Category:We Can (Disciples of SP)
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Pages in category "We Can (Disciples of SP)"
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- I do not accept anyone as my disciple that "You can do whatever you like." No. My first condition is that "You must be sinless"
- It is God's mercy that He incarnates Himself in Deity form, as we can handle Him. If we want to worship His gigantic universal form, we cannot approach Him
- That songs writing we cannot regard very seriously. That will spoil the whole thing. But you can utilize your propensity to write poems and articles for BTG, for singing in the kirtana, like that
- You can stand
- A brahmacari can tolerate any inconvenience, but women and children cannot. They will have difficulty
- A living being, to become desireless, how you can? I am living. I am not a dead body. Desire should be to satisfy Krsna. Attachment should be for Him. That's all. You have to change. That is Krsna consciousness
- A pure devotee actually has no problems for himself; wherever he is he can read books like Krsna Books and chant Hare Krsna, get some prasadam and always think of Krsna
- According to his (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's) calculation, practically every one of us is fallen, but because we are trying to serve the Supreme Lord with all seriousness and without duplicity, we can expect the mercy of Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- According to the Vedic system, if you say something very emphatically, you must prove by Vedic evidences. Otherwise you can go on talking; nobody will hear
- Actually we have need of many men in India, at least another 50 or 60. But they need not be important men. Assistant men will do nicely. So if you can arrange to send 50 or 60 men here for propaganda work in Calcutta and Bombay, that will be very nice
- Actually, if we can attain the favor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, we do not need anything else. We certainly do not need those things which a mundane person considers to be material assets
- After marrying, certainly there will be some disagreement or misunderstanding between husband and wife. So consider all these points, and you can decide yourself. But if you marry, I have no objection
- All devotees are more or less poets. Out of 26 qualifications of a perfect devotee, one is poetic sense. So we can write so many poetries in praise of the Lord, or about His pastimes
- All our men are speaking in English. Still, you can make an experiment and if you like, then you can live with us provided you follow our rules and regulations
- All students should be encouraged to write some article after reading SB, BG, and TLC. They should realize the information, and they must present their assimilation in their own words. Otherwise, how they can become preachers?
- All the devatas, all the demigods came: Narada Muni, Brahma, Siva. They came in disguise, and their wife, Savitri, and then Uma. Uma is the wife of Lord Siva. In that way you can show so many demigods and their wives coming
- All the devotees should be satisfied. They have given their lives to Krishna, so we should see they are always happy. Their service is voluntary. It is not that we can force anyone to do anything. If we do they will go away and that is a great loss
- All the three altars should be of the same style. I am enclosing the copy of the style which I have approved for all three altars. This style is nice, the one which you had chosen for Lord Ramacandra's altar, so you can use this style for all three
- All you can collect will go for building for Vrindaban, and Mayapur only, no question of 50/50 division. The books are being sent to you free, so you raise money
- Along with the chanting of Hare Krsna we have to rigidly observe the prohibition of four sinful activities. If only these things we can do our lives can become perfect
- Always stick tight to the point of our philosophy. We should not compromise in any way just to accommodate the public idea, but we can so tastefully present the real thing that we will change the people to accommodate us
- And it is very easy. And you can do in happy mood. And what is the process? We chant Hare Krsna and eat Krsna-prasada and study Bhagavad-gita philosophy, hear nice musical sounds. Is it very difficult? Is it very difficult? Not at all
- Any devotee who has developed genuine Love for Krishna can also explain the truth about Krishna because Krishna helps such sincere devotee seated in his heart
- Any way we can distribute our books is good because anyone who reads our KRSNA book, TLC, NOD, and Bhagavad-gita As It Is, is sure to become a Krishna Conscious person. It is a most valuable service to Krishna to distribute these books
- Anyone questions, you can answer. That is required, preaching. Just like this girl, "Why you are recommending your Bhagavad-gita?" Answer must be there, - Because this is. They are all rascals. They are not speaking Bhagavad-gita as it is
- Anyway purchase this church immediately. It is not very costly. $200,000 you can arrange. If it is available from BBT at this time then I have no objection
- Anyway, we can read. Not once reading we can understand. Repeatedly, punah punah, we shall have to. Then the stock which we have already got, you can study and take lessons from the Vedic literature and make your life perfect
- Anywhere, any part of the world, at home or out of home, anywhere you can, with your ecstasy, you can chant Hare Krsna, and you attain love of God very quickly
- As a sudra, he can get the perfection. Why he should artificially become a brahmana and sannyasi and fall down? This has to be checked
- As Caitanya Mahaprabhu did (organized Sankirtana Movement), we can follow. We are not doing anything harm to the people; we are actually giving the highest benediction to the human life
- As far as possible we should not offer to the Deity things which are prepared by nondevotees. We can accept from them raw fruits, grains or similar raw things
- As far as possible, our business is to induce persons how he becomes Krsna conscious. That's all. For that reason, you can make your plan, because that is Krsna's plan. But that should also be sanctioned by Krsna
- As far as the restriction for reading the 10th canto pastimes of Krishna. That is only for those who do not know what is Krishna. but you are initiated, so you can read because you know who Krishna is
- As far as your future films are concerned I do not think it is possible for the BBT to continue financing these films. BBT is strictly for construction of temples and printing books. My idea is that you can use the original capital that BBT gave you
- As I am old man, I am traveling all over the world, now to give me relief, the GBC members . . . I shall expand into twelve more, so that they can exactly work like me. Gradually they will (be) initiators. At least first initiation
- As other things are managed, but by committee, so this can also be managed, & the committee may elect one person as chief. As, just like in the democracy there are senators & there is president, so it may be I may nominate or they can
- As people in your country are very much receptive to new ideas, I think we can place Back To Godhead very nicely with sensible layout
- As soon as he learns the Guru Maharaja is dead, "Now I am so advanced that I can kill my guru and I become guru." Then he's finished
- As soon as you become a rascal - "Now I have become advanced. I don't require to chant sixteen rounds. I can do whatever I like" - then he has gone to hell. Upstart, immediately he becomes paramahamsa. He's a rascal
- As stated in Bhagavad-Gita, we can remember Krishna when drinking water, when seeing the sunshine and moonshine, when smelling a flower, when hearing the transcendental sound vibration, when chanting Vedic mantras
- As we make advancement, offenses should be gradually diminished; advanced devotees, in fact all devotees should study how to do this very carefully in the NOD. We can understand the Absolute Truth by hearing, that is how we can become perfect
- As you can see from other important magazines like "Life" and "Time" they are distributed in foreign countries is the same name without being translated into the local language. If you think that such change will be more convenient, I have no objection
- At any moment we can fall down. Therefore we have to keep ourselves very much vigilant, strong, strong. Strength, the spiritual strength is the chanting Hare Krsna mantra and following the rules and regulations
- At last I may say that you can forget the great loss. Do work sincerely in Krishna Consciousness abiding by the order of Krishna and everything will be in order
- At least human body is guaranteed, even one fails to complete the Krsna consciousness. Because he gets another chance. To get birth in a rich family means he has no economic problem. He can completely engage himself to understand what is God
- At one marriage ceremony in N.Y. Rupanuga had the boy and girl both sign documents saying that they promised never to separate under any circumstances. So you can correspond with him and do likewise
- At the present moment there are no facilities for householders, therefore you can come alone and in a short while when the householder facilities are better than you can call for your wife
- At the present moment, we are not in a position to make charities but for the devotees we can sacrifice anything. So you can stop preparing prasadam for persons who are not willing to work neither to pay
- Atheists are so much averse, sura-dvisat. They are envious. So to such person the madhyama-adhikari cannot preach because it is useless waste of time. If one is innocent but not envious we can preach there. That will be, I mean to say, fruitful
- Ayurvedic medicine is a good idea, provided we can get an expert manufacturer
- Bali Mardan says that taking milk is also the same as eating meat, therefore you can eat meat. Therefore does it mean that because what I eat all turns to stool, then I should eat stool?
- Be self-sufficient so that these rascals may see that how one can live very peacefully, eating the food grains and milk, and chant Hare Krsna. This is our mission
- Be very serious to develop New Vrindaban nicely so that we can show the world how the ideal God-conscious community is working
- Because it (sex urge) is an old habit we are unable to check it unless we can understand the nature of feeling, willing and then action, and how by proper use of intelligence and prevent thoughts which must come from maturing into actions
- Before opening a branch we must have able men also to conduct, otherwise how we can open branches?
- Best thing is to get Bhagavad-gita printed on our own press, some soft bound and some hard bound, regularly sewn. Now in N.Y. we have got large space. If required we can increase by another press, but try to get all our books printed on our own press
- Better you understand this, that you cannot understand. This is real understanding, that "Krsna cannot be understood. Simply let me love as far as possible, as I can, whatever is my, in my capacity"
- Beyond thinking are feeling and willing, so even thoughts of sex connection may come, that is difficult even for saintly persons to avoid still, in the further stages of feeling and willing we can easily conquer over this sex urge
- Bhakti is not under karma. Bhakti is under your good will. If you accept to surrender to Krsna, you can do that without being checked by anything else. Simply you have to will, "Yes, Krsna. You are asking me. So long I did not do. From this day I do"
- Bhuliya Tomare, CDV 17 - We have heard so much about surrender. So here are some of the songs how one can make surrender
- Biology, you can teach them the evolution of the species from Padma-Purana, 8,400,000's, one after another. Yes
- Bombay is a very big city, people are rich, so we can give you nice room, nice prasadam. Come here, live here (gurukula) at least once in a week and learn Vedic literature, Vedic civilization. The essence of Vedic literature is Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Building is not very important. Work is important. Activity is important. I started my movement not with buildings, but real activity. So building is opulence. You can do without opulence. You can start anything, even underneath a tree
- Business means if you have got extra grains or extra foodstuff, you can sell where there is necessity, there is want. That is business. We are not going to open mills and factories and... No. We are not going to do that. That is sudra business
- By always following the principles, chanting, and performing regulated worship of the Deity, one can make steady advancement
- By association with undesirable companions we have learned so many bad habits and similarly by association with pure persons or devotees we can become purified of our acquired bad habits
- By Krishna's grace, you are very much engaged there. It is very encouraging. I will be going to Hawaii on Jan. 24th via Hong Kong and Tokyo, arriving in Honolulu about the 29th. If you like, you can see me there
- By nicely worshiping the Deities we can be so pure in condition of health, mind and intelligence
- By our mutual combination I am certain that we can improve the entire humanity to the point of spiritual understanding and thus automatically eliminate the basis for so many problems that plague our so-called civilized societies
- By seeing the expression of the bodily features, one can understand whether the soul is happy or not
- By serving such guru, bona fide guru, and surrendering unto him, and then questioning him, he can make actual progress in spiritual life, and then he understands properly what is God, what is our relationship with Him
- By that only qualification, that he's not a Vaisnava, he cannot become guru, whereas, on the other's hand. If a person, sva-pacah means coming of the family of dog-eaters, candala - if he has become a Vaisnava, you can accept him as guru
- By that time I shall be in Boston, and I shall examine you personally then I shall do the needful. In the meantime, you can sit down silently, and increase your number of chanting. That is your work for the time being
- By your own work you can recruit men locally, that is the best process. So immediately resume the preaching work amongst the Africans and show yourselves as always meek and humble and refrain from a tough attitude and in this way gain their confidence
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted at the age of twenty-four years. We are not, of course, imitating Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But for executing Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, if we are sincerely working for Him, then we can take sannyasa at an early age
- Can you count how many atoms are there, atomic? That is your limitation. Therefore I say "frog philosophy." The limited wants to study the unlimited. That is frog philosophy
- Carving tulasi beads should not be your sole occupation. You should also go out for street sankirtana and distribute my literature for the cripple minded masses, and whatever spare time you have you can carve some tulasi beads for me to sanctify
- Certainly we are opposed to abortion, and we can advise that it is not good, but do not take an active part in this political agitation against abortion. We are not much concerned in that way, so do not waste time approaching politicians
- Chapter-wise printing of Srimad Bhagawatam is very suitable and convenient, so you may continue it. Also, you say that you are now distributing BTG no. 35, but I have never received an English copy, so you can send me one
- Character building is the groundwork for seating Krishna Consciousness and the Vedic injunction is that one can advance in spiritual life by following the rules of austerity and celibacy
- Concerning Rathayatra festival, you can hold it in the warm months, just like in Melbourne, the festival is held in January. Pusta Krsna Swami is going to arrange to have Jagannatha Deities sent from Puri if there is no one expert enough to make Deities
- Concerning the outhouses, if they are not approved then you can have a septic tank, or pass stool in the open field. I was doing that. I never liked to go to the nonsense toilet so I was going in the field
- Concerning the production of toothpaste and cosmetics for which I may be able to supply the information, etc., you can come to see me in Toronto when I visit there between the 16th of June until the 21st of June
- Concerning your going to South America to assist there, if you like there is no need to go immediately. First you can complete the exhibit there in Los Angeles. There is no need to go immediately
- Concerning your idea to go port to port by ship, why waste time and energy. Don't spoil money purchasing boat. Port to port we can go by airplane
- Concerning your personal service, when I come I shall personally take this up with you. You can come and personally speak with me when I return to India
- Concerning your request for babaji initiation, when I come to Nairobi we can discuss it further. I gave babaji initiation to one other devotee but now he is off somewhere restless
- Could you please send down the necessary forms that we can fill out along with other requirements such as how many photographs are required for an extention of the tourist visa
- Cow protection is not possible for women. You can keep two or three cows, but on larger scale it is not possible. You should not try to take care of more
- Dai Nippon has agreed to take money in exchange of books. Whatever money you pay, you print books and send to India. You can also send to Australia or to USA if they want. You begin with Srimad-Bhagavatam and the small edition of Bhagavad-gita
- Dai Nippon has upped their price for Hindi BTG considerably, so it is better to print in Bombay just as you have done with Gujarati BTG. When you return to Bombay, you can try for this
- Death means change of the body. But what kind of body you are going to accept, that will depend on the superior arrangement. But you can arrange also
- Deity worship is compulsory, and you can increase if you have got time to do so. But Mangala aratrik is essential (morning arati), and Sandharatrik (evening aratri) is essential, and offering of Prasadam to Deity is essential
- Devotion does not depend on the body, and in spite of all difficulties we can chant, so long we have got the tongue - and even we have got no tongue we can chant in our mind. So where is the question of not serving with devotion?
- Don't think that "I am so advanced. I may not require any guru. I can do without guru." That is nonsense. That, not possible. "Must"
- Don't think that the Deity is a doll. Even if you think it is doll, Krsna has come to you in the form of doll so that you can see
- Don't waste human form of body for sense gratification. I wanted to introduce this. Now I have given you ideas. You can do it. You are all intelligent
- During the lifetime of your Spiritual master you bring the prospective disciples to him, and in his absence or disappearance you can accept disciples without any limitation. This is the law of disciplic succession
- Eat Krishna Prasadam, but be careful that we may not indulge in luxury. For Krishna we can offer the most beautiful preparations, but for us Prasadam should be very simple
- Either fifty percent or any per cent you can easily spare for the Society, we shall welcome. Don't be overburdened. We don't want anyone to be overburdened
- Either you or Ranadhira can hold a fire sacrifice & present sacred threads to Kutila & Mahendra. One thing, you can get a copy of me reciting Gayatri Mantra from Rupanuga in New York but the tape must be heard through earphones into the right ear
- Enclosed please find clippings of our New York Rathayatra which was held last Sunday. You can show these to your friend Mr. Choudhary and others. I always remember Mr. Choudhary and his good wife
- Enclosed you will find one letter from Austin temple. So that is in your zone. He has so many questions, and these types of enquiries should be answered locally. So you can reply this letter and send me a copy also so that I can see how you are answering
- Enclosed you will find one photograph of the Deities there in L.A. recently sent to me. Why is Krishna without a flute? What is the difficulty to make for Krishna a flute? You can take a twig and wrap it in golden lace with a pearl drop hanging
- Enthusiasm and patience, these things required. If under changing conditions, I lose my enthusiasm, if I cannot endure the difficulties of my duty, therefore I go away. Then how I can be leader?
- Even if you have got some desire within yourself, so the Bhagavad-gita says, in spite of having that desire, you can worship Krsna and ask so that in future your desires will be desireless
- Even in full material opulence we can become a perfect devotee, provided you follow the principles. It doesn't matter
- Even it is little done, you get some asset. That will never be lost. Therefore you have to stick to this activity, Krsna consciousness activity. Whatever you do, if we can complete, it is very nice. If not, whatever we do, that is not lost
- Even though you might not have understood, you can correct it now and don't be disappointed. Your humble repentance is just like a Vaisnava student, so I thank you very much for this humbleness
- Every gentleman in your country is anxious about their children, and gradually if the richer section of the people or the government cooperates with us, we can expand this movement for total welfare of the younger generation
- Every house should have our books, every gentleman, in any language. It doesn't matter. That is our propaganda. Now you are getting all languages, so we can capture the whole world
- Every one of you can become guru, provided you understand the science of Krsna
- Everyone can become a first class speaker. Simply cram the purports of my books. The references are there, the philosophy is there. Everything is there. So if you do it, everyone will be pleased with your speaking
- Everyone can see God. To see God is not very difficult job. There are so many points described in the Bhagavad-gita. For the devotees, those who are serious about seeing God, they can see God. God is present everywhere
- Everyone is attached to Krsna. That is Vrndavana. So not all of a sudden we can get that highest stage of life of Vrndavana attachment, but still, wherever we stay, if we practice this bhakti-yoga, as we are preaching... It is becoming successful
- Everyone knows a flimsy idea there is God, but we can give actually who is that God, what is His name, what is His address, what is His father's name, what is His mother's name - everything. That is Krsna consciousness
- Everyone should be engaged. If one is not competent to dress the Deity - everyone is competent - he can simply wash the temple and cleanse it. That will also help
- Everyone should live peacefully in healthy condition of life with the purpose of advancing in spiritual consciousness. In this concept we can accept anyone from any part of the world
- Everything can be used properly for peaceful condition, and when you become peaceful, no disturbance, then you can very happily chant Hare Krsna and your life becomes successful. This is our program. We don't want to stop anything
- Everywhere the principle of self-interest is there.That is there. But real self-interest is Krsna. For Krsna we can do anything. Because He is supreme Self
- Everywhere we have got good devotees. Krishna consciousness is dormant in everyone and we can awaken it in them
- Execution of devotional service is prescribed first with enthusiasm and patience. One can execute this transcendental activities staying as he is, but he must follow and try to apply in practical life the instructions as they are given in the BG or SB
- Expert means whatever he is doing, he must do it very nicely That's all. Suppose you are sweeping this room. You can do it very nicely, to your best knowledge. That is expert. The people will say, "Oh, you have very nicely done."
