My students who are so kindly cooperating with me, if they rigidly stick to the routine work chalked out by me, namely chanting the prescribed rounds, observing the regulative principles, attending temple lectures and going out with Sankirtana Party, then without any fail our movement will go ahead.
I understand from the letter of Bahulasva as well as from your letter that police and public both have appreciated this transcendental procession. The general public of Berkeley had a bitter experience that whenever there was a large gathering like this, inevitably there was political upheaval, protest, and window-breaking, and a general havoc. But this unique procession has convinced them that our men are very nice and they can organize a great crowd without any violence. That is a fact: if people actually want peace and tranquillity, they must support this movement wholeheartedly, and we shall execute our prescribed duties very seriously and sincerely. In this way if we are given chance, I am sure we will enact a new chapter in the history of the Western world. Please therefore always pray to Krsna to give you strength and protection, and go on with your duty straight forward.
I am so pleased to learn how the crowd gave their attention to your street play. This is transcendental entertainment. And to distribute Prasadam sumptuously to the crowd is strictly in our Vedic tradition. Now the police have given you permission for continuing the program of festivals throughout the summer, so you get this permission positively. That will serve our purpose in many ways. If the people do not put any hindrance to our routine work, surely we will be able to render a great service to the state.