Category:Human Beings
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Pages in category "Human Beings"
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- A tiger may eat meat. It is a tiger. But I am not tiger. I am human being
- Animal food is not meant for the human being
- Animal food is not meant for the human being. For chewing solid food, the human being has a particular type of teeth meant for cutting fruits and vegetables
- Culture means human being
- Duty of a perfect human being
- Human being can...
- Human community
- Ideal human beings
- In the Bible, it is said the animals are given under the control of human beings, man...
- Praja refers not only to human beings but also to animals, trees and every other living entity. It is the duty of the king to give all living entities protection
- Since everything is the property of God, and all living entities - not only human beings but even animals, birds, plants and so on - are children of God, everyone has the right to live at the cost of God
- Spiritual sense of the human being
- The cow gives milk, but she does not drink that milk: she eats grass and straw, and her milk is designated as food for human beings. Such is the arrangement of the Lord
- The cow gives milk, but she does not drink that milk; she eats grass and straw, and her milk is designated as food for human beings
- 8,000,000's they are below the human standard of life, human being. They are animals
- 8,400,000 species of life, there are so many lives living very abominable condition. Of course, the animal or the living creature does not know, but we human being, we should know why this abominable life. It is maya's illusion
- A bewildered human being is described as mudha, or grossly ignorant, because he is unable to understand the transcendental form of the Lord as being unborn and unchangeable
- A big . . . I gave that a big animal, lion, is fearful to the small animal. But because he is lion, very strong, does it mean that he's a human being? That is going on
- A brahmana should do this (adhyayana, adhyapana, yajana and yajana) without remuneration, but he is allowed to accept charity from a person whom he teaches how to be a human being
- A civilization of Aryans who strictly follow the instructions of the Lord and never deviate from those instructions is perfect. Such civilized men do not discriminate between trees, animals, human beings and other living entities
- A devotee is equally disposed toward the animals, the human beings and all living entities because he sees every living entity as a part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- A devotee, a mahatma, is good heart. How he is good heart? He sees everyone that "This living entity," especially human being, "he is engrossed in the clutches of maya. He is suffering. Let me try to make him understand Krsna consciousness"
- A dog can mate with a bitch before the public eyes without hesitation, but if a human being does so the act will be considered a public nuisance, and the person will be criminally prosecuted
- A dog may eat out of a garbage can, and a human being may eat on a golden plate, but this does not mean that they are engaged in different activities. In either case, both the dog and the man are taking food into their bodies
- A dog may have sex in the street, and a human being may have sex in a very nice bed in a secluded place, but that does not change the activity
- A God conscious person has no discrimination between human being and animal or trees or plants, because they are also living entities
- A government must not discriminate in such principles - the protection of the lives of both the human beings and the animals
- A hog is eating stool. He's enjoying the pleasure of eating. And a human being eating very nice palatable food, he's also enjoying the same pleasure. There is no difference
- A human being born in the land of Bharata-varsa has the special prerogative to develop Krsna consciousness
- A human being endowed with knowledge certainly commits sin if he kills or torments insignificant creatures, who have no discrimination
- A human being engaged in Krsna consciousness, even if unable to complete the course of bhakti-yoga, takes birth in the higher divisions of human society so that he can automatically further his advancement in Krsna consciousness
- A human being has imperfect senses. So how can he teach perfect knowledge? Suppose you see the sun as a disc. You have no means to approach the sun
- A human being has no need to kill animals because God has supplied so many nice things. If one indulges in meat-eating anyway, it is to be understood that he is acting in ignorance and is making his future very dark. BG 1972 purports
- A human being is a living entity, and the devotees in the spiritual world are also living entities, but in the human beings who are not Krsna conscious the real symptoms of life are absent
- A human being is born due to union of the father and mother, but a civilized human being has another birth by contact with a spiritual master, who becomes the actual father
- A human being is called rational animal. If you come to the rationality, that is required. If you remain also another animal, another type of animal, that will not help you
- A human being is called rational animal. If you come to the rationality, that is required. If you remain also another animal, another type of animal, that will not help you. You have to become actually human being
- A human being is different from other human beings and different from the animals. Even in his own body, there are different bodily limbs
- A human being is distinguished from the animal when he enquires about transcendence. And that is explained in the great literature Brahma-sutra, or the philosophy of Vedanta-sutra, athato brahma jijnasa
- A human being is expected to follow the rules and regulations of varna and asrama; otherwise he cannot escape punishment by Yamaraja
- A human being is fit to inquire as to whether he is this body or something else. This can be understood very easily. I am not this body, because at the time of death the body remains - although everyone cries, - Oh, the poor man is gone
- A human being is inclined to hear good narrations and stories, and therefore there are so many books, magazines and newspapers on the market to satisfy the interests of the developed soul
- A human being is not to eat anything which is not offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A human being is not to eat anything which is not offered to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Yajna-sistasinah santah: one becomes freed from all sinful reactions by eating foodstuffs which are offered to Yajna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A human being is required to accumulate daivi sampat, or spiritual assets; otherwise, the next alternative, asuri sampat, or material assets, will overcome him disproportionately, and thus one will be forced into the entanglement of different miseries
- A human being is sometimes restricted in sense gratification due to certain circumstances such as disease, etc., but this is not the prescription
- A human being is sometimes restricted in sense gratification due to certain circumstances, such as disease, but such proscriptions are for the less intelligent - CC Preface
- A human being is therefore advised to associate with spiritually advanced personalities
- A human being is thus impeded (by the desires for acquiring a house, possessing land, having children & becoming prominent in society, the affection for community & the place of birth & the hankering for wealth) in his progress toward self-realization
- A human being is very much materially inclined. Indeed, all living entities are materially inclined. They prefer grhastha life because there is a concession for sex
- A human being must be trained in the above-mentioned (in SB 7.11.8-12) thirty qualities; otherwise, he is not even a human being. Then, among such qualified persons, the varnasrama process should be introduced
- A human being performs sinful actions simply for sense gratification. This is not good. Because of such sinful actions, one receives another body in which to suffer as he is suffering in his present body because of his past sinful activities
- A human being should actually be interested in understanding atma-tattva, the truth of atma, the spirit soul, and Paramatma, the supreme soul. Those who are interested in atma-tattva worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- A human being should be considerate. Everyone has got religion. Either he is Hindu or Muslim or Christian, it doesn't matter, there must be discrimination between sinful activities and pious activities
- A human being should be given chance to understand the philosophy of life. And that is Vedas
- A human being should be trained to perform yajna. Yajnad bhavati parjanyah - BG 3.14
- A human being should not only become a strict vegetarian but should also become a devotee of the Lord
- A human being should realize the aim of his life, and this direction is given in all Vedic literatures, and the essence is given in Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- A human being should realize the aim of human life. This direction is given in all the Vedic literature, and the essence is given in the Bhagavad-gita. Vedic literature are meant for the human being and not for the cats and dogs
- A human being supposed to be controlled. That is human life. The more you control, you become perfect. And though, the more you become loose, you are animal. That is the difference
- A human being who considers the land of birth as worshipable, and who goes to the place of pilgrimage simply to take a bath rather than meet men of transcendental knowledge there, is to be considered as an ass or a cow. BG 1972 purports
- A human being who considers the land of his birth to be worshipable, and who goes to a place of pilgrimage simply to bathe rather than to meet men of transcendental knowledge there is to be considered like a cow or an ass - SB 10.84.13
- A human being who considers the land of his birth worshipable, and who goes to a place of pilgrimage simply to bathe rather than to meet men of transcendental knowledge there, is to be considered like a cow or an ass
- A human being who does not use his developed consciousness but instead acts like an animal surely undergoes punishment in many different hells
- A human being who goes to a place of pilgrimage simply to take a bath rather than meet men of transcendental knowledge there, is to be considered like an ass or a cow
- A human being who identifies the body made of three elements as the self, who considers the by-products of the body to be his kinsmen, is to be considered like a cow or an ass
- A human being who identifies this body made of three elements with his self, and who considers the by-products of the body to be his kinsmen, is to be considered as an ass or a cow. BG 1972 purports
- A human being who identifies this body made of three elements with his self, who considers the by-products of the body to be his kinsmen, who considers the land of birth worshipable, is to be considered like an ass or a cow
- A human being who is not interested in Krsna consciousness is condemned herewith as a nara-pasu - a two-legged animal
- A human being's only business is inquiring from a bona fide spiritual master about extrication from the entanglement of karma-bandha-phansa
- A human being, he should learn about the Bhagavata-dharma from the beginning of his kaumara age, not that keep it aside, "When I shall become old man, then I shall read the scriptures." No. Kaumara, from the boyhood. Kaumara acaret prajnah
- A human being, if he does not become Krsna conscious, that means knowingly, he is taking poison, and he must die. Janiya suniya visa khainu. Sometimes I do not know what is poison. Just like child does not know. He may take. But he'll not be excused
- A human being, if he does not come on the spiritual platform, he remains animal. That is the difference. Therefore Bhagavad-gita, you will find the first beginning of teaching - dehino 'smin yatha dehe
- A human being, if he tries, if he consults books of knowledge just like Bible or Bhagavad-gita or similar other scriptures, he can know what is God, how great He is, how omnipotent He is, and what is our relationship with God
- A king like Maharaja Yudhisthira, who was the personality of goodness, wanted everyone under his administration, especially human beings who have better developed consciousness, to become devotees of Lord Krsna
- A living being, especially the human being, is seeking happiness because happiness is the natural situation of the living entity. But he is vainly seeking happiness in the material atmosphere
- A living entity may have an abundant supply of food for eating, or many nice buildings for sleeping, or good arrangements for sex life, or a good defense to protect him, but this does not mean that he is a human being
- A person who is respected and worshiped by all kinds of human beings and demigods is called sarvaradhya or all-worshipable
- A person who sees one spirit soul in every living being, whether a demigod, human being, animal, bird, beast, aquatic or plant, possesses knowledge in the mode of goodness. BG 1972 purports
- A prostitute has no reputation for good womanly qualities. Similarly, the tongue, which is given to the human being for chanting the Vedic hymns, will be considered a prostitute when engaged in chanting some mundane nonsense
- A sadhu is kind not only to human beings but to cats, dogs, trees, plants and insects; he will hesitate even to kill one mosquito
- A sadhu is not a friend of a particular class, particular community or particular country. No. A sadhu, a saint, is he who is friend of all, not only of human being, even of animals and less than animals. These are the qualification of sadhu
- A sadhu is not the friend of a particular society, community or country but is a friend of all - not only of human beings, but of animals and lower forms of life
- A sadhu simply teaches, "My dear human being, my dear friend, just surrender to Krsna." Enemies arise due to man's envious nature
- A saintly person eligible to enter into the kingdom of God is very tolerant and very kind to all living entities. He is not partial; he is kind both to human beings and to animals
- A sisya, a disciple, comes to the guru for enlightenment. Everyone is born foolish. Everyone. Even the human being, because they are coming from the animal kingdom by evolution, so the birth is the same, ignorance, like animal
- A small animal is giving vote to the big animal. But suppose a big animal, a lion, he is very powerful. Does it mean he is human being? He is animal
- A snake is considered to be the most cruel and envious living entity, but those who are human beings and are envious of others are considered to be even more vicious than snakes
- A tape recorder works, but it works according to the plans and under the direction of a living entity, a human being. The machine is complete, but unless it is manipulated by a spirit soul, it cannot work
- Above the human beings there are demigods. As we human beings are above the lower animals, above us there are demigods, the most important of whom are Lord Brahma and Lord Siva
- According to change of body, we are not only going through the evolutionary process of different types of body, as we have got experience here - the aquatics, the trees, the plants, the insect, the birds, the beast, then a human being
- According to medical science also, they (vegetables, cow milk) are very rich in vitamins, food value. So why should we kill? Especially if we are human being, the cow is supplying us milk, the most important foodstuff
- According to religious injunctions a man is restricted to enjoy sex only once in a month, after the menstrual period of the wife, and if the wife is pregnant, he is not allowed sex life at all. That is the law for human beings
- According to Rsabhadeva the human beings in this material world are just like madmen engaged in activities which they should not perform but which they do perform only for sense gratification
- According to smrti regulation, the cow is the mother and the bull the father of the human being. The cow is the mother because just as one sucks the breast of one's mother, human society takes cow's milk
- According to the different modes of material nature - the mode of goodness, the mode of passion and the mode of darkness - there are different living creatures, who are known as demigods, human beings and hellish living entities
- According to the instructions given by Rsabhadeva to His sons, we should not create a so-called comfortable situation, but must prepare to undergo austerity. This is how a human being should actually live to fulfill life's ultimate goal
- According to the modern anthropologists, they say that ten thousand years ago there was no human being. These are the not the Vedic version
- According to the modes of material nature, there are three kinds of relationships between human beings and the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- According to the statement of Maharaja Pariksit, who heard about Krsna from Sukadeva Gosvami, krsna-katha is equally applicable to every human being, whatever condition of life he is in. Surely everyone will appreciate it to the highest magnitude
- According to the Vedic system, intoxication is also discouraged; nor is meat-eating advocated, for human beings should be nonviolent. We have been given sufficient grains, fruits, milk, and vegetables, and there is no necessity to kill poor animals
- According to Vedic calculations the present human civilization does not even consist of human beings
- According to Vedic information, the Supreme Lord maintains all living entities, and especially human beings, to elevate them to the highest perfection
- According to Vedic injunction, if you want to eat meat, you kill in the front of Goddess Kali, so that the animal will get next life as human being. He is promoted immediately. He hasn't got to go to the evolutionary process
- Actually a person is considered to be human being when he comes to the platform of goodness or he acquires the quality of a bona fide brahmana
- Actually all Vedic literature directs the human being toward the perfect stage of devotion
- Actually the only master is Krsna. Ekale isvara krsna, ara saba bhrtya (CC Adi 5.142). All the demigods, human beings, animals, trees and everything else are servants
- Actually this is the fact. If you live irresponsibly, then you have to suffer. So not that all living entities are going to the hell, but some of them. Because most of the living entities, they are less than the human being
- Actually Vedic religion is neither for Hindus nor for Christian nor for... It is meant for the human being. Vedic literature
- Actually we are all followed by the tiger of nescience, but the Lord is very merciful upon living entities, especially human beings. To this end He spoke the Bhagavad-gita, making His friend Arjuna His student. BG 1972 Introduction
- Adhuneha maha-bhaga yathaiva narakan narah nanogra-yatanan neyat tan me. The word narah refers to human beings, or those who are fallen
- Advancement of civilization is estimated not on the growth of mills and factories to deteriorate the finer instincts of the human being, but on developing the potent spiritual instincts of human beings and giving them a chance to go back to Godhead
- After giving up one body I enter another body. And there is no security what kind of body I shall get next. It may be human body, it may be animal, it may be trees or it may be better than human being, because there are three divisions
- After human being, if we do not work properly with our advanced consciousness, then we go down again in the hellish planet that are down this universe. And if we act piously, then you go to the upper planetary system
- After one enjoys the results of virtuous activities in the upper planetary systems, he comes down to this earth and renews his karma or fruitive activities for promotion. This planet of human beings is considered the field of activities. BG 1972 purports
- After one's enjoyment due to pious activities is finished, one must return to this planet in rainfall and first take birth as a plant or creeper, which is eaten by various animals, including human beings, and turned to semen
- After seeing the beautiful bodily features of Lord Krsna, they (all the demigods) all contemplated that He was the ultimate dexterous creation of Brahma, the creator of human beings
- After the creation, the living entities are impregnated in the cosmic manifestation, and they emerge as Brahma and the seven great rsis, then as different demigods. From the demigods come human beings, animals, trees, birds, beasts and everything else
- After the evolutionary process of lower than human being, when we have come, we have got this body, human form of body, the business is brahma-jijsasa," jivasya tattva-jijsasa. That is the Bhagavata
- After the settlement of all disturbing conditions and reestablishment of the peaceful order of the state, and after seeing the surviving child, Pariksit, well satisfied, Maharaja Yudhisthira felt some relief as a human being
- After undergoing severe hardships all day, human beings are trying to enjoy themselves at night by eating, drinking, having sex and sleeping. At the same time, they have to properly defend themselves. However, this is not human civilization
- Alas, not only human beings but sometimes even providence lies. And I (Kamsa) am so sinful that I believed the omen of providence and killed so many of my sister's children - SB 10.4.17
- All human beings, although they are born sudra, he can be made a brahmin by the process. Samskara means by reformatory process, bhaved dvijah. Dvija means second birth
- All Indians should seriously take up the cult of Caitanya & should perfect their lives by adopting the process of devotional service. After perfecting their lives, they should broadcast this message all over the world for the welfare of all human beings
- All living entities are created by the Supreme Lord according to their past deeds. This includes Asuras, Yaksas, Kinnaras and angels, the serpentines, the monkey-shaped Kimpurusas, the human beings, the inhabitants of Matrloka and the demons
- All living entities, especially human beings, think themselves very happy in the midst of families. As if living in a flower garden and hearing the sweet humming of bumblebees, everyone is centered around his wife, who is the beauty of family life
- All living entities, including demigods, human beings, animals, birds, insects, reptiles, creepers and trees, depend upon the heat and light given by the sun-god from the sun planet
- All living entity, anyone who has come into this material world, under different body or different dress they are suffering in this material world. Therefore the sastra is meant for the human being so that he can understand his awkward position
- All of them, including the great sage Narada and devotees like Prahlada, came here in the guise of human beings, chanting the holy names of Lord Krsna together and dancing and floating in the inundation of love of Godhead
- All of these bodies (tiger, hog and human being) are made according to the work done in past lives by the living entity. Our next bodies are being prepared according to the work which we are now doing
- All other (except Brahma) demigods have the same attributes (as Brahma) in less quantity, whereas human beings possess the attributes in very minute quantity
- All the good ideas we are manufacturing, they will be manifested in God consciousness automatically. Therefore our duty should be, if we want to make all human being well-behaved, then we must try to make every one of them God conscious
- All the laws or injunctions are for human being. So human being, human life, is very responsible life. As you cannot violate the state law, similarly, you cannot violate the laws given by God. That is called dharma. If you violate, then you are punished