- First let him (Isana) produce something, then he can teach others. I have no objection. If somehow or other someone can learn how to make good mrdangas in America, it will be a great service
- First of all you can talk. It is not expected that everyone will be able to understand. It is not expected. It is not easy job. But still, some ideal institution should be there who are actually serious to understand. They may be given the chance
- First of all, we have to live very regulated life. Sannyasa life is that regulated life. And then we can enter into the real life. That is idea
- First of all, you are a family man, and usually at this point a man must think about providing for his wife and child. So if you like you can take a job
- First see that you have sufficient brahmins who are very well trained and qualified, then you can consider to install Sita, Rama, Laksmana, and Hanuman. They are the ideal King and it will be very suitable that They reign over the capitol of America
- Following in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Advaita Acarya, we can accept a devotee from any part of the world and recognize him as a brahmana as soon as he is qualified due to following the principles of Vaisnava behavior
- Following this example (of Bhaktisiddhanta), the devotees of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness now render service as preachers in various parts of the world. Now they can allow the spiritual master to retire from active preaching work
- For building the temple you can purchase some nearby land and construct. There are so many lands there I have seen
- For editing the Sanskrit words you can send me a list of the words, and I shall send you the correct diacritic marks
- For experimental sake, you can seek out for an agent who can arrange for our Sankirtana Party moving in all the states of America, and then we can think of touring all over the world
- For Krishna we can execute any activity, but this is not free license to act whimsically. Arjuna was able to fight on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra because this was Krishna's desire, not because it was simply his whims
- For Krsna's sake, we can forsake our obligatory duties. For Krsna's sake. In the sastra it is said that one who has fully surrendered to Krsna, he has no more any material duty
- For ourselves when we are in perfect stage of devotional service, we can know our eternal relation with Krishna and as such one of the associates of Lord Krishna becomes our ideal leader
- For relying upon devotees from outside to come there is not very practical business. It is better to recruit some local men and train them to do the work. But I think Madhudvisa can supply you with one or two men conveniently, you may request him this
- For serving the Lord, we require to sacrifice our life, our wealth, our intelligence, and our words. One can serve the Lord with these four possessions; if not, with three, if not, then with two or even one
- For the Krishna book we will require paintings, so we will not need any etching and woodcut. So you can send me some samples of your paintings and then I'll give you some suggestions
- For the Lord's service we can ask for His grace and mercy a hundred times, but for our sense gratification we cannot pray or ask anything - that is pure devotion
- For the present we should finish the pictures for KRSNA first. Then, if there is opportunity, they can print pictures for NOD. Both are required, but most important is KRSNA. It is better to have pictures in all our books, as many as possible
- For the time being all three should only translate so we can publish many literatures in local language. All Hindi and Bengali literatures should be composed in India and sent for printing by Dai Nippon in Japan. That will be nice progress
- For the translation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, you can say either Paramesvara or Bhagavan. Paramatma or Antaryami is good for localized Super-soul. If you can give the meaning of all the sanskrit words, that will be best
- For your temple programs you should read from Bhagavatam and explain, and then someone should explain in Hindi. Prasadam must also be given. Whatever you can give, but something must be there. On the whole I am very much pleased by your program
- From Krsna consciousness, we can utilize all facilities in the proper channel. But not materially
- From Mayapur I may go to Haridasapur and begin work immediately. Our architect has been ordered to make a design plan. The boundary wall you can begin immediately
- From my personal instance I can explain to you it is my duty, that I am not very wonderful man, but I have tried to execute the order of my spiritual master. Whatever little success you can credit, that is my only qualification
- From now on, include one chapter from Srimad-bhagavatam in every issue of Back to Godhead magazine. You can start with the 1st chapter of the 1st canto and continue
- From the Tulasi plant you can cut off only leaves for offering them to Krishna, never for cutting and planting. That is an offense
- From your letter I can understand that you are anxious to become householder and this is very good. We require so many householders to set example to others how in Krishna Consciousness we can live peacefully and sanely, even in married life
- From your letter it appears that you are doing nicely distributing books and if you say that with help you could make at least one life member daily, then why not continue on in Madras for a month as you suggest or until there is no more field
- From your letter it appears you have found a nice place for a center there. Yes, we can use everything in Krsna's service and when Krsna gives us a nice big house that does not mean we use it for our eating and sleeping, but we work harder in His service
- From your letter, it appears that you need a change of activities. I think it will be best if you come to the festival at Mayapur and from there we can decide what project will be best for you to become involved in
- Gaurasundara is doing there some work, but that is not sufficient even for maintaining an apartment. He is of course searching for a better job, but I do not think alone he can start a center there
- Generally, if one can remain a brahmacari, it is very convenient, and from brahmacari one can take sannyasa. But in this age of kali Bhaktivinode Thakura recommends that it is better to cultivate Krishna Consciousness as a householder
- Generally, the devotees are not cruel, angry. But they can be the foremost angry person for Krsna's sake. So generally, we should not be angry. A mahatma is never angered
- Give facility to the people. Here (in New Mayapura) is very nice arrangement. Now make plan how to utilize. You have got enough land. You can utilize for supplying the necessities of life
- Gopis are not ordinary women, they are all expansions of Krishna's pleasure potency. So when we understand Krishna, then we shall understand Gopis. We can simply follow foot prints of Gopi how they loved Krsna
- Government should establish an institution to create ideal men. We can help
- Growing, cultivating, producing, there will be not possibility of, and we don't want more than the necessity. If by God's grace we get more, then you can make sale, but we are not going to work for selling purpose
- Guesthouse, if it is organized, yesterday we calculated we can get five hundred, six hundred rupees daily. So why it should not be done?
- Guru must come through the parampara system, and in order to understand tad-vijnanam, transcendental science, you have to approach guru. You cannot say that "I can understand at home"
- Gurukrpa Maharaja has taken charge of the collecting for Mayapur now. You can simply send his food relief collection money to Mayapur. When the Bombay project is finished and Mayapur begins, the Mayapur project should be financed in the same way
- Gurukrpa Swami is given sanction by me to develop the program along guidelines which he can choose
- He (Nara Narayana) has knowledge about casting deities, so after his business with the temple work is completed you can try to encourage him to continue with his casting work
- He (the bona fide spritual master) instructs him through the ear, not privately, but publicly. "You are fit for such and such work in Krsna consciousness. You can act in this way"
- He can stay out and distribute books on sankirtana, but for that he can remain grhastha, nor does it mean he perpetually remains on sankirtana party forgetting his responsibilities
- He can think, "Oh, now I am so learned. I am so advanced. Why shall I accept him as superior?" No. That continues. Even after my death, after my disappearance, he will offer obeisances to my picture
- He can work cooperatively together and maybe arrange some big programs in Hong Kong, and you can go there, or arrange big programs in Bangkok and he can come there
- He has asked me to help his son, so you can call this boy as advised by Mr. Chopra in the letter and you can help him by sending him to Gorakhpur
- He has given me one idea to educate our men in Hindi, Marathi and Gujarati for preaching work in the interior part of Bombay. I think it a good suggestion. If you are really serious in this matter you can immediately engage some of our men
- He is very nice boy. He is Vaisnava. So you are very fortunate to have such a son. You can take it that Krsna has given you this son
- He wants to live in our Mayapur Center. You can call him, talk to him and if he is useful give him shelter. He is very much anxious to live in our place
- He's sleeping. Why? Don't sleep and you can sleep at the end. Don't in the front. It is disturbing
- Here in Bombay we are getting good response to our membership program and I am sure in Calcutta you can also get good response. Now the holiday is done, so you can begin work on this immediately
- Here in Los Angeles, we have found that there is a group of about 40 devotees who privately meet to discuss the intimate pastimes artificially thinking that they can enter into the understanding of the gopis prematurely
- Here you can talk with Mukunda and others about the World Samkirtan Party. There is good possibility. Simply it requires some good organization. Therefore you are called
- How can you write or how you can speak unless you think of Him? You are hearing about Krsna; you have to think, then you can speak. Otherwise not
- How we can charge? We are servant of Krsna. Krsna says that "You speak," so we are speaking. That's all. Why should we charge? But if somebody, out of sympathy, gives us something, we don't refuse. But we have no cost
- However, you can sing the first two lines, (Raghu Pati Raghava Raja Ram, Patita Pavana Sita Ram)
- I (Prabhupada) think you should take special license or permission from the authority because as a religious society, we can collect in such a way
- I am confident that through your sincerity you can very shortly be one of the top distributing centres in the world
- I am confident that you are all trying your best so there is no question of doing things hastily. You can execute your respective duties peacefully and I am confident that you will be successful
- I am glad that you have arranged for a nice apartment on daily payment arrangement, and if by Krishna's Grace you find out a cheaper place in the meantime, we can transfer there
- I am glad to learn also that you sometimes fast the whole day, and chant. It is a very good idea and you can follow this principle rigidly two days in a month, namely the Ekadasis
- I am glad you are so enthusiastic for making our plan of a daily world newspaper a success. It is a very large task. To publish a daily newspaper requires a huge establishment and the editor must be very well versed so that he can comment on all fields
- I am going to Hawaii on Jan. 26th via Bangkok, Hong Kong, and Tokyo. You can report the next incidences to Hawaii. The program is that from Hawaii I may go to Mexico and Caracas as invited by Hrdayananda Gosvami
- I am going to London for Rathayatra this year but I think I can fly from London to Pittsburgh without any difficulty. So you can accept that engagement on September 8th and I shall be there. And the national TV show sounds very nice
- I am here in Vrindaban at least up to September 25th or longer, as I am leaving for South Africa in the first week of October. Kindly come here so we can discuss
- I am in due receipt of your short note which was hand-delivered to me by Dr. Wolf. I won't have the opportunity to visit Atlanta on this tour, however, I shall be in New York from July 9th - July 20th. You can see me in New York if it is possible for you
- I am in due receipt of your very nice gifts and the donation towards the book fund. This is the way to advance in Krishna consciousness. One should always offer to the spiritual master whatever one can
- I am in due reciept of your letter dated October 13rd, 1974 in which you request to become married. You can consult this matter with Hamsaduta who is my representative. He is Grhastha and he can advise you in this matter
- I am in your country. If I falsely claim, "I am citizens of America," how can I be accepted? You can be accepted as citizen of America because there is a definition of the word - citizens of America
- I am laboring so hard that before I leave this body, I may give you some books who you can enjoy after my death. So utilize it. Read every sloka nicely, try to understand the meaning, discuss amongst yourselves
- I am not very expert or educated or nothing extraordinary, but only thing is that I believed in his word. You can say that is my qualification. I believed cent percent in his (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati's) word
- I am not very much pleased to note that you are leaving our ISKCON Society forever... So you can come here and live with me immediately
- I am now old man, and attacked with serious disease; I may be overcome by death at any moment. Therefore I wish to leave some trained preachers so that they can do the work of Krishna Consciousness in the western world. That is my ambition
- I am old man of eighty years; still, I am busy. I am traveling all over the world, writing book at night, talking with visitors, and so many things. You can see. So where we are escaping? We are the most responsible worker
- I am requesting the BBT in Los Angeles to forward you the books which you require. There is no need to deal through Australia. You can place your order directly to Ramesvara Maharaja
- I am simply trying to place before you. That's all. I believe. And that is my qualification. It is not that I doubt, no. You can say that is my qualification
- I am sorry that your dealing with the draft board has been mishandled and therefore you are in difficulty. Anyway if need be you can go back and face trial as advised by your father's lawyer
- I am sorry to hear of your wife's poor health. You have tried so many treatments, pills and better climates and visits to doctors, but there is no improvement. I think you can admit her to the hospital on a longer term basis for recouping her health
- I am sorry to learn that you had to leave your engagement in Indonesia. Anyway, so now you are in Australia, so you can consult with Madhudvisa Swami as to what to do there in Indonesia
- I am stressing again that we have to find out a reliable person who can regularly supply us with goods from India. This is the sum and substance, and now you can do the needful. If Mr. Vora wants to be our supplying agent, we have no objection
- I am training each one of them as leader so that they can spread extensively. That is my idea
- I am very glad that you are preparing the ground work for starting our centers in London, Amsterdam and Berlin. It may be that we can add another in Tokyo. We must have hundreds of such branches for preaching Krishna Consciousness all over the world
- I am very glad to hear that you are settling into some steady service. Krishna is sending us so many children and they must be nicely guided and educated so that they can grow up to become first-class Vaisnavas
- I am very glad to learn that Govardhana dasa has become a leader in the deity worship, due to his inspired service. That is the real thing - one who has inspiration of life, he can do anything. Rupa Goswami explains this as "utsaha'', enthusiasm
- I am very glad to learn that your illness is cured. You can take it that it is Krsna's mercy
- I am very much encouraged to note how you have increased the book distribution and are becoming No. 1 distributer in the world. We have published Caitanya Caritamrta so you can order this nice new book from New York
- I am very pleased that Jayadvaita Brahmacari will be going to Boston soon for typing BTG and our books. He is the first class typist in our society so far I have heard, so he can create so many assistants
- I approve for you to get books from BBT-L.A. at reduced prices, at the cost price, the same as India is getting. You can inform Ramesvara that I give my sanction
- I approve your ideas. Yes, London is a city where we can open many centers. If possible, do it
- I believe all my students they are very serious devotees, maybe sometimes influenced by maya, but they can be corrected and the whole thing will go on as usual without any difficulty
- I came here alone in 1965. Gradually the young men here took the philosophy very nicely, and now they themselves are spreading and opening many branches, even without my presence. Similarly, you can do this also, under my instructions
- I can go to Zambia at any time by my secretary's arrangement. So, Brahmananda Swami, my chief secretary, is coming to meet me in Los Angeles on the 20th of June, and then he can give you reply as to when I shall be coming to Zambia
- I can see from your letter that you are very sincere about Krsna Consciousness and Gurukula. Yes, you should always feel yourself most fortunate and glad that you are in the Krsna Consciousness movement where you can learn sanskrit and English
- I can understand the disturbance of your mind, but why you keep yourself in such artificial disturbance? You can become a householder. That is not prohibited
- I did not mean by the memo that you shall stop correspondence. If you understood like that, then I say that you can send me every day one letter, and it will be welcome
- I do not agree with your wife's statement that New York is unfit for human habitation. A real Krishna Conscious person can adjust things nicely even in hell
- I do not mind for the severe cold there, but if you think that my service will be helpful to you, you can call me, I shall go
- I do not see how we can insist that all members must follow the four regulative principles, but this is certainly our recommendation to anyone who is serious about pursuing Krishna Consciousness
- I don't think Acyutananda can be engaged as leader in any group. He can work only as assistant. So you write them as far as possible. Otherwise, let them come back - what can be done?
- I don't think that Hayagriva is at fault. He has not changed the meaning or the philosophy in any way. But if you like to use the original manuscript, then if it is possible, you can use it
- I have a great hope to train some of my disciples for preaching work, even in my absence; I wish to leave some trained preachers so that they can do the work of Krishna Consciousness in the western world
- I have advised him that the two of you can conjointly work together to open a centre in Colombo. That will be very nice, so if by mutual cooperation the two of you can begin a centre there it will very much please me
- I have already asked you to think on the project how you can push on our books and literature. I cannot suggest any other alternatives, but if you can execute this will of mine, I shall remain ever-obliged to you
- I have already informed you that if Mohta's house is available completely vacated, then immediately we can purchase, paying cash down
- I have already sent copy of the instructions for celebrating my Guru Maharaja's Advent Day, to Syamasundara, as of yesterday, and you can read it to all the devotees at Istagosthi
- I have already written to Gargamuni, and he will not bother to become president. So combinedly you do everything nicely, he will supply money, but you can supply accounts and vouchers to Gargamuni for checking
- I have also received word from Karandhara about the book distribution program. It is very encouraging. So our books will have to be produced in great numbers. On our own press, they can do so, provided it is economically sound proposal
- I have full sanction for the marriage of Naranarayana, and you can perform the ceremony on my behalf
- I have given a note of direction to Hayagriva for writing a Drama on Lord Caitanya and if he can deliver us a nice Drama for staging in your different parts of the State it will be a great stride for our mission
- I have gone through the blueprint and I am also sending the necessary Sanskrit corrections to Pradyumna. So when these corrections are made then you can print immediately
- I have got a very ambitious program to organize a nice Sankirtana Party both in Oriental and Occidental style, so that we can thus attract all classes of people in the world to Krishna Consciousness
- I have great respect for Manipur, which was a Kshatriya kingdom long before Arjuna. You can do it, you are educated and a devotee, and we shall all help you. That is wanted
- I have heard that the Government allots free gift land for religious temples. If such land is available, then we can immediately take up the project of constructing a very gorgeous style Indian temple
- I have no objection if you can develop the Press by making outside profit with commercial work and investing, that is all right
- I have no objection to marriage, but to bless it by a fire sacrifice, that I am thinking that if they don't stay together, then it is not good. But if they can remain together for one year, then there can be fire sacrifice
- I have no objection to your moving the farm on the same island with the temple, but you can purchase a farm separate and keep the present house. What will be gained by selling the house? I do not like this idea
- I have not received any letter from Vasudeva in reply to my last letter. If perhaps there was some delay, you can send the letter to Paris as I am leaving for London tomorrow and shortly thereafter to Paris
- I have not visited Jagannatha Puri because my men are not allowed to see the deity. When you arrange that we can visit the temple with my disciples then I can come immediately
- I have noted that you also have the aptitude for Bengali language, so you can learn this nicely and then you will be able to preach in Bengal in the native language. It would be very effective. Also, you can chant the Gita-Gan in Bengali
- I have read the headline prayer. It is nicely written, correctly spelled, which shows that you are a very intelligent girl and you can use your talent and intelligence for serving the Lord
- I have read your statements regarding opening centers. I am not in agreement with Mr. Altman that we are expanding very thinly. In my opinion, a single sincere soul can maintain a center
- I have received a very nice letter from England, sent to Mukunda, by an Indian gentleman named Laksmidasa. If it is possible, maybe you can make an editorial column, with letters to the editor or to our various centers, and use it in that way
- I have received the letter of Mr. Altman and I shall act according to his desire. So you can transfer $200.00 for Altman and $6000.00 altogether $6200.00 to my savings account No. 19282 at the Trade Bank And Trust Company
- I have seen that in the month of April, May, June, we can get mangoes. That is our direct experience
- I have seen the copy of the newsletter drawn up to send to influential people, etc. there in Canada and it is very nice. So you can send such newsletters to all our life members in India also
- I have traveled all over the world. I have seen America from village to village, Africa, Australia. There is so much land vacant that if we properly utilize them, we can produce so much food grains, we can feed ten times as many population as it is now
- I have traveled over the world at least fourteen times. I have seen there is enough land, especially in Africa, in Australia, in America, and we can produce so much food grains that ten times of this present population can be easily maintained
- I have understood that you are our top first class book distributer, and you can rest assured that this has not gone unnoticed by Krsna. Krsna appreciates very much when His devotee works very hard to serve Him
- I hope you are chanting regularly at least 16 rounds. Sometimes Maya disturbs us but that does not mean any serious drawback. So if you feel too much uneasy, you can come and live with me for some time, and everything will be set up
- I hope you are reading what books of mine you have and chanting Hare Krishna Mantra; these things are our real business in the human form of life, so that we can quit all material suffering and go back to our original home, back to Godhead
- I invite you to come visit me here in L.A. for a week or so, then you can speak with me directly. So please try to come here at your earliest convenience, and that will be very nice
- I know you are all intelligent devotees of the Lord and I feel confidence in you that you can all illustrate the philosophical instructions of the Lord and this will be a great boon to the people at large
- I may suggest that you make one roof garden. On the top of the house you can put soil of six inches and then plant so many tulsi plants and nice bushes. I like garden very much. Just like here in Los Angeles Temple they have made one very nice garden
- I never said there should be no more marriage. By all means legally you can get married. How can I object? They misunderstand me. Unless it is there from me in writing, there are so many things that "Prabhupada said"
- I never said they should not use their beads. That is our business. They must be taught how to respect their beads. How they can learn unless they use them?
