Category:What Is the Use
"what is the use"
Pages in category "What Is the Use"
The following 218 pages are in this category, out of 218 total.
- What is the use (Books)
- What is the use (Conversations 1967 - 1974)
- What is the use (Conversations 1975)
- What is the use (Conversations 1976)
- What is the use (Conversations 1977)
- What is the use (Lectures, BG)
- What is the use (Lectures, Other)
- What is the use (Lectures, SB)
- What is the use (Letters)
- A person like Rupa Gosvami, why he will waste time talking with a nonsense? No. Actually, teaching is for the student, not for outsiders. Student means who has surrendered. Otherwise, what is the use of wasting time? There is no use
- According to the moral instructions of Canakya Pandita, "What is the use of a son who is neither a learned man nor a devotee of the Lord?" If a son is not a devotee of the Supreme Lord, he is just like blind eyes - a source of trouble
- Actually big merchant, big businessman, big industrialist, big politician, they used to visit him (Rupa Gosvami). So he gave up this company. Sada tuccha-vat: - Eh, what is this nonsense? What is the use of meeting all these men?
- Actually there is joyful life in Krsna consciousness, but people do not know of it. They say - What use is this Krsna consciousness
- Ajamila lived for more than eighty-eight years, but what is the use of prolonged life?
- Ajamila lived for more than eighty-eight years, but what is the use of prolonged life? Aghayuh. Just like trees, they are standing for thousands of years
- All these GBC members, they must be well expert in explaining; otherwise what is the use of this writing, taking so much labor, books? They should go, preach, understand. And when there is difficulty, I am present
- Allah. So if Allah cannot hear, then what is the use of offering prayers? If we are offering prayer, so Allah must hear it
- Another gopi said, "My dear friends, what is the use of talking about Krsna? If you are at all interested in passing time by talking, let us talk on some subject other than Him"
- Arjuna wants to say, "What is the use of such a waste of time?" BG 1972 purports
- As soon as the soul is away from this body, it is a lump of matter. So when the soul is off from the body, if somebody decorates that dead body, what is use? It is simply concoction. That's all
- Atheistic, challenging against the supreme authority, challenging the father. Now, without father, I could not see the light of this world. Then what is the use of challenging my father?
- Bali Maharaja says, "What is the use of such endeavor?" Therefore big, big saintly persons, they do not care for the body. Lying down anywhere. But they are very serious about spiritual advancement
- Better die young, in good health, chanting Hare Krsna. What is the use of prolonged life? The prolonged life . . . the trees are also prolonged life. Does it mean it is happy
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says: If I forget You & take my birth as Lord Brahma, I don't want it. I don't want it - What is the use of taking a birth like Brahma? - But I shall like to take my birth as even a small insignificant insect where a devotee is there
- Bhima began to murmur, "My arms are just like thunderbolts, but despite these arms I could not smash Sisupala while he was blaspheming Krsna. Therefore, of what use are these strong arms?"
- By your ideal life, ideal teaching, you'll get. This Christian or any religion, what is the use of that? It's not at all religion. It's simply rubber-stamp
- Canakya Pandita says: "What is the use of a son who is neither glorious nor devoted to the Lord? Such a son is like a blind eye, which simply gives pain but cannot help one see"
- Capitalists, they have drawn all the innocent people from the village, and they, they think that, "We are getting fat salary." But what is the use of fat salary
- Education system should be stopped. Rascal, producing rascals and hippies in the university. What is the use of this education?
- Even if he lives for more years, the bodily, mental and external sufferings will be there. What is the use of living such prolonged life
- Even there is a promise that "We shall not fall down again," that is also not believable. What is the use? Better go and speak philosophy in your grhastha dress, not this dress, but you have nice coat, pants, gentleman
- Everyone knows "This is not good," but he is punished; again he does that. So Pariksit Maharaja said, What is the use of this atonement?
- Everyone, every human being, should be intelligent, that "This is my position, so what is the use of living like a demon?
- First of all there are laws, and then there is police power, and beyond that is military power. Therefore, what is the use of trying to overcome the power of the government? Similarly, what is the use of trying to challenge Krsna
- For satisfaction of the tongue we shall kill so many chickens and cows and goats, why? What is the use. There is no use. It is simply sense gratification
- Hate each other, that's all right. We say what is the use of your sexual intercourse? That is animalism. You avoid it. Our Vedic civilization is to avoid it. Therefore they remain brahmacari, naisthika-brahmacari, no sexual intercourse
- He (Rupa Gosvami) has such a position, minister, drawing high salary, and association all the big, big men of the country or the society. But he gave them up - sada tuccha-vat, that "What is the use of this?" This is called vairagya
- He goes to the forest and he'll think of woman and money, what is the use? By his action, it will be proved. The same way, taking rest, sleeping, and doing everything whimsically. So Krsna knows everything
- His (Pariksit's) inquiry, - Sir, you have spoken about atonement, but they are doing atonement. Every moment they are suffering, but still, again he is committing the sinful activities. So what is the use of this atonement?
- I (Prahlada) have seen my father: simply by his eyebrows' twinkling the demigods would be afraid. Such position You (God) have finished in a second. So what is the use of this material position
- I am taking so much pain in writing books. If you don't read - if you simply make it for sale - then what is the use?
- I do not wish to live anymore after I am released from the attack of the crocodile. What is the use of an elephant's body covered externally and internally by ignorance? I simply desire eternal liberation from the covering of ignorance
- I had correspondence with one gentleman in England. He says that "We want to be tiger." So I answered "What is the use of tiger?" Tigers, to become tiger... Tiger is very important animal? It is, rather, enemy of the human society
- I have done on reality. I want to establish reality, not imagination. What is the use of giving some imaginative idea
- I used to say to my God-brothers that when I would begin preaching I shall take two trucks, one for Sankirtana Party and one for carrying requisites, and I would go from village to village throughout the whole world preaching Lord Caitanya's message
- If a person engaged in Krsna consciousness, however, is also afraid of giving up his body, what is the use of his having labored to study the sastras? It was simply a waste of time
- If a servant cannot carry out the orders of his master without being defeated, what is the use of serving such a powerless master
- If by following the regulative principles you do not become devotees, and you can not appreciate other devotees, then what is the use of these regulative principles?
- If despite practicing bhakti-yoga and studying all the Vedic literature, one is afraid of giving up his bad body, which is the cause of all his suffering, what is the use of his attempts to advance in spiritual life
- If everyone is God, then what is the necessity of finding out a guru? Guru means who explains about God. Everyone is God, then what is the use of explanation? There is no need of guru
- If Krsna speaks false, something defective, then where is the use of reading Bhagavad-gita? Why should we read Bhagavad-gita which is spoken by a person who is defective? No. That's not... What Krsna is speaking, that is fact
- If one does not ask, "Who am I? What is the goal of my life?" but instead follows the same animal propensities as cats and dogs, what is the use of his education?
- If one does not know the ultimate cause, what is the use of his scientific and philosophical research
- If one has awakened his dormant love for Krsna, then what is the use in executing austerities and penances unnecessarily. The Krsna consciousness movement is the unique gift of Lord Caitanya to the fallen souls of this age
- If one has no love of God, then what is the use of claiming that one's religion is the best? Where is the sign of love of Godhead? That is to be seen. Everyone will say, "My understanding is the best." But there must be practical proof
- If one is perfect in his inquiry from the authorized spiritual master, he can write things. Otherwise, what is the use of writing nonsense? Those books will be thrown away. After reading..., just like the newspaper thrown away
- If one is suffering from certain type of disease, goes to a doctor, gets some medicine, it is cured for the time being, again if he's attacked and goes to the doctor, again he gives medicine, what is the use of this business? That is intelligent question
- If somebody imitates barking of the dog, if he says, "This is new frontier of knowledge," so a foolish man can believe that "How you have learned to bark like dog! Oh, great advancement." But an intelligent man says "What is the use of this?"
- If the man is habituated to commit sinful activities throughout the whole week, what is the use of his going to the church and confessing and give some bribe or... You take in any, any field. So it is very intelligent question. There is practically no use
- If the man is habituated to commit sinful activities throughout the whole week, what is the use of his going to the church and confessing and give some bribe. So it is very intelligent question
- If the problem remains the same, then what is the use of increasing heads?
- If the real problems (birth, death, old age and disease) are there then what is the use of this science? Simply by advertisement?
- If there is no good management, where is the use of office? Simply occupying seats?
- If there is one moon, that is sufficient. What is the use of millions of stars twinkling. So that is our propaganda. If one man can understand what is Krsna philosophy, then my preaching is successful, that's all
- If unkind Providence takes away my wife, who is half my body, why should He not take me also? What is the use of my living with half of my body, bereaved by loss of my wife? What shall I gain in this way?
- If we act virtuously, then we shall get good result. So what is the use of worshiping God? Let us work virtuously
- If we open so many centers and then later there is difficulty to maintain them because insufficient men, or if we have to close them, then what is the use. We are not after so many centers, but we want to make devotees, pure devotees of Krishna
- If we remain without knowing God, then we are simply animals. We are no better than animals. What is the use of becoming a human being? Eating, sleeping, mating - that is also animal’s business
- If you are not determined, what is the use of false initiation?
- If you are talking of God, then you must love God. That is progress. But there is no love of God, there is love of something else, so what is the use of talking about? Hmm? What do you think? Is it not waste of time?
- If you become miscreants by utilizing your better brain, then what is the use? You are going to hell. This brain has no meaning. Misuser brain. Brain means to understand Krsna. That is brain
- If you cannot lead others, what kind of leader? If you mislead them, then what is the use of taking leadership?
- If you do not know what is God, then what is the use of this rocket? Just like they are going to the rocket planet, moon planet. Now the American government stopped announcing this rascaldom. You know that? Yes
- If you do not know where the train is going, then what is the use of asking, understanding, whether it is going fast or slow? You do not know your destination. What is liberation? I am asking. You daily ask me. I am asking you
- If you don't do anything and simply remain grhastha, then what is the use of criticizing others? The whole movement is meant for rendering service
- If you have not learned the art of thinking Krsna externally and internally, then what is the use of your so-called tapasya?
- If you live in the temple and do all nonsense, then what is the use of living in the temple?
- If you meditate on something nonsense, what is the use? This is going on. "Real father don't recognize; we are meditating." Misleading
- If you want to make research, then search out what is the original brain, not the process. Process is already going on. What is the use of your research, nonsense
- In Hari-vamsa, Satyabhama, feeling slighted by Rukmini's high position, said, "My dear Krsna, the Raivataka Mountain is always full of spring flowers, but when I have become persona non grata to You, what is the use of my observing them?"
- In Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 1.5.12) it is said: What, then, is the use of fruitive activities, which are naturally painful from the very beginning and transient by nature, if they are not utilized for the devotional service of the Lord
- In the Garuda Purana, Brhan-naradiya Purana and Padma Purana, the same is repeated: What is the use of Vedic knowledge and penances for one who is devoid of devotional service to the Lord
- In this condition, atonement, if he cannot change his character, so what is the use of this atonement? Prayascittam atho 'partham. Apartham means useless
- In this life you are prime minister, and next life, you are preparing to become a dog, so what is the use of becoming prime minister? You could not save yourself. Nature's law will go on
- It is a good plan to leave the money in my account until you need it. What is the use of keeping money unless there is a need
- Jayananda's death is glorious. It is very good that he had stated, what is the use of such a useless body, better to give it up. He has left his body very wonderfully, and he has been transferred to Vaikuntha
- Just as we sometimes perform a marriage ceremony in the temple. What is this marriage ceremony? It is the combination of man & woman, boy & girl. They are already there they are living like friends - what is the use of this marriage ceremony? It is Vedic
- Just like if a man is working hard, but he will never become rich, then what is the use?