- All the laws, all the books, all the scriptures, all knowledge, everything is meant for the human being, not for the animal. That is the difference between animal and man. Man follows restriction; animal cannot
- All the scriptures, restrictions, laws and everything, they are meant for human beings, not for the animals. Therefore the human being must follow them for perfection. You cannot imitate the animals
- All the state laws are applicable to the human being, not to the animals. Because if an animal goes to the wrong path or if an animal takes away something from your possession, he is not punished, neither anybody goes to complain in the police court
- All these personalities (Sanaka, Sanatana, Narada, Siva, the Manus) underwent great austerities and penances and thus became authorities in Vedic knowledge. Perfect knowledge for human beings, as well as all living entities, is contained in the Vedas
- All these Vedic literatures are meant to enable the human being to understand what he is, what his actual position is, and what his relationship is with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is called brahma-jijnasa
- Along the Buddhist path there are nine principles: (8) The Vedas are compiled by human beings. (9) Pious activities, showing mercy to others and so on are advised
- Alpayu: they (people of this age) are living for a short time; and mandah, mandah means very slow or inferior quality of human being. Not superior
- Also, please explain the duration and measurement of life of the different living beings known as the demigods, the human beings, etc., in different planets of the universe
- Although brahminical cultural life is enunciated in the scriptures of India, it is not for Indians alone, but for all human beings
- Although He (Krsna) appeared as a human being, He married 16,108 wives, which is impossible for a human being to do. The Lord performs such activities to show people how great He is, how affectionate He is and how merciful He is
- Although human beings are creating their beehives in order to enjoy the sweetness of their senses, they are at the same time suffering from the bites of other persons or nations. Godhead as Paramatma is simply witnessing all these activities
- Although human society has different sections or subdivisions, all human beings belong to one species, and therefore we accept that they all have the ability to understand their constitutional position in connection with the SPG, Visnu
- Although it is nature's law that one has to live by eating other living entities (jivo jivasya jivanam), one must use discretion. Fruits, flowers, vegetables, rice, grain and milk are made for human beings
- Although Krsna has given human beings nice food, people still commit sins by killing poor animals for the satisfaction of the tongue
- Although Krsna is beyond sense perception & is unmanifest to human beings, He takes up the guise of a human being with a material body. Yasoda thought Him to be her son, and she bound Krsna with rope to a wooden mortar, as if He were an ordinary child
- Although Prahlada Maharaja was a grhastha ruling over the demons, he was a paramahamsa, the best of human beings, and thus he is our guru. In the list of gurus, or authorities, Prahlada Maharaja's name is therefore mentioned
- Although Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu was living in Vrndavana, the inhabitants considered Him an ordinary human being, and they mistook the fisherman to be Krsna. Every human being is prone to make such mistakes
- Although the living entities known as human beings are very small in quantity, that division may be still further subdivided, for there are many uncultured human beings like mlecchas, pulindas, bauddhas and sabaras
- Although there are thousands of names of Lord Visnu, the karmis and jnanis intermingle the names of the Supreme Godhead with the names of demigods and human beings
- Although they (human beings) go on making such questions and answers for their whole lives, they are not at all satisfied. Satisfaction of the soul can only be obtained by questions and answers on the subject of Krsna
- Among human beings there are different types of men. Of these, those who are advanced in spiritual consciousness, or Krsna consciousness, are called Aryans. Among Aryans, one who engages in the devotional service of the Lord is most successful in life
- Among human beings, the society which is divided according to quality and work is best, and in that society, the intelligent men, who are designated as brahmanas, are best
- Among human beings, those who are followers of the Vedic principles are considered civilized. Among these, almost half simply give lip service while committing all kinds of sinful activities against these principles
- Amongst the human being, those who are intelligent, those who are acting according to the Vedic instruction, they will not be also suffering. Those who are avoiding the instruction of the Vedas, they will be put into that hellish condition of life
- Amongst the human beings, the king is the representative of Krsna because Krsna is the maintainer of the universe, and the kings, who are appointed on account of their godly qualifications, are maintainers of their kingdoms. BG 1972 purports
- An animal may remain in the custody of a human being for some time, and then the same animal may be transferred to the possession of other human beings. As soon as the animal goes away, the former proprietor no longer has a sense of ownership
- An animal thinks that the body of another animal is his food; therefore, in the bodily concept of life, one animal attacks another. A human being, especially one who is a devotee of the Lord, should not act like this
- An assembly house is never meant for any state on the globe because the human being on the earth is unable to construct it, however far a particular state may be materially advanced
- An intelligent person, a brahmana, aspires for liberation from material bondage. That is the real self-interest of a human being
- And out of the four millions, eight million, four..., 400,000 human species, so mostly they are like animals. So unless one comes to the Vedic civilization, he's not human being
- Animal food is never recommended for human beings; instead, a human being is recommended to take prasada, remnants of food left by Krsna. Yajna-sistasinah santo mucyante sarva-kilbisaih (BG 3.13)
- Animals always engage in sense gratification - eating, sleeping, fearing and mating - but that is not the engagement of the human being, although, because of the material body, there is need of sense gratification according to a regulative principle
- Animals and animalistic human beings are simply interested in continuing the process of eating, sleeping, mating and defending, but in actuality this process is forced to break down
- Animals do not marry but they have sex life, so that means you are animal. You’re not human being. The answer should be like that. Because marriage, this ceremony is not for fun
- Animals in bodies lower than that of the human being are conscious only as far as their bodily distress and happiness are concerned; they cannot think of more than their bodily necessities of life-eating, sleeping, mating and defending
- Animals, they cannot know what is God, how God is great, how God is all-powerful. But a human being, if he tries, if he consults books of knowledge just like Bible or Bhagavad-gita or similar other scriptures, he can know what is God
- Another class of duskrtina, or miscreant, is called the naradhama, or the lowest of mankind. Nara means human being, and adhama means the lowest. BG 1972 purports
- Any form of religious principles in which the followers are trained to pursue the vow of celibacy is good for the human being because only those who are trained in that way can end the miserable life of material existence
- Any human being who desires freedom from death should take to this course of life as recommended by the rsis headed by Saunaka
- Any human being who has no spiritual knowledge, he is no better than the cats and dogs, but difference is, the cats and dogs have got four legs, and this animal has got two legs, that's all. Dvipada-pasu
- Any human being who is attached to this pravrtti-marga - sex, meat-eating, intoxication, gambling - he is dvi-pada-pasu, two-legged animals. This is pravrtti-marga
- Any human being who prays like Brahma, and who thus worships Me, shall very soon be blessed with the fulfillment of all his desires, for I am the Lord of all benediction
- Anyone - either human being or animal or bird - anyone who has got this material body is full of anxiety. Even a sparrow, you will see, he is eating something, he is in anxiety. That is material life
- Anyone who denies the existence of God, he is mudha, ass. He is not human being. If you are intelligent enough, by seeing this flower you must admit there is God
- Anyone who has taken birth in India as a human being will kindly make his life successful. And after making his life successful he should distribute this knowledge throughout the whole world for the welfare of the human society. This was Caitanya's order
- Anyone who sincerely chants this holy name very soon attains elevation to the platform of love of God and becomes mad after God. This madness arising from love of God is the first perfectional stage for a human being
- Anyone, beginning from Brahmaji down to the human being, is at once put on the path of liberation simply by his attachment in great earnestness for the Supreme Lord, Sri Krsna, the primeval Lord. The Lord affirms this in the Bhagavad-gita
- Apart from human beings, other species like cats and dogs are also struggling very hard day and night for existence. Thus the struggle for existence continues, and the conditioned soul changes from one position to another
- Are those who create some sort of God by selecting a human being and placing their faith in him worshiping in goodness, passion or ignorance? Do such persons attain the perfectional stage of life? Arjuna is putting these questions to Krsna. BG 1972 pur
- Arjuna was calculating as a human being about Krsna. That was his mistake. That was his not mistake. That was his inquiry to clear the mistake of our. We mistake Krsna as one of us
- Arjuna was put into ignorance on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra just to question Krsna about the problems of life so that the Lord could explain them for the benefit of future generations of human beings & chalk out the plan of life. BG 1972 Introduction
- Arjuna was the original target, but in fact Bhagavad-gita was spoken for everyone, for all human beings, and therefore one must take advantage of it
- Arjuna's questions to Krsna: Is it possible for them (who create some sort of God by selecting a human being) to be situated in real knowledge and elevate themselves to the highest perfectional stage? BG 1972 purports
- As a cow, bound through the nose by a long rope, is conditioned, so also human beings are bound by different Vedic injunctions and are conditioned to obey the orders of the Supreme
- As a human being has to endeavor to achieve certain results, so Lord Krsna, like an ordinary human being, or like His friend Arjuna, left Dvaraka to bring back the brahmana's baby
- As a human being if he lives like cats and dogs, he'll never be happy. Because there is no happiness, therefore he takes these drugs, to forget. This is the drug philosophy
- As a human being, he (Maharaja Pariksit) was certainly both hungry and thirsty, and therefore Sukadeva Gosvami might have wanted to stop narrating the transcendental topics of Krsna; but despite his fast, Maharaja Pariksit was not at all fatigued
- As a mahajana (or authority) Bhismadeva was on the level of Brahma, Narada and Siva, although he was a human being. Qualification on a par with the great demigods is possible only on attainment of spiritual perfection
- As a rule, every human being is indebted to God, the demigods, great sages, other living entities, people in general, forefathers, etc., for various contributions received from them
- As far as our senses are concerned, there are many animals, both beasts and birds, who are very expert in exercising their senses more keenly than human beings
- As Gajendra has described (in SB 8.3.29), the Supreme Lord has various parts and parcels, including the demigods, human beings and animals, all covered by separate forms
- As human being, as we are trying to solve our problems . . . the real problem we have to solve. And why we are in material condition and miserable condition? Because we have got this material body. This is the problem, real problem
- As human being, we are all sons of God. We are one. That is the conception. So at the present moment, we have divided the world on account of this shirt and coat. That is not. That is not good
- As human being, you enjoy life. You have got food grains, fruits, flowers, milk. Enjoy life. Offer to Krsna. Enjoy life. Why should you kill animal?
- As human beings seem immortal to a tiny insect, so Lord Brahma and the demigods seem immortal to us. In fact, however, no material body of any form is ever eternal
- As human beings, we should be cognizant that we are suffering the pains of birth, old age, disease and death and should be inquisitive to know how to avoid these miseries
- As Kali-yuga advances, human beings will be just like animals. At that time, in order to reform human society, Lord Krsna will come in the form of the Kalki avatara
- As long as a conditioned soul does not have this knowledge (that Krsna is the proprietor), he wants to be the enjoyer of everything; he wants to become a humanitarian or philanthropist and open hospitals and schools for his fellow human beings
- As one cannot treat one part of his body differently from another part, because they all belong to the same body, a Vaisnava does not see a human being as distinct from an animal because in both he sees the soul and the Supersoul seated together
- As soon as nature calls, we die and give up our post. Then we have to take the post of a dog, a cat, a demigod, a human being or whatever
- As soon as one accepts a material body - whether it is that of a president or a common man, a demigod or a human being, an insect or a Brahma - one must go through these tribulations. This is called material existence
- As soon as one becomes proud of his birth as the son of a brahmana and neglects to acquire the qualifications of a real brahmana he at once becomes degraded and falls from the path of self-realization. Thus his life's mission as a human being is defeated
- As soon as one is born in this material world as a human being, he has so many obligations and is bound to repay all these obligations. If he does not repay them, he is further entangled in the process of birth and death
- As soon as the dusts are removed the human being is able to visualize a clear conception of his real self and thereby he becomes free from the miseries pertaining to the body & mind
- As soon as the human beings deviate from their original nature, the Lord comes to teach them, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: My dear living entities, give up all material activities and simply surrender unto Me for protection - BG 18.66
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the performance of yajna brings reciprocal good fortune for both the human beings and the demigods
- As stated in Caitanya-caritamrta (CC Adi 9.41): "One who has taken birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people"
- As stated in Isopanisad, this material creation is supplied with all the potencies for the production of all necessities required by the living entities - not only human beings, but animals, reptiles, aquatics and trees
- As such, it is not improper to conclude that the living entities appearing within this material world in different shapes, such as human beings, demigods, animals, birds and beasts, all get their respective bodies due to different desires
- As the cats & dogs, do not understand what is the future of life, similarly, if human beings, getting this opportunity of very intelligent, developed consciousness, do not understand what is the goal of life, future of life, then he remains a cat & dog
- As the human being requires protection, similarly, the cows . . . not only cows; everyone requires protection by the government. Why they should be not protected
- As the human beings on this planet have to change their bodies (tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13)), the living entities known as Indra, Candra, Varuna and so on will also have to change their bodies in due course of time
- As there are different types of human beings, according to the association of the three qualities of material nature, there are similarly different types of birds, bees, trees, etc
- As we are above these lower animals - aquatics, birds, bees, trees, plants, insects, cats, dogs, so many - we are nara, human being, similarly, there is another group: they are called demigods
- Aside from us, what is to be said of others, like the demons and human beings, who are in the base modes of material nature (rajo-guna and tamo-guna)? How will they know You?
- Asraddadhanah purusah (BG 9.3). Purusa means any man, any human being, living being, but a human being, because otherwise who will hear Krsna? The cats and dogs will not hear
- At least one is sure to have a chance in the next life of being born again as a human being, either in the family of a great cultured brahmana or in a rich aristocratic family that will give one a further chance for elevation (in KC). BG 1972 purports
- At least the Christian religion accept that supreme father, God, and the material nature is mother. And we are all sons. Not only human beings, every living being, even the dogs. This is philosophy, real philosophy
- At least, in the lower grades of forms, there are eighty-one lakhs, or 8,100,000, and above that, about 400,000 forms of human being
- At the end of one hundred years, one who has not acted as a human being in a life of tapasya (austerity & penance) must certainly be embodied again in a body like those of cats, dogs and hogs. This life of lusty desires and sense gratification is risky
- At the present moment, civilized man has forgotten how to decorate, therefore this mini-skirt - the business of the trees - to remain naked. Human being means to be decorated, like Krsna is decorated, not naked
- At the present moment, human beings have become exactly like animals. They do not know the meaning of apavarga, liberation. Yet there was a time when people understood that human life was meant for apavarga
- At the present time, as we travel all over the world, we see that in some countries human beings have many material facilities but no facilities for spiritual advancement. We find everywhere the defects of one-sided facilities & a lack of full facilities
- Awakening of love cannot be possible in other living condition than the human being. The human form of life, is therefore the perfectional stage how to develop our love for God, or how we can love God
- Because human being can understand the Krsna philosophy, therefore we hold meetings of the human being. But still, whenever we get opportunity, we give protection to the animals
- Because human beings are becoming more and more sinful there will be a scarcity of rain, and naturally no food grains will be produced
- Because I (Krishna) have appeared just like a human being, these rascals deride at Me that I am also one of them
- Because of His desiring to control movement, His legs became manifested, from the legs the controlling deity Visnu was generated. By His personal supervision of this act, all varieties of human being are busily engaged in dutiful occupational sacrifice
- Because of the bad qualities of the age of Kali, human beings will become shortsighted, unfortunate, gluttonous, lustful and poverty-stricken. The women, becoming unchaste, will freely wander from one man to the next
- Because of the union of these sixty daughters (of Daksa) with various exalted personalities that the entire universe was filled with various kinds of living entities, such as human beings, demigods, demons, beasts, birds and serpents
- Because one living entity is food for another living entity, you cannot eat your father, mother or children. Why? Because you are human being, you have got discrimination
- Because the soul is within the body, the body changes through so many forms. There is a soul within the body of every living creature, whether animal, tree, bird or human being, and the soul is transmigrating from one type of body to another
- Because there are different varieties of living entities, beginning from Brahma down to the insect, insignificant. In the middle, there are so many varieties - aquatics, trees, plants, demigods, and men, human being
- Because you are human being, you are together here to get this knowledge. The cats and dogs, they cannot come. They cannot take this knowledge
- Because you, human being, you are advancing in knowledge, but what is the goal of knowledge? The goal of knowledge is to understand God. That is the difference between dog and me. He has no goal of knowledge
- Before reciting this SB, which is the very means of conquest, one should offer respectful obeisances unto the P. of God Narayana, Nara-narayana Rsi the supermost human being, mother Sarasvati the goddess of learning and unto Srila Vyasadeva the author
- Being too attached to family members, society, country, etc., he (the human being) wants to win over the invincible material nature by the aid of bodily strength, children, wife, relatives, etc
- Being very dear to the devotees and sadhus, I am attained through unflinching faith and devotional service. This bhakti-yoga system, which gradually increases attachment for Me, purifies even a human being born among dog-eaters
- Below human beings are the animals, although some of them mingle with human society; cows, horses, dogs, etc., are habituated to living under the protection of human beings
- Besides them (demigods) there (Kailasa) are other human beings, who are known as Kinnaras and Gandharvas and are accompanied by their beautiful wives, who are known as Apsaras, or angels
- Better than them (those who have many legs) are the quadrupeds, and better still are the human beings
- Better than them are those who have developed upper and lower sets of teeth, and better still are those who have many legs. Better than them are the quadrupeds, and better still are the human beings
- Bhagavad-gita is apauruseya, for it was not spoken by any human being or any demigod of this material creation; it was spoken by Lord Krsna, who is beyond the material creation
- Bhagavata-dharma is not a faith. It is a fact, characteristic of the human being. Bhagavata means in relationship with God, Bhagavan, bhagavata-tattva
- Bhakti-yoga is the only means for liberation. We find this conclusion also in Caitanya-caritamrta in a discussion between Lord Caitanya and Ramananda Raya regarding a human being's liberation from this material world
- Bhismadeva advised for all human beings nine qualifications: (1) not to become angry, (2) not to lie, (3) to equally distribute wealth, (4) to forgive, (5) to beget children only by one's legitimate wife, (6) to be pure in mind and hygienic in body
- Bhismadeva advised for all human beings nine qualifications: (7) not to be inimical toward anyone, (8) to be simple, and (9) to support servants or subordinates. One cannot be called a civilized person without acquiring these preliminary qualities
- Bhismadeva was respected both by the human beings and by the demigods
- Bodily occupational duty changes, because as soon as the body is changed... I am now human being, and next time, if I become some animal, so my occupational duty changes. Or if I become demigod, my occupational duty changes
- Bombay is the most important city in India. There are many advanced gentlemen in Bombay interested in transcendental elevation. Why not join this movement which does not discriminate between human being to human being
- Brahma and other demigods have much better material bodies than human beings, yet the demigods, including Brahma, nevertheless desire to attain the human form of life because...