- I only want that all you my disciples always think of Krishna and never forget Him for a moment. In this way you can conquer Krishna
- I prayed to Radha-Krsna that, - I am leaving You, Sir, with these innocent boys and girls. They want to serve You, but they are not yet competent. Kindly take care of Yourself and give them intelligence so that they can serve You
- I quite approve your proposal that if the money is used for establishing Bombay center, the donors will not be encouraged. In that case you can open an account with the Central Bank of India in the name of ISKCON
- I request you to study carefully the Bhagavad-gita As It Is because there is so much important service that an intelligent boy such as yourself can do in preaching work and spreading our movement around the world
- I request you, all English boys and girls present here, now you become greater than your forefathers by taking this Krsna consciousness. That will make you more powerful, spiritually powerful. You can render service to the humanity
- I shall advise you again to chant always, increasing the counting, namely, 16 rounds is generally prescribed, but for the time being you can stop all other activities and increase the chanting to 64 rounds
- I shall also give you one very nice brahmacari from Los Angeles, Jaya Gopala. He is trained in Sankirtana Party and in cooking, so you can leave him for taking care of the temple affairs when you go to work
- I shall be going to N.Y. and at that time you can send us tickets for going to Boston also. We are three
- I shall be seeing Alfred Ford here soon so at that time, we can discuss further and we shall inform you if we can devise a plan to get the building with Alfred's help
- I shall be very glad if you come and visit me in Honolulu at our temple at 51 Coelho Way. When you come to see me, we can talk over all these things. I shall be leaving Honolulu for L.A. on June 20th, 1975
- I shall be very glad to accept an educated and intelligent disciple like you, but first of all we must meet and you should know whether you can accept me as your Spiritual Master, or I can accept you as my disciple
- I shall begin Caitanya Caritamrta Essays & Text. If I am assisted by one expert typewriter like Neal, as he is doing now, we can publish every three months a book. And the more we have books, the more we become respectable
- I shall talk with them seriously if you give me assurance you can arrange for the $10,000. For the balance I shall arrange; rest assured
- I still maintain the idea of a world Sankirtana Party, so we have got men now in Los Angeles, in Montreal, in Boston, in New York, in New Vrindaban, and in London, who can form a nice group of Sankirtana, at least with 25 heads
- I thank you very much for your kind words, and you can pray to Krishna that I may be for some time with you. That is my desire
- I think it is best that you come to Mayapur for the Gour Purnima Festival and we can talk in detail about the temple and preaching in Fiji and your part in it. If you can come to Mayapur that will be nice
- I think that Jagat Purusa is a suitable man to come here for at least one month and you can arrange to do this immediately
- I think you can keep him to assist you so you can go for collecting, and he can manage locally
- I think you can let me know how you are doing there in Delhi for collecting for our Vrindaban temple
- I think you can prepare one silver flute and I am inserting measurement. It should be with golden relief work - raised embroidery-like designs - on the body of the flute. The length of the flute may be 5 inches
- I think you should not be disturbed by minor disagreement. If you think that you cannot agree with Umapati, you can stop discussing with him, and if there is any point of judgment, you can refer to me. I am always at your service
- I think you should take special license or permission from the authority because as a religious society, we can collect in such a way. Simply the authorities have to be informed that we are a serious institute for spreading God consciousness
- I understand that by Krishna's Grace it appears to be settled up, and you can continue your proceeding, chanting always Hare Krishna. He will always give us protection
- I understand that some girls have volunteered to type and therefore you can now get the revised Gitopanisad nicely and correctly typed before it is handed over to the press
- I want that each and every one of my centers should be fully stocked with all of my books, never mind if they can pay or not
- I want that someone learns how to make mrdangas in the Western countries. As far as I know Isana has not produced any mrdangas. So how will he teach your wife how to make them. First let him produce something, then he can teach others
- I want that the Nairobi center is maintained, not closed. As sannyasi you can come and go, but my only ambition is that the center may not be closed
- I want that you approach Navayogendra with all humility and ask his forgiveness for the beating. In this way you can rectify things. You must bring them back
- I want to begin work immediately on constructing a temple exactly like Jagannatha's temple in Puri. You can immediately begin to get estimates from contractors. It will be a very important temple
- I want to organize a women kirtana party singing the Gita Gan. Can you help me?
- I want you to negotiate with the municipality so that we can take over management of Raghava Pandit's house. Our first project will be to take pictures of this house, and then tear it down for exact reconstruction
- I was thinking of opening a branch in Bombay of this International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and if you cooperate, we can attempt this important activity
- I was very glad that he speaks very nicely. So he can speak, also, in the class, and if there is none else there, he can speak to you. So don't feel lonely. Try to understand Krishna Consciousness mutually, and this will give you transcendental pleasure
- I was very much pleased to read the essays by our Bali-mardana dasa. So similarly, you also write. Writing means if you have digested the idea, you can produce in your own words
- I went to your country America alone. None of my godbrothers helped me. But, I was able to convince you to become Krishna Conscious. Now you can convince others. This is Krishna Consciousness
- I will advise you to chant on your lips since you become tired chanting out loud. Also you can sit and hear your Godbrothers chanting. And you can also hear tapes
- I will agree with you that we must not strain by having more devotees there than we can fit comfortably. Things must be done in such a way that no one feels inconvenienced
- I will be very glad if you can print Bhagavad-gita As It Is in Japanese version, and that will be sufficient to convince many Japanese boys and girls to become devotees of Krishna
- I will give you many business ideas by which you can accumulate nice profits. For business four things are required. Namely place, labor, capital and organization
- I will have the papers sent through Lloyd's bank as I have an account with them in London. So you can find out the Lloyd's branch there. You can deposit all monies received from sales of the saris in the Lloyd's Bank
- I will suggest one thing: that you can organize a mass Sankirtana procession on the Advent Day of Lord Caitanya
- I wish that all of our Krishna Consciousness literatures may be available to men of all languages throughout the world, so whatever assistance you can give in this connection is always appreciated
- I wish that the misunderstanding created at the present moment may be mitigated by mutual cooperation and we can start fresh with renewed energy for service of the Supreme Lord. I think you will agree with me
- I wish that you can utilize your best talents in business organization and the result utilize for Krishna's satisfaction is on the absolute platform
- I wish to inform you that the advertisements are not very congenial to our prestige, especially the hippy kind of advertisements. So we have to think over how we can avoid the advertisements and publish at the same time
- I wish you to take Sannyas. The ceremony will be performed on Gour Purnima, the 5th March. You can arrange to come immediately
- I would like to have a letter of introduction sent here from Mr. J.B. Patnaik. When we have a positive letter introducing our organization, we can send one man to see Mr. Patnaik in Bhuvanesvara
- I would like to know whether or not you have collected the money for that German book you took here from me. You can please send one set of Srimad-Bhagavatams to this address, to Sri Vamana dasa: Walther Eidlitz - Bavergrand 18A-III - Uppsala - Sweden
- I'm expecting some letter from Russia. So, if such letter comes, you can keep the original letter, but send me a copy
- If actually we produce foodstuff in the ordinary way, then we can produce foodstuff so much that ten times of the whole population of the world can be fed
- If any big temple is in difficulty financially, we can take charge of this temple and improve it and maintain it nicely. So if you know of any prospective temples where this could be arranged, please inform us
- If at the time of death the devotee can remember his own name, such as Krsnadasa or Govinda dasa, he can be saved from the greatest danger. Therefore the change of names at the time of initiation is essential
- If by God's grace we get more then you can make sale, we are not going to work for selling purpose. Then money will be there. How to get money, how to get money? And as soon as you get money, more than necessity, then sense gratification
- If by the Grace of Krishna you can live peacefully without any wife, completely devoted to K.C., that will be the best part of your life. You can love and put all your affection to the child, and try to make him fully K.C
- If George is agreeable to be the guarantor, that is not a very big thing, only a small favor and he hasn't got to pay anything. We shall pay whatever money we have got and the rest monthly for so many years, the longest period we can get
- If Gopala Krishna wants to be interim president, then if that is your "mutual'' arrangement, then you can do more preaching work, especially to the government officers
- If he can go to South America that will be very nice. And he should take to preaching very seriously. A sannyasa should be strong minded, not childish
- If however, your wife leaves the child with you, then you can take care of him; that will be nice. But I think it is very difficult, because he is not sufficiently grown up
- If it is an important film I think my personal direction is necessary; if not, then I think you can send me a synopsis of the script so that there may be nothing objectionable from the start
- If it is necessary then you can make a nice bed for Lord Jagannatha and Lord Balarama, and keep them nicely until I return. It is your responsibility to see to keeping all the things which I left there very nicely, so please see to it
- If Krsna says that "You give me meat," then we can offer Krsna meat also. But Krsna does not say that. Krsna says, "Give Me fruits, flowers, grains." So we have no quarrel with the meat-eaters. Let them do whatever he likes
- If one thinks the Society's members are not pure devotees, one can keep direct company with the spiritual master, and if there is any doubt, one should consult the spiritual master
- If our brahmanas do not take their second initiation seriously, then we will be deserving of criticism. So on this basis, if you think the men you have recommended are still eligible, you can resubmit their names to me and I will accept them
- If people agree to take our guidance, we can change the face of the world. That is a fact. Whole world will be peaceful immediately
- If possible you can collect something for our Gurukula and Temple also, and if some high-class men want to offer their children to Gurukula we can accept
- If required you can take raw cereals soaked in water overnight that is also good. The thing is you must accept such food as will keep you fit. Not more nor less that is the injunction of Lord Krishna in the B.G.
- If Sacisuta is finding difficulty to cope with his God-brothers in the temple, he can travel with the Sankirtana party. That will be very nice. Anyway, both of you may not leave us. Each and everyone of you is very important assistant for me
- If she wants to offer prasadam to the Deities, she can simply chant Hare Krishna Mantra. There is no need of chanting Gayatri Mantra
- If so desired, we can worship the picture of Lord Jesus Christ who we admit as the son of Godhead. We worship all worthy sons and servants of God, but we kick on the face of all rascals who claim to have become God so cheaply
- If some of you become devotees, then you can start this movement there in Malaysia. It is a very nice movement. It is the movement for the present day, for human peace and love
- If somebody has got money and if he wants to spend it for Krsna, then we can give plan, a very nice temple, you see, spending millions of dollars. We have got such ideas and such plans. But that does not mean that we are depending on a temple
- If suitable you can purchase this house immediately
- If the building fund is being nicely raised, that is all right and you may stay in Calcutta. If not, then when I go to Gorakhpur I shall call for you from there, but if fund raising business is going on nicely, you can stay
- If the government is convinced that you are studying these theistic literatures under my guidance, then you can be classified in the 4-D section, qualifying you to be a student of religious ministership, and there will be no problem from the draft board
- If the tenants become devotees and follow our principles, arising early like the others, then we can forgo their rent, but no nonsense concessions of sitting room
- If the tongue, you give him something more beautiful than this fried chick or stick or this or that, it will stop. That is the policy. Our policy is that. We can give that, what is called, casein fried with rice. How nice it is
- If there is distribution of prasadam then we can go everywhere, whole day program. Kirtana and distribution. So that is going on. And simply dry philosophy, what people will understand
- If there is no jobs at all, then you can fully engage yourself in Krishna's job by chanting in the parks and public places, and certainly Krishna will send you salaries
- If there is one ideal Krsna conscious person, he can do benefit to many thousands
- If they (the children from our schools) are actually trained as perfect brahmanas, they can save society from rogues and ruffians; indeed, people can live happily under the protection of qualified brahmanas
- If they think that they can do some business, let them do it. What can be done? If they cannot produce food, then let them do business
- If they want to insist on touching your feet and there is no other way to avoid it, you can simply remember your predecessor Acaryas and Spiritual Masters and accept them and return namaskara with folded hands. That is the Vaisnava etiquette
- If this film is properly done it will be very profitable, & if they are interested, we can give them hundreds of stories from Bhagavat which will make wonderful films, & simultaneously the people will be educated to the proper religious & moral standard
- If we actually find a spiritual master, bona fide spiritual master, and if we can make him satisfied by my service, then my path for realization of God is guaranteed
- If we are serious of being transferred to the place where Krsna is, then we have to train up the mind so nicely that at the time of death I can remember Krsna
- If we believe that Krsna is providing and maintaining everyone, then why should we be misers? We are confident Krsna will supply! Let the whole world come, we can feed them
- If we can love Krsna, then, through Krsna's love, we can expand our love for everyone
- If we can organize such an institution such as St. Xavier's college and we can give them instruction through the English medium and raise them in a Krishna Conscious culture, we shall get unlimited number of students from respectable families of India
- If we can overflood Japan with this Sankirtana Movement, it will be a great great achievement in the Eastern countries
- If we can sell some copies of our publications, books and literature, and we can maintain our establishment, somehow, we shall think it is a great success; we don't want anything more
- If we display there a new picture or painting of our Hare Krishna Movement regularly, very nicely painted. Also, you can have a book display, with pictures and paintings also. That will be good advertisement
- If we get little cooperation from the authorities, we can push on this movement more solidly
- If we have got solid financial base there from the Hindu community, then we can go to all parts of Japan and open up centers and distribute our literature in Japanese language
- If we hold public meetings, we can only hold kirtan, with our usual program of preaching being the main feature of attention
- If we keep cows and grow food grains, fruits, vegetables, then we can live very peacefully like that. There is no need of going to the city
- If we prosecute our devotional activities and keep our association with the devotees, then we can be free from sinful activities. And when you are completely free from sinful activities, then we get nistha. Yes, it is full faith. Nistha means full faith
- If we remain strong in our own literature, we can meet anyone else without any fear
- If we revive Krishna consciousness in a systematic way, within a very short time we can revive our original Indian culture on the basis of the teachings of Lord Krishna and the Bhagavad-gita
- If we simply study this verse from the Bhagavad-gita, that the mother nature is the mother of all living entities and God is the supreme father of everyone . . . We can study these two lines very carefully
- If we take it that "Here is an institution where we can have free hotel, free living and free sense gratification," then the whole institution will be spoiled. Be careful. All the GBC's, they should be careful that this mentality may not increase
- If you actually want to give me service, then you can live with me. I want your service
- If you allow free passage for some of my American disciples they can come to India and take training from me at Vrindaban
- If you are at all interested, you can return. Your service was there. Why did you leave, and now you are whimsically asking for service. You never asked me before leaving. How can I guide you? If you act whimsically, nobody can make you happy
- If you are feeling inconvenience being the only woman devotee in Mombasa you may move. I have invited you to attend the Mayapur festival, but if you cannot wait then you can move at once to the Nairobi temple, or you may come to India and stay at Mayapur
- If you are fickle, then how you can develop seriousness? Therefore the injunction is: yasya prasadad bhagavat-prasadah. You should be very serious to abide by the orders of the spiritual master
- If you are going to come, then you should remain and do work. You can come on tourist visa and stay for 6 months
- If you are leaving because of your wife, then your wife must agree to pay for your return fare. If she agrees, then you can go
- If you become Krsna conscious seriously, then you jump over all these steps (varnasrama-dharma, sannyasa, varna-tyaga, karma-tyaga) you go immediately. That lift and the staircase. By staircase you go step by step; by lift you can go immediately, faster
- If you can arrange for me to meet with the Emperor of Japan, I shall be most happy to meet with him
- If you can commit mistake, how you can give perfect knowledge? Knowledge means must be perfect, without any mistake, without any illusion
- If you can cooperate with our troupe we can have many presentations from Krsna Leela, Ramayana, etc. We are attempting to establish the movement of pure devotional service to Lord Krsna all over the world, and we welcome your joining us in this endeavor
- If you can cover the whole America with Krishna consciousness that will be good for the whole world
- If you can deliver even one man in your life, then you'll be doing a great service for Krsna
- If you can induce a nondevotee to spend something of his hard earned money in Krsna consciousness, that is very good to him. Yes. This is called ajnata-sukrti. He does not know, but he is advanced one step to Krsna consciousness
- If you can make one child Krsna conscious, it is a great service
- If you can manufacture gold, then we can very soon spread our Krishna Consciousness, but I think Krishna will not give us that opportunity, because as soon as we get large quantity of gold, we forget Krishna
- If you can produce Krsna conscious children, produce 100 children. There is no objection. But if you cannot do that, then either don't produce children or produce children as much as you can manage. This is Krsna philosophy, it is not simply a negation
- If you can provide yourself by independent handwork then you can give up your present job, otherwise you continue with your job, even it is nonsense
- If you concoct, "I am very intelligent than my guru, and I can make addition or alteration," then you are finished. So that is the only
- If you continue with enthusiasm like this within three or four months you can liquidate the amount. This will be a great credit for you
- If you decorate your face, you do not see directly it has become beautiful, but when you see the reflection of your face in the mirror, then indirectly you can see the beauty. By serving Krishna directly the result of the service indirectly comes to us
- If you develop love for God... Just like Caitanya Mahaprabhu. He is in ecstasy, always in love. He can see. Similarly, if you develop your love for God, then you can see
- If you do not agree with my philosophy you can work independent and not with-in the walls of ISKCON
- If you fall from the instruction, how you can remain eternal? You have to stay on the platform. Then eternally you are safe. If you fall down from the platform, then it is your fault
- If you feel Maya attracting, then live an honest life as a householder and contribute to our movement. As a family man you can join Svarupa Damodara to help with the Bhaktivedanta Institute
- If you find a nondevotee eager to listen submissively you can show your mercy to elevate him to Krishna Conciousness, but a nondevotee who is already poisoned by the serpent of the demon class swami or yogi is very difficult to be dealt with
- If you find time you can visit our Krishna Balarama Temple in Vrindaban at Raman Reti which has now become the best attraction in Vrindaban
- If you grow more, and offer fruits to the Deity in the evening, in this way, very nice. You can distribute that
- If you have got any source for distributing our books (English), the list is enclosed herewith. If you want the complete catalog, you can get it from our Vrndavana temple
- If you have got imperfect eyes, what you can see? First of all you admit that you have got imperfect eyes. Then what you can see with your imperfect eyes?
