Category:You Must
"you must"
Pages in category "You Must"
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- A dead man cannot become a preacher. So you must be very enthusiastic that, "I shall preach the glories of the Lord to my best capacity." It is not that one has to become very learned scholar to become a preacher
- A dog, he cannot go to a guru. That is not possible. But a human being, he must. Abhigacchet. It must. It is not optional, that "I may go, or I may not." No, you must. That is the injunction. That is the Vedic injunction. Acarya-parampara
- Acarah means he learns from the sastra how we should live, that, preliminary, that you must take bath, you must wash your hands after eating or you must take bath after evacuating. So many things are there
- Acaryopasanam. If you want to advance in knowledge, then you must worship the acaryas. Otherwise, what knowledge you will get
- Accepting the sandalwood pulp and garland, the Lord sat down and said, "Now, in front of Me, you must eat"
- According to Vedic civilization, right hand is the superior hand, and left hand is the inferior hand. When you want to give somebody something, you must give it with the right hand. If you give it by the left hand, it is insult
- After instructing Arjuna, Krsna will ask him, "Now what you want to do?" Because Krsna does not force. Krsna says that, "You surrender unto Me." He does not force that, "You must surrender. I am God. You are My part and parcel." No, He'll never say that
- After telling them this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu showed them the broken silken ropes, saying, "Just look at this sample. You must make ropes that are much stronger"
- All sinful activity. Ugra-karma. And if you drink wine, then you must require meat. Otherwise your liver function will be bad. There must be lump of meat. And as soon as wine and meat combine, then you require illicit sex
- All sorts may go, but you must know the real message, that within this machine - the owner of the machine, the driver of the machine
- All your senses are imperfect. How you can get perfect knowledge? That is not possible. Therefore the injunction is, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet: "You must go to guru." And who is guru? This parampara system
- And where? Pranipata. Where you will find a person that "He is... Here is a person where I can surrender"? Then that means we have to make a little test where to surrender. That much knowledge you must have
- Anyone commits mistake. There is no doubt about it. But after committing mistake, if I stick to that mistake, that is foolishness. When it is detected that it is mistake, you must admit. That is greatness
- Anyone who has come here, he must commit sinful activities. As soon as you get this material body, then you must have to commit sinful activities, even if you are very careful. It is not possible
- Arjuna serves as another example. He was not willing to fight, but Krsna incited his anger: "You must fight!" To fight without anger is not possible. Anger is controlled, however, when utilized in the service of the Lord
- Artificially you can increase so many things for eating purposes. But you must eat. That is the economic question. It is not that you should starve
- As it is described in the English dictionary, that it is a kind of faith. Faith I may accept - suppose Hindu faith or Christian faith. So you may accept or not accept. But religion does not mean like that. Religion means you must accept
- As soon as there is darkness, your eyes are finished. And you are so much proud, oh. Therefore Vedic injunction - sastra-caksusa: "You must be seeing everything through the sastra, not with your these rascal eyes." It has no value
- As soon as we speak "Krsna," you must know there are so many associates. Krsna . . . just like if I say the president is coming, so one should know the president is not coming alone. He must be accompanied by his secretaries, by his military aide-de-camp
- As soon as you become devotee, the test is that all those twenty-six qualities will develop. You have to test yourself, "Out of the twenty-six qualities, how much I have developed?" If I am lacking, then you must know that you are not developing
- As soon as you get this body, you'll suffer, either white body or black body or yellow body. It doesn't matter. Either man's body or animal's body, as soon as you get this body, you must suffer. This is the punishment of nature
- As soon as you see some solid thing, you must know that it has come from liquid
- As the drunkard becomes big drunkard, you become a big devotee. The beginning is that you must be little anxious that, "How I can understand God?" This is the qualification
- As they have been trained up to rise early in the morning, this will give you spiritual strength. If you simply becomes a gramophone speaker, then it will not be effective. Gramophone or tape record speaker, that will not be. You must be live speaker
- As you are married, there is no need of separation as you are practicing artificially. You must live just like a respectable married couple and earn money as a Grhastha, and spend 50% for Krishna - that is the real program
- Because "To err is human." Anyone commits mistake. There is no doubt about it. But after committing mistake, if I stick to that mistake, that is foolishness. When it is detected that it is mistake, you must admit. That is greatness
- Because you are eternal, you are not meant for death, but nature is forcing you, Must die
- Because you say: "I have been cheated. I could not get the right information. I stop this business," that is not allowed. You must. Therefore, according to Vedic order it is said, tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet - MU 1.2.12
- Before accepting the spiritual master, you must find out whether Krsna or Krsna's representative is there. Arjuna surrendered to Krsna. Sisyas te 'ham: "I am Your disciple." Similarly, everyone should surrender to Krsna or Krsna's representative
- Being completely aware of Brahman, the Supreme Absolute Truth, not a bogus. If you want to receive knowledge, then you must approach a guru who is brahma-nistham. That is the qualification of guru
- Bhagavad-gita is also Veda. It is spoken by Krsna. So you cannot make any addition, alteration. You must take it as it is. Then you get the right knowledge
- Bhagavata communism says that even if you have got a lizard in your room, you must give him something to eat. If you have got a serpent in your room, you must give it something to eat. Nobody in your house should starve
- Bhakti is not theoretical. It is practical. Yato bhaktir adhoksaje. If you want to take to the bhakti process, it is not speculation. You must actually engage yourself in the process
- Brahmana, a brahmana's duty is to present himself an ideal human being. Satyam samo damas titiksa. Titiksa means toleration. "Oh, it is very cold. No, I cannot take bath." No. You must tolerate. You must tolerate
- Buddhi means intelligence. One has to be intelligent. If you want to enjoy life, then you must be intelligent also
- Catching the lotus feet of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, Haridasa Thakura said, "My Lord, do not create an illusion! Although I am so fallen, You must certainly show me this mercy"
- Charitable disposition of mind is there in everyone's heart, but one does not know how to make the best use of charity. Best use of... Not only charity - whatever you spend, you must spend for Krsna
- Civilization is that you must know what is your real position and act accordingly, and then you become liberated
- Cleanliness and following the routine work. That is our method. You must be very clean, neat and clean, rise early in the morning. We have got our duties
- Continue executing your Krsna Conscious activities, chanting 16 rounds, studying our books, going on sankirtana, worshiping the deity, & in this way you will become advanced. As you are senior devotee you must set a nice example for the others to follow
- Controlled means mind and the senses. And the prominent sense is sex. That is called control. So if you want to become immortal, then you must practice this. Of course, in Western countries, it is very difficult
- Controlling the senses, truthful, clean, full of knowledge, believing in the sastra and God, and vijnanam, practical application of knowledge in life, vijnanam . . . simply to know is useless. You must practically apply in life. That is called vijnanam
- Culture and business means you may do whatever business you are doing, according to your division, or according to your capacity. But if you want perfection in your business, then you must try to satisfy the Supreme Personality of Godhead. That is culture
- Dancing girl, when she was on the stage, she saw that her relatives are there as visitors. So she began to draw the veil. So this is not required. You are a dancing girl. Now you have to dance. You cannot be shy. You must freely dance. That is your duty
- Devahuti is saying, "You have given me all sorts of material comforts by your yogic power, and since you are now prepared to go away, you must give me your last award so that I may get free from this material, conditional life
- Devaki got Krsna as his child. So every father and mother should take this vow that, "Unless our children become first class, we don't want children." This is ideal. What is the use of begetting cats and dogs? You must have first-class children
- Dharma is such a thing that you cannot disobey. You must obey because it is the codes given by God. If you are so much respectful to the laws of the state, how much respectful you should be to obey the laws given by God
- Do not keep a guru as a pet dog. No. You must be submissive. Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya (BG 4.34). This is wanted
- Don't be entrapped with these temporary, bodily 'necessities of life' - sense gratification. You must inquire about the Absolute Truth. the next verse of Srimad-Bhagavatam explains, vadanti tat tattva-vidas tattvam yaj jnanam advayam - SB 1.2.11
- Don't make this life of fifty years, sixty years or seventy years or hundred years as all in all. You have got a continuous life of transmigration from one body to another. It is going on. You must know that
- Don't try for these things, to increase your economic position. This is already destined. You cannot increase or decrease. Whatever you are destined, you must get it. Try to get Krsna consciousness
- Don't waste your time by questioning some spiritual master or somebody unless you have pranipat. You must be ready to accept the answer which he gives; then make inquiry
- Duskrtina means miscreants or always engaged in sinful activities. If you are not religious, then you must act sinfully
- Education means that you must know what is your position
- Evam parampara-praptam. That is guru. So that is recommended. If you want to know Krsna, then tad-vijnanartham. In order to understand that science, then you must approach guru
- Even Gandhi, in our country, he was full of anxieties. All politician, they're full of anxiety; although they hold very exalted post, still the material disease, anxiety, is there. So if you want to be anxiety-less, then you must take shelter of the guru
- Even if you are unsuccessful, you must know it firmly that without Krsna's desire, nothing can happen. If you are unsuccessful, then you should.... That is Krsna conscious....
- Even though it is not possible to repay you (Diti), I (Kasyapa) shall satisfy your sex desire immediately for the sake of begetting children. But you must wait for only a few seconds so that others may not reproach me
- Even you do ordinary killing, vegetable killing, you are killing so many germs. So in higher sense, if you take this principle of Bible, "Thou shall not kill," that means you must eat krsna-prasadam, otherwise you will be killing
- Every religion has got scripture. Just like the Christians have got Bible, the Muslims have got Koran, and Hindus, they have got Vedas. They should abide by the injunction of the sastra. Krsna also recommends that you must follow the sastric injunction
- Everyone has to take sannyasa. It is not that a particular man, simply Caitanya Mahaprabhu has to take sannyasa. No. That is obligation. You must
- Everyone, all nonsense rascals, silent. He does not know what is God. And what is his religion? If you do not know what is God, a vague idea, that is not religion. You must know what is God
- Everywhere, you take politically or socially or spiritually, for human beings, if you want to make your life successful, then you must keep the tradition of brahmana-vaisnava. So our, we are Vaisnava. Our only tradition is how to satisfy Visnu
- Faith - "I believe in this, I may not believe in this" - that is different thing. But law means you must. There is no question of you believe or not believe. You believe or not believe, it doesn't matter. Law is law
- Faith you must have. Without faith, you cannot go a step forward, even in your ordinary life. But faith, what faith? Ah, the belief and faith should be in the authorized, authorized place. That is the process. Faith we must have
- First of all you must know from the authorities what is the truth. Then you speak. Don't speak nonsense. It will not help you or your followers. That is called anukirtaya
- First of all you must know it, athato brahma jijnasa, that superior knowledge. That is required. But everyone is neglecting
- First of all you must know what is the truth. If your standard of truth is different and my standard of truth is different, then where is the use of talking nonsense? If you have any other truth than Krsna, you be satisfied
- First of all you must know what is your identity. Your identity is . . . that I have already explained. You are part and parcel of God. So far we understand, our philosophy is, from Bhagavad-gita: mamaivamsah
- First of all you must teach by your personal example. This is the principle of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu (apani acari bhak pracaram). So you yourself must chant 16 rounds and follow the regulative principles and automatically they will do as you are doing
- First of all, we are united, husband and wife. Then we want a nice apartment or house, grha. Then, to maintain the house, we require a field, field of activity. Generally, formerly, they were agricultural. So you must have income
- First of all, you must become graduate, then you should take entrance in the law college, then you must learn. So what is God, that is the inquiry, but it requires training. And that is Vedic dharma, varnasrama-dharma
- First of all, you must have faith that, "In this life I shall understand thoroughly about God."Then associate with persons who are busy with God's business.Then you act as they are acting.Then your misconception of material life will be finished
- First you must understand what actual progress is. The thing is that if you try to progress vainly, what is the use of trying? If it is a fact you cannot change your material destiny, why should you try for that
- Following without knowing - that is absurd. You must know the order of God. And if you follow that, then that is honesty
- From gentleman's point of view, from nonviolence point of view, Arjuna was very nice. He was not willing to fight. But Krsna said: "You must fight," and therefore everything was engaged
- Go on for hundreds & thousands of years licking up (the bottle), but you will never know what is honey. This is the process. It must be opened by the authorized person, & you must really taste it; then you will understand what is honey when you taste it
- God has given this law, "You must die." This is applicable to everyone - Hindu, Muslim, Christian, man, animal, trees, birds, beasts, everyone. It cannot be disobeyed. That is law. That is God's law
- God has given you independence. If you do something wrong, against the will of God, then you must suffer. Therefore we find so many varieties of living entities, in different grades of life. That is due to misuse of independence
- God is not so cheap thing that in every street, every village, there is incarnation of God. Don't accept that. You must know what is meaning of God. At least we followers of Krsna consciousness, we do not accept such cheap God
- God never says "I am God, Krsna. I am your friend. You sit down idly & I shall do everything." He never said that. He said "You must fight." That is our duty, not that God has given us hands & legs & you sit down idly & let God do it. This isn't devotion
- God says that "You are My eternal servant. You must obey Me." That is religion. You try to understand the meaning of religion. Religion means the law given by God, and you must accept it. That is religion
- Gopi addressed the earth "I think that you must be very jubilant because the trees and plants, which are just like hairs on your body, are standing up so gloriously. May we ask when did you first get these symptoms?"
- Gopis addressed the earth and began to say, "My dear earthly planet, how many austerities and penances you must have undergone to have the lotus feet of Krsna always touching your surface"
- Grhastha-asrama is a concession for satisfying sex, that's all. But not more than fifty years. Then you must give up. That is the Vedic civilization
- Guru is essential. It is necessary. But take the real guru. But if you go to the bogus guru, you must be disappointed
- Guru means heavy. Therefore Vedic injunction is tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). You must. Abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not optional, that I may go or I may not go. No, you must. This is Vedic injunction
- He (Jesus) may eat anything. He is powerful. But he has ordered, "Thou shalt not kill. You must stop killing." He is powerful. He can eat the whole world. But you cannot compare to Jesus Christ
- He's (Sanatana Goswami) teaching us by his life example that without approaching spiritual master, you cannot have any spiritual enlightenment. That is not possible. You must approach a bona fide spiritual master and serve him
- Here it is said, mudha, everyone who is simply living in the fool's paradise, manufacturing his own ideas like Ajamila... Somebody has taken, "This is my duty," somebody has... He is a fool. You must know what is your duty from guru
- Hindu, or I may be a Christian, but the fact is that we are serving somebody. Either you be Hindu or Muslim or Christian or you may profess any religion, but you must be serving somebody. Is it not? So that serving is religion. Try to understand this
- His (Prahlada Maharaja's) little friends reply, "Oh, we shall now play. Why take up Krsna consciousness?" In answer to this, Prahlada Maharaja says - If you are intelligent, then you must begin bhagavata-dharma from childhood
- How there can be solution because they are all uneducated, not educated? So if you want to be educated, make the solution of all the problems of the world, then you must take to this Krsna consciousness movement. This is the only solution
- I am so much pleased that you are carrying on our Krsna Consciousness program with such nice enthusiasm and devotion in St. Louis. I think St. Louis is an important city in your country, so you must do the large work of making the whole place KC
- I have got some seed of bhakti, and I keep it in the iron chest. No. You must make cultivation of bhakti-bija
- I have sent a letter to your government asking them questions that you write on the bills, "In God We Trust." So you trust in God blindly or knowingly? That was my question. Suppose I trust you. you must be trustworthy. Otherwise why shall I trust you?
- I note that for the new printing of the abridged Gita, Dia Nippon, there were mistakes. Why there should be mistakes? Mistakes makes the book useless. You must be very, very careful. It will be detrimental to the sales
- I repeatedly request the management that you must be very expert in managing these temple affairs. Everything to the right point. Not a single farthing should be wasted. A Vaisnava must be daksa, expert in everything. This is no excuse
- I say: "Trust in Him," but if I do not know that man, how I can trust? You must explain that "This man is in this way trustworthy." Otherwise, what is the meaning of my trust
- I see that your disease is still continuing. Under the circumstances simple academic career will not help you. If you want to live with us you must accept temple life
- I tell you as a sincere friend that you must immediately retire from active politics if you do not desire to die an inglorious death. You have 125 years to live as you have desired to live but you if you die an inglorious death it is no worth
- I think there is good prospect for this Society being a World organisation and you must try to have a centre at Montreal as soon as possible
- I thought, "Oh, I cannot do this. I cannot accept this sannyasa." But My Guru Maharaja was so kind, and he is so kind still. Then he forced me, that "You must do it," taking, pulling my ear, he brought me to this line. In the beginning I was not willing
- I went to America, for instance, but either in America or India, I am the same man. But follow - you must strictly follow if you are serious
- If a boy loves some girl or a girl loves some boy, naturally, he thinks always of him. So to think of Krsna always means you must develop your love. That is there within yourself, everyone. Krsna-bhakti nitya-siddha
- If a tiger comes to attack you, you must kill. That is self-defense. And that is not himsa
- If he (a sudra) is inquisitive, that "What is the value of life?" then the Vedic literatures asking, tad-vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (Mundaka Upanisad 1.2.12): then you must search out a bona fide spiritual master
- If he's actually rendering devotional service, then he must be feeling. Just like if you are eating actually, then you must feel strength & satisfaction of your hunger. You cannot say, "I'm eating, but I'm not satisfied of my hunger." That is impossible
- If I want to inquire about God, shall I go to the storekeeper or drug shop or a motor shop? No. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet (MU 1.2.12). If you want to know the transcendental science, then you must find out a guru. That is injunction
- If in ordinary laws, in the state laws, that if you have killed somebody you must be hanged, so do you think you can simply bluff the supreme authority, Krsna, that you are going, killing, killing, killing, and you will be saved? No
- If someone gives you one piece of paper, "Yes, it is $10 note," then are you not cheated? You must know what is $10 note. Otherwise you'll be satisfied with a paper, piece of paper. That's all. If you do not know God, then how you can see God?
- If there is no good production, the government should not levy any tax. But now, at the present moment, "You go to hell, but you must pay the tax. And we divide the tax amongst ourself." That's all
- If we want jnana - because the jnanamaya-yajna is recommended the highest yajna - if we actually want jnana, then we have to first of all find out a person who is tattva-darsi. Just like if you have to purchase gold, you must know where gold is available
- If you actually serious to know about spiritual subject matter, then you must have to, abhigacchet, this word is used when the sense is "must." Not that without, I can go, I can have spiritual knowledge without having accepted a spiritual master
- If you actually trust, then you must know that God is trustworthy
- If you actually want good government not only for India but also for all the world over, you must promote the sales of this publication either or you may purchase some thousands of copies of this publication at concessional rate & distribute the same
- If you actually want to save yourself from dragging down again to the lower abominable species of life, then you must take to Krsna consciousness, bhakti-yoga
- If you agree (to material nature) that "I shall be dictated by you," then you become dictated. Just like a disease. If you infect the disease, then you must suffer
- If you approach a person, guru, who is not representative of Krsna, you are approaching a rascal. How you'll be enlightened? You must approach Krsna, or His representative. That is wanted
- If you are a student of Vedas, then you must have clear conception of God. That is real knowledge, no vague idea, but clear conception. That is knowledge, Vedic knowledge
- If you are actually learned, if you are proud of becoming vedanti, or knowledge in Vedanta, then you must be aware of Krsna
- If you are administrative class, then you must take to the politics or election, be elected the mayor, be elected the president or something like that, and work in that way
- If you are God, then you must be as joyful as God, as Krsna. If you are suffering still and you are claiming that you are God, that is nonsense
- If you are intelligent class, then you have to take to intelligent quality of work, just like you must become a scientist, you must become politician, not politician, philosopher. You must be a religionist or so many intelligent class of work
- If you are layman you must go to a person who has seen the truth. If you remain at home, then how you can see
- If you are not engaged in good work, then you must act badly. That is natural. You have to work. Therefore idle brain is devil's workshop. If you are sitting idly, then brain also will work, mind also will work
- If you are so foolish that you go to a butcher shop and ask him to supply diamond or gold, then you'll be cheated. You must know at least where to go and purchase gold or diamond. These are valuable things. That requires little intelligence and sincerity
- If you are talking of God, then you must love God. That is progress. But there is no love of God, there is love of something else, so what is the use of talking about? Hmm? What do you think? Is it not waste of time?
- If you are unsuccessful, you must know it firmly that without Krsna's desire, nothing can happen. If you are unsuccessful, then you should.... That is Krsna conscious.... You should know also that "It is Krsna's desire." It is Krsna's desire
- If you at all interested in the understanding of spiritual subject matter, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum evabhigacchet. Abhigacchet means must. It is not that if you like, you can go
- If you become a family man you must have some source of income. That source of income is land, as Rayarama was explaining you. Actually the land is the source of income. If you can utilize the land, then there is everything stocked there
- If you become leader, so-called leader, rascal leader, and you are addicted to illicit sex and intoxication and meat-eating, you must be si . . . if you are sinful, how you can lead persons?
- If you can actually grow this Tulasi plant, and I am sure you will do it, then you must know it for certain that your devotion for Krsna is testified
- If you can remain without marrying, it is better. But because you cannot, you become bachelor daddy, therefore you must marry. (laughter) Please don't become bachelor daddy. (laughter) This is most sinful life
- If you contaminate some disease, then you must develop that disease. Similarly, if your mind is contaminated with some material designation, then you have to accept similar body, by nature's way
- If you contaminate with the tamo-guna, then you must suffer. If you contaminate rajo-guna, you must get disease
- If you don't infect a certain disease, then you don't grow it. And if you infect... Therefore you must know or you must know the rules and regulation, how you can save yourself from infection
- If you engage yourself in the service of Krsna, you'll find new and new encouragement. That is spiritual. If you find it hackneyed, then you must know that you are not yet serving spiritually, you are serving materially
- If you go to a person who does not know God, that is your fault. If you go to a physician who is not actually physician, a store-keeper, then that is your fault. You must have the intelligence who is a physician
- If you go to a physician who is not actually physician, a store-keeper, then that is your fault. You must have the intelligence who is a physician. That much intelligence you have got
- If you have got any doubts, you can question. Yes. Because this is a discussion. We are trying to understand God, so you must understand it nicely. Question is one of the items for understanding
- If you have got any faith for making spiritual advancement, then you must associate with sadhus. Adau sraddha
- If you hide income tax, then you are criminal. You can say, "I have earned money. Why shall I pay income tax, government?" No. You must pay. And there is a limit, that if you have earned so much money, practically the whole money will be taken
- If you infect some disease, it must develop and you must have to suffer. There is no excuse. Similarly, if you are associating with the modes of ignorance and you are committing some sins, the effect you must have to suffer
- If you love somebody, you must give him something, and you must accept something from him. You must disclose your mind to him, and he should disclose his mind to you
- If you say: "Life is produced from chemicals," then you must make experimental demonstration: by mixing those chemicals you produce life. That is called vijnanam, practical demonstration. Otherwise it is not perfect
- If you think of Krsna always, then naturally you become devotee of Krsna. Man-mana bhava mad-bhaktah. And mad-yaji, if you actually become devotee of Krsna, then you shall worship Krsna. And if you worship Krsna, then you must offer obeisances to Krsna
- If you think you are God, then you must prove that you are not controlled. Then you prove that you are God. If I can prove that you are controlled, then you are not god or Godhead
- If you think, "Now I am initiated. I am now liberated. I have no other business," then you are not in the disciplic succession. You must preach. That is disciplic succession
- If you unintelligently accept some bogus person as perfect, that is your fault. You must be assured that, "The person from whom I am asking, he is perfect." Then you take it. Otherwise don't take
- If you want actually your life successful, you must try to understand Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness movement. Then your life is successful. And to understand Krsna, no other method will help you.
- If you want good government, then - this is democratic age - then you must be good. You must know who is good. Then you can elect: "Here is good man"
- If you want liberation from this material entanglement, then you must take to mahat-sevam dvaram ahur vimukteh. You must. There is no alternative
- If you want peace, then you must understand perfectly that everything in this world and other worlds is the property of Krsna, that He is the enjoyer of everything, and that He is the supreme friend of everyone - 5th Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita
- If you want perfection, you must take to Vedic culture, because it is not with the four defects of human beings
- If you want real satisfaction, as we have already described, that ahaituky apratihata yayatma suprasidati. If you want satisfaction of your self, then you must practice this devotional service
- If you want real satisfaction, then you must love Krsna
- If you want to advance in knowledge, then you must worship the acaryas. Otherwise what knowledge you will get? You cannot get, manufacturing knowledge or getting knowledge from somebody who has manufactured knowledge
- If you want to advance in spiritual life, you must follow the regulative principles to rectify your mistakes in the past life and this present life. Without being freed from all contamination nobody can understand God
- If you want to approach God, then you must be pure. If you remain impure, you cannot understand
- If you want to be anxiety-less, without any anxiety, then you must take shelter of the guru, or the spiritual master, and the test is that by the instruction of guru, by following the instruction of guru, you will be anxiety-less
- If you want to be benefited, then you must take the shelter of mahajana, great personalities. Mahajano yena gatah sa panthah. If you are perplexed that "Who is mahajana? How can I find him?" that is also explained in the sastra
- If you want to be elevated to the perfectional stage of life, then you must chant this Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare. That will help you. No other method, measures, will help you
- If you want to be happy, then you must take to the superior type of religious system which teaches the followers how to love God without any motive, and which is never checked by any material condition
- If you want to be really happy, if you want to be really in your original position, eternity, then you must take to Krsna consciousness. There is no alternative. It is not possible. It is not optional
- If you want to be servant of God, you must take instruction from God. That is wanted. You cannot manufacture idea that "God wants this." So first of all try to understand what is God's mission
- If you want to be trained up spiritually, then you must accept a spiritual master. So spiritual master trains with these books and explanation, practical demonstration. In this way the student makes progress spiritually
- If you want to become happy, first of all we must get this knowledge, that "I am not this body."
- If you want to change the mentality of the human being as it is going on, the dog's mentality, if you want to change it, you cannot do it by assembly in the United Nations and passing resolution. That is not possible. You must take to bhagavata-dharma
- If you want to end this suffering, then you must wash your brain - or heart, the same thing
- If you want to enjoy life, then you must be intelligent also. Just like the animals, they are not intelligent enough; therefore they cannot enjoy life as a human being can, standard
- If you want to enjoy something extraordinarily, you must create another unhappiness extraordinarily. This is called karmi
- If you want to get relief from this uncomfortable position of anxiety, then you must take to this Hare Krsna mantra. This is our request. You can try for it and you will see the practical result. It will not cost you anything; there is no loss about it
- If you want to go high, you must have permanent shelter. If you can take rest there, then you cannot fall down. But if you have no rest, then you will have to fall down
- If you want to have real knowledge, then you must worship acarya. Acaryopasanam. This is Vedic system
- If you want to inquire, you must go to somebody who knows the thing. Therefore, immediately, in the very beginning of the Vedanta-sutra, there is duality, that one must inquire, and one must answer
- If you want to know Krsna, God, as He is, then you must practice devotional life. Then He'll be seen
- If you want to know Krsna, then you must approach a person who knows Krsna. Don't try to know Krsna by your own imagination. People are trying to know Krsna by his faulty imagination. In that way Krsna cannot be known
- If you want to know Krsna, then you must become Krsna's devotee
- If you want to know things which is beyond your conception, beyond your sense perception, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- If you want to know this transcendental science, then you must fully surrender
- If you want to learn about God, then you must approach a person who is conversant in the science of God. That thing first required
- If you want to learn about that then you must find out a guru. What kind of guru? Just like Kapiladeva, Krsna, or His representative. Not a bogus guru. Then you will be cheated
- If you want to learn the transcendental subject matter, then you must adopt three things. First of all surrender. Find out that kind of person where you can surrender. If there is no surrender, it is not possible
- If you want to maintain peace and prosperity of the worldly social order, you must create a class of men very intelligent, a class of men very expert in administration, a class of men very expert in production and a class of men to work. That is required
- If you want to maintain, keep the perfect human civilization, then you must maintain this varnasrama. Otherwise, there will be chaos
- If you want to make real progress, then you must be firmly faithful at the lotus feet of guru
- If you want to prove that you are actually human being in this land, then you must take seriously the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and spread all over the world. That is the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And it is not very difficult
- If you want to remain as a human being, then you must remain as perfect human being. Therefore no illicit sex. The cats and dogs, they can have illicit sex, & if the human being also have the same process, then where is the difference between cats & dogs
- If you want to save somebody who's drowning, you must know that, I may not be washed away. I have to remain strong; then I can save him
- If you want to save yourself from suffering, then you must take to Krsna. It is a question of "must." It is not your option
- If you want to save yourself from the hellish condition of life, you must take to Krsna consciousness and surrender unto Him
- If you want to save yourself from this chaotic condition of life you must take to Krsna consciousness. That is our proposal
- If you want to save yourself from this repetition of different types of birth and death, then you must come to Krsna consciousness. That is the medicine
- If you want to understand Krsna, then you must approach a person who knows Krsna. It is not fanaticism or mental speculation. You have to learn the art scientifically
- If you want to understand that science, you must approach a bona fide spiritual master - This is very simple thing. If you want to learn engineering, then you must admit yourself in engineering college
- If you, actually, you are serious that "I must stop these inconveniences of birth, death, and old age," then you must join this Krsna consciousness movement. That is my request
- In America especially, despite all material opulences, there you are becoming confused and frustrated and disappointed, because wood and stone will not satisfy you. You must have spiritual food, and that is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In every sastra the injunction is if you want to understand the essence of Veda, then you must approach a realized, self-realized person. In the Bhagavad-gita also the same thing is said. Tad viddhi pranipatena - BG 4.34
- In his letter to Sanatana Gosvami, Srila Rupa Gosvami wrote, "We two brothers are starting out to go see Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. You must also somehow or other get released and come meet us"
- In the beginning you must work very hard; you come to the stage of pure devotional platform. Then you can fully engage yourself meditation or chanting. Not in the beginning. In the beginning you should be very expert and active. That is wanted
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is recommended, acaryopasanam. If you want real knowledge, then you must take knowledge from the acaryas or the acarya-parampara
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is recommended, acaryopasanam. If you want real knowledge, then you must take knowledge from the acaryas or the acarya-parampara. Then there is knowledge. Otherwise it is ignorance
- In the Bhagavad-gita, it is stated that to understand the transcendental science, the science of God, these things are required. What is that? You must find out a person who can answer. You cannot ask the question of God to a storekeeper. No
- In your country there are so many transcendental yogis, and they say, "Yes, whatever you like, you can do. God has given you senses, you must enjoy." These are manufactured cheating processes
- Is it possible to prolong life? Not for a second even. When you are destined to die, you must die. Mrtyuh sarva-haras caham (BG 10.34). This death is Krsna. You cannot defy Krsna; that is not possible
- Is it very difficult job? Let him define what is God. - If you say that I am God, then you must know what is God. If you falsely claim 'God,' then how you can be God?
- It doesn't matter whether it is Christianity or Hinduism or Muslim or... Knowledge is knowledge. Wherever knowledge is available, you must pick up
- It doesn't matter whether you are grhastha or sannyasi or brahmacari. You must become actual representative of Krsna. That is mahajana. And that is also not very difficult
- It is force that, "You must be beaten with shoes." That is not lila. Nobody says, "Let me play this lila and you beat me with shoes." No sane man will do that
- It is not forbidden, that "You starve," no. That is not stated in the sastra: Yavad artha-vinirnayam. To keep your health and body, and the body and the soul together, you must live very nicely so that you may not be diseased
- It is not that we shall not be angry. Yes, we shall be angry, but in suitable place, where God is insulted. When a rascal is claiming that he is God and deceiving others, you must be very much angry
- It is not Vaisnavism, "Oh, this man is coming to kill me. All right, let me embrace him." No. That is not the rule. When there is atatayi, aggressor, you must fight, you must kill. That is religious
- It is recommended in the Bhagavad-gita, acaryopasanam: you must follow the acaryas, the Ramanujacarya, Madhvacarya, even Sankaracarya, Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Then you'll get the real answer
- It is very good news that your wife has taken to learn the Japanese language. So you should train your wife like that instead of fighting and creating misunderstanding. You must tolerate such misunderstandings
- It is very simple to understand. The same example. Your position, you first of all you must know what is your position. The position is, Krsna says that, "All these living entities are My part and parcel." That is your position
- Jagadananda pandita says, "If you wish to associate with Caitanya Mahaprabhu, you must always remember the incident of Chota Haridasa and how he was rejected by the Lord"
- Jesus Christ has taken contract for all our sinful activities, so we can do anything, whatever we like. But that is not the fact. If one takes responsibility for you, you must abide by his order
- Jnana, this knowledge, most confidential knowledge, it is not sentiment. Vijnana-sahitam. It is science. Just like in scientific knowledge you must know theoretically and practically
- Jnanam means you must know things theoretical knowledge and practical knowledge. That is, jnanam means theoretical knowledge. And vijnanam means practical knowledge
- Just like if you irresponsibly live and there is epidemic and you contact some disease, infection, then you must suffer from it. There is no excuse. So we are acting in this life, in this material world
- Just like in free life you can go from this home to that home, in prison life you cannot do that. You must stay to your cell. So all these planets are like cells. We are trying to go to the moon planet; that is not possible
- Just like in the Bhagavad-gita the master, Krsna, orders Arjuna to fight. He was not willing to fight for his personal interest, but when Krsna ordered him that "You must fight," he fought. That is service
- Just like love between two person, it cannot be forced: "You must love him. You must love her." No, that is no love. That is not love. When they automatically love one another, that is quality. Dora vede, prema
- Just like when you see a wonderful bridge or wonderful engineering work, you must think that there is a brain behind it. This nice construction, there is a brain behind it
- Kindly be responsible, those who are second initiated. If you fall down, then the whole movement becomes false. That is happening. So rectify if that is happening, that guna-karma. You must acquire the qualities & must act accordingly. That is practical
- King Dusmanta said: O most beautiful one (Sakuntala), it appears to my mind that you must be the daughter of a ksatriya. Because I belong to the Puru dynasty, my mind never endeavors to enjoy anything irreligiously
- Krsna condemned it, kutas tva kasmalam idam visame samupasthitam: "What nonsense you (Arjuna) are speaking? You must fight." Then still he was unwilling to fight. Therefore the whole Bhagavad-gita was spoken to him
- Krsna Consciousness means to create ideal men, so you must set the example in following the rules and chanting Hare Krsna mantra and see that others are doing it also
- Krsna did not recommend that you should do something under superstition. No. You must do it for practical result
- Krsna does not force that "You must do this." He can give you instruction. Just like Krsna gives instruction, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). Now it is my independence
- Krsna never said that "My dear Arjuna, you are My first-class devotee. Now you sit down and I'll do everything for you." No. Krsna never said. Rather, Arjuna was not willing to fight, and Krsna was inducing him - You must fight
- Krsna said in the beginning acaryopasanam, and in the middle he says, mayi cananya-yogena bhaktir avyabhicarini. So before engaging yourself in devotional service to the Lord, you must first of all worship acarya, acaryopasanam
- Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita that you have to offer something out of your love. Love means you must give something. You are taking something from Krsna. Why not give something? Is it love, simply going on taking, taking, taking
- Krsna says practical way: annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14). Annad. You have . . . you must have sufficient food grains for the living entities - animal or man. This is practical
- Krsna says that "You must be engaged in some work. You cannot sit idle. That is not good." Idle brain is a devil's workshop
- Krsna says, - No. You must be dutiful. Never mind who is that, your grandfather or your teacher. You are a ksatriya. A ksatriya has no other consideration in the fight. He must fight
- Krsna says, annad bhavanti bhutani (BG 3.14). Anna. Anna means food grains, eatables. You must produce sufficient food grains. Why you are producing tire tube instead of food grains
- Kula-dharma means if you are a brahmana, you must observe the regulative principles, the qualitative principles of a brahmana. If you are in, a ksatriya, then you must also observe the ksatriya principles
- Lord Krsna said, "I believe that after you finished your education at the house of our teacher and after you sufficiently remunerated him, you must have gone back to your home and accepted a suitable wife"
- Lord Nityananda Prabhu replied, "Whatever I may be, You have invited Me. Therefore You must supply as much as I want to eat"
- Love means you must give something. You are taking something from Krsna. Why not give something?
