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Pages in category "Again"
The following 1,617 pages are in this category, out of 1,617 total.
- A brahmana gets one lakh of rupees, next day he's again beggar
- Acyuta-gotra, again belonging to the family of Krsna
- Animals sacrificed in the yajna were not killed. If the Vedic mantras were properly pronounced during the sacrifice, the animal sacrificed would come out again with a new life
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati used to say that to control the mind one should beat it with shoes many times just after awakening and again before going to sleep
- A child born in that Krsna atmosphere is sure to develop Krsna consciousness. The perfection which he failed to attain in his last life is again offered in this life, and he can make himself perfect without fail
- A child is first born of a good father and mother, and then he is born again of the spiritual master and the Vedas
- A conditioned soul is already allured by the modes of material energy, & there is every chance of being allured again, even while performing transcendental discipline. This is called yogat calita-manasah: deviation from the transcendental path. BG 1972 p
- A dead man shaved will not grow, will not grow any more hair - finished. But a living man, because he has got that energy, so today you shave, again tomorrow there is hair. This is called inconceivable energy
- A devotee is never caught in the process of being promoted to the heavenly planets and again coming down
- A devotee is never vanquished. Due to his willful neglect of devotional service, a devotee may be punished for a short time, but he again revives his devotional service and returns home back to Godhead
- A devotee's sinful activities is excused, and if he is repentant, then he is again elevated to his original position. That is the verdict of all sastras
- A diseased person may go to a physician for relief, but after he leaves the hospital he may again be infected due to his unclean habits. Thus material existence continues
- A foolish man, if he is informed that there is better life in the spiritual world, to become servant of God, Krsna, they think, "I became servant of this material world. I have suffered so much. Again servant of Krsna? Oh..." They shudder
- A highly enlightened parent can train a child in Krsna consciousness so that the child will not have to come back again to this miserable world. Parents should see to it that the child born of them does not enter the womb of a mother again
- A household life is better than a sinful life devoid of responsibility, but if in the household life the husband becomes subordinate to the wife, involvement in materialistic life again becomes prominent
- A little scratching of nail again means three, four days so much suffering. So you cannot violate. That is breaking the laws of nature, breaking the laws of God. That is sinful. Either you take it as disease or sinful activities or whatever you call
- A living being is placed in a particular position by the order of the Supreme Lord, and he is again shifted from that place by the order of the Supreme Lord or His authorized agents
- A loving, chaste wife and loving husband desire all welfare for each other in separation and do not care for personal happiness. Desiring only each other's well-being, such a pair certainly meet again without delay
- A madman, to again bring him to the normal life is very difficult task. You have got in your country so many institutions. So the whole world, anyone who is in this material world, he's a madman
- A man travels to earn his livelihood, leaving home early in the morning, catching a local train and being packed in a compartment. He has to stand for an hour or two in order to reach his place of business. Then again he takes a bus to get to the office
- A motor car is working. All of a sudden it stops. So there are technologists who can repair the car and it will again start. That is technology. Now the man is working, stopped. So where is that technology to make it move again
- A patient must regain his health before he can truly enjoy sense pleasure again. Thus the aim of human life should not be to enjoy perverted sense enjoyment but to cure the material disease
- A person may be relieved from sins once, but it is a practice among Christians to confess sins and yet commit them again. By getting freed from sins and again engaging in them, one cannot attain freedom from the pangs of material existence
- A person who is too much sexually inclined may suffer many times from venereal disease and have to undergo treatment, but still he will go to a prostitute again. This is avaidha stri-sanga, illegitimate sex
- A professional thief, he has gone to the prison several times. He has been punished. Still, he commits the same thing, again goes to the jail
- A proud person is deceived in transcendental life and, despite having attained a human form, will again glide into hellish conditions
- A puffed-up person cannot understand the science of Krsna. A proud person is deceived in transcendental life and, despite having attained a human form, will again glide into hellish conditions
- A relative should not be killed even if his wrongdoing warrants capital punishment. Rather, he should be thrown out of the family. Since he has already been killed by his own sin, why kill him again?
- A sane human being must consider whether he will elevate himself to the higher planets, prepare to free himself from the evolutionary process, or travel again through the evolutionary process in higher and lower grades of life
- A sannyasi cannot meet his wife again. That is renouncement. Renouncement means renouncing connection with woman, or renouncing sex life
- A sawman was cutting wood by the saw. So at the end of business it was half cut so he pulled down a plug so that next day he will come and he'll again begin sawing. So went away. So one monkey came. So monkey sat down there and began to pull on the plug
- A small banyan fruit contains thousands of small seeds, and each seed holds the potency of another tree, which again holds the potency of many millions of such fruits as causes and effects
- A thief is thinking that, "I'm living here very comfortably, without stealing. I'm getting food and shelter. And if I go outside, I have to steal again." So it is good life? That is due to ignorance
- A thief may know that he will be arrested and punished for criminal acts, and he may even have been punished several times, but still he will commit the same crime again (punah punas carvita-carvananam (SB 7.5.30)). Why? Ignorance
- A verse appears again in krsna-karnamrta (92): "The body of Krsna is so nice, and His face is so beautiful. Everything about Him is sweet and fragrant"
- Acaryopasanam. Krsna is personally acting as acarya. He's coming again as acarya, Caitanya has got so many representatives acarya: Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, Nimbarka, Visnu Svami, so many acaryas. Evam parampara-praptam. So take lesson from the acaryas
- According to people's qualities and activities, society should be divided into brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras and then again into brahmacaris, grhasthas, vanaprasthas and sannyasis
- According to Prahlada Maharaja, the material home is compared to a blind well. If a man falls down into a blind well, it is very difficult to get out of it and begin life again
- According to the logic of atmavan manyate jagat, everyone thinks of others according to his own position. Therefore Maharaja Bharata felt that the deer had left him due to his negligence and that due to the animal's noble heart, it would again return
- According to the materialistic way of life, if a poor man, after laboring very, very hard, gets some material profit at the end of his life, he is considered a success, even though he again dies while suffering the threefold miseries
- According to the modern scientists' calculation it is 93,000,0000. Taking it, accepted, as 93,000,000's from this earthly planet, then again add 1,600,000, that means 94,600,000 miles away from the earth there is the moon planet. It is not possible
- According to the philosophy of Prajapati Daksa, a woman should first become pregnant and then experience the pain of childbirth. Then, if she is intelligent, she will not want to be pregnant again. Actually, however, this is not a fact
- According to this verse (BG 14.15), if one develops the mode of ignorance, after his death he is degraded to the animal form of life. From there one has to again elevate himself, by evolutionary process, to come again to the human form of life. BG 1972 p
- According to Vedic astrological calculations, the twenty-four hours of a day and night are divided into sixty dandas. The days are again divided into 3,600 palas. The sun disc can be perceived in every sixty palas, and that time constitutes a danda
- According to Vedic civilization, one has to cleanse himself externally three times daily - once in the morning, again at noon, and again in the evening
- According to Vedic culture, the body is burned into ashes. So when the body is burned into ashes, who is coming again and paying him back? "Don't think about it. Everything is finished." This is the atheistic knowledge
- Acyutananda wanted to come back, so it was very welcome suggestion. But I think he might have changed his decision again. I do not know what to do with this boy. And if they want to remain in India, they must do something tangible work for our society
- Advaita Acarya replied, "I shall never again invite another sannyasi, for it is a sannyasi who has spoiled all My brahminical smrti regulations"
- Advertise cigarettes, just to pull them down again, go to hell. Punar musiko bhava. They do not know what dangerous civilization this is dragging them
- Advertise naked woman and, what is called, beefeaters, and liquor. This is going on. Advertise cigarettes, just to pull them down again. Go to hell
- After 4,300,000,000 solar years, when Brahma awoke to create again by the will of the Lord, all the rsis like Marici, Angira, Atri and so on were created from the transcendental body of the Lord, and I (Narada) also appeared along with them
- After Brahma stole the original cowherd boys and calves, Krsna expanded Himself to become the boys and calves again. Therefore, because the boys were actually Krsna's expansions, the cowherd men were especially attracted to them
- After Buddha, His Holiness Sankaracarya appeared to drive away Buddhism, and he established again Vedic religion. But that Vedic religion, being impersonal, that is also not Vedic religion
- After coming back from East Bengal, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again began educating others. By the strength of His education He conquered everyone, and thus He was greatly proud
- After creation, everything rests in His omnipotence, and after annihilation, everything again returns to rest in Him. These are the confirmations of Vedic hymns. BG 1972 purports
- After each annihilation of the material creation, all the living entities are merged within the body of the Lord, and after creation they are again impregnated within the material energy
- After every dissolution of the material cosmos, all the living entities take shelter in the body of Karanodakasayi Visnu, and when creation takes place again, they come forth from His body in their various species to resume their activities
- After exchanging the boy for the girl, he (Vasudeva) returned to the prison of Kamsa and silently put the girl on the lap of Devaki. He again clamped the shackles on himself so that Kamsa could not recognize that so many things had happened
- After exhausting the results of pious activities, one has to come again to the lower planetary systems and begin a new chapter of pious activities
- After exhausting the results of their so-called pious activities, they again return to the earth, which is called martya-loka, the place of death
- After extinguishing the devastating fire, Krsna, surrounded by His relatives, friends, cows, calves and bulls and glorified by His friends' singing, again entered Vrndavana, which is always full of cows
- After finishing Parasurama's work as a ksatriya, he again became a brahmana and returned to Mahendra-parvata
- After finishing the dance before Lord Baladeva and Subhadra, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu came before Lord Jagannatha's car. Upon seeing Lord Jagannatha, He began to dance again
- After finishing this life, again one dies, and again one enters into the womb of some mother. Another type of body then comes out. This is the process of reincarnation
- After giving up his body, he never again has to accept a material body, but is transferred to the spiritual world (tyaktva deham punar janma naiti mam eti so 'rjuna (BG 4.9))
- After giving up the body (tyaktva deham), a devotee never again has to accept another material body, for in a spiritual body he goes back home, back to Godhead. The punishments of Yamaraja are meant for persons who are not Krsna conscious
- After giving up the company of the gopis in Vrndavana, Sri Krsna, the son of Maharaja Nanda, engaged in His pastimes at Dvaraka. When Krsna went to Kuruksetra with His brother and sister and others from Dvaraka, He again met the inhabitants of Vrndavana
- After hearing from the mouth of their master about the extraordinary glories of the Lord and His name, fame and attributes, the Yamadutas were struck with wonder. Since then, as soon as they see a devotee, they fear him and dare not look at him again
- After hearing Ramananda Raya speak in this way, Caitanya Mahaprabhu again rejected his statement and said, "Go ahead and say something more." Ramananda Raya then replied, "Devotional service mixed with empiric knowledge is the essence of perfection"
- After his departure, everything was happy once again. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted invitations as usual and led congregational chanting and dancing. Everyone else also accepted prasadam without hindrances
- After human being, if we do not work properly with our advanced consciousness, then we go down again in the hellish planet that are down this universe. And if we act piously, then you go to the upper planetary system
- After initiation a disciple should be extremely careful not to commit again any sinful act that might cause difficulties for himself and the spiritual master
- After Lord Caitanya's departure, Ramananda Raya became overwhelmed due to his separation from the Lord, and he immediately decided to retire from service and meet the Lord again at Jagannatha Puri
- After many, many births, we have got this human form of life. If we simply waste like cats and dogs, then again we become cats and dogs or tree or anything. There are so many species of life. That will be great mistake, great loss
- After observing all these opulences, the four-headed Brahma of this universe was astonished. He again came before the lotus feet of Krsna and offered Him obeisances
- After offering water to wash the Lord's feet, one should again worship the Lord with fragrant flowers, incense and other paraphernalia
- After one hundred years, when Brahma dies, the devastation or annihilation takes place; this means that the energy manifested by the Supreme Lord is again wound up in Himself. BG 1972 purports
- After removing all the paraphernalia of worship, one should offer them water to wash their hands and mouths, and then one should worship them again
- After saying this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again bestowed His mercy upon Raghunatha dasa by giving him a stone from Govardhana Hill and a garland of small conchshells
- After spring comes summer, and after summer comes fall and then winter, and then spring again. Similarly, after day comes night, and after night comes day
- After ten days, Varuna came again and said to Hariscandra, "Now you can perform the sacrifice." Hariscandra replied, "When an animal grows teeth, then it becomes pure enough to be sacrificed"
- After the appearance of these two brothers (Lord Caitanya and Lord Nityananda), people’s hearts are becoming cleansed, and they are again becoming situated in the real position of Krsna consciousness
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, Maharaja Yudhisthira was again able to rule his legitimate kingdom, and he reinstated the principles of honor and respect for religion. That is the beauty of a kingdom ruled by a pious king like Maharaja Yudhisthira
- After the creation, they (the conditioned souls) again exercise their old propensity for lording it over the material world. These activities of the conditioned souls anger Anantadeva, and He desires to destroy the entire material world
- After the departure of the Lord from the vision of earthly people, when Arjuna was face to face with being vanquished in his acquired power and prominence, he wanted again to remember the great teachings of the Bhagavad-gita
- After the dissolution of the Universe the living entities remain in slumber within Maha Visnu, and again when the creation takes place they are impregnated in their original position and they come out in different species of life
- After the eclipse, all the members of the Yadu dynasty again took their baths in the lakes created by Lord Parasurama. Then they sumptuously fed the brahmanas with first-class cooked food, all prepared in butter
- After the end of Brahma's night, the creation of the three worlds begins again in the daytime of Brahma, and they continue to exist through the life durations of fourteen consecutive Manus, or fathers of mankind
- After the end of the battle, Krpacarya again became a member of the royal assembly, and he was called during the birth of Maharaja Pariksit for recitation of auspicious Vedic hymns to make the ceremony successful
- After the inside of the temple was cleansed, the Lord again allotted areas for the devotees to cleanse
- After the maha-snana was finished, the Deity was again massaged with scented oil and His body made glossy. Then the last bathing ceremony was performed with scented water kept within a conchshell
- After the results of one's sacrifices, charity and other pious activities expire, one must return to the lower planetary systems and again feel the pangs of birth and death. However, one who becomes Krsna conscious can go back to Krsna
- After the sleeping period of Brahma, when there is again creation by the will of the Lord through the agency of Brahma, all the great rsis again appear from different parts of the transcendental body, and Narada also appears
- After the weekend is spent in forgetfulness, he (a businessman) again changes his position and resumes his actual business activities
- After this devastation (the annihilation of all the lower planetary systems) and after the night of Brahma passes, in the morning when Brahma arises there is again creation, and all these beings come forth
- After thus accepting prasadam, they all went to take rest at their respective residences, and in the evening they again came to meet Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- After thus rebuking Indra, King of heaven, with sharp words, Bali Maharaja, who could subdue any other hero, drew back to his ear the arrows known as naracas and attacked Indra with these arrows. Then he again chastised Indra with strong words
- After two or three months he again comes home to see that his children are doing nicely and then again goes away. This is the beginning of detachment
- After visiting the temple of Trivikrama, the Lord returned to Siddhavata, where He again visited the house of the brahmana, who was now constantly chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- After Yayati's fall (from the heavenly planets), his daughter and grandson bestowed upon him their accumulated virtues, and by the help of his grandson and friend Sibi, he was again promoted to the heavenly kingdom
- Again "to be." Again, at the end of this month, again "to be." Again "will be." Say "We have no money." That's all. Why do you say indirectly? "It will be." So many managers and so many discrepancies
- Again election, as if election will change their quality. Let them remain as rascal, and simply by election, in place of one rascal, another rascal will improve it. Let them remain rascal, but get vote
- Again He addressed Svarupa Damodara and Raya Ramananda, speaking despondently, "Alas! My friends, you can now know the certainty within My heart, and after knowing My heart you should judge whether I am correct or not. You can speak of this properly"
- Again let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead. O my Lord, I offer my obeisances hundreds and thousands of times with all affection because by Your personal pastimes You plunge the gopis into an ocean of nectar
- Again Nityananda Prabhu jokingly said, "My belly is not yet filled up. Please take away Your food. I have not taken the least of it"
- Again Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said to Ramananda Raya, "Please say something. I want to hear." Understanding the situation, Ramananda Raya recited the following words of the gopis
- Again the vilasa forms are divided into twofold categories - prabhava and vaibhava. Again the pastimes of these forms are of unlimited variety
- Again these quadruple forms expand three times, beginning with Kesava. That is the fulfillment of the pastime forms
- Again to second Sankarsana and from Him to the Narayana purusavataras, and innumerable other forms (Krsna's expansions), which are compared to the constant flowing of the uncountable waves of a river, are all one and the same
- Again we come to that varnasrama-dharma
- Again when people cried that Krsna, the son of Vasudeva, had come, both King Nanda and Mother Yasoda became overwhelmed with affection and expressed their great pleasure
- Again, he (Rupa Gosvami) analyzes the affection of the Yadus: If it is on the platform of friendship, then it is spontaneous love, but if it is on the platform of regulative principles, then it is not
- Again, he becomes very busy under the shelter of that home and is captivated by the talks, glances and activities of his wife and children. In this way he loses his Krsna consciousness and throws himself in the dense darkness of material existence
- Again, one is warned herewith (SB 9.19.17) that one should be extremely careful in dealings with women
- Again, when he (one who is frustrated in enjoyment) is tired of renunciation, he enjoys, like a clock pendulum which swings from side to side. We are thus all vacillating from the platform of enjoyment to the platform of renunciation and back again
- Again, when the cosmic manifestation is annihilated, it rests in Him (SPG). Nonetheless, He is infallibly the supreme observer. Under any circumstances, the Supreme Lord is changeless. He is simply a witness & is aloof from all creation and annihilation
- Again, when the entire universe is vanquished at the end of Brahma's lifetime, there is another avyakta state. But beyond these two unmanifested states is another unmanifested state, the spiritual atmosphere, or nature
- Again, when there is cosmic manifestation, they (living entities) come out to fulfill the same desires, and therefore they appear in different species of life
- Alas, is it possible that I shall again see this animal protected by the Lord and fearless of tigers and other animals? Shall I again see him wandering in the garden eating soft grass?
- All created beings are unmanifest in their beginning, manifest in their interim state, and unmanifest again when they are annihilated. So what need is there for lamentation? BG 2.28 - 1972
- All living entities, moving and inert, are generated from the earth, and again, after some time, they all return to the earth as dust. Similarly, everything emanates from the SPG, and in due course of time everything enters into Him again
- All of them (voidists and impersonalists) again fall down because they neglect the lotus feet of the Lord
- All of us on the surface of the globe are living entities in different forms. Some of us are moving and some not moving. All of us come into existence, remain for some time and are annihilated when the body is again mingled with the earth
- All of us, we are already under the clutches of maya. That is the position of intoxication. And again intoxication? So what will be our condition? So therefore it is prohibited
- All such wonders (each and every planet is made differently and has different wonderful features) were personally experienced by Kardama Muni while he traveled with his wife, yet he could return again to his humble hermitage
- All the conditioned living entities are evolving within the universe in different planets and different species of life. Thus one may be elevated to Brahmaloka, but then one must again descend to earth
- All the gopis conjectured that Akrura might have come again to fulfill another cruel plan. But they thought, "We are now dead bodies without our supreme master, Krsna. What further act can Akrura perpetrate against these dead bodies?"