- If you have got some spare time and the inclination, you can read the chapters of Krsna Book and put them into verse
- If you have got time, if, if you haven't got to do anything else, you can continue, sixteen hundred. It is not mechanical: "Now I have finished sixteen rounds, that's all." Why sixteen rounds? You chant sixteen hundred rounds
- If you have only attachment for Krsna, then you are in samadhi. You don't require certificate from others. You know yourself. Just like while eating you can understand whether you are satisfied or not
- If you have surrendered, then you can ask some question. And sevaya. That pariprasna should not be challenge. By seva, by service. This is our process
- If you like you can become a householder and I've no objection to that
- If you like, come to India as soon as possible. You may come directly to Calcutta and from there you can easily go to Sree Mayapur-candra-daya Mandira
- If you like, you can come to India and live with me for some time. During Sri Caitanya's appearance day festival, if you like you can come and live with me. Then everything will be alright
- If you manufacture one palanquin... Palanquin. You know palanquin? Then sometimes you can carry Sridhara Maharaja there. Yes. It will be great service and benefit for you. Because he's, he's very now... Feeble now
- If you remain to your principles, you can make the whole world your disciple
- If you simply continue this seva, then Krsna will reveal Himself and gradually He will give you intelligence how you can make advance to go back to home, back to Godhead
- If you take a piece of coal, you can wash it hundreds and thousands of times, it never becomes white. And these are material things, but spiritually you can reform
- If you take charge of this distribution of books not only in India but neighboring countries just like Hong Kong, Singapore, if you think you can do that, that will be nice
- If you take shelter of Krsna, then you'll know: Oh, I have got now shelter." There is no more confusions. There is no more hopelessness. You can understand it very well. And I receive so many letters daily, how they are hopeful in Krsna consciousness
- If you take this responsibility, it will be a great help. If you so desire, Brahmananda can also go there for some time to train you how to do this press management
- If you think that the world is so big, twelve members are insufficient, then you can increase more than that and make the zone similarly divided. It is world affair after all
- If you think your presence is required in Bhuvanesvara, then you can go there for necessary action. I am going to Vrndavana, so you can come and meet me at Vrndavana and from there you can go to Bhuvanesvara
- If you very much affectionate to your dog or something else, you will think at that time. Therefore practice Hare Krsna, so that at the time of death you can think of Krsna and your life is successful
- If you want philosophy, the aim of life, the destination of life, then we can talk, what is the destination of life, what is required. If you criticize me, then I can criticize you also
- If you want to chant Hare Krsna mantra, there is no impediment in the world. You can, walking on the street, you can chant Hare Krsna. That will keep you purified. No other method
- If you want to know me, you can imagine so many things: "Swamiji may be this. Swamiji may be that, like that, like this, like that." They are all imperfect. But if I tell you about myself openly that "I am like this," then your knowledge is perfect
- If you want to know what is the science of this movement, we can spare day and night to convince you. But these are superficial. First of all we say that, "We are not this body." So why we shall be interested with the history of this body?
- If you want to stay there I have no objection. For the time being you can perform your devotional service in Puri and when I return to Mayapur in mid-March, you can see me and we shall see what was the cause for your being asked to leave
- If you want to stay with Satsvarupa, I have no objection, but what about your wife and children? They cannot travel. If without wife and children you can travel that will be alright
- If you want to understand Krsna through philosophy and science, we have got three dozen books. So we can convince you both ways. If you are illiterate, if you have no knowledge, chant Hare Krsna and you will get your life back
- If you want to understand this philosophy through books, we are not in scarcity. We can supply you volumes of books. These books, some of them are demonstrated
- If you want you can cut your hairs, but there is no need of cutting. It would be nicer if you can put on sari, you can learn it from Jadurani. You must remain like a nice girl. The dress and appearance is social convention of the society
- If your tongue wants some nice palatable dishes we can supply you hundreds, thousands, offered to Krsna. Samosa and this sweet ball, rasagulla, so many things we can supply. You are not prohibited. But don't take too much
- If your wife takes charge of him, then you become completely free personally, and you can live in the temple with other brahmacharies, either in N.Y. or elsewhere as you think best
- Immediately send the translation work to me in Bombay or you can read it yourself, compare with the original book and if possible re-write or copy and send it to me at the Bombay address
- In a suitable moment you can talk with Mr. Kallman that Swamiji was telling that he has not received any royalty of 5%. The agreement is there; so he must pay. But if he does not pay we don't mind; we shall issue our own records and try to sell
- In his absence you can take charge of printing French edition of Back To Godhead, that is nice. But the thing is it must be regularly published every month
- In Honolulu they are doing nicely, this restaurant. You can take information from Srutakirti das. And the farm will get money by selling ghee to the restaurant. And also you can sell the ghee to the Indian people in the city
- In India the labor is cheaper extensively than in America. My idea is that if we are able to have a nice branch in India we can do the printing works nicely under your supervision
- In India we have got so many centres. Which ever is convenient for you, you can join and live with us
- In my absence he can deliver speech and in that way he can get experience
- In my opinion your guiding the girls working under you for painting is very important, and if this business doesn't suffer, you can think of going to S.F. for organizing the asrama
- In my opinion, because you wanted permission of your parents, you should wait at least for such time when your parents will permit you. But if you are strongly desirous, then you can disregard your father's desire and make advancement in KC
- In regards to the International Yoga and Meditation Conference in Chicago, there is no need for any of our men to participate. However, you can have a Bhakti-yoga bookstall, and paintings, a painting of Dhruva Maharaja as 5 years old alone in the forest
- In the meantime, if possible you can send me a little description of the house. We require a big hall. That is essential. What is the use of taking the Neapensy Road apartment if kirtana is not allowed? Better forget this place
- In the modern world they cannot trace out chronological history more than three thousand years. That's all. But we can give account for many millions and millions of years
- In the morning you can give them (devotees in New Mayapura) this puffed grains, then fruits and milk, very good breakfast. I mean to say all self-dependent
- In the path of Krsna consciousness the first principle is enthusiasm. If you lack enthusiasm then other things will not happen. And you can keep enthusiastic if you follow the rules and regulation and chant regularly Hare Krsna mantra
- In the temple there are devotees, there are not businessmen, so you cannot depend on them for doing business; neither can you expect advice about business dealings from me
- In this institution if there is a bad disciple he can burn the whole institution into ashes
- In this way by Krishna Consciousness we can solve all the dogmatic confusions and speculations. This is the greatest need of the human beings and please try to do it as far as possible and Krishna will help you
- In vanaprastha life, one can live with his wife without any sexual connection, and the most important factor in all orders of life - brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, and sannyasa - is to chant the Hare Krishna Mantra
- In your country generally the boy and the girl picks their own consort, so if you have decided to get yourself married, then without any consent from your respective parents, you can get yourself married
- Initiation does not mean they have completed all spiritual perfection and now they can relax but it means now they have begun spiritual life
- Instead of spending money there, if the government is specifically passing the act against us, then we can spend that money in the Gurukula in Vrindaban
- ISKCON is not going to be social reformer, but as far as possible, we can help
- Islam is Vaisnava dharma in a crude form like the Christian. So we can amalgamate them all if they are sane men
- It does not make any difference. So you have got small Deity. Very nicely... So you can bathe Them nicely, decorate Them nicely
- It does not matter that the land is not ours, that we can negotiate later, but we can utilize for the time being and negotiate later to purchase or not, or even he may contribute outright to us
- It doesn't matter you Europeans, Americans, not born in brahmana family. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's approval. If you try to understand the science of Krsna and if you behave properly, you can teach about Krsna all over your country, all over the world
- It has proven to be very troublesome to send money from America to India, but you can get books as many as you like, sell them there to the public at large
- It is a fact that all other institutions, never mind whether it is Ramakrishna Mission or philosophical speculators, nobody can stand our arguments and reason if we can support them by quoting Scriptures
- It is a very great science of understanding God. So we have decided to discuss this great science for a few days here (in New Vrndavana). You take advantage of it. Try to understand this great science, how we can be related with God and be happy
- It is better to correct him to the standard point by friendly gestures. We can reject anyone, that is very easy, but to reform him that requires great skill and tact and if you can reform him there by kind words and dealings, that is best
- It is contemplated that we are going to South America afterwards. So, if your business is finished up, then you can join us directly from London to Caracas, but if the South American program does not take place, then I may come back through L.A
- It is medical advice, that there are two kinds of mistakes in eating. Over-eating and under-eating. So under-eating mistake for old man is very good. And over-eating mistake for boys, that is good. So you can overeat. I cannot
- It is nice proposal. They are giving us land, giving us a temple. And we can raise funds and construct as we increase men. In the meantime we can manage the temple. It is good proposal
- It is nice that you have started the Sri Rupanuga Vidyapitha Library and that you are teaching the boys at the Gurukula Sanskrit. You can do it
- It is nice to hear that your ministers visa is being processed. In the meantime you can just wait. You will be the right person to be in charge of the temple. Krishna is giving you time for being perfectly trained up
- It is not feasible for me to attend this meeting, so it appears wise you can go as my disciples on my behalf
- It is not possible that we can approach everyone and offer our loving service. Just like people are very much attracted by the humanitarian services. They take it very great, loving service to the human society
- It is not so much important the quantity of books that we distribute, but that we serve Krishna as best we can, and depend on Him for the results
- It is not that because there is no stock we can do whimsically as we like and lose the idea; that is rasa-bhasa
- It is not that because there is no stock we can do whimsically as we like and lose the idea; that is rasa-bhasa. Because there is no bread, you take stone to eat?
- It is not that we are a dry philosophy of dogmas and slogans. No. The language of Krishna Consciousness is ever-fresh and we can explain everything by it, just like my Guru Maharaja once lectured for three months on one verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam
- It is only that I can call Spiritual Master someone who is teaching me purely what my initiating Spiritual Master has taught. Do you get the sense?
- It is practice. As by practicing you become a first-class drunkard, similarly by practicing you can become a first-class Krsna conscious. It is equal
- It is understood from their letters that they are eager to be initiated. If they are prepared to follow the rules and regulations I think that they can be initiated by mail
- It is up to you to decide whether you are going to get a body which will be able to dance with Krsna, to talk with Krsna, to play with Krsna. You can get it. And if you want a body how to eat stool, urine, you will get it
- It is your good fortune that you can serve Krishna in so many ways - to work, to write, to speak, to paint, to build - all of these talents must be employed in Krishna's service. That will make you perfect
- It is your money so you can do with it whatever you like. If you feel the money is needed there, then use it accordingly, I have no objection
- It must be solidly discussed. We can consider at the GBC meeting. Things cannot be whimsically proposed and adopted
- Just like he is not well dressed, but anyone who will, he'll immediately find he's cleansed. That is wanted. Cleansed dress. Dress is not important... One can become clean with simply loincloth. It doesn't require dress
- Just like in New Vrindaban. They are coming to the city for preaching. So not absolutely we can abstain immediately because we have been dependent so long, many, many lives. You cannot. But the ideal should be introduced gradually
- Just like we don't keep any furniture in our hou... What is the use of furniture? We can lie down on the floor. So many things, materialistic persons they possess. But we try to simplify matters, plain living. Well-wisher to all
- Just like you have submitted, so you can understand God. This is the only qualification
- Kindly try to understand our philosophy thoroughly, and then others will follow, "He's a big lawyer. He's a Krsna conscious man." If you have any doubt, you can ask. We will try to explain
- Krishna can help us immediately with all of His resources, but first of all He wants to see how much we can work seriously. So the more we become steady and serious, the more help we will have from Him, rest assured
- Krishna Cons. is not a miracle, it is science, & because we are Krishna conscious, therefore we know everything, so practically we can understand how Krishna wanted to please His devotees & He appeared there so wonderfully. We do not see anything miracle
- Krishna Consciousness is an international organization for invoking man's dormant spiritual life. You can show him our other literatures, records and activities to convince him in this regard
- Krsna consciousness means to adjust your condition so that after leaving this body you can enter into the planet where Krsna lives
- Krsna does not say that you have to become like this, like that, like that, then you can serve Him. Does not say
- Krsna has sent you some new devotees, now keep them and train them. They should not feel inconvenience. As a matter of etiquette you should tell them that if they feel any inconvenience they should inform you and you can fix their situation
- Krsna is so nice that anyone who takes to Him becomes the first-class peaceful man. You can know from the example of Arjuna how much peaceful he was. He did not mind to forego his claim, and he remained nonviolent and peaceful
- Krsna says, svakarmana: "Whatever talent you have got, you can serve Me & be perfect." That is the program. They're preparing cloth for the devotees, not for business. Therefore he's serving Krsna. To serve devotee & to serve Krsna, there's no difference
- Krsna's lotus feet is compared with very sound, secure boat. And boarding it, you can cross over the ocean of nescience
- Let him explain what is that fault (in our philosophy). Then we can reply. But without fault, if they make some complaints, that is very difficult thing. What is our fault? Please tell me?
- Let me know when is the best time for my coming there. Of course the mango season is best, so please inform me so I can make out my schedule, and you can make all arrangements
- Let them each hear the tape through the right ear, privately and individually, reading the paper and repeating each word. Beforehand you can instruct them how to chant on the fingers. Then you can get the thread on Traidas's body
- Like the pictures we have in the Bhagavatam and the Gita, then we can make them into doll displays, some of those pictures
- Live with us and you will be happy. We can guarantee you will be happy. Yes. Hare Krsna. Our Vedic mission is sarve sukhino bhavantu, everyone be happy. This is our mission. And we know how to become happy. That is our credit
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu's movement is so superexcellent that we can turn the whole Russia to devotee. That is possible
- Macmillan cannot increase the price unless their raw materials are costly. But we can help them to print it at a lower cost, so why they won't agree
- Maharishi Mahesh Yogi had a plan to start teaching the people at sixteen . . . - Well, now, we can teach even a child, without waiting for sixteen
- Make some arrangement so that you can avoid hired cooks unless it is absolutely necessary. The hired cook, they are most wretched people
- Make the well 100 feet deep and big and fix a pump so that you can always take water from. This news about the well has pleased me very much. Also, because the tamal tree is blooming so nicely you may let it stand; do not cut it down, but let it grow
- Marx. Darwin, all professors and politicians, we can challenge and defeat them. Our philosophy is so perfect
- May Krsna bless you for your growing enterprise to broadcast this Movement. This kind of transcendental enthusiasm is the basic impetus for Krsna Consciousness. My Guru Maharaja used to say, "One who has got life - he can preach"
- Maya is very strong, mama maya duratyaya (BG 7.14). But we can easily cross beyond it if we take cent per cent shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna
- Maya will always try to defeat us or even kill us but we can always be saved by clinging unto the Lotus Feet of Krishna. Kindly remember this secret of our success and try to convince all your God-brothers on this point
- Maybe such Sankirtana solo singing; I can give so many. I can give so many verses, just like Cintamani Prakara Sadmasu, and explain them in English, so we can produce not only pictures, but also records
- Money making schemes should be easy; we cannot divert our attention for money making activities. We require some money for prosecuting our activities, and if we get that money by contribution that is best, otherwise, we can sell our literature and books
- More machine means more diversion of attention. I have to take care, more technician, more technologies. Simply if one razor can shave, can make my cheek very clean, where is the necessity?
- My Guru Maharaja Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati used to say pran acche var sehetu pracar, "one can preach who has got life." So one who is preaching this Krishna Consciousness Movement means he has got real life
- My last request to you both is that if you find such difficulty to live with your God-brothers, you can live with me
- My only request is we must spend money very cautiously and not to waste. For improvement we can spend. I am simply afraid that money may not be wasted
- My point is that even if somebody does not go in one line with the rest of the godbrothers, he can remain separately, but it does not mean that he may disobey the principles that I have laid down
- My standing request is this: Amongst yourselves there should not be any disagreement. Whatever you do, do it by joint consultation. Because our center of activities is Krsna, for His sake we can sacrifice our life, wealth, words, intelligence, everything
- My students are so nicely trained that they can even lie down on the street. But it is my duty to see to their comforts as far as possible
- Never mind if you do not get the visa for India. We can preach anywhere. We have to preach both in heaven and hell
- Never neglect to chant your 16 rounds of beads daily, rise early without fail, attend mangal arati, take bath, and follow the other regulative principles, and everything will come out very successfully, you can rest assured of that
- Never put me in hospital. You can refuse, that "This is our Guru Maharaja's order." Chant Hare Krsna. Bas. Let me die peacefully
- New devotees are coming. That is a sign of your sincerity. Krishna is sending. And you are distributing over 1000 BTG per week. That is most encouraging. Maintain this program and you can be sure that Krishna will give you a new temple very soon
- Next year I am contemplating to send a World Sankirtana Party, therefore I wish to have a nice place in India either in Vrndavana or at Prayag Sangam. So I shall be glad to know if you can help us in this connection
- Nityananda-vamsa means one who takes the risk of preaching work, he can claim Nityananda-vamsa. Not that easy-going
- No, no, sri-krsna-caitanya is for, in the beginning it is done. Now you go on chanting as much as you can. And if you chant sri-krsna-caitanya that is also very good. There is no prohibition
- Not that by your endeavor you can understand Krsna, but your endeavor in the loving service, that will make you qualified. Krsna will reveal
- Not that let me take a spiritual master as a pet and I can do whatever I want. No, one must be prepared to follow the order of the spiritual master with life and soul
- Now I am getting old, so if you can do things without me, that will be a great pleasure for me. You are an experienced devotee and know how to manage things, and you have good men there to help you so I am sure that you can carry on things nicely
- Now I have received one letter from Bhakti Mati and she has some complaint. She also says there was some physical attack against Navayogendra. This is not good. So I think they can open a separate temple in Mombassa for the Asian community
- Now I think that you can join me as the next GBC secretary for travelling with me by my side. If I go to New York in the first week of April you can meet me there, or if I go to South Africa you can meet me first here in India
- Now if your preaching work in Bombay is going nicely, then you can stay there for some time and do preaching work as they are doing here in Calcutta. Otherwise, you can immediately come here and work jointly
- Now immediately we have got a very big project to construct a temple at Mayapur, the birth site of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. So you can contribute the sums for our Mayapur construction scheme
- Now one thing is that there you have got our magazines, and simply by selling our magazines you can maintain yourself. There will be no difficulty. In all our centers this magazine has given a new impetus for solving the economic question
- Now we have got a little place here. If by combined effort, it doesn’t matter it takes time, but slowly but surely we can develop this center. Especially Bhuvanesvara is going to be the capital of Orissa
- Now you can begin a new life. It does not matter that you do not live within our temple, since you say your health does not permit. But you can make your home a temple for Krsna
- Now you can consult our lawyer friends that I want my foreign disciples to remain here to assist me in my activities of Sankirtana Movement
- Now you can do the needful, taking into consideration the circumstances of the laws of your country, the customs of your people, the reputation of our society, the example which will be set for future devotees to follow
- Now you can stop
- Now you can try to introduce all my books into the Swedish Universities just as we are doing everywhere else
- Now you have got Gaura Nitai Deities, so you can go ahead and get Prabhupada and Bhaktisiddhanta Deities immediately. Guru and Gauranga worship is standard for all our temples
- Now, we should have self-sufficiency. This means to make our own food grains grow and to weave our own cloth - like in Mayapur. If we have food grains, milk, and cloth life becomes easy and we can save time for preaching and chanting
- Now, you must be very sure to keep a stock of each and every book so that you can supply all of these orders immediately
- On the whole we can immediately start the Bengali paper but there is not one qualified man who can check over the correctness of the papers. Even it is 99% all right, still that 1% must be corrected. So far I am concerned, I cannot give my time to this
- On the whole, we can endeavor for money making if it doesn't hamper our devotional service. And otherwise, we shall prefer to starve and chant Hare Krishna. That should be the pivot of all our activities
- One can test his advancement for spiritual life, how he is being detached to the material life. That's all. It is not to be taken certificate from others
- One can understand the order of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he can become guru. Or one who understands his guru's order, the same parampara, he can become guru. And therefore I shall select some of you
- One is successful in Krishna consciousness by the combined Mercy of the Spiritual Master and Krishna. By the Mercy of Krishna we come in contact with a bona fide Spiritual Master and by the Mercy of a bona fide Spiritual Master we can approach Krishna
- One may stay in whichever asrama is suitable for him; it is not essential that one take sannyasa. If one is sexually agitated, he can enter the grhastha-asrama. But one must continue fighting
- One thing is that I have asked Jayapataka Swami to make you treasurer so that you can look after things and see to it that such unnecessary expenditure is not made in the future
- One thing is, I have got many tapes of my speaking in Bengali language, and if you and Satchidananda can co-operatively transcribe them for printing there?
