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- A barren woman cannot understand the grief of a mother. Draupadi was herself a mother, and therefore her calculation of the depth of Krpi's grief was quite to the point. And it was glorious because she wanted to show proper respect to a great family
- A devotee knows that any pleasurable material position is subject to be annihilated at a certain point
- A devotee should make a point of visiting all the places where Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu performed His pastimes
- A master sometimes punishes his servant, not out of vengeance but out of love, to correct him and bring him to the right point
- A person becomes interested in devotional service by some good fortune. Eventually he becomes interested in pure devotional service without material contamination. At that point, a person wants to associate with devotees
- A yogi is advised to meditate on the form of Lord Visnu from point to point, from ankles to legs to knees to thighs to chest to neck, and in this way gradually up to the face and then to the ornaments. There is no question of impersonal meditation
- A yogi is advised to meditate on the form of Lord Visnu from point to point, from the ankles to the legs to the knees to the thighs to the chest to the neck, and in this way gradually up to the face and then to the ornaments
- According to the foolish Darwinian theory of the anthropologists, it is said that forty thousand years ago Homo sapiens had not appeared on this planet because the process of evolution had not reached that point
- According to the Mahabharata, there is no point in arguing about the Absolute Truth because there are so many different Vedic scriptures and philosophical understandings that no one philosopher can agree with another
- Actually our position is to serve Krsna. That is real position. Caitanya Mahaprabhu starts His instruction from this point, that we are eternal servant of Krsna
- Actually there is breadth and length, but we cannot measure it. Similarly, the magnitude of the spirit soul is smaller than the point. We cannot measure it with our material measuring instruments
- After discharging duties very nicely, very accurately, very faithfully, if one comes to the point that vasudevah sarvam iti, then you should understand that your feelings of love or international feeling or national feeling has actually expanded
- After hearing this advice, the gopis did not seem very happy; therefore Krsna began to stress the point in a different way
- After Him (Caitanya Mahaprabhu), His six disciples, the gosvamis, have left us an immensely valuable literature - especially Jiva Gosvami. They have written volumes on Krsna. So, under disciplic succession, we have come to this point
- After marrying, certainly there will be some disagreement or misunderstanding between husband and wife. So consider all these points, and you can decide yourself. But if you marry, I have no objection
- After planning how to get the she-goat out of the well, the lusty he-goat dug up the earth on the well's edge with the point of his horns in such a way that she was able to come out very easily
- After reciting this verse, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately embraced the King and cried, "You are the most munificent! You are the most munificent!" At this point Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu did not know who the King was
- After seeing that there is no happiness, he (the living entity) then plans to go further and further to another point. This is called mrga-trsna, and its basis is sense enjoyment in this material world
- After spreading kusa with its tips pointing east, the saintly King, himself facing the northeast, sat down on the grass and began to meditate upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu, who had assumed the form of a fish
- Ahankara means the point where the pure soul touches matter. That junction is called ahankara. Ahankara is still finer than intelligence
- Ajamila worshiped the Lord even at the point of death, and Citraketu worshiped the Lord even in heaven and in hell
- Alas, the small deer, while playing with me and seeing me feigning meditation with closed eyes, would circumambulate me due to anger arising from love, and it would fearfully touch me with the points of its soft horns, which felt like drops of water
- All indications for the satisfaction of our soul's innermost desires point to those worlds (spiritual) of Krsna beyond birth and death
- All learned scholars cleanse head. Yes. And at least we get relief. A little hair growing is also burdensome. We cleanse. So it is personal convenience. So that is not the point of preaching
- All the saintly persons and sages considered this point (the catastrophe of having Vena born in the family of Dhruva Maharaja), and they decided to take action in this matter
- All the Vedic literatures aim at devotional service to the Personality of Godhead, and as soon as one is fixed upon this point, he at once becomes liberated from conditional life
- All the yoga practice or philosophical speculation or anything - all practice targets to one point - that I am spirit soul. Aham brahmasmi, I am Brahman. I am not this matter. This is perfection
- Almost everyone. Ninety-nine point nine percent people, they want to become happy within this material world. Therefore they are poor, very, very poor
- Although constitutionally we are joyful, we do not find anything joyful. Try to understand this point. In this material world, because we have been encaged with this material body, although our endeavor is to become joyful
- Although they have a long duration of existence, all the manifestations of the material world - namely the time element, the living entities, the Vedas and the gross and subtle material elements - are created at some point
- Although they have no shafts, they are very beautiful, and they have very sharp, piercing points. They appear very peaceful, and thus it seems that they will not be shot at anyone
- Although your spiritual master may be self-realized and experienced in the Absolute Truth, still, you have to question. You have to understand from him all critical points by your intelligent questions. That is allowed
- Always stick tight to the point of our philosophy. We should not compromise in any way just to accommodate the public idea, but we can so tastefully present the real thing that we will change the people to accommodate us
- An object may seem to us to be no bigger than a point & may seem to have no length or width, but when we perceive it under a microscope we can see that it has both length and width. Similarly, the soul also has its dimensions, but we cannot perceive them
- Analogy means points of similarity. That is the law of analogy
- Analogy means there must be a majority of similar points
- Analogy, according to law of analogy, the points of similarities must be one. Analogy is perfect when the points of similarities are there
- Animals and children are sometimes punished not out of vengeance but out of love. Similarly, a master sometimes punishes his servant, not out of vengeance but out of love, to correct him and bring him to the right point
- Animals are walking without clothes, but if a man goes out in the street without clothes, he's arrested. So we are making the point here that man is held responsible for his actions, whereas animal is not
- Another important point is that none of the gopis who danced with Krsna were in their material bodies. They danced with Krsna in their spiritual bodies. All their husbands thought that their wives were sleeping by their side
- Another point clearly stated in the answer of Sukadeva Gosvami is that it is the mind, senses and intelligence of the individual living entity that the Lord created. It is not stated that the living entities themselves were ever created
- Another point for Jagai and Madhai was that, as members of a brahmana family, they did not accept service under anyone. The sastras strictly forbid a brahmana to accept service under anyone
- Another point is distinct herein: that eternal relation between the Lord and the living being is transcendental, otherwise the Lord would not have taken the trouble to reclaim the conditioned souls from the clutches of maya
- Another significant point is that one must go to sacred places not only to take bath there but to search out great sages like Maitreya and take instructions from them. If one does not do so, his traveling to places of pilgrimage is simply a waste of time
- Any condition, one can live locally. That is my point. They are supposed to be uncivilized, and they live in the ice cottage. There is no sufficient things for eating. And how they live? That is the point. So why civilized man cannot live locally?
- Anyone who is slightly in touch with the Lord, somehow or other, is greatly benefited, even to the point of salvation, due to the excellence of the Lord
- As long as the proportion of devotional service does not come to the right point, there is a chance for an occasional exhibition of worldliness
- As one waters the bhakti-lata-bija, the seed sprouts, and the creeper gradually grows to the point where it penetrates the walls of this universe and goes beyond the Viraja River, lying between the spiritual world and the material world
- As soon as the point comes, to please your senses, then you come to material world, immediately. Krsna-bahirmukha hana bhoga vancha kare, nikata-stha maya tare japatiya dhare
- As soon as you come to this point of being firmly convinced that you are not this body, that is called the brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20) stage of Brahman realization. That is knowledge, real knowledge
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, after many, many births of executing severe austerities in search of knowledge, one comes to the point of real knowledge and becomes wise when one surrenders unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Asvatthama's mother, she's innocent, but on account of the son's death, she would be unhappy. Considering all these points he was excused from the capital punishment
- At that point (as soon as one's false ego is removed) he (one person) is actually liberated from the clutches of maya
- At that point the real discussion only begins
- At the present moment almost everyone, 99.9 percent people, they do not know what is our problem and how to get out of it. They do not know. Ignorance, stupidity, mudha
- At the present moment, all over the world, Kali's influence is going on, everyone, almost everyone, 99.9 percent. You cannot say cent percent, because there are some saintly persons
- At the time of Aniruddha's marriage, when we were all playing chess, there was another fight with your brother Rukmi on a controversial verbal point, and My elder brother, Balarama, finally killed him
- At this point (of attaining perfection of yoga) the yogi determines where he is to go
- At this point we may ask how it is that Krsna can remember and we cannot, and the answer is that Krsna does not change His body - BG 4.6
- At this point, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "This is all right, but still you can speak more on the subject." Ramananda Raya then replied, "Ecstatic love for the Supreme Personality of Godhead is the essence of all perfection"
- Atma also means 'endeavor.' Being attracted by Krsna's transcendental qualities, some saints make a great endeavor to come to the point of rendering service to Him
- Because educated class means wine, women, meat, and Vivekananda allows this. That is the point
- Because it (physical nature) is created at a certain point and will be annihilated at a certain point, the conception of the universal form of the Supreme Lord that includes all the demigods and their different planets is called adhidaivatam. BG 1972 p
- Because we are all occupying this room just now, it does not mean the room and we are identical. Try to understand this point. The room is matter, but we are living entities
- Become yourself very convinced of this Krishna philosophy, be always preaching and trying to understand some basic points from different angle of vision, keep the devotees in your temple always satisfied and jolly, and that will be your success
- Before reaching to that point of frustration, if you take to Krsna consciousness, then you reach the real standard of happiness, because everything belongs to Krsna
- Beginning from practicing humility up to the point of realization of the Supreme Truth, the Absolute Personality of Godhead, this process is just like a staircase beginning from the ground floor up to the top floor. BG 1972 purports
- Being forbidden to offer sacrifices, the brahmanas were very distressed in mind, intelligence & activities. But just on the point of Krsna's appearance, automatically their minds became full of joy
- Bhagavad-gita clearly points to the absolute necessity of Krsna consciousness, and Bhagavad-gita is accepted as the essence of the Upanisads. Even from the historical point of view, it has no comparison
- Bhisma said, "I was opposing Krsna's most intimate friend, Arjuna - I even tried to kill him! I have so many disqualifications, and yet the Lord is still so kind that He has come to see me at the last point of my life"
- Bhismadeva, as one of the authorities in the line, wanted to impress this point upon the Pandavas
- Brahma-nistham means he is firmly fixed up; nobody can deviate him from his point of steadiness. These are the general. There are many other definition in different
- Buddha philosophy later on deteriorated in so many abominable condition. Actually, it came down to the point of again animal killing under the name of Kapalika
