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Pages in category "Sometimes"
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- For our understanding it is sometimes said that the Lord is situated in the heart of the thief as well as in the heart of the householder
- In my family life, when I was in the midst of my wife and children, sometimes I was dreaming my spiritual master, that he's calling me, and I was following him
- My backache is almost cured by this time. I don't feel any inconvenience. I am walking as usual, and sometimes I am galloping the hills, defeating the young boys and girls
- My Spiritual Master, Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, sometimes used to say that if after selling all of my property I can convert one person to Krishna Consciousness factually, then I shall think my mission is successful
- Names of twenty-five lila-avataras who appear in one day of Brahma, which is called a kalpa, so are sometimes called kalpa-avataras
- Since every living entity is an individual soul, each is changing his body every moment, manifesting sometimes as a child, sometimes as a youth, and sometimes as an old man. Yet the same spirit soul is there and does not undergo any change
- Sometimes Satyaloka, the planet in which Brahma resides, is also called Brahmaloka
- Sometimes the question is put before us: "You ask us not to eat meat, but you are eating vegetables. Do you think that is not violence?"
- Sometimes the sacrificed animal is promoted immediately to the human form of life
- Sometimes the spiritual master has to suffer for the sinful activities of his disciples
- Sometimes we are criticized because although I am a sannyasi, I have taken part in the marriage ceremonies of my disciples
- Suppose I am not inclined to kill animals or I do not kill animals. I avoid it. But intentionally or unintentionally, sometimes we have to kill animals
- There are two types of animal-killers. The soul is also sometimes called the "animal" or the living being. Therefore, both the slaughterer of animals and those who have lost their identity of soul are animal-killers
- A big political leader, in the beginning he is interested with his family members, but sometimes he takes to national interest, for all members of the country or the society, community. And then there is fight between one community to another community
- A brahmacari should accept prasada upon the order of the spiritual master, and if the spiritual master sometimes forgets to order the disciple to eat, the disciple should not take prasada on his own initiative; rather, he should fast
- A brahmana is sometimes offered land and cows in charity, and thus for his livelihood he may act in the same way as a vaisya, by cultivating land, giving protection to cows and trading off his surpluses
- A brahmana never commits any sinful activity. If he, sometimes in an unnatural condition, if he does something. So he should be excused. This is Vedic law
- A brahmana, when he's offering sacrifice, sometimes animals are sacrificed; so that does not mean that he is committing sin. This animal sacrifice was made not for eating the animals. It was for testing the Vedic mantra
- A child will sometimes take something important, so we have to flatter him. "Oh, you are so nice. Please take these lozenges and give me that paper. It is nothing; it is paper." And he will say, - Oh, yes. Take. That's nice
- A citizen is supposed to remain free, but sometimes is put into the jail because he has worked under different criminal energy. But when he becomes perfectly civil, so there is no jail for him - he is free to move
- A cloud in the sky sometimes deviates from a small cloud and joins a big one. But if it cannot join a big one, then it is blown away by the wind and becomes a nonentity in the vast sky. BG 1972 purports
- A demoniac person may think that he can force his enemy or other parties to comply with his desire by this method (unauthorized fasting or austerities for some political end), but sometimes one dies by such fasting. BG 1972 purports
- A devotee like Prahlada sometimes sees that the Lord is coming from a long distance to pacify him, like a mother responding to a child, saying, "My dear child, do not cry. I am coming
- A devotee never commits any sinful activities. They are so careful, so sober, and because they are protected by Krsna they never think of acting anything sinful. But sometimes it happens because this material world, sometimes we are prone to fall down
- A drunkard, for example, or a person with heart disease, sometimes feels that the land is moving. Similarly, the reflections of trees in a flowing river also appear to move. These are the actions of maya
- A few cases have happened also that joined, being nice, but all of a sudden drifted from our Society. So Narada Muni advised that even some, sometimes somebody may not continue, but falls down, there is no loss
- A human being is sometimes restricted in sense gratification due to certain circumstances such as disease, etc., but this is not the prescription
- A human being is sometimes restricted in sense gratification due to certain circumstances, such as disease, but such proscriptions are for the less intelligent - CC Preface
- A human being, if he does not become Krsna conscious, that means knowingly, he is taking poison, and he must die. Janiya suniya visa khainu. Sometimes I do not know what is poison. Just like child does not know. He may take. But he'll not be excused
- A king controls and rules in various ways among citizens; similarly, one who can control his senses is the king of his senses. He is a svami or gosvami. The svamis and gosvamis are therefore sometimes addressed as maharaja, or king
- A king may engage a joker, and in the process of joking, the king is sometimes insulted. The king, however, enjoys these activities
- A king should not simply give orders to his dependents because he is supreme; sometimes he must follow their instructions. Similarly, the dependents should depend on the king. This mutual dependence will make everyone happy
- A ksatriya or a rich man is sometimes visited by persons who are in need of money. When they are asked for a donation, it is the duty of the possessor of wealth to give in charity in consideration of the person, place and time
- A living entity acts piously and impiously, and sometimes in both ways. All actions are taken into account, and the living entity is offered a new body by his superiors
- A living entity is wandering up and down, sometimes in the higher planetary systems or lower planetary systems, sometimes rich, sometimes poor, sometimes this, sometimes cat, sometimes dog, sometimes demigod. In this way he is suffering
- A mad man, he's not so harmful. Sometimes he becomes naked and goes to the street and talks nonsense. That much
- A man in goodness is sometimes driven by the influence of ignorance
- A man is always famous for his aggression toward a beautiful woman, and such aggression is sometimes considered rape. Although rape is not legally allowed, it is a fact that a woman likes a man who is very expert at rape
- A man is generally healthy, but sometimes he falls sick, so at the present moment our condition is sick. It is called bhava-roga
- A man may carry a burden on his head, and when he feels it to be too heavy, he sometimes gives relief to his head by putting the burden on his shoulder. In this way he tries to relieve himself of the burden
- A master sometimes punishes his servant, not out of vengeance but out of love, to correct him and bring him to the right point
- A materialistic person sometimes thinks that simply by executing pious activities and remaining at home one can understand the Absolute Truth. That is denied in this verse - SB 5.12.12
- A merchant, however pious he may be, must sometimes hide his profit to stay in business, or he may sometimes have to do business on the black market. These things are necessary; one cannot avoid them. BG 1972 purports
- A mother sometimes cares for her son by combing his hair, massaging his body with oil, or bathing him. Similarly, the wife of the teacher is also a mother (guru-patni), and therefore she may also care for the disciple in a motherly way
- A national leader who is very great in serving his country is sometimes killed by his countrymen because of irregular service
- A peaceful family with wife and children is compared to the peaceful atmosphere of the forest. Children are compared to nonviolent animals. Sometimes, however, wives and children are called svajanakhya-dasyu, burglars in the name of kinsmen
- A peaceful, equipoised person who's factually advanced in spiritual consciousness doesn't need to accept the symbols of a sannyasi, such as the tridanda & kamandalu. According to necessity, he may sometimes accept those symbols and sometimes reject them
- A person on the verge of death remains in a coma for many days before giving up the body. This is common among so-called leaders and politicians who think that without their presence the entire country and all society will be in chaos. This is maya
- A person sometimes accepts the dress of a sannyasi or babaji in the renounced order, but he cannot give up desires for sense gratification, especially for the association of women. Such a person cannot make advancement in spiritual life
- A person who is not the son of a doctor and has not attended a medical college is sometimes able to practice medicine
- A person who sometimes exhibits humility and bashfulness is called shy
- A physician may sometimes advise the extrication of such useless eyes from their sockets so that one can be relieved of the constant trouble
- A preacher must face many impediments. Not only is he sometimes cursed, but sometimes he must also suffer personal injury
- A pretender is sometimes seen possessing imitative attachment to Krsna, that will not be accepted as real attachment. It may be said that such attachment gives the pretender hope that he may eventually rise onto the platform of pure devotional service
- A pure devotee of Krsna is always specifically qualified with nectarean qualifications and sometimes with the qualifications of butter and honey
- A reflection is temporary, for it is sometimes seen and sometimes not seen. But the origin from whence the reflection is reflected is eternal. BG 1972 purports
- A servant may desire to start his own business and imitate his master, and when he chooses to do so, he may leave the protection of his master. Sometimes he is a failure, and sometimes he is successful
- A sincere disciple feels it pleasurable when his Spiritual Master chastises him with calling him such names as fool and rascal. My Spiritual Master sometimes called me in that way and I remember that day always and feel transcendental pleasure
- A sinful man who acts against the laws of nature must be punished, but sometimes he is given a chance to play, exactly like Hiranyakasipu when he was released from the hands of Nrsimha-deva
- A small child, you let him be free, he will catch up sometimes this, catch up sometimes that, catch up sometimes that. He does not know what is his real interest
- A spiritual master should not be very anxious to accept a disciple because of his material opulences. Sometimes a big businessman or landlord may approach a spiritual master for initiation
- A street dog has no position and sometimes they're killed. Similarly, when we live under the full protection of the Supreme Lord, that is our healthy condition, that is our real life
- A Vaisnava will sometimes accept the sannyasa order just to keep himself below the level of a paramahamsa Vaisnava. This is the instruction of Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- A very respectable brahmana in Calcutta never took a doctor's medicine. Even though he sometimes felt sick, he would not accept medicine from the physician but would simply drink Ganges water, and he was always cured within a very short time
- A woman is generally accustomed to dress herself nicely with fine garments and decorative ornaments. She may even sometimes wear flowers in her hair
- A woman was sometimes allowed to be impregnated by someone other than her husband, but the sons born of her would then become her husband's sons. Such sons were called ksetra jata. Because Rathitara had no sons, he took advantage of this method
- About six miles south of Jayanagara station is a village named Chatrabhoga. Sometimes this village is called Khadi. In this village is a Deity of Lord Siva known as Vaijurkanatha
- Above Visnuloka and east of the Sumeru Hill is a golden island called Maha-Visnuloka, in the ocean of salt water. Lord Brahma and other demigods sometimes go there to meet Lord Visnu
- According to His need, the Lord sometimes exhibited one form and sometimes many. This was being executed by His internal potency
- According to karma, the living entity sometimes goes up & sometimes goes down. He wanders in this way, thinking how he can become materially happy & satisfy his senses. The sastras say that we should not do this, we should endeavor to understand Krsna
- According to one's fruitive activities, one has to act differently and thereby be separated. For example, many plants and creepers are floating on the waves of the ocean. Sometimes they come together, and sometimes they separate forever
- According to our karma, we are sometimes taking birth in a higher planetary system as demigods and sometimes taking birth as cats and dogs or as germs in stool
- According to political science, a king sometimes tries to pacify his subordinates, sometimes chastises them, sometimes derides them and sometimes rewards them. In this way the king rules his subordinates
- According to sacrificial rituals, animals are sometimes sacrificed in the yajna arena. Animals are sacrificed not to kill them but to give them new life. Such action was an experiment to observe whether the Vedic mantras were being properly pronounced
- According to the Bhagavatam conclusion, we are sometimes faced with dangerous or miserable conditions without endeavoring for them, and similarly we may have prosperous conditions without endeavoring for them
- According to the degree of being stunned, the vital force within the body becomes agitated, and due to such a state, the other ecstatic loving symptoms sometimes become altered
- According to the results of my fruitive activities, I transmigrate from one body to another, sometimes going to the species of the demigods, sometimes to the species of lower animals, sometimes among the vegetables, and sometimes to the human species
- According to the seasonal changes the ice become melted and the water is supplied. It comes through the river. The same thing is there, but because we have turned to become demons, the river sometimes overflood, killing so many men & animal, at the loss
- According to the Vedic system, marriages between ksatriyas and ksatriyas or between brahmanas & brahmanas are the general custom. If marriages sometimes take place between different classes, these marriages are of two types, namely anuloma and pratiloma
- According to Vedic calculation, this tree which is grown here, that living entity was sometimes owner or occupier of this house, and it had so much attachment that it cannot go out of this house. Therefore he has been given this body, tree
- According to Vedic civilization, domestic animals and servants are treated exactly like one's own children. Animals and children are sometimes punished not out of vengeance but out of love. Similarly, a master sometimes punishes his servant
- Acting from within the cores of the hearts of all philosophers, who propagate various views, He causes them to forget their own souls while sometimes agreeing and sometimes disagreeing among themselves
- Activities performed for the satisfaction of Krsna are permanent and good, but asat activity, although sometimes celebrated as philanthropy, altruism, nationalism, this "ism" or that "ism," will never produce any permanent result and is therefore all bad
- Actually due to our lack of Krishna Consciousness sometimes we become disturbed with shortage of funds. But we should be confident that our necessities will certainly be fulfilled by the Supreme Lord
- Actually maya means which has no existence. Maya has no existence. But sometimes it is there. Just like the sky's cover. This covering is not reality. The reality is this sky, clear sky, but somehow it is now covered. You cannot see the clear sky
- Actually people in the Vedic culture worship both the Powerful and the power. There are many hundreds and thousands of temples of Visnu and Devi, and sometimes they are worshiped simultaneously
- Actually, Dhruva Maharaja's mother, Suniti, was his patha-pradarsaka-guru. Patha-pradarsaka-guru means "the guru, or the spiritual master, who shows the way." Such a guru is sometimes called siksa-guru
- Actually, the master who is well conversant, he does not say anything contradictory. It is the misunderstanding of the student that sometimes he thinks that it is contradictory
- Actually, we are servants of God. That is our real position. But we sometimes become envious, that - Why shall I become servant of God? This is slave mentality
- Acyutananda has already wasted 10 months time by his childish frivolities; sometimes preacher, sometimes guru, and sometimes so and so
- Advaita Acarya is isvara, He's incarnation of Maha-Visnu. Sometimes Advaita Acarya is called Sadasiva avatara. The Sadasiva is also expansion of Maha-Visnu
- Advaita Acarya led the sankirtana party, and with great pleasure He sang this verse. There was a manifestation of ecstatic perspiration, shivering, raised hairs, tears in the eyes and sometimes thundering and bellowing
- Advaita Acarya replied, "Sir, You are a mendicant traveling on pilgrimage. Sometimes You eat fruits and roots, and sometimes You simply go on fasting"
- After attaining sayujya-mukti, the demons are sometimes promoted to the Vaikuntha world, where they receive the reward of the Lord's garland prasada
- After completing the sacrifice, Lord Ramacandra, whose lotus feet were sometimes pierced by thorns when He lived in Dandakaranya, placed those lotus feet in the hearts of those who always think of Him. Then He entered His own abode
- After enjoying love affairs with Krsna by dancing, embracing and kissing, the gopis would sometimes become very tired, and Krsna, out of His causeless mercy and compassion, would smear their faces with His lotus hands
- After giving up the body, one is transferred to another body, but sometimes, if one is too sinful, he is checked from transmigrating to another body, and thus he becomes a ghost
- After performing sacrifices, sometimes a person engaged in fruitive activity customarily offers the results to Visnu. But it is said, bhagavaty addha: one must directly offer everything to Visnu. This is called sannyasa - not merely nyasa
- After seeing Krsna, Jarati sometimes said, "O You thief of young girls' properties! I can distinctly see the covering garment of my daughter-in-law on Your person"
- After these empires are created, the bites of other nations have to be suffered. Sometimes nations declare war upon one another, and the human beehives become sources of misery
- Ajamila was engaged in maintaining the family. Everyone is engaged like that. Cats and dogs also do that. It is not very extraordinary thing. Sometimes they say, "It is my duty." Yes, it is duty, but the prime duty is to solve the real problems
- Akhila-rasamrta. Krsna is the reservoir of all kind of rasa. Sometimes fighting is also pleasing, therefore the fighting spirit is there in Krsna. And we have got also that fighting spirit also, in small quantity
- Alas, not only human beings but sometimes even providence lies. And I (Kamsa) am so sinful that I believed the omen of providence and killed so many of my sister's children - SB 10.4.17
- All Indian kings are given titles. Sometimes they are known as Chatrapati, sometimes as Narapati, sometimes as Asvapati, and so on. The King of Orissa is addressed as Gajapati
- All living entities are controlled by the supreme energy of the Lord, and sometimes they remember and sometimes they forget their constitutional position
- All of Them (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Sri Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Advaita Gosani) are prabhus (predominators or masters), and They are sometimes called Caitanya Gosani, Nityananda Gosani and Advaita Gosani
- All of these personalities (Uddhava, Daruka, Satyaki, Srutadeva, Satrujit, Nanda, Upananda and Bhadra) remain with the Lord as His secretaries, but still they are sometimes engaged in His personal service
- All of these sakha friends of Krsna sought only to serve Him. Sometimes some of them would rise early in the morning and immediately go to Krsna's place and wait at the door to see Krsna and to accompany Him to the pasturing grounds
- All of us are controllers to some limited extent. If we have nothing to control, sometimes we keep a dog or cat so we can say, "My dear dog, please come here." In this way we can think - I am the controller
- All of you are my superiors. Therefore although accepting priesthood is sometimes reproachable, I cannot refuse even a small request from you. I agree to be your priest. I shall fulfill your request by dedicating my life and possessions
- All the children lodged complaints with Sacimata about the Lord's fighting with them and stealing from the neighbors' houses. Therefore sometimes she used to chastise or rebuke her son
- All the inhabitants of Kasi (Varanasi) began chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra in ecstatic love. Sometimes they laughed, sometimes they cried, sometimes they chanted, and sometimes they danced
- All the planets are here described as gola, round. Every planet is round, and each planet is a different shelter, just like islands in the great ocean. Planets are sometimes called dvipa or varsa
- All these people become like madmen. They simply chant the holy name of Krsna and dance. Sometimes they even cry and roll on the ground
- All these symptoms (of transcendental activities) are not awakened simultaneously; they act according to the exchange of transcendental relationships. Sometimes one symptom is prominent, and at another time another is prominent
- All together these (manvantara-avataras) are fourteen in number, and of these, Yajna and Vamana are also counted among the lila-avataras. All these manvantara incarnations are sometimes called vaibhava-avataras
- All you devotees will be able to come and go, and sometimes He may also come to take His bath in the Ganges
- Almost anyone expert in studying grammar interprets the sastras in many ways by changing the root meanings of their words. A student of grammar can sometimes completely change the meaning of a sentence by juggling grammatical rules
- Along with the other little cowherd boys, Krsna and Balarama went into the pasturing ground and took charge of the calves, and there They played with Their playmates. While taking charge of the calves, sometimes the two brothers played on Their flutes
- Although a devotee may sometimes be involved in household life, he is untouched by material existence due to his constant engagement in devotional service. Thus everyone is advised to take shelter of devotional service to become happy and liberated
- Although a father, mother, brother or friend may sometimes punish one as a well-wisher, they never punish their subordinate like this. But because You are the most worshipable Lord, I regard the punishment You have given me as most exalted
- Although a Vaisnava preacher may sometimes criticize others, Raghunatha Bhatta avoided this. Even if another Vaisnava was actually at fault, Raghunatha Bhatta would not criticize him; he saw only that everyone was engaged in Krsna's service
- Although a wife may be equal to her husband in advancement in spiritual consciousness, she should not be vainly proud. Sometimes it happens that the wife comes from a very rich family, as did Devahuti, the daughter of Emperor Svayambhuva Manu
- Although according to the sonnet style each line should contain fourteen syllables, there are sometimes sixteen, twelve or thirteen syllables in his (Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura's) verse
- Although Antardhana could understand that King Indra was stealing the horse from his father, he did not kill Indra, for he knew that if one who is very powerful sometimes commits an abominable act, it should be disregarded
- Although Arjuna is a devotee of the Lord, he sometimes forgets the nature of the Lord, but by the divine grace a devotee can at once understand the infallible condition of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Although Daksa felt defeated, he knew that his punishment was simply the great mercy of Lord Siva. He remembered that Lord Siva and Lord Visnu are never neglectful of the brahmanas, even though the brahmanas are sometimes unqualified
- Although he (an acarya) is as hard as a thunderbolt, sometimes he is as soft as a rose. Thus actually he is independent. He follows all the rules and regulations strictly, but sometimes he slackens this policy
- Although He (the Supreme Personality of Godhead) is one without a second, He expands Himself by svamsa, His personal expansion, and sometimes by vibhinnamsa, or His separated expansion
- Although I am a sannyasi I sometimes take part in getting boys and girls married, although in the history of sannyasa no sannyasi has personally taken part in marrying his disciples
- Although Indian people are by culture God conscious, yet on account of vigorous preaching of the Mayavadi philosophy, we sometimes feel a little difficulty preaching this cult in India
- Although Krsna is the maintainer of everyone, sometimes He takes the part of a beggar. He begs to benefit the charitable. Who is giving in charity, he is benefited. Just like Bali Maharaja, he gave everything to Vamanadeva. There are different devotees
- Although Lord Buddha appeared in India, for some time many people became followers of Buddhist religion, but later on it disappeared from India. It went outside. What was the reason?
- Although Lord Siva sometimes very liberally gives such benedictions to his devotees, the difficulty is that the demons, being very cunning, sometimes want to experiment improperly with such benedictions
- Although loving affairs may sometimes resemble material lust, the difference is as follows: The desire to satisfy one's own senses is called lust, while the desire to satisfy the senses of Krsna is called prema, love of God - CC Adi 4.165
- Although one is sometimes permitted to sacrifice an animal before the goddess Kali and eat it instead of purchasing meat from a slaughterhouse, this is not the order of God
- Although one's duration of life is limited in years, if by chance one becomes a devotee, he surpasses the duration prescribed for his life; indeed, sometimes yogis die according to their wish, not according to the laws of material nature
- Although people may be enemies, in order to fulfill their desires again and again, they sometimes get married. Unfortunately, these marriages do not last very long, and the people involved are separated again by divorce or other means
- Although sometimes a materialist becomes very opulent in the eyes of another materialist, such opulence is bestowed upon him by the goddess Durgadevi, a material expansion of the goddess of fortune, not by Laksmidevi herself
- Although sometimes plans appear contradictory, there is a definite plan behind all action. One who is experienced and is favored by the Lord can understand that everything is being done according to the Lord's supreme plan
- Although sometimes Vamanadeva is considered to be a subordinate demigod, His actual position is that of the supreme whole, the source of the entire demigod system
- Although sometimes we cannot see the gross body changing, chanting the holy name of the Supreme Lord immediately changes the subtle body, and because the subtle body changes, the living entity is immediately freed from material bondage
- Although the air sometimes carries the odor of a filthy place, the air has nothing to do with such a place. Similarly, the SP of Godhead, being all-good and all-auspicious, is never affected by the material qualities like an ordinary living entity
- Although the dealings of the gopis with Krsna are on the platform of pure love of Godhead, such dealings are sometimes considered to be lusty
- Although the disease of a devotee is due to mistakes committed sometime in the past, he agrees to suffer and tolerate such miseries, & he depends fully on the SPG. Thus he is never affected by material conditions of lamentation, jubilation, fear & so on
- Although the duskrtis have brain power and merit, their merit and brain power are used for abominable activities. Sometimes, for example, materialistic scientists invent a lethal weapon
- Although the great activities and transcendental qualities of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's various incarnations are wonderfully described, sometimes we are unable to understand them. Yet everything is possible for Lord Visnu
- Although the karmis are sometimes elevated to higher planetary systems, as long as they remain attached to fruitive activities they must accept new material bodies after death
- Although the names of Indra and Agni are sometimes uttered in the Vedic mantras (indraya svaha, agnaye svaha), the Vedic sacrifices are actually performed for the satisfaction of Lord Visnu
- Although the Personality of Godhead is all-powerful, He never interferes with this little freedom that the living entity enjoys. Thus the living entity sometimes becomes conditioned by the modes of nature
- Although the sun is sometimes seen to be covered by fog, in fact the sun cannot be covered by anything
- Although there are sometimes directions in the Vedic literatures to think oneself one with the Lord, that does not mean that one becomes identical with the Lord in every respect
- Although there is a tinge of goodness in this material world in terms of the brahminical qualifications, such qualifications sometimes become invisible because of the strong prevalence of the modes of passion and ignorance
- Although these kayasthas or karanas are considered sudras, they are very intelligent and highly educated. Most of them are professionals such as lawyers or politicians. Thus in Bengal the kayasthas are sometimes considered ksatriyas
- Although they (tapasvis, yogis, jnanis and others who have a bodily concept of life) may sometimes be called santa-bhaktas, real bhakti begins with dasya-rasa
- Although they have no access to the Srimad-Bhagavatam, the followers of the Mayavada (impersonalist) school sometimes screw out an imaginary explanation of the original four verses, but we must accept the actual explanation given herein by Maitreya Muni
- Although Vamanadeva is sometimes taken as a less-important demigod, He is actually the maintainer of Indra, the King of the demigods
- Although Vedic knowledge is imperishable, within this material world it is sometimes manifest and sometimes not. When the people of this material world become too absorbed in ignorance, the Vedic knowledge disappears
- Although we are not meant to suffer from fever, sometimes fever comes, and we have to take precautions and remedies to get well again. The fourfold miseries are like a fever, and they are all due to the material body
- Amongst my Godbrothers no one is qualified to become acarya. So it is better not to mix with my Godbrothers very intimately because instead of inspiring our students and disciples they may sometimes pollute them
- An advanced devotee like Narada Muni who is engaged in preaching work can serve the Supreme Lord anywhere. Sometimes he even goes to the hellish planets
- An analogy may be made with the father and mother: the mother and the father exist, but sometimes the mother begets children
- An Australian citizen: he is under the laws of the state of Australia. But if he says: "I don't care for the government," he becomes lawless, and sometimes he becomes criminal, and he is put into the prison life
- An example sometimes given to explain the position of the Supreme Lord is that of the sun, which evaporates urine from the earth but is never affected by contamination. The Supreme Lord can never be accused of doing anything wrong
- An example that may be cited in this regard (to SB 9.4.64) is that if a very rich man does not have sons in a family he does not feel happiness. Indeed, sometimes a rich man adopts a son to complete his happiness
- An expert physician treats his patient with a therapeutic diet. For example, milk preparations sometimes cause disorder of the bowels, but the very same milk converted into curd and mixed with some other remedial ingredients cures such disorders
- An ignorant living being does not recognize his actual profit. Because of ignorance and material pride, he sometimes considers profit a loss, but when his pride is cut down he can actually see his true benefit
- An impious man who dies after sinful activities is sometimes condemned so that he cannot possess a gross material body of five material elements, but must live in a subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego
- An intimate relationship sometimes makes a person overstep formal etiquette. Thus Paramesvara actually pleased the Lord in His heart by his simple and affectionate behavior
- An unchaste woman is very easily carried away by paramours, and it sometimes happens that her husband is violently killed by her paramours. If the yogi gives his mind a chance and does not restrain it...
- Animal, sometimes facing enemy, close the eyes, as if there is no enemy, so they do like that. Children, when there is danger, they close the eyes. They have no other means to escape. So these people, they close the eyes. "There is no life after death."
- Animals and children are sometimes punished not out of vengeance but out of love. Similarly, a master sometimes punishes his servant, not out of vengeance but out of love, to correct him and bring him to the right point
- Another important devotee of Lord Nityananda Prabhu was Visnudasa, who had two brothers, Nandana and Gangadasa. Lord Nityananda Prabhu sometimes stayed at their house
- Another name for Laksmi is Cancala, indicating that she does not stay in one place for a long time. Therefore, we see that a rich man's family sometimes becomes poor after a few generations, and sometimes we see that a poor man's family becomes very rich
- Another name of Thakura Saranga dasa was Sarnga Thakura. Sometimes he was also called Sarngapani or Sarngadhara. He was a resident of Navadvipa in the neighborhood known as Modadruma-dvipa
- Any act performed for the purpose of enjoying its fruits or results is an act of sense gratification. Such actions are visible sometimes in gross and sometimes in subtle forms
- Anybody who is chanting Hare Krsna, even for a moment, it will never go in vain. It will act. It will act, and it will act so nicely that sometimes you'll be saved from the greatest danger
- Anything done on account of Krsna, that is pious. There is no contamination. Api cet suduracarah. Even in the public eye it may appear sometime that it is not pious, still it is pious
- Are we such fools and rascals that we are wasting time worshiping a "doll"? Sometimes people think like that. But that is not a fact
- Arjuna said to Lord Krsna: I have dishonored You many times, jesting as we relaxed, lay on the same bed, or sat or ate together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. O infallible one, please excuse me for all those offenses
- Arjuna then saw the effulgence of light known as the brahmajyoti. The brahmajyoti is situated outside the covering of the material universes, and because it cannot be seen with our present eyes, this brahmajyoti is sometimes called avyakta
- Arjuna's mother name was Prtha, therefore Arjuna is addressed sometimes as Partha. Partha means "son of Kunti," in relationship with his mother's name
- Arsapreyoga means there may be discrepancies but it is all right. Just like Shakespeare, sometimes there are odd usages of language, but he is accepted as authority. I have explained all these things in my Preface to First Canto
- As a government officer is sometimes accepted as the entire government although he is actually but a departmental manager, so the demigods, having achieved power of attorney from Visnu, act on His behalf, although they are not as powerful as He
- As a heavy wind sometimes disperses a mighty cloud, so the heavy breath from Lalita's nostrils caused her to miss Krsna, who had disappeared by the time she recovered herself
- As a ksatriya or emperor, Maharaja Gaya sometimes had to fight with subordinate kings to maintain his government, but the subordinate kings were not dissatisfied with him because they knew that he fought for religious principles
- As a moat around a fort is sometimes surrounded by gardenlike forest, the saltwater ocean surrounding Jambudvipa is itself surrounded by Plaksadvipa
- As a mountain has thousands of golden peaks, so the Lord was seen with the thousands of golden-helmeted hoods of Ananta-naga; and as a mountain is sometimes filled with jewels, so also His transcendental body was fully decorated with valuable jewels
- As a mountains is sometimes submerged in the ocean water, so the Lord is sometimes submerged in the water of devastation
- As a parent of the SPG, the devotee sometimes chastises the Lord and considers himself to be the Lord's maintainer. This transcendental sense of being the maintainer of the supreme maintainer is very pleasing both to the devotee and to the Supreme Lord
- As an example of the running down of saliva from the mouth, it is stated that sometimes when Narada Muni was chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, he remained stunned for a while, and saliva oozed from his mouth
- As an infant, he cries and cries, and he is totally dependent on his mother's mercy. Sometimes a mother cannot understand what the child wants. Sometimes an ant may be biting the child, but the mother thinks that the child is hungry
- As an old man I can take relief from this work immediately, but for Krsna's sake I am pulling on even though there is sometimes personal inconveniences. So let us act in that way all together for Krsna's sake
- As clouds sometimes clear, even in the rainy season, and sometimes the moon, stars and sun become visible, so even in this Kali-yuga there are sometimes advantages
- As explained by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura, there are various roles one may play in such a position (as mother Yasoda). Putana was immediately promoted to Vaikunthaloka, which is also sometimes described as Svarga
- As far as bodily affairs or social activities are concerned, although a person is purified on the spiritual platform, it is sometimes seen that he acts in terms of his bodily relationships
- As far as the adhidaivika miseries are concerned, these are natural disasters that originate with the demigods of the higher planets. For instance, we sometimes suffer from severe cold or hot weather, thunderbolt, earthquakes and many natural disasters
- As far as the adhidaivika miseries are concerned, these originate with the demigods of the higher planets. For instance, we sometimes suffer from severe cold weather, from thunderbolts, or from earthquakes, tornadoes, droughts or other natural disasters
- As far as the children are concerned, people are accusing us sometimes that our children are undernourished, underfed and note cared for properly. So it is good that you are seeing that they are happy and healthy
- As far as the saktyavesa-avataras are concerned, they include Kapila and Rsabha, Ananta, Brahma (sometimes the Lord Himself becomes Brahma), Catuhsana (the incarnation of knowledge), Narada (the incarnation of devotional service)
- As I am travelling all over the world, I see that people are not satisfied. The dissatisfaction of the whole human race is being manifested in different ways. As sometimes the root disease becomes manifest by different symptoms
- As in the material world sometimes failure is considered as a pillar of success, similarly in the spiritual order also the same principle can be applied. So don't be disappointed. Maybe Krishna's desire is something higher in this connection
- As long as the body is there there will be different degrees of health and unhealth. We have to tolerate these things just as we have to tolerate the seasonal changes of sometimes hot sometimes cold
- As mentioned above, the word mayat is also used in the sense of "transformation"; sometimes it is also used to mean "by-product"
- As servant of maya, he (the living entity who forgets his position) sometimes becomes a king, sometimes an ordinary citizen, sometimes a brahmana, a sudra, and so on. Sometimes he is a happy man, sometimes a prosperous man, sometimes a small insect
- As servant of maya, Sometimes he is in heaven and sometimes in hell. Sometimes he is a demigod, and sometimes he is a demon. Sometimes he is a servant, and sometimes he is a master. In this way the living entity wanders all over the universe
- As soon as an experienced devotee sees all of these caricatures, he can immediately evaluate such rascaldom. If such a pretender is sometimes seen possessing imitative attachment to Krsna, that will not be accepted as real attachment
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita, to regulate those who are very much addicted to different kinds of sense gratification, the worship of demigods is sometimes recommended
- As stated in the Vedas, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the source of material energy. Consequently He is sometimes called maya-maya, or the Supreme person, who can create His pastimes through His potency known as the material energy
- As such, the pure devotees never accept the liberation of sayujya, to become one with the supreme, though sometimes they may accept as favorable the other four liberated states
- As such, they sometimes bear weapons so that they can chastise any mischievous persons who want to do harm to Krsna
- As we have got law here, here we can escape man-made laws, but you cannot escape God-made laws. That is not possible. Man-made laws sometimes we escape because everything made by man, that is insufficient, imperfect
- As we sometimes become very much afraid at the sound of a thunderbolt, perhaps thinking that our houses will be destroyed, the great demigods like Lord Brahma feared the thundering sound that came from the pillar in front of Hiranyakasipu
- Aside from conscious living beings, even unconscious matter is sometimes made conscious by Your lips. Therefore, Your lips are great magicians
- At night offer puris, milk and other nice preparations should be offered also. In the morning offer fruits and during the day time nice dhal, chopaties, etc. Sometimes special preparations can be offered on Sunday - Kachories, sweet balls
- At that stage (of avadhuta, the paramahamsa), a person sometimes accepts the symbols and dress of a sannyasi and sometimes does not. Sometimes he dresses like a householder
- At that time (to the date of British occupation), however, a wife who did not wish to die with her husband was sometimes forced to do so by her relatives. Formerly that was not the case. The wife used to enter the fire voluntarily
- At the beginning of this chapter 7 (of SB Canto 10), two extra verses sometimes appear: In this way, to chastise and kill the demons, the child Krsna demonstrated many activities in the house of Nanda, & the inhabitants of Vraja enjoyed these incidents
- At the end of Krsna's pauganda age, Krsna's hair sometimes hangs down to His hips, and sometimes it becomes scattered. In this age His two shoulders become higher and broader, and His face is always decorated with marks of tilaka
- At the present moment Bharata-bhumi, or Bharata-varsa, is a small piece of land extending from the Himalaya Mountains to Cape Comorin. Sometimes this peninsula is called punya-bhumi
- At the present moment, vague idea, what is God; practically no idea. What is their God? "God is good." They . . . sometimes they say: "God is great," but what is that God, how great He is, how He is good, nobody knows
- At the time of death there are many troubles, and we become very fearful. Sometimes, when a person is dying, he falls into a coma and lies unconscious. We do not know what kind of fearful test this person is undergoing
- At the time of death, the trouble, or the miserable condition, is so acute that we have to give up this body. Sometimes when man becomes very much upset, he commits suicide. He cuts his own throat. Why? He cannot live in this body
- At the time of death, when one very sinful man is dying, he sees the Yamaraja or the order carriers of Yamaraja. They are very fierce-looking. Sometimes the man on the deathbed becomes very much fearful, cries, - Save me, save me
- At the time of dissolution the Lord sometimes appears as a small baby lying on a leaf of a banyan tree, floating on the devastating water. Devahuti suggests, "Your lying down within the abdomen of a common woman like me is not so astonishing
- Atheistic men sometimes criticize a devotee by saying, "If you do not want to take any benediction from the Lord and if the servant of the Lord is as opulent as the Lord Himself, why do you ask for the benediction of being engaged as the Lord's servant?"
