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Wherever you find a suitable place you can go, always keeping sure to follow the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds

Expressions researched:
"So wherever you find a suitable place you can go, always keeping sure to follow the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds. Whatever service you can render that is welcome. Do not deviate from the principles"


1974 Correspondence

Wherever you find a suitable place you can go, always keeping sure to follow the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds. Whatever service you can render that is welcome. Do not deviate from the principles.

October 06, 1974

East Brighton, Australia

My Dear Bhurijana Das:

Please accept my blessings. I am in due receipt of your letter dated September 15, 1974 from Singapore and have noted the contents. So wherever you find a suitable place you can go, always keeping sure to follow the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds. Whatever service you can render that is welcome. Do not deviate from the principles.

You are a good soul, and your wife is also a good soul. I hope you get a good child. But, you must be careful not to deviate from the principles.

I think Hong Kong is the best field for you. You started there and remained there for so many years and you have all acquaintances there. You can start a temple there provided you are strong enough. That will please me very much. But if you stick to our principles it will not be difficult. One thing try to remember is that a temple should not be started whimsically. It must be given very careful consideration. And once started, a temple cannot be closed whimsically. You must be fully prepared to maintain nicely the temple. You must consider carefully. Once a temple is started, it cannot be closed in any circumstances.

I hope this meets you in good health.

Your ever well wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami


Page Title:Wherever you find a suitable place you can go, always keeping sure to follow the regulative principles and chanting 16 rounds
Created:2015-12-20, 14:57:04
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