- One thing, that we have got this salagrama-sila. So if you like to personally worship, we can keep it. Otherwise I am sending to Bombay
- One who has got no brain substance but cow dung, they will understand something else. So we are selecting, or even if he is filled up with cow dung, by this Krsna consciousness education, we can make him su-medha, fine brain
- One who is not in awareness of the laws of nature, they commit this mistake. We can say that pouring water on the leaves is also pouring water on the tree
- Only after maturing in devotion can he sit down in a solitary place to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu Himself did
- Only by the grace of spiritual master we can achieve the grace or mercy of Krsna. This is the meaning of this Vyasa-puja, offering obeisances by parampara system
- Only on Sunday can you keep the Deity curtains open throughout the afternoon
- Only the householders they can have restricted sex life with married wife simply for begetting children. That is the Vedic culture
- Only those who are trained up in the Ultimate Goal of human life, they can lead - because human life is meant for going back to Godhead
- Others may practice different patterns of yoga, and we can understand that everyone is trying to pass on the path of yoga, but bhakti yoga is the ultimate goal
- Our deity installation ceremony is to be held on the 20th and the function was to begin three days before, namely, the 17th of April. So, instead of the 17th, you can make it the 16th. That will satisfy everyone
- Our endeavor should be not to see the Lord, but that the Lord may see us. He will see us when we become in His confidence by rendering service unto Him. The best service we can render is the preaching of His glories
- Our fallen condition is also dreaming. We are not fallen. We can simply give up that illusory condition at any moment. At any moment. So if you study all these verses very nicely, you get all this knowledge quickly
- Our Krishna Consciousness movement is practically based upon music and dancing. If by your exceptional qualities you can help in this movement, I think you have been sent by Krishna Himself to help me in this connection
- Our Krsna consciousness movement, bhagavata-dharma, it is not sentiment. We can explain how God created. Sometimes it is, in Bible, it is said: "God said, 'Let there be creation,' and there was creation." But they cannot explain
- Our main business is how to make everyone Krsna conscious. That is our business. We cannot take up, but if possible, we can take up all the system of varnasrama
- Our mission is to establish God-consciousness. We can give more information about God from authentic literature
- Our mission is to preach Gita. The best thing is that if we can conjointly preach, we can benefit the whole of India, and the whole of the world. Vinobaji is very respected and they can do a great deal to help our preaching mission
- Our Movement is a declaration of war against Maya, that you can understand very well, so we have to recruit many fighting soldiers - so do it vigorously
- Our movement, this chanting Hare Krsna mantra, is so nice that what was possible after many, many births, you can get it within a few weeks. That is a fact. If you chant Hare Krsna mantra as we are doing, then you'll understand
- Our only motive is how to interest people in Krsna consciousness. That's all. There is no economic problem. We can produce our own food and clothes, gradually, and save time for spiritual life
- Our preachers are very much enthusiastic but in India they have got a language difficulty. If you cooperate with us along with other learned devotees, we can immediately take up preaching work in India with great enthusiasm
- Our principle is that we can eat only what is offered to God. So we cannot eat things in the restaurant, because it is not offered to God
- Our process is . . . we . . . killing is not very important or nonimportant for us. If Krsna says, "Kill," we can kill. If Krsna says: "Don't kill," we don't kill
- Our society is a registered, recognized religious society. So we can consult some lawyer whether such religious institution where we are teaching specifically how to become moral in character
- Our students should be taught English and Sanskrit so in the future they can read our books
- Our temple is the only Krsna Balarama temple in Vrindaban and it will be so attractive that people will automatically come and see. That quarter is aristocratic and our temple is unique. From Bombay and Delhi we can rent rooms in the temple
- Our Vaisnava religion is so vast that we can supply millions of pictures and hundreds and thousands of literary contributions in this paper (Back to Godhead)
- Outlines of thought are already there. You read one line, you can speak half an hour. They are so full of meaning. Provided you can express the meanings
- Patram puspam phalam toyam (BG 9.26). No cooking. Tulasi and jala. You can offer little fruits, nuts, milk. No need of cooking. Take so much time
- People must know that our Krishna philosophy will save the world from all kinds of dangerous conditions. We prove that when we compare our philosophy with any kind of ordinary so-called philosophy--we can defeat them all very easily
- Personally I wish all the existing GBC may be trained up so perfectly that in the future in my absence they can manage the whole Society very nicely and strongly; that is my desire
- Please do not put me into forgetfulness. Please always remind me to chant, even You send me to hell, it doesn't matter, just so long as I can always chant Hare Krishna
- Please find a poem presented to me in Bombay by one French boy, Darsha. If you like, you can publish it in Back to Godhead
- Please know it always that I think of you and your wife as very sincere devotees and whenever you think, you can ask me everything about your difficulties
- Please print as many books as possible, this is my real pleasure. By printing these books of our Krsna Conscious philosophy in so many different languages we can actually inject our movement into the masses of persons all over the world
- Please read our books very carefully, and as soon as there is some question you can ask me
- Please send me immediately one copy of Bhakti Sutra (with original Sankrit text). I shall immediately begin the commentary. Yes you can edit on the tapes of Teachings of Lord Caitanya
- Preaching cannot be checked by anything - if you want to preach. In any circumstances you can preach. Preaching can be executed by four things: by your life, by your money, by your intelligence, and by your words
- Preaching is first and foremost. If by preaching people will contribute, then we can get, otherwise, what is the need?
- Preaching is independent. If you have got desire, you can preach in any circumstances and Krsna will help you. I have practically experienced. I went to your country without any help, without any money. Alone
- Preaching is our first business and ordering is routine work. Anyone can learn and manage the ordering department, but preaching requires special qualification
- Preaching means kirtana, not that simply with mrdanga we can have musical kirtana. No. Preaching is also kirtana
- Preaching shouldn't depend on me only. My disciples should become all good preachers, and that depends on studying the books nicely so that you can arrive at the right conclusion
- Presently Mahantaji wants to transfer the property to us and wants to go there to Vrindaban on the 8th or the 15th May. So now you can decide when to go there so that he can transfer the property to us
- Produce children as much as you can train them to become eternally family members of Krsna. That is spiritual contraceptive. Don't produce children like cats and dogs
- Proper Deity worship, with all attention to cleanliness, is of the utmost importance. If you can please the Deity by your sincere service, then your temple will flourish
- Radio and television appearances are very nice. Also you can arrange for local house to house meetings for all your party. That will be nice program
- Real point is if we can introduce book, there is nothing illegal. Everything is legal. Now, to save us from so-called legal complication, we must be legal. Otherwise there is nothing illegal what we do for Krsna
- Real sannyasa is when you can induce other people to become Krsna conscious and they dance in Krsna consciousness
- Recently too many couples have been drifting into maya's waters, and it is very discouraging. So if he will agree on these points, then you can perform the marriage with my blessings
- Regarding a branch in the Fiji Islands, if you can open immediately a center in the very near future I will be able to send some Hindi knowing Indians to assist the preaching work there
- Regarding a cover picture for Krishna Consciousness-the Topmost Yoga, I think you can make a picture of a devotee sitting cross-legged chanting japa before Radha Krsna Deities
- Regarding asking me questions, yes you can ask, but unless it is sanctioned by me, you cannot act on it
- Regarding collection from the public: I think you should take special license or permission from the authority because as a religious society, we can collect in such a way
- Regarding Dai Nippon negotiation, I never told you to stop such negotiation and I do not know why you should be disturbed by seeing my letter to Advaita. If Dai Nippon negotiation is successful you can make contract as you think best
- Regarding dress, I have already written to you that you can dress as smartly as possible to deal with the public, and dress is immaterial in Krishna Consciousness. Consciousness is within
- Regarding keeping our temples clean, this is essential. Unless we can maintain the temples we presently have superexcellently clean, we should not open new centers
- Regarding Miami that you want to replace Abhirama, yes a capable man must be there, what can be done. But I have already written that he can marry that girl and divorce his wife
- Regarding Navayauvana Prabhu in Chicago going with you to Iran; yes it is all right. He is anxious to go so he can accompany you and help to begin one center in that country
- Regarding our Indian centers, we are experiencing some bright glimpse because in Calcutta, as informed to you by Acyutananda, we may get a nice plot of land. So you can save money as much as possible for constructing buildings or Temples in India
- Regarding Spiritual Sky, yes you can be appointed. Gopala Krishna has suggested that the Board meet bi-annually, and I approve of it
- Regarding Sri Beni Madho Temple, I have already advised Sri Acarya Omkar Giri to see my friend Dr. G. Ghosh of Allahabad, for making a Deed of Gift. But I have not heard anything further in the negotiation. Perhaps you can let me know what has transpired
- Regarding taking the Deities out on travelling sankirtana, I think you can take guidance from Visnujana Maharaja and Tamala Krishna Goswami
- Regarding the artist you have written about, if he can paint improved paintings, we shall publish. Yes, you can bring him to Bombay when you come
- Regarding the book on Kapila's philosophy, you can call it "the Sankhya Philosophy of Kapila, (the Son of Devahuti)". You can give the roman transliteration for the sanskrit and the English translation and then the lecture
- Regarding the citizenship, you should apply as many as possible. You can read, write, and speak Bengali. So take citizenship
- Regarding the condensation of KRSNA book, I have read it and it is very nice. Try to work on it as time permits; and in the meantime, you can have some xerox copies made, then later on we shall find opportunity to print it
- Regarding the drawing for the TLC, you can do it in the same lines as it was done previously. Your drawing for the room of Sanatana Goswami is approved by me. Also approved by me is the sketch by Pariksit Das
- Regarding the drug-addicted young boys and girls in your country, we can give them the best service as it is already evident from our practical movement. Most of my students were drug addicted formerly and now having taken to Krsna Consciousness
- Regarding the Government's plans to construct a three crore tourist lodge, why not give the money to us, and we can construct? If this money is used for four such buildings as we have got plus a temple
- Regarding the hole in the Deity, no do not repair it like you have stated. You can fill up the hole with wax, and go on worshiping
- Regarding the land purchase, these soil tests are unnecessary. All the land in that area needs fertilizers, that we know. Anyway, you can give up this. If there is doubt, then there is no need for purchasing this land
- Regarding the libraries taking the books, they can be given up to 25% discount. We shall take a standing order from them, and supply whatever we can, and the balance by and by
- Regarding the Lord Caitanya murti, it is not at all good and I do not approve. Lord Caitanya is stout and strong. There are so many pictures which you can follow. So have the artist start a new murti
- Regarding the printing of my different letters, if you have sufficient time you can work on this project, but I think you have got greater project before you; sales organization of our books and publications
- Regarding the question of second marriage, it cannot be done. Neither the law will allow it and neither we can encourage it
- Regarding Uddhava, I am very glad that he is going to marry Lilasukha. She is a very nice girl. I approve. They can wait and finish school as her mother desires. But they can become betrothed, engaged, now
- Regarding your feeling yourself as unqualified, whatever you can do, then do it, but you should try your best for Krishna. This is important. Ultimately everything is depending on Lord Krishna. You just have to always remember this
- Regarding your illness - so long we have got this material body, the miseries will be coming and going, simply we have to tolerate them and try to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness as best we can
- Regarding your new engagement, you can consult with Gurukrpa Maharaja and decide which engagement will be best for you
- Regarding your plane fare to India, it will be best if you can collect that money by selling some books on sankirtana. Then there will be no shortage
- Regarding your seeking permission for selling some leather goods and water pipes: I say yes, you can sell. We have nothing to do with these things, but in special cases, if somebody asks us to sell intoxicants or similar things, we cannot do that
- Regarding your situation, it is nothing new for Westerners. This is a family matter. It is better to consult Bali Mardan how to manage your personal affairs. He is a grhastha, so you can speak with him
- Regarding your suggestion for a book especially for use in college courses, if possible you can pick it up from my other books, articles and speeches. You have the idea, so you can do it, just suitable for them
- Regarding your visa problem, I think by tactful arrangement they will extend, but you know better than me. Otherwise you can come here to India. Or better, why not go to Mauritius and take missionary visa there and at the same time work vigorously
- Resourceful, you Americans. You can do this. There is scientist. So we have got the framework very nice. Now you can push on. It is a good movement for the benefit of the whole world. Krsna will help you. Krsna will recognize you. Go on pushing rightly
- Rupanuga has a tape of me reciting Gayatri mantra, so you can get this from him. One thing is that the tape should be heard through earphones into the right ear
- Sankirtana is our life & soul. You have got a natural tendency for these Sankirtana performances. I have seen this personally. You can do it very nicely. For you the best thing will be to form a Sankirtana Party for yourself & travel all over the country
- Sanskrit should be compulsory for all our children to learn, and anyone who has elementary knowledge of alphabet and grammar can begin to teach it
- Send a copy of this letter to all our centers in India so that if there is any harassment of the security police, we can utilize it. I think that in Bombay since they have received this letter, our devotees are not complaining about police harassment
- Service must be there. So you have to find out some service that you can render. Then your progress will be very quick
- Sex urge is a symptom of every living entity, but in the SB it is advised that it is something like the itching propensity. If one can tolerate this itching, he can save himself from enormous troublesome business resulting from this itching sensation
- Show them how to chant on the fingers. Let them read the mantra and listen to the tape. Then, on my behalf you can present the sacred thread to Jaya Deva. Then hold a fire Yajna
- Simply we have to present ourselves in true perspective. We can challenge any rascals of the world but the difficulty is that it is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss
- Simply we, the workers, the servitors, must be very sincere. Then Caitanya Mahaprabhu will give us more and more facilities so that we can work very well. So keep this mission always in view and do your best. That is my only request
- Since I started this movement I have encouraged marriage to so many disciples. So there is no hindrance in this respect, and you can do the needful
- Sinner is illusioned. He's mad. If you hate him, then how you can deliver him? Therefore those who are devotees, those who are really servant of God, they have no hate for anyone
- So far as a seal is concerned, you can make your own seal exactly like the one we have got in New York. Simply you make the seal replacing the word New York for Los Angeles. That will be nice. I have got full faith in you
- So far as getting yourself married is concerned, I have no objection. Be sure that you can meet the obligations of Grihasta order of life and then when you find a nice girl you may marry with my blessings
- So far as leaving your karmi job, I have no objection provided there is no scarcity of money for running the temple. Then you can devote yourself full time to pushing on this movement and developing St. Louis center
- So far as our Krishna Consciousness is concerned, we can supply millions of pictures of Krishna, Visnu & Their multi-incarnations, as well as Their transcendental Pastimes. We have to create a unique position for this paper, at least in the western world
- So far attending pujas at the houses of the Hindus there we can go and hold our kirtana but we should not take prasadam there. We can accept raw materials and take them to our temple but we should not accept any prasadam prepared by them
- So far Gayatri Mantra is concerned, of course it is not such an important thing. The main thing is to chant Hare Krishna but you can consult with the G.B.C. and get his recommendation. The Hare Krishna mantra is sufficient for becoming Krishna Conscious
- So far his asrama in Puerto Vallarta, we are not taking that place on lease or rent, only if he gives it to us can we manage
- So far increasing the New Orleans' farm, yes, if you have got more men, you can get more land. You should make a stock of ghee from the farm and if possible open a restaurant in the city for attracting people. You can prepare samosas, kacoris, rasgullas
- So far Ksirodakasayi is concerned, or anyone else who is newcomer, should be allowed some concession. And after some time when he is accustomed to our principle, then we can make the screw tight. I think this point will be sufficient hint to deal with him
- So far the leaflets sent by you which you want to publish during the Delhi festival, that is approved by me and you can do the needful
- So far the marriage proposed for 29th August, I have no objection provided they are firmly in agreement never to separate and are willing to sign such a statement. This was done recently by Rupanuga Prabhu and you can get the wording from him
- So far the picture of three-headed Brahma in the assembly of other Brahmas, I have not seen, so what can I say? Whatever is palatable to everyone, you can do it that way
- So far the sign is concerned, you can call our place the ISKCON Krsna-Balarama Temple
- So far we are concerned, Krsna conscious men, we are above varnasrama. But to show the people that we are not escaping, we can take part in any order of life. That is our position
- So far you being philosophically-minded, that I can see and appreciate, but in future I think you can ask any questions you may have to one of the Swamis or to your GBC man. I have given them the answers to all such questions, so they can help you
- So far your management of different centers in Eastern Zone, I have already advised Rupanuga to do the needful; if there is waste then you can merge various centres. You can thin milk by adding water and you can make it thick by boiling
- So far your personal matter is concerned, you are a Brahmacari, you can marry at any time
- So I shall request you to think on this matter how we can organize a small party of Brahmacaris' school, so that government may recognize it, and that will be a nice program
- So long it is not clear, you can go on asking. One question after one question
- So long the tongue is active we can chant. Even if the tongue is not active we can think of Krishna. Someway or other if we can keep in touch with Krishna that is our success of life
- So long we are stout and strong and we can work very nicely, the health is quite all right, take advantage of it. It is not Krsna consciousness movement is for the lazy fellow
- So many rascals come, they challenge, "Can you show me God?" So... Yes. We can show you God, provided you have got the eyes. God can be seen by different type of eyes. Not these eyes. That is stated in the sastra
- So we have to somehow or other push on and Krishna will give us a chance. For yourself also you can try and take a visa as a teacher and some of your students may demand your presence. We have to play some tricks for Krishna's sake. What can be done?