- All the incarnations emanate from Krsna, and after the end of their pastimes they again merge with Krsna
- All the residents of Mathura, who had not seen Krsna and Balarama for a long time, were very much pleased to see Them again. They felt joyful, like a person who has regained his lost property
- All the srutis, or personified Vedas, offered glories to the Lord again and again, singing, "Jaya! Jaya!" This indicates that the Lord is the most glorious
- All these transcendental bodies emanated from the body of Krsna, and within a second They all entered again into His body
- Also please let us know the reason for Vidura's giving up the connection of his family members, and why he again came home. Please also let us know the activities of Vidura while he was in the places of pilgrimage
- Although Bharata Maharaja acquired the body of a deer, he again left his hearth and home, in this case the Mountain Kalanjara
- Although Caitanya Mahaprabhu was soft like a flower, He was also strict like a thunderbolt, and everyone was afraid to allow Mukunda to come again into the presence of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although he received the body of a brahmana, he was still very much afraid of his relatives and friends who were not devotees. He was always very cautious of such association because he feared that he would again fall down
- Although many men take sannyasa to become liberated, because of their imperfections they again become attached to women, material activities, social welfare work and so on
- Although Mayavadis may be honored at first as very learned scholars, ultimately they descend to physical activities of politics, social work, etc. Instead of becoming one with the Supreme Lord, they again become one with these material activities
- Although one may be promoted to a higher planetary system such as Candraloka, one must again come down (ksine punye martya-lokam visanti) - BG 9.21
- Although people may be enemies, in order to fulfill their desires again and again, they sometimes get married. Unfortunately, these marriages do not last very long, and the people involved are separated again by divorce or other means
- Although Radha and Krsna are one in Their identity, They separated Themselves eternally. Now these two transcendental identities have again united, in the form of Sri Krsna Caitanya
- Although suffering from leprosy, the brahmana Vasudeva was enlightened. As soon as one worm fell from his body, he would pick it up and place it back again in the same location
- Although the monist philosopher is elevated to the status of being one with the effulgence of the Lord, because there is no facility for associating with the Lord and rendering service unto Him, he again falls into this material world
- Although We are both the same, My mind is still attracted to Vrndavana-dhama. I wish that You will please again appear with Your lotus feet in Vrndavana
- Although we are not meant to suffer from fever, sometimes fever comes, and we have to take precautions and remedies to get well again. The fourfold miseries are like a fever, and they are all due to the material body
- Ambika (goddess Durga), who was known as Daksayini (Sati), again accepted Lord Siva as her husband, just as different energies of the Supreme Personality of Godhead act during the course of a new creation
- Among these fifty-nine items (of devotional service mentioned in the purport of NBS 12), five are considered so important that they are mentioned again separately, thus completing the sixty-four items of devotional service
- And if you try your best to go to the spiritual world, back to home, back to Godhead, you'll not come again to accept this material body
- Another specific description here (in SB 7.14.3-4) is srnvan bhagavato 'bhiksnam avatara-kathamrtam. It is not that because one has once finished Bhagavad-gita he should not hear it again. The word abhiksnam is very important
- Antakasi-lulitat: by the sword of time one is cut from his exalted position within this material world, and he comes down again
- Any rich man comes forward, "Please get me back again 1974, 19th January," "No, sir, that is not possible." Any price you offer, it is not possible. So just imagine, if we waste our time, how much loss we are suffering
- Arjuna had attained this stage long before on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra, and when he apparently felt the absence of the Lord, he at once took shelter of the instructions of the Bhagavad-gita, and thus again he was placed in his original position
- Arjuna said: O Krsna, first of all You ask me to renounce work, and then again You recommend work with devotion. Now will You kindly tell me definitely which of the two is more beneficial? BG 5.1 - 1972
- Arjuna was told by Krsna that "This system, parampara system, disciplic succession of spiritual masters, is now lost." Sa kalena yogo nastah: That yoga, that system of yoga, is now lost. Therefore I am making you again My disciple
- Artificially, they (materialists) may sit down for so-called meditation, but immediately after their yogic performance they will engage themselves again in such activities as illicit sex life, gambling, meat-eating and many other nonsensical things
- Aruhya krcchrena param padam tatah patanty adhah (SB 10.2.32). Even having attained that param padam, having merged into the impersonal Brahman, the living entity falls again to the material world
- As a result of this couplement, she (Prtha) became pregnant, and Karna was born by her. By the grace of the sun, she again turned into a virgin girl, but being afraid of her parents, she quitted the newly born child, Karna
- As a special favor, God may remove all material paraphernalia. By such action, the bewildered devotee is forsaken by all friends and relatives, and so he comes to his senses again by the mercy of the Lord and is set right to execute his devotional service
- As advised in Bhagavad-gita if one transcends these four processes and is actually liberated, one engages in devotional service. Then he is guaranteed not to fall to material existence again
- As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21), ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: persons who perform pious acts are transferred to higher planets, but when the effects of their pious acts are over, they are again transferred to earth
- As explained by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu: The living entity wanders into many species of life, but he is fortunate when he once again meets his friend (Krsna), either in person or through His representative
- As far as the Lord Himself is concerned, if the devotee chooses to leave, the Lord brings him back again, dragging him by the hair
- As he (Jarasandha) was returning home with his royal friends, however, they advised him not to retire but to regain strength to fight again with Krsna in the near future
- As I and you enter in our body, similarly, vistabhya aham, Krsna says He enters within this material world. Therefore the creation takes place, it grows, it gives off so many by-products, and then again there will be destruction
- As in your personal mind you see, you accept something immediately and again reject, "No, no, it is not good." The same thing is going on in a bigger scale. That's all
- As it is created now and as it will be destroyed later on, so also it existed in the past and again will be created, maintained and destroyed in due course of time
- As it is said in the Bhagavad-gita, foolish persons, after exhausting the results of their pious activities in the heavenly kingdom, come back again to this lower planetary system and then again try to go to the higher planetary system
- As Krsna never falls, when we revive our spiritual consciousness, Krsna consciousness, we never fall again to material existence. One should understand the position of the supreme Acyuta, Krsna
- As long as the devotees were in Nilacala, Jagannatha Puri, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu maintained His external consciousness, but after their departure His chief engagement was again the madness of ecstatic love for Krsna
- As pots made completely of earth are situated on earth after being created and are transformed into earth again when broken, this cosmic manifestation is caused by the Supreme Brahman, situated in the SB, and annihilated in the same Supreme Brahman
- As soon as half of the vegetable in the pot was finished, Advaita Acarya filled it up again. In this way, as the Lord finished half of a preparation, Advaita Acarya again and again filled it up
- As soon as he (Sikhi Mahiti) awakened he embraced his brother and sister and informed them - I am still seeing the same dream (Caitanya was entering the body of Jagannatha and again coming out of His body). Do you think I have become deranged
- As soon as he (Sikhi Mahiti) awakened he embraced his brother and sister and informed them - I saw that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, while visiting the temple of Jagannatha, was entering the body of Jagannatha and again coming out of His body
- As soon as I die, again I will have to enter into the womb of a particular mother to take birth again. So where is the happiness? In the womb of the mother to live for ten months in a very awkward position - we have forgotten - that is not very happiness
- As soon as it (water) becomes solid, again it liquefies; again it becomes liquid. Because that is his dharma. That is called dharma - liquidity. Similarly, dharma means which you cannot change
- As soon as one is purified of material contamination, he is again attracted by Krsna sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam tat-paratvena nirmalam - CC Madhya 19.170
- As soon as one is said that "You become God's servant," "Oh, again servant?" But he's actually servant of intoxication. That will continue
- As soon as one's accumulation of pious activities is used up, one has to leave the enjoyment of a higher standard of material prosperity in the heavenly planets, immediately come down again to these lower planets, where the duration of life is very short
- As soon as Saturday is over and Sunday comes, they again begin their sinful activities, expecting to be forgiven the next Saturday. This kind of prayascitta, or atonement, is condemned by Pariksit Maharaja, the most intelligent king of his time
- As soon as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu saw the river Yamuna, He threw Himself into it. Balabhadra Bhattacarya hastily caught the Lord and very carefully raised Him up again
- As soon as the body is finished, everything is finished. Then again you have to take birth. There is no guarantee what kind of birth. Suppose you get birth again in human society. Then you have to take again education, again endeavor
- As soon as the soul is out of this body, it is useless, dead matter. So what is there important talking about this dead body? It is made of this earth, earthly ingredient, bhumir apo 'nalo (BG 7.4), and it will become again. It will go away
- As soon as there is a little gap of Krishna Consciousness, immediately maya makes an attack to grab us again
- As soon as we are in touch with Krsna, in Krsna consciousness, the result will be that we shall lose our material attraction. Those who are falling down from Krsna consciousness again to the material attraction, that means they are not serious
- As soon as we get again our consciousness in next body, then our another batch of duty begins according to the body
- As soon as you become Krsna conscious, everything is finished. But don't commit again. Stick to Krsna consciousness. Then you are safe
- As soon as you get - klesada asa dehah - this body, full of miserable condition, then you again put into miserable condition of life
- As soon as you get another material body, it is suffering. So try to realize these things. Therefore, punar-janma-jayaya. The whole aim should be how to conquer over again material . . . this is intelligence
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.9), after giving up his body, a devotee does not again receive a material body, but goes back to Godhead and receives a spiritual body resembling those of the Lord's eternal associates whose activities he followed
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21), when the reactions of such pious acts are spent, the enjoyer is again degraded to this earthly planet
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, anyone who reaches the highest planet, the abode of Krsna, or even the Vaikuntha planets, never has to come down again to this miserable material condition of life
- As such, they were as powerful as the fire-gods, and they attained the destination of mystic yoga power, being again situated as the demigods of fire
- As the brahmanas chanted the Vedic hymns and performed the ritualistic ceremonies for the second time, Nanda Maharaja again gave them huge quantities of grain and many cows
- As the Lord says in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.9): One who knows the transcendental nature of My appearance and activities does not, upon leaving the body, take his birth again in this material world, but attains My eternal abode, O Arjuna
- As the modern astronauts who go to the moon or other heavenly planets by force of jet propulsion have to come down again after exhausting their fuel, so also do those who are elevated to the heavenly planets by force of yajnas and pious activities
- As the rainy season appears and disappears regularly, the creation takes place and is again annihilated under the control of the Lord
- As the rivers draw water from the sea through the clouds and again go down to the sea, similarly our energy is borrowed from the supreme source, the Lord's energy, and it must return to the Lord
- As the sun and the sunshine, they are together shining, there is light, similarly, when we are again posted in our own constitutional position, and Krsna is like the sun and we are shining particles, then our life is successful
- As the sun appears in the morning & rises to the meridian & then again sets in 1 hemisphere while simultaneously rising in the other, so Krsna's disappearance in one universe & the beginning of His different pastimes in another take place simultaneously
- As there is no chance of rain from the sky in autumn, we shall not immediately have a chance to get a human body again if we spend our conserved energy for sense enjoyment
- As usual, a brahmana offered Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu an invitation. The Lord passed the night in the temple and then commenced His tour again
- As we have fallen into this material existence because of our lust and anger, the same two qualities can be utilized for the purpose of advancing in Krsna consciousness, and one can elevate himself again to his former pure, spiritual position
- As we learn from Bhagavad Gita, it is said there that a person who does not reach to the final goal of Krishna Consciousness is again given the opportunity to fulfill the mission of achieving perfection
- As you are elevated to the human form of life, if you do not utilize this human form of life, if we behave like animals, then we shall be converted again into animals
- Astronauts may travel thousands and thousands of miles, but if they do not find rest on some planet, they have to return again to earth. In any case, rest is required. In the impersonal form, rest is uncertain
- Asuci means unclean. Peaceful life means purification. So if you purify and again become unclean, that we have discussed hasti-snana, the elephant
- At Jagannatha Puri Srila Rupa Gosvami met the Lord again, and the Lord invested his heart with all transcendental power
- At length, Caitanya Mahaprabhu asked Sanatana to sit down with Him on a bench. He was touching the body of Sanatana with His hand, and Sanatana asked Him again, "My dear Lord, please do not touch me"
- At Mayapur each year a program is chalked out for the entire year, and that is to be executed till the GBC meets again
- At night, when I give up that subtle body, which took me far away from my bed, again I come and accept this material body and wake up
- At night, you go to sleep. So that is a sort of death. And again you get up in the morning. So death is something like that
- At the end he (Vidura) was again received by the denizens of Pitrloka & posted in his original position. The demigods are also associates of the Lord without personal touch whereas the direct associates of the Lord are in constant personal touch with Him
- At the end of a Brahma's night, the creation again takes place, and the living entities, reserved within the belly of the Lord, are let loose to play their respective parts as if being awakened from a deep slumber
- At the end of each day of his life, the universe is fully covered with dense darkness by the influence of time, and then again, during his next day, that self-effulgent lord, by his own effulgence, manifests, maintains and destroys cosmic manifestation
- At the end of each day's fighting, they lived at night as friends in Jarasandha's palace, and the next day they fought again. In this way they passed twenty-seven days in fighting
- At the end of Lord Brahma's day, everything up to Svargaloka is inundated with water, and the next morning, when there is darkness in the universe, Brahma again brings the phenomenal manifestation into existence
- At the end of one hundred years, one who has not acted as a human being in a life of tapasya (austerity & penance) must certainly be embodied again in a body like those of cats, dogs and hogs. This life of lusty desires and sense gratification is risky
- At the end of the four-month Caturmasya period, Caitanya Mahaprabhu again consulted with Nityananda Prabhu daily in a solitary place. No one could understand what Their consultation was about
- At the end of the year, all the devotees from Bengal, headed by Advaita Acarya, again came to see the Lord. Indeed, there was a great rush of devotees to Jagannatha Puri
- At the fag end of life, we are disappointed, we are frustrated. Brdhya kala aula saba sukha pagala. When we cannot again . . . no more we can enjoy with our senses, then we become very much depressed
- At the present moment we have got this human form of body. We can hear the instruction of God, and we can again elevate. That is possible. That is stated in the Bhagavad-gita - janma karma me divyam
- At the present moment, all of human society is engaged in the business of chewing the chewed. People are prepared to undergo mrtyu-samsara-vartmani (BG 9.3), taking birth in one form, dying, accepting another form and dying again
- At the time of offering bhoga, the coconuts are again clipped and cleansed. After holes are made in them at the top, they are offered to Lord Krsna
- Baladeva felt astonished and said, "How wonderful it is that my ecstatic love for Krsna is again being attracted to so many cowherd boys, calves and cows!" He was struck with wonder by thinking in this way
- Balarama & Krsna were so engrossed in playing with Their friends that They did not wish to go back; They just engaged Themselves in playing more & more. When Rohini was unable to take Them back home, she went home & sent mother Yasoda to call Them again
- Balarama again turned toward Rukmini and informed her that the current duty of the ksatriya in human society is so fixed that, according to the principles of fighting, one's own brother may become an enemy
- Balarama said, "Simultaneously I can also give this Romaharsana Suta life again, with a span of long duration, sufficient strength and full power of the senses. Not only this, but if you desire I shall be glad to award him anything else you may ask"
- Balarama was the winner according to the rules of chess, but Rukmi again cunningly claimed that he had won
- Bali Maharaja did not become poor; by donating all his possessions to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he became a successful devotee and got everything back again with the blessings of the Lord
- Be determined. Don't make it a farce, that "Today I am initiated and tomorrow I again I give up everything and again grow my hair and then go to hell." No. Don't do that. If you want to be serious, then the path is clear for going back to home
- Because he has not been able to remove the sex desire from his heart, he must again indulge in the same thing and become a victim of the same disease
- Because I know that, "I have chanted the holy name. Now my all sinful reaction of my life is now vanished. Then why shall I commit again sinful activities?" That is the natural conclusion
- Because of the empiric philosopher's unclean state of mind he glides down again into material existence, even after having ascended to the highest stage of liberation. This falldown takes place due to his want of a locus standi in the service of the SL
- Because of the Lord's pastimes and activities and because of His absence, it appeared that Arjuna forgot the instructions left by the Personality of Godhead. But factually this was not the case, and again he became lord of his senses
- Because of their (those without devotional service) impure consciousness and for want of shelter in the Vaikunthalokas, such so-called liberated persons again fall down into material existence
- Because of their poor fund of knowledge, impersonalist philosophers cannot understand how everything comes out from the Supreme person and then merges into Him again
- Because of this (if in the household life the husband becomes subordinate to the wife, involvement in materialistic life again becomes prominent), according to the Vedic system, after a certain age a man is recommended to abandon his family life
- Because Pariksit Maharaja wanted to clear up the situation, his spiritual master answered him very intelligently, "Why are you again asking about the same subject matter which has already been explained to you? Why are you so forgetful?"
