Interviewer: Does the child, for example, require to achieve Kṛṣṇa consciousness?
Prabhupāda: Yes. Every human being is given the chance by nature's way. You are given this human form of body, civilized man with developed consciousness, to understand these problems of your life. The animals cannot understand. You have come here because you are human being. The dog is not coming, the cat is not coming, because they are animals. So this Kṛṣṇa consciousness movement is for the human being.
So every human being not only shall take care of this body but should take care of his problems, because he is eternal—he is changing body after body, and that is very botheration, and there is no guarantee what sort of body you are going to get next. Even if you are going to get body next life, you must have a better body. Or the best thing is that you must have an eternal body. If such solution is there, why the human society should neglect it? That is their foolishness.
So we are trying to give this information to the human society, but they are so callous, they are so bodily conscious, they are not very much serious about it.