September 29, 1972
My Dear Giriraj,
Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated September 25, 1972, and I am very much distressed that this conveyance business is still going on and it cannot be settled. You have formed a big committee. with Sumati Morarji, so what use is such committee.? Why they cannot help you finish this business? If the money is still not available, what is the use of this big sound? Although by law Mr. Nair must give us the conveyance, and we are not legally bound to pay the 5 lakhs conveyance tax, still, we shall pay it and subtract from the purchase price, as he suggests. But one thing is, you must secure document in proper legal form which will insure that the five lakhs will be subtracted from the fourteen lakhs purchase price, not that again we shall have to pay according to Mr. Nair's whims. Try to get that bank loan of five lakhs, and Sumati-ben will stand as guarantor, try for that and somehow or other get the bank to loan us. But if you are unable to get the bank loan, we shall pay. If it is not possible to get the bank loan, you send telegram to Los Angeles and we shall make necessary arrangements from this side. But somehow or other this business must be settled up immediately, so complete the conveyance on this understanding.
You can give public notice in the Public Notices column in the newspaper and send one copy to Mr. Nair, as follows: "The International Society for Krishna Consciousness has purchased the land in Juhu, Bombay-54, known as Nairwadi, plot __, under purchase agreement dated __, and we have advanced the requisite money under the Sales Agreement. The other party, Mrs. A. B. Nair, has not, however, completed the business under some pretext. Under the circumstances, if someone attempts to purchase the land, he does so at his own risk as we are already in possession of the purchase agreement signed by Mrs. A. B. Nair."
We shall be leaving Los Angeles by the 6th October for San Francisco, thereafter we shall leave for India, arriving in Delhi by 16th October. Kindly keep me informed daily what is the progress in this connection. Karandhara is in Germany and London on some business, so if it is required he can come there immediately to assist you. I want that this conveyance business be finished up immediately. I am sending also Tamala Krishna and Bhavananda there to help you do the needful. You may inform me by cable if you have got the bank loan or not, or if you require Karandhara to come.
Hoping this meets you in good health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami