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Pages in category "Old"
The following 500 pages are in this category, out of 500 total.
- I was married when my wife was only eleven years old. And at the age of fourteen years she gave birth to first child
- It is said that Lord Jesus Christ, when twelve years old, was shocked to see the Jews sacrificing birds and animals in the synagogues and that he therefore rejected the Jewish system of religion
- Old bull
- Old culture
- Old order changes, yielding place to new
- Old wine in new a bottle
- When I was six years old my father gave me a ratha and I was performing the Ratha yatra in my neighborhood. And now in the western world you are worshiping Lord Jagannatha so gorgeously and it pleases me very, very much
- A child is born and the material nature is killing this child every moment. The child has grown, two years old. That means material nature has already killed this child for two years. How you can stop this?
- A child, a boy twelve years old, he cursed Pariksit Maharaja that "Within seven days you'll be bitten by a serpent," and it came to be true. So brahmana does not require any sword or any arrow to kill a man. His very word is sufficient
- A farmer does not like an old bull who has ceased to work. Similarly, when an attached person in family life becomes old and is unable to earn, he is no longer liked by his wife, sons, daughters and other kinsmen, and he is consequently neglected
- A father's duty is, as soon as girl is thirteen years old, fourteen years old, it is the duty of the father, or in the absence of father, it is the duty of elder brother to get her married. Some way or other, find out any husband
- A girl is pregnant, suppose, then, during her pregnancy period, ten months, there is no sex, and unless the child becomes six months old, there is no sex
- A man is working and thinking: "Let me work now very hard, and let me have some bank balance so when I shall get old, I shall enjoy life without any working." That is the inner intention of everyone. Nobody wants to work
- A sixteen-year-old boy can go safely all over the world, but a sixteen-year girl cannot. That is not possible. By nature, they are weak. So they require protection
- A vanaprastha should prepare cakes to be offered in sacrifice from fruits and grains grown naturally in the forest. When he obtains some new grains, he should give up his old stock of grains
- A woman's duty is not to give up her husband even he is not of good character or if he is unfortunate, if he is old, or if he is diseased. Still, husband is worshiped by the wife
- A woman's duty is not to give up her husband, even he is not of good character or if he is unfortunate, if he is old or if he is diseased. Still, husband is worshiped by the wife
- A working man thinks, "Let me work very hard now and put money in the bank, so that when I get old I shall enjoy life without working." This is the inner intention of everyone
- About 40 years before, Sripada Bon Maharaj, guided by our senior old Tirtha Maharaj were sent to London, and perhaps Gaudiya Mission was established at that time
- About sixty years before, in our childhood, or more than, sixty-five years before, when we were five, six years old, this system of hearing in the evening, in every village there was current
- Above all, because she was engaged in the service of Lord Krsna - although at that time she (Rukmini) was old enough to have grown-up sons - her beautiful body was beyond compare in the three worlds
- According to an old English proverb, Birds of a feather flock together. Crows mix with crows, and swans mix with swans. Since devotees are like swans (hamsas), a most advanced devotee is called paramahamsa
- According to some, the old name of the Tungabhadra River was Pamba. According to others, Vijaya-nagara, the capital of the state, was known as Pampatirtha
- According to the circumstances, Sukanya had been given a husband who was too old to be compatible with her. Because Cyavana Muni was diseased and very old, he was certainly unfit for the beautiful daughter of King Saryati
- According to the Vedic system, when small girls ten or twelve years old would go to the bank of the Ganges to take their bath, they would especially worship Lord Siva with prayers to get good husbands in the future
- According to Vedic culture, even if a young woman is given an old husband, she must respectfully serve him. This is chastity. It is not that because she dislikes her husband she may give him up and accept another. This is against Vedic culture
- Actually the human effort cannot trace out the history of Krsna consciousness, but taking consideration of the present history, it is at least as old as five thousand years
- Actually this (CC Madhya 1.208) is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu’s initiation of Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika. They approached the Lord with all humility, and the Lord accepted them as old servants, as eternal servants, and He changed their names
- Actually this Krishna Consciousness movement is the greatest need of the present day situation of the world. It is authorized approved and very old, and practical. It can be accepted by any person in any part of the world; that is already tested
- After giving up one type of body, he (the living entity) enters another type of body, as we put on and take off old clothes. BG 1972 Introduction
- After hearing the prayer of Dabira Khasa and Sakara Mallika, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "My dear Dabira Khasa, you two brothers are My old servants"
- After saying this, the Asvini-kumaras caught hold of Cyavana Muni, who was an old, diseased invalid with loose skin, white hair, and veins visible all over his body, and all three of them entered the lake
- After the creation, they (the conditioned souls) again exercise their old propensity for lording it over the material world. These activities of the conditioned souls anger Anantadeva, and He desires to destroy the entire material world
- After your (Dhruva) father goes to the forest and awards you the rule of his kingdom, you will rule continuously the entire world for thirty-six thousand years, and all your senses will continue to be as strong as they are now. You will never become old
- All my students and followers in Europe and America, they are ninety-nine percent all young men, young girls. They are not old, rejected persons. They are the flowers of the country
- All of our devotees in the Western countries give up their old habits of illicit sex, intoxication, meat-eating and gambling. Of course, five hundred years ago these practices were unknown in India - at least in eastern India
- All these scientists, they discover so many things. Why they did not discover something that he would not die? He would not become old? Where is that discovery? They will say: "Yes, in future"
- Along with the instructions contained in the Puranas (the old histories) and the samhitas. The Lord explained Himself in all these literatures
- Although he (Dhruva Maharaja) was only a five-year-old prince with a very delicate body, he was successful because he followed the directions of his spiritual master, Narada
- Although he (Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami) was very old, he started out that very night and went to live in Vrndavana. While he was there, he met some of the Gosvamis, principal disciples of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although these four great sages were older than Brahma's other sons like Marici, they appeared like small naked children only five or six years old
- Although we may see that a child is born, actually it is not born. Nityah sasvato 'yam puranah. The living entity is eternal (sasvata), always existing, and very, very old - Purana
- Andha-kupa means blind well. I do not know whether you have got experience. In India there are several old wells on the paddy fields, and they are covered with grass. Nobody can understand that there is a well underneath this, underneath this grass
- Any historical fact old or new which has a connection with the activities of the Lord is to be understood as a transcendental narration of the Lord
- Any of my student who will understand (the science of Krsna consciousness), he will keep it running on. This is the process. It's not a new thing. It is the old thing. Simply we have to distribute it properly, as we have heard from our predecessor acarya
- Anyone can understand. Vasamsi jirnani yatha vihaya. As our garments, coats & shirts, when they are old, rotten, no more usable, so we throw it away and get a new garment, shirt, coat. Similarly, the soul is changing garment from childhood, from babyhood
- As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, similarly, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones. BG 2.22 - 1972
- As old garments, old shirts and coats, we change, similarly, when this body becomes old enough not to be used, we change to another body. Tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). This is real knowledge
- As one changes an old garment, so the individual living being also changes his body, and this change of body is called death
- As one gives up old garment for a new one, similarly, death means to give up this plastic body and take another plastic body
- As some of the old prisoners in government jails are entrusted with some responsible work of prison management, so the demigods are improved conditioned souls acting as representatives of the Lord in the material creation
- As soon as he's requested that, "You become servant of Krsna," "Oh, this is nonsense. They are old-type people." - We have invented something new, to become servant of sex and intoxication
- As soon as we come to the platform of Krsna consciousness, our old relationship with Krsna is revived
- As we have to change our old dress, similarly, this body has to be changed. And we are changing. Changing every moment. That is a fact. This boy will grow also some day like you, like me. This body will not stay
- As you are remembering our old meeting days on the second avenue, when I first started my lectures there, similarly I also remember the incidents and speak to so many friends and disciples
- At that time (when Caitanya Mahaprabhu accepted the renounced order of sannyasa), as stated in the Caitanya-bhagavata, Antya-khanda, Chapter One, Acyutananda was only three years old
- At that time (when Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu was dancing in front of the car during the Ratha-yatra festival) the boy (Acyutananda) was only six years old
- At that time (when Pariksit was inquiring from sages) Sukadeva Gosvami entered the forest, and although Sukadeva was only sixteen, he was so learned and reputed that all the old sages, including his father, Vyasadeva, stood up to show him respect
- At that time, to go from Vidyanagara to Kuliya-grama one had to cross a branch of the Ganges. All of those old places still exist. Cinadanga was formerly situated in Kuliya-grama, which is now known as Kolera Ganja
- At the end of the second, third, fourth and fifth years, when Rohita wanted to return to his capital, the King of heaven, Indra, approached him as an old brahmana and forbade him to return, repeating the same words as in the previous year
- At the last stage of his life, when Maharaja Prthu saw himself getting old, that great soul, who was king of the world, divided whatever opulence he had accumulated amongst all kinds of living entities, moving and nonmoving
- At the time of the Battle of Kuruksetra, He (Krsna) had many grandchildren at home; or, in other words, He had sufficiently aged by material calculations. Still He looked just like a young man twenty or twenty-five years old. BG 1972 purports
- Bahuka died when he was old, and one of his wives wanted to die with him, following the sati rite. At that time, however, Aurva Muni, knowing her to be pregnant, forbade her to die
- Bathing during the month of Magha at the Magha-mela still takes place. This is a very old mela (assembly), dating from time immemorial
- Because it (sex urge) is an old habit we are unable to check it unless we can understand the nature of feeling, willing and then action, and how by proper use of intelligence and prevent thoughts which must come from maturing into actions
- Because of forgetfulness of this object (the only lovable object for everyone), people are suffering in this material world, but if one fortunately revives his old consciousness of loving Krsna and connects with Visvatma, one becomes perfect
- Because we are engaged in warfare with the forces of Maya, there will be casualties. Even Arjuna's son, Abhimanyu a 16-year-old boy was killed at the battle of Kuruksetra
- Bengal is sometimes called Gaudadesa, partly because it forms a portion of Maithila and partly because the capital of the Hindu king Raja Laksmana Sena was known as Gauda. This old capital later came to be known as Gaudapura and gradually Mayapur
- Bhagavata never becomes old, nityam bhagavata-sevaya
- Both Lord Krsna and Lord Baladeva have such (beautiful, black) hair on Their heads, and thus even in advanced age They appeared like young boys sixteen years old. That is the particular symptom of the Personality of Godhead
- Brahmacarini is not allowed in the sastra. Where is the question of brahmacarini? Because according to Vedic system, as soon as a girl is fourteen years old or sixteen years old, she is at once married
- But isn't that natural, just like no one wants to keep an old bull in the barn?