- But nobody can sit idly. That is the point. If one is engaged in making for flower garland, all right, you may not take him. It is not compulsory for you
- By arithmetic calculation the mathematicians say that "The point has no length and breadth." This is a disappointment. Because he cannot measure the length and breadth of the point, therefore he says like that. But point has length and breadth
- By dint of one's personal endeavor one may go nearer to the Lord, but without the Lord's mercy one cannot reach the ultimate point. Such understanding of the Lord is possible only by devotional service, as confirmed in Bhagavad-gita - BG 18.55
- By performance of yoga Kardama Muni actually saw the Supreme Lord as He is. There was no point in seeing an imagined form of God after practicing yoga for ten thousand years
- By practice one comes to the point of the mode of goodness, and by surrendering or fixing the mind upon the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one becomes a very great personality, or mahatma
- By various practices, one may come to the point of controlling the senses, but simply controlling the senses does not bring one to a substantial conclusion
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu begins His philosophy from this point, that jivera svarupa haya nitya-krsna-dasa: "The real constitutional position of all living entities is to serve Krsna." This is constitutional position
- Chanting of Hare Krsna mantra means to come in contact with the Supreme Lord and increase my love for Him. That is the point
- Complete practice of yoga means bhakti-yoga; unless one comes to the point of bhakti-yoga, or surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead, one's yoga practice is not complete. This same point is corroborated in the Srimad Bhagavad-gita
- Considering all these points, it appears that the post of monarch in the Vedic civilization is a very responsible one
- Considering all these points, Svarupa Damodara concluded, "he has stopped inviting You." Hearing this, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu smiled and spoke as follows
- Considering all these points, therefore, intelligent men decide to solve all problems by adopting the devotional service of chanting the holy name of the Lord, who is situated in everyone's heart and who is a mine of all auspicious qualities
- Considering all these points, when one engages in the service of Krsna's lotus feet, Krsna gives one the intelligence by which he can gradually progress toward perfection in service to the Lord
- Considering these points (because of His (Balarama's) position as an incarnation, the reestablishment of religious principles was His prime duty), He killed Romaharsana Suta simply by striking him with a kusa straw, which was nothing but a blade of grass
- Devotee said. "Your two eyes appear to be without any movement, and I feel in your breathing a kind of warmth which is bringing your breast milk to the boiling point"
- Devotees in Vrndavana who are friends of the Lord can increase their ecstatic love to the point of anuraga. Parental affectionate lovers, Krsna's father and mother, can increase their love of Godhead up to the end of anuraga
- Devotional service starts from the point when one is freed from at least two forms of material modes, namely the mode of passion and the mode of ignorance. The result is exhibited by the signs of being freed from kama and lobha
- Dharma, to become religious, the purpose is to go up to the point of mukti. Dharma artha kama moksa (SB 4.8.41, CC Adi 1.90), gradually. Gradually, step by step
- Digging the earth with his hooves, Aristasura lifted his tail, and it appeared that clouds were hovering about the tail. His eyes were reddish and moving in anger. Pointing his horns at Krsna, he charged Him just like the thunderbolt of Indra
- Don't try to become directly Krsna dasa. Krsna's servant, his servant, his servant, his servants - you come down to the hundredth point of servant; then you are perfection
- Enjoy, but where is your enjoyment? Come to the practical point. Where is your enjoyment? You are simply suffering. That is their rascaldom
- Even after the British period in India this practice (the saha-gamana) was rigidly observed, but soon it degraded to the point that even when the wife was not strong enough to enter the fire of her dead husband, the relatives would force her to enter
- Even if a bhakti-yogi falls, he takes birth in a rich family or family of brahmanas, in which he again starts devotional activities from the point where he left off
- Even if one becomes happy in this temporary life, his happiness is an illusion because no one is allowed to stay and enjoy his happiness. These points have to be understood in the association of devotees
- Even if one enacts a very small amount on the spiritual platform, he takes that with him to his next life, and he picks up again from that point
- Even if there were some point in working that hard, such people (who are unnecessarily working so hard simply for the gratification of the senses) do not know what it is. All they know is the sex urge and the brothels that gratify this urge
- Even if you do not understand, your dull brain, but we have to accept the words of Krsna. That is the critical point. If we take Krsna's instruction, everything will be solved. There will be no problem
- Even one is situated in a very great dangerous point, still, he is not disturbed. This is such a thing, Krsna consciousness. He does not become disturbed
- Even though it is not one hundred percent perfectly performed, still whatever I have done will not be lost. In my next life, from the very point where I stopped in this life, I shall begin again. In this way there is always a continuity
- Even though they (who think themselves liberated) rise to the highest point of liberation by dint of severe penances and austerities, they are sure to fall down again into material existence, for they do not take shelter at Krsna's lotus feet
- Every point is very clear. In the Bhagavad-gita, every point is very clear, unless you interpret it in the wrong way
- Everyone can see God. To see God is not very difficult job. There are so many points described in the Bhagavad-gita. For the devotees, those who are serious about seeing God, they can see God. God is present everywhere
- Everyone is planning for future happiness, thinking that somehow or other, if he can reach a certain point, he will be happy. In actuality, however, when he comes to that point, he sees that there is no happiness
- Everyone's point is happiness. And what is that standard of happiness, that you have to take from some authority. That authority we accept Krsna
- Everything is said there, we are discussing one point, that, one is, if we are convinced, that requires education. Love, we are being frustrated every point. Now when the perfectional point we shall come, that is by loving the original objective
- Exactly how they can be thus employed is described in the above sixty-four items. Now, Srila Rupa Gosvami will give evidences from different scriptures supporting the authenticity of many of these points
- First of all, you are a family man, and usually at this point a man must think about providing for his wife and child. So if you like you can take a job
- Fools, rascals. Abodha-jato, they have been described - all rascals, fools. Parabhavas tavad abodha-jato yavan na jijnasata atma. So long they do not come to the point of understanding spirit soul, they are simply rascals
- For a fighter, for a ksatriya, to fight in the battle: either gain victory or die. No via media. Fight to the last point if you are able, then become victorious. Or die. No stoppage. All this fighting were meant like that
- For one who dies in Krsna consciousness, as stated before, entrance into Krsnaloka, the supreme abode where Krsna resides, is guaranteed. At this point one may ask what the advantage is in going to that planet, and Krsna Himself answers - in BG 8.15
- For one who is too entangled in material life, it takes a little more time to come to the standard point, but even such a materially engrossed man is raised to the spiritual platform very quickly
- For us, killing or nonkilling is not very important thing because everyone is killing, knowingly or unknowingly. So our point is we take foodstuff offered to Krsna, and whatever Krsna eats, that is our foodstuff. We distribute that thing
- From the material standard, gradually we have to go upwards and come to the point of understanding Krsna. That is Vedic knowledge
- From the surrendering point, further progress - that is Srimad-Bhagavatam. And when the love is intense, to make it more intensified - that is Caitanya-caritamrta
- Gandhi went to this point that, "If you think that without division India will be chaos, so you better give it to Jinnah in the hand. Don't give it to me." But they wanted division
- Generally the Lord does not fulfill anyone's material desires for sense enjoyment, but He awards such benedictions to worshipers of the Lord, for they ultimately come to the point of not desiring material enjoyment
- Go back home, back to Godhead. That is the mission of human life. And that point we are missing. We are engaged in so-called philanthropic work. Real purpose of life we are missing. And this can be done only in this human form of life
- Go on in this way (flood the medias with our Krishna Consciousness programme) increasing more and more, and always stick tight to the point of our philosophy
- Great mahatmas like Bhismadeva realize all the different features of Lord Sri Krsna, and therefore they worship Lord Krsna with one-pointed attention, knowing Him as the origin of all features
- He (Bakasura) appeared on the scene suddenly and immediately attacked Krsna with his pointed, sharp beak and quickly swallowed Him up. When Krsna was thus swallowed, all the boys, headed by Balarama, became almost breathless, as if they had died
- He (disciple) should be interested only in understanding the science of God, and he should be ready to consider all points in this matter. He should no longer think, “I am this body,” or, “This thing belongs to me”
- He (Krsna) thought it wise to take precautionary measures for defending against an attack upon Mathura from two strategic points
- He (Raghunatha Bhatta Gosvami) never cared to hear blasphemy of a Vaisnava. Even when there were points to be criticized, he used to say that since all the Vaisnavas were engaged in the service of the Lord, he did not mind their faults
- He (Sukadeva gosvami) said that after finishing the Asvamedha sacrifice in the great sacrificial arena, King Yudhisthira, in the presence of great authorities, inquired from Lord Krsna on that very same point
- He (who takes birth in India) automatically receives the basic principles of spiritual life, for 99.9% of the Indian people, even simple village farmers and others who are neither educated nor sophisticated, believe in the transmigration of the soul
- Hearing is the first step in God realization; therefore if we can simply convince these big men to hear, then gradually they will come to the point of accepting us
- Hearing up to the point of spontaneous love, the Lord said, "This is all right, but if you know more, please tell Me." In reply, Ramananda Raya said, "Spontaneous loving service in servitude - as exchanged by master, servant - is the highest perfection"
- Here (in BG 9.28) it is specified that the devotee who has always lived his lifetime here under the direction of the Supreme Lord, as stated, has evolved to the point where he can, after quitting this body, go back to Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- Here two points are very significant. The first is that Kardama Muni attained success by yoga practice in the beginning of Satya-yuga, when people used to live for one hundred thousand years
- Hiranyakasipu maintained his enmity and his anger against Lord Visnu until the point of death. He never forgot his vengeful attitude toward Visnu for having killed his brother, Hiranyaks
- His viewpoint is that everyone - whether he be brahmana or sudra, black or white, Hindu, Christian, or whatever - should come to Krsna consciousness. When one is situated in this way, then - he becomes eligible for becoming a pure devotee of Krsna's
- How can he surrender? He knows that Vasudeva, Krsna, is everything. Whatever we see is simply a manifestation of the energy of Vasudeva. One must be convinced on this point, and then he becomes a devotee
- How it is that we shall go on committing sinful activities and square it up by chanting Hare Krsna and by confessing? No. This is the particular point. One should carefully note
- How the point of the hair can be divided into hundred. Kesagra-sata-bhagasya. Now, you take one part of that division and again divide into hundred. This is beyond your experience, beyond your power
- I (Prabhupada) can understand by your activities that you are making good spiritual progress, by Krishna's grace. That is very good news to me. It is not by accident that you are coming gradually to the right point
- I (Prabhupada) have quoted so many slokas from Lord Caitanya's writing - He has actually taught how to love Krsna, or God. That is the most significant point of His preaching work
- I (Prahlada Maharaja) drift from one point to another birth after birth, and I pray to You (Lord Nrisimha) therefore to give me a shelter at Your lotus feet
- I am surprised. You are not a literary student and do not have long experience in studying the sastras. How have You been able to explain all these critical points?