- Just like our children, they are seeing this Deity worship, this kirtana - they will learn. Similarly, those who have to work to earn their livelihood, mechanical or some, they can go to the . . . What is the use of wasting time going to the university
- Just like we don't keep any furniture in our hou... What is the use of furniture? We can lie down on the floor. So many things, materialistic persons they possess. But we try to simplify matters, plain living. Well-wisher to all
- King, he arranged for distributing to the brahmanas so many golden utensils that when they were given to the brahmana, each and every brahmana, some of them thought, "What is the use of such load?" This is brahmana
- Knowledge of self-realization, even though free from all material affinity, does not look well if devoid of a conception of the Infallible (God). What, then, is the use of fruitive activities, which are naturally painful from the very beginning
- Krsna gives protection to everyone, for without His protection no one can live even for a single moment. But one should not think, - If Krsna is giving protection to everyone, what is the use of becoming a devotee
- Krsna is not miser. He is supplying millions and millions of living entities bread. So what is the use of asking Him? The birds, the beasts, they have no church and pray to God, "Oh, give us our daily bread," but nobody is starving
- Man is rational animal, this is the definition. You have no rationality, therefore you are animal. What is the use of talking with you
- Material sense gratification, with society, friendship and love, is herein (SB 4.25.12) compared to a drop of water falling on a desert. A desert requires oceans of water to satisfy it, and if only a drop of water is supplied, what is its use
- Modern advanced in science people, they think: "Oh, what is the use of asking bread in the church? Why not take to industry?" That is their aim. In India, especially, this is the situation
- Nidrahara-viharakadi-vijitau, to conquer over sleeping, eating and mating. And coming to Vrndavana, if we indulge in that way, then what is the use of coming to Vrndavana? Go to hell and live there. So Vrndavana life is that
- Now the problem is the mother doesn't want children. You see? And to avoid children, they are killing. Regularly they are killing. So what is the use of this civilization?
- O Kamsa, you fool, what will be the use of killing me (Durga)? The SPG Krsna, who has been your enemy from the very beginning & who will certainly kill you, has already taken His birth somewhere else. Do not unnecessarily kill other children - SB 10.4.12
- One becomes very great philanthropist, rejecting . . . They say, "What is the use of this temple worship?" The daridra-narayana-seva. Narayana has now become daridra. Formerly Narayana was husband of the goddess of fortune
- One can produce many nice preparations to offer Krsna - grain, fruit, flowers and milk. Why should one indulge in unnecessary meat-eating and maintain horrible slaughterhouses? What is the use of smoking and drinking tea and coffee?
- One king may be dead; the next, his son or somebody will become king, and the government law will go on. So what is the use of talking foolishly like "God is dead. God may be dead?" God is never dead. This is going on
- One man was challenged, "You have no intelligence." So he said, "Yes." He was searching these . . . "No, why you are searching here?" - No, here is intelligence. If here is money, then my intelligence can work. Otherwise what is the use of intelligence
- One mundane scholar came, and he approached Rupa Gosvami and said, I want to test you, if I can defeat you, then I will be renowned. So there is no question of talking, because Rupa Gosvami saw, What is the use of talking with this rascal?
- One should be busy about the driver, whether he's paid nicely, whether he's eating nicely, he'll drive. If you don't take care of the driver, simply you wash the car, what is the use? The car will not be moving without driver
- One who is not a Krsna conscious person, he's not a good man. But our duty is preach. Because the world is full of no-good men, therefore we have to preach. Otherwise what is the use of preaching? Therefore we should not be envious
- One who truly understands "I am not this body" will actually reduce his bodily necessities to a minimum. When one increases the demands of the body while thinking "I am not this body," then of what use is that knowledge
- Our mission is not to convert; what is the use of converting?
- Our movement is so large it requires expert management and strong vigilence. Now you (a GBC member) are finding out so many things were mismanaged, but why didn't you find out before? What is the use of complaining now?