- By its so-called advancement of knowledge human civilization has created many material things, including spaceships & atomic energy. Yet it has failed to create a situation in which people need not die, take birth again, become old or suffer from disease
- By the power of mantra, just to give evidence of the Vedic mantras, the brahmins would sacrifice a cow, old cow or old bull, in the fire and give . . . give him, again, new life
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu at that time was sixteen years old boy, but He was very learned logician. So the Kesava Kasmiri, he was traveling all over India by, I mean to say, competing other panditas, other learned scholars. So he, everywhere he was victorious
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu called him (Sanatana Gosvami) in and ordered him to change his dress so that he would look like a gentleman. For his garment, he used an old cloth of Tapana Misra's. Later, he exchanged his valuable blanket for a torn quilt
- Can you make any material laws or scientific knowledge that you will not become old? No. You cannot stop death, you cannot stop birth, you cannot stop old age, you cannot stop disease. So what is the value of your material knowledge
- Candrasekhara said, "My dear Lord, You have bestowed Your causeless mercy upon me because I am Your old servant. Indeed, You have come here personally to give me Your audience"
- Conditioned souls are agitated by six kinds of transformations; namely, they become agitated when they are hungry, when they are thirsty, when they are aggrieved, when they are illusioned, when they grow old and when they are on the deathbed
- Cruel death cares for no one, be he Dhrtarastra or even Maharaja Yudhisthira; therefore spiritual instruction, as was given to old Dhrtarastra, was equally applicable to younger Maharaja Yudhisthira
- Cyavana Muni was not young but indeed old enough to be Sukanya's grandfather and was also very irritable, Sukanya, the beautiful young daughter of a king, submitted herself to her old husband and tried to please him in all respects
- Cyavana Muni was so old that he could not enter the lake alone. Thus the Asvini-kumaras caught hold of his body, and the three of them entered the lake
- Death is already born along with your birth. From the very day you took your birth, you began to die. Suppose you are twenty-five years old; that means you have already died twenty-five years
- Despite your (Dhrtarastra) unwillingness to die and your desire to live even at the cost of honor and prestige, your miserly body will certainly dwindle and deteriorate like an old garment
- During Krsnadasa' time there was no Radharani deity, Madan Mohan was alone. Radharani was later introduced. The temple of Madan Mohan was formerly on high level, that is, the original old temple
- During the old days, Pichalada was part of Tamaluka and Bengal. Pichalada is located about fourteen miles south of Tamaluka. The river Rupa-narayana is well known in Tamaluka, and Pichalada was situated on the bank of the Rupa-narayana River
- Even 10 year old boys are smoking, so much degraded. We are trying to convince people to become first class men rather than fifth class men. We have to fight
- Even if he is not of very good character, or even if he is not very rich or fortunate, or even if he is old or invalid on account of continued diseases, whatever her husband's condition, a woman should not divorce her husband
- Even in old days they were dealing with this politics. What they will do good to the people? But they do not know. This is disease
- Even old man, eighty years old, he is also going to the club. Because in the material world the happiness means wine and women. That's all
- Every human being, for his own interest, should accept a Spiritual Master and abide by His order. This is the Vedic system, and whatever we are trying to do, it is in pursuance of the old order
- Every living entity is suffering in this material existence from past activities; therefore everyone has a very old history
- Every material thing deteriorates, and like a broken machine or an old piece of cloth the body becomes useless after a certain length of time
- Every one of us are already old. (We) generally understand that old age means nearing death, but who can guarantee that there is no death immediately? At any moment
- Everybody takes birth, then remains for some time, grows and then from the body some other bodies are also come out. In this way one becomes old; that means dwindling. And one day will come he'll be finished. These are called six kinds of transformation
- Everyone has some particular relationship with Krsna, the Supreme Lord, which he has forgotten. But as we become Krsna conscious, gradually our old consciousness of our relationship with Krsna is revived
- Everyone knows that he is going to die. He has taken birth; he has become old; he has suffered diseases. Then where is the solution?
- Everyone should become diseased. Everyone should become old. Everyone must die. This is the problem
- Everyone will die. So nobody can check death. However great scientist he may, he cannot stop death. By laws of nature one is becoming old. By your scientific advancement you can stop first of all
- Expert learned scholars say that laughing is generally found amongst youngsters or in the combination of old persons and young children. This ecstatic loving laughing is sometimes also found in persons who are very grave by nature
- Father says: "My dear child, when you were two years old you fell down and there was a fracture in your brain." He cannot remember. The father can say: "Yes, it happened. You have forgotten. I remember." Similarly, Krsna can remember everything
- Following this custom (vag-datta), which is very old in India, the elderly brahmana promised to give his daughter to the younger brahmana in charity, and he promised this before the Gopala Deity
- For her (Laksmana) dowry, he (Duryodana) first gave 1,200 elephants, each at least 60 years old; then he gave 10,000 nice horses, 6,000 chariots, dazzling just like the sunshine, and 1,000 maidservants decorated with golden ornaments
- For one who is rapt in hearing and chanting about Krsna, the subject matter never becomes hackneyed or old. That is the significance of transcendental subject matter in contrast to material subject matter
- Formerly, capital cities were surrounded by walls, and there were different gates for regular entrance. Even in Delhi today there are old gates, and some other old cities have such gates where citizens would gather to receive the king
- From Advaita's old paternal house (nijalaya) in Santipura, Sita came to Navadvipa to present gifts to the newborn child, Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- From my life I experience, when I was very little child six or seven years old, I was very much fond of Krsna. And I got the opportunity of this two things. Although my father was not very rich, but he was pure Vaisnava
- From sixteenth year, one's youthfulness begins, say, up to forty years. Then middle age up to sixty years. Then after sixty years, one is old. This is the definition of different ages
- From this statement it appears that town and city planning is not new but has been coming down since the time of King Prthu. In India we can see regular planning methods evident in very old cities. In SB there are many descriptions of such ancient cities
- Generally a man's tendency is to enjoy many women, and even at the very end of life the sex impulse is so strong that even though one is very old he still wants to enjoy the company of young girls
- Generally an old animal was sacrificed in the fire. and it would come out again in a youthful body. Some of the rituals however, did not require animal sacrifice. In the present age, animal sacrifices are forbidden
- Generally, sannyasa is not accepted until one is sixty years old. But in this age there is no guarantee whether we are going to live up to sixty years old age. So sometimes younger generation also offered sannyasa
- Giri-vara-dhari means that hill, and He sustained that hill. He was at that time seven years old from material calculation
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) was only twenty-four years old. His lovable wife, beautiful wife, very very serving; mother, so affectionate mother; but He gave up everything, took sannyasa
- He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) was very influential. When He was twenty years old the Kazi (the Mussulman magistrate) broke the mrdanga in sankirtana. And He started the civil disobedience movement, and He called for one lakh of men
- He (Lord Caitanya) had His very beautiful and obedient wife, Laksmi devi, sixteen years old. She was by name Laksmi, and actually she was goddess of fortune . . . and His mother was so affectionate, there is no comparison
- He (old brahmana) didn't want to marry his daughter to the youth and cause such great trouble within his family
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) put on old garments of Tapana Misra’s and took prasadam at the house of a Maharashtrian brahmana. Then, in discourses with Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the Lord Himself explained everything about devotional service to Sanatana Gosvami
- He (Varuna) replied: O dear one (Hiranyaksa), we have now desisted from warfare, having grown too old for combat
- He does not know what is the miserable condition of life. Everyone knows that he is going to die. He has taken birth; he has become old, he has suffered diseases. Then where is the solution
- He is my old friend and Godbrother, and so you should offer him all due respects whenever he comes, but do not try to engage him in some work in his old age
- He is my old god brother. Sincere Vaisnava. Please treat him like your father
- He's (Karandhara dasa Adhikari) not very old. And he wants to take sannyasa also. He's a grhastha, he has got a child. And: "Just wait. We shall arrange for your... You are already sannyasi." He lives apart from his wife. So he's very nice boy
- Hiranyakasipu, the father of Prahlada, always denied the existence of the Lord, and he tried to kill his five-year-old boy due to the boy's unflinching faith in God
- His (Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) second wife was Srimati Visnupriya Devi, who bore the separation of the Lord throughout her life because the Lord took the order of sannyasa at the age of twenty-four, when Srimati Visnupriya was barely sixteen years old
- How they're (who are in this material world) criminals? Because either one is rich or poor, he's subjected to the tribulations of this material nature. It is not that the rich man will not become old and the simply poor man will become old. No
- I am glad to learn that although you are 60 years old, you are enthusiastic to help me in this great preaching work. In spiritual activities there is no barring even in old age because I am also 74 years old but still working by the Grace of Lord Krsna
- I am not born in a brahmana family, neither I am old enough, educated. Still, I have to offer my prayers. So let me try to offer my prayers by following the authorities, anuvarnitena, without any," what is called, - doubt
- I am old and troubled by invalidity. I am almost blind and deaf, my hands tremble, and my mind and intelligence are unsteady
- I am old man, 73 years old; I may die at any moment. But I am now assured my movement will go on. These boys will carry it. My mission is in that way successful
- I can give you one brahmacari, 12 years old, named Birbhadra, whom I want you should teach Sanskrit from the very beginning. We want a few students who know Sanskrit and Bengali, or at least Sanskrit
- I can simply pray to Krishna for revival of your old Krishna Consciousness
- I did not attempt in the beginning. I started my activities when I was seventy years old
- I do not know if you are again acting upon your old principles on the guise of becoming a Sannyasi from our disciplic succession. This cannot be allowed
- I do not want so many things. Just like I do not want to become old, but old age is forced upon me; I must become old. I do not want to die. Then death is forced upon me. I do not want to take birth. These are all very troublesome business
- I have become old, and you are also old, although not so old as I am. We may pass away, but my disciples will carry on this festival yearly, and so it will be remembered forever our eternal relationship with Jagannathaji and Radha-Govindaji
- I have consented that when and if a new set of Pancatattva Deities are installed in the Hawaii Temple, the old set of Pancatattva Deities may be given to Govinda dasi
- I have given this example of my practical experience in 1925 or '26 when my son was two years old. There was a table fan, "I would like to touch it." And I said: "No, don't touch." This is child
- I have heard my mother-in-law was married - she was seven years old and my father-in-law was eleven years old. So this marriage was performed, but it is not that the husband and wife live together unless they are mature, grown-up
- I have now become too old and disturbed by invalidity. While I write, my hands tremble. I cannot remember anything, nor can I see or hear properly. Still I write, and this is a great wonder
- I have several times spoken to you that in my, when I was about six months old, I remember, I remember I was lying down on my eldest sister's lap, and she was knitting. I still remember it very vividly
- I lost my mother when I was only 14 years old. So I didn't get much of my mother's affection in my childhood. But in my old age, Krishna has given me so many young mothers to take care of me
- I never believed that again you would go back to your old habits, giving up the Krsna Consciousness Movement in a whimsical way
- I remember the old days in San Francisco. Krsna has been so kind upon me to have sent so many sincere disciples to help me push on this Movement on behalf of my Guru Maharaj
- I see so many discrepancies from our line of action in devotional service. I do not know if you are again acting upon your old principles on the guise of becoming a Sannyasi from our disciplic succession
- I sent six of my disciples there, all of them young couples, husband and wife, and none of them more than 26 years old. These boys and girls first started Samkirtan Movement in London and there were very nice reports about them
- I still remember when I was about six months old; I was lying down on the lap of my elder sister, who was knitting, and I was playing. I can remember that, so it is possible for everyone to remember that he had a small body
- I want that what I have established may go on nicely, but I see that some of the devotees are reviving their old "good'' qualities. That is the difficulty. If the old habits come back, then everything is finished
- I want to develop a replica of Old Vrindaban. I have got ambition to construct there 7 temples as follows: 1. Radha Madan Mohan, 2. Radha Govinda, 3. Radha Gopinatha, 4. Radha Damodara, 5. Radha Raman, 6. Radha Gokulananda, 7. Radha Syamasundara
- If a person is Krsna conscious, he can work like a young man even if he is seventy-five or eighty years old
- If an old friend meets another friend, they become very delighted. Similarly, if the father meets the lost child, he becomes very delighted and the child also. The husband, wife separated, again they meet. So they become very delighted
- If I can get some place where going I'll have not to die again or not to become old and not to have any diseases, oh, certainly I shall accept it. That is my desire, heart's desire. I want. I want that
- If we want relief from our dangerous situation, we have to surrender to the Supreme Personality of Godhead and revive our old connection with Him
- If you (the gopis) do not come here and if you lodge complaints with My (Krsna's) father (Nanda Maharaja), I shall not care anyway, for I know My father is old and cannot take any action against Me
- If you adopt me as your old child, probably the visa department will laugh, that what you will do with an old child who is going to die very soon
- If you are miserly and do not give Me the offerings, every one of you will have an old husband with at least four co-wives
- If you ask any old man, "What is your age?" he'll decrease the age. He is eighty years old, he'll say, "I am sixty years" or "sixty-five." That means he wants to live for long duration of life. That is the intention
- If you have learned Sanskrit, I can give you one brahmacari, 12 years old, named Birbhadra, whom I want you should teach Sanskrit from the very beginning
- If you still cannot understand what is my instruction, then how can I help you? New students may say like that. You are intelligent, educated, old student. If you say...
- If you want to give me some cloth according to your desire, please give me an old cloth you have used
- In a home affectionate mother is present, and very beloved wife is present, and He (Lord Caitanya) was twenty-four years old, and His wife was sixteen years old. Materially that is the age for sense gratification, but He renounced
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.22) it is said: As a person puts on new garments, giving up old ones, the soul accepts new material bodies, giving up the old and useless ones
- In Brahma-samhita it is said that the Lord is the oldest person. Therefore a section of religionists imagine that God must be very old, & therefore they depict a form of the Lord like a very old man. But in the same Brahma-samhita, that is contradicted
- In Dvapara-yuga the temple worship. Now this . . . we have got in India, especially in South India, many temples, more than two thousand, three thousand years old. So temple worship is very old, since five thousand, six thousand years
- In India it is the old custom that a prostitute quarter is maintained for the lusty people. Those who are not satisfied with one wife, they should not pollute the society, but they should go to the prostitutes. So that means illicit sex
- In India there are many places very suitable for spiritual advancement. Still they are existing from the very, very old times, historical time
- In Kali-yuga men all over the world are very expert in opening slaughterhouses for killing animals, which they eat. If the old ritualistic ceremonies were observed, people would be encouraged to kill more and more animals
- In material life, we simply struggle for existence. We want to exist, and we do not want to die. Nor do we want to undergo the pains of birth, catch diseases or grow old
- In Old Delhi there are still remnants of surrounding walls and various gates known as the Kashmiri Gate, the Lahori Gate, etc. Similarly, in Ahmadabad there is a Delhi Gate
- In other species of life lower than the human being it is not possible to revive our old relationship with God. But in this life . . . therefore this is the greatest opportunity. After all, we are under the grip of material nature's law
- In Padma Purana it is stated that when prasada is brought or received, it must be eaten immediately, even if it has become very dry or old, or even if it is brought from a distant place, or even if one has not completed executing his daily duties
- In some cannibalistic communities, the old grandfather is sportingly killed, and a feast is held in which his body is eaten
- In spiritual activities there is no barring even in old age because I am also 74 years old but still working by the Grace of Lord Krsna. If you want to help me, there is great need of your valued service
- In the Brahma-samhita (5.33) it is also stated: advaitam acyutam anadim ananta-rupam adyam purana-purusam nava-yauvanam ca. The original person is one without a second, yet He never appears old; He always appears as ever fresh as a blooming youth
- In the Brahma-samhita also, Krsna is accepted as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This is a very old book, supposed to have been written by Brahma, the first living being in the universe
- In the Mahabharata, or the old history of India, we see that ksatriya kings especially used to marry many wives. According to Vedic civilization there was no restriction against this, and even a man more than fifty years old could marry
- In the olden days there were no presses, and all the important scriptures were handwritten and kept in large temples
- In the pictures of Krsna on the battlefield of Kuruksetra we can see that He is youthful, although at that time He was old enough to have sons, grandsons, and great grandsons
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra
- In the previous time, this cow sacrifice was actually being done. That's all right. But that was not for killing. That - to give the cow, the old cow or bull, a new life. By the power of mantra, just to give evidence of the Vedic mantras
- In this connection I wish to narrate an old history connected with the character of a king called Puranjana. Please try to hear me with great attention
- In this regard, an example is given from an old history. This involves a discourse between Yamaraja and the friends of a dead person. Please hear it attentively
- In this regard, learned scholars and saintly persons describe a very old historical incident involving a discussion between the order carriers of Lord Visnu and those of Yamaraja. Please hear of this from me - Sukadeva Gosvami
- In this verse (SB 4.20.4) the word vrddha-sevaya is very significant. Vrddha means "old." Sevaya means "by service."
