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Pages in category "Bring"
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- A brahmacari has to live in the home of the spiritual master just like a servant, and he must beg alms from door to door and bring them to the spiritual master. BG 1972 purports
- A father's duty is to bring up the son until he is grown, and when the son is grown up, it is his duty to render service unto the father
- A madman, to again bring him to the normal life is very difficult task. You have got in your country so many institutions. So the whole world, anyone who is in this material world, he's a madman
- A man who is too materialistic will cheat anyone, kill anyone, beg, borrow, or steal - anything to bring money. He knows that his buildings, his family, his wife and children cannot continue to exist perpetually
- A master sometimes punishes his servant, not out of vengeance but out of love, to correct him and bring him to the right point
- A picturesque scene of green paddy fields enlivens the heart of the poor agriculturalist, but it brings gloom to the face of the capitalist who lives by exploiting the poor farmers
- A slight change in the course of God-made law can bring about a massive danger to be faced by the lawbreaker
- A Vaisnava tries to bring conditioned souls to their senses
- Accepting their invitation, the Lord asked them to bring all the prasadam there so that He could eat it with His devotees
- According to moral instructions, grhe narim vivarjayet: when one goes on a tour, one should not bring his wife
- According to the time, circumstances, men, the different scriptures are there. The ultimate aim of scripture is to bring one to Krsna consciousness. But everything is not explained because the people are unable to understand
- After bringing them within his jurisdiction, he (Yamaraja) properly judges them according to their specific sinful activities and sends them to one of the many hellish planets for suitable punishments
- After his (Karna's) birth from the maiden Kunti, he was thrown in the Ganges. Later he was picked up by Adhiratha, and he and his wife Radha brought him up as their own offspring
- After seeing the cruel and merciless behavior of his son, Vena, King Anga punished him in different ways to reform him, but was unable to bring him to the path of gentleness. He thus became greatly aggrieved
- After the Putana witch had been killed, some friends of Mother Yasoda inquired from her about the incident. Mother Yasoda at once requested her friends, "Please stop! Please stop! Don't bring up the incident of Putana"
- After warning the Yamadutas not to approach the devotees, Yamaraja now indicates who is to be brought before him. He specifically advises the Yamadutas to bring him the materialistic persons who are attached to household life merely for sex
- Akrura continued, "One should try to bring his mind and senses under control and live peacefully for spiritual advancement in Krsna consciousness"
- All of these things are recommended for persons who have not developed Krsna consciousness; in fact, all such activities are recommended in the revealed scriptures only to bring one to the point of Krsna consciousness
- All rascals. They do not understand even one line. If they study only one line, they'll be able to bring a great transforming
- All the living entities here are godless, either by ignorance or by choice. They do not like to accept the supremacy of God. Demoniac. So we are trying to bring them to their original condition. That is the Krsna consciousness movement
- All the material activities of the cosmic manifestation are going on just to bring the rebellious souls back to Godhead. That is the situation
- All these things (bones, blood, skin, veins, stool, urine) are available. Why don't you put together and bring life? "That we shall do in future." Just see. What is the proposal?
- Although Brahma has one head in each direction, he voluntarily brought all his heads to the ground & touched Krsna's feet with the tips of his four helmets. Although his intelligence works in every direction, he surrendered everything before boy Krsna
- Although he was abominable, all but the three principal demigods - Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and Lord Visnu - personally worshiped him to please him by bringing him various presentations because he had powerfully executed great austerities in mystic yoga
- Although he was offering food to the Lord within his mind, the Lord accepted it nonetheless. Consequently, the Lord in Vaikuntha immediately sent a chariot to bring the brahmana back home, back to Godhead
- Although the time factor is fearful to everyone, fear personified is afraid of the Supreme Lord, who is therefore known as abhaya, fearless. Taking shelter of God brings actual fearlessness, and therefore the demigods decided to take shelter of the Lord
- An affectionate father does not like his children to be chastised by another agent, yet he puts his disobedient children under the custody of a severe man just to bring them to order
- Animal killing is very prominent amongst demoniac people. Such people are considered the enemies of the world because ultimately they will invent or create something which will bring destruction to all. BG 1972 purports
- Animals and children are sometimes punished not out of vengeance but out of love. Similarly, a master sometimes punishes his servant, not out of vengeance but out of love, to correct him and bring him to the right point
- Another perfection is called vasita, and by this perfection one can bring anyone under his control. This is a kind of hypnotism which is almost irresistible
- Arcana, the Deity worship, very essential. Everyone should try. The system is: anyone comes to the temple, he brings something - patram puspam phalam toyam - just to offer to the Deity. It is the beginning
- Arjuna agreed, although at first he was not willing to fight. Duties are required for ordinary persons. They should not jump up and try to imitate Krsna and indulge in rasa-lila and thus bring about their ruin
- Arjuna continued, "I shall bring back your sons even if I have to fight with death personified." When the brahmana was assured by Arjuna in such exalted words, he was somehow or other convinced, and thus he returned home
- Arjuna wanted to be nonviolent. Krsna chastised him, that "You are a foolish number one." So. . . This is to bring a horse before a cart. Politics and nonviolence, it is incompatible
- As a player sets up and disperses his playthings according to his own sweet will, so the supreme will of the Lord brings men together and separates them
- As chaste women bring their gentle husbands under control by service, the pure devotees, who are equal to everyone and completely attached to Me in the core of the heart, bring Me under their full control
- As living representative of Krsna, our duty is to save these fallen conditioned souls. That is our duty. One may agree to come or not come. It doesn't matter. You try your best to bring him to this Krsna consciousness position
- As soon as the mind, being defeated by lusty desires, drifts toward feelings of sense gratification, the yogi should immediately bring it back and arrest it within the core of his heart
- As soon as you bring light, darkness will go. The motto of our magazine Back To Godhead is: "Godhead is light, nescience is darkness. Where there is Godhead there is no nescience." This is also the Vedic injunction
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita, the performance of yajna brings reciprocal good fortune for both the human beings and the demigods
- At that time another person came there in great haste, bringing the news that Vaninatha Raya and his entire family had been arrested
- At the end of Lord Brahma's day, everything up to Svargaloka is inundated with water, and the next morning, when there is darkness in the universe, Brahma again brings the phenomenal manifestation into existence
- At the present moment everyone is in a diseased condition: people are thinking they are something other than servants of Krsna. Now this movement is trying to bring everyone to the position of recognizing that they are eternal servants of Krsna
- Attachment for a material son obliges one to remain in material existence, but the same attachment, when transferred to the Supreme Lord, brings one elevation to the spiritual world in the association of the Lord
- Attachment for glorifying the Lord by hearing and chanting the holy name and activities of the Lord (sravanam kirtanam visnoh (SB 7.5.23)) certainly brings one to the position where material contamination is absent
- Balarama said, "Every statement they (Kurus) made was full of crazy proposals. I should immediately take them to task and bring them to their senses. If I do not take steps against them, it will be improper on My part"
- Balarama said, "I do not think we should disturb our good relationship; we should continue our friendship without any unnecessary fighting. Please, therefore, immediately release Samba and bring him, along with his wife, Laksmana, before Me"
- Bali Maharaja said to God: daivena nitah prasabham tyajita-srih: "It is to bring me to the right platform of eternal life that You have put me into these circumstances"
- Because I (Vasudeva) am afraid of Kamsa You have appeared just to deliver me from that fear. You do not belong to this material world; You are the same person who brings about the cosmic manifestation simply by glancing over material nature
- Because of Your (Caitanya's) causeless mercy toward Your devotees, You want to describe the transcendental pastimes in Vrndavana. Anyone empowered to do this can bring the entire world under Your influence
- Because the people of Kali-yuga are fallen, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, out of kindness, did not bring any weapon to kill them. Rather, by spreading KC, love of Krsna, He wanted to kill their nefarious, demoniac activities. This is the purpose of the KCM
- Before pursuing either course (commit suicide or bring the Visnudutas before Yamaraja) they wanted to know about the Visnudutas from Yamaraja, who is also omniscient
- Before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu exhibited His spiritual forms during His residence at Navadvipa, He asked Sri Rama Pandita, Srivasa Thakura's brother, to go to Santipura and bring back Advaita Acarya. Acyutānanda joined his father at that time
- Better to resolve the whole situation by approaching their leaders at once & reconciling everything with them by bringing them prasadam & other nice gifts & giving them our philosophy, and if they are willing to hear it, also teach them how to chant HK
- Better to resolve the whole situation by approaching their leaders at once and reconciling everything with them by bringing them prasadam and other nice gifts and giving them our philosophy
- Bhattatharis know many tantric black arts, such as the art of killing a person, of bringing him under submission, and of destroying or devastating him
- Big, big politician, when they enjoy, they bring naked girls and drinking, and this is their standard of enjoyment. So how you can expect good government? It is not possible
- Brahmana should not charge anything, but they can take charity. So the students, they would bring charities naturally. This was brahmana's profession
- Bring all the books which are published in your country and find out a single man who is a Krsna's devotee. Nobody of them. Then what authority he has got to write on Bhagavad-gita? He has no right. It is simply poking your nose in other's business
- Bring all the ingredients very soon, for I want to begin cooking immediately. Please do what I say
- Bring any so-called swami and yogis and talk with them about jnana. They will be, I mean to say, victorious, even they are with me for only four and five years
- Bring at least one thousand horses, each as brilliant as moonshine and each having one black ear, whether right or left
- Bring sunlight, and the darkness will automatically go
- Bring the four sets of loincloths and outer garments I keep at home, and also some prasadam of Lord Jagannatha. You may carry these things with the help of some brahmana
- Bring them first class prasadam, very palatable. Foodstuff means even one has no appetite he'll eat. That is food. Not that even one has got appetite, he'll forget. That is not food
- By drinking urine, they are going to Mars and bringing report. All false propaganda to keep the prestige of the scientists
- By gradual process, to bring one to the platform of vasudeve pritir, that is bhakti. Pritir means love, how to love Vasudeva, Krsna. That is civilization - to bring one to the platform of loving Krsna
- By its (omkara) chanting by the mind, in conjunction with the breathing process, a transcendental but mechanical way of getting into trance, as devised by the experience of great mystics, one is able to bring the mind, materially absorbed, under control
- By manipulating a fire-generating stick, great saints and sages can bring forth the fire lying dormant within wood. In the same way, O Lord, those expert in understanding the Absolute Truth try to see You in everything - even in their own bodies
- By practicing mystic yoga, a rajarsi could become smaller than the smallest, greater than the greatest, and could get whatever he desired. A rajarsi could also create a kingdom, bring everyone under his control and rule everyone
- By simply following this process without deviation, chanting 16 rounds, following the four regulative principles, attending classes and mangala arati, rising early, these things will gradually bring you to the platform of pure love of Krsna
- By various practices, one may come to the point of controlling the senses, but simply controlling the senses does not bring one to a substantial conclusion
- Caitanya continues, "To test the intense love of Madhavendra Puri, Gopala, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, ordered him to bring sandalwood from Nilacala, and when Madhavendra Puri passed this examination, the Lord became very merciful to him"
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, out of kindness for them (the demons), did not bring any weapon to kill them. Rather, by spreading Krsna consciousness, love of Krsna, He wanted to kill their nefarious, demoniac activities. This is the purpose of the KC movement
- Candrasekhara replied, "There is a Muslim mendicant." Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu immediately said, "Please bring him here." Candrasekhara then spoke to Sanatana Gosvami, who was still sitting beside the door
- Combined and strengthened by the soldiers of Yavana-raja - namely nonhygienic conditions, illicit sex and ultimately a high degree of temperature to bring on death - they (Prajvara, and Kalakanya) would be able to smash the materialistic way of life
- Compared to certain species of fish being born in the rivers and rivulets, migrate to the great ocean. They (impersonalists) cannot stay in the ocean indefinitely, for their urge for sense gratification brings them back to the rivers and streams to spawn
- Concerning our use of analogy. We do not bring in imperfect analogy, but we follow the instructions of the Sastras strictly. Our authority is on the basis of Sastra, not analogy
- Concerning the domes, the domes must be over the three Deities. The domes should not be brought to the front of the building
- Confidential devotees of the Lord are very much dear to Him because they travel everywhere to preach His glories in different capacities & try their utmost to convert the nondevotees into devotees in order to bring them to the platform of sanity
- Considering the present status, everything has topsy-turvy - therefore to bring everything on the equal level of high standard and perfectional standard is Krsna consciousness
- Considering this logic (One can bring a snake under control with mantras, herbs and drugs, but an envious and crooked person cannot be brought under control by any means), the SP of Godhead thought it unwise to distribute nectar to the demons
- Culture of self-knowledge can bring about detachment from material affection, and without such detachment there is no meaning to knowledge. The most stubborn attachment for material enjoyment is sex life
- Customarily, anyone who composed a song, verse, literary composition or poem about Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu first had to bring it to Svarupa Damodara Gosvami to be heard
- Daivi hy esa gunamayi mama maya duratyaya (BG 7.14). He does not know that nature will not allow me to live peacefully. So we bring problems after problems. That is material life
- Destruction of the social and spiritual orders will not bring fulfillment of the idea of a classless society. One should strictly observe the principles of varna and asrama for the satisfaction of the creator
- Devahuti was aggrieved, and she always cried and requested her friends and relatives, "Please bring my son home so that I may live. Otherwise, I shall die
- Devotees who always lick the honey from the lotus feet of Lord Krsna do not care at all for material activities, which are performed under the three modes of material nature and which bring only misery
- Dharma means which will bring me again to my original, constitutional position, and adharma means which will take me down and down from my original, constitutional position
- Doctor says that "You don't have sex life. That will bring your death." Does it mean sex life is bad? The tuberculosis person, for him it is bad, not for the sane man, not for the healthy man
- Does it require your lamp to show the sunlight? The sunlight is itself so illuminous that everyone can understand, "This is sunlight." If somebody brings some lamp, "I will show you the sun," sun is already visible. Why your lamp is required?