- Our program is that the inhabitants should produce their own food, somehow or other they should be self-independent. Otherwise, what is the use of occupying such great tract of land
- Para-brahman, Supreme Brahman, is Krsna. So if he does not understand Krsna, then what is the use of his executing this brahmana's duty? That is the verdict of the sastra. Srama eva hi kevalam, simply wasting time
- Pariksit Maharaja puts a very intelligent question, that "What is the use of this kind of prayascitta, atonement? It has no use." So as the student is intelligent, the spiritual master is also gradually giving him more intelligence
- People are very much interested in welfare activities for the human society. So they think that by feeding poor men or giving cloth or opening hospitals, schools, colleges - These things are required. What is the use of hearing about Krsna?
- People in the land of Bharata-varsa generally follow the Vedic principles and consequently perform great sacrifices by which they can be elevated to the heavenly planets. However, what is the use of such great attainments
- People may say, "What is the use of understanding God? What is the use? Let Him stay in His place, let me stay in my place." But in the sastras, the scriptures, it is stated that pious activities will raise us to beauty, knowledge and good birth
- People say: "What is the use of this sankirtana? We are doing our duty. We are living very honestly." For such person it is impossible
- Prahlada Maharaja is Vaisnava. He could understand that "Everything in this material world, even the possession of my father, will be finished. There is no doubt. So what is the use of possessing such thing which will be finished?"
- Prahlada said, "As such, what is the use of elevating yourself by the results of fruitive activities, which are automatically achieved in all events by the modes of material nature"
- Prahlada said: My father was so strong that even the demigods would not dare to challenge him. He was so powerful, & all this power & strength You've finished in a second. So what is the use of these powers? Please do not allure me by this material power
- Pralhada said, "And what is the use for you of spiritual emancipation or liberation from material bondage"
- Prolonged life. . . Suppose you live hundred years and a tree lives five thousand years, ten thousand years. Then what is the use of prolonging life, life like this? Is that very good life
- Proselytization is superflous. If one is Hindu you make him a Christian, and you change the name. But what is the use of changing the name if you do not reform him about his character?
- Regarding Acyutananda's preaching, what is the use of criticizing Sai Baba and creating some enemies? Do not do this in public meetings. It is different to do it in a private meeting
- Regarding details of the universe, be satisfied by reading only SB. What is the use of reading other books - you are not going there. When you stand in any place you see flat, so for us to some extent it appears flat, but it is round
- Regarding his Deities. They should be returned. What is the use of keeping Sarasvati? We do not require to worship any other Deity besides Radha Krishna
- Regarding your questions, in the spiritual sky everything is spiritual, so Krsna has no need for living in the heart. They are seeing Krsna face to face always, so what is the use of being in the heart?
- Sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja: "Give up all other duties and surrender unto Me." One may ask, "If this principle is very rarely understood, what is the use of it?"
- Sastra says, "Here is the soul." The Yamaraja is snatching, dragging the soul, not his leg or hand. There's no business. As soon as the soul is gone, the leg and hand and everything becomes a lump of matter, that's all. What is the use of it?
- Simply publish Bhagavata and Bhagavad-gita, that's all. What is the use of this newspaper, nonsense newspaper, huge, huge quantity? So everything will be nice, provided you become ideal. Live in community. Produce your own food
- Skepticism means they do not believe in anything. Everything is false. They are so disappointed, they think everything is false. We are not going to deal with such men. What is the use?
- So long you are not cured, what is the use of talking svarupa? First business is cure yourself. Anartha-nivrtti, that is anartha-nivrtti. Then svarupa will come. That is the babajis. In Vrndavana, you have seen? Siddha-pranali
- So much money will be spent unnecessarily for travel and big big plans will be made only. So what is the use
- So sometimes, if somebody goes to challenge the guru, the real guru will say, "What is the use of talking with this nonsense? Better say that 'You know better than me.' That's all. 'Go away.'"
- So what is the use of these rascal universities? If they are producing greedy and lusty people, then what is the use of education? Vidya dadati namrata. Education means everyone should be gentleman. That is education
- Somebody asked me "Swamiji, if a person is moral & dutiful & benevolent, all the good qualification, so what is the use of worshiping God?" My reply was that, anyone who is not God conscious or Krsna conscious, he cannot be good, cannot be moral
- Submission means I must approach somebody who is actually in better position or higher position. Otherwise, what is the use of approaching? Tad viddhi pranipatena pariprasnena sevaya. And seva means service. You cannot challenge
- Suppose I am Hindu, I become Christian, but my habits are not changed. Then what is the use of becoming from Hindu or Christian to Christian or Hindu?