- In this verse (SB 4.28.44) the word cira-vasa refers to very old torn garments
- In this way, Krsna and Balarama, acting like small boys and talking in half-broken language, gave transcendental pleasure to all the inhabitants of Vraja. In due course of time, They became old enough to take care of the calves - SB 10.11.37
- In your country I have seen in several places. Nice building is dismantled, and again, in that very place, another building is raised. You see? Breaking and building. Breaking and... "Oh, this building is old. Break it." The same childish play
- Indeed, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu eagerly tore this page from the Kurma Purana, although the book was very old, and He later showed it to Ramadasa Vipra, whose unhappiness was mitigated
- Intercaste marriage was not prohibited in the olden days, many millions of years ago, but there was a regular system of social behavior
- It (body) will grow, it will produce some byproducts, then it will become old and dwindle and then vanish, and then I shall have to accept another body
- It appears from many Vedic literatures, especially histories like Srimad-Bhagavatam and the puranas, that the pious kings of old used to tour their kingdoms in order to give protection to the pious citizens and to chastise or kill the impious
- It appears that even five thousand years ago this holy place (Badarikasrama in the Himalayas) was being visited by such a holy being as Uddhava, and even at that time the place was known to be very, very old
- It doesn’t matter whether one is poor or rich, learned or foolish, black or white, old or still a child - anyone who simply hears about the SP of Godhead and takes prasadam is certainly elevated to the transcendental position of devotional service
- It has been calculated on the basis of archeological evidence that Krsna spoke Bhagavad-gita on the Battlefield of Kuruksetra more than five thousand years ago. So this KC movement, even from the historical point of view, is five thousand years old
- It has been suggested that by the desire of Sri Nityananda Prabhu, Anantadeva manifested Himself in that way (as bakula tree). The tree is very old
- It is an old system among Indian girls and women that when they take a bath in the river they place their garments on the bank and dip into the water completely naked
- It is easy to understand that everything manifested here is temporary. The obvious example is our body. If one is thirty years old, thirty years ago his body was not manifested, and in another fifty years it will again be unmanifested
- It is not a new movement, because as I told you, that this is based on the principles of Bhagavad-gita, and Bhagavad-gita is not new. At least from historical point of view, it is five thousand years old
- It is not that because you are born in a very rich family, you'll be immune from diseases. It is not that you'll not become old. It is not that you'll be saved from the troubles of birth or you'll be saved from the troubles of death
- It is not that they become old and there is no more enjoyment or they are separated or somebody, Krsna goes somewhere and the Radharani goes to somewhere. No. Everything is eternal. They are enjoying
- It is said that the Sapta-tala trees were very old, massive palm trees. There was once a fight between Vali and his brother Sugriva, and Lord Ramacandra took the side of Sugriva and killed Vali, keeping Himself behind one of those celebrated trees
- It is said, vrddhatvam vayasa vina: one may be senior without being advanced in age. Even if one is not old, one gains seniority if he is senior in knowledge
- It is the duty of a householder to feed first of all the children, the old members of the family, the brahmanas and the invalids
- It is very difficult to be a brahmana in this age, and it is practically impossible to revive the old varnasrama-dharma culture. Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore said that this method (varnasrama-dharma) is not very practical
- It is within our experience that the politicians in India do not quit their positions until death. This was not the practice in olden days
- It was spoken by the Supreme Lord personally five thousand years ago. And that old thing we are presenting as it is. Our Bhagavad-gita is therefore named Bhagavad-gita As It Is. Without any interpretation. Without any addition, alteration
- Itihasa means history, and puranani, puranani means old itihasa. All the statements or narrations described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, they're all historical evidence, they're not imagination
- Jaya Govinda's idea that if you go there to Bombay, Mr. Karambar may force him to marry his daughter, is simply imagination, because his daughter is only 9 or 10 years old. How she can be married in this tender age?
- Jesus started the religious system of Christianity, adhering to the Old Testament commandment Thou shalt not kill
- Just as there are many united states in various parts of the world, in olden days the entire world was ruled through many states, but there was a supreme emperor who ruled over all subsidiary states
- Just like here the nature is working in that way. You build a very nice house. Gradually, the nature's course is it will become old and you'll fall down. This is the way of nature here. You cannot keep anything fresh always
- Just see how this child - only three years old - is so jubilant! Simply by seeing Krsna he is running so swiftly, making a tumultuous sound. Just see!
- Kapiladeva was about twenty-five years old and was quite able to take charge of His mother, Devahuti. He knew that because His father left His mother in His charge, He should take care of her and always please her. Matuh priya-cikirsaya
- Karma, is not eternal. The effects of karma may be very old indeed. BG 1972 Introduction
- Keeping one's money very secretly is an old practice, for we find this practice present even during the reign of Maharaja Prthu
- King Yayati became very much attached to Sarmistha, and Sukracarya's daughter (Devayani) complained to her father. Consequently, Sukracarya cursed King Yayati to become prematurely old
- Kirata: A province of old Bharata-varsa mentioned in the Bhisma-parva of Mahabharata. Generally the Kiratas are known as the aboriginal tribes of India, and in modern days the Santal Parganas in Bihar and Chota Nagpur might comprise the old province
- Krsna addressed Jarasandha as follows: "You may note that here is the second son of King Pandu, Bhimasena, and the third son of Pandu, Arjuna. As for Myself, you may know that I am your old enemy Krsna, the cousin of the Pandavas"
- Krsna continued, "If a person is able to care for or give protection to old parents, a chaste wife, children, the spiritual master, brahmanas and other dependents but does not do so, he is considered already dead, although he is supposedly breathing"
- Krsna said, "Yes. Don't be agitated. I am coming, I am coming." Like that. And practically He never came back. He left at the age of 15, 16 years old, then He became engaged in fighting, being educated and marrying and becoming king and so on
- Krsna wanted to impress on them that they were not old enough to take care of themselves. Actually, they required protection. It was not very wise for them to come in the dead of night to Krsna
- Laid down on a foul bed infested with sweat and germs, the poor child (the ten-month-old living entity) is incapable of scratching his body to get relief from his itching sensation to say nothing of sitting up, standing or even moving
- Learned (Sukadeva Gosvami) it from Vyasadeva, a disciple of Narada, and thus the perfect knowledge can descend by the chain of disciplic succession only, and not by any form of experimental knowledge, old or modern
- Let us not revive this old matter, but I want to know from you what is your opinion of the matter, and how is it that Hamsaduta and Atreya Rsi were able to persuade you all senior leaders of the Society to follow their foolish activities? Kindly inform
- Like a dress, when it is torn, when it is too old, you have to change it. Similarly, when this body becomes useless, no more, it cannot be pulled on any more, you take another body
- Like thunder in the sky does not need any explanation to any old person or to a young child, similarly, the transcendental sound vibration of Hare Krishna and preaching of Bhagavad Gita philosophy will act on everyone
- Lord Jesus Christ, when twelve years old, was shocked to see the Jews sacrificing birds and animals in the synagogues and that he therefore rejected the Jewish system of religion
- Lord Krsna engaged for a long time in talking with Sudama Vipra about their past association. Then, just to enjoy the company of an old friend, Lord Krsna began to smile and asked
- Maharaja Yudhisthira, full of anxiety, turned to Sanjaya, who was sitting there, and said: O Sanjaya, where is our uncle, who is old and blind?
- Many hundreds and thousands of people gather for this festival. The temple where Abhirama Thakura worshiped has a very old history. The Deity in the temple is known as Gopinatha. There are many sevaita families living near the temple
- Many monkeys in India were caught and sent to Europe so that their sex glands could serve as replacements for those of old people. Those who actually descend from the monkeys are interested in expanding their aristocratic families through sex
- Matrvat para-daresu. From the very beginning of life, all women they are treated as mother. That is the system, Vedic system. Everyone will call a woman as "Mother." Never mind whether she is younger or older. It doesn't matter
- Medhatithi: An old sage of yore. An assembly member of the heavenly King Indradeva. His son was Kanva Muni, who brought up Sakuntala in the forest. He was promoted to the heavenly planet by strictly following the principles of retired life (vanaprastha)
- Modern politicians do not wish to retire from active life, even if they are old enough, but Yudhisthira Maharaja, as an ideal king, voluntarily retired from active administrative life to prepare himself for the next life
- My dear friend, now I have met My very old and dear friend Krsna on this field of Kuruksetra
- My dear King, one brahmana, who was an old friend of King Puranjana, came to that place and began to pacify the Queen with sweet words
- My dear Lord, by Your causeless mercy I am awakened to consciousness, although I am only ten months old. For this causeless mercy of the SPG, the friend of all fallen souls, there is no way to express my gratitude but to pray with folded hands
- My dear Lord, You are not a statue; You are directly the son of Maharaja Nanda. Now, for the sake of the old brahmana, You can do something You have never done before
- My father and mother were old and had no other son or friend to look after them. Because I did not take care of them, they lived with great difficulty. Alas, like an abominable lower-class man, I ungratefully left them in that condition
- My father-in-law was married when he was eleven years. And my mother-in-law was seven years. You see? So actually, the point is that the marriage was taking by the calculation, "Whether this couple will be happy in their life?"
- My Guru Maharaja ordered me long, long ago, when I was twenty-five years old, my Guru Maharaja ordered me to go to the foreign countries and preach Caitanya's message. But somehow or other I could not assimilate his order until I was seventy years old
- My Guru Maharaja ordered me when I was twenty-five years old that, "You go and preach." But I thought, "First of all, I shall become a rich man, and I shall use that money for preaching work." So that's a long history
- My lord, our old enemy Bali Maharaja now has new enthusiasm, and he has obtained such astonishing power that we think that perhaps we cannot resist his prowess
- No one wants to change his birthright, no one wants to meet death, no one wants to be old or invalid, and no one wants diseases. But these problems are solved neither by the grace of any demigod nor by the so-called advancement of material science
- No one wants to grow old; no one wants to die. Indeed, a place free of such sufferings would be our heart's desire. Why do we want this? Because we have the right, the prerogative, to want it
- Nobody likes death, but death is there. Nobody likes to become old, but the old age is there. Why they set aside these big problems and he's proud of scientific advancement of knowledge? What kind of education this is?