- Brahma could appreciate the transcendental land of Vrndavana, where all the living entities are transcendental to ordinary nature. In the forest of Vrndavana, even ferocious animals like tigers live peacefully along with the deer and human beings
- Brahma said, "Among the human beings You appear as Yourself, Lord Krsna, or as Lord Rama, among the animals You appear as the boar incarnation, and among the aquatics You appear as the fish incarnation. Yet You have no appearance or disappearance"
- Brahmaji condemns very vehemently the condition of the human being who does not take interest in the Personality of Godhead and His transcendental abode
- But this nonsense theory, that there was a monkey first of all, (laughter) Darwin's theory, and from monkey, human being has come, this is nonsense. So any other question?
- By advancing in material comforts the human being puts himself into a more miserable condition, but, illusioned by the material energy, he always thinks himself happy, even while in the midst of misery
- By appearing in human society and exhibiting His pastimes as a human being, Krsna definitely showed that there was not a single personality greater than He
- By cultural standing, the human beings were not at all subjected to the deluding energy (in the age of Satya). Such strong men of character were competent enough to get away from the clutches of maya
- By excessive development of the modes of passion and ignorance, the human being indulges in killing the animals who are meant to be protected by mankind
- By his mercy I have received Your interview here. Consequently I consider that today I have become a successful human being
- By nature's arrangement, animals that cannot use their front legs as hands are meant to be the food of animals like tigers, which have claws; and four-legged animals like deer and goats, as well as food grains, are meant to be the food of human beings
- By teaching the human beings the science of self-realization, Lord Krsna has twice personally tried to save the people of this age from groveling in carnal pleasures
- By the arrangement of the Supreme Lord, low-grade living beings like bugs and mosquitoes suck the blood of human beings and other animals. Such insignificant creatures are unaware that their bites are painful to the human being
- By the cooperation of all classes of human beings, the sacrifice recommended in this age, namely the sacrifice of congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord, may be executed for the common welfare of all the people of the world
- By the gradual process of evolution, the living entity again attains the body of a human being and is given another chance to get out of the process of transmigration
- By yogic powers he created for her this great airplane and gave her a big house with maidservants and all opulences. Kardama Muni was merely a human being, but he could perform such wonderful things by yogic powers
- Caitanya has advised this para-upakara, and He has especially advised the inhabitants of India: One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people - CC Adi 9.41
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu says, "Anyone who has taken birth in Bharata-varsa, India, as human being, not cats and dogs," janma sarthaka kari, "first of all make your life successful," then paropakara, "then distribute the knowledge"
- Caitanya said, bharata bhumite haila manusya-janma yara (Cc. Adi 9.41) - "to the human beings," not to the cats and dogs. Unfortunately, we have become like cats and dogs. We do not take the responsibility of an Indian. It is the duty of the Indian
- Cats and dogs dying, nobody cares. But a human being dying, there are so many ceremonies, mourning, because human life is important
- Certainly their (hawks' and vultures') eyesight is much keener than human beings', but this does not mean that their existence is more important than that of a human being
- Citralekha painted many pictures. Among those of the human beings were the members of the Vrsni dynasty, including Vasudeva, the father of Krsna; Surasena, the grandfather of Krsna; Sri Balaramaji; Lord Krsna; and many others
- Citralekha, while talking, began to draw many pictures of the demigods inhabiting the higher planetary systems, then pictures of the Gandharvas, Siddhas, Caranas, Pannagas, Daityas, Vidyadharas and Yaksas, as well as many pictures of human beings
- Confirmed by Lord Caitanya, jivera svarupa haya nitya-krsna-dasa: that real constitutional position of the living entity, especially of the human being, is to accept servitorship of Krsna
- Cooking is the most important business of our life. We are not cats and dogs, and every human being has to cook things for eating
- Covered by the mode of ignorance in material nature, the living entity is sometimes a male, sometimes a female, sometimes a eunuch, sometimes a human being, sometimes a demigod, sometimes a bird, an animal, and so on
- Cows are never meant to be killed or eaten by human beings
- Cultivation of knowledge is also not easy for everyone. That is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita. - Out of many millions of persons, human being, one may be interested to know - What is the aim of life? Why I am suffering
- Dangerous civilization that labdhva su-durlabham idam bahu-sambhavante (SB 11.9.29). After many, many millions of years one gets the chance of becoming a human being, especially civilized and especially in India
- Darwin's theory stating that no human being existed from the beginning but that humans evolved after many, many years is simply a nonsensical theory
- Darwin's theory: by evolution you come to the human form of life. Accepting that from monkey one becomes a human being, so what is after this form? That they have no information
- Death is compared to the taking off and birth to the putting on of outward garments. Foolish human beings who are grossly absorbed in the culture of avidya, nescience, do not mind this cruel process
- Death means that unconsciousness for a long period. Because the soul is eternal. It will be explained. There is no birth and death. So when this body is annihilated, so the soul remains unconscious for a period, seven months for a human being
- Dehi means the proprietor of this body. Both we all, not only we human being, but also lower than human being, all living entities... There are 8,400,000 forms of living entities. They are called dehi
- Demigods like Marici and their descendants, who are meant to enjoy this material world. From these two kinds of demigods were gradually manifested all other living entities, including the human beings
- Demons, who are less than human beings but are not called animals, do not know the meaning of pravrtti and nivrtti, work to be done and work not to be done
- Descendants of Manu, or human beings, especially those who are situated in a well-to-do condition, must consider that whatever riches they have are gifts from the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Developed consciousness means to understand the Absolute Truth. That is the special function of the human being
- Development of factories and mills is called ugra-karma, or pungent activities, and such activities deteriorate the finer sentiments of the human being and thus turn society into a dungeon of demons
- Devotional service in full Krsna consciousness is the only means for attaining the highest perfection of life for the human being. This is recommended here (in SB 3.32.22) by Lord Kapila to His mother Devahuti
- Devotional service to the Lord is the highest goal of life for every human being, and such devotional service begins by hearing about the transcendental activities of the Personality of Godhead
- Dharma, religion, or the characteristic of human being, there are so many, but sa vai pumsam paro dharmo, that is superior quality of religion or characteristic
- Dhruva Maharaja, the best of human beings, observed that in that great battlefield not one of the opposing soldiers was left standing with proper weapons. He then desired to see the city of Alakapuri
- Difference between animal and human being is that an animal has no intelligence and therefore is not expected to follow any regulative principles, but human life is a life of responsibility
- Dog, he does not know anything else. He simply knows that he is this body. But a human being, by cultivation of knowledge, by logic, by argument, he can understand that - I am not this body
- Dogs and hogs do not have to work so hard for sex. A human being should try to live in a different way and should not try to imitate dogs and hogs. The alternative is mentioned. Human life is meant for tapasya, austerity and penance
- Don't take it (Krsna consciousness movement) that it is a type of sectarian religion. No. It is a culture. It is meant for every human being
- Don't take that Radharani is an ordinary woman, like we have our wife or sister or mother. No. She is the pleasure potency. And the birth of Radharani was not from the womb of any human being. She was found by Her father in the field
- Don't think that the animals or living entities other than the human being, they have no soul. No. That's a wrong conception. They have got souls
- Dormant divine consciousness of the living entity is developed in the human being by natural evolution but it is sometimes snubbed down by artificial force on account of too much desire to Lord it over the material nature
- Dressing like human beings on pilgrimage, they all used to come to Jagannatha Puri to visit Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Due to a poor fund of knowledge, human beings sometimes think the Lord's activities contradictory
- Due to different causes, the living entity is visible in different forms as an animal, human being, demigod, tree, etc. Actually every living entity is the marginal potency of the Supreme Lord
- Due to their poor fund of knowledge, Mayavadi sannyasis think that Narayana, the Absolute Truth, takes birth as a human being and that when He realizes this, He becomes Narayana again
- Duly, there is seasonal changes. You get seasonal fruits, flowers, grains, and all necessities. You'll be still given chance, especially for the human being, that you get all supplies, necessities
- Dvi-padam ca catus-padah: the four-legged animals (catus-padah), as well as food grains, are eatables for human beings (dvi-padam). These four-legged animals are those such as deer and goats, not cows, which are meant to be protected
- Eating is required, but not eating too much - not eating to the taste of the tongue, unnecessarily eating meat, fish, eggs. Why? You are human being. For you, Krsna has given so much varieties of foodstuff: fruits, vegetables, nice rice, dal, milk, ghee
- Eating, sleeping, fearing, and mating are the four principles of animal life. These are common both to animals and to human beings. But religion is the extra function of the human being
- Either they (those who are acting in the modes of passion and ignorance) will have to remain in this material world as human beings, or they will descend among the species of animals or even lower life forms. BG 1972 purports
- Enamored with the beauty of the illusory energy, they undergo the same miseries repeatedly and do not learn any lessons from the laws of nature. Therefore the culture of vidya, or transcendental knowledge, is essential for the human being
- Especially in this human form of life, one should engage his life, resources, words and intelligence for the service of the Lord. Only such activities can elevate a human being to the highest level of perfection. This is the verdict of all authorities
- Especially when there is no religion, human beings are simply animals. This any common man can distinguish - that a dog does not understand what religion is
- Even a bird maintains a wife, even a beast maintains wife. And human being hesitates to maintain a wife? You see? And they are advanced in civilization? Hm? It is a very horrible age
- Even an animal like a hog or a dog may have greater opportunities for sense gratification than a human being
- Even an animal like a tiger has this loving propensity at least in a dormant stage, and it is certainly present in the human beings. The missing point, however, is where to repose our love so that everyone can become happy
- Even if you do not ask, the food is there, we should understand. Because the animals, lower than human being, they do not go to church or to temple to ask for daily bread, but they get their bread
- Even in this material world, a devotee does not see materially manifested things; instead he sees Govinda in everything. When he sees a tree or a human being, a devotee sees them in relation to Govinda
- Even Mr. Nixon is in such exalted post, he's also full of anxieties, when he'll be kicked out. You see. So find out any man who is not in anxiety. Not only human being but also animals, birds, beasts - everyone. That is the symptom of material existence
- Even one is born in low grade family, he has got the facility of joining this Krsna consciousness movement and everyone has the capability to understand it, every human being
- Even such elevated persons fail to realize the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is eternally situated in the core of the heart. What then is to be said of others, such as human beings, who have fewer advantages?
- Even the aborigines and uncivilized human beings like Kiratas, Hunas, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Abhira, Sumbha, Yavana and Khasa, as well as many other human beings in the lower species, can all be purified simply by taking shelter of the pure devotees
- Even the animals can be captivated by this chanting, what to speak of human beings
- Even the biologist or the anthropologist, oh, they cannot calculate. But from authoritative, revealed scripture we get this information that there are 8,400,000's of species of life, of which human being, they are divided into 400,000's species of life
- Even the worms, birds and beasts are assured of elevation to the highest perfectional life if they are completely surrendered to the transcendental loving service of the Lord, so what to speak of the philosophers amongst the human beings
- Even though a person engaged in the practice of the yoga system may not finish perfectly and may fall down for some reason or other, his next life as a human being is guaranteed
- Every human being born in this world is immediately indebted to the demigods, the great sages, ordinary living entities, the family, society, and so on
- Every human being dislikes meeting death, but he does not know how to get rid of death. The surest remedy for avoiding death is to accustom oneself to hearing the nectarean pastimes of the Lord
- Every human being has a maximum duration of life of one hundred years, but for one who cannot control his senses, half of those years are completely lost because at night he sleeps twelve hours, being covered by ignorance
- Every human being is engaged in his particular occupational duty, and such activities are visible as men go hither and thither. This is very prominently visible in big cities of the world
- Every human being is expected to perform duties meant for approaching Lord Visnu. Therefore Yamaraja advises the Yamadutas to bring him those persons who have forgotten their duties toward Visnu
- Every human being is given the chance by nature's way. You are given this human form of body, civilized man with developed consciousness, to understand these problems of your life. The animals cannot understand
- Every human being is open to accept the principles of Krsna consciousness and make his life successful. This is our propaganda, to give everyone the facility of perfection of life
- Every human being is the followers of Veda because the history of all other religions, they are all recent - one thousand year, two thousand years, three thousand years - but you cannot trace out the history of the Vedic religion
- Every living entity, by the all laws of nature, is imprisoned or allowed under certain apartment, either in the body of a tree or a human being or demigod or cat or dog. These are all ordained
- Every living entity, from demons to demigods to human beings to lower creatures, is fully dependent on the Supreme Lord. One who perceives the Absolute Truth in this way can wholeheartedly surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Every one of us human beings; the dress may be different. That is another thing. Similarly the living entity, he is part and parcel of God, but someone has become human beings
- Every one of us is spirit soul, living entities. It does not matter whether I am a human being or other than human being - lower animal, birds, beasts, trees or higher celestial beings
- Every one of us, we are trying to control over the material energy. The big stone, big hill, they, that is material energy, but the spiritual energy, a human being, is breaking the hill by dynamite. Therefore it is superior energy
- Everyone has got some specific talent, either human being or cats and dogs or ants, everyone
- Everyone has got the facilities for sense enjoyment. Why not human being? Human being is developed consciousness; he has got better facilities. But the human being's business is not to indulge in sense gratification
- Everyone is born foolish. Everyone. Even the human beings, because they are coming from the animal kingdom by evolution, so the birth is the same, ignorance, like animals. Therefore, even though one is human being, he requires education
- Everyone is trying to be liberated. So in the bodies lower than the human being, there is no question of liberation
- Everyone less than human being, they cannot inquire about the Absolute Truth: "What is the aim of life? What is the Absolute Truth? What I am? What is my relationship?" These things are the subject matter for discussion in the human form of life
- Everyone says, "God is great. God is omnipotent. God is all-powerful," but we do not know how God is great, how God is all-powerful, how God is omnipotent. That we should know. And that is the prerogative, a special power for the human being
- Everyone should also be taught to be simple in thought and feeling and satisfied in body and mind. These are the general qualifications of a human being. There is no question of a secular state or an ecclesiastical state
- Everyone should be taught to be very careful not to discharge semen unnecessarily. This is very important for all human beings
- Everyone thinks in terms, "I am this body," that's all. He is not human being, but every so-called civilized man is thinking like that. So where is the civilization of human being? All go-kharahs, animals
- Everyone will be incorrigible. Only hope is Hare Krsna. The whole Vedic system is to make human being correct. Being incorrect, they are suffering in this material world repetition of birth, death
- Everyone, every human being, should be intelligent, that "This is my position, so what is the use of living like a demon?