- That (reducing population) is very easy. The bomb is also ready. Everyone has got now nuclear weapon, bomb. So the scientists gave the solution. So what is the use of scientific knowledge? This is going to happen
- The aim of religion is to know God. If you profess some religion, but if I ask you what is God, if you cannot explain, then what is the use of your becoming religious
- The atonement is there in every religion. In the Vedic process there is atonement, but what is the use of this atonement if he does not cease committing the same sinful activity?
- The brahmana is compared with the brain of the body. Unless there is brain, what is the use of these hands and legs? If one's brain is cracked, madman, he cannot do anything
- The brahmana replied, "If your son is a transcendental mystic boy with self-effulgent perfect knowledge, what is the use of your education?"
- The child then became very angry and demanded that his mother immediately tell the truth. "You unchaste woman," he said, "what is the use of your unnecessary shame? Why do you not admit your fault? Immediately tell me about your faulty behavior"
- The enemies you cannot escape. They (senses) will force you again to these material activities. So what is the use of going to the forest? It is simply show, make-show. It has no value. Chant Hare Krsna
- The intelligent person will say that "What is the use of going to the higher planet or remaining here if I have to prepare my own body for the next life? Why not prepare my next life to associate with Krsna?" This is intelligence
- The karma-mimamsa also, that, they say that, "After all, if we act virtuously, then we shall get good result. So what is the use of worshiping God? Let us work virtuously." This is their view
- The leader must be perfect. If the leader is blind, how can I accept such blind leader? I am blind man. What is the use
- The Lord is the reservoir of unlimited spiritual qualities. For devotees, therefore, who are transcendental to the modes of material nature, what is the use of following the principles of religion, economic development, sense gratification and liberation
- The second question put by Pariksit Maharaja to Sukadeva Gosvami is very important: How can one ultimately become free from all contamination brought about by the material modes of nature? If one cannot achieve liberation, what is the use of atonement
- The subject matter of teaching is beginning with this understanding, that life is different from matter. That is the beginning, ABCD. So if your basic knowledge is wrong, then what is the use of going further? It is all false knowledge
- The whole process is to concentrate upon the visnu-murti, Visnu form, within the heart. And unless there is pleasure, there is no enjoyment, what is the use of controlling the senses and focusing the mind on the Supreme Supersoul within the heart?
- Their (the scientists') personal petrol, it is sure to finish. That they don't care. So after finishing the personal petrol, if he is going to accept the body of a dog, then what is the use of finding petrol in moon planet?
- There are different processes for getting out of the reaction of sinful activities, but you..., we take it. But if we again commit those sinful activities, then what is the use of such penance or prayascitta?
- These people are wasting time, as if they will live forever. What is the use of this karate? It is very popular in Mexico. But will that method save from death? When the death will come, will the sound "Go!" will save them? This is foolishness
- They (in America) take it (marriage) purely for prostitution, that's all. So therefore people are thinking, - What is the use of keeping a regular prostitute at such heavy expenditure? Better not to have this
- They (Ramakrishna Mission) may think themselves that they are very full of life, but I think they are dead. What is the use of fighting with the dead body? Dead horse, and what is the use of you whipping? A dead horse will rise up by whipping
- They do not know the Supreme Personality of Godhead. What, then, is the use in studying all the Vedas if one cannot grasp the essence of them, Krsna? The Lord confirms in BG(15.15), vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah: "By all the Vedas, I am to be known."
