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Yamaraja is in charge of ruling of the sinful persons. Dharmasya sasanam. Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith. You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws - it must carry on

Expressions researched:
"Yamaraja is in charge of ruling of the sinful persons. Dharmasya sasanam" |"Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith" |"You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws" |"it must carry on"


Srimad-Bhagavatam Lectures

Yamarāja is in charge of ruling of the sinful persons. Dharmasya śāsanam. Dharmaṁ tu sākṣād bhagavat-praṇītam (SB 6.3.19). Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith, "I believe." You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws—it must carry on. Similarly, the so-called philosophers, they simply concoct ideas, "I believe. I believe." Whatever you believe, that is your business, but the ruling of the Supreme Lord must go on. You cannot check it.

You cannot disobey the rulings of the government. Similarly, this government, God's government, there are so many things—government officers, departments, rulings. Don't think that there was a chunk and immediately there was . . . nonsense. It is not chunk. (laughs) It is regular government. Just like we have here a small place. Hawaii, you have got so many government officers, rulers. And do you think such a vast cosmic manifestation there is no ruling? Just see how poor thought. There is ruling. Don't think all of a sudden that . . . any sane man can understand that things are being carried systematically—the seasonal changes, the seasonal fruits and flowers, the sunrise, the moonrise, the birth, death, old age, disease—everything systematically going on. And they are happening by chance? Why by chance one does not live forever? There is no such chance, sir. There is ruling. You cannot say, "Now here is a chance the man has not died." Where is that chance? Why do you speak of nonsense chance? It is not chance; it is ruling. You must die. However you utopianly say, "Now we shall live." Oh, that is not . . . there is ruling.

So the Yamarāja is in charge of ruling of the sinful persons. Dharmasya śāsanam. Dharmaṁ tu sākṣād bhagavat-praṇītam (SB 6.3.19). Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith, "I believe." You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government lawsit must carry on. Similarly, the so-called philosophers, they simply concoct ideas, "I believe. I believe." Whatever you believe, that is your business, but the ruling of the Supreme Lord must go on. You cannot check it. You cannot avoid it. You can go on with your believe or not believe. That is not the business. So Yamarāja is in charge of punishing according to the gravity of sinful activities. He's meant for punishing. That is just like superintendent of police or something like that, big officer, inspector general of the police department or the minister in charge of law and order. Everything is there imitation, yato vā imāni bhūtāni jayante (Taittirīya Upaniṣad 3.1), janmādy asya yataḥ (SB 1.1.1). Wherefrom you get this idea? There must be a minister in charge of law and order. Where you get this idea? The idea is there from the original government. And there is the director or the minister in charge of law and order. The Yamarāja is minister in charge. They say it is mythology, it is man's creation. How it is man's creation? Things are going on.

Page Title:Yamaraja is in charge of ruling of the sinful persons. Dharmasya sasanam. Dharma means the laws of God. It is not a sentiment, faith. You believe or not believe, what does it matter? You believe or not believe in the government laws - it must carry on
Created:2024-03-12, 07:59:05.000
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1