- Everyone, from the aquatics to the highest form of human being - from the ant up to Brahma, the first creature of this universe - is searching for peace. That is the main objective
- Everyone, including the demigods, the demons and the human beings, desired her because of her exquisite beauty, her bodily features, her youth, her complexion and her glories. They were attracted because she is the source of all opulences
- Everyone, without exception, is attracted by the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The demigods, human beings, animals, birds, beasts, trees and plants are all attracted by sexual desire
- Everything and everyone, including human beings and even the Daitya demons and the Danavas, is but an expansion of Your energy
- Everything is manufactured by God. So everyone has right - not only human being; even the animals - everyone has got the right to live and use things as much as he requires
- Everything requires little intelligence. If one is dull then it is very difficult for him. Spiritual life is meant for intelligent person. Otherwise what is the difference between cats and dogs and human being
- Everywhere it is confirmed that Krsna is never nirakara, or formless. He has His form, exactly like that of a human being. There is no doubt about this
- Everywhere, you take politically or socially or spiritually, for human beings, if you want to make your life successful, then you must keep the tradition of brahmana-vaisnava. So our, we are Vaisnava. Our only tradition is how to satisfy Visnu
- Except these so-called civilized twenty-five percent human being, other living entities have no problem for eating, sleeping, mating
- Executing devotional service by thinking always of the Supreme Lord (man-mana), becoming His devotee, worshiping Him and always offering Him obeisances. This is called visnu-aradhana, and it is the supreme occupational duty of all human beings
- Farmers are producing, and you are eating, but you are not producing. Therefore gradually your food will be shortage. You are depending on others. The farmers, they do not produce food for human being; they produce food for the cows
- First of all aquatics, then plants and trees, then insect, then birds, then beasts, then human being. Now, in the human being form, because by gradual process of evolution we have got advance consciousness, the subject matter is given to us
- First of all let them come to the standard of human being. Then there is question of peace and happiness
- First of all, he (Marutta) wanted to offer the priesthood of his sacrifices to learned Brhaspati, but the demigod refused to accept the post because of the King's being a human being, a man of this earth
- First she (Sati) said, "You call Lord Siva inauspicious because he associates with demons in crematoriums, covers his body with the ashes of the dead, and garlands himself with the skulls of human beings
- Flowers, waterfalls, trees, fruits, hills, caves, birds, beasts, and human beings are nothing but combinations of God's energy
- Food grains or vegetables are factually eatables. The human being eats different kinds of food grains, vegetables, fruits, etc., and the animals eat the refuse of the food grains and vegetables, grass, plants, etc. BG 1972 purports
- Foodstuff offered to the Lord is accepted by the devotees as the mercy of the Lord. After all, the Lord supplies all kinds of foodstuff, both to the human being and to other animals
- Foolish human beings who do not endeavor to investigate the supreme beauty and opulence of the Lord are here condemned by Brahma
- For a human being there are eatables described in Bhagavad-gītā (BG 17.8) as sāttvika-āhāra, or food in the mode of goodness
- For a human being, agricultural produce, fruits and milk are sufficient and compatible foodstuffs. The human society should give more attention to animal protection
- For a human being, who has only a maximum one-hundred-year duration of life, a span of life spreading over millions of years is certainly considered to be deathless
- For chewing solid food, the human being has a particular type of teeth meant for cutting fruits and vegetables. The human being is endowed with two canine teeth as a concession for persons who will eat animal food at any cost
- For the enlightenment of bewildered conditioned souls, the Supreme Lord has presented voluminous Vedic literatures such as the Vedas, the puranas and the Vedanta-sutra. These are all intended to guide the human being back to Godhead
- For the four propensities of animal life - eating, sleeping, mating and defending - there is reasoning power even in beasts. Then, what is the special reasoning power of the human being, by which he is called the rational animal
- For the human being there are some rules and regulations, even for fulfilling common demands. The human society avoids such rules and regulations when it is bewildered by the influence of the age of Kali
- For undeveloped human beings, merely the slight display of the Lord's potency is captivating. A still more advanced person is captivated by the powers of the demigods and goddesses
- For yourself (the sacrificed goat), you are going to get the next life as human being without waiting for the evolutionary process. There is an evolutionary process. That is accepted in Darwin's theory also
- Formerly, in the Satya-yuga, the age of goodness, human beings would live up to 100,000 years. In the next age, Treta-yuga, they used to live for 10,000 years, and in the next age, called Dvapara-yuga, they used to live for 1,000 years
- Four-legged animals are better than many-legged living entities, and better than the animals is the human being, who has only two legs
- Freed from all sinful reactions are those who concentrate their minds with great attention upon the Rivers Ganges, Sarasvati, Nanda and Yamuna (Kalindi); the elephant Airavata; Dhruva Maharaja; the seven rsis; and the pious human beings
- From food value, the stool is very valuable. It contains all hypophosphates and so on, so on. The doctors, they have analyzed. But that does not mean because it has got very big food value the human being will agree to take stool
- From insect to bird, bird to beast, from beast to animals. It takes millions and millions of years to come to the form of human being. This is evolution. They do not know it, but that is the process
- From prakrti, or material nature, come so many varieties of living entities, including aquatics, plants, trees, insects, birds, animals, human beings and demigods. prakrti is the mother, and the SPG is the father (aham bija-pradah pita) - BG 14.4
- From the description given in this verse (SB 4.30.6), Garuda appears to belong to the Kinnara planet. The inhabitants of the Kinnara planet have the same features as Garuda. Their bodily features are like those of a human being, but they have wings
- From the historical point of view, the Aryans are the most civilized section of human beings, and among the Aryans, the Indians are especially highly cultured. And among the Indians, the brahmanas are the most expert in knowledge of the Vedas
- From the statements of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and the Bhagavad-gita, we are to conclude that living entities exist everywhere throughout the universes. They are distributed as trees, plants, aquatics, birds, human beings and so on
- From these (aquatics), insects and reptiles evolve, and from them birds, beasts and then human beings and finally civilized human beings. Now, the civilized human being is at a junction where he can make further evolutionary progress in spiritual life
- From Vedic scripture we can understand that living entities in different forms are generated under different conditions. Birds evolve from eggs, and beasts and human beings are born from the embryo
- Generally a human being has no idea of what the constitutional position is in the higher material planets, which are far better constituted in regard to all paraphernalia
- Generally a human being is interested in religion, economic development, sense gratification and liberation, but love of God is above all these
- Generally, in the higher planetary system they are more intelligent than the human being. Urdhvam gacchanti sattva-sthah (BG 14.18). Those who are on the platform of goodness, urdhvam gacchanti, they are promoted to the higher planetary system
- Giving up a comfortable home life is absolutely necessary for human beings and is advised by Prahlada Maharaja
- Go to a friend, "Sir, I want to take little flower to offer to Krsna," at least if he is human being he will never deny. "Yes, take it." If he's a dog, that is a different thing. If he's a human being you can collect this little flower and fruit anywhere
- God consciousness means all the good ideas we are manufacturing, they will be manifested automatically. Therefore our duty should be, if we want to make all human being well-behaved, then we must try to make every one of them God conscious
- God has a form just like a human being, two hands, two legs, and He Himself comes to show Him. That is Krsna. He is not nirakara. Isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (Bs. 5.1). Vigraha means form
- God has given advanced consciousness to the human being. Therefore he can feel the suffering and happiness of other living beings. The human being bereft of his conscience, however, is prone to cause suffering for other living beings
- God is everything. He can come as a human being or He can come in the form of sound also. Because what is this human being? You are seeing a human being, this flesh. That is combination of matter
- God is great; there is no doubt about it. Everyone, even in the lowest status of life, he can admit. I don't speak of the animals. Animals, they have no sense of God. I am speaking of the human being
- God is our father, God is our friend, naturally, and He says that suhrdam sarva-bhutanam, aham bija-pradah pita (BG 14.4): "I am the seed-giving . . ." not only for the human being - all species of life, they are living entities
- God realization is not possible for animals or for persons who are almost animals, or for animals in the shape of human beings
- Godless means mudha, rascal, duskrtina. They will attempt so many things, simply waste their time and energy. Because they are rascals. And a human being should have intelligence, but they are lower, lowest status of the human being
- Greatest among human beings
- Hare Krsna is neither Western or Eastern. It is meant for human being. You see? This "Western," "Eastern," they are our own creation. God is neither Western or Eastern. God is God. So anyone who will chant God's name will benefit. That's all
- Having been cursed by Mitra and Varuna, the celestial woman Urvasi had acquired the habits of a human being. Therefore, upon seeing Pururava, the best of males, whose beauty resembled that of Cupid, she controlled herself and then approached him
- Having gone through all the miserable, hellish conditions and having passed in a regular order through the lowest forms of animal life prior to human birth, and having thus been purged of his sins, one is reborn again as a human being on this earth
- He (a degraded human being) raises hue and cry as if he had been faced with a tiger or a wolf. Without transcendental knowledge, the human race has actually become no more than the tigers and the wolves
- He (a dog) also eats, and the human being also eats. He eats the stool and we eat very nice, palatable foodstuff. That sleeping propensity is there, sex life is there, and he is also afraid of enemies. Where is the difference
- He (a human being) is therefore directed by the Vedic regulative principles to work in such a way that he may fulfill his desires for sense gratification and at the same time gradually become freed from material bondage
- He (a human being) performs sinful actions simply for sense gratification
- He (a learned person) knows that it is a dog or it is a cat on account of this body. He is neither cat, neither dog, neither I am human being. We are all spirit soul, aham brahmasmi. This is real understanding
- He (Balarama) descended exactly like a human being and behaved in that way for His own purposes; we can only explain His activities as the Lord's pastimes
- He (God) is not obliged to take birth like human beings or animals, which repeatedly take birth and die because of ignorance of the soul
- He (Hiranyakasipu) never thought that an animal and human being would be combined so that demons like him would be puzzled by such a form. This is the meaning of the Supreme Personality of Godhead's omnipotence
- He (human being) should take advantage of understanding what is what, not to keep himself in the dog status, simply eating, sleeping, sex life and defending
- He (Krsna) married only 16,000 wives and entered in each and every one of the different palaces just to impress in the history of the human beings on the surface of the earth that the Lord is never equal to or less than any human being
- He (Krsna) says, - You are rotting here by repeatedly committing sins. You are changing from one body to another, and you are thinking that you are a human being, an American, this or that. The next moment you may become a dog or an insect
- He (Krsna) supplies food to the elephant, and He supplies food to the ant, so why not to the human being? But rascals do not know this
- He (living entity) has a spiritual need to be eternally blissful and full of knowledge, but unfortunately he identifies himself with the body, sometimes as a human being, sometimes as an animal, a tree, sometimes an aquatic, sometimes a demigod, & so on
- He (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) asks all Indians to take up His mission: One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people - CC Adi 9.41
- He (the human being) does not see that the so-called fighting soldiers like the children, relatives, society members and countrymen are all fallible in the great struggle
- He (the human being) is sufficiently experienced in the matter by dint of past experience and previous examples of his deceased predecessors
- He accepts various transcendental bodies among all types of living entities, and among human beings He especially appears as Lord Krsna and Lord Rama. By His causeless mercy, He protects the demigods, who are always harassed by the demons
- He is the spiritual master of all paramahamsas, who are the most exalted human beings, and He is the master of the self-realized. Let me offer my repeated obeisances at His lotus feet
- He says especially to people born in India (CC Adi 9.41) - Anyone who has taken his birth as a human being in India, Bharatavarsa, should make his life successful and work for the upliftment of the whole world
- He selects his position as a human being, a demigod, a cat, a dog, a tree, etc. In this way the living entity selects a body out of the 8,400,000 forms and tries to satisfy himself by a variety of material enjoyment
- He's attractive to the animals, He's attractive to the trees, He's attractive to the flowers, He's attractive to the water, and what to speak of human being. He's attractive; therefore His name is Krsna. Krsna means all-attractive
- He's human being born. Making him animal by culture. Instead of making him more cultured towards the spiritual life, making him redirected again to animal life. This is the civilization, Western civilization
- Here we are discussing about science of God, maybe very small number of men we are sitting, but we are all, because we are human being we are able to discuss. But we cannot call a cat or dog and sit down here and understand the science of God
- Hiranyakasipu became the conqueror of the entire universe. Indeed, that great demon conquered all the planets in the three worlds-upper, middle and lower-including the planets of the human beings, the Gandharvas, the Garudas, the great serpents
- His (Krsna's) appearance as one of the human beings and His disappearance again from the mortal world are subject matters for the research workers who execute research work with great perseverance
- His (Krsna's) bodily feature is narakrti, that is, exactly like that of a human being. Here (in SB 10.1.11) the same idea is repeated in the words manusam asritya, which indicate that He accepts a body exactly like that of a man
- His austerities and penances are exemplary practices for the human being. The incarnation of God Narayana Rsi was sitting amongst many devotees in the village known as Kalapa-grama
- How a human being can kill another human being or another animal unnecessarily? And if you kill, there is law: life for life. But they've made laws for human being. When an animal is killed, he's not a criminal. But in the God laws you cannot avoid that
- How many millions of years we'll take to evolve to become a human being? Then he gets chance of Krsna consciousness
- How the human being is born is described by Kapiladeva. The human being develops in the mother's abdomen and suffers there and comes out again
- However, our lives here will one day be finished. We pray that at that time, if any merit remains from our pious activities, we may again take birth in Bharata-varsa as human beings able to remember the lotus feet of the Lord
- Human being has a special intellect developed than the animals that he can understand what he is, what is God, what is this cosmic manifestation, and what is the aim of life, how we should conduct
- Human being has become so degraded. Less than animals. They can attack you. Just like in the forest any ferocious animal can attack you at any minute. The whole big, big cities have become like that
- Human being in other stages of life they are like buds. When they come to Krsna consciousness then they are blossomed flower
- Human being in the modes of ignorance and passion, they are animals. They are not considered as human being. They are animals
- Human being is meant to study the sastras. The sastras, Vedic literature, is meant for the human being, not for the cats and dogs. If you don't consult the sastras, then you remain a cats and dogs. That's all
- Human being is so responsible. If he remains fool, then he loses the chance of life. Why these books are here? This SB, BG, Vedanta-Sutra, and so many nice books there are. Why? Just to make us advanced in knowledge
- Human being means he is inquiring about the spirit soul or the spiritual world, the supreme spirit, God, Krsna. He is human being
- Human being means with logic. According to their definition, man is rational animal. They're not even rational. Like cats and dogs. There is no rationality
- Human being or animal, they are not different, because the body is made of the same ingredient. If you manufacture a dog like a dog, like a man, what is the difference? The ingredient is the same: earth
- Human being should be still more advanced in knowledge. That knowledge is not comprising only eating, sleeping, mating and defending. That knowledge is to understand the Absolute Truth, God
- Human being should not be encouraged to satisfy his unsatiated hunger like the giant elephant or the little ant but he should be trained up otherwise which shall provide for his real food
- Human being who does not cultivate spiritual life but dies like the cats and dogs is degraded in his next life. From human life, such a person is put into the cycle of continuous birth and death
- Human being, after the evolution, eight million forms of body, he comes to human body to understand philosophy, these Vedas. So instead of utilizing life for that purpose, he wants to become again like the cats and dog, and therefore he takes drugs
- Human being, full consciousness. Now, this is the chance for understanding God. And if they are still kept in darkness like the animals, that's a dangerous civilization-refusing the opportunity to the humanity
- Human being, in any part of the world, it doesn't matter, even uncivilized, there is an inquisitiveness to search out what is the Absolute Truth
- Human beings (who are minute amsas) and the demigods, visnu-tattva and all other living beings are all part of the Supreme
- Human beings and asuras are subject to death, whereas demigods are not
- Human beings are eager to receive favor from the goddess of fortune
- Human beings are provided with food grains, vegetables, fruits and milk by the grace of the Lord, but it is the duty of human beings to acknowledge the mercy of the Lord
- Human beings are so blind rascals, they do not see that this is real suffering
- Human beings discriminate. We write, "In God we trust," but one who trusts in God must be equally kind and merciful toward all living entities. That is God consciousness
- Human beings even in the lower statuses of life (a merchant, a woman or a laborer) can attain the Supreme. One does not need highly developed intelligence. BG 1972 Introduction
- Human beings have two kinds of temperament. Some are introspective, and the others are extravagant. Those who are extravagant are enamored of the external features of phenomenal beauty and have no insight into the whole manifestation
- Human beings living in this part of the globe are of golden color, and the women resemble the angels of heaven. The inhabitants are free from all kinds of diseases and grief
- Human beings represent 400,000 species, and there are 8,000,000 other species. But Krsna, the Supreme Lord, claims that all of them, whether beast, man, snake, god, semi-god, demigod - anything whatever - all of them are, in reality, His sons
- Human beings should endeavor to get out of this gross and subtle body, attain the spiritual body and go back home. That should be the aim of human endeavor
- Human beings should perform the sacrifices recommended in the sastras, and if they do so there will no longer be food scarcity. In Kali-yuga, the only sacrifice recommended is sankirtana-yajna
- Human beings who are accustomed to eating meat and flesh must also depend on the production of vegetation in order to eat the animals. BG 1972 purports
- Human beings who are unaware of the miseries of material existence and are happy in sex life and hard labor are the lowest of fools. Yet because they have no sense of miseries, they supposedly enjoy so-called happiness
- Human beings, animals, birds, etc., are also parts and parcels of the Lord and have different material bodies, but they are not the controlling deities of material affairs
- Human life is the best opportunity for the culture of spiritual knowledge, and a human being who does not take advantage of this opportunity is called a naradhama, the lowest of human beings
- Hundred thousand in the water, different types of forms, body. Then plants, trees, then insect, then birds, then beast, then human being. This is the evolution
- Hundreds and thousands of animals are killed in slaughterhouses, and no one cares about them, but the killing of even one human being is taken very seriously. Why? Because the human form of body is extremely important in executing the mission of life
- I am a human being and others are lower animals, that is the greatest abhimana. That is also, what is called, false ego. Human being or animal, they are not different, because the body is made of the same ingredient
- I am a human being. You accept that I have got soul. By what symptoms you accept that I have got soul?
- I am appealing to everyone, especially intelligent boys like you, to take up the propaganda work of Krishna Consciousness Movement very seriously, and it will be a great service to the human beings
- I am cutting throat of one poor animal under my protection. If somebody cuts my throat, how much I am unhappy. And I'm doing the same business and I'm human being? How can I call myself a human being? I have no sense even of compassion
- I am now prepared to give you all benedictions, according to your desire. I belong to the celestial world of demigods, who do not die like human beings. Therefore, although you are subject to death, your audience with me will not go in vain
- I can develop the body like an elephant, but the elephant is conducted under the direction of a man. You know? Such a big animal is controlled by a small boy of human being. So everyone is under control
- I don't say whimsically. Because they are misleading, therefore they are rascals. So many human being they are misleading by false knowledge
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto You, who are the original Personality of Godhead, the witness in everyone's heart, and the incarnation of Nara-Narayana Rsi in the form of a human being. O PG, I offer my respectful obeisances unto You
- I see everything vacant being separated from Govinda - This is called love. So, of course, it is not possible to come to that position like Caitanya Mahaprabhu. That is maha-bhava, maha-bhava. It is not for any human being to come to that stage
- I want to see the youngsters in your country to be happy. Everyone wants that, but not only in your country, I want to see everywhere. Because that is the duty of every human being, to give information of highest happiness
- If a bag of rice is placed in a public place, birds will come to eat a few grains and go away. A human being, however, will take away the whole bag. He will eat all his stomach can hold and then try to keep the rest in storage
- If a demigod, demon, human being, Yaksa, Gandharva or anyone within this universe renders service to the lotus feet of Mukunda, who can deliver liberation, he is actually situated in the most auspicious condition of life, exactly like us
- If a human being also does not understand that how this body is moving, neither they can discover what it is, then what is this? It may be very so-called decoration of the body. A decoration of the dead body, what is the profit thereof?
