George Harrison: There's also somebody, I think it was a guy who was trying to get his wife back or something. (laughs) I know it was in California, and he was saying "They've stolen my wife." These stories kill me, I mean it's so funny because the way...
Prabhupāda: Find out this verse, brahmacārī gurukule.
Hari-śauri: I think that's in Seven, Two.
Harikeśa: Sixteenth Chapter, first verse, I think. It's the first verse, brahmacārī gurukule.
Jayatīrtha: One man came to the temple, he heard that his daughter had participated in one of our fire sacrifices, and he was afraid that...
George Harrison: Fire sacrifices?
Jayatīrtha: When we have initiations we have a fire sacrifice. He was afraid that she had been sacrificed. (laughter)
- śrī-nārada uvāca
- brahmacārī guru-kule
- vasan dānto guror hitam
- ācaran dāsavan nico
- gurau sudṛḍha-sauhṛdaḥ
- (SB 7.12.1)
"Nārada Muni said, A student should practice completely controlling his senses. He should be submissive and should have an attitude of firm friendship for the spiritual master. With a great vow, the brahmacārī should live at the gurukula, only for the benefit of the guru."
Prabhupāda: Next.
- sāyaṁ prātar upāsīta
- gurv-agny-arka-surottamān
- sandhye ubhe ca yata-vāg
- japan brahma samāhitaḥ
"At both junctions of day, namely, in the early morning and in the evening, he should be fully absorbed in thoughts of the spiritual master, fire, the sun-god and Lord Viṣṇu, and by chanting the Gāyatrī mantra he should worship them."
Prabhupāda: Go on reading.
- chandāṁsy adhīyīta guror
- āhūtaś cet suyantritaḥ
- upakrame 'vasāne ca
- caraṇau śirasā namet
"Being called by the spiritual master, the student should study the Vedic mantras regularly. Every day, before beginning his studies and at the end of his studies, the disciple should respectfully offer obeisances unto the spiritual master."
- mekhalājina-vāsāṁsi
- jaṭā-daṇḍa-kamaṇḍalūn
- bibhṛyād upavītaṁ ca
- darbha-pāṇir yathoditam
"Carrying pure kuṣa grass in his hand, the brahmacārī should dress regularly with a belt of straw and with deerskin garments. He should wear matted hair, carry a rod and waterpot, and be decorated with a sacred thread, as recommended in the śāstras."
- sāyaṁ prātaś cared bhaikṣyaṁ
- gurave tan nivedayet
- bhuñjīta yady anujñāto
- no ced upasvaset kvacit
"The brahmacārī should go out morning and evening to collect alms, and he should offer all that he collects to the spiritual master. He should eat only if ordered to take food by the spiritual master; otherwise, if the spiritual master does not give this order, he may sometimes have to fast."
- suśīlo mita-bhug dakṣaḥ
- śraddadhāno jitendriyaḥ
- yāvad-arthaṁ vyavaharet
- strīṣu strī-nirjiteṣu ca
"A brahmacārī should be quite well behaved and gentle and should not eat or collect more than necessary. He must always be active and expert, fully believing in the instructions of the spiritual master and the sastra. Fully controlling his senses, he should associate only as much as necessary with women or those controlled by women."
- varjayet pramadā-gāthām
- agṛhastho bṛhad-vrataḥ
- indriyāṇi pramāthīni
- haranty api yater manaḥ
"A brahmacārī, or one who has not accepted the grhastha āśrama (family life), must rigidly avoid talking with women or about women, for the senses are so powerful that they may agitate even the mind of a sannyāsī, a member of the renounced order of life."
- keśa-prasādhanonmarda-
- snapanābhyañjanādikam
- guru-strībhir yuvatibhiḥ
- kārayen nātmano yuvā
"If the wife of the spiritual master is young, a young brahmacārī should not allow her to care for his hair, massage his body with oil, or bathe him with affection like a mother."
- nanvagniḥ pramadā nāma
- ghṛta-kumbha-samaḥ pumān
- sutām api raho jahyād
- anyadā yāvad-artha-kṛt
"Woman is compared to fire, and man is compared to a butter pot. Therefore a man should avoid associating even with his own daughter in a secluded place. Similarly, he should also avoid association with other women. One should associate with women only for important business and not otherwise."
- kalpayitvātmanā yāvad
- ābhāsam idam īśvaraḥ
- dvaitaṁ tāvan na viramet
- tato hy asya viparyayaḥ
"As long as a living entity is not completely self-realized—as long as he is not independent of the misconception of identifying with his body, which is nothing but a reflection of the original body and senses—he cannot be relieved of the conception of duality, which is epitomized by the duality between man and woman. Thus there is every chance that he will fall down because his intelligence is bewildered."
- etat sarvaṁ gṛhasthasya
- samāmnātaṁ yater api
- guru-vṛttir vikalpena
- gṛhasthasyartu-gāminaḥ
"All the rules and regulations apply equally to the householder and the sannyāsī, the member of the renounced order of life. The grhastha, however, is given permission by the spiritual master to indulge in sex during the period favorable for procreation."
- añjanābhyañjanonmarda-
- stry-avalekhāmiṣaṁ madhu
- srag-gandha-lepālankārāṁs
- trajeyur ye bṛhad-vratāḥ
"Brahmacārīs or grhasthas who have taken the vow of celibacy as described above should not indulge in the following: applying powder or ointment to the eyes, massaging the head with oil, massaging the body with the hands, seeing a woman or painting a woman's picture, eating meat, drinking wine, decorating the body with flower garlands, smearing scented ointment on the body, or decorating the body with ornaments. These they should give up."
- uṣitvaivaṁ guru-kule
- dvijo 'dhītyāvabudhya ca
- trayīṁ sāṅgopaniṣadaṁ
- yāvad-arthaṁ yathā-balam
- dattvā varam anujñāto
- guroḥ kāmaṁ yadīśvaraḥ
- gṛhaṁ vanaṁ vā praviśet
- pravrajet tatra vā vaset
"According to the rules and regulations mentioned above, one who is twice-born, namely a brahmana, ksatriya or vaisya, should reside in the gurukula under the care of the spiritual master. There he should study and learn all the Vedic literatures along with their supplements and Upanisads, according to his ability and power to study. If possible, the student or disciple should reward the spiritual master with the remuneration the spiritual master requests, and then, following the master's order, the disciple should leave and accept one of the other āśramas, namely the grhastha āśrama, vanaprastha āśrama, or sannyasa āśrama, as he desires."
Prabhupāda: So this is my copy?
Hari-śauri: Yes.
Prabhupāda: You can give.
Hari-śauri: This is Prabhupāda's latest book just came out.
George Harrison: Hare Kṛṣṇa. What was it he was saying? I thought you were going to read out of here something about Kṛṣ-ṇa, the two...
Pradyumna: This was about the brahmacārī in the gurukula, in the school, what a young child should learn to practice.