This is the process for conquering the agitation of the mind. One is recommended to take leave of his family and live alone, maintaining body and soul together by begging alms and eating only as much as needed to keep himself alive. Without such a process, one cannot conquer lusty desires. Sannyāsa means accepting a life of begging, which makes one automatically very humble and meek and free from lusty desires. In this regard, the following verse appears in the Smṛti literature:
- dvandvāhatasya gārhasthyaṁ
- dhyāna-bhaṅgādi-kāraṇam
- lakṣayitvā gṛhī spaṣṭaṁ
- sannyased avicārayan
In this world of duality, family life is the cause that spoils one's spiritual life or meditation. Specifically understanding this fact, one should accept the order of sannyāsa without hesitation.