compulsory | compulsorily
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Pages in category "Compulsory"
The following 77 pages are in this category, out of 77 total.
- According to the varnasrama principle, it is compulsory that one retire after the age of fifty, without considering other circumstances
- According to Vedic civilization, this giving up of home by vanaprastha and sannyasa is compulsory. But people are so attached to their homes that even up to the point of death they do not like to retire from home life
- Another point to be observed from this verse (SB 7.12.13-14) is that from the brahmacari-asrama one may accept the sannyasa-asrama, vanaprastha-asrama or grhastha-asrama. It is not compulsory for a brahmacari to become a grhastha
- As it is described in the English dictionary, religion means a kind of faith. But it (Krsnaism) is not that type of religion. It is a compulsory fact. Just like sugar is, compulsorily must become, sweet. If sugar is not sweet, that is not real sugar
- Brahmanas have six occupational duties, of which three are compulsory - namely, studying the Vedas, worshiping the Deity and giving charity. By teaching, by inducing others to worship the Deity and by accepting gifts, they receive the necessities of life
- But nobody can sit idly. That is the point. If one is engaged in making for flower garland, all right, you may not take him. It is not compulsory for you
- Deity worship has two divisions, namely pure and mixed with fruitive activities. For one who is steady, Deity worship is compulsory
- Deity worship is compulsory, and you can increase if you have got time to do so. But Mangala aratrik is essential (morning arati), and Sandharatrik (evening aratri) is essential, and offering of Prasadam to Deity is essential
- Dharma, generally it is understood "religion". Religion means a kind of faith. So that is not the proper meaning of dharma, "faith." Faith one may have, one may not have. But actually dharma means compulsory: it must be
- Dowry is a gift given to the daughter by the father to show good will, and it is compulsory
- For brahmana, the four asramas are compulsory. He must become a brahmacari. Then from brahmacari he becomes grhastha. Then from grhastha he must become vanaprastha. Then he must become a sannyasi
- Formerly, such institutional activities (purificatory process) were compulsory. Catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah (BG 4.13). Without these activities of purification, the society would be considered a society of animals
- I do not want old age; why old age is compulsory? I do not want to take birth; why birth is compulsory? -These are the actual questions or problems of life. And our whole Vedic literature is meant for solving this problem. That is whole purpose
- In another palace he (Narada) found Krsna performing the panca-yajna sacrifice, which is compulsory for a householder. This yajna is also known as panca-suna
- In our line ekadasi is compulsory. One may feel some inconvenience fasting or simply eating fruits. No. It must be done. There are so many rules and regulation which is essential. It must be done. That is called tapasya
- In our Society, compulsorily we have to mix with women - not only women, very beautiful young girls. But if one is not agitated even in this association of beautiful women and girls, then he is to be considered paramahamsa. He is very advanced
- In Vedic civilization a certain period is devoted for accepting renounced order of life, sannyasa. This sannyasa order, as we have accepted, it is compulsory regulative principle of Vedic way of life
- It is compulsory business of our life to understand God, or Krsna, if you want santi. Jnatva mam santim rcchati. If you want santi, then you have to know God, what is God, not vague idea, actually. Jnatva mam santim rcchati. You have to know
- It is due to one's work that one becomes a criminal and is therefore put in jail. It is not compulsory for everyone to go to jail. As living entities, we have our proper place in Vaikunthaloka
- It is not compulsory that one live in the temple, but in order to make spiritual advancement, one must follow all the rule and regulations of Krishna Consciousness, just as the devotees in the temples do
- It is recommended that a particular demigod be worshiped for a particular purpose, but still the presence of Visnu is compulsory in order to make the function proper
- It was compulsory for everyone to go to the tapo-vana to fully accept the shelter of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, for it is very difficult to retire from family life and at the same time remain at home
- Krsna is original, and trying to convince us about the necessity of our life, or the goal of our life. Prayojana, prayojana: it is necessary. It is not optional - compulsory. If you don't take to Krsna consciousness, then you will continue to suffer
- Krsna-katha is compulsory for the rajarsi, or executive head of government. This is also mentioned in Bhagavad-gita - imam rajarsayo viduh - BG 4.2
- Observing the various types of festivals, such as Sri Janmastami, Rama-navami and Nrsimha-caturdasi, is also included in the process of Deity worship. In other words, it is compulsory for householder devotees to observe these festivals
- Of the six occupational duties of the brahmanas, three are compulsory - namely, worship of the Deity, study of the Vedas and the giving of charity. In exchange, a brahmana should receive charity, and this should be his means of livelihood
- One may trample many small ants and other insects while walking on the street and kill many living beings unknowingly. Therefore the Vedic principle of panca-yajna, five kinds of recommended sacrifice, is compulsory
- Regarding the examination, I never meant that the examination would be held this year. It will be held first next year. The examination is meant for the intelligent class, not all. Neither it is compulsory
- Regarding travelling, a Sannyasi's name is Parivrajakacarya, that is the beginning of Sannyasa. In the beginning one is ordered not to stay more than three days at a place, but at the Paramahamsa stage, one can stop moving, but that is not compulsory