- I am very much perturbed reading the contending points with Brahmananda. So I am enquiring in this matter. In the meantime, don't be agitated. Sometimes such moments come, but we have to tolerate. That is the instruction of Lord Chaitanya
- I do not know if it will be possible for you to come here for some days. Mukunda likes your assistance for coordinating all these opportunities. So please consider these points
- I got very, very good chance. But Krsna did not allow it. He wanted me to come to this point. That is my practical experience. And now I'm seeing that it is Krsna's so much favor
- I have already informed you that the Dictaphone is clogging at the last stage from point 25. Is it due to the tape or the machine? Please let me know what to do
- I have just received the blueprint copy of KRSNA, the Reservoir of Pleasure and I have begun to read it through. But I notice that there are some points you should correct before the final printing
- I have looked over the blueprint and noted a few points to be corrected, so I am sending back the blueprint to you for seeing the necessary changes as they are in the text
- I have received one letter from Sudama das Goswami that both of you had some hot conversation on the points of management, but I request both of you not to become agitated on any controversial point
- I know there has been some controversy within the Society about the actual position of our Siddha Svarupa. But I think he is a very nice boy and he has understood our philosophy just to the point
- I repeatedly request the management that you must be very expert in managing these temple affairs. Everything to the right point. Not a single farthing should be wasted. A Vaisnava must be daksa, expert in everything. This is no excuse
- I think in Darwin's theory there is no such conception of coming to the point of sattva-guna, goodness. They do not know even what it is, sattva-guna
- I think it is best if you consult with Prajapati prabhu on these points. He is in charge of the dramas, so take his advice on these matters
- I think you should not be disturbed by minor disagreement. If you think that you cannot agree with Umapati, you can stop discussing with him, and if there is any point of judgment, you can refer to me. I am always at your service
- I tried my best, because my spiritual master said that "You go and try to preach in English." So I tried my best, that's all. I have no qualification. So this is very nice point, yasya prasadat
- I was student, 1900 up to '20. Then I joined Gandhi's noncooperation movement and gave up my education. His points were to give up English education, English court, English-manufactured goods, in this way
- If (Arjuna did) not (understand proper perspective of Bhagavad-gita), the Lord was ready to re-explain any point, or the whole Bhagavad-gita if so required. BG 1972 purports
- If a straight line were drawn from a point where the sun is at midday, the people in countries at the opposite end of the line would be experiencing midnight
- If a woman can lecture nicely and to the point, we should hear her carefully. That is our philosophy. But if a man can speak better than a woman, the man should be given first preference
- If by philosophical research one cannot come to the point of understanding Supreme Person, then his task is not finished. His search in knowledge is still to be continued until he comes to the point of understanding the Supreme Lord in devotional service
- If he (who wants to control the mind) acts whimsically, what is the possibility of the mind being controlled? When the mind is finally trained to the point where it will think of nothing but Krsna, it will attain peace and will become very tranquil
- If one does not come to the point of knowing that the living entities are eternal parts and parcels of the whole and can never become the whole, one has to fall down again into the material atmosphere
- If one is not God conscious, he cannot be moralist, he cannot be truthful, he cannot be honest. This is our point of view. You study the whole world only on these three points, morality, honest, and dutiful. So many nice things are there
- If one makes it his point to remain in a comfortable home life, for him, either by speculation or by teaching or by meeting, he'll never develop Krsna consciousness
- If our education extends only to these points (the dog is eating according to his nature, and we are also eating, but in a nice place, with nicely cooked food on a nice table), that is not advancement. The principle is still eating
- If the Charity Commissioner refuses us the permission then there is no point continuing, and in that case we shall try to get the two lakhs we have paid back and go away
- If the government or the chief of the executive power, the king, is just to the point, dharmena, as it was said, "Abiding by the religious principles, ruling over the country," then everything, even natural elements, they become cooperative
- If the leaders of present-day society can be persuaded of our beneficial working for the human welfare, and if they help us somehow to spread what they have learned from us to the people in general, that is the point to be considered
- If the living entities had been created from material nature at a certain point, they would be noneternal and would have no chance to be liberated and associate with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If there is no pleasure, if there is no enjoyment, then what is the point of going to so much trouble to control the senses? What kind of pleasure are the yogis relishing if they are taking so much trouble? That pleasure is ananta - endless. How is this
- If we are searching for knowledge, we should conduct research to find out whether Krsna is not God. Without any objective, what is the point of thousands of years of speculation
- If we follow the direction of Krsna, how to appreciate Him, then naturally and surely we shall come to the point to understand Krsna, although He is all-expansive
- If we take the root meaning, Christian means Krishnian or Krishtian. So that is a controversial point, but everyone can take to Krsna. Then everything will be settled up
- If you can execute cent percent, then the whole life is perfect. But even if you do not come to the perfectional point, whatever you have done, that is your permanent asset. Next life you begin from that point
- If you stick to this point (rejecting false ahankara identification), and continue - just as you might continue your activities and keep your temperature at 98.6 degrees - then you are a healthy man
- If you want to become mahatma really, then you have to come to this point, to understand originally, the Vasudeva is the supreme cause of all causes. That is perfection of life
- If you want to enjoy as demigod, all right, take a body - Krsna is so liberal, "Take, and enjoy as you like. But you'll never be happy." That is the crucial point. "If you want to (be) happy, then surrender unto Me." This is the point
- If, after many, many births one has to come to this point of surrender (to Krsna), then why not immediately
- Impurity is due to my this material body. But at that moment (while chanting Hare Krsna), I am in the spiritual platform, so this impurities cannot touch me. These are, I mean the points of realization
- In a court of law, there are two lawyers. One lawyer is speaking on one point of the law, the other lawyer is speaking on another point of the law. But if the judge listens to one side only, then how will he make a proper judgement
- In Bhagavad-gita Krsna began His teachings by distinguishing the soul from matter and in the Eighteenth Chapter concluded at the point where the soul surrenders to Him in devotion
- In Bhagavad-gita there are descriptions of karma-yoga, jnana-yoga, bhakti-yoga, dhyana-yoga, etc., but unless one comes to the point of bhakti-yoga, these other yogas cannot help one attain the highest perfection of life
- In BRS it is said that one should be very liberal in behavior and should avoid any undesirable activities. The most important affirmative points are that one should accept the shelter of a bona fide spiritual master, be initiated by him and serve him
- In conditioned life the soul is under the impression that he can become the lord of the universe, and the last point of this misconception is to think oneself the Supreme
- In geometry they say the point has no length nor breadth. But that is not fact. The point has length and breadth, but you cannot measure it
- In geometry, they finish it, "Point has no length and breadth." But that is not the fact. A point has also length and breadth, but we cannot measure it. Aprameya
- In His (Caitanya) boyhood He would ask His contemporary friends to argue with Him on a subject matter, and He'll defeat him. And again He'll establish it. The very point on which He defeated His friend, He'll again establish it, and again nullify it
- In His incarnation as Lord Boar, He raised the planet earth from the water at the bottom of the universe and kept it on His pointed tusks. May that Lord protect me from rogues on the street
- In India they have taken this point very seriously that, - India is now poverty-stricken. There is no question of Krsna consciousness. Europeans and Americans, they are now comfortable, so they can take to Krsna consciousness
- In India, the average age is thirty-five years. In other countries, maybe little more. But gradually it is decreasing, and it will decrease to such a point
- In jnanamaya the living symptom develops to the point of thinking, feeling, and willing. BG 1972 purports
- In Kali-yuga vice increases to such a point that at the termination of the yuga the SG Himself appears as the Kalki avatara, vanquishes the demons, saves His devotees, and commences another Satya-yuga. Then the process is set rolling again. BG 1972 pur
- In modern civilization, sex life is the focal point for all activities. Wherever one turns his face, he sees sex life predominant
- In regards to your point on the brahmanas being dispersed all over the world, Rsabhadeva's sons were both brahmanas and ksatriyas and were throughout the world. The sons of Nava Yogendra were the brahmanas and another son's progeny were the ksatriyas
- In Russia the authority was the czar. Now, after this Bolshevik revolution, Lenin became authority. That was his point. I said that you have to accept one authority. That you cannot change
- In summary, Krsna is the meaning behind all the words in the Atmarama verse. Up to this point Lord Caitanya spoke only of the introduction to the Atmarama verse. Next He explains its real position
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna begins His teachings by distinguishing the soul from matter, and in the Eighteenth Chapter He concludes at the point where the soul surrenders to Him in devotion - CC Intro
- In the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna stresses in many verses that He is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. But despite Lord Krsna's stressing this point, many so-called scholars and commentators still deny the personal conception of the Lord
- In the Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu (1.4.15-16), Srila Rupa Gosvami, a great authority in the devotional line, describes the different stages in coming to the point of love of Godhead
- In the first verse (of the Second Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam), Sukadeva Gosvami replies to the questions of Maharaja Pariksit, who asked him about one's duties at the point of death
- In the Kali-yuga they (the principles of religion) are reduced to one fourth, gradually diminishing to the zero point, and then devastation takes place
- In the materialistic way their last point of happiness is sex life. That's all. So they have enjoyed sex life in this way; now they are trying to enjoy sex life in that way. But the enjoyment is the same. There is no more enjoyment
- In the tiffin hour, when the teachers are gone, he (Prahlada Maharaja) would immediately stand up and preach to his friends - My dear friend, begin Krsna consciousness from this point. Although you are very small boys, still we have to begin here
- In the very beginning, you may remember, that the constitutional position of the living entity is to serve. This point we have explained several times. So we cannot change that position. If you don't serve Krsna, then we have to serve maya
- In this verse the most significant point is that although King Prthu's residential quarters were in India, between the rivers Ganges and Yamuna, the demigods also participated in the great sacrifice he performed
- Interested only in getting more and more money for their sons and grandsons, such foolish persons do not even know what their position is going to be in the next life. There are many incidents that illustrate this point
- Intimate relationships with Krsna develop when friendly relationship further develops, it becomes paternal, and when this develops to the highest point of love and affection, it is known as conjugal love with the Supreme Lord
- Isvara means controller. So anyone controls, he can be called isvara. But there are isvaras over isvaras. You go on searching, isvara over isvara over isvara. When you come to the point there is no more other isvara, then He's God. That is definition
- It (CC Madhya 8.79) was when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu requested Ramananda Raya to go further that he came to the point of the conjugal relationship, which is the highest perfectional stage of transcendental love
- It (Chanting the maha-mantra - Hare Krsna) goes beyond that, to the point where the pure spirit soul engages in his eternal, blissful, all-knowing activities in the loving service of God
- It is accepted by great devotees that Lord Caitanya is Krsna Himself, and from this point of view He begins His instruction to Sanatana from the point where He ended His instructions to Arjuna in Bhagavad-gita
- It is alright to go ahead with the printing of this second chapter. I have approved all the questionable points noted by Pradyumna, so it is alright
- It is best to get all such points cleared up so that our understanding may be firmly fixed up in our philosophy. The best process is to rigidly execute one's prescribed devotional duties regularly, and to study the books and literatures very carefully
- It is better to correct him to the standard point by friendly gestures. We can reject anyone, that is very easy, but to reform him that requires great skill and tact and if you can reform him there by kind words and dealings, that is best
- It is my opinion that considering all points, we will do best to move Gurukula to India
- It is not by education or grammatical knowledge you can learn anything. No. It is by the grace of the SPG. And that grace comes down through the grace of guru. That grace also does not come directly. We should not be neglecting this point
- It is not that Caitanya teaches a long and elaborate path to God realization. He is completely spiritual, and He begins from the point of surrender to Krsna
- It is recommended instead that one become submissive, realizing that not only is he an insignificant creature, but that this earth is only one small point in the great universe
- It is said in Bhagavad-gita that after many, many lives of philosophical research the wise man ultimately comes to the point of knowing that Vasudeva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is everything, and therefore he surrenders unto Him
- It is said that such a soul (an impersonalist), even though rising up to the point of liberation, falls down again due to his not having support in devotional service. BG 1972 purports
- It is said that when conjugal affection between a lover and beloved comes to the point of being destroyed and yet is not destroyed, such a relationship is pure love, or prema
- It is stated in the BG that a person who has come to the perfection of knowledge surrenders unto the SP of Godhead. In other words, any person who has surrendered his life for the service of the SP of Godhead has come to the point of perfect knowledge
- It is ten-thousandth part of the upper portion of the hair. You have got experience up to the upper portion of the hair. It is just a little point. Now divide it into ten thousand parts, and that one part is yourself, spiritual atom
- It is understood that he (one who chant the holy name of God offenselessly) has already performed all sorts of rites. It is the so-called brahmanas who actually have to undergo different kinds of austerities before reaching that point of purification
- It is very important verse. Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya, upadeksyanti te jnanam (BG 4.34). That knowledge by which you can go to the point of your self-interest, Visnu, that knowledge you can realize
- It may be noted at this point that the Ninth Chapter of Bhagavad-gita is especially meant for those who have already accepted Sri Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In other words, it is meant for His devotees
- Just as the most sinful wretch lives in a ghostly body after death and moves about in the ether, so the impersonalist, although rising to the point of liberation in the transcendental position, falls back down to the material world
- Just like I have spoken something to my disciple. He says the same thing to his disciple. He says the same thing to his disciple. But some way or other, if it is distorted at a certain point, then the knowledge is lost
- Just like in geometry, I have studied that point has no breadth and length. But actually there is breadth and length, but we cannot measure it
- Just like we say, geometrically, point has no length, no breadth. But actually that is not fact. It has got length and breadth, but we cannot measure it. Similarly, atma, the soul, has got length and breadth, but it is beyond our perception
- Just like, in the operation table, one becomes unconscious for one hour, half an hour. Then he comes to his consciousness. Again he comes to the same point. So similarly, death is nothing but to remain practically unconscious for seven months. That's all
- Kamsa, upon hearing that the purificatory process has been performed by me (Garga Muni), the priest of the Yadu dynasty, may certainly consider this point and suspect that Krsna is the son of Devaki and Vasudeva - SB 10.8.8-9
- King Puranjana finally arrived at the point of old age
- Krsna accepts anything from a devotee. "Whatever is offered to Me by My devotee," He accepts. The same thing for a devotee. Don't you see the point
- Krsna can create millions of servants by His mere desire. So that is not the point. But if we surrender to Krsna, we shall be saved, for Krsna says, aham tvam sarva-papebhyo moksayisyami - I shall free you from all sinful reactions
- Krsna is encouraging Arjuna to kill Asvatthama on so many grounds. First of all, he has killed the boys who were sleeping at night. And another very important point is that atatayi. Atatayi means the enemy, aggressor
- Krsna is explaining this most controversial point regarding the duality & non-duality of the soul & the Supersoul by referring to Scriptures, the Vedanta, which are accepted as authority. He says, this is according to different sages. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna replied, "Every one of you (Kings) must understand that anything material has its starting point, growth, maintenance, expansion, deterioration and, finally, disappearance"
- Krsna said, "And most importantly, a woman must take care of her children" In this way, Krsna explained the duty of a woman. He also stressed the point of serving the husband
- Krsna says that "By all Vedic knowledge, ultimately one must come to the point of knowing God." Therefore another name of God is Brahman, Para-brahman. So brahmana, brahmana means one who knows Brahman. That is called brahmana
- Krsna says that sukham atyantikam. Atyantikam means the superhappiness, that which you cannot excel more. That is the final point. That sort of happiness is not possible to achieve
- Krsna says, "All are pursuing the path of realizing Me, but those who have adopted courses without any bhakti find their endeavor very troublesome." Krsna cannot be understood unless one comes to the point of bhakti
- Krsna's reaction is a controversial point among great authorities and saintly persons. How could Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the reservoir of all power and knowledge, be bewildered in such a way?
- Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is stressing on the point how to avoid death. This is the whole scheme of Vedic knowledge, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam (BG 13.9). But people have no knowledge
- Kuyoginah, or less intelligent mystics, can by mental speculation reach the point of the impersonal Brahman, but they cannot find the Supersoul, who is sitting within each living entity
- Living entity cannot be annihilated at any point. But the lower species of life exist in a miserable condition, whereas one who is engaged in the devotional service of the Supreme Lord is situated in the pleasurable, or ananda-maya, status of life
- Long life in itself has no value. A tree lives for hundreds and hundreds of years, but there is no point in living a long time like trees, or breathing like bellows, or begetting children like hogs and dogs, or eating like camels
- Lord Caitanya asked Ramananda Raya to proceed further in order to come to the point of conjugal love
- Lord Caitanya does not give the information about the spirit soul that is already described in Bhagavad-gita. Rather, He begins from the point where Krsna ended His instruction
- Lord Caitanya's teachings begin from the point of surrender to Krsna. He does not pursue the paths of karma-yoga or jnana-yoga or hatha-yoga but begins at the end of material existence, at the point where one gives up all material attachment - CC Intro
- Lord Caitanya, when he was instructing Sanatana Gosvami, he began from this point: what is that real constitutional position of the living entity
- Lord Krsna is like the life air and the soul of the massive body of the entire cosmos. In several places in the Bhagavad-gita Lord Krsna makes this point - that He is the origin and cause of everything
- Maharaja Barhisat executed many sacrifices all over the world. He scattered kusa grasses and kept the tops of the grasses pointed eastward
- Maharaja Bharata was a great king very advanced in devotional service. He had almost reached the point of loving service to the Supreme Lord, but even from that platform he could fall down onto the material platform
- Maharaja Pariksit's behavior, his remaining patient even at the last point of his life, his undisturbed condition of mind, is an example of reservation. This is one of the characteristics of a devotee who has developed ecstatic love for Krsna
- Maharaja Prataparudra, the greatly powerful king of Orissa, was always very busy with heavy state responsibilities, yet he made it a point to sweep the temple of Lord Jagannatha at Puri once a year during the festival of the Lord
- Make your point like that we should not be attracted by the so-called material bodily comfortable life. This is also comfortable. Simply we imagine that city life, having many cars and many skyscraper buildings, big, big roads, that is comfortable
- My dear King, the entire world is covered with the sharp points of kusa grass, and on the strength of this you have become proud because you have killed various types of animals in sacrifices
- My dear Lord - Prahlada began - I am not very anxious for my own deliverance. At this point we may contrast this attitude with that of the Mayavadi philosophers who are very careful that their personal salvation is never interrupted
- Naradhitah: if Hari, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is not worshiped, there is no point in practicing meditational yoga, performing karma-yoga or culturing empiric knowledge
- Nationalism, socialism, this "ism," that "ism" - but the action of the dog and hog and the human society, so-called civilized, the point is the same
- Ninety-nine point nine percent, they do not understand this philosophy (we are put in different dresses), especially in the modern age. Mandah sumanda-matayo (SB 1.1.10). They are very, very dull rascals. This is the challenge
- No one can understand the Absolute Truth in all perfection. That is not possible for the infinitesimal living entities. But the highest point of understanding by the living entity is reached by discharge of devotional service, not otherwise
- No one in the material world can deny that he is under control. The Supreme Lord, Narayana, who is beyond this material existence, controls everyone. The following Vedic mantra confirms this point: eko ha vai narayana asit
- Not only that, but he will level the surface of the earth with the pointed ends of his bow, breaking all the hills exactly as King Indra, the heavenly King, breaks mountains with his powerful thunderbolt
- Now all of you must give full support to Grandfather Bhisma, standing at your respective strategic points in the phalanx of the army. BG 1.11 - 1972
- Now King Bharata considers his meditation false. While engaged in meditation, he was actually thinking of his deer, and he would feel great pleasure when the animal pricked him with the points of its horns
- Now we come to the point that the things which are seen by a little use of intelligence cannot be animate unless we accept someone as the user of or director of the intelligence
- Now when they actually saw Krsna and Balarama passing on the street and saw Them sweetly smiling, the ladies' joy reached the point of ecstasy
- Of all the descriptions of the process of knowledge, the most important point is described in the first line of the tenth verse: The process of knowledge terminates in unalloyed devotional service to the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Of course, if you would like to question me upon some point, I am always at your service in this connection. So practice Krishna Consciousness very sincerely and surely Krishna will bless you
- Om ity ekaksaram brahma: at the point of death the yogi can pronounce om, omkara, the concise form of transcendental sound vibration. If the yogi can vibrate this sound and at the same time remember Krsna, or Visnu, he attains the highest goal
- Omkara should be offered into the point bindu, bindu into the vibration of sound, and that vibration into the life air. Then the living entity, who is all that remains, should be placed in Brahman, the Supreme. This is the process of sacrifice
- One can achieve the result of wise philosophical speculation by discharging devotional service & unless one reaches the point of understanding the Personality of Godhead by his mental speculation, all his research work is said to be simply a labor of love
- One cannot offer to the Deity according to one's whims; since these fruits and vegetables are available anywhere in the universe, we should observe this small point very attentively
- One cannot reach the real point of factual knowledge without being helped by the right person who is already established in that knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- One comes to the point of love of God
- One has to understand one's relationship with Supreme Soul. If one is actually a devotee of Lord Siva, he comes to platform of spiritual realization, but if he is not intelligent enough, then he stops at that point, only realizing that he is spirit soul
- One may then ask why the Lord exhibited His anger. The point is that one should be ready to tolerate all insults to one's own self, but when Krsna or His pure devotee is blasphemed, a genuine devotee becomes angry & acts like fire against the offenders
- One must acquire the brahminical qualities and become perfectly situated in the mode of goodness in order to chant the gayatri mantra successfully. From that point one can begin to transcendentally realize the Lord, His name, His fame, His qualities, etc
- One must be pure hearted. And if they are still inclined to remain Christian, they can go. There is no need of raising controversial points and thus wasting each other's time
- One must try for the point when he simply hears Krishna and immediately all of Krishna, His Pastimes, His Form, His Quality, are in his thoughts. So to always be immersed in thoughts of Krishna this is our process
- One of the devotee of Lord Caitanya says, he says that through Lord Caitanya - because I have quoted so many slokas from Lord Caitanya's writing - He has actually taught how to love Krsna, or God. That is the most significant point of His preaching work
- One of the points of surrender is that Krsna will protect me. Then you are happy. Just like the child. He's fully surrendered to the parents and he is confident that "My father is there, my mother is there." So he's happy
- One should make it a point in his life to know perfectly well that he is not independent absolutely. One is certainly under the control of the Supreme Lord and under different agencies
- One should make it a point that by his work and the result of his labor he serves the Supreme Lord as prescribed by the authorities expert in the transcendental loving service of the Supreme Lord Visnu
- One should not give up his natural occupation because there are some disturbing elements. Rather, one should be determined to serve the Supreme Lord by his occupational duty in Krsna consciousness. That is the perfectional point. BG 1972 purports
- One should not limit his progress only to the point of moral codes, but should transcend them, to attain Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- One should see how they (devotees from all parts of the world) are advanced in KC and how they are conducting Deity worship, sankirtana and Ratha-yatra. Considering all these points, the envious persons must refrain from their malicious atrocities
- One who chants the Hare Krsna mantra develops bhava, ecstasy, which is the point at which revelation begins. It is the preliminary stage in developing one's original love for God
- One who has not come to the point of seeing the lotus eyes and transcendental form of Syamasundara is a failure. premanjana-cchurita-bhakti-vilocanena santah sadaiva hrdayesu vilokayanti - BS 5.38
- One who has reached the point of surrendering to the instructions of Krsna (mam eva ye prapadyante) is liberated, free from krsna-maya
- One who is not taught by a bona fide spiritual master cannot understand the Vedic literature. To emphasize this point, Krsna clearly said that it was because Arjuna was His devotee and confidential friend that he could understand the mystery of the BG
- One who sticks to a particular point and does not make further progress is called by that particular name - karma-yogi, jnana-yogi, dhyana-yogi, raja-yogi, hatha-yogi, etc
- One who sticks to a particular point and does not make further progress is called by that particular name: karma-yogi, jnana-yogi or dhyana-yogi, raja-yogi, hatha-yogi, etc
- One who sticks to a particular point and does not make further progress is called by that particular name: karma-yogi, jnana-yogi or dhyana-yogi, raja-yogi, hatha-yogi, etc. BG 1972 purports
- One's search for the Absolute Truth by dint of speculative knowledge is complete when one comes to the point of understanding Krsna and surrenders unto Him. That is the real point of perfectional knowledge - Bhagavad-gita 7.19
- One's selfishness must be aimed at the point of going back to Godhead. The ass does not know its self-interest, and it works very hard for others only
- Our first starting point was New York
- Our inquiries should be about the transcendental worlds which lie beyond this universe. If one is desirous to find out about these spiritual worlds, he should seek out a spiritual master; otherwise there is no point in searching
- Our mission is to eradicate this ignorance. That, they are living in a wrong conception of life. That is the point
- Our point is, the birth problem is not solved. If there are unwanted population, you kill them, that does not mean the population problem is solved
- Our point is, wherever you go, you'll find a first-class man who is truthful. Now, wherever you find a truthful man, you can classify him as a brahmana & train him to serve the social body in that capacity, as a spiritual teacher & advisor. That is wanted
- Our policy is to satisfy Krishna and keeping this point in view you should consult the GBC members and discuss these points and do the needful
- Our Prime Minister, she is woman, but because she is powerful, we are attracted. So the points of attractions are discussed by Parasara Muni as bhaga. Bhaga means opulence. So when one is very rich, he is opulent. One is very powerful, he is attractive
- Pariksit Maharaja saw that the process of repeatedly sinning and atoning is pointless
- Pariprasna means inquiry on the point, and that inquiry should be seva
- People living in countries at points diametrically opposite to where the sun is first seen rising will see the sun setting
- People say generally, "A point has no length, no breadth," because he has no measuring instrument how to see the length and breadth of the point. That is deficiency of knowledge. But anything has length and breadth. That is a fact
- Persons or nations anxious to spread their influence all over the world should consider this point. If one is able to eradicate completely the threefold miseries of the citizens, he should aspire to rule the world
- Physical nature is called adhibhutam. Because it is created at a certain point and will be annihilated at a certain point. BG 1972 purports
- Please also take care of the children. They are our future hopes, and the adolescent age is the most dangerous age. It is the turning point of one's life
- Please consider carefully the above mentioned points, and also keep me informed as to your all round well-being
- Please make it a point that once a center is opened should not be closed. I have already given charge of six temples to six boys
- Point is that we are teaching Bhagavad-gita as it is, therefore I am representative of Krsna. If you do that, you become also representative of Krsna. So it is not very difficult
- Pointless
- Prahlada Maharaja advises everyone to follow the principles of varnasrama-dharma. Specifically, at a certain point one must give up family life and take to the renounced order of life to cultivate spiritual knowledge and thus become liberated