- If a human being does not follow the regulative principles, he is sinful. He'll be punished
- If a human being does not know, "What I am preparing for the next life?" he is no better than cats and dogs. That is the statement of the sastra. It is not my statement
- If a human being does not understand this fact - that he is not this body, he is changing his body, but he is spirit soul - then he is no better than the cats and dogs. We do not want to keep the human society in the category of cats and dogs
- If a human being follows the activities of the animals and does not avail himself of his ability to elevate his consciousness, he falls down the human scale and prepares for an animal body in his next life
- If a human being has personal beauty, a good education and good wealth, and if he is nonetheless not proud of his opulences, it is to be understood that he is especially favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If a human being is allowed to enter into the field or into the garden, he will try to take away something for selling or stocking, but the animals do not. So the innocent animals should be accepted as children of the householder
- If a human being is born in an aristocratic family or a higher status of life, if he performs wonderful activities, if he is youthful, it is to be understood that he is especially favored by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If a human being is taught to change his subtle body by developing a consciousness of Krsna, at the time of death the subtle body will create a gross body in which he will be a devotee of Krsna
- If a human being is taught to change his subtle body by developing a consciousness of Krsna, or if he is still more perfect, he will immediately get a spiritual body and thus return home, back to Godhead. This is the process of the transmigration
- If a human being tries to exist without ego, desire, feelings, dislikes, and so on, he will be converted into inert matter. This is not spiritual elevation
- If a human being were asked to stand like a tree for only three days or even less, he would not be able to tolerate it. The conclusion is that every living being feels happiness or distress according to the degree of development of his consciousness
- If a man fails to discharge his duties as a human being, he is forced to transmigrate to the asurya planets and take birth in degraded species of life to work hard in ignorance and darkness
- If a person does not take advantage of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, which is offered as a great concession to the fallen human beings of this age, it is to be understood that he is very much bewildered by the illusory energy of the Lord
- If a swan is provided with all the necessities of life, why I shall not be? I am so much developed human being. Why I am so much busy in economic development? This is called illusion
- If actually one person is God conscious, he must be sympathetic with the troubles of his neighbor, or anyone, not only human being; animals also. They are also living entities
- If brains like those of Einstein or Newton could have been manufactured by a human being, then mankind would produce many such brains instead of eulogizing their passing
- If even a small number of human beings take it (Krsna consciousness movement) seriously, then by their chanting loudly, all living entities, including even trees, animals and other lower species, will be benefited
- If He (Krsna) can supply food to the elephants, why not to the human beings? The Bhagavatam therefore says, "Don't waste your time with this bread problem." - SB 1.5.18
- If he's a human being, then he must take advantage of the Vedic knowledge. Janma sarthaka kari. Otherwise what he'll speak? If he does not know what is what, then what is the meaning of his preaching? No
- If human beings individually and collectively surrender everything to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in full Krsna consciousness, all of human society will benefit
- If I pinch your body, you feel pain. You pinch my body, I feel pain. Similarly, cats and dogs, they also feel pain or pleasure. So that is the proof of existence of the soul even in cats and dogs and human beings
- If Krsna does not supply you this light, sunlight, you will die. But He does not charge anything. But because you are human being, you should try to repay
- If one is habituated to taking the prasada of Lord Visnu, there is no chance of his becoming a ghost or anything lower than a human being
- If one is not on the platform of God consciousness, he is not human being. He is animal. That's a fact. But we should not hate the animals because our mission is to bring them to the human consciousness
- If one is not spiritually advanced or has no spiritual sense, he's animal. He is not human being
- If one studies further to find out who is running the powerhouse, one will find a human being
- If one who has taken birth in the land of Bharata-varsa as a human being does not take advantage of the opportunity for spiritual elevation, his position is certainly the most miserable
- If people take advantage of this instruction, as you have mentioned in your article "The Great Seers," so if we follow their instruction, the whole history of the human being can be changed
- If the birthrate of human beings is increasing, then the birthrate of other living beings is increasing proportionately. The birthrate of lower animals-beasts, aquatics, birds, etc.-is far greater than that of human beings
- If the human being develops taste without discrimination, as does the swine, then the controlling deity is certainly certified for the next term to award him the body of a swine
- If the human being does not follow rules and regulative principle, law, then he's animal
- If the human being is refused this facility (teaching about God), then you keep them as cats and dogs. And you cannot expect any peaceful condition of life in the society of cats and dogs
- If the leadership of world affairs is entrusted to the devotees of God, for which a worldwide organization under the name & style of ISKCON has been started, by the grace of the Almighty there can be a change of heart in human beings all over the world
- If the parents want a child in the godly qualities they should follow the ten principles of the human being. BG 1972 purports
- If this controlling power is not exhibited by the human being, then he is no better than an animal
- If we attain such association, where nice things are discussed, then that awakening of reason, that special prerogative of the human being, will come
- If we claim to be human being, born in India, it is our duty to understand the value of life from Bhagavad-gita and preach this cult to others to do real welfare activities
- If we do not care for self-realization, the laws of nature force us to work very hard, even though we may not want to do so. Human beings in this age have been forced to work hard like the asses and bullocks that pull carts
- If we don't come to this platform, then we remain animals. So this Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to bring human being to the platform of spiritual consciousness or real human being
- If we go in the pravrtti-marga, increase our sense gratification propensity, then we shall be entangled, and in this way . . . as human beings you have got advanced stage
- If we human beings, if we forget even ordinary mercy, compassion and gratefulness, then what is that human life?
- If we infect some choleric diarrhea, we'll suffer. Nature's law is. Therefore human being should be cautious not to infect. Just like educated man or civilized man, he is cautious not to infect some kind of contaminated disease
- If we misunderstand Krsna and take Him to be a human being like us, we become mudhas, fools. Krsna's body is not composed of material elements like ours, and if we think this way, we are mistaken
- If we remain without knowing God, then we are simply animals. We are no better than animals. What is the use of becoming a human being? Eating, sleeping, mating - that is also animal’s business
- If we want to make all human beings well-behaved, then we must try to make every one of them God conscious
- If we wish to show real mercy, we will preach Krsna consciousness in order to revive the lost consciousness of human beings, the living entity's original consciousness
- If you are so abominable that you do not work as a human being and just like animal, then you go to the hellish condition. This is nature's law
- If you are thinking of universal way, how you can give protection to a human being born in America, and send a cow to the slaughterhouse. What is your reason?
- If you continue to write articles on the basis of BG and SB certainly they will appeal to the core of the hearts of all human beings and surely they will respond. So, continue the policy scrupulously and you will be successful
- If you desire the body of a human being, you get it. If you desire the body of a tiger, you get it. If you desire the body of a demigod - you get it, you can get it. And if you desire the body like Krsna, you also get it. This is your facility
- If you do not give proper education, then next body may be lower than human being
- If you dress a dog very nicely, does it mean that he becomes a human being? A dressed dog, that's all. Dog dancing. So sastra says that if one is still in the bodily concepts of life, then he's no better than animal
- If you go from left to right, violating the rules or violating the color, symbol, signal, then you will be immediately arrested, because you are human being
- If you instruct a dog, "My dear dog, please surrender to Krsna," will he do that? So similarly, human being who does not surrender, he is no better than the dog. What is the difference between dog and this human being?
- If you keep them as dogs they will simply bark. There will be no more peace. Just try to understand practically. You have to make them a human being. If you keep them dogs and cats, there cannot be any peace. This is really knowledge
- If you like you can go to the Pitrloka. If you want to remain here as human being, you can also remain here, but you have to work for it to keep your position, status
- If you think that Indians do not eat or Indians . . because you have not seen them, but if you . . as soon as you know they are also human beings like us . . . just like as for my example, when I was in India I was thinking of America something wonderful
- If you try to make the dogs stop fighting, it is not possible. Is it possible? Then it is useless attempt. You keep the human being as dogs, and you want stop fighting. That is not possible. Impractical
- If you violate, immediately you go to the law. But a dog, he doesn't care. If you say, "A dog does not obey this law," that is no excuse. You are human being
- If you want perfection, you must take to Vedic culture, because it is not with the four defects of human beings
- If you want to change the mentality of the human being as it is going on, the dog's mentality, if you want to change it, you cannot do it by assembly in the United Nations and passing resolution. That is not possible. You must take to bhagavata-dharma
- If you want to prove that you are actually human being in this land, then you must take seriously the mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and spread all over the world. That is the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. And it is not very difficult
- If, with all these facilities (of Human body), a human being does not fully utilize his life for self-realization, he must be considered atma-ha, a killer of the soul
- In all higher planets, since the span of life is far greater than that of the human being, the denizens are called deathless by imagination, although actually no one within the material universe is deathless
- In America, the president is a big man. But now he is put into such a condition that he is full of anxiety. At any moment he may be kicked out. You cannot be happy either as President Nixon or tiger or cats and dogs or human being or Lord Brahma
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 14.4) material nature is clearly mentioned as sarva-yonisu. This means that of all varieties of species - demigods, human beings, animals, birds and beasts - whatever is manifested
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 3.10) it is confirmed that Lord Brahma created all living entities, including human beings and demigods, and advised them to perform yajna according to their material desires - saha-yajnah prajah srstva
- In Bhagavad-gita it is said that if human beings do not follow the spiritual way of life, there will be an increase of varna-sankara population, population begotten like cats and dogs, and the entire world will become like hell
- In Bhagavad-gita it is stated that even though a person engaged in the practice of the yoga system may not finish perfectly and may fall down for some reason or other, his next life as a human being is guaranteed
- In every monarchy, the king is honored very gorgeously. Why? Since he is a human being & the other citizens are also human beings, why is the king so honored? The answer is that the king, like the spiritual master, is meant to be the representative of God
- In heavenly and other planets within the universe, the inhabitants are all highly intelligent, many more times than the human beings, and they are all pious in the higher and highest mode of goodness
- In human society the human being is considered to be the superior living being, and amongst the human beings there are also different varieties: good, bad, equal, etc
- In materialistic life one is encaged within the body and deluded by false egoism. Thus one thinks, I am this body, I am a human being, I am an American, I am an Indian. This bodily conception is due to false ego
- In order that human beings be distinct from the animals, the great saint Narada recommends that every human being be educated in terms of the above-mentioned (in SB 7.11.8-12) thirty qualifications - truthfulness, mercy, austerity, tolerance, etc
- In order to dissipate the ignorance of the human beings who work under the material energy, which is separated from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the Lord comes down to revive their original nature of spiritual activities
- In other species of life lower than the human being it is not possible to revive our old relationship with God. But in this life . . . therefore this is the greatest opportunity. After all, we are under the grip of material nature's law
- In other words, a human being who has no conception of the actual position of Krsna is the lowest in human society. Then Rukmini addressed Krsna as Mahabhuja, which means "one with unlimited strength"
- In our experience we can see many human beings who have yogic mystic power and who sometimes perform very wonderful acts, but Krsna is understood to be the master of all mystic power
- In politics or sociology or humanitarian activities, there is partiality for a certain section of human being, or certain section of living beings. But this chanting of Hare Krsna mantra, awakening dormant KC, is meant for all living entities
- In pursuit of false activities, a human being is in the clutches of maya, or illusion
- In so many respect, qualities, you are one with God, but that does not mean you are God. God is one. That means you have no complete understanding. Just like in spite of your becoming American or human being, you deny to identify yourself with President
- In spite of so much bodily strength, the elephant works as a menial servant for a human being
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 5.5.5) it is said: A human being is defeated in all his activities as long as he does not know the goal of life, which can be understood when one is inquisitive about Brahman
- In such rabid condition of human being the panacea is "Krishna sankirtana" recommended in all scriptures. By this process, the forgetfulness of human being of his eternal relation with Godhead, is removed altogether
- In such rabid condition of human being the panacea is "Krishna sankirtana'' recommended in all scriptures
- In that age (Satya-yuga), every human being was practically a qualified brahmana of the highest order, and in the social orders of life they were all paramahamsas, or the topmost in the renounced order
- In the BG Krsna, manifested His virat-rupa to convince the less intelligent class of men, who cannot conceive God as appearing just like a human being, that He has the potency of His claim to be the Supreme Absolute person without any rival or superior
- In the case of birds it (the emulsification of the ovum and sperm) develops into an egg, and in the case of animals and human beings it develops into a lump of flesh
- In the conditioned state of our life, committing mistake is very natural. Just like we say: "To err is human." Any human being is susceptible to commit mistake
- In the conditioned state we are identifying, "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am human being," "I am this," "I am that," "I am white," "I am black." These are all designation. Actually, this is not self-realization
- In the creation, during Brahma's day, the three planetary systems - Svarga, Martya and Patala - revolve, and the inhabitants, including the lower animals, human beings, demigods and Pitas, appear and disappear in terms of their fruitive activities
- In the form of a human being, the living entity may revive a little Krsna consciousness, and, if he makes further development, the fire of spiritual life can be kindled in the human form of life. BG 1972 purports
- In the Gita, in plain and simple language, it is stated that Sri Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. There is none equal to or greater than Him. He is mentioned as the father of Brahma, the original father of all human beings. BG 1972 purports
- In the God's law there is no such thing that if you kill a human being you'll be killed, and if you kill an animal you'll not be killed. That is imperfect law, man-made law
- In the higher planetary systems, there are not only different types of human beings, but also animals like lions and elephants. There are trees, and the land is made of emeralds. Such is the creation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the human form of life, however, consciousness is more greatly developed, and consequently the human being has a chance to understand his relationship with God
- In the human society there are welfare activities for some society or nation or community or human being. But this (chanting Hare Krsna mantra) welfare activity is beneficial not only to the human society but to the birds
- In the living entities lower than the human being, they follow the nature's way, the allotted food. Just like the tiger eats blood and flesh. If you offer him nice fruit, nice sweetrice, he'll not eat
- In the living entities lower than the human being, they follow the nature's way, their allotted food. So similarly, we are human beings, and we have got special food
- In the lower than human being condition, we have to work very hard simply for four necessities of life: eating, sleeping, mating and defending. Sense gratification
- In the material conception of life, we find someone a demigod, someone a human being, a dog, a cat, etc. This is material vision, not actual vision. This material differentiation is due to a material conception of life. BG 1972 purports
- In the material world the human society gives all protection to the human being, but there is no law to protect the descendants of Surabhi, who can give all protection to men by supplying the miracle food, milk
- In the material world, everyone is contaminated by the dirt of sense gratification and is acting according to different designations, sometimes as a human being, sometimes a beast, sometimes a demigod or tree, and so on
- In the material world, there are three qualities: the quality of goodness, the quality of passion, and the quality of ignorance. And either human being or animal or demigods or American or Indian, everywhere these qualities are working
- In the modern civilization they have no history more than three thousand years. Some of the rascals, they say that ten thousand years before, there was no human being. So this is going on, mental speculation. But we have got Vedic history, millions years
- In the Padma Purana another instance of pure devotion is found. There it is recorded that the king, although the most elevated of human beings, was begging from door to door and was even praying to the candalas, the lowest members of human society
- In the Padma Purana it is said that there are 900,000 species of life in the water, 2,000,000 species of plants, 1,100,000 species of insects and reptiles, 1,000,000 species of birds, 3,000,000 species of beasts, and only 400,000 species of human beings
- In the science of logic it is said, "Man is a rational animal." So when rationality is missing, one becomes simply an animal. What is the possibility of being a human being
- In the upper planets the inhabitants are far superior to the inhabitants of this planet in all matters of art, culture and science, since they possess brains superior to those of human beings
- In these eight varsas, or tracts of land, human beings live ten thousand years according to earthly calculations. All the inhabitants are almost like demigods. They have the bodily strength of ten thousand elephants
- In this age human beings only live for sixty or eighty years, and even this small life-span is gradually decreasing
- In this age of Kali if a person does not take advantage of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, which is offered as a great concession to the fallen human beings of this age, it is to be understood that he is very bewildered by the illusory energy of the Lord
- In this age the human being is actually engaged in the work of an ass, carrying heavy burdens and driving thela and rickshaws
- In this material world there are as many living entities as atoms. Among these living entities, a very few are human beings, and among them, few are interested in following religious principles
- In this material world, every human being has a short span of life, but those who are engaged in devotional service go back home, back to Godhead, for they are actually on the path of liberation. For such persons, there is nothing which is not available
- In this material world, everyone is a pasu, an animal, because of the bodily conception of life. A human being who identifies the body made of three elements as the self, who considers the by-products of the body to be his kinsmen
- In this verse (SB 4.23.9) the words purusam abhajat purusarsabhah are significant: purusarsabha refers to Maharaja Prthu, the best amongst human beings, and purusam refers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In this verse the word manava is very significant. Generally this word is used to mean "human being." Dhruva Maharaja is also described here as manava. Not only is Dhruva Maharaja a descendant of Manu, but all human society descends from Manu
- In this way by Krishna Consciousness we can solve all the dogmatic confusions and speculations. This is the greatest need of the human beings and please try to do it as far as possible and Krishna will help you
- Incarnations or sons of God are not making propaganda for going back to Godhead only within the human society. Their work is also going on in all types of societies, amongst demigods and those other than human beings
- Indeed, a human being is but an imitation of His form. Krsna's dress is just like that of a cowherd boy's. He has a flute in His hand, and He seems to be just like a newly grown youth. He is always playful, and He plays just like an ordinary boy
- Indeed, the only return the Lord wanted was that Vasudeva preach the instructions of Krsna and liberate all human beings. That is the process of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness
- Instead of becoming free from the clutches of maya, or illusion, foolish human beings become bound up by different nomenclatures, being designated as brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas, sudras, Hindus, Mohammedans, Indians, Europeans, Americans, Chinese
- Intelligent persons who can see properly may look into the general conditions of the living entities who are wandering in the cycle of the 8,400,000 spieces of life, as well as in different classes of human beings
- Is it not a fact that your good self is the direct representative of Kapiladeva, the incarnation of the SPG? To examine people and see who is actually a human being and who is not, you have presented yourself to be a deaf and dumb person
- It (Krsna consciousness) is within all living entities, whether they be human being or animal
- It (SB 5.5.5) is such inquiry that begins the Vedanta-sutra: athato brahma jijnasa. A human being should be inquisitive to know who he is, what the universe is, what God is, and what the relationship is between himself, God and the material world
- It appears that foolish, demoniac human beings, when unnecessarily overpowered with material opulences, want to exhibit these opulences, and such foolish people feel satisfaction when these opulences are exhausted
- It doesn't matter whether he's Indian, American, or black and white. No, no conception. Or even human being or animal. He is kind to everyone, friend, well-wisher of everyone. He does not create any enemies. Such... These are the qualifications of sadhu
- It doesn't matter whether it is in India or America or Australia. Any human being, if he tries and if he reads the scriptures - never mind, Bible, Bhagavad-gita, Bhagavata - then he will understand God
- It has been decided that among human beings Babhru is the best and that Devavrdha is equal to the demigods. Because of the association of Babhru and Devavrdha, all of their descendants, numbering 14,065, achieved liberation
- It is a qualification of a Vaisnava that he is adosa-darsi: he never sees others’ faults. Of course, every human being has both good qualities and faults
- It is also stated in the Bible that human being is made under the image of God. So if you study yourself - that is called meditation - then you can understand what is God
- It is better to use one's time for advancement in the spiritual life of Krsna consciousness. One should not waste his valuable life as a human being. It is better to utilize this life for developing KC, without ambitions for so-called happiness
- It is calculated that there are four praharas, which are also called yamas, in the day and four in the night of the human being. Similarly, fifteen days and nights are a fortnight, and there are two fortnights, white and black, in a month
- It is essential for all human beings, and it is the duty of the father, spiritual master, and ultimately the state to take up the responsibility of leading the citizens towards this end (God realization)