- Because the impersonalists who reach the param padam of the impersonal brahmajyoti do not enter into the Vaikuntha planets, they come down again to this material world and are given shelter in one of the material planets
- Because the Lord is pleased with the devotional service of the descendants, by His grace He liberates the condemned souls of forefathers who do not have gross bodies, & He favors them to again receive a gross body for development of spiritual advancement
- Because they could not engage their service to the lotus feet of Krsna, therefore, these so-called sannyasis again come down to this material platform and engage their service to the mithya
- Because they have no information of the Vaikuntha planets, they again come to these material planet. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Because they have no rest, they become perturbed
- Because they say, "Man is rational animal." So if you are devoid of rationality, then again you are animal
- Because this material world is the creation of His external energy, it thus appears to be temporary; it is manifested at certain intervals, maintained for some time, and again dissolved and conserved in His own energy
- Because we are very attached to sense gratification, we go to God, to the temple or churches, for some economic reasons. Then again, economic development does not mean sense gratification
- Because we do not receive through the parampara system, we inference, we make inferences in our own way, and therefore it is also again broken. Therefore again, five hundred years ago, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu instructed this Bhagavad-gita as a devotee
- Because we have killed so many kings, all their friends and relatives are planning to come fight with us again. So don't think that we are free from all dangers. We are not. And we have no protection other than Your lotus feet. That is our position
- Because you have no information of serving Krsna, then come down again to this material world and serve maya - so-called hospitals and other things, philanthropic work
- Because, in the last devastation, knowledge of the Absolute Truth was altogether erased from the universe, Brahma desired that the same knowledge again be renovated; otherwise there would be no meaning in the creation
- Before death comes again, we must prepare in such a nice way - no more death, no more birth. That is education
- Before King Vena was enthroned, all the great sages were very much anxious to see to the welfare of society. When they saw that King Vena was most irresponsible, cruel and atrocious, they again began to think of the welfare of the people
- Before taking birth, he (conditioned life person) undergoes the miseries of living in the womb of his mother, and when he comes out he lives for a certain period and then again has to die and enter a mother's womb
- Before the creation of the present millennium, the living entities were under the influence of the time factor, and within the time factor the material world comes into existence and is again annihilated. Bhutva bhutva praliyate - BG 8.19
- Before the Deity, before the fire, before the spiritual master and before the Vaisnavas, the honest disciple promises to refrain from all sinful activity. Therefore he must not again commit sinful acts and thus create a troublesome situation
- Before this, I decided to go to Vrndavana and on the way see My mother, the river Ganges and other devotees once again
- Being completely under the grip of material nature, the living entity must evolve again from the lower species to the higher species until he at last returns to human life and gets the chance to be freed from the material clutches
- Being freed from maya’s influence, one can again become a pure servant and equal qualitatively to the Lord
- Being identical with the Gopinatha Deity, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had already tasted and eaten the pots of sweet rice. Yet just to manifest devotional service, He again ate the pots of sweet rice as a devotee
- Being in the tamo-guna, just like the spark being in the water... Water and fire, they are two opposite. So if one remains in tamo-guna, he has no chance of coming out to become fire again. There is no chance
- Best achievement of life is the how to stop this getting material body again. Spiritual body, that is happiness. Then you will get eternal happiness, blissful life
- Better to leave this place as soon as possible. Not to come again. That should be our serious attention
- Beyond it, extending to Lokaloka Mountain, is another land, which is made of gold. Because of its golden surface, it reflects light like the surface of a mirror, and any physical article that falls on that land can never be perceived again
- Bhaktisiddhanta's writing is not very easy to understand, yes; but we should try, read and read again, and simply that vibration will help us
- Bharata left his home, wife, children, kingdom and everything else to advance his spiritual life in the forest, but again he fell victim to material affection due to his attachment to pet deer. What, then, was the use of his renouncing his family
- Bhattacarya again began to praise the Lord and said, "Although I was very expert at logical arguments and grammatical explanations of the Vedas, I was as hard as a lump of iron"
- Bhattacarya again began to praise the Lord and said, "You have turned a stonehearted man like me into a devotee, and that is very wonderful indeed"
- Bhattacarya began to praise the Lord and said, "Your influence and temperature were so great that You could melt away a piece of iron like me"
- Bhima became disappointed, but Krsna gave him hints about Jarasandha's being joined together as an infant, and thus Bhima dissected him again and so killed him
- Brahma had considered himself absolute, thinking himself the only powerful deity, but now his pride was subdued, and he again became merely one of the demigods - an important demigod, of course, but a demigod nonetheless
- Brahma is the trustworthy representative of the Supreme Lord. Therefore when he again asked for the treasure of Vedic knowledge, the Lord fulfilled his desire
- Brahma said, "They (the four-handed Visnus) were being worshiped by all elements and all demigods, including myself. Again They were all wound up, and You remained alone as You were before. Does this not mean that You are the Supreme Lord Narayana"
- Brahma stole all the other boys and their calves from the pasturing grounds, but when he returned to the pastures he saw that all the boys and calves were still there, for Lord Krsna had created them all again
- Brahma, on being questioned by Narada, told Narada exactly what he had heard directly from the Lord. Narada again told exactly the same thing to Vyasa, and Vyasa also told Sukadeva exactly what he heard from Narada
- Brahma-bhuta living entities are allowed to stay in Brahmaloka or Siddhaloka, but unfortunately they sometimes again fall into the material world because they are not engaged in devotional service
- Brahma-lina, merging into the Supreme Brahman, is not actual lina, or annihilation, for the subtle form remaining in the Brahman effulgence will return to the material world after the material creation and again assume a material form
- Brahma-pada, you can rise up. But if you do not engage yourself in the service of Bhagavan, then again you come down
- Brahmaji in his turn instructed Narada, his beloved son, the same message of Srimad-Bhagavatam, and Narada, in his turn, taught the same to Vyasadeva, who again taught it to Sukadeva Gosvami
- Brahmaji wanted to create the whole cosmic situation as it was in the previous millennium, and because, in the last devastation, knowledge of the Absolute Truth was altogether erased from the universe, he desired that the same knowledge again be renovated
- Buddha philosophy later on deteriorated in so many abominable condition. Actually, it came down to the point of again animal killing under the name of Kapalika
- But when he became a tiger, he stared at the saintly person, and when the saintly person asked him, "What do you want?" the tiger said, "I want to eat you." Then the saintly person cursed him, saying, "May you again become a mouse."
- By atonement we may be free from the infection, but again we do it. Karmana. Then again. . . That is called karma-kanda, fruitive activities. Because the bija, the seed of my sinful desires, that is not cured
- By chanting Hare Krishna one becomes purified immediately and by constant practice, there is no chance of being contaminated again
- By chanting Hare Krsna mantra we become immediately sinless. That's a fact. But why shall we commit again?
- By chanting Hare Krsna mantra, all the sinful activities are excused, but you don't commit it again. Therefore along with chanting of Hare Krsna mantra, we are asking our disciples, - No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling
- By confessing you are freed, then why shall you do it again? It requires little intelligence. It does not mean that because by confessing I become freed, I shall go on continuing this and again confess and become freed. No. That's not good
- By disciplic succession, one speaker after another, this yoga system has been coming down. in the course of time it has become lost. Consequently the Lord has to speak it again, this time to Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra. BG 1972 Introduction
- By doing so, they automatically enjoy the benefit. The example can be cited again of the different parts of the body collecting foodstuffs and cooking them so that ultimately a meal may be offered to the stomach
- By His practical example, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has shown us that all the grains of sand must be picked up thoroughly and thrown outside. He also cleansed the outside of the temple, fearing that the grains of sand would again come within
- By karma, you are bound up to accept birth and death; by jnana, you can be liberated for the time being, but you again fall down; but by bhakti, you are firmly fixed up in your spiritual platform
- By nature's course, you automatically come to human body. Now, in the human body it is a junction, whether you want to make further progress and if you want to go back again to the cycle of the birth and death and the evolutionary process
- By penances, austerities, & meditations they (the jnanis & yogis) can rise up to the platform of the Supreme Absolute, but as has been explained, they again fall down to the material world, because they have not taken Krsna's personal features seriously
- By performing Vedic ritualistic activities, by giving money in charity and by undergoing austerity, one can temporarily become free from the reactions of sinful activities, but at the next moment he must again become engaged
- By punishing them, he teaches the citizens to obey the laws of the state. Again, you have said that punishing a person who is deaf and dumb is like chewing the chewed or grinding the pulp; that is to say, there is no benefit in it
- By the grace of Krsna we are given a highly developed body and intelligence, but if we do not utilize them, why should He give them to us again
- By the grace of Lord Caitanya, Ramananda Raya attained his higher knowledge of devotional service and again, after retiring from service, resolved to see Lord Caitanya in Puri
- By the grace of the Lord, a pure devotee is at once raised to the place of the Absolute, and there is no chance of the devotee's becoming materially entangled again in conditioned life
- By the gradual process of evolution, the living entity again attains the body of a human being and is given another chance to get out of the process of transmigration
- By the illusory grace of the external energy, the yogi or the devotee is faced with many allurements which can entangle a great fighter again in the bondage of material existence
- By the influence of time and circumstances, all the opulences of this world were almost completely wiped out, but since Krsna has appeared on this planet, all auspicious features have again appeared due to the touch of His lotus feet
- By the omnipotency of the Supreme Lord, the whole material creation evolves by the process of transformation and reactions one after another, and by the same omnipotency, they are wound up again one after another and conserved in the body of the Supreme
- By the power of mantra, just to give evidence of the Vedic mantras, the brahmins would sacrifice a cow, old cow or old bull, in the fire and give . . . give him, again, new life
- By the quality of goodness this whole material world is maintained, and by the quality of passion the whole material world is created, and by the quality of ignorance the whole material world is again annihilated
- By the yogic process, when his pure identity is realized in self-realization, one has to revert to the original position by amalgamating the five gross elements and the subtle elements, mind and intelligence, into the mahat-tattva again
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu lamented, “I found Krsna in Vrndavana, and now I have again lost Him and come to Kuruksetra.” Unless one is a very highly advanced devotee, he cannot understand these intricate feelings
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu made one condition, that "You have committed so many sinful activities. I shall excuse them immediately, provided you promise that you'll not commit again." This is called initiation, that to the spiritual master or Krsna we surrender
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, Jagannatha has saved Gopinatha Pattanayaka from being killed by the King today, but if he commits the same offense again, who will give him protection
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, "I understand that I am Your eternal servant. My position is Your servant. But I prefer to become the servant of maya. Therefore this is my fallen position. If You kindly take me again." And Krsna is ready
- Castes are classified in terms of one's work and qualification and not by birth. Then again there are four orders of life, namely the student life, the householder's life, the retired and the devotional life
- Changing varieties are the mother of enjoyment. The cowherd boys would continuously play, then stop, and then again enjoy in a different way
- Changing varieties are the mother of enjoyment. The cowherd boys would continuously play, then stop, and then again enjoy in a different way. Therefore every day a demon would come and interrupt their sporting pastimes
- Chanting of the holy name is so powerful that it can immediately liberate the vibrator. But because he is prone to fall down again, therefore there are regulative principles
- Children has also some troubles of life. Now, if one of the children requests the mother, "You have given birth to me, but I find my life very troublesome. Better you again put me in your belly." Is it a good proposal? It is not at all a good proposal
- Coming again to the point of pure devotional service, the Lord is describing the transcendental qualifications of a pure devotee in these two verses (BG 13-14). BG 1972 purports
- Conditioned souls are strictly under the laws of fruitive activities, and as such they sometimes go up to Brahmaloka and again come down to Patalaloka, as if they were unintelligent children on a merry-go-round
- Cure of disease is all right, but after curing, if you are not engaged in your healthy activities, then means, that means that your disease is again, will be relapsed
- Daksa regained his previous opulence and again begot thousands and millions of children to fill the three worlds
- Death means sleeping for seven months. That's all. That is death. When this body is unfit for living, the soul gives up this body. And by superior arrangement the soul is put again into the womb of a particular type of mother
- Desiring to create these universes, You create them, maintain them and again wind them up by Your own energies, which are under the control of Your second energy, called yogamaya, just as a spider creates a cobweb by its own energy and again winds it up
- Despite all kinds of impediments due to surrounding circumstances, he (a perfect devotee) automatically perseveres in devotional service and gradually advances until he once again becomes perfect
- Devaki was stunned with wonder that her dead children had come back and had again been transferred to their respective planets
- Dharma means which will bring me again to my original, constitutional position, and adharma means which will take me down and down from my original, constitutional position
- Dhrtarastra must have been very glad to understand that Arjuna was not going to fight and was instead leaving the battlefield for the begging profession. But Sanjaya disappointed him again in relating that Arjuna was competent to kill his enemies
- Different bodies and capacities are simply transformations of the earth that exist in name only, for everything grows out of the earth and when everything is annihilated it again mingles with the earth
- Do not again misappropriate the revenue of the government. In case you think your salary insufficient, henceforward it will be doubled
- Dog is also begetting children, man is also begetting. What is the difference? The difference is man should be responsible that, - This child who has come to me, this is his last birth. No more birth again
- Due to being touched by the Lord’s lotus feet, the serpent was immediately freed from the reactions of his sinful life. Being freed, he again assumed his original form of Sudarsana, the Gandharva
- Due to misfortune he cannot follow the instructions of the spiritual master or advanced devotees; therefore he gives up their company and again returns to the association of monkeys who are simply interested in sense gratification and women
- Due to neglecting the lotus feet of the Lord, these yogis (the followers of the Patanjali system) again fall down into the material existence (patanty adhah). Consequently this path of yoga is more abominable than the impersonalists’ path
- Due to the contamination of matter, the perfect living entity falls down, but this process of Krsna consciousness will again make him perfect
- Duhkha means suffering. And the real suffering is to take birth and then again die. And between birth and death there is old age and disease
- During the rainy season, water is generated from the sun, and in due course of time, during the summer season, the very same water is again absorbed by the sun
- During the Ratha-yatra ceremony, Lord Jagannatha once again comes before the public. Thus for fifteen days after the bathing ceremony, Lord Jagannatha is not visible to any visitors
- During the Ratha-yatra festival, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again danced before the car of Jagannatha. When Sanatana Gosvami saw this, his mind was astonished
- Each time he had to return home disappointed. Each time, the princely order of the Yadu dynasty arrested Jarasandha in the same way and again released him in an insulting manner, and each time Jarasandha shamelessly returned home
- Either there is soul or not soul, just like Darwin's theory, evolution of material body is going on. One body is created and the same body again annihilated, another body created, the same body annihilated, and it is going on. You cannot stop this process
- Elephants taking bath, perhaps you have not seen. In India we had some opportunity. They wash the body very nicely, repeatedly throwing water with the trunk, and as soon as come on the shore of the tank, again take some dust and throws over the body
- Elevation to the higher planets or to a higher life status is never permanent. One must again come down to be submerged in the water. All this is constantly going on in this material existence
- Entangled means for one resultant action we are now, we have got this body. Again we are going to take another material body. So this is a chain of birth and death
- Even after achieving so-called perfection, many karmis, jnanis and yogis become attached to material activities again
- Even after following such methods (pious atonement, speculative knowledge & meditation in mystic yoga) one takes to fruitive activities again, unable to control his mind, which is contaminated by the base qualities of nature, namely passion and ignorance
- Even after successive births, the karma-yogi revives the transcendental sense of service, and by his natural attachment, he tries again to give further perfection to the progress of his transcendental activities
- Even after the destruction of this body, consciousness is not destroyed. Rather, consciousness is transferred to another type of body and again makes us aware of the material conception of life. That is also described in the Bhagavad-gita
- Even after traveling all over the universe, from Brahmaloka to Patalaloka, one cannot escape the attack of birth, death, disease and old age. But one who enters the kingdom of God, the Lord says, is never again obliged to come to the material world
- Even children, who has no politics, no enmity, they fight for five minutes; again they are friends. So the fighting spirit is there. Now, how you should be utilized?
- Even if a bhakti-yogi falls, he takes birth in a rich family or family of brahmanas, in which he again starts devotional activities from the point where he left off
- Even if one artificially leaves home and goes to the forest, he again becomes attached to materialistic life
- Even if one enacts a very small amount on the spiritual platform, he takes that with him to his next life, and he picks up again from that point
- Even if one is not able to go back to Godhead in one life, the Vedic civilization at least gives one the opportunity to be promoted to the higher planetary systems, where the demigods live, and not glide down again to animal life
- Even if one is promoted to Brahmaloka, the highest planet in the universe, he has to come down again to the lower planetary systems. Thus he is wandering up and down perpetually, under the influence of the three modes of material nature
- Even if such a person atones and is punished by the government, he will again commit theft as soon as he comes out of jail. If punishment in jail is considered atonement, what is the benefit of such atonement
- Even if the great fear of bondage is avoided by mental speculation and inquiry into the fundamental principles, it may still appear again, since its cause has not ceased
- Even if transcendentalists slip away from the path of progress in some way or other, they are again given chances for making progress
- Even if we rise to this stage (brahma-bhutah) and do not take to the loving service of Krsna, there is the possibility of falling down again into the material whirlpool
- Even if you perform austerity, penances, the worldly circumstances are so implicated that it will involve you some way or other again into the material modes of nature. There are many instances. Many sannyasis, they give up this world as mithya, all false
- Even little service you give, it is your permanent asset. Even if you fall down from that service platform, still, whatever you have done, it will never go in vain. As soon as there is opportunity, again you shall begin from that point where you left
- Even though he had accepted material opulences, he could not be deviated from his own task. He again became Krsna conscious
- Even though it is not one hundred percent perfectly performed, still whatever I have done will not be lost. In my next life, from the very point where I stopped in this life, I shall begin again. In this way there is always a continuity
- Even when this material creation is destroyed, the Vaikuntha planets remain unscathed and intact. Once anyone enters these planets, he never again suffers the repetition of birth and death, which is inevitable for earthly beings
- Every day a demon would come and interrupt their (the cowherd boys) sporting pastimes. The demon would be killed, and then the boys would engage again in their transcendental pastimes
- Every student should be very much careful not to commit any offense which will be detrimental to this promotion to the Spiritual Kingdom, and thereby the Spiritual Master has to incarnate again to deliver him
- Every year the plowman plows over his grain field, completely uprooting all weeds. Nonetheless, the seeds lie there and, not being completely burned, again come up with the plants sown in the field. Even after being plowed under, the weeds come up densely
- Everyone assembled was very eager to hear the different versions of the Atmarama sloka again, and since they were so eager, Lord Caitanya again explained the sloka in the same way that He had explained it to Sanatana Gosvami
- Everyone has his destined happiness also. No one can get more or less of these things simply by personal endeavors. Even if they are obtained, they can be lost again. One should not, therefore, waste time with these flimsy things
- Everyone has to adjust things in his particular way, but I again repeat that at least one hour should be set aside for chanting the beads. I hope this will help you both ways and I pray to Krishna that He will give you all protection
- Everyone in India is a devotee; they have simply been misled by politicians and so many things. By Lord Chaitanya's mercy we are again reviving their original Krishna Consciousness, just as we are doing in all our centers all over the world
- Everyone is disappointed. Both sides, the lover and the beloved, both sides. You have got very good experience in this country. They marry, again they are divorced, because disappointed
- Everyone knows "This is not good," but he is punished; again he does that. So Pariksit Maharaja said, What is the use of this atonement?