- Attachment to Krsna is permanent. That permanent loving attitude is sometimes mixed with different kinds of taste, called vibhava, anubhava and vyabhicari
- Battle of Kuruksetra was performed in a place which is called dharma-ksetra. So sometimes war is also performed in terms of religiosity. That is prescribed. That is required
- Because a Krsna conscious person does not have to accept a future gross body, his recorded desires are fulfilled in a dream. We therefore sometimes find things in a dream never experienced in our present life
- Because almost all of these twenty-five lila-avataras appear in one day of Brahma, which is called a kalpa, they are sometimes called kalpa-avataras
- Because both (man and woman) want to enjoy one another, they are sometimes described as purusa (male). Actually neither is purusa, but both can be superficially described as purusa
- Because everyone (the people of the world) was happy in all respects, there was no resentment, although there were sometimes battles between the state kings for political reasons and supremacy
- Because he (Ajamila) practiced sometimes before falling down, so by chanting this Hare Krsna mantra he immediately remembered that real Narayana immediately, His pastimes, His form, everything, and therefore he became liberated
- Because he's chanting, sometimes a person get very false ego, that he has become a very big devotee, he's serving the Lord
- Because it (the relationship of the gopis with Krsna) appears to be just like ordinary dealings of young boys and girls, it is sometimes misinterpreted to be like the ordinary sex of this material world
- Because Krsna and His energy appeared simultaneously, people have generally formed two groups - the saktas and the Vaisnavas - and sometimes there is rivalry between them
- Because Krsna is Krsna, He is apapa-viddha - He cannot be attacked by sinful reactions. But a living entity is sometimes subjected to their influence because he is so small
- Because of a poor fund of knowledge, less intelligent persons sometimes mistake the conditions of the shadow world to be equivalent to those of the spiritual world
- Because of association with the modes of material nature for a very long time, even liberated souls sometimes become captivated by the illusory energy due to inattentiveness in the transcendental position
- Because of feelings of separation from Krsna, an exalted devotee sometimes wants to give up his life. By such ecstatic love, however, one attains the audience of Krsna, and at that time he cannot give up his body
- Because of the influence of Kali-yuga, Vaisnavas who have dedicated their lives to preaching the glories of the Lord are sometimes harassed and punished by courts on false charges of disturbing the peace
- Because of the winds of the sea, sometimes the sand would form dunes. Such sand dunes are called cataka parvata. Instead of seeing these sand dunes simply as hills of sand, the Lord (Caitanya) would take them to be Govardhana Hill
- Because of their (the plenary expansions and incarnations of the Supreme Lord) activities in controlling maya, sometimes they are known as mayika, or having a relationship with maya. This is a verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 2.6.42
- Because the living entity is partially cognizant, he is therefore sometimes forgetful of his own identity
- Because the minute living entity is prone to be subjected to the influence of material qualities, he is called jiva, and sometimes the Supreme Personality of Godhead is also known as Siva, the all-auspicious one
- Because the Paramatma (the localized aspect of the Supreme Personality of Godhead) and the individual living entity are both within the body, a misunderstanding sometimes takes place that there is no difference between the two
- Because the vaidyas were supposed to be descendants of brahmana fathers and sudra wives, they were sometimes called sudras. Thus Candrasekhara Acarya, although born in a vaidya family, was called a sudra in Benares
- Because their (Siva's and Sankarsana's) activities involve them with the mode of ignorance, they are sometimes called tamasi
- Because they (people) suffer from insomnia sometimes they feel sleepy in the morning for lack of sufficient rest
- Because they (prakrta-sahajiyas) do not follow the regulative principles but instead violate even ordinary morals, their contemplation of rasa-lila is a futile attempt, which sometimes results in their imitating the dealings of the gopis and Lord Krsna
- Because they are servants of the Supreme Lord, devotees receive knowledge directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He speaks it in the Bhagavad-gita, or sometimes as He imparts it from within as the caittya-guru
- Because this forgetfulness (of demoniac living entities) is created by Sankarsana, He is sometimes called tamasi
- Because we are adhyama purusa, therefore there is chance of our brightness being sometimes covered. But we can again revive our brightness and shine with the Supreme Person
- Because we are always accustomed to accept what is immediately very pleasing, but sometimes we'll find that we are not getting which is immediately very pleasing, but we should not be disappointed. We shall stick to Krsna
- Because we have come to this conditional state of life, bhutva bhutva praliyate (BG 8.19), we sometimes . . . once we take birth and again we die - this is not very good proposal. But these rascals, they do not know how nature is working
- Because you are attached to the skin and bone, therefore you feel sometimes pains and pleasure. But that will not endure. Better tolerate it. Tolerate. That is spiritual, tapasya. That is called tapasya. When one can learn how to tolerate
- Before going to Vrndavana, he (Pandita Dhananjaya) lived for some time in a village named Sancadapancada, which is six miles south of the Memari railway station. Sometimes this village is also known as ‘the place of Dhananjaya’ (Dhananjayera Pata)
- Being dependent and being obliged to accept material bodies, belligerent subordinates are sometimes victorious and sometimes defeated
- Being in the marginal position, he (the living entity) is sometimes attracted by the external, illusory energy, and this is the beginning of his material life
- Being so favored by the Lord, Brahma's schemes and plans are all infallible. If sometimes Brahma is seen to be bewildered, he is bewildered by seeing the action of the internal potency, that is also for his further advancement in transcendental service
- Being very much aggrieved, sometimes one goes to a sinful person for help, but he has no means to help because he has no intelligence. Thus the living entity is disappointed. This is like running after a mirage in the desert in an effort to find water
- Bengal is sometimes called Gaudadesa, partly because it forms a portion of Maithila and partly because the capital of the Hindu king Raja Laksmana Sena was known as Gauda. This old capital later came to be known as Gaudapura and gradually Mayapur
- Besides all of the above-mentioned fifty qualities, Lord Krsna possesses five more, which are sometimes partially manifested in the persons of Lord Brahma or Lord Siva
- Besides this garland of flowers, there were other kinds of flower garlands too - sometimes decorating His head, sometimes hanging around His neck and chest
- Bhagavad-gita is a very authoritative book, and it is popular all over the world, sometimes people take advantage of this book and present their own theory in an adulterated way
- Bhagavad-gita should be discussed amongst the devotees. Sometimes we discuss Bhagavad-gita amongst the non-devotees. That is due to higher order, higher order - Guru Maharaja asked that "You go and speak." So we are doing that
- Bhagavan means "one who possesses all opulences." When a person possesses Bhagavan within his heart, he is also sometimes called bhagavan
- Bhagavan means the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But those who are very, very advanced, recognized by Bhagavan, they are also sometimes called bhagavan. Just like Lord Siva, Lord Brahma, Narada Muni, on their status, sometimes they are called bhagavan
- Bhakti may be divided into two divisions: (1) santata, devotional service that continues incessantly with faith and love, and (2) kadacitki, devotional service that does not continue incessantly but is sometimes awakened
- Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu is divided into four parts, just as the ocean is sometimes divided into four parts, and there are different sections within each of these four divisions
- Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami says that sometimes persons who have no love of Godhead at all display ecstatic bodily symptoms. Artificially they sometimes laugh, cry and dance just like madmen, but this cannot help one progress in Krsna consciousness
- Bharadvaja: He is one of the seven great rsis and was present at the time of the birth ceremony of Arjuna. The powerful rsi sometimes undertook severe penances on the shore of the Ganges, and his asrama is still celebrated at Prayagadhama
- Bhattacarya became overwhelmed with ecstasy by the Lord's touch, and he practically fell unconscious. He cried, trembled, shivered and perspired, and sometimes he danced and sang and fell at the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya
- Bheda-drstya means that Brahma sometimes thinks that he is independent of the Supreme Lord, or he thinks of himself as one of the three equally independent incarnations
- Bhiksa is also sometimes prohibited from a person who is too much materialist. But bhiksa is allowed for sannyasis, for brahmana
- Bhuta is sometimes taken to indicate the ghosts
- Both he and I (Siva) are on the same level as servants of God. We are always friends and sometimes we enjoy joking words between us. When Citraketu loudly laughed at my behavior, he did so on friendly terms, and therefore there was no reason to curse him
- Brahma acquired knowledge directly from the Supreme Lord within the heart; therefore he is sometimes called svarat and aja
- Brahma is also living being, but because he is very pure... This Brahma post is sometimes not available because there is no such pure living being. So Krsna becomes Himself Brahma sometimes
- Brahma said, "Only by Your mercy can one understand, to some extent, what You are. My dear Lord, You are the Supreme Lord of all creation, although I sometimes falsely think that I am the master of this universe"
- Brahma-bhuta living entities are allowed to stay in Brahmaloka or Siddhaloka, but unfortunately they sometimes again fall into the material world because they are not engaged in devotional service
- Brahmajyoti means spiritual sky. This material sky means brahma-jyotir is covered by material cloud. Actually, everything is brahma-jyotir. Just like clear sky, but some portion of the sky is sometimes covered by cloud
- Brahman is sometimes described as asthulam ananv ahrasvam adirgham, that which is not large and not small, not short and not long. (Brhad-aranyaka Upanisad 5.8.8) Neti neti: It is not this, it is not that. But what is it
- Brahmanas in the assembly would chant Vedic hymns & explain them to the audience to the best of their knowledge & sometimes some of them would recite historical accounts of the activities of prominent kings. Krsna would be very much pleased to hear them
- Brahmanas who are exalted to the position of Vaisnavas, the most dear servants of Krsna, sometimes dress like madmen. Just to benefit materialists like us, who are always attached to sense gratification, and just to dissipate our ignorance
- But it so happened that sometimes the belligerent princes were killed in such marriage-fighting, and the victorious prince was offered the trophy princess for whom so many princes died
- By bribing others, one may secure another woman for enjoyment, yet another debauchee may kidnap her or offer her something better. This woman hunting is going on in the forest of the material world, sometimes legally, and sometimes illegally
- By God's favor we sometimes get large quantities of food grains or suddenly receive some contribution or unexpected profit in business. In this way we may get more money than needed. So, how should that be spent
- By the inconceivable energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord can appear before us in His original spiritual body, but because we have no experience of the spiritual body, we are sometimes bewildered and see the form of the Lord as material
- By the order of the Lord, a perfect devotee sometimes comes to this material world like an ordinary human being. Because of his previous practice, such a perfect devotee naturally becomes attached to devotional service, apparently without cause
- By the will of the Supreme, a sinful man is sometimes given the chance to enjoy the material world as if he were not under the clutches of material nature, just so that he may be fooled
- By utilizing the sun rays, sometimes even the stones become valuable, whereas a blind man cannot see the sun, although there are enough sun rays before him
- By Your energy You manifest this entire cosmic creation, maintain it and dissolve it. Through Your energy alone everything is sometimes manifest and sometimes not manifest. You are therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the cause of all causes
- Caitanya accepted all this food because it had been offered by His devotees. Sometimes He would eat it during lunch and sometimes at night, but He would always think that since His devotees had offered it with great love and affection, He must eat it
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s activities were exhibited sometimes to reveal Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and sometimes to show Him as a devotee. Both kinds of activities are mysterious and appreciated only by pure devotees
- Caitanya recommends that one understand the Vedic literature in terms of abhidha-vrtti, and the gauna-vrtti He rejects. Sometimes, however, as a matter of necessity, the Vedic literature is described in terms of the laksana-vrtti or gauna-vrtti
- Camtapura (sometimes called Chengannur) is located in the state of Kerala. A temple of Lord Ramacandra and Laksmana is located there
- Certainly this is heavy task but by the Grace of Krishna, it does not depress me. I feel encouraged to act so busily day and night. But the body sometimes does not allow me to do so. So I have to sleep about 4 to 5 hours
- Chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is open to everyone, but sometimes nonbelievers come to disturb the ceremony of chanting
- Charity is sometimes made under some obligation, at the request of a superior. These kinds of charity are said to be made in the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- Charity is sometimes performed for elevation to the heavenly kingdom and sometimes with great trouble and with repentance afterwards. "Why have I spent so much in this way?" BG 1972 purports
- Charity to the poor is sometimes given out of compassion, but if a poor man is not worth giving charity to, then there is no spiritual advancement. In other words, indiscriminate charity is not recommended in the Vedic literature. BG 1972 purports
- Ciyadatala is sometimes known as Cheratala. It is near the city of Kaila, and there is a temple there dedicated to Lord Sri Ramacandra and His brother Laksmana. Tila-kanci (Tenkasi) is about thirty miles northeast of the city of Tirunelveli
- Cleopatra. You have heard the Grecian history. She was very beautiful, and she conquered many great warriors. So beauty sometimes can conquer even the greatest man, but that does not mean beauty can conquer God. No. That is not possible
- Covered by the mode of ignorance in material nature, the living entity is sometimes a male, sometimes a female, sometimes a eunuch, sometimes a human being, sometimes a demigod, sometimes a bird, an animal, and so on
- Cripple-minded persons, always engaged in satisfying their senses, sometimes expand their activities in order to do good for others through some "ism" like nationalism, humanitarianism or altruism
- Daityas, who are materialistic persons, sometimes think of philosophy when some relative meets death. The technical term for this attitude of the materialistic person is smasana-vairagya, or detachment in a cemetery or place of cremation
- Damodara Pandita was a great devotee of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Sometimes, however, a person in such a position becomes impudent, being influenced by the external energy and material considerations
- Darkness, illumination and clouds sometimes appear and sometimes disappear, but even when they have disappeared, the potency is still there, always existing
- Day after day, with great difficulty, they (those who are not Krsna conscious) try to secure such women (debauched women), and sometimes, while trying to taste this kind of honey, one is attacked by a woman's kinsmen and chastised very heavily
- Demoniac sex mentality of material enjoyment is sometimes encouraged by so-called yogis who encourage the public to enjoy sex life in different varieties
- Demons sometimes declare to a devotee that they cannot accept the existence of God because they cannot see Him
- Depending on differences in consciousness, sacrificial activities are sometimes called karma-kanda, fruitive activities, and sometimes jnana-kanda, knowledge in the pursuit of truth. It is better when the end is knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- Despite His appearing just like a village boy, there were occasions when He (Krsna) proved Himself to be the SP of God. Sometimes men pose themselves as the SP of G & cheat innocent people, but they can only cheat; they cannot exhibit the potency of God
- Devotee said, "Sometimes I have carried out their orders in a way most abominable. Yet in spite of my serving them so faithfully, they are neither satisfied nor are they kind enough to give me relief from their service"
- Devotees in the Vaikuntha world, or even in this material world, cannot be poverty-stricken, as is sometimes supposed. They have ample opulences for enjoyment, but they need not labor to achieve them
- Devotees never give up the lotus feet of Krsna to return to material activities. Others, who're addicted to Vedic rituals because they've neglected the service of the Lord's lotus feet & are enchanted by lusty desires, sometimes perform acts of atonement
- Devotees sometimes pray, "Let us offer our respectful obeisances unto the vayasyas of Krsna, who are firmly convinced of Krsna's friendship and protection and whose devotion to Krsna is ever-fixed"
- Devotional activities sometimes appear to be impure in the neophyte stage, but in the mature stage they are completely pure, or free from material activity
- Devotional service to the Supreme Lord, which leads one to eternal, blissful and all-cognizant life, is called the superior quality of occupation. This is sometimes polluted when mixed with the inferior quality
- Dharma is sometimes translated as "religion," but that is not exactly the meaning. Dharma actually means "that which one cannot give up," "that which is inseparable from oneself
- Dharma means to be situated in one's position. That is called dharma. dharma is not a kind of faith. Faith is sometimes blind. That is not dharma
- Dhruva Maharaja was worshiping on the bank of the Yamuna. The Yamuna and the Ganges are sacred, and sometimes devotees in India insist that the Deity must be worshiped with water of the Ganges or Yamuna
- Discrepancies are sometimes causes of despondency, and thus failing, a person becomes subjected to criticism, which might also be the cause of Arjuna's plight
- Diseased and conditioned, the living entity transmigrates throughout the universe. Sometimes he is situated in the upper planetary system and sometimes in the lower system. In this way he leads his diseased life
- Disunity between individual souls is so strong within this material world that even in a society of Krsna consciousness, members sometimes appear disunited due to their having different opinions and leaning toward material things
- Don't be afraid of my being attacked by maya. When there is fight between two belligerent parties, it is always expected that there will sometimes be reverses
- Don't followers of Krsna conscious ever get angry? - Yes, we get angry. Why not? We are not artificial. Human nature is to become anger, sometimes satisfied, sometimes . . . so we utilize this. We are angry when one is not KC, when he's against God
- Dormant divine consciousness of the living entity is developed in the human being by natural evolution but it is sometimes snubbed down by artificial force on account of too much desire to Lord it over the material nature
- Dress is not important. Practically, as sannyasi, brahmacari, we dress with saffron cloth. But sometimes you do not like, but we have to do business with you - therefore we change. What can be done? Necessity has no law
- Due to a poor fund of knowledge, human beings sometimes think the Lord's activities contradictory
- Due to fear of the Muslims, the Gopala Deity was moved from one place to another again and again. Thus giving up His temple, Lord Gopala would sometimes live in a bush and sometimes in one village after another
- Due to his bad habit, past, sometimes, not willingly, but due to his habit - habit is second nature - he does something nonsense. But that does not mean he is faulty
- Due to his incorrect pronunciation, people sometimes criticized him and laughed at him, but he did not care. He was full of ecstasy due to reading the Bhagavad-gita and was personally very happy
- Due to monetary transactions, relationships become very strained and end in enmity. Sometimes the husband and wife walk on the path of material progress, and to maintain their relationship they work very hard
- Durvasa Muni was always accompanied by sixty thousand disciples and that if there was a little discrepancy in their reception, he would be very angry and would sometimes curse the host
- Duty you sometimes may avoid, and you may be excused, but obligation we cannot. Obligation means you have to
- Dvivida could climb up into the trees and jump from one branch to another. Sometimes he would jerk the branches, creating a particular type of sound - kilakila - so that Lord Balarama was greatly distracted from the pleasing atmosphere
- Dvivida regularly defied the law and order of the country. Not only that, but he would sometimes pollute the female members of many aristocratic families by forcibly raping them
- Dvivida was as powerful as ten thousand elephants. Sometimes he would go to the seashore, and with his powerful hands he would create so much disturbance in the sea that he would flood the neighboring cities and villages
- Each of these empowered persons would return to his own village, always chanting the holy name of Krsna and sometimes laughing, crying and dancing
- Eating, sleeping, and during sleeping we sometimes dream, fearing, or without dream, fearing. So we take protection. While sleeping, we close our doors
- Electric energy sometimes working for cooling, sometimes working for heating. But to the engineer of electric energy, who is generating, for him there is no such distinction. But those who are using it, they are thinking it is hot, it is cool
- Elevated transcendentalists may sometimes forgo the rules and regulations of the Vedas, since they do not need to follow them, just as the demigods travel in space whereas ordinary men travel on the surface of the earth
- Especially wounded soldiers and generals feel very thirsty at the time of death, and it sometimes so happens that simply for want of water one has to die unavoidably
- Even a criminal in the prison house, if he becomes submissive that "Henceforward I shall be law-abiding. I then shall obey the government laws very obediently," then sometimes he is released prematurely on account of giving a declaration
- Even at the present moment the guides in the pilgrimage sites of India submit a complete account of genealogical tables before a newcomer. This wonderful act sometimes attracts more customers to receive such important information
- Even Balarama, the elder brother of Krsna, sometimes unknowingly offered respect to Him
- Even brahmanas, who perform different types of sacrifice, sometimes must kill animals because sometimes animals are sacrificed in such ceremonies. BG 1972 purports