- It is even more imperative for human beings to take to the worship of the lotus feet of the Lord by constantly chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, as recommended by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- It is hinted herein (SB 4.8.53) by Narada to Dhruva Maharaja that by meditating upon the transcendental form of the Lord and at the same time chanting the mantra one becomes so perfect within seven days that he can see the human beings who fly in the sky
- It is incumbent upon the human beings to hear because the scriptures like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam are made for that purpose. Living beings other than human beings have no ability to hear such Vedic literatures
- It is known to everyone that one man's food is another man's poison. Human beings are expected to accept the remnants of food offered to Lord Sri Krsna, and the Lord accepts foodstuff from the categories of leaves, flowers, fruits, etc
- It is meant for the human being and - do not mind it - it appears that rarely a human being is found there to take up the responsibility in India. They're talking all nonsense. The real message of Indian culture is Krsna consciousness
- It is necessary that every human being be responsible in preparing himself for the next life, even if he has a duration of life like that of Brahmā, the greatest of all living creatures within the universe
- It is not by chance, but we wanted to lord it over the material world, therefore we have got this material body. So everyone in this material world, either human being or animals, or birds and beast, is trying to be the lord of the universe
- It is not God's desire that a human being become a pig, but he develops such mentality to eat everything. So God allows him to do everything, to eat everything up to stool in the body of a pig. That is God's concession
- It is not possible for a tiny human being to estimate the purpose and plans of such activities; therefore Srila Jiva Gosvami has said that unless the Lord's activities are accepted as inconceivable, they cannot be explained
- It is not possible for human being. But at least, not maha-bhava but bhava, that we can. . . Bhava
- It is not that only human being has got the soul, not others. No. Actually if we make analysis what is the symptoms of possessing soul, you will find everywhere. Even in plants' life you will find
- It is not that we have manufactured. It is stated, dharmam tu saksad bhagavat-pranitam (SB 6.3.19). Nobody knows what is dharma, neither the human being, nor the demigods, nor big, big sages, saintly person, and whatever you say, philosopher. No
- It is said that out of many siddhas, the souls who have already realized the Absolute Truth, one may understand Krsna, who exactly resembles a human being - narakrti
- It is the duty of every human being to surrender to a bona fide spiritual master. Giving him everything - body, mind and intelligence - one must take Vaisnava initiation from him
- It is the duty of the government that every citizen, never mind whether human being or animal, he may not be injured by anyone. That is responsible government
- It is the duty of the human society to save the human being to degrade, from becoming again cats and dogs, or to elevate him higher and higher
- It is the duty of the ruler to satisfy them (the human beings) in their sense enjoyment as well as to elevate them to Krsna consciousness so that they all can ultimately return home, back to Godhead
- It is the duty of the vaisyas to give protection to the cows, just as the ksatriyas are to give protection to the human beings. Because the Lord was a child, He (Krsna) was put in charge of the calves with His cowherd boy friends
- It is the human being who requires to be properly dressed. That is the law of nature. If we violate, then the punishment is, "All right, you become tree and stand up naked for ten thousand years." This is the nature's law
- It is very difficult to find a few human beings who believe in the scriptures and the existence of God, or, for that matter, in proper behavior
- It is very difficult to find a few human beings who believe in the scriptures and the existence of God, or, for that matter, in proper behavior. Those who do believe in the value of these things are known as arya
- It may also be appropriate to explain, in these days of controversy, the origin of life. The life force of the living entity - the soul - is different from the ovum and semen of the human being
- It was ordained that Ravana, chief of the Raksasas, could not be killed by anyone but a man, and for this reason Lord Ramacandra, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, appeared in the form of a human being
- It would not have been possible for anyone but Krsna to kill these great heroes (Salva, Dantavakra and Viduratha), and therefore all the demigods from heaven and the human beings on the surface of the globe were glorifying Him
- Jantu means animals. Of course, in logic also, human being is called rational animal. They are also classified among the animals, but they are called rational animals
- Jivo jivasya jivanam: one living entity is the life for another living entity. But for a human being, that violence should be committed only as much as necessary
- Just as a calf can derive milk from a cow, all living entities - including animals, birds, bees, reptiles and aquatics - can receive their respective foods from the planet earth, provided that human beings are not asat, or adhrta-vrata
- Just like a big machine, computer, or any other machine, it is combination of matter, but it cannot work independently until and unless there is touch of the spiritual nature, a human being
- Just like on the street it is "Keep to the right." So this is for the human being. If the cats and dogs goes from right to the left or wrong, they are not prosecuted. The law is meant for the human being
- Just try to understand. Not that, "Because I have got this tendency, let me increase it without any restriction." That is not human civilization. Human civilization . . . that is the distinction between animal and human being
- Kala is identical with the Lord Himself, and therefore the influence of kala indicates the inexplicable wish of the Lord Himself. There is nothing to be lamented when a matter is beyond the control of any human being
- Kamsa was astonished. Since Devaki was a human being, how could the goddess Durga become her daughter? This was one cause of his astonishment. Also, how is it that the eighth child of Devaki was a female? This also astonished him
- Kamsya is mixture of copper and tin, bell metal. When it is properly treated with mercury, it becomes gold. Similarly, a human being properly treated by initiation, he becomes a brahmana
- Kapittha is a flower which is known in Indian vernacular as kayeta. We do not find an English equivalent for the name of this flower, but its fruit is generally not accepted by human beings; it is eaten by monkeys in the forest
- Kindly give us the nectar of Your lips, which are touched by Your transcendentally vibrating flute, for that nectar makes all human beings forget all other attachments
- King Rahugana said: This birth as a human being is the best of all. Even birth among the demigods in the heavenly planets is not as glorious as birth as a human being on this earth
- Knowing that the unfortunate human beings of this age would misunderstand even His own words, Lord Krsna again appeared - this time in the form of Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Krsna and Balarama learned how to speak and understand the languages of various countries. Not only did They learn the languages of human beings; Krsna could also speak even with animals and birds
- Krsna consciousness is not artificial - don't think that. This is the greatest necessity of the human being. Krsna consciousness, God consciousness, is there within you
- Krsna consciousness is the purest life, and it protects all human beings from gliding down to hell to take birth in a family of dogs or hogs
- Krsna consciousness movement is to give life to the dead society of human being. They are now dead, crazy dead
- Krsna gives order because we want it. Krsna does not force you to enter into the dog's body or hog's body or demigod's body or human being's body, but as we create situation by desire, Krsna gives us the facility to possess such body
- Krsna has given stool for the pigs and so nice foodstuff, fruits and grains and milk, for the human being. Not that every food is for everyone. No. What is called? - One man's food, another man's poison
- Krsna has many incarnations, such as Lord Nrsimha, Lord Boar, Lord Fish and Lord Tortoise, but there is no difference between Krsna's original two-handed form, like that of a human being, and these incarnations of gigantic animal forms
- Krsna is described in this verse (SB 10.1.5-7) as maya-manusya because He descends exactly like a human being
- Krsna is the fountainhead of everything, and everyone is advised to surrender unto His lotus feet. Despite all these clear statements, the mayayapahrta-jnana deride the Personality of the Supreme Lord & consider Him merely another human being. BG 1972 p
- Krsna said, "My dear Srutadeva, when a person is born as a brahmana, he immediately becomes the best of all human beings"
- Krsna says that sarva-yonisu kaunteya sambha..., aham bija-pradah pita. He's the original seed-giving father of all living entities, in any form. So not only human being, but also animals, birds, beasts, Krsna is the original father
- Krsna says that this special prerogative of the human being is nut awakened very easily, except by some good association. Just as we have this Krsna conscious association
- Krsna states that He is the originator of everything and everyone. Every demigod and every human being is dependant on Him. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna was present on this earth and appeared just like a human being with supernatural power. At that time, however, ninety-nine percent of the people could not recognize Him as God
- Krsna's appearance as a man bewilders the foolish. No human being could perform the wonderful acts that Krsna performed while He was present on this earth. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna, this word, means all-attractive. Krsna is attractive to every living entities, not only human being, even the animals, birds, bees, trees, flowers, fruits, water
- Ksatriya kings are sometimes advised to go to the forest to hunt ferocious animals just to learn how to kill, but such forays are never meant for sense gratification. Killing animals to eat their flesh is forbidden for human beings
- Law is meant for human beings, not for the animals. Those who want to be free, they are animals. So-called freedom means animalism
- Laws and scriptures are meant for human beings. As such, if one violates these laws (religious injunctions for restricted sex life), he becomes sinful
- Laws are made for the human being, not for the animals. I have several times explained. When there is law on the street, "Keep to the left," it is meant for the human being, not for the cats and dogs and cows
- Lazy human beings with paltry intelligence and a short duration of life pass the night sleeping and the day performing activities that are for naught
- Less intelligent men create their own "Gods" by advertising a human being as God. This is their mistake
- Let me not be touched by others, for our relationship as husband and wife has been made possible by providence, not by any human being
- Let them say all nonsense. What can I say? Every nonsense will speak something nonsense. How can I check it? There are so many nonsenses; therefore we are trying to make all these nonsense into human beings. That is our program
- Let us dissolve this so-called nationality; accept this whole planet belonging to us, all the human being, animals, birds, beasts, trees, as they are on this planet, - if we accept this philosophy, there is no question of chaotic condition of the society
- Like a human being who lacks spiritual knowledge and is too attached to the members of his family, the elephant, being illusioned by the external energy of Krsna, had his wives and children bathe and drink the water
- Like the air passing through different types of atmosphere, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although appearing sometimes as a human being and sometimes as a lower animal, is always transcendental
- Like the cats and dogs and hogs, they cannot understand that what miserable condition of life they are pulling on, similarly, a human being is called rational animal
- Literatures in the modes of passion and ignorance are distributed under different labels, but they can hardly help the spiritual urge of the human being, and thus the swanlike spiritually advanced men have nothing to do with them
- Living entities in this material world are very busy trying to gratify their senses. In the street we see many dogs assembled for sex. This may seem very crude, but human beings are engaged in the same business, perhaps in a more elaborate way
- Living entities other than human beings have no capacity to understand transcendental subjects
- Living entities other than human beings have no capacity to understand transcendental subjects. The human being is therefore considered to be the highest of all creations, and we must understand the nature of this higher standing
- Living entities, especially the human being, they are purusa. But actually we are not enjoyer. We are false enjoyer
- Lord Brahma was perplexed about his creation, the lotus and the world, even though he tried to understand them for one millennium, which is beyond calculation in the solar years of human beings
- Lord Brahma, a human being and an ant all live for one hundred years, but their lifetimes of one hundred years are different from one another. This world is a relative world, and its relative moments of time are different
- Lord Caitanya advised that any human being who has taken birth in India, Bharata-varsa, it is his duty to assimilate the Vedic literature and do welfare activities all over the world. That is the duty of every Indian
- Lord Caitanya further points out that out of 400,000 species of human beings, some are civilized; and out of many civilized persons, there are only a few who are devoted to the scriptures
- Lord Jesus Christ said: "Thou shall not kill," and now they are interpreting, "Killing means murdering, human being." But that is not in the Bible
- Lord Krsna said, "A human being who takes advantage of these spiritual masters and, receiving proper knowledge from them, crosses the ocean of material existence is to be understood as having properly utilized his human form of life"
- Lord Krsna said, "We can actually see that one becomes busy according to the natural tendency of his work; and according to that natural tendency, all living entities - whether human beings or demigods - achieve their respective results"
- Lord Ramacandra, whose lotus feet are worshiped by Lord Brahma and Lord Siva, had assumed the form of a human being. Thus He performed the funeral ceremony of Jatayu, who was killed by Ravana
- Lord Rsabhadeva is the master of all Vedic knowledge, human beings, demigods, cows and brahmanas. I have already explained His pure, transcendental activities, which will vanquish the sinful activities of all living entities
- Lord Siva said, "At the end of this creation, all manifestations of Your (Krsna's) energies, whether in the shape of demigods, human beings or lower animals, enter into You"
- Lord Siva said, "The human being who is always illusioned is afraid of ultimate death"
- Lord Sri Krsna, by His personal example, taught us the importance of cow protection, which is meant not only for the Indian climate but for all human beings all over the universe
- Lower animals, created by the laws of nature to disturb the human being, are not subjected to punishment
- Lower than human being - animals, birds, beasts, trees, aquatics, insects - they have no privilege to inquire about the Absolute Truth. It is in the human form of life one can inquire about the Absolute Truth. Athato brahma jijnasa
- Lower than human being up to the animals, there are so many forms of life. Jalaja nava-laksani sthavara laksa-vimsati. In this way, varieties of life
- Lower than the human being, there are 8,000,000 forms, and before coming to the human form of life we had to pass through this 8,000,000 types of forms
- Maharaja Sibi sacrificed his own son for the satisfaction of human beings in his kingdom. And thus child Pariksit was to become a second Sibi in charity and protection
- Man-made satellites and mechanical space vehicles will never be able to carry human beings to the planets of outer space. Men cannot even go on their much-advertised trips to the moon
- Manu gave the law known as Manu-samhita, which is full of directions based on varna and asrama concerning how to live as a human being
- Materialistic inventions are considered to be advancement of human civilization, but the result is that people grow more and more violent and more and more cruel, cruel to animals and cruel to other human beings. BG 1972 purports
- May the glorification of the transcendental name, form, qualities and paraphernalia of the Supreme Personality of Godhead protect us from the influence of bad planets, meteors, envious human beings, serpents, scorpions, and animals like tigers and wolves
- Maya Danava said: What has been destined by the Supreme Lord for oneself, for others, or for both oneself and others cannot be undone anywhere or by anyone, whether one be a demigod, a demon, a human being or anyone else
- Miseries can be removed only by the mercy of the Lord, who sends His bona fide representatives to enlighten human beings and thus save them from all calamities
- Modern scientists are now venturing to the moon with the help of rockets, but this is not really a new attempt. With their advanced consciousness, human beings are naturally inclined to travel in outer space and to reach other planets
- Most human beings live like animals. These can actually be deducted from the number of human beings that comprise human or civilized life
- Mucukunda was eager to know the identity of Krsna, and he said - O best of human beings, if You think I am fit to know Your identity, kindly tell me who You are. What is Your parentage? What is Your occupational duty, and what is Your family tradition
- Mudhas, rascals, blaspheme the Supreme Lord because He appears exactly like a human being. They do not know the unlimited opulence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Mundane archeologists are mistaken because they say from monkey the human beings have come into existence, but at the present moment both the human being and the monkey are existing. The monkey is not extinct. So these theories are not correct
- Murti means form. So there are 400,000 different forms of human being. So either you take it as species or form, that is up to you, but in the sastra it is said murti
- My (Kardama Muni) dear Devahuti, you look very much afraid. First bathe in Lake Bindu-sarovara, created by Lord Visnu Himself, which can grant all the desires of a human being, and then mount this airplane
- My (Nanda Maharaja's) lord, you (Garga Muni) are the best of the brahmanas, especially because you are fully aware of the jyotih-sastra, the astrological science. Therefore you are naturally the spiritual master of every human being - SB 10.8.6
- My dear Lord, O Supreme Unborn, I know that the different varieties of living entities, such as animals, trees, birds, reptiles, demigods and human beings, are spread throughout the universe, which is caused by the total material energy
- My Guru Maharaja, he convinced me (Prabhupada) that "Dependence, independence, they are temporary. But we are concerned with the eternal benefit of the human kind, and therefore you should take up this matter"
- Nanda Maharaja offered his two foster sons - namely Krsna and Balarama - to him (Garga Muni) to purify. Nanda stated that not only these boys but all human beings just after birth should accept a qualified brahmana as spiritual master
- Narada Muni advises that human beings not waste their time simply jumping like cats and monkeys, without real benefit. The duty of the human being is to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Narada Muni took for granted that none of them (human beings) has any source of generation besides his father, Brahmaji. Therefore he wanted to know all about them from Lord Brahma
- Naradhamas, or the lowest of mankind, willfully neglect the prime duty of the human being. BG 1972 purports
- Nature is so expert that in spite of different varieties of life, the nature assembles them in such a nice way that it looks beautiful. There is grass, there is tree, there is sparrow, there is human being, but arrangement is such nice
- Nature's law is that if the human being does not follow the injunction of the sastra and he acts whimsically, independently, then he becomes punishable
- No one could conceive of human beings’ eating meat like tigers and dogs, but men have become so degraded that they are just like animals and can no longer claim to have a human civilization
- Nobody has seen a monkey giving birth to a human being
- Nondevotee impersonalists who have no idea what God is and who never offer prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are always interested in accepting a human being as God and offering such prayers to him
- Not only does the human being have a material body, but other living entities, such as cats and dogs, also have material bodies
- Not only human beings, but also animals, birds, beasts, they should live comfortably, and without any disturbance they must get their food. That is our Communism
- Now Gajendra was in danger, and although he was in a body other than that of a human being, he remembered the stotra he had chanted in his previous life
- Now human beings have manufactured the 747 airplane, which according to their conception is very big. But can they produce an airplane as small as a flying insect? That is not possible. Actual greatness, however, is not one-sided
- Now they are killing animals. That is separate from human being. But time will come, the human beings, they will kill themselves, one another. Not only one, two, but wholesale. Daily, millions or thousands will be killed
- Now you are having sex as human being in very nice apartment or on the street, on the beach, as you like. In the next life also, as cats and dogs, you will have sex life. The sex life is not denied, because the life is there
- Now, if the hogs and camels can enjoy sense gratification without great struggle, why not we human beings? We can - but that is not our ultimate achievement
- Now, in human life, we have an opportunity to understand our actual position. Only because you are human beings have you all come here to learn about Krsna consciousness, about the real goal of your life
- Nowhere in the material world do we find a human being with four hands. In Vaikunthaloka there is no occupation but the service of the Lord, and this service is not rendered with a purpose
- Nunam pramattah kurute vikarma: a human being who is mad after sense gratification does not hesitate to act sinfully
- O best of the asuras, for this reason I am now prepared to give you all benedictions, according to your desire. I belong to the celestial world of demigods, who do not die like human beings
- O gentle reciters, offer such prayers in due course of time, when the qualities of which you have spoken actually manifest themselves in me. The gentle who offer prayers to the SPG do not attribute such qualities to a human being
- O greatly fortunate and opulent Sukadeva Gosvami, now kindly tell me how human beings may be saved from having to enter hellish conditions in which they suffer terrible pains
- O King, whenever the yogi desires to leave this planet of human beings, he should not be perplexed about the proper time or place, but should comfortably sit without being disturbed and, regulating the life air, should control the senses by the mind
- O Lord, killer of the demon Naraka! Let me (King Kulasekhara) reside either in the realm of the demigods, in the world of human beings, or in hell, as You please
- O my boy, your intelligence is immature, and therefore you have no knowledge that the king, who is the best amongst human beings, is as good as the Personality of Godhead
- O my Lord, by Your own will You appear in the various species of living entities, among animals lower than human beings as well as among the demigods, to perform Your transcendental pastimes
- O my Lord, when a human being is able to give up all the material desires in his mind, he becomes eligible to possess wealth and opulence like Yours
- O supreme controller, You control the three destinations (promotion to the heavenly planets, birth as a human being, and condemnation in hell), yet Your supreme abode is Vaikuntha-dhama
- Of all the catur-vargas, the benediction of liberation is considered to be the highest in this material world. To be enabled to cross over material nescience is known as the highest purusartha, or benediction for the human being
- Of course this is not possible for living entities who are lower than human beings, but in human society it is feasible that all living entities can be enlightened with Krsna consciousness
- Of these small numbers of human beings, there are many low-class human beings like mlecchas, Pulindas, bauddhas and sabaras. The human being elevated enough to accept the Vedic principles is superior
- On all the planets there are different types of residents, but the Lord recommends, referring especially to the planet earth, which is inhabited by human beings, that society be divided into four varnas-brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra
- On all the planets within this universe, the varieties of living entities, moving and nonmoving, including the demigods, demons and human beings, were all generated from the daughters of Maharaja Daksa
- On every planet, however, the span of life for a human being is roughly one hundred years. According to the life-spans on different planets, the standards of living also differ
- On the path of birth and death we take our birth, remain for some time, enjoy or suffer, then again give up this body and enter into the womb of a mother, either human being or animal, then prepare another body to come out and begin our work again
- On the planet earth human beings do become pregnant, although the tendency is to avoid having children
- One (Human beings) may aspire to live for hundreds of years if he continuously goes on working in that (accept only necessary) way, for that sort of work will not bind him to the law of karma
- One animal or lower than human being, they have got one sense very strong. Someone's the ear, someone's the nose, someone's the tongue, someone's the genital, in this way. But they have got one sense strong
- One animal, big animal is being elected as the president. Therefore you are suffering. Nixon. What is Nixon? He is also another animal. And the animals have elected him president. Just see. This is going on. Where is the human being?