- Mature means you must give the real standard. That is mature. But if nobody of you can give the what is the real standard, then how it is mature
- Mental tapasya. Bodily tapasya. Verbal tapasya - controlling vaco-vegam, the urge to talk loosely or whimsically. You cannot talk nonsense. If you talk, you must talk about Krsna. That is tapasya
- Monkey has renounced, naked, but at heart there is sense gratification. So markata-vairagya is no good. So simply to become vegetarian is no good. You must develop love of Godhead. That is real thing
- Mother Yasoda addressed Balarama thus: "Please come back and take Your lunch at home. Your father Nandaraja is waiting for You. He has to eat, so You must come back so that he can eat"
- My dear son, whatever you inquired from me I have thus explained unto you, and you must know for certain that whatever there is (either as cause or as effect, both in the material and spiritual worlds) is dependent on the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- My Guru Maharaja used to say, you must be engaged continually for this missionary activity
- Nanda Maharaja and the other gopas exclaimed: My dear friends, you must know that Anakadundubhi, Vasudeva, has become a great saint or a master of mystic power. Otherwise how could he have foreseen this calamity and predicted it to us? - SB 10.6.32
- Narada said, "Others cannot understand that He (Krsna) is the Supreme Lord, but He is still living with you as your cousin, as your friend and even as your messenger. Therefore you must know that nobody in this world is more fortunate than you"
- Nature has nothing to do. It will automatically follow. Just like you infect some disease, nature's law is that you must suffer from that disease. Nobody has got to do anything
- Negation is no good. You must have some positive gain. So this Krsna consciousness movement is negation of the materialistic way of life and regain the blissful eternal life of spiritual understanding. So simply negation is no gain
- No good man will say like that (You must have intoxication, take illicit sex life). That is the difference between good man and bad man
- Nobody can be independently servant of Krsna. That is another foolishness. Krsna never accepts anyone's service directly. No. That is not possible. You must come through the servant of the servant. This is called parampara system
- Nobody can become religious man if he is attracted by sinful activities. It is not possible. You must stop sinful activities. That is first condition
- Nobody was crying for this edition of Bhagavata, but we are forcing, "You must read. You must take"
- Once Caitanya said, "You must at least have enough sense to test to find out who is a spiritual master and who is not." For instance, if we want to purchase something, we must at least have some idea of what that thing is, otherwise we will be cheated
- Once some of the gopis went to the place where the brahmanas were performing sacrifices and said, "My dear wives of the brahmanas, you must know that not even a slight smell of distress can touch Krsna"
- One gopi forcibly put her feet on the head of another gopi and said, "You rascal Kaliya! I shall punish you severely. You must leave this place. I have descended to this earth to punish all kinds of miscreants"
- One living entity is the food for another living entity. So when a person eats another living entity, it is not unnatural. This is nature's law. But when you come to the human form of living entity, you must use your discrimination
- One must know God, and one must know what God desires. That is religion. Just like you must know your government, and you must know what government wants, expects from you. If you do that, then you are a good citizen
- One of the cowherd girls said, "My dear beautiful Kutila, you are the most beautiful of all the cowherd girls of Vrndavana, and because of your extraordinary beauty, I think you must be beyond the attraction of the sweet blowing of Krsna's flute!"
- One thing, you must be very careful that we should not divert our attention for money making too much. If we can make money by the process which you have now adopted, that is very nice. But we cannot divert our attention to such things
- One who teaches this tattva-jnana, he is guru. Otherwise he's a rascal. So therefore the first indication is that if you want to become a real human being, then you must approach a real guru and learn from him
- Ordinarily, you can steal and hide yourself, but in the eyes of God, you cannot steal and hide yourself. That is not possible. You have stolen; you must suffer
- Otherwise, guru is not a, so cheap post that everyone can become guru. Similarly, here is the challenge, that "If you are representative of Dharmaraja, you must explain what is dharma and what is adharma
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to become intelligent, not to remain mudhas, and to expose these rascal mudhas. That's this, our Krsna consciousness movement. So you must be prepared
- Our only request is that if you want happiness, if you want to prosper, make your life successful, you must read Bhagavad-gita thoroughly, as it is, as Krsna says. Don't try to misinterpret
- Our Vedic advice is that make life very simple. You must have some means of livelihood. Keep your body and soul together. So according to quality, guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13), there must be division, and then simple life
- Our Vedic culture means whatever you do, it doesn't matter; you must satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is culture. Sva-karmana tam abhyarcya samsiddhim labhate narah
- Overintelligent means rascal. Intelligence means you must have reason. And if he is going beyond reason, only depending on himself, then he is overintelligent rascal
- Parama Koruna, 1975 part 3 - jnane prayasam udapasya namanta eva. Just become submissive. And where to submit? You must submit to a perfect person. Otherwise why should you submit?
- Pariprasnena means by sincere inquiries. Not only surrender; you must be intelligent enough to enquire. Not that when something is heard, and there is no question. No. There must be some question
- Phalena pariciyate. We have to understand by the result. If the result is not very satisfactory, then you must know that progress is not very nice
- Pranipat means you must find out a person where you can, I mean to say, surrender. You should not go to a person who is less intelligent than you. That is useless, because you cannot learn from him anything
- Pranipatena, pariprasnena and sevaya. What is pranipata? Pranipata means surrender. Surrender. You must select a person where you can surrender yourself because nobody likes to surrender to anyone
- Radharani continued, "I can understand that you are expert in reuniting two opposing parties, but at the same time you must know that I cannot place My reliance upon you, nor upon your master, Krsna"
- Real education is, first of all, you must know what you are. You are this body or something else than the body
- Religion can be performed by a person who has full conception of God. Without God, religion is a farce. That is not religion. Religion means you must have obligation to God, you must have clear conception of God
- Religion means you may have faith or no faith, but you must obey. It is a must. It is not optional. That is religion
- Religion or faith, you can change from one to another, but you must know the essential value of your life
- Sankirtana Movement which I am propagating all over the world was also exhibited in the Cross Maidan for eleven days which I think you must have seen. So in India I am especially present here to popularize this movement for awakening God Consciousness
- Sarvam idam means the whole body, idam. But your consciousness is not spread in others bodies. You must know it
- Sastra, says tad-vijnanartham: "If you want to know the real problem of your life and if you want to be enlightened how to become Krsna conscious, how to become eternal, go back to home, back to Godhead, then you must approach the guru"
- Searching after a spiritual master. Now, just like you search after some school. You search after some school. So when you are searching after some school, you must have at least some preliminary knowledge what a school means
- Sense gratification means you must have material senses to gratify. So Krsna is so pleased, so merciful, not pleased, but He's very merciful, "All right, this rascal wants like this. Give him this facility. All right
- Service means whatever the spiritual master wants, "You do this," you must do it, just like a menial servant
- She (hunchback) proposed to Krsna, "My dear hero, I cannot leave You in this way. You must come to my place. I am already very much attracted to Your beauty, I must receive You well, since You are the best among males, You must also be very kind upon me"
- Similarly, to know dharma, you must know adharma also, the opposite side. If you know white, you should know what is black
- Simple study will not help you. You must study from a bona fide teacher. Otherwise it will be misleading
- Simply by understanding that, "I am spirit soul, I am Brahman," will not help us. You must act like Brahman. There must be realization; that is guna. At the same time, there must be practical work
- Simply trust in God is not sufficient. We must know what is God. Trusting something oblivion, something fantasy, that is no trust. You must know where to put your trust. That is Bhagavad-gita. You have to know this, what is God
- Simply try to preach what Krsna has said. This is Caitanya's instruction. If you follow this instruction . . . Don't make any addition and alteration of your so-called learned scholarship. That will not help you. You must present Bhagavad-gita as it is
- So by offering everything to Krsna, nobody is loser. You must always remem... They are gainer, the best gainer. Because after all, everything belongs to Krsna
- So far purchase of press is concerned, that is a GBC matter for which you must consult the others
- So if we actually want life, blissful life, then we must get out of this material existence. That is Prahlada Maharaja's instruction. Samudvigna-dhiyam. And if you remain in the material existence, you must suffer some anxiety. There is no excuse
- So if you want to be a Vaisnava, you must give up the company of these two rascals. Then your progress is guaranteed. Everything is there. There is no difficulty to distinguish between rascals and intelligent, guru and bluffer. Everything is there
- So Krsna worship is so easy, universal. Other worshiping method you have to collect so many things, then you can worship. Or you must have temple, you must have church, you must have worshiping place. But Krsna is everywhere
- So many obstacles. But we do not care for these obstacles. We must push on. This is our determination. Therefore it is called tivrena bhakti-yogena (SB 3.25.44). Tivrena. There may be so many obstacles, but you must push on your movement
- So many religious systems, they are all rascaldom. One religion: that is the order of God. That is religion. If you want one religion, then you must know who is God and you must abide by the order of God. That is religion
- So many things Krsna is supplying for our subsistence - fruits, grains. Without supplied by Krsna, you cannot have. You cannot manufacture all these things. So you must admit that God is supplying us so many things & why not offer something? Is it love?