- This business of sleeping devotees should stop. What is the use of such sleeping devotees, simply increasing the expenditures. All of them must be engaged
- This important question (What is the use of such a waste of time) asked of Krsna by Arjuna will clarify the distinction between the impersonal and personal conceptions of the Absolute Truth. BG 1972 purports
- This is nature's way (crystal clear water trasferred from ocean to river), and nature's way means Krsna's way. So what is the use of constructing huge waterworks to supply water
- This moon planet is one of the stars, illuminated. We are getting moonlight at night, but if the earth is also reflecting like that, what is the use of moonlight?
- Ultimately after undergoing severe austerities and penances, if you do not know what is Krsna, then what is the use? It is useless
- Unless all of my students become very much fixed up in their spiritual progress, what is the use of so many programs for expansion?
- Unless people see the ideal men, how they will follow? The brahmana is compared with the brain of the body. Unless there is brain, what is the use of these hands and legs? If one's brain is cracked, madman, he cannot do anything
- We are creating unnecessary necessities of life and becoming entangled. This is material life. But if one becomes Krsna conscious, interested in Krsna, then he becomes detestful: "What is the use?"
- We are explaining this morning: antavanta ime dehah. This body is perishable. It is material. What is the use of serving it? However you serve it, it will destroy. Try to save the soul who is put into this body and embarrassed
- We are preachers, and we do not expect our audience or candidates completely respondent to our call. If everyone is trained then what is the use of our preaching. I receive daily so many odd letters, still we have to reply them properly
- We are proud, "I have got my hand. I have got my eyes." What is the use of your eyes? Unless God helps you to see, what is the value of your eyes?
- We are so fool that we simply believe in direct perception. No. Direct perception is never perfect, because our senses are imperfect. So how you can get perfect knowledge? At night I cannot see anything, so what is the use of my these eyes?
- We have seen that the practical outcome of so much hippies, one after another. What is the use of their skyscraper buildings if their sons will not maintain them?
- We say what is the use of your sexual intercourse? That is animalism. You avoid it. Our Vedic civilization is to avoid it
- We simply want everyone, to become God conscious. That is our mission. Our mission is not that to convert. What is the use of converting?
- What is that atomic energy? What is the use of it? We'll die. Without atomic energy you'll die. What is that control
- What is the use of a wife? She is only the source of increasing material conditions. And what is the use of family, home, country and community? Attachment for them merely wastes the valuable energy of one's lifetime
- What is the use of acarya? Sadhu will have come out automatically by working, but they did not. Propaganda
- What is the use of becoming a renouncer? After all, you have got this body. How can you renounce it? Either you cover it with underwear or either you cover it with costly dress, you have to cover it. So that covering also belongs to Krsna
- What is the use of bringing some useless men? He must agree to produce his own food, and work. Our rules and regulations, he must follow. Then it will be ideal community
- What is the use of calling that I am spiritual master? If you have not accepted him, spiritual master, what is the use? False propaganda
- What is the use of changing one's dress, sometimes wearing long hair and a long beard and sometimes dressing otherwise? This is not good. One should not waste his time in such frivolous activities
- What is the use of changing party? Because this party or that party, they are not surrendered to Krsna. So unless you come to the point of surrendering to Krsna, there cannot be any peace. Simply by changing from frying pan to the fire will not save you
- What is the use of chanting "Krsna"? Krsna chanting means Krsna this word, and Krsna the person, the same. Therefore by constant chanting means constantly associating with Krsna. Then we are becoming purified. Purified. There is no difference
- What is the use of family, home, country and community
- What is the use of fourth-class men leading? All fourth-class men. If I say so frankly, people will be very angry
- What is the use of fruitive activities, which are naturally painful from the very beginning and transient by nature, if they are not utilized for the devotional service of the Lord?