- Don't bring in any religion. A type of religion is made, "Believe something blindly." So that is not our concern. We are talking of the science. If I say that stone is also Krsna, is not that the science?
- Don't bring politics; then it will be ruined
- Don't make friendship. Simply beat the mind with shoes and broomstick; otherwise cannot bring in control. And other alternative is kevalaya bhaktya. So if you can engage your mind at the lotus feet of Krsna, then it is possible
- Due to aroma of the parijata flower, the honeybees would begin their humming vibration, & the birds also would begin their sweet chirping sounds. All together it would sound like the singing of professional chanters engaged in offering prayers to Krsna
- During the day they (materialistic householders) are busy trying to find out where money is, and if they get money they spend it to maintain their families. Yamaraja specifically advises his servants to bring these persons to him for punishment
- During the lifetime of your Spiritual master you bring the prospective disciples to him, and in his absence or disappearance you can accept disciples without any limitation. This is the law of disciplic succession
- Each devotee would bring a certain type of prasadam. He would entrust it to Govinda and request him, "Please arrange that the Lord will surely eat this prasadam"
- Each time the gorilla would bring out a tree to strike Balarama, He would tear it to pieces by striking it with His club & the gorilla would clutch another tree from another direction & attack Him. As a result of this fighting, the forest became treeless
- Either you may bring this ism or that ism, this civilization will collapse. People will become mad, being harassed in so many ways. When one is harassed in so many problems, he commits suicide. So that position is coming
- Electrician comes - suppose the power has failed, and he manipulates and brings the power - that is technical education. But real education is different. That is to understand the atma-tattvam
- Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, it is very difficult to find a suitable place according to the recommendations of Bhagavad-gita. The Hare Krsna maha-mantra, however, may be chanted at any place and any time, and this will bring results very quickly
- Even if we go to a materialistic person, we canvass, "Kindly become our member. Kindly read this book. Purchase this book," so we are not going to take their activities. We are trying to bring them in our activities
- Even there is required violence, a brahmana will not kill personally. He will bring the matter to the ksatriya, royal order
- Even though you think that chemical combination brings the living force, but the chemical is coming from life. Just like citric acid. The citric acid we see practically. There is a tree, lemon tree. This is life
- Every human being is expected to perform duties meant for approaching Lord Visnu. Therefore Yamaraja advises the Yamadutas to bring him those persons who have forgotten their duties toward Visnu
- Every year thereafter, when the Gundica temple was being cleansed, Satyaraja and Ramananda Vasu would come with the other devotees and with great pleasure bring silken rope
- Everyone is going on under the stringent laws of material nature. We cannot help. The same example: if a man is diseased, you can try to bring to him nice physician, nice medicine, but that is not guarantee that he will be cured. That depends on Krsna
- Everyone is trying to bring in the forefront the party politics because the leader cannot be successful unless the whole country accepts his philosophy, his party. But Krsna consciousness is so nice that it does not require that a community
- Everything we need is bring supplied by God - land, grain, fruits, milk, shelter and clothing. We only have to live peacefully and cultivate Krsna consciousness. That should be our mission in life
- Everywhere it is difficult because people have become godless. Still, we have to try our best. The task is difficult, undoubtedly. It is very difficult task, to bring back people to God consciousness
- Fight and depend on Krsna, that will bring you victory
- Foolish fourth-class men. So we are trying to bring them to become first-class men, and they are accusing of brainwash. "It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss." We are teaching that - These boys, they are becoming first class
- For drawing raw materials from villages and bring it to the Calcutta, Bombay port and export to their (the Britishers') country. Because their country does not produce anything. They’re starving
- For offering daily worship fruits, flowers and samit, the kusa, grass, everything is required for . . . his (Ajamila's) father ordered him, - Just bring all these things
- For one word in this verse (SB 7.6.5) there are two readings - bhavam asritah and bhayam asritah - but accepting the meaning of either of them will bring one to the same conclusion
- For the Mayapur festival ghee will be supplied by each and every devotee who comes. Everyone should bring one tin of ghee. It can be brought for personal use
- Formerly teachers would not earn a salary but would receive whatever the students would bring from their parents' homes or by begging
- French language also, very important, we must translate & bring books. "Bring books" means we have got already book. Simply translate it in the particular language & publish it. That's all. Idea is already there. You haven't got to manufacture idea
- From the rectum to the abdomen, abdomen to the heart, heart to the collarbone, then collarbone to the palate, and then here. So one who can bring the soul here, they can get out from this hole, it is called brahma-randhra
- From whatever and wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under the control of the Self. BG 6.26 - 1972
- From wherever the mind wanders due to its flickering and unsteady nature, one must certainly withdraw it and bring it back under the control of the Self
- Generally the yogis come here (USA) to show you the asana, how to sit in different posture. That is mechanical. That is also very nice, how to bring the mind under control. But real business is after your mind is controlled
- Glowworms, bring sunlight, then they will automatically go away. Krsna - surya-sama; maya haya andhakara
- Going to the moon planet, the arambha was so much expensive. And the result is to bring some sand and rocks. This is hoax
- Gold is taken, because gold is the most valuable metal. A small piece of gold, it can carry two hundred dollars. But if I give you iron, then you have to bring another, what is called, bus, to carry it
- Gopinatha Acarya has already come, bringing sufficient remnants of food to distribute to all the sannyasis, and sannyasis like Paramananda Puri and Brahmananda Bharati are waiting for You
- Great unalloyed devotees of the Lord are compassionate towards the fallen, and therefore they travel all over the world with the mission of bringing souls back to Godhead, back to home
- Hanuman was ordered to bring some medicine from some mountain. And he was a monkey, he was animal, he did not know how to pick up it - Take the whole mountain. Execute the order
- Having heard that the eighth pregnancy of Devaki could not bring forth a female child, Kamsa may certainly consider this point and suspect that Krsna is the son of Devaki and Vasudeva - SB 10.8.8-9
- He (Dr. Stillson Judah) has written about us, the big book. Bring that book. After 5 years scrutinizingly studying, statistics, graphics, and he has put my picture in it
- He (florist) offered a nice seat to Krsna and Balarama and asked his assistant to bring out flowers, betel nuts and pulp of candana. The florist's welcome greatly satisfied the Lord
- He (Kamsa) also told the trainers of the elephants, "Be sure to bring the elephant named Kuvalayapida and keep him at the gate of the wrestling arena. Try to capture Krsna and Balarama on Their arrival and have the elephant kill Them"
- He (Rukmi) presented himself as a big commander and vowed before all the princes, "Unless I kill Krsna in the fight and bring back my sister from His clutches, I shall not return to my capital city, Kundina"
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) left for Benares to meet Caitanya Mahaprabhu, bringing with him only one servant, whose name was Isana
- He (the brahmana) would wash the temple within his mind, and then in his imagination he would bring water from all the sacred rivers in golden and silver waterpots
- He (the devotee of God) tries to bring back the upstart sons of the father to a saner stage and to get them to accept the supreme fatherhood of God
- He (Yamaraja) brings them (the conditioned souls) to the hellish planets and properly chastises them to bring them back to Krsna consciousness. By the influence of maya, however, the conditioned souls remain infatuated with the mode of ignorance
- He tries to be happy in the material world, centering his interests around his home, which is based on sexual intercourse & which brings him all kinds of material miseries. In this way one is no better than a foolish animal
- Hearing about and glorifying the Lord are identical with the transcendental nature of the Lord, and by so doing, one will be always in the association of the Lord. This brings freedom from all sorts of fear
- Hearing this (Lord Caitanya said that his mother, Sacidevi, had offended the lotus feet of Advaita Acarya, and unless she nullifies this offense she cannot get love for Krsna), all the devotees went to bring Advaita Acarya there - at Srivasa's house
- Hiranyakasipu thought that, "Yamaraja is the superintendent of death. He comes to take, so I shall make such policy that he may not come to me." What is that policy? "So bring some stool. I shall smear over my body, and out of bad smell, he'll not come
- Hiranyakasipu, was unafraid of death from anyone within the three worlds because he received a benediction from Lord Brahma. He was proud and puffed up due to this benediction and was able to bring all three planetary systems under his control
- His (God's) bona fide devotees try their utmost to broadcast the message of our transcendental relationship with Him. In this way the devotees work to remind the fallen souls of their actual position and to bring them back home, back to Godhead
- His (Pradyumna) charioteer brought him back to the camp from the battlefield, and for this action he was very sorry and rebuked his charioteer. However, he fought again with Salva and was victorious
- How can one bring the authority under his own control? That is a case of principiis obsta
- However, let me make it understood that he should come here without weapons. He may bring with him five or seven servants
- I (Krsna) have personally heard you (Arjuna) promise Draupadi that you would bring forth the head of the killer of her sons
- I am requesting you as my Governing Board Commissioners to help me bring him back to the standard. He has very good talent, but he is spending it by living such an unrestricted life
- I am simply messenger. Mercy is of Bhaktivinoda Thakura and Srila Prabhupada. Before your coming they predicted, that "Somebody will bring." Maybe that somebody I am. Bhaktivinoda Thakura predicted
- I do not wish to be liberated alone, leaving aside all these poor fools & rascals. I know that without Krsna consciousness, without taking shelter of Your lotus feet, one cannot be happy. Therefore I wish to bring them back to shelter at Your lotus feet
- I have requested men to come there to Mayapur. They will bring paintings for decorating the building especially the temple hall. Please see also that they get trained up nicely in making the dolls and the mrdangas
- I humbly request you to chant Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare. This chanting will bring you all perfection of life, please try it
- I prayed to Krishna to bring you back. Now, be very careful. Don't make any mistakes. Keep company with Bhavananda. He is very sincere
- I saw in Delhi one old man, just a few minutes before his death he asked his son to bring Radha-Krsna picture, and it was put before him and he died
- I shall require some Samkirtan instruments from India and three men to assist me in my missionary activities. And if the Temple is started I have to bring many things from India
- I think you should think over day and night all these proposals. Let us do something which will bring a peaceful revolution to the whole human society
- I want that you approach Navayogendra with all humility and ask his forgiveness for the beating. In this way you can rectify things. You must bring them back
- If a man is diseased, you can try to bring to him nice physician, nice medicine, but that is not guarantee that he will be cured. That depends on Krsna. Therefore Krsna is the ultimate, I mean to say, beneficiary, or benevolent
- If a recognized devotee brings forth the Supreme Personality of Godhead as his son, how he should be praised! Brahma, therefore, not only worshiped the incarnation of Godhead Kapila but also praised His so-called father, Kardama Muni
- If all the mental speculators bring the bees of their minds into this forest of lotus flowers and jubilantly enjoy ecstatic love of Krsna day and night, their mental speculation will be completely transcendentally satisfied
- If by chance a servant falls down and goes somewhere else, glorious is that master who captures him and brings him back by the hair
- If He (God) so desires, He can transform material energy into spiritual energy. Indeed, if he so desires He can bring the entire spiritual nature within the material nature, without the spiritual nature being affected by the material modes in any way
- If I say to my father, "Father, this son is stupid. He does not bring any service. So please allow me to cut his head," the father will never agree. The father, either a stupid son or very intelligent son, he is kind to everyone, because they are sons
