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Pages in category "Deliver"
The following 504 pages are in this category, out of 504 total.
- Deliver (BG)
- Deliver (CC Adi-lila)
- Deliver (CC Antya-lila)
- Deliver (CC Madhya-lila)
- Deliver (Conv. 1967 - 1975)
- Deliver (Conv. 1976 - 1977)
- Deliver (Lectures, BG)
- Deliver (Lectures, Other)
- Deliver (Lectures, SB)
- Deliver (Other Books)
- Deliver (SB cantos 1 - 3)
- Deliver (SB cantos 10 - 12)
- Deliver (SB cantos 4 - 6)
- Deliver (SB cantos 7 - 9)
- According to Rsabhadeva, one should not become a father or mother unless one is confident that he can beget children whom he can deliver from the clutches of birth and death
- If one's son becomes a Vaisnava in the family, he can deliver fourteen generations, up and down. That is the verdict. Not only verdict, this is the version in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- To deliver the pious and to annihilate the miscreants
- You will be glad to know that I have been invited by some Russian University to deliver lecture. Most probably I shall be going there very soon
- A conditioned soul cannot deliver another conditioned soul. Only Krsna or His bona fide representative can deliver him
- A cow delivers milk in the presence of her calf; similarly the cow, or earth, fulfilled the desires of Maharaja Gaya, who was able to utilize all the resources of the earth to benefit his citizens
- A mahatma can deliver the supreme asset, namely the Personality of Godhead, because He is the only property of a factual devotee
- A man has fallen in the dark well, crying. You give him one rope: "Catch it." But he'll not catch. Then how you can deliver? Let him suffer
- A ordinary peon is also representative of the postal department. How he becomes representative of the whole postal system? He delivers your letter or money order without mishandling it, as it is
- A peon's duty is that he must sincerely carry out the order of the postmaster and deliver the letter to the proper person. That is their duty. Similarly, this parampara system is like that. Every one of us should become a spiritual master
- A very good example is set here: the husband goes away, taking the sannyasa order for self-realization, but his representative, the son, who is equally educated, remains at home to deliver the mother
- According to some, Visvanatha is the great physician who cures the disease of material existence by delivering a person through the ear, which receives the vibration of the holy name of Lord Rama. Because of this, this holy place is called Manikarnika
- According to the Vedic injunctions, one must accept a wife just to beget a son who can deliver one from the clutches of Yamaraja. Unless one has a son to offer oblations to the pitas, or forefathers, one must suffer in Yamaraja's kingdom
- According to the Vedic system, whenever there is an auspicious ceremony in the ksatriya king’s palace, out of joy the king gives many things in charity. Cows decorated with golden ornaments are delivered to the brahmanas and sages
- According to the Vedic version, there is a hellish planet called Put, and one who delivers a person from there is called putra. The purpose of marriage, therefore, is to have a putra, or son who is able to deliver his father
- Accredited or not accredited, it doesn't matter, I simply want to present this great philosophy to serious students who will understand it and deliver the world from the present-day ignorance of misinformation
- Actually I am just like a peon. I have brought, but I am delivering it without any adulteration. That may be my credit. And if you take it without any adulteration and practice it, then your life is successful
- Actually, you are an ideal householder couple, and I want that such grihastha couples should manage things as they have a tendency to organize and manage, and so I am confident that you will help me deliver these children back to Home, back to Godhead
- Advaita Acarya was always absorbed in thoughts of how to deliver the fallen souls of the entire world. "The entire world is full of nondevotees," He thought. "How will they be delivered"
- After consulting with Raghava Pandita, he secretly delivered one hundred gold coins and about seven tolas of gold into the hand of Nityananda Prabhu's treasurer
- After delivering charge of his (Sagara Maharaja's) kingdom to Amsuman and thus being freed from all material anxiety and bondage, Sagara Maharaja, following the means instructed by Aurva Muni, achieved the supreme destination
- After delivering the letter, the men inquired from Sivananda Sena about Raghunatha dasa, but Sivananda Sena replied, "He did not come here"
- After impregnation, material nature delivers all kinds of living entities, beginning from the greatest living creature, Lord Brahma, down to the insignificant ant, in all varieties of form
- After the death of his father, a son goes to offer sacrifices at the lotus feet of Visnu at Gaya and thus delivers the father's soul if the father is fallen
- After the SPG impregnates material nature with His internal potency, material nature delivers the sum total of the cosmic intelligence (Hiranmaya). This takes place in material nature when she is agitated by the destinations of the conditioned souls
- After this, Krsnadasa, the servant of Caitanya Mahaprabhu, was delivered from the clutches of a Bhattathari. Caitanya Mahaprabhu then preached that Lord Krsna's name should also be chanted by brahmanas who were accustomed to chanting Lord Rama's name
- After this, the Lord embraced both of them (Rupa and Sanatana) and requested all of the devotees present to be merciful upon them and deliver them
- Akrura and Krtavarma joined the conspiracy because they wanted the jewel for Krsna. They knew that Krsna wanted the jewel and that Satrajit had not delivered it properly
- Akrura continued, "I can thus understand that when a person becomes eligible to be delivered from the path of repeated birth, death, it is only by Your causeless mercy that he comes nearer to Your lotus feet & becomes attached to Your devotional service"
- All the unfaithful rogues of this world can be delivered by this process (chanting the holy name). There is no alternative. This is the essence of the argument
- All these devotees had unlimited strength to deliver unobstructed, unceasing love of Krsna. By their own strength they could offer anyone Krsna and love of Krsna
- Almost all the sages go to the Himalayas for their personal benefit, but Prahlada Maharaja said that he did not want liberation alone. He decided to wait until he was able to deliver all the fallen souls of the world
- Although Ajamila chanted the name of Narayana imperfectly, he was delivered from all sinful reactions. The chanting of the holy name is so auspicious that it can free everyone from the reactions of sinful activities
- Although at the same time he remembered the malicious, heart-piercing speeches delivered by Daksa before the guardians of the universal affairs
- Although the Gosvamis were very aristocratic, on the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu they became mendicants just to deliver the fallen souls
- Although they're written just like ordinary story activities of a person. But they are not ordinary things. If you simply read Krsna book, although it looks like story, then you become delivered from these clutches of repetition of birth and death
- Although Vasudeva's first son was to be delivered into the hands of Kamsa, the nama-karana ceremony was performed, and thus the child was named Kirtiman. Such names are given immediately after birth
- Any faithful person who hears of this brahmana's cursing Lord Caitanya is delivered from all brahminical curses
- Anyone can deliver a letter to you. It does not require any educational qualification. Simply he must be honest not to alter the text of the letter according to the peon's whims
- Apart from seeing You, whoever listens to Your holy name is made mad with ecstatic love for Krsna and is able to deliver the three worlds
- Apparently Arjuna's intelligence became polluted because otherwise there would not have been a chance to deliver the teachings of Bhagavad-gita for the good of all polluted conditioned souls engaged in material bondage
- As if in fear of Hiranyakasipu, the planet earth, which consists of seven islands, delivered food grains without being plowed. Thus it resembled cows like the surabhi of the spiritual world or the kama-dugha of heaven
- As soon as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu called for water, all the men immediately brought the hundred waterpots, which were completely filled, and delivered them before the Lord
- As soon as the superintendent understood the desire of the Lord, he immediately delivered a hundred new waterpots and a hundred brooms for sweeping the temple
- At the end of the last inundation (during the period of Svayambhuva Manu) the Supreme Personality of Godhead killed the demon named Hayagriva and delivered all the Vedic literatures to Lord Brahma when Lord Brahma awakened from sleeping
- At the same time, he (Maharaja Prthu) performed the duty of a son who delivers his father from hellish conditions. The word putra means one who delivers from hell, called put. That is a worthy son
- Bali Maharaja, the worshiper of Lord Vamanadeva, jubilantly washed the Lord's lotus feet and then took the water on his head, for that water delivers the entire universe
- Because a son delivers his father from punishment in the hell called put, the son is called putra. According to this principle, when there is a disagreement between the father and mother, it is the father, not the mother, who is delivered by the son
- Because I (Vasudeva) am afraid of Kamsa You have appeared just to deliver me from that fear. You do not belong to this material world; You are the same person who brings about the cosmic manifestation simply by glancing over material nature
- Because of constantly thinking of these features (the cowherd boys, the gopis, the Lord's father and mother), one acquires a transcendental position. Kings like Sisupala, Dantavakra, Kamsa, Paundraka, Narakasura and Salva were all similarly delivered
- Because of your honest desire, all living entities within the universe will be delivered, for Krsna does not have to do anything to deliver all the living entities of the universe
- Because the yavanas are accustomed to saying 'ha rama, ha rama' (O Lord Ramacandra), they will very easily be delivered by this namabhasa
- Brhaspati accepted Tara from Brahma, when he saw that she was pregnant he wanted her to deliver a son immediately. Tara certainly very much feared her husband, and she thought she might be punished after giving birth
- But what is the position of a woman who is left by her husband? She is entrusted to the son, and the son promises that he will deliver his mother from entanglement
- By addressing the brahmanas as "knowers of all religious principles," the boys expressed the point of view that when the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna and Balarama, were asking for food, the brahmanas should immediately deliver some
- By following the factual religious principle of love of God, even the living entities known as sthira-cara were also delivered of all material contamination and transferred to the spiritual kingdom. Sthira means the trees and plants
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu delivered them (Jagai-Madhai). How? Caitanya Mahaprabhu made them promise that "You will not do any more all these things." They said, "Yes, we promise. We shall not do." - Then you are delivered
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu exhibited one example, to deliver Jagai-Madhai. They were born in a very aristocratic brahmana family, but by bad association they became illicit sex, woman-hunter, drunkards and meat-eaters and gamblers. But Caitanya delivered them
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu gave this concession to the fallen souls of this age: "Simply chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra and you will be delivered." This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's special concession - kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu is Krsna, merciful. Papi tapi jata chilo hari-name uddharilo. All the demons, full of sinful activities, they are to be delivered by this weapon, Hare Krsna. Otherwise, killing is going on
- Certainly Mathura will deliver the desires of the devotees, who simply aspire to be engaged in the devotional service of the Lord
- Concerning talks between Narada and Pundarika, Yudhisthira said, "He is most famous and can deliver all others who, after many, many births, comes to understand that he is the servant of Vasudeva"
- Considering this (demons are crooked like snakes), the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who never falls down, did not deliver a share of nectar to the demons
- Dadhyanca's invincible protective covering known as the Narayana-kavaca was given to Tvasta, who delivered it to his son Visvarupa, from whom you have received it
- Dasyam. There is the following statement in regard to assisting the Lord as a servant. After many, many thousands of births, when one comes to understand that he is an eternal servant of Krsna, one can deliver others from this universe
- Deliver the oil to the temple of Jagannatha so that it may be burned in the lamps. Thus your labor in preparing the oil will be fruitful
- Deliver this oil to the temple of Jagannatha, where it may be burned in the lamps. In this way, Jagadananda's labor in manufacturing the oil will be perfectly successful
- Delivered the land to the acarya
- Duryodhana was satisfied, and he kept the arrows with him to be delivered the next day during the fight. By tricks Arjuna took the arrows from Duryodhana, and Bhismadeva could understand that this was the trick of Lord Krsna
- Either girl or boy devotees may deliver lecture if they choose to do. We have no such distinction of bodily designations, male or female. Krishna Consciousness is on the spiritual platform
- Endeavors in devotional service are never baffled. Nor is there failure. A slight beginning of such activities is sufficient even to deliver a person from the great ocean of material fears
- Even a great sannyasi of India delivered speeches in Chicago protesting the benedictions of the Supreme Lord
- Even the poorest of the householders keep at least ten cows, each delivering twelve to twenty quarts of milk, and therefore no one hesitates to spare a few pounds of milk for the mendicants
- Every Sanskrit word has got meaning, root meaning. Putra-pinda-prayojanam. Putra is required. Why? After death, if by chance the father does not get ordinary life or goes to the hellish condition of life, the son will deliver. Therefore sraddha ceremony
- Everyone can be delivered, regardless of his situation or culture. We have spread this Krsna consciousness movement throughout the world, and people are becoming happy because of it
- Everyone can become a guru and deliver the local people. How? Yare dekha, tare kaha 'krsna'-upadesa. Then you are guru
- Everything is already there but it is now mixed up; we want to bring the whole world in to order by giving the right directions to all classes of men. Right direction means to deliver the instructions of Krishna
- False devotees who have very little knowledge of such conclusions (artificially shedding tears will deliver them) fail to achieve pure devotion for want of zeal in accepting the favorable directions for devotional service given by self-realized devotees
- False devotees, lacking the conclusion of transcendental knowledge, think that artificially shedding tears will deliver them
- For You, there is no one who can deliver all the living entities, for You alone can deliver love of Krsna
- From India they are coming, but I am very sorry to inform, they are not giving the real, not delivering the real culture
- Gauridasa Pandita, the emblem of the most elevated devotional service in love of Godhead, had the greatest potency to receive and deliver such love
- Gayantam trayate yasmad gayatri tvam tatah smrta: one who chants the Gayatri mantra is gradually delivered from the material clutches. In other words, that which delivers one from material entanglement is called Gayatri
- Generally we chant this mahamantra, Hare Krsna, and then we deliver speeches from Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, and then there are questions, we answer, and in that way the audience and the disciples they become enlightened and they advance
- God or His representative comes always to help us, to deliver us from the wrong path of sense gratification
- Govinda saved some remnants of food left by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu and kept them carefully. Later, one portion of these remnants was delivered to Haridasa Thakura
- Govinda understood all the indications of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Therefore he immediately delivered the remnants of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's food to Kalidasa
- Grains and vegetables can sumptuously feed a man and animals, and a fatty cow delivers enough milk to supply a man sumptuously with vigor and vitality
- Hadai Pandita immediately agreed and delivered his son to him (the sannyasi who begged to have Nityananda Prabhu as his brahmacari assistent), although the separation was greatly shocking, so much so that Hadai lost his life after the separation
- He (Gautama) was the husband of the famous Ahalya who turned into stone when Indradeva, the King of the heaven, molested her. Ahalya was delivered by Lord Ramacandra. Gautama was the grandfather of Krpacarya, one of the heroes of the Battle of Kuruksetra
- He (Hanuman) fought with Ravana not for his personal self, but Rama wanted that, "He has kidnapped the queen of Rama. She must be delivered," and there was fighting. That is the principle
- He (Kamsa) would not wait for the eighth son, but from the very beginning would deliver to the hands of Kamsa all the sons to which Devaki would give birth. This was the most liberal proposition offered by Vasudeva to Kamsa
- He (Kardama Muni) delivered Santi to Atharva. Because of Santi, sacrificial ceremonies are well performed. Thus he got the foremost brahmanas married, and he maintained them along with their wives
- He (Krsna) also promised that if the washerman would deliver the nicest dyed cloth to Him, the washerman would become very happy, and all good fortune would be his
- He (Narada Muni) had delivered Uttanapada's son Dhruva and had even delivered Pracinabarhi, who was engaged in fruitive activities. Nevertheless, he could not deliver Prajapati Daksa
- He (Samba) was presented before some rsis falsely dressed as a pregnant woman by his brothers, and in fun he asked the rsis what he was going to deliver
- He (Satrajit) thought instead, because Krsna wanted that jewel, which had not been delivered to Him, Krsna might have therefore taken the jewel from Prasena by force, killed him. This idea grew into a rumor, which Satrajit spread in every part of Dvaraka
- He (the local zamindars, or landholders) would keep one fourth of the collection for himself as a profit, and the balance he would deliver to the treasury of the government
- He (the washerman) could have immediately delivered the clothing to the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who promised him all good fortune, but being a servant of Kamsa, the sinful demon could not accept the offer
- He (Vasudeva Datta) told the Lord (Caitanya): If You think that they (people on this earth) are so sinful that they cannot be delivered, please transfer all their sins unto me. I shall suffer for them. This is a Vaisnava's mercy
- He (Vidura) accepted out of his own mercy what was offered to him by Maharaja Yudhisthira, but the purpose of living in the palace was to deliver his elder brother, Dhrtarastra, who was too much materially attached
- He delivered all the prasadam to such great Vaisnavas as Advaita Acarya. Thus he stayed there and behaved according to the order of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- He delivers all those who fall down before Him. Therefore He has delivered such a sinful and fallen person as me
- He delivers love for Krsna to the general populace
- He has dedicated his life, his mind and words for Krsna, he is able to deliver himself and his family; but this man who is puffed out with false prestige, he cannot deliver himself only, and what to speak of his family
- He is honestly carrying that money and delivering you. That is the post peon's business. Similarly, our duty to receive perfect knowledge from Krsna and distribute it. Then it is perfect
- He went to the demigod Varuna and brought from him the one thousand horses that Gadhi had demanded. After delivering these horses, the sage married the King's beautiful daughter
- He who is situated in the heart of everyone can be pleased to impart, from within, knowledge of the Absolute Truth in terms of the ancient Vedic principles delivered only to those who are purified by the process of devotional service
- Hearing this invitation, Madhavendra Puri came out and identified himself. The priest then delivered the pot of sweet rice and offered his obeisances, falling flat before him
- Her (Devahuti's) plea was that even though she did not know the glories of her great husband, because she had taken shelter of him she must be delivered from material entanglement. Association with a great personality is most important
- Here are Murari Gupta, Pandita Narayana and Haridasa Thakura, the deliverer of the whole universe
- Here in (SB 1.18.16) this verse it is said that Maharaja Pariksit attained the lotus feet of the Lord by instructions in knowledge delivered by the son of Vyasadeva, Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
- Herein (BG 4.1) we find the history of the Bhagavad-gita traced from a remote time when it was delivered to the royal order, the kings of all planets. BG 1972 purports
- Hiranya dasa was collecting 2,000,000 coins and therefore should have delivered 1,500,000 to the government. Instead, he was giving only 1,200,000, thus making an extra profit of 300,000 coins
- Hiranyakasipu was delivered from the darkest region of hellish life, and he returned back home, back to Godhead, by the grace of his son Prahlada
- How will these yavanas be delivered? To My great unhappiness, I do not see any way
- Human civilization: peacefully living, saving time for Krsna consciousness, and then at the time of death you remember Krsna. You are immediately delivered within a second, back to home, back to Godhead
- Human life is meant for earning values. This life is called arthadam, or that which can deliver values. And what is the greatest value of life? It is returning home, back to Godhead, as indicated in the Bhagavad-gita
- I (Krsnadas Kaviraja) cannot describe the truth of Advaita Acarya. He has delivered the entire world by making Lord Krsna descend
- I (Vasudeva) shall deliver all the sons to you, and then you may do whatever you like with them. Why should you kill this innocent, newly married girl
- I am delivering it without any adulteration. That may be my credit. And if you take it without any adulteration and practice it, then your life is successful
- I am in due receipt of your letter along with the very nice article, Prabhupada: India's National Hero. I am very grateful to you for your kind words about me, but I do not think I have done anything, but I am only delivering the best message as it is
- I am in due receipt of your short note which was hand-delivered to me by Dr. Wolf. I won't have the opportunity to visit Atlanta on this tour, however, I shall be in New York from July 9th - July 20th. You can see me in New York if it is possible for you
- I am not going to Germany as a Sanskrit scholar, but my attempt will be to deliver the message of Lord Caitanya in the shape of Krishna Consciousness
- I am now delivering some lectures every Sunday at the L.A. Temple and the series may be called "Sinful Activities and Their Resultant Reactions.'' They will be transcribed here weekly, and sent to you for editing
- I am so glad to learn that you have delivered the manuscript of Bhagavad Gita to McMillan & Co. on the date of my Guru Maharaj's birthday ceremony
- I authorize the Postmaster of Vrndavana to deliver registered insured articles, parcels and money orders addressed to me to my messenger, Sri Tamal Krsna Gosvami
- I have especially come to your country to deliver you this good message, because if you accept this, if you can understand this science of Krsna consciousness, other part of the world will also follow, and the face of the world will be changed
- I have given a note of direction to Hayagriva for writing a Drama on Lord Caitanya and if he can deliver us a nice Drama for staging in your different parts of the State it will be a great stride for our mission
- I have some lectures in the colleges, both in L.A. and S.F., and the other day I delivered lecture in San Francisco State College, and the students enjoyed the atmosphere very much
- I have trained my disciples to perform Sankirtana nicely and deliver lectures on Krishna Consciousness, and if your children practically see their activities, certainly they will be influenced
- I offer the same Hare Krishna beads, but it becomes spiritually powerful on account of being delivered in disciplic succession. And practically we see that the students who are initiated in this way, they are advancing slowly and surely
- If a person has dedicated his life and body and everything to the service of the Lord, he can deliver his family more than such vipra, that brahmin who is simply proud of his qualification but has no, actually, DS. This is the statement of Prahlada
- If a person is attached to the service of the Lord, he becomes glorified even if he is born in a candala family. Indeed, such a candala can deliver not only himself but all his family predecessors
- If a son is raised to become an unqualified demon, how can he deliver his father from hellish life?