- Pranamoya, Annamoya, etc. are different stages for persons who are too much engrossed in the bodily concept of life. Our philosophy begins from the point where we immediately accept that I am not this body; I am pure spirit soul, servant of God, Krishna
- Pravrtti-marga means he has got intention, desire for material enjoyment. So he's regulated, "Do like this," so that he may come to the point of nivrtti-marga
- Pururava, stricken by the sharp words of Urvasi like an elephant struck by its driver's pointed rod, became very angry. Not even dressing himself properly, he took a sword in hand and went out naked into the night to follow the Gandharvas
- Real knowledge is understanding "what I am." Unless we come to the point of understanding what we are, we cannot attain real knowledge
- Real knowledge is: "So what I am." This is real knowledge. Unless we come to this point, that "What I am," that is not knowledge
- Ritualistic ceremonies, regulative principles, austerities & the practice of yoga are all meant to control the senses & mind, but even after that, if he does not come to the point of meditation upon the SL, all activities are simply labor in frustration
- Sad-acara lost means your progress in spiritual life is lost. Therefore we are stressing so much on the four points: no illicit sex, no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling. This is the way
- Sannyasi is not enjoyer. But His description is enjoyer. Now how enjoyer can be sannyasi? But He is still sannyasi - renounced, everything. That is the point
- Satyam param dhimahi. If one is after truth, he'll appreciate truth wherever it is. Every point, from any angle of vision, those who are searching after truth, everything is explained - primarily in the BG, and elaborately in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Scholars may give their own interpretation of Bhagavad-gita, analyzing it according to their own whims, but that is not Bhagavad-gita. This is the point that Sri Krsna is stressing, and a student of Bhagavad-gita should note it
- Scientists are making research "What is the truth beyond this? Beyond this? Beyond this?" When they come to the point of this pure consciousness, that is the highest grade of scientific knowledge
- Simple attainment of goodness is also a material mode; one has to surpass this stage of material goodness and reach the point of purified goodness, or vasudeva-sattva. This vasudeva-sattva helps one to enter into the kingdom of God
- Simply by hearing, you become perfect. Just like Pariksit Maharaja. At the time of point of his death, he had no time to perform any yajna or any big, big thing. He simply heard Srimad-Bhagavatam carefully - and he became perfect simply by hearing
- Simply go on sincerely working for this movement. Nobody can defeat you. Take all strategic point, fighting with maya, and become victorious
- Since Devahuti is gradually coming to the point of surrender, her questions are very intelligent. How can one be liberated
- Since I can understand Krsna according to these two meanings," Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "what point is there in changing the verse?" Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya replied - I was not able to give that reading to the verse
- Since the manifestation exists only in the middle - between the two points of unmanifestation - why should one cry for the body manifested in the interim?
- Siva means "auspicious," and devotees of Lord Siva gradually come to the platform of spiritual identification, but that is not all. Auspicious life begins from the point of spiritual identification. But there are still more duties
- So Bhagavad-gita is the preliminary book to understand God and surrender. And from the surrendering point, further progress, that is Srimad-Bhagavatam. And when the love is intense, to make it more intensified, that is Caitanya-caritamrta
- So far your machinery to print cards, leaflets, and other color pictures. This is very nice if it is not too costly. Better to repay our debts than spend for costly machinery at this point
- So in conclusion, it is my request even you do not agree on some points, Giriraja is in charge so please follow his direction and that will please me
- So long they do not come to the point of understanding spirit soul, they are simply rascals. And whatever they are doing, simply being defeated actually. The so-called scientific research, simply their defeat
- So long they'll insist upon this point, that "Without Krsna consciousness we shall do everything successfully . . ." That is durasa. As long as they persist on this, they'll remain rascals. Every plan will be failure
- So one point is very important. People are sometimes amazed, "Where is the soul?" Now it is clearly said here, hrdayat: "from the core of the heart." Therefore soul is existing within the heart
- Some say that Krsna is the incarnation of Visnu who lies in the ocean of milk. Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Laghu-bhagavatamrta and his commentator, Sri Baladeva Vidyabhusana, have discussed these points fully and have established the exact truth
- Some stress death and point to the illusory existence of everything material, whereas others stress life, trying to preserve it perpetually and enjoy it to the best of their ability. Both of them are fools and rascals
- Somebody is loving his family, somebody is loving his wife, somebody is loving his society or friendship - society, friendship, they say divine. But the ultimate, ultimate point of love is when you come to Krsna
- Somehow or other, if one comes to Krsna and begins to hear about Him, Krsna is so kind that He awards him His lotus feet as a center. Having such a focal point, a devotee or transcendentalist forgets everything & engages himself in the devotional service
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then continued speaking to Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, "Consider this point. The servant of the spiritual master is always respectable for Me"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu wanted to make the point that material things have already been experienced by materially absorbed persons who are interested only in sense gratification
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, as an ideal teacher, shows us how a disciple should deal with his spiritual master. Whenever there is doubt regarding any point, he should refer the matter to his spiritual master for clarification
- Sri Isopanisad points toward this direction, praying for the removal of the hiranmaya-patra, the dazzling covering of the Lord
- Sri Sankaracarya stressed this point: Simply by juggling grammatical suffixes and prefixes one cannot save himself from the clutches of death
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura remarks that Bali Maharaja remained silent at a critical point. How could he disobey the instruction of Sukracarya, his spiritual master?
- Such special favors are bestowed upon His pure devotees only. Sri Isopanisad thus points to the favor of the Lord, which is beyond the purview of the brahmajyoti
- That (searching after spiritual realization, self-realization) is the way of Vedic culture, or Indian culture. Not that up to the last point of our death we shall stick to the worldly affairs
- That is the critical point, that if we indulge in our bodily pleasure, that pleasure is flickering. That pleasure is flickering. We cannot enjoy. Bodily pleasure we cannot enjoy
- That is the point: at the time of death what is your mentality. At that time, if your mentality is Narayana, then it is successful; you will be transferred to the spiritual world and be associates with the Narayana. You get the complete perfection
- That point comes, when the karmis become disgusted, confused. Because the spirit soul, he wants spiritual life. He cannot be happy with any amount of materialistic life
- That special mercy of the power to preach is given to a devotee who does not want anything material from his spiritual master but wants only to serve him. The story of the demon Ravana illustrates this point
- The activities of the devotee or of the Lord are not contaminated by impure consciousness or matter. They are transcendental to the three modes of nature. We should know, however, that at this point our consciousness is contaminated. BG 1972 Introduction
- The animals cannot inquire, but a man can inquire. So unless one comes to this point, to inquire how these problems can be solved, he's not developed to human consciousness. He's still in animal consciousness
- The anthropologists say that 40,000 years ago Homo sapiens had not appeared on this planet because evolution had not reached that point
- The appreciated one point, that the American younger generation, they have become addicted to this LSD, intoxication, and they have spent millions of dollars to stop this, but they could not
- The asuras, the demons and proclaimed atheists, actually challenge God. If it were not for our Supreme Father, we would not see the light of day, so what is the point of challenging Him
- The ayurvedic system is to take ½ of what you can eat only, the fill ¼ with water and leave ¼ for air. That will make for proper digestion. Little rice, dahl, some vegetables, some chopaties, like that, but eat right to the point to keep health steady
- The beginning is the faith. And now, as you make your faith intensified, so you become progressive in the spiritual point
- The Bhagavad-gita begins at the point after intelligence. When Arjuna was perplexed at the outset, his intelligence was perplexed - whether to fight or not to fight. Krsna begins the Gita from the point where intelligence fails
- The Bhagavata-sandarbha is also known as the Sat-sandarbha. In the first part, called Tattva-sandarbha, it is proved that Srimad-Bhagavatam is the most authoritative evidence directly pointing to the Absolute Truth
- The Brahman realization of the tantric cult is not the same Brahman realization as that of pure devotees. Unless one reaches the highest point of Brahman realization, Krsna consciousness, he is punishable
- The Buddhist theory that the intelligence or consciousness takes place at a certain point of material mixture... But that may be an argument, but actually it is not a fact
- The chemical evolution, it is also maya. They are thinking by further improvement . . . just like you were speaking, almost come to the point. That, "almost coming to the point," that will continue. You will never come to the point
- The controversy on this subject (chanting the names of the gopis or Krsna's name) reached a point that after this incident Caitanya Mahaprabhu decided to take sannyasa because He was not taken very seriously in His grhastha-asrama
- The couple was imitating some discussion they heard upon the Vedanta philosophy, and thus were seemingly arguing upon various philosophical points
- The culture of knowledge reaches perfection only when the knower comes to the point of surrendering unto the Supreme Lord, Vasudeva
- The culture of vidya is summarized in Srimad-Bhagavatam in the following words: "Therefore, with one-pointed attention one should constantly hear about, glorify, remember and worship the Personality of Godhead, who is the protector of the devotees"
- The devotee's prayer continues, "I do not ask You for liberation or any material facility up to the point of liberation. What I want as Your favor is that I may always think of Your form as I see You now as Damodara"
- The dimension of the spirit soul is very minute and is given in the scriptures as kesagra - one ten thousandth the portion of the tip of a hair. We can hardly imagine a very small point divided into thousands of parts
- The directions given by the bhakti-sastra point one in the perfect direction because the Supreme Personality of Godhead says in Bhagavad-gita, bhaktya mam abhijanati: (BG 18.55) "Only by devotional service am I to be known
- The first and foremost point is that one must understand the prime importance of bhakti-yoga
- The first point stated is that devotees are peaceful, for they have no demands for their personal sense gratification. They are simply dedicated to the service of the Lord
- The general public will not be very much interested to see the deity, it is our personal business. When you contact with the mass of people Sankirtana is the main business. So considering all these point you do the needful, I have no objection
- The gopis of Vrndavana who are attached to Krsna in conjugal love can increase their ecstatic love up to the point of mahabhava, the greatest ecstatic love. These are some of the glorious meanings of the word 'bhakti'
- The government administration in the present age (Kali-yuga) is bereft of all godly qualities. Considering all these points, the people today have no alternative but to take to Krsna consciousness for protection of religion, life and property
- The great sage Narada is instructing Dhruva Maharaja just to test him. Actually, the direct order is that from any point of life one should begin rendering devotional service
- The Greek word Christo comes from the Sanskrit Krishna. In fact, another spelling of Krishna is Krishta. So actually, if we take the root meaning,"Christian" means "Krishtian" or "Krishnian." So that is a controversial point
- The hair on the demon's body and his beard and moustache were the color of melted copper, and his eyes were piercing like the midday sun. He appeared unconquerable, as if holding the three worlds on the points of his blazing trident
- The incompleteness of ones yoga practice, if he dies prematurely, or he could not finish and die, so the consciousness goes with him. So, in the next life again he begins from that point
- The indications by Kuntidevi are just to the point. She desires that God's mercy be bestowed upon them so that natural prosperity be maintained by His grace
- The individual presidents should be more managerial, more individual, and you can supervise, and if some defect is detected, you can make suggestions how to correct it. But if we lose individuality and simply become mechanical, what is the point?