- If one does not take shelter of Acyuta and Baladeva, then the senses, acting as the horses, and the intelligence, acting as the driver, both being prone to material contamination, inattentively bring the body to the path of sense gratification
- If one gets the Supreme Lord as a son, one can have the benefit of bringing up a nice son in this world and at the same time get promotion to the spiritual world to become the face-to-face associate of the Personality of Godhead
- If one is not on the platform of God consciousness, he is not human being. He is animal. That's a fact. But we should not hate the animals because our mission is to bring them to the human consciousness
- If one thinks that the form of Lord Jagannatha is an idol made of wood, he immediately brings ill fortune into his life
- If one's mind is distorted, then the indriyas cannot work. That is madman. You try to cure the mental disease just to bring him in proper position to control the senses. Otherwise, he does not know how to control the senses
- If the kingly administrative order, being unrestricted in sense control, offends the brahmana order and enrages them, then the fire of that rage burns up the whole body of the royal family and brings grief upon all
- If the leaders of the society takes this Krsna consciousness movement little seriously . . . they should take, because this is the only movement which can bring in peace and prosperity and happiness to the whole human society
- If there are rascals, you bring. I will pay nice cook. Make varieties, very palatable food. Kichranna, puspanna, rice, there are so many preparations. Paramanna
- If we don't come to this platform, then we remain animals. So this Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to bring human being to the platform of spiritual consciousness or real human being
- If we try to make an attempt to bring people on the platform of God consciousness, then he is possessing all other qualities: how to take care of the body, how to use the mind, how to use intelligence, everything
- If you (Usa) can identify him from your dream, I (Citralekha) shall bring you peace of mind. Now, let me draw some pictures for you to inspect, and as soon as you find the picture of your desired husband, let me know
- If you are doubtful, prove that Krsna is not proprietor. But that you cannot do. Or bring another person who can claim like that, "I am the proprietor." Therefore you have to accept Krsna as the proprietor. And it is accepted by all great personalities
- If you are still very eager for the King to meet with Me, please first bring his son to meet Me
- If you bring from here and there some men and fill up, that is not good thing. This is a training institution, to become devotee
- If you bring varieties of flower in a vase, it becomes very beautiful, but they are all flowers. So you have to become flowers. So even in varieties there is unity of beauty
- If you can remember to always remember Krishna and the instructions of your Spiritual Master than surely this will bring the highest benediction to yourself and to those with whom you come into contact
- If you engage some lawyer to speak for you in the court, "Immediately bring me two thousand dollar." He'll charge. But a sannyasi, he'll speak twenty-four hours for Krsna, no expectation of profit
- If you want to give help a suffering in disease man, and bring some nice doctor, medical man to help him and bring some nice medicine, that is good work, but does it mean that it is guaranteed that he will be cured? No
- In a waterpot, which is a transformation of dirt, I can bring water very easily. But if I poured water on a lump of dirt, the lump would soak up the water, and my labor would be useless
- In addition to the nineteen meanings of the verse mentioned previously, there are these four further meanings when the word 'atmarama' is taken to mean 'those laboring under the bodily conception.' This brings the total to twenty-three
- In America there are so many things that require reformation, and this Krsna consciousness movement will bring that
- In any case, it appears that Jnana das is restless. It is not a good idea for him to bring Lilavati's daughter to Kilifi as he has described the living conditions as very poor and now she is at least nicely situated in Gurukula
- In flattering a woman to bring her under control, in a marriage ceremony, in earning one's livelihood, when one's life is in danger, in protecting cows and brahminical culture, or in protecting a person from an enemy's hand, falsity is never condemned
- In India the system is that all the ladies and gentlemen who come in the morning to visit the temple bring so many things. Even one morsel of rice or one morsel of flour can be offered
- In order to bring mother Yasoda to consciousness, they began to speak loudly about the transcendental pastimes of Krsna. Mother Yasoda remained still, as if dead, because her consciousness was concentrated on the face of Krsna
- In order to bring the mass of people to the ideal position, we should try to introduce this varnasrama
- In order to save themselves and bring peace to the world, both parties (the communists and the capitalists) must follow the instructions of Sri Isopanisad
- In some places there is no rainfall, but here we have got sufficient rainfall at the present moment. It is God's mercy. You cannot do it. Where there is shortage of rainfall, they cannot bring in rainfall by their scientific advancement of knowledge
- In summer we suffer, and in winter we suffer. In the summer, fire brings suffering, and in the winter the same fire is pleasing. Similarly, in the winter, water is suffering, but in the summer it is pleasing
- In the beginning one must have a preliminary desire for self-realization. This will bring one to the stage of trying to associate with persons who are spiritually elevated
- In the beginning one must have a preliminary desire for self-realization. This will bring one to the stage of trying to associate with persons who are spiritually elevated. BG 1972 purports
- In the beginning one must know that he is not this body; He is spirit soul. Don't bring in controversy, but try to convince that you are not this body
- In the dialectic process, try to bring this thesis, that within this body there is the real enjoyer, and try to convince them in that way. That will be great service
- In the material world the perverted rasas bring frustration. If these rasas are reestablished with Lord Krsna, the result is eternal, blissful life
- In the same way that you have begun everything at Mayapur, just bring along one engineer and see that he is doing everything properly. That will relieve me of so much anxiety, as I want to display something very wonderful in Vrindaban
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam, Sixth Canto, Third Chapter, twenty-ninth verse, Yamaraja, the superintendent of death, tells his assistants what class of men they should bring before him
- In the transcendental world - although there are approved regulations to bring one from the lower stages to the highest goal by a gradual process of development - one can, by the mercy of Godhead, pass the transcendental M.A. examination
- In the Vaikuntha planets one attains opulence like Krsna or Narayana. There are five kinds of mukti, liberation, and one is sarsti. This kind of liberation brings one opulence equal to the Lord
- In the village a brahmana would sit down and the village boys and girls would come there to learn from him, and they will bring some presentation. That will be his livelihood. A brahmana hasn't got to go anywhere to seek his livelihood
- In this age of Kali, the yajna recommended is sankirtana, the individual or collective chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. This will bring the fulfillment of all necessities for human society
- In this age, neither parents nor their children are trained; both are animalistic and simply eat, sleep, mate, defend, and gratify their senses. This disorder in social life cannot bring peace to human society
- In this way not only the neighboring villages but all the other provinces came to know of Gopala’s appearance. Thus people came from all over, bringing a variety of presentations
- In this world there is no fruitive activity superior to serving the brahmana class, for this can bring pleasure to the demigods, for whom the many sacrifices are recommended
- Indra served his aunt daily by bringing flowers, fruits, roots and wood for yajnas from the forest. He also brought kusa grass, leaves, sprouts, earth and water exactly at the proper time
- ISKCON or FISKCON, bring students. (laughter) So that I want. I want the number. It doesn't matter ISKCON or FISKCON
- It (Krsna consciousness movement) is not artificial proselytizing: "You are Christian; now become a Hindu." It is not like that. This movement is actually bringing people back to their natural position - part and parcel of God
- It especially enters Goloka Vrndavana-dhama and attracts the minds of the young damsels of Vrajabhumi, bringing them forcibly to where Krsna is present
- It is by destiny, or the laws of karma, that one must suffer or enjoy. For instance, if one is given a court order, he must accept it, whether it brings suffering or profit. Similarly, everyone is under obligations to karma and it reactions
- It is enjoined therefore that all acts must be performed sacrificially for the satisfaction of Visnu and His devotees. This will bring everyone peace and prosperity
- It is not easy-going, sleeping business. We have to fight with so many demons. Otherwise, kava dava adakanam, my Guru Maharaja used to say. Beg some rice, and bring it and cook it, and eat and sleep
- It is not possible to bring back the monkeys and cats and dogs to Krsna consciousness. That is not possible. So those who are of the dog's mentality, cat's mentality, monkey mentality, it is difficult for them
- It is only Krsna consciousness movement trying to bring back Vedic culture so that people may be very happy. It is not a business; it is not a religious sentiment. It is a program to make everyone happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu. This is Vedic culture
- It is stated that when the male secretion enters the menstrual flux in the uterus in two successive drops, the mother develops two embryos in her womb, and she brings forth twins in a reverse order to that in which they were first conceived
- It is the custom still now, India, that when you go to see some Deity or a Vaisnava, sadhu, you bring some, one misti rice or atta; you give them as contribution
- It is the custom that during the lifetime of your Spiritual master you bring the prospective disciples to him, and in his absence or disappearance you can accept disciples without any limitation. This is the law of disciplic succession
- It is the duty of every Indian not to forget their culture, but bring that culture, pure, wherever you are living and behave yourself to that culture and teach others. That is Indian mission
- It is the Vedic custom to bring grains and fruits whenever one goes to see a saintly person, and since all the villagers saw that the hunter had turned into a great devotee, they brought eatables with them
- It is to be understood so long one is in the modes of passion and ignorance, he cannot understand about the Absolute Truth. Therefore it is necessary to bring one on the platform of goodness
- It is very difficult to bring one to the brahminical culture, to the ksatriya culture, to the vaisya culture, because everything is finished, and it will be finished more and more. Therefore the only saving platform is this harer nama
- It is very good news that Visnu Arati is advancing nicely in Krishna Consciousness and I (Prabhupada) know that you and your husband will always do your best to bring her up on the right path of Krishna Consciousness
- It may be temporary, but the earthen pot is taken into use for bringing water, and we continue to see it as an earthen pot. Therefore, although the earthen pot is temporary and different from the original earth, we cannot say that it is false
- Just as Bhagiratha brought down the Ganga and liberated his forefathers, similarly, we must bring a deluge of love of Godhead that can extricate the conditioned souls from the clutches of gross materialism
- Just like a man and woman becomes lusty and their combination brings forth a child, a third matter. They think like that. They are thinking everything is matter. No. There is good brain within the combination
- Just like the eggs. If there is no life, how the chicken comes? Why don't you manufacture an egg and bring life from it? That was. . ., the other day I was talking. So because you are tenth-class rascal you cannot understand how the life is there
- Kamsa believed Vasudeva's word that he would bring all the sons so that if he wanted he could kill them. Vasudeva thought, "Let me save the present situation. After all, if Kamsa later gets a nephew, he may forget this envy." But Kamsa never forgot
- Kamsa feared Devaki's existence because after her eighth pregnancy she would give birth to a son who would kill him. Vasudeva, therefore, to assure his brother-in-law the utmost safety, promised to bring him all the sons
- Karmi is trying to simply take from God's property and putting in his own pocket. That is karmi: "Bring me more. Bring me more. Bring me more
- KCM is to bring every person to the platform of goodness. Not even on the platform of passion, because urdhvam gacchanti sattva-stha (BG 14.18). At least, if you remain on the platform of goodness, then you can be promoted to the higher planetary system
- King Nagnajit continued, "Until now they (seven bulls) have never been subdued by any prince; anyone who has attempted to bring them under control has simply had his limbs broken"
- Krishna was all along preparing something I could not see, and He brought you to me one by one, sincere American boys and girls, to be trained-up for doing the work of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- Krsna consciousness brings one into spiritual life even while one is within the jurisdiction of matter, for it is an arousing of spiritual existence by practice in the material world. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna consciousness means to bring a living entity to his original consciousness
- Krsna consciousness movement means it is an endeavor to bring the rascals and fools and atheists to the platform of Krsna consciousness, the most important welfare activities in the human society
- Krsna consciousness movement means to bring all crazy men to his original consciousness
- Krsna consciousness movement means to bring back everyone to his original consciousness, affection, love between the child and the father
- Krsna consciousness movement means trying, the devotees, the followers, to bring him to the platform of goodness, not to stay in the platform of ignorance and passion
- Let Lord Nrsimha-deva sit in the core of my heart, killing all my bad propensities. Let my mind become clean so that I may peacefully worship the Lord and bring peace to the entire world
- Let us do something which will bring a peaceful revolution to the whole human society. I am sure I have good assistants like you and if you all cooperate with me I am sure of success
- Like Amsuman himself, Dilipa, his son, was unable to bring the Ganges to this material world, and he also became a victim of death in due course of time. Then Dilipa's son, Bhagiratha, performed very severe austerities to bring the Ganges
- Lord Krsna thought: "Pure attachment will unite us (Krsna and the gopis) even at the expense of moral and religious duties (dharma). Destiny will sometimes bring us together and sometimes separate us"
- Lord Siva and Lord Visnu, however, are affectionate even to an imperfect brahmana. Lord Siva punished Daksa not as one does his enemy; rather, he punished Daksa just to bring him to his senses, so that he would know that he had done wrong
- Lord Siva said, "A person who possesses a human body but who cannot bring his senses under control is carried away by the waves of sensual enjoyment. As such, he cannot take shelter of Your lotus feet and thus engage in Your devotional service"
- Lord Siva said, "The life of such a person (who cannot bring his senses under control) is very unfortunate, and anyone living such a life of darkness is certainly cheating himself and thus cheating others also"
- Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His subsequent followers exhibited expert dexterity in this connection. By following the same method, one can bring the materialistic men of this age of quarrel into order for peaceful life and transcendental realization
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was advised by Narada not to disturb his uncle (Dhrtarastra) by attempting to bring him back home. He was now beyond the attraction of anything material
- Mantrausadhi-vasah sarpah khalah kena nivaryate: "One can bring a snake under control with mantras, herbs and drugs, but an envious and crooked person cannot be brought under control by any means"
- Many of the waterpots were broken when people collided with one another, and hundreds of men had to bring new waterpots to fill
- Material bondage is due only to sexual bondage, and therefore unrestricted association of man and woman is surely a great impediment. Maitreya cited this example on the part of Brahma just to bring to our notice this great danger
- Material enjoyment entails money, beauty and the reputation they bring, which can all be achieved by the mercy of the goddess of fortune. The goddess of fortune, however, never remains alone
- Material nature is helping to bring him to the human body, or human species. When a human being is civilized he can take knowledge from Vedic literature. So in Kali Yuga the Srimad-Bhagavatam is the essence of Vedic literatures
- Matter and spirit are diametrically opposed. When we are inspired by devotional service to the Lord, our original identity begins to manifest in us and ultimately brings us to God-realization
- May the sight of Srimati Radharani's kila-kincita ecstasy, which is like a bouquet, bring good fortune to all. When Sri Krsna blocked Radharani’s way to the dana-ghati, there was laughter within Her heart
- Medhatithi: An old sage of yore. An assembly member of the heavenly King Indradeva. His son was Kanva Muni, who brought up Sakuntala in the forest. He was promoted to the heavenly planet by strictly following the principles of retired life (vanaprastha)
- Modern medical science has not yet discovered how to bring a dead body back to life or bring youthful energy to an old body, but from here we can understand that such treatment is possible if one is able to take knowledge from the Vedic information
- Modern-day thinkers and philosophers are desperately trying to bring purity and unity into society
- Mukunda Datta then asked the Lord, "Shall I bring him here?" Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "Brahmananda Bharati is like My spiritual master. It is better that I go to him"
- Mundane yearnings bring suffering, both individual or collective
- My (Brahma's) dear son (Rudra), you had better situate yourself in penance, which is auspicious for all living entities and which will bring all benediction upon you. By penance only shall you be able to create the universe as it was before
- My dear friend, the scent of Krsna's body enchants the entire world. It especially enters the nostrils of women and remains seated there. Thus it captures them and forcibly brings them to Krsna
- My dear friend, though Krsna might have forgotten all these things, you can understand and bring this message to Him. But during Our first meeting there was no messenger between Us, nor did I request anyone to see Him
- My dear servants, bring to me for punishment only persons who are averse to the taste of that honey, who do not associate with paramahamsas and who are attached to family life and worldly enjoyment, which form the path to hell
- My dear sons of the King, just execute your occupational duty as kings with a pure heart. Just chant this prayer fixing your mind on the lotus feet of the Lord. That will bring you all good fortune, for the Lord will be very much pleased with you
- My mind's five disciples, the senses of perception, gather the remnants of that nectar from the gopis and bring them to the yogi of My mind. The senses maintain their lives by eating those remnants
- My passport and two certificates which are lying with Cidananda. These are very important documents and bring them within your inside pocket carefully
- Narada advises Sri Vyasadeva to compose transcendental literature which is not only attractive but can also actually bring liberation from all kinds of bondage
- Narada Muni, Haridasa Thakura and similar acaryas especially empowered to broadcast the glories of the Lord cannot be brought down to the material platform. Therefore one is strictly forbidden to think that the acarya is an ordinary human being
- Nature has influenced different species of life with different mentalities, and it is not possible to bring them up into the same rank and file
- Neither any sinful nor any virtuous act can bring freedom from the bondage of work, as we have explained above. On the contrary, both sinful and virtuous acts will bind the worker up in the wheel of action and reaction
- Neophyte is neophyte. Why do you bring him to become a devotee? A devotee is different. A "one plus one equal to two," he's not mathematician. He's learning
- Nidhipati Pippalai tried his best to bring his elder brother home, but he would not return. Under these circumstances, Nidhipati Pippalai, with all his family members, came to Mahesa to reside
- Nirguna means without any material qualities. So karma, jnana and yoga, they are all material qualities. Only bhakti is spiritual. Even in that bhakti, if you bring in karma, jnana or yoga, then it is mixed; it is not pure
- No one but the Supreme Lord (Krsna) can become well versed in all the branches of Vedic wisdom simply by hearing once from his teacher. Nor can anyone bring a dead body back to life after the soul has already gone to the region of Yamaraja
- No one can bring the activities of the mind and senses to a stop, but one can purify these activities through a change in consciousness
- No one can bring the activities of the mind and senses to a stop, but one can purify these activities through a change in consciousness - CC Preface
- Nobody is caring. Hundreds and thousands of people are starving, unemployment, but they are getting their fat salary, and they are satisfied. Bring income tax and divide amongst themselves, that's all
- Not only did Svarupa Damodara Gosvami bring prasadam, but Vaninatha Pattanayaka and Kasi Misra also sent large quantities
- Not seeing Urvasi in his assembly, the King of heaven, Lord Indra, said, "Without Urvasi my assembly is no longer beautiful." Considering this, he requested the Gandharvas to bring her back to his heavenly planet
- Now the Kali-yuga is the age of the sudras. So they decorate the dead body. If a cobbler's father dies, he brings, he spends money. He brings nice covering cloth, and with flower and everything
- Nowadays it has become a fashion, daridra-narayana-seva, to give protection to the daridras. That is good idea. But why you should bring Narayana amongst the daridras? Narayana is not daridra. Narayana is the husband of Laksmi
- Nrsimhananda Brahmacari said to Sivananda, "Please bring whatever cooking ingredients I want." Thus Sivananda Sena immediately brought whatever he asked for
- O Arjuna, learn from Me of the five factors which bring about the accomplishment of all action. These are declared in sankhya philosophy to be the place of action, the performer, the senses, the endeavor, and ultimately the Supersoul. BG 18.13-14 - 1972
- O great hero, protector of living entities, if you desire to relieve the living entities by supplying them sufficient grain, and if you desire to nourish them by taking milk from me, you should make arrangements to bring a calf suitable for this purpose
- O Providence, you have no mercy! You bring embodied souls together through friendship and affection, but before their desires are fulfilled, you separate them. Your activities are like the foolish pranks of children
- Oh, cruel Providence! You are very unkind, for you bring together in love people who are rarely in touch with each other. Then, after you have made Them meet but before They are fulfilled, you again spread Them far apart
- Oh, please bring me (Hiranyakasipu) a stick! This Prahlada is damaging our name and fame. Because of his bad intelligence, he has become like a cinder in the dynasty of the demons
- On the other hand, the tree of material entanglement, which thrives on fruitive activities and their results, can never bring forth any hope for peace
- One cannot satisfy the Supreme Lord by his riches, wealth or opulent position, but anyone can collect a little fruit or a flower and offer it to the Lord. The Lord says that if one brings such an offering in devotion, He will accept it and eat it
- One day Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu inquired from the devotees, "Where is Haridasa? Now you may bring him here"
- One may argue, "What is the difference, married sex and not-married sex? The business is the same." No, there is some meaning. This restriction mean to bring him to the position of the daivi sampat
- One may become as strong and puffed up as Hiranyakasipu and bring under his control all the three worlds, but there is no possibility of continuing life eternally or keeping the conquered booty forever
- One must decorate the Deity, cleanse the temple, bring water from the Ganges and Yamuna, continue the routine work, perform arati many times, prepare first-class food for the Deity, prepare dresses and so on
- One need not go into the forest in a secluded place to try to make spiritual advancement. Much better idea is that one associate with devotees in the Krishna Consciousness Centres; this will bring better spiritual results than living in the forest
- One of the objects of my missionary activities is to bring to notice of the educated Indian public that devotional service originated from the Indian side in its pure form
- One should understand that the activities of persons who are proud of their material experience bring only results contradictory to those such persons conceive while awake, sleeping and deeply sleeping
- One who accepts the order of sannyasa but again becomes agitated by sensual disturbances and talks privately with women is called dharma-dhvaji or dharma-kalanka, which means that he brings condemnation upon the religious order
- Only bhakti can bring one in contact with the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The Supreme Personality of Godhead appeared from the womb of Devaki, and therefore Devaki symbolically represents bhakti, and Kamsa symbolically represents material fear
- Only if somebody brings a light into the darkness is it truly possible to see things as they are. Similarly, the light of knowledge is kindled by our preceptors, and we can see things as they are only by our preceptors' mercy
- Only Krsna Consciousness can provide the real understanding of religion beyond sectarian dogmas, and it is the only movement which can really bring benediction in the form of Love of God to everyone, without difficulty
- Only the grhasthas are allowed to make money, to earn money. But the brahmacari and the vanaprastha and sannyasi is to live at the cost the grhasthas. Brahmacaris shall go from door to door and beg alms and bring it for the spiritual master
- Our business is somehow or other to bring everyone to this Krsna consciousness movement so that everyone may spiritually profit
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is not a process of trying to convince people of some speculative idea. This movement is actually bringing people to their real position - that they're all part and parcel of Krsna
