In this regard, Śrīla Madhvācārya says in his Tantra-sāra:
- dvāḥ-sthāv ity anenādhikāra-sthatvam uktam
- adhikāra-sthitāś caiva
- vimuktāś ca dvidhā janāḥ
- viṣṇu-loka-sthitās teṣāṁ
- vara-śāpādi-yoginaḥ
- adhikāra-sthitāṁ muktiṁ
- niyataṁ prāpnuvanti ca
- vimukty-anantaraṁ teṣāṁ
- vara-śāpādayo nanu
- dehendriyāsu-yuktaś ca
- pūrvaṁ paścān na tair yutāḥ
- apy abhimānibhis teṣāṁ
- devaiḥ svātmottamair yutāḥ
The purport is that the personal associates of Lord Viṣṇu in Vaikuṇṭhaloka are always liberated souls. Even if sometimes cursed or blessed, they are always liberated and never contaminated by the material modes of nature. Before their liberation to Vaikuṇṭhaloka they possessed material bodies, but once they come to Vaikuṇṭha they no longer have them. Therefore even if the associates of Lord Viṣṇu sometimes descend as if cursed, they are always liberated.