- So you are all good souls, please do not be agitated in trivial things. Do your duty nicely, develop the center as nicely as possible. If you think that your personality has been minimized, you can tolerate it
- So you can send one copy of every record as samples here immediately to the above given Bombay address. Records are exempt from our life membership program. Also the new recording described by you meets my approval, so do it nicely
- So you organize everything in such a way that we can deliver these souls back to Krishna - this is our real work
- So you please continue your devotional service, cooking etc, and you can also keep giving Bhagavatam class if you like. Women in our movement can also preach very nicely. Actually male and female bodies, these are just outward designations
- Some of our so-called devotees, they criticize me that I have limited only sixteen rounds. No, why sixteen rounds? You can make three hundred rounds, but minimum, minimum sixteen rounds, because we are not accustomed to devote much time
- Some of you must be, must learn the art of fighting also. But in a practical you are not going to fight. If required, you can fight. I say that we are above all these varnasrama, but we must train others or ourself also for material activities
- Someone of the GBC will come there and Brahmananda will be transferred to somewhere else. Perhaps he can go to Europe. If Brahmananda also falls then of course there will be trouble there. What can be done?
- Something is being done about this discriminatory action. You can keep me informed of further progress
- Sometime ago you wrote me that you wanted some new topics for writing subjects, so I think you can begin by compiling information from my past lectures on Prahlada Maharaja, then add the pictures and print it
- Spiritual means philosophical, otherwise it is sentiment and sentiments are fickle and always changing. So we can very much appreciate your rejection of sentiment as a basis for practical activity
- Spiritual world means there is no work. There is simply ananda, joyfulness. That you see from reading Krsna book. They're not working. Krsna is going with the calves and the cows. That is not working. That is amusement
- Sri Acharya Omkar Giri, the Mahant of the Beni Madhav Temple, is keen on giving the temple to us so that we can improve everything
- Sukhada means one who is always giving pleasure to Krishna. That you can do by engaging in His service 24 hours. Surely then He will be pleased and bestow upon you all blessings for making rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness
- Syamasundara told George that if he can give us a…, give us some money, we can purchase. So he has purchased without taking any of our money
- Take instruction from Bhagavad-gita in this way. Your handwriting is so nice, so by printing such booklets and learning Bhagavad-gita you can then instruct others and Krishna will bless you
- Take this (Krsna Consciousness) philosophy nicely, understand it, and preach. You will be victorious everywhere. Because we can challenge anyone. If you know the trick, Krsna consciousness, you can challenge
- Tamala Krishna's group has proved a very nice Sankirtana Party, and we can combine with your group which is also a very nice Sankirtana Party. Then we could immediately take the responsibility of a round the world trip, and I am sure it will be successful
- Temple is meant for rendering service to the Lord. So if anyone is rendering service to the Lord, he can live. But not for sense gratification. Those grhasthas who still have desire for sense gratification, they may live outside
- Thank you for getting this chaplaincy. Now it should be done nicely and started in other places. It will be very nice if we can get it in every school
- Thank you for the pecans. I shall be coming to L.A. on the 20th of June for one week & then I shall go to Denver for one week. You can see me in L.A., if you like. Please continue to follow all of the rules & regulations carefully, & chant or read always
- Thank you for your articles. They are very nicely written. They have given us a good amount of space. That means that we can present our philosophy in detail and they will read it
- That is called vasudeva stage, and in the vasudeva stage, Vasudeva, Krsna, appears. You can see Krsna
- That is mosquito and gun. (laughter) Student, you have got four. And managers? Three hundred. One manager requires three rooms, another four rooms. This is waste. One manager, first see at least fifty students. Then you can become manager
- That is sastra. Not that "So many years have passed and it has become old. Now let us reform it and put it into new way." No. You can put the same thing in a new way, but you cannot change the principle
- That missing link, let them learn from us. We can give him the missing link
- That one has been found to be very weak in one place does not mean that he should stop fighting the crocodile of maya. One should take shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna, as we shall see Gajendra do, and at the same time one can be a grhastha
- The ayurvedic system is to take ½ of what you can eat only, the fill ¼ with water and leave ¼ for air. That will make for proper digestion. Little rice, dahl, some vegetables, some chopaties, like that, but eat right to the point to keep health steady
- The Ayurvedic system of eating is to decide how much you can comfortably eat, then take half of that amount, filling the remaining half one quarter with water and leaving one quarter for air
- The beginning of service is chanting. Therefore it is said, jihvadau. Jihvadau means, jihva means tongue. Tongue. Your service begins by the tongue. How? By the tongue you can chant Hare Krsna, and by the tongue you can taste Krsna's prasadam
- The Bhagavat also says that no one should become the parent unless he can deliver the child from the clutches of death. So it is your duty to make this baby KC so that he may not have to take birth again
- The brahma-bhutah stage, situation, is that "I am not matter; I am spirit." That's all right. But we have to sustain the spirit. How we can sustain? We can sustain when there is spiritual engagement. Otherwise, it is not possible
- The center has become cumbersome on account of mismanagement. Things must be settled before Shayamasundar can take charge again. These bills presented by different creditors on account of jewelry business must not be paid by ISKCON
- The conditioned soul is so much illusioned that it is very hard to make him surrender to Krishna. Therefore each and every one of us, if we can give service to Krishna by making another man surrender to Krishna, then that is our gain
- The corner land of the parikrama road may be applied for acquisition. We shall use it for agricultural purposes. Sometime back they approached us for acquiring that land. Now you can seriously do this
- The Deities should be facing East. If you are laying the foundation stone to this temple there is a ceremony which you can observe
- The description of the storefront with 4 rooms and floor, kitchen, and bathroom etc, appears to be very suitable for our purposes. And the rent is not much and I am so glad that you can manage it
- The devotee inquired whether they can wear European and American dress before the general public. From the instructions given to Prataparudra by Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, we can understand that we may change our dress in any way to facilitate our service
- The devotees, they have got such eyes to see that they can immediately discriminate who is a fool, who is learned
- The editorial board must be very intelligent how to talk about Back to Godhead with current politics. Giriraja, you can do that?
- The fact is that when you have decided to get yourself married, I think without the formalities of taking consent from your parents, you can get yourself married legally
- The first thing is enthusiasm, that "I must see Krsna." You are seeing Krsna. The Deity of Krsna and Krsna is not different. But even personally you can see
- The first thing is that I am very much anxious for Hindi BTG composition. It must done immediately, otherwise how you can get it from Japan?
- The girls don't require Sacred Thread, as you know, but they simply can responsively chant the Gayatri Mantras
- The growth of the temple should be based on book distribution. I am prepared to print books. You can then sell them
- The idea is that dress has to be accepted according to the taste of others and foodstuffs are to be accepted according to the eater's taste. So if you think this kind of dress will attract more people, you can dress yourself in that manner
- The idea is that everyone who is properly initiated and following the rules and regulations can worship the deity
- The idea is that the ax-handle is made of wood, and so without the assistance of the wooden tree, the hatchet is useless. Similarly, we can use our materialistic knowledge to defeat the atheistic philosophy of the scientists
- The idea is that when we open our educational institute, we will require some dedicated monks, just like Christian Fathers, who have no connection with women. In that case, we can start a theological school
- The idea of a woman's asrama is good. Those not married, if there is not provision for separate living quarters for them in the temples, they can go there
- The individual presidents should be more managerial, more individual, and you can supervise, and if some defect is detected, you can make suggestions how to correct it. But if we lose individuality and simply become mechanical, what is the point?
- The individual soul is already under specific material nature, and the process is going on in lower grades of life, but in the human form of life by advancement of education, one can become above the modes of material nature. That chance is given to him
- The initiated householders are supposed to be Brahmins, and according to scriptural injunction a Brahmin can accept charity for employing the income in the service of the Lord. The boys and girls who chant in the street are also giving in charity
- The Krishna Consciousness movement is meant for re-establishing the system of four varnas and asramas, then there will be progress of civilization. We have got such a nice process that even from the base sudras we can create brahmanas of highest calibre
- The Krsna consciousness movement is attempting to educate people how to utilize this human form of life properly. It will not stay, it will also die, just like cats die, the dogs die. We also die, but there is difference of this death. We can die knowing
- The land at Kuruksetra is now available to us. So you can come and join me
- The large brass Deities can be bathed the same as the small ones if they can be handled easily; Cooking can go on after the Deities' plate is made
- The main aim of this Sanskrit class should be how you can learn this chanting in the proper accent. It is not our aim to become a Sanskrit scholar
- The main instructions are to go on, to push on and preach and distribute books. If possible you can also hold a festival which is also part of preaching. I will be looking forward to seeing you and your bullock cart party in Mayapur
- The main thing is that whenever prasadam is offered to the Lord, everything should be very respectfully and cleanly presented and prepared. In Jagannatha Puri, the Lord eats 56 times. So the Lord can eat as many times as you can offer
- The man who creates problem, can he make solution? So you are the same fourth-class man, how you can make a solution?
- The management must be very first class. If required we can keep some paid men. Amateur management is not always efficient. I approve of your ideas for management. We shall get it passed by resolution meeting. I like the ideas
- The Mayavadis who are trying to become liberated in so many ways, mystic yoga practice and austere penances, and so on, so on, so on, so on... You can get that liberty immediately, simply by engaging yourself in some service of Krsna
- The meeting will take place in New Vrndavana. I have also promised that I shall go to New Vrndavana. So if everything is fixed up, then you can send me the travelling tickets
- The menstrual period prolongs at least for 5 days, so after this 5 days, one can have sex life provided he desires to get a child. And as soon as the wife is pregnant, no more sex life, until the child is born and is grown up at least for 6 months
- The money and society is yours. You can spend in any way but it is my duty to give you guidance as ever well wisher
- The more one can meet opposite elements successfully the more one is supposed to be advanced in KC. To a sincere heart Krishna gives all intelligence to combat such dialogues. Be sincere servant of Krishna and Krishna gives you everything
- The more one understands that Krishna is my friend and my duty is to serve my Dearest Friend, the more one can know that his is advancing in Krishna Consciousness
- The more you can decorate the Deities soberly, not fanatically, the more you become decorated with all honors
- The more you can reduce your sleep and eating, you keep good health, especially for spiritual purposes. But not artificially. But when you advance, naturally you'll not feel, just like Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
- The most important thing is that we must be ideal Krsna Conscious persons, and then we can attract others. This means chanting, reading my books, going on sankirtana, following the regulative principles and worshiping the deity
- The news that you are able to keep up the prasadam program which is now up to 1500 persons on Sunday is very welcome and I hope you can continue this without stoppage
- The non-fallen condition is Krsna consciousness. So long one can maintain pure Krsna consciousness he is not fallen down. As soon as he becomes out of Krsna consciousness immediately he is fallen down. It does not matter where a living entity stays
- The ocean of milk is white. You can make it bluish shade in order to distinguish that it is water. Visnu's color is sky blue, and Laksmi's color is just like gold, molten gold.Laksmi is not always with Visnu, there are many Visnu forms Who are alone
- The only way that we can overcome maya is by seriously and sincerely taking shelter of Krishna
- The opening of the Vrindaban temple has been postponed to after March, 1975, so if you like you can come to our Gaura purnima celebration at Mayapur
- The priestly class, they will make propaganda against us: "Oh, they are mlecchas , they are Europeans, they are Americans. What they can do? It is not good." Because India, the caste system is very strong
- The process is that we cannot understand God or we cannot see God unless He reveals. So this revelation will come if we submissively hear. We may not understand, but simply by hearing, we can achieve that stage of life
- The process is whenever we speak something transcendental subject, if we can pick up evidences from Vedic literatures... There are many authentic Vedic literatures. They are accepted by the spiritual societies
- The process should be at least 4 to 6 men must be competent to begin the chanting with instruments and the members of the audience should be requested to join them. If you can make this practice successful, you can go anywhere
- The proper method of dressing Jagannatha is as a Ksatriya king and there is no limit to the opulence you can give Him
- The question, does Lord Rama or Lord Caitanya forget, is like saying, does God come under Maya, or forgetfulness. You must fully understand this before you can successfully debate with the Mayavad arguments
- The reason for the Japa beads is so that you can keep track of how many times you are chanting Hare Krishna mantra daily. It should be chanted a steady amount of times regularly
- The sample that you sent me of the new design for the BBT logo is approved by me. For the sake of consistency, you can also use it on the cover jacket
- The Sankirtana party is selling Back To Godhead nicely and if they display the record on a record player in the street, I think we can sell this album very nicely
- The smartas, they are thinking like that, "How these mlecchas and yavanas can become a brahmana?" But they do not know that by Krsna consciousness one can jump over. Mayam etam taranti te. Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya. Maya is very strong
- The strong hand of Maya is insurmountable as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita. But if one sticks to Krishna Consciousness with firmness, then he can easily surmount
- The summary is, don't relax the conditions. We can either purchase for the price mentioned in the deeds or take in charity, but we cannot accept any conditions
- The tendency you report of the householders living at the expense of others in our Society, is not good. One way to earn money is by selling books, they can be given a salary or commission
- The test of spiritual life is when one can work all day long and not be tired
- The Vedic literatures being older and disseminated by many, many superior acaryas we can find out how God is great, how the creation took place one after another. These details are not found in any other scriptures in the world
- The whole philosophy is there. Now as you are growing, there will be so many questions, so many philosophers. But our philosophy is so sound and solid that we can meet any philosopher of the world. Any philosopher. But you have to learn it
- The whole planetary system, the modern science says, the law of gravitation. But that is not very perfectly explained. We can question
- The young boys, they are taking Hare Krsna movement seriously, so the government can be changed in their favor. After all, it is democracy. So you can do it. You become president; you'll become senator. In America it is possible
- Their expenditure is at my direction. Not a single paisa they can spend in their own discretion. They are laboring hard to get this collection, but the money is mine. This is the arrangement
- Their nice appreciation of our movement is a great pleasure for me to note. Keep them very nicely, and as you consider that one or all of them are ready for initiation and are desiring like that, then they can send their beads to me to be chanted upon
- Then all these houses have come in an accident? Everything is created by man. How you can say accident? This is their foolishness
- Then when we are fully conversant in revelation of Krishna Consciousness, we can meet any opposing elements and come out victorious
- Then you'll not be effective (if you rubber stamp). You can cheat, but it will not be effective. Just see our Gaudiya Matha. Everyone wanted to become guru, and a small temple and "guru." What kind of guru? No publication, no preaching
- There are different degrees of guna. The degrees are so mixed up. Therefore three gunas is manifested into 8,400,000 different forms of life, mixture. You can calculate. We have several times calculated. Three multiplied by three equals nine
- There are so many land; houses are for sale. If we can organize. Now you utilize these lands for growing fruit, flower, anything, whatever you can grow. But utilize this land. It doesn't matter what you would grow. Anything
- There are so many tape records of my speeches, you can select some of them to be printed with the pictures. I think that will be better attracting the general public. It is better you take a little more time but do it very nicely
- There is a Sanskrit saying, Do according to the country's laws. If both the present husband and wife agree to divorce, then they can do it and re-marry, what can be done?
- There is a summary of the Ramayana in the 9th canto. That will help you. You can show the fight between Rama and Ravana
- There is no doubt about it that our philosophy is the supermost perfect presentation. We can challenge any other philosophy and establish that this Krishna Consciousness is the panacea for all material problems
- There is no economic problem. We can produce our own food and clothes, gradually, and save time for spiritual life
- There is no necessity of creating a very huge building as temple. We can sit anywhere and carry this Radha-Krsna and keep there & chant HK. That is a temple. We don't require any huge building. You see? Temple means wherever there is God, that is temple
- There is no particular place where we have to start our temple. Anywhere we can start temple. We are starting temple daily, either in the beach or underneath a tree or anywhere. But for special purpose this temple is already there. So people are welcome
- There is no such hard and fast rule that one should live in the temple. You can live anywhere, but the spiritual practices should be going on
- There is one boy, Bhagavatananda, in Pittsburgh temple, who wants to have some new engagement and he is expert carpenter who has built many houses in New Vrindaban, so you may correspond with him if he can come to help you there
- There is one saying from Bible: 'Judge not, lest ye be judged.' So how we can preach unless we are able to make judgements? That will not be possible. Only those who are above suspicion can judge others
- There should be no complaint, under all circumstances we must chant regularly 16 rounds and attend the morning and evening classes, for Krishna we can work like anything, but one lick done for maya it is useless, overendeavoring
- These are the most important duties for the brahmacarinis - namely cleansing. By nicely cleansing one can get promotion in the spiritual kingdom in some of the Vaikuntha planets
- These people might be impersonalists, so far I can understand from the handbill, but still, we can perform Kirtana in any place. It does not matter what they are. By our Kirtana process we have to influence others
- These rascals say, "There is no God." Simply rascals. At least expose these rascals. We have no power to kill them, but at least we can expose them. That is also great service
- They (Nepal) have got a sentiment of Hinduism. So with their cooperation, a little foreign exchange, you can establish a stronghold there. It will be a great service
- They (the hippies) are our best candidates. So you can advertise that "We are not hippies, but we are converting many hippies to the sane condition of life." That's a fact. They are searching after something better, but they have no leader
- They (the rascals) have no clear conception of God. Because they are sinful. We can give the name, address and everything of God, clear conception, not vague idea, "God may be like this, God may be like that." Why maybe? He (Krsna) is God
- They are contemplating to open a preaching center at Kanpur, and you can open correspondence with them before starting for India
- They are new men, kindly receive them at the station. They can give lectures in Vaishnava cult and if possible you can arrange for their kirtan and lectures; otherwise they may go to Mathura after taking rest for a day or so
- They are Vaikuntha children, and we are very fortunate we can give them chance to advance further in Krishna consciousness
- They can paint as many as possible pictures of Panca Tattva and Acharyas and distribute them to all the new temples - this will be a great service to our society
- They can purchase books from the temple at regular wholesale price and sell, and whatever profit there is above wholesale price they must give at least 50% to the local temple out of good will. That will be nice
- They could go out and make thousands of dollars a month as educators and skilled professional men, still they prefer to live with me and eat only a little rice from the floor, and sleep on the cold ground without cover
- They have created this working civilization, "Work very hard, very hard." That's all. In this Rome city you can see. There are evidences. These buildings are constructed with hard labor. Now those rascals have gone, and they are maintaining that
- They must be all ideal acarya-like. In the beginning we have done for working. Now we should be very cautious. Anyone who is deviating, he can be replaced
- Think seriously of Krishna Consciousness, be sincere, and Krishna will give you all necessary instruction. I have every hope that in the future you can be a good preacher for Krishna Consciousness in the Western World
- This (KC) Movement has begun to present Bhagavad-gita as it is, and people are taking. People are accepting. So you Indians who are present here, that is my request, that you can do tremendous service on behalf of your country
- This (New Mayapura) is a first-class place. You can develop it into a Vaikuntha. It is already Vaikuntha, Krsna is there. But develop it very nicely, peacefully live. Hundreds of miles away from the hellish cities
- This change of Presidents is to be made in the GBC meeting. In the middle of the year there is no question of change. Tejyas can continue as President. Three times changing president is not good. It should first be conjointly considered by the GBC
- This dancing is not ordinary dancing. So anyway, if you think that this dancing is a sentimental caricature - you may think like that, but if you want to understand through philosophy and science, we can supply you immense literature
- This Gurukula I suggested, but Satsvarupa started it; so you can take practical advice from him
- This house is so nice. It is better than the other one. So you can purchase it
- This is an opportunity, this human form of life, this particular type of tongue which you can use. In other type of tongues you can chew, you can taste the blood and the flesh, and so many things. But you cannot chant Hare Krsna
- This Krishna consciousness movement is multi faceted. We can serve the Lord using everything
- This life is preparation for the next life. You can prepare. It is in your hand. It is in your hand. God has given you the superior intelligence better than the animals
- This mantra, apavitrah pavitro va sarvavastham, any condition of life, you can simply remember Pundarikaksam, Krsna. As soon as you chant "Krsna," you remember everything
- This Narada Muni song is in your country tune & I think it will attract many more men to join the Kirtana so you should practice this standard Kirtana more conveniently so that during your Rathayatra festival you can have this singing with the procession
- This powerful Krsna consciousness movement is so strong that we can pick up from the lowest stage of life and bring him to the highest stage of life if we follow the rules and regulation. It is possible
- This service is unimpaired, unchecked by any material condition. So Sukadeva Gosvami, he gives us some definition how you can be completely independent to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Now our problem is eating-sleeping
- This unique procession has convinced them that our men are very nice and they can organize a great crowd without any violence. That is a fact: if people actually want peace and tranquillity, they must support this movement wholeheartedly
- Those who are actually followers of Vedas, they should understand that there is no difference between the Lord and His words - absolute. We read Bhagavad-gita, the words of Krsna. Then how we can change the meaning of Gita when it is spoken by Lord?
