Kṛṣṇa consciousness yoga system, is to begin with developing attachment for Kṛṣṇa. And the process of developing attachment I have already explained to you for the several last meetings.
So for the beginners, attachment for God, everyone, people in the lowest stage, he has to admit the greatness of the Supreme Lord. God is great; there is no doubt about it. Everyone, even in the lowest status of life, he can admit. I don't speak of the animals. Animals, they have no sense of God. I am speaking of the human being.
There are different . . . different grades of human civilization—the highest type of civilization and the lowest aboriginal—but every one of them has got a sense of God. That is there. This is the special prerogative of human being, not that only the civilized men. Perhaps you know all, when you came here from European countries in America, the Red Indian. They are considered as aboriginals—still, they have some religion, they have some conception of God.
So "God is great," that is admitted by the human civilization. Now what is that greatness? Generally when we speak of greatness . . .
(aside) Water.
. . . we think of the greatness of the sky. That is the simple example how thing can be great, "As great as the sky." But in the sky you have no perception. As there is development of these material elements from finer, I mean to say, existential form, to grosser form, and the grosser form becomes tangible for our understanding, similarly, in every religion or in every society, the greatness of God is admitted. But how that greatness becomes tangible, that you can find in the Bhagavad-gītā.
Suppose you have got conception of a sky. But you cannot have a definite idea of the greatness of sky, because your experience and knowledge is gathered by sense perception. In the sky there is no sense perception. Just like we are sitting in this room. Within this room there is sky, but we cannot understand the sky. But if we try to understand this table we can at once understand, because in the table, if I touch, I feel the hardness; the perception is there.
My knowledge can receive that this is a hard table. But if I speak about sky, I cannot get any direct perception. Therefore simply understanding of greatness of God is not all. That, that is the beginning of attachment, "God is great." But you have to develop your attachment to the fullest extent. And that is love of God.
You cannot love sky. That is not possible. If I say, "You love sky," you'll say: "How to love sky? I want a tangible thing. I want a boy, I want a girl, then I can love. How I can love sky?" So simply understanding of greatness is not all. Then from the development of the . . . from the idea of sky, there is next development is air. In the air you can perceive something.
When the air is blowing you can at least have some touch sensation. So as in the material world from the sky develops the air, from air develops the fire, electricity, and from electricity or fire develops the water, and from water develops this land. When it comes to the land you can understand something very tangible.
Similarly, greatness of God has to be developed how? From greatness of God, the idea of greatness, the sense of service must develop. "God is so great, so I must render some service to God." This sense of service is further development. Just like from the sky the air develops, similarly, from the idea of greatness of God the sense of service develops.