- Nobody wants to die; he wants to continue. Why he becomes old? Old means warning and, of the... Just like the, what is that, yellow street light. "Now please prepare for the red light." So this is coming... You stop this
- Not only did he (Yudhisthira) follow the principles, but he also got approval from his old uncle, who was experienced in political affairs, and that was also confirmed by Lord Krsna, the speaker of the philosophy of Bhagavad-gita
- Not only young children, but anyone who is unaware of the science of Krsna consciousness, he is also child. And anyone who knows this science, he is old
- Now we are at the Dallas school and it is very nice place and just suitable for educating your son here when he becomes old enough, at least four or five years old
- Now, everyone is trying not to die, everyone is trying not to become old, everyone is trying not to be dead, meet death. This is natural. Because, by nature, we are not subjected to these things
- O son of Brahma, how did you (Narada) pass your life after initiation, and how did you attain this body, having quit your old one in due course?
- O unchaste girl, what is this that you have desired to do? You have cheated the most respectable husband, who is honored by everyone, for I see that because he was old, diseased and therefore unattractive, you have left his company
- Old Ajamila was very much attached to him because of the child's broken language and awkward movements. He always took care of the child and enjoyed the child's activities
- Old devotees
- Old history you will find that India, they had got their own ships for exporting spices to Greece and other countries of Europe. The history is there. And they were supplying muslin cloth, even just before the British period, Muslim period
- On the other side of Prayaga is an old place known as Pratisthana-pura. It is also well known as Jhunsi. Many saintly people live there, and consequently it is very attractive from the spiritual point of view
- Once an old mendicant approached the door of Mother Yasoda's house, and Krsna told Yasoda, "My dear Mother, I don't wish to go near this skinny villain. If I go there, he might put Me within his begging bag and take Me away from You!"
- Once the dangerous soldiers attacked the city of Puranjana with great force. Although the city was full of paraphernalia for sense gratification, it was being protected by the old serpent
- Once two brahmanas, one old & one young, went to visit Vrndavana on a pilgrimage. It was a long trip, & in those days there were no railways, so travelers underwent many hardships. The old man was much obliged to the youth for helping him on the journey
- One can collect old garments that have been thrown out, one can eat fruits offered by the trees, one can drink water from the rivers, and one can live within the caves of mountains
- One cowherd boy said, "When He (Krsna) was only one year old, He was carried away by the Trnavarta demon disguised as a whirlwind"
- One cowherd boy said, "When He (Krsna) was only three months old, He was sleeping underneath a hand-driven cart. Being hungry for His mother’s breast, He began to cry and throw His legs upwards"
- One old devotee said, "My dear Lord, when we are away from You we become so anxious to see You again, and there is great misery in our lives. But then, when we do see You, there immediately comes the fear of separation"
- One old gopi informed King Nanda, "On His (Krsna's) soles there are the signs of a flag, a thunderbolt, a fish, a rod for controlling elephants, and a lotus flower. Please observe how auspicious these signs are!"
- One old gopi informed King Nanda, "Your son (Krsna) possesses various wonderful fate lines on His palms. There are the signs of lotus flowers and wheels on His palms"
- One should not foolishly consider the Puranas mythological. If they were mythological, Sukadeva Gosvami would not have taken the trouble to recite the old historical incidents concerning the life of Ajamila
- One thing we should always remember is that all of our devotees picked up here are accustomed to all of these bad habits in their past life, so if sometimes they reveal their old characteristics, instead of rejecting them, it is up to us to rectify them
- Only the foolish man says that there is no God. Maharaja Yudhisthira was being convinced of this naked truth because he was greatly overwhelmed by the sudden departure of his old uncles and aunt
- Ordered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Krsna, Akrura visited Hastinapura, said to be the site of what is now New Delhi. The part of New Delhi still known as Indraprastha is accepted by people in general as the old capital of the Pandavas
- Our actual distresses are janma, to take birth; to die; to become diseased; or to become old. These are our real distresses. But we don't care for it. Neither you know how to get out of it
- Our European, American students, they are in new birth. They have given up their old birth practices. So birth is changed. Punar janma. So that is possible only by Krsna consciousness
- Our Krsna consciousness is so nice, the more you advance, you see new year, new year. That's all. Nothing is old. People are seeing that they are simply chanting the old slogan, Hare Krsna
- Our principle is not to proselytize from Christian to Hindu or Muhammadan to Hindu. We are teaching simply how to revive his old constitutional position to become servant of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- Parasara: He is the grandson of Vasistha Muni and father of Vyasadeva. He is the son of Maharsi Sakti, and his mother's name was Adrsyati. He was in the womb of his mother when she was only twelve years old
- Parasurama is so old that he met both Rama and Krsna at different times. He fought with Rama, but he accepted Krsna as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. He also praised Arjuna when he saw him with Krsna
- Pariksit Maharaja was the son of Abhimanyu, who was the son of Arjuna and Subhadra, Krsna's sister. When Abhimanyu was sixteen years old, he went to fight, and seven great commanders joined forces to kill him
- Pariksit Maharaja's question was how to be freed from falling down into hell or into the hands of the Yamadutas. In reply, Sukadeva Gosvami is citing this old historical example (of Ajamila) to convince Pariksit Maharaja of the potency of bhakti-yoga
- Parvati is the daughter of the king of the very, very old mountainous country known as the Manipura state. Five thousand years ago, therefore, when the Pandavas ruled, Manipura existed, as did its king
- People, being harassed in famine and taxation, they'll give up their hearth & home, will go to the forest and hills. Gradually, time will come when the ages will be reduced so much that a person twenty-thirty years old will be considered as grand old man
- Please be engaged in the service of Lord Krishna very enthusiastically. You are my old disciple and I know how much enthusiastically you were working in the beginning
- Please try to cooperate with the temple managers, because in my absence they might feel some difficulty. You are one of the old founders of N.Y. temple, and I hope you shall take some active part in improving the original center
- Poor, rich or young or old, black or white, there is no impediment. If one wants to love God, he can love Him
- Prabhupada's old disciple
- Practically all over the world, all our followers, disciples, students, they are all young men or teenagers, some of them, about twenty-five years or thirty years, but no old men. That is the special feature of this movement
- Prahlada Maharaja is a vivid example of a pure devotee. Someone might argue that since Prahlada Maharaja, even though very old, was attached to his family, and specifically to his grandson Bali Maharaja, how could he be an ideal example?
- Prakasananda Sarasvati was very elderly, & Caitanya was only twenty-four years old. So he's appreciating that, "From Your face it appears that You are very learned, advanced. And why do You indulge in this sentimentalism?" This is very important question
- Purana means old history. It is not mythology. The foolish people, they say like that, "Mythology means something created." No. Don't take it that way. It is the essence of important historical incidences, record
- Purana means old, old history, Purana. And itihasa means history. But Vedic civilization was concerned with historical evidences which are very, very important
- Radharani said, "My dear friend, now I have met My very old and dear friend Krsna on this field of Kuruksetra. I am the same Radharani, and now We are meeting together"
- Regarding Srimurti Subhadra, the old Deity should not be repaired, but a new Deity should be carved and installed. The old Deity may be wrapped up in some cloth, tied up and weighted with stones, then put in the river. This is the procedure to be followed
- Regarding your questions about children at Gurukula, above ten years old they can be initiated first time, and after one year of perfectly chanting 16 rounds and observing the other regulative principles, they may receive second initiation
- Retired old gentlemen should take lessons from him (Yudhisthira) and leave home for spiritual realization before forcefully dragged away to meet death
- Revive my old relationship with Krsna. That is Krsna consciousness
- Rukmini's breasts are described as being somewhat high, indicating that she was just a youth not more than thirteen or fourteen years old. Her beauty was specifically intended to attract the attention of Krsna
- Sacrifice as mentioned in the Vedas is not actually cow-killing. In that sacrifice an old bull or cow was sacrificed for the sake of receiving a fresh younger life by the power of Vedic mantras
- Sanatana Gosvami immediately went to the bank of the Ganges, and there he saw a mendicant washing an old quilt. When Sanatana asked him to trade the old quilt for the valuable blanket, the poor mendicant thought that Sanatana was joking with him
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya was on the level of Caitanya Mahaprabhu's grandfather. Thus he said to Caitanya Mahaprabhu, - You are a boy only twenty-four years old, and now You have taken sannyasa. Sannyasa is very difficult to keep
- Seeing him unable to support them, his wife and others do not treat him with the same respect as before, even as miserly farmers do not accord the same treatment to their old and worn-out oxen
- She began to bathe three times daily, and thus her curling black hair gradually became gray. Due to austerity, her body gradually became thin, and she wore old garments
- Since born one is taken care, he thinks "Now, I have got so comfortable life." And again becomes old, disgusted, so he cannot live disgusting, therefore Krsna is so kind: "All right, change body again"
- Since he (Dhruva) ruled over the world for thirty-six thousand years, naturally one may conclude that he became very, very old, but factually his senses were very young - and yet he was not interested in sense gratification
- Since the creation of the material world, everyone has been trying to attain a permanent life, but the laws of nature are so cruel that no one has been able to avoid the hand of death. No one wants to die, nor does anyone want to become old or diseased
- Since the Kurma Purana was very old, the manuscript was also very old. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu took possession of the original leaves in order to have direct evidence. The text was copied onto new leaves in order that the Purana be replaced
- Siva-kanci is also known as Kancipuram, or the Benares of southern India. In Siva-kanci there are hundreds of temples containing symbolic representations of Lord Siva, and one of these temples is said to be very, very old
- So far I am concerned, although I am getting old, I guarantee I shall give you two tapes daily provided you guarantee to finish printing two tapes daily. That will encourage me more and more
- So far my health is concerned, you know that it is a broken old house. You cannot expect as good as you are doing. So my future hope is you all good spiritual sons