- Even five thousand years ago, Maharaja Yudhisthira and Maharaja Pariksit were the sole emperors of this planet. Sometimes the subordinate kings rebelled, and it was necessary for the emperor to go and chastise them
- Even if he (Siva) is an enemy or is sometimes angry, such a personality cannot be the object of envy, so Vidura, in astonishment, asked why he was taken as such, especially by Daksa. Daksa is also not an ordinary person
- Even if the associates of Lord Visnu sometimes descend as if cursed, they are always liberated
- Even if we fall down sometimes, not intentionally, but accidentally - because we are practiced to so many bad things, it may be possible that even I take full care, still, the influence is so strong, I may fall down - Krsna excuses such kind of falldown
- Even if you see sometimes that he is doing something which is not very good, but still, because he has kept himself tight in Krsna consciousness, he is sadhu, he is saintly person
- Even in ordinary family affairs there is sometimes disagreement, but that does not mean immediately the disagreeing members shall leave the family
- Even in the most prominent existence of the two lower qualities, the modes of passion and ignorance, there is sometimes a tinge of the mode of goodness
- Even in the Spiritual World there is some fault and envy. Sometimes the Gopis will quarrel over Krishna's favor
- Even in this life-span we can sometimes experience dreams of our childhood. Although such incidents now appear strange, it is to be understood that they are recorded in the mind. Because of this, they become visible in dreams
- Even legitimate sex involves so many difficulties. After sex, a woman becomes pregnant and has to suffer for ten months, and at the time of delivery there is also sometimes very great danger
- Even one is finished, this material body . . . sometimes they commit suicide out of frustration, that "This desire is not fulfilled. Let me commit suicide." No. That is ignorance. Desires continue in the subtle body - mind, intelligence and ego
- Even ordinary men with little knowledge of the alphabet could read this book (Sri Krsna-vijaya) and understand it. Its language is not very ornamental, and sometimes the poetry is not very sweet to hear
- Even rules and regulation fails, but chanting may not be stopped. Even sometimes we fail. There is possibility of failing, because we are conditioned, and there is every chance of falling down
- Even so-called demons sometimes have exalted devotion for the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Therefore Indra smiled reassuringly at Vrtrasura
- Even sometimes amongst the gopis there is envy, but that enviousness is transcendental and should not be accepted in the mundane sense
- Even such exalted persons as Lord Brahma, who are fully conversant with the Vedic literature, are sometimes bewildered in following the principles of devotional service
- Even the descriptions of Krsna in Srimad-Bhagavatam are sometimes misunderstood by less intelligent men with a poor fund of knowledge. Therefore, the best course by which to know Him is to engage oneself in pure devotional activities
- Even the father is sometimes violent, the child or the son tolerates. A typical example is Prahlada Maharaja. Innocent child, Krsna consciousness child, but father torturing. He never says anything
- Even the great demigods are sometimes confused about Krsna: "muhyanti yat surayah," "mam tu veda na kascana." "No one knows Me as I am," the Lord says. And if one does know Him, then "sa mahatma sudurlabhah." "Such a great soul is very rare." BG 1972 pur
- Even though a person takes to the devotional service of the Supreme Lord, he may sometimes become diseased, impoverished, or disappointed by life's events
- Even though all dirty things may be cleansed away, sometimes subtle desires remain in the mind for impersonalism, monism, success & the 4 principles of religious activity. All these are like spots on clean cloth
- Even though one is sometimes absorbed in such external movements, he has to learn to tolerate them. The living entity should be always indifferent to the action and reaction of the external body
- Even though the king sometimes comes in the prison, he is not bound by the laws of the prison house. The king is therefore always transcendental to the laws of the prison house, as the Lord is always transcendental to the laws of the material world
- Even though they (impersonalists) sometimes offer prayers, the prayers are not directed toward the Supreme Person
- Even though they are not sometimes following the routine work of cleanliness or something else, still, because he's sticking to the principle of worshiping Krsna, he does not do anything else, then he's sadhu
- Even when His (Krsna) devotee asks for some opulence from Him, the Lord sometimes does not give it. He is very cautious about His devotees
- Every day, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would eat at the house of Raghava Pandita. Sometimes He would give Raghava Pandita the opportunity to see Him
- Every devotee in his perfectional stage has a spontaneous attraction to the Lord. This attraction is sometimes called the "lusty desire" of the devotee. The lust is the devotee's excessive desire to serve the Lord in a particular capacity
- Every evening at sunset Krsna used to return from the pasturing ground where He herded cows. Sometimes when Mother Yasoda could not hear the sweet vibration of His flute she would become very anxious, and because of this she would feel dizzy
- Every one of us is serving under the order of maya, illusory energy, material energy, and we are becoming tired, sometimes very much fatigued
- Every scripture is made according to the time, atmosphere, persons - so many things there are conditional. Therefore we sometimes find differences in one scripture from another
- Every word of sastra has volumes of meanings. Udga... Therefore sometimes right commentary required
- Everyone has got intelligence. Even the ant has got intelligence. We study sometime: the sparrow, he has got intelligence. But the perfect intelligence is there when one is in bhakti-yoga, is searching after athato brahma jijnasa - Vedanta-sutra 1.1.1
- Everyone has got some problem. That is material existence. So sometimes, when we are disgusted with this material life, we want to forget, forget all the things
- Everyone is originally Krsna conscious. But this Krsna consciousness has been covered, just as the sun is sometimes becomes covered by the clouds. But still the sun is there
- Everyone should follow in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and visit all temples. Sometimes mundane sahajiyas suppose that the gopis visited the temple of Katyayani in the same way mundane people visit the temple of Devi
- Everyone thinks that his intelligence is perfect. Sometimes one employs his intelligence in the worship of Uma, the wife of Lord Siva, in order to obtain a beautiful wife
- Everyone worships the Supreme Lord with great reverence; therefore the Lord sometimes wants to enjoy the chastisement of His devotees
- Everything in connection with Krsna is called ecstatic devotional love, although it may be exhibited in different ways: sometimes in right order and sometimes as a perverted reflection
- Everything is Krsna's forms. Your form is also Krsna's form; my form is also Krsna's form. Therefore foolish rascals, they think, "Now I have become God." He has got the affinity that he is also God expansion; therefore sometimes he thinks that - I am God
- Everything material is a mental concoction because it is sometimes visible and sometimes not
- Evil spirits, who cause persons to forget their own existence and give trouble to the life airs and the senses. Sometimes they appear in dreams and cause much perturbation; sometimes they appear as old women and suck the blood of small children
- Exhibiting ecstatic emotions, the Lord began to run here and there, making resounding noises. Sometimes He laughed, and sometimes He cried, and sometimes He danced and sang
- Experts in distinguishing one mellow from another sometimes accept some overlapping transcendental mellows (rasabhasa) as rasas due to their being pleasurable and tasteful
- Extreme desire to serve the Lord is manifest in the transcendental land of Vraja. And it is specifically manifested among the gopis. The gopis' love for Krsna is so elevated that for our understanding it is sometimes explained as being "lusty desire"
- Factually this is all due to the supreme will of the Lord, the Personality of Godhead. Sometimes people kill one another, and at other times they protect one another
- Falling completely under its influence, the nostrils yearn for it continuously, although sometimes they obtain it and sometimes not. When they do they drink their fill, though they still want more and more, but if they don't, out of thirst they die
- Falling into the sea, He lost consciousness and could not understand where He was. Sometimes He sank beneath the waves, and sometimes He floated above them
- Faltering of the voice may sometimes cause choking in the throat and extreme anxiety. As the different symptoms of these ecstatic manifestations are localized, they are accompanied by different local reactions
- Family members are like straws carried together by the waves of a river. Sometimes such straws mix together in whirlpools, and later, dispersed again by the same waves, they float alone in the water
- Famous yogis and demons can sometimes enact very magical feats by their mystic power, but in the presence of the Sudarsana cakra, when it is let loose by the Lord, all such magical jugglery is dispersed
- Feeling such transcendental sentiment, one sometimes laughs and sometimes cries, sings and dances like a madman, and sometimes traverses hither and thither
- Feverish condition of the body, withering of the body, lack of sleep, nonattachment, inertness, appearing diseased, madness, unconsciousness and sometimes death
- Fighting may not be a very nice thing, but sometimes, as in the case of the Battle of Kuruksetra, it is an absolute necessity
- First of all, you decide whether you are female or male, then be one or the other. Then, you may enter our temple any time you like. But sometimes man and sometimes woman, that is not proper. Such awkward thing cannot be allowed
- Foolish creatures, unacquainted with devotional service, sometimes play havoc with the education of people in general
- Foolish person suffering from some disease, he wants to kill himself, sometimes commit suicide, because he does not know that after suicide, the policy, there is no stoppage; you will have to become a ghost because you have disobeyed
- Foolish svamis and yogis do not know the injunctions of the sastras. Indeed, sometimes these rascals come out to defy the sastras
- For a devotee these informations of Krsna, oh, become so . . . "My Krsna is so God. Oh, my God is so powerful." And, I think, sometimes I recited one story. This is for very instructive
- For a ksatriya, or administrator, there are so many abominable things; a ksatriya has to be violent to kill his enemies, and sometimes a ksatriya has to tell lies for the sake of diplomacy. BG 1972 purports
- For administrative class of men, it is a duty to protect the weak. Sometimes law and order requires violence
- For business reasons many envious persons oppose excavation of the real place (of Kuliya, where Lord Caitanya excused Gopala Capala from his offense against Srivasa Thakura), and sometimes they advertise unauthorized places as the authorized one
- For example, the subject matter of the Ramayana is sometimes considered to be pitiable and distressing to the heart, but actually that is not the fact
- For formality's sake, when a man is lying on his deathbed, his relatives come to him, and sometimes they cry very loudly, addressing the dying man - Oh my father, Oh my friend or Oh my husband
- For my health is concerned, on the whole it is nice, but sometimes I feel not so good. Everything depends on Krishna, and as He desires it will happen
- For one man's fault a whole state is sometimes attacked. This kind of wholesale attack is not approved by Manu, the father and lawgiver of the human race. He therefore wanted to stop his grandson Dhruva from continuing to kill the Yaksa citizens
- For ordinary persons it is obligatory to execute the prescribed duties mentioned in the Vedas, but although a pure devotee who is completely engaged in the service of the Lord may sometimes appear to go against the prescribed Vedic duties. BG 1972 pur
- For our understanding it is sometimes said that the Lord is situated in the heart of the thief as well as in the heart of the householders
- For political reasons, sometimes they have to take to these sinful activities. Ksatriyas do not refrain from gambling. One vivid example is the Pandavas
- For the immediate success of material benefit, materialistic persons generally worship different demigods, and under the spell of material propensities they sometimes take to the devotional service of the Lord
- For the time being, people may remain friends, but eventually they become enemies again and fight over money. Sometimes they marry and then separate by divorce or other means. On the whole, unity is never permanent
- For this attainment of liberation from the material clutches, the Lord creates the material world, maintains it for some time (one thousand years of His measurement, as stated in the previous verse), and then again annihilates it by His will
- For those who are in the lowest stage of ignorance and who indulge in wine, women and flesh, drinking by performing sautramani-yajna, association of women by marriage and flesh-eating by sacrifices are sometimes recommended
- For want of Krsna consciousness, people are victimized by the Mayavada philosophy, and consequently they sometimes become staunch atheists
- Form of Krsna means there is no shadow of any material contamination. Ananda-matram. Ananda-matram avikalpam aviddha-varcah. And not that... Suppose we are sometimes happy and next time I am unhappy, but this ananda is eternal
- From His kingdom the Personality of Godhead sends His bona fide servants to propagate this message by which one can return to Godhead, and sometimes the Lord comes Himself to do this work
- From time immemorial these two transcendental pilgrims have sometimes been competitors
- Garga Muni indirectly disclosed, This child was originally born as the son of Vasudeva, although He is acting as your child. Generally He is your (Nanda Maharaja's) child, but sometimes He is the son of Vasudeva
- Gauranga Bolite Habe, 1968 Jan 5 - Pulaka-sarira means shivering on the body. When one is factually situated in the transcendental platform, sometimes there are eight kinds of symptoms: crying, talking like a madman, and shivering of the body
- Gavayas are sometimes called camaris, and they are considered very sacred. In India there are still gypsies or forest mercantile people who flourish by trading kasturi, or musk, and the bunches of hair from the camaris
- Generally both of us used to live together and sleep, sit and loiter together. And at the time of advertising oneself for acts of chivalry, sometimes, if there were any irregularity, I used to reproach Him by saying, "My friend, You are very truthful."
- Generally in his conditioned state the individual soul cannot understand his relationship with the Supersoul, but sometimes, when he is free from all conditional existence, he can see the real difference between the Supersoul and himself
- Generally there is no ambiguity in the words of God, but due to our lack of perfect knowledge we sometimes cannot understand and try to interpret
- Generally they take eleven Upanisads primarily, but there are 108 Upanisads. Sometimes the explanation is given that "Why we have got 108 beads?" - Because there are 108 Upanisad
- Generally, at the time of death, kapha-vata-pittaih, the whole system becomes disarranged. There are coughing, there are headache, there is some pain. This is general system. Sometimes they are so intolerable that the man who is going to die, he cries
- Generally, sannyasa is not accepted until one is sixty years old. But in this age there is no guarantee whether we are going to live up to sixty years old age. So sometimes younger generation also offered sannyasa
- Generally, those who are exalted personalities lie down when they feel intoxicated, whereas those who are mediocre laugh and sing during intoxication, and those who are lowly use vulgar language and sometimes cry
- God is male and female both. God, our God, sometimes He takes the form of female, Mohini-murti. Mohini-murti. But comparatively studying, God is purusa, male
- God's another name is Acyuta - "Never falls down." We cyuta, we fall down sometimes. When we fall down, then God comes to save us
- Good things do not come so easily; you know the difficulties that I encountered in my first year in your country. Sometimes I did not even know where I was to live, neither when I came did I have any friends
- Gopala was situated in Vrndavana, which was far from Remuna. In those days, one had to pass through provinces governed by the Muslims, who sometimes hindered travelers
- Government men are always like carnivorous demons called Raksasas (man-eaters). Sometimes these government men turn against the conditioned soul and take away all his accumulated wealth
- Great authorities should be followed; otherwise, if we simply depend on the scriptures, we are sometimes misled by rascals, or else we cannot understand or follow the different spiritual injunctions. The best path is to follow the authorities
- Great personalities give up their family relationships and material possessions to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Indeed, they sometimes even sacrifice their lives for the satisfaction of the Lord, just to become His personal servants
- Great sages have glorified the Lord by different names. Thus when the original person, the source of all incarnations, is sometimes described as an incarnation, there is no discrepancy
- Growing into youth one's senses sometimes become disturbed and celibacy becomes difficult. The Kumaras therefore purposefully remained children because in a child's life the senses are never disturbed by sex
- Grtsamada used to visit the royal assembly of Maharaja Yudhisthira, and he also visited the place where Bhismadeva breathed his last. Sometimes he explained the glories of Lord Siva before Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Grtsamada was the son of Vitahavya, and he resembled in features the body of Indra. Sometimes the enemies of Indra mistook him to be Indra and arrested him
- Gunesu, or maya consciousness, involves attachment to the three material modes of nature, under which one works sometimes in goodness and knowledge, sometimes in passion and sometimes in ignorance
- Haridasa Thakura, he's called Brahma-Haridasa. Sometimes he is called Yavana-Haridasa. Yavana means Muslim or those who are not in the Vedic principles, yavana, mleccha
- Harih sarvesu bhutesu. This statement is sometimes misunderstood by unscrupulous persons who wrongly conclude that because Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is situated in every living entity, every living entity is therefore Hari
- Having lost sight of their destinations in life, all living entities are wandering in different species throughout the universe, sometimes getting birth in a lower species and sometimes existence in higher planetary systems
- He (a businessman) then inquires from his business friend how he should act, and sometimes presents are exchanged. Thus whenever there is a dealing of priti, or love in intimate dealings, these six activities are executed
- He (a devotee) is happy in all conditions; sometimes he may get very palatable foodstuffs, sometimes not, but he is satisfied. BG 1972 purports
- He (a devotee) may sometimes live underneath a tree, and he may sometimes live in a very palatial building; he is attracted to neither. BG 1972 purports
- He (a spiritual master) sometimes cries, sometimes laughs, sometimes dances and sometimes chants. These symptoms are very prominently manifest in the body of a pure devotee
- He (Ananta) is the original Deity of material consciousness, and because He attracts all living entities, He is sometimes known as Sankarsana. The entire material world is situated on the hoods of Lord Sankarsana
- He (Bhagavan Acarya) was always friendly to Svarupa Gosani, but he was staunchly devoted to the lotus feet of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He sometimes invited Caitanya Mahaprabhu to his house
- He (God) expands Himself by His different energies, as well as by His plenary portions. In a corner of the spiritual sky of brahmajyoti a spiritual cloud sometimes appears, and the covered portion is called the mahat-tattva
- He (Kamsa) sometimes wanted to kill Devaki; then he restrained himself that, "If I kill Devaki in pregnancy, it will be bad reputation." So he restrained himself
- He (Karna) always differed with Bhisma, and sometimes he was proud enough to say that within five days he could finish up the Pandavas, if Bhisma would not interfere with his plan of action. But he was much mortified when Bhisma died
- He (Krsna) is our supreme master. Because we have become so proud and confident of His protecting us, we sometimes do not even care about fighting with Tripurari (Lord Siva)
- He (Krsna) knows that he'll (the individual soul) suffer. Therefore sometimes conscience beats. We sometimes inquire from our conscience. Conscience says, "No, don't do this." But still we do it. Still we do... That is our avidya
- He (living entity) has a spiritual need to be eternally blissful and full of knowledge, but unfortunately he identifies himself with the body, sometimes as a human being, sometimes as an animal, a tree, sometimes an aquatic, sometimes a demigod, & so on
- He (Lord Visnu) did not become angry at the activities of Bhrgu Muni, for Bhrgu Muni was a great brahmana. A brahmana is to be excused even if he sometimes commits an offense, and Lord Visnu set the example
- He (Maha-Visnu) is not obliged, but he takes pleasure. Just like sometimes we take pleasure in the swimming pool, lie down and closing our eyes. Who are expert swimmer, they're lying down. Why it is not possible for the Supreme Lord
- He (Maharaj Pariksit) was not falsely proud, for a devotee of the Lord is equally as powerful as the Lord or sometimes more powerful by His grace
- He (Murari Caitanya dasa) would sometimes chase after tigers in the jungle and treat them just like cats and dogs. He would slap the cheek of a tiger and take a venomous snake on his lap
- He (My Guru Maharaja) had so many temples all over India, and he used to say some time that, - If by selling all these properties, temples, if I could turn one man to Krsna consciousness, then my mission will be successful
- He (Subuddhi Raya) treated the boy as his own child, and sometimes, when the boy would steal something, the master would chastise him by striking him with a cane. There was a mark on the boy's back from this chastisement
- He (the executive head of state) should not merely act officially; he should be like a father who is always a well-wisher of his sons. Such a father strictly observes whether his sons are performing their duties, and sometimes he also punishes them
- He (the living entity) is sometimes called prakrti, or jiva, for he is situated in the marginal potency. When the living entity is covered with the three modes of material nature, he is called jiva-samjnita
- He (the living entity) sometimes takes shelter of so-called gurus and sadhus who are like crane, herons and vultures. Thus he is cheated both ways by not taking shelter of the Supreme Lord
- He (the poorest man) lives peacefully still, in the village, although he hasn't got very gorgeous dress and motorcar. But he's peaceful. You'll find still. Sometimes, about ten years ago, I was in Ahmedabad. I saw one poor man, pulling cart, hand cart
- He (the thief who went on a pilgrimage to a holy town) does not want to commit theft anymore, but because he is habituated, sometimes he does
- He eats if someone gives him something to eat. Sometimes he fasts, and sometimes he chews fried grains
- He has taken to the shelter of Krsna, therefore his all past business is finished. Although, due to past habit, sometimes you find some mistake, it is not to be taken
- He is always in the transcendental position, but because He is worshiped by Lord Siva, the deity of tamo-guna or darkness, He is sometimes called tamasi