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to bring every person to the platform of goodness
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to bring some men on the platform of goodness. The world requires it now. You are being trained up to become qualified brahmins. So be always careful that you may not contact the quality of passion and ignorance
- Our men are idle, and they're bringing paid men to cut vegetables and paying two hundred rupees. This is management. First of all, whatever business is already there, engage them. Then bring further engagement
- Our mind is very restless, so mind tries to go. Suppose I am speaking and you are hearing, and mind is somewhere. This is . . . ordinarily there is such difficulty, but we have to bring back the mind again
- Our movement is to preach the Bhagavad-gita as it is and to bring the Supreme Controller before you, and to carry out the order of the Supreme Controller
- Our point is to always follow the example of the acaryas and this will bring us to the perfectional stages with no doubt
- Our student can twenty-four hours sit down before a Deity and chant Hare Krsna. Bring any student of any yoga society, let him sit down for five hours, he'll fail. They are so restless
- Our this Krsna consciousness movement is not a sectarian movement. We are trying to bring back people to God consciousness. Because unless one comes to God consciousness, he cannot be happy. That's a fact
- Our whole program is to train the untrained. Nobody is in Krishna Consciousness and we are trying our best to bring people in that platform
- People are engaged, "Work hard, earn money and be engaged in sense gratification." That's all. This is the whole program, at the present moment is going on. That cannot bring any peace and prosperity to the society. We have to perform yajnas
- People are trying to bring in peace and prosperity in the world by so many activities - philanthropism, altruism. And so-called religion also, they are trying to bring in. The whole idea is the human society should remain in peace and prosperity
- People do not understand that neither any sinful nor any virtuous act can bring freedom from the bondage of work, as we have explained above. On the contrary, both sinful and virtuous acts will bind the worker up in the wheel of action and reaction
- Performance of sacrifice brings complete satisfaction
- Philosophers, religionists, and people in general must take to this (Hare Krsna) movement very seriously, for man-made plans and devices will not help bring peace on earth. The transcendental sound Hare Krsna is not different from the person Krsna
- Please bring the people of the village and get them to take Me out of this bush. Then have them situate Me nicely on top of the hill
- Please bring to me only those sinful persons who do not use their tongues to chant the holy name and qualities of Krsna, whose hearts do not remember the lotus feet of Krsna even once, and whose heads do not bow down even once before Lord Krsna
- Please come immediately and please bring one nice English to Bengali dictionary, prepared either by Subala Mitra or Ashutosh Deva. The price may be taken from the Temple to purchase it
- Please go to the sister of Sikhi Mahiti. In my name, ask her for a mana of white rice and bring it here
- Please kindly come to see me here. I can provide all accommodations for you and your good wife, Uma and any others you wish to bring
- Practice of bhakti-yoga, under the rules and regulations, with the direction of a spiritual master, will surely bring one to the stage of love of God. BG 1972 purports
- Prahlad Maharaj prayed I am not satisfied to go back to the kingdom of God alone, but I must bring back with me all these poor fools who have no alternative ultimately than to surrender to You
- Prajapati Daksa continued: If you think that simply awakening the sense of renunciation will detach one from the material world, I must say that unless full knowledge is awakened, simply changing dresses as you have done cannot possibly bring detachment
- Produce a page only, Back to Godhead. Oh, that will bring revolution to the human society about understanding of spiritual life. Don't produce nonsense literature. Try for one page
- Proselytization has no meaning. To bring one to the real understanding. Krsna says that mamaivamso jiva-bhutah (BG 15.7). All living entities are His part and parcel
- Raghava Pandita would bring and distribute prasadam to the two brothers, feeding Them with great attention. They ate everything, and therefore there were no remnants left
- Raghunatha dasa has fled with them. Ten men should immediately go catch him and bring him back
- Raghunatha dasa immediately sent his own men to the village to purchase all kinds of eatables and bring them back
- Raghunatha dasa used to run away from home again and again to go to Jagannatha Puri, but his father kept binding him and bringing him back
- Ramacandra Khan said to the prostitute, "My constable will go with you so that as soon as he sees you with Haridasa Thakura, immediately he will arrest him and bring both of you to me"
- Reducing eating, sleeping, mating, that is spiritual advancement. This is the test. The more you reduce... The idea is to bring it to nil. Just like Gosvamis, they did it
- Regarding the artist you have written about, if he can paint improved paintings, we shall publish. Yes, you can bring him to Bombay when you come
- Religion means to make the imperfect to the perfectional stage. That is religion. Or to bring the man from his hodgepodge consciousness to the perfect consciousness of Krsna, or God. That is perfect
- Riding in a palanquin covered with cloth and accompanied by maidservants, Sita Thakurani came to the house of Jagannatha Misra, bringing with her many auspicious articles such as fresh grass, paddy, gorocana, turmeric, kunkuma and sandalwood
- Routine eating must be there. We should not eat more than that. But the best principle is if we do not feel hungry, we should not eat. But if there is no hunger and at the same time no appetite and we eat, that brings indigestion, dysentery, indigestion
- Rules and regulation will act as servant, but the main business is to bring one to Krsna consciousness. That is the main business. We are not meant for cheating anyone. We have no business. But to lead one to Krsna consciousness
- Samskara, reformatory. He has become humble, meek, well-versed in sastra. When these qualifications are there, then guru says, Now I recognize you. Upanayana. Upa means near and nayana means bringing. So gradually the spiritual master brings him nearer
- Sankaracarya was covered devotee. His aim was to bring men to the standard of devotional service, but the time and circumstances in which he was preaching, he could not place his real object because they were unable to understand
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya made arrangements to bring various kinds of maha-prasadam from the Jagannatha temple. Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu then accepted lunch with great happiness
- Send me those who do not perform their duties toward Visnu, which are the only duties in human life. Please bring me all such fools and rascals
- Serving Krsna with purified senses is called Krsna consciousness. That is the way of bringing the senses under full control. What is more, that is the highest perfection of yoga practice. BG 1972 purports
- She (Devahuti) will bring forth nine daughters from the seed sown in her by you (Kadama Muni), and through the daughters you beget, the sages will duly beget children
- She had gone to bring water from the Ganges, but when she saw Citraratha, the King of the Gandharvas, sporting with the celestial girls, she was somewhat inclined toward him and failed to remember that the time for the fire sacrifice was passing
- Similarly, Balarama, Sudama and other friends would taste one another's food and laugh. In this way, the friends very jubilantly began to eat their respective preparations brought from home
- Since boys and girls in the Western countries freely intermingle, special concessions regarding their customs and habits are necessary to bring them to Krsna consciousness. The acarya must devise a means to bring them to devotional service
- Since hearing about Prthu Maharaja is one of the items of devotional service (sravanam), naturally hearing about him brings all good fortune
- Since hundreds of men were engaged in bringing water from the lake, there was no place to stand on the banks. Consequently someone began to draw water from a well
- Since Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the original form of Baladeva, in His ecstasy He asked everyone to bring honey. In this way, all the devotees standing there saw the yamunakarsana-lila
- Since the holy name and the Lord are of one and the same identity, one should not try to bring the holy name into the service of mankind
- Since there were no suitable kings after the Pracetas, Svayambhuva Manu went to the Gandhamadana Hill to bring back his eldest son, Priyavrata, who was meditating there
- Sinful activities deepen the dark gloom of ignorance, while pious activities bring the light of transcendental knowledge into one's life
- Small children or big children, they will address, "Mother, give us some alms." So every woman will give, and they would bring it to guru. And that is guru's property. Not because he has begged this thing from somebody, it has become his property. No
- So demigod worship may bring quickly the resultant action, desired result, but it is limited
- So far painting of the deity, it will not be necessary to bring Muralidhara from New York just for that purpose. We should not be so hasty to make such drastic programs
- So far your arranging to bring other men with you to India for opening a center, that is all right, but if they come as tourists and then go away that is not good
- So far your son is concerned, last year when I was in Los Angeles I invited your son to come and see me; and if he comes to me, surely I shall try my best to bring him into our line of devotional service
- So long we are in the lower, animal life, nature is giving chance. Prakrteh kriyamanani (BG 3.27). Then nature brings you in the platform of human life, developed consciousness, and you can take advantage of the sastra
- So long you are not human being, you are coming through the laws of nature automatically. Now, when you come to the form of human being, bahunam janmanam ante (BG 7.19), after many, many births, many, many millions of years, you come; nature brings you
- So many government representatives voting for legislation. Every day they bring out a new law. But because these laws are only mental concoctions manufactured by inexperienced conditioned souls, they cannot give relief to human society
- So our Krsna consciousness movement is how to bring back these, I mean to say, insane, crazy fellows to their real consciousness
- So our point is, we are not going to bring back the old type of Hindu society. It is impossible. Our idea is that best ideas from the original idea
- So the Vedic process is that, from the low-grade position, to bring the human society to the highest, topmost position. Generally it is... The first, topmost position is to become a brahmana in the society
- So there is possibility to bring the fourth-class men to the first-class. That is educational. It can be done. There is no difficulty. So this is the education, how to make fourth-class men or fifth-class men to come to the first-class standard
- Sometimes we find that our Western students fail to chant even these sixteen rounds, and instead they bring many austere books and a worshiping method that diverts their attention in so many ways
- Son and urine emanate from the same source - genitals. When a son is a devotee or a great learned person, the seminal discharge for begetting a son is successful, but if the son is unqualified and brings no glory to his family, he is no better than urine
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu ordered Ramananda Vasu and Satyaraja Khan to become the worshipers of these ropes and every year bring silken ropes from their village
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu replied, "You might as well bring a bedstead here for Me to lie on. Jagadananda wants Me to enjoy material happiness"
- Sri Sankaracarya, by the order of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, compromised between atheism and theism in order to cheat the atheists and bring them to theism
- Srila Rsabhadeva instructed his sons that unless a human being comes to the point of understanding the atma, or spiritual position, whatever he does is ignorance, and this brings only defeat in his life
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is combination of philosophy and religion it is a great need of the day. It is a fact that at the present moment only philosophy and religion can bring about a of humanity
- Sripada Sankaracarya has given his interpretation and imaginary meaning. It does not actually appeal to the mind of any sane man. He has done this to convince the atheists and bring them under his control
- Sudama thought, "Without disturbing the cultivator with rain during the day, the cloud brings liberal rain at night just to satisfy him. And yet when the cultivator wakes up in the morning, he thinks that it has not rained enough"
- Sukadeva Gosvami continued: King Amsuman, like his grandfather, performed austerities for a very long time. Nonetheless, he could not bring the Ganges to this material world, and thereafter, in due course of time, he died
- Sukadeva Gosvami said that merely counteracting karma, fruitive activities, by other activities cannot bring one's miseries to a final end
- Suppose I am sitting here for hearing, but my mind has gone to the store. So we have to bring back the mind from the store again to this apartment. This has to be practiced. The mind will create disturbance like that. That is called meditation