- If after taking a bath in the Ganges or being washed of all sins, a man guards himself against committing further sinful acts, then certainly he is delivered
- If by the Lord's grace one can understand Him, one will immediately be delivered, even within his material body. The material body will no longer have any function, & whatever activities take place with the body will be activities of Krsna consciousness
- If Mr. George Harrison cooperates with us, certainly we shall be able to deliver something sublime to the world by joint endeavor
- If one puts letters in postboxes authorized by the general post office, the function of carrying letters is performed without a doubt. Similarly, the arca-murti can also deliver the same unlimited potency of the Lord as when He is personally present
- If one set of living entities is actually delivered by the Krsna consciousness movement, another set will fill the entire universe
- If some authority says that "Beyond this wall this is the . . . like this," it is all right. So we have to follow this path, that you become guru, deliver your neighborhood men, associates, but speak the authoritative words of Krsna. Then it will act
- If the preacher is sinful, how can he deliver other sinful men by his so-called preaching? That is not possible
- If the son is already an enemy of Visnu, how, in such an inimical mood, can he offer sacrifice (to deliver his father) unto Lord Visnu's lotus feet? Lord Krsna is directly the Personality of Godhead, Visnu, and Duryodhana was inimical to Him
- If the wife is faithful and firmly adherent to her husband, when the father is delivered the mother is also delivered. Consequently, there is no such thing as divorce in the Vedic literature
- If this pure mentality is there (the holy name has to be chanted to please God) then even though a person is born of a low family, such as a dog-eater's, he is so glorious that not only has he purified himself, but he is quite competent to deliver others
- If you and your wife want to have children for raising them in Krishna Consciousness, and if you are prepared to take the full responsibility for delivering them from the clutches of birth and death, then I have no objection
- If you associate with a sadhu, the saintly person, then saintly person has nothing to do but simply deliver the knowledge, transcendental knowledge, of Krsna consciousness. They have no other duty
- If you can deliver even one man in your life, then you'll be doing a great service for Krsna
- If you chant loudly Hare Krsna, even the ants and insect who is hearing, he'll be delivered, because it is spiritual vibration. It will act for everyone
- If you desire the deliverance of all living entities within the universe, then all of them can be delivered even without your undergoing the tribulations of sinful activity
- If you simply read Krsna book, although it looks like story, then you become delivered from these clutches of repetition of birth and death. It is so nice. Because you will understand Krsna
- Immediately deliver your child! Immediately deliver it! Be assured that after the child is delivered, I shall not burn you to ashes. I know that although you are unchaste, you wanted a son. Therefore I shall not punish you
- In dream I am not attacked by the tiger, but I am thinking, "Oh, tiger is there." It is a simply dreaming condition. So as soon as you understand that, "I am not in contact with tiger. It is all a dream," then you are delivered
- In future if they follow, they will also be delivered. This is wanted. We have made some plan. We are making. So this will be left. When we shall die this will be left. And anyone who will accept this parampara system will be promoted to Krsna
- In Kali-yuga, we are all in a very difficult position, in which we need a suitable mantra that can deliver us from the dangers of this age. Therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His incarnation as Lord Caitanya, gives us the Hare Krsna mantra
- In my absence he can deliver speech and in that way he can get experience
- In New Vrindaban we are keeping cows. That is an example. And the cows are giving milk, delivering milk, double than other farmers. Why? Because the cows know that "These people will not kill me." They are not in anxiety
- In other words, the chanting of Hare Krsna is beneficial for eradicating all sins; but if one becomes an offender to the holy names of the Lord, then he has no chance of being delivered
- In South America the people are not so rich nor so enlightened as their North American neighbors, but they are very nice people and somewhat pious and that is their credit. Now just try to deliver Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's message to them
- In that discipleship also, I do not charge anything. Neither do I offer anything new. I offer the same Hare Krishna beads, but it becomes spiritually powerful on account of being delivered in disciplic succession
- In the beginning of the Treta-yuga (millennium) this science of the relationship with the Supreme was delivered by Vivasvan to Manu - Mahabharata (Santi-parva 348.51-52). BG 1972 purports
- In the Bhagavad-gita (BG 6.5) also it is confirmed that by one's mind, freed from material affection, one can deliver himself from the sufferings of material pangs
- In the Itihasa-samuccaya, Narada tells Pundarika: After many, many births, when a person realizes that he is the eternal servant of Vasudeva, he can deliver all the worlds
- In the rainy season, the clouds, tossed by the wind, deliver water which is welcomed like nectar
- In this verse (of SB 8.6.15), the word dvija-deva-mantram is very important. The word mantra means "that which delivers one from the material world"
- In this verse (SB 4.30.10) it is indicated that those who remember the activities of the Pracetas, the sons of King Pracinabarhisat, will be delivered and blessed. So what to speak of the sons of King Pracinabarhi, who are directly connected with the SPG
- In this way (CC Antya 4.137-138) I (Sanatana) am committing offenses at His (Caitanya's) lotus feet, and from these offenses I shall certainly not be delivered. At the same time, I cannot see Lord Jagannatha. This is my great unhappiness
- In Vrndavana there are cows that fulfill all desires (kama-dhenus), and their number is unlimited. They graze from forest to forest and deliver only milk. The people want nothing else
- Indeed, the advanced uttama-adhikari Vaisnava devotee should be accepted as a spiritual master. Everything one possesses should be offered to him, for it is enjoined that one should deliver whatever he has to the spiritual master
- India’s spiritual culture of knowledge is in great demand in the Western countries and we are trying to deliver the ideas, I am very glad that it is progressing satisfactorily
- It is another ambition of the spiritual master to see his disciples not only chant, dance and follow the regulative principles but also preach the sankirtana movement to others in order to deliver them
- It is best for me to surrender unto His feet, which alone can deliver one from the miseries of repeated birth and death. Such surrender is all-auspicious and allows one to perceive all happiness
- It is described in the Bhagavatam (Canto Six) that the party of Visnudutas who came to deliver Ajamila from the clutches of the party of Yamaraja appeared like youthful boys, corroborating the description in this verse - SB 2.7.26
- It is further said, "Who is that person who will not agree to worship the land of Mathura? Mathura can deliver all the desires and ambitions of the fruitive workers and of the salvationists, who desire to become one with the supreme Brahman"
- It is my duty to deliver you the right thing in right earnestness and it is the duty of the receiver to act in the standard spiritual regulation
- It is not that when you are delivered from the material consciousness and come to the spiritual platform your service stops to Krsna. That is not. Our service is eternal
- It is said in Srimad-Bhagavatam that a brahmacari should beg and collect things and then deliver them to his Spiritual Master, and when the Spiritual Master will ask him to come and take prasadam he will do so
- It is said kaivalya nistaraka. This means the Goswamis deliver us from the danger of being lost in the philosophy of monism
- It is the duty of a father to become a Vaisnava and raise his children to become Vaisnavas; then even if by chance the father falls into a hellish life in his next birth, such a son can deliver him, as Maharaja Prthu delivered his father
- It is the general practice of all saintly people to deliver the fallen. Therefore they go to people's houses, although they have no personal business there
- It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death. And that is possible only with Krishna Consciousness
- It is understood that Hiranyaksa, the second child conceived, was delivered first, whereas Hiranyakasipu, the child who was behind him, having been conceived first, was born second
- It was the predominating deity of the trees that delivered the daughter (Marisa). In this connection, Srila Jiva Gosvami Prabhupada states, vrksah tad-adhisthatr-devatah: "The 'trees' means the controlling deity of those trees."
- Jambavan understood the whole situation, and to satisfy the Lord he immediately delivered not only the Syamantaka jewel but also his daughter Jambavati, who was of marriageable age, and presented her to Lord Krsna
- Just as a condemned person can be relieved by a special favor of the chief executive head, the president or king, so the condemned people of this Kali-yuga can be delivered only by the SPG Himself or a person especially empowered for this purpose
- Just as a cow cannot deliver sufficient milk without being affectionate to her calf, the earth cannot produce sufficient necessities without feeling affection for those who are Krsna conscious
- Just as a woman can deliver a child after being impregnated by the semen of a man, so material nature can supply the material elements after being glanced upon by Maha-Visnu
- Just what is the Bhagavad-gita? The purpose of Bhagavad-gita is to deliver mankind from the nescience of material existence. BG 1972 Introduction
- Kamsa was attached to bhakti-yoga by dint of fear of his death. Thus bhakti-yoga is so powerful that even becoming an enemy of the Lord and always thinking of Him can deliver one very quickly
- Kamsa was his brother-in-law, and Vasudeva accepted voluntary imprisonment by Kamsa on mutual agreement to deliver the eighth son of Devaki. This was foiled by the will of Krsna
- Kapiladeva says that He previously delivered this yoga system to the great rsis, the great sages. This is the process of sravana, hearing
- Kardama Muni handed over his daughter Kala to Marici, and another daughter, Anasuya, to Atri. He delivered Sraddha to Angira, and Havirbhu to Pulastya. He delivered Gati to Pulaha, the chaste Kriya to Kratu, Khyati to Bhrgu, and Arundhati to Vasistha
- King Huhu was very sorry when cursed in that way (to become a crocodile), and he begged pardon from the sage (Devala Rsi), who in compassion gave him the benediction that he would be freed when Gajendra was delivered by the Personality of Godhead
- King Indra said: In the womb of this woman, the wife of the demon Hiranyakasipu, is the seed of that great demon. Therefore, let her remain in our custody until her child is delivered, and then we shall release her
- Krishna immediately recognises a preacher of Krishna consciousness who takes all risks to deliver his message
- Krsna continues, "A sannyasi named Madhavendra Puri is sitting in the vacant marketplace. Please take this pot of sweet rice from behind Me and deliver it to him"
- Krsna's letter to the gopis delivered by Uddhava
- Ksatriya means ksat. Ksat means injury, injury. And tra, tra means deliver. So a Ksatriya's business is to deliver a person who is going to be injured. That is Ksatriya
- Laphra-vyanjana is a combination of several green vegetables all mixed together. It is often mixed with rice and delivered to poor men. Amrta-gutika is a preparation of thick puri mixed with condensed milk
- Later, after eight or nine days, when the brahmana could see Ramacandra personally, he would break his fast. Upon observing the brahmana’s rigid vow, Ramacandra ordered His younger brother Laksmana to deliver a pair of Sita-Rama Deities to the brahmana
- Lord Jesus Christ said that, "You hate the sin, not the sinner." Not the sinner. This is very nice. Because sinner is illusioned. He's mad. If you hate him, then how you can deliver him
- Lord Krsna said, "They are always absorbed in thinking of Us. Go there and ask for some food in My name and the name of Balarama, and I am sure that they will deliver you as much food as you desire"
- Lord Krsna was fully satisfied that Uddhava was able to solace them (condition of His father and mother and of the gopis and the cowherd boys) by his instructions and by the message delivered to them
- Lord Nityananda made Raghava Pandita sit down and had two pots delivered to him also. There were two kinds of chipped rice soaked in them
- Lord Siva does not engage in useless mental speculation, but as stated in the previous verse (SB 4.6.38), he is always thoughtful regarding how to deliver the demons from their fallen condition of life
- Maharaja Pariksit also said - Somehow or other they have fallen down to a hellish life, but that does not mean that they should remain in that condition. There must be some means by which they can be delivered, so kindly explain those means
- Mantra means when you are delivered from that concoction, speculative way of your mind, and you come to the transcendental platform. That is the effect of mantra. So this mantra, this Hare Krsna mantra, is called the maha-mantra
- Marriage is not intended for sense gratification but for getting a son fully qualified to deliver his father
- Material nature has no power to create without the power of the purusa, just as a prakrti, or woman, cannot produce a child without the connection of a purusa, or man. The purusa impregnates, and the prakrti delivers
- Mayavati had the knowledge of the mystic power of maha-maya, and she delivered to Pradyumna this specific energetic power in order to defeat the mystic powers of the Sambara demon
- Milk, for example, is an animal product, the blood of an animal transformed, but the cow delivers more milk than is needed by her calf because milk is intended for man
- My dear Lord Siva, you are a shareholder of a portion of the sacrifice, and you are the giver of the result. The bad priests did not deliver your share, and therefore you destroyed everything, and the sacrifice remains unfinished
- My dear sir, her parents will come to see you, who are exactly suitable for her, just to deliver their daughter as your wife
- Nabhaga then said, "These riches belong to me. The great saintly persons have delivered them to me." When Nabhaga said this, the black-looking person replied, "Let us go to your father and ask him to settle our disagreement"
- Narada Muni expected that after delivering his curse, Daksa, satisfied and freed from anger, would repent his misbehavior and thus get a chance to become a Vaisnava and be delivered
- Narakan narah nanogra-yatanan neyat tan me: "How can they be delivered from their fierce miseries and horrible pains?" That is typical of a Vaisnava heart
- Narottama dasa Thakura sings, chadiya vaisnava-seva nistara payeche keba: unless one becomes a servant of a pure devotee, one cannot be delivered from the material condition of life
- Naturally one who comes to Krsna consciousness regrets his previous sinful activities in the human form. Only by this process can one be delivered from the clutches of nescience or ignorance in materialistic life
- Never mind even it is imperfectly done, we must execute the orders of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. I may not be so very expert in delivering the message of Krsna, but my duty is to try to my best capacity how to distribute this knowledge to the suffering humanity
- No one with these four imperfections can deliver perfect knowledge
- None of the above-mentioned three religious paths (karm-kanda, jnana-kanda & demigod worship) can deliver a person from the threefold miseries of material existence, namely, miseries caused by the body and mind, by other living entities & by the demigods
- Now you must all my senior disciples and leaders become very, very much aware of your grave responsibility to the human society for delivering them from the clutches of catastrophe
- O great sage, please save me and my forefathers, who are descending to the darkness of hell because I have no progeny. Kindly do something so that I may have a son to deliver us from hellish conditions
- O King Pariksit, thus having taken all the land of Bali Maharaja by begging, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Vamanadeva, delivered to His brother Indra all the land taken away by Indra's enemy
- O King, another son of Maharaja Priyavrata, Hiranyareta, was the king of this island. He divided it into seven parts, which he delivered to his seven sons according to the rights of inheritance
- On the very day Ramacandra Khan was planning his intrigue against me, I would have left this place immediately, but because you came to me I stayed here for three days to deliver you
- One can deliver himself from the effects of all sins by surrendering himself unto the Lord. One can deliver himself from all offenses at the feet of the Lord by taking shelter of His holy name
- One can milk a surabhi cow as often as one likes, and the cow will deliver as much milk as one requires. Milk is necessary for the production of so many milk products, especially clarified butter, which is required for performance of great sacrifices
- One day Govinda, the personal servant of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, went in great jubilation to deliver the remnants of Lord Jagannatha's food to Haridasa Thakura
- One does not have to undergo initiation or execute the activities required before initiation. One simply has to vibrate the holy name with his lips. Thus even a man in the lowest class (candala) can be delivered
- One gopi addressed Radharani thusly, "My dear Krsangi (delicate one), just see how Subala is whispering Your message into Krsna's ear, how he is delivering the confidential letter of Syamadasi silently into Krsna's hand"
- One must follow the instructions of a spiritual master; then one will certainly be delivered from all sinful reactions. This is the secret of success
- One of the remaining two daughters was given in charity to the Pitrloka, where she resides very amicably, and the other was given to Lord Siva, who is the deliverer of sinful persons from material entanglement
- One person begged for a waterpot by chanting the holy names "Krsna, Krsna," and another delivered a pot while chanting "Krsna, Krsna"
- One should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death. And that is possible only with KC. This is a very great service for Krishna, to give all opportunity for the child to be trained up in devotional service
- One should not become a pseudo spiritual master as a matter of business to meet one's family expenditures; one must be an expert spiritual master to deliver the disciple from the clutches of impending death
- One should not futilely try to deliver himself in spiritual realization. Let everyone take shelter of the supreme omnipotent Godhead Krsna. That is the highest perfection of life. BG 1972 purports
- One who cannot deliver his dependent from the path of birth and death should never become a spiritual master, a relative, a father or mother, or a worshipable demigod, nor should such a person become a husband
- One who cannot deliver his dependents from the path of repeated birth and death should never become a spiritual master, a father, a husband, a mother or a worshipable demigod
- One who identifies himself as a follower of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu should feel like Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who said, iha-sabara kon mate ha-ibe nistara: "How will all these yavanas be delivered?"