- The intelligence of those who think themselves liberated but who have no devotion is impure. Even though they rise to the highest point of liberation by dint of severe penances & austerities, they are sure to fall down again into material existence
- The intelligence of those who think themselves liberated but who have no devotion is impure. Even though they rise to the highest point of liberation by dint of severe penances and austerities, they are sure to fall down again into material existence
- The intelligence of those who think themselves liberated but who have no devotion is not pure. Even though they rise to the highest point of liberation by dint of severe penances & austerity, they are sure to fall down again into this material existence
- The jnanis and the devotees are actually in agreement up to the point of liberation from material contamination. But the jnanis remain pacified on the platform of simple understanding, the devotees develop further spiritual advancement in loving service
- The living entity becomes conditioned, but the Supreme Personality of Godhead is different because He does not become conditioned at any point
- The Lord confirms in the Bhagavad-gita (7.19): After many births of struggling for existence & cultivating knowledge, when one comes to the point of real knowledge he surrenders unto Me. Such an advanced mahatma, or great soul, is very rarely to be seen
- The Lord helps the falling living entity glide down to the lowest point, just to give him the chance to see if he is happy by misusing his independence
- The Lord indicates that the unsuccessful yogi takes up his practice of Krsna consciousness in the next life, beginning from the point where he left off
- The Lord is the Lord of everyone, including the great kings and emperors, and men who are rich in the estimation of mundane people must therefore make it a point to visit the temple of Lord Sri Krsna and regularly bow down before the Deity
- The Lord should be given foodstuff which is as nice as possible. But we should not make it a point to satisfy our own tongues. As far as possible we should accept simple foodstuff, just to keep the body and soul together to execute devotional service
- The Lord tells Arjuna that there is no point in understanding how things exist in their separate opulence and grandeur. He should know that all things are existing due to Krsna's entering them as Supersoul. BG 1972 purports
- The mahat-tattva, or shadow of pure consciousness, is the germinating place of all creation. It is pure goodness with the slight addition of the material mode of passion, and therefore activity is generated from this point
- The man in the mode of goodness becomes a first class prisoner &, becoming happy in the prison house, wants to stay there. What to speak of those in the modes of passion and ignorance. The point is that we have to transcend even the quality of goodness
- The material scientist cannot measure the length and breadth of a point. Therefore it is not possible for the material scientist to capture the soul
- The Mayavadis would have all talk cease there, but at that point the real discussion only begins - CC Intro
- The mental speculators can reach the point of buddhi-yoga after many, many lifetimes of speculation, but the intelligent person who begins from the platform of intelligence above the mind makes rapid progress in self-realization
- The modern trend of material civilization is to increase the temperature of the feverish material condition, which has reached the point of 107 degrees in the form of atomic energy
- The most important point in human civilization is that while one engages in different occupational duties, he must try to satisfy the Supreme Lord by the execution of such duties. That is the highest perfection of life
- The most important point in your letter is the activities of your nice daughter. I hope all the small babies who are now being raised by our married couples will one day do tremendously in the matter of Krishna Consciousness
- The most important point is that everyone, especially the leaders, must always stick to the basic regulative practices that I have given, especially 16 rounds each day. So, now what can be done?
- The mystic yogis consider the living entities and the Supersoul, Paramatma, to be one and the same. It is a minor point of controversy; after all, everything created rests on the gigantic virat or universal form of the Lord
- The objective of self-realization is one: Krsna. Therefore, although the dealings of the queens with Krsna appear just like ordinary dealings between husband and wife, the principal point to be observed is the queens' attachment for Krsna
- The one point is that without increasing the number of disciples, there is no propagation of the cult of Krsna consciousness
- The original point is that tarko apratisthah. We cannot realize the Supreme Truth simply by argument or logical presentation or philosophical speculation. No
- The other methods of purification may be helpful to come to this stage of life, but ultimately one has to come to this last point before he attains actual perfection. Bhagavad-gita (BG 7.19) confirms this truth
- The pastimes of the Lord (Krsna), beginning from His birth at the prison house of Kamsa up to the mausala-lila at the end, all move one after another in all the universes, just as the clock hand moves from one point to another
- The people are missing the point--love of Krishna, and if somehow or other they can revive their lost consciousness and be fixed up in Krishna Consciousness, all questions and problems of the world will be solved very easily
- The point is that all activities must be directed to the satisfaction of Krsna and His service
- The point is that bhakti-lata, the cult of devotion, fixes one in his spiritual position. One so fixed never comes down, and he begets children who are strict followers of the sastric injunctions
- The point is that here the sex life is the highest pleasure, and in the spiritual world there is no sex. So what is that pleasure? That pleasure is this chanting and dancing, Hare Krsna maha-mantra. That is stated in the sastra
- The point is that in spite of educational advancement, in spite of economic development, in spite of historical oneness, why we are fighting with one another? That is the question. That answer is given in the Vedic literature. What is that?
- The point is that Krsna is now giving freely so much money, why He can't increase that amount more and more?
- The point is that one must take up a particular path and stick to it, obeying all the rules and regulations necessary for success in spiritual life
- The point is that sinful activities can be committed in so many ways - one may think of them, or one may speak sinfully, or one may actually commit a sin. In any case, they are all considered sinful activities
- The point is that superficially it may appear sometimes against the social and religious rules and regulation, but if it is done for Krsna, anukulyena . . . bhakti means anukulyena krsnanu-silanam
- The point is that the subject matter only should be changed. No one can check the thinking activities of a living being, nor the feeling, willing or working processes. But if one wants actual happiness, one must change the subject matter only
- The point is that this Nawab had been an ordinary menial servant of Subuddhi Raya but was somehow or other able to occupy the supreme post of Nawab of Bengal. This is the material world
- The point is that we have to follow the instructions with faith. Then wisdom will come. When we attain to the stage of wisdom, the result is param santim - supreme peace
- The point is that we should not try to exchange loving service for material prosperity
- The point is to know Krsna, Vasudeva, as everything and surrender unto Him. Karmis do not know this
- The point may be raised that if the demigods are different parts of the body of the Supreme Lord, then the same end should be achieved by worshiping them. BG 1972 purports
- The point of liberation is not to see the bodily symptoms of the spiritual master. One has to see the spiritual symptoms of the spiritual master
- The position of Lord Siva is accepted by Lord Brahma, so Daksa, Sati's father, should also recognize him. That was the point of Sati's statement
- The position of neutrality increases up to the point where one can appreciate love of Godhead. The mellow of servitorship gradually increases to the point of spontaneous love of Godhead
- The present issue is excellently done. It is rich in all respects. Your article, Nine Points, is very instructive. I do not know whether people will take our advice, but we must go on presenting these ideas to the human society
- The process of thinking of the Supreme is mentioned in this verse (BG 8.9). The foremost point is that He is not impersonal or void. One cannot meditate on something impersonal or void. That is very difficult. BG 1972 purports
- The Puranas and Mahabharata were made from related historical facts which explained the teaching of the four Vedas. There is no point in doubting the authority of the Puranas and Mahabharata as parts and parcels of the Vedas
- The purpose of Vedas is to gradually to bring him to the point of nivrtti. Nivrtti, he has to make. When he has got a slight desire for material enjoyment, he'll have to accept another body. Therefore nivrtti is required
- The real light in life is the Vedic knowledge. Bhagavad-gita affirms that the purpose of the Veda is to know the all-powerful Personality of Godhead. But in this age of quarrel there are quarrels even over the point of the existence of Godhead
- The seat of kusa straw is considered to be sanctified if the straw is taken out of the earth complete with root, and if the root is pointed toward the east it is considered to be auspicious
- The second point is that after ISKCON has been organized in the above way the land which the temple is being constructed on must be leased to ISKCON Fiji with a 99 year unconditional lease with option to renew which I shall approve
- The significant point in Dhruva Maharaja's statement is that he wanted the association of pure devotees
- The significant point in this sloka is that Asvatthama was caught and bound up with ropes like an animal
- The slaughter of animals is also restricted by certain rules and regulations in the Vedas. Considering these points, there was no reason to kill Jada Bharata, who was born in a respectable, highly exalted brahmana family
- The small spiritual spark, the living entity, very small, we cannot even imagine with our material brain. It is one ten-thousandth part of a point. We, in the material world, we cannot measure the length and breadth of point
- The soul is described as one ten-thousandth part of the upper portion of the hair point in size. The Svetasvatara Upanisad (5.9) confirms this. BG 1972 purports
- The soul is supposed to rise from one circle of air to another until it rises to the brahma-randhra, the highest circle. From that point the perfect yogi can transfer himself to any planet he likes
- The spiritual master may be self-realized and situated in the Absolute Truth, yet we have to question him in order to understand all spiritual points
- The students of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness should note these two points (kirtana and drama) and try to apply these principles in their spreading of the Lord’s glories
- The sun's rising & setting are going on at every moment; somewhere in the world people are witnessing sunrise & sunset. It is not that at one point Krsna is born & at another point He is gone. He is always there somewhere, but He appears to come and go
- The Supreme Lord, Narayana, who is beyond this material existence, controls everyone. The following Vedic mantra confirms this point: eko ha vai narayana asit
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead's deep scientific knowledge is concentrated to the supreme point. For example, medical science knows some things superficially, but doctors do not know exactly how things happen in the body
- The third point of wonder (of Vasudeva by seeing his extraordinary child) was that a child could take birth from the womb so nicely decorated
- The tip of the hair, just a small full stop, you divide this point into one hundred parts, and that one part again divide into one hundred parts. That is, mean, one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair
- The ultimate goal being liberation, we have to adjust things, targeting to that point. That is real human civilization. The Vedic civilization is based on this view, that all the conditioned souls, they have
- The ultimate goal of yoga is to come in contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Unless this point is achieved, one's so-called yoga practice is simply labor without any benefit
- The ultimate purpose of the Vedas is to reach Krsna. That's all. So this is the ultimate goal of life, and Vedas describes this, and Caitanya Mahaprabhu is describing also. We shall come to this point gradually
- The unlimited, unrestricted sex life like hogs and dogs, that is not civilization. Civilization, the first of all, to learn how to observe celibacy, to come to the point: no sex life. That is perfect civilization: no sex life
- The Upanisads indirectly draw our attention to the primeval Lord, Sri Krsna, but the Bhagavad-gita, which is the summary of all the Upanisads, directly points to Sri Krsna
- The upper portion, the tip of the hair, just like a point, you divide into hundred parts and take another one part and divide another hundred parts. That means one ten-thousandth part of the tip of the hair is the dimension of the spirit soul
- The Vedanta-sutra philosophy begins with this (mystery of the self) inquiry about life, and the Bhagavatam answers such inquiries up to this point, or the mystery of all inquiries
- The Vedas give you the chance to gradually come to the point of understanding Krsna, after many, many births
- The whole material creation is moving under the principle of sex life. In modern civilization, sex life is the focal point for all activities. Wherever one turns his face, he sees sex life predominant. Therefore, sex life is not unreal
- The whole point here is that even Hiranyakasipu, the most powerful of materialists, could not become deathless by his various plans. What, then, can be accomplished by the tiny Hiranyakasipus of today, whose plans are thwarted from moment to moment?