- Take it for granted - Hinduism, Muslimism or Christianism or Buddhism - any "ism" you take - what is the purpose? The purpose is to bring the persons to the light
- Take the children to the temple every day and bring them up in Krishna Consciousness, and when they are old enough you may send them to our new school in Dallas. There is no question of losing father, now they shall have dozens of fathers and mothers
- That is disobedience. Krsna says fight, you must fight. Don't bring philosophy of nonviolence. That is nonsense. What He says, do it. That is service
- That is the highest perfectional aim of human life (elevation to the spiritual world). Without this aim, any amount of material advancement in so-called comforts can only bring the defeat of the human form of life
- That is the Krsna consciousness, to save the living entity from anxiety and bring him to the platform of no anxiety. That is the difference, from anxiety to no anxiety. That is the greatest gift to the human society
- That is the real purpose of married life; to live together peacefully, execute Krishna Consciousness, bring up children in Krishna Consciousness, so they will not again have to enter into this world of birth and death
- That man is my enemy. If you can bring him here and beat him with shoes, I'll be very much satisfied - This is material world. Even at the time of death, he's thinking enmity with others
- The actual system is that the husband is Spiritual Master to his wife, but if the wife can bring her husband into practicing this process, then it is all right that the husband accepts wife as Spiritual Master
- The aim of this Krsna consciousness movement is to bring all living entities back to their original consciousness. All living entities within the material world are, to varying degrees, afflicted with a type of madness
- The all-affectionate Almighty Father at the same time (he puts his disobedient children under the custody of a severe man just to bring them to order) desires relief for the conditioned soul, relief from the clutches of the illusory energy
- The associates of Lord Visnu brought the special airplane for Dhruva Maharaja and then informed him that Lord Visnu had especially sent this airplane
- The attitude of exploiting one another, the custom of the day, will only bring misery
- The brahmana had no money nor any means of worshiping the Deity, but within his mind he arranged everything nicely. He had gold pots to bring water from the sacred rivers to wash the Deity, & he offered the Deity very sumptuous food, including sweet rice
- The brahmana said, "How can anyone save my child, who has already been transferred to another planet? Due to sheer foolishness only, Arjuna thought he could bring back my child from another planet"
- The brahmanas are not encouraged to fight or kill. No. They should remain always nonviolent. Even there is required violence, a brahmana will not kill personally. He will bring the matter to the ksatriya, royal order
- The British Empire was established on management. They did not bring men from England. Few managers, that's all. That is called management. One man can control hundreds and thousands of men, that is management. Locally attracted
- The causeless mercy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead is first appreciated when one comes in touch with a bona fide spiritual master who can bring the conditioned soul to the highest position of devotional life
- The ceremony performed to initiate a disciple into the study of spiritual science is called upaniti, or the function that brings one nearer to the spiritual master
- The Deity of Gopala had been buried within the jungle for many years, and although He was installed and was offered thousands of pots of water, He still felt very hot. He therefore asked Madhavendra Puri to bring sandalwood from the Malaya province
- The Deity should be placed in bed with Srimati Radharani, and this should be indicated by bringing the wooden slippers from the altar to the bedside
- The Deity should have nice flowers everyday etc., etc. You should try to bring Them up to the highest standard, such as we have in Los Angeles or New Vrndavana
- The devotees of the Lord do not bother about the impersonal Brahman conception of God; their faith and devotion bring them to surrender immediately unto the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- The devotees work to remind the fallen souls of their actual position and to bring them back home, back to Godhead. Such stainless servants of Godhead are very dear to Him
- The disciple living at the residence of the spiritual master has to go begging from door to door and bring everything back to the spiritual master
- The faithful execution of the instruction which he receives from the spiritual master is the only duty of a disciple, and that will bring him perfection
- The few religious deeds that the demons perform are merely a show; they are meant only to flatter their false ego and bring them more recognition and respect. They perform them only for their own sense enjoyment and are invariably acts of violence
- The fire-god used to bring him his share of all yajnas, but because the fire-god was afraid to enter the water, Indra was practically starving
- The first mother and father bring about his (A child) birth into the world; then the spiritual master and the Vedas become his second father and mother
- The fish brings up its offspring simply by looking at them. The tortoise brings up its offspring simply by meditation. The eggs of the tortoise are laid on land, and the tortoise meditates on the eggs while in the water. BG 1972 purports
- The four-fold Gandhi movements, if done in an organized, scientific way supported by all the authentic scriptures of all religiosities, will bring tranquillity of peace respite of all harshness & bitterness of the present world, longed for till now
- The gopis think: "I have offered this body to Lord Krsna. He is its owner, and it brings Him enjoyment"
- The great sage Narada continued: My dear King, after bewildering her husband in different ways and bringing him under her control, the wife of King Puranjana gave him all satisfaction and enjoyed sex life with him
- The Hare Krsna chant is called the maha-mantra, the great, exalted mantra above all other Vedic mantras, because simply chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra brings so many beneficial effects
- The heavenly physicians like the Asvini-kumaras could give youthful life even to one who was advanced in age. Indeed, great yogis, with their mystic powers, can even bring a dead body back to life if the structure of the body is in order
- The idea that scientists can develop a chemical situation resembling that of an egg and bring life from it is nonsensical. Their theory that a chemical combination can have life may be accepted, but these rascals cannot create such a combination
- The illusory potency, maya, constantly terrorizes and shackles the people in the present Age of Quarrel, Kali-yuga. Due to forgetting their real identity as spirit souls, they bring disaster to the world
- The innumerable living entities within this material world are being carried by the waves of material nature. Sometimes the waves bring them together, & they form friendships and relate to one another on a bodily basis of family, community or nationality
- The institution of varna and asrama prescribes many regulative duties to be observed by the father - There are, dasa-vidha-samskara, reformatory - how it is scientific, just to bring the born child to the standard of civilization
- The Kazi had issued an order not to perform kirtana, congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord. But when this was brought up to Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He ordered civil disobedience to the Kazi’s order
- The Krsna consciousness movement is factually endeavoring to bring human society to a sober condition
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying its best to bring people back to Krsna consciousness in its pure form
- The Krsna consciousness movement is trying to bring everyone to the highest interest. The process may be differently named, but if the aim is one, people should follow it to achieve the ultimate goal in life
- The Krsna consciousness movement should spread all over the world to bring both the speaker and the audience to the transcendental platform and back home, back to Godhead
- The Lord (Caitanya) stayed at Sri Advaita Prabhu's house for a few days, and knowing well that the Lord was leaving His hearth and home for good, Sri Advaita Prabhu sent His men to Navadvipa to bring mother Saci to have a last meeting with her son
- The Lord (Caitanya) with great respect extended an invitation to all the inhabitants of Kulina-grama, asking them to come every year and bring silken rope to carry Lord Jagannatha during the Ratha-yatra festival
- The Lord asked Draupadi to bring up the cooking pots to see if there was any particle of foodstuff left, and on Draupadi's doing so, the Lord found some particle of vegetable sticking to the pot.The Lord at once picked it up and ate it
- The Lord being the father, all living beings should fully and satisfactorily discharge the duty and will of the father, as faithful sons. This very mentality will at once bring peace and prosperity to human society
- The Lord says that if one brings such an offering in devotion, He will accept it and eat it. When Krsna eats, the entire world becomes satisfied
- The Lord told Govinda, Since you have been living with Me for a long time, you should not be foolishly disappointed in this situation. Bring all the food to Me, and you will see that I can eat it
- The mind goes away - bring it back again. Just like your child goes away, you bring him at home. Similarly, the mind is restless. So by practicing, when we feel interest
- The modern scientists have done research in the area of weightlessness, but it is not possible to bring in weightlessness anywhere and everywhere
- The mother nature, therefore chastises her disobedient sons in order to bring them to the right path of fulfilling the plan of Godhead. This process of chastisement is necessary for the benefit of both the asuras and the gods alike
- The nature brings you from the aquatics, I was just stating, from the fish life, to plant life, to vegetable life, to . . . in this way 2,000,000's forms, gradually. This is called evolution - one after another
- The new program of preaching on Sankirtana using one basic verse from BG is an excellent idea. We should always be eager to find out such nice ways to spread this Movement. This will automatically bring joy to the devotees as well as to the nondevotees
- The next question is why people are against such auspicious activities as chanting and hearing the glories and pastimes of the Lord, which can bring total freedom from the cares and anxieties of material existence
- The principles of religion are not open to any ordinary living entity. They are just to bring the human being onto the platform of morality
- The problem was that in India the men who joined the Gaudiya Math mission were not very educated. So I declined to bring them in the Western countries and by the grace of Krsna I was able to train the local men
- The process of devotional service - especially hearing and chanting - is so powerful that it can bring a person to the perfectional stage
- The psychologist makes a serious study of the physiological conditions of the brain, as if the construction of the cerebral lump were the machine of the functioning mind, but in the dead body the psychologist cannot bring back the function of the mind
- The pujaris allowed him (Bhaktivinoda Thakura) to bring the child before the Deity, and the child was placed before the Deity and a garland was offered by Jagannatha. So that was the first sign of his becoming the acarya
- The purpose of samskaras is to gradually bring a person who has no knowledge of spiritual life to the spiritual platform
- The purpose of this Hare Krsna movement is to bring man back to his original consciousness, which is Krsna consciousness, clear consciousness
- The purpose of Vedas is to gradually to bring him to the point of nivrtti. Nivrtti, he has to make. When he has got a slight desire for material enjoyment, he'll have to accept another body. Therefore nivrtti is required
- The queens continued, "We must frankly admit that your voice is imbued with nectar, and it is so invigorating that it is competent to bring back life to those who are almost dead in separation from their dearmost friend"
- The Raksasas act independently, as they like, going even so far as to kidnap the goddess of fortune. This policy of Ravana's is extremely dangerous for the materialist; indeed, it brings ruin to the materialistic civilization
- The real aim of samskaras is to bring a rascal to the platform of knowledge. Janmana jayate sudrah: by birth, everyone is the same - sudra. In other words, one is without any knowledge
- The root of sin is deliberate disobedience of the laws of nature through disregarding the proprietorship of the Lord. Disobeying the laws of nature or the order of the Lord brings ruin to a human being
- The sun & moon rise exactly on time, without deviating even one ten-thousandth of a second, & the seasons change in the same way, bringing fruits & flowers. In this way the entire cosmic manifestation is going on in a very orderly, systematic way
- The Supreme Lord and His form, name, pastimes and paraphernalia are inconceivable to nondevotees, and one should not try to understand such realities simply by logical arguments. They will not bring one to the right conclusion about the Absolute Truth
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: O Lord Brahma, Lord Siva and other demigods, please hear Me with great attention, for what I say will bring good fortune for all of you