- One who is expert in the Vedic literature and has full faith in the Supreme Lord is an uttama-adhikari, a first-class Vaisnava, a topmost Vaisnava who can deliver the whole world and turn everyone to Krsna consciousness - CC Madhya 22.65
- One who is not well versed in the authorized scriptures and not able to answer all such inquiries should not pose as a spiritual master for the matter of material gain. It is illegal to become a spiritual master if one is unable to deliver the disciple
- Only action performed in Krsna consciousness can deliver a person from the entanglement of material existence. BG 1972 purports
- Only the transcendental loving service of the Lord can deliver the real goal of life, and thus the service rendered by Sriman Narada Muni is the highest among all the sons of Brahma
- Other demigods also delivered their respective weapons to me, and in addition I was able to reach the heavenly planets in this present body and was allowed a half-elevated seat
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is to raise a person from ignorance to knowledge. That is the whole scheme of Vedic literature: to deliver a person. Krsna says in the BG about the devotees - not for all - tesam aham samuddharta mrtyu-samsara-sagarat
- Our mission is that especially those who have taken their birth in India that it is their responsibility to become perfect in the science of Krsna Consciousness and to deliver everyone in the world
- Our philosophy has the full potency to deliver anyone from the darkest realms of ignorance to the enlightened realm of complete cognizance. The potential is there, simply you have to master the words & deliver them purely, & this will please me very much
- Our real mission, to deliver the world by preaching Krsna's message to others, but even higher realization, the highest realization, is to save oneself
- Pariksit Maharaja, simply by hearing from Sukadeva Gosvami that "A person, if he commits sinful activities, he suffers like that," he is not seeing; he is compassionate: "How such person can be delivered?" This is the inquiry
- Placing himself as an ordinary householder, Maharaja Yudhisthira inquired from Narada Muni how a grha-mudha-dhi, a person who is entangled in household life and who thus continues to remain a fool, can be delivered
- Poor cows, they deliver milk, and later on they become slaughtered. How much sinful the modern society is, and they still want peace and prosperity. That is not possible
- Prahlada Maharaja requested Lord Nrsimhadeva to deliver his sinful father, who had so many times offended the lotus feet of the Lord
- Prthu Maharaja requested the Kumaras to be satisfied by their own benevolent activities in delivering souls from the clutches of maya
- Prthu Maharaja was also highly learned and exceedingly exact in delivering his judgment upon the citizens
- Pure devotee try to deliver all sinful persons from the hellish conditions of material existence
- Putra means one who delivers from hell
- Raghava Pandita delivered the bags of eatables to Govinda, who kept them in a corner of the dining room
- Raghunandana is constantly engaged in serving Lord Krsna in the temple. Beside the entrance of the temple is a lake, and on its banks is a kadamba tree, which daily delivers two flowers to be used for Krsna's service
- Ramacandra Khan, who was envious of Haridasa Thakura, sent a professional prostitute to attempt to defame him, but by the mercy of Haridasa Thakura, even the prostitute was delivered
- Regarding initiation of the new devotees, I am sending herewith the names against each of them, the beads may be chanted upon by you and delivered by regular ritualistic ceremony
- Rukmini said to Draupadi: When Jarasandha and other kings, bows and arrows upraised, stood ready to deliver me in charity to Sisupala, Krsna forcibly took me from their midst, as a lion takes its share of goats and sheep
- Sadhu-sanga. Simply by association, one can be delivered. Samsara-cakra-kadanat. It is so nice thing. Unfortunately they'll not associate with sadhu
- Sankaracarya, because he had to deliver people from this nastika philosophy, bauddha, so for the time being, he made some compromise
- Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya said, "My dear Sir, You have delivered the entire world, but that is not a very great task. However, You have also delivered me, and that is certainly the work of very wonderful powers
- Sauri, one who is learned, Hari-sauri, one who is learned in the science of Krsna. So try to be a learned scholar in Krsna science and deliver the whole world
- Savyasacin refers to one who can shoot arrows very expertly in the field; thus Arjuna is addressed as an expert warrior capable of delivering arrows to kill his enemies. BG 1972 purports
- Science means that you advance in knowledge so that your miserable condition of life can be reduced, minimized. That is science. Otherwise, what is this science? They are simply promising; "In future." "But what you are delivering just now, sir?"
- Seeing Lord Jagannatha, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu also begged His permission. The priest then immediately delivered prasadam and a garland to Lord Caitanya
- Seeing the situation (empty throne of heavenly kingdom), Brahma came to earth and addressed the hog - My dear sir, you have become a hog on this planet earth. I have come to deliver you. Come with me at once
- Separating their arms, legs, heads and bellies from their bodies, he delivered the Yaksas to the planetary system which is situated above the sun globe and which is attainable only by first-class brahmacaris, who have never discharged their semen
- She (my disciple, Janne) was a very reputed artist in Australia. She was earning hundreds and thousands of dollars, but she has given up everything. Now she is Jagat-tarani: she is delivering the world by dancing with Krsna consciousness
- Simply by chanting the Gayatri mantra, one can be delivered. This mantra, however, is suitable only for the brahmanas and demigods
- Simply by chanting the holy name, one is immediately delivered
- Simply by performing devotional service, one can deliver hundreds and thousands of forefathers from all kinds of misery. BG 1972 purports
- Since an animal such as me has surrendered unto You, who are supremely liberated, certainly You will release me from this dangerous position. Indeed, being extremely merciful, You incessantly try to deliver me
- Since he was a great devotee of the sun-god, King Satrajit gradually entered into a very friendly relationship with him. The sun-god was pleased with him and delivered to him an exceptional jewel known as Syamantaka
- Since it was the desire of the Lord that Pariksit Maharaja be put into that awkward position so that he might be delivered from material existence, then why was a brahmana's son made responsible for this offensive act?
- Since Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is omniscient, He knew what types of preparations each person liked. He therefore had Svarupa Damodara deliver these preparations to each devotee to his full satisfaction
- Since people were engaged in useless occupations which would continue their material existence, Lord Siva, in the form of Lord Advaita, appealed to the Supreme Lord to appear as Lord Caitanya to deliver these illusioned souls
- Since the eighth son of Devaki was to kill Kamsa, one might ask what the need was for Vasudeva to deliver the first-born child. The answer is that Vasudeva had promised Kamsa that he would deliver all the children born of Devaki
- Sinner is illusioned. He's mad. If you hate him, then how you can deliver him? Therefore those who are devotees, those who are really servant of God, they have no hate for anyone
- Sisupala said, "By their (personalities who have undergone great austerities) knowledge and direction, they can deliver many persons who are suffering from the pangs of material existence"
- So he (the brahmana) was not at all sorry for his poor material position, and he used to live very peacefully. He was very openhearted, and sometimes he went to hear some lectures delivered by great realized souls
- So our business, Krsna conscious people, our business is very easy. Because we don't manufacture ideas. We take the idea and the words delivered by the Supreme Person, Krsna, or His incarnation, or His representative
- So you organize everything in such a way that we can deliver these souls back to Krishna - this is our real work
- Some of them surrender to Your lotus feet at every step by taking shelter of the best of rivers (the Ganges), which can deliver one from all sinful reactions
- Some people would bring grain and deliver it to Balabhadra Bhattacarya. Others would bring milk and yogurt, and still others would bring ghee and sugar
- Sometimes devotees come in a particular type of family to deliver the community or the society
- Sometimes Krsna sends His representative, who, delivering Krsna's very message, canvasses all living entities to return home, back to Godhead
- Sometimes, to show special favor, Krsna takes away one's great accumulations of materialistic wealth and thus makes one a great devotee. But Satrajit refused to abide by the order of Krsna and did not deliver the jewel
- Spiritual life is so nice, Krsna consciousness. If one has executed even for a short time, it may help to deliver him from the greatest dangerous way of life
- Sraddha ceremony means to offer foodstuff to Visnu, and with the prasadam, to the forefathers or father it is offered so that by eating prasadam, if he is in ghost life or in hellish life, he'll be delivered
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu actually started a revolution against this brahminical system by inaugurating the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. By this chanting, one can be delivered regardless of caste, creed, color or social position
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu once asked Haridasa Thakura how trees and plants could be delivered, and Haridasa Thakura replied that the loud chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra would benefit not only trees and plants but insects and all other living beings
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "You can give Me the ordinary vegetable known as laphra-vyanjana, and you may deliver to all the devotees better preparations like cakes, sweet rice and amrta-gutika"
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's converting the people of South India into Vaisnavas is compared to Lord Visnu's delivering Gajendra the elephant from the attack of a crocodile
- Sri Isopanisad cannot give advice to the cats and dogs, but it can deliver the message of Godhead to man through the bona fide acaryas (holy teachers)
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami continued: After the demons heard the words of Mohini-murti, who had spoken as if jokingly, they were all very confident. They laughed with gravity, and ultimately they delivered the container of nectar into Her hands
- Sri Sukadeva Gosvami said: When the Lord delivered Gajendra, King of the elephants, all the demigods, sages and Gandharvas, headed by Brahma and Siva, praised this activity of the SPG and showered flowers upon both the Lord and Gajendra
- Srila Advaita Acarya sets the standard for acaryas in the Vaisnava sampradaya. An acarya must always be eager to deliver the fallen souls
- Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura used to say, "If I could perfectly deliver even one soul back home, back to Godhead, I would think my mission - propagating Krsna consciousness - to be successful"
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has sung, krsna se tomara, krsna dite para, tomara sakati ache. In this song, Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes that a pure Vaisnava, as the proprietor of Krsna and love of Krsna, can deliver both to anyone and everyone he likes
- Srila Narottama dasa Thakura says, chadiya vaisnava seva nistara peyeche keba: unless one serves a Vaisnava, he cannot be delivered
- Srila Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, a famous disciple of Lord Caitanya, said: The principle of transcendental devotional service having been lost, Sri Krsna Caitanya has appeared in order to deliver again the process of devotion
- Srila Vyasadeva is the great authority, and the subject matter of Srimad-Bhagavatam being so important, he delivered the message first to his great son Srila Sukadeva Gosvami
- Such a stage (the perfect liberation) is attained by knowledge and renunciation, as we have already explained (SB 1.2.12), and perfect knowledge, as delivered by Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, results in the attainment of the transcendental service of the Lord
- Such are the transcendental pastimes of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the son of mother Saci. He even delivered a dog simply by inducing it to chant the maha-mantra, Hare Krsna
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: Because Bharadvaja was delivered by the Marut demigods, he was known as Vitatha
- Sukracarya was the spiritual master of the demons, and Brhaspati challenged him. His son is Kaca, and he delivered the fire weapon first to Bharadvaja Muni
- Suta Gosvami said: Thereafter the Pandavas, desiring to deliver water to the dead relatives who had desired it, went to the Ganges with Draupadi. The ladies walked in front
- Svarupa Damodara said to all the shopkeepers, "Deliver to me four palmfuls of prasadam from each and every item"
- Take this prasadam of Lord Jagannatha's and this cloth and deliver them to My mother, Sacidevi. After offering her obeisances, please request her to excuse My offenses
- That man who is under false prestige, impression that, "I am this," "I am that," "I am higher," he cannot deliver himself even, because what is the value of false prestige? False prestige has no value
- That saintly Dadhyanca, who's also known as Dadhici, personally assimilated the spiritual science & then delivered it to the Asvini-kumaras. It's said that Dadhyanca gave them mantras through the head of a horse. Therefore the mantras are called Asvasira
- The author of Sri Caitanya-caritamrta says that if one does not take advantage of the Krsna consciousness movement of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, he cannot be delivered for millions of such kalpas
- The best of the Gandharvas, King Huhu, having been cursed by Devala Muni, had become a crocodile. Now, having been delivered by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, he assumed a very beautiful form as a Gandharva
- The boys said, "We can take your food at the present stage of your ceremony, for now it will not be prohibited. So you can deliver us the food"
- The brahmana's wife delivered a male child, and as usual the child began to cry. But suddenly, within a few minutes, both the child and Arjuna’s arrows disappeared into the sky
- The charity of Maitreya not only will help Vidura, but, due to its universal nature, will deliver all others in all times. Thus Maitreya is immortal
- The cow's calf not only is beautiful to look at, but also gives satisfaction to the cow, and so she delivers as much milk as possible
- The cows delivered five products, namely milk, yogurt, ghee, urine and cow dung, and spring personified collected everything produced in spring, during the months of Caitra and Vaisakha (April and May)
- The demigods named the Mauhurtikas took birth from the womb of Muhurta. These demigods deliver the results of actions to the living entities of their respective times
- The demigods saw Lord Siva sitting under that tree, which was competent to give perfection to mystic yogis and deliver all people. As grave as time eternal, he appeared to have given up all anger
- The devotee of Lord Caitanya, every one has so immense power that every one, they can deliver the whole universe. Gaurangera bhakta-jane, jane jane sakti..., brahmanda tari... That is Gauranga's men
- The devotees of the Lord, while delivering speeches and describing the transcendental attributes of the Lord, do not think that they can do anything independently
- The director of the fire element is the controlling deity, or the adhidaiva. The speeches delivered are adhyatma, or bodily functions, and the subject matter of the speeches is material productions, or the adhibhuta principle
- The episode of Jambavati's marriage with Lord Krsna and the delivery of the jewel known as Syamantaka was finished within the mountain cave
- The feeling which you had by becoming compassionate to the fallen bum is very good, but the best way to deliver a bum is to revive his dormant Krishna Consciousness. If you can do that then give the bums good food and shelter
- The fire-god, Agni, took away the real Sita and brought her to the place of Parvati, goddess Durga. An illusory form of mother Sita was then delivered to Ravana, and in this way Ravana was cheated
- The florist very humbly and submissively offered his prayers to the Lord, saying: My dear Lord, because You have come to my place, I think all my forefathers and all my worshipable superiors are pleased and delivered
- The Ganges water which is flowing down from the toe of Lord Visnu falls upon the earthly planet and other planets and thereby delivers all the conditioned sinful living entities
- The gopis said, "When you were submerged in water, He (Varaha) delivered you, taking the whole weight of your existence on His tusks"
- The Hare Krsna movement is now delivering the people of the Western world wherever devotees are chanting the holy names. This is all being done by the Lord’s mercy
- The history of delivering the leader of the elephants, whose leg was attacked in the river by the superior strength of a crocodile, is described in the Eighth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The holy name has so much spiritual potency that it can deliver one from all sinful reactions and material entanglements, but utterance of the holy name will not be very soon fruitful if done to facilitate sinning
- The holy name has to be chanted to please the Supreme Lord, and not for any sense gratification. If this pure mentality is there then you become so glorious that not only do you become purified yourself, but you become competent to deliver others
- The householder should not foolishly ask a saint to deliver what is available in the market. That should be the reciprocal relation between the saints and the householders
- The hunter continued, 'My dear sir, please tell me how I can be relieved from the reactions of my sinful life. Now I fully surrender unto you and fall down at your lotus feet. Please deliver me from sinful reactions'
- The idea is that Vyasadeva was also a self realized soul, and his mature contribution of transcendental knowledge was delivered directly to Sukadeva Gosvami in the manner indicated
- The inhabitants of Kulina-grama delivered silken ropes to Lord Jagannatha, and, as previously, they all danced before the Lord's car
- The King (of Magadha, Jarasandha's father) was very happy to see the queens bearing children, but when the ripe time approached, the queens delivered one child in two parts, one from each of the queens' wombs
- The King's (Bhagiratha) desire was to deliver his forefathers, who had been burnt to ashes because of disrespecting Kapila Muni
- The Krsna consciousness movement has been started to deliver the envious persons of the world from the clutches of maya, and even though devotees are sometimes put into trouble, they push on the Krsna consciousness movement in all tolerance
- The ksatriyas are meant to protect the citizens of the state, whereas the vaisyas are meant to protect the cows and bulls and utilize them to produce grains and milk. The cow is meant to deliver milk, and the bull is meant to produce grains
- The Lord (Caitanya) suggested that even though there were no pure devotees in Kasi, if someone was a little inclined to chant the Hare Krsna mantra, He would deliver this big load, although the proper price was not paid
- The Lord is always compassionate towards the fallen souls of this material world, and therefore He comes Himself or sends His confidential servants to deliver them
- The Lord said, "My dear mother and father, it is very good that Visvarupa has accepted the sannyasa order, for thus He has delivered both His fathers family and His mother's family"
- The lowest amongst human beings can be delivered by this submissive hearing process only, but unfortunately they even deny giving an aural reception to these messages, and what to speak of surrendering to the will of the Supreme Lord? BG 1972 purports
- The man born in the family of candala, he is able to deliver his whole dynasty. Whole dynasty, sa kulam. This very word is used here, pranam punati. He personally becomes purified. There is no doubt about it
- The means of jnana and yoga and other allied disciplines are not independent in delivering a performer. Such activities help one to reach the stage of bhakti-yoga after many, many years
- The most sinful Vena, who had been killed by the curse of the brahmanas, was now delivered from the darkest region of hellish life by his son, Maharaja Prthu
- The next day, in the morning, Samba delivered a large lump of iron, which was entrusted to Ugrasena for necessary action. Actually later on there was the foretold fratricidal war, and Samba died in that war
- The only thing one has to do is to hear from a self-realized soul with a routine program. The teacher may also deliver lectures from the Vedic literatures, following in the footsteps of the bygone acaryas who realized the Absolute Truth
- The Personality of Godhead (Kapiladeva) said: My dear Amsuman, here is the animal sought by your grandfather for sacrifice. Please take it. As for your forefathers, who have been burnt to ashes, they can be delivered only by Ganges water
- The personified Vedas continued, "They (Krsna conscious persons) are so purified that any place they go becomes a holy place of pilgrimage, and the water which washes their feet is able to deliver many sinful persons loitering within this material world"
- The PG delivered the king of the elephants, who was attacked by an alligator and who meditated upon the lotus feet of the Lord. At that time the female elephants who accompanied him were crying, and the Lord saved them from the impending danger
- The planet earth personified came as a cow, and, as though she saw her calf, she delivered milk profusely when she saw all the good qualities of Maharaja Gaya
- The powerful holy name of the Lord can certainly deliver one from sinful effects, but one who desires to utilize this transcendental potency of the holy name of the Lord in one's sinister activities is the most degraded person in the world
- The preaching work of Krishna Consciousness Movement is specifically meant for delivering the demons. Therefore, if you remain faithful to the Lord, you shall be able to deliver many such demons