- So if there is beating of child, that will be difficult for him to accept in loving spirit, and when he is old enough he may want to go away, that is the danger
- So India was so rich. But now how that India has become so poor? The same land is there. Why? Because they have lost that old culture, God consciousness
- So our method is very simple. We don't manufacture any new method. Why new method? The old method is very perfect, authorized, accepted by great acaryas. And they are, actually, are benefited
- So our point is, we are not going to bring back the old type of Hindu society. It is impossible. Our idea is that best ideas from the original idea
- So our present condition is diseased. Why you are dying? Because you are diseased. Why you are becoming old? Because you are diseased. That is due to this body. But actually I am spirit soul. I am neither old nor diseased
- So teacher or the spiritual master is not inventing something. The same old thing
- So the old culture has to be revived. And this is an attempt, humble attempt, to revive our old culture, Krsna consciousness. We should join together. To this purpose we are attempting to open a center here
- So Vedic culture is very old. It is not a concocted thing or a new pattern. It is eternal. Therefore it is called sanatana
- So-called old man
- Some old animals would be sacrificed, but in exchange for their old bodies they received other, new bodies. That was the test of Vedic mantras
- Sometimes He (the Lord) tells His devotee in a dream that His temple and His garden are now very old and that He cannot enjoy them very nicely. Thus He requests the devotee to repair them
- Sometimes it happens that one's father accumulates wealth by illegal ways, and the son takes away the money, although it is hard-earned by the father, just as a small fish in the ocean eats the material body of a large, old fish
- Sometimes, one who is engaged in devotional service to the Lord may, on account of old practice, he commits some sinful activities. Krsna forgives him
- Specifically significant in this verse (SB 4.5.8) is pracina-barhir jivati. The king of that part of the land was known as Barhi, and although he was old, he was still living, and he was a very strong ruler
- Sri Nityananda Prabhu was very tactfully suggesting that Caitanya Mahaprabhu give a piece of His old clothing to the King (Prataparudra). Even though the King was not to meet the Lord, the King would then be pacified by receiving such a cloth
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami, who is described herein (SB 1.19.26) as the son of Vyasadeva, was by his knowledge more experienced than all the sages present there, although he was only sixteen years old
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura writes in his Anubhasya - There are two inscriptions on the bricks of that temple (constructed by Pundarika Vidyanidhi in his birthplace), but they are so old that one cannot read them
- Srimati Radharani continued, "We know very well about Krsna. We know even more than you. So whatever you make up about Him will be old stories to us. Krsna is now in the city and is better known as the friend of Arjuna"
- Subhadra's son, he was only sixteen years old at that time. He was married with Uttara, the daughter of Maharaja Virata. So they were all maha-rathas, not ordinary fighters
- Sukadeva Gosvami was a young boy sixteen years old, and therefore all the parts of his body were developed. He was naked also, and so were the ladies
- Sukracarya first cursed Yayati to become old so that he could no longer indulge in sex, but when Sukracarya saw that Yayati's emasculation would make his own daughter a victim of punishment, he used his mystic power to restore Yayati's masculinity
- Sumbhas or Kankas: The inhabitants of the Kanka province of old Bharata, mentioned in the Mahabharata
- Suppose one thinks, "After finishing my sporting life, when I am old and there is nothing else to do, then I shall go to the Krsna consciousness Society and hear something." Certainly at that time one can take up spiritual life
- Take the children to the temple every day and bring them up in Krishna Consciousness, and when they are old enough you may send them to our new school in Dallas. There is no question of losing father, now they shall have dozens of fathers and mothers
- Temporary means it has a beginning, it stays for some time, then it transforms, then it becomes old, and it vanquishes. The spiritual nature, however, is different from this nature. The spiritual nature has no beginning, neither it has end
- That is sastra. Not that "So many years have passed and it has become old. Now let us reform it and put it into new way." No. You can put the same thing in a new way, but you cannot change the principle
- The age is increasing, that is a false idea. The age is decreasing. Somebody says that, "You are seventy-six years old. Oh, you have so much increased." I am not increased. Practically I have decreased the duration of life
- The appearance of an old friend in the form of a brahmana is very significant
- The average person is illusioned in childhood, playing frivolous games. Up to twenty years, easily, you can go on like that. Then when you become old, for another twenty years you cannot do anything
- The beauty of transcendental literatures like Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam is that they never become old. They have been read in the world by civilized man for the last five thousand years, and they have never become old
- The body and the mind are just like a person's outward clothing. The clothing is changed when it is old, and the living person takes on a new set of clothing after giving up the old one
- The Bon Maharaja, he was coming from a brahmin family; he had to throw away his old sacred thread, and he was further initiated. He (my Guru Maharaja) did not recognize anyone as brahmin or high class. No
- The brahmana's son who cursed Pariksit Maharaja, he was only twelve years old, a boy, and because he cursed Pariksit Maharaja that, "Within seven days he will have to die," so he had to die. Just a small brahmana boy, how he was powerful
- The brahmanas entrusted with the performance of yajna were very realized souls, and to test their realization an old animal was offered in the fire and rejuvenated. That was the test of a Vedic mantra
- The brahmanas recited auspicious Vedic hymns, which purified the environment by their vibration. The experts in reciting old histories like the Puranas, the experts in reciting the histories of royal families, and general reciters all chanted - SB 10.5.5
- The child within the womb of the mother returns his consciousness when the child is seven months old. This is human body. At that time he feels inconvenience within the womb of mother. Before that, he is unconscious, sleeping
- The daughter of Kala (Time) cannot overcome a Vaisnava. Srila Krsnadasa Kaviraja Gosvami engaged in writing Caitanya-caritamrta when he was very old, yet he presented the most wonderful literature about the activities of Lord Caitanya
- The daughter of King Vidarbha wore old garments, and she was lean and thin because of her vows of austerity. Since she did not arrange her hair, it became entangled and twisted in locks
- The daughter was young, & he (Cyavana Muni) was like her great-grandfather. Match was not at all suitable, but he had to offer. So this girl also took it seriously, & she was serving the old husband very faithfully like honest, chaste wife, - Never mind
- The effects of karma or activity may be very old. We are suffering or enjoying the results of our activities from a time immemorial, but still, we can change the result of our karma, or activity. That will depend on our perfect knowledge
- The etiquette is to address every woman, never mind whether she is young or old, as "Mother." This is brahmacari
- The fate lines on the palm are also considered to be auspicious bodily symptoms. In this connection, one old gopi informed King Nanda
- The first business is how to control the mind so that it may not be influenced by the base quality, lusty desires and greediness. We have seen in Paris old man, seventy-five years old, he is going to the night club, because the lusty desire is there
- The foundation of the old temple (at Sitala) is still visible. There is a tulasi pillar near the temple, and every year during the month of Kartika (October-November) the disappearance day of Dhananjaya is observed
- The government doesn't want further development of Vrndavana. They are neglecting the city in such a way that no gentleman will go there. The old city is so... Formerly, it was planned that "So many pilgrims come here. It should be nicely developed"
- The great sages - namely, Sanaka, Sanatana, Sanandana and Sanat-kumara - although very old in years, maintained themselves eternally as small children
- The greatest enemies of progressive spiritual culture in human society are the old fossils of political parties who are blind themselves and who try to lead other blind men. They bring about disaster in a peaceful human society
- The hard sweets made of coconut, mukuta narikela, the sweetballs, the many kinds of sweet drinks and all the other preparations were at least a month old, but although they were old, they had not become tasteless or stale
- The higher castes should always look after the maintenance of the sudras, and they should provide them with old and used garments
- The invalidity of old age known as jara is figuratively explained here as the daughter of Time. No one likes her, but she is very much anxious to accept anyone as her husband. No one likes to become old and invalid, but this is inevitable for everyone
- The kaudi is like an American cent or Japanese yen. In the old medium of exchange, the first unit of currency was a small conchshell called a kaudi
- The killing and rejuvenation of such old and invalid cows was not truly killing but an act of great benefit
- The King (Prataparudra) was very anxious to see the Lord (Caitanya), yet it was not possible for the Lord to see him. Just to resolve the situation, Nityananda Prabhu suggested that the Lord send an old piece of clothing
- The Krsna consciousness is there in everyone's heart. Just like we see the child, three years old child, she is dancing in ecstasy. We have got many children like that, they are chanting
- The life of Emperor Svayambhuva Manu was not tasteless; as he grew older, his life remained as fresh as in the beginning because of his continued Krsna consciousness. The life of a man in Krsna consciousness is always fresh
- The Lord clearly tells Arjuna that He is making him the first receiver of a new parampara (disciplic succession) because the old succession was broken. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord excavated from South India two very important old literatures, namely the Brahma-samhita and Krsna-karnamrta
- The Lord said, "Now that you have become old, you may reduce the number of rounds you chant daily. You are already liberated, and therefore you need not follow the regulative principles very strictly"
- The medical science cannot give them life. They simply slaughter and experiment. But in the Vedic system, the experiment is made by offering an old animal, bull, within the fire, but that old bull again comes out with a new body
- The members of the younger generation are not as stupid as the old politicians, and therefore by state law the foolish old politicians must retire from active life at the age of fifty
- The neglect of this prescribed duty of a householder (it is the duty of a householder to feed first of all the children, the old members of the family, the brahmanas and the invalids), especially in the matter of the old men and children, is unpardonable
- The old saying, as Krsna said five thousand years ago, sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam vraja (BG 18.66). So nothing new. We are simply repeating
- The old system of gurukula should be revived as the perfect example of a system designed to produce great men, sober and responsible leaders, who know what is the real welfare of the citizens