- So there must be mutual responsibility by both parties, and now that you are married couple there is no question of your separation, but you must both strive very hard to serve Krsna together in harmony
- So you must have a clear idea of God, you theologician. You take all these ideas from Vedic description. Don't be misled by fools and rascals
- Some knowledge will not do. You must have perfect knowledge (BG 4.9): janma karma ca me divyam evam yo vetti tattvatah. Tattvatah means "perfectly." Perfect knowledge is being taught in Bhagavad-gita
- Some may have faith or no faith, but that bank is trustworthy. You know that your money deposited in the bank will not be cheated. Similarly, if you trust in God, then you must know whether God is trustworthy
- Somebody comes to set fire in your house, especially they are called aggressors. So these aggressors are to be immediately killed. There is no question of nonviolence. You must kill immediately. There is no sin. Atatayinah
- Somebody says that, "I am searching after the truth." But you must know what is the truth. Otherwise, how you will search out truth
- Spiritual master means you must surrender to him. If you talk foolish, then you will not be benefited. You must submissively hear and accept whatever he says
- Spiritually, all these persons who are very proud of their learning, they're all damn rascals. Asat. Simply rascals. Simply rascal. So you must know that "I am simply rascal" if you want to make progress in spiritual life
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "O Sanatana, you must give up your intelligent tricks. Now just try to understand the description of the saktyavesa-avataras"
- Sri Krsna said: You(Arjuna) have to fulfill your promise to your wife, and you must also act to the satisfaction of Bhimasena and Me
- Sukadeva Gosvami said, "My dear King, if you want to be fearless in meeting your death next week (for actually everyone is afraid at the point of death), then you must immediately begin the process of hearing and chanting and remembering God"
- Sukadeva narrated: "My dear King, you must have heard the name of King Bali. He was a great devotee who gave away in charity all that he had - namely, the whole world - to Lord Vamana, the incarnation of Visnu as a dwarf brahmana"
- Suppose if you want to become a medical practitioner, so you have to admit yourself in some medical college. Similarly, if you want to know about spiritual matter, then you must approach a spiritual master who knows the things
- Suppose if you want to learn engineering, so you cannot go to a butcher; you must find out an engineer. You must admit yourself into the engineering college, learn how to practice engineering
- Suppose you are initiated as a brahmana. That is not finish, that "Now I am initiated. I have got sacred thread. I can do all nonsense thing." No. You must act as a brahmana. Then you are brahmana. You always remember that
- Surfer. I call "sufferer, Sea-sufferer." Sea-surfer, it is practical, because we are creating a situation by which we shall become a fish. Yes. Contamination. Just like if you purposely contaminate some disease, you must suffer from that disease
- Tapo divyam: (SB 5.5.1) if you want to simply be a human being, and especially if you want to make progress in spiritual life, you must act according to the sastric injunctions. That means tapasya
- That is a good plan, if Saurabha can find someone who will finance our Juhu project. But you must be very careful in this regard, and do not make any final agreements without consulting me in the matter
- That is disobedience. Krsna says fight, you must fight. Don't bring philosophy of nonviolence. That is nonsense. What He says, do it. That is service
- That is the first thing wanted. If you want to understand Bhagavad-gita, then you must take the direction from the Bhagavad-gita
- That is the verdict of Vedic culture, to follow the authorities. Krsna also said in the Bhagavad-gita, tasmad sastra-pramanam te: "Whatever you do, you must follow the sastra." Otherwise it is not bona fide
- That's all right, good standard, but you must collect good standard also. Spend good standard and collect bad standard, what is this
- The aim is how to become happy in this material world. And that is not possible. These rascals they cannot understand. If you want to become happy, then you must come to Krsna
- The Bible says: "Thou shall not kill," and they are simply engaged in killing business, and still they want to be happy. Just see the fun. Therefore Krsna says - Yes, you be killed by occasional world war. You must be killed
- The conclusion is, religion means to love God, and that means you must know who God is. There is no alternative. You must know the person who is God. Then you can have loving exchanges with Him. That we are teaching
- The cow is very, very important animal. If you want to advance your spiritual consciousness, then you must have sufficient milk and sufficient grains. That is civilization. Therefore it is the duty of the vaisyas to produce food grain
- The disciple also, he must have also qualification to approach a spiritual master. It is not that because you have got a bona fide spiritual master, therefore you will be benefited. You must be also qualified
- The fact is that if you have got different views about Krsna, then you cannot prove that from the Bhagavad-gita. If you take Bhagavad-gita, then you must present it as it is
- The first business is hearing. Tad-vijnanartham. Vijnanartham. If you want to know some science, you must hear from the authorized person. Similarly our process is to hear from Krsna, the most authorized person
- The first step is that you must associate with devotees & then take to bhajana-kriya. Then see, examine yourself that whether you are free from all the unwanted things. If all the unwanted things are vanquished, then you'll have firm faith
- The first thing is that you must believe that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yes. And to keep this faith strong and going on, you must keep association with devotees
- The first thing is that you must know what you are. You should know that the mother is nature and the father is God. I am the child. Then you try to understand the father, and the son, obedience to father
- The individual soul is the proprietor of his individual body, but the Lord clearly states, "My dear Bharata, you must know that I am also ksetra jna. " Ksetra jna means "the knower or proprietor of the body"
- The Lord said, "You have committed an offense at the lotus feet of Srivasa Thakura, first you must go there and beg for his mercy, and then if he gives you his blessings and you do not commit such sins again, you will be freed from these reactions"
- The Mohammedans, they follow acarya, Mohammed. That is good. You must follow some acarya. But don't give your opinion. That is our process. Evam parampara-praptam
- The more you render service, the more you become enlightened. If you simply philosophize, theorize, you'll get no benefit. You must render service
- The Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, advises Marshal Arjuna in the following words: O Arjuna, you must always do your duty. To do something is far better than to do nothing. You cannot even secure your everyday sustenance without doing any work
- The process is, as recommended by Srila Rupa Gosvami, adau gurvasrayam. You must select, you must accept the guru who's coming in parampara system
- The real master commands, "You must do this," and the real servant immediately obeys the order. Unless this relationship between the Supreme Lord and the subordinate living entity is established, there can be no real happiness
- The sastra says that you should become free from becoming a good man or bad man. You must become a devotee. That is required. To become a good man of this world is not a very good qualification
- The sastra says, "You must have sex like this: once in a month and only for begetting children." So that is also tapasya
- The selection of spiritual (master) must be very scrutinizing. You cannot accept anyone as spiritual master. You must be very much satisfied that here is a person who can solve the problems of my life
- The society should be human society, not the cats' and dogs' society. That is Vedic conception. So in the Vedic conception of life the sex life is there, but you become indebted. You must repay the debts
- The stomach says: Because I am not eating. So if you want to remain strong, then you must give me to eat
- Then Krsna began to instruct them (the gopis): "My dear friends, you must know that it is now the dead of night and the forest is very dangerous"
- There are so many religious performances, ritualistic performances. You have to spend money, so you must find out so many performances. So they have all these in the sastras
- There is a class, they say, "Whatever I eat you can offer." But that is not the process. The process is you must offer to Krsna what He wants. Just like you invite one gentleman. You ask him, "What can I offer you?" That is etiquette
- There is many rascals who come here in your country to preach that, "There is no need of guru. You can become your own guru yourself." That is not Vedic injunction. Vedic injunction is you must go to a guru
- There is no contradiction. If there is son, there must be a father also. Without father, there cannot be son. So if you believe in the son, then you must believe in the father also. The father is Krsna
- There is no question of stopping your work but you must see whether you are gainer or looser by working that way
- There must be a standard of dealing, and there must be a result out of that. This is called Bhagavata-dharma. You must know what is your position, you must know what is God, and you must know what is your relationship with God
- There were thousands of rsis in Naimisaranya... When you go to India, you must see this place, Naimisaranya. It is very, very old place. At least, from historical point of view, modern estimate is it is five thousand years old
- These philosophers theorizing so many "I believe." So these things will not do. These things will not do. That is useless, simply waste of time. You must know there is God. How we can deny it? There is supreme power. I am being controlled every moment
- They (Krsna Conscious devotees) are not artificially thinking, "I am master." Otherwise, everyone is thinking, "I am master." That is illusion. You cannot be master in any state of your life; you must remain a servant. That is your position
- They (some rascal philosophers) propagate this philosophy that "Unless you are bodily stout and strong, you cannot achieve spiritual salvation. You must be very strong and stout and eat meat and fight, and then you'll get next spiritual birth." No
- They are less than common sense man. That you have to expose, that these people have not even common sense, and they are passing on as scientist. That you must protest because you are servant of God, you are servant of the scientist
- They are making so many arrangements and plans how to become happy, how to become peaceful, without any miserable condition, but the rascals, they do not know that so long you have got this material body - you must have to suffer
- They're still more misled by giving them education that "You are born in this land. You must feel for your nation, you must act for your nation," or the so-called nationality is taught. But nobody is taught actually what he is
- This breathing is given there, that "You must breathe so many million times. Bas, finished." Just like you wind the watch. It will run or go round so many times. As soon as the finish, then stop
- This is essential. Acaryopasanam. If you at all interested in the understanding of spiritual subject matter, then you must approach a bona fide spiritual master
- This is our false, I mean to say, idea, that "We shall die out of starvation if we do not make economic condition better." You do it, but you must know that food is already there
- This is the crucial point of advancement in human life. Tyaja durjana-samsargam: "Try to avoid." Not try; must. You must avoid the association of the materialistic persons. Materialistic person means those who are after money and woman
- This is the injunction of the Vedas, that "If you want real knowledge, you must go to guru." "Now, there are so many gurus. So whom shall I . . .? Where shall I go?" No. You shall go to a guru - samit-panih srotriyam brahma-nistham
- This is very dangerous civilization. If you want to save them from this dangerous civilization, you must push on Krsna consciousness. Otherwise there is no other way
- This is, means, mamsa. You cannot escape this. "Life for life." That is the law everywhere. If you have murdered somebody, you must be killed also. So you can escape the so-called state laws, but you cannot escape the laws of the material nature
- This material world is that you must work; otherwise you cannot get your livelihood. That is the law, whatever you may be. So the brahmanas' means of livelihood, six things: pathana pathana yajana yajana dana pratigraha
- This word abhigacchet, it is a form of verb which is used where the sense is "You must! You must!" There is no exception. You cannot say that "I may go to a spiritual master or I may not go. I can study at home." No. You must
- Those who are born into this family of Yadu are all My eternal associates. Dear wife, you should not consider that My associates are ever separated from Me; they are My personal expansions, as such, you must know that they are almost as powerful as I am
- Those who are envious of Krsna, Krsna says, "I put them eternally in the hellish condition of life." So if you want to save yourself from the hellish condition of life, you must take to Krsna consciousness and surrender unto Him
- Those who are going to religious life making God as their servant, they will be failure. You must approach God as master. You should become servant
- To emphasize something to an ordinary person, one may repeat it three times, just as one might say - You must do this! You must do this! You must do this
- To keep the whole human society in perfect happiness, according to the direction of God. Just like I told you that Krsna says, annad bhavanti bhutani. If you want to keep the living entities, both men and animal, you must arrange for their nice fooding
- To serve the servant of Krsna is better than to serve directly Krsna, because if the servant of Krsna promises something, if the servant of Krsna says, "I'll take you to Krsnaloka," you must go there
- To understand Krsna superficially, that is not sufficient. That is also good, but you must have tattvatah, what is Krsna actually. That knowledge can be achieved - bhaktya, by this krsna-yoga
- To understand the Vedas, you must approach a guru. Otherwise, you cannot understand
- Unless you take the real instruction, how you can stop disaster? You must agree to take the real instruction. If you don't agree, then you suffer. That is your business
- Upon seeing Your ecstatic love, I can just imagine that You must have some relationship with Madhavendra Puri. This is my understanding
- Vedic injunction is you must go to a guru, tad-vijnanartham, in order to understand the transcendental science
- Visala said, "Why are you attempting to show your chivalrous spirit before me? Before this, you even attempted to fight with Sridama, but you must know that Sridama does not even care to fight with hundreds of Balaramas"
- We are rendering service. Either you are rendering service in office, or to your family, or to your cat, or to your dog, or to your government, or to your society - you must be giving some service. There is no escape
- We want people like you to co-operate with this movement. We want you to work for this movement. This is essential. You must know the philosophy and try to co-operate
- We want to be happy by adjustment of this external energy. That cannot be. You are spirit soul - you must have spiritual food, you must have a spiritual life, and then you can be happy
- We write: "We trust in God," but we make discrimination. If you trust in God, then you must be equally kind and merciful to all living entities. That is God consciousness
- What is his religion? If you do not know what is God, a vague idea, that is not religion. You must know what is God. Just like to become American citizen, it requires to know something of the history of America
- What is the talking of advaita-vada philosophy or dvaita-vada philosophy when you are needy, you require anna? That is practical solution given by Krsna. Annad bhavanti bhutani. You must find out sufficient grains
- What is the use of your becoming naked? You must do something. That is Krsna consciousness. Not that "I have become mendicant. I have given up all material things." You cannot give material things
- What is this nature's law? Nature's law means a system, a machine. Just like in this government there is system. You cannot violate. "Keep to the right!" "Stop here, red light!" You must have to stop
- Whatever falldown has been, you should be regretful about it, but it is not so serious nor is it a permanent disqualification. But you must try to check yourself from such artificial things and take full shelter of the Lotus Feet of Krishna
- When I speak of Krsna, you must remember that I am speaking of God. There are millions of names of God in different parts of the world, but Krsna is the supreme name according to Vedic knowledge
- When the enemy has come to your country, you cannot sit idly; you must fight. But that does not mean that you are allowed to kill everyone as you like
- When you become actually preacher of God consciousness, you cannot make any compromise. You must call the spade a spade
- When you get a human form of body you must know that your food and shelter is already ordained. You don't require to try for this
- When you go to God, you must have a body like God. Just like if you want to enter into the water, then you must have a body like a fish. Otherwise you cannot enter into the water
- When you have come to fight, you must kill the opposite party. It doesn't matter whether he is my beloved son or grandson or great-grandson. This is duty
- When you see light, you must know there is a source of light
- Whenever we'll find disturbance, you must know there is atheistic population. And peaceful country or a godly persons, they are never disturbing
- Who wants to die? And who is forcing me to die? How we can deny the superior power? I do not want to become old man, and superior power forces me, "You must become old man." So, so long there is force behind you, you have to act according to that
- Why should you kill one animal who is coming to attack? No. You must kill. That is necessity
- Why you claim it is your property? Why you claim? Everything is belonging to Krsna. That is your fault. So you must suffer. You are a thief
- With your reason you can say, - First of all you said that stool is impure, and as soon as you touch you must take your bathing; otherwise you remain impure. So another stool, cow stool, you say pure? This is contradiction
- Without jnana, without willing, nothing is produced. So whenever you find something produced, you must know behind that production there is that will, the supreme will, the supreme knowledge
- Without knowing, following, that is absurd. You must know that this is the order of God. And if you follow that, then that is honesty
- You are defective in four ways. "To err is human." You must commit mistake; you must be illusioned; your senses are imperfect; and you have got a cheating propensity. These four defects are there
- You are going to preach; you must understand. Discuss everything very nicely. Be convinced on your own argument and philosophy. Then you can preach
- You are human being. You must act like a human being. For human being, this Bhagavad-gita is there. Krsna is instructing to a human being, Arjuna. Not a cat, not a dog. So knowledge means it is meant for the human beings
- You are scientist, devotee, and ksatriya. As ksatriya you'll force: (laughing) "You must believe this, or I will kill you." (laughter) And as scientist, the convincing argument... And as devotee, Krsna will help you. That's all
- You are very religious, very nice, but are you interested with God or dog? "No, I am interested with dog." Then what is religion? Religion means you must be interested with God. That is religion
- You can avoid man-made law, but you cannot avoid God-made law. That you cannot do. You must be responsible. If you kill an ant even without knowledge, you are responsible
- You can give up your family life, social life, political life, this life, that life when you take Krsna conscious life. Otherwise, it is not possible. Otherwise, you must have to take some of this life. There is no question of your freedom
- You can say: "I am very perfectly executing the ritualistic ceremonies and the tenets described in my scripture, Bible" or Veda. That's very good. But what is the result? The result is that you must develop or increase your tendency to hear about God
- You cannot approach the most pure if you are impure. You must be pure. Therefore this chanting of Hare Krsna mantra is a purificatory process
- You cannot control maya. That is not possible, because you are servant. If you don't become servant of Krsna, you must become servant of maya
- You cannot do anything which is beyond your power. But you are limited, your power is limited. That you must agree. Your power is not unlimited. You are finite. That you must admit
- You cannot expect that wherever you are going you'll find favorable situation to talk. That you must understand. But you'll have to preach; you have to create favorable situation. That is your duty
- You cannot find out God by simply reading and philosophizing all the scriptures and books. No. If you want to know God, then you must be in confidence. You must be a devotee, a lover of God. Then you can understand God. Otherwise it is not possible
- You cannot make your right cause. You can not formulate that "This is right cause." That is mental concoction. You must get it sanctioned. That is a principle of daivi life, divine life
- You cannot manufacture your God, so-called incarnation God. No. You must have full knowledge of God through the authority of revealed scriptures. That is God consciousness
- You cannot non-cooperate with the stomach. You must serve the stomach. Otherwise your position is very precarious
- You cannot please everybody. But you must stick to your own principle and behave nicely. That's all
- You cannot save yourself. Either you are on the land or on the plane, death will be there. You must be prepared for the death. But if by practicing remembering God, even at the time of death you continue to remember God, then your life is successful
- You do not know about Krsna, that is a different thing. But if you want to solve your problems, you must approach the guru. That is the Vedic instruction. This verb is used when you must: no excuse, gacchet, vidhilin
- You do not study all these things. You become initiated . . . there are ten kinds of offenses. Do you have any regard for these things or not? You must avoid these ten kinds of offenses. The first offense is to disobey the orders of guru
- You do your best, but depend, the result, on Krsna. That is wanted. If somebody comes to attack you, you must also attack. You first attack