- Those who are following, they are happy, practically you can see. And those who are not following, they are unhappy. Yes
- Those who are in devotional service, they have got two things: they can see what is maya and what is Krsna
- Those who are neophytes, trying to be beyond the range of Kali-yuga, our members of the Krsna society, because they have given up these four sinful activities, they can see how one is influenced by Kali
- Through the distribution of this literature, we can completely annihilate all the bogus yogi groups in the world. Of this fact I am sure
- Time was not right. Now you can do something
- To surrender to Krsna requires little qualification, and that qualification Sanatana Gosvami wanted. Therefore he has approached Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. We can follow his footsprints
- Today Gurudasa and his wife Yamuna are going there. You wanted some married couple. They are the best pair and if required they can remain in Delhi to organize things nicely
- Try to reach as many sincere souls as possible through your Sankirtan Party. This will be the greatest service you can render to Krishna and your fellow men. Krishna gave you good intelligence so now you must continue to utilize them fully in His service
- Try your best to develop an ideal society there to set a perfect example for the human society of how one can live very simply, chanting Hare Krishna and developing love for Krishna
- Tulasi leaf eating is good. You can eat leaf, especially palatable with water. Water, that is good. But you make it, imitation tea, that means I remember tea-drinking
- Undoubtedly these Americans are habituated to take nonvegetarian food but I am confident that they can be trained up to our line of living because they are sincere to take up the training
- Unless absolutely necessary one should keep hair short, and if necessary one can dress like an American gentleman with short hair. It is not expected that everyone will join. For that reason we can't compromise. The tendency is there to be hippy
- Unless Krsna played, how you can play
- Unless one is initiated they cannot cook. They must be regular disciples then they can do Deity worship. So there is no question of the outsiders cooking in the New Delhi temple
- Unless we are very sincere, we cannot cope with maya. That is not possible. If you remain a servant of maya, you cannot conquer over maya. You must be very sincere servant of Krsna. Then you can conquer
- Unless you get taste, how you can be attached to Krsna?
- Unless you know consciousness, how do you describe unconsciousness? Unconsciousness is the negative side of consciousness. So you should explain what is consciousness. Then we can understand unconsciousness
- Use brown or unrefined sugar if you can find it
- Veda means knowledge. So from the Vedas you can have all different types of knowledge, namely material knowledge and spiritual knowledge, both, perfectly
- Very soon I shall send you one complete set of instructions on worshiping the Deity and you can print in English and distribute. This book shall be named Method of Worship
- We accept a disciple to engage in the bhajana-kriya - first of all he must give up these anarthas. So these anarthas, one cannot giving up smoking or drinking, but actually, if he takes to devotional service, he can very easily give up
- We always request members of ISKCON to publish as many books as possible and distribute them widely throughout the world. By thus following in the footsteps of Srila Rupa Gosvami, one can become a rupanuga devotee
- We are constructing our temple in Vrndavana. We require fifty lakhs. That is required. But I shall not collect more than fifty lakhs even one cent. This is atyahara. Similarly, if your body can consume foodstuff one kilo or half kilo, you can eat
- We are doing it. In a small scale it is going on, but if we get some support of the authorities, we can push on in larger scale
- We are in the lower stage. Therefore Deity worship required. Even if there is no temple, you can keep small Deity in a small box and open it. After taking bath . . . (indistinct) . . . you can offer Him little patram puspam phalam toyam - BG 9.26
- We are not in a position financially to distribute foodstuff for the poor class of men. They may take shelter of some charitable institution. At the present moment, we are not in a position to make charities but for the devotees we can sacrifice anything
- We are preaching the teachings of Bhagavad-gita all over the world. So we invite you also to join this movement. You have already the sense of Vedic culture. Now, if you cooperate with us fully, we can develop a very nice cultural movement here also
- We are prepared to purchase the land at a rate of not more than Rs 1500/- per bigha. They (Indian locals) are under the impression that Americans will purchase at any price so don't be taken in. We can purchase any neighboring land at the above price
- We are teaching nothing, but training them how to love God, how they can sacrifice everything for God. So that is religion
- We associate with one-another so that we can assist each other in hearing and chanting about Krishna. That is the purpose of our Society
- We break the dream when it becomes intolerable. Similarly, we can break this material connection at any moment as soon as we come to the point of Krsna conscious
- We can accept everything for Krishna's service, but not taking the risk of diverting attention to any other thing which will hinder our Krishna Consciousness. That should be our motto, or principle
- We can accept raw materials and take them to our temple but we should not accept any prasadam prepared by them. However, if they insist then we can take fruits and milk and offer them to Krishna
- We can accommodate many devotees, and if the opportunity is offered to us, we can organize a very strong Sankirtana Party here and establish at least four or five branches in England. But the climate is not at all suitable for me
- We can attract people by some gorgeous show, but inside there must be strict purity and seriousness, otherwise, we shall be attracted by the gorgeous show only
- We can avoid idle conversation and utilize our time in the spare moments for studying slokas from the Gita and Bhagavatam. Practically I have given you more than enough for 50 years at one sloka daily
- We can become famous for such shows, and at the same time utilize them for giving people good information about what is the real goal of life and how to achieve it
- We can challenge any nonsense philosophy. Socrates, Plato, Kant, Darwin--all of them--so many mental speculators and word jugglers who have misled so many people
- We can challenge any scientist, any philosopher. So if you become serious, if you cooperate with us, this institution can set a great example, not only in India, but to the whole world
- We can challenge these so-called scientists. Their basic principle of knowledge is on the bodily concept of life, pratyaksa, experimental knowledge
- We can change our home into Vaikuntha. It is not difficult. Because as Krsna can be all-pervading, Vaikuntha is all-pervading. But we have to simply realize it by the authorized process. Everyone, we can change our home into Vaikuntha
- We can come to the real knowledge of our existence by purifying ourself. The purificatory process we are introducing by this Krsna consciousness movement. And the method is very simple chanting Hare Krsna mantra
- We can convert the crows into swans. That is our philosophy. One who was crow is now swimming like swan. That we can do
- We can create temple anywhere and everywhere simply by sitting, chanting
- We can discover so many plans and remedial measures, and that will not help us. Only solution is to surrender to Krsna. Krsna gives this nice advice: sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam
- We can enjoy taking prasadam of Krsna, because He is the proprietor, bhokta, enjoyer. So everything should be given first to Krsna, and then you take the prasadam. That will make you happy
- We can explain what God is, so people are appreciating more and more our Movement. Now by Krishna's grace you have a beautiful Temple, use it to preach very vigorously
- We can find that instead of becoming a great preacher of Krishna Consciousness, this gentleman has become artificially a head of a mundane institution. To become a very important man in the mundane estimation is not success in Krishna Consciousness
- We can follow Harida Thakur's example by chanting sixteen rounds of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra on beads every day and offering respect to the tulasi plant. This is not at all difficult for anyone
- We can give you the name of the sun planet, the president of the sun planet, his address. We can give you the address of God, Krsna, His features, His activities. This is perfect knowledge. Simply vague idea, that is not knowledge
- We can keep our intelligence steady by hearing
- We can make another Ratha-yatra from Bhaktivedanta Manor to Wembley and other places
- We can offer the intelligent person the opportunity to be trained up in the highest spiritual knowledge and train him up as a preacher himself. That is a very attractive offer
- We can preach all over the world that the only way to be saved from collective and individual devastation is to take to the chanting of Hare Krsna
- We can preach anywhere. We have to preach both in heaven and hell
- We can prepare some preachers so that even if I retire, the missionary work will go on under the able guidance of some of my selected disciples, like you, Brahmananda, Rupanuga, etc
- We can say from our poor knowledge that as they have failed in the moon planet, they will fail also in the Mars. Take it down. Note now. Do you know this is all bluff
- We can say, that writing book at night and inducing these devotees: go and sell, go and sell, go and sell. In this way it is going on. This is not contribution. George has given contribution, but that is house. But nobody gives us money for it
- We can see by the symptoms they (advanced scientists) will never surrender to God; therefore they come to these four categories of men: miscreants, rascals, lowest of the mankind and lost of real knowledge
- We can see that it is the desire of the pure devotee. Whatever Krsna wants, He does not have to work at all. His desires are immediately fulfilled simply by His desiring
- We can send you unlimited number of books. You simply have to apply your brain how to sell them. Then you will have plenty of money
- We can sit down anywhere on the grass here (in New Mayapura), and whatever available we make our food. This is the idea. Life will be sublime. Man-mana bhava mad-bhakto mad-yaji mam. That is real business
- We can sit down here and chant Hare Krsna. We don't require that temple. But these rascals are accumulating money for wine and women. Take their money, some way or other, and builds a temple. And invite them, "Come and see." Give them prasadam
- We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it
- We can stop your birth death old age and disease. This is the greatest welfare activities to the human society
- We can take help from outside in the matter of monetary help, either by contribution or by loan, but not to enter into transactions with outsiders. Because their aim of life is different from ours
- We can teach even in the womb of the mother because it is spiritual, it is not material. No material condition can check this teaching. Ahaituky apratihata - SB 1.2.6
- We can understand how we have to be very cautious in executing our spiritual duties by observing the rules and regulations and regularly chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. If we neglect doing this, we will eventually fall down
- We can understand that we may change our dress in any way to facilitate our service. When our members change their dress to meet the public or to introduce our books, they are not breaking the devotional principles
- We can use everything - television, radio, movies, or whatever there may be - to tell about Krishna, and outside of devotional service all these modern paraphernalia are just so much rubbish
- We can utilize everything for Krsna's service. Our only preaching is that "Don't forget Krsna."
- We cannot give instruction in other religions but we can very nicely explain the basic principles of religion. So if you take that job in teaching the basic principles of religion, that is very nice, but religion means to abide by the order of God
- We cannot stop our fighting with Maya, neither we can expect that all our soldiers will remain unhurt
- We do not recommend that sankirtana should be used for some material purpose, that is nama-aparadha, nama-aparadha. Shama sa bhakti kriya (?) pramana. Sankirtana, you can utilize sankirtana for some material purpose, but that is not allowed
- We do not want money. But they are having money by so many ways. So we take their money and construct a temple. We can sit down here and chant Hare Krsna. We don't require that temple
- We do not want to become alone guru, but we want to preach in such a way that every, the chief man, or any man, he can become guru in his surroundings
- We don't make any adulteration or alteration or addition. No. We accept, as it is. That is our process. And if you accept, then our time is saved and we can make progress very quickly
- We don't say that you should not be lusty. If you have got capacity to earn money, earn money, as much as you can, but utilize it for Krsna. If I am very angry, yes, you remain angry, but utilize it for Krsna
- We have been invited for preaching. They have mentioned taking care of all arrangement and expenses. If you are free you can go there and preach at this program
- We have enough matter to qualify a person in academic career. At least we can offer the degree of DD - Doctor of Divinity by affliating ourselves with some neighboring recognized university
- We have everything required in the Bhagavatam. I want that the students can nicely recite the sanskrit verses and then they can read the full purport in English
- We have got Bhagavad-gita and all Vedic literatures. By learning, by practicing, we can make our life perfectly and then distribute the knowledge. This is India's business
- We have got business. Why shall I keep in the bank? This is the policy. If your money is idle, we can spend it in our books, in our purchasing land in temple, constructing temple, developing...
- We have got one means: we have got very good books. If you collect some money by selling our books, then we can have a nice place
- We have got such a nice process that even from the base sudras we can create brahmanas of highest calibre
- We have invested in Boston about $20,000, but still it is not well equipped and the major portion of our printing work is being done in Japan. Until we can open a very nice press and print our literature up to date it will not be a good investment
- We have no quarrel with vegetarian and nonvegetarian. We are after krsna-prasadam. If Krsna accepts something beyond these vegetarian dishes, then we can accept also. But Krsna says: No. Give Me patram puspam phalam toyam
- We have our temple in Houston, Texas, and if possible you can associate with the devotees there for some time
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions for
- We have taken Bhagavad-gita as the standard of all human activities. If the leaders of the human society take it as standard, then all the problems will be solved. That we can give practical suggestions. Any plan of the atheists will never be successful
- We have to be real Brahmins, not just in name, and in that way we can set an example for the whole civilized society to follow
- We have to become swans, raja-hamsa , paramahamsa , paramahamsa . Paramo nirmatsaranam. Then you can understand Krsna consciousness. If you remain crows, then you cannot, that is not possible
- We have to continue this sankirtana. This is the psychology. But there is very great prospect to develop this place, and you have got experience. If you can develop, it will be very nice example. Once successful here, we can introduce this program
- We have to finish this material business before we can understand spiritual thing. If one has got still inclination for material things, it is useless waste of time for him to understand
- We have to hear from Suta Gosvami or Maitreya, who actually present the narrations as they are, and only then can we relish the pastimes of the Lord; otherwise the effects on the neophyte audience will be poisonous
- We have to simply repeat like parrot. Not exactly parrot. Parrot does not understand the meaning; he simply vibrates. But you should understand the meaning also; otherwise how you can explain?
- We have to somehow or other push on and Krishna will give us a chance. For yourself also you can try and take a visa as a teacher and some of your students may demand your presence. We have to play some tricks for Krishna's sake
- We invite everyone, without discrimination; we request everyone to sit down and chant the Hare Krsna mantra and take as much prasada as we can supply, and thus everyone is pleased with us
- We may not kill the demons like Krishna did it, but we can kill the demoniac tendency. How is that? By this Sankirtana weapon
- We must become so responsible for seriously practicing this art of KC, because this world is so full of degrading elements of life for dragging everyone down & down, & if just a few men can perfect the art, they can save the rest of all the people
- We must elevate ourself to the second class devotee position. To become first-class devotee, that is very difficult job. We can expect after executing devotional service as a madhyama-adhikari. Then we can be promoted
- We must follow the path of mahajana, the instruction of the acarya. Then we can become purified. And unless we are purified, there is no question of pure devotional service
- We must learn all of us, to defeat these nonsense rascals, and curtail this epidemic of Impersonalism, which is fatal to the innocent people. We can stop this epidemic with this information of Krishna Consciousness, and it is our duty to do it
- We must try to avoid becoming too much overly organized like the material businessmen. Our business is to ourselves become Krishna conscious, advance in spiritual life, and to preach to others how they can also take advantage
- We prescribe, "No illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling." These are the four pillars of sinful life. If we avoid these thing, then we can stay on the platform of purity. And God consciousness, KC, is based on this morality
- We require such funds so that we can print our books and over-flood all of the world with Krishna Conscious literature. That is the goal
- We shall be the brahmana. That should be our... And there is no restriction. Don't think that because you are born in America, you cannot become a brahmana. No, you can become a brahmana. There is no restriction
- We shall take this opportunity to preach. "Crime, Why and What to Do?" We shall give all solution. We can arrange big, big meetings on this point, "Crime, Why and What to Do?" A very suitable heading it is
- We should never think that "Krsna is not seeing. If I commit some offense, or..., Krsna is in Vaikuntha. Here I can do whatever I like." (laughter) Don't do that. That is a great offense
- We should not be greedy and we should not mix with persons not interested in Krishna. In this way, we can make steady progress and maintain our membership in Krishna's family
- We should remain everlastingly a fool before the spiritual master. Not artificially but feelingly and then we can make real progress
- We take some time to see whether he can develop brahminical symptom. That is our process, not that anyone comes, and we give him a sacred thread and he becomes immediately brahmana. We don't do this
- We want our men to come to India to learn the Sanskrit language so that we can study the Vedic literature. So you must arrange for a teacher to coach these boys in Sanskrit
- We want to distribute as many issues of BTG as possible, so the more you can print and distribute, the more my Guru Maharaja will be pleased to see His Great Dream being fulfilled
- We want to train some ksatriyas but that we can do in our own communities
- We wanted land within the city. In the meantime, you can show the chairman the enclosed pictures from "Dharma Yug" magazine, latest issue, how we are a worldwide organization, as well as other clippings from Toronto
- We were discussing Prahlada Maharaja's . . . how he is experienced of this material way of life. It is all useless. So by following this mahajana devotees we can make our life perfect
- We will give them food, clothing and shelter and they can live simply and save time for developing their Krsna consciousness. Do this and then our Movement is successful
- Welfare is actually waste of money. But social construction is so bad they have to give welfare. If they take our Krsna consciousness movement, we can stop this welfare money, let them pay
- What devotion we can offer to Krsna? He's unlimited. He's kindly accepting our little service. That's all. Don't be proud of becoming a great devotee. That is the cause of falldown
- What one should do is chant the Holy Name of the Lord with faith, enthusiasm, and firm conviction on the statement of Lord Caitanya that simply by chanting the Maha Mantra one can be gradually elevated to the highest platform of spiritual perfection
- Whatever guru has said accept it, finally. Ara na kariha mane asa. Don't divert from this. This is the instruction. How you can divert from the instruction of guru?