- The purpose of accepting a wife in religious marriage, as sanctioned in the Vedas, is to have a putra, a son qualified to deliver his father from the darkest region of hellish life
- The purpose of marrying is to beget a son, because a son is necessary to deliver his father and forefathers from any hellish conditional life in which they may be
- The remaining trees, being very much afraid of the Pracetas, immediately delivered their daughter at the advice of Lord Brahma
- The representative says surrender to Krsna, and because he delivers the real knowledge, he's as good as Krsna
- The rsis replied that he (Samba) would deliver a lump of iron, which would be the cause of fratricidal war in the family of Yadu
- The S P of God acts through His material energy in the creation, maintenance and annihilation of this cosmic manifestation just to deliver the living entity by His compassion and stop the living entity's birth, death and duration of materialistic life
- The saintly kings knew how to deliver the citizens from the entanglement of birth and death
- The Sanskrit word for son, putra means that the son is expected to deliver the forefathers from the hellish condition of life. Sometimes due to our sinful activities, we become ghost. That is very hellish condition
- The seven remaining pots were pushed forward and delivered to the priest. Then the five pots of sweet rice the Lord had accepted were distributed among the five devotees, and they ate the prasadam
- The six sons of Marici had been cursed to take birth from the womb of Devaki, and upon being killed by Kamsa they would be delivered
- The son of Dronacarya (Asvatthama) beheaded the five sleeping sons of Draupadi and delivered them as a prize to his master, foolishly thinking that he would be pleased. Duryodhana, however, disapproved of the heinous act
- The son saves his father from the custody of Yamaraja." It never says, putro nayati mataram: "The son saves his mother." The seed-giving father is delivered, not the storekeeper mother
- The supreme desire to deliver the entire world meets in the two of Them (Lord Caitanya and Lord Jagannatha), and for that reason also They are one and the same
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead advised the two doorkeepers, Jaya and Vijaya, that by dint of bhakti-yoga in anger they would be delivered from the curses of the Four Kumaras
- The third man does not steal the money to spend for himself, nor does he neglect it and let it lie in the street. By taking it and delivering it to the man who has lost it, this man is both honest and wise
- The third man who sees the hundred-dollar bill may pick it up, find the man who lost it and deliver it to him
- The tree delivers its fruits, flowers and whatever else it possesses to anyone and everyone. It tolerates scorching heat and torrents of rain, yet it still gives shelter to others
- The Vedas enjoin that the factual result of the tree of the body is the good fruits and flowers derived from it. But if the bodily tree does not exist, there is no possibility of factual fruits and flowers
- The whole Vedic instruction is just to deliver all suffering humanity from the threefold miseries of material existence. That is the aim and object of Vedic civilization
- The whole world is revolving under the bodily conception; therefore there must be devotees all over the world to deliver people from the false bodily conception and fully engage them in Krsna consciousness
- The wives of the brahmanas who were performing sacrifices gave up their relatives just to satisfy Krsna. This is an example of a wife rejecting a husband who cannot deliver her from the impending dangers of birth and death
- The word "materialist" means one concerned with gratification of the senses within this material world. Although Krsna later asked for this Syamantaka jewel, King Satrajit did not deliver it
- The words of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu are firm and convincing, and I accept them as true. In this Age of Kali, one cannot be delivered from the material clutches simply by formally accepting the renounced order
- The words spoken by the Lord are called apauruseya, which indicates that they are not delivered by any mundane person
- Then the Lord told Kasi Misra and the temple superintendent, "As for the remnants of food left by Jagannatha, let them be delivered to Vaninatha Raya's charge, for he can take care of all the Vaisnavas and distribute maha-prasadam to them"
- Then, gradually, they can meditate in trance on the SPG. That is the process of being situated on the spiritual platform. This elevation is possible in Krsna consciousness in the association of pure devotees who can deliver one from delusion. BG 1972 pur
- There are also wish-fulfilling cows (kama-dhenus), which deliver unlimited quantities of milk. These cows constitute the wealth of Vrndavana. Thus Vrndavana's opulence is blissfully exhibited
- There are two kinds of children born of good fathers: one is educated in KC so that he can be delivered from the clutches of maya in that very life, & the other is a ray of the Supreme Personality of Godhead & teaches the world the ultimate goal of life
- There are two kinds of supreme purity. When one type is possessed, one is able to deliver a sinful person. When the other type is possessed, one does not do anything which is impure. A person who possesses either of these is called supremely pure
- There is no difference between the holy name and Mantra. Man means mind and tra deliverance. That which delivers one from mental speculation is called "Mantra"
- Therefore, without being agitated any more, I shall deliver myself from the darkness of nescience with the help of my friend, clear consciousness
- These books and magazines are our most important propaganda weapons to defeat the ignorance of maya's army, and the more we produce such literature and sell them profusely all over the world, the more we shall deliver the world from the suicide course
- These Christian and Buddhist scriptures were delivered for a different class of men, and we needn't spend our time in studying their doctrines
- These hippies are simply frustrated and want something sublime. So we are delivering this sublime movement all over the world and if we do it cautiously and carefully surely we will be successful
- They (human being) are put into hell means they are suffering very severe type of pains. "Now, leaving aside all other topics, kindly let me know how these men can be delivered from this hellish condition of life." This is his (Maharaja Pariksit's) prasna
- They (Vaisnavas) always they are busy in that business, how to deliver. Just like Gosvamis, about the six Gosvamis of Vrndavana, Lord Caitanya's direct disciples, what was their business
- Thinking that because the brahmanas have no material desires they should possess the entire world, Lord Ramacandra delivered the land between the east, west, north and south to the acarya
- This chanting process, Hare Krsna, will actually deliver all these fallen souls without any failure. It is not bogus propaganda. Anyone who will take to this chanting process, whatever, you don't consider about his past life. He will become saintly
- This child (of Pramloca and Kandu) was cared for by the trees, and when she grew up, by the order of Lord Brahma, she was delivered to the Pracetas as their wife. The name of the girl was Marisa, as the next verse (SB 4.30.47) will explain
- This is the way to receive knowledge. One must submit oneself at the lotus feet of great personalities who can actually deliver transcendental knowledge
- This knowledge (the descriptions of Lord Anantadeva) is delivered to Narada by Lord Brahma, and the great saint Narada, along with his companion, Tumburu, distributes it all over the universe
- This knowledge is delivered to Narada by Lord Brahma, and the great saint Narada, along with his companion, Tumburu, distributes it all over the universe
- This Krsna consciousness movement is meant to deliver people to the proper understanding that they are not their body, that they are pure spirit soul. We may or may not be appreciated, that is not our concern
- This person falsely appearing as a brahmacari is actually the SPG, Hari, who has come in this form to take away all your land, wealth, beauty, power, fame and education. After taking everything from you, He will deliver it to Indra, your enemy
- This verse (SB 10.47.60) was spoken by Uddhava when he visited Sri Vrndavana to deliver a message from Krsna to the gopis
- This verse clearly states that anyone who accepts any other path cannot be delivered. This is the reason for the triple repetition 'nothing else, nothing else, nothing else,' which emphasizes the real process of self-realization
- Those who have accepted the task of spreading the Hare Krsna maha-mantra in full Krsna consciousness should take this opportunity to deliver people very easily from the clutches of material existence
- Through the Krsna consciousness movement, the Hare Krsna movement, we are actually seeing that men who are considered to belong to the lowest class are being delivered from all sinful activities simply by hearing the holy name of the Lord
- Thus having delivered the proprietorship of the heavenly planets to Indra and having fulfilled the desire of Aditi, mother of the demigods, the Supreme Personality of Godhead ruled the affairs of the universe
- Thus Nityananda Prabhu delivered the old cloth into the care of Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya, and Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya sent it to the King
- To be determined that the child will have his last birth into ignorance is very good. It is true that one should become a parent only if he can deliver his ward from the clutches of death
- To deliver people in regions throughout the universe who could not meet Him, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu personally entered the bodies of pure devotees
- To deliver us from these miserable conditions, You have advented Yourself in this transcendental form. This is evidence of Your unlimited causeless mercy upon those of us who are suffering in this way
- To take care of the cow is a religious function for the Hindus but actually if care is taken for cows, it delivers us the miracle food - cow's milk, which is so valuable. And because we drink cow's milk, we should accept the cow as our mother
- Today people have forgotten their relationship with God, but this incarnation of Krsna in the form of His holy names, this chanting of Hare Krsna, will deliver all the people of the world from their forgetfulness
- Try to deliver these innocent persons who are suffering. Everyone is suffering. That should be the motto. Do not sit idly, eat and sleep. No. Either loitering, wandering... I know, our men in Krsna consciousness, they are bold enough
- Uddhava did not deliver to the gopis the written message brought from Krsna, but he personally read it to them
- Unless one comes to devotional service, one cannot be delivered from the miseries of the material world (duhkhalayam asasvatam (BG 8.15)), where the living beings struggle for existence
- Unless the social leaders, the leaders of the society, they take care of the mass of people to educate them, dina-ganesakau karunaya, if they do not become compassionate to the poor mass of people, who will deliver them?
