No. The Krsna consciousness is already there. I am simply helping you to revive it
- You are right that politics should be avoided. In my personal life I did not participate in the political diplomacy of my god-brothers. I was simply thinking how to fulfill the order of my guru maharaj