- Everything can be attained simply by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra. Everything. The means is the end and the means is the whole. It is not that we accept something and give it up and again come to another stage
- Everything in the cosmic manifestation emanates from the Absolute Truth, remains in the Absolute Truth, and after annihilation again enters the Absolute Truth
- Everywhere they are very busy, karmi, but they do not know what is the aim of life. That is called karma, acting something and suffering again. This is called karma
- Family members are like straws carried together by the waves of a river. Sometimes such straws mix together in whirlpools, and later, dispersed again by the same waves, they float alone in the water
- Father and son. They are intimately related. It may be the son has gone out of home for many years, but as soon as he meets his father, again the same love between father and son revives
- Fighting again broke out between Brhaspati and the moon-god, both of whom claimed, "This is my child, not yours!" All the saints and demigods present asked Tara whose child the newborn baby actually was, but because she was ashamed she could not answer
- Finally he (Yayati) became detached from worldly life and returned the youthfulness again to his son Puru
- Finally, when Brahma is born again in another millennium, they (the jivas) are again manifest. In this way the jivas are captivated by the material world. BG 1972 purports
- First I cut the child in the womb into seven pieces, which became seven children. Then I cut each of the children into seven pieces again. By the grace of the Supreme Lord, however, none of them died
- First of all you said that the stool of any animal is impure, and again you say the cow dung, the stool of another animal, is pure. - It is fact - it is pure
- First World War, yes. That was futile. Again you have started United Nation. Where is the benefit? There cannot be benefit
- Foolish materialists, in the garb of leaders of the people in general, stick to family affairs without attempting to cut off relations with them, and thus they become victims of nature's law and get gross bodies again, according to their work
- For one who merges impersonally into the existence of the Supreme, there is every chance of falling down again into the material world in order to acquire some association. This is the verdict of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- For some reason or another it had been temporarily stopped, most probably by committing an offense at the lotus feet of a devotee. Now, with a good second chance, it has again begun to develop
- For that night, one should observe strict celibacy, and the next morning, after bathing again, with purity and attention one should bathe the Deity of Visnu with milk and worship Him according to the methods formerly stated in detail
- For the time being, people may remain friends, but eventually they become enemies again and fight over money. Sometimes they marry and then separate by divorce or other means. On the whole, unity is never permanent
- For this attainment of liberation from the material clutches, the Lord creates the material world, maintains it for some time (one thousand years of His measurement, as stated in the previous verse), and then again annihilates it by His will
- For this reason (because he thinks himself independent of God), after the destruction of this material world, when there is again creation by the interaction of the material modes of nature, Brahma comes back
- For this reason, after the destruction of this material world, when there is again creation by the interaction of the material modes of nature, Brahma comes back
- Forgetfulness of Krishna means an unhealthy state of life which is symptomized by so many problems and distresses. So if we want to attain our natural happy state of life of full satisfaction, we must again take to the shelter of Krishna
- Formerly a king used to punish a criminal by dunking him in the river, raising him up again for breath and then again dunking him in the water. Material nature punishes and rewards the individual entity in just the same way
- From Bhagavad-gita we learn that death is not really natural for us. It is artificially imposed upon us, and we have to become deathless again. That is the perfection of human life, but no one cares about it
- From higher planets, they fall down with water, and then again, like bubbles, begins from water, life. As the water dries up, then vegetables
- From higher planets, they fall down with water, and then again, like bubbles, begins from water, life. As the water dries up, then vegetables, and then... Jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa... (Padma Purana). Then moving animals and ants, reptiles
- From the earth, many varieties of manifestations take place. For example, a big skyscraper is manifested from the earth. When it is dismantled, the manifestation becomes again unmanifested and remains as atoms in the ultimate stage
- From the residence of Yamaraja the sun travels to Nimlocani, the residence of Varuna, from there to Vibhavari, the residence of the moon-god, and from there again to the residence of Indra
- Gaudiya Vaisnava, Gosvamis, they did not write any comment on the Vedanta-sutra because they accept Srimad-Bhagavatam is the natural commentary on the Vedanta-sutra. So why they should write again
- Generally an old animal was sacrificed in the fire. and it would come out again in a youthful body. Some of the rituals however, did not require animal sacrifice. In the present age, animal sacrifices are forbidden
- Generally, almost everyone is short-living. Asmin yuge, kalau, they are very short-living. Then again, mandah: all rascals. Mandah, third class; no first-class men. Practically no brahminical qualification. All sudra qualification
- Go back to home, back to Godhead. That is real goal of life. Just like the water coming from the sea as cloud falls down as rain, and the actual goal is to flow down the river and again go to the sea
- Go on chanting Hare Krishna. Krishna is in your heart. Pray to Him for your protection and soon all things will be adjusted and you will again be in the association of devotees. Of that you can be sure
- God can excuse any amount of sinful activity. But after confessing, after being freed, if I again commit sinful activities, oh, that is the greatest sin
- God is good, so we are also good. But we have become bad under circumstances. Just like under infection, one becomes diseased. So if we cure that infection, again he becomes good. So it is the curing process
- Gotra is the family tradition. According to Vedic civilization, everybody has got gotra. Gotra means of the same family, of rsis, gotra, from the rsis. So we have to become acyuta-gotra, again belonging to the family of Krsna
- Govinda will give me prasadam later, outside the door. Understanding his mind, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not call him again
- Great loss. He (Dr. Rao) will get again good birth to become Vaisnava. There is no doubt. He was initiated. Again he will get chance
- Hare Krsna mantra has got the power to neutralize the resultant action of your all sinful activities. That's a fact. But don't accumulate again sinful activities. Then you are safe
- Having gone through all the miserable, hellish conditions and having passed in a regular order through the lowest forms of animal life prior to human birth, and having thus been purged of his sins, one is reborn again as a human being on this earth
- Having recited all these verses from scripture, the Lord again offered His obeisances, and all the devotees, with folded hands, also offered prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- He (a sea surfer) has to pass through the fish life. There are 900,000 different species of life. Then you again come to the land - you become trees, plants and so on. Two millions different forms you have to go through. That is evolution
- He (Allen Ginsberg) has promised to me that, "Wherever I shall go, I shall chant." I asked him that if he was there he can see me again
- He (Bahulasva) was so overcome by feelings of love that after bowing down only once, he forgot his position and could not rise again
- He (Balarama) again went to the holy place of pilgrimage at Naimisaranya, and the sages, saintly persons and brahmanas all stood up to receive Him
- He (Bharata) again went to the forest of Salagrama and to the asrama of Pulastya and Pulaha
- He (Caitanya) instructs His own pure devotional service to His own devotees. Will He again be the object of my (Rupa Gosvami's )vision?
- He (Dvivida) immediately uprooted another big oak tree and, after clipping off all its leaves, again struck Balarama's head with it. But Balarama, with the help of His club, tore the tree to pieces
- He (God) creates and again winds up the creation. This action is applicable only in the material world
- He (God) is the complete whole, and therefore whatever He may eat as offered by the devotee is accepted because of the devotee's love, but again it is returned as prasada for the devotee so that he can be happy by eating
- He (God) lies down and generates the universes by His breathing, and by entering into each universe as Garbhodakasayi Visnu, He creates Brahma, Siva and many other demigods for maintenance of the universe and again absorbs the whole thing into His person
- He (Hitler) ruined the Englishmen, but he also became ruined, finished, Germany finished. But Germany will be able to rise again. Englishmen will not be able to
- He (Indra) dared not pick up his weapon again. Vrtrasura, however, encouraged him, saying, "Take up your thunderbolt and kill your enemy. This is not the time to lament your fate"
- He (Krsna) expands Himself in this material energy, and the whole cosmic manifestation again takes place. BG 1972 purports
- He (Krsna) was then praised by His friends and by the demigods for these wonderful acts. He again returned to Vrndavana with His cows and friends
- He (Lord Buddha) converted practically the whole population of India, Buddhist. They gave up Vedic type of religion. Now this Sankaracarya's mission was to reestablish again Vedic culture and stop this Buddha philosophy
- He (Pariksit Maharaja) gave the example of an elephant which cleanses his body thoroughly in a lake or reservoir, but as soon as he comes onto shore he takes dust and throws it all over his body and immediately becomes dirty again
- He (Salva) again rushed toward Lord Krsna. When Salva ran swiftly to attack Krsna with his club, Lord Krsna cut off his hand, which fell to the ground with the club
- He (Sikhi Mahiti) was having a wonderful dream that Lord Caitanya, while visiting the temple of Jagannatha, was entering and again coming out of the body of Jagannatha and looking at the Jagannatha Deity
- He (Subuddhi Raya) was very pleased to meet Sri Rupa Gosvami and Anupama, and he showed them the twelve forests of Vrndavana. Thus they lived in Vrndavana for one month and then again went to search for Sanatana Gosvami
- He (the Personality of Godhead) enters again into each and every universe as Garbhodakasayi Visnu and fills up half of each universe with His own perspiration
- He (Uddhava) again remembered the lotus feet of the Lord (Krsna) and remembered all his transcendental loving service unto Him, and by so doing he felt the same ecstasy that he used to feel in the presence of the Lord
- He again asked Ramananda Raya to speak further, and Ramananda Raya replied, "Pure devotional service without any touch of speculative knowledge is the essence of perfection"
- He also personally ate the remnants of food left by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then the Lord again sent Govinda
- He comes not only once, but many, many times (sambhavami yuge yuge) because this material world is such that in the course of time, after an adjustment is made, it will again deteriorate
- He give up and become a sannyasi, and then again become this grhastha. This is not good
- He is fanning me. Why? Because I am feeling unhappy due to warmth of this room. Then again, in winter season, I'll not like this fanning. This fanning will be uncomfortable. So a thing which is now comfortable, a few days after, it will be uncomfortable
- He is my spiritual son and I shall never allow him to fall down. When I return I shall drag him forcibly and make all right again. Anyone who has once come to me has become my beloved son
- He says that although He is Krsna's eternal servant, somehow He has fallen into the ocean of birth and death, accepting one body after another, dying and being born again, not only in this planet but throughout the whole universe, in many species of life
- He who fails to understand Krsna, the cause of all causes, becomes subjected to the routine of being promoted to the higher planets and then again coming down, as if situated on a ferris wheel which sometimes goes up and sometimes comes down. BG 1972 pur
- He who loosens the hair of the gopis, who is the supreme source of transcendental bliss and My life and soul? Has He come before My eyes again
- He's eating sumptuously, and by working, by pulling on the thela, hard labor, whole thing is digested and again goes in the evening he eats very sumptuously, he is very pleased. That is his success of life
- He's habituated to some certain habits, and he falls diseased on account of that. He knows that, "I committed this mistake in respect of my healthy condition, so I'm now punished by this disease." He knows, and he has suffered, but why he commits again?
- He's human being born. Making him animal by culture. Instead of making him more cultured towards the spiritual life, making him redirected again to animal life. This is the civilization, Western civilization
- Hearing these proposals made by other devotees of the Lord, mother Saci said to the devotees, "How many times shall I get the chance to see Nimai again"
- Hearing this from Ramananda Raya, the Lord again requested him to go a step further. In reply, Ramananda Raya said, "Loving service to Krsna rendered in fraternity is the highest perfection"
- Hearing this news, all the devotees again appealed to the Lord, but the Lord replied, "I am a beggar. It is impossible for Me to do anything about this"
- Hearing this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu mildly smiled. The brahmana then spoke again to the Lord
- Here Krsna explicitly states that one who comes to Him (Krsna) will never be reborn to suffer miseries again
- Here the material nature is you take your birth or appearance and again disappear and again appear. This is the instruction of spiritual life. The spirit soul is there, but it is not getting a permanent settlement. This is material world
- Herein (CC Adi 17.333) the author again describes the Panca-tattva. Sri Krsna Caitanya, Prabhu Nityananda, Sri Advaita, Gadadhara, Srivasa and all the devotees of Lord Caitanya
- His (Krsna's) appearance as one of the human beings and His disappearance again from the mortal world are subject matters for the research workers who execute research work with great perseverance
- His (Pariksit's) inquiry, - Sir, you have spoken about atonement, but they are doing atonement. Every moment they are suffering, but still, again he is committing the sinful activities. So what is the use of this atonement?
- His (Pradyumna) charioteer brought him back to the camp from the battlefield, and for this action he was very sorry and rebuked his charioteer. However, he fought again with Salva and was victorious
- His (the living entity's) state is exactly like that of a criminal whom a king punishes by submerging him in water and then raising him again from the water
- His chest had brushed against their breasts, crushing His flower garland and coloring it with red kunkuma powder. Attracted by the fragrance of that garland, humming bumblebees followed Krsna like celestial beings of Gandharvaloka
- His playmates then threatened not to allow Him to play with them again. Krsna became afraid, and instead of going back home, He went back again to play with the boys. At that time, mother Yasoda scolded the children
- His service can be once again very much valuable there in Australia, I know he is very good boy. Do not drive him away, that will be the discredit to all of you leaders
- Hold classes at least five hours. As in the schools and colleges there are regular classes, forty-five minutes' class, then five or ten minutes' recess, again forty-five minutes' class, in this way, so we have got enough subject matter to study
- How I am eating something, how it is being turned into some secretion, it is going to the heart, it is becoming red and it is again distributed through the nerves and veins - I do not know anything. I can simply theorize
- How the human being is born is described by Kapiladeva. The human being develops in the mother's abdomen and suffers there and comes out again
- How the point of the hair can be divided into hundred. Kesagra-sata-bhagasya. Now, you take one part of that division and again divide into hundred. This is beyond your experience, beyond your power
- How to become free from the bondage of this material body and become free again in spiritual life, that is real problem of life. That they do not know
- However, being unable to stick to these principles, these rascals again fall down and take shelter among sudras who are very expert in making arrangements for sex indulgence
- Human civilization should be so arranged that never mind, it is so mixed up, you have to gradually draw him again to the sattva-guna. That is human civilization. Not that drag him again to the tamo-guna
- Hundreds of devotees brought water in the pots, and hundreds took the empty pots away to fill them up again
- I (Bharata) was successful in my attempt, so much so that my mind was always absorbed in devotional service. However, due to my personal foolishness, my mind again became attached - this time to a deer
- I (Narada) desired to see again that transcendental form of the Lord, but despite my attempts to concentrate upon the heart with eagerness to view the form again, I could not see Him any more, and thus dissatisfied, I was very much aggrieved
- I also hear topics about Krsna from Ramananda Raya. If you want to hear such topics, go to him again
- I am currently now in Los Angeles. Tomorrow I am going to Mexico. After returning from there I will again go to Portland and this time I will go to London for Rath Yatra
- I am eternal. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). I do not die after this body is finished, and again I will have to . . . tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). So this is knowledge. One has to always think of this. That is called tapasya
- I am going out of station for few days. I shall come back again very soon. In the meantime, you go on holding this class, morning, regularly, one sloka from Bhagavata; thoroughly discuss for one hour; kirtana
- I am not neglecting my health. I am improving gradually. The swelling is almost 80% down and there is an improvement in my appetite, and once again I am translating at night
- I am now 75 years old. I never thought how far I shall be able to travel such a long distance. But as people say I am still younger, then maybe sooner or later I shall come back to New York again
- I am sorry to inform you that your co-founder Hayagriva Prabhu is little disturbed. Sometimes before you told about him participating in intoxication. Then I did not take it seriously, but the same thing is again revived and I am little perturbed
- I am stressing again that we have to find out a reliable person who can regularly supply us with goods from India. This is the sum and substance, and now you can do the needful. If Mr. Vora wants to be our supplying agent, we have no objection
- I am such a sinful person, but since I have now gotten this opportunity, I must completely control my mind, life and senses and always engage in devotional service so that I may not fall again into the deep darkness and ignorance of material life
- I am taking so much care of this material body, which will not exist, which I shall become 'Dust thou art; dust thou beist.' Again it will mix up with dirty things. I am taking so much care of this body. What about that living force, which is important
- I am very anxious to see you again. I am very much pleased with you & your wife's service to Krishna Consciousness
- I am very glad to hear that your mission is resumed in Indonesia and that you are taking up this work again with full enthusiasm. And the response has been very good there. Now go on teaching in this school and distributing our literatures more and more
- I am very interested in the Sri Beni Madhava Temple. I have also written the Mahant Sri Omkar Giri inviting him to Mayapur for further discussion on this. For yourself, I again invite you, and we will be prepared to pay for your expenditures
- I am very much encouraged by your progress in Krsna consciousness. Now go on in this way always striving to please Krsna and you will feel yourself becoming happy more and more. That I want. Thank you once again
- I can go to Australia when you are fully equipped for some time and again come back. I have never seen Australia, so naturally I am inquisitive
- I cannot stop my western world activities and I have taken leave from you for only six months; and it may be that on or before I will come to you again
- I come to your home again and again to eat all the sweetmeats and vegetables you offer
- I gave up Your company, but You did not give me up. By Your rope of mercy You have bound me by the neck and brought me back again to Your lotus feet
- I have again begun translating work and have so far sent Satsvarupa Prabhu three tapes from 4th Canto, 8th chapter, and will be sending many more
- I have brought a heavy load to sell in this city. To take it back again is a very difficult job; therefore if I get but a fraction of the price, I shall sell it here in this city of Kasi
- I have given the example many times that a screw which has fallen from a machine has no value. But when the same screw is again attached to the machine, it has value. Similarly, we are part and parcel of God. So without God, what is our value? No value
- I have got this body. I am suffering. I am undergoing threefold miseries, threefold miserable condition of life. Why I shall make another body, again undergo the threefold miseries of life
- I have heard this wonderful story and am therefore very inquisitive to hear Your explanation again. If You would kindly repeat it, I would be very pleased to hear
- I have received the enclosed copies of BTG and they are very nice. The layout made by you and the others are completely satisfactory. Thank you very much. I have again begun speaking on the tapes and very soon you will get transcribed copies
- I have to give up this body, again accept another body, again suffer? This is the problem, but mudha, duskrtina, they do not see to the real problem. That is their fault. Neither they have knowledge to see the real problem
- I may again repeat the same that if Scindia Steam Navigation Co. has not as yet replied my letter or your letter, then the Murtis should be dispatched without delay by other freighters through the shipping agents
- I may pass away at any moment. This movement should go on, you see, this movement started by Caitanya Mahaprabhu, then accelerated by Gosvamis, and then again Visvanatha Cakravarti
- I never believed that again you would go back to your old habits, giving up the Krsna Consciousness Movement in a whimsical way
- I now desire without reservation that the calamity come now, for in this way I may be freed of the sinful action and not commit such an offense again
- I request you, don't you become hippies again by growing hair. Keep your head cleansed at least once in a month. That is my request. Neither I can chastise you, I am an old man and you are young men
- I see so many discrepancies from our line of action in devotional service. I do not know if you are again acting upon your old principles on the guise of becoming a Sannyasi from our disciplic succession
- I shall advise you again to chant always, increasing the counting, namely, 16 rounds is generally prescribed, but for the time being you can stop all other activities and increase the chanting to 64 rounds
- I shall commit sinful activities, go to the church and confess. Then everything is nullified. Again begin, new chapter, sinful activities
- I shall do as you have requested by informing Karandhar that henceforward he should send you $125 monthly, beginning 1st August, 1972, but if you again ask me for increase in expense then I shall have to ask you to take sannyas
- I shall not maintain you any more. A henpecked husband like Lord Rama may accept a wife like Sita, who went to another man's house, but I am not henpecked like Him, and therefore I shall not accept you again
- I think it not befitting an intelligent man to involve himself again in the activities of sense gratification by which he perpetually gets material bodies one after another
- I think let us finish first Teachings of Lord Caitanya and then we take again Narada Bhakti Sutra. The subject matter discussed with Narada Bhakti Sutras is already there in the Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- I think you have to revive your position as GBC again and look after all the business of India affairs nicely. May Krsna bless you with all good sense. Your program submitted by you all jointly is tentatively accepted by me
- I thought that once again I would see and meet all the devotees and take them with Me to Vrndavana
- I was so pleased to know that since Gurudasa had left London you had taken charge of our temple there, but later on you again left, so what can I do?
