Nandarāṇī: Bathing and changing of Their clothes and three āratiks—once we have a separate place and we have devotees to maintain Them. We have been eager to worship Deities, so we planted tulasīs, so now we have sixty tulasīs.
Prabhupāda: Yes, I understand that.
Nandarāṇī: So we are looking forward to worshiping the Deity and having a good program for bhakti.
Prabhupāda: Here also you can do, but Atreya Ṛṣi thinks separate building. He thinks like that.
Nandarāṇī: He wants a separate place. Because it is difficult for all of us to do two things. It is very . . . it's just very difficult. So having two places would mean we could have one run like a temple and one run like a home. If many devotees come here and wear old clothes and live . . . devotees, sometimes they want to dress in old clothes, they want to be very strict, they want to be very austere. But when the businessmen come and they see a devotee with shaved head and old rags on, then they think . . .
Prabhupāda: Shocked.
Nandarāṇī: Yes. "What is this?" you know. So . . . but at the same time, we don't want to always dress very nicely, we want to be devotees. We want to be simple.
Prabhupāda: We must be clean.
Nandarāṇī: Clean, yes.
Prabhupāda: The dress is not important—cleanliness.
Hari-śauri: You can dress in karmī clothes and still be very strict Vaiṣṇava.
Nandarāṇī: Here we wear mostly street clothes, like the Iranians—suits and dresses and like that.
Prabhupāda: Just like he is not well dressed, but anyone who will, he'll immediately find he's cleansed. That is wanted. Cleansed dress. Dress is not important.
Nandarāṇī: I think Atreya Ṛṣi wants two places, one like a home and one like a temple. Those devotees who want to . . .
Prabhupāda: One can become clean with simply loincloth. It doesn't require dress.