"Kali-yuga" | "age of kali"
- "Kali-yuga, is 1,200 x 360, or 432,000 years"
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Pages in category "Kali-yuga"
The following 943 pages are in this category, out of 943 total.
- Appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this Kali-yuga (CC)
- Appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this Kali-yuga (Conv and Letters)
- Appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this Kali-yuga (Lectures)
- Appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this Kali-yuga (Other Books)
- Appearance of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu in this Kali-yuga (SB)
- Kali-yuga (BG and SB cantos 1 to 6)
- Kali-yuga (CC)
- Kali-yuga (Converations 1967 - 1975)
- Kali-yuga (Converations 1976 - 1977)
- Kali-yuga (Lectures, BG)
- Kali-yuga (Lectures, SB canto 1)
- Kali-yuga (Lectures, SB cantos 2 - 12)
- Kali-yuga (Letters)
- Kali-yuga (Other books)
- Kali-yuga (SB cantos 6 to 12)
- As Srimad Bhagavatam predicts, in Kali-yuga marriage will be performed simply by agreement
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura describes pseudo-Vaisnavas, "disciples of Kali"
- Cow slaughter in the age of Kali
- If you have no money, then you will never get justice in the court. This is Kali-yuga
- In Kali-yuga, brahmana means one two-paisa thread
- In Kali-yuga, wealth alone will be considered the sign of quality
- In the age of Kali, there is no alternative to chanting the holy name
- In the beginning of Kali-yuga, the Lord will appear as Lord Buddha, the son of Anjana, in the province of Gaya, just for the purpose of deluding those who are envious of the faithful theist (SB 1.3.24)
- In the Padma Purana it is stated that "This Mayavada philosophy is covered Buddhism." Lord Siva says to his wife, "My dear Parvati, in the age of Kali, in the garb of a brahmana, I'll have to preach this philosophy."
- In the present age, Kali-yuga, animal sacrifices are forbidden because there are no expert brahmanas who can properly perform the yajna
- In this age of Kali, five acts are forbidden
- A brahmacari cannot see any young woman. Even the guru's wife is young, he cannot go to the guru's wife. These are the restriction. Now where is that brahmacarya? No brahmacari. This is Kali-yuga. No tapasya
- A certain brahmana (Canakya) will betray the trust of King Nanda and his eight sons and will destroy their dynasty. In their absence the Mauryas will rule the world as the age of Kali continues
- A civilization that allows men to mix unrestrictedly with women is an animal civilization. In Kali-yuga, people are extremely liberal, but mixing with women and talking with them as equals actually constitutes an uncivilized way of life
- A similar situation (as described in SB 9.10.53) could be introduced immediately, even in this age called Kali, the worst of all ages
- According to Jiva Gosvami, the Buddha mentioned in this verse (SB 2.7.37) appeared in a different Kali age. In the life of one Manu there are more than seventy-two Kali-yugas, and in one of them the particular type of Buddha mentioned here would appear
- According to revealed scriptures and astrological calculation, the age of Kali is in its five thousandth year. Therefore, Srimad-Bhagavatam was compiled not less than five thousand years ago
- According to the age, O my Lord, You protect the principles of religion. In the age of Kali, however, You do not assert Yourself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore You are known as Triyuga, or the Lord who appears in three yugas
- According to the sastra, in Kali-yuga the Lord would assume a golden or yellow color and would distribute love of Krsna and the sankirtana movement
- According to the Surya-siddhanta, the prathama-sandhya of Kali-yuga lasts 36,000 solar years. Lord Caitanya appeared in the prathama-sandhya after 4,586 solar years of Kali-yuga had passed
- Actually, in the Kali-yuga, because there is no ksatriya, where is the government? Sudra government is no government. Sudra has no right to govern, but by force they are governing. That's all - Might is right
- After Lord Krsna departed for His abode along with religious principles and transcendental knowledge, this Purana, Srimad-Bhagavatam, has arisen like the sun in this Age of Kali to enlighten those who have no spiritual vision
- After the Battle of Kuruksetra, at which Bhagavad-gita was spoken, Kali-yuga continues for 432,000 years, of which only 5,000 years have passed. Thus there is still a balance of 427,000 years to come
- After the dynasty of the moon-god comes to an end in this age of Kali, Devapi, in the beginning of the next Satya-yuga, will reestablish the Soma dynasty in this world
- Age of iron
- Age of Kali, the executive head of a state somehow or other gets votes and is elected to an exalted post, but the condition of the citizens continues to be full of anxiety, distress, unhappiness and dissatisfaction
- All different kinds of sacrifice are performed just to satisfy Lord Narayana with a view to reach Him, and the best sacrifice recommended in this age of Kali is sankirtana-yajna, the mainstay of the devotional service of a narayana-para devotee
- All living entities, the human beings, who are afflicted by Kali-yuga, as well as sub-human beings, must be drowned in the floodwaters of krsna-prema
- All rogues, they are political leaders. Political leader means rogue. Nowadays, these... Here is so-called religious leader, Sai Baba, another rogue. This is Kali-yuga
- All the disciples practicing Krsna consciousness should obediently follow the regulative principles & remain fixed in chanting the holy name of the Lord. Then there need be no fear. Otherwise one's position is very dangerous, especially in this Kali-yuga
- All the family members can sit down together and simply clap their hands and chant the maha-mantra. Somehow or other, everyone can manage to perform such a yajna & distribute prasada to the people in general. That is quite sufficient for this age of Kali
- All the young boys, they are keeping big, big hair. That is foretold in Bhagavata, five thousand years: "In Kali-yuga, they will think by keeping long hair they become more beautiful"
- All these cheaters claim to follow religious principles, and all this has become very popular in this age of Kali. There are many pasandis who, without referring to the sastras, pose themselves as incarnations, and foolish people follow them
- Although Kali-yuga is full of faults, there is still one good quality about this age. It is that simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, one can become free from material bondage and be promoted to the transcendental kingdom - SB 12.3.51
- Although Kali-yuga is full of faults, there is still one good quality about this age: simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, one can become free from material bondage & be promoted to the transcendental kingdom - SB 12.3.51
- Although Lord Balarama knew very well that by slight provocation people are prepared to fight with one another in the Age of Kali, He did not like the idea that the two great dynasties, the Kuru dynasty and the Yadu dynasty, would fight amongst themselves
- Although socially it is forbidden that brother and sister should not marry or should not have sex life, but that is also come. It is Kali-yuga
- Although the atmosphere is surcharged with opposing elements in this age of Kali, if we simply have faith in the words of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
- Although this Kali-yuga is full of faulty things, everyone is embarrassed with so many difficulties, still, very easy method - This is spoken by Sukadeva Gosvami after describing the faults of Kali-yuga
- Among the four yugas-Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali-the Kali-yuga is the worst, but if the process of varnasrama-dharma is introduced, even in this age of Kali, the situation of Satya-yuga can be invoked
- Among the munis, or learned men conversant in Vedic knowledge, Vyasa is the greatest because he explained Vedic knowledge in many different ways for the understanding of the common mass of people in this Age of Kali
- An administrative head or king like Maharaja Pariksit, with full majestic authority, well equipped with weapons to chastise miscreants, can challenge the agents of the age of Kali. Then only will it be possible to counteract the degraded age
- An irresponsible life is adopted by the people in the age of Kali because of a sinful desire to condemn brahminical culture, God consciousness and cow protection, for which the state is responsible
- Another name for Lord Visnu is Triyuga because there is no incarnation of Lord Visnu in Kali-yuga. Indeed, this is the verdict of the revealed scriptures
- Any rascal, if he gets vote somehow or other, then he acquires the exalted post. That is also written in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there will be no consideration who is fit to occupy the exalted post of presidentship or royal throne
- Anyone may chant the Hare Krsna mantra, without consideration of the time and place. Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, it is very difficult to find a suitable place according to the recommendations of Bhagavad-gita
- Anyone who becomes even slightly interested in krsna-katha is liberated. Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet (SB 12.3.51). Simply by chanting or repeating krsna-katha, one is liberated from the contamination of Kali-yuga
- Anyone who takes his bath in the Ganges also (like Bindu-sarovara) is relieved of all material diseases. These claims are accepted by great scholars and authorities and are still being acted upon even in this fallen age of Kali
- As a brahmana boy, I (Siva as Sankaracarya) manufacture this philosophy in the Age of Kali to mislead the atheists. Actually, the Supreme Personality of Godhead has His transcendental body, but I describe the Supreme as impersonal
- As clouds sometimes clear, even in the rainy season, and sometimes the moon, stars and sun become visible, so even in this Kali-yuga there are sometimes advantages
- As explained in the First Canto, the less intelligent persons of the age of Kali would be not only short-lived, but also perplexed with so many problems of life due to the awkward situation of the godless human society
- As Kali-yuga advances, human beings will be just like animals. At that time, in order to reform human society, Lord Krsna will come in the form of the Kalki avatara
- As Kali-yuga advances, people are becoming godless and taking up so-called secularism. They do not know the punishment awaiting them in Asi-patravana
- As one can understand the different incarnations for different millenniums by referring to Vedic literatures,"the Lord replied, "one can similarly understand who is actually the incarnation of Godhead in this age of Kali."
- As soon as people are addicted to these four principles - illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication and gambling - when everyone can see, that means Kali-yuga. Drstva
- As stated by authorities (CC Adi 17.22), kali-kale nama-rupe krsna-avatara: in this age, Krsna has appeared in the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- As stated in the SB, the incarnation in the age of Kali is Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who spread the worship of Krsna by the sankirtana movement (congregational chanting of the holy names), and spread Krsna consciousness throughout India. BG 1972 purports
- As the Age of Kali advances, duration of life, memory, mercy, religiousness, and all other such assets decrease. So no one has any assurance of long life in this age
- As there is summer season; after summer season, there is rainy season; after rainy season there is winter season. Similarly, there are four yugas, namely Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga
- Asvamedham gavalambham, sannyasam pala-paitrkam, devarena sutotpattim, kalau panca vivarjayet. Asvamedha sacrifice, gomedha sacrifice, sannyasa, and to get child by devara, husband's younger brother, these things are forbidden in this age
- At least 5000 years ago, Sukadeva ascertained the existence of Maru in Kalapa-grama and said that Maru, having achieved a yoga-siddha body, would continue to exist until the end of Kali-yuga. Such is the perfection of mystic power
- At most, the historians can present history of 3,000 years. That's all. So Kali-yuga has begun pre-historic. And before that, what was there in the history nobody can say. But in the Vedic literatures everything is there
- At night he (a person of Kali-yuga) spends his time in sleep and sex indulgence, and by day he spends time working very hard to earn money. Is that his mission in life? How horrible such a life is
- At present, in the age of Kali, it is very difficult to render service to the brahmana-kula, or the brahmana class. The difficulty, according to the Varaha Purana, is that demons, taking advantage of Kali-yuga, have taken birth in brahmana families
- At that time (at the end of Kali-yuga) the incarnation Kalki will appear. Mleccha-nivaha-nidhane kalayasi kara-balam. He will kill all the mlecchas indiscriminately with his sword
- At the end of Kali, that means at the last stage, after about 400,000's of years, the incarnation of Kali (Lord Kalki) will appear. That is predicted in the Vedic literatures, as Lord Buddha's appearance was also predicted in the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- At the end of the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that even though all nefarious activities of the personality of Kali are present, there is a great advantage in the age of Kali. One can attain salvation simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord
- At the end of this Kali-yuga they will be so much degraded that it will be impossible for them to understand God
- At the present day, especially in this age of Kali, these disturbances (natural disturbances) are always visible, which indicates that the demoniac population has certainly increased
- At the present moment in Kali-yuga there are many false meditators who concoct some imaginary form and try to meditate upon it
- At the present moment in Kali-yuga, it is said (in SB), svikaram eva hy udvahe. Boys and girls will loiter in the street and two of them, as they agree, "Yes, we will live together." That's all
- At the present moment in Kali-yuga, people are not well educated. They are simply engaged in earning money to fill the belly
- At the present moment in Kali-yuga, Raksasa fathers and mothers are killing their own children in the womb, and some are even eating the fetus with great relish. Thus the so-called civilization is gradually advancing by producing Raksasas
- At the present moment in the Kali-yuga, practically they're all demons
- At the present moment in this age of Kali-yuga, the entire human society has become an assembly of cheaters and cheated. For this reason the Vedic scriptures have given us the proper directions for sense gratification
- At the present moment we have just passed through five thousand years of the Kali-yuga, which lasts 432,000 years. BG 1972 purports
- At the present moment, due to the Age of Kali (Age of Quarrel), the number of demons has increased, but the classification has existed since the beginning of creation
- At the present moment, especially in Kali-yuga, they are not very much educated. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bha . . . (SB 1.1.10). They are simply busy how to earn some money and fill up the belly, that's all
- At the present time, in Kali-yuga, people are extremely sinful and bad (manda). They have no idea of spiritual life and are misusing the benefits of the human form to live like cats and dogs
- Balarama is Nityananda. Vrajendra-nandana yei, saci-suta haila sei, balarama ha-ila nitai. This bala - Balarama - comes with Caitanya Mahaprabhu, & both of Them are so merciful that in this age of Kali one may very easily take shelter of Their lotus feet
- Because Krsna has now (in this Kali-yuga) appeared in His holy name through this (Hare Krsna) movement, we can hope that these asuric fathers (the ruling politicians) will be annihilated and the kingdom of God established all over the world
- Because of His protecting and maintaining this world in the present Kali-yuga, Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is known as Visvambhara, which refers to one who feeds the entire world
- Because of the bad qualities of the age of Kali, human beings will become shortsighted, unfortunate, gluttonous, lustful and poverty-stricken. The women, becoming unchaste, will freely wander from one man to the next
- Because of the influence of Kali-yuga, Vaisnavas who have dedicated their lives to preaching the glories of the Lord are sometimes harassed and punished by courts on false charges of disturbing the peace
- Because the age of Kali was seeking an opportunity to spoil the cultural heritage of the four orders of life, the inexperienced boy gave a chance for the age of Kali to enter into the field of Vedic culture
- Because the government in Kali-yuga is full of demons, the living conditions of devotees are always disturbed. Devotees cannot perform yajna, and thus they cannot partake of the remnants of food offered in yajna for the worship of Lord Visnu
- Because the Kali-yuga, the more it advances, people will be suffering in so many ways. And the only solace is Krsna consciousness - only solution
- Because the Lord is not directly perceived in Kali-yuga but is directly known in the other three yugas, His name is Triyuga
- Because the people of Kali-yuga are fallen, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, out of kindness, did not bring any weapon to kill them. Rather, by spreading KC, love of Krsna, He wanted to kill their nefarious, demoniac activities. This is the purpose of the KCM
- Because the people of this age are not very strong, spiritually inclined, therefore for this particular age of Kali the tapasya has been, I mean to say, decreased
- Because this Kali-yuga is very, very fallen, everyone is a sudra, there is no brahmana, no ksatriya, no vaisya, therefore, the one prescription is given there, that harer nama harer nama harer namaiva kevalam, kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva
- Before this (Kali-yuga) there was Dvapara-yuga (800,000 years), and before that there was Treta-yuga (1,200,000 years). Thus, some 2,005,000 years ago, Manu spoke the BG to his disciple and son lksvaku, the King of this planet earth. BG 1972 purports
- Being contaminated by Kali-yuga, however, we are unfortunate and therefore we have no attraction to the holy names of Krsna
- Brahma's one day consists of one thousand cycles of the four yugas - Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali. In that one day there are fourteen manvantaras, and out of these manvantaras this Caksusa manvantara is the sixth
- By chanting the Vedic mantras properly in a sacrifice, one can perform many wonderful things. In Kali-yuga, however, there are no qualified brahmanas who can chant the mantras properly. Consequently no attempt should be made to perform such big sacrifices
- By chanting this mantra - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, - one becomes free from the contamination of this age. And not only he becomes free from the contamination of this age, but param vrajet, he goes back to the spiritual world
- By hearing the narration of Prthu Maharaja, one can become great, increase his duration of life, gain promotion to the heavenly planets and counteract the contaminations of this age of Kali
- By offering our foodstuffs to Krsna with love & devotion, Krsna says he will accept & it becomes spiritually purified because he is the supreme pure. So love & devotion to Krsna is the purifying agent & nullifies all bad effects of this age of Kali yuga
- By regulative practice one can control the mind, and this is the purpose of the yoga system (abhyasa-yoga-yuktena (BG 8.8)). But there is a chance of failure with the yoga system, especially in this age, because the yoga system uses artificial means
- By the description of the incarnation for the Kali millennium, Sanatana Gosvami could understand that Lord Caitanya was indeed that incarnation of Krsna
- By the influence of the age of Kali, everywhere, politically, socially or religiously, everything is topsy-turvy, and therefore for the sane man it is all regrettable
- By the influence of the age of Kali, they have been dragged to the civilization of the dogs and hogs, laboring for bread without any sense of transcendental knowledge
- Caitanya is Lord Krsna Himself in His devotional attitude, descended on earth to bestow special favors upon the fallen souls of this age of Kali. There are two verses particularly suitable to offer as prayers to this Mahapurusa feature of Lord Krsna
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has no astra. But this is astra, this hari-sankirtana. This is astra. In the Kali-yuga there is no profit by killing them. They're already killed. Therefore this is the astra. To kill the miscreants this is astra, this hari-sankirtana
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu has not bluffed. He said kalau nasty eva: the Kali-yuga you cannot do anything more. You do simply chant Hare Krsna. Where is the difficulty? A boy can chant. It is simply practice, association
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu's special mission is the deliverance of all fallen souls in Kali-yuga. Devotees of Krsna must persistently seek the favor and mercy of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to become fit to return home, back to Godhead
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, just to give relief to the rotting, conditioned souls of this age of Kali-yuga, has given us the maha-mantra
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, recently advented in the Age of Kali to propagate this message. By the great fortune of all Bengalis, He appeared in Bengal and blessed the Bengali race. Thus Bengalis can preach His mission and instructions to the entire human race
- Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is not only considered to be a realized soul but an incarnation of Krsna Himself, has pointed out that in this age of Kali, although men have no real facilities for self-realization, Krsna is so kind that He has given this sabda
- Caitanya preached this method of yajna, & it is understood that the sacrificial method of sankirtana-yajna may be performed anywhere & everywhere in order to drive away the personality of Kali & save society from falling prey to the influence of the age
- Chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra is potent always, but it is especially potent in this age of Kali. Therefore Sukadeva Gosvami, while instructing Maharaja Pariksit, stressed this chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra
- Checking population by contraceptive method is another sinful activity, but in this age of Kali people have become so sinful that they do not care for the resultant reactions of their sinful lives
- Classless society means sudra. So how a sudra can be equal to the brahmana, ksatriya? But if you earn money, then you are more than brahmana, you are more than a sannyasi. This is Kali-yuga. So therefore people are after money only
- Cobbler is taken as the low..., those who prepare, expert in skin. So they are generally very poor man. Now they have advanced, because now the Kali-yuga is the age of the sudras
- Contemporary civilization in this age of Kali has actually made it impossible for us to be alone, to be desireless and to be possessionless
- Dampatye 'bhirucir hetuh: in the Kali-yuga (the present age of quarrel), eventually there will be no marriage performances; the boy and the girl will simply agree to live together, and their relationship will exist on sexual power
- Democracy is also mentioned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam, that in the Kali-yuga there will be no more monarchy or the kingdom ruled by the ksatriyas
- Devapi still lives in the village known as Kalapa-grama. In this Kali-yuga, when the descendants of Soma known as the candra-vamsa (the lunar dynasty) die out, Devapi, at the beginning of Satya-yuga, will reestablish the dynasty of the moon
- Different Vedic literatures were systematically distorted by the onslaught of the age of Kali, as the walls of the paddy field and the strand of the river are distorted by the onslaught of heavy rains
- Due to the age of quarrel, Kali, which we have discussed, there is always a chance of quarrel on slight provocation. This is due not to the issue in question, but to the polluted atmosphere of this age
- During Lord Brahma's day, fourteen Manus or one thousand maha-yugas pass away. Brahma informed King Kakudmi that twenty-seven maha-yugas, each consisting of the four periods Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali, had already passed
- During the time of Lord Rsabhadeva, the King of Konka and Venka acted like a paramahamsa and imitated Lord Rsabhadeva. He introduced a system of religion and took advantage of the fallen condition of the people in this age of Kali
- During Treta-yuga, people enjoyed sense pleasure without tribulations. Material miseries began in Dvapara-yuga, but they were not very stringent. Stringent material miseries really began from the advent of Kali-yuga
- Duty of the age of Kali
- Effect of Kali-yuga means the so-called advancement of material civilization means to become godless, immoral, and they must suffer
- Especially at the present moment, Kali-yuga, the atheistic persons are almost everyone. They have been described as mandah. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya (SB 1.1.10). Manda means bad, very bad
- Especially for this age of Kali, the process accepted by the Krsna consciousness movement is to open hundreds and thousands of Visnu temples
- Especially in this age of Kali, family life is being reduced. Everyone is becoming self-centered because that is the law of nature
- Especially in this age of Kali, the mind must be cleansed, and this is possible only by the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Especially in this age of Kali, there are no garbhadhana ceremonies; everyone enjoys sex with his wife like a cat or dog
- Especially in this age of Kali-yuga, it is said that instead of protecting the money of the citizens, the government itself will take away the money with the force of law. The learned brahmana had therefore decided that he should not accumulate any money
- Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, cows are being killed all over the world, and as soon as there is a movement to establish brahminical civilization, people in general rebel
- Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, dam-patye 'bhirucir hetuh: the relationship between husband and wife will be based on sexual power
- Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, great leaders, politicians, philosophers and scientists are all engaged in foolish activities, thinking, "This is mine, and this is yours
- Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, it is advised that no one take sannyasa
- Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, it is very difficult to find a suitable place according to the recommendations of Bhagavad-gita. The Hare Krsna maha-mantra, however, may be chanted at any place and any time, and this will bring results very quickly
- Especially in this Kali-yuga, material advancement means degradation and attraction to many unwanted necessities that create a low mentality
- Especially in this present age, Kali-yuga, people are already poverty-stricken, and physical killing is too much for them. They should be killed by argument, reasoning, and scientific spiritual understanding
- Especially it is harer nama (CC Adi 17.21), it is not gupta. That is in the Kali-yuga it should be openly chanted, and we have to follow our predecessor, Haridasa Thakura, namacarya
- Even the most insignificant person, he thinks of himself as very important. Nobody wants to submit to anyone. This propensity is very prominent in this age, Kali-yuga
- Every devotee should take his bath early in the morning and decorate his body with tilaka. In Kali-yuga one can hardly acquire gold or jeweled ornaments, but the twelve tilaka marks on the body are sufficient as auspicious decorations to purify the body
- Everyone has got his own opinion, however condemned it may be. And on that point everyone is prepared to fight with one. Therefore it is called Kali-yuga
- Everyone is feeling the resultant pinpricks of Kali-yuga brought about by human society’s indulging in illicit sex, meat-eating, gambling and intoxication
- Everyone is sleeping in the darkness of Kali-yuga, but when there is a great acarya, by his calling only, everyone takes to the study of the Vedas to acquire actual knowledge
- Fierce torrents of rain break over the strands and the partition walls of the paddy field. These disturbances resemble those created by the seasonal opponents of the standard principles of the Vedas, who are influenced by the age of Kali
- Finally in Kali-yuga (the yuga we have now been experiencing over the past 5,000 years) there is an abundance of strife, ignorance, irreligion and vice, true virtue being practically nonexistent, and this yuga lasts 432,000 years. BG 1972 purports
- Five thousand years ago it was foretold that during Kali-yuga, svikara eva codvahe (SB 12.2.5). Just see. This is called sastra. Five thousand years ago it was foretold that marriage means agreement. It will be in Kali-yuga. Svikaram eva codvahe
- Five thousand years ago that (Kali-yuga people will keep long hair) was written (in SB), and that is happening. There are so many things. That is called sastra. It is truth for all the days - past, present, future
- Follow the rules and regulations of varnasrama-dharma. That was the concern of these sages. In this age of Kali, everything is disturbed. Saintly persons should take to the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, as recommended in the sastras
- Following bhagavata-dharma has been made extremely easy in this age of Kali. The sastra says: one need only chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Foolish creatures, especially in this age of Kali, instead of knowing God scientifically, make propaganda against religious belief & the existence of God, even though they are always bound by God's laws by the symptoms of birth, death, old age & disease
- For Kali-yuga, the sastras enjoin that sankirtana-yajna be performed always: kirtaniyah sada harih - CC Adi 17.31
- For the human being there are some rules and regulations, even for fulfilling common demands. The human society avoids such rules and regulations when it is bewildered by the influence of the age of Kali
- For this age, Kali-yuga, the Lord has prescribed a special means of God-realization - the chanting of His holy name
- Foreseeing the incompetencies of the people in this age of Kali, or the iron age of quarrel, the sages requested that Suta Gosvami give a summary of all revealed scriptures because the people of this age are condemned in every respect
- Formerly it was the system that if a man were unable to beget a child, his brother could beget a child in the womb of his wife (devarena sutotpattih). That system is now forbidden in this Age of Kali
- Formerly people would care about morality and immorality, religion and irreligion, but with the progress of Kali-yuga this is all being vanquished, and people can do anything, without caring what it is
- Formerly the system was that not the brahmana, er, vaisya or sudra can occupy the royal throne. Only the ksatriyas. Now, in the Kali-yuga, there is no such thing, who is ksatriya, who is a brahmana
- Formerly, before the beginning of Kali-yuga, almost everyone, especially among the intelligent men, the brahmanas, was a sruti-dhara. As soon as a student heard any of the Vedic wisdom from his master, he would remember it forever
- Formerly, there was no need of books. Nowadays, at the present moment, our memory is not so sharp due to Kali-yuga. Therefore Vyasadeva wrote in books, in words, because he foresaw that The people in this age, they will be dull-headed rascals
- From authoritative sources we learn that this chanting of Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare is the embodiment of the perfection of yoga for this age
- From the Vayu Purana: kalau sankirtanarambhe bhavisyami saci-sutah. In the Age of Kali when the sankirtana movement is inaugurated, I (Caitanya) shall descend as the son of Saci-devi
- From this verse (of SB 8.5.23) we can understand the situation of Kali-yuga, through which we are now passing
- Fundamental religious system in the Age of Kali
- Generally the seasonal changes are accepted as Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga. Just like in each year we have got different seasons, changes, similarly, each millennium there are so many changes of Kali-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, Satya-yuga
- Generally, if one can remain a brahmacari, it is very convenient, and from brahmacari one can take sannyasa. But in this age of kali Bhaktivinode Thakura recommends that it is better to cultivate Krishna Consciousness as a householder
- God is one, and God does not belong to this or that religion. In Kali-yuga, different religious sects consider their God to be different from the God of others. God is one, and He is appreciated according to different angles of vision
- Gradually (in the age of Kali), the basic principles of brahminical culture, namely austerity, cleanliness, mercy and truthfulness, became curtailed by proportionate development of pride, attachment for women and intoxication
- Gradually, we are coming to very dangerous, I mean to say, pattern of living condition with the age, with the advancement of this age of Kali. And it is said that for earning our bread we have to work like an ass in this Kali-yuga
- Great personalities, they very much eulogize Kali-yuga that there is simple method and so sublime: Simply by chanting Hare Krsna mantra, one becomes completely purified
- Having achieved perfection in the power of mystic yoga, Maru still lives in a place known as Kalapa-grama. At the end of Kali-yuga, he will revive the lost Surya dynasty by begetting a son
- He (a person of Kali-yuga) has no other interest. & in the daytime, what is his concern? "Where is money? Where is money? I must maintain this body." & when he has money: "Now let me spend for my wife and children." So where is his spiritual realization
- He (Dhrtarastra) was advised to leave home before Kali-yuga approached because the atmosphere which was created by Vidura, his valuable instructions on the facts of life, would fade away due to the influence of the age which was fast approaching
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) protected his subjects from falling prey to the sinful acts of the age of Kali, and at the same time he gave full facility to the age of Kali by allotting him some particular places
- He (Pariksit) knew perfectly well that in this age of Kali, auspicious things produce good effects immediately, whereas inauspicious acts must be actually performed (to render effects). So he was never envious of the personality of Kali
- He (Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) appeared in order to teach the fallen souls in this material world, for in this Age of Kali almost everyone has become attached to fruitive and ritualistic activities and mental speculation
- He (Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu) asks everyone to follow Him and to become a guru to deliver the fallen souls of Kali-yuga - in CC Madhya 7.128
- He (Sukadeva Gosvami) began to discourse on topics concerning Krsna, which are the remedy for all sufferings in this age of Kali - SB 10.1.14
- He (Vyasa) explained Vedic knowledge in many different ways for the understanding of the common mass of people in this age of Kali. And Vyasa is also known as an incarnation of Krsna; therefore Vyasa also represents Krsna. BG 1972 purports
- He (Vyasadeva) could see the future anomalies in the Kali age, and accordingly he made arrangement for the people in general so that they can execute a progressive life in this age, which is full of darkness
- Hearing includes applying the mind. In this age of Kali-yuga, Lord Caitanya has recommended that one should always engage in chanting and hearing Bhagavad-gita
- Here is another foretelling of the advent of Lord Kalki, the incarnation of Godhead. He is to appear at the conjunction of the two yugas, namely at the end of Kali-yuga and the beginning of Satya-yuga
- Herein (SB 2.7.36) Brahma mentions the future compilation of Srimad-Bhagavatam for the short-lived persons of the Kali age
- His (Caitanya Mahaprabhu's) purpose was that in this Kali-yuga the distinction between brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra will be almost finished. Then who will instruct? Because the instructor's position is brahmana. One must be brahmana
- His Lordship Siva said to Devi: "In the Kali-yuga, I shall preach the Mayavada philosophy, which is nothing but clouded Buddhism, in the garb of a brahmana"
- Householder life in this Kali-yuga is extremely dangerous unless both the wife and husband take to Krsna consciousness
- How one can beget children according to one's own desire is practically unknown in the present age (Kali-yuga). In this regard the secret of success depends on the parents' acceptance of the various purificatory methods known as samskaras
- Human beings should perform the sacrifices recommended in the sastras, and if they do so there will no longer be food scarcity. In Kali-yuga, the only sacrifice recommended is sankirtana-yajna
- I offer my respectful obeisances unto Caitanya. He is an ocean of transcendental mercy, and although the subject matter of bhakti-yoga is very confidential, He has nonetheless manifested it so nicely, even in this Age of Kali, the age of quarrel
- If leaders & rich men spend fifty percent of their accumulated wealth mercifully for the misled people & educate them in KC, the knowledge of Bhagavatam, certainly the age of Kali will be defeated in its attempt to entrap the conditioned souls
- If one becomes very humble and meek, he can easily attain the lotus feet of Krsna in this Age of Kali. That is the fulfillment of all great sacrifices, penances and austerities
- If one takes an animal aside and cuts its throat, the other animals will simply stand, look, and continue eating grass. They do not realize that the next time they may be slaughtered. The people in Kali-yuga are in the same situation
- If one wants to be protected from the reactions of ignorance even in this age of Kali, one may consult the books left by Srila Vyasadeva
- If people take to this sankirtana movement of chanting Hare Krsna, Hare Rama, they will certainly be freed from the contamination of Kali-yuga, and the people of this age will be happy, as people were in Satya-yuga, the golden age
- If the husband (in previous ages) was somehow unable to beget children, his brother could do so through the womb of his sister-in-law. This devarena sutotpatti and the sacrifices of asvamedha and gomedha are forbidden in the age of Kali
- If the process of varnasrama-dharma is introduced, even in this age of Kali, the situation of Satya-yuga can be invoked. The Hare Krsna movement, or Krsna consciousness movement, is meant for this purpose
- If we take to Krsna consciousness, then we are not affected by the bad effects of Kali-yuga. That is recommended
- If we take to Krsna consciousness, we become transcendental. We have nothing to do with these seasonal changes, or Kali-yuga. That is recommended
- If you take sword and kill the papis, then everybody will be finished. Of course, that will be done at the last stage of Kali-yuga. But here the Krsna consciousness movement is killing the papa-bija
- If Yudhisthira is a sinner in his daily discharge of duties, in royal administration of state affairs, wherein killing of man & animals is a recognized art, then we can just imagine the amount of sins committed by the untrained population of the Kali-yuga
- In a civilization where God is conspicuously banished, and there is no devotee warrior like Arjuna, the associates of the age of Kali take advantage of this lawless kingdom and arrange to kill innocent animals like the cow in secluded slaughterhouses
- In all four spiritual orders and four grades of social life, devotional service to the Lord is essential. Without this relationship, all the regulative principles of varna and asrama become burdensome duties, as they have in the age of Kali
- In Dvapara-yuga one could satisfy Krsna or Visnu only by worshiping Him gorgeously according to the pancaratriki system, but in the Age of Kali one can satisfy and worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari simply by chanting the holy name
- In Dvapara-yuga only half of the religious principles continue, and in Kali-yuga only one fourth of the religious principles, which gradually disappear
- In Dvapara-yuga, devotees of Lord Visnu and Krsna rendered devotional service according to the principles of Pancaratra. In this Age of Kali, the Supreme Personality of Godhead is worshiped simply by the chanting of His holy names
- In great jubilation, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu said, "My dear Svarupa Damodara and Ramananda Raya, know from Me that chanting the holy names is the most feasible means of salvation in this Age of Kali"
- In India, of course, the traditional family is the joint family, consisting of a man & his wife, their parents & children, their in-laws, & so on. But in Kali-yuga it will be difficult to maintain a simple family of oneself, one's wife, & a few children
- In India, the country where still God consciousness is so strong, the government wants that they should forget about this God business. So this is Kali-yuga. Kali-yuga means simply for fight on trifling things and forget God
- In Kali Yuga, no one is prepared to accept any religious principle if it hampers material prosperity
- In Kali-yuga one has a maximum lifetime of one hundred years, but as people become degraded, the duration of their lives decreases
- In Kali-yuga people have lost all their stamina. They are so sinful that there is no question of becoming pious through all these prescribed methods. The only means is hearing about Krsna and chanting His names
- In Kali-yuga the citizens will abandon their attempts to lead a peaceful life and will leave their homes and hearths and go to the forest in sheer disappointment
- In Kali-yuga the direct method (Krsna consciousness) is especially more feasible than the indirect because people are short-living, their intelligence is poor, and they are poverty-stricken and embarrassed by so many miserable disturbances
- In Kali-yuga the injunction is that no one should accept sannyasa. Of course, those who actually follow the rules and regulations must take sannyasa. Generally, however, people are unable to accept sannyasa life
- In Kali-yuga the kings and heads of state enjoy life at the cost of taxes exacted from the citizens. Such unfair taxation makes the people dishonest, and the people try to hide their income in so many ways
- In Kali-yuga the pakhandis are very prominent. However, Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has tried to kill all these pakhandis by introducing His sankirtana movement
- In Kali-yuga the Vedic ritualistic ceremonies cannot be performed as perfectly as before
- In Kali-yuga there is a dearth of proper guidance. One may take guidance in the evening from the stars and moon, but in the rainy season the light of guidance comes from insignificant glowworms
- In Kali-yuga there is a scarcity of food almost every year, and thus philanthropists spend lavishly to feed the poor. For this they invent the term daridra-narayana-seva. This is prohibited
- In Kali-yuga, 5 acts are forbidden: the offering of a horse in sacrifice, offering of a cow in sacrifice, acceptance of the order of sannyasa, the offering of oblations of flesh to the forefathers, & a man's begetting children in his brother's wife
- In Kali-yuga, association with women is very strong. In every step of life, there is association with women
- In Kali-yuga, caste brahmanas are accepted as brahmanas
- In Kali-yuga, democratic government can be captured by Krsna conscious people. If this can be done, the general populace can be made very happy
- In Kali-yuga, especially at the present moment, there is no such thing as a real brahmana, and therefore society is in a chaotic condition
- In Kali-yuga, everything should be managed by society
- In Kali-yuga, five acts are forbidden: the offering of a horse in sacrifice, offering of a cow in sacrifice, acceptance of the order of sannyasa, the offering of oblations of flesh to the forefathers, & a man's begetting children in his brother's wife
- In Kali-yuga, however, because the varnasrama system is neglected, people are generally thieves and rogues
- In Kali-yuga, however, people have forgotten the essence. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah
- In Kali-yuga, if this Vedic (Hare Krsna) maha-mantra is chanted regularly and heard regularly by the devotional process of sravanam kirtanam (SB 7.5.23), it will purify all societies, and thus humanity will be happy both materially and spiritually
- In Kali-yuga, in the so-called secular state, the executive branch of government is in the charge of so-called kings and presidents who are all fools and rascals, ignorant of the intricacies of nature's causes and ignorant of the principles of sacrifice
- In Kali-yuga, instead of drinking milk, people prefer to slaughter an animal and eat its flesh. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His instructions of Bhagavad-gita, advises go-raksya, which means cow protection
- In Kali-yuga, monarchy is abolished because the kings themselves are subjected to the influence of Kali-yuga
- In Kali-yuga, people are extremely liberal, but mixing with women and talking with them as equals actually constitutes an uncivilized way of life
- In Kali-yuga, people are extremely sinful and bad, they are misusing the benefits of the human form to live like cats and dogs. Under these circumstances Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu has inaugurated the Hare Krsna movement, which is not different from Krsna
- In Kali-yuga, people cannot undergo severe austerities like drinking only water and eating only air for many months. One cannot imitate such a process
- In Kali-yuga, people will exploit the body of the bull and the cow as they like, and thus they will invite sufferings of various types
- In Kali-yuga, practically everyone is envious, but we have to tolerate this
- In Kali-yuga, saintly persons are not as powerful as they previously were. They used to be able to burn any sinful man to ashes by virtue of their spiritual prowess
- In Kali-yuga, seventy-five per cent are all rogues
- In Kali-yuga, the available quantity of food grains and ghee is gradually diminishing, and people are embarrassed that they cannot produce sufficient ghee and food grains
- In Kali-yuga, the duration of life is shortened not so much because of insufficient food but because of irregular habits. By keeping regular habits and eating simple food, any man can maintain his health
- In Kali-yuga, the entire system (of varnasrama) has gone topsy-turvy. The student lives in luxury at the expense of the father or the father-in-law
- In Kali-yuga, the first attack of the venomous snake strikes against the God-made varnasrama-dharma, & thus a person properly qualified as a brahmana is called a sudra, & a sudra by qualification is passing as a brahmana, all on a false birthright claim
- In Kali-yuga, the king or government has no well-protected treasury, and the only means of circulation is currency notes made of paper
- In Kali-yuga, the last millennium of a round of four millenniums, the power of all material objects deteriorates by the influence of time
- In Kali-yuga, the position of the citizens is very horrible because taxes are exacted in so many forms and are spent for the personal comforts of the administrators
- In Kali-yuga, trees are indiscriminately and unnecessarily cut for industry, in particular for paper mills that manufacture a profuse quantity of paper for the publication of demoniac propaganda
- In Kali-yuga, we are all in a very difficult position, in which we need a suitable mantra that can deliver us from the dangers of this age. Therefore the Supreme Personality of Godhead, in His incarnation as Lord Caitanya, gives us the Hare Krsna mantra
- In Kali-yuga, you cannot strictly follow, neither I can strictly follow. If I criticize you, if you criticize me, then we go far away from our real life of Krsna consciousness
- In modern civilization, men do not think milk to be important, they do not live very long. In this age men can live up to one hundred years, their duration of life is reduced because they do not drink large quantities of milk. This is a sign of Kali-yuga
- In modern days, when the influence of Kali Age is so disturbing, practically everyone is untrained in this art (controlling the life air by the prescribed yogic process) of bodily exercise
- In modern times, the Krsna consciousness movement is trying to introduce the right principles of management for human society, but unfortunately the governments of Kali-yuga do not properly support the Hare Krsna movement
- In one day of Brahma there are fourteen Manus, who each live for seventy-one millenniums. The four yugas - Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali - constitute one millennium
- In ordinary dealings there is cheating. This is Kali-yuga. Ordinarily even when gentleman-gentleman, so-called gentlemen talking, he's trying to cheat him, he's trying to cheat him
- In ordinary dealings there is cheating. This is Kali-yuga. Ordinarily even when gentleman-gentleman, so-called gentlemen talking, he's trying to cheat him, he's trying to cheat him. By talking. And ordinarily
- In Satya-yuga people knew how to fulfill the necessities of life simply by worshiping Narayana, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. The same purpose can be served in this age of Kali by chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra, as recommended in the Bhagavatam
- In Satya-yuga there was only one Veda, not four. Later, before the beginning of Kali-yuga, this one Veda, the Atharva Veda (or, some say, the Yajur Veda), was divided into four - Sama, Yajur, Rg and Atharva - for the facility of human society
- In the age of Kali everyone is unhappy due to the maladministration of the state
- In the Age of Kali I take the form of a brahmana and explain the Vedas through false scriptures in an atheistic way, similar to Buddhist philosophy
- In the age of Kali in most cases the rulers are impious, and therefore the citizens are also continuously unhappy. But in the case of democracy, the impious citizens themselves elect their representative to rule over them
- In the age of Kali many foolish persons commit such unlawful offenses and equalize the two categories (visnu-tattva and part and parcel)
- In the age of Kali material activities of different varieties, in the name of advancement of human civilization, take place, and the living entities become more and more involved in forgetting their real identity - the spiritual nature
- In the Age of Kali one can achieve spiritual progress only by chanting the holy name of the Lord
- In the age of Kali such symptoms (illicit sex, indulgence in meat-eating, intoxication and gambling) are predestined. If so, then why was there preparation for fighting out such symptoms? Such arguments are offered by lazy and unfortunate men
- In the age of Kali the Lord incarnates as a devotee, yellowish in color, and is always chanting Hare Krsna
- In the Age of Kali there are many faults, for people are subjected to many miserable conditions, yet in this age there is one great benediction - simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra one can be freed from all material contamination
- In the age of Kali there are so many pretenders dressed and posed like administrators or executive heads, but their real identity is disclosed when they are challenged by a real ksatriya
- In the age of Kali there is no fruitful sacrificial performance but the sacrifice of the congregational chanting of the holy name of the Lord
- In the age of Kali there will be no meaning to propaganda crying to stop corruption in the state
- In the age of Kali these three requisites (namely austerity, cleanliness and mercy) to spiritual culture are almost absent
- In the age of Kali they (the brahmanas, the cows, the women, the children and the old men) are not properly protected, and therefore the duration of life of the present generation has shortened considerably
- In the age of Kali, all the householders are jealous of one another because they are blind to the knowledge of ultimate truth
- In the age of Kali, as described before, people in general no longer take pleasure in the presence of saints and sages, nor are they interested in spiritual enlightenment
- In the age of Kali, godless civilizations will create so many so-called religious societies in which the Personality of Godhead will be directly or indirectly defied