- Until one has love for Lord Vasudeva, who is none other than Myself, he is certainly not delivered from having to accept a material body again and again
- Upon delivering the King of the elephants from the clutches of the crocodile, and from material existence, which resembles a crocodile, the Lord awarded him the status of sarupya-mukti
- Upon reaching mother Saci, Kala Krsnadasa first offered his obeisances and delivered the food remnants (maha-prasadam). He then informed her of the good news that Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu had returned from His South Indian tour
- Urvasi said: "My dear King, seek shelter of the Gandharvas, for they will be able to deliver me to you again"
- Vasudeva considered: By delivering all my sons to Kamsa, who is death personified, I shall save the life of Devaki - SB 10.1.49-50
- Vasudeva decided that he would promise to deliver his sons to the hands of Kamsa in order to save Devaki from the imminent danger of death
- Vasudeva thought: Even if a son is born and I deliver him to Kamsa, Kamsa may die at his hands, for by providence anything could happen. It is very difficult to understand how things are managed by providence
- Vasudeva wanted to save the life of Devaki by promising to deliver his sons to Kamsa. "In the future," he thought, "Kamsa may die, or I may not beget any sons
- Vasudeva was not at all disturbed when delivering his first child to Kamsa to be killed
- Vasudeva was so steadily equipoised that he did not seem in the least agitated when delivering his first-born child into the hands of Kamsa to be killed
- Vasudeva was very much disturbed by fear of becoming a liar by breaking his promise. Thus with great pain he delivered his first-born son, named Kirtiman, into the hands of Kamsa - SB 10.1.57
- Vidura particularly came to enlighten Dhrtarastra and to give him a lift to the higher status of spiritual cognition. It is the duty of enlightened souls to deliver the fallen ones, and Vidura came for that reason
- Visvamitra wanted from Vasistha a cow named Nandini, and the Muni refused to deliver it. Visvamitra stole the cow, and thus there was a quarrel between the sage and the King
- Vyasadeva delivered the message to Sukadeva Gosvami, and from Sukadeva Gosvami, Suta Gosvami received the message
- We are delivering speeches from authoritative book, Bhagavad-gita. I am not speaking before you of my own imagination. I am speaking from the authorized book
- We are delivering the genuine goods to the human society on behalf of God, Krishna. If someone wants to check us, it is for the time being only and not permanent situation
- We are practically seeing in our New Vrindaban center, because the cow are feeling secure in our custody, they're delivering milk up to the eighty pounds daily. You'll be surprised
- We are pushing on this Krsna consciousness movement, and we have got experiences, different types of men. So they can also be delivered. How? Yad-apasrayasrayah: if they associate with sadhu
- We have captured the strong chain of disciplic succession. This chain is coming down from the highest platform, Krishna. Just like a rope comes down the well so that anyone who may catch the rope from any position is sure to be delivered
- We have practical experience in America that in our various ISKCON farms we are giving proper protection to the cows and receiving more than enough milk. In other farms the cows do not deliver as much milk as in our farms
- We have to take our ideas from Bhagavan; then they will be perfect. We read Bhagavad-gita because it is perfect. There is no mistake in it; there is no illusion in it; there is no cheating in it. Nor is it delivered by one whose senses are imperfect
- We may be imperfect, but perfection means one who assimilates the perfect knowledge. Just like a post peon delivers you one hundred dollars. The post peon is not rich man. He cannot deliver you. But the money is sent by some, your friend
- We may survey what is this Bhagavad-gita. This Bhagavad-gita is meant for delivering persons from the nescience of this material existence
- We should be careful not to miss the special opportunity of human life. Sri Krsna Himself comes to deliver Bhagavad-gita and to help us to become God conscious. Indeed, this very material creation is given to us to utilize for this cultivation
- We should be very much strictly follower of the Vaisnava principle. Vaisnava's only business is how to deliver these fallen souls. Caitanya Mahaprabhu, He appeared as a Vaisnava. The business is to deliver
- We would like to quote the substance of a speech delivered by Sri Radhakrishnan at a recent meeting of UNESCO in Paris. He said that when a nation proudly turns away from God and concentrates on worldly success and prosperity, it meets its doom
- What about the other two pairs of Murtis? Are they already delivered to you? If so, you can dispatch them similarly for Los Angeles
- What is that desire tree? Just like here in, in this material world, a tree is meant for delivering a particular fruit or flower, but desire tree means whatever you desire you get immediately delivered from the tree
- When a devotee is perfectly qualified in chanting the transcendental vibration of the holy name, he is quite fit to become a spiritual master and to deliver all the people of the world
- When a peon delivers a money order, thousand dollars, it is not his money. He simply carries. So my business is to carry Krsna's message. That's all
- When Akrura also refused to give him shelter, Satadhanva decided to deliver the Syamantaka jewel into the hands of Akrura. Then, riding on a horse which could run at great speed and up to four hundred miles at a stretch, he fled the city
- When fools considered Caitanya Mahaprabhu to be an ordinary human being and thus treated Him disrespectfully, the merciful Lord, in order to deliver these offenders, accepted sannyasa so that they would offer Him obeisances, accepting Him as a sannyasi
- When he was offered a benediction by Lord Nrsimhadeva, Prahlada Maharaja said: My dear Lord, I only lament to see others bereft of Your love. I am simply lamenting for them and devising various plans to deliver them from the clutches of maya - SB 7.9.43
- When King Yayati delivered Devayani from the well, she felt great relief and requested Yayati to accept her as his wife
- When Lord Brahma was fully informed by Angira about the entire incident, he severely chastised the moon-god, Soma. Thus Lord Brahma delivered Tara to her husband, who could then understand that she was pregnant
- When Lord Ramacandra tested the body of Sita, it was the false, illusory Sita that entered the fire. At that time the fire-god brought the original Sita from his abode and delivered her to Lord Ramacandra
- When Sitadevi was finally delivered from the clutches of Ravana, Ravana's whole family and kingdom, and Ravana himself, were vanquished. When Sitadevi came home she was tried by fire, and after some days she was again banished to the forest
- When Srikanta Sena returned to Bengal and delivered this message, the minds of all the devotees were very pleased
- When the bull and the cow are in a joyful mood, people of the world are also in a joyful mood. The reason is that the bull helps production of grains in the agricultural field, and the cow delivers milk, the miracle of aggregate food values
- When the illusory Sita was brought before the fire by Lord Ramacandra, the fire-god made the illusory form disappear and delivered the real Sita to Lord Ramacandra
- When the son of Dhrtarastra fell down lamenting, his spine broken, being beaten by the club of Bhima, the son of Drona beheaded the five sleeping sons of Draupadi and delivered them as a prize to his master, foolishly thinking that he would be pleased
- When the time was ripe, when Sudyumna, the king of the world, was sufficiently old, he delivered the entire kingdom to his son Pururava and entered the forest
- When there is a disagreement between the father and mother, it is the father, not the mother, who is delivered by the son
- When you become advanced in Krsna conscious, then your natural tendency will be how to preach. So long you do not develop this tendency for preaching, simply remain in kanistha-adhikari, you do not know how to deliver others
- Whenever anything was needed by Kunti, it was munificently delivered by Vasudeva, due to his great love for his younger sister. Vasudeva never dissatisfied his wives, and at the same time he supplied the objects desired by his sister
- Where a Vaisnava like Prahlada is born, not only his father but his father's father and their fathers - up to the fourteenth father back - are all automatically delivered
- Where ever you deliver your lectures to students try to introduce at least our small books. If the students purchase these cheaper, smaller books, they will get a permanent impression of Krishna Consciousness
- While we are preaching, opposing elements sometimes argue, "If all living entities were delivered by the Krsna consciousness movement, what would happen then? The universe would be devoid of living entities"
- Why killing cows? It is delivering such a nice nutritious food, milk. Not only milk. According to Vedic system, the cow is so important, even the urine, even the stool of cow is important
- Why should we not part with our possessions and deliver them to Lord Visnu for His satisfaction? Sri Canakya Pandita says in this regard, san-nimitte varam tyago vinase niyate sati (Canakya-sloka 36)
- With His body He worshiped the Lord by offering Ganges water and tulasi leaves, and by preaching devotional service He delivered the entire universe
- With similar Vaisnava compassion (as Six Gosvamis), Pariksit Maharaja told Sukadeva Gosvami: You have just described the different types of hellish life. Now, tell me how those who are suffering can be delivered. Kindly explain this to me
- With these four imperfections (committing mistakes, invariably illusioned, tendency to cheat others and being limited by imperfect senses), one cannot deliver perfect information of all-pervading knowledge. BG 1972 Introduction
- Without devotional service, even a proud brahmana cannot deliver himself, and what to speak of his family
- Writing book is not a whimsical, whatever I like. No. You must be empowered by superior authority; then you can deliver the right things. So Vyasadeva was empowered by his guru, Narada
- You (Nrsimha-deva) offer Your benedictions according to the level of one's service, exactly as a desire tree delivers fruits according to one's desires and makes no distinction between the lower and the higher
- You are an intelligent boy, and I want to train you very nicely so that you will be able to preach this great Krishna Conscious philosophy with conviction, and help to deliver all the spiritually-starving souls in this age
- You are in the midst of unfavorable circumstances as much as you were when you were in Pakistan. So Krishna is desiring that you deliver these persons who are in very awkward circumstances within this material world
- You as mother and father must take responsibility to deliver these nice children and that will be a very great service for Krsna
- You can take Krsna's mercy also, provided it is delivered as it is. Just as we are teaching Bhagavad-gita
- You have delivered the two brothers Jagai and Madhai, but to deliver them You did not have to exert Yourself very much
- You have so lost your intelligence that, despite my orders, you do not deliver the seeds of herbs and grains formerly created by Brahma and now hidden within yourself
- You haven't got to manufacture something by your fertile brain, speculating. That is useless, nonsense. Simply you take what Krsna has said and preach it. You become a guru and you deliver the whole world
- Your father, Virocana, the son of Maharaja Prahlada, was very affectionate toward brahmanas. Although he knew very well that it was the demigods who had come to him in the dress of brahmanas, at their request he delivered to them the duration of his life
- Your role in this incarnation is to deliver the people in general. You have sufficiently preached the glories of the holy name in this world