- Retirement at the end of life is compulsory. Maharaja Nabhi, although still a king retired from family life and went with his wife to a place called Badarikasrama in the Himalayas, where the Deity Nara-Narayana is worshiped
- Retirement must be compulsory, so that foolish old men will no longer disturb the peaceful progress of spiritual culture
- Sannyasa is compulsory at the age of fifty
- Sannyasa is not voluntary, but it is compulsory. At the last stage one must take sannyasa. After fiftieth year one must take to vanaprastha, vanam vrajet. This is system. So, system of purification, how to become designationless
- Sanskrit should be compulsory for all our children to learn, and anyone who has elementary knowledge of alphabet and grammar can begin to teach it
- So to pass the examination means one must have knowledge. There are higher intelligent class of disciples, otherwise it is not compulsory. So how to organize it, how to do it, you GBC can decide. I have given the idea, now how to do it is up to the GBC
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura accepted the sannyasa-asrama directly from the brahmacari-asrama. In other words, His Divine Grace Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura did not think it compulsory to accept the grhastha-asrama or vanaprastha-asrama
- Studying the Vedic literatures is compulsory for everyone but the sudras and antyajas
- That is compulsory, that "You are very good, responsible man. All right, do your duty up to this. No more duty. No more duty." So this "duty," "no duty," this is our creation
- The atheist may declare like that, "There is no God," but he will see God as death. That is compulsory. There is no excuse. So at the time of death, the mentality which you have created by practice, sada tad-bhava-bhavitah (BG 8.6), will act
- The compulsory law is that God is great, and we are subordinate or servant of God. You may believe or not believe; the God's law will apply upon you forcibly
- The dowry system is not illegal, as some have tried to prove. The dowry is a gift given to the daughter by the father to show good will, and it is compulsory
- The first samskara, the garbhadhana-samskara, or child-begetting samskara, is compulsory, especially for the higher castes, the brahmanas and the ksatriyas
- The garbhadhana ceremony before sexual intercourse was compulsory for persons in the higher grades of society, and it is very scientific. Other processes recommended in the Vedic literature during pregnancy are also very important
- The merchant should not think that because he is engaged in an occupation in which the telling of lies is compulsory, he should give up his profession and pursue the profession of a brahmana. That is not recommended. BG 1972 purports
- The social division is brahmana first, then ksatriya, then vaisya, then sudra. And there is a spiritual division: brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa. This is compulsory regulation for becoming human being
- The system of varnasrama-dharma is very scientific. If one is directed by the varnasrama institution, he will naturally think of retiring from family life at the end of his life. Therefore sannyasa is compulsory at the age of fifty
- The training was compulsory not only to create good citizens of the state, but also to prepare the boy's future life for spiritual realization
- The vaisyas and ksatriyas may also engage in this worship (of the salagrama-sila), but it is compulsory in the house of a brahmana
- There are several origins or causes for this compulsive love of Krsna, such as Krsna Himself, the devotees of Krsna, Krsna's playing on the flute, etc. The effect is sometimes loving and sometimes stunted
- There is no question of accepting or not accepting Krsna consciousness. It is not optional; it is compulsory
- There must be compulsory marriage of young boys and girls attaining twenty-four years of age and sixteen years of age respectively
- They (people) don't know that the householder's concession for sex life can't be regulated unless one accepts the life of a mendicant. The Vedic civilization enjoins that at the end of one's 50th year one must give up household life. This is compulsory
- This process is actually very simple. One must first of all realize that the first problem is the conquest of death. Presently we consider death compulsory, but actually it is not. One may be put into prison, but actually prison is not compulsory
- This sannyasa order, as we have accepted, it is compulsory regulative principle of Vedic way of life. The first twenty-five years brahmacari, strict life of celibacy, student life, without any sex indulgence, complete, up to 25 years. Then grhastha
- To accept sannyasa means to commit civil suicide, but sannyasa is compulsory, at least for every brahmana, every first-class human being
- To accept this position-brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa - is compulsory. It is not that one has to take sannyasa as a fashion. No. Actually it is absolutely necessary for any person at the last stage of life to accept sannyasa
- Training was compulsory
- Two compulsory fasting days in a month, if not more (austerity). Even from the economic point of view, such two fasting days in a month in the state will save tons of food, and the system will also act very favorably on the general health of the citizens
- We are surrounded by unlimited sins, and therefore it is compulsory that one take to Krsna consciousness and chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- We are very much attached to this material world, but according to the Vedic system, renunciation is compulsory, for when one reaches the age of fifty, he renounces his family life
- We have not awakened yet our natural love for Krsna, so it requires practice, practicing this vidhi-bhakti, compulsory
- Whatever is required by you and your family to live nicely in Krishna Consciousness, that much you should accept. Do not take more than what you actually need. And you should give what ever you can to the temple as donation. Nothing is compulsory
- Why I die. I do not like to die, but death is compulsory. I do not like to be old man, but still, it is compulsory. I do not like to suffer from disease, but it is compulsory. These are to be solved