- In the age of Kali, intelligent persons perform congregational chanting to worship the incarnation of Godhead who constantly sings the name of Krsna. Although His complexion is not blackish, He is Krsna Himself
- In the Age of Kali, mlecchas, or lowborn people who have not undergone the purifying process of samskara, who do not know how to apply that process in actual life & who are covered by the modes of passion & ignorance will take the posts of administrators
- In the Age of Kali, persons who are atheists or miscreants become very prominently visible, whereas persons who are actually following the Vedic principles for spiritual emancipation are practically obscured
- In the age of Kali, taking advantage of the fact that by feeding a brahmana one obtains a more effective result than by performing sacrifices
- In the age of Kali, the executive heads of state will be indifferent to religious principles, and therefore under their patronage the opponents of religious principles, such as greed, falsehood, cheating and pilfery, will naturally follow
- In the age of Kali, the poor helpless animals, especially the cows, which are meant to receive all sorts of protection from the administrative heads, are killed without restriction
- In the age of Kali, the women and the children, along with brahmanas and cows, will be grossly neglected and left unprotected
- In the beginning of Kali-yuga, the Lord will appear as Lord Buddha, the son of Anjana, in the province of Gaya, just for the purpose of deluding those who are envious of the faithful theist
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna states that no one should give up the sacrificial portion of spiritual life. And the scriptures recommend that the best sacrifice in this Age of Kali is to chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In the Bhagavatam, Twelfth Canto, it is said that in the Kali-yuga marriage will be based on the consideration of sex life; as soon as there is deficiency in sex life, the question of divorce will arise
- In the Brhan-Naradiya Purana it is said that in the Kali-yuga when people in general are short-lived, slow in spiritual realization & always disturbed by various anxieties, the best means of spiritual realization is chanting the name of God. BG 1972 pur
- In the dog society there is no marriage, and why in the human society there is marriage? They could avoid it. And nowadays they are being avoided. In the Kali-yuga there will be no more marriage. That is stated in the Bhagavata
- In the Dvapara-yuga one could satisfy Krsna or Visnu only by worshiping opulently according to the pancaratriki system, but in the Age of Kali one can satisfy and worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead Hari simply by chanting His holy name
- In the Dvapara-yuga people should worship Lord Visnu only by the regulative principles of the Narada-pancaratra and other such authorized books. In the Age of Kali, however, people should simply chant the holy names of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- In the four yugas - Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali - the Lord incarnates in four colors: white, red, black and yellow respectively. These are the colors of the incarnations in different millenniums
- In the Garuda Purana it is said to be more rare to be a famous devotee of the Supreme Lord in the age of Kali than to be a demigod such as Brahma or Lord Siva
- In the Garuda Purana it is said: In this Age of Kali, the fame of one who is known as a great devotee is very rare. However, such a position is superior to that of the great demigods like Brahma and Mahadeva. This is the opinion of all spiritual masters
- In the glorious days, or before the advent of the age of Kali, the brahmanas, the cows, the women, the children and the old men were properly given protection
- In the Kali-yuga especially, there is no Vedic system of reformatory processes. It is the pancaratriki-vidhi, that anyone has got a little qualification for becoming brahmin, he is accepted by the spiritual master and is trained up
- In the Kali-yuga people cannot undergo very severe austerities. That is impossible for them, because mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah. They are already very much suppressed
- In the Kali-yuga the hair is considered to be very valuable thing, life and soul
- In the Kali-yuga the incarnation of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. Although He is Krsna, but tvisa akrsna. Tvisa means by bodily complexion, tvisa. Tvaci, tvaci means skin, the skin complexion is non-black
- In the Kali-yuga the only sacrifice recommended is the performance of hari-nama-yajna inaugurated by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. But one should not indulge in animal killing and counteract it by performing the hari-nama yajna
- In the Kali-yuga the population is just a royal edition of the animals. They have nothing to do with spiritual knowledge or godly religious life
- In the Kali-yuga there are three different incarnations mentioned in the Bhagavatam or any other authentic Vedic literature. One incarnation is Buddha, & another incarnation is Caitanya, & another incarnation, in the last stage of this age, is Kalki
- In the Kali-yuga there is no profit by killing them (demoniac people).They're already killed. So therefore this is the astra. To kill the miscreants this is astra, this hari-sankirtana
- In the Kali-yuga there is very little time to go step by step. Otherwise, there are twenty different types of religious scriptures, vimsati-prakasa, dharma-sastra. So who will read, and who will try to understand? There is no time
- In the Kali-yuga they (the principles of religion) are reduced to one fourth, gradually diminishing to the zero point, and then devastation takes place
- In the Kali-yuga this artificial predominance is already current, but the saner section of the people know it well that the divisions of castes & orders of life are meant for smooth social intercourse & high-thinking self-realization & not other purpose
- In the Kali-yuga, because there is no such division, so everyone is sudra or less than sudra. This is their yajna. This is also yajna
- In the Kali-yuga, nobody will be a standard king. Anybody, by hook and crook, if he captures the royal throne, so he becomes king. That is predicted in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. Formerly, only the ksatriyas were the kings
- In the Kali-yuga, the calves are separated from the cows as early as possible for purposes which may not be mentioned in these pages of Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In the Kali-yuga, the maximum duration of life being one hundred years only and that combined with various difficulties, the recommended process of self-realization is that of hearing and chanting of the holy name, fame, and pastimes of the Lord
- In the Kali-yuga, the real yajna is hari-kirtana. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah. Sumedhasah, those who have got good brain, they perform this yajna, hari-kirtana
- In the Kalisantarana Upanisad it is stated: The sixteen words - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - are especially meant for counteracting the contaminations of Kali
- In the last stage of Kali-yuga, Kalkideva, the fierce incarnation of Kesava, will descend to kill all the atheists and will save only the devotees of the Lord
- In the material potency, the living entity engages himself in fruitive activities, thinking that he can be happy through expansion in terms of material energy. This fact is prominently manifest in this Age of Kali
- In the middle age there is a very strong sex appetite, so another twenty years can be lost (out of hundred years of a person of Kali-yuga). Twenty years, twenty years, and twenty years-sixty years gone. This is the analysis of life by Prahlada Maharaja
- In the next yuga, Treta, people used to live for ten thousand years, and in the next yuga, Dvapara, for one thousand years. In the present age, the Kali-yuga, the maximum duration of life is one hundred years
- In the present age of darkness, which is known as the Kali-yuga, the age of quarrel, hypocrisy, and ignorance, virtually everyone is born a sudra
- In the present age of Kali there will eventually be a great scarcity of water (anavrsti), for the general populace, due to ignorance and the scarcity of yajnic ingredients, will neglect to perform yajnas
- In the present age of Kali-yuga - the Lord incarnates to preach the chanting of the holy name of Krsna
- In the present age, because society is not guided by brahminical instruction, the whole population is only absorbed in sinful activities. Consequently, everyone is deservedly being punished by the laws of nature. This is the situation in this age of Kali
- In the present age, Kali-yuga, people are very much sinful and are consequently suffering greatly. Therefore Krsna has incarnated in the form of His name, as found in the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna
- In the rainy season, rain is predestined. Similarly, in the age of Kali the symptoms as above mentioned are sure to infiltrate into social life, but it is the duty of the state to save the citizens from the association of the agents of the age of Kali
- In the Satya-yuga people used to live for one hundred thousand years, in the Treta-yuga people lived for ten thousand years, in Dvapara-yuga they lived for one thousand years, and in this age, Kali-yuga, people may live up to one hundred years
- In the Satya-yuga people were very religious, full, four parts full. In the Dvapara-yuga, one part was missing, only three parts. Then Treta-yuga. Satya, Treta, then Dvapara. But in the Kali-yuga, the one part of religiosity, that is also diminishing
- In the Satya-yuga, cent percent people were aware of their spiritual necessity of life. Next yuga, seventy-five percent. Next yuga, fifty percent, and this yuga, Kali-yuga, seventy-five percent are rascals, and twenty-five percent, they are little wise
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam there is no recommendation of pancaratriki worship because in this Kali-yuga, even without Deity worship, everything can be perfectly performed
- In the Twelfth Canto of Srimad-Bhagavatam it is said that in Kali-yuga the government will levy taxes without reciprocally benefiting the citizens
- In the Varaha Purana it is stated that some of the raksasas, they will take advantage of Kali-yuga and take birth in brahmana families, so he is one of them, this raksasa. And now he is suffering for that. Greatest calamity, you see?
