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Pages in category "Must"
The following 1,343 pages are in this category, out of 1,343 total.
- A blind man must first eradicate his blindness before he can attempt to lead others to light
- A brahmacari must live under the care of the guru: brahmacari guru-kule vasan danto guror hitam - SB 7.12.1
- A brahmacari, or one who has not accepted the grhastha-asrama (family life), must rigidly avoid talking with women or about women, for the senses are so powerful that they may agitate even the mind of a sannyasi, a member of the renounced order of life
- A brahmana is strictly prohibited from becoming a servant of anyone else, for that is the business of dogs and sudras. A dog must satisfy his master, but a brahmana does not have to satisfy anyone; he is simply meant to satisfy Krsna
- A chaste woman must dress nicely and decorate herself with golden ornaments for the pleasure of her husband. Always wearing clean and attractive garments, she should sweep and clean the household with water and other liquids
- A common man in this material world has a contaminated heart. He must therefore first purify his heart to come to the transcendental position. But Jagannatha Misra and Sacimata were not a common man and woman with contaminated hearts
- A common man must execute the rules & regulations of varnasrama-dharma by working in his prescribed duty according to the caste system (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra) and the spiritual-order system - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
- A common man must first begin to serve the spiritual master, or the devotee. Then, through the mercy of the devotee, the Lord will be satisfied
- A common man must observe all the rules and regulations of the Vedas which a person who is in the transcendental position does not need to observe
- A creator must possess an all-pervasive body, as pointed out in the Bhagavad-gita (3.14): Everywhere are His hands and legs, His eyes, heads and faces, and He has ears everywhere. In this way the Supersoul exists, pervading everything
- A devotee must simply engage in devotional service, not caring about material situations. Then he automatically becomes a rightful candidate for promotion to Vaikunthaloka
- A devotee of Krsna must refer not only to the Vedas, but also to the puranas
- A devotee should not be disturbed by unfortunate circumstances, but must continue his regular program, depending on the Lord for everything
- A dog is afraid whether another dog is coming, so the so-called civilized men, they are also afraid - "Whether Englishmen are coming to attack? Whether Germany . . .? Therefore there must be atomic bomb. I shall throw. Therefore you must give me tax."
- A faithful servant who preaches with great devotion to the Lord must know that Lord Nrsimhadeva is always his protector
- A grhastha must associate again and again with saintly persons, and with great respect he must hear the nectar of the activities of the Supreme Lord and His incarnations as these activities are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam and other Puranas
- A human being, if he does not become Krsna conscious, that means knowingly, he is taking poison, and he must die. Janiya suniya visa khainu. Sometimes I do not know what is poison. Just like child does not know. He may take. But he'll not be excused
- A king or governmental head must therefore be so competent to rule over the state that the citizens will worship him as God in human form. That is the perfectional stage for the head of any government or state
- A king, governor or president should not take the opportunity to occupy his post without also discharging his duty. He must teach the people within the state how to observe the divisions of varna and asrama
- A Krsna conscious person knows that whatever he has is not under his control. If we do not believe in God, we must believe in some power beyond us which is controlling us at every step, call that power God or nature or whatever
- A ksatriya must show his power of chivalry to his would-be wife so that the daughter of a ksatriya can see the valor of her would-be husband
- A ksatriya should be so trained up, when there is fight, he must come out, forward. Not that he will sit down in his secluded place and poor man will fight. No. He should come forward as leader, - Come on
- A learned, thoughtful person must realize that material existence is illusion. This is possible only by self-realization. A self-realized person, who has actually seen the truth, should retire from all material activities
- A living entity is always connected with a certain amount of intelligence, but in the human form of life the living entity must inquire about his spiritual identity. This is real human intelligence
- A living entity may engage in any occupational duty, but if he wants to have perfection in his duties, he must satisfy the Supreme Lord
- A living entity who desires sayujya-mukti remains in Krsna's Brahman effulgence, which is dependent on Krsna's body (brahmano hi pratisthaham). Such an impersonalist who takes shelter of the Brahman effulgence must surely fall down
- A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well - Bg. 6.4-5
- A man must elevate himself by his own mind, not degrade himself. The mind is the friend of the conditioned soul, and his enemy as well. BG 6.5 - 1972
- A man retired from household life must practice austerities of the body, mind and tongue. That is tapasya. The entire varnasrama-dharma society is meant for tapasya. Without tapasya or austerity no human being can get liberation. BG 1972 purports
- A merchant, however pious he may be, must sometimes hide his profit to stay in business, or he may sometimes have to do business on the black market. These things are necessary; one cannot avoid them. BG 1972 purports
- A patient must regain his health before he can truly enjoy sense pleasure again. Thus the aim of human life should not be to enjoy perverted sense enjoyment but to cure the material disease
- A person in Krsna consciousness must fully discharge his devotional duties without material attachment. Then his liberation is guaranteed
- A person like Maharaja Rahugana, who was very inquisitive to know the value of life and the spiritual science, must approach a personality like Jada Bharata
- A person who has broader intelligence, whether he is full of all material desire, is free from material desire, or has a desire for liberation, must by all means worship the supreme whole, the Personality of Godhead
- A person who has no God consciousness may live in opulence for the time being due to his past virtuous acts, but if one forgets his relationship with the Lord, certainly he must await the stage of starvation by the law of the powerful material nature
- A person who is actually a follower of Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura must immediately accept the request of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu by offering respectful obeisances unto His lotus feet and thus beg from Him the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- A poverty-stricken man must automatically undergo austerities and penances because he does not have the wealth to possess anything. Thus his false prestige is vanquished - SB 10.10.15
- A preacher must face many impediments. Not only is he sometimes cursed, but sometimes he must also suffer personal injury
- A pure devotee must engage in the service of the Lord twenty-four hours a day, without cessation; his life is so molded that at every minute and every second he engages in some sort of devotional service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A pure soul who is prepared to be freed from this material entanglement must first of all be free from the association of the three modes of nature
- A real preacher cannot be bogus; he must first of all realize Lord Visnu as He is. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.34), upadeksyanti te jnanam jnaninas tattva-darsinah: "one who has seen the truth can impart knowledge."
- A responsible government must teach Krsna consciousness very vigorously for the benefit of all. Without Krsna consciousness, neither the state nor the citizens of the state can be responsible
- A sane man must look to eliminate these miseries (three categories, namely miseries arising from the body and mind, miseries arising from other living entities, and miseries arising due to natural calamities) and thereby become happy in life
- A sannyasi, a transcendentalist, must read the Vedanta-sutra regularly, but he should not read the Sariraka-bhasya. This is the conclusion of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- A spiritual being conditioned by a material body must try to get rid of his disease instead of developing the cause of the disease
- A spiritual master simply must be conversant in the essence of the sastra; he must understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Only then can one become a spiritual master
- A student of Krsna consciousness must receive Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy; then his devotional service will quickly succeed
- A sudra means one who is simply to satisfy the master. He cannot live independently. He must seek out
- A thief is feeling, "I must steal to provide for my children. It is right." Does it mean that he is honest
- A Vaisnava who is supposed to be advanced in spiritual understanding - be he a householder or a sannyasi - must bathe three times a day: morning, noon and evening
- A woman must take shelter of her father, as Devayani did when under the care of Sukracarya, and then the father must give the daughter in charity to a suitable man, or a suitable man should help the woman by placing her under the care of a husband
- A yogi who desires gradual liberation must penetrate all the different coverings of the universe, including the subtle coverings of the three qualitative modes of material nature. One who does this never has to return to this mortal world
- Acarya cannot be manufactured, self-made. No. He must come down from the disciplic succession. He is acarya. You have to approach such acarya who is coming in disciplic succession. Acaryavan puruso veda
- Acarya means he must show by example. Apani acari prabhu jiveri sikhaimu
- Acarya-upasana is very essential. In all the Vedic sastras the injunction is that. Anyone who is inquisitive to understand higher truths, he must surrender to guru
- According to Dr. Radhakrishnan, since there is a difference between Krsna's body and His soul, we must surrender to Krsna's soul and not His body
- According to his previous work, the living entity must capture another body before giving up the one he has. This is because the mind is the reservoir of all kinds of desires
- According to law, if a man kills someone he must himself be killed
- According to Manu-samhita, a woman is never independent. She must remain the property of the father while she is not married, and she must remain the property of the husband until she is elderly and has grown-up children of her own
- According to Sutra 12 (NBS), even a person on a highly elevated platform of devotional service must execute the rules and regulations of the scripture, what to speak of persons who are not elevated
- According to the law of daya-bhak, when one inherits an estate, he must hand it over to the next generation. Bharata Maharaja did this properly
- According to the methods of black art mantras instructed in the tantras, if the mantra fails to kill the enemy, then, because it must kill someone, it kills the original creator. Sudaksina was the originator, and the priests assisted him
- According to the Sankhya philosophers everything is mithya, or anitya - impermanent. Nonetheless, without real knowledge of atma - , the soul, such philosophers must be bewildered and must continue to lament as sudras
- According to the system of Vedic society, whenever an unknown sannyasi comes to a village or town, someone must invite him to take prasadam in his home
- According to the Vaisnava philosophy, the master is one, and the servants are also one, but the distinction between the master and servant must continue even in the liberated stage
- According to the Vedic system, if someone sees a Muslim he must perform rituals to atone for the meeting. Sanatana Gosvami always associated with Muslim kings. Not giving much attention to the Vedic injunctions, he used to visit the houses of Muslim kings
- According to the Vedic system, one within the institution of varna and asrama must leave his family life after he reaches fifty years of age - pancasad urdhvam vanam vrajet
- According to Vedic civilization, woman, when she is dressed nicely and she is beautiful, she must invoke lusty desires
- According to Vedic culture, even if a young woman is given an old husband, she must respectfully serve him. This is chastity. It is not that because she dislikes her husband she may give him up and accept another. This is against Vedic culture
- Actually his (the conditioned soul's) only business is to accept the spiritual master, the guru, and through him he must accept the lotus feet or the Lord
- Actually the living entity does not take birth nor does he die, but he has to fight with the stringent laws of material nature throughout the entire span of his lifetime. He must also face different kinds of miserable conditions
- Actually we have nothing to do with the tossing waves of material miseries. We must simply pray, "Krsna, please pick me up." As soon as we forget Krsna, the ocean of illusion is there, and it at once captures us
- Actually, the proprietor is the Supreme Lord. We are just guest in His house. We are not proprietor. We must have, we must develop this sense, that Krsna is the proprietor, or the Supreme Lord is the proprietor
- Advanced civilization means every man must have sufficient space to live. Why do you create this path? People will recreate, they will feel repressed, so space is required for refreshment. So what is this civilization? Three inches room
- After all, if he (the living entity) is at all eager to be relieved of the struggle for existence, he must find a bona fide guru and take instructions at his lotus feet. In this way he can get out of the struggle
- After enjoying householder life for some time, the husband and wife must leave home and distribute their riches to brahmanas and Vaisnavas
- After hearing this, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who was acting as a small human child (Krsna), ordered the serpent thus, "You (Kaliya) must immediately leave this place and go to the ocean. Leave without delay"
- After hearing Usa's words, Citralekha immediately replied, "I can understand your bereavement, and I assure you that if this boy is within these three worlds - the upper, middle and lower planetary systems - I must find him for your satisfaction"
- After self-realization, the jnanis who are actually mature in their knowledge must surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord, as stated in BG (bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19)). Self-realization is not complete unless one comes to the devotional platform
- Afterwards (those who are in the material world, must first of all know how the external energy of the Lord is working) one may try to enter into the activities of His internal energy
- Akrura replied, "One may make a very great plan with his fertile brain, but he must know that he will be subjected to the fruits, misery and happiness. But I have nothing to say against your proposal"
- All (varnas) must be properly well versed in knowledge of the Supreme Lord, knowing factually His name, quality, pastimes, entourage, paraphernalia and personalities
- All educated and wealthy persons must join this movement, since money and education are meant for service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- All initiates must practice chanting 16 rounds daily & strictly follow the four regulative principles which must be stressed with great care so that they are very familiar with them. The brahmana must be clean inside & out by bathing with water & mantra
- All persons in this material world are suffering from material pains, and if one wants to get rid of them, he must associate with saintly persons, pure devotees of God, and chant the maha-mantra. That is the only auspicious way for materialistic persons
- All speculators must disagree with other speculators; otherwise, why should there be so many opposing parties concerned with ascertaining the supreme cause
- All the devotees connected with the Krsna consciousness movement must read all the books that have been translated (the CC, SB, BG and others); otherwise, they will miss the opportunity to attain an eternal, blissful life of transcendental pleasure
- All the servitors of the Deity must be strictly qualified as brahmanas and, specifically, must engage in the Vaisnava custom of offering as much prasadam as possible and distributing it to the devotees who visit the temple to see the Lord
- All the temple members, without exception must rise by 4 AM and attend mangala arati. Everyone living in the temple must agree to the standard by proper understanding of the philosophy of tapasya
- All these points (of SB 10.9.13-14) considered, Krsna cannot be measured. How then did Yasoda want to measure Him and bind Him? We must conclude that this took place simply on the platform of pure transcendental love. This was the only cause
- All this (performing the Vedic ritualistic sacrifices, studying the Vedas and practicing good behavior) must first have been done
- Also inquire from them if they are interested in being the sole selling agency in India. In this case, they must purchase at least 500 books. If not, they can help us by sending a list of leading book sellers in India who can help in selling our books
- Although Krsna consciousness may not be very palatable for a diseased person, Srila Rupa Gosvami nonetheless advises that if one wants to be cured of the material disease, he must take to it with great care and attention
- Although Lord Caitanya appears in the guise of a devotee, we should always remember that Lord Caitanya is Krsna (God) Himself teaching us how to become Krsna conscious, and we must study Him in that light
- Although Maharaja Rahugana was playing the part of a king, he had been informed by Jada Bharata that he was not a king nor was Jada Bharata deaf and dumb. Such designations were simply coverings of the spirit soul. Everyone must come to this knowledge
- Although parents (of the devotees) may be angry at us, we must perform our duty without hesitation because we are in the disciplic succession from Narada Muni
- Although the flute is unfit, he is drinking the nectar of Krsna's lips. Seeing this, we qualified gopis are dying of unhappiness. Therefore, we must consider the austerities the flute underwent in his past life
- Although the Mayavadi philosophers appear to be very much advanced in knowledge, they are not yet perfect. To come to the point of perfection they must voluntarily surrender to Krsna
- Although the two eyes are situated in one place, they have no power to see without the sunlight. Vibhrajitam janapadam. If one wants to see something very clearly (vibhrajitam), he must see it with two eyes and the assistance of his friend the sunlight
- Although this body is temporary, as long as we have to live in this body we must suffer
- Although we appear combined together in a family, society or nation, each of us has an individual destiny. Everyone takes birth according to individual past work; therefore everyone must individually enjoy or suffer the result of his own karma
- An acarya who comes for the service of the Lord cannot be expected to conform to a stereotype, for he must find the ways and means by which Krsna consciousness may be spread
- An advanced devotee of the Lord is free from material bondage. He personifies Srimad-Bhagavatam in life and action. Therefore we advise that anyone who wants to learn Srimad-Bhagavatam must approach such a realized soul
- An impious man who dies after sinful activities is sometimes condemned so that he cannot possess a gross material body of five material elements, but must live in a subtle body of mind, intelligence and ego
- An incarnation of the Supreme Lord never declares Himself to be an incarnation, but His followers must ascertain who is an incarnation and who is a pretender by referring to authoritative scriptures
- An individual soul cannot live in the Brahman effulgence in a state of inactivity; after some time, he must desire to be active
- An intelligent man should be careful to know what sort of body is going to be awarded him, and thus he must prepare for a better life in other planets, even if he is reluctant to go back to Godhead
- An intelligent person actually interested in getting freed from the material clutches must associate with pure devotees. By such association, one can gradually become detached from the material attraction of money and women
- An intelligent person must free himself from the influence of the three modes of material nature and revive his original, spiritual body by engaging in the service of the Supreme Person, Krsna
- An intelligent person must inquire from the spiritual master about the goal of life. A bona fide spiritual master can answer all such questions because he has seen the real truth
- Animals are simply interested in eating, sleeping, mating and fearing. So we have got better intelligence, so we must utilize it
- Any big man you take, no big man can say that, "I did not commit any mistake in my life." That is not possible. He must commit. He is illusioned; he takes one thing for another
- Any book of knowledge (science or art) must lead to the knowledge of Narayana; otherwise it must be rejected. That is the way of advancement of knowledge
- Any one person who is seriously desirous of achieving real happiness must seek out a bona fide spiritual master and take shelter of him by initiation
- Any person who is seriously desirous of achieving real happiness must seek out a bona fide spiritual master and take shelter of him by initiation
- Any person who seriously desires to achieve real happiness must seek out a bona fide spiritual master and take shelter of him by initiation
- Any sane man, any intelligent man, he should think like that, that - This opportunity, this nice form of human life with civilized, in civilized society, with developed consciousness, I must utilize this opportunity for my spiritual perfection
- Any sensible man who is above the average man with a poor fund of knowledge must constantly remember the Personality of Godhead by hearing about Him, by glorifying Him, by remembering Him and by worshiping Him always, without cessation
- Any way my (Devahuti) husband may be, whatever he may be, because I have accepted some gentleman as my husband I must look to his comforts, and whatever his position, it doesn't matter. - This is the duty of the woman. That is Vedic instruction
- Any woman who has ever performed such an infamously sinful act (of poisoning a child) must atone for it, but no one now is doing that. Under the circumstances, the women responsible must suffer in this life and the next
- Anyone advancing in spiritual knowledge must reject such literature - newspapers, dramas, novels and magazines
- Anyone else who claims to know it must have heard it from him, for he was the most intimate companion of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Anyone in this world, however careful he may be, must commit some sinful activities, even though he does not want to. For example, one may trample many small ants and other insects while walking on the street and kill many living beings unknowingly
- Anyone who has come here, he must commit sinful activities. As soon as you get this material body, then you must have to commit sinful activities, even if you are very careful. It is not possible
- Anyone who has got this consciousness that, "It is my duty to serve Krsna. I must serve Him with my life and soul and everything," he's a sannyasi. Not the dress
- Anyone who is inquisitive to understand higher truths, he must surrender to guru
- Anyone who wants to get rid of the material entanglement must surrender unto Him (God). This is also confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Anyone who wishes to advance in Krsna consciousness must try to serve the devotees of Krsna
- Anyone who wishes to get out of this prison house of material existence, which is full of miseries like repetition of birth, death, disease and old age, must please Lord Visnu for such liberation
- Anything that is produced must also be annihilated. Therefore if we accept the birth of the living entity, we also have to accept his annihilation
- Apart from such Vedic duties, even in our ordinary dealings (for example, in our household affairs or in our business or profession) we must consider that the result of all activities must be given over to the supreme enjoyer, Lord Krsna
- Arjuna did not fight without Krsna's order; therefore we must receive our orders also
- Arjuna said: O infallible one (Krsna), please draw my chariot between the two armies so that I may see those present here, who desire to fight, and with whom I must contend in this great trial of arms
- Arjuna said: O infallible one, please draw my chariot between the two armies so that I may see who is present here, who is desirous of fighting, and with whom I must contend in this great battle attempt. BG 1.21-22 - 1972
- As a matter of gratitude, they (human beings) should feel obliged to the Lord for their supply of foodstuff, and they must first offer Him food in sacrifice and then partake of the remnants
- As a person feels his hunger satisfied after eating each morsel of foodstuff, he must similarly be able to see the degree to which he has been freed from sex desire
- As explained in Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.25), yanti deva-vrata devan. Those interested in being elevated to the higher planetary systems (Devaloka or Svargaloka) must prepare to do so
- As far as possible, every householder, by the direction of the spiritual master, must install the Deity of Visnu, forms like Radha-Krsna, Laksmi-Narayana, Sita-Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha, Gaura-Nitai, Matsya, Kurma and salagrama-sila
- As for saintly persons, who must travel to preach transcendental knowledge, they also are restrained by the rainy season. But during the autumn, all of them leave their confines
- As Gaudiya Vaisnavas in the parampara system of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, we must perform sankirtana-yajna all over the world (yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah (SB 11.5.32))
- As long as a living entity wants to fulfill various types of material desire, he must continuously change from one body to accept another
- As long as he has intelligence & bodily strength, an intelligent person must try to avoid death. This is the duty of every embodied person. But if death cannot be avoided in spite of one's endeavors, a person facing death commits no offense - SB 10.1.48
- As long as one is forgetful of his life's mission and acts like an ordinary animal - eating, sleeping, mating and defending - he must continue his conditioned life of material existence
- As long as one is under an impersonal understanding of the Absolute Truth, he is not in pure knowledge, but must still struggle for pure knowledge
- As long as one is under an impersonal understanding of the Absolute Truth, he is not in pure knowledge, but must still struggle for pure knowledge. Kleso 'dhikataras tesam avyaktasakta-cetasam - BG 12.5
- As long as one labors under the bodily conception, he must fulfill volumes and volumes of material desires. Thus a person is called atmarama
- As long as one remains in the bodily concept of life, he may act according to the duties of social convention, but if one is elevated to the spiritual platform, he must simply serve the Supreme Lord; that is the real execution of sva-dharma
- As long as the sunshine is present the sun is present, and if the sun were not present the sun's energy would also not be there. The energy and the energetic must both exist
- As long as we are within this material world, we must observe social customs to avoid criticism by the general populace. This is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's desire
- As long as we have the body, we must eat to maintain it, and we must sleep in order to give it rest. We cannot expect to negate these activities, but the Vedic literatures do give us guidelines for regulation in eating, sleeping, mating, etc
- As soon as a disciple takes initiation, he immediately is supposed to beg alms and make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. In that light, all devotees who are taking initiation must make a presentation to the Spiritual Master. That is the system
- As soon as an intelligent devotee sees an unwanted creeper growing beside the original creeper, he must cut it down instantly. Then the real creeper, the bhakti-lata, grows nicely, returns home, back to Godhead, & seeks shelter under Krsna's lotus feet
- As soon as one enters a holy place, he must observe fasting for the day, and after shaving his head clean, he must take a bath in a river or ocean near the holy place. These methods are adopted to neutralize the effects of sinful activities
- As soon as one takes a vow to live in the forest, he must simply eat roots, tree trunks, fruits, dried leaves or whatever nature provides in that way
- As soon as there is a question of hearing, we must ask what subject matter we should hear about. Sravanam kirtanam visnoh: we should hear about the activities of Lord Visnu, or Lord Krsna, not about the news in the newspaper
- As soon as we say "cultivation," we must refer to activity. Without activity, consciousness alone cannot help us
- As stated before, we must search out one who has seen the Absolute Truth and surrender to him and serve him. When this is done, there is no doubt about one's spiritual salvation
- As stated here (in SB 3.28.30), the yogi must meditate upon the form of the Lord which is experienced by devotees. Devotees never imagine a form of the Lord. They are not satisfied by something imaginary
- As stated here (in SB 9.15.15), rajas-tamo-vrtam, bharam abrahmanyam: when the ruling class is influenced by the lower modes of nature, namely ignorance and passion, it becomes a burden to the world and must then be annihilated by superior power
- As stated in BG (12.5), kleso 'dhikataras tesam avyaktasakta-cetasam. Persons who do not ultimately accept the SPG and take to devotional service, but who instead are attached to impersonalism and voidism, must undergo great labor to achieve their goals
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, sex life which is not against religious principles is Krsna Himself, and according to religious principles, when one wants to beget a child he must perform the garbhadhana-samskara before having sex
- Ass is called mudha. Mudha, he works very hard, a big load of washerman's cloth is laden on his back, and he works, and the washerman gives little grass. He thinks, "He is giving me grass; therefore I must bear this load"
- At least, we have got this experience in India. There are so many unemployed, educated. Because they have been educated as dog, they must find out a master. Otherwise, they have no independent power to work
- At night, when we go to sleep, we forget that we are the husband of such and such a wife and the father of such and such children. We forget ourselves in sleep, but when we wake up, we remember, - Oh, I am so and so, and I must do such and such
- At the present moment this argument is put forward even by so-called svamis and yogis who publicly say that because we have senses we must satisfy them by sense gratification
- At the time of death, the atheist must submit to the supreme kala, and then the Supreme Personality of Godhead takes away all his possessions and forces him to accept another body
- Atheists very vaguely explain that these varieties of existence occur simply by chance, but the theists who believe in the injunctions of the Vedas must reach all their conclusions under the direction of the Vedas
- Atonement is prescribed in every scripture. Even in Christian Bible there is atonement. So in other scriptures also there is atonement. Just like a man who has committed murder, he, he must die. "Life for life." This is atonement
- Attraction for woman's association is the cause of the material conditional life, and anyone interested in being freed from this conditional life must detach himself from the association of women
- Bali Maharaja said to God: Nonetheless, because although You are the husband of the goddess of fortune You have come to me to beg, I must satisfy You to the best of my ability
- Bali Maharaja said to God: So please do not think that I wanted to cheat You; I must fulfill my promise. I still have my body. When I place my body for Your satisfaction, please put Your third step on my head
- BBT must pay for these things, not that it should be deducted from the money being sent here for construction
- Be sure and help them become first class devotees by following all of the rules and regulations, very carefully, especially, they must rise early for mangala arati, chant at least 16 rounds and attend class
- Because he (the individual soul) is part and parcel of the Lord, he must partake of the initiative of the Lord as well
- Because he has not been able to remove the sex desire from his heart, he must again indulge in the same thing and become a victim of the same disease
- Because it (sex urge) is an old habit we are unable to check it unless we can understand the nature of feeling, willing and then action, and how by proper use of intelligence and prevent thoughts which must come from maturing into actions
- Because Mayavadi philosophers have no information regarding the transcendental service of Lord, even after attaining liberation from material activities & merging into the Brahman effulgence, they must come down again to this material world - SB 10.2.32
- Because Mayavadi philosophers have no information regarding the transcendental service of the Lord, even after attaining liberation from material activities and merging into the Brahman effulgence, they must come down again to this material world
- Because of his material opulences, he thinks that "Oh, where is the disease? This is all right. I am happy." That is the defect. We have to reduce. That is called tapasya. Not that "Because my tongue is asking me to eat something, therefore I must eat"
- Because ruling over this universe is a great responsibility, Brahma must force many Manus in different ages to take charge of universal affairs
- Because the people of your country expect something, we must give them place, but preaching is our real business. Your programme for the university students is very very nice, try to do it seriously and with scholarly approach
- Because they could find no reason for their falling down, they were puzzled. When they saw child Krsna bound up to the wooden mortar by the ropes of mother Yasoda, they thought that it must have been caused by some demon
- Because we have got senses, they want satisfaction. So we must give food them also, senses. But ultimate goal is how to get out of this material existence
- Becoming fat is not a very good qualification in spiritual life because a person who is engaged in spiritual life must reduce the comforts of the body - namely eating, sleeping and mating - to a minimum
- Before death comes again, we must prepare in such a nice way - no more death, no more birth. That is education
- Before death, we must prepare ourselves, what is next body. If we are not doing that, then we are killing ourselves, committing suicide
- Before engaging in sexual intercourse, both the husband and the wife must consider their mental condition, the particular time, the husband's direction, and obedience to the demigods
- Before taking his meal, the husband must first seat the acarya comfortably, and, along with his relatives and friends, should control his speech and offer prasada to the guru
- Being completely under the grip of material nature, the living entity must evolve again from the lower species to the higher species until he at last returns to human life and gets the chance to be freed from the material clutches
- Being falsely proud of your possessions, you promised to give Me land, but you could not fulfill your promise. Therefore, because your promise was false, you must live for a few years in hellish life
- Being subordinate as eternal servants of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the jivatmas, or atomic living entities, must remain under the control of either the internal or external potency
- Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary study of the Bhagavatam. And Srimad-Bhagavatam is the summum bonum of life, Lord Sri Krsna personified. We must therefore accept Srimad-Bhagavatam as the direct representation of Lord Krsna
- Bhagavad-gita never says that "You don't require to eat. You simply breathe air and practice yoga." No. But we must eat neither more, nor less. That is recommended. Yuktahara-viharasya. We should not eat more, nor less
- Bhagavata means any authoritative literature, they must give evidence
- Both the devotees and non-devotees, they must obey the laws of Krsna. There is no exception
- Brahma is born out of the lotus stem grown from the navel abdomen of Garbhodakasayi Visnu, who is Krsna's plenary expansion; therefore Brahma and Siva, who is born of Brahma, and all other demigods must offer their respectful obeisances. BG 1972 purports
- Brahma said "All of us, including Lord Siva, your father and the great sage Maharsi Narada, must carry out the order of the Supreme. We cannot deviate from His order"
- Brahmanas are satyam samah damah. He must be truthful, he must control the senses, control the mind... samo damah,... He must be tolerant. He should not be agitated in trifle matters
- By "the same perfection" we must always remember the example of the sun and the sunshine
- By giving charity, a benevolent and merciful person undoubtedly becomes even more auspicious, especially when he gives charity to a person like your good self. Under the circumstances, I must give this little brahmacari whatever charity He wants from me
- By his work, thoughts and words, an intelligent man must perform actions which will be beneficial for all living entities in this life and the next
- By misuse of one's independence one at once becomes a victim of Maya and thus he loses all importance in Krishna Consciousness. So it is my definite opinion that his lecture anywhere now will bear no spiritual sequence. He must rectify his mistake
- By mundane scholarship Sankaracarya has tried to obscure the actual meaning of the Vedanta-sutra. Not only has Sankaracarya done this, but all authors who attempt to give their own views of necessity misinterpret Vedanta-sutra
- By Sanatana Gosvami it is directed that the spiritual master and the disciple must meet together at least for one year so that the disciple may also understand that, - Here is a person whom I can accept as my guru
- By this process (reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, and serving the person bhagavata) we can attain the stage of bhagavad-bhakti, but first we must get rid of all these anarthas, unwanted things
- By this, it is clear that a devotee of the Lord in Krsna consciousness should not be satisfied simply by his own advancement in devotional service; he must be willing to work for the welfare of all others
- Caitanya began His preaching from the country known as Gaudadesa (West Bengal). As I (A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad) belong to the Madhva-Gaudiya-sampradaya, I must therefore offer my respectful obeisances to the disciplic succession of that name
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is described in the sastras as an incarnation of Krsna; therefore if one wants to imitate Lord Caitanya and claim to be an incarnation, he must show evidence from the sastras about his appearance to substantiate his claim
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's special mission is the deliverance of all fallen souls in Kali-yuga. Devotees of Krsna must persistently seek the favor and mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to become fit to return home, back to Godhead
- Certainly he must engage himself in Krsna consciousness by chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare, Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- Chanting should always be going on. So I will be anxious to hear that Govordhan has returned and is chanting more seriously, aware that he must do so to remain free from the clutches of maya
- Civilized men who follow the system of varnasrama, especially those of the vaisya class, who engage in agriculture and trade, must give protection to the cows
- Comfortable or uncomfortable, it doesn't matter. If Krsna wants it, I must do it. - That is wanted. As soon as I discriminate, "This is comfortable, this is uncomfortable," that is material
- Competition. That is material disease. Now there is competition in between the capitalist and the Communist. Now the Communist or the laborer class men are thinking that, why the capitalist should gain? We must gain
- Condemning the process of hearing the Bhagavatam from professionals, Svarupa Damodara Gosvami says, yaha, bhagavata pada vaisnavera sthane: "To understand the Srimad-Bhagavatam, you must approach a self-realized Vaisnava"
- Cow protection insures sufficient food prepared with milk, which is needed for an advanced civilization. One should not pollute civilization by eating the flesh of cows. A civilization must do something progressive, and then it is an Aryan civilization
- Cultivation of knowledge required. He must come to the senses, that "I am suffering. Every time I commit some criminality, I am punished. This is not very palatable. So why I cannot stop it?" This is the beginning of human life
- Daksa got up as if he were awakened from deep sleep. In Sanskrit this is called supta ivottasthau. The meaning is that after a man awakens from sleep, he immediately remembers all the duties which he must execute
- Death is a process of changing the body at the end of the duration of the present life. An intelligent person must be prepared for this and must try to have the best type of body in the next life
- Deity worship in the form of temple worship is the most valuable benediction given by the Lord to beginners. All neophytes must therefore engage in the worship of the Lord by keeping the arcā-vigraha (arcāvatāra) at home or in the temple
- Despite all endeavors for peace and prosperity, they must try to see the cows and the bulls happy in all respects. Foolish people do not know how one earns happiness by making the cows and bulls happy, but it is a fact by the law of nature
- Determination is the first qualification. As confirmed by Rupa Gosvami, One must first have firm determination, firm faith. When one engages in devotional service, he must maintain this firm determination. Then Krsna will be pleased with his service
- Devahuti reminds her husband, Kardama Muni, that she has rendered him faithful service. Even considering the situation on the basis of liquidating his debt toward his wife, he must give a male child before he leaves
- Devayani then expressed her desire as follows: "Whenever I marry by the order of my father, my friend Sarmistha must go with me as my maidservant, along with her friends"
- Devotees (who always think favorably of Krsna as their master or friend) must attain a situation better than Brahmaloka, the impersonal bodily effulgence of Krsna
- Devotees have no problem understanding the ultimate cause of everything, but nondevotees must face many opposing elements because everyone who wants to be a prominent philosopher invents his own way
- Dhananjaya is a name of Arjuna, and Krsna said that, "My dear Arjuna, there is nobody greater than Me." So if anyone claims that he is God, he must prove by practical example that nobody is richer than him. That is the first
- Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith, "I believe." You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws - it must carry on
- Dhrtarastra is addressed herein (SB 1.13.25) as a krpana because without any estimation of his material body he wants to live at any cost. Vidura is trying to open his eyes to see that he cannot live more than his term and that he must prepare for death
- Dhruva Maharaja is an acarya, and by undergoing severe austerities and penances he teaches us how one should execute devotional service. We must carefully know the process of Dhruva Maharaja's service
- Did the Oberoi-Sheraton purchase the books? The hotels must purchase the books for putting in their rooms
- Don't accept any guru all of a sudden as fanatic. No, don't do that. That is the injunction. And guru also must study the disciple who wants to become a disciple; must study him, whether he's fit for becoming a disciple
- Drug philosophy means to forget one's present suffering. And he must suffer, because his consciousness is developed. He must take this Vedic knowledge, but he does not take
- During the construction, the Deities can be moved to some temporary place. The worship must continue, it doesn't matter if the Deities are moved
- Duty has to be done despite all inconveniences. That is very important thing. The example is given that one has to take bathing early in the morning, but because it is cold, one cannot avoid it. He must bathe
- Eating must result in good health. That is eating. Eating does not mean to fill up the belly with all rubbish things. Eating means that you become healthy, nice eating
- Eating, sleeping, sex life and fear are the four bodily necessities but to utilize the full duration of life a person desiring to advance in spiritual consciousness must reduce these activities. That will give him an opportunity to fully use his lifetime
- Either we must reject Krsna's word or reject all the so-called scientific theories that life comes from matter
- Even a lion, although king of the beasts, must still look for its own prey in the jungle. It is said, na hi suptasya simhasya pravisanti mukhe mrgah
- Even brahmanas, who perform different types of sacrifice, sometimes must kill animals because sometimes animals are sacrificed in such ceremonies. BG 1972 purports
- Even by mind, we can commit sinful activities. If I contemplate something sinful by my mind, then we become affected. Therefore we must keep always sinless
- Even from the standpoint of basic moral instruction, we must ask, Who today is educated
- Even great sages, if they are against Your transcendental topics, must rotate in this material world
- Even if a devotee is in the uttama-bhagavata status he must come down to the second status of life, madhyama-adhikari, to be a preacher, for a preacher should not tolerate blasphemy against another Vaisnava
- Even if a karmi is successful in accumulating some material wealth, he still cannot enjoy it, for he must die in bereavement
- Even if he goes from forest to forest, one who is not self-controlled must always fear material bondage because he is living with six co-wives - the mind and knowledge-acquiring senses
- Even if he is adept at the practice of mystic yoga or the honest endeavor of maintaining his family and relatives, he must be driven by his own mental speculations and must engage in the service of the Lord's external energy
- Even if karmis is successful in accumulating some material wealth, he still cannot enjoy it, for he must die in bereavement
- Even if one is by qualification a sudra, he must try to improve his position and become a brahmana. No one should try to check a person, no matter what his present position is, from coming to the platform of a brahmana or a Vaisnava
- Even if one is fixed in devotional service like Maharaja Pariksit, he must still inquire from the realized spiritual master all about this
- Even if one takes up a different system of religion, according to this verse he must follow the religious principles he has accepted. Whether one is a Hindu, or a Mohammedan or a Christian, he should follow his own religious principles
- Even if there is a slight doubt in this land purchasing matter, we shall not purchase. There must be no doubt. This man is legal-minded you say, therefore to my mind it is doubtful. It must be very cautiously examined
- Even if there is some wrong on the part of the husband, the wife must tolerate it, and thus there will be no misunderstanding between husband and wife. Visrambhena means "with intimacy," but it must not be familiarity that breeds contempt
- Even if you drink a glass of water without knowing to whom it belongs, you are a thief. So you may think, "I am honest," but actually you are a thief. You must remember Krsna. "Oh, Krsna, it is Your creation, so kindly allow me to drink." This is honesty
- Even in ordinary activities, we first consider gain and loss, and then we act. Similarly, an intelligent person must consider the entire process of material existence and then act intelligently, following the directions of the bona fide spiritual master
- Even in ordinary dealings, one businessman who intends to do business with another must first establish some relationship with him, and then transactions can take place
- Even in our ordinary dealings, if we love someone we want to satisfy him or her, and he or she also wants to reciprocate. So if the reciprocation of loving affairs exists in this material world, in what an elevated way must it exist in the spiritual world
- Even though a rich man's wife has glittering bangles made of gold on her hands, she must engage herself in rendering service to the Lord
- Even we have to feed them, we produce our own grain. So where is the question of taking money? So therefore it is required, somebody must produce food. Then there is no necessity of money
- Every day the wife must continue following the regulative principles to worship Lord Visnu with great devotion. Thereafter, Lord Visnu should be laid in His bed, and then one should take prasada
- Every householder must offer food to the Lord, and the result will be that everyone, even a company of guests numbering ten thousand, will be satisfied because of the Lord's being satisfied. That is the way of devotional service
- Every individual being must have his opinion; that is the significance of individuality, but all such differences of opinions must coincide in Krishna
- Every intelligent and sane man must abandon the philosophical explanation of the Mayavadis and accept the explanation of Vaisnava acaryas. One should read Bhagavad-gita As It Is to try to understand the real purport of the Vedas
- Every living entity must search for eternal happiness, not temporary happiness. The words satyam param dhimahi (SB 1.1.1) indicate that one should search for the Absolute Truth, not the relative truth
- Every living entity, especially persons in the human race, must feel grateful for the benedictions offered by the grace of the Supreme Lord
- Every male is bound by sex, and therefore one who wishes to gain liberation from the material clutches must first learn to control the sex urge - CC Intro
- Every man or animal must die at a certain stage of life, but one who dies like Bhismadeva attains perfection, and one who dies forced by the laws of nature dies like an animal. That is the difference between a man and an animal
- Every one of us who is actually afraid of the asuric rulers and politicians must welcome this incarnation of Krsna: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- Every state and every home must endeavor to advance the cause of 2) God consciousness for self-realization and cow protection for getting sufficient milk and the best food to continue a perfect civilization
- Every year, the new batches of students, and you'll have opportunities of selling a new set. If the university professors cooperate - they must; they should - then we'll have every year a large number of books sold
- Everybody has got something. That is called artha. Prana, artha, and everyone has got intelligence, and everyone has got the power to speak. So we have to engage all these four things. Either four or three or two, at least one, we must engage
- Everyone is anxious to achieve the highest perfection of his particular activity, and it is indicated herein (SB 2.1.1) that such perfection is narayana-smrti, for which everyone must endeavor his best
- Everyone is performing austerity. This boy I know - he had to go to a foreign country to learn commercial management. Now he is well situated. In this way. everyone must undergo some austerity for future life
- Everyone is under the influence of maya, bahu-rupaya. So long he is under the influence of maya, he must think in terms of his own form, "I am this," "I am that," "I am . . ." So it is a very important verse: Bahu-rupa ivabhati (SB 2.9.2)
- Everyone must attend the morning and evening program, otherwise it will be a dead temple
- Everyone must die in this way (in great bereavement), and after one's mental condition is taken into account by the laws of material nature, he is given another chance to fulfill his desires in a different body
- Everyone must engage in the service of the Lord. Taking the word api in the sense of ascertainment, there are, all together, sixty different meanings
- Everyone serious about understanding the transcendental science and seeing the transcendental form of the Lord must first of all attempt to see the lotus feet of the Lord by studying the First and Second Cantos of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Everyone should be engaged. That is management. So all GBC members must see that in every temple, everyone is engaged
- Everyone should become diseased. Everyone should become old. Everyone must die. This is the problem
- Everyone should engage in devotional service through Krsna consciousness. If one wants to be happy and peaceful in his position, either as a householder or citizen or member of human society, one must promote devotional service for pleasure of the Lord
- Everyone thinks - The butcher thinks, "It is my life. I must cut the throat of the animals daily." Just like that - what is that hunter? And Narada Muni met him? Yes, Mrgari
- Everyone who has accepted a material body must maintain the necessities of the body by acting or earning some livelihood. A devotee should only work for such income as is absolutely necessary
- Everywhere, the problem will be food shortage and fuel shortage, power shortage. This is the prediction of many, many great scientists. Because people are committing so many sinful life, they must starve
- Except for an animal killer or one who is following a policy of suicide, every intelligent person must strive to understand Krsna and His activities
- Factually if we scrutinizingly study all the conditions of religion, economic development, sense gratification and liberation, we must accept the principles of the authority of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Finish this business, this life. One life let me be strict in following the discipline and regulative principles. - This is called tapasya. So "Although it is inconvenient, I must do it to solve my problems." That is firm determination drdha-vrata
- First of all we must know what is the aim of life and then the question of organization
- First of all we must receive the information from authorities; then we can speak the truth. One first has to learn how to describe the Absolute Truth, Bhagavan - His actions, His mercy and His compassion upon all living beings
- First of all you must satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Narayana, and then, when you are favored by Him because of such worship, you shall have to take your next birth from my womb
- First of all, one must begin with hearing, sravanam. Otherwise, what about, meditation? Therefore we must first of all hear about the subject matter of meditation. If you do not know the subject matter of meditation, where is the question of meditation?
- First, the desiring candidate must find a bona fide spiritual master, and then he must very eagerly receive instructions from him and execute them. This is reciprocal service
- Follow the 4 regulative principles very carefully and chant 16 nice rounds daily. They must rise early, attend mangala artik and all classes
- Foolish so-called scholars say that it is not Krsna whom we must worship and to whom we must surrender; it is something else
- For future guidance He (Krsna) gave a natural commentation on the Vedanta-sutra, called Srimad-Bhagavatam. We must always engage our minds in reading these Vedic literatures. BG 1972 Introduction
- For illicit sex he must arrange for money for brothels, for meat-eating he must arrange for many slaughterhouses, for gambling he must arrange for casinos and hotels, and for intoxication he must open many breweries
- For members nowadays we are not giving books free. First when becoming the member they receive five large books, but after that they must pay for future books
- For Sannyasis such discipline is a must
- For six months, a candidate for initiation must first attend arati and classes in the sastras, practice the regulative principles and associate with other devotees
- For the present, we are all being controlled by the external energy of the Lord, and just to change the quality of the influence, we must endeavor to cultivate spiritual energy
- For your temple programs you should read from Bhagavatam and explain, and then someone should explain in Hindi. Prasadam must also be given. Whatever you can give, but something must be there. On the whole I am very much pleased by your program
- Forced separation cannot make anyone happy, but by mutual consent or by the Vedic arrangement one must separate from his family affairs at a certain age and fully depend on Krsna. This makes one's life successful
- Forgetfulness of Krishna means an unhealthy state of life which is symptomized by so many problems and distresses. So if we want to attain our natural happy state of life of full satisfaction, we must again take to the shelter of Krishna
- From now on if someone takes the leading post, he must agree to stick and not go away just because it is difficult from time to time. That is ideal leader
- From the descriptions in this verse (SB 5.20.13), we can make an educated guess about the nature of the flames on the moon. Like the sun, the moon must also be full of flames because without flames there cannot be illumination
- From the guru's side, a disciple may respect... May respect, must respect. It is not "may." Must respect guru as God. But guru should not say that "Now I have become God." Then he is immediately fallen
- Fruitive activities and mental speculation are simply cups of poison. Whoever drinks of them, thinking them to be nectar, must struggle very hard life after life, in different types of bodies
- Fruitive activities and mental speculation are simply cups of poison. Whoever drinks of them, thinking them to be nectar, must struggle very hard, life after life, in different types of bodies
- Garga Muni said to Nanda Maharaja, you may designate your son with a similar name (to Lord Narayana), such as Mukunda or Madhusudana. But you must always remember that whenever you want to do something very good, there will be many hindrances
- Garuda wanted to show respect for Indra; since he knew that Indra's weapon must destroy something, he offered his wing
- General practice (positive functions): He must observe the fasting dates, such as the eleventh day of the growing and waning moon
- Generally we experience that people are primarily interested in seeing Krsna, but why is the emphasis on seeing? Let us hear about Him. We must come with a little faith, and as we hear, that faith will increase
- Generally, a girl wants a child. But if she wants a child immediately after marriage, that is not possible. She must wait. She must serve her husband nicely
- Go to gurukula. Tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. This abhigacchet, this form of verb is used when it is called vidhi-lin, must! There is no option. I may go or I may not go. No. One must. That is human life. That's the instruction of Vedic sastra
- God consciousness means all the good ideas we are manufacturing, they will be manifested automatically. Therefore our duty should be, if we want to make all human being well-behaved, then we must try to make every one of them God conscious
- God has given me this grain to eat, so I must cook and first of all offer to God, and then I shall eat. - This is feeling gratitude, grateful
- God is one, and God is for everyone. Therefore everyone must surrender to God. That is the pure conception of religion
- God is so great, so I must render some service to God. This sense of service is further development. Just like from the sky the air develops, similarly, from the idea of greatness of God the sense of service develops
- God wants the message of the Bhagavad-gita to be preached amongst His devotees. It may not be so done amongst those who have no credit of austerities, charity and education. Therefore, the attempt must go on to convert unwilling men to become His devotees
- Government has got two departments: law and order department, military department. Why? Two things must . . . This is their business, sudra business
- Great thinkers in the Western countries must look to the people of India if the message of Godhead, of genuine spiritualism, is to reach their ears
- Grhastha devotees must adopt the arcana-vidhi, or Deity worship according to the suitable arrangements and directions given by the spiritual master
- Guru cannot manufacture something. He must quote from the sastra and then tell to his disciple. So disciple, as soon as he receives a message from guru corroborated by the sastra, then he should take it as fact
- Guru must transfer his qualities to the student. How it is there that a man makes one's person as disciple and he remains a sudra? What is this nonsense? Can sudra be initiated? No. No sudra can be initiated
- Haridasa cannot have been degraded; he must have attained liberation. This is a pastime of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's. You will all understand it later
- Haridasa must have committed suicide by drinking poison, and because of this sinful act, he has now become a brahmana ghost
- Having received instructions from the spiritual master and the sastra, one must be sufficiently intelligent. In the human form of life, one should not remain foolish and ignorant, but must inquire about his constitutional position
- He (a liberated soul) never frets, "This thing I don't have. Oh, I must secure this thing. Oh, this bill I have to pay. I have to go here, there." One who is liberated has no anxieties at all
- He (A living being) must always know himself to be transcendental to the bodily identity. This is the path of knowledge, and complete knowledge fixes the living being in the orbit of spiritual activities
- He (a person of Kali-yuga) has no other interest. & in the daytime, what is his concern? "Where is money? Where is money? I must maintain this body." & when he has money: "Now let me spend for my wife and children." So where is his spiritual realization
- He (Arjuna) is perplexed, "Which one, which side will be glorious? I shall stop fighting or not fighting?" When you are in such perplexity, what to do and what not to do, so in order to get right direction, you must approach the spiritual master
- He (Brahma) desired the welfare of all as servants of God, and anyone desiring the welfare of the members of his family and generations must conduct a moral, religious life
- He (Krsna) is the origin of everything. Don't you read Bhagavad-gita? Aham sarvasya prabhavah. The atomic energy is different from sarvasya. Sarvasya means everything. Everything comes from Him. The atomic energy must come from Him. Right conclusion
- He (Krsna) simply smiled at her words. Looking toward His cowherd boyfriends, He replied to the girl, “My dear beautiful girl, I am very much pleased by your invitation, and I must come to your home after finishing My other business here
- He (the svami or gosvami) must be master of his senses. This is possible when one does not desire any material sense gratification. If, by chance, the senses want to work independently, he must control them
- He began to think, "I have given my word to a brahmana in a holy place, and what I promised will certainly come to pass. I must now disclose this to my wife, sons, other relatives and friends"
- He is never tainted in the slightest degree by the flaws of ordinary living beings. Everyone must therefore understand the Absolute Truth to possess inconceivable potencies
- He is the master of all planets. This is not accepting blindly. God has given you the power of reason, the power of arguing - but don't argue falsely. If you want to know the transcendental science you must surrender
- He may think that "Oh, here is a starving man. I must give him some food." But you are liable to be punished. So first of all learn how to do good to others. So that is described here. Tasyaiva hetoh prayateta kovido - SB 1.5.18
- He must rectify his mistake before he can play in our Society any important role. By lips he says that he is a surrendered soul but by action he is thinking differently
- He said - "Krsna, the opposite side, they are all my brothers and nephews and fathers and grandfather. So there is no use of fighting like this, to kill them. let them enjoy." But Krsna induced Arjuna, - No. This is the right cause. You must fight
- He wanted to exhibit such fighting spirit, so who will fight with Him? Ordinary living being cannot fight with the Supreme Lord. Therefore some of His devotees, some of His associates, must fight with Him
- He who is conversant with the science of Krsna knows perfectly well that he is not the body, that he is part and parcel of Krsna, that his real relationship is with Krsna, and he must remain aloof from the three qualities of material nature
- He who is conversant with the science of Krsna knows perfectly well that he is not the body, that somehow or other, although he has been put in the material body, he must remain aloof from the three qualities of material nature
- Here (in SB 10.4.39) is a description of sanatana-dharma, eternal religious principles, which must include brahminical culture, brahmanas, sacrifices and religion. These principles establish the kingdom of Visnu
- Here (in SB 7.12.10) is another important warning that a man must save himself from attraction to woman
- Here (in SB 8.24.30) it is said, yathetaresam prthag-atmanam satam, padopasarpanam mrsa bhavet. In other words, if one is to worship someone else, he must worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then his worship will never be fruitless
- Here in the material world everyone has come to get the best profit, without considering profit for others. Others may go to hell. "Others, let them go to the slaughterhouse. I must satisfy my tongue." That is material world
- Here in this material world the name and the substance, different. Just like if I am thirsty, I want water. So the water must come to me. If I simply chant, "Water, water, water," that will not be effective, because it is relative world
- Here we have got one quality, that fear, always fearing. Just like we are having these railings, why? We are afraid, we may not be attacked. The material life means ahara-nidra-bhaya-maithunam ca. We must eat, we must sleep, and we must be afraid
- His (Krsna's) purpose was to teach that we need not satisfy the various demigods in charge of the various departments of cosmic affairs; instead we must offer sacrifices to the Supreme Lord, for the Lord is the master and all others are His servants
- How can one expect to be reformed if he does not agree or like to be reformed. To be reformed, he must agree to the reforming process
- However great a woman may be, she must place herself before her husband in this way; that is to say, she must be ready to carry out her husband's orders and please him in all circumstances. Then her life will be successful
- However great one may be, he must accept a teacher or spiritual master
- Human beings who are accustomed to eating meat and flesh must also depend on the production of vegetation in order to eat the animals. BG 1972 purports
- I am in the renounced order, and therefore I must lie on the floor. For Me to use a bedstead, quilt or pillow would be very shameful
- I am requesting in this letter through you that every honest and sincere boy or girl must immediately join with us in this movement
- I am such a sinful person, but since I have now gotten this opportunity, I must completely control my mind, life and senses and always engage in devotional service so that I may not fall again into the deep darkness and ignorance of material life
- I can understand the hint which you give me about Haimabati and Hansadutta. As a matter of fact woman is like fire and the man is like the butter pot. They must keep apart for healthy atmosphere
- I could not go without Your Lordship's permission. Now You must give me permission, and I shall certainly go there
- I do not know a subject matter very clearly; still, I say something as authority. That is cheating. We should not cheat. If we want to give knowledge to the people, we must give perfect knowledge
- I go on committing all kinds of sinful activities, and sometimes I go in the temple and chant Hare Krsna and dance, - no, don't take this policy. You must stop your sinful activities
- I have come here to sell My emotional ecstatic sentiments in this city of Kasi, but I cannot find any customers. If they are not sold, I must take them back home
- I have got this human form of life for understanding Krsna, understanding God, my position, what I am. I am not this body. I am spirit soul. I have been put into this body, & because I have been put into this body - the body is material - it must finish
- I may have many activities. But my identity is that I am eternal servant of God. So if I love myself, because I am eternal servant of God, therefore, if I actually I love myself, I must always engage myself in the service of the Lord. This is love
- I must cure patient. Then I will be known as medical practitioner. So guna-karma-vibhagasah: not only quality but also practice
- I must get myself out of this material contamination. That is called sraddha. "In this very life I shall realize." So this sraddha, this belief and this determination, as you make more and more perfect, you make advance. Not as official, but really
- I say the real yogis, they do not come out. Because that will fail. It is clearly stated that he must live in a secluded place alone. Then yoga practice perfection is possible
- I think under your leadership every camp of our god brothers should supply a man good for this purpose and they must agree to work under my direction
- I wanted some quotation from a place of this Teachings of Lord Caitanya. So the man came, he said: "Swamiji, first of all I must buy this book. Either you accept or not accept our quotation, what price I shall pay you?" I said - Give me six dollars
- I was discussing this point in my lecture last night here in Bombay, that human life means tapasya, and tapasya must begin with brahmacaryena, life at Gurukula
- I wish that some of you must join this movement, go to the foreign countries, preach this sublime cult of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If a doctor advises a diabetic patient not to eat but to starve for some days, although no one likes to starve, the patient must voluntarily accept starvation if he wants to be cured. This is tapasya: voluntary acceptance of a miserable condition
- If a government worships the brahmanas, the cows and Krsna, Govinda, it is never defeated anywhere; otherwise it must always be defeated and condemned everywhere
- If a king, being afraid to meet rogues & thieves kills poor animals & eats their flesh comfortably at home, he must lose his position. Because in this age kings have such demoniac propensities, monarchy is abolished by the laws of nature in every country
- If a living entity has polluted intelligence, he prolongs his materialistic life. Frustrated by material nature, he must follow the movements of the intelligence, which brings various conditions of happiness and distress
- If a living entity wants to have perfection in his duties, he must satisfy the Supreme Lord. As such, one who pleases Him gets better facilities for living, but one who displeases Him gets involved in undesirable situations
- If a man wants to be a high-court judge, he must acquire not only the necessary qualifications but also the consent of the authority who can award the title of high-court judge
- If a person proposes that he himself is God or that someone else is an incarnation of God or God Himself, he must cite evidence from sastra to prove his claim. Thus the request of the Bhattacarya’s disciples is quite bona fide
- If a planet is destroyed, it must fall into the water of garbha. The earth therefore warned King Prthu that he could gain nothing by destroying her. Indeed, how would he protect himself and his citizens from drowning in the garbha water
- If a woman gets married and wants a child immediately, she will be disappointed. It is not possible to have a child immediately. She must wait. Similarly, we cannot expect that just because we engage ourselves in KC we can see Krsna immediately
- If actually one loves God, he must love everybody. That is the sign. Just like my heart is now thirsty. I am quenching with drinking water and putting here. So as soon as put this water here, immediately the energy distributed all over the body
- If all material bodies are doomed to annihilation, we must obtain a nonmaterial body, or a spiritual body, if we wish the next birth to be anything but false. How the spiritual body is attained is explained by Lord Krsna in the Bhagavad-gita - BG 4.9
- If any wife wants to be happy with her husband, she must try to understand her husband's temperament and please him. This is victory for a woman
- If anyone desires to be treated, he must live with us. Before admitting him, we must see that he is not a mad man and will not create a disturbance
- If anyone desires to seek perfect knowledge of everything, he must seek the mercy of the Lord, and there is no other means
- If anyone has reached the stage where he must become free from this material contamination, then he has to seek the association of devotees, wherein Krsna consciousness is exclusively cultured. One can thereby become freed from all material association
- If anyone is at all interested in knowing the spiritual science (brahma jijnasa), he must approach a guru like Jada Bharata
- If anyone is interested to know about the transcendental subject matter, he must approach a guru, and unless one approaches a guru, he cannot understand, and if by force I become guru, he may not be interested
- If anyone loves Krsna, he must love Lord Jesus Christ also. And if one perfectly loves Jesus Christ he must love Krsna
- If anyone visits a holy place, he must search out the pure devotees residing in such holy places, take lessons from them, try to apply such instructions in practical life and gradually prepare oneself for the ultimate salvation, going back to Godhead
- If anyone wants actually to become sura, the perfect man, they must join this Krsna consciousness movement. Then his life will be successful
- If anyone wants to be aloof from sex attraction, he must see the charming smile and fascinating eyebrows of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If anyone wants to satisfy his enquiries about higher transcendental subject matter, then this cannot be automatically achieved or performed. He must find out a spiritual master. That is the way
- If anyone with long hair or a beard wants to join this Krsna consciousness movement and live with us, he must shave himself clean. The followers of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu consider long hair objectionable
- If anyone, even if he is a householder, wants to make progress in spiritual life, he must control his sex life and should not beget a child without the purpose of serving Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- If each center must rely upon its own strength to stand, that will be better training ground for the devotees
- If he makes his choice after getting good education from the right source that, "I am going on in the wrong way by the desire to lord it over the material nature, but I am eternal servant of Krsna, therefore I must surrender now,"
- If he simply takes care of the Deity worship and if he does not offer respectful behavior to another devotee, he is kanistha-adhikari. He is in the lower stage. So isvare tad adhinesu. He must see that "Here is a devotee."
- If he's not God conscious, he cannot continue such thing. He must fail. Even the, there are so many instances, even amongst the devotees, because this material world is made so that you cannot continue this principle perpetually
- If I love you and if I have got some secrecy, I don't disclose to you, that is not perfect love. I must deal with you open-hearted, you must deal with me open-hearted, then there is love. This is one of the basic principles
- If I want to get rid of this bodily encagement or the threefold miseries of material existence, then I must put myself under treatment. Just like a diseased man goes to a physician for treatment to get out of, get relief from the sufferings of the disease
- If I want to make my mind as my friend, then I have to associate with sadhu. Tasmat satsu sajyeta buddhiman. Buddhiman means intelligent person. He must associate with satsu. Satsu means those who are trying for self-realization
- If Indians remain as Indian, then we cannot rule over. Then we cannot rule over. We must make them anglicized -So that policy was followed for two hundred years. So India has lost its original culture
- If ksatriya becomes nonviolent, then the whole state will be in chaos. They must learn how to kill any criminal
- If one actually interested in real philosophy, they must come to spiritualism. Atma-tattvam. That is atma-tattvam
- If one actually wants freedom from the repetition of birth and death, he must come to Krsna consciousness
- If one actually wants to derive the effects of chanting, one must strictly follow the great acaryas. This is confirmed in the Mahabharata: maha-jano yena gatah sa panthah
- If one desires to enter into the spiritual world, he must try to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead by practicing bhakti-yoga
- If one does not come to the platform of spontaneous service in the beginning, he must adopt regulative service according to the instructions of the spiritual master. This regulative service is called vaidhi bhakti
- If one does not come to this platform (of Krsna consciousness), he must continue in material existence perpetually, sometimes in the upper planets and sometimes in the lower planets
- If one does not discuss that which is important in life, one is put into darkness and must struggle for existence. What, then, is the benefit of his advancement in knowledge
- If one earns a great deal of money but tries to hide it to avoid paying income tax, the government considers him to be a criminal. He cannot say, "I have earned this money. Why shall I pay tax to the government?" No, he must pay or risk punishment
- If one flies in outer space, he can go very high up, but unless he reaches a planet he must come down again to earth
- If one has to imitate the behavior of Rupa Gosvami and all the Gosvamis, it is very difficult. Therefore yukta-vairagya. We must eat krsna-prasadam as much as it is needed for maintaining my body
- If one has to learn spiritual science, then he must consult some bona fide spiritual master, in India. So people are not going there, neither Government has any arrangement to educate this spiritual science. Therefore I have come to your country
- If one is actually serious to attain mukti, he must worship Lord Krsna. That is Sripada Sankaracarya's last instruction
- If one is at all serious about attaining liberation from these miseries (of birth, old age, disease and death), he must take to devotional service. This is confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita
- If one is eager to attain the highest understanding, he must begin with an inquiry into the differences between copper and bronze, then silver and gold and so on
- If one is not even able to chant 16 rounds, then he must make it up the next day. He must be sure to keep his vow. If he does not strictly follow this out, then he is sure to be negligent. That is offensive in the service of the Lord
- If one is serious about going back home, back to Godhead, he must consider the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead the summum bonum and chief aim of life
- If one is serious in accepting a religious life, or the path of salvation, he must adhere to the four basic rules and regulations
- If one is struggling in the ocean, he must swim through it alone. Although many other men and aquatics are swimming in the ocean, he must take care of himself because no one else will help him
- If one is very serious about liberation, he must stick to the process of transcendental loving service, engaging twenty-four hours a day in the highest stage of ecstasy, and he must certainly be aloof from all activities of sense gratification
- If one must ask for benediction, he must ask (the Lord) for unlimited benediction
- If one studies a particular book, he must do so thoroughly. That is the principle. By thoroughly studying a limited number of books, one can understand the philosophy
- If one wants the uncontaminated pleasure of blissful life, he must engage himself in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- If one wants to be successful on the path of Krsna consciousness, he must be thoroughly conscious of the personality of Gaurasundara as well as the personality of Krsna
- If one wants to become a devotee of Krsna, he must first take shelter of the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, following in the footsteps of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and other exalted devotees
- If one wants to continue his association with prakrti, the female energy of Krsna, and be separated from Krsna by the illusion that he is able to enjoy prakrti, he must continue in his conditional life
- If one wants to get freedom from the material bondage of conditional life, he must get free from the attraction for the form of woman
- If one wants to go to hell he must endeavor very much, but if he wants to return home, back to Godhead, there is no difficult endeavor
- If one wants to have transcendental pleasure, he must find a person with authority. It is also stated in the Bhagavatam that simply by hearing from an authoritative source, with the ear and the heart, one can relish the pastimes of the Lord
- If one wants to make steady progress on the path of self-realization, he must try to control the forces of the material senses. BG 1972 purports
- If one who cannot voluntarily accept such austerity (giving up everything and going to the forest) is put into a situation of poverty, he automatically must practice austerity
- If one wishes to perfect his initiation, he must first undergo the purascarya activities
- If our so-called scientists are going to the moon, why should they come back here? We must conclude without a doubt that they have never gone to the moon - because one who goes to the moon receives a life with a duration of ten thousand years to enjoy
- If people actually want happiness in this life and want to prepare for the best in the next life, they must adopt a Vedic civilization. In a Vedic civilization, there is a full supply of all the necessities mentioned above - milk, honey, molasses, etc
- If people at all want to cross over the dangerous ocean of Kali, they must follow the footsteps of the sages of Naimisaranya and accept Sri Suta Gosvami or his bona fide representative as the captain of the ship
- If people become irreligious in the name of secularism, then they are simply animals. So it is the government duty to see that the citizens are not becoming animals. He may profess a type of religion. That doesn't matter. But he must be religious
- If people want to be relieved from the reactions of their misdeeds, they must take shelter of Lord Caitanya & refrain from those things which are prohibited in the sastras. The prohibitory rules are dealt with in the Lord's teachings to Rupa Gosvami
- If she (a woman) has no grown-up sons she must go back to her father and live as a widow under his protection. It appears that Kamsa had no grown-up sons. Therefore, after his wives became widows they returned to the shelter of their father
- If she (the wife) simply follows in the footsteps of her husband, who must be a devotee, then both husband and wife attain liberation and are promoted to the Vaikunthalokas. This is evinced by the inconceivable activities of Maharaja Prthu and his wife
- If somebody does harm to me, wrong to me, I cannot suffer it. I shall not do any harm to anyone. That's all right. But if you want to give me suffering, I must fight you. Why shall I suffer it? That is ksatriya spirit
- If someone has a sentiment for getting the blessings of Ganesa in order to get large amounts of money for Krishna's service, then it is alright, but anyone who takes up this kind of worship must send me at least 100,000 dollars monthly—not less
- If something is done for sense gratification or any other purpose, it will be binding upon the worker. If one wants to be freed from the reaction of his work, he must perform everything for the satisfaction of Visnu, or Yajna
- If the American nation trusts in God... If not... They say, they have declared. Now, the difficulty is they do not know actually what is God, how to trust. That we are teaching. So the government must come forward to cooperate with us
- If the father is victorious in the courts then what can we do? Our business is not to kidnap. People must come voluntarily. It is always voluntary
- If the head is not there and leg is utilized for jumping, that is monkey's business. The leg must work according to the dictation of the head
- If the members of human society actually want peace of mind, tranquillity and friendly relations between men and nations, they must follow the Krsna conscious system of religion, by which they can develop their dormant love for Krsna, the S P of God
- If the opposite party is your own son, but when there is fight, there must be decided: one party must be killed. This is ksatriya's business
- If the priest says, "The scientist speaking against religion; therefore he should be hanged," so that is not good government. Government must see that whether the scientist is speaking the truth. That sense must be there
- If the state law is that you must drive your car left, can you create the law, "No, it should be driven on the right"? Will you be accepted? Similarly, if you cannot create the law of the state, how you can create the law of God? Common sense
- If they (the devotees or the demigods) want to eat like ordinary animals, who have no God consciousness, then they must live in starvation, poverty and want, like the jungle animals in the forest
- If they are accepted, however, as particles of the eternally existing spiritual entity - as part of You, who are the supreme spirit whole - we must conclude that they are always under Your control
- If we are actually interested in understanding, we must approach a representative of Vyasadeva like Maitreya. Maitreya is also addressed as bhagavan, although of course the Supreme Bhagavan is Krsna Himself (krsnas tu bhagavan svayam) - SB 1.3.28
- If we are to have knowledge, it must come from a superior source which is not conditioned by these four imperfections. That source is Krsna. He is the supreme authority of BG, and He is accepted as the perfect authority by so many saints and sages
- If we do not believe in the scriptures, that is a different question, but if we have faith in the authority of such descriptions, then we must prepare for our freedom in the next life; that is possible in this human form of life
- If we do not perform sacrifice, yajna, which means method of activities for pleasing the lord; it is stated in Bhagavad gita that any work not done for the Lord's satisfaction must entangle the doer in the complication of stringent laws of material nature
- If we misuse this human form of life only like animals, eating, sleeping, sex and fearing, then we are spoiling our life. We must prepare next life. If we don't, then after death we have to go to the Yamaraja, and he will decide what kind of next body
- If we really want freedom from the miseries of material existence, we must minimize our bodily demands and pleasures
- If we really want to become detached from this material world, we must increase our attachment for Krsna consciousness. Renunciation alone will not help us
- If we really want to cultivate the human spirit in society we must have first-class intelligent men to guide the society, and to develop the finer tissues of our brains we must assimilate vitamin values from milk
- If we require knowledge, factual knowledge, we must receive it directly from the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is perfect knowledge
- If we simply become inactive out of frustration, then it will be failure. We must engage with activities. That activity is devotional service. This is Brahman activity. The Mayavadis, they do not know
- If we simply understand that we are not the body, that we are spirit soul, our knowledge is insufficient. We must also act as Brahman; then our position will be fixed
- If we want a happy and tranquil political situation, we must select leaders who eat krsna-prasadam. Otherwise the leaders will eat meat and drink wine, and thus they will be asamskrtah, unreformed, and kriya-hinah, devoid of spiritual behavior
- If we want actual peace, we must open the road to understanding of the Supreme Lord Krsna and glorify Him for His virtuous activities as they are depicted in the pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- If we want actually deliverance from this material entanglement, so these rules and regulations of kula-dharma we must observe. If we do not observe, then immediately we become irreligious
- If we want actually progress of life, then we must realize our constitutional position as the spirit soul, not as the mind, not as the body
- If we want blazing fire, we must use dry fuel
- If we want peace and prosperity in the world, we should take lessons from this verse; every state and every home must endeavor to advance the cause of 1) brahminical culture for self-purification
- If we want permanent life, knowledge, and bliss, we must seek them somewhere else, not in the changeable, temporary rainy season, which is flooded with so many varieties of pleasing sights that vanish when the season ends
- If we want to be free from the entanglement of this karma, then we must work for Krsna. Krsna's another name is Yajna, Yajnabhuja, Visnu
- If we want to go still further and acquire knowledge transcendental, we must first of all seek qualified transcendental preceptors who can lead us on the path
- If we want to interpret the Vedic version, we must imagine an interpretation according to what we want to do. We set forth such an interpretation as a suggestion or hypothesis. As such, it is not actually true, and the self-evident proof is lost
- If we want to put an end to this process of repeated birth and death, as well as the concomitant factors of old age and disease, we must try to enter the spiritual planets
- If we want to talk about Krsna, we must consult the Vedic literatures. Then we can understand how Krsna should be worshiped
- If we want to understand Krsna, we must try to understand Krsna through Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then it will be very easy to understand. Other people, they do not try to understand Krsna through Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- If we want to understand the real fact, then we must receive from the parampara system. Just like we have got our genealogical table. I understand my great-great-grandfather by the parampara system. Not that I manufacture some name
- If we wish to get rid of all sorts of illusion and anxiety and create unity out of all diverse interests, we must bring God into all our activities
- If you allow people to indulge in sinful life, how you can expect good citizen? That is not possible. Their character must reform. So we have taken from the root. We are making men of character, knowledge, sincerity, God conscious
- If you are actually hankering after Krsna - Krsna is within yourself - He will give you a guru. He will give you a guru. Guru-krsna-krpaya. But we must be fortunate to get real guru
- If you are qualified medical practitioner, you have passed the medical examination, that is your quality. But you must practice also as a medical man; then people will call you as physician
- If you are spending so much time with individuals they must first admit that they do not know who they are and they do not know who is God. These two things are completely lacking in modern educational systems
- If you at all accept somebody as spiritual master, you must test him. You must test him for at least one year if you have got doubts. And when you are convinced that, "Here is a person whom I can follow blindly," then you accept
- If you desire at all to sit on the same throne as your stepbrother, Uttama, then give up your envious attitude and immediately try to execute the instructions of your stepmother. You must engage yourself in worshiping the lotus feet of the SPG
- If you establish Deity, you must worship to the best capacity of your possession. That is Deity worship. But if one hasn't got to offer anything, he can offer everything within the mind
- If you have faith in God, "God is saying this, I must do it," that blind faith is as good. Although it is blind faith, it is the fact
- If you have faith, you must abide by the religious process. If you don't follow, that means you have no faith
- If you have got sraddha, "Yes, I want Krsna in this life. I must do anything required," then that determination is called sraddha. Then if you want to develop that determination, then you should associate with sadhu
- If you have no intelligence, if you cannot do anything independently, just be obedient to the other, higher three classes. That is sudra. He must agree to abide by the orders of brahmana, ksatriyas, vaisya. That's all
- If you have received the money, which should be by this late date, then you must inform me. How can I arrange things if you do not acknowledge receipt of the transfers?
- If you infect some disease, it must develop and you must have to suffer. There is no excuse. Similarly, if you are associating with the modes of ignorance and you are committing some sins, the effect you must have to suffer
- If you make your decision to make Krsna's desire fulfilled, then your life is successful. That is our Krsna conscious life. "Krsna wants it; I must do it. I will not do anything for me." That is Vrndavana
- If you really want freedom from this material existence and miseries of material existence, then we must minimize the bodily enjoyment. We must minimize. Just like a diseased man is given some liquid food. He is forbidden
- If you simply try to understand what's God by reading scriptures, you cannot achieve. You must approach a guru. Just like a medical book, it can be available in the market. If you purchase 1 medical book and study & you become doctor, that isn't possible
- If you think that "This body is required for acting, for working on behalf of the Supreme Lord; therefore I must keep the body fit to work" - that is not your identification with the body
- If you want doctorate degree the system is that the theses should be guided by three expert Ph.D.'s. So similarly, if you want to be purely Krsna conscious person you must select a person who can give you instruction
- If you want to realize the Supreme Truth, then you must realize this: Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- If you want to save yourself from suffering, then you must take to Krsna. It is a question of "must." It is not your option
- If you, actually, you are serious that "I must stop these inconveniences of birth, death, and old age," then you must join this Krsna consciousness movement. That is my request
- Ignorance of law is no excuse. Nature's law is so strict. Just like a small child, if the child puts his finger on the fire, the fire will not excuse the child: "Oh, he is an innocent child. He does not know." No. It must burn, never mind it is child
- In a fighting, if I do not gain victory, then I must die. Two things. That is ksatriya spirit. Whenever there is fight between the two ksatriya, one must die. That is last word. No compromise
- In a suitable moment you can talk with Mr. Kallman that Swamiji was telling that he has not received any royalty of 5%. The agreement is there; so he must pay. But if he does not pay we don't mind; we shall issue our own records and try to sell
- In all circumstances, the duty of the father is to give cultural education to his sons, who must later decide which way to go
- In any condition, even when liberated, we should never think ourselves independent of the spiritual master, but must refer to him as soon as there is some doubt regarding our progressive spiritual life
- In BG, Krsna informs us that our real problem of life is death - birth, death, old age and disease. Birth is the beginning, and then, one who has taken birth, he must die. But if one does not take birth, then he does not die. This is the actual problem
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.69) it is said, na ca tasman manusyesu kascin me priya-krttamah: if one wants to be recognized by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he must preach the glories of the Lord
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.21) we find, ksine punye martya-lokam visanti: those who are elevated to the higher planetary systems must come down again as soon as the results of their pious activities are exhausted
- In Bhagavad-gita it is advised that one who desires to make tangible advancement in spiritual consciousness must avoid three things - lust, anger and the mode of passion
- In bhagavata-dharma there is no question of "what you believe" and "what I believe." Everyone must believe in the Supreme Lord and carry out His orders
- In conclusion, the Krsna consciousness movement offers the topmost welfare activity for human society. The saner section of human society must therefore take this movement very seriously for the benefit of all humanity
- In each case we must understand that there is a plan of the Lord
- In executing penance, one must be determined to return home, back to Godhead, and must decide to undergo all types of tribulations for that end
- In free life one can go from one home to another home, but in prison life one cannot do that but must stay in his cell. All these planets are like cells. We are trying to go to the moon, but it is not practical by mechanical means
- In governmental management there may be departmental officials to give justice to different persons, but the law must be one, and that central law must control everyone
- In India, according to Vedic civilization, one is very much afraid of taking loan from others because he has conviction, "If I do not pay, then in my next life I'll have to pay many times. So I must liquidate my debt." That's a fact
- In material nature, everyone is under the stringent laws of matter and must pass through six stages of existence: birth, growth, maintenance, production of by-products, deterioration and finally death
- In order to compare to the plane used by Kardama or the plane sent from Visnuloka, they (material scientists) must manufacture an airplane equipped like a big city, with all the comforts of life - lakes, gardens, parks, etc
- In order to distinguish the personality whom the individual soul must approach, it is described here (in SB 3:29.36) that this purusa, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the chief amongst all living entities
- In order to learn how Krsna's pleasure can be obtained, we must read the Tenth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam in which Krsna's pleasure potency is displayed in His pastimes with Radharani and the damsels of Vraja
- In order to present their (Mayavadi atheists) false, imaginary meanings, they must adopt so much word jugglery and grammatical interpretation that they finally become ludicrous
- In Orissa, between the time of a king’s death and the enthronement of another king, a representative must sit on the throne. This representative is called Prahararaja
- In rare cases where the father is completely unable to give a dowry, it is enjoined that he must at least give a fruit and a flower
- In reference to the concept of sanatana-dharma, we must try to understand the concept of religion from the Sanskrit root meaning of the word. BG 1972 Introduction
- In separation from the Lord, everyone felt as though he had lost his very life. The devotees concluded that there must have been some mishap. They could not think of anything else
- In systematic way you discuss. "I must worship, because I am dependent. I am not final authority. So the great . . . God is great, and I am always small. So it is my duty to submit to the great." So that is bhakti
- In the astanga-yoga system, this eightfold yoga system - dhyana, dharana - they are meant for controlling the mind. In the beginning it is said a man must elevate himself by his own mind
- In the beginning, of course, a neophyte devotee must try to keep himself apart from all kinds of alluring attachments, but the real position of a mature devotee is that even in the presence of all allurements, he is not at all attracted
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.5), Krsna clearly states that sacrifice, charity, and penance are never to be given up by a transcendentalist. If he is at all intelligent he must continue these three activities, even if he is highly elevated
- In the bhakti platform, Krsna consciousness, there is no such distinction, "Here is American, here is an Indian, here is an African, here is this and that." No. Everyone is KC. So actually if we want equality, fraternity, then we must come to KC
- In the Caitanya-sampradaya those who strictly follow the principles of Lord Caitanya must travel all over the world to preach the message of Lord Caitanya, which is the same as preaching the words of Krsna - Bhagavad-gita - and Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In the International Society for KC, those who are twice initiated so as to become brahmanas must bear in mind their great responsibility to be truthful, control the mind and senses, be tolerant, and so on. Then their life will be successful
- In the material world, if one wants to live for many years, he must endure the difficulties of old age, invalidity and many other miserable conditions
- In the sastra (SB 2.3.10) it is recommended: A person who has broader intelligence, whether he be full of material desires, free from material desires, or desiring liberation, must by all means worship the supreme whole, the Personality of Godhead
- In the Second Chapter, Arjuna surrenders: "So far we have been talking as friends, but now I accept You as my spiritual master." Anyone following the principle in this line accepts the guru as Krsna, and the student must represent Arjuna
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated that a householder must see to it that even a lizard or a snake does not starve. They also must be given food
- In the stage of devotional service where regulative principles are followed, there is no necessity of discussing this love, for it must develop of itself at a more advanced stage
- In this Krsna consciousness movement, we have certain rules and regulations. We must rise early in the morning for mangala-arati, chant sixteen rounds of Hare Krsna daily, and execute all the functions of bhakti-yoga
- In this material world no one is satisfied in the dealings of society, friendship and love. Therefore if one wants to derive real pleasure within his heart, he must seek the lotus feet of Govinda
- In this material world, everyone from Brahma to the insignificant ant must die. Therefore this world is called martya-loka
- In this verse (BG 7.8) Sri Krsna is describing how we can become Krsna conscious fully, in all stages of life. All living entities must drink water. The taste of water is so nice that when we are thirsty nothing but water seems to do
- In Vedic literatures it is said that in order to understand the transcendental science of Krsna consciousness, we must try to acquire knowledge of how to extinguish this blazing fire of problems
- In yoga practice one not only must concentrate his mind on the person of Krsna, but must also worship the form or Deity of Krsna daily
- Inconceivable to human intelligence, the idea must simply be accepted on the authority of the scriptures, and it can only be practically realized by the progress of devotional service unto the Lord, and never by mental speculation or inductive logic
- India is so fortunate. They are still ready to assimilate the instruction of Krsna. The land is so fortunate. So we must give them the chance. That is our duty. That is government's duty. That is teacher's duty. That is father's duty
- Instead of killing the cow to eat flesh, civilized men must prepare various milk products that will enhance the condition of society. If one follows the brahminical culture, he will become competent in Krsna consciousness
- It (hearing submissively) is the way Arjuna received it from Krsna, and it is the way we must receive it from the disciplic succession stemming from Arjuna
- It does not mean that anyone can claim to be a form of the Lord and be acceptable as an incarnation. The incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead must be accepted in terms of the descriptions found in the sastras
- It doesn't matter whether one is brahmacari or householder or a sannyasi. He must try to become confidential servant of the Lord
- It has become a fashion to keep a guru as if he were a dog or a cat. This is of no use. We must inquire about that portion of God's creation which is beyond this darkness
- It is a foolish imagination that we can go to other planets in the present body. If we want to go to Devaloka, the planets of the demigods, we must achieve the required qualifications, and the same is true if we want to go back to the kingdom of God
- It is a moral principle that one should not be influenced by lusty desires for another's wife. Matrvat para-daresu: an intelligent person must look upon another's wife as being like his mother. This is a moral injunction from Canakya-sloka - 10
- It is a prejudice among smarta-brahmanas that a widow must observe fasting on Ekadasi but a woman who is sa-dhava - who has her husband - should not. It appears that before Lord Caitanya’s request, Sacimata, being sa-dhava, was not observing Ekadasi
- It is advised that grhasthas should not live in the temple. They must live outside the temple and maintain themselves
- It is also enjoined that a wife should never present herself before the husband in an unclean state. She must decorate herself with ornaments and good dress and should always be present before the husband in a happy and joyous mood
- It is certainly the prime duty of the king to subdue first the sufferings of those who suffer. Therefore I must kill this most wretched man because he is violent against other living beings
- It is clear from this verse of the Bhagavad-gita that the direction of the Lord is that one should be God-minded, a devotee of the Lord, a worshiper of the Lord, and must offer all obeisances unto Lord Krsna
- It is enjoined that a householder who does not bow down before a saint at once must undergo fasting for the day in order to neutralize the great offense
- It is indicated here that in the villages or outside the towns, the inhabitants must depend on the cows for their prosperity. When the cows are destroyed, the people are destitute of all kinds of opulences
- It is my duty to serve Krsna. I am eternal servant of . . . karyam. Must I do it, must I serve Krsna. That is my position. That is sannyasa
- It is not enough to take only the first steps toward liberation. We must strive to reach the final goal within this very life-time
- It is not possible to manufacture a religion. A true religion must come from an authorized source, and that source is either God or His representative
- It is not readily understandable whether the body of the Lord and that of Brahma are of the same quality or different. This must also be clearly understood
- It is not that anyone and everyone can make his own foolish commentaries on Vedanta-sutra and mislead readers. Anyone who wants to understand Vedanta-sutra must read Srimad-Bhagavatam carefully
- It is not that we are to enjoy the loving exchanges between Krsna and Radha like spectators at some sports show. We must feel separation from Them. The more we feel separation, the more we should understand that we are advancing
- It is not that we have to change our process of work, but we do have to understand for whom we are working. Whatever activity we have to do we must execute, but we should not be carried away by kama, desire
- It is not that, "You, you remain a sudra, mleccha, & I make you a disciple. I'll never touch you, I'll never touch your foot, and I become your guru." It is not this guru business. It is not guru business. Guru must transfer his qualities to the student
- It is recommended that we must follow the great personalities. Sukadeva Gosvami is also one of the great personalities, and his answer to the inquiry of Maharaja Pariksit is authorized
- It is said that an idle brain is a devil's workshop because a person who cannot think in the right way must think of something which may bring about disaster
- It is said, tasmad gurum prapadyeta jijnasuh sreya uttamam (SB 11.3.21). Those interested in understanding transcendental subject matters as the goal of life must approach the bona fide spiritual master
- It is sometimes found that even demoniac persons who are envious of Krsna take to the profession of explaining BG in a different way to make business, but anyone who desires actually to understand Krsna must avoid such commentaries on BG. BG 1972 pur
- It is sometimes found that persons who are worshiping Krsna in a different way, take to the profession of explaining BG in a different way to make business, but anyone who desires actually to understand Krsna must avoid such commentaries on BG. BG 1972 p
- It is stated in Bhagavad-gita that if we at all want to learn transcendental knowledge, we must approach one who has actually seen the Absolute Truth (tad-viddhi pranipatena) - BG 4.34
- It is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam that if one actually wants to be liberated he must render service to the devotees; but one who associates with materialistic people is on the path leading to the darkest region of existence. BG 1972 purports
- It is stated that he whose mind is not fixed in Krsna consciousness must hover between acceptance and rejection
- It is suggested by Lord Siva that one should first try to see the lotus feet of the Lord. This also means that if one is serious about reading Srimad-Bhagavatam, he must begin by seriously studying the First and Second Cantos
- It is the duty of a king to give protection to the citizens and to fulfill their desires. At the same time, the citizens must obey the laws of the state
- It is the king's duty to see that everyone perfectly executes the duties prescribed for the varna and asrama divisions of society. Besides that, as exemplified by King Prthu, he must develop the earth for the greatest possible production of food grains
- It is your responsibility since you are recommending them that they follow strictly the rules and regulations and remain strong in KC. They must attend the mangala aroti and the Srimad-Bhagavatam class and Bhagavad-gita class and chant 16 rounds minimum
- It was the Lord who instructed Brahma in Vedic knowledge. That Personality of Godhead has to be obeyed in all respects. Anyone who wants to become freed from material entanglement must surrender unto Him, and this is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita
- Just as Bhagiratha brought down the Ganga and liberated his forefathers, similarly, we must bring a deluge of love of Godhead that can extricate the conditioned souls from the clutches of gross materialism
- Just as, whether you say earring or necklace or bangle or wristwatch, these are all made of gold, and so they are gold. But, at the same time, you cannot say that this is all gold - you must say, - This is a gold necklace. This is a gold earring
- Just like a good son, when he feels that "Father has done so much for me. I must repay it, or at least I must accept obligation what my father has done for me," this much feeling is called Krsna consciousness
- Just like Arjuna was advised. He is a military man. He used to fight. His occupation is, when there is danger he must fight. A ksatriya, ksatriya's business is that
- Just like one married couple. As soon as they're married or united, atah grha. Grha. Grha means apartment, home. They must live very nicely
- Just try to understand how this weaker section is serving this stronger section. Jivo jivasya jivanam. One living entity is the food for another living entity, by nature's law. So the conclusion is that we must render service to the strong
- Kamsa was liberated. Although he was unfavorably Krsna conscious, but he was thinking of Krsna. Hiranyakasipu, he was also thinking of Krsna. But unfavorably. So that is not bhakti. We must think of Krsna favorably
- Kapiladeva is an incarnation of Krsna, and He gave instructions to His mother, Devahuti. We must distinguish between the two Kapilas. One Kapila is this Bhagavan Kapila, and the other Kapila is the atheist Kapila
- Karmis are always anxious to accumulate wealth for their sense gratification, but for that purpose they must work very hard. Yet even though they work hard, the results are not satisfying
- Kesava Bharati replied to the Lord, "You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Supersoul. I must do whatever You cause me to do. I am not independent of You"
- King Prthu replied: My dear earth, you have disobeyed my orders and rulings. In the form of a demigod you accepted your share of the yajnas we performed, but in return you have not produced sufficient food grains. For this reason I must kill you
- King Puranjana's coming home, taking bath and having an appropriate dinner indicate that a materialistic person must retire from sinful activities and become purified by accepting a spiritual master and hearing from him about the values of life
- King Rahugana argued that the living entity is within the body and that when the body is fatigued the living entity within must therefore be suffering
- Kings or executive heads of all states must know the codes of Lord Krsna (generally Bhagavad-gita & Srimad-Bhagavatam) and must act accordingly in order to fulfill the mission of human life, which is to make an end to all miseries of material conditions
- Knowledge of the superior nature must simply be accepted without argument. How is it possible to argue about something to which we have no access?
- Knowledge of the superior nature must simply be accepted without argument. How is it possible to argue about something to which we have no access? - CC Intro
- Krishna Consciousness is so nice that anyone who has a little taste of it must feel a distinction between his past and present life
- Krishna has genitals certainly. It is said that He has eternal, blissful Body, full of knowledge. So when He has got a body, He must have all the parts of a body. But we should not consider that His parts of the body are the same as ours
- Krsi-go-raksya-vanijyam vaisya-karma svabhavajam (BG 18.44). Those who belong to the third level of human society, namely the mercantile people, must keep land for producing food grains and giving protection to cows. This is the injunction of BG
- Krsna also declared at that meeting, "In order to assure the good fortune of the cows and themselves, all people of Vrndavana near Govardhana must worship the hill, as prescribed by Me"
- Krsna concluded, "I must save them by My mystic power"
- Krsna consciousness is knowledge and austerity. A Krsna conscious person takes knowledge from the Vedic literature, and at the same time he must practice austerities
- Krsna continued, "Anyone who desires good fortune must offer his respectful obeisances unto personalities like you (Akrura), who are greater than the demigods"
- Krsna continued, "It is not My business to disclose this secret to others, but you (Rukmini) must know that I am not very heroic; I am a coward and am afraid of My enemies. Still I am not safe, because all the great kings of the land are inimical to Me"
- Krsna continued, "My dear friend (Sudama), you must have brought some presentation for Me from your home"
- Krsna continues, "Bring sandalwood pulp from Jagannatha Puri. Kindly go quickly. Since no one else can do it, you must"
- Krsna does not want us to suffer, jumping like monkeys from branch to branch. We must come to Him and surrender to Him. When we come to this knowledge, we become perfect in knowledge
- Krsna Himself is on the battlefield and He is trying to induce Arjuna. Arjuna is declining, and He is inducing, "No, you must fight." Yad yad acarati sresthah (BG 3.21). So we have to follow the footprints of great personalities
- Krsna instructed Arjuna, mam anusmara yudhya ca: (BG 8.7) "Think of Me and fight." We should fight our enemy to the best of our ability, but for victory we must depend on the mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Krsna is everywhere, but because we have got now our limited knowledge - we are not advanced - therefore we take a spot, the temple, and always think of Krsna, that - This is Krsna's place. This is Krsna's temple. We must take care of it
- Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as admitted by Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita; therefore wherever the word brahma is used, it must refer to Krsna, not to the impersonal Brahman effulgence. Brahmeti paramatmeti bhagavan iti sabdyate
- Krsna lived with wives and children in all opulence, exactly like an ordinary conditioned soul, just to teach those souls who are actually conditioned that they must enter into the family circle of Krsna, where He is the center
- Krsna not only theoretically or philosophically presented Himself as the Supreme but actually presented Himself as such to Arjuna. Arjuna must confirm this because Arjuna is the beginning of the parampara system. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna replied, "Every one of you (Kings) must understand that anything material has its starting point, growth, maintenance, expansion, deterioration and, finally, disappearance"
- Krsna said, "And most importantly, a woman must take care of her children" In this way, Krsna explained the duty of a woman. He also stressed the point of serving the husband
- Krsna says, "A person interested in transcendental knowledge must therefore always directly and indirectly inquire about it to know the all-pervading truth"
- Krsna took the opportunity of their looking at the forest to advise them. "I think you have come out to see the beautiful Vrndavana forest on this night," He said, "but you must now be satisfied. So return to your homes without delay"
- Krsna was doing everything, but still He told Arjuna, "You must fight." Nor did Arjuna say to Krsna, "You are my great friend. Better for You to fight and let me sit down and smoke ganja." No, that is not Krsna consciousness
- Krsna was doing everything; still he was to fight. He was inducing, "You must fight." Neither Arjuna said, "Krsna, You are so, my friend. Better You do it. I sit down. Let me smoke ganja." No. Arjuna also did not say. This is not Krsna consciousness
- Krsna's friends told Him, "My thighs became almost completely stunned so that I could not move even an inch. Therefore, my dear friend, I must acknowledge the wonderful vibration of Your transcendental flute"
- Krsna's stock is never exhausted. We must simply become obedient to Him, and the supply will be there. Therefore a Krsna conscious person has no economic problem; everything is sufficiently supplied by Krsna
- Ksatriyas are allowed to go in the forest and kill some animal. Because he has to practice. So what kind of animal? Not the cows or simple animal. He must kill one tiger, one lion, one jungle boar. Very ferocious animal. That was the Ksatriya's business
- Ksatriyas should be taught that he is manager. He must see that everyone is engaged. And if there is any fight, they must come forward to fight. This is ksatriya's business
- Less intelligent persons claiming to be on an equal level with God must first prove themselves to be absolute and independent, and then they must substantiate their claim to being one with God
- Let any man of any place or community, caste or creed be engaged in any sort of occupational duty, but he must agree to perform sacrifices as it is recommended in the scriptures for the particular place, time and person
- Like Vidura, an inquisitive conditioned soul must approach a bona fide spiritual master like Maitreya and by intelligent inquiries must try to know everything about 1) karma (fruitive activities), jnana - philosophical research for the Supreme Truth
- Like Vidura, an inquisitive conditioned soul must approach a bona fide spiritual master like Maitreya and by intelligent inquiries must try to know everything about 2) yoga - the linking process of spiritual realization
- Liquor shop is licensed by the government. Does it mean the government is encouraging that, "You become drunkard"? But government is giving this license because there is a class of men who must drink
- Living entity's struggle for existence in the material world is perpetual & it is not possible for him to get out of it by making plans. If he at all wants to conquer this perpetual struggle for existence, he must reestablish his eternal relation with God
- Long ago, when he saw the scene of the drunken sudra and the prostitute, Ajamila, who was a perfect brahmacari, was affected. Nowadays such sin is visible in so many places, and we must consider the position of a brahmacari student who sees such behavior
- Lord Krsna Himself indicates that if anyone wants to understand the Supreme Absolute Truth in perfection, he must take to the process of devotional service in full KC. Then it will be possible for him to understand the last word of the Absolute Truth
- Lord Visnu, I must nonetheless act in obedience to Your order because obeying Your order is most auspicious and is the first duty of everyone
- Madhudvisa is GBC man for South Pacific zone, so his direction must be followed by everyone and all of the devotees there should address their problems to him for his consideration
- Mahajana means authorized person. Ordinary jana, common man; and mahajana means authorized person. We cannot take lessons, instruction, from unauthorized person. This authorization must come through the disciplic succession
- Maharaja Agnidhra desired to be transferred to Pitrloka, and therefore he needed a wife because anyone desiring to be transferred to Pitrloka must leave behind a good son to offer yearly pinda, or prasada from Lord Visnu
- Maharaja Nanda replied, "Because rainfall is due to the mercy of King Indra and the clouds are his representatives, and because water is so important for our living, we must show some gratitude to the controller of this rainfall, Maharaja Indra"
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was a pious king, and he could see Narada Muni occasionally; anyone who desires to see Narada Muni must first be pious and follow in the footsteps of Narada Muni
- Mahatma, they must move. So when there is absolute necessity they may stay. Otherwise, they must move. Move on, move on, move on, move on, move on. No staying. That is principle
- Mandah, means "slow"; he does not understand that, - I have got a responsibility. I must quickly finish that responsibility before the death comes. I must prepare myself in such a way that I will not have to come back again to this material world
- Materialists foolishly make many plans to become happy in this material world. They do not stop to consider that they will live only for a certain number of years, out of which they must spend the major portion acquiring money for sense gratification
- Materialists seeking the favor of the goddess of fortune must worship Lord Visnu and Laksmi together to maintain material opulence
- Matter cannot develop by itself, not possible. Superior energy must touch it, & then it will be active. To give another example, a machine is matter - it is inferior energy - & therefore unless an operator comes to touch the machine, it will not act
- Meditation on the lotus feet of the Personality of Godhead, the first processional step, must show its effect by anartha-nivrtti
- Mind cannot be vacant. We must think of something in the mind. Not for a second we can make our mind vacant. That is not possible
- Mind that always, that we are not going to be idle. We shall go on with our work, as we are doing. But at the same time, we must perform yajnas, or sacrifice for the Supreme. Then we'll have sufficient for our necessities
- Modern yogis advise that because one has senses, one must enjoy to the fullest extent like cats and dogs, yet one can go on and practice yoga
- Mother Yasoda was thinking, The Supreme Lord has given me many things, but unless He takes charge of everything, there is no assurance of protection. I must therefore ultimately seek shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Mucukunda continued, "Whether on the material plane or the spiritual plane, everyone must take shelter under Your lotus feet (Krsna's). I therefore submit unto You, my Lord"
- Mudhas do not know that if they want to purify themselves, they must worship Lord Vasudeva (Krsna) by performing penances and austerities. This purification is the aim of human life. This life is not meant for blind indulgence in sense gratification
- Must put water in the root. Then it will be all right. Otherwise, it will be all failure. The history of the world is like that. They are trying for the nation, for the society, for the community, and for the family, but everything has become unsuccessful
- My dear gopis, what auspicious activities must the flute have performed to enjoy the nectar of Krsna's lips independently and leave only a taste for us gopis, for whom that nectar is actually meant
- My dear King Pariksit, in the province of Yamaraja there are hundreds & thousands of hellish planets. The impious people I have mentioned - & also those I have not mentioned - must all enter these various planets according to the degree of their impiety
- My dear King, a self-satisfied person can be happy even with only drinking water. However, one who is driven by the senses, especially by the tongue and genitals, must accept the position of a household dog to satisfy his senses
- My dear sir, - the youth said, "you are an old man just like my father. It is my duty to serve you. I don't require any reward." "No, I'm obliged to you, and I must reward you," the old man insisted
- My elder brother, Visvarupa, has taken sannyasa and gone to South India. Now I must go search for Him
- My father used to say, "If you do not allow the servants to steal, so don't keep." Don't keep servants. "A servant who does not steal, he is not a gentleman. He must steal"
- My friend, what do you eat to maintain your body? Because you are chewing betel, a pleasing scent is emanating from your mouth. This proves that you always eat the remnants of food offered to Visnu. Indeed, you must also be an expansion of Visnu's body
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that one who has actually got life cannot do but preach this Krsna Consciousness - real spiritual life means he must preach, and he is really a preacher
- My Lord, You may say that there is no law that a father must die in the lifetime of his son and that a son must be born in the lifetime of his father, since everyone lives and dies according to his own fruitive activity
- Nanda Maharaja also must have performed many great sacrifices and pious activities for Lord Krsna to become his son and address him as "father"
- Narada Muni said: O Indra, King of the demigods, this woman is certainly sinless. You should not drag her off in this merciless way. O greatly fortunate one, this chaste woman is the wife of another. You must immediately release her
- Narada said, "They (Pandavas) are now living in the forest incognito. Sometimes they must work as ordinary laborers in someone else's house"
- Nasta-prayesv abhadresu nityam bhagavata-sevaya (SB 1.2.18). We must regularly hear Srimad-Bhagavatam and chant Hare Krsna; these are the two processes recommended by Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Nature is so strong that you must die. "I am very strong." You may be very strong, that's all right. There is a, I mean to say, joking story that one man thought how to avoid death
- Neophytes in devotional service must always alertly understand Krsna through the vision of the revealed scriptures, the bona fide devotees and the spiritual master
- Neophytes in devotional service must strictly and scrupulously follow the rules and regulations of the scriptures to rise to the platform of unalloyed devotional service
- Never mind even it is imperfectly done, we must execute the orders of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I may not be so very expert in delivering the message of Krsna, but my duty is to try to my best capacity how to distribute this knowledge to the suffering humanity
- No one can check the thinking activities of a living being, nor the feeling, willing or working processes; but if one wants actual happiness, one must change the subject matter only
- No one can remain vacant of thought. It is said that an idle brain is a devil's workshop because a person who cannot think in the right way must think of something which may bring about disaster
- No one should be puffed up for his powers borrowed from the Lord. The sane man should rather feel obliged to the Lord for such benefactions and must utilize such power for the service of the Lord
- Nobody is accepting that method (God is there, I am subordinate and I must surrender). But if one accepts, that method will be a business of one minute. It is not difficult
- Nobody should give his own opinion. He must quote the authoritative statement to support his proposition
- Nobody wants to die, but death is sure. We must die. Nobody wants to take birth, but there is birth. Now there are so many contraceptive methods for checking birth. But still, the population of the whole world is increasing
- Nobody wants to retire from family life, but the Vedic injunction is that after one has passed fifty years, he must leave his family life
- Nondevotees must undergo material hardships because they are prone to commit sinful fruitive activities. The desire to commit sinful actions continues in their hearts due to ignorance
- Not only for liberation must one depend on the Lord, but even for ordinary necessities in this material world. Prthu Maharaja therefore indicated that in spite of having rich parents, children are sometimes not happy
- Not only must one chant, but he should also offer whatever foodstuff is available in his part of the world, according to time and convenience
- Not only must one come to the conclusion that Krsna is everything, but he must remain fixed in this realization. This is the highest perfection of life, and it is this perfection that King Malayadhvaja attained at the end
- Not only must one receive the mantra from the bona fide spiritual master like Narada Muni or his representative in the disciplic succession, but one must chant the mantra
- Not only should we give the profit of our earning to this cause, but we must also arrange to preach this cult of devotion to others because that is also one of the orders of the Lord
- Not that anyone can become acarya. He must give explanation of the Vedanta-sutra, prasthana-traya. There is system
- Now all of you must give full support to Grandfather Bhisma, standing at your respective strategic points in the phalanx of the army. BG 1.11 - 1972
- Now I am a sannyasi. I must open school, college and daridra-narayana seva and goat-narayana killing -This kind of sannyasa has no meaning
- Now our senses are engaged in sense gratification. I am thinking that because I am this body, I must satisfy my senses. In fact, however, this is a contaminated stage of life
- Now, I purchased this for one dollar. Oh, I am getting demand. I must charge five hundred times." No. That is irreligious
- O King, a quarrel then arose among the demons over who would get the nectar first. Each of them said, "You cannot drink it first. I must drink it first. Me first, not you"
- O my Lord! I (King Kulasekhara) have no attachment for religiosity, or for accumulating wealth, or for enjoying sense gratification. Let these come as they inevitably must, in accordance with my past deeds
- O My mother, O virtuous lady, these are the qualities of great devotees who are free from all attachment. You must seek attachment to such holy men, for this counteracts the pernicious effects of material attachment
- Of course, as soon as she is married she can attempt to get a child, but she must surrender to her husband, confident that her child will develop and be born in due time
- Of course, we have to give up anything which is against Krsna consciousness. It is not that because we do not stop material duties, we should not stop meat-eating. We must stop it, for this is contrary to advancement in Krsna consciousness
- On the twenty-eighth day, Bhimasena told Krsna, "My dear Krsna, I must frankly admit that I cannot conquer Jarasandha"
- Once Caitanya said, "You must at least have enough sense to test to find out who is a spiritual master and who is not." For instance, if we want to purchase something, we must at least have some idea of what that thing is, otherwise we will be cheated
- Once we enter a place, to sit down, then gradually to lay down and occupy everything! So because there is such good possibility there for preaching, especially in the university, then I am recommending that some men must remain there and work very hard
- Once, while fighting with a demon who was appearing as a deer, Krsna challenged him in this way: "I have come before you as a great elephant named Krsna. You must leave the battlefield, accepting defeat, or else there is death awaiting you"
- One can certainly reach there (God's abode) after leaving this present body, and one must prepare himself to go back to Godhead by practicing devotional service. That guarantees a passport for going back to Godhead, and Kunti adopted it
- One cannot become detached from the attraction of the material world simply by dressing himself in saffron cloth. He must become attached to the devotional service of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- One does not need to be in the renounced order of life; he can remain in his present condition of life, but he must search out the association of a bona fide devotee of the Lord and hear from him the transcendental message
- One form of yoga may be difficult and another may be easy, but in all cases one must purify his existence to the conception of Krsna conscious enjoyment. Then one will be happy
- One has to become faithful by practicing the controlling process of the yoga system and must elevate himself to the platform of unalloyed devotional service by chanting and hearing about Me
- One interested in studying Vedanta philosophy properly must study these commentaries (by four sampradaya-acrayas), especially if he is a Vaisnava. These commentaries are always adored by Vaisnavas
- One lady told another, "My dear friends, we must accept the activities of the gopis to be the highest form of piety; otherwise, how could they have achieved the opportunity of seeing Krsna both morning and evening"
- One living entity is the food for another living entity, by nature's law. So the conclusion is that we must render service to the strong. This is nature's law
- One might think that these glories of the Lord can be heard from anywhere, from the mouths of either devotees or nondevotees, but here (SB 4.20.24) it is specifically mentioned that the glories of the Lord must emanate from the mouths of pure devotees
- One must be intelligent enough to understand that although one's body is temporary and will not endure for long, as long as one has a body he must undergo the pangs of material existence
- One must become a devotee of the Lord at least at the last stage of one's life. A sincere soul of the Lord like Maharaja Yudhisthira must abide by this instruction of the Lord for his own interest
- One must know the right way
- One must learn this (the duty of a human being is to understand his relationship with God), otherwise he is simply wasting his time by engaging in animalistic propensities. We must all try to love Krsna or God
- One must not enjoy the fruits of his work himself, but must dedicate the same for the transcendental loving service of the Personality of Godhead. This is the first step on the ladder of devotional activities
- One must perform sacrifices as prescribed in the sastras, and they must give in charity their hard-earned money for Krsna's cause. That is called dana. Yajna, dana, and tapasya
- One nourishes the tree by watering its root, and one nourishes the body by feeding the stomach, for if the body is to be kept in a healthy state, then the parts of the body must cooperate to feed the stomach. BG 1972 Introduction
- One sampradaya must give his commentation on the Vedanta-sutra; otherwise he is not a bona fide sampradaya. So especially in the Sankara sampradaya, they are very much fond of studying Sankhya philosophy and Vedanta-sutra
- One seriously eager to achieve transcendental perfection, Krsna consciousness, must eat krsna-prasadam. Such food is sattvika, or in the material quality of goodness, but when offered to Krsna it becomes transcendental
- One should conclusively understand that no one is greater than the Supreme Great. Since the Supreme Great demands, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66), every intelligent man must agree to this proposal
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: One should always remember that as long as he has a material body he must face the miseries of repeated birth, old age, disease and death
- One should have sufficient knowledge to understand his constitutional position as a living entity. And he must develop renouncement, vairagya. Because attachment sometimes leads me to become a tree, a mouse, a serpent in the same house
- One should not be satisfied simply with knowing that one is Brahman. He must engage himself in the service of the Supreme Brahman; that is bhakti
- One should not do anything, either good or bad, on his own account, but must execute everything on behalf of the Supreme Lord, the ultimate proprietor of everything that be
- One should not remain continually implicated in household affairs up to the time of death. He must leave. Family affairs and the wife may be taken charge of by a grown son
- One should not stop simply upon stepping on the first, second, or third stone, but must make his progress complete by going all the way to the final step, the perfect stage of transcendental loving service to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One should see how they (devotees from all parts of the world) are advanced in KC and how they are conducting Deity worship, sankirtana and Ratha-yatra. Considering all these points, the envious persons must refrain from their malicious atrocities
- One should worship the brahmanas & Vaisnavas by offering them all kinds of endowments & sweet words, & if one has no means to offer anything, he must at least use sweet words to pacify them. The Lord personally exhibited this behavior towards the Kumaras
- One therefore must purify himself internally and externally: To keep ourselves externally clean we should bathe three times daily, and for internal cleanliness we must cleanse the heart by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra
- One who acts on the mental platform must descend to material activities. Material contamination, however, is completely absent from the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His pure devotee
- One who always thinks of Krsna must attain vimukti, special salvation as the Lord's personal associate, not necessarily in Vrndavana, but at least in Vaikuntha. This is called sarupya-mukti
- One who becomes agitated by the relativities of life has accepted a relative position and must therefore undergo the austerities prescribed in the sastras to transcend the material body and put an end to material existence
- One who cannot understand this difference between the soul and the Supersoul, or God and the living entities, is certainly still in the entanglement of the cosmic machinery and thus must still await the time when he will be free from bondage
- One who desires to advance in Krsna consciousness and spiritual understanding must give the utmost importance to brahminical culture and must understand Krsna (krsnaya govindaya). Then his life will be successful
- One who desires to conquer the mind must leave the company of his family and live in a solitary place, free from contaminated association. To maintain the body and soul together, he should beg as much as he needs for the bare necessities of life
- One who desires to merge into the supreme impersonal brahma-jyotir must also worship the Lord by bhakti-yoga, as it is recommended here in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Bhakti-yoga is especially stressed here as the means of all perfection
- One who does not accept a bona fide spiritual master cannot be an authority. This is clearly explained here (in SB 3.19.33). If one wants to have transcendental pleasure, he must find a person with authority
- One who does not give charity according to the injunctions of the scriptures and one who does not accept charity in that way are considered to be in the mode of ignorance. Such persons follow the path of the foolish. Surely they must lament at the end
- One who eats more than required will dream very much while sleeping, and he must consequently sleep more than is required. BG 1972 purports
- One who has education and wealth must use them to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead by helping the sankirtana movement that has already begun - the Hare Krsna movement, or Krsna consciousness movement
- One who has no information of the Supreme must therefore be engaged in self-satisfaction because no one can stand on the platform of inactivity. All these purposes are perfectly served by the practice of Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- One who has no such realization (by doing everything for the satisfaction of Krsna one can perfectly detached from sense gratification) must mechanically try to escape material desires before being elevated to the top rung of the yoga ladder. BG 1972 pur
- One who has seen, one who is in trance of self-realization, he cannot sit idly. He must come out
- One who hears the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra must receive it from the spiritual master by aural reception
- One who is a faithful servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu must execute His order, even if one has to sacrifice going to Jagannatha Puri to see Lord Jagannatha there
- One who is actually very intelligent must join the Krsna consciousness movement, realizing his own self as an eternal servant of Krsna, and thus practice constant chanting of the holy name of the Lord - Hare Krsna
- One who is always engaged in sinful activities must utilize the process of ablution called prayascitta. Without doing so, one surely will be transferred to hellish planets to undergo miserable lives as the result of sinful activities. BG 1972 purports
- One who is aware of real religious life must abandon the five branches of irreligion as irreligious
- One who is imbued with sincere inquiries must ask the bona fide spiritual master in the disciplic succession from Brahmaji, and that is the direction given here
- One who is inquisitive to understand the highest goal and benefit of life must approach a bona fide spiritual master and surrender unto him
- One who is not a devotee must speak nonsensically because he does not have the power to speak about the glories of Krsna. Thus whatever he says is influenced by the illusory energy and is compared to the croaking of a frog
- One who is not satisfied with the mind must fall to degradation. One must conquer lusty desires, anger, greed, fear, lamentation, illusion, fright, unnecessary talks on material subjects, violence, the four miseries of material existence
- One who is on the mundane platform must first purify himself by following the regulative principles. Only then can he try to understand Krsna and the gopis
- One who is serious about eliminating material existence must chant and hear of the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead. Otherwise one must be compared to the nonhumans
- One who is very interested in understanding the activities in the spiritual world must search out a guru - a bona fide representative of Krsna
- One who wants to become free, who wants to become liberated, must first of all learn that he is not this material body. Mukti or liberation means freedom from material consciousness. BG 1972 Introduction
- One who wants to understand the mystery of revealed scriptures must approach a bona fide spiritual master, hear from him very submissively and render service to him. Then the import of the scriptures will be revealed
- Ordinary persons must strictly observe the rules and regulations by staying aloof from the association of women. No one should imitate Narada Muni or Haridasa Thakura
- Others, who are attached to family life and who do not strictly follow celibacy vows, must live within the three material worlds
- Our energy is limited, and our sense perception is limited; therefore we must rely on the Vedic conclusions regarding that subject matter which is inconceivable
- Our energy is limited, and our sense perception is limited; therefore we must rely on the Vedic conclusions regarding that subject matter which is inconceivable - CC Intro
- Our entanglement in material affairs has begun from material sound. Now we must purify that sound in spiritual understanding. There is sound in the spiritual world also
- Our first problem is - because we have got this material body - eating. Everyone must eat. So Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14): "If there is sufficient food grains, then both man and animal, they become happy."
- Our knowledge is, therefore, always imperfect. On that we must agree. If we foolishly think that we have acquired all forms of knowledge and we have advanced in science, this is another foolishness. It is not possible
- Our life is so short that we must strictly adhere to the principles laid down by the Vaisnava acaryas and peacefully execute Krsna consciousness. There is no need to become despondent
- Our point is that if we actually want to expand this international feeling, then we must find out the real center. That center is Krsna
- People are thinking, "I must first of all see to my own interest." That's all right, but what is that interest? That they do not know
- People bewildered by material conditions try to be united, but although they strive for unity among men and nations, all their attempts are futile. Everyone must struggle alone for existence with the many elements of nature
- People in general must understand the importance of Krishna Consciousness, and they must in this democratic day send their real representatives who can make right decisions whether there should be war or no war
- People may take or not take, but a God's servant must speak the truth. Just like Jesus Christ. He was crucified. Nobody took his words. But he did it
- People must co-operate. If not, then they will have to suffer. So, I am very glad that you have come forward, being one of the leaders of the cultural community
- People must know that "Here is diamond. If I want it, I must pay the proper price." That I want to establish
- People must stop this cow killing, the greatest sin. They should divert their tendency for happiness differently than by killing and drinking
- Persons of normal mental condition must obey the scriptural injunctions. Those who are not in such a position neglect and disobey the scriptures and manufacture their own way of austerities and penances. BG 1972 purports
- Persons who are engaged in fruitive activities for sense enjoyment must perform the prescribed sacrifices because that is the only means to get free from the reaction of all sins committed by fruitive workers
- Persons who cannot understand the real significance of an incarnation must attain such lower species of life (like jackals) as punishment
- Persons who do not ultimately accept the Supreme Personality of Godhead and take to devotional service, but who instead are attached to impersonalism and voidism, must undergo great labor to achieve their goals
- Persons who have taken to the path of self-realization must therefore be very careful to avoid contamination by the influence of maya. Srila Rupa Gosvami says that a devotee should be completely free from all sorts of material desires
- Persons who try to reach the ultimate goal of life must expertly observe the Supreme Absolute Person and the living entity, who are one in quality in their relationship as part and whole. This is the ultimate understanding of life
- Please permit Me to go, for I must tour South India. With your permission, I shall soon return very happily
- Pradyumna said, "I must accuse you (son of Daruka) - you are a coward and emasculator! Tell me, how can I go before my uncle Balarama and my father, Krsna, and what shall I say before Them?"
- Pradyumna's chariot was being driven by the son of Daruka. According to Vedic military principles, the chariot driver and the hero on the chariot must cooperate during the fighting
- Prahlad Maharaj prayed I am not satisfied to go back to the kingdom of God alone, but I must bring back with me all these poor fools who have no alternative ultimately than to surrender to You
- Prajapati Daksa continued: If you think that simply awakening the sense of renunciation will detach one from the material world, I must say that unless full knowledge is awakened, simply changing dresses as you have done cannot possibly bring detachment
- Presently everyone is laboring under this delusion, but in order to understand our spiritual identity, we must find the proper guru
- Produce millions of TV machine. Simple they are used for wasting time. One or two or five made for some important business. Now they are producing millions of sets. They must sell. And people are induced to purchase
- Prthu replied: My dear earth, you have disobeyed my orders and rulings. In the form of a demigod you accepted your share of the yajnas we performed, but in return you have not produced sufficient food grains. For this reason I must kill you
- Putra has got a duty, to save the forefathers. Therefore one has to, it is his duty to keep a putra. At least one son he must leave. But people are not very much anxious to have putra. Rather to kill putra. They are so sinful
- Radharani continued, "I say, 'My dear friends, you are asking Me to be patient, saying that Krsna is an ocean of mercy and that some time in the future He will accept Me. However, I must say that this will not console Me"'
- Radharani said, "I think it must be admitted that in your (Subala) previous lives you have succeeded in many kinds of austerities"
- Rascals have been described in Bhagavad-gita as duskrtino mudhah. Nondevotees, those who are not Krsna conscious, must engage in sinful activities, and therefore they are mudhas - fools and rascals
- Real process is one should go to the guru. But intelligent man goes: "My life is meant for spiritual realization. So I must find out a guru." That is his business
- Regarding the building, if it is already acquired by the university, then if you purchase, the university authorities must give you guarantee that they will return the money, whatever we have paid, after deducting the usual rent only
- Regarding those unable to take to the Deity worship in the temple, there is the following statement in the Agni Purana. Any householder devotee unable to worship the Deity must at least see the Deity worship, and in this way he may achieve success also
- Regardless of caste, creed, or color, everyone must adopt the process of karma-yoga, or work with transcendental results. And by so doing, everyone shall help to spiritualize all the activities of the world
- Religious life must begin very clean. Sinful life will not help . . . that is practical, everyone knows
- Rotating means it must turn. Because sunshine is very great, and all other planets they are very small. So as soon as it is rotating, it must come to be face of the sunshine
- Rukmini knew very well that obtaining the favor of Krsna was not easy. Since even Lord Siva must purify himself for this purpose, surely it would be difficult for Rukmini, who was only the daughter of a ksatriya king
- Sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayor vacamsi vaikuntha-gunanuvarnane (SB 9.4.18). First we must fix our minds on the lotus feet of Krsna, for the mind is the center of all sensory activities
- Sanatana-dharma means that the living entity is eternal, he must seek out his eternal service. That is called sanatana-dharma
- Sankara says that he does not attempt to argue that portion of the devotees’ understanding, but he must protest the idea that Sankarsana is produced from Vasudeva, Pradyumna is produced from Sankarsana, and Aniruddha is produced from Pradyumna
- Sannyasis must abide by Lord Rsabhadeva's instructions while on the path of devotional service. Lord Rsabhadeva retired from family life and lived like a naked madman even while still with His family
- Sastra has some rules and regulations when number of intoxication and meat eating people increase, then mother earth suffers the heavy weight. Sastras says that we must reject these kinds of sinful activities
- Secular state means that the state should see that everyone is strictly following his religious principle. That is secular state. If you are Hindu or varnasrami, then you must follow the principles of how one is a brahmana, how one is a ksatriya
- Service we must give. That is our constitutional position. But that service is meant for rendering to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- She (hunchback) proposed to Krsna, "My dear hero, I cannot leave You in this way. You must come to my place. I am already very much attracted to Your beauty, I must receive You well, since You are the best among males, You must also be very kind upon me"
- Simply all you leaders there in India must cooperate with him nicely and give him confidence and advice how to manage the things in the best manner
- Simply because a tiger is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord does not mean that we embrace him because of his spiritual relationship with the Supreme Lord. We must associate only with persons who have developed Krsna consciousness
- Simply realizing Brahman, realizing one's identity as spirit soul, is insufficient. We must realize that Bhagavan is everywhere
- Simply studying Vedic literature will not do. Brahma janatiti brahmanah. He must realize what is Brahman. Then he becomes brahmana. Brahmana is a qualification. It is not by birth
- Simply understanding the transformations of different energies is partial knowledge. We must come to the ultimate cause
- Simply we have to become purified feelings that, "I must serve Krsna very nicely." Then He will give facilities, He will give you intelligence, He will give you everything. Because He is the source of everything
- Since he (the Mayavadi philosopher) is not aware of his relationship with the Supreme Personality of Godhead and therefore has no spiritual activity, he must come down for further activities in this material world
- Since he (Visvakarma) was engaged to construct the residential quarters of Bali Maharaja, the buildings and palaces on the planet Sutala must at least equal those on the heavenly planets
- Since sayujya-mukti is partial mukti, they (the impersonalist) must fall again to this material world
- Since we cannot avoid the plan of the Supreme Godhead, we must agree to be directed by Him, just as a blind man is led by a person who has eyes
- Sincere candidates must, therefore, approach an expert spiritual master for such a progressive march, and the bona fide, expert spiritual master is competent to direct a disciple from any stage of life: tamas, rajas or sattva
- Small attempts of fire brigade is useless to extinguish the blazing fire of this material existence. The water must come from the cloud. That is by Krsna's grace. You have no control over the cloud
- So believe in Krsna's word and surrender unto Him, and don't spoil this human form of life. Death is sure. Before death, we must prepare to go back to home, back to Godhead
- So by nature we should be always engaged in pleasure potency. But then why you are in this miserable condition? This question must arise in human form of life. If it does not, then he has not come to the perfection of human life
- So called gentleman one may be or academically educated he may be he is hovering over the mental plane and therefore he must commit nuisance being influenced by the external energy
- So far as your occasional agitation from maya, the answer is very simple that one must either strictly control his senses, or else he must get himself married. If one is strong enough in Krishna Consciousness, then there is no reason to become grhastha
- So far the speaking engagements are concerned, they must be well-organized and sponsored, so that there will be enough publicity and many people will come. We are not cheap, we want to speak something, but there must be good accommodations provided
- So far your becoming GBC is concerned, yes, I had wanted that, but there are so many complaints. This is not good. GBC must mean that by his managing, there is not any complaints so that I can be relieved in order to do my translation work
- So however we may try to make ourself happy by material adjustment, it is not possible. We must turn to the spiritual life, or devotional... Spiritual life means devotional service. That is real spiritual life
- So if we actually want life, blissful life, then we must get out of this material existence. That is Prahlada Maharaja's instruction. Samudvigna-dhiyam. And if you remain in the material existence, you must suffer some anxiety. There is no excuse
- So long one is rascal, falsely thinking that he's independent, there must be the regulative principles. He must observe the regulative principles, vidhi-nisedha
- So long one will falsely think that "I am God. I am enjoyer, I am this, I am that." Then he'll suffer. False notion will never make him happy. He must come to the true, factual idea
- So long we have got this body, material body, we must be unhappy. First of all, we must try to understand why we are unhappy. We are unhappy because we are in this material body
- So our business is to stop slaughter. Meat-eating we cannot stop. Certain persons, they must eat. They are fourth-class, and then fifth-class men. There are four classifications - brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra and candala
- So spiritual education means, spiritual enlightenment means, first of all, we must try to understand the jiva. Because jiva is the small particle of the Lord. So that we can understand the quality of the Lord
- So we must stick to that business under all circumstances, that is the main thing. Therefore married, unmarried, divorced, whatever condition of life, my preaching mission does not depend on these things
- So when we speak of a living entity, we must see the body and the mind as two outward coverings, two layers of paraphernalia - and the living force or spirit soul as the chief, central figure
- Somebody challenges that "Why shall I believe in the Vedas? I must see." But everything is not possible to see. For example, the mother said to the son, "Here is your father." So you have to believe your mother; otherwise how you can see your father?
- Somebody must decide, judge, and that is sastra
- Someone may be rich, someone may be middle class, and someone may be a poor beggar - it doesn’t matter. As long as one is under the spell of the three modes of material nature, he must continue to experience these divisions
- Sometimes not willingly but due to past bad habits-habit is second nature-one does something nonsensical. But that does not mean he is faulty. But he must repent for that - I have done this
- Sometimes we commit so many criminal activities to satisfy our senses, because we want money. So palita durnidesah. My conscience says, "You don't do it." But, because I want to enjoy my senses, I must do it
- Sometimes yogis do attain certain siddhis or powers, but these are not the purpose of yoga, and real yogis do not exhibit them. The real yogi thinks, - I am now contaminated by this material atmosphere, so now I must purify myself
- Sometimes you become member in the stock exchange and other association to learn their business and make progress. Similarly, if you want to increase your love for Krsna, you must associate with persons who are interested in this business - devotees
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has advised that one who has taken birth as a human being in Bharata-varsa must first realize himself as a part and parcel of Krsna, and after taking to Krsna consciousness, he must distribute this knowledge all over the world
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu introduced the system that a woman, even if not a widow, must observe the Ekadasi day and must not touch any kind of grains, even those offered to the Deity of Visnu
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally admitted that a grhastha must live with a wife. Ksatriyas were even allowed to have many wives to encourage them in discharging the duties of government
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "The King must personally realize the money that is due. I am but a sannyasi, a member of the renounced order. What can I do"
- Sri Sanatana Gosvami, the teacher of the science of devotional service, wrote several books, of which the Brhad-bhagavatamrta is very famous; anyone who wants to know about the subject matter of devotees, devotional service and Krsna must read this book
- Srila Haridasa Thakura is called namacarya. Of course, we cannot imitate Haridasa Thakura, but everyone must chant a prescribed number of rounds
- Srila Jiva Gosvami says that although sankirtana is sufficient for the perfection of life, the arcana, or worship of the Deity in the temple, must continue in order that the devotees may stay clean and pure
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura also recommends that one engage in the service of the acaryas, and if one wants to live in association, he must live in the association of devotees - tandera carana sevi bhakta-sane vasa
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti also advises that if we want to be successful in our attempt to go back to Godhead, we must very seriously act according to the instruction of the spiritual master. That is the way of perfection
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (2.3.10) enjoins: "A person who has broader intelligence, whether he is full of all material desire, is free from material desire, or has a desire for liberation, must by all means worship the supreme whole, the Personality of Godhead"
- Sruti-prasthana, smrti-prasthana, nyaya-prasthana. So any bona fide acarya must give his understanding about these three prasthanas
- Submission means I must approach somebody who is actually in better position or higher position. Otherwise, what is the use of approaching? Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya. And seva means service. You cannot challenge
- Such a devotee must be a representative of Sukadeva Gosvami, like Suta Gosvami, and must preach the cult of devotional service for the all-around benefit of all people
- Such a life is called svarupa-vismrti, forgetfulness of one's real constitutional position. In Vedic civilization one is trained in the very beginning of life as a brahmacari. A brahmacari must execute austerities and refrain from sex indulgence
- Such a person is truly intelligent, whereas others, who have but a poor fund of knowledge, must endure the cycle of repeated birth and death. Of all sacrificial performances, the chanting of the Lord's holy name is the most sublime
- Such knowledge must come down through the disciplic succession, through authorized persons who know the real purpose of the sastra
- Such questions (who he is, what the universe is, what God is, and what the relationship is between himself, God and the material world) cannot be asked by cats and dogs, but they must arise in the heart of a real human being
- Suffering and so-called suffering, distress, that will go on so long we have got this body. But we must come to the knowledge that "I am, I have got this body due to my past activities." That is knowledge. Karmana daiva-netrena
- Suffering humanity must surrender to Krsna, as Krsna Himself demands in the last instruction of Bhagavad-gita (BG 18.66): "Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto Me. I shall deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear"
- Suffering must befall me on account of my sinful activities, but Krsna says, "I will deliver you from all the reactions to your sinful activities." This should be clear. Ordinarily, destiny cannot be checked
- Sukracarya stressed that one's material means of livelihood and one's material reputation, sense gratification and economic development must continue properly
- Suppose a very rich man is suffering from disease. He may have a first-class physician, medicine, and hospital available for him, but still he may die. This means that Krsna desired, - This man must die
- Svadhyayah means - reading the authorized Vedic scriptures. Even if one is not Krsna conscious and is practicing the yoga system, he must read standard Vedic literatures in order to understand. Performance of yoga alone is not sufficient
- Tad-vijnana means spiritual knowledge. Spiritual knowledge. For acquiring spiritual knowledge. Tad-vijnanartham. Sa - one; gurum eva - eva means must; gurum - to a guru. Must go to guru. Not "a guru"; "the guru." Guru is one
- Tamo-guna and rajo-guna increase lust and greed, which implicate a living entity in such a way that he must exist in this material world in many, many forms. That is very dangerous
- Tapasya means that we must proceed with our business of Krsna consciousness despite all the dangers and calamities of this world. This is called tapasya, or voluntary acceptance of the difficulties of life
- That (to think it maybe nobody's and take it) is also stealing. Because it must belong to somebody. And you take it without his permission. You may not know exactly who is the proprietor, but you know, "It must belong to someone." That is knowledge
- That is a fact: if people actually want peace and tranquillity, they must support this movement wholeheartedly, and we shall execute our prescribed duties very seriously and sincerely
- That mentality (there is God and I must submit to Him) is very rare to be found. It has to be created. Therefore you will find not very many followers of this Krsna consciousness movement. But one who is following he is very fortunate
- That one marriage is sufficient. She must remain very faithful to her husband, chaste. That is wanted. Not that "I do not like this husband. I'll change." That is not wanted
- That Personality of Godhead has to be obeyed in all respects. Anyone who wants to become freed from material entanglement must surrender unto Him, and this is confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita
- That should be the ideal example. Women when not with husband must live very very humbly and simple life
- The Absolute Truth must descend from the absolute platform. He is not to be understood by the ascending process
- The administrators cannot prevent corrupt activities by allowing wine shops. They must at once close all shops of intoxicating drugs and wine and force punishment even by death for those who indulge in habits of intoxication of all description
- The Age of Kali is so strong that it affects even the so-called followers of Lord Caitanya. At least the followers of Caitanya Mahaprabhu must come out of India to preach His cult all over the world, for this is the mission of Lord Caitanya
- The aim of life is described that how to go back to home, back to Godhead. That should be. So if that is our aim of life, then we must engage our self in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness
- The blessed messengers of Lord Visnu, the Visnudutas, said: If you are actually servants of Yamaraja, you must explain to us the meaning of religious principles and the symptoms of irreligion
- The body and its possessions, its riches and relatives, must all be engaged for the benefit of others, or else they will be sources of tribulation and misery
- The boy continued, "I must go very soon to milk the cows, but I shall return and take back this milk pot from you"
- The brahmacari must rise early in the morning and, after placing himself, should chant the holy name of the Lord
- The brahmacaris must perform sacrifices, the grhasthas must give in charity, and those in the renounced order of life (the vanaprasthas & sannyasis) must practice penance and austerities. These are the procedures to be elevated to the spiritual platform
- The brahmajyoti is not separate from the Lord, as the glowing sun ray is not independent of the sun disc. Therefore one who desires to merge into the supreme impersonal brahmajyoti must also worship the Lord by bhakti-yoga
- The brahmana must possess the qualities mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita (18.42) and take bath at least twice a day to maintain external cleanliness as well as always chanting the maha mantra for internal cleanliness
- The brahmana replied, - I am reading Bhagavad-gita, or, rather, I am trying to read Bhagavad-gita. I happen to be illiterate, but my guru-maharaja has said that I must read the eighteen chapters of Bhagavad-gita daily
- The brahmanas (the intelligent men), the administrative men, the mercantile community and the laborer class must acquire special qualities in terms of occupational duties mentioned in all the Vedic scripture
- The brahmanas, as the intelligent class of men in society, must vow to steadily respect this regulative principle of varnasrama
- The brahminical or intelligent men have to execute the duty of the head, the ksatriyas must fulfill the duty of the arms, the vaisya class must fulfill the duty of the belly, and the sudras must fulfill the duty of the legs
- The captivating power of woman, and man's susceptibility to such attraction, must also exist in the Supreme Personality of Godhead in the spiritual world and must be represented in the transcendental pastimes of the Lord
- The chaste wife must perform such devotional service continuously for one year. After one year passes, she should fast on the full-moon day in the month of Karttika (October-November)
- The citizens of the state must give in charity up to fifty percent of their income for the purpose of creating a spiritual atmosphere in the state or in human society, both individually and collectively
- The conch shells as you have described may be kept on the altar as decoration, but they must be kept clean. Everything on the altar must always be clean
- The conclusion is that if we want real peace and order in the human society, we must follow the principles laid down by the Manu-samhita and confirmed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna
- The conditioned soul must make mistakes, because that is the nature of conditioned life. The mistake may be very great or very slight - that doesn't matter - but a human being conditioned by material nature is sure to commit mistakes
- The conditioned soul thus situated must take birth in different species and work in various types of consciousness, thus creating new bodies. This continued material life is called samsara
- The confusion must continue because this measurement of spirit soul is beyond the range of experimental mind and understanding
- The defects of a conditioned soul are: (1) he must commit mistakes; (2) he must be illusioned; (3) he must possess the tendency to cheat others; and (4) all his senses must be imperfect. We must understand that God is transcendental to all these defects
- The demigods must offer worship in obedience to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, but one might argue that since the Supreme Godhead was within the womb of Devaki, He was also coming in a material body. Why then should He be worshiped
- The demons continued to say, “If there is some disease in the body which is neglected, it worsens and becomes incurable. Similarly, we must now be very careful of the demigods (disease for the demons) before they get too strong to be subdued
- The descendants of the kingly orders are definitely designated as watchdogs, and they must keep themselves at the door. On what grounds can dogs enter the house and claim to dine with the master on the same plate?
- The devotee of the Lord does not seek them (material enjoyment, salvation and mystic powers) separately, wasting his valuable time in life. The valuable time of one's life must therefore be fully engaged in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- The devotees are saintly persons or sadhus. The first qualification of a sadhu, or devotee, is ahimsa, or nonviolence. Persons interested in the path of devotional service, or in going back home back to Godhead, must first practice ahimsa, or nonviolence
- The devotees must bear in mind they are promising to follow four regulative principles & chanting a minimum of 16 rounds of japa daily. Everyone should take very seriously this vow & make steady & sure progress in KC & go back to Godhead in this lifetime
- The different limbs of the body cannot enjoy life independently; they must cooperate with the whole body and supply food to the stomach. In so doing, all the different parts of the body enjoy equally in cooperation with the whole body
- The eating, sleeping, mating, this is also dharma. Dharma means the activities, constitutional activities. Any man or any animal who has got this body, he must eat. This is also dharma. Dharma means which we cannot avoid
- The elderly brahmana said, "How can I undo the promise I made in a holy place while on pilgrimage? Whatever may happen, I must give him my daughter in charity"
- The faint illumination of knowledge that appears at first is certain to lead to full enlightenment, but we have to be patient. We must carefully avoid letting pride enter our hearts because of some initial perceptions of the inconceivable Absolute
- The faith begins from the tongue. "Why?" People will be surprised. "Faith must begin from the mind, from the eyes. And why it is said tongue?" They do not know
- The father, after the child is born, must take care of the child and work hard to provide for its education. Therefore the Vedic literature says, bahu-duhkha-bhajah: (SB 7.9.45) after sex, legitimate or illegitimate, there are so many troubles
- The first principle for good government is that it must institute this varnasrama system. The purpose of varnasrama is to enable people to become God conscious
- The first step is that you must associate with devotees and then take to bhajana-kriya. Then see, examine yourself that whether you are free from all the anarthas, all the unwanted things
- The first thing is enthusiasm, that "I must see Krsna." You are seeing Krsna. The Deity of Krsna and Krsna is not different. But even personally you can see
- The first thing is that I am very much anxious for Hindi BTG composition. It must done immediately, otherwise how you can get it from Japan?
- The first verse of the Brahma-sutra is athato brahma jijnasa: "We must now inquire into the Absolute Truth." The second verse immediately answers, janmady asya yatah: "The Absolute Truth is the original source of everything"
- The followers of Lord Caitanya must execute His will with heart and soul, being more tolerant than the trees and humbler than the straw in the street
- The foolish living entity declares freedom from all control, but factually he is not free; he is fully under the control of material nature. He must therefore be most careful and responsible in the activities of his life
- The fraudulent swamis or mental speculators, in order to remain consistent with the theory of monism, must pass off the miseries of mankind as the pastimes of God, but actually these miseries are only the enforced punishments of Maya devi
- The gardener must defend the creeper by fencing it all around so that the powerful elephant of offenses may not enter
- The gopis said, "Dear malati flower, dear mallika flower, dear jasmine flower, all of you must have been touched by Krsna while He was passing this way after giving us transcendental enjoyment"
- The gopis said, "We must, therefore, understand that this particular gopi served Krsna with greater affectionate love than ourselves. Because of this, although He has left us, He could not leave Her company"
- The gopis said, "When You (Krsna) leave the body, it immediately dies, and according to the injunction of the sastras, a dead body must immediately be thrown into a river or burned. Therefore, ultimately You are the dearmost personality in this world"
- The gopis thought that because all the trees must have seen Krsna pass by they were offering respectful obeisances to Him. To be certain, the gopis inquired from the trees
- The gopis, who are beyond compare in their affection for Krsna, were seen to worship Durga. The worshipers of demigods sometimes mention that the gopis worshiped goddess Durga, but we must understand the purpose of the gopis
- The Gosvamis' esoteric logic and profound analytical philosophy have not yet caught the attention of modern thinkers, and the burden of guilt for this discrepancy must indeed fall on us
- The government is responsible if the son dies before the father. Naturally, the father is older than the son, so he must die first. So such responsible government was there. Now, in the civilized world, anyone can be killed by anyone, but nobody cares
- The greenery of the rainy season is but a temporary show. It looks very pleasant, but we must remember that it will not last. Similarly, there are persons who undergo severe austerities for some material gain, but those who are sane avoid this
- The grhastha must obtain permission from the spiritual master to observe the ritualistic ceremony of garbhadhana-samskara. Then he may approach his wife to beget children, otherwise not
- The guru is God's representative. The guru is the external manifestation of Krsna. So there are symptoms of who is a guru. The general symptoms are described in the Vedas (MU 1.2.12): A guru must come in a disciplic succession
- The harassing living being must at once be caught and put to death, as shown by Maharaja Pariksit
- The head may be very important part of the body, but you cannot neglect the legs. If you want to keep the body in fitness, then the brain must work nicely, the hand must work nicely, the belly must work nicely, and the legs also must
- The heavenly planets are just below Brahmaloka, but as stated by the Supreme Lord, Krsna, abrahma-bhuvanal lokah punar avartino 'rjuna: (BG 8.16) even if one achieves Brahmaloka, he must still fall to the lower planetary systems again and again
- The higher castes, the brahmanas, ksatriyas especially, and the vaisyas also, they must observe the dasa-veda samskara, ten kinds of reformatory methods. The first method is garbadhana-samskara
- The higher planetary living conditions are all in the mode of goodness, and anyone desiring to enter the higher planets like the moon, sun and Venus must qualify thoroughly by activity in complete goodness
- The holy name is so powerful that it must act, but when one utters the holy name with offenses, its action will be delayed, not immediate, although in favorable circumstances the holy names of the Lord act very quickly
- The human being is a social animal, and if one gives up the society of pure devotees, he must associate with nondevotees - asat-sanga
- The human form of life affords one a chance to return home, back to Godhead. Therefore every living entity, especially in the human form of life, must engage in devotional service to the lotus feet of Lord Visnu
- The hunger of the Lord is to accept the fruits of sacrifice. The brahmanas, or the intelligent class, must be very expert in performing such sacrifices, and the subordinate classes must join in such sacrifices
- The husband is a very intimate friend; the wife must render service just like an intimate friend, and at the same time she must understand that the husband is superior in position
- The idea is that local devotees must manage the local temple. In case of emergency, the other temples may help, but that should not be continued, for all the time
- The idea is that those who will later on accept service, they cannot be accepted by us for schooling, we cannot help them. They must be the sons of rich and important men who will not be taking education simply to use it for eating and sleeping
- The idea is that we should follow in the footsteps of great devotees. If we are unable to execute all the different items of devotional service, we must try to execute at least one of them, as exemplified by previous acaryas
- The initiation requires some Guru daksina, so during the time of initiation, the disciple must collect some alms and present it to the Spiritual Master. That is the system.
- The inquisitive student must approach a qualified spiritual master to receive transcendental knowledge by surrender, submissive inquiries and service. Knowledge received by submissive inquiries and service is more effective than in exchange for money
- The institution of varna and asrama prescribes many regulative duties to be observed by its followers. Such duties enjoin that a candidate willing to study the Vedas must approach a bona fide spiritual master and request acceptance as his disciple
- The instruction is that we must do everything for the satisfaction of Visnu and Visnu only, if we want to be free of the bondage to the wheel of our work
- The intelligent class in society must speak on behalf of the body, as well as accept foodstuff to satisfy the hunger of the body. The hunger of the Lord is to accept the fruits of sacrifice
- The karmis, jnanis, and yogis, as well as the common politicians and anyone else who is working hard to make a comfortable and peaceful situation in this material world, must clearly realize that the world is transitory and full of misery
- The killer of the soul, whoever he may be, must enter into the planets known as the worlds of the faithless, full of darkness and ignorance
- The killing of cows by human society is one of the grossest suicidal policies, and those who are anxious to cultivate the human spirit must turn their attention first toward the question of cow protection
- The king must come forward first. The other party's king also. The king will fight with king, and the soldiers will fight soldiers according to position. And when the king is killed, then victory is owned
- The king or head of state must see that things go on well under proper guidance, and he must be an ideal devotee, as exemplified by Maharaja Ambarisa
- The king or the administrator is the representative of the Lord to look after the management of the Lord's will. He must therefore be a recognized person like Maharaja Yudhisthira or Pariksit
- The king, being the representative of the Lord, must possess this attitude of giving protection to the surrendered souls at all risk
- The ksatriyas should always be very strong to be able to give protection to the weak. They should not pose themselves as nonviolent. If violence is required, they must exhibit it. BG 1972 purports
- The ksatriyas should be very strong to be able to give protection to the weak. They should not pose themselves as nonviolent. If violence is required, they must exhibit it. But a person who is able to curb down his enemy may show forgiveness
- The ksatriyas, or the ruling class, must govern the world in accordance with the rules and regulations enacted by great brahmanas and saintly persons
- The law is to kill a human being is murder that is human but if somebody attacks me I kill him that is not murder. So devotee means for his personal sense gratification he will never kill but when there is reason he must kill, that is another thing
- The law of reception in the codes of the Vedic principles states that even if an enemy is received at home, he must be received with all respects. He should not be given a chance to understand that he has come into the house of an enemy
- The less intelligent, who try to remain within this material world, may be elevated to higher planets and then again must come down to this planet earth
- The living entities are trying to counteract different miserable conditions pertaining to providence, other living entities or the body and mind. Still, they must remain conditioned by the laws of nature, despite all attempts to counter these laws
- The living entity must have some activity. If he does not engage in the activity of transcendental service, he must fall down to material activity. As soon as one falls down to material activity, there is no rescue from the cycle of birth and death
- The living entity must turn toward the Supreme Personality of Godhead and surrender unto Him. Only then will he be saved from the onslaught of the powerful Yavana, or Yamaraja
- The living entity's struggle for existence within the material world is due to his rebellious nature. Unless a living entity surrenders to Krsna, he must continue this life of struggle
- The living entity, by his constitutional position, is not independent. He must surrender, either unto the Lord or unto material nature
- The Lord (Balarama) replied, "Yes, I must atone for this action, which may have been proper for Me but is improper for others; therefore, I think it is My duty to execute a suitable act of atonement enjoined in the authorized scriptures"
- The Lord (Krsna) does not need to come down personally to kill such demons, but when His devotee is in distress He must come
- The Lord Himself claims in the Gita that He is the seed-giving father of all forms and species, who therefore must all be considered sons of the Lord
- The Lord is the Lord of everyone, including the great kings and emperors, and men who are rich in the estimation of mundane people must therefore make it a point to visit the temple of Lord Sri Krsna and regularly bow down before the Deity
- The Lord is the purest, and thus anyone who wants to serve the Supreme Lord must also be pure. Unless a person is pure, he can neither understand what the Personality of Godhead is nor engage in His service in love
- The Lord said, "I wish to beg you for one favor in charity. You must pledge that this sankirtana movement will not be checked, at least in the district of Nadia"
- The Lord warns Brahma that one should never be misled by the conclusion of the so-called grammarians or by other men with a poor fund of knowledge, but must always fix the mind properly, via the parampara system