- One child, one living entity, takes birth in the womb of a human being, and that child is being killed by the conspiration of the mother and the doctor. This is going on
- One division is called demigod, and one division is called the human being. The other division is called lower than the human being
- One hundred years is significant in this connection (SB 4.25.43) because every human being is given the concession to live up to a hundred years. The span of life is different on different planets, according to the planet's distance from the sun
- One hundred years of Brahma are not the same as the one hundred years of a human being. From Bhagavad-gita we understand that Brahma's daytime of twelve hours equals 4,300,000 times 1,000 years
- One in the grhastha order of life should daily worship the sages by Vedic study, the forefathers by offering the mantra svadha, the demigods by chanting svaha, all living entities by offering shares of one's meals, and human beings by offering grains
- One is advised to meditate upon the virat-rupa in order to understand how the different planets, seas, mountains, rivers, birds, beasts, human beings, demigods and all that we can conceive are but different parts and limbs of the Lord's virat form
- One is made brahmacari, celibacy, spiritual. One is made a very decently, family life, grhastha. One is made retired life, sannyasi. Very systematical. So if we don't follow the varnasrama-dharma, then we are not even human beings
- One man said that "I have got many sons in this orphanage." That is very good. So this natural inclination for loving an orphanage is there, is there. So this give and take, this inclination, is there in the human being
- One man's poison is another man's food - Why this difference? A particular type of body. Although we are all human being, but every one of us is under the control of the laws of nature
- One may be a human being, a demigod or an animal, tree or plant, but everything is controlled by the laws of nature, and behind this natural control is the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One must learn this (the duty of a human being is to understand his relationship with God), otherwise he is simply wasting his time by engaging in animalistic propensities. We must all try to love Krsna or God
- One of my students told me that in the last war in the concentrated camp, the human being, they also ate their stool out of hunger. You see? There was no food, so they ate their own stool
- One of these (prescribed rules and regulations) states that they (men) should never trouble any animal, even those that disturb human beings
- One should be fully free from material desires, philosophical speculation and fruitive activity. The best course for a human being is to favorably accept the transcendental devotional service of the Lord. That is the highest perfection of human life
- One should not mistake the appearance of the Lord as a human being or a beast to be the same as the birth of an ordinary conditioned soul, who is forced to appear by the laws of nature, whether as an animal, as a human being or as a demigod
- One should not try to understand Krsna as a human being. As stated previously, only a foolish person thinks Him to be a human being. This is again expressed here in a different way. BG 1972 purports
- One should take serious note of this incident (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter). The human being is a social animal, and his unrestricted mixing with the fair sex leads to downfall
- One who (a human being) is sober, who knows the laws of nature, and who is not influenced by unnecessary attachment or aversion is sure to be recognized by the Lord and thus become eligible to go back to Godhead, back to the eternal home
- One who betrays the confidence of a living entity who takes shelter of him in good faith, whether that living entity be a human being or an animal, is extremely sinful
- One who could not finish this yoga system of Krsna consciousness, he gets his life again as a human being in very rich family or in a very pure family
- One who does not begin Krsna consciousness in the human form of life loses his life to the influence of the illusory energy. Brahma regrets the situation of such a human being
- One who does not move in that way is as good as a standing tree condemned by the Lord not to move. The moving tendency of the human being is misused by visiting places for sightseeing
- One who has only knowledge or detachment is not necessarily well acquainted with the principles of the bhakti cult. Bhakti is the supermost occupation of the human being
- One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) should make his life successful & work for the benefit of all other people
- One who has taken his birth as a human being in the land of India (Bharata-varsa) should make his life successful and work for the benefit of all other people
- One who has the shape of a human being but whose actions are nothing but those of an animal is called nara-pasu or dvipada-pasu, a two-legged animal
- One who is apramatta, a sane, sober person, a dhira, knows very well that a human being's primary duty is to render service to the Supreme Person
- One who is attracted to karma-kanda and jnana-kanda spoils his existence as a human being
- One who is not trying to stop death is not an intelligent human being. Because Devaki was face to face with imminent death, it was Vasudeva's duty to save her, as he was trying his best to do
- One who is pandita, one who is learned, he sees every living entity on the equal footing. Therefore a Vaisnava is so compassionate. Lokanam hita-karinau (Sad-gosvamy-astaka 2). They can actually do the beneficial work to the human being
- One who teaches this tattva-jnana, he is guru. Otherwise he's a rascal. So therefore the first indication is that if you want to become a real human being, then you must approach a real guru and learn from him
- One year of the demigods is equal to 360 years of the human beings. The duration of the Satya-yuga is therefore 4,800 x 360, or 1,728,000 years
- Only a section of human beings - the unalloyed devotees - can recognize Krsna on the authority of revealed scriptures, but others are bewildered by the influence of material energy
- Only a small fraction of the living entities, perhaps one fourth, are in the material world. And the major portion of the living entities in the material world - 8,000,000 of the 8,400,000 forms of life - are lower than human beings
- Only due to ignorance does a person think, "I am a demigod," "I am a human being," "I am a dog," "I am a cat," or, when the ignorance is still further advanced - I am God
- Only human beings have consciousness of right and wrong, and among them only those who perform sinful activities come under the control of Yamaraja
- Only human beings have consciousness of right and wrong, and among them only those who perform sinful activities come under the control of Yamaraja. Therefore although Yamaraja is a controller, he is only a departmental controller
- Others fought on the backs of jackals, rats, lizards, rabbits, human beings, goats, black deer, swans & boars. In this way, mounted on animals of the water, land & sky, including animals with deformed bodies, both armies faced each other and went forward
- Otherwise, simply further attachment (if attachment between man and woman not reduced to nil) - You will have to take rebirth, either as a human being or as a demigod or as an animal, as a serpent, as a bird, as a beast. You will have to take birth
- Our disease is that we have forgotten God. The more we are forgetful about God, the more we are animals. And the more we become advanced in understanding God, Krsna consciousness, then we are human being
- Our duration of life is measured, and no one is able to enhance it even by a second against the scheduled time ordained by the supreme will. Such valuable time, especially for the human being, should be cautiously spent
- Our main problem is the sex life. That is... Because sex life is the basic principle of material life. Either you are human being or you are demigod or you are a bird, you are a beast, you are a fly, you are a fish, you are tree, plants - everything -
- Our material needs are these: the problem of eating, of mating, of sleeping, of defending ourselves and of acquiring sense gratification. These are common both to human beings and to animals
- Our mission is to save human being from being spoiled like animals. That is our mission. The greatest humanitarian work
- Our only request is take advantage of this Krsna consciousness movement. Try to understand it properly. It is not meant for any particular person, nation, or community. It is for every human being
- Our philosophy is not like that, that we give protection to the human being and send the cows to the slaughterhouse. No, that is not our philosophy
- Our philosophy is that by the supreme friend everything is complete there is no necessity but we human beings given the better facility for understanding the supreme friend we are utilising that for temporary eating sleeping mating that's all
- Our philosophy is that expanded - not only human being but animals also. Our philosophy is, if there is one lizard in your room, I should see that he is not starving. This is our philosophy. Not only human being but animals, even an insect
- Our real purpose is God-realization. That we are missing. That chance is in the human form of life. So if people are not educated to this goal of life, that is not helping the country or the society or the human being
- Our real value of life, human being, means spiritual understanding. This is... This human life is meant for spiritual understanding
- Out of many, many human beings who awaken, there may be one who actually enters the spirit of understanding his position, and for him this Bhagavad-gita is spoken. BG 1972 Introduction
- Out of so many human beings who are suffering, there are a few who are actually inquiring about their position, as to what they are, why they are put into this awkward position and so on. BG 1972 Introduction
- Out of that small number of human beings, most are totally ignorant of spiritual life, are unclean in their habits and have no faith in the existence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Out of the many millions and trillions of living entities on land, human beings comprise only a small portion
- Out of the many millions and trillions of living entities on land, human beings comprise only a small portion. Out of that small number of human beings, most are totally ignorant of spiritual life
- Out of those rare human beings those who are conscious of the material problems are rarer still, and the still more rare persons are those who are conscious of the value of the Srimad-Bhagavatam which contains the messages of the Lord & His pure devotees
- Pandita, who knows what is what, he is sama-darsi, equipoised. He knows that the substance within the tree or substance with the dog or substance with the human being or substance within the brahmana or a sudra or a dog or candala - the soul is the same
- Pariksit Maharaja is a Vaisnava. So he did not appreciate the suffering of the human being in such a way (put into river of germs and mosquitoes, forced to embrace hot iron man or woman). That is a Vaisnava's nature
- People are accustomed to flattering or worshiping many demigods, human beings, or even cats and dogs, but when requested to worship the Supreme Lord, they refuse. This is called illusion
- People are generally misled by the spell of the illusory energy of material nature. There are innumerable living entities within the material nature, and only some of them are human beings
- People are simply wasting time and the valuable gift of the human form because a human being who does not cultivate spiritual life but dies like the cats and dogs is degraded in his next life
- People are very much so-called philanthropist. They open hospitals, schools and other things, but actually, they do not know what is the real disease of the human being
- People from all over the universe, including the seven islands, the nine khandas, the planets of the demigods, Gandharvaloka and Kinnaraloka, would go there in the forms of human beings
- People have no conception of God, and therefore there is no understanding of religion. As a result, the whole human civilization is declining. And because it is declining, human beings are becoming more and more like animals
- Persons with a poor fund of knowledge do not know this, and therefore they have the audacity to deride Him because He comes before us by His causeless mercy occasionally as a human being. The Lord is not like a human being
- Pious and vicious, these two activities are concern to the human. It is not to the animals. Animals, they are not subjected to the rules and regulations. Just like state law - state laws are meant for human beings, not for the cats and dogs
- Please describe the science of Godhead with determination and in a manner by which it will be quite possible for the human being to develop transcendental devotional service unto the Personality of Godhead Hari, the Supersoul of every living being
- Prakrti, nature, will offer the body, and there are so many varieties of body. So one should know at least what kind of body I'm going to get next. That is intelligence. And if he becomes other than human being, that is not very good proposal
- Prescribed duties of the human being, as directed in the Vedas, can gradually purify the sinful mind of the conditioned soul and raise him to the stage of knowledge
- Purusah pasuh. A big animal is being eulogized by small animals. Does it mean a big animal is a human being? He's animal
- Radha continued, "Being deprived of all material acquisitions, one makes his relatives, himself unhappy. He wanders in search of Krsna, either as a human being or in other species of life, even as a bird, voluntarily accepts the profession of a mendicant"
- Radharani continued, "'A human being does not live more than a hundred years. You should also consider that the youthfulness of a woman, which is the only attraction for Krsna, remains for only a few days"'
- Rainfalls are not in the control of the human being. The heavenly King Indradeva is the controller of rains, and he is the servant of the Lord
- Real civilization is for tapasya. Everything, God has given us everything you need. For human being, Krsna has given you nice fruits, nice flowers, nice grains, nice milk, nice sugar
- Real course of study for human beings
- Real interest is, for the human being, to know what is God, what is my relationship with Him, and how I shall achieve the highest perfection of life. That is real interest
- Reasoning power is there in dogs & cats as well. Suppose a dog comes up to you; if you say, "Hut!" he'll understand. The dog will understand that you don't want him. So, he has some reasoning power. But what is the special reasoning power of human being
- Regulations are meant for human beings, not for animals
- Religion cannot be manufactured even by great saintly persons, demigods or siddha-mukhyas, and what to speak of asuras, human beings, Vidyadharas, Caranas, and so on
- Religion is not so easy thing to be understood by cats and dogs. Religion is meant for the human being
- Religion of human being is one. That is called sanatana. A living entity is described as sanatana. Mamaivamso jiva-bhuto jiva-loke sanatanah
- Religion will practically vanish. So that means gradually human beings will descend to the platform of animals - in Kali-yuga
- Religion, cannot be manufactured by a human being. Religion is the law or code of the Lord
- Religious affiliation in terms of different countries and cultural circumstances is obviously not the common religion of the human being; rather, the basic principle is devotional service
- Restriction is for human beings, not for animals. We encounter restrictions daily in our common dealings. We cannot drive a car on the left or run a red light without risking apprehension by the law
- Revival of his (the human being's) pure consciousness and counteraction of the tendency to forget his eternal relationship with the Lord can follow (the meditation upon the virat-rupa) simultaneously
- Rsabhadeva warns His sons that "Don't live the life of hogs. Live like human being." That is wanted. And for that purpose you require to execute tapasya
- Rudra, Lord Siva, is actually born from between the eyes of Brahma, who is called Svayambhu because he is not born of any human being or material creature but is born directly from the lotus flower which grows from the abdomen of Visnu
- Rukmini continued, "O unlimited one (Krsna), when the activities and endeavors of Your devotees remain a mystery to the common human beings, how can Your motives and endeavors be understood by them"
- Rukmini continued, 'You (Krsna) may doubt my steadiness of character, since how could an unmarried young girl like me approach You without any shame? But my dear Mukunda, You are the supreme lion among human beings, the supreme person among persons'
- Sacimata told her husband, "I see wonderfully brilliant human beings appearing in outer space, as if offering prayers"
- Salva begged from Lord Siva the gift of an airplane which would be so strong that it could not be destroyed by any demigod, demon, human being, Gandharva or Naga, or even any Raksasa
- Sanat-Kumara said, "My dear King, the false ego of a human being is so strong that it keeps him in material existence as if tied up by a strong rope. Only the devotees can cut off the knot of this strong rope very easily, by engaging themselves in KC"
- Sanatana-dharma is not meant for any particular class or particular country or particular nation or community. No. It is meant for the whole human being, especially human being; otherwise, all living entities
- Sarvasya caham hrdi sannivistah: "I have entered into everyone's heart." (BG 15.15) The Supreme Lord refers not only to the hearts of human beings but to those of animals and everything else
- Sastras are meant for human being, not for the cats and dogs and hogs, as law is meant for the human being, not for the cats and dogs. Therefore we have to follow the sastric injunction
- Saunaka Rsi, told Suta Gosvami, "Although as human beings we are contaminated with so many taints of material existence, simply by our conversing with you about the Supreme Personality of Godhead we are now gradually decrying our desire for liberation"
- SB 10.84.13 states: A human being who identifies his body made of three elements with his self, who considers the by-products of his body to be his kinsmen, who considers the land of his birth worshipable, is to be considered like an ass or a cow
- Scripture says that human life is not meant only for these four principles of life, bodily demands. There is another thing - a human being should be inquisitive to learn what is Absolute Truth. That education is lacking
- Sense enjoyment is also allowed to the lower animals by the law of nature, and thus a human being is also destined to a certain amount of sense enjoyment according to his past or present life
- Simultaneously the father, the son and the grandson are one and different also. As human beings they are one, but as relativities they are different
- Since animals are also interested in these functions (eating, sleeping, defending and mating), what is the difference between human life and animal life if a human being does not go beyond them
- Since even great sages and demigods are unauthorized to inaugurate such principles of religion, what to speak of others - the so-called mystics, demons, human beings, Vidyadharas and Caranas living in the lower planets
- Since everything is the property of God, and all living entities - not only human beings but even animals, birds, plants and so on - are children of God
- Since it has been ascertained that the Lord is the Supersoul of everything, He should therefore be heard and glorified everywhere and always. That is the special duty of the human being
- Since the human form of life is the sublime position for spiritual realization, all the demigods in heaven speak in this way: How wonderful it is for these human beings to have been born in the land of Bharata-varsa
- Since the king is the representative of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he is sometimes called nara-deva, that is, the Lord as a human being. According to the Vedic injunctions, he is worshiped as God on the material platform
- Since the soul is actually a spiritual particle, as confirmed in the Bhagavad-gita, it is due to illusion (vivarta-vada) that a human being, like an animal, identifies the body with the self. This is a proper example of vivarta, or illusion