- He is greatest offender, one who thinks that - By chanting Hare Krsna mantra, I become free from reaction of sinful life. So the whole day I shall go on committing all kinds of sinful activities, and at night or sometime I shall chant Hare Krsna
- He sang and danced in ecstatic love and sometimes imitated the rasa dance in emotional ecstasy
- He should try to avoid it (something nonsensical) as far as possible. But habit is second nature. Sometimes, in spite of your trying hard, maya is so strong that it pushes with Pitfalls. That can be excused. Krsna excuses
- He sometimes forces. He puts you in such circumstances that you have no other way than to surrender to Krsna. Yes. That is special favor
- He sought the shelter of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's lotus feet with full surrender. Sometimes he would invite the Lord to dine at his home
- He would sometimes distribute gifts to the citizens to satisfy them. (This is called prinana.) He would sometimes call meetings and satisfy the citizens with sweet words. (This is called upalalana)
- Here (in Calcatta) also the Samkirtan Party lead by Madhudvisa Maharaj is having great success and sometimes as many as four hundred business and working men join them in chanting Hare Krishna on the streets
- Here (in SB 3.32.12-15) the word bheda-drstya occurs because Brahma has a inclination to think that he is as independent as Rudra. Sometimes Brahma thinks that he is independent of the Supreme Lord, and the worshiper also thinks that Brahma is independent
- Here in this world also, you find two things: friendship and hostility. Just like modern political atmosphere, sometimes there is conference of friendships, and sometimes there is fight with lethal weapons
- Highly elevated Mayavadi sannyasis sometimes worship the Radha-Krsna Deity and discuss the pastimes of the Lord, but their purpose is not elevation to Goloka Vrndavana. They want to merge into the Lord’s effulgence
- Hiranyakasipu was trying to replace Brahma. The material world is so situated that even the position of Lord Brahma, not to speak of ordinary living entities, is sometimes in danger
- His (Hiranyakasipu's) decision was that since the self (atma) and time are both eternal, if he could not occupy that post (of Lord Brahma) in one lifetime he would continue to execute austerities life after life so that sometime he would be able to do so
- His (Krsna's) exceptional joking abilities, exhibited sometimes by His pretending to be a royal prince, or even the Supreme Personality of Godhead, also give impetus to devotees developing love for Krsna in friendship
- His (Krsna's) fiancee or lover sometimes supersedes the position of the Lord. But such attempts are exhibitions of the highest love
- His (Lord Buddha's) business is to cheat the atheist class of men. That cheating is not cheating. It is for the good. Just like the father sometimes cheats the small child. You see? So that does not mean father is cheater
- His (person who is full KC) heart becomes slackened while chanting the holy name, he becomes almost like a madman, and he does not care for any outward social conventions. Thus sometimes he laughs, sometimes he weeps, sometimes he cries out very loudly
- His (Pradyumna's) complexion appears sometimes golden and sometimes bluish like new monsoon clouds in the sky
- His heart was so filled with great love for the deer that he would sometimes keep it on his lap or, when sleeping, on his chest. In this way he felt great pleasure in fondling the animal
- His identity being fully spiritual, His form, name, quality, and paraphernalia, etc., have been elaborately distinguished from matter, and therefore He is sometimes misunderstood by less intelligent persons as impersonal
- Historical facts, being instructive for ordinary men, were assorted without chronological reference. They happen on different planets, nay, in different universes & thus the description of the narrations is sometimes measured by three dimensions
- Hog is sometimes trying to drink the milk from the breast of the mother and sometimes trying to have sex. You'll find it. This is hog life
- How is she (Prakrti) working? Just like a shadow. Below our hand is its shadow, and as our hand moves, the shadow moves. Behind all manifestations there is motion. I have sometimes given the example of the shunting of the big cars in a railway line
- How they (sannyasis) fall down? Sometimes they fall down, becomes a victim of a woman. Sometimes they fall down for this philanthropic work. Sometimes they fall down in the matter of opening hospitals
- Human civilization devoid of Krsna consciousness is simply a civilization of lower animals. Sometimes such a civilization may study the dead body and consider the brain or the heart important
- Huna: The area of East Germany and part of Russia is known as the province of the Hunas. Accordingly, sometimes a kind of hill tribe is known as the Hunas
- Hunting business was allowed only for the kings, ksatriyas, not for ordinary man. Killing in sports. Because the king had to administer so strongly that sometimes he had to kill an evil person immediately with sword. The kingdom was very strong
- I am an old man - seventy-two years old. I have been away from my family during the last fourteen years. Yet sometimes I also think of my wife and children. This is quite natural. But that does not mean I have to go back. This is knowledge
- I am ashamed to say that Your impudent lips sometimes attract even Your flute, which is also considered a male. It likes to drink the nectar of Your lips, and thus it also forgets all other tastes
- I am busy, and I have to remember Krsna? Sometimes this argument is put forward. But that argument is not strong
- I am glad to learn also that you sometimes fast the whole day, and chant. It is a very good idea and you can follow this principle rigidly two days in a month, namely the Ekadasis
- I am not displeased with any of my disciples. A father can not be displeased with his sons, but sometimes the sons create disturbances, and the father has to tolerate
- I am pleased to learn of your spirit of protest, but sometimes we have to tolerate
- I am pushing on this Krsna consciousness movement, I am doing so many things which sometimes my Godbrothers out of envy criticize. But I know what is the circumstances how to do it. They do not know it. I know my business
- I am so glad to note that you remember the auspicious day sometimes in 1944 when I started my "Back to Godhead" magazine. I think in the first issue you wrote some article
- I am sorry to inform you that your co-founder Hayagriva Prabhu is little disturbed. Sometimes before you told about him participating in intoxication. Then I did not take it seriously, but the same thing is again revived and I am little perturbed
- I am speaking in the dictaphone, but after some time, without me, it will speak exactly like this. So I am speaking, but I'm not present there. Similarly, material world means it is being conducted by Krsna, but still personally, He's not present there
- I am trying to go on like a young man, but sometimes the health does not allow. That is beyond my jurisdiction
- I am very much perturbed reading the contending points with Brahmananda. So I am enquiring in this matter. In the meantime, don't be agitated. Sometimes such moments come, but we have to tolerate. That is the instruction of Lord Chaitanya
- I believe all my students they are very serious devotees, maybe sometimes influenced by maya, but they can be corrected and the whole thing will go on as usual without any difficulty
- I can understand that previously there must have been some quarrel amongst you and that sometimes happens amongst god-brothers. Whatever is done is done
- I go on committing all kinds of sinful activities, and sometimes I go in the temple and chant Hare Krsna and dance, - no, don't take this policy. You must stop your sinful activities
- I have already advised Tamala Krishna Goswami to go to Bangladesh and if you also sometimes join with him and preach this Krishna Consciousness movement amongst the Mohammedans in Bangladesh, it will be a great service
- I have dishonored You many times while relaxing or while lying on the same bed or eating together, sometimes alone and sometimes in front of many friends. Please excuse me for all my offenses. BG 11.41-42 - 1972
- I have got a sister. She is three years younger than me. So sometimes I chastise her like anything, because we have the same feeling. She is younger. Seventy-seven years, younger sister. But the feeling is there, younger
- I have seen this house from the outside, and sometimes I was thinking that this is a nice house for a temple. So I shall be glad to hear from you how and when you are going situate a temple in this house. That is the most essential point
- I hope you are chanting regularly at least 16 rounds. Sometimes Maya disturbs us but that does not mean any serious drawback. So if you feel too much uneasy, you can come and live with me for some time, and everything will be set up
- I know something about my body or I know something about this world. Similarly, there is another atma, supreme atma, who knows everything of this universe. He is sometimes called God or the Paramatma or Krsna, according to different language
- I know that they are sometimes manifest and sometimes unmanifest; but I have never experienced the supreme form I behold as I see You now. Now all kinds of methods of theorizing have come to an end
- I know, our men in Krsna consciousness, they are bold enough. They have sometimes been, I mean to say, beaten in the airport
- I learn that in the temple there are sometimes men with no work. This should not be allowed. Every one must be busy with some work in Krishna Consciousness. Idleness is not Krishna Consciousness
- I may inform you that although there is no law by which the Temples can bar anyone's entry in India, still sometimes practically I have felt the difficulty in respect of my American and European disciples
- I remember in, long ago, about sometimes in 1936, my eldest son in Bombay - he was in school - he stood first. So his class friends became envious that "Here is a boy, he is coming from Bengal, and he has stood first." They wanted to fight with him
- I shall request you not to circulate all my letters that I address to you. Letters are sometimes personal and confidential, and if all letters are circulated, it may react reversely
- I sometimes say that in the Western countries the young boys, they come to Krsna consciousness, their only one great asset is they are not family-wise attached. That is very good qualification
- I sometimes think of your mother. She is a nice lady and has good potency for improving in Krishna Consciousness. From the child's mentality the mother's mentality is judged and vice-versa
- I think if you can start for Germany in the beginning of July, that will be very nice help. The boys who are working there are sometimes in disagreement, so if you go and take charge of the center, it will be a great service
- I understand from your letter that sometimes discussions on Aurobindo philosophy are done by Mr. Parikh from the Vyasasana, so I am a little surprised how did you allow like this. I think you should rectify immediately all these mistakes as stated by you
- I was targeting to New York always. Sometimes I was dreaming that I have come to New York
- I'm very much obliged to you that you write to say, "It is clear to me that you are great powerful Acarya in the Vaisnava world at present." Sometimes Sridhara Maharaja also says like that. So, actually if you are feeling like that let us work conjointly
- If a man is a thief and if people are warned that he is a thief, that is truth. Although sometimes the truth is unpalatable, one should not refrain from speaking it. BG 1972 purports
- If because of laziness one does not come to know Krsna conclusively, one will be misguided about the cult of devotion, like those who declare themselves advanced devotees and imitate the transcendental symptoms sometimes observed in liberated souls
- If Bharata Maharaja sometimes could not see the deer, his mind would be very agitated. He would become like a miser, who, having obtained some riches, had lost them and had then become very unhappy
- If he (the living entity) again misses the opportunity (of the human form of life), he is again put into the cycle of birth and death, going sometimes higher and sometimes lower, turning on the samsara-cakra, the wheel of material existence
- If he could not execute properly, he could not chant sixteen rounds, he could not observe the rules and regulations or for sometimes he could execute and then again, he became slackened. Just like sometimes we see some of our student falls down
- If I do not mistake, sometimes Jesus Christ is accepted as the father and sometimes as son. Because in the material world there is such distinction, master and servant, father and son, lower or higher
- If I sometimes do something against his desire, out of anger he will not talk to Me for three days
- If in some places materialists, who are already bewildered by the insurmountable illusory energy of the Supreme Godhead, sometimes commit offenses, a saintly person, with compassion, does not take this seriously
- If one becomes a guru, he is automatically a brahmana. Sometimes a caste guru says that ye krsna-tattva-vetta, sei guru haya means that one who is not a brahmana may become a siksa-guru or a vartma-pradarsaka-guru but not an initiator guru
- If one carries out Krsna's order, Krsna is certainly pleased, but if one sometimes breaks His order due to ecstatic love, that gives Him millions of times greater happiness
- If one commits criminal activities, the state will punish him. Sometimes, however, a criminal may escape punishment by the state, but this is not the case with God's law
- If one does not come to this platform (of Krsna consciousness), he must continue in material existence perpetually, sometimes in the upper planets and sometimes in the lower planets
- If one falls down in the dark well, it is very difficult to get out, because he may cry very loudly and people may not hear. These dark well are sometimes there in the paddy field
- If one goes to any place of pilgrimage, his first duty is to take a bath and sometimes to shave his head. That is the first business. After taking a bath, they worshiped the deities and then distributed charity in the holy places
- If one is determined that "I shall stick to the service of Krsna," maya will not touch. That is kevala bhakti. If sometimes it appears that he has deviated out of past habit, that is excused
- If one is simply sticking to worship Krsna, that is called ananya-bhak. Not that - I am worshiping Krsna sometimes, sometimes worshiping this, sometimes that
- If one sometimes engages in devotional service and sometimes strives for sense gratification, his service will be interrupted. A pure devotee, therefore, should have no desire other than to serve Krsna
- If rivers are not polluted and are allowed to flow in their own way, or sometimes allowed to flood the land, the land will become very fertile and able to produce all kinds of vegetables, trees and plants
- If someone is in distress and wants to get relief from his friend, sometimes it so happens that his friend does not appreciate the volume of distress he is suffering. But for the Supreme Lord it is not difficult
- If sometime I can be the abode of that love, only then may I taste its joy
- If sometimes one falls down, what is the loss there? He's not a loser. Still he's gainer. Because for the time being, whatever he has done sincerely, serving Krsna, that is credited forever, eternally
- If spiritual master says something which is not in the sastra, or scripture, that is not good. Of course, sometimes we cannot understand; but that is the principle. Similarly, a saintly person also, cannot disregard the regulative principles of sastra
- If the disciples go to the village, beg some food grain, then sometimes they cook some food grains. Otherwise the brahmanas used to live in the forest, drink milk and take fruit. That is sufficient. There was no need of jumping here and there
- If the son sometimes says, "I am one with the father," there is no controversy because he is one in quality
- If the Supreme Lord gives one protection, even though one has no protector and is in the jungle, one remains alive, whereas a person well protected at home by relatives and others sometimes dies, no one being able to protect him
- If there is emotion from seeing an elephant, one may jump, show various signs of fearfulness, and sometimes one may keep looking behind him
- If they (symptoms of vyabhicari bhava) continue, they are sometimes called sancari, or continued ecstasy
- If this pencil belongs to me, the etiquette is - My students sometimes ask, "Can I use this pencil?" "Yes, you can." Similarly, if I know that everything belongs to Krsna, I will not use anything without His permission. That is honesty & that is knowledge
- If we are actually after Krsna, then you must accept the real method. Because maya is strong, sometimes you are deviated. Therefore we have to be determined
- If we have to do some business seriously, we send our very responsible man to transact, similarly, for the deliverance of the fallen souls here in this material world, sometimes the Supreme Lord Krsna comes
- If you are serious about serving Krishna, then remain with us for sometime to learn the transcendental art
- If you can arrange a meeting with the Pope then I can stop off there in Rome. So please inform His Holiness the Pope that I shall be returning to USA via Europe sometime after December 1
- If you continue your demonic civilization, there is no question of happiness. That Hitler will come and this will come, that will... They will fight for some time, create some disturbance and go away
- If you do something criminal, you will suffer. If you do something benevolent for the state, for the people, then you are recognized; you are sometimes given a title. This is good and bad karma
- If you have got beauty, you can do something wonderful. Sometimes in the history of the world we see that a great hero was conquered by beauty. That in the history, you know, what is that? Cleopatra? Caesar and Cleopatra
- If you manufacture one palanquin... Palanquin. You know palanquin? Then sometimes you can carry Sridhara Maharaja there. Yes. It will be great service and benefit for you. Because he's, he's very now... Feeble now
- If you put a question to a superior, to your master, so it is not that he is bound to answer it. Because sometimes a particular question is put forward, the answer is not understandable by the questioner, so the superior, the master, may refuse
- If you want to eat meat, you go to the forest. And the sudras, they also sometimes eat meat. Or the candalas
- Impersonalists also sometimes chant the Hare Krsna mantra and dance, but their aim is not to serve the Lord. It is to become one with the Lord and merge into His existence
- Impersonalists sometimes give the example that if one stands on a stone or a piece of wood one certainly stands on the surface of the land, because the stone and wood both rest on the surface of the earth
- Impersonalists sometimes show their incomplete knowledge by addressing the Lord as being nameless. They always offer prayers indirectly, saying, "You are this, You are that," but they do not know to whom they are praying
- In a book one may sometimes find a small running insect smaller than a period. This is Krsna's craftsmanship. Anor aniyan mahato mahiyan (Katha Upanisad 1.2.20): He can create something greater than the greatest and smaller than the smallest
- In a case where the wife and children are disobedient and do not follow the principles of home life, they are sometimes given up. But in the case of Dhruva Maharaja this was not applicable because Dhruva was very mannerly and obedient
- In a great forest, honeycombs are very important. People often go there to collect honey from the combs, and sometimes the bees attack and punish them
- In a joyful mood of love of God he sometimes climbed upon the shoulder of someone offering obeisances, and sometimes he struck others with his flute or mildly slapped them
- In a new place sometimes one feels loneliness, but gradually this subsides. But this feeling is not very good for a Krishna Conscious devotee
- In addition to jubilation, there are sometimes symptoms of disappointment. Pradyumna once addressed Samba with these words
- In all sacrificial ceremonies, although sometimes a demigod is worshiped, the Supreme Lord P of G is worshiped because He is the Supersoul of everyone, & exists both inside & outside like the air. Thus it is He only who awards all welfare to the worshiper
- In America it may sometimes be very chilly in the morning, and that may make taking one's morning bath a little difficult. But does that mean that those who are devotees will stop taking their prescribed morning bath? No
- In another popular picture the goddess Kali is sometimes seen standing on the prostrate body of Lord Siva, which indicates that sometimes Lord Siva has to fall down flat in order to stop goddess Kali from killing the asuras
- In Calcutta I have seen people taking pleasure in cutting the throats of chickens and laughing when the chicken jumps and flaps about. Sometimes in Western countries students are taken to slaughterhouses just to see how the cows are butchered
- In courts of justice it is often found that magistrates are bribed for favorable judgments. Sometimes religious men who preach the Krsna consciousness movement for the benefit of the entire populace are arrested and harassed by the police and courts
- In Delhi I have seen Rama-lila, the effigy of Ravana is beaten with shoes sometimes
- In desperate condition sometimes the philosophy of voidism, impersonalism is followed. To make the things zero
- In desperate condition sometimes the philosophy of voidism, impersonalism is followed. To make the things zero. Because this life is so much troublesome, sometimes even one commits suicide to get out of this
- In discharging such devotional service, as ordered by Brahmaji to Narada in the preaching of Srimad-Bhagavatam, sometimes a representative of the Lord engaged in preaching work meets various so-called difficulties
- In dreams we sometimes enjoy eating sweet rice and sometimes suffer as if one of our beloved family members had died
- In dreams we sometimes see things that we have never experienced in the present body
- In each body the living entity performs so many acts. Sometimes he becomes a great hero - just like Hiranyakasipu and Kamsa or, in the modern age, Napoleon or Hitler
- In family life a man is supposed to live happily with father, mother, wife and children, but sometimes, under certain conditions, a father, mother, child or wife becomes an enemy
- In his (the living being's) liberated state he renders service to the Lord in transcendental love and thus enjoys a life of full freedom, even sometimes on an equal level with the Lord or sometimes more than the Lord
- In his conditioned state the individual soul cannot understand his relationship with the Supersoul, but sometimes, when he is free from all conditional existence, he can see the real difference between the Supersoul and himself
- In India plain cloth is sufficient. Most of the…, most part of the year in the villages, they remain naked body. There is no need of any heavy clothing. But sometimes, to keep up the modern civilization, we dress heavily with coats, pants and necktie
- In India the children in good families are still given dolls of the Lord like Rama and Krsna, or sometimes the demigods, so that they may develop the aptitude of service to the Lord
- In India there is still a class of servants, called sudras, whose maidservant wives are called sudranis. Sometimes people who are very lusty establish relationships with such maidservants and sweeping women
- In India they sometimes come to fight with me that I am making these papa-yoni, namely, the Europeans and Americans... They are considered by the rigid Hindus as a papa-yoni. "They cannot become"
- In India we have got experience how in the morning the cowboy takes some food from the mother and with the cows he goes to the field. The cows are let loose on the grazing ground. They are enjoying, and this cowboy is sometimes singing
- In India, cow flesh is strictly forbidden. But it doesn't mean that they are vegetarian. They eat fish and goat, lamb, sometimes buffalo. But not to touch the cow.