- Whatever is required by you and your family to live nicely in Krishna Consciousness, that much you should accept. Do not take more than what you actually need. And you should give what ever you can to the temple as donation. Nothing is compulsory
- Whatever transcendental tactics you leaders think best for distributing the books you can employ
- When both of you are ready, you can go somewhere suitable place and open a branch there. That is my mission
- When I point out some discrepancy of my disciples, it is always with good will so you can become the best servant of Krishna
- When I was there last there was one boy who was for making dolls. I want to know how the samples are coming out, if they are nice. Can he teach our students how to do this art? If so, our men can go there and learn, or should he be sent here to USA?
- When intelligence is used for developing Krsna consciousness, that is fortune. So we can set up our own fortune or misfortune. The fortune means that we must be serious after hearing about Krsna
- When it is red hot, then it is no longer iron; it is fire. Similarly, by our contact in devotional service of the Lord we can change the whole position of our material existence
- When Krsna has made so many varieties there is some purpose. That one should understand. That is intelligence. You can organize these farms very nicely. Then this devil's workshop will stop
- When one is devotee, he'll chant more and more. He'll aspire, "If I could get millions of tongues and trillions of ear, then I could finish." That is devotee. And one is thinking how to finish it by chanting once, he's not devotee. That is neophyte stage
- When the property is secured, then you can install the Deities. Otherwise, don't take the risk. I have no objection to your taking a loan for your farm project as you have proposed
- When we are completely, cent per cent follower of acarya, then you can also act as acarya. This is the process. Don't become premature acarya. First of all follow the orders of acarya, and you become mature
- When we are in need of money to carry on Krishna's work, then we can resort to whatever means there is available. So long it is always for Krishna and never for personal sense gratification. So you can try to get some money in that way
- When we see the matter is energy of Krsna, that is not materialism. That is spiritualism. So it is our intellect how we can utilize everything with Krsna
- When we shall lead our World Sankirtana Party at that time if we can demonstrate the chanting of the mantras as they are stated in Isopanisad, Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, Brahma Samhita, that will be our unique position
- When you are in perfect knowledge, you can see God eye to eye just like you are seeing me, I am seeing you. But that requires qualification
- When you can return there spend your time always studying my books, chanting and preaching to the people of Vrindaban, with real understanding of this science of Krishna consciousness
- When you can understand that you are a fool that means that you are a little intelligent because you can detect your own foolishness. Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to remain a fool just to teach us how to make progress in spiritual life
- When you go there, on co-operation with him you can establish a center in Bangladesh by mutual arrangement, and that will be very suitable for your preaching
- When you go there, try to preach. You have learned how to speak English, so you can preach nicely. Always try to give some service, and that will make you successful
- When you will seek after God, God is situated within your heart, He will give you all facility. And so long you want to become God, you will be cheated, because you are trying to cheat yourself. How you can become God?
- Wherever you find a suitable place you can go, always keeping sure to follow the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds
- Wherever you live, you can follow the regulative principles and my instructions along with chanting. That will make you happy
- Whether you have approached such spiritual master, that you can discuss
- Whichever position one can find himself suitable, he can accept that. But the main business is krsna-tattva-vetta, and preach the cult all over the world, sei guru haya. Guru means preacher, to enlighten. One who can enlighten, he is guru
- Why don't you take the opinion of our life members whether we should go outside Bombay like Chembur or Santa Cruz? In Santa Cruz there is a nice house for sale. Similarly we can get a place in Chembur for a nominal price only
- Why not experiment this movement. The greatest socialist movement. If you want to get the socialistic idea, we can give you. Would you like to take?
- Why they cannot give us permission for printing BG? Make it clear whether we can print the older abridged edition, or if we can print the newer unabridged one. They must allow us to print here or immediately send 20,000 copies in India. We can sell all
- Will ISKCON accept people this young? - Oh, yes, we, younger, even younger. Even one child is within the womb of his mother, we can teach. It is so nice thing
- With such an artist I can dictate stories for books; if you can assist me in such a project when we are ready to begin it, then I think that you can come here to take direct instructions
- With these literatures you can immediately start a center wherever it is possible for you. I think that Florida will be a very nice place for this, and I have always had a great desire to open a center there
- With this letter you can go to Vrndavana and live there under the direction of the President. If both of us find it suitable, then we have no objection
- Without hearing and chanting, to become leader it is impossible. You can, you can become leader in the material world, but not in the spiritual world
- Without your good help I could not have done anything, so practically you can take all the credit for spreading this Krsna Consciousness movement and fulfilling the prophecy of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Women should, should be allowed to beget children as soon as they're able. But as soon as the pregnancy is there, there should not be any sex life. They have got sex life in pregnancy also. So many things, we have... We can guide them all
- Yasodanandana Swami wants to print the Brahma-Samhita with color paintings. The BBT Trustees can discuss amongst themselves and if they agree then I have no objection
- Yes! You can practice the restrictions for Caturmasya. Pradyumna Prabhu will send you these under separate cover
- Yes, I did not approve of your starting you own magazine. You can write articles for Back to Godhead magazine. Why attempt separately?
- Yes, I have already received a copy of your book "Krsna, the Cowherd Boy" and also given suggestions for the same. So you can present it to Satsvarupa and the editors and if they approve, then I approve and the book may be printed by our Press
- Yes, if you feel that she is qualified, the girl Carol may receive Gayatri initiation also so that she can take up pujari business full time
- Yes, Krsna will give you strength, as you engage yourself in His service, "To those who are constantly devoted and worship Me with love, I give the understanding by which they can come to Me"
- Yes, this supplying of milk to the temple is wanted. Thank you. In the way that Atlanta is doing, every center must have a farm so we can get all milk and if possible vegetable, even fruit, flowers and milk
- Yes, we can make rapid advancement in the company of devotees, if we leave the company of devotees then again we become rogues and rascals
- Yes, we must set up our society as a school as best we can - I have already sent you letter. Please formulate the whole curriculum because we have to immediately submit to the Draft department & if this is accepted that will be great gain for our society
- Yes, you can go on with your book distribution as you were doing before, there is not any harm. I thought that our men were becoming like hippies, but now I understand from you that that is not the case. So I have no objection
- Yes, you can make nice children's books, and in this connection, you can correspond with Satyabhama who is already working on a condensed version of KRSNA book
- Yes, you can open a restaurant in Edinburgh
- Yes, you may perform the marriages in the Temple room, but after the legal marriage has lasted at least 6 months to a year. Then we can know they are faithful and serious
- Yes, your debating program is approved by me. If we study the Bhagavad-gita thoroughly we can defeat all philosophies
- Yes, your plan to have all temple presidents report the scores on new men recruited is approved by me. You can keep count which temple is recruiting the most men, just as they keep count of the book distribution
- You (the GBC) can naturally consult me, but if the basic principle is weak, how will things go on?
- You all young boys and girls, you are fortunate. I am not bluffing you. Actually you are fortunate. You have come to the right place, where you can learn Krsna consciousness. This is the greatest boon of life
- You are a experienced preacher and this is to your eternal credit. If we can do something even a little thing, in the service of Krishna in this life, then it is considered that this life is a success
- You are a sanskrit student so you can appreciate the Bhagavad-gita As It Is in all its scholarly aspects. Dr. Radhakrishnan, however is only speculation, and does not actually understand
- You are a very expert book distributer, so I do not want you to give it up altogether. If you like, you can also do some painting
- You are already reading our Nectar of Devotion and if you like this idea you can translate this Nectar of Devotion immediately into Bengali and send me some copies of the translation so I can see how you have done
- You are already trained, so you can develop a nice center. Krsna will help. Your devotional service will never be lost. Be sincere and pray to Krsna that you remain in standard Krsna Consciousness
- You are an experienced lady, and you can teach especially the girls there to cook nicely for the Deity, to prepare flower garlands nicely for the Deity, to clean and dress the Deity nicely
- You are an intelligent boy so you can take it from me that this Haridasapur scheme is for making a link with Bangladesh, so we have to deal from that point of view
- You are experienced man for Calcutta. I do not wish to see things deteriorating there. It is important center, and you have proven that you can manage things nicely, so why you should not be there? I want you to go there immediately
- You are seeing Krsna. The Deity of Krsna and Krsna is not different. But even personally we can see. Simply we have to continue the enthusiasm. Enthusiasm means to take things very seriously, utsahad dhairyat, and patiently
- You are taking the beads, sixteen rounds. You can be finished, utmost two hours or three hours. So you have got twenty-four hours. If you want to sleep, of course, twenty-three hours, that is another thing. You have to minimize your sleeping
- You are trying for the new Temple, but our main business is Sankirtana and distribution of literature. If Krsna gives us a better place, that is all-right. Otherwise, we can remain at any place never mind hell or heaven
- You ask: "You said when you gave me the name Tusti dasi, 'Now you can be satisfied without eating.' Do you mean that I should eat very little?" Yes in spiritual life one must be careful not to eat more than is required to keep body and soul together
- You become one of the Life Members of our Society and you can go anywhere and stay there
- You can accept this proposal without any hesitation and get the loan from him. For service of Krishna sometimes we may agree to act in a way which may not be very agreeable to us. But in all cases, please do not agree to accept meat
- You can add to the Songbook the poem I wrote before arriving at the Boston Port when I first came to America
- You can also let them know that I am permanent resident of the U.S.A. immigrant as Ordained Minister of Religion with fifteen branches all over the states
- You can arrange and can take bath. This is essential. Not that sleeping up to ten o'clock. This kind of civilization will not help you. This asuric civilization will degrade the human society
- You can arrange one or two Bengali experts in making and fitting the heads of the kholes. They must be prepared to stay with us for at least one year. We will pay their transportation to Hawaii and return and also a small salary
- You can arrange to supply prasadam only to our devotees. We are not in a position financially to distribute foodstuff for the poor class of men. Such men may take shelter of some charitable institution
- You can ask Brahmananda to send "TLC" which is now received and it is far superior quality book than anyone is get-up all binding
- You can ask me freely to make devotees initiated for first initiation provided they are enthusiastic and following the rules, but be very cautious before awarding second initiation, even though you have a need for brahmanas in the temple
- You can associate with Krsna and Arjuna every twenty-four hours, by reading Bhagavad-gita. Why you require to go there? It is already here. You see. You read the Bhagavad-gita, and you are immediately in the battlefield of Kuruksetra
- You can assure your parents they will be better off materially after you are initiated. Anyway, now I do not know what to do with you
- You can attract the fair sex community
- You can call him Hrshikesh, and the same name will be continued after his initiation also. In the meantime, let him be trained up in our line of activities to observe the rules and regulations and chant Hare Krishna jointly with you
- You can come to see me at Prayag. We are having our own camp there. It is proposed that my camp will be near the governor's camp. I'm going there by the 11th instant
- You can continue to work at trying to get the park for constructing our temple there as previously planned. Keep me informed as to the progress
- You can control the mind very easily if you keep the lotus feet of Krsna within you, that's all. Simply think of Krsna and you are conqueror. You are victorious. You become topmost yogi
- You can criticize, if you are right. You cannot criticize wrongly
- You can do a great service by gathering local support and do whatever has to be done to allow Vaikunthanath and his wife, or any other of my disciples, to go there and establish one very nice center
- You can do any nonsense and still you become initiated. Give me some money. No. We don't make such compromise. You must first of all agree to give up all these sinful activities. Then I can accept you. I can initiate you. This is our process
- You can do it as you are doing it, but it is advisable to consult directly with Srila Prabhupada on such a matter specially if you are making some change in any of the publishing, that should be consulted with Srila Prabhupada first. Kindly do this
- You can engage a company, three, four men, for all the year (playing shenai) in Madras. It is very pleasing to hear
- You can eulogize your Guru Maharaja, but you have to learn it and face the public and be strong to defend yourself. That is success. Not by praising your Guru Maharaja
- You can fix up the Hindi High School Program as you have proposed, and we shall go. You can fix it for three weeks from now at the end of September
- You can forego your sleeping and eating
- You can give me a list of sannyasis. I will mark who will
- You can go ahead and register our Society there with taking all proper and necessary steps
- You can go behind him. Yes. This man is... You are dozing. Hm
- You can go to Australia, there you have got enough field for your dancing. Melbourne, Sydney, and Auckland are very good field
- You can have sannyasis chant on their beads, and give them their spiritual names and beads at the fire sacrifice. They must abide by the regulative principles and chanting minimum of 16 rounds daily. Then there will be steady and sure progress
- You can have sex life when it is required. To become impotent is not required. You should be fully potent but not misuse it. That is required
- You can have the band play there in the temple as you are in great need of money to carry on there
- You can hear anywhere. There is no specific mention that it can be heard in such and such place. You can anywhere. But a holy place like Vrndavana, the hearing has got a special effect
- You can join our Sudama Vipra Swami in Manila and give him good assistance there and in other places like Hong Kong. Kindly keep me informed how you are getting on
- You can keep a note of my activities and can wait for writing book at suitable time
- You can keep good friendship with different yoga teachers, but practically our mode of Krishna Consciousness is different from theirs. Perhaps these people may not like our Sankirtana movement, so you have to be very careful in their association
- You can keep the extra money in the bank carefully, and whenever there is excess money, you can spare it for the book fund and press organization, which I have taken now very seriously
- You can make my program for lecturing in the Indo-German society, taking it that I shall be going there in the month of August. I know there are many Sanskrit scholars in Germany, but unfortunately I have no practice to speak in Sanskrit
- You can open a center along with all the members of your family. Just make sure to follow all the regulative principles. Wherever you stay just chant the Holy Name
- You can preach independently as you have suggested, but do not deviate from our principles
- You can privately say, "You never speak like that. The etiquette is: when you are permitted by Guru Maharaja, you can speak," not that "He is speaking. I know better than him. I shall speak something." That's very licentious
- You can produce your cloth also if you produce cotton. And we are trying in Mayapura to produce our own cloth. So we require our own cloth, own food, and time saved for advancing in Krsna consciousness. That is required. That is actual civilization
- You can remain in any apartment as husband and wife, and invite persons there to hear your chanting and topics, that is our center, and let it be gradually improved. I think this program will be very much suitable for you at the present moment
- You can save this money by minimizing the expenditures in the luxury departments of Sanskrit and artists. We do not want these departments for the time being. One or two men must suffice for Sanskrit work
- You can see in my example, not a single moment is wasted. This idleness is the business of the karmis
- You can see the great necessity of following the prescribed duties of chanting regularly and following strictly the instructions of the Spiritual Master and the regulative principles
- You can serve Krsna in any capacity-provided you want to serve. And if you want to engage Krsna for your service, that is blunder
- You can show in sequence in a painting how Narada Muni is leaving the material body and accepting a spiritual body and entering into Lord Visnu and again coming out through Brahma's heart
- You can sing prayers in Sanskrit, but prayers in English can be also pronounced because the Lord accepts the motive not the pronunciation of the language
- You can sleep this way. I am asking you. Yes, you're sleeping. You can go and sleep. Don't make here
- You can sleep till you are refreshed
- You can still advance in krsna consciousness even in the office by chanting and giving some percentage to the mandir. Our philosophy is that all the fruits of our activity go to Krsna for His enjoyment
- You can take a leading part in this program. In your party here you can take some Indian devotees. That will be very effective
- You can take action according to the necessity of business, because we must use our full intelligence in any matter
- You can take it for granted that nondevotee class who is not in Krishna Conciousness as we are teaching are all great fools never mind how ever they may advertise themselves as meditators, yogis, philosophers, religionists, and so on
- You can take sleep over here. Don't be inattentive. Better sleep
- You can tell him that we want many Panca-tattva Deities made out of cement or plaster paris. They can be made the same size as the L.A. Gaura-Nitai Deities
- You can therefore begin painting nicely Krishna picture from Tape No. 13. Read the subject matter when it is typed & draw pictures accordingly as many as possible
- You can try to arrange programs in Panama, Trinidad, and Guyana, so I can get down there on my way to Brazil. But, if there is any difficulty in getting the visa for these countries, then we may suspend the program
- You can turn all those milk products into wonderful preparations to offer to Radha-Krsna and thus your life will become perfect
- You can turn this material world into Vrndavana provided you agree to fulfill the desires of Krsna. That is Vrndavana. And if you want to fulfill your own desires, that is material. This is the difference between material and spiritual
- You can understand that I am very much depending on you to become very much convinced yourself of our Krishna philosophy and to take full responsibility for teaching others purely
- You can work on the hair sets while the Deities are taking rest
- You cannot argue with the spiritual master. First of all, you have to select a spiritual master where you can completely surrender
- You cannot interfere with the programs that are now going on there. If you can work co-operatively, that is wanted, but if you cannot work with Narayana, that doesn't mean that you can disturb his program
- You cannot live together, that is not possible, neither you can see her or speak. If you want to keep her, she can remain separately and you can support her in that way, but you cannot see her
- You cannot sell the Hawaii house. It is a good house, and I do not approve selling it. If you want to expand, then you can purchase other houses for residences. I do not want any of our houses to be sold
- You cannot trace out the history when you have fallen down. That is impossible. But our position is marginal. At any moment, we can fall down. That tendency is there
- You get from all the farms all your necessities, then it will be successful. Fodder, milk, grains, vegetables, and animals and man will be satisfied, and you can chant Hare Krishna. No unnecessary cow killing, and no unnecessary needs of the body
- You go with increasing the Bhagavat pictures according to the descriptions, and you need not divert your attention for the pictures demanded by our different centers. You can redirect such inquiries here, and as there are three artists now living with us
- You have agreed to give Dollars 8,000.00 from BBT funds for construction of the second story of the Kitchen here. So, you can do this
- You have done a great service by incorporating our Society in Canada. Please immediately send a copy to Cidananda in Vancouver branch so that he can do the needful also
- You have got so many assets. So you can utilize it for preaching. Dedicate your life. If you think that you are family man, you cannot dedicate twenty-four hours, then earn money and give it to Krsna consciousness movement as other family men
- You have got some good souls assisting you, and that is a good sign. Please take care of these boys and keep them fixed up in Krishna Consciousness. In our lifetime, if we can fix up at least one soul in KC, Krishna immediately recognizes the service
- You have got sufficient experience in this connection. Now you can utilize your talent and experience in establishing a very nice temple
- You have got the fighting spirit. How to utilize it? Yes. Narottama dasa Thakura recommends, krodha' bhakta-dvesi-jane (Prema-bhakti-candrika): - Those who are envious of God or God's devotee, you can utilize your anger upon them
- You have no men nor books. Neither you have any place to live. Therefore, the best thing is that you come immediately to Mayapur where I am staying until Gaura Purnima. You can do your translation work nicely here
- You have requested me if you can again return to your wife. How is that? It will be a very bad example. It is not possible at all. Then you have to give up your sannyasi dress. So give up these thoughts
- You have to make yourself expert. Then you can help your children also. Then you can help your nation also. Then you can help your society also
- You have to read our books very nicely and gather thoughts, then you can speak for hours without any difficulty. It requires practice
- You have to spend or waste gallons of blood before you can convert a person to Krsna consciousness. It is so difficult task
- You have to take this sword of Krsna consciousness. Then you become free. The knot is cut by this sword. Now how we can get this sword? That process is described here that you simply, with faith, you try to hear
- You have to un