- The theists should follow the instructions of the Bhagavad-gita and take shelter at Krsna's lotus feet, giving up other, so-called religious principles. That will bring religious unity
- The third-class devotee - who is not advanced in knowledge of the Absolute Truth but simply offers obeisances with great devotion, thinks of the Lord, sees the Lord in the temple & brings forth flowers and fruits to offer to the Deity - becomes liberated
- The tongue dictates, "Bring tea," "Bring coffee," "Bring cigarette." Therefore the tongue is very formidable enemy of this human being, if you indulge
- The ultimate purpose of all religions is to bring one back to Godhead
- The whole idea is to preach the cult of Lord Caitanya who desired to bestow upon every living being the highest benefit by transcendental love of Godhead which alone can bring in peace in the world
- The whole idea is to preach the cult of Lord Caitanya who desired to bestow upon every living being the highest benefit by transcendental love of Godhead, which alone can bring in peace in the world
- The whole process now we are trying from the Bhagavad-gita is to bring one to get him on the platform of consciousness
- The whole process we are trying to learn from the Bhagavad-gita (The Song of God) is how to bring ourselves to this level of consciousness
- The word 'ca' can also present a secondary thing to be done at the same time. This way of understanding the word 'ca' is called anvacaye. An example is 'O brahmacari, go out to collect alms and at the same time bring in the cows'
- The word amrta is also an important reference to the moon, and the word ambuja means "lotus." The pleasing moonshine and pleasing fragrance of the lotus combined to bring pleasure to everyone hearing krsna-katha from the mouth of Sukadeva Gosvami
- The word jata-vedah means "fire which is produced by rubbing wood." In Vedic times, learned sages could bring forth fire from wood. Jata-vedah also indicates the fire in the stomach, which digests everything we eat and which produces an appetite
- The word pasanda is very significant here (in CC Adi 3.73). One who compares the Supreme Personality of Godhead to the demigods is known as a pasanda. Pasandas try to bring the Supreme Lord down to a mundane level
- Their (demonic miscreants) mental speculations to arrive at the Absolute Truth bring them to the false conclusion that the ordinary living entity and Krsna are one and the same. BG 1972 purports
- Then Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu began to wash the sitting place of Lord Jagannatha with His own hands, and all the devotees began to bring water to the Lord
- Theoretical knowledge is no perfect. When you bring it in practical action, then it is science
- There are different airs within the body, and soul is already floating in the air. So the yogi mystic process can bring the soul from different places, and then they bring it here, and they ascertain where he has to go
- There is a need for vigorous propaganda to educate people to refrain from sinful activities. This will bring peace and prosperity; the rogues, thieves and debauchees will naturally decrease in number, and all of human society will be God conscious
- There is but one way to perceive things in the depth of darkness. Only if somebody brings a light into the darkness is it truly possible to see things as they are. Similarly, the light of knowledge is kindled by our preceptors
- There is no culture. There is no standard social life. Simply hodgepodge. So this Krsna consciousness movement is the only hope to bring everything in proper order. Everything is explained in the Bhagavad-gita
- There is no possibility of creation without thinking, feeling, willing, knowledge and activity. The combination of the supreme will, knowledge and action brings about the cosmic manifestation
- There is no subject matter there. You have no right to bring that. That is our fault - to bring a horse before a cart. We are talking of Bhagavad-gita. There is no mention of Krsna and gopis' saris there
- There is very little difference between impersonalism and voidism, but because he (Lord Buddha) had to bring Buddhists back to the Vedic cultural form, he adopted impersonalism
- There may be questions, but every sincere man must question what is God and try to learn it. That will bring auspicity all over the world
- There must be an asana, a sitting place before the altar. This asana is for the spiritual master. The disciple brings everything before the spiritual master, and the spiritual master offers everything to the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Thereafter, His father, being afraid of Kamsa, brought Him to the cow pastures of Maharaja Nanda, and there He lived for eleven years like a covered flame with His elder brother, Baladeva
- These are the secrets of the acaryas. Sometimes they conceal the real purport of the Vedas and explain the Vedas in a different way. Sometimes they enunciate a different theory just to bring the atheists under their control
- These laws (of of nature) will make certain that the money itself will bring about destruction instead of peace and prosperity
- These moods (bhavas) bring under control the favorable ecstasies (such as laughing) and unfavorable ecstasies (such as anger). When these moods continue to remain as kings, they are called sthayi-bhava, or permanent ecstasies
- These questions should be on the subject matter which we have discussed. Don't bring outside question. Then there..., it will be no end. This is not the process. When we invite question - on the subject matter which we have spoken
- They (our godbrothers) simply try to bring us to their platform, and they try to criticize us in every respect. We very much regret their naive activities and poor fund of knowledge
- They (the living entities) please only because they bring pleasure to the self. For this reason, one is self-centered and is attached to his body and self more than he is to relatives like wife, children and friends
- They bring the disciples. I simply initiate. That's all
- Thinking that her child had been sleeping for a long time, Queen Krtadyuti, who was certainly very intelligent, ordered the nurse, "My dear friend, please bring my son here"
- This (identifying with this body) is the grossest type of ignorance, and we are trying to dissipate this ignorance and bring people to real consciousness, real identity. And that is called Krsna consciousness
- This (to bring back poor fools and rascals to God) is the decision of the Vaisnava, the pure devotee of the Lord. For himself he has no problems, even if he has to stay in this material world, because his only business is to remain in Krsna consciousness
- This activity (of preparing food, offering it to the Deity and distributing) should be extended universally to stop sinful eating habits as well as other behavior befitting only demons. A demoniac civilization will never bring peace within the world
- This activity of preaching, along with your daily program as you have given me, that will be sufficient to bring you to the platform of perfection in spiritual life in very short time
- This became almost a daily affair. Raghunatha would run away from home, and his father would again bring him back. Then Raghunatha dasa's mother spoke to his father as follows
- This black snake is less harmful than the man snake. Why? Now, this black snake, by chanting some mantra or by some herb can bring him under your control. But this man snake you cannot. It is not possible
- This brings to mind the statement of the Bhagavad-gita in which the Lord advises Arjuna to get free from anger, greed and lust in order to rise to the spiritual platform
- This brings up the question of who Radharani is and what Radha-Krsna is. Actually Radha-Krsna is the exchange of love. This is not ordinary love
- This brings up the question of who Srimati Radharani is and what Radha-Krsna is. Actually Radha-Krsna is the exchange of love - but not ordinary love - CC Intro
- This devotional service is supreme knowledge, or Krsna consciousness, and it brings detachment from all material activity
- This eternal engagement in bhakti-rasa can be understood by a serious student upon studying The Nectar of Devotion. Adoption of bhakti-rasa, or Krsna consciousness, will immediately bring one to an auspicious life free from anxieties
- This incident (Jayadratha forced Draupadi to sit on his chariot) was seen by Dhaumya Muni, and he strongly protested the action of Jayadratha. He also followed the chariot and through Dhātreyikā the matter was brought to the notice of Yudhisthira
- This is the job of a spiritual master, to uplift him from ignorance and bring him into knowledge, to bring him out of darkness into light
- This is the key to progressing in Krishna Consciousness that one learns to serve Krishna and the Spiritual Master in humble attitude and this attitude in you shall certainly bring you further and further in perfecting your life
- This is the process taught by Caitanya Mahaprabhu - to bring all the Dvaitans and Advaitans together on one platform. Everyone has to understand that he is essentially a servant of God
- This is very important point, that we are not negating pleasure, but we are trying to bring them to the highest pleasure
- This kind of civilization will not bring any peace and prosperity. You have to take Krsna's civilization if you want actually . . . that is human civilization
- This Krsna consciousness movement is an attempt to bring all these sanatanas together. The living entity, sanatana; God, Krsna, sanatana; and the place, sanatana
- This Krsna consciousness movement is an attempt, however small it may be, to bring back the human society to real civilization. It is not ordinary movement. They are not civilized
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a sectarian movement. We are trying to bring back people to God consciousness. Because unless one comes to God consciousness, he cannot be happy. That's a fact
- This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to bring everyone under the shelter of the lotus feet of Krsna, so that they may become free from all anxieties
- This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to bring intelligent human beings to the platform of devotional service
- This Krsna consciousness movement is trying to save the human society from this animal life, to bring him to the real human life. Animal life means there is suffering - go on suffering
- This movement is to bring man to his original consciousness, which is Krsna consciousness, clear consciousness
- This nectar was known as mrta-sanjivayitari, for it could bring a dead body to life. Mrta-sanjivayitari is also an Ayur-vedic preparation. It is a kind of liquor that invigorates even a person on the verge of death
- This one student was so poor that he could think of nothing to bring; therefore he told his teacher that he would speak to his mother first. After school, the student told his mother, - My dear mother, all my class contribute
- This powerful Krsna consciousness movement is so strong that we can pick up from the lowest stage of life and bring him to the highest stage of life if we follow the rules and regulation. It is possible
- This Sankirtana Party, backed by literatures and books, will certainly bring in a great change in the modern civilization. Godless civilization can never be happy
- This was brahmana's profession. They would not charge anything, but his disciples, students, would beg from door to door and bring. That is gurukula
- Those who are averse to taste the honey in Krsna consciousness, they are rogues. They are rogues. And the Yamaraja is advising, "Go there. Bring them here, and I shall chastise them nicely." That is Yamaraja
- Those who are sahajiyas cannot understand what Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu meant when He asked Advaita Acarya to bring two separate leaves and give a small quantity of the prasadam to Him
- Those who follow the atomic theory think that the protons and electrons of atoms combine in such a way as to bring all material existence into being. However, the scientists fail to discover the cause of atomic existence itself
- Three paths are enunciated in the Bhagavad-gita: karma-yoga, jnana-yoga and bhakti-yoga. Those who are too much addicted to fruitive activities are advised to perform actions which will bring them to bhakti
- Through material activities both the laborers and the capitalists inevitably fall into unwholesome quarreling and so bring on great disturbance of the social order. The problem can be solved only by a determined program of karma-yoga
- Thus by their influence and strength the brothers conquered all the kings in different directions, and they were able to bring in sufficient taxes and presentations, which they brought before King Yudhisthira
- To become a devotee is not to become impotent, but everything has proper use. Just like if you are lusty, that lust should be utilized for Krsna. I am lusty to accumulate money. Yes, you bring money, but utilize it for Krsna
- To bring him (a starving man) to the knowledge of self-realization, that is good. If you can distribute knowledge to bring him back to his consciousness, original consciousness, that is real welfare activity
- To bring the neophyte devotees to the perfectional stage, we offer the brahmins sacred thread. But if people, after promising everything, and break their promise, that is very abominable
- To bring these fools and rascals from the pravrtti-marga to nivrtti-marga, this is Krsna consciousness. Therefore we have got . . . (indistinct) . . . sense gratification. Then we cannot imitate. That is the whole Vedic process
- To live with family, wife, children... Then the hog accepts family life. No. That is not family life. You live with wife, children, peacefully, if you like, but bring in Krsna in the center. That is grhastha-asrama
- To love Krsna, you don't require any material acquisition. No, it will not help. So if somebody says: "I have to bring fruit and flower at least, and incense to the temple, otherwise..." Yes. That is the sign of love. The sign of love is six