- In India, in the street, there are many cows. They are allowed to move free. And sometimes the foodstuff is there, and the cow immediately grabs the foodstuff and eats half of it
- In Kali-yuga there are many pregnancies due to illicit sex, and sometimes abortions ensue. These sinful activities are witnessed by the agents of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and a man and woman who create such a situation are punished
- In Khadadaha, sometimes people misunderstood Nityananda Prabhu to belong to the sakta-sampradaya, whose philosophy is antah saktah bahih saivah sabhayam vaisnavo matah
- In Los Angeles the neighbors of our temple are sometimes very envious. "You do not work," they say to our Krsna conscious devotees. - You have no anxiety. You have four cars. You are eating so nicely. How is that
- In many Puranas it is sometimes asserted that a demigod is elevated to such a high position that he is almost on an equal level with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In marking such tilaka, sometimes one may write Hare Krsna on the body. 3) One should accept flowers and garlands that have been offered to the Deity and the spiritual master and put them on his body. 4) One should learn to dance before the Deity
- In material nature he (the living entity) is sometimes manifested as a man, demigod, an animal, a beast, bird, etc., according to his karma. BG 1972 purports
- In military art there is a word, "direct action," this is the spiritual direct action, this Hare Krsna. But because it is very simple, sometimes those who think themselves as very intelligent & advanced, they think, "Oh, what they are doing, Hare Krsna?
- In modern civilization also, they say sometimes that a nation is calculated how far he is civilized by the conjunction of amount of soap. The soap-using nation means that cleansed. So cleanliness is still considered as the civilized status of man
- In modern days, wherever there is monarchy, sometimes the ministers and elderly members of the family select one member from the royal family to occupy the throne in preference to another
- In my books I have tried to explain clearly this simultaneously one and different philosophy acinta beda beda tattva propounded by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But sometimes it happens that this philosophy is given a self-interested interpretation
- In Nabadwip Dhama there is a railroad station called Samudragarh, and it is said that sometimes the ocean was there. So, on the Pacific Ocean, if you can establish New Nabadwip, that will be a great achievement
- In New York, when we started this movement, so in the morning, at seven o'clock, we used to hold our class, and there was little sound, immediately the tenants from upwards, they'll come down and complain. Sometimes they will call for police
- In old age he (the living entity) sometimes becomes afraid of imminent death, which is compared to a roaring lion. To save himself from the lion's attack, he takes shelter of some bogus svamis, yogis, incarnations, pretenders and cheaters
- In old age, at the time of death, the throat sometimes becomes choked with mucus or blocked by air. At such a time the sound vibration of Hare Krsna, the maha-mantra, may not come out. Thus one may forget Krsna
- In order to acquire these things (apartment, house, food, friends) he has to cheat others, and this creates enmity even among the most intimate friends. Sometimes this enmity is created between the conditioned soul and the father or spiritual master
- In other descents the Lord sometimes used weapons to defeat the demoniac, but in this age the Lord subdues them with His all-attractive figure as Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In other words, those who are already promoted to the Vaikuntha planets and possess the four kinds of liberation may also sometimes develop affection for Krsna and become promoted to Krsna-loka
- In our (Prabhupada's) householder life we also (like Bhaktisiddhanta) sometimes visited this temple of Vallabhapura and took prasadam there at noon. The Deities of this temple, Sri Sri Radha-Govinda and the Gauranga vigraha, are extremely beautiful
- In our case we may sometimes have to change houses, so we may once have to move the deity from one house to another, but we shall not move them from one city to another just for our own convenience
- In our childhood, when I was a boy of eight or ten years, sometimes I used to accompany my father. My father was a great devotee. He would take prasadam from the temple
- In our experience we can see many human beings who have yogic mystic power and who sometimes perform very wonderful acts, but Krsna is understood to be the master of all mystic power
- In our KCM it has been very difficult to disassociate ourselves from women in our society, especially in Western countries. We are therefore sometimes criticized, but nonetheless we are trying to give everyone a chance to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In relation to Krsna there is no distinction between the energies, but for our understanding we discriminate and say that sometimes the energy is working in a material way and sometimes in a spiritual way
- In relationship with the Yadus and Pandavas, the Lord acted sometimes as their master, sometimes as their advisor, sometimes as their friend, sometimes as the head of their family and sometimes even as their servant
- In Satyaloka is no pain of any kind, and therefore there are no anxieties, save that sometimes, due to consciousness, there is a feeling of compassion for those unaware of the process of devotional service, who are subjected to unsurpassable miseries
- In several provinces in India, especially Maharashtra, Uttar Pradesh and other adjoining states, there is sometimes a great scarcity of foodstuffs due to lack of rainfall. So-called scientists and economists cannot do anything about this
- In some houses He (Caitanya) would steal milk & drink it, and in others He would steal & eat prepared rice. Sometimes He would break cooking pots. If there were nothing to eat but there were small babies, the Lord would tease the babies and make them cry
- In some nations there is so much surplus grain that sometimes extra grain is thrown into the sea, and sometimes the government forbids further production of grain
- In space there are innumerable varieties of planets and also the air, and in the air there are variously colored clouds, and sometimes we see airplanes running from one place to another
- In spite of the father's good will, the son is sometimes misguided because of his misuse of personal independence. Every living entity, however small or big he may be, has the choice of independence
- In spite of valuable medicine administered by a competent physician, sometimes a patient dies; or in spite of having a big safe boat, sometimes a man drowns
- In Sridhama Mayapur there is sometimes a great flood after the rainy season. This is an indication that from the birthplace of Lord Caitanya the inundation of love of Godhead should be spread all over the world
- In such a state of apprehension, one tries to take shelter of something which provides safety. There may be standing of the hairs on the body, trembling of the body and sometimes the committing of mistakes. And sometimes the body may become stunned
- In such a transcendental angry mood sometimes sarcastic remarks, unfavorable glances and insulting words are exhibited
- In such devotional service in compassion there are sometimes smiling symptoms, but never is there any stress or lamentation. The basic principle is always ecstatic love
- In that condition she was sometimes going within the house, sometimes coming out of the house. She was constantly looking to see if Govinda was coming back along the road
- In that process of worship, wine is needed, or sometimes, in place of wine, palm tree juice which is converted into an intoxicant. This is also offered according to Siva-agama, a scripture on the method of worshiping Lord Siva
- In the absence of Krsna the gopis were constantly shedding tears, but sometimes, when they expected that Krsna was coming, they would stop crying. But when they saw that Krsna was not coming, then again they would become frustrated and begin to cry
- In the absolute world there is sometimes competition between servitors in the service of the Lord, but such competition is without malice
- In the agricultural fields there may be many mice, flies and other creatures that disturb production, and sometimes they are killed by pesticides. In this verse, however, such killing is forbidden
- In the beginning of the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said: muhyanti yat surayah. Great demigods like Lord Brahma, Lord Siva, Indra and Candra are sometimes bewildered trying to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 10.8) the Lord says, aham sarvasya prabhavah - I am the fountainhead of all emanations - The material cosmos, being temporary, is sometimes manifest and sometimes unmanifest, but its energy emanates from the Supreme Absolute Lord
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is stated that even if one is sometimes found to be somewhat misbehaved, he is to be considered saintly if he engages steadily in the service of Krsna
- In the Bhagavad-gita, Arjuna accepted Krsna as param brahma param dhama (BG 10.12). Although the living entities or material nature are sometimes described as Brahman, Parabrahman - the Supreme, the greatest of all Brahmans - is still Krsna, the SPG
- In the Bhakti-ratnakara it is stated that his (Sanatana Gosvami's) spiritual master, Vidya-vacaspati, sometimes stayed in the village of Ramakeli, and Sanatana Gosvami studied all the Vedic literatures from him
- In the business field also, sometimes a merchant has to tell so many lies to make a profit. If he does not do so, there can be no profit. BG 1972 purports
- In the Caitanya-sampradaya there is sometimes a demoniac misconception about the descent of Nityananda Prabhu
- In the conditioned stage, one's conceptions of life are sometimes polluted by passion and ignorance, which are exhibited by false prestige, insults, fault-finding, deception, envy, intolerance, passion, bewilderment, hunger and sleep
- In the course of our preaching work, we sometimes see that materialistic persons come to us and offer their obeisances to take blessings, which means they want more and more material opulences
- In the deep forest it sometimes appears that there are big palaces and nice cities. That is technically called gandharva-nagara. Similarly, in dreams also we create many false things out of imagination
- In the demon's family also, there is sometimes Prahlada Maharaja, Bali Maharaja. Prahlada and Bali, they are our acaryas. There are twelve bona fide acaryas. Balir vaiyasakir vayam
- In the five principal transcendental relationships, awe and veneration are sometimes impediments obscuring the Lord's actual greatness and sometimes they actually impede one's service to the Lord
- In the five principal transcendental relationships, awe and veneration are sometimes impediments to one’s service to the Lord
- In the forest of the material world there are many animals and birds, trees and creepers. Sometimes the living entity wants to take shelter of the creepers; in other words, he wants to be happy by being embraced by the creeperlike arms of his wife
- In the Gaura-ganoddesa-dipika (186) it is stated that Srila Raghunatha dasa Gosvami was formerly the gopi named Rasa-manjari. Sometimes it is said that he was Rati-manjari
- In the Hari-bhakti-vilasa there are so many quotations from the satvata scriptures that sometimes it is inquired how the atheistic smartas can refuse to accept them and instead imagine some other opinions
- In the human form of life the highest achievement is to attain the platform of love of Godhead. Lord Caitanya did not invent a system of religion, as people sometimes assume
- In the initiation into the Siva mantra there are mudrikastaka, in which it is sometimes recommended that one make his sitting place on the vagina and thus desire nirvana, or dissolution of existence
- In the jungle there are sometimes fights between lions and elephants. Here (in SB 7.8.23) the Lord appeared like a lion, and Hiranyakasipu, unafraid of the Lord, attacked Him like an elephant
- In the Kali-yuga practically everyone is a sudra or less than sudra. Less than sudra is called candala. Sudras, sometimes sudras also eat meat, but the less than sudras, they have no discrimination. They eat even dogs
- In the last great war, people in concentration camps sometimes ate their own stool, so there is no wonder that in the Yamasadana, the abode of Yamaraja, one who had a very enjoyable life eating others' flesh has to eat his own flesh
- In the lower animals sometimes the father-mother eat the offspring, but in the history of human society it has not come into notice that the father and mother eating the offspring. But time has come when the mother is killing offspring
- In the maha-mantra - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - people sometimes object when Rama is accepted as Balarama
- In the marriage relationship, monetary transactions are sometimes overpowered by the dangerous conditions of material life. One then becomes diseased or monetarily embarrassed
- In the material condition, the living entity is sometimes raised to higher planetary systems and material prosperity and sometimes drowned in a hellish situation
- In the material mode of goodness there are sometimes tinges of the modes of passion and ignorance, but in the suddha sattva stage there is only pure love of God or pure mode of goodness, that is the difference
- In the material platform your interest, my interest, sometimes clash. There may be fight. But why fight on religious, mean God consciousness? If everyone is God conscious, where is the question of fight?
- In the material world a dog is sometimes elevated and is sometimes on the street, but in the spiritual world, Krsna's dog is perpetually, eternally happy
- In the material world also we do not always see things with our own eyes; we sometimes see through the experience of those who have actually seen or done things
- In the material world, although the Lord is all-pervasive in His impersonal feature, the living entities have forgotten their Krsna consciousness to a greater or lesser degree, just as sparks sometimes fall from a blazing fire
- In the material world, even goodness is sometimes contaminated with tinges of passion and ignorance. Therefore in the material world nothing can be in pure goodness
- In the material world, even if a person is completely in goodness, he is sometimes subject to be polluted by tinges of the modes of ignorance and passion. But in the Vaikuntha world, the spiritual sky, only the mode of goodness in its pure form exists
- In the material world, everyone is contaminated by the dirt of sense gratification and is acting according to different designations, sometimes as a human being, sometimes a beast, sometimes a demigod or tree, and so on
- In the material world, one who is happy forgets Krsna, or God, but sometimes, if one is actually pious but in distress, he remembers Krsna. Queen Kuntidevi therefore preferred distress because it is an opportunity for remembering Krsna
- In the material world, sometimes one gives an exalted title to an utterly worthless thing; in Bengal this is known as giving a blind child a name like Padmalocana, which means “lotus-eyed.” One may foolishly call a blind child Padmalocana
- In the material world, the goodness, the quality of goodness is sometimes tinged with passion and ignorance. But in pure goodness, which is Krsna consciousness, there is no tinge of passion or ignorance. Automatically everything is good
- In the material world, the mode of goodness is considered the best, but because of material contamination, even the mode of goodness is sometimes overpowered by the modes of passion and ignorance
- In the matter of sense gratification, sometimes one who has sufficient food is still not happy in his family affairs or is not even married, whereas another person, even though not economically well off, has greatest opportunity for sense gratification
- In the mind these appear together in different combinations; therefore these images sometimes appear as things never seen or never heard before
- In the name of religion, the so-called sadhus try to satisfy the senses of the materialists by showing them shortcuts to material opulence. Sometimes they give some talisman or blessing. Sometimes they attract materialistic persons by producing gold
- In the Narada-pancaratra it is stated by Lord Narayana that worship of the Deity within the mind is called manasa-puja. One can become free from the four miseries by this method. Sometimes worship from the mind can be independently executed
- In the North and South Poles of this planet there are sometimes no divisions of day and night; similarly, when the sunlight does not approach the different planets within the universe, there is no distinction between day and night
- In the Padma Purana Lord Siva tells Bhagavatidevi: My dear Devi, sometimes I teach Mayavadi philosophy for those who are engrossed in the mode of ignorance. But if a person in the mode of goodness happens to hear this Mayavadi philosophy, he falls down
- In the present age, killing children in the womb has become a common practice. Why? When contraceptive methods are taken, why don't they act? Why is a child sometimes produced so that the father and mother have to kill it in the womb
- In the prison house sometimes the head of the country goes to visit, to see, to inspect how the prison life is going on or to give them some instruction, some good lesson, that "Why you are rotting in prison? You become good citizen"
- In the process of karma-kanda, it is recommended that one renounce physical pleasures for a time; so a karmi may sometimes be called an ascetic
- In the process of worshiping the Deity it is sometimes enjoined that one worship the Deity within the mind. In the Padma Purana, Uttara-khanda, it is said, "All persons can generally worship within the mind
- In the Puranas it is found that Siva appears sometimes from the heads of Brahma and sometimes from the head of Visnu
- In the rainy season, the moonlight is covered by clouds but is visible at intervals. It sometimes appears that the moon is moving with the movement of the clouds, but actually the moon is still; due to the clouds it also appears to move
- In the Ramanuja and Madhva sects of Vaisnavism there are extensive descriptions of the sri, bhu and nila. In Bengal the nila energy is sometimes called the lila energy. These three energies are employed in the service of four-handed Narayana in Vaikuntha
- In the same way, a rasa which is actually prominent may sometimes appear to be manifested in a subordinate way, although its actual position is as the main or prominent loving feeling of a devotee
- In the service of Krishna there may be sometimes transcendental competition but there cannot be any disruption
- In the sky sometimes we see clouds, sometimes rainfall and sometimes snow. Sometimes we see night, sometimes day, sometimes illumination and sometimes darkness. All these exist due to the sun, but the sun is unaffected by all these changes
- In the Society there may be sometimes misunderstandings, but that does not mean you should live separately
- In the Supreme Absolute, the modes of passion, darkness and goodness appear as consecutive energies. Sometimes they appear, and sometimes they disappear
- In the tapo-vana, Maharaja Prthu sometimes ate the trunks and roots of trees, and sometimes he ate fruit and dried leaves, and for some weeks he drank only water. Finally he lived simply by breathing air
- In the university sometimes some particular class is maintained even at a loss
- In the upper planetary system there is shipping and that traders there engage in navigation as their occupational duty. Sometimes, as on this planet, these traders are shipwrecked in the middle of the ocean
- In the various Puranas Krsna is described sometimes as Narayana, sometimes as Ksirodakasayi Visnu, sometimes as Garbhodakasayi Visnu and sometimes as Vaikunthanatha, the Lord of Vaikuntha
- In the Vedas there are recommendation, sometimes animal slaughter. Very rarely. The purpose is another. That animal slaughter is not actually slaughter; it is an experiment
- In the Vedas there is sometimes recommendation, not for killing, but for giving rejuvenation to an animal. But killing, in that sense, is there for sacrifice. But Lord Buddha did not accept even animal killing in sacrifice
- In the Vedic age a man was sometimes called upon to beget sons in the womb of a lesser man's wife for the sake of better progeny. In such an instance, the woman is compared to an agricultural field
- In the Vedic instructions the standard of knowledge is accepted, even though it may sometimes appear that the statements are contradictory
- In the Vedic scriptures, stress is sometimes given to fruitive activity, speculative knowledge and the mystic yoga system
- In the Vedic system we sometimes find that both brahmanas and ksatriyas and even vaisyas come in the disciplic succession of the same rsis
- In their mock fighting, the cowherd boys would sometimes climb on Krsna’s shoulders, and sometimes they would make Krsna climb on their shoulders
- In their movements, intended to give impetus to lusty feelings, they'd sometimes press Krsna's hand on their laps & sometimes they'd keep His lotus feet on their breasts. After doing this, they would talk with Krsna as if they were very angry with Him
- In their temples impersonalists install deities of Lord Visnu, Lord Siva, the sun-god, goddess Durga and sometimes Lord Brahma also, and this system is continuing at present in India under the guise of the Hindu religion
- In these statements about devotional service, sometimes it may appear that the results have been overestimated; but actually there is no overestimation
- In this (CC Madhya 20.135) connection, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following statement. The northern side represents the speculative method, sometimes known as the mystic yoga system
- In this (CC Madhya 20.135) connection, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura gives the following statement. The western side represents jnana-kanda, the process of mental speculation, sometimes called siddhi-kanda
- In this age of Kali, abortion - killing of the child within the womb - has become very common, and sometimes a child is even killed after birth. If a woman performs such an abominable act, she gradually loses all her bodily luster
- In this country intermingling with women is very easy, and sometimes our mind becomes agitated. Therefore we have to take little precaution and the best precaution is to raise oneself in Krsna Consciousness