- Since they (pure devotees) are not attracted to other features of Krsna (what to speak of the demigods), they are not concerned with any form of a demigod or of a human being. BG 1972 purports
- Since transcendental behavior is different from mundane behavior, it should not be taken that the Lord receives service from His wife just as a demigod or human being might receive service from his wife
- So a cat, a dog cannot inquire about Brahman, but the gentleman inquire about what is God. Because he is human being he could inquire like that. So there is no cause of disappointment
- So don't be irresponsible to your life. Be responsible and be prepared for the next life and act accordingly, as the direction is there in the Bhagavad-gita, and prove that you are human being
- So every human being is expected to receive this knowledge directly from Krsna. Don't interpret wrong way according to your whims. Take it as it is and be benefited
- So every human being is seeking after spiritual culture, but unfortunately, at the present moment they are doing something which is not very desirable, the so-called swamis and yogis
- So far Eric is concerned, he is developing K.C. from very childhood, and it is a great opportunity on a human being
- So far human being is concerned, their food is also designated, that you take prasadam
- So far Vedic religion is concerned, it is not for the Hindus. That is to be understood. The sanatana-dharma. It is for all living entities, all human beings. It is called sanatana-dharma
- So far we are concerned, we have no such distinction, "East and West." We know that everyone is human being
- So for a human being both the big animal and a small animal, they are animals, although the small animals praise the big animal
- So his son would become famous in the world as Pariksit (examiner) because he would come to examine all human beings in his search after that personality whom he saw before his birth. Thus he would come to constantly contemplate Him
- So if a human being does not become inquisitive to understand what he is, in which way his progress should me made, then he remains a dog
- So if we work also like dogs and hogs day and night for sense gratification, material satisfaction, then where is the difference between hogs and dogs and human being? And this is going on
- So if you want to change the mentality of the human being as it is going on, the dog's mentality, if you want to change it, you cannot do it by assembly in the United Nation and passing resolution. That is not possible
- So long you are not human being, you are coming through the laws of nature automatically. Now, when you come to the form of human being, bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19), after many, many births, many, many millions of years, you come; nature brings you
- So many scriptures are there, so many teachers are there, so many rules and regulations are there. They are not meant for the animals, because they cannot be purified. They must have to come to this position by evolution of human being
- So this Krsna consciousness means training people for becoming fit to enter into that eternal life, blissful life. That training is meant for human being, not for animals. So you should not misuse this human form of life
- So we have to study Caitanya Mahaprabhu's life. Except - this is the clear and simple truth - except chanting Hare Krsna mantra, there is no other business of the human being
- So-called humanitarian love means they're loving some human being, but the animals are being killed. Why they do not love the animals? Because imperfect. But the Krsna conscious person will never kill an animal or give trouble to animal even
- Society cannot be peaceful unless there are four divisions of human beings functioning in harmony with one another. These four divisions are comprised of brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras
- Somebody is in the cat's body. Somebody's dog's body. Somebody's in human being's body. Somebody is in demigod's body. These bodies are offered by prakrti according to price you pay. This is called karma
- Sometimes if people hear that by acting in such a way they will become a tree, a dog, a cat, an insect or even a human being, they say that they do not even care to know this
- Sometimes it so happens that in the last war in the concentrative camp, the human being was obliged to eat his own stool. So this is called karma
- Sometimes some animal wants to eat something, another animal wants to eat another thing, but that is pravrtti. Just like the hog: he is satisfied with stool. That is also eatable. And an enlightened human being, he is satisfied with nice halava
- Sometimes we are in a family of human beings, sometimes in a family of demigods, sometimes a family of cats, or sometimes a family of dogs
- Soul - as pure spirit, all souls are equal. Even in an animal. Therefore it is said, panditah sama-darsinah: (BG 5.18) those who are actually learned do not see the outward covering, either in a human being or in an animal
- Species lower than human beings are not responsible for their actions because they are made to act in a certain way, but in the developed life of human consciousness, if one is not responsible for his activities, then he is sure to get a hellish life
- Spiritual culture is not dogmatic faith but it is based on philosophy, reason and culture. This can be introduced very easily through convenient methods of music, dance and refreshment which are acceptable by all grades of human being
- Spiritual knowledge is the main topic of the Vedas, but to help the human being's spiritual pursuit of knowledge, the other information, as above mentioned, forms necessary branches of the Vedic knowledge
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has advised that one who has taken birth as a human being in Bharata-varsa must first realize himself as a part and parcel of Krsna, and after taking to Krsna consciousness, he must distribute this knowledge all over the world
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "Whoever chants the holy name of Krsna just once is worshipable and is the topmost human being"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, prema pum-artho mahan: Love of Godhead is the ultimate benediction for all human beings
- Sri Maitreya said: Devahuti was fully faithful and respectful toward the direction of her husband, Kardama, who was one of the Prajapatis, or generators of human beings in the universe
- Sri Yamunacarya, in his prayers to the Lord, has expressed a similar idea in the following words, "My dear Lord, I may be living within some body as a human being or as a demigod, but whatever mode of life, I do not mind"
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura has sung: The body of a human being is extremely valuable because in this body one can understand the instructions of Krsna and attain the ultimate destination of the living entity
- Srila Rsabhadeva instructed his sons that unless a human being comes to the point of understanding the atma, or spiritual position, whatever he does is ignorance, and this brings only defeat in his life
- Srila Sridhara Svami and all other acaryas, like Jiva Gosvami, agree that bhakti-yoga is not only easy, simple, natural and free from trouble, but is the only source of happiness for the human being
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 10.84.13) states - A human being who goes to a place of pilgrimage simply to take a bath rather than to meet men of transcendental knowledge there is to be considered like an ass or a cow
- Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 2.2.36) states: Sukadeva Gosvami concludes - The business of the living entity is to always remember the SP of Godhead in every circumstance. The Lord should be heard about, glorified and remembered by all human beings
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is meant for all human beings and it is the duty of the Hindus specially the Vaisnavas to disseminate the great knowledge throughout the whole world. With this purpose in view I have taken up the mighty project
- Stay away from this ". . . striyah suna" and unnecessary animal slaughtering; eating meat, fish, eggs etc. This human being becomes a heavy weight to mother earth
- Such a person (a devotee of God) must be nonenvious and should think of the welfare of all living entities, not only of the human beings, but living entities other than human beings
- Such descriptions of Krsna’s transcendental pastimes and activities were remembered by the gopis during His absence from Vrndavana. They give us some idea of how attractive Krsna is, not only to human beings but to all animate and inanimate objects
- Such people (materialists) do not understand that the goal of life for a human being is to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Visnu
- Such questions (who he is, what the universe is, what God is, and what the relationship is between himself, God and the material world) cannot be asked by cats and dogs, but they must arise in the heart of a real human being
- Sukadeva Gosvami is pointing out the duty of the human being after showing the actual position of bewildered human activities
- Superior to worms & snakes are animals that have developed intelligence. Superior to animals are human beings, & superior to them are ghosts because they have no material bodies. Superior to ghosts are the Gandharvas, & superior to them are the Siddhas
- Suppose I am now human being, and I change my dress to become a demigod, or I change my dress to become a dog. It does not mean that I am finished. I have simply changed my dress, according to my karma
- Suppose this life I am human being; next life I may not be human being. This statement was not liked by the newspaper man. He was told that next life you can become animal, so he has published in my name, - The svami can become animal
- Svarupa-siddhi is attained at a certain stage. The desire for sex life is there in every human being, but when the boy and the girl come to the mature stage, it become manifest. Similarly, the raga-marga, svarupa-siddhi, becomes revealed, or manifest
- Taking a human body is meant for completing one's progress in life. Throughout human society, killing of a human being is taken very seriously
- Taking advantage of all the facilities offered him, a human being who has taken birth in the land of Bharata-varsa should become a fully enlightened devotee and go back home, back to Godhead. This is the subject matter of the Krsna consciousness movement
- Tapasya is not possible by the cats and dogs or animals. Tapasya is meant for the human being. Therefore the human life is called durlabha-janma
- Tapo divyam: (SB 5.5.1) if you want to simply be a human being, and especially if you want to make progress in spiritual life, you must act according to the sastric injunctions. That means tapasya
- That (standing in the wind and snowfall, the whole year) sort of happiness the tree may enjoy. But you are human being. You will say, - Oh, this is the standard of his enjoyment
- That is the unique quality of work done in Krsna consciousness (one is sure to have a chance in the next life of being born again as a human being, either in the family of a great cultured brahmana or in a rich aristocratic family). BG 1972 purports
- That right does not belong only to the human beings; rather, according to BG that right belongs to all living entities, regardless of whether they are in the bodies of human beings, animals, trees, birds, beasts, insects, or whatever. That is KC
- That singing, Hare Krsna singing, nuisance, they say. You see. How degraded human being has become: "Hare Krsna singing is nuisance. And cinema singing is very good." Just see. They have become simply rascals, dogs and hogs
- The affection for community and the place of birth, and the hankering for wealth, which are all like phantasmagoria or illusory dreams, encumber a human being, and he is thus impeded in his progress toward self-realization, the real aim of life
- The age of Brahma is calculated in terms of divya years, which are distinct from the solar years of human beings. The divya years are calculated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.17). Brahma's one day is equal to one thousand times the aggregate of the four yugas
- The age of Kali is very dangerous for the human being. Human life is simply meant for self-realization, but due to this dangerous age, men have completely forgotten the aim of life
- The aim of human society should be God realization. That is the distinction between an animal and a human being
- The animal does not inquire what is Absolute Truth, neither the Vedanta-darsana and all these Vedic scriptures are meant for the animals. They're meant for human being
- The animals cannot know that there is a thing like liberation. They cannot understand. The human being also says that after finishing this body everything is finished. That is liberation. No. This is animalism
- The animals have their due time for sexual intercourse, but the human being has no regular time for such activities
- The animals, they beget, they mate at a certain period, but a human being, at the present moment, they have no such restriction. Any time. Therefore they want contraceptive method
- The appearance of the Kumaras is both (vaikrta, e.g., mahat-tattva, false ego, sense perceptions, knowledge, working capacity, controlling deities, ignorant darkness and prakrta creations e.g., immovable entities, lower species of life, human beings)
- The atma of the entire cosmic manifestation is Narayana, Lord Visnu, and all the demigods, human beings and other living entities are parts of His body
- The attention of human being should be drawn to the cultivation of the human spirit, for this will gradually protect him from all sorts of discomfiture & elevate him to a higher status of life for real & eternal enjoyment in personal contact with the PG
- The beast, the birds, they cannot offer any gratitude. But I am human being, I have got developed consciousness. I must feel grateful for God's mercy and offer my gratitude. That is my duty
- The beginning of this social institution is based on education meant for purifying the animal propensities of the human being. The highest purificatory process is knowledge of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the purest of the pure
- The best course for a human being is to favorably accept the transcendental devotional service of the Lord. That is the highest perfection of human life
- The best of human beings, Pururava, began freely enjoying the company of Urvasi, who engaged in sexual activities with him in many celestial places, such as Caitraratha and Nandana-kanana, where the demigods enjoy
- The best welfare activity is spreading this Krsna consciousness movement. So it was entrusted to the, to all Indians. Any Indian who has taken birth as human being, it is the duty of him to spread Krsna consciousness
- The BG and the great acaryas, or spiritual masters, have prescribed certain foods for human beings, and one who eats these foods eats in the mode of goodness. These foods include grains, fruits, vegetables, milk products, and sugar - and nothing more
- The Bhagavad-gita is the guiding principle for every human being, but by the spell of material energy they do not take care to carry out the programs of life in terms of the Bhagavad-gita
- The Bhagavad-gita says that out of many thousands of human beings, one may try to make perfection of his life. Man is an animal, but he has one special prerogative, rational thought. What is that rational thought? Reasoning power, argument
- The Bhagavatam asks whether other animals like the dogs and hogs, living in the same village with human beings, do not eat and enjoy sexual life
- The birth of a human being is a great science, and therefore reformation of the act of impregnation according to the Vedic ritual called Garbhadhana-samskara is very important for generating good population
- The birth of a human being's material body takes place due to a mixture of the ovum and semen, but the history of birth is that although the ovum and semen mix together after sex, there is not always pregnancy
- The blessed King said to Sukadeva Gosvami: My dear lord, the demigods, demons, human beings, Nagas, beasts and birds were created during the reign of Svayambhuva Manu. You have spoken about this creation briefly
- The bodies of all species of living entities, whether human beings or demigods, animals or birds, are also created by the same five elements, and by sexual union they expand into more and more living entities
- The bodily construction of a human being and that of a demigod are one and the same
- The body of a human being is extremely valuable because in this body one can understand the instructions of Krsna and attain the ultimate destination of the living entity
- The body of a tiger is made for killing and eating raw meat. Similarly, the hogs are made in such a way that they can eat stool. And as human beings our teeth are made for eating vegetables and fruits
- The body of the human being and the body of the mountain, as also the bodies of the demigods, including Brahma, are all of the same ingredients - earth, water, etc. - and at the same time the elements are beyond the body
- The Brahmana said, "These are the words of Princess Rukmini, 'My dear Krsna, O infallible, most beautiful one, any human being who happens to hear about Your transcendental form, pastimes immediately absorbs through his ears Your name, fame & qualities"
- The bumblebees' humming may be compared to the talk of children. The human being, just like the deer, enjoys his family without knowing that before him is the factor of time, which is represented by the tiger
- The celestial species of human beings, like the Gandharvas, Vidyadharas, Caranas and angels, all represent His musical rhythm, and the demoniac soldiers are representations of His wonderful prowess
- The children produced in the modern age are not exactly human beings. Human beings must be twice-born
- The common religion of all classes of human beings, regardless of whosoever and whatsoever one may be, is devotional service
- The communists of the present day are in favor of supplying the necessities of life to everyone, but they consider only the human beings and not the lower animals
- The conclusion is that if a human being does not fulfill the mission of his life by worshiping the Supreme Lord and does not go back home, back to Godhead, it is to be understood that he is breathing just like a blacksmith's bellows
- The conclusion is that we should neither differentiate between the forms of the Lord nor equate the forms of the Lord with the forms of demigods or human beings
- The conditioned soul is put into the Andha-tamisra and Tamisra hellish conditions, and after suffering there he gets a hellish body like the dog's or hog's. After several such births, he again comes into the form of a human being
- The conditioned soul must make mistakes, because that is the nature of conditioned life. The mistake may be very great or very slight - that doesn't matter - but a human being conditioned by material nature is sure to commit mistakes
- The conditions of each and every planet are different, and different classes of human beings are accommodated there for particular purposes mentioned in the codes of the Lord
- The covered mirror is compared to the birds and beasts, and the smoke covered fire is compared to the human being. BG 1972 purports
- The cow, for instance, gives milk, but she does not drink that milk: she eats grass and straw, and her milk is designated as food for human beings
- The created beings are of many varieties, such as the demigods, human beings and lower animals, and all of them are subject to the reactions of their past good or bad activities. BG 1972 purports
- The creation of the human beings, who are of one species only and who stock their eatables in the belly, is the ninth in the rotation
- The culture of a human being begins when the father invests his semen in the womb of the mother
- The culture of vidya, or transcendental knowledge, is essential for the human being. Sense enjoyment in the diseased material condition must be restricted as far as possible
- The Darwin's theory, he does not know. But this is the evolution. From aquatics to plants, trees, then insect, then bird, then beast, then human being, civilized and not civilized. Then demigods, then others. That is the evolutionary process
- The Demigod's pleasures and displeasures are dependent on the performance of yajnas by the human being
- The demigods are generally in the mode of passion, and living entities lower than the demigods, such as human beings and animals, are in the mode of ignorance, or in mixed goodness, passion and ignorance
- The demigods are in a position many times higher than that of human beings. Therefore, although the g