- Tomorrow at noon He will come to your home. Therefore please bring all kinds of cooking ingredients. I shall personally cook and offer Him food
- Topics discussed in the Seventh and Eighth Chapters (of BG) are specifically related to devotional service, and because they bring enlightenment in Krsna consciousness, they are called more confidential. BG 1972 purports
- Transcendental activities of the devotees for the service of the Lord can bring a new order of life to the foolish society of materialistic men
- Transcendental attachment is so powerful that if such attachment is seen manifested even in some common man, by the association of a pure devotee it can bring one to the perfectional stage
- Ultimately you can give the beauty also of the woman or the man. But where is life? Bring life by all these things. Then I will say that you are scientist. Otherwise cheater, simply bluffing people. This thing should be stopped
- Unauthorized commentators, they bring some lamp to show the sunlight of Bhagavad-gita. That is their business. Therefore people have been misled
- Unless the chemist or the soap-maker brings them together and mixes, the soap does not come. So how you can say that the chemical combination is the source of life? No, that is not possible. This is right conclusion
- Varnasrama-dharma easily brings one nearer to Lord Visnu, who is the only true objective in human society
- Varnasrama-dharma is essential, for it can bring people to sattva-guna
- Vasudeva-parayana-agham. Agham means sin, sinful reaction of life. Dhunvanti, "one washes." Just like dirty thing, if you bring bucket of water and wash it, everything cleansed immediately. So this process of chanting is so nice that it cleanses the heart
- Vrsaparva wisely thought that Sukracarya's displeasure would bring danger and that his pleasure would bring material gain
- We (Yamadutas) were bringing the most sinful Ajamila toward the hellish planets, following your (Yamaraja's) order, when those beautiful persons from Siddhaloka forcibly cut the knots of the ropes with which we were arresting him
- We are all suffering in this blazing fire of material existence. The spiritual master brings the message from the Supreme Lord and delivers you. And if you kindly accept, then you'll be satisfied. This is the business of the spiritual master
- We are making progress. We are bringing stones and irons on head and putting together, and it is progress. We are very happy. - This is going on. This is called bahir-artha-maninah (SB 7.5.31). They are enamored by the external energy of the PG
- We are simply attempting to bring people to the real understanding. Krsna says, mamaivamso jiva-bhutah: (15.7) all living entities are part and parcel of Me
- We are trying to bring as many young men as possible to the Krsna consciousness movement for their ultimate benefit, but the parents of the young men joining this movement, being very sorry, are lamenting and making counterpropaganda
- We are trying to bring them (the living entities, those who revolted against the service of the Lord) into practice, how to serve Lord, how to . . . how to serve the Supreme Lord. That is our movement. It is not patchwork
- We have failed to bring in peace and harmony in the human society even by such big attempts like the organization of United Nations because we do not know the method
- We have good accommodation and good prasadam for you. You can just bring your clothing and personal needs. It will be a great pleasure for me to talk to you on the various topics you are interested in
- We have seen already that we can hardly calculate the wondrous condition of life in Brahmaloka, but the highest condition of life, the mode of goodness, can bring us to this. BG 1972 purports
- We say like that, that "Bring all knowledge and compare with Bhagavad-gita's knowledge." Now it is up to you if you accept this or don't accept it. That is not cheating
- We should bring the matter in the court. We have the opinions of so many scholars. Bring the matter in the court. But if it is a state policy to cut down this Movement, then civil disobedience. What can be done?
- We simply ask our Western students to chant at least sixteen rounds a day, but sometimes we find that they fail to chant even these sixteen rounds, & instead they bring many austere books & a worshiping method that diverts their attention in so many ways
- We simply want people to become God conscious and that will bring forth real peace in the world
- What is self-interest? What is the interest of a child when it is crying? It is searching after the mother's breast. Anyone who knows this immediately brings the child to its mother - Take care of your child; he is crying
- What is the profit by doing such business, by bringing petrol from moon planet and use it here and drive motorcar? Why they (astronauts) are taking so much trouble?
- What is the use of bringing some useless men? He must agree to produce his own food, and work. Our rules and regulations, he must follow. Then it will be ideal community
- What kind of guru? No publication, no preaching, simply bring some foodstuff. My Guru Maharaja used to say, "Joint mess," a place for eating and sleeping
- When a man is young, he does not care for old age, but enjoys sex to the best of his satisfaction, not knowing that at the end of life his sexual indulgence will bring on various diseases
- When a son who is a rascal leaves his father and goes loitering in the street, with no food and no shelter, and suffers very much, the father is always anxious to bring the boy back home
- When Angira had first come to visit King Citraketu, he did not bring Narada with him. However, after the death of Citraketu's son, Angira brought Narada to instruct King Citraketu about bhakti-yoga
- When he (Arjuna) was unable to find the baby even after searching all possible planets, he then attempted to throw himself into a fire, since he had promised the brahmana he would do so if unable to bring back his baby
- When he (Arjuna) went out to bring all other kings of the world under the subjection of the Pandavas, as was usual after the coronation of every emperor, he conquered the country named Kelinda and brought in subjugation King Bhagdutt
- When I say that "You are young man. You'll become old man," either you are Christian or Hindu, Muslim, this is a fact. So don't bring in "The Christian believe this" or "Hindu believe this." Fact is fact
- When I say, "Bring me a glass of water," does it mean that I want you to bring everyone a glass of water? The individuality is there, but by jugglery of words they interpret "me" or "I" to mean - everyone
- When I say, "Bring me a glass of water," it means that I am the person in want of the glass of water, and if you supply to me and not to others, then it is right
- When I shall ask you to question the subject matter which I have discussed, you should put questions on this matter. If you bring so many other subject matter, there will be no end. Try to understand what we have spoken in this meeting
- When I started this movement, I wanted to bring some men from India. The problem was that in India the men who joined the Gaudiya Math mission were not very educated. So I declined to bring them in the Western countries
- When Laksmana brings all the vegetables, fruits and roots from the forest, Sita will do the necessary cooking
- When Lord Caitanya went to Gaya, accompanied by many of His disciples, He became sick on the way. He had such a high fever that He asked His students to bring water that had washed the feet of brahmanas, and when they brought it God drank it & was cured
- When Maharaja Iksvaku was performing his oblations in this ceremony, he ordered his son Vikuksi to go immediately to the forest to bring some pure flesh
- When one becomes frightened at seeing a lightning bolt in the sky, that fearfulness brings on anxiety. Therefore, fearfulness and anxiety may be taken as one
- When Sita Thakurani came to the house of Sacidevi, bringing with her many kinds of eatables, dresses and other gifts
- When Sivananda Sena was thus perplexed, Nrsimhananda Brahmacari said to him, "Bring more food. Let me cook again for Lord Nrsimhadeva"
- When Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu went to visit the temple, Kasisvara walked in front, checking the crowds of people, and Govinda walked in the rear, bringing the sannyasi's pitcher filled with water
- When the nonbelievers heard of the erudition of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they came to Him with great pride, bringing their disciples with them
- When the ratha was again being drawn and the chanting resumed, two devotees from Kulina-grama - Ramananda Vasu and Satyaraja Khan - were requested to bring silk ropes every year for the Ratha-yatra ceremony
- When they saw that now full non-cooperation, they left voluntarily. It is not possible to bring so many administrators, military strength, men. Actually this British Empire was expanding through the help of Indians
- When we are inspired by devotional service to the Lord, our original identity begins to manifest in us and ultimately brings us to God-realization
- Wherever you are you should always go on chanting, and that in itself will bring all perfection
- While the brahmana was in pain, Lord Visnu in Vaikuntha began smiling, and the goddess of fortune inquired from the Lord why He was smiling. Lord Visnu then ordered His associates to bring the brahmana to Vaikuntha
- Whoever argues about this is a great fool. He intentionally and personally brings a thunderbolt down upon his head
- Why do we say like that? Why? Why you are bringing physical concept He is a person, He is saying. Why do you say physical, material, and this and that way. He is father
- Why falling down? Because he was not fit for the position, therefore he has fallen. Better remain in his position and become perfect. Why artificially bring them? There is no need
- With the exception of Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Acarya, Svarupa Damodara, Brahmananda Bharati and Paramananda Puri, everyone was engaged in filling the waterpots and bringing them there
- Without becoming a brahmin, nobody can become Vaisnava. So when you speak of Vaisnava, it is to be supposed that he's already brahmin. Therefore, to bring the neophyte devotees to the perfectional stage, we offer the brahmins sacred thread
- Without even being invited, a devotee will go from door to door to enlighten people and to bring them out of the darkness of nescience by injecting knowledge of the living entity's constitutional position as a servant of Lord Krsna
- Without knowing the subtle laws of nature, if we tried to justify all our deeds as influenced by the will of the PG, we would be attempting to bring partiality, inebriety, and gracelessness into the acts of the all-good Personality of Godhead
- Wonderful effects of Lord Caitanya's pastimes will bring love for Krsna
- Yamaraja resides in Pitrloka with his personal assistants and, while abiding by the rules and regulations set down by the Supreme Lord, has his agents, the Yamadutas, bring all the sinful men to him immediately upon their death
- Yamaraja specifically advises his servants not to bring the devotees, who always lick the honey at the lotus feet of the Lord, who are equal to everyone, and who try to preach Krsna consciousness because of sympathy for all living entities
- Yes, I very much approve of Mr. Kallman's idea for the book on "Transcendental Meditation." Rayarama has begun work on it already, and probably he will bring it back to N.Y. with him
- Yogis are generally attracted to the by-products of mystic yogic power, for they can become smaller than the smallest or greater than the greatest, achieve anything they desire, have power even to create a planet, or bring anyone under their subjection
- You (Narada Muni) send so many people," the hunter replied, "and they bring so many eatables that we cannot begin to eat them
- You all should co-operate and then things will go on very nicely. We should not bring in politics. That is a very nasty thing
- You are conversant in the local language. If you bring some sincere souls to join you by preaching then it will be successful
- You bring any so-called followers of yoga society student and try to compare with any one of our student, you'll find he is far, far advanced. We challenge
- You cannot expect that your audience should be all highly brain. No. Preaching is required because they have no brain. Therefore your duty is to tolerate all difficulties and bring them to the sense of brain
- You cannot find out in your experience anywhere, any machine which is not being operated by a person. You cannot find it. Then why do you bring this idea that without operator it is going on?
- You cannot produce clay. You can simply work as a laborer to bring the clay, to bring the wood, to bring the stone and collect them and stand, make, construct a very big skyscraper house. But actually, the proprietor is God
- You do not know what a dangerous position you have accepted by promising to give Him land. I do not think that this promise is good for you. It will bring great harm to the demons
- You have published very nice picture. This is one picture and this is one picture. Bring it. Hare Krsna. Side by side. Hell and heaven, one has to select
- You may gradually bring that New Vrindaban property to its full potential by stages, and that will please me very much. I always had great hopes for New Vrindaban, and gradually we are developing
- You should take either the tape recorder I have here, or one which Mr. Kallman will supply. Finally, there is the big Royal typewriter, which you must pack nicely and bring
- Your endeavor to prove scientifically the existence of re-incarnation is not very practical. It is like bringing a cannon to kill a mosquito
- Your master is so expert at everything, but why does He do such things? Now bring your master before the goddess of fortune