- In this ecstasy of devotional service (in compassion) there are sometimes symptoms like regret, heavy breathing, crying, falling on the ground and beating upon one's chest
- In this Hawaii sometime I was speaking in the university. So when I was speaking like that (never mind I shall again take my birth), one student said, "What is the wrong there if I become dog?" Yes, he flatly said. - I shall forget everything
- In this material condition, we are serving our whims, kama. Sometimes I become angry and I serve my anger - I beat others. That means I am serving anger. I am serving my lust. I am serving my greediness
- In this material world everyone is implicated, or involved, in some sort of sinful life. Just like in the prison house. One may be a first-class prisoner, just like sometimes big politicians, they are put into first-class prison arrangement
- In this material world there are good men and bad men, similarly, amongst the persons who has no this gross body, they are sometimes called ghosts and sometimes they are called pramatha
- In this material world, activities for material enjoyment which are considered to be pious are also sinful. For example, one sometimes gives something in charity to a needy person with a view to getting back the money four times increased
- In this material world, small children, without enmity or bad will, sometimes go to a neighboring house and steal, and sometimes they fight. Krsna also, like other children, did all these things in His childhood
- In this regard, it may be mentioned that brahmanas in Vrndavana who are karma-kandis and jnana-kandis sometimes decline to accept invitations to our temple because our temple is known as the angareji temple, or Anglican temple
- In this verse (Bg. 4.7-8) the word dharma is used. This word has been translated into English in various ways. Sometimes it is translated as "faith," but according to Vedic literature, dharma is not a kind of faith
- In this verse (of SB 8.22.28), the words sidann api na muhyati are very important. A devotee is sometimes put into adversity while executing devotional service
- In this verse (SB 4.29.82) the word dhira is sometimes read as vira. Actually there is not very much difference
- In this way (sometimes going here and sometimes there and sometimes doing this or that) the living entity wanders throughout the entire universe, imprisoned in various species and thus engaging in various activities for which he must suffer the reactions
- In this way Lord Rsabhadeva followed the behavior of cows, deer and crows. Sometimes He moved or walked, and sometimes He sat down in one place. Sometimes He lay down, behaving exactly like cows, deer and crows
- In this way the Lord danced for at least three hours. Sometimes the symptoms of ecstasy were visible, including pleasure, moroseness and many other waves of ecstatic emotional love
- In this way, giving some excuse, Gopala sometimes remains in the bushes of the forest, and sometimes He stays in a village. One who is a devotee comes to see the Deity
- In this way, King Indra, in order to steal the horse from King Prthu's sacrifice, adopted several orders of sannyasa. Some sannyasis go naked, and sometimes they wear red garments and pass under the name of kapalika
- In this world, in this temporary material world, the spiritual energy is there. That is prominent. But it is covered by the material energy. Just like there is sunshine - sunshine, nobody can check - but it is sometimes covered by cloud
- In Vedic literatures sometimes fruitive activities, mystic yoga and the speculative search for knowledge are praised as different ways to self-realization, despite such praise, in all literatures the path of devotional service is accepted as the foremost
- In vyabhicari ecstatic love for Krsna there is sometimes madness, dexterity, fear, laziness, jubilation, pride, dizziness, meditation, disease, forgetfulness and humbleness
- Incidents mentioned in the Vedic literatures, such as the Puranas, Mahabharata and Ramayana are factual historical narrations that took place sometime in the past, although not in any chronological order
- Indeed, a devotee of Krsna who is attached to the sublime attractive features of the Lord does not consider Narayana very important. When the gopis sometimes saw Krsna in the form of Narayana, they were not very much attracted to Him
- Indra said: O rascal, as a cheater sometimes binds the eyes of a child and takes away his possessions, you are trying to defeat us by displaying some mystic power, although you know that we are the masters of all such mystic powers
- Internally he is burning with hunger and thirst, & externally he is burning from the scorching heat of the sun and the fire beneath the copper surface. Therefore he sometimes lies down, sometimes sits, sometimes stands up & sometimes runs here and there
- Intoxication in the person of Sri Radharani after She saw Krsna: sometimes She was talking without any meaning, and sometimes She was praying to Her associate gopis. Seeing these symptoms in Radharani, the gopis began to talk among themselves
- ISKCON is growing into a huge, world wide organization, it has come to my attention that sometimes centers are printing my literature, taking collection and spending all outside the jurisdiction of the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust. This must not go on
- Isvara, the Supreme Lord, is situated in everyone's heart. Therefore it is said hrda. Sometimes we get education, instruction from hrda. That hrda, Krsna, sitting in everyone's heart, instructs everyone
- It (attraction for Krsna) can be manifest sometimes in trembling of the body and changing of the color of the eyes (to red, white, etc.), although there is no symptom of any particular affection
- It (the pain) is not due to karma. The pain is there sometimes, so that the disciples may know, - Due to our sinful activities, our spiritual master is suffering
- It appears from the statement of this verse (SB 6.12.26) that sometimes there are flying mountains and that their wings are cut by the thunderbolt of Indra. Vrtrasura's huge body resembled such a mountain
- It has actually been seen that even an authorized devotee who is engaged in the service of God by preaching the mission of Krsna consciousness is sometimes criticized by neophyte devotees. Such neophytes are described by Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura
- It has been explained in the previous verse (SB 4.29.68) that all desires on the mental platform become visible one after another. Sometimes, however, by the supreme will of the Personality of Godhead, the whole stockpile can be visible all at one time
- It has been seen that great mayavadi (impersonalist) sannyasis - very highly educated and almost realized souls - may sometimes take to political activities or to social welfare activities
- It is a big establishment and sometimes disagreement happens and I am helpless. I am enquiring from Mayapur why you were asked to leave there. If you want to take initiation from Madhava Gosvami Maharaja I have no objection
- It is a question of love that sometimes I cook, you eat and sometimes you cook, I eat
- It is a sign that you (Nawab Hussain Shah) were a servant of Buddhimanta Khan sometimes before. If people will see and you will explain, that is an insult for you." - Oh, what is that? He was just like my father. He chastised me. I don't mind
- It is accepted in the Vedic literature that as water in contact with air sometimes presents innumerable bubbles, so a combination of the material nature and the Supreme Person causes the appearance of the living entities within this material world
- It is also said that sometimes when Narada, the carrier of the vina, remembers his Lord Krsna in great ecstasy, he begins to stretch his body so vigorously that his sacred thread gives way
- It is called vrscika-tandula-nyaya. You know that? Vrscika-tandula-nyaya. Vrscika means scorpion, and tandula means rice. Sometimes we see some heaps of rice, the scorpion is coming. But that is not that the rice has given birth to the scorpion
- It is completely spiritual movement. It is not material movement. Therefore they sometimes mistake that "Your people are weak in health. They are becoming this and that. They do not eat meat, so vitality is less"
- It is described that there were hot tears covering his (Bhima's) eyes, as a thin cloud sometimes covers the evening moon
- It is easy to get material opulence by worshiping the demigods, but the result is sometimes disastrous
- It is evident from this chapter (SB 8.4.1) that great sages like Devala Rsi, Narada Muni and Agastya Muni will sometimes curse someone. The curse of such a personality, however, is in fact a benediction
- It is exactly like the waters of the Ganges, which sometimes during the rainy season are full of bubbles, foam and mud
- It is general etiquette that superiors are not to be offered even a verbal fight. Even if they are sometimes harsh in behavior, they should not be harshly treated. Then, how is it possible for Arjuna to counterattack them? BG 1972 purports
- It is indicated that King Prthu would arrange for the distribution of rainfall personally if Indra failed to discharge his duty properly. Sometimes Indra, would become angry at the inhabitants of the earth if they did not offer sacrifices to appease him
- It is not ordinary war (Kuruksetra) . And it was performed in a place which is called dharma-ksetra. So sometimes war is also performed in terms of religiosity. That is prescribed. That is required
- It is not possible to have cent per cent knowledge of Krsna. Not even Narayana Himself is capable of that. Yet those who follow Krsna's instructions fully are sometimes called Bhagavan
- It is not that, that sometimes things which are beyond the test of our material senses, they are not existing. That is foolishness. We must accept that our senses are imperfect. So how we can understand everything by the test of experimental knowledge?
- It is not the duty of brahmanas and saintly persons to kill, although they may sometimes do so in the case of an emergency
- It is possible that some extremely powerful personality, within or without the universe, may sometimes show more power than the Lord Himself. Still the pure devotee knows that this power is a vibhuti delegated by the Lord
- It is said that "one man's food is another man's poison." Because they have become disgusted with this material world, sometimes our devotees appear to have foolishly disregarded everything
- It is said that a great devotee brahmana would sometimes address the Supreme Personality of Godhead as master, and sometimes he would joke with the Lord, using different kinds of familiar words
- It is said that after enjoying love affairs with Krsna by dancing, embracing and kissing, the gopis would sometimes become very tired, and Krsna, out of His causeless mercy and compassion, would smear their faces with His lotus hands
- It is said that Arjuna is an empowered incarnation of Nara-Narayana. He is even sometimes called Nara-Narayana. The Nara-Narayana incarnation is also one of Lord Visnu's plenary expansions
- It is said that the great sage Narada was so ecstatically in love with Krsna that he would sometimes dance naked, and sometimes his whole body would become stunned
- It is seen that sometimes these (ecstatic symptoms) symptoms are willfully imitated, and for this reason Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti accuses the imitators of being stonehearted men
- It is sometimes argued that the sons of King Sagara were burned to ashes by the fire emanating from the eyes of Kapila Muni. This statement, however, is not approved by great learned persons
- It is sometimes difficult for elderly people to live in our ISKCON society, so you have to make it as congenial as possible for them and see that they are peaceful in all respects
- It is sometimes experienced that the Lord, out of His special affinity towards a weak devotee, breaks the family affection by force of circumstances arranged by His all-powerful energy
- It is sometimes misunderstood that a grhastha, a householder, is permitted to indulge in sex at any time. This is a wrong conception of grhastha life
- It is sometimes misunderstood that if one has to associate with persons engaged in devotional service, he will not be able to solve the economic problem
- It is sometimes proposed that Sudevi was another wife of King Nabhi, but since King Rsabhadeva is mentioned elsewhere as the son of Merudevi, it is clear that Merudevi and Sudevi are the same person under different names
- It is sometimes remarked that by the chanting process one begins to purify himself and can take birth in his next life in a brahmana family and then be reformed
- It is sometimes said that because a child is innocent he is completely pure. Actually this is not the fact. The effects of fruitive activities reserved in the subtle body appear in three concurrent stages
- It is sometimes said that fools rush in where angels dare not, and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to point out Damodara Pandita’s foolishness in coming forward to criticize the Lord
- It is sometimes said that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu disapproved of the acceptance of the sannyasa order in this Kali-yuga because in the sastra it is said: asvamedham gavalambham sannyasam pala-paitrkam, devarena sutotpattim kalau panca vivarjayet
- It is sometimes said that people want the kingdom of God without God. Such an aspiration, however, is never to be fulfilled
- It is sometimes said that when one is influenced by evil stars like Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, he cannot make advancement in any prospective activity
- It is sometimes seen that demigods like Indra & Candra are worshiped & offered sacrificial awards, yet the rewards of all such sacrifices are awarded to the worshiper by the Supreme Lord, & it is the Lord only who can offer all welfare to the worshiper
- It is sometimes seen that devotees of Lord Siva imitate the characteristics of Lord Siva. For example, Lord Siva drank an ocean of poison, so some of the followers of Lord Siva imitate him and try to take intoxicants like ganja - marijuana
- It is sometimes understood that a person becomes lusty just by hearing the tinkling of bangles on the hands of women or the tinkling of ankle bells, or just by seeing a woman's sari. Thus it is concluded that woman is the complete representation of maya
- It is stated by God Himself that devotional service to His devotees is better than service offered directly to Him. Sometimes the sahajiya class of devotees are interested only in Krsna's personal pastimes to the exclusion of activities of the devotees
- It is the duty of a grhastha to sometimes invite sannyasis to take food at his home. This grhastha-brahmana wanted to invite all the sannyasis to his house, but he also knew that it would be very difficult to induce Caitanya to accept such an invitation
- It is the duty of all citizens in a state never to insult the king, even though he sometimes appears to have done something very sinful. Because of his prowess, the king is always more influential than all other ruling chiefs
- It is the duty of the spiritual master not to be angry, because the disciples or the followers, they are fools. Sometimes they do not obey. But the ruler, the spiritual master, the government has to tolerate. And still, vimanyava, sadhava. That is sadhu
- It is the injunction of the Vedas that the Spiritual Master should not be treated as ordinary man even if sometimes the Spiritual Master behaves like ordinary man
- It is those who are devoid of devotional service who sometimes mistakenly accept persons with mundane motives as mahajanas. The only motive must be krsna-bhakti, devotional service to the Lord
- It is to be concluded that Acyutananda was born sometime in the year 1428 (A.D. 1506). Before the birth of Acyutananda, Advaita Prabhu’s wife, Sitadevi, came to see Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu at His birth
- It is to be noted that sometimes in revealed scriptures Lord Siva is described as being nondifferent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The point is that Lord Siva and Lord Visnu are so intimately connected that there is no difference in opinion
- It is understood from authoritative sources that an attachment for Krsna because of feelings of disgust sometimes presents a ghastly ecstasy in devotional service
- It is very difficult to understand the activities of a transcendental person. Sometimes they may seem rather odd, but a transcendental personality remains in his position, unaffected by material considerations
- It may be mentioned that sometimes the sahajiya class of devotees opine that Prakasananda Sarasvati and Prabodhananda Sarasvati are the same man
- It may be questioned why a devotee is put into such tribulation by the Personality of Godhead. The answer is that this kind of arrangement by the Lord is just like a father’s sometimes becoming unkind to his sons
- It may be sometimes misunderstood that western people are only under the influence of Kali. Because the world is under the influence of Kali. Not that in your country only this intoxication, illicit sex. No, everywhere it is
- It so happens sometimes that one surrenders himself unto the service of the Lord by some temporary sentiment, and in the long run, due to so many other reasons, he falls down from the path of service by undesirable association
- It sometimes happens that prasadam is mixed with a larger quantity of food and then distributed, but in this case we find that Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya kept the jagannatha-prasadam separate. He kept it aside particularly for the satisfaction of Caitanya
- It sometimes so happens that a miscreant like Ajamila is immediately promoted to the Vaikunthaloka simply by chanting the name of Narayan
- Jagadananda Pandita said, "My dear mother, sometimes the Lord comes here and eats all the food you have offered"
- Jagannatha sometimes fell behind the dancing Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to indicate to Srimati Radharani that He had not forgotten. Thus Lord Jagannatha would stop the forward march of the ratha and wait at a standstill
- Jivas are sometimes subjected to the control of material energy, but the Visnu forms are always controllers of this energy
- Just after sending you my letter sometimes in the month of May, 1967, I also fell seriously ill by heart stroke, and my disciples here admitted me into the hospital
- Just as I am doing. Sometimes I go to the bank, sometimes keep accounts, sometimes preach, hold the class, write books, sometimes cook, sannyasi should be expert in all departments, and he should distribute his experience to others, that's all
- Just as the sun is never polluted by any contamination, the Supreme Lord is never polluted by any sinful activity. Although Krsna's actions may sometimes seem impious, He is never polluted by such actions
- Just as we sometimes perform a marriage ceremony in the temple. What is this marriage ceremony? It is the combination of man & woman, boy & girl. They are already there they are living like friends - what is the use of this marriage ceremony? It is Vedic
- Just like a diamond or a valuable stone, you'll find a different color. Sometimes you'll find red, sometimes you'll find green, sometimes you'll find some other color, the same stone. Similarly, Krsna when appears, He appears in different colors
- Just like doctors are allowed to practice surgical operation on dead body; otherwise, how they'll practice, how they'll become surgeon, if they do not practice? Similarly, only the kings were allowed to kill some animal in the jungle sometimes
- Just like dog, you pass on without any offense, he'll bark. You have no offense, but it will try to pick up some quarrel with you. Sometime it will come to bite you
- Just like horse, when working very hard, you'll find some foams coming out of the mouth, we sometimes also, when we are very tired after working very hard, the tongue becomes dry and some foam comes
- Just like I show you sometimes how to mop. So I am not a mopper, but I am showing how to mop. So our position is like that. We do not belong to any varna and asrama. But we have to show these rascals
- Just like in our India, especially in Bengal, sometimes they say a dull-brained man, "Oh, you have got cow dung within your brain. You have no brain substance." Actually a man becomes intelligent by the greater amount of brain substance
- Just like in the stage the dramatic actor is sometimes coming as a king and next time by changing the dress he is coming as (indistinct). This is an example. Similarly, Krsna is the same but He has got different manifestations
- Just like Lord Nityananda, He was injured, but still He delivered Jagai-Madhai. That should be your principle. Sometimes we have to cheat, sometimes we have to be injured - so many things. The only device is how people can become Krsna conscious
- Just like sometimes some of us becomes crazy and he goes to the lunatic asylum, similarly, those who become crazy, such spiritual identities, they are put into this lunatic asylum. It is called material world. This is a sort of lunatic asylum
- Just like sometimes the politicians, scholars, they also try to understand Bhagavad-gita. Because Bhagavad-gita is very authoritative book, they want to exploit. They do not understand what is Bhagavad-gita
- Just like the clock pendulum, this side and that side - tock, tock, tock, tock. Similarly, we are oscillating: sometimes in the platform of enjoyment and sometimes on the platform of renouncement
- Just like the cow is standing here, sometimes eating this, sometime eating that, sometime eating that. What is the business? Only business: to fill up the belly. That's all
- Just like the electricity energy, is coming from the same source. But it is being utilized for different purposes. Sometimes it is helping to make cooler, and sometimes it is helping to make heater
- Just like this small child, Sarasvati. According to the body, she is acting. She's acting sometimes nonsense, but we take it delight, because she is child. But the same nonsense if I do in another body, grown up body, that will be ridiculous
- Just like we sometimes observe - no, regularly observe - the Ekadasi; it is called vrata. Vrata means fasting with a vow. Janmastami . . . just like we fast on the birthday of Krsna or Caitanya. These are called vrata. So brahmin is supposed to follow
- Just like we sometimes want to fight, mock fight. So in the Vaikuntha world there cannot be any fight. So because Krsna wanted to exercise His fighting spirit, He sent His devotee. He became enemy and He fought
- Just like you elected Nixon and then you wanted him to come down. So this kind of election has no value. Sometimes you elect and sometimes you pull down. So what is the value of this election?