- The whole process of sacrifice, either by yoga system or by jnana system or by observing the rules and regulation of the social system, everything is meant for reaching to that point. What is that? To surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The whole Vedic civilization is based on this point, how to get liberated and enjoy eternal happiness
- The word acintya (inconceivable) is very significant in this connection. God's energy is beyond our conception, beyond our thinking jurisdiction, and is therefore called inconceivable (acintya). Who can argue this point? BG 1972 purports
- The word atha means that one who is intelligent, who has come to the point of realizing the basic frustrations of material life, is capable of making inquiry
- The word hi is used for emphasizing this point, i.e., that one must do this (always engage the mind in Krsna consciousness). BG 1972 purports
- The word vastu-nisthayoh, which is used, indicates that both the yogis and Sankhyites have faith in the reality, but are arguing about it from the different viewpoints of material and spiritual identities. Parabrahman, or brhat, is the common point
- The word vitanda indicates that a debater, not touching the main point or establishing his own point, simply tries to refute the other person's argument
- The world is in a very precarious condition simply for lack of God-consciousness, so this should be our point of stressing
- The yogi should then sit on it (seat made of kusa grass, deerskin and a soft cloth) very firmly and should practice yoga by controlling the mind and the senses, purifying the heart and fixing the mind on one point - Bg. 6.11-12
- The yogi should then sit on it very firmly and should practice yoga by controlling the mind and the senses, purifying the heart and fixing the mind on one point. BG 6.11-12 - 1972
- Then another person came with the news that Gopinatha had already been set up to be thrown upon the points of the swords
- Then one's words should be offered into the aggregate of all alphabets, which should be offered into the concise form omkara. Omkara should be offered into the point bindu, bindu into the vibration of sound, and that vibration into the life air
- Then Vrtrasura, the great hero of the demons, whirled his trident, which had points like the flames of the blazing fire at the end of the millennium
- There are also special flavors experienced in friendship with the Supreme Lord, and these are manifested by friends such as Subala, whose devotion increases up to the point of bhava
- There are four points of instruction one should consider in the story of Saksi-gopala. First, the Deity (arca-vigraha) of Sri Gopala is eternally sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (BS 5.1), the transcendental form of the Lord
- There are four points of instruction one should consider in the story of Saksi-gopala. Lastly, brahmanya-deva indicates Lord Sri Krsna Himself, who is worshiped thus: namo brahmanya-devaya go-brahmana-hitaya ca - jagad-dhitaya krsnaya govindaya namo namah
- There are four points of instruction one should consider in the story of Saksi-gopala. Second, the Deity surpasses material regulative principles and extends the reality of transcendental principles
- There are four points of instruction one should consider in the story of Saksi-gopala. Third, one can be situated in a transcendental position after becoming a brahmana, but as a brahmana, one has to follow the regulative principles very strictly
- There are many religious systems wherein penances and austerities are greatly stressed, but at the end no one understands Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is therefore no point in such penance (tapasya)
- There are six points of surrender unto Krsna. One point of surrender is to believe that "Krsna will protect me." Just like a small child has got full faith in his mother: "My mother is there. There is no danger." Confident. I have seen it
- There are very nice examples of minimizing. Minimizing all material necessities. Up to the point nil. You see? But that is not possible for everyone. Don't try to imitate Raghunatha dasa Gosvami
- There is no difference. Either you say material cause or spiritual cause, but you are suffering what you did not want. That is the point. You are suffering, and you did not want it
- There is no need of raising controversial points and thus wasting each other's time
- There is no point in arguing that a materialistic man can be happy. No materialistic creature - be he the great Brahma or an insignificant ant - can be happy
- There is no point in becoming a brahmana in preference to an American or becoming an American in preference to a Negro. After all, these are all bodily conceptions under the modes of material nature
- There is no use tracing out the history but generally we have lost our own culture & our leaders are not very serious to revive our own culture to the point. Still the mass of people, not being very much advanced in education, stick to the Indian culture
- There is parampara. So there is symptoms of guru not that everyone becomes guru. These are controversial points
- There is regular interplanetary travel between the planets of the demigods. Another significant point is that there is a planet covered mostly by great mountains, one of which is Gandhamadana Hill
- There is the beginning of loss, and there is one point where he forgets. That beginning point is called ahankara, or false ego
- There may be some difficulty in understanding that both the gopis and Kamsa achieved the same goal, so this point should be clearly understood, because the attitudes of Kamsa and Sisupala were different from that of the gopis
- There was keen rivalry between the two combatants; both had sustained injuries on their bodies from the blows of each other's pointed maces, and each grew more and more enraged at the smell of blood on his person
- These all people, 99.9% people, they are not inquisitive. They are searching after some happiness, but they are not inquisitive what is the source of happiness. They are being baffled in the material world
- These are some of the points to note in Brahminical life. Keep yourself clean outside by bathing, etc. and clean inside by chanting Hare Krishna Mantra. Go on in this way and your rapid advancement in Krishna Consciousness will be certain
- These rascals are so dull-headed that they have no even logical arguments. Where are the points of similarity, that we are comparing these lusty affairs of this material world with the affairs of Krsna and the gopis
- They (karmis) are trying to increase their bank balance and are hoping to be happy at a certain point, but that point never comes because they do not know the ultimate point of satiation
- They (modern scientists) are now silent. They cannot go there (moon planet); neither ever they went there. This is the conclusion. So that is a controversial point, controversial, but we have to see the result
- They are not coming to the point of understanding that "We are trying so much, so hard, to become happy, but nature is not allowing me." This is real intelligence. And that is Krsna consciousness
- They are seeing that all Europeans and Americans, they have adopted such nice Vaisnava culture. There are attracted from that point. But if we are not to the standard point, they immediately appeal, "Oh they are useless". So that should be corrected
- They assured the crowd that they had seen how it happened with their own eyes, and they strongly asserted the point. Some were listening to the statement of the small children, but others said, "How can you believe the statements of these children?"
- They do not know what is the aim of life, and the nature's law is, unless you come to the point of understanding what is the aim of life, the nature will go on punishing you in so many ways
- They do not know what is the aim of life, and the nature's law is, unless you come to the point of understanding what is the aim of life, the nature will go on punishing you in so many ways. Little mistake, you'll be punished
- They wanted to create artificially somebody acarya and everything failed. They did not consider even with common sense that if Guru Maharaja wanted to appoint somebody as acarya, why did he not say? He said so many things, and this point he missed?
- This (follow the path of the Brahma-sampradaya and make it a point in life to realize Lord Krsna) very confidential instruction to the pure devotees of the Lord was also given to Arjuna and to Brahma in the beginning of the creation
- This clear understanding of God is not available anywhere else but from our books, so if you are convinced on this point, then produce books voluminously
- This earth, is an insignificant point in the universe. And within this earth, the America is a small spot. And within America, this New York City is another small spot. And in this New York City, I am there. So what is my importance?
- This example of Maharaja Pariksit's behavior, his remaining patient even at the last point of his life, his undisturbed condition of mind, is an example of reservation
- This form, these two hands, with flute, Krsna, form of Krsna, there is nothing beyond this. So one has to come to this point
- This is hatha-yoga. Go to a secluded place, sit down in this way, looking, not sleeping. Eyes half-open; see to the point of your nose, so on, so on. Complete celibacy
- This is intelligence. When a man comes to inquire this point that, - Why I am forced to leave my comfortable position?