- You don't select a spiritual master who has got a very good hair or beard or some very beautiful feature, "Oh, he is a very good, nice looking." No. You must hear
- You don't, you do not want, you want or not want, that is not the question. First of all you must know what is your real identity. You do not want and do want, that independence you have got always. That is a different thing
- You follow one acarya, like Christians, they follow Christ, acarya. The Muhammadans, they follow acarya, Muhammad. That is good. You must follow some acarya. But don't give your opinion. That is our process
- You have to accept something. That acceptance is Krsna consciousness. Simply negation will not help you. You must have some positive engagement
- You have to take knowledge from the perfect source. Then you can understand. This is Vedic injunction. If you want to know perfectly everything, then you must go to the proper teacher. Then you will learn
- You may be a first-class prisoner or second-class prisoner, third-class prisoner, but you will remain a prisoner. But if you want freedom, then you must go out of the prison walls
- You may be very expert swimmer, but simply swimming will not save you. You must know how to save
- You may not believe in God, but when death comes you must believe in God
- You must allow Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to rise more and more so that this sun, moonshine, may be distributed all over the world. That is wanted
- You must always know that "He's the supreme controller and I am also controlled. So if I can please God by my service, then He'll reveal to me." That is the process of knowing God
- You must approach a guru who has seen the truth. Then surrender unto him. Then serve him. And then make question. Everything will be revealed. These are the statement of Bhagavad-gita
- You must approach guru where you can surrender. Otherwise don't make guru. And the guru also should not accept such rascal as disciple. First of all, the thing is surrender
- You must approach to a person who knows by surrender, not by challenge. You cannot know about soul and God by this challenging spirit. You have to become a submissive, submissive. You have to accept a spiritual master who knows
- You must at least avoid sinful activities. Then one can practice Krsna consciousness
- You must be a devotee, a lover of God. Then you can understand God. Otherwise it is not possible
- You must be attentive that our routine work--such as rising early, cleansing, chanting, temple worship, reading, sankirtan, etc.--should always maintained at the highest level of Krishna Conscious standard
- You must be convinced that "Here is a guru where I can surrender." So then you can make prasna, or question. Then the question will be answered. Otherwise it is waste of time. That is not the Vedic system, simply waste of time
- You must be detached. Vairagyam. Anabhisvangah. Putra-dara-grhadisu, family life. Putra means children. Dara means wife. Grha means home. In this way you have to be situated on the devotional service. Devotional service is not sentiment
- You must be faithful that - I am engaged in Krsna's service. I may go to hell or heaven, it doesn't matter. I am going to serve Him. It is sure that Krsna will give me protection
- You must be qualified to in..., inquisitive to understand the spiritual science, and the spiritual master should be also qualified to answer your inquisitiveness. Then the relationship is nice, not one-sided
- You must be ready to become a guru simply by repeating the instruction of Krsna, Bhagavad-gita. Therefore we have taken Bhagavad-gita as it is, and following the instruction of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- You must be satisfied by the authoritative statement of the spiritual master. You cannot argue. That is the principle of authority
- You must be thoroughly conversant that there is a need of God, and everyone must trust in God. This is the standard of civilization. God is there. Without God, there cannot be anything existing. This is first point
- You must be trustworthy. Otherwise why shall I trust you
- You must be very careful how to keep the temple very cleansed, yourself clean, worshiping the Deity. That is recommended. Sri-vigraharadhana-nitya-nana-srngara-tan mandira-marjanadau. This is also tapasya
- You must be very much inquisitive to understand what is your ultimate goal of life. Sreya uttamam
- You must be worried. That is material world. So, so long you are in the material platform, you must be worried. There is no exception
- You must behave yourself nicely. Then people will come. If you become purified, then naturally they will come
- You must decide whether you want to stop this evolutionary process, cycle of birth and death, and go back to home, back to Godhead, or if you want to continue again the cycle of birth and death
- You must do according to the rules and regulations of the government. Then you make profit, be happy. That's another thing. But if you act vikarma, against the rules and regulations of the state, you commit theft or this or that, then you'll suffer
- You must execute your business as it is advised by the sastra and guru. So utsahad dhairyad niscayat tat-tat-karma-pravartanat, sato vrtteh. Your dealings must be very honest, not duplicity
- You must find out a suitable person where you can question and get the proper answer, a spiritual master. That means surrender. Then question. Question is not a challenge. Question is to understand
- You must find out somebody whom you can accept as guru. That guru must be bona fide. Otherwise what is the use of accepting a bogus guru? So what is that bona fide guru? That bona fide guru means one who has accepted Krsna as guru
- You must fix up (chanting) in numerical strength
- You must follow his (Jesus Christ's) instruction, "Thou shall not kill." You must have discrimination. You are human beings; you are not cats and dogs. You must have discrimination, what to eat, what to not eat
- You must follow the principles done by Arjuna. He surrendered to Krsna, - Krsna, I know You are my friend, but unless I surrender unto You, I accept You my spiritual master, it is not possible to know
- You must give him some engagement, better engagement, so that he will not commit any more mischief. So bhakti is a service, activity. If he is not engaged in activity, then he will become again a rascal
- You must give something more palatable. Then detachment will be possible
- You must give what is that standard God, if it is mature. Mature means you must give the real standard. That is mature. But if nobody of you can give the what is the real standard, then how it is mature
- You must give your good husband all assistance so that he can do things nicely. that is you duty. As his wife, you are his better half and it is your duty to help him in every way possible
- You must go to a bona fide spiritual master if you want to make your life perfect. - There is no question whether I shall go or not. You must! That is the beginning of human life
- You must go to a person where you can surrender yourself. That means you've to check, "Who is the real person who can give me instruction on BG or any Vedic literature, or any scripture, right?" And not that, to search out a person as a, whimsically. No
- You must go to the university, you must go to the college. You must hear the experienced professor and learn it and practically experiment it. Then you can learn
- You must have first-class children. That requires tapasya. So at least we should follow the standard, how to raise our children to become first class
- You must have sense gratification, eating, sleeping, mating - but as far as you can maintain your body very nicely. Not that voluntarily you shall starve
- You must have such common sense where to go and ask for God. That common sense must be there. And that is also very easily understood. Those who have devoted their life for God and they have no other business than God, to serve God, he is the right man
- You must hear about the Supreme Personality of Godhead and nothing more. That should be your profession. Then what will be the result? The result will be sthane sthitah
- You must hear the experienced professor and learn it and practically experiment it. Then you can learn. Not that by purchasing a book you become a medical practitioner or lawyer. That is not possible
- You must join this Krsna consciousness movement. That is my request. That is called nivrtti-marga. And gradually, you will be elevated to the topmost position, that you have no more attraction for these material things. That is possible
- You must keep the whole things - the head, the arms and the belly and the legs. Then your body is a healthy condition and will work very nicely
- You must keep your claim intact. As you are going to restore order in the temple I am always with you because Srila Jiva Goswami's temple is my heart and soul
- You must know how to train. That knowledge is lacking, how to train. That we are giving, this Krsna consciousness movement
- You must know it perfectly well what is God and how to trust Him. That science we are teaching, KC movement. The government should cooperate fully. There should be school, college, to understand what is God, how to trust. This movement should be started
- You must know the particular work you are advised to act by the superintendent or the director, not that you can manufacture your duty. If you execute that duty, then you are dutiful. Otherwise, you are simply creating trouble, just like a monkey
- You must know what Vivekananda said, what is his ultimate goal of life. You must be intelligent. Now we are speaking of Krsna and the Supreme Person
- You must not let a day pass when you do not chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krsna Mantra. If you can follow just these things nicely that in itself will be strong preaching by behavior
- You must remain strong by following the four regulative principles, and chanting 16 rounds of japa daily, and go on distributing my books unlimitedly in Europe
- You must remain strong in Krishna's service, then household life is very nice; otherwise to be cast adrift by maya's influence is a piteous thing
- You must remain strong in Krishna's service, then household life is very nice; otherwise to be cast adrift by maya's influence is a piteous thing. So stay strong in Krishna's service by chanting your 16 rounds of beads without fail
- You must satisfy the Supreme Lord. That is culture. You can do any business. "Any business" means the brahmins business, the ksatriya's business, the vaisya's business and the sudra's business. That is business
- You must strictly refrain from the four prohibitive sinful activities, and as an initiated student you must not let a day pass when you do not chant at least 16 rounds of Hare Krsna Mantra
- You must take with You a loincloth, external clothes and a waterpot. You should take nothing more than this
- You must try for a place where you get eternal life, eternal bliss, eternal knowledge. That is perfection
- You should question, also put your question, to a person who can actually answer. That means you must question only to the spiritual master. Otherwise, you may be misled. He may give you some wrong information
- You will also be able to understand. It is not very difficult subject. But you must be sincere to understand. That is the only qualification required. That's all
- Your Samkirtan Movement is going on even with no house, so there is no cause of lamentation. You must go on with Samkirtan and selling our literature, never mind there is temple or not