- I was to die on Tuesday certainly but because you prayed sincerely I am saved. Now I am improving gradually and coming to original condition. Now I can hope to meet you again and chant with you, Hare Krishna
- I was very much shocked to learn that you have again met with some motor accident on the way, and perhaps this is the second time you have broken your leg. So I do not know why such things are happening
- I went to Jagannatha Puri in 1958 during some special function. I was taking Lord Jagannatha prasada very sumptuously. I am praying to Lord Jagannatha to take me there again at His will and honor His remnants of food
- I went to Mauritius, South Africa and again Mauritius where I met with a major motor accident in my car. All my men got slightly injured and they were saved by Krsna. The accident was very disastrous, but still Krsna saved
- I will be happy to visit your home again next time I come to Toronto. In the meantime, please give whatever assistance you can to help manage the temple affairs there
- I wish that all those calamities would happen again and again so that we could see You again and again, for seeing You means that we will no longer see repeated births and deaths
- I wish to hear from you about Lord Krsna. Indeed, My mind is inclined to desire this; therefore I wish to see you again
- I'm very happy to hear that you are once again in Berlin. When you first went to Germany by yourself, I was praying that Krishna would help you in every way to establish a center there in Berlin. Now you have done it by the grace of Krishna
- If a devotee thinks that he is very much advanced in devotional service, he is considered puffed up and unfit to sit beneath the shelter of the Lord's lotus feet. Again, this instruction by Lord Caitanya is applicable
- If a foolish devotee of the Lord tries to recoup his position, then the merciful Lord again snatches away all that he may have possessed. By such repeated failures in material prosperity he becomes very unpopular with his family members and friends
- If a husband becomes too much attracted by his wife and forgets his duty in life, the implications of materialistic life will again resume
- If a man comes, follows the regulative principle even for some time and again he falls down, so so long he has followed, that asset is permanent. Anything, spiritual asset, that is never lost
- If after accepting the spiritual master and being initiated one does not follow the rules and regulations of devotional service, then he is again fallen
- If an old friend meets another friend, they become very delighted. Similarly, if the father meets the lost child, he becomes very delighted and the child also. The husband, wife separated, again they meet. So they become very delighted
- If anyone has listened from the authority about Krsna, he wants to speak again. That is preaching. Not that, "I have listened about Krsna, that's all right." No. Sravanam kirtanam. That is the test that he has advanced
- If anyone thinks that "I am chanting Hare Krsna mantra. It is reacting all the effects of my sinful life. Then again I can commit and chant Hare Krsna. It is very good business..." No. That is great offense
- If he (the conditioned soul) does not find the ultimate goal, he again goes down to material activities and engages himself in various philanthropic and altruistic works, which all fail to give him satisfaction
- If he (the devotee) begets any children at all, he takes charge of them to elevate them to Krsna consciousness so that they may not have to suffer in material life again, in future lives. That is the duty of a devotee
- If he (the disciple) again commits sinful activities, his spiritual master has to suffer. A disciple should be sympathetic and consider this. - For my sinful activities, my spiritual master will suffer
- If he (the living entity) again misses the opportunity (of the human form of life), he is again put into the cycle of birth and death, going sometimes higher and sometimes lower, turning on the samsara-cakra, the wheel of material existence
- If He again performs such an atrocious act, certainly we shall retaliate and strike Him in turn. What kind of important person is He, that He can check us in this way?
- If he again takes up sinful activities, his bath in the Ganges is as good as that of the elephant, who nicely takes his bath in a river but later spoils the whole thing by covering himself with dust on the land
- If he could not execute properly, he could not chant sixteen rounds, he could not observe the rules and regulations or for sometimes he could execute and then again, he became slackened. Just like sometimes we see some of our student falls down
- If I (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) remain longer and am fortunate enough to receive the mercy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, I shall try to describe them again more elaborately
- If I again become victimized . . . the laws of nature is there. If you want, you can enjoy. Nature will give you: "All right, you want so much sex. All right, come on, become a hog. Yes." So nature is ready. It is not very difficult
- If I can get some place where going I'll have not to die again or not to become old and not to have any diseases, oh, certainly I shall accept it. That is my desire, heart's desire. I want. I want that
- If in this human life of full consciousness the living entity does not realize his completeness in relation to the Complete Whole, he loses the chance to realize his completeness and is again put into the evolutionary cycle by the law of material nature
- If it (stool) becomes too much blocked, if it is not possible to be cleared, then the modern medical science, they cut the abdomen and cut the part and clear it, and again stitch it. That is appendicitis, so far I know
- If Krsna is like an ordinary human being, then how is it possible for Him to show the universal form and again to show the four-handed Narayana form? BG 1972 purports
- If Krsna sees that you are sincerely repenting, He will excuse you. As austerity, you should forget these things and never again think about them in your mind
- If money comes, you don't hate it. Welcome. But it should be used properly. That is proper use. If you use properly your money, then you make your path parapavarga, clear. And if you misuse your money, then you become again entangled
- If one accepts punishment as a reward dealt by the master, he becomes intelligent enough not to commit the same mistake again
- If one accepts sannyasa at an immature stage, there is every possibility of his being attracted by women and lusty desires and thus again becoming a so-called grhastha or a victim of women
- If one always thinks of something, he certainly gets a related body after death. Maharaja Agnidhra was always thinking of Pitrloka, the place where his wife had returned. After his death he achieved that same planet, probably to live with her again
- If one asks about the origin of love of Krsna, the answer is that the origin is in Srimati Radharani alone. Who is the most dear friend of Krsna? The answer again is Srimati Radharani alone. No one else
- If one chants the Hare Krsna maha-mantra without offenses, all of one's sinful actions are surely atoned for immediately, but one should not commit such deeds again, for that is an offense
- If one does not come to Krsna consciousness, he may be relieved for the time being from the reactions of sinful activities, but he will again commit transgressions
- If one does not enter the devotional service of the Lord but artificially considers himself Brahman or Narayana, not perfectly understanding that the soul and body are different, one certainly falls down. Such a person again gives importance to the body
- If one does not think or act wisely, as Vedic knowledge prescribes, how can he stop the problems of life? Simply by atonement there may be a temporary suppression of difficulties, but they will arise again
- If one does not utilize his human life for svarga or apavarga, he falls again to the degraded life of animals like dogs and hogs
- If one falls down, his progress might be checked for a certain time, but it will again become manifest at an opportune moment
- If one flies in outer space, he can go very high up, but unless he reaches a planet he must come down again to earth
- If one forgets the difference between the Supreme Lord and the living entity, his conditional life begins. Conditional life means giving up one body to accept another and undergoing death to accept death again
- If one gets another chance in a human body and wastes his valuable time in the association of persons who are concerned with sexual life and palatable dishes, then naturally he again glides down to the same Andha-tamisra and Tamisra hells
- If one hears and again narrates, with faith and devotion, this story of the Daksa yajna as it was conducted by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, then certainly one is cleared of all contamination of material existence, O son of Kuru
- If one is suffering from certain type of disease, goes to a doctor, gets some medicine, it is cured for the time being, again if he's attacked and goes to the doctor, again he gives medicine, what is the use of this business? That is intelligent question
- If one misses this opportunity (attach mind to Krsna), one does not know where he is going, how long he will remain in the cycle of birth and death, and when he will again achieve the human form of life and the chance to return home, back to Godhead
- If one renders a little devotional service, he does not fall down into the lower species but again attains a human form. There are 8,400,000 species, but the fallen devotee is guaranteed a human life
- If one repents that "I should not have done this, but I am so sinful that I have again committed this sin," so this repentance will help him to be excused by the Supreme Lord
- If one takes to Krsna consciousness, tyaktva sva-dharmam caranambujam hareh, and practices for some time regularly, then again, due to bad association or by something he falls down, so sastra says that, "What is the loss? There is no loss
- If our consciousness is not pure at the point of the verge of death, just leaving this body, then we have to take again this material body. That is the process going on by nature's law
- If somehow or other a man misses the spiritual opportunity afforded by his human form of life and falls down again into the evolutionary cycle, he must be considered most unfortunate
- If such fortunate brahmanas and sons of rich men properly utilize the chance, they can easily realize Vasudeva by good association with saintly persons. Unfortunately, such preferred persons are captivated again by material wealth and honor
- If the fire spark falls down on the ground, then for some time it looks like fiery, but again it becomes extinguished. That is rajo-guna
- If the living entity again misses his chance in the human form to understand his position, he is again placed in the cycle of birth and death in various types of bodies
- If the soul is there, the gross matter, this material body, it grows, the mind acts, the intelligence acts, the ego acts, and as soon as the soul is out of this body, it does not act. It decomposes and again turns into gross matter. That's all
- If the Vedic mantras were properly pronounced during the sacrifice, the animal sacrificed would come out again with a new life. That is the test for a successful yajna
- If we act from the level of consciousness, then we may not be pushed again into the level of this bodily conception
- If we act from the platform of consciousness, then we may not be pushed again into the platform of this bodily conception
- If we are actually serious about Krsna consciousness and going back to home, back to Godhead, make our lives successful in this very life, then... Life successful means mukti, to be not entangled again with this material body
- If we divide the tip of a hair into a 100 parts and then take 1 of these parts and divide it again into a 100 parts, that very fine division is the size of but one of the numberless living entities. They are all cit-kana, particles of spirit, not matter
- If we divide the tip of a hair into a hundred parts and then take one of these parts and divide it again into a hundred parts, that very fine division is the size of but one of the numberless living entities
- If we do not render service to Krsna then again we fall down
- If we don't get out of this struggle (Where is food? Where is sex? Where is shelter? How to defend?) for existence, we'll have to do them again in many, many future lives. So these things should be stopped
- If we get chance to meet again, I want to discuss frankly how we may co-operatively push on this Krishna Consciousness movement, especially in India. Let us see what Krishna desires
- If we have got least desire for material enjoyment, Krsna will give us chance again to accept a body which will satisfy the senses
- If we keep our minds always absorbed in fruitive activities for material enjoyment, naturally at the time of death we shall think of such activities and again be forced to enter material, conditioned bodies to suffer the threefold miseries
- If we miss the opportunity to understand God, then again we are put into the cycle of this evolutionary process. We should not therefore misuse this form like other forms
- If we remain in tamo-guna, ignorance, that, then we shall go down again to the lower species of life. This is the laws of nature
- If we simply waste our time for the animal propensities of life, then again we glide down to the animal life. That is a great loss
- If we take treatment under this Krsna consciousness Society, then we shall be cured of this material disease. Otherwise, we shall be again attacked with some kind of body. Vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya
- If we utilize our human form of life properly, then we stop the cycle of birth and death. And if we do not use this human form of life properly, again we go to that cycle of birth and death
- If we want to be cured again and come to our original consciousness, Krsna consciousness, which is svacchatvam avikaritvam santatvam iti cetasah, then we have to take to this Krsna consciousness
- If we want to revive our original position, we must be placed again into that service attitude. That is the perfect cure. Otherwise we shall suffer pain and God will be suffering pain on account of us
- If you actually want to save yourself from dragging down again to the lower abominable species of life, then you must take to Krsna consciousness, bhakti-yoga
- If you again give up sannyasa or you try to marry, it will be scandalous for our society
- If you are excused and again come back and again do the same sinful activities, criminal activities, and if you are again arrested, then you'll be very, very severely punished. It is a common sense
- If you connect yourself again with the supreme yoga - that is called real yoga - then you get rid of this so-called material happiness and distress, which is due to this body
- If you continue to defy the authority, the supremacy of the Supreme Lord, Personality of Godhead, then the same result: again you become rat. As soon as there is atomic bomb, everything, all civilization on the surface of the globe, will be finished
- If you create again the same action, then you'll have to accept another body. Then your this miserable condition of life will continue
- If you divide the top portion of your hair into one hundred parts, then take one part, again divide into one hundred parts, that is the dimension of the jiva. Therefore anu. Anu means like atom
- If you don't improve yourself in Krsna consciousness, then you again become stool worms
- If you don't use properly our this life for God consciousness or Krsna consciousness and go back to the kingdom of God, then we have to suffer again in the 8,400,000 species of life cycle, one after another. That is our choice
- If you don’t get a shelter in another platform or planet, you come down again. You can't remain there. Similarly, in impersonal feature we cannot remain, & why we remain in the impersonal nature? Because we have no information of the Supreme Personality
- If you follow the Vedic knowledge, then you have come to this world for enjoyment, so your regulated enjoyment will satisfy your senses; at the same time, you will be able to go back to home, back to Godhead, again
- If you give me vote, then I shall make you overnight a king - All false propaganda. And these rascal gives him vote and he again remains the same servant
- If you give them something. Twenty-one thousand give them, thirty thousand. Then again . . . if they are returning, you give them. Give and take, give and take
- If you have got any, I mean to say, affection for the spiritual master, then you should finish your business in this life so that he may not come again to reclaim you
- If you keep yourself on the platform of chanting Hare Krsna mantra and do not commit willfully again sinful life, then you are liberated
- If you make atonement for your sinful activities by some process - just like we are prescribing this process, chant Hare Krsna - surely your sinful reaction is nullified. But don't commit it again. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If you manipulate life, then give the dead body again energy to rise up. Then we shall admit that you can manipulate. Otherwise it is false
- If you offer something, Krsna, simply by seeing, He is eating. That is Krsna. And again if you say, "If He is eating, why the plate is full?" that is Krsna
- If you perform such activities again, I shall not be tolerant. At that time I shall kill you, your entire family and all the meat-eaters
- If you put little pure ghee on the rice, it will be so tasteful that he'll want it again. But give the pure thing. Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Try to give Him to the people
- If you say, "Why Krsna is eating by the eyes?" yes, that is Krsna. That is Krsna. If you offer something, Krsna, simply by seeing, He is eating. That is Krsna. And again if you say, "If He is eating, why the plate is full?" that is Krsna
- If you simply waste our time for the animal propensities of life, then again we glide down to the animal life. That is a great loss
- If you take it otherwise - "Ah, we shall go on committing all sins, & Jesus Christ will make a contract to nullify all my sins; I'll simply go to the church & confess & come back & again do all nonsense" - do you think that shows very good intelligence
- If you think that after getting initiation, "I have become perfect. Now again, whatever nonsense I was doing, I shall go on doing it," then it will be useless
- If you very strictly adhere to the principle of Krsna consciousness, then maya will not be able to touch you. That is the only remedy. Otherwise maya is always looking after the opportunity, loophole, how she can capture you again
- If you want to be happy, if you want to be peaceful, if you want to be elevated again to your original, constitutional position, then you take to Krsna consciousness and be happy
- If you want to know Krsna, then you have to accept bhakti, nothing else. Krsna never says jnana or yoga or karma will help you. No, that will not help. That will entangle you more and more - again repetition of birth and death
- If you, by chance, by mistake, you violate the regulative principle, that is excused, but if willingly, if you go on committing sinful life - so just like in the Churches they go to confess and again begin - that kind of business will not help you
- If, therefore, the living entity again associates with the path of unrighteousness, influenced by sensually minded people engaged in the pursuit of sexual enjoyment and the gratification of the palate, he again goes to hell as before
- Impersonalists, after rejecting this world as mithya, or false (jagan mithya), come down again to this jagan mithya, although they take sannyasa to increase their attachment for Brahman
- Impersonalists, not being situated in devotional service, they glide down again to the material world to undergo another term of material existence
- In a previous life one may have been a great man of knowledge, but in this life he has to start again by going to school and learning how to read and write from the beginning. Whatever knowledge was acquired in the previous life is forgotten
- In actuality the Mayavadi philosophers very strictly follow the austerities and penances of spiritual life and in this way are elevated to the impersonal Brahman platform, but due to their negligence of the lotus feet of the Lord they again fall down
- In autumn all the reservoirs of water become enriched with growing lotuses. The muddy water again becomes normally clear and decorated, just as fallen, conditioned souls once more become spiritually enriched in devotional service
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21) we find, ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: those who are elevated to the higher planetary systems must come down again as soon as the results of their pious activities are exhausted
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that when the daytime of Brahma is over, the manifested creations of the universe all vanish, and after the end of Brahma's night the creation is manifested again
- In biological laboratory, the medical practitioner, they test with animals to observe the physiological and anatomical conditions. But they cannot give life; they simply kill. But in the Vedic yajna, the animal was put in fire and it was again taken alive
- In Brahma-samhita it is stated, yasyaika-nisvasita-kalam athavalambya jivanti loma-vila-ja jagad-anda-nathah: many millions of universes come out of God's body when He exhales, and they again disappear when He inhales
- In childhood I used to take my ratha with my little friends, about 60 years ago. Again I am reviving the same attempt with my young disciples. I have become old, and you are also old. We may pass away, but my disciples will carry on this festival yearly
- In course of time, the same instruction (which was given to sun-god), being wrongly handled and being broken, was again instructed to Arjuna because he was His perfect devotee and friend
- In different types of bodies, the Lord (isvara) gives directions as Paramatma, and again, to destroy the body, He employs the tamo-guna. This is the way the living entities receive different types of bodies
- In due course of time the authorized succession was broken and just to reestablish the true spirit of the knowledge, God again explained the same knowledge to Arjuna, who was a bona fide candidate for understanding due to his being a pure devotee of God
- In each and every universal globe, the same Maha-visnu enters again as Garbhodakasayi Visnu and lies there on the serpentlike Sesa incarnation. From His navel sprouts a lotus stem, and on the lotus, Brahma, the lord of the universe, is born
- In every chapter there are various topics, but I have repeated only those that are principal, for not all of them could be described again
- In Gaya, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was initiated by Isvara Puri, and immediately afterwards He exhibited signs of love of Godhead. He again displayed such symptoms after returning home
- In good association we hear about the Supreme Lord, Supreme Person, and it becomes very pleasing to the heart, to the ear. Taj-josanad: and if we again remember them, then the benefit is there
- In great happiness, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then accepted the lunch. When He had tasted the vegetables, He again began to speak
- In great humility, considering Himself a conditioned soul of the material world, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again expressed His desire to be endowed with service to the Lord
- In Kali-yuga vice increases to such a point that at the termination of the yuga the SG Himself appears as the Kalki avatara, vanquishes the demons, saves His devotees, and commences another Satya-yuga. Then the process is set rolling again. BG 1972 pur
- In next game of chess, the bet was that if the Pandavas lost the game they would go to the forest for twelve years. Thereafter they were to remain incognito for one year, & if detected they would have to live in the forest again for another twelve years
- In our Krsna consciousness movement it is advised, therefore, that the sannyasis and brahmacaris keep strictly aloof from the association of women so that there will be no chance of their falling down again as victims of lusty desires
- In some religious sects a sinful man goes to a priest to confess his sinful acts and pay a fine, but then he again commits the same sins and returns to confess them again. This is the practice of a professional sinner
- In the absence of Krsna the gopis were constantly shedding tears, but sometimes, when they expected that Krsna was coming, they would stop crying. But when they saw that Krsna was not coming, then again they would become frustrated and begin to cry
- In the beginning of the Fourth Chapter (of the Bhagavad-gita) this explanation (of the knowledge of the phenomenal world and the spirit behind it) was given by the Lord, and it is again confirmed here (in BG 7.2 (1972)). BG 1972 purports
- In the beginning there was void and in the middle it is manifested. Then again it is void. So void to void, where there is lamentation? This is the argument Krsna is giving. Both ways you cannot lament
- In the Bhagavad-gita (9.20-21) Lord Krsna states: When they (those who study the Vedas) have enjoyed vast heavenly sense pleasure and the results of their pious activities are exhausted, they return to this mortal planet again
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that one who knows the truth about Sri Krsna's descent and His various activities is at once liberated and does not have to fall again to this existence of birth and death after he leaves his present material body
- In the Brhad-Vamana Purana, the Lord (Krsna) says, "Although I have many fascinating pastimes, whenever I think of the rasa-lila, which I perform with the gopis, I become eager to have it again"
- In the Christian church they go to confess every weekly, "Sir, I have done it." "All right, give some fine." And again, next week, again, the same thing going on. So this is very intelligent question
- In the condition of external separation, you were again under illusion, thinking that you had not offered the food to Lord Visnu
- In the conditioned state, sometimes devotional service and the conditional service in relation to the body will parallel one another. But then again, sometimes these activities become opposed to one another. BG 1972 purports
- In the Gautamiya Tantra all the verses are called prayers. Again in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, there are hundreds of prayers to the Lord. So a devotee should select some of these prayers for his recitation
- In the hellish condition within the womb, the living entity is very much afraid of being born again
- In the hellish condition within the womb, the living entity is very much afraid of being born again, but when he is out of the womb, when he is in full life and good health, he forgets everything and commits again and again the same sins
- In the material world, our father gives us our birth, and we are an entity separate from him. If we are suffering, do we say, "My dear father, I am suffering. Will you please once again make me one with you?" Is this a very good proposal
- In the meantime, the bee, flying hither and thither, appeared before Her again. She (Radharani) thought, "Krsna is still kind to Me. In spite of the messenger's carrying disruptive messages, He is so kind that He has again sent the bee to take Me to Him"
- In the morning the birds in the nest become busy with questions and answers, and in the evening also the same birds come back and again become busy with questions and answers
- In the other dissolution, which occurs at the end of Brahma's day, all the lower planetary systems are destroyed. When Lord Brahma rises after his night, these lower planetary systems are again created
- In the previous chapter (BG 9) he (Krsna) has clearly explained His different energies to establish devotion in firm conviction. Again in this chapter (BG 10) He tells Arjuna about His manifestations and various opulences. BG 1972 purports
- In the previous year, everyone had his own particular residence, and the same residences were again offered. Thus they all went to take rest
- In the Vedas it is said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has already expanded Himself into so many living entities by His energy. Therefore it was not very difficult for Him to expand Himself again into so many boys and calves
- In this connection (a poverty-stricken person getting money and being inclined to do philanthropy) there is an instructive story called punar musiko bhava, "Again Become a Mouse."