- This is very important point, that we are not negating pleasure, but we are trying to bring them to the highest pleasure
- This is very important verse in Bhagavad-gita. It is a turning point of life. Karpanya-dosa. Miserly. Dosa means fault When one does not act according to his position, that is fault, and that is called miserly
- This kapha, pitta, vayu, this body, I am not this body. This is self-realization. "I am different from this bag of flesh and bone." When we realize completely, that is the first point of self-realization
- This landing point is very dangerous. If the pilot cannot handle very nicely, immediately smashed. The crash takes place while going up and coming down, generally. That is due to mismanagement of the pilot
- This mentality (of being an enjoyer) is dragged to the last point of liberation when the living entity wants to become one with the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- This point should be clearly discussed, that without God conciousness, Krishna Consciousness, any attempt of human civilization so-called philosophical or political or economical or labor, they are all zeros
- This point should be emphasized: because of His (Krsna's) absolute position, His hearing is wholly identical with His eating and tasting. BG 1972 purports
- This purpose (of guide the conditioned student) is stated in Bhagavad-gita, and we have to accept it as it is; otherwise there is no point in trying to understand the Bhagavad-gita and its speaker, Lord Krsna. BG 1972 Preface
- This self-illumination (of the spiritual world) also contradicts the theory that the spirit soul, or the spiritual consciousness, develops at a certain point in material combination
- This should be presented very scientifically, one who knows perfectly well about this Bhagavad-gita. These are the crucial point, that one . . . Krsna says, imam vivasvate yogam proktavan aham avyayam (BG 4.1). There's so many very touch point
- This verse aham eva never indicates anything other than the Supreme Lord, and one should therefore follow the path of the Brahma-sampradaya, or the path from Brahmaji to Narada, to Vyasadeva, etc., and make it a point in life to realize Lord Krsna
- Those who are in love with God as His parents are elevated to the point of transcendental emotion. only those who are related with the Supreme in conjugal love can experience the highest of ecstasies. Thus there are different meanings for the word bhakti
- Those who are intelligent, they think that, "Why shall I neglect this point? I am not going to accept a body like a tree or a dog. If I accept a body, I must have a body very nice." One may not be interested in this fact, but others may be interested
- Those who are mathematicians, they say: "Point has no length, no breadth." But actually that is not a fact. You have no eyes to see the length and breadth of the point. You are so blunt, your senses are so limited, imperfect, that you cannot imagine
- Those who are related in friendship attain love of God to the point of fraternity
- Through the mystic yoga practice called pranayama, the yogi controls the airs within the body to maintain the body in a healthy condition. In this way, the yogi comes to the point of trance and tries to see the Supersoul within the core of his heart
- Thus King Puranjana, being attached to fruitive activities (karma-kandiya) as well as kith and kin, and being obsessed with polluted consciousness, eventually arrived at that point not very much liked by those who are overly attached to material things
- To clarify this point (it is very difficult for an ordinary man to understand Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead), Arjuna put this (BG 4.4) question before Krsna so that He Himself could speak authoritatively. BG 1972 purports
- To counteract them (separation and meet unwanted), the remedies which I undertook were more dangerous than the disease itself. So I drift from one point to another birth after birth, and I pray to You therefore to give me a shelter at Your lotus feet
- Uddhava said, "Considering all these (conquer demoniac kings like Jarasandha and Sisupala, release the pious imprisoned kings and perform the great Rajasuya sacrifice) points, I think that Your Lordship should immediately proceed to Hastinapura"
- Unbearably pressed in every vital point, the demon Putana began to cry, "Please leave me, leave me! Suck my breast no longer!" Perspiring, her eyes wide open and her arms and legs flailing, she cried very loudly again and again - SB 10.6.11
- Under the spell of the Lord's material energy, he continues to loiter in the forest of material existence. He does not discover his real interest even at the point of death
- Undoubtedly the eternal living entity cannot be annihilated at any point
- Unless a person is pure, he can neither understand what the PG is nor engage in His service in love, for devotional service, as stated before, begins from the point of self-realization, when all misgivings of materialistic life are vanquished
- Unless one comes to this point of understanding atma-tattva, one remains in the darkness in which he was born. Under the circumstances, no one can understand the plan of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Unless one is perfectly conversant with the law of the Supreme Lord, one cannot speak such things touching philosophical truths. The Emperor (Maharaja Pariksit), being also on an equal level of sagacity, replied to the point, without doubts or mistakes
- Unless there is Krsna consciousness, there is no question of Vedanta. That is my point. That is real Vedanta
- Unless we take all the statements of Vedanta-sutra as self-evident, there is no point in studying Vedanta-sutra
- Unless you come to the point of atma, whatever extended selfishness there is, it is selfishness. There is no, I mean to say, broadmindedness. And broadmindedness, when you come to the platform of atma. Isavasyam idam sarvamv
- Unless you find out some Christian who is actually intelligent, it is useless to try for convincing them of these points
- Up to the point of the Pracetas, the kings of the universe were all descendants of Uttanapada Maharaja
- Upon seeing Krsna as the Lord of the universes, Arjuna actually asked Krsna to forgive the familiarity of his friendship. Caitanya goes beyond this point
- Vasudeva's fourth point of wonder upon seeing his extraordinary son: the Supreme Personality of Godhead was Vasudeva's worshipable Deity yet had taken birth as his son
- Vasudeva's second point of wonder upon seeing his extraordinary son: although the Lord, the Supreme Transcendence, is all-pervading, He had appeared from the womb of Devaki
- Veda means knowledge, and anta means last stage, or end. Everything has got some end. So you are being educated. You are taking education. Where it shall end? That is called Vedanta. Where the ultimate point
- Vidura asked all relevant questions of Maitreya because he knew well that Maitreya was the right person to reply to all the points of his inquiries
- Water is urgently needed after the summer season, and thus the clouds are just like a rich man who, in times of need, distributes his money even to the point of exhausting his whole treasury
- We are always thinking that by changing our situation we will overcome our mental agitation, and we are always thinking that when we reach a certain point, all mental agitations will disappear
- We are but dust, and we shall but be dust. Everyone can consider this point
- We are discussing this point. The real point is that narayana-paranmukham. Without thinking of Narayana or Krsna or Visnu, no other method will be able to purify you
- We are in this material world, say, for fifty years, sixty years, hundred years. That is temporary. In the unlimited time, a duration of life, say of hundred years, that is nothing. Even, not even a point
- We are not this body. We are different from this body. So unless we understand this point, our aim of life, our standard of civilization, is incorrect
- We are spirit soul (aham brahmasmi). This is realization of knowledge, and when we come to this point of knowledge, we become happy
- We break the dream when it becomes intolerable. Similarly, we can break this material connection at any moment as soon as we come to the point of Krsna conscious
- We find in Vedic history that if a ksatriya king was irresponsible, sometimes a consulting board of brahmanas maintained by the monarchy would dethrone him. Considering all these points, it appears that the post of monarch is a very responsible one
- We get information from Vedic literature, not only the point, but one ten-thousandth part of the point is measured. Kesagra-sata-bhagasya satadha kalpitasya ca, jivo bhagah sa vijneyah - Svetasvatara Upanisad 5.9
- We have no imagination, no instrument, neither we have sufficient knowledge what is the length and breadth of the form of the living entity. Therefore Vedic literature gives you an idea that you just try to imagine one ten-thousandth part of the point
- We have to accept knowledge from Veda, Vedic knowledge, not this rascal's knowledge. Rascal knowledge is that, "Yes," as soon as he comes to the imperfect point, - Yes, we are trying
- We have to reach to the point of Personality of Godhead, person. Before that, Brahman realization and Paramatma realization, that is partial realization of the Absolute Truth
- We may tell any damn thing to induce people to give us money on Krsna's behalf, that is not the point. The point is that by saying lies, the less advanced neophyte devotees may become entangled or disturbed in their minds by it
- We should deal with them so that they may develop their Krsna consciousness. If you simply make it a point, somehow or other take some money from them and let them go to hell, that is transcendental fraud
- We should use this great opportunity, human life, to understand all these points which are mentioned in the authoritative books of Vedic knowledge like Srimad-Bhagavatam and Bhagavad-gita
- We will not go to court, let them go, we will simply reply their letters. We have paid all along, so that is rent. Another point is that there are three shebaits, so the notice of eviction has to be filed by all three otherwise it is not valid
- What is the use of changing party? Because this party or that party, they are not surrendered to Krsna. So unless you come to the point of surrendering to Krsna, there cannot be any peace. Simply by changing from frying pan to the fire will not save you
- What is your debate on this point, that living entities, they flourish by food grains? So what is your debate on this point?
- Whatever one may do, unless he comes to the point of surrendering to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, no process can give him liberation
- Whatever sacrifice we make is intended to enable us to come to the point of real knowledge. The highest perfection of knowledge is given in Bhagavad-gita as surrender to Krsna (bahunam janmanam ante jnanavan mam prapadyate) - BG 7.19
- Whatever service has been rendered is to one's permanent credit. That will never be lost. When one begins again, he begins at the point where he has left off
- When a living entity, when a person comes to the understanding, without any doubt, that he's eternal servant of Krsna, then his real life begins. Unless he understands this point, he's still in the hallucination of animal life
- When Arjuna became confused, he said, sisyas te 'ham sadhi mam prapannam (BG 2.7): "Now I am surrendered unto You (Krsna). Please teach me." Unless you come to that point, there will be no teaching, and there is no use of teaching
- When bright young boys and girls receive proper guidance from parents and teachers who can lucidly answer their queries, they easily understand each point and gradually develop fine brains
- When one accepts the Vedic literature by interpretation or even by dictionary meaning, directly or indirectly the ultimate declaration of Vedic knowledge points to Lord Krsna
- When one comes to the point of samadhi in the yoga system, he thinks, without cessation, of the Visnu form of the Lord within the heart. He is absorbed in that thought
- When one comes to this point - bhavan eva saranam, "You (God) are the ultimate shelter" - that is the perfection of knowledge
- When one comes to this point of inquiring, "What I am?" that is the beginning of human life. Otherwise animal life
- When one is a professional, there may be something wrong. That doesn't matter. But you try to discharge your duties, rightly, whatever you are prescribed to do. Then everything will come to the right point
- When one preaches he must tell the truth. Just like Lord Jesus Christ. The people did not like his preaching, but he did not stop his preaching. That is another point. You see? So in the preaching propaganda there is possibility of creating animosity
- When one surpasses the astanga-yoga and comes to the point of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna, it is called bhakti-yoga, the culmination. BG 1972 purports
- When the consciousness comes to the point of Krishna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, then life becomes perfect in its original condition
- When there are some similar points, it is possible to compare one thing to another. One cannot compare the association of a pure devotee to anything material
- When Vidura was invited by his elder brother (Dhrtarastra) for consultation, he entered the house and gave instructions which were exactly to the point. His advice is well known, and instructions by Vidura are approved by expert ministers of state
- When we actually become self-realized and agree to serve the Supreme Lord . . . the another point is that Lord is perfect. He doesn't require our service. But if we are engaged in His service, that is our healthy condition
- When you come to this point, understanding, inquiring, jivasya tattva-jijnasa . . . jivasya tattva-jijnasa nas ceha yat karmabhih (SB 1.2.10). Kamasya na . . . na indriya-pritih, jiveta yavata. This is the Bhagavata philosophy
- When, by meditation on the Supreme Personality of Godhead in all detail, one comes to the point of love of God, that is the point of bhakti-yoga, and at that point he must actually render service to the Lord out of transcendental love
- Whenever in the scripture it is said that God is without form, that means He has no form which we have got experience. But He has got form. Just the same example. When you cannot measure, you say a point has no length, no breadth
- Why do you (mayavadi vedantists) simply remain stuck at the point that the Absolute Truth is that from which everything emanates
- Why falls down? Anadrta-yusmad-anghrayah. Because they have no information of the shelter of the lotus feet of the Lord. Unless you come to that point, then there is no possibility of eternal happiness
- Why not surrender immediately? What is the point in waiting for so many births? When one comes to that point of surrender, he becomes a real sannyasi
- Why should Narayana be imperfect? Why should He appear as a human being? Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu very nicely explained these points while at Vrndavana
- With one-pointed attention, one should constantly hear about, glorify, remember and worship the Personality of Godhead, who is the protector of the devotees
- With reference to your point that it may be too difficult to drive with van to India, if it is not practical then we should not attempt. But I see so many world tourists here in such vans, how they can do it and we cannot?
- Yes in spiritual life one must be careful not to eat more than is required to keep body and soul together. The most important point is that one becomes satisfied by serving Krsna rather than by serving the senses
- Yes, it is very good if you can chant 64 rounds; this is very nice if you can do it. But first of all we should not be disturbed by any circumstances. If you do become disturbed then this means you are still deficient in reaching the point
- You (Diti) should not lie down without having washed both of your feet or without being purified, nor with wet feet or with your head pointed west or north. You should not lie naked, or with other women, or during the sunrise or sunset
- You are very sincere boy trying your best to serve Krishna and by His Grace you are quite fit for this business, and considering all these points, I have entrusted Back To Godhead in your hand. Because this paper is the beginning of my spiritual life
- You can teach up to the point you know
- You cannot say there is no length and breadth. You have no instrument to measure what is the length and breadth of the point
- You have to accept another body after this. So what kind of body I am going to get? Is it not the point of consideration? But there is no education on this point
- You make friendship with Krsna. And because He's the proprietor, He'll protect you. These are the three points. Is that clear? Or you have got any question, you can question. Let it be clear. This is very intelligent question
- You must be thoroughly conversant that there is a need of God, and everyone must trust in God. This is the standard of civilization. God is there. Without God, there cannot be anything existing. This is first point
- You must judge whether the match will be favorable on the point that it must not cause any disturbance either in the girl's family or in the local community
- You will find that they talk better than any great philosopher, better than any scientist or politician. That is the quality of my students. What's the point in talking nonsense?
- Your seeing power is very, very limited. Why do you believe in seeing? That is childish, "I cannot see." What you can see? First of all, let us consider this point. You cannot see anything
- Youth of your country they are seeking to find the point of real life which has been lost, but they are thinking that to become animals will give them new life, just like standing naked or growing long hairs. But without Krishna that is not possible