- The old temple of Bindu Madhava, which was visited by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, was later dismantled by Aurangzeb, the great Hindu-hating emperor of the Mogul dynasty. In the place of this temple, he constructed a big masjid, or mosque
- The old way of leaving the matter to the irresponsible class of men will not help the preaching work of this important mission
- The Panca Tattva Deities in Hawaii are now many years old and they are beyond being repaired. Please therefore immediately make new Deities of the same size as the ones that are now installed
- The perfect knowledge can descend by the chain of disciplic succession only, and not by any form of experimental knowledge, old or modern
- The Puranas are old, authentic histories, but nondevotees cannot understand them, especially Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is the essence of Vedic knowledge
- The Puranas, or old histories, are sometimes neglected by unintelligent men who consider their descriptions mythological. Actually, the descriptions of the Puranas, or the old histories of the universe, are factual, although not chronological
- The sacrifice in yajna, recommended, that is not for killing the animal, but it is a testing, how the Vedic mantras are being properly chanted. Because an old animal put into the fire, by Vedic mantras he would come out again with young life
- The so-called Westernized scholars... Because the real purpose was that the rulers, they did not want to present Indian culture as very old, because then their Darwin's theory will be spoiled
- The spirit soul is never born, nor can he ever die. He has no past, present, or future, because he is eternal. And although very old, he is always fresh and does not become annihilated even after the annihilation of the body
- The system of opening different gates to different places is still evident in old Indian cities. Formerly a capital was surrounded by walls, and one passed through various gates to go to various cities or toward specific directions
- The tamarind tree named Tentuli-tala was very old, having been there since the time of Lord Krsna's pastimes. Beneath the tree was a very shiny platform
- The temple constructed there (at his birthplace) by Pundarika Vidyanidhi is now very old and much in need of repair. Without repair, the temple may soon crumble
- The ten-month-old living entity has these desires even while in the womb. But while he thus extols the Lord, the wind that helps parturition propels him forth with his face turned downward so that he may be born
- The whole basis of the devotional service is utsaha. Just like unless there was utsaha, how a man of seventy years old, without any hope, could go to such distant place from Vrndavana to New York? The only platform was utsaha
- The word dvi-pada, meaning "biped," refers to human beings. When he is old and invalid, the human being is supposed to be a triped, or three-legged, because he walks with the help of a stick or some kind of cane
- The word pravayasah (in SB 6.1.24) indicates Ajamila's sinfulness because although he was eighty-eight years old, he had a very young child
- The words itihasam ("history") and puratanam ("old") indicate that although a living entity lives within the material body, the history of the living entity within the material body is very old
- The words itihasam puratanam (in SB 7.2.27) mean - an old history
- There are many thousands of temples in India, very old, five thousand, three thousand years old. Why? The acaryas wanted to give facility to the common man to enter into spiritual life. That is the idea
- There are seven principal temples over four hundred years old that are the most important of the five thousand temples now existing in Vrndavana
- There are so many pains when you're old. The body is not strong. We suffer in so many ways, especially rheumatism and indigestion. Then blood pressure, headache, so many things. Therefore one should be trained up how to become dhira
- There is a cartoon picture in New York. One old man and his wife, sitting together. The wife is requesting the husband, old husband, "Chant, chant, chant," and the husband is replying: "Can't, can't, can't"
- There is an old friend of mine named D. R. Gupta on 4 University Rd. You should make arrangements to see him by telephoning him. If he is favorably impressed, he will certainly become a life member
- There is another temple (constructed by Pundarika Vidyanidhi in his birthplace) about two hundred yards south of this one, and some people say that this is the old temple constructed by Pundarika Vidyanidhi
- There is no difference of opinion between the modern devotee and the old devotee. A devotee is devotee, as there is no difference between modern gold or old gold
- There is no doubt about Lord Krsna's being the Supreme Lord, otherwise how was it possible for Him to overturn a cart with His leg when He was only three months old, to uproot a pair of arjuna trees, so high that they touched the sky
- There is no secrecy that, "I shall give you one mantra, a particular mantra for you." No. This mantra is one, and it is equally applicable to everyone - to the learned, to the ignorant, to the white, to the black, to the old, to the youth
- There were thousands of rsis in Naimisaranya... When you go to India, you must see this place, Naimisaranya. It is very, very old place. At least, from historical point of view, modern estimate is it is five thousand years old
- Therefore the great sages sometimes killed old cows, and by chanting Vedic hymns they brought them back to life for perfection
- These (father giving his daughter dowry and when she goes to her husband's house, brother of the bride accompany his sister and brother-in-law) are all old customs in the society of varnasrama-dharma, which is now wrongly designated as Hindu
- These are very old questions. These are not very intelligent questions. God is not creating. God is giving you chance. The conditioned souls who are not with Krsna, they wanted to enjoy this material world. Therefore God is giving them chance
- They deviated from the disciplic succession from Srila Prabhupada. So, I don't wish to discuss on this point, because you know better than me; but I think you are also old enough, and I am also old enough
- This Bhagavatam was written five thousand years ago, and this story . . . Sukadeva Gosvami said: "I am speaking an old story." That means this incident of Ajamila was not less than fifty thousand years ago
- This child (Pariksit) will be like Bali Maharaja in patience, a staunch devotee of Lord Krsna like Prahlada Maharaja, a performer of many Asvamedha (horse) sacrifices and a follower of the old and experienced men
- This is ksatriya spirit. He was simply a boy, sixteen years old, and he had to be killed by the combined efforts of very, very big commander-in-chiefs. He was so great fighter, Abhimanyu
- This is our real disease, to take birth, to die, to become old and to become victims of disease. But nobody knows how to cure this
- This is our real miserable condition of life. We have to die, we have to take birth again, and again we have to become old, and there will be disease. Between birth and death
- This Jagannatha Deity was established by one King Indradyumna about more than three thousand years ago. This temple is very old. Even in some literatures of your Christian religion I find that Lord Jesus Christ also went to this Jagannatha temple
- This kingdom (Manipura) is a very old, aristocratic Vaisnava kingdom. If this kingdom is organized as a Vaisnava state, this revitalization will be a great success because for five thousand years this state has maintained its identity
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not five hundred years old. It is coming since very, very long time
- This movement is very, very old and standard. It is never changed. As soon as you change it, then the potency of the movement is lost
- This movement is very, very old, but it appears very fresh. Because it is spiritual, it is ever-fresh. So you take to this movement very seriously, and all of you will be very happy. That is our request
- This place (Mahesapura) is within the district of Jessore, (which is now in Bangladesh). Among the relics of this village, only the old residential house of Sundarananda still exists
- This practice is very old, as learned from this verse (3.22.23) of Srimad-Bhagavatam; millions of years ago, Svayambhuva Manu used to avail himself of this opportunity to live householder life in peace and prosperity of a Krsna consciousness atmosphere
- This son of Vyasadeva was only sixteen years old. His legs, hands, thighs, arms, shoulders, forehead and the other parts of his body were all delicately formed. His eyes were beautifully wide, and his nose and ears were highly raised
- This Srimad-Bhagavatam was first explained by Sukadeva Gosvami, though the author is his father, Vyasa. Sukadeva was only sixteen years old when he was taught the Bhagavatam, and he was illumined
- This system is not new, but very old (pura). Krsna says the same in BG (4.2), evam parampara-praptam imam rajarsayo viduh - This supreme science was thus received through the chain of disciplic succession, & the saintly kings understood it in that way
- This system is very, very old and is still followed. So, therefore, it is mentioned here that when the Deity is on stroll the people should follow behind
- Thus Nityananda Prabhu delivered the old cloth into the care of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, and Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya sent it to the King
- Time deteriorates even the body itself, which is the medium for all sensual satisfaction, but even when a man becomes old and invalid, his desires are strong enough to dictate that he go here and there to satisfy the desires of his senses
- To maintain the body, we require shelter, food, water and clothing, and all these necessities can be obtained without approaching puffed-up rich men. One can collect old garments that have been thrown out, one can eat fruits offered by the trees
- To maintain their perishable bodies, which they (those falsely proud their birth in aristocratic families) think will never grow old or die, they kill poor animals without mercy. Sometimes they kill animals merely to enjoy an excursion - SB 10.10.9
- To take birth and again to die, and so long we live we must suffer from some disease and we must become old. Plain truth
- Trees living for many, many years? Near San Francisco I have seen a forest where there is a tree seven thousand years old. But what is the benefit? If one is proud of standing in one place for seven thousand years, that is not a very great credit
- Trial is going on, first of all the judge charged that, "I see you are witness in every case." He was a professional. So, "You are speaking he is sixty years old for the last five years. You do not increase your age
- Try to make Bhagavata Darsana a regular monthly journal. We have got enough material. Simply it has to be translated to Bengali. Either from old Back to Godheads or from our books
- Try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement, how it is scientific, how it is authorized, how it is old, and how it is accepted by great acaryas, great stalwart, learned scholars, and how it is treated by the learned section of all over the world
- Under the impression of the body, we seek the history of birth, etc., of the soul. The soul does not at any time become old, as the body does. BG 1972 purports
- Unfortunately, we are now prisoners in this material world, and we presently have material bodies. These bodies are changing. Sometimes they are young and sometimes old
- Upon arriving in Vrndavana, he (old brahmana) said to him (young brahmana): My dear boy, you have rendered me so much service, and I am much obliged to you. I would like very much to return that service and give you some reward
- Vasudeva addressed Nanda, "My dear brother, you were old and very anxious to beget a son, and yet you had none. Now by the grace of the Lord you are fortunate to have a very nice son. I think that this incident is very auspicious for you"
