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Human being, in any part of the world, it doesn't matter, even uncivilized, there is an inquisitiveness to search out what is the Absolute Truth

Expressions researched:
"Human being, in any part of the world, it doesn't matter, even uncivilized, there is an inquisitiveness to search out what is the Absolute Truth"


General Lectures

Absolute Truth is neither discussed nor understood by the animal society. It is not possible. There is no arrangement in the animal society to understand God or the Absolute Truth. Because they're animals, it is not possible. It is possible in the human society. This association, this room, is an attempt to understand the Absolute Truth, because it belongs to the human society. But if you go to the animal society, they haven't got such room, such arrangement. So that is the distinction between animal and human being. Human being, in any part of the world, it doesn't matter, even uncivilized, there is an inquisitiveness to search out what is the Absolute Truth.

So this sun example we have to understand, that to understand the sun there are three divisions. So first division is the sunlight or sunshine. The sunshine is all-pervading over the universe. It is not imagination. We get from Vedic information. It is said, yasya prabhā prabhavato jagad-aṇḍa-koṭi (Bs. 5.40). This is brahma-jyotir. Yac-cakṣur eṣa savitā sakala-grahāṇām (Bs. 5.52). Savitā, the sun-god, is called yac-cakṣur eṣa savitā sakala-grahāṇāṁ rājā samasta-sura-mūrtir aśeṣa-tejāḥ. So the sun is described as the eye of the Supreme Lord. Just like we have got our eyes; we can see to some extent—three feet, four feet, or ten feet, or hundred feet. But the eyes of God is so powerful, He can see the whole universe. Yac-cakṣur eṣa savitā. Savitā means the sun. The sun is . . .

So we have to study in this way. People say: "Can you show me God?" Yes, why not? You just try to see God. Here you see the eyes of the God: the sun, the moon. Why don't you see it? Yac-cakṣur eṣa savitā. Just try to understand the one eye of God, then another eye, then try to understand other senses. But you cannot understand even one eye. What you will understand of God? In the Bhagavad-gītā it is said, raso 'ham apsu kaunteya (BG 7.8). "The taste in the water I am." Just try to understand. Prabhāsmi śaśi-sūryayoḥ: "I am the shining in the sun and the moon. I am the sound in the sky." So this light, sound, these are scientific studies. Kṛṣṇa says, Bhagavān says that, "I am the sound in the sky."

So if you can practically study sound, light, nicely, scientifically, then you'll see Kṛṣṇa also. That is required. Education means to find out the ultimate goal, Absolute Truth. In whatever field of education you may be, that doesn't matter. But try to find out the ultimate. Because in the Vedānta-sūtra it is said: "What is Absolute Truth?" The first question in the Vedānta-sūtra is athāto brahma jijñāsā. "Now, this is the time." This means the human form of life is the opportunity to understand the Absolute Truth.

The Absolute Truth is neither discussed nor understood by the animal society. It is not possible. There is no arrangement in the animal society to understand God or the Absolute Truth. Because they're animals, it is not possible. It is possible in the human society. This association, this room, is an attempt to understand the Absolute Truth, because it belongs to the human society. But if you go to the animal society, they haven't got such room, such arrangement. So that is the distinction between animal and human being. Human being, in any part of the world, it doesn't matter, even uncivilized, there is an inquisitiveness to search out what is the Absolute Truth.

So this Absolute Truth is in three varieties understood. Absolute Truth is one. Just like the same example: the sun is one, but the study of the sun are in three phases. First of all, you have to study the sunlight. The heat, the illumination, the molecules, the illuminating particles . . . there are so many things you can study in the sunshine. Those who are scientists, who are physicists, they can study the sunshine. But this sunshine study is not final study about sun.

Then the next question is, "What is the sun globe?" If you have got power, if you have got capacity to manufacture some machine . . . just like you are trying to go to the moon planet. Similarly, if you can have some capacity to enter into the sun planet, then you study what is the sun planet. And then again, further if you study, then what are the living entities in the sun planet? And when you study the living entities in the sun planet, who is the head?

Who is the chief of the living entities in the sun planet? Just like we are foreigners. We have come here. We inquire, "Who is the chief of your country?" Oh, you'll get answer, "The queen," or "The prime minister." Similarly, in every planet there is a chief predominating personality, in every planet. Not only in this planet, but in every planet. They are called devatā in higher planets. These things are described in the Bhagavad . . . yānti deva-vratā devān (BG 9.25).

If you want to go to the moon planet, you can go. There are rules and regulation, means how you can prepare yourself. Not like that you go there with some masked dress and capture some sand and come out of the . . . (laughter) Not like that. Actually, you go there and live there and enjoy life there. That is possible. Otherwise Bhagavad-gītā would not have said, yānti deva-vratā devān (BG 9.25). Devān. Devān, this is plural number. There are many higher planetary system where the demigods live, devān. They are extraordinarily intelligent. Their standard of living is far, far sublime, better than this planet. Therefore they are called demigods, "almost God." God is the supreme, but they're almost like God. They're beautiful. It is said in the Vedic literature the more you go to the higher planet, your opulence, your standard of living is thousand, thousand times better than this planet. So these arrangements are there.

Page Title:Human being, in any part of the world, it doesn't matter, even uncivilized, there is an inquisitiveness to search out what is the Absolute Truth
Created:2023-02-07, 12:45:24
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=1, Con=0, Let=0
No. of Quotes:1