- Just like you feel sometimes with your lover separation and you search, this is our process. Always feel separation from Krsna and try to search out. This is ekanta
- Just to get praise from others, to get cheap adoration from his followers or people in general, such a (restless) person sometimes accepts the dress of a sannyasi or babaji in the renounced order
- Kandarpa is the sex desire for presenting good sons; therefore Kandarpa is the representative of Krsna. Sometimes sex is engaged in only for sense gratification; such sex does not represent Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- Karma or fruitive activities are sometimes understood to be ritualistic activities. There are many persons who are very much attracted by the ritualistic activities described in the Vedas
- Kausika: One of the permanent rsi members in the royal assembly of Maharaja Yudhisthira. He sometimes met Lord Krsna. There are several other sages of the same name
- Keeping the Lord sometimes submerged and sometimes afloat, the waves carried Him toward the Konarka temple
- King Bali was feeling such transcendental pleasure that he repeatedly grasped the Lords’ lotus feet and kept them on his chest, and sometimes he put them on the top of his head
- Kings are not only grhasthas, who are generally absorbed in sense gratification, but are sometimes employed to kill animals in hunting because they have to practice the killing art, otherwise it is very difficult for them to fight their enemies
- Kirtana means glorifying the Supreme Lord, not any demigod. Sometimes people invent kali-kirtana or siva-kirtana, and even big sannyasis in the Mayavada school say that one may chant any name and still get the same result
- Kirtana means sometimes chanting with music, and sometimes speaking. Both of them are kirtana. Kirtayati iti kirtanam. Whenever we glorify the Lord, that is called kirtana. The Srimad-Bhagavatam reading is also kirtana
- Krishna science can be understood through the process of sincere service, and so far any doubt which may sometimes arise in our mind there are the devotees, the Scriptures and the Spiritual Master
- Krsna comes personally to canvass that - This is not your proper order of life. You are misusing your independence for sense gratification and wandering through various types of transmigration of bodies - sometimes human body, sometimes dog's body
- Krsna consciousness movement is purely a spiritual movement. Therefore sometimes it is little difficult to understand the activities of this movement
- Krsna consciousness movement is spiritual movement; therefore sometimes it is misunderstood from the material stand, material point of view. But if we associate with the persons who are propagating this movement, there is process how to understand
- Krsna consciousness movement is trying to liberate these foolish persons who are entangled in this material world and changing one body after another, sometimes very happy and sometimes very distressed. This is going on
- Krsna continued, "If I can very easily be approached by them, they might think, 'Krsna is so easily available.' So sometimes I do not respond"
- Krsna continued, "My devotees are very much attached to Me, but sometimes I do not reciprocate their feelings properly in order to increase their love for Me more and more"
- Krsna continued, "Similarly, in order to increase the love of My devotees, sometimes I appear to be lost to them, and instead of forgetting Me, they feel their loving sentiments for Me increase"
- Krsna does not want that you should enjoy this material world. Sometimes the foolish men, they say that - Krsna has given us this facility for sense enjoyment. Why we shall not take it up?
- Krsna is always yasoda-nandana. He is always ready to be chastised by Mother Yasoda, by the gopis, and sometimes by His friends. That is Vrndavana Krsna. That is real Krsna; that is real God
- Krsna is eternal, we are eternal, and our dealings with Krsna is also eternal. But sometimes it becomes interrupted by the maya, which is called svapna
- Krsna is so kind. Guru-krsna-krpa. Krsna is helping from within, but sometimes we are so dull, naturally, that we cannot understand. Therefore He sends His representative to instruct externally. So He is helping internally and externally
- Krsna is therefore sometimes called Yogesvara, the master of all yogis. In the Vedic literature we find that the yogi Saubhari Muni expanded himself into eight
- Krsna played with His intimate friends sometimes by fighting or wrestling with their arms, sometimes by playing ball and sometimes by playing chess
- Krsna presented Himself as an innocent child to increase the transcendental ecstasy of maternal affection. As described in the sastra, tadana-bhayan mithyoktir vatsalya-rasa-posika. This means that sometimes a small child speaks lies
- Krsna sometimes played with His intimate friends by engaging in fighting or wrestling with their arms, sometimes by playing ball, sometimes by playing chess
- Krsna was with him (Arjuna), but He was like friend. So friendly talks sometime does not become very serious. But talks between the spiritual master and disciple is serious
- Krsna would wear this dress when He used to go into the forest to tend the cows. Sometimes He would wrestle there with His different friends, and sometimes they would dance all together in the forest
- Krsna's appearance does not mean that He has become different. The nice example is set here by Baladeva Vidyabhusana: just like a valuable stone. You take in your hand, you find sometimes yellow, sometimes red, sometimes white, like that
- Krsna's business in the neighborhood was not only to steal but sometimes to pass stool and urine in a neat, clean house. When caught by the master of the house, Krsna would chastise him, saying, You are a thief
- Krsna's friends played blindman's buff, challenging and touching one another. Sometimes they imitated the forest deer and various kinds of birds. They joked with one another by imitating croaking frogs, and they enjoyed swinging underneath the trees
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, acted as the supreme friend and relative of the Pandavas, and sometimes He even acted as their servant by carrying a letter from the Pandavas to Dhrtarastra and Duryodhana
- Ksatriya kings are sometimes advised to go to the forest to hunt ferocious animals just to learn how to kill, but such forays are never meant for sense gratification. Killing animals to eat their flesh is forbidden for human beings
- Ksatriyas and vaisyas are supposed to earn their money and accumulate great riches. Sometimes they do it by acting sinfully
- Kuntidevi says, krsnaya vasudevaya (SB 1.8.21). The word vasudeva is sometimes understood to mean "the all-pervading." The impersonalists have this conception of Vasudeva, and therefore Kuntidevi points out, - That Vasudeva, the all-pervading, is Krsna
- Laksmi's another name is cancala, sometimes she favors and goes away. But Krsna is so opulent that millions of godesses of fortune are engaged in His service
- Laksmiji sometimes has to go to satisfy her numerous devotees, but tulasi leaves never forsake their position, and the Lord therefore appreciates the service of the tulasi more than the service of Laksmi
- Laksmiji, although stationed by the chest of the Lord, sometimes has to please other devotees who pray for her favor
- Lalayanti. Sometimes a mother lifts her child, and when the child falls in her hands, the child laughs, and the mother also enjoys pleasure. Yasoda used to do this, but this time Krsna became very heavy, and she could not bear His weight
- Lampaṭa, just like a debauched husband sometimes entreats the good wife & the wife tolerates. There are many instances, such thing, India still, but that is diminishing. Of course, if we say so many stories, it will take... But there are many examples
- Less intelligent students of either of the above schools sometimes argue in favor of their own respective realization
- Like an animal, he has no proprietorship even over his own body. A cruel proprietor of an animal sometimes kills the animal in his possession, yet the animal does not protest. Nor does it have any real independence. BG 1972 purports
- Like Haridasa Thakura, he's sometimes called Yavana-Haridasa. He's not yavana. He is hundred times, thousand, million times better than brahmana. But because he is born in a Muhammadan family, he was, another name
- Like Narada Muni, Parvata Muni also used to visit the royal assembly in the heaven of King Indra. As a Gandharva, sometimes he visited the royal assembly of Kuvera, one of the important demigods
- Like the air passing through different types of atmosphere, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although appearing sometimes as a human being and sometimes as a lower animal, is always transcendental
- Lord Brahma and Lord Siva are also sometimes called isvara, but the supreme isvara is Lord Visnu, Lord Krsna. As stated in Brahma-samhita, isvarah paramah krsnah: (BS 5.1) the Supreme Lord is Krsna, Lord Visnu
- Lord Brahma continued, "My Lord, sometimes I am puzzled as to how Your Lordship will be able to repay, in gratitude, the devotional service of these residents of Vrndavana"
- Lord Brahma said: My four sons Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara, who were born from my mind, are your predecessors. Sometimes they travel throughout the material and spiritual skies without any definite desire
- Lord Brahma's abode. the highest planetary system, is called Satyaloka or sometimes Brahmaloka. Brahmaloka refers to the spiritual world. The abode of Lord Brahma is Satyaloka, but because Lord Brahma resides there, it is also sometimes called Brahmaloka
- Lord Brahmaji said to Narada that his impression that Brahma was not the supreme authority in the creation was correct. Sometimes less intelligent men have the foolish impression that Brahma is the cause of all causes
- Lord Buddha denied the authority of Vedas. Because people will give evidence that, You are preaching no animal-killing, but in the Vedas sometimes in sacrifice the animals are sacrificed. How you can stop this
- Lord Caitanya also sometimes hid in the home of Nandana Acarya. In this connection one may refer to Sri Caitanya-bhagavata, Madhya-khanda, Chapters Six and Seventeen
- Lord Caitanya is the Absolute Truth, Krsna Himself. This is substantiated by evidence from the authentic spiritual scriptures. Sometimes people accept a man as God on the basis of their whimsical sentiments & without reference to the revealed scriptures
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu (sometimes called Krsna Caitanya) is the embodiment of all of these: He is God, guru, devotee, incarnation, internal energy and expansion of God - CC Intro
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's activities were exhibited sometimes to reveal Him as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and sometimes to show Him as a devotee
- Lord Jagannatha and Lord Balarama sometimes stopped the car and happily observed Lord Caitanya's dancing. Anyone who was able to see Them stop and watch the dancing bore witness to Their pastimes
- Lord Kapila continued: My dear mother, it is sometimes said that we experience hell or heaven on this planet, for hellish punishments are sometimes visible on this planet also
- Lord Krsna drinks the juice from these coconuts, and sometimes the coconuts are left drained of juice. At other times the coconuts remain filled with juice
- Lord Krsna thought: "Mother sometimes binds Me as her son. She nourishes and protects Me, thinking Me utterly helpless"
- Lord Krsna thought: "Pure attachment will unite us (Krsna and the gopis) even at the expense of moral and religious duties (dharma). Destiny will sometimes bring us together and sometimes separate us"
- Lord Krsna, being the original Visnu form, has only one emblem, namely the wheel, and therefore He is sometimes called the Cakri
- Lord Krsna, indebted to the Pandavas' devotional service, sometimes acted as their messenger, and He guided them through many dangerous situations. Therefore Maharaja Pariksit should not have been saddened because Lord Krsna did not appear in his family
- Lord Rama, the Personality of Godhead Himself, sometimes worshiped Lord Siva. If a devotee is worshiped by the Lord, why should a devotee not be worshiped by other devotees on the same level with the Lord? This is the conclusion
- Lord Siva is atmarama, or situated in complete self-realization, but because he is the incarnation in charge of the material mode of ignorance, tamo-guna, he is sometimes affected by the pleasure and pain of the material world
- Lord Siva is called Mahadeva, the greatest of all the demigods, although sometimes Lord Brahma is considered the greatest of all the demigods because he can create. However, Lord Siva can annihilate the creations of Brahma
- Lord Siva is described here (in SB 4.2.2) as caracara-guru, the spiritual master of all animate and inanimate objects. He is sometimes known as Bhutanatha, which means "the worshipable deity of the dull-headed"
- Lord Siva is sometimes called Visvesvara, but here (in SB 8.12.4) he addresses Lord Visnu as Jagan-maya, indicating that even Visvesvara is under Lord Visnu's control
- Lord Siva never denies anyone any sort of gift. He is therefore the most generous, although sometimes some kind of a mistake is made
- Lord Siva's worshipers sometimes appear more opulent than worshipers of Lord Visnu because Durga, or Sati, being the superintendent in charge of material affairs, can offer all material opulences to worshipers of Lord Siva in order to glorify her husband
- Lord Sri Krsna is sometimes described as a thief. He is very famous amongst His pure devotees as the Makhana-cora. He used to steal butter from the houses of neighbors at Vrndavana in His early age. Since then He is famous as a thief
- Lord Visnu is always mentioned as the purusa in all Vedic scriptures. Sometimes the living entities are also mentioned as purusas, although they are essentially purusa-sakti (para sakti or para prakrti), the superior energy of the purusa
- Lord Visnu is called jagad-vyapi, "the all-pervading Lord." Lord Siva is sometimes called Mahesvara, and so people think that Lord Siva is everything. But here (in SB 8.12.4) Lord Siva addresses Lord Visnu as Jagad-isa, "the master of the universe"
- Lord Zetland, sometimes he was governor of Bengal. So when we were student, he came to our college. He was very learned philosopher; especially he was lover of Indian philosophy
- Lord Śiva lives under a bael tree and does not even construct a house in which to dwell, but although he is apparently poverty-stricken, his devotees are sometimes opulently endowed with large quantities of silver and gold
- Madhavendra Puri was almost mad in his ecstasy of love of Godhead, and he did not know whether it was day or night. Sometimes he stood up, and sometimes he fell to the ground. He could not discriminate whether he was in a proper place or not
- Madhavendra Puri was chanting the holy name of Krsna, and sometimes he would cry, "O my Lord, I did not get shelter at Mathura"
- Madras especially they are losing interest in Deity worship. Sometimes the political party is insulting. These atheists class of men who have done this, they should be converted into theism by preaching Bhagavad-gita
- Maharaja Pariksit made an organized effort to propagate the chanting of the Lord's holy name, and thus he saved the citizens from the clutches of Kali. It is for this advantage only that great sages sometimes wish all good for the age of Kali
- Maharaja Prthu is likened to the sun (arka-vat). Sometimes the sun shines on stool, urine and so many other polluted things, but since the sun is all-powerful, it is never affected by the polluted things with which it associates
- Mahatma, advanced devotees, worship only the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Others, however, who are also sometimes called mahatmas, worship the Lord as ekatvena prthaktvena - BG 9.15
- Maitreya hesitated to state this anomaly on the part of Brahma, who was sexually inclined to his own daughter, but still he mentioned it because sometimes it so happens, and the living example is Brahma himself
- Manifestation of the superior energy is always constant, present in the Supreme Personality of Godhead. And manifestation of the inferior energy, that is not always present. It is sometimes manifested, sometimes not manifested
- Many fools, not knowing the transcendental nature of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, sometimes impede our loudly chanting this mantra, yet one who is actually advanced in the fulfillment of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra induces others to chant also
- Many people become showbottle devotees for material profits. Indeed, materialistic persons sometimes take to professional devotional service and keep Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as a means of livelihood
- Many sannyasins, they were very educated, & they have undergone severe penances, but without Krsna realization they fall down. How they fall down? Sometimes they fall down, becomes a victim of a woman. Sometimes they fall down for this philanthropic work
- Material energy sometimes gives him a chance at so-called happiness, but the conditioned soul is perpetually being punished by material nature
- Material nature is ever existing in its subtle form as the energy of the Lord, but it sometimes manifests this nonexistent or temporarily existent nature, the cosmos
- Material necessities are supplied by the mercy of the Supreme Lord. We sometimes feel scarcity because of our mismanagement, but the real problem is that people are out of touch with Krsna consciousness
- Material opulence is sometimes dangerous because it diverts one's attention to false prestige by giving one the impression that he is the owner and master of everything he surveys, although actually this is not the fact
- Material prosperity is sometimes hampered by sinful activities, for the materialist is sure to commit sins, even unintentionally, in the course of discharging material duties
- Material scientists sometimes suggest that the tendencies of male and female bodies cause their union and that this is the cause of the birth of the child
- Materialistic asuras sometimes make a show of religion, but their ultimate aim is material prosperity
- Materialistic demons sometimes appear to be very powerful and are seen to establish their supremacy throughout the world
- Materialistic life is so miserable that in desperation one sometimes takes to a philosophy of voidism or impersonalism to try to negate his very existence and make everything zero
- Materialistic life means continuous unhappiness, but sometimes we accept happiness as it appears between the gaps
- Materialistic men sometimes ask why God has created the material world for the suffering of the living entities
- Materialistic people are sometimes called sudras, or descendants of monkeys, due to their monkeylike intelligence. They do not care to know how the evolutionary process is taking place
- Materialistic persons are dry, but sometimes, when they are in a so-called opulent position, with a home or children or a little bank balance, they appear to be flourishing, but immediately afterwards become dry again, like the small rivulets and ponds
- Materialistic persons are dry, but sometimes, when they are in a so-called opulent position, with a home or children or a little bank balance, they appear to be flourishing, but immediately afterwards they become dry again
- Materialistic persons who are not inclined to give up their sinful activities like illicit sex, intoxication, gambling and meat-eating sometimes want to become our disciples
- Materialists sometimes give the argument that as straw eaten by a cow produces milk automatically, so material nature, under different circumstances, produces varieties of manifestations. Thus originally matter is the cause
- Mauna, for example, does not mean that one should just stop speaking. The tongue is meant for speaking, although sometimes, to make a big show, a person remains silent
- Maya has given this vehicle, anywhere wandering, up and down, sometimes demigod, sometimes dog. This is going on. And in this wandering process, if he gets in touch with a devotee, then his real spiritual life begins
- Maya has given this vehicle, anywhere wandering, up and down, sometimes demigod, sometimes dog. This is going on. And in this wandering process, if he gets in touch with a devotee, then his real spiritual life begins. Otherwise he has to go on rotating
- Maya is very strong; she is expert in putting impediments in the way of this understanding. Sometimes one comes to the Krsna consciousness movement but again falls into the clutches of maya, not understanding the importance of this movement
- Mayavadi sannyasis are very proud of their Sanskrit education. Sometimes people ask our students, "Whether you have learned Sanskrit?" Krsna consciousness understanding does not depend on Sanskrit scholarship. That is the teaching of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Mayavadi sannyasis who do not have these qualifications (of controlling tongue, mind, words, belly, genitals and anger and making disciples all over the world) sometimes harass & blaspheme a Vaisnava sannyasi who humbly engages in the service of the Lord
- Mayavadis and others sometimes misunderstand Brahman because every living entity is also Brahman. Therefore Krsna is referred to as Para-brahman the Supreme Brahman
- Mayavadis consider devotional service to be an aspect of fruitive activities (karma-kanda). According to their view, bhakti consists of mental speculation or sometimes meditation. This is the difference between the Mayavadi and Vaisnava philosophies
- Meditation is sometimes recommended as a way to check distracting materialistic activities. Meditation means stopping all nonsensical activities, at least for the time being
- Mercury is described to be similar to Venus, in that it moves sometimes behind the sun, sometimes in front of the sun and sometimes along with it. It is 1,600,000 miles above Venus, or 7,200,000 miles above earth
- Meru is sometimes movable, whereas the Himalayas are never movable. Thus the Himalayas are greater than Meru. BG 1972 purports
- Mind is the subtle body of the living entity. We may sometimes be absorbed in some thought which is sinful, but if we give up the sinful thought, it may be said that we give up the body
- Mirages and other illusory things are sometimes called Gandharvas
- Mixed smell is sometimes perceived in foodstuffs prepared from various ingredients, such as vegetables mixed with different kinds of spices and asafoetida
- Modern material science lays no stress on this; therefore the scientists are sometimes misled in their understanding of spirit soul
- Modern materialistic scientists sometimes present themselves as knowing all the ingredients of the sun, yet they are unable to offer a second sun like Maharaja Priyavrata's
- Monkeys are very expert in sexual enjoyment, and sometimes sex glands are taken from monkeys and placed in the human body so that a human being can enjoy sex in old age. In this way modern civilization has advanced
- Most of you were, in your former life, you were smoking or taking intoxication. But by some influence, if you sometimes take to it, yes, if you are conscious, "Oh, I have done wrong," but that is excused if you have done unconscious
- Mr. George Harrison is sometimes coming forward to help us and sometimes he is not straightforward. But because he is chanting Hare Krishna and he has some faith in Krishna, a little respect for me, I am sure he will come forward to help our movement
- Mucukunda continued, "Kings and emperors sometimes accept the life of an ascetic to forget their royal life, but by Your special causeless mercy I have already been bereft of royalty. I do not need to become a mendicant or practice renunciation"
- Mukta-purusa means one who is not affected by the material incompetency. There are material incompetencies. We commit mistake. We are illusioned. Our senses are imperfect. And sometimes - we want to cheat. These are the defects of material knowledge
- Mundane rascals, who cannot understand the absolute nature of the Personality of Godhead, sometimes call Lord Sri K