- Vedas, the Bible or the Koran would ask the human being to make proper use of his conserved energy in the transcendental service of God and unsophisticated men in the old days would follow such instruction unhesitatingly for realizing the Absolute Truth
- Vedic culture means Krsna consciousness. So this Krsna consciousness movement means that we are trying to revive the old Vedic culture throughout the whole world. That is the original culture
- Vedic knowledge is not a recent discovery. It is all old revealed knowledge. Krsna refers to it as puratanah, which means ancient
- Vedic literature is very old. Nobody can trace out the history. So far we understand, it is not man-made. It is coming out from transcendental world by disciplic succession
- Vidura wanted to accept Uddhava as his spiritual master, but Uddhava did not accept the post because Vidura was as old as Uddhava's father and Uddhava could not accept him as his disciple, especially when Maitreya was present nearby
- Visnupriya, wife of Lord Caitanya, was young woman of 16 years old when her husband took sannyasa, leaving her without any children, but she always remembered Him, so in that way she was always serving Him and she was never separated from Him
- We accept Krsna as God. Even by His activities He is not ordinary. He had to meet so many dangers before He was accepted God. From childhood, when He was baby, just three months old, He had to struggle. He had to struggle with His position as God
- We are also old. In the Bhagavad-gita you find this verse, nityah sasvato 'yam purano na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). Do you remember, any one of you, this verse from the Bhagavad-gita? But you don't read
- We are experiencing, if we speak something impersonal, they think it is very learned speech, and when we speak of something personal they think it is old, old style. This is nonsense
- We are following the old principles. We do not say something new. The old saying, as Krsna said five thousand years ago
- We are imperfect. Whatever I may be, you may be, but if I am subjected to birth, death, old age and disease, then I am imperfect. Therefore the perfectional..., perfection of life is when you haven't got to take birth or die or become diseased and old
- We are making men of good character. It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss. Even 10 year old boys are smoking, so much degraded
- We are soliciting, "Please come here in this Hare Krsna Land and just become a brahmana-vaisnava, and we shall try to serve you by giving you good place," but nobody is coming. Therefore it is very difficult to revive the old varnasrama-dharma culture
- We are teaching our disciples to address amongst themselves "prabhu." This is not new thing. This is very old
- We are trying to fulfill the Lord’s desire, and our attempt has become fairly successful, but the enemies of this movement unnecessarily try to find faults in it, exactly like the old rascal Ramacandra Khan, who opposed Haridasa Thakura
- We can drive this machine called the body for so many years; then it becomes old, and we have to change it for another machine. This is the process of birth and death
- We don't wish to die, because in actuality we are permanent. Nor do we want to grow old or be diseased, because these are all external or nonpermanent states
- We have seen, that in Moscow, all big, big buildings, they are not recent buildings, they are old, damaged buildings, and (indistinct). So that means their economic condition is not so sound. The old buildings are not very nicely renovated
- We have support from very high circle. Scholar, priest, even father, mother, parent. Many old gentlemen come to congratulate me, "Swamiji, it is our great fortune that you have come to this country"
- We hear about the city of Varanasi at the time of Hariscandra, long, long ago, many millions of years ago. So, Mathura also. These are very, very old cities, Varanasi
- We may find some mailboxes on the street, and if we post our letters in those boxes, they will naturally go to their destination without difficulty. But any old box, which is not authorized by the post office, will not do the work. BG 1972 purports
- We never see a picture of Krsna in old age because He never grows old like us, although He is the oldest person in the whole creation - past, present, and future. Neither His body nor His intelligence ever deteriorates or changes. BG 1972 purports
- We select girl, say, about 16, 17 years old, and boys not more than 24 years old. I get them married. You see? And because their attention is diverted to Krsna consciousness, they have very little interest simply for sex life
- When a child, a woman must be strictly controlled by her father. When she is young, she must be strictly controlled by her husband, and when she is old, she must be controlled by her elderly sons
- When a man becomes old, his senses cannot function. You have seen many old men; they have nothing to do but rest
- When an animal sacrifice is properly conducted, an old animal is sacrificed, and it emerges from the fire in a new body. This is not possible in this age, but what is possible is sankirtana-yajna, the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu took sannyasa, His wife, Visnupriyadevi, although only sixteen years old, also took the vow of austerity due to her husband's leaving home
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu was only twenty-four or twenty-five years old He had a lovable, beautiful wife and a devoted, affectionate mother, He gave up everything and took sannyasa, the renounced order of life
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu's first wife died, His mother requested Him to marry for a second time. He was twenty years old and was going to take sannyasa at the age of twenty-four, yet by the request of His mother, He married
- When child Krsna was dancing in response to the singing of the old maidservant Jarati, Narada was astonished. The SP of God, who controls all the movements of great demigods like Brahma and others, was now dancing to the indications of an old maidservant
- When he (Kanu Thakura) was about twelve days old, Sri Nityananda Prabhu took him to His home at Khadadaha. It is ascertained that Kanu Thakura was born some time in the Bengali year 942 - A.D. 1535
- When he became old, he was very anxious to hand over the worship to the charge of someone reliable, and in a dream he got permission from Jagannatha Prabhu to hand it over to a person whom he would meet the next morning
- When he is old enough, then the husband leaves the home and gives charge to the elderly son: "My dear boys, take charge of your mother." So she is always in charge of somebody
- When I met my spiritual master, Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja, again I revived my old habit, and the same playful Deities became my worshipful Deities in proper regulation
- When I was married at the age of 21 with a wife who was only 11 years old, practically I did not like my wife. And as I was at that time very young man, and an educated college student, I wanted to marry again
- When I was twenty-five years old, my Guru Maharaja, my spiritual master, ordered me to go preach. But I thought, - First of all I shall become a rich man, and then I shall use my money to finance the preaching work
- When Krsna was on the battlefield of Kuruksetra, all the cowherd boys came to see Him, wearing jeweled earrings in their ears. Becoming so greatly overjoyed, they extended their arms and embraced Krsna as their old friend
- When Lord Caitanya left home accepting the renounced order of life, sannyasa, at that time Visnupriya was on the summit of youth, 16 years old, but when her husband became sannyasi she also became greater than sannyasa
- When Lord Krsna appeared just like a six- or seven-year-old boy in Vrndavana, He was approached by the residents there
- When Sankaracarya was only eight years old, he completed his study of all scriptures and took sannyasa from Govinda, who was residing on the banks of the Narmada
- When the body is formed, we get our consciousness. Therefore at the age when the child is seven months old, it moves because he feels the pains
- When the First World War was declared, we were all boys, schoolchildren. My age was at that time fourteen years old, in 1914, when there was fight declared between Germany and Belgium
- When the King received the old cloth, he began to worship it exactly as he would worship the Lord personally
- When the time was ripe, when Sudyumna, the king of the world, was sufficiently old, he delivered the entire kingdom to his son Pururava and entered the forest
- When there was gambling between the rival brothers, designed by Sakuni, Karna took part in the game, and he was very pleased when Draupadi was offered as a bet in the gambling. This fed his old grudge
- When they (the brahmanas) were old invalids, they used to approach with their wives the assembly of the kings, and simply by praising the glorious deeds performed by the kings they would be provided with all necessities of life
- When those who belonged to the family circle heard the narration of the old brahmana, they made exclamations showing their disappointment. They all requested that he not make such a proposal again
- Whether you are young or old - no matter what you are - just begin (chanting Hare Krsna mantra). You do not know when your life will be finished
- Why do you want to change the wheels? This is unnecessary. Don’t do this. Keep the old system strong and if necessary, repair it
- Why in eighty years old I have come here if I do not love? So who can love better than a preacher? He loves even the animals
- Why you are suffering? Why we are dying? Why you are taking birth? Why you are becoming old? On account of this material body. This is knowledge
- Within the Dandakaranya forest Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu visited a place called Saptatala. The seven palm trees there were very old, very bulky and very high
- Yayati begged his father-in-law (Sukracarya) to withdraw his curse, but the sage asked Yayati to ask youthfulness from his sons and let them become old as the condition of his becoming potent
- You are becoming old and you do not want to become old; therefore to save yourself, not to become old, you have to surrender
- You are calculating that when you'll get old, at that time you shall try to understand what is Krsna consciousness. But what is the guarantee that you are not already old enough? Who can say? The next moment I can die
- You are eternal, suppose you have got this shirt and coat. When it is torn down, when it is old enough, you have to give it up. Then you have to purchase another shirt and coat. So are you not prepared for that, - What kind of shirt and coat I shall have?
- You are wandering all over the universe. Find out something new. But there is nothing new. Everything is old
- You can take me also as Old Bijo and therefore even at my ripe old age I have taken some adventurous task and as your little Bijo requires your help always in his little adventures so also your old Bijo requires your help in his adventures in America
- You have read Caitanya-caritamrta? It never becomes old
- You have to consult sastra. There is direction. It is . . . practically it is the same. Just like Manu-samhita, it says that if one is a murderer then he should be killed. Life for life. He should be hanged. That is the old system
- You mention there is fighting and making politics in the temple. But that is your previous qualification. That means you could not give up your qualification. You or anyone. So you should be careful not to revive your old qualifications
- Your plan to get a large vehicle for traveling with built in shower, kitchen etc. is approved by me. But you should try to get new, because the old ones are always needing repair
- Your suggestion to get new buses is good. I always recommended that. I don't like old vehicles. I think one hundred buses are not sufficient for America