- In the Vedic literatures it is recommended that in Kali-yuga people engage in glorifying the Lord by chanting the holy name of Krsna (kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet (SB 3.31.1)) without offense
- In this (ceremony known as sraddha) yajna, flesh obtained from the forest by hunting could be offered. However, in the present age, Kali-yuga, this kind of offering is forbidden
- In this age (Kali-yuga) illicit connection with women will render many women and children uncared for
- In this age (Kali-yuga), people are indulging in such necessities of life without following the rules and regulations, and this deterioration of social and moral rules is certainly lamentable because of the harmful effects of such beastly behavior
- In this age (Kali-yuga), the fathers and the guardians are not happy with the behavior of their wards
- In this age (of Kali) there is no use in meditation, sacrifice and temple worship. Simply by chanting the holy name of Krsna - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - one can achieve self-realization
- In this age (of Kali-yuga) the Lord is yellow (Caitanya Mahaprabhu), and He teaches people love of God by chanting the names of Krsna. This teaching is carried out personally by Krsna, and He exhibits love of Godhead by chanting, singing and dancing
- In this age especially, in Kali-yuga we become very, very slow in spiritual progress, although that is our main business. But on account of this Kali-yuga, we are all very, very slow. We think that "Spiritual cultivation is meant for old age"
- In this age of Kali a community has sprung up known as the arya-samaja, which is ignorant of the import of the Vedas in the parampara system. Their leaders decry all bona fide acaryas, and they pose themselves as the real followers of the Vedic principles
- In this age of Kali almost everyone is dangerously fallen, and the hippies appear to be still more greater fallen. Besides that, from their behavior it appears they like this movement. This is a very good sign
- In this Age of Kali because human society, not understanding the spiritual nature, is busily expanding in material activities
- In this Age of Kali everyone is perplexed by so many inconveniences - social, political and religious - and naturally no one is happy. Due to the contamination of this age, everyone has a very short life
- In this age of Kali if a person does not take advantage of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, which is offered as a great concession to the fallen human beings of this age, it is to be understood that he is very bewildered by the illusory energy of the Lord
- In this age of Kali it is a great ocean of faults. But still, there is one sublime gain. What is that? Now, kirtanad eva krsnasya (SB 12.3.51). Simply by krsna-kirtana, kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah, he becomes liberated
- In this age of Kali it is very difficult to adopt the yogic process mentioned in this verse (SB 4.23.17). Unless one is very expert in such yoga, the best course is to adopt the ways and means of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, sri-krsna-sankirtanam
- In this Age of Kali it is very difficult to collect the different articles required for offering sacrifices. People have neither the means to collect the required paraphernalia nor the necessary knowledge or tendency to offer such sacrifices
- In this age of Kali married life will be accepted on the consideration of sex only
- In this age of Kali the direct method is especially more feasible than the indirect because people are short-living, their intelligence is poor, and they are poverty-stricken and embarrassed by so many miserable disturbances
- In this age of Kali the direct method of spiritual advancement is especially more feasible than the indirect because people are short-living, their intelligence is poor, and they are poverty-stricken and embarrassed by so many miserable disturbances
- In this age of Kali the greatest common formula of sacrifice is the sankirtana-yajna
- In this age of Kali the manifested demigods are also not to be seen, for space travel has completely stopped. So both the powerful demigods and the Supreme Personality of Godhead are nonmanifested to the covered eyes of the modern man
- In this age of Kali the only successful performance of yajna, or sacrifice, is yajnaih sankirtana-prayaih: the best type of sacrifice is simply to chant Hare Krsna
- In this age of Kali the people want their own government, because the kings have become corrupt. Formerly it was not like that
- In this Age of Kali the practical system of religion for everyone is the chanting of the name of Godhead. This was introduced in this age by Lord Caitanya
- In this age of Kali the propensity for mercy is almost nil. Consequently there is always fighting and wars between men and nations
- In this age of Kali the simple performance of sankirtana-yajna - the holding of festivals as initiated by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness - should be introduced in every town and village
- In this age of kali there are a number of Ravanas deriding the Godhood of Lord Krishna and Lord Ramachandra, and they will meet with the same result as it was done in the case of Ravana
- In this age of Kali there are many differences of opinion for self-realization, or transcendental life, or religious life, but this common formula, chanting of the holy name of God, can be accepted by everyone
- In this Age of Kali there are no genuine religious principles other than those established by Vaisnava devotees and the Vaisnava scriptures. This is the sum and substance of everything
- In this Age of Kali there are no lila-avataras, but there is an incarnation of the Lord manifested in the body of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This has been explained in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In this age of Kali there are no pious kings. Instead, rogues and thieves are elected to head the government. But how can the people be happy without religion and God consciousness
- In this age of Kali there are no powerful brahmanas who can invite the demigods or give renewed life to animals
- In this age of Kali there is a stricture regarding such sacrifices: it is explicitly directed that one should perform sankirtana-yajna and nothing more
- In this age of Kali there is great scarcity and ignorance; nonetheless, everyone can perform sankirtana-yajna
- In this age of Kali there is no alternative to chanting this maha-mantra. It is stated that the essence of all Vedic literature is the chanting of this holy name of Krsna
- In this Age of Kali there is no other means, no other means, no other means for self-realization than chanting the holy name, chanting the holy name, chanting the holy name of Lord Hari
- In this Age of Kali there is no religion other than the chanting of the holy name of the Lord, but how in this age will the Lord appear as an incarnation?
- In this Age of Kali there is no religious principle other than the chanting of the holy name, which is the essence of all Vedic hymns. This is the purport of all scriptures
- In this Age of Kali there is no such learned brahmana or priest available; therefore, all such sacrifices are forbidden. The only sacrifice recommended in the sastras is the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra
- In this Age of Kali Yuga nobody can meditate perfectly, neither they have sufficient resources for performing great sacrifices, neither they have tendency to attend spiritual services in the temple, churches, or mosques or any such sanctuaries
- In this age of Kali, abortion - killing of the child within the womb - has become very common, and sometimes a child is even killed after birth. If a woman performs such an abominable act, she gradually loses all her bodily luster
- In this age of Kali, an age characterized by ignorance and chaos, liberation is out of the reach of practically everyone
- In this Age of Kali, as recommended in the Caitanya-caritamrta (text 98): the chanting of the holy name of the Lord is the method of religion approved by all Vedic scriptures
- In this age of Kali, Bhaktivinoda Thakura recommends that it is better to cultivate Krishna consciousness as a householder
- In this age of Kali, five acts are forbidden: offering a horse in sacrifice, offering a cow in sacrifice, accepting the order of sannyasa, offering oblations of flesh to the forefathers, & begetting children in the wife of one's brother
- In this Age of Kali, five acts are forbidden: the offering of a horse and cow in sacrifice, the acceptance of the order of sannyasa, the offering of oblations of flesh to the forefathers, and a man's begetting children in his brother's wife
- In this Age of Kali, hari-kirtana is very, very important
- In this age of Kali, however, such sin (drunkenness) is to be seen everywhere, for people all over the world have become shameless. Long ago, when he saw the scene of the drunken sudra & the prostitute, Ajamila, who was a perfect brahmacari, was affected
- In this age of Kali, however, the great sacrifice is the performance of sankirtana-yajna. Our Krsna consciousness movement is designed to teach people (and to learn ourselves) the exact instruction of the Personality of Godhead
- In this age of Kali, however, there is a great concession given to people in general. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah: (SB 11.5.32) we may worship Lord Caitanya, the hidden incarnation of Krsna
- In this age of Kali, human civilization is so misled that people are unnecessarily increasing in economic development, and as a result they are opening more slaughterhouses, liquor shops and brothels. In this way, the whole civilization is being spoiled
- In this age of Kali, it is extremely difficult to perform Vedic ritualistic ceremonies or sacrifices perfectly
- In this age of Kali, it will be very difficult for person to become liberated under the process - first to become civilized, then to become religious, then to perform this charity, sacrifices, then come to the platform of knowledge
- In this age of Kali, most of the population is foolish and not adequately educated to understand Vedanta philosophy; the best purpose of Vedanta philosophy is served by inoffensively chanting the holy name of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- In this age of Kali, no one can perform all the ritualistic ceremonies for becoming liberated; that is extremely difficult. Therefore all the sastras and all the acaryas have recommended that in this age one chant the holy name
- In this Age of Kali, one cannot attain liberation without taking to the devotional service of the Lord. In this age, even if one chants the holy name of Krsna imperfectly, he still attains liberation very easily
- In this age of Kali, only one kind of sacrifice is recommended, sankirtana-yajna, as inaugurated by Lord Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- In this Age of Kali, people are gradually becoming less than animals. Nevertheless, although they are eating the flesh of cows and are envious of brahminical culture, Sri Caitanya is considering how to deliver them from this horrible condition of life
- In this age of Kali, people are overwhelmed by the modes of passion and ignorance. Lord Rsabhadeva incarnated Himself to deliver them from the clutches of maya
- In this age of Kali, people cannot follow the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and therefore the Lord Himself takes the part of Sri Krsna Caitanya to teach personally how to become Krsna conscious
- In this age of Kali, people endowed with sufficient intelligence will worship the Lord, who is accompanied by His associates, by performance of sankirtana-yajna
- In this Age of Kali, real religious propaganda should induce people to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. This is possible for someone who is especially empowered by Krsna. No one can do this without being especially favored by Krsna
- In this age of Kali, regular license is issued for maintaining all of these different departments of quarrel. So how can they expect peace and morality in the state
- In this age of Kali, sankirtana alone is sufficient. If the members of our temples in the different parts of the world simply continue sankirtana before the Deity, especially before Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, they will remain perfect
- In this age of Kali, sannyasa is forbidden for ordinary men. One who changes his dress to make propaganda is a different man from the original ideal sannyasi
- In this age of Kali, so many gurus have sprung up, and because they do not refer to the sruti-smrti-puranadi-pancaratrika-vidhi, they are creating a great disturbance in the world in regard to understanding the Absolute Truth
- In this age of Kali, the greatest common formula of sacrifice is the sankirtana-yajna. That is the opinion of the experts who know how to propagate the process of yajna
- In this age of Kali, the hog civilization is spread very widely. This instruction is very important. Nayam deho deha-bhajam nrloke kastan kaman arhate vid-bhujam ye. Human life means very peaceful life, without any trouble. That is Vedic civilization
- In this Age of Kali, the only incarnation of Krsna is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, and He introduced the religious duty of Kali-yuga, the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- In this age of Kali, the process of hearing krsna-katha is the most effective means to gain release from unwanted family affection and thus find permanent freedom in life
- In this Age of Kali, the process of worshiping Krsna is to perform sacrifice by chanting the holy name of the Lord. One who does so is certainly very intelligent, and he attains shelter at the lotus feet of Krsna
- In this age of Kali, the sankirtana-yajna (the chanting of the names of God) is recommended by the Vedic scriptures, and this transcendental system was introduced by Lord Caitanya for the deliverance of all men in this age. BG 1972 purports
- In this age of Kali, the Supreme Lord in His incarnation of Caitanya Mahaprabhu should be worshiped with His associates by performance of sankirtana-yajna, the congregational chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra. This process is accepted by intelligent men
- In this age of Kali, the yajna recommended is sankirtana, the individual or collective chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. This will bring the fulfillment of all necessities for human society
- In this age of Kali, there is no other way, no other way, no other way for spiritual perfection than the holy name, the holy name, the holy name of the Lord
- In this age of Kali, those who have a little fragmental portion of mystic power claim to be God, but such pseudo Gods can only be accepted as fools, for only Krsna is the Supreme Person who possesses all mystic and yogic perfections
- In this age of Kali, when a slight difference of opinion leads to quarrel, even to the extent of riots, it is the duty of the intelligent men, the brahmanas, to selflessly inspire the richer people to sacrifice for this purpose
- In this age of Kali, when all people are very contaminated, the chanting of the holy name of the Lord is recommended as the only means of improvement
- In this age of Kali-yuga sannyasa is prohibited because persons in this age are all sudras and cannot follow the rules and regulations of sannyasa life
- In this age the people in general as well as their so-called leaders are all unlucky fellows, faithless in spiritual knowledge and influenced by the age of Kali
- In this age there are many cheaters who show some jugglery and magic. They even create gold to amaze their followers, and their followers accept them as God. This type of cheating is very prominent in Kali-yuga
- In this age, in this Kali-yuga, it is very, very difficult for persons who are interested in self-realization to remain free from sinful activities. It is very, very difficult
- In this age, Kali-yuga, no other sacrifices are . . . is possible. Only sacrifice . . . this is sacrifice, yajnaih sankirtana, just like we are doing, in a small scale. But it can be done in larger scale
- In this age, Kali-yuga, the age of quarrel and fight and misunderstanding - this is called Kali-yuga - in this age this is the only means - hari-kirtanat. The sankirtana movement is hari-kirtana
- In this age, Kali-yuga, to kill the demons means to stop their demonic activities by the astra, kirtana, hari-sankirtana, which is spread by His (Krsna's) associates. Nityananda Prabhu, Advaita Prabhu, Srivasa adi-gaura-bhakta-vrnda
- In this age, persons are harassed by the influence of Kali-yuga and cannot arrange for all the requisite paraphernalia for performing sacrifice as recommended in the Vedas
- In this age, there will be insufficient rainfall and food, and the government will plunder one's income by heavy taxation. All of these characteristics of Kali-yuga are described in Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In this chapter (of BG 5) the Lord explains that the process of the eightfold yoga system is a means to control the mind and the senses. However, this is very difficult for people in general to perform, especially in the age of Kali. BG 1972 purports
- In this country also the vitality is being reduced, strength is being reduced. The more the Kali-yuga will advance the vitality will be reduced, the strength of the.... Therefore the span of life will be reduced
- In this iron age the members of well-to-do families generally misuse their wealth. Instead of improving their spiritual condition, they are misled by faulty association and fall victim to sensuality
- In this Kali-yuga people are degrading, and the supply also will be reduced. There will be no supply of milk, there will be no supply of sugar. That is stated in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. There will be no supply of rice, no supply of wheat
- In this Kali-yuga people are very much embarrassed. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah (SB 1.1.10). Manda-bhagya. Even nobody is happy in his family life, so unfortunate, manda-bhagya. That is practical
- In this Kali-yuga people will be very, very much harassed. First of all there is scarcity of rain, then scarcity of food grain, and then taxation by the government. These things we were expecting. It is already begun
- In this Kali-yuga we have passed only 5,000 years. Out of 432,000's of years we have passed only 5,000. Since the Battle of Kuruksetra, which took place 5,000 years ago, the Kali-yuga has begun
- In this Kali-yuga we have passed through only five thousand years, yet the decline of sanatana-dharma is very prominent
- In this Kali-yuga, especially Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy that you are chanting and dancing before Caitanya Mahaprabhu . . . so He is so merciful that if you continue this process, you are guaranteed that you will never go to the hellish planet
- In this Kali-yuga, Ksemaka will be the last monarch
- In this Kali-yuga, Ksemaka will be the last