- What is the use of making a prolonged life? Prolonged suffering. Therefore it is said, aghayuh. If you live for a moment as a devotee, your life is successful. And if you live for many thousands of years without any Krsna consciousness - aghayuh, useless
- What is the use of opening big, big factory? Ugra-karma. What it has helped? You were talking on behalf of them. What it has helped? Keeping them, innocent men, women, they are kept in that factory simply for livelihood
- What is the use of starting temple if you do not do it properly? Why should you waste your energy? Better travel and preach
- What is the use of studying so many Vedic literatures? What is the use of explaining them in different ways? Vayam vaksyamahe. No one needs to study any more Vedic literatures, nor does anyone need to describe them by philosophical speculation
- What is the use of studying Vedas if you do not understand Krsna? Because the ultimate goal of education means to understand the Supreme Lord, the supreme father, the supreme cause
- What is the use of such prolonged life, stand up in a place without any power to move an inch, and suffer all climatic disturbances? Is that very good life
- What is the use of taking percentage of the stars in the presence of moon? Let there be one moon, that is sufficient. There is no question of percentage. One ideal man. Just like in Christian world, one ideal Lord Jesus Christ
- What is the use of the exalted position of a demigod? In the heavenly planets, due to profuse material comforts, there is no possibility of associating with devotees
- What is the use of the material body, which automatically leaves its owner at the end of life? & what is the use of all one's family members, who are actually plunderers taking away money that is useful for the service of the Lord in spiritual opulence?
- What is the use of these scientists? Any rascal will say. Trust no future, however pleasant. You can talk of all pleasant things in future, but you don't trust it. You as you don't trust, because you do not see soul, you don't trust
- What is the use of this human form of life? The cats and dogs, they have got body. They have also will meet death. And I have got body; I will also meet death. So am I meant for meeting death like cats and dogs? Then what kind of human being I am?
- What is the use of this industry, slaughterhouse? You get these, all these things. Have enough food grains, enough milk, enough fruits, enough vegetables, clear, nice river water. There is, there is no need of constructing water works. Why?
- What is the use of this material husband? Make Krsna husband. Krsna's prepared to become everything - love Him as husband, love Him as son, love Him, friend. Krsna is prepared
- What is the use of using sex life unnecessarily? Therefore only for begetting nice child one should have sex life. This is ideal life. Not that you use sex life, contraceptive method. This is all demonism
- What is the use of your becoming naked? You must do something. That is Krsna consciousness. Not that "I have become mendicant. I have given up all material things." You cannot give material things
- Whatever you say, that's all right. Now, we are seeing the other party; if somebody there, "It is like this," that's all right. I'm not going to test it. So what is the use of arguing?
- Why should you prolong your life? For suffering? You are suffering, that is your problem, so what is the use of prolonging your life? This is foolishness
- With the advancement of civilization, there are so many beautiful girls who have no ornaments of gold, pearls, or jewels, but only plastic bangles. So what is the use of industry and slaughterhouses
- Yogo nastah parantapa. As soon as we deviate from the original system, it is nasta, spoiled. So what is the use of giving things which is already spoiled? But it cannot be spoiled if you follow the parampara system. This is the secret of success
- You are going somewhere, purchasing the plane ticket. Do you ask, "How many tickets you have sold?" Huh? What is the use of? You just purchase your ticket and get on the airplane and go. Don't waste your valuable time in that way
- You are not strong enough to live there, so why you are making strong building? The building will stay, and you will die. So what is the use of making a strong building
- You are trying to prolong life. Very good idea. But what is the use of prolonging life while suffering? One side, you are trying to prolong life; the other side, for acute suffering one is committing suicide. So why this contradictory proposal
- You are trying to prolong your life by scientific method, but what is the use of such life? This material life, there is suffering
- You become guru, but you must be qualified first of all. Then you become... What is the use of producing some rascal guru?
- You have made promise when you took initiation that there will be no illicit sex connection. If still you are unable to fulfill that promise to your spiritual master, then what is the use of calling yourself devotee and disciple? That is simply pretending
- You remain as a grhastha, remain as sannyasi, remain as brahmacari as it becomes suitable for you, but preach. That is the main business. If you lacking in preaching and become a sannyasi, what is the use of sannyasa? Better... A grhastha is better
- You should be egoistic in right way, as your position is. If you falsely think that, "I am this," so what is the use of such increasing that ego? It is psychologically wrong
- You should not listen to any of these so-called astrologers—strictly avoid. Don't even see them. What is the use of seeing them? Astrology is meant for the materialist, but a spiritualist does not care for the future.