- In this connection Sri Rupa Gosvami gives an example of the clouds in the sky: the clouds in the sky arise from the ocean, and when the clouds become water again and fall to the ground, they glide back to the ocean
- In this life one may be a king, and in the next life one may be a dog, according to karma. The spirit soul is in a deep slumber caused by the force of material nature. He is put in one type of condition and again changed into another type
- In this regard (in SB 7.10.22), Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura says that although Hiranyakasipu was already purified, he had to take birth on a higher planetary system to become a devotee again
- In this way (by imitating Haridas Thakura) the heart is again filled with dirty things and becomes harder and harder, like that of a materialist. Gradually one desires to become a reputed devotee or an avatara (incarnation)
- In this way Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu deflated the pride of Venkata Bhatta, but just to make him happy again, He spoke as follows
- In this way Madhavendra Puri started for Vrndavana with the burden of sandalwood, and after some days he again reached the village of Remuna and the Gopinatha temple there
- In this way Raghunatha dasa passed one year exactly like a first-class business manager, but the next year he again decided to leave home
- In this way, the material creation is generated and again withdrawn. When Lord Krsna and Arjuna entered the water, it appeared that there was a strong hurricane of transcendental effulgence blowing, and the water of the Karana Ocean was greatly agitated
- In your country I have seen in several places. Nice building is dismantled, and again, in that very place, another building is raised. You see? Breaking and building. Breaking and... "Oh, this building is old. Break it." The same childish play
- Indeed, if you follow these regulative principles, we will again meet here, or, rather, you will never lose My company
- India's position is that they have lost their own culture, and they could not assimilate the western culture. But in the western countries, if they accept this Vedic process of civilization, then they will again take it
- Indra said, "Kindly give me Your blessings so that I may not act so foolishly again. If You think, my Lord (Krsna), that the offense is very great and cannot be excused, then I appeal to You that I am Your eternal servant"
- Indra said, "There are many such foolish personalities in this world, like me, but in due course of time, when they come to their senses, they surrender unto You (Krsna) and again engage themselves properly by rendering service unto You"
- Indra says, "You (Nrsimhadeva) are so kind towards us that, by killing him, You have removed that fear from within our hearts and have given us the chance to place Your Lordship within our hearts again"
- It (earthen pot) has cost me one paisa. I shall make one paisa profit. Then I can make such profit. I shall invest again, make another profit, another profit. In this way I shall become millionaire. Then I shall marry, and my wife shall be very obedient
- It has already been admitted that all the King's property belonged to the brahmanas and that Prthu Maharaja was simply using it for the welfare of the state. If it were actually the property of the brahmanas, how could it be offered again to them
- It is a great offense to receive pardon for sins and then commit the same sins again. Such an offense is more dangerous than the sinful activity itself
- It is also possible for the living entity to be liberated again when by cultivation of real knowledge he becomes completely freed from the contamination of the material world
- It is certainly as a result of pious activities that one takes birth in the heavenly planets, but from those planets one must nevertheless come down again to earth
- It is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (8.16 abrahma-bhuvanal lokah) that even if one is elevated to a higher planet, he has to come down again
- It is due to Arjuna only that the great philosophical discourses of the Bhagavad-gita were again spoken by the Lord on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- It is easy to understand that everything manifested here is temporary. The obvious example is our body. If one is thirty years old, thirty years ago his body was not manifested, and in another fifty years it will again be unmanifested
- It is good that you are again the President of the Vancouver temple. Of course the farm projects are important but more stress should be given to Sankirtan
- It is natural to conclude that when one gives up one's old body, one will have to accept another body; again one will accept the body of a child
- It is nice the girls are coming to the temple, but unless you engage them in some way of serving Krsna, there will be again trouble
- It is not necessary for a Vaisnava to keep a stock of food for the next day. He should receive only sufficient grain to last one day. The next day, he must again depend on the Lord’s mercy. This is the instruction of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- It is said in the Caitanya-bhagavata, yateka vanik-kula uddharana haite pavitra ha-ila dvidha nahika ihate: there is no doubt that all the community members of the suvarna-vanik society were again purified by Sri Nityananda Prabhu
- It is said in the Vedas that the digested foods are ultimately divided into three. The solid portion becomes stool, and the semiliquid portion turns into flesh. The liquid portion turns yellow and is again divided into three
- It is said that when a woman is having labor pains she promises that she will never again become pregnant and suffer from such a severely painful condition
- It is the duty of the human society to save the human being to degrade, from becoming again cats and dogs, or to elevate him higher and higher
- It is the practice that after a snake has been killed, its body is cut into various pieces for fear that it may come to life again simply by interacting with air
- It is understood that in Sati's next life she would take birth as the daughter of the Himalayas, Parvati, and then she would again accept Lord Siva as her husband
- It is understood that Kapila Muni first went towards the Himalayas and traced the course of the River Ganges, and He again came to the delta of the Ganges at the sea now known as the Bay of Bengal
- It is up to the sons to obey the father and keep the relationship natural. The little disturbances created by Acyutananda and Jaya Govinda were temporary. Now again they have come to their real consciousness
- It requires little intelligence that, "I am eternal. Why I am in this business, accepting one body and again giving up, giving it up? And there is no guarantee what kind of body I'm going to accept next." There is no guarantee
- Jagannatha has saved him once from death today, but if tomorrow he again does not pay what he owes the treasury, who will give him protection
- Jamadagni, the son of Satyavati, was very much pleased with Parasurama and asked him to take any benediction he liked. Parasurama replied, "Let my mother and brothers live again and not remember having been killed by me. This is the benediction I ask"
- Janamejaya was much affected by his great father's (Pariksit's) untimely death and was very anxious to see him again, and he expressed his desire before the great sage Vyasadeva
- Just as a prisoner, who has undergone troublesome prison life, is set free again, the person who has always engaged in impious and mischievous activities is put into hellish conditions
- Just like bubbles in the ocean once formed and next moment there is no trace. Again another bubble forms. This particular body gone forever never to come back again
- Just like Krsna comes upon this earth once in Brahma's day. So so many millions of years, Krsna will appear again, if not personally, by His expansion, amsena. Caitanya Mahaprabhu will appear exactly in due course of time
- Just like nowadays this contraceptive, abortion, killing the child is going on, so the same man, again he is killed by the so-called father and mother
- Just like some of our students, immediately married and again, "Give me sannyasa." What is this? Irresponsible, that's all. Irresponsibility. So these things are not required at all
- Just like some straw. They mix together in the waves, and again by the waves they are thrown here and there, no more assembling. So the material life is that
- Just like weeds in the field. They appeared completely dried up. There is no more. But as soon as there are drops of rain, oh, again it becomes green
- Just like when we sleep deeply, there is no consciousness. There is consciousness - this is called susupti, unconscious. So again, as soon as the body is complete, then we get back our consciousness
- Just like with our breathing we are extricating so many germs and again we are taking so many germs, similarly, the breathing period of Maha-Visnu is He is exhaling so many universes and again inhaling so many universes
- Just like, in the operation table, one becomes unconscious for one hour, half an hour. Then he comes to his consciousness. Again he comes to the same point. So similarly, death is nothing but to remain practically unconscious for seven months. That's all
- Just try to understand that you are eternal. You have no death, you have no birth. Your the birth and death is due to this body. That's all. Just like I told you, death means sleeping for seven months, again rise up. Suptotthito nyaya
- Kalanemi and all the other demons were killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Hari, and when Sukracarya, their spiritual master, brought them back to life, they were again killed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Kalidasa again offered his obeisances to Jhadu Thakura and asked his permission to go. The saint Jhadu Thakura followed him as he left
- Kalki avatara will come. At that time there is no preaching of God consciousness, simply killing. Simply killing. Kalki avatara with His sword will simply massacre. Then again Satya-yuga will come. Again golden age will come
- Kalki avatara with His sword will simply massacre. Then again Satya-yuga will come
- Karandhara and Sudama goswami are prepared to help you in every way. Your husband has gone away so what can be done. But you should return to our Temple and again take up devotional service as I have designed and directed at our Centers
- Kindly describe how the Supreme Lord, who is all-powerful, engages His different energies and different expansions in maintaining and again winding up the phenomenal world in the sporting spirit of a player
- King (Maharaja Pariksit) addressed him as follows: "I am surprised that Rukmi and Krsna, who were so greatly inimical to one another, could again be united by marital relationships between their descendants."
- King Citraketu was very much aggrieved. thinking that because his son was going away with Yamaraja he himself would again suffer
- King Indra was favored by Marici and the other great sages. They performed the sacrifice just according to the rules and regulations, worshiping the SPG, the original person. Thus Indra regained his exalted position and was again honored by everyone
- King Priyavrata enjoyed royal opulence and majesty and then returned to full knowledge. King Priyavrata was detached from worldly opulence, and then he became attached to his kingdom, but finally he again became detached from material enjoyment
- Kirtana means whatever we hear from the Spiritual Master we repeat it again nicely. One who can reproduce the sound vibration heard from the Spiritual Master, he will be a good preacher
- Krishna is everywhere. He is even between the atoms. So therefore wherever you are He will accept your prayers, and therefore I automatically accept. But the most important part again, the prayer must be sincere
- Krsna and Krsna's name are also not different. And Krsna and Krsna's form, again, are not different. This is absolute. It requires realization
- Krsna certainly fulfills the desires of His devotees who come to Him in devotional service, but He does not fulfill desires that would again cause miseries
- Krsna comes. God Himself comes. He sends His devotees. He comes as a devotee just to again reclaim them (conditioned living entities). But they are so stubborn, they will not give up this habit
- Krsna has accepted the arca-murti incarnation to be handled by me. Otherwise just like Arjuna saw the virata-murti, the universal form of Krsna. He was tremble; he was afraid. He requested, Please become again just like my friend. This is very fearful
- Krsna is not like us, that I give you something and again I ask you to return it. No. Whatever Krsna has given to us, that is permanent
- Krsna is providing so much facilities for becoming Krsna conscious, and why should we deviate and spoil this life, take the risk of again going into the cycle of birth and death? Commonsense affair
- Krsna knew that Arjuna was not interested in seeing a four-handed form of Krsna, but since he asked to see this four-handed form, He also showed him this form again and then showed Himself in His two-handed form. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna points out that even if we enter into those planets where great demigods reside, we will still be subjected to death. Again, Krsna repeats that upon reaching His planet, one need not take birth again
- Krsna said to Uddhava, "Persons who are already elevated in discharging devotional service will never again take shelter of the processes of fruitive activities or philosophical speculation"
- Krsna said, "He (Krsna) causes the intermingling of different persons, and again disperses them as He desires"
- Krsna said, "My dear King of the demons (Bali), mother Devaki is very anxious to see these six dead sons again, and she is very much aggrieved on account of their early death at the hand of Kamsa"
- Krsna was born and transferred to the home of Yasoda in Gokula, the strong doors opened and again closed, and Vasudeva resumed his former condition of being shackled. The watchmen, however, could not understand all this
- Ksipram bhavati dharmatma. Because he's sticking to Krsna consciousness, he will be again reformed. Ksipram. Very soon, he'll be reformed
- Kvacin nivartate 'bhadrat kvacic carati tat punah. After coming from the prison house, he decides, "No more I shall commit. I shall now become gentleman." But as soon as his friends, criminals, again mix with them, he commits the same sinful activity
- Land is gross. If you touch it, you can feel its hardness. But, as soon as the land becomes still finer, it is water, and the touch is soft. And then again, from water to fire, still finer
- Later on the teaching of the Bhagavad-gita came down by disciplic succession from Maharaja Iksvaku, but in course of time the chain was broken by unscrupulous persons, and therefore it again had to be taught to Arjuna on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra
- Later on, the girls (the daughters of the demigods) again satisfied the (Astavakra Muni) muni by their prayers, and the muni blessed them that they would regain their husband even after being robbed by the rogues
- Later, you (Rupa Gosvami) can go from Vrndavana to Jagannatha Puri through Bengal (Gauda-desa). There you will meet Me (Caitanya) again
- Let me take shelter at the lotus feet of Lord Gauracandra. His mind became exhausted and His body very thin from the pain of separation from Krsna, but when He felt ecstatic love for the Lord, He again became fully developed
- Like I have taken some poison. Now you go to a doctor, he gives you medicine. The poisonous effect is finished, or gone. You are now free. And just after coming from the doctor's house, again you take poison, and again go to the doctor
- Like this cow dung. You may think that, "This is contradiction. In one place (in Vedas) it is said that stool of an animal is impure, now here it is again said that cow dung is pure." So if you like, you can make analysis
- Living entities come together within this material world and are again separated by the laws of nature. We should always know, however, that the spirit soul, which is different from the body, is eternal, unadjustable, pure, all-pervading and aware
- Long, long ago, asuras, persons devoid of God consciousness, became the heads of state, and now this is happening again
- Lord Balarama again turned toward Krsna and said, "My dear Krsna, a relative, even though he commits such a blunder and deserves to be killed, should be excused"
- Lord Brahma saw Daksa and instructed him to beget children again. This time Daksa was very cautious to beget female children instead of male children so that Narada Muni would not disturb them by urging them to accept the renounced order
- Lord Brahma thought: Whatever boys and calves there were in Gokula, I have kept them sleeping on the bed of my mystic potency, and to this very day they have not yet risen again - SB 10.13.41
- Lord Caitanya is the shelter of the demigods, the goal of the Upanisads, the be-all and end-all of the great sages, the beautiful shelter of His devotees, and the essence of the love of the lotus-eyed gopis. Will He again be the object of my vision?
- Lord Caitanya pacified Bhattacarya and asked him to go home. Bhattacarya again began to praise the Lord and said, "You have descended Yourself to deliver all the fallen souls of this material world. Such an undertaking is not very difficult for You"
- Lord Caitanya said to Govinda: "How you first of all came across, why not again crossing?" "That I came to serve You. And now I cannot cross You to take my prasadam. That is not my duty. That is for myself. And it is for You"
- Lord Caitanya transcendental ability to become two and then to become one again was revealed to Ramananda Raya
- Lord Hayagriva or Lord Matsya always protects the Vedic knowledge, and in due course of time it is again distributed through the medium of Lord Brahma
- Lord Krsna continued, "It has been seen in several cases that as soon as there is allurement, such yogis again come down to the material platform"
- Lord Krsna then asked all the boys to go again, but this time to the wives of those brahmanas engaged in sacrifices. He also informed them that these wives were great devotees
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then went to the house of the brahmana who had invited Him and took His lunch there. When the evening of that day arrived, both Ramananda Raya and the Lord were eager to meet each other again
- Maha-Visnu again enters every universe as the reservoir of all living entities, Garbhodakasayi Visnu. From Garbhodakasayi Visnu expands Ksirodakasayi Visnu, the Supersoul of every living entity
- Maha-visnu, from whose breathing millions of universes emanate and into whom they are again withdrawn, may be accepted as the Lord of the universe
- Maharaja Bharata thought that the animal was disappointed in his protection and had left him for protection of a demigod. Regardless, he ardently desired to see the animal again within his asrama eating soft grass and not fearing tigers and other animals
- Maharaja Marutta did not again collect heaps of gold given away in charity
- Maharaja Nimi continued: Mayavadis generally want freedom from accepting a material body because they fear having to give it up again
- Maharaja Nimi, who was expert in the science of spiritual knowledge, gave up his body. Vasistha, the great-grandfather, gave up his body also, but through the semen discharged by Mitra and Varuna when they saw Urvasi, he was born again
- Maharaja Pariksit admitted in the previous verse (SB 2.4.9) that the Lord is inconceivable even for the greatest learned scholars. Why then should he again request Sukadeva Gosvami to clarify his insufficient knowledge about the Lord? The reason is clear
- Maharaja Yudhisthira said: For what reason did the demon Maya Danava vanquish Lord Siva's reputation? How did Lord Krsna save Lord Siva and expand his reputation again? Kindly describe these incidents
- Many big sannyasis who were supposedly liberated and very advanced have come down again to materialistic activities, although they left this world as mithya - false
- Many big, big sannyasis, they gave up this world - brahma satya jagan mithya: "This world is mithya. Let me take sannyasa." But unfortunately, they could not stand in that position. After few years they come down again in social work, in political work
- Many persons leave home and go to holy places, but due to bad association, again become family men by illicit connection with the opposite sex. The illusory energy of matter is so strong that one is apt to be under such illusion at every stage of life
- Many plants and creepers that were almost dead during the months of April and May are now visible again in various forms, for they are nourished by their roots in the moist earth
- Many sannyasi: brahma satyam jagan mithya, "Brahman is truth and the world is false." They take sannyasa, and after some time they come to the hospital opening business. They come down again to politics, hospitals, philanthropy, welfare work. Why?
- Many sannyasis, they give up this world that it is mithya - all false, "Let me take to Brahman." But again they become implicated to philanthropic work, welfare activities. If this world is false, why you are attracted to the welfare activities
- Many so-called sannyasis, they rise to the brahma-pada, aham brahmasmi, but because they cannot stay there, they come down again to this material world and they are busy for opening hospitals, schools and philanthropism
- Many thanks for your encouraging letter. I am improving and hope to see you all again in due course of time. My habit is not to remain stationary
- Many, many Brahma is coming and going, this material universe is like that. You come, you take a form, and again this form is vanquished. Again you take another form. That form which you had in your last life, that is gone. So this is called maya
- Materialistic persons are dry, but sometimes, when they are in a so-called opulent position, with a home or children or a little bank balance, they appear to be flourishing, but immediately afterwards become dry again, like the small rivulets and ponds
- Materialistic persons are dry, but sometimes, when they are in a so-called opulent position, with a home or children or a little bank balance, they appear to be flourishing, but immediately afterwards they become dry again
- Maya is always placing the memories of our past sinful activities before us, and encouraging us to come once again into her clutches, but by always chanting HK and keeping our mind fixed on Krishna, he will give us the strength to resist her demands
- Maya is so powerful that it induces again to commit sinful life. So we have to promise
- Maya is very strong; she is expert in putting impediments in the way of this understanding. Sometimes one comes to the Krsna consciousness movement but again falls into the clutches of maya, not understanding the importance of this movement
- Maya means insanity. Another meaning of maya means insanity. Just like when a man becomes insane, that is false. It is expected that he should not be insane. By treatment he is brought again to his original consciousness
- Mayavadi sannyasi. Again they fall down in this mithya jagat. They come for political work, they come for social work, daridra-narayana-seva and this and that. That's all. Because they are not pure
- Mayavadi theory is, "I am Krsna. I am God. Now I am overpowered by maya, & as soon as I become free from maya, again I become Krsna." But question is, - If you are Krsna or God, then why you became under the control of maya? What kind of God you are
- Meanwhile, Jarasandha again attacked Mathura, this time with bigger divisions of soldiers, numbering twenty-three aksauhinis
- Men are living like cats and dogs, spoiling the duration of their human lives by actually preparing to transmigrate again to the degraded species among the 8,400,000 forms of life
- Men, animals, beasts, birds-everything is simultaneously created, because whatever desires the living entities had at the last annihilation are again manifested. BG 1972 purports
- Mind is so uncontrollable, just like madman. Mind's business is like that. Immediately I am accepting something, and again rejecting. Everyone has got this experience
- Modern medical science cut the abdomen and cut the part and clear it (stool), and again stitch it. That is appendicitis, so far I know - I am not medical man. There are so many diseases that is due to this non clearance of the intestines. You see?
- Monday begin again sinful activities, and again go to church on Sunday and confess and nullify it. Not like that. When you deny that "I shall not do it," don't do it again. Then your life is perfect
- Morning came and the prostitute became impatient, but Haridasa Thakura replied - I'm very sorry. I could not finish my chanting. Come tonight again
- Mother Parvati spoke to Citraketu exactly like a mother who says to her naughty child, "My dear child, I am punishing you so that you won't do anything like this again
- Mother Saci continued, "After accepting the renounced order, Visvarupa never again gave me audience. If You do like Him, that will certainly be the death of me"
- Mother Yasoda, by the grace of the Lord, could understand the real truth. But then again, the supreme master, by the influence of the internal potency, yogamaya, inspired her to become absorbed in intense maternal affection for her son Krsna - SB 10.8.43
- My activities were exactly like treatment given to a person who is already dead. Just see how unfortunate I am, for in spite of meeting the Supreme Lord, who can cut one's link with birth and death, I have prayed for the same conditions again
- My dear mother, someone may worship the SPG with a special self-interest, but even demigods such as Lord Brahma, great sages such as Sanat-kumara and great munis such as Marici have to come back to the material world again at the time of creation
- My dear Vidura, Indra, being the King of heaven and very powerful, immediately brought a dense darkness upon the sacrificial arena. Covering the whole scene in this way, he again took away the horse, which was chained with golden shackles
- My instructions I have already given to you, how to chant the beads, and how to protect yourself from the offenses. I shall advise you again to chant always, increasing the counting
- My joyfulness is covered by this material understanding. So I have to remove this material understanding; then again I shall become joyful
- My point is that the regulative principles must be followed by everyone. Otherwise their enthusiasm dwindles and they again think of sex and become restless, and so many problems are there. There is some symptom of missing the point
- Narada describes, "Sandipani Muni's instructions to Krsna are like a reservoir of water on the mountain, which flows as a river and goes again to mix with the source, the ocean of Krsna"
- Narada Muni got a glimpse of this, but having not seen it again he became perturbed and stood up all of a sudden to search it out. What we desire life after life was obtained by Narada Muni, & losing sight of Him again was certainly a great shock for him
- Narada Muni thought that the Lord could be seen again by the same mechanical process which was successful in the first attempt, but in spite of his utmost endeavor he could not make the second attempt successful
- Narada relieved the half-dead animals, and, getting freed from their dreadful condition, they fled away. Upon seeing Narada execute this miracle, the dark hunter was struck with wonder. After taking Narada to his home, he bowed down again at his feet
- Narada spoke as follows: "My dear Lord (Krsna), by Your inconceivable potencies You create this cosmic manifestation, maintain it and again dissolve it"
- Naturally, the prisoner cannot go out of the prison house, but if somehow or other he manages to escape, that means he becomes again a criminal. He will be arrested again, and his term of imprisonment will be increased, or he will be punished more
- Nature has given this opportunity whether you want to go the sat-patha or asat-patha; whether you are again wish to go to the cycle of evolution or if you want to make further progress
- Never try to hear someone who is not in our line. It is simply a waste of time to hear and then again have to rectify the mistake
- News spread in the village of Vidyanagara about the arrival of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and everyone came to see Him once again
- Next life means again troublesome; that's why they sometimes commit suicide. They think that after suicide it will be zero, so no trouble. These are all ignorance
- Nimbu pani, and all the devotees get piece of lemon with their main meal. We have now... Everyone has gathered. All of the preaching parties have come back, and we've... They're all dispersing again on Friday
- Nirodha: the winding up of all energies employed in creation. Such potencies are emanations from the Personality of Godhead who eternally lies in the Karana Ocean. The cosmic creations, manifested with His breath, are again dissolved in due course
- Nityananda Prabhu had heard the story of Saksi-gopala from the townspeople. He now recited this again, and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu heard the narration with great pleasure
- No one knows whether he will receive a human body again; there is no guarantee, for according to one's work one may get any body, from that of a demigod to that of a dog
- No responsible man will take that responsibility that, "I will kill this animal. Again he'll become a man and he'll kill me. No, no. Stop this business." So this is the process of restriction
- No! There is possibility, but he does not come. Just like after putting your hand in the fire, you never put it again if you are really intelligent. So those who are going back to Godhead, they become intelligent
- Nobody can be claimed to be liberated by chanting Hare Krsna mantra. Hare Krsna mantra will give you, give you relief from all sinful activities, provided you don't commit it again
- Nobody wanted war, but there was Second World War. Again. And again they are trying to, the League . . . what is that? United Nations. But the war is going on. The Vietnam War is going on, the Pakistan War is going on, and many others are going on
- Now after Urja you will go to Puri for again trying for that place, but now there is competition, so how we can stop it? But if you offer them the right price, and if we try to get it very seriously we shall be able to do it, by Krishna’s grace
- Now I've got this body, you've got this body, and if we do not change our attitude to serve Krsna, then we get again next body
- Now let me repeat all the pastimes of the Antya-lila, for if I do so I shall taste the pastimes again
- Now please protect us (the demigods) again by Your mercy by diminishing the disturbances in this world. O Krsna, best of the Yadus, we respectfully offer our obeisances unto You - SB 10.2.40
- Now the earth is divided into many countries, religions and political parties. Despite these political and religious divisions, we advocate that everyone should unite again under one culture - Krsna consciousness
- Now the material creation is manifest, eventually it will be annihilated and remain for many millions of years in a dormant state, and finally it will again be created. This is the law of nature
- Now these same two brothers (Krsna and Balarama) have again descended, as Sri Krsna Caitanya-Nityananda. Sahoditau: simultaneously They have appeared. Not that one is appeared, another is not there. No. Both of Them
- Now we are under the influence of mahamaya. When we put ourselves under the influence of yogamaya, then we again go back to home, back to Godhead
- Now when we are selling book, that is Krsna consciousness. We are selling book. But if we think that the selling book may be diverted into selling jewelry, that is not very good idea. Then we become again jeweler. Punar musika bhava. Again become mouse
- Now you are happy American, but after quitting this body you cannot dictate, "Please give me again an American body." No. That is not possible
- Now you can make your choice. You are now civilized, very advanced intelligence. Now whether you want to go to the cycle of evolution again or whether you want to stop this and go to your original position
- Now you cannot again introduce this system of varnasrama. It is not possible. But if one takes to Krsna consciousness, automatically he becomes immediately a brahmana and above the brahmana
- Now you shave every morning and next morning, again millions of hairs. You do not know how it is being happening. But it is happening, and this is called acintya-sakti. From Krsna such big, big things are coming out. Even Krsna may not know
- Now, concealing his anger and unhappiness, Jagadananda Pandita again asked Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu for permission to go to Mathura
- Now, somebody's stealing for the sake of family maintenance, doing so many sinful activities, but when they are scattered again by the laws of nature, nobody will be sympathetic to me if I suffer for my own sinful activities
- Nowadays, great scientists are trying to freeze dead bodies so that in the future these frozen bodies may again be brought to life
- O impudent one, my dear son, now take birth in a low, sinful family of demons so that you will not commit such an offense again toward exalted, saintly persons in this world
- O Indra, your enemies, the demons, were extremely weak because of their disrespect toward Sukracarya, but since they have now worshiped Sukracarya with great devotion, they have again become powerful
- O killer of enemies, Maharaja Rahugana, if the conditioned soul somehow or other gets out of his dangerous position, he again returns to his home to enjoy sex life, for that is the way of attachment
- O King, O hero, you were a very grateful husband and the most sincere friend of all of us. How shall we exist without you? O hero, wherever you are going, please direct us there so that we may follow in your footsteps and engage again in your service
- O Lord of my life, may I again become their servant so that my mind may always think of Your transcendental attributes, my words always glorify those attributes, and my body always engage in the loving service of Your Lordship?
- O mighty-armed Krsna, - Arjuna continues, "does not such a man, being deviated from the path of Transcendence, perish like a riven cloud, with no position in any sphere?" When a cloud is torn apart by the wind, it does not mend back together again
- O My Lord! O most merciful master! O master of Mathura! When shall I see You again? Because of My not seeing You, My agitated heart has become unsteady. O most beloved one, what shall I do now
- O my Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, will I again be able to be a servant of Your eternal servants who find shelter only at Your lotus feet?
- O son of Kunti, at the end of the millennium all the living entities merge into My nature, and again when the time of creation is ripe, I begin creation by the agency of My external energy
- Oh, again, "heard it from devotee." (laughter) That is very dangerous. What Caitanya's movement has got with politics? Nothing. They drag Caitanya's movement, that. Many rascals do that. It has nothing to do with politics. It is simply spiritual
- Oh, again, "heard it from devotee." That is very dangerous
- Oh, it is our good luck that we have come again today under Your (Krsna) protection by Your presence, for Your Lordship rarely visits even the denizens of heaven
- On account of pious activities you have got very nice surroundings, aristocratic family, wealth, beauty, education, but it may be polluted again by the other two qualities, means tamo-guna and rajo-guna. Then you are finished again
- On account of richness one may fall down, but if one takes birth in a Vaisnava family there is no more fall down. He makes progress further and further. In this way he is allowed again go back to home, back to Godhead
- On one day a year the ordinary sweepers cleanse the statue with their brush in the morning, & in the evening some big men come & garland him with flowers. Then after that evening they go away, & again the next morning the come to pass stool on his face
- On taking such a birth, he again revives the divine consciousness of his previous life, and he tries to make further progress in order to achieve complete success, O son of Kuru. BG 6.43 - 1972
- On the day of the ceremony, the boy again went to the forest and called for Krsna. Krsna appeared and gave him a quart of yogurt. The little boy took this yogurt to his teacher and said, - This is my contribution, sir
- On the next day, Caitanya Mahaprabhu again met Rupa Gosvami, and with great mercy the Lord introduced him to all the devotees
- On the path of birth and death we take our birth, remain for some time, enjoy or suffer, then again give up this body and enter into the womb of a mother, either human being or animal, then prepare another body to come out and begin our work again
- On the very moment I received your letter there was another letter from Jaya Govinda, and I had been very much shocked by this letter. But at the same time, when I read your letter it counter-acted this shock. So I thank you again for this letter
- Once again all the devotees brought Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu back to consciousness by a concerted effort. Then the Lord got up and began wandering here and there, looking all around
- Once surrendered to Krishna, karmic reaction is immediately gone, but if he acts again independently, then he is again in the clutches of maya
- Once we are condemned by Krsna, it is very, very difficult to rise up again. Mudha janmani janmani (BG 16.20). Life after life we shall be condemned. That is our punishment
- One can rise up to the Brahman effulgence, but if there is no shelter . . . just like these people are going, but they don't get any shelter. But they come down again
- One demoniac scholar says that it is not Krsna to whom one must surrender. This scholar is already suffering in this life, and he will have to suffer again in the next if in this life he does not complete his prescribed suffering
- One has to come down again even from the liberated condition of being merged in Brahman, and certainly one must come down from the heavenly kingdom. One should endeavor to go back home, back to Godhead
- One is again sent back (from the higher planetary systems) to this earthly planet upon finishing the resultant fruits of pious activities. BG 1972 purports
- One is sure to fall again to material existence from false liberation, even though one may have undergone severe penances and austerities
- One is warned against such allurements (wealth and women) because entanglement again in illusory pleasure means degradation of the self and further imprisonment in the material world. By this warning, one should follow one's vigilant intelligence only
- One man said that, "He has kicked me, he has beaten me with shoes, and again he has said that, 'I shall insult you.' " Where is the scarcity of insult? If he is beaten by shoes and kicked by his leg, and still he's expecting some more insult?
- One may be promoted to first-class prisoner, but the same first-class prisoner is again degraded to a third-class prisoner in the next term
- One may elevate himself to the higher planetary systems, even up to Brahmaloka, by dint of pious activities, but when the effects of such pious activities are finished, one again comes back to this earth to begin a new life of activities
- One may not necessarily be born again as a human being, or in America, or in India, or even on this planet. There is no certainty; it all depends on our work
- One moment of your life, if it is wasted without any profit, just imagine how much loss you have suffered. Because you cannot get back one moment of your life again even if you are prepared to pay millions of dollars
- One of Yadunandana Acarya's disciples had been worshiping the Deity but had left that service. Yadunandana Acarya wanted Raghunatha dasa to induce the disciple to take up that service again
- One old devotee said, "My dear Lord, when we are away from You we become so anxious to see You again, and there is great misery in our lives. But then, when we do see You, there immediately comes the fear of separation"
- One should dance before the Deity. (53) One should circumambulate the Deity. (54) One should again offer obeisances. (55) One should offer different types of prayers and hymns at the Lord’s lotus feet
- One should not endeavor to wander to different planetary systems within this universe, for even if one goes to the topmost planetary system, Brahmaloka, one must return again
- One should not knowingly take advantage of the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra to nullify sinful activities so that one may then begin sinful acts again. We should be very careful
- One should not think that Daksa received the favor of the Lord by receiving the facilities for unlimited sex. Later verses will reveal that Daksa again committed an offense, this time at the lotus feet of Narada
- One should offer all the prasada to a Vaisnava or offer him some of the prasada and then take some oneself. After this, one should offer the Deity acamana and then betel nut and then again worship the Lord
- One should then further progress to the platform of sannyasa, the actual renounced order, never to fall again and be afflicted by materialistic life. Even though one desires to be liberated, this does not mean he is liberated
- One should try to understand the real purport of the word su-duracara. A conditioned soul has to act for double functions-namely for the maintenance of the body and again for self-realization
- One thing we must be very careful, that we should not commit again sinful life. If you chant Hare Krsna mantra, you become free immediately from all sinful reaction. But if you commit again sinful life, that is your responsibility
- One who accepts the order of sannyasa but again becomes agitated by sensual disturbances and talks privately with women is called dharma-dhvaji or dharma-kalanka, which means that he brings condemnation upon the religious order
- One who acts on the mental plane cannot get promotion to the spiritual. Such a person is always sure to glide down again to material life
- One who can approach spiritual sky is not required to descend again to the material sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- One who could not finish this yoga system of Krsna consciousness, he gets his life again as a human being in very rich family or in a very pure family
- One who falls down from the process of bhakti-yoga is again offered the opulence of the demigods, and after enjoying such material opulence, he is given a chance to take birth in a noble family of a pure brahmana, or in a rich family
- One who falls down from yoga practice is elevated to the heavenly planets, and after enjoying the material facilities there he again comes down to the earthly planet and takes birth in a very rich family or a very pious brahmana family
- One who prematurely goes to Vrndavana to live in pursuance of the instructions of Sukadeva Gosvami again falls victim to maya, even while residing in Vrndavana
- One who sees the greatness of Krsna in neutrality will certainly never again seek the so-called relief of impersonalist or voidist philosophy
- One whose heart is not clean cannot think of the transcendental pastimes of the Supreme Lord, but if one can once again place the Supreme Personality of Godhead in his heart, he very easily becomes qualified to renounce material attachment
- One year later, Brahma returned & because he returned on exactly the same day, Baladeva was again kept at home for His birthday. Therefore, although this verse (SB 10.13.40) mentions that Brahma saw Krsna & all the cowherd boys, Baladeva is not mentioned
- One's body is created through the agency of maya (karmana daiva-netrena (SB 3.31.1)), and according to one's activities in this life, another vehicle is created, again under the supervision of daivi maya
- Ordinary people, or karmis, are fruitive actors who work all day and night to get some enjoyable results and then again suffer. Thus the problems of such karmis are never solved
- Originally the Veda is one. But Srila Vyasadeva divided the original Veda into four, namely Sama, Yajur, Rg, Atharva, and then again they were explained in different branches like the Puranas and the Mahabharata
- Our bodies, either in this planet or in another planet, will be destroyed, and again we will have to remain for millions of years in an unconscious state within the body of Maha-Visnu
- Our dear Lord (Balarama), the uncommon use of Your kusa weapon to kill Romaharsana Suta may remain as it is; because You desired to kill him, he should not be brought to life again
- Our main business should be to get out of this conditioned life and again become situated in spiritual existence
- Our mind is very restless, so mind tries to go. Suppose I am speaking and you are hearing, and mind is somewhere. This is . . . ordinarily there is such difficulty, but we have to bring back the mind again
- Our mission is to save human society from the pitfalls of incarnating again in the cycle of birth and death
- Our propaganda is opening temples, and you are closing them. We are not for closing but for increasing. I do not approve of this. If possible the Edinburgh temple must be re-opened again
- Our real problem is that we have got this material body, but we have no sense that, Within this material body I am the spirit soul, living. So how to get out of this material body and again revive our spiritual body
- Our relationship is just like sometimes there is wind and some straws gather together, and as soon as the wind is finished the straws are again strewn everywhere
- Our sinful activities are so strong that even coming to the point of Krsna consciousness we are falling down, again falling down. So be careful, be cautious, and execute your duty as Krsna conscious people. You will be happy
- Over and over again Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Go on! Sing! Sing!" But Svarupa Damodara, seeing the Lord's fatigue, did not resume singing
- Overwhelmed by the transcendental bliss of dancing and surrounded by Vaisnavas who sang the holy names, He manifested waves of ecstatic love of Godhead. When will Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu again be visible to my vision
- Pariksit Maharaja noted that after atoning, people commit the same sins again. If a man is diseased, the physician may give him medicine and cure him, but it does not guarantee that he will not be attacked again by the same disease
- Pariksit Maharaja noted that although atonement may be good for counteracting sinful activities already committed, it does not prevent those sins from being committed again
- Pariksit Maharaja said that although one may cleanse himself in the process of atonement, if he again commits the same sinful acts, what is the use
- Pariksit Maharaja's observations indicate that even five thousand years ago it was the practice of criminals to atone for their crimes but then commit the same crimes again, as if forced to do so
- Part of the stock of water is refrigerated into ice, so that it will not flood the earth for no good purpose. The ice melts gradually throughout the year, flows down through the great rivers, and glides down to the sea again for preservation
- Partially understanding of God, that is also understanding, but it will again take time, because unless you fully understand what is God, you cannot go back to home, back to Godhead. That is the formula
- Pavarga means "material existence." In material existence, one always works very hard but is ultimately baffled. One then dies & has to accept another body to work very hard again. This is the cycle of material existence. Apavarga means just the opposite
- People are doing like that. They are eating in the morning and working very hard whole day, and in the evening again he becomes hungry and eats more sumptuously. That is his happiness
- People who are thinking, "By going to the church, by confession, I become free from all sinful activities, and then let me go again, commit the same thing for the whole week, come again and confess," this is not very good business
- Persons who are falsely under the impression of being liberated, without devotional service to the Lord, may reach the goal of the brahmajyoti
- Playing like an elephant, He entered into the water after roaring again in reply to the Vedic prayers by the great devotees. The Lord is the object of the Vedic prayers, and thus He understood that the devotees' prayers were meant for Him
- Please come and let all the residents of Vrndavana live. Kindly keep Your lotus feet again in Vrndavana
- Please go back home, and tomorrow we may meet again so that I may hear discourses on the sastras from your mouth
- Pointing out the neighboring gardens, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "All these gardens exactly resemble Vrndavana; therefore Lord Jagannatha is very eager to see them again"
- Prahlada Maharaja expected that the Lord, by His kindness, would call him again to the shelter of His lotus feet
- Prakasananda Sarasvati quoted a verse from Vedic literatures which states that when even a liberated soul commits an offense against the Supreme Lord, he again becomes a victim of material contamination
- Previously, when Lord Ramacandra left this world, He took with Him all the living entities of Ayodhya. Then He filled Ayodhya again with other living entities
- Print books, and as I have given in my will, half, again print, and half spent for propaganda as you like. In this way go on
- Process is that "By my karma I have become sinful. Now I have got the remedial measure, chanting of Hare Krsna, but I shall not commit again." Then he's successful
- Providence, you do not know the purport of loving affairs, and therefore you baffle all Our endeavors. This is very childish of you. If We could catch you, We would give you such a lesson that you would never again make such arrangements
- Punar musiko bhava: "Again you become mouse. Again you become mouse"
- Purchase something for my wife, for my children, for myself, spend the money. Again night comes, again sleep, again sex. Again day comes, all right, go to market, earn money and spend it. This is going on. This is called material life
- Purvacitti gave birth to these nine (Nabhi, Kimpurusa, Harivarsa, Ilavrta, Ramyaka, Hiranmaya, Kuru, Bhadrasva and Ketumala) sons, one each year, but after they grew up, she left them at home and again approached Lord Brahma to worship him
- Radharani said, "Because I could not see the beautiful form of Krsna to My heart's content, when I again see His form I shall decorate the phases of time with many jewels"
- Radharani said, "If by chance such a moment comes when I can once again see Krsna, then I shall worship those seconds, moments and hours with flower garlands and pulp of sandalwood and decorate them with all kinds of jewels and ornaments"
- Radharani said, "My dear friend, it is impossible for Me to keep My prestige! I wanted to avoid talking to Krsna anymore - but just see! There again is His friend, Ujjvala, coming to Me with his canvassing work"
- Ramananda Raya came again to see the Lord the next evening, and there were further discourses on this transcendental subject matter
- Ramananda Raya was then surprised to see Lord Caitanya again in His mendicant dress. Lord Caitanya embraced and pacified him and informed him that he was the only one to have seen this form
- Rati continued, "Before he (Demon Sambara) again attempts to kill you (Pradyumna), please kill him as soon as possible with your divine power"
- Real duty in the human form of life is here is a chance whether you want to go to back to home, back to Godhead, or again you want to go to hell, the repetition of birth and death. That is your choice
- Regarding Baltimore, again deficit. This is not a good sign. Regarding the Sankirtana Newsletter, then stop it. If the BBT does not pay for it, then stop it. The temple cannot afford to publish it, and if the BBT does not pay for it, then stop it
- Regarding Christ coming again, for the time being, you follow his instructions. Then if he comes it will be all right
- Regarding Kirtanananda, I cannot allow him to become Keith again. He is my spiritual son and I shall never allow him to fall down. When I return I shall drag him forcibly and make all right again
- Regarding press starting, I have already given you necessary instructions, and again I say that you complete it as soon as possible. I wish to see the press is started when I go back to USA after my European tour
- Regarding your looking for a more suitable building and location for the San Francisco temple, one thing is be very careful you don't again buy a place in a bad neighborhood or neighborhood that is about to become bad
- Religion means to serve the Supreme Lord, that is religion. Anything which has no such idea, that is not religion. Then again (you) have different types of religion, how far they are making progress with, on that ultimate goal, serving Krsna
- Remain zero for some time. Again he will want varieties. Big, big Mayavadi sannyasi, they preach so much brahma satyam jagan mithya, but again they come to the political work, social work
- Remaining always in that state, He gave up His pastimes as Lord Rsabhadeva within the material world. If, following in the footsteps of Lord Rsabhadeva, one can give up his subtle body, there is no chance that one will accept a material body again
- Rukmi again challenged Balarama and made a bet of a hundred thousand gold coins, but fortunately this time Balarama won. Nonetheless, out of cunningness Rukmi claimed that Balarama was the loser and that he himself had won
- Sanandana said, "The Lord at that time remains asleep for a long, long time, and when there is again necessity of creation, the Vedas personified assemble around the Lord and begin to glorify Him"
- Sanatana Gosvami was ordered by Sri Caitanya to live at Jagannatha Puri for one year. When he returned to Vrndavana after that time, he again met Rupa Gosvami, and both brothers remained in Vrndavana to execute the orders of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Sandipani Muni is likened to the river which is flowing down again to that same original ocean of Krsna
- Sankara Pandita would always fall asleep, but he would quickly awaken, sit up and again begin massaging the legs of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. In this way he would stay awake the entire night
- Sannyasis who first consider that the body is subject to death, when it will be transformed into stool, worms or ashes, but who again give importance to the body and glorify it as the self, are to be considered the greatest rascals
- Santanu again became the king, and Indra, being pleased, showered rains
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya then said, "We shall go once again to the Lord, but we shall not request Him to meet the King. Rather, we shall simply describe the good behavior of the King"
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya then suggested, "If Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would like, I could bring Him into a first-class sampradaya by offering Him saffron cloth and performing the reformatory process again"
- Sayujya-mukti, although counted among the five kinds of mukti, is not actually mukti because from sayujya-mukti one may again fall down to this material world
- Seeing the influence of Madhavendra Puri, all the people gathered there were struck with wonder. They saw that the Annakuta ceremony, which had been performed before during the time of Krsna, was now taking place again by the mercy of Madhavendra Puri
- Sex enjoyment is so strong that a woman becomes pregnant and suffers at the time of childbirth, but she becomes pregnant again, despite her experience
- Sex life is nasty, but out of illusion we think it is nice. Now you are experienced, so don't take sex life again
- She (Maha-Laksmi) is divided into material and spiritual potencies, and in both features she acts as the willing energy, creative energy and the internal energy. The willing energy is again divided into three, namely sri, bhu and nila"
- She (one old woman) began to call God, "God, help me." And God came, "What you want?" "Kindly help me to get this bundle on my head." (laughter) Just see. God came to giving benediction, and she wanted to "Give this bundle again on my head"
- She (Radharani) thought, Now I am going to die, and when I die, Krsna will surely come back to see Me again. But when He hears of My death from the people of Vrndavana, He will certainly be very unhappy. Therefore I shall not die
- She began to wonder whether there had actually been anything on the plate in the first place. Then again she thought that some animal might have come and eaten everything
- Simply an official business, just like you sleep and again you awake, similarly, a devotee's death is like that
- Simply because I chanted the holy name of the Lord in the association of devotees, my heart is now becoming purified. Therefore I shall not fall victim again to the false lures of material sense gratification
- Simply by chanting harer nama, the holy name of Lord Krsna, you become again situated in the original position. Everything is adjusted, because it is transcendental. So there is no other way
- Simply official prayascitta will not help a man ceasing from sinful activities. Official. In Christian religion also, they accept, confess their sinful activities, and again they commit the same sinful activities
- Since all the demigods who are situated in the higher planetary system will have to come down again, they are all envious of my being elevated to Vaikunthaloka by devotional service
- Since born one is taken care, he thinks "Now, I have got so comfortable life." And again becomes old, disgusted, so he cannot live disgusting, therefore Krsna is so kind: "All right, change body again"
- Since Narada Muni instructed the King (Priyavrata) fully on this subject, why did he again enter household life, which is the main cause of material bondage
- Since sayujya-mukti is partial mukti, they (the impersonalist) must fall again to this material world
- Since the gorilla was very angry, he took another tree in his hands and struck Lord Balarama's body. Again Lord Balarama tore the tree to pieces, and the fighting continued
- Since the Lord is the original source of all emanations, intelligent persons, enlightened by Vedic knowledge, seek the shelter of the Lord, just as birds who leave the nest again search out the nest to take complete rest
- Since we have already moved to our new location and everything is going on according to our standard program, we cannot possibly think of moving again or purchasing another building
- So far as the bowing down in Deity worship, before opening the door you should bow down. Then turn on the light and bow down again. There is no restriction on bowing down
- So far your question about the earthquake, so suppose if there is plane crash, there are many good men, bad men, so everyone is crashed. But the good man gets a good body again, the bad man gets a bad body again
- So far your statement, "Our final success will be when you actually sit tight and translate books and let us manage successfully,'' yes, that is my desire, but if you can do it or not, that has again disturbed me very much
- So here in this material world, we have disagreed to serve Krsna. Therefore the whole proposal is again agree to serve Krsna. Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). This is real philosophy
- So I am repeating my spiritual master's order, "Don't wait for another life." That is a very risky, another life. Maybe I am given the chance of taking my birth in a good brahmana family or a rich family, but there is chance of again being spoiled
- So if we acquire the quality of goodness, there is chance of enlightenment, knowledge, so that again fire can be generated. But if we fall down on the water, practically it is finished. Ignorance
- So if we simply become renouncer, that will not help us. Then again we shall become enjoyer, so-called enjoyer. That is like pendulum, balancing, tak, tak, this way, this way
- So Krsna also wants that to live with His family. Our Krsna consciousness movement is just to train ourselves again to enter into the family of Krsna. This is our movement
- So long we are not again reestablished in our lost relationship with Krsna, we shall remain restless. That is our natural condition. Just like child is crying, restless. But when the mother takes the child on the lap, the child is immediately pacified
- So materialistic life means that one is bitten by the snake of maya, illusion, and thus, without any Krsna consciousness, he is almost dead. Now the so-called dead man bitten by a snake can be brought back again to life by the chanting of some mantra
- So our request is, those who have come to Krsna consciousness, don't fall down again in the material qualities. That will not help you. Remain strictly adherent to the spiritual activities and your life will be successful
- So the Lord or the spiritual master absorbs. But we should be conscious that "We shall not commit any more sinful activities so that my spiritual master or Krsna will have to again accept them on my behalf"
- So the philosophy of voidism, impersonalism is like that. Means they cannot, shudder, to think of another life, again eating, again sleeping, again working. Because he thinks eating, sleeping, means on the bed. That's all
- So this is a chance given, human form of life. Just like after imprisonment you are again given little freedom. You cannot be completely free; however, you may declare that, I belong to free nation
- So this is our foolishness. When God comes to give us some benediction, we simply ask Him to load us down again with all these material bundles. We ask Him for more material things, for a happy family, for a large amount of money, a new car or whatever
- So yesam anta-gatam papam. So without being freed from sinful activities nobody can take to Krsna consciousness. The method is easy. You can get out of sinful activities. But don't commit again
- So-called sannyasis, they rise to the brahma-pada, aham brahmasmi, but because they cannot stay there, they come down again to this material world and they are busy for opening hospitals, schools, and philanthropism
- So-called spiritualists leave the association of devotees and go to associate with sense gratifiers, who are compared to monkeys. Again they revive their sex and intoxication, and looking at one another's faces, they are thus satisfied
- Some lower planets, however, are vanquished after the end of one day of Brahma and are again created during the next day of Brahma. On the upper planets, time is calculated differently
- Some of the yogis, they are so expert that they can take out the intestine from the abdomen and clear it and put it again. Yes. These are the perfection of yoga system
- Some part of this Sanatana instruction, we have discussed. Again we shall discuss. So this Sanatana Gosvami met at Benares while Caitanya Mahaprabhu was returning back from Vrndavana. We shall discuss this point tomorrow
- Some people have the impression that when the soul reaches the platform of human life, it never goes down again. This is incorrect. BG 1972 purports
- Somebody goes to reduce fat. You see? Reduce fat. Because you are rich nation, you eat more and become fatty and again pay yoga practice fees and reduce your fat. That is going on
- Someone may think, "For a whole week I may commit sinful activities, and for one day I will go to the temple or church and admit my sinful activities so that I can become washed off and again begin my sinning"
- Sometimes accepting - "Do it" - and again rejecting, "No, no, don't do it." This is material world
- Sometimes animals are killed in a medical laboratory to investigate therapeutic effects. In a medical clinic, the animals are not revived, but in the yajna arena, when animals were sacrificed, they were again given life by the potency of Vedic mantras
- Sometimes before you told about him participating in intoxication. Then I did not take it seriously, but the same thing is again revived and I am little perturbed. So is it possible to save him from this dangerous position
- Sometimes big, big sannyasis, they gave up this world as brahma satyam jagan mithya, but because they could not get ananda, they come down again. Again they become busy in opening hospital and school and philanthropic work, politics
- Sometimes he (the conditioned soul) is elevated to the heavenly planets by such activities, and sometimes he again descends to earth. This is described by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as brahmanda bhramite
- Sometimes in Christian Church there is confession, and again they go and commit the same sin, and next time, again confession. Not like that. That is not good
- Sometimes in our society, ISKCON, a person out of sentiment may take sannyasa, but because his desires are not burned completely, he again takes to family life, even at the risk of losing his prestige and disgracing his good name
- Sometimes one who is very alert so as not to commit sinful acts is victimized by sinful life again. I therefore consider this process of repeated sinning and atoning to be useless
- Sometimes our devotees fall down because he has not come to that platform, ever-existing. Therefore the fire extinguished. That is possible, but everyone should be very, very careful that the fire may not be extinguished. Then again maya
- Sometimes the Christians go to the church, make some atonement, and again does the same thing next week, and again goes to the church, again atonement. This is not good
- Sometimes the conditioned soul imagines that his father or grandfather has again come in the form of his son or grandson. In this way he feels the happiness one sometimes feels in a dream, and the conditioned soul sometimes takes pleasure
- Sometimes the living entity is misled into trying to merge into spiritual existence, thinking himself as good as the SPG. This means that when he comes to the spiritual platform, he will be disturbed and will again return to the material platform
- Sometimes this (the conditioned soul imagining that his father or grandfather has again come in the form of his son or grandson) may happen, but in any case the conditioned soul likes to take pleasure in such concocted thoughts
- Sometimes we may artificially renounce the world, but as soon as the opportunity of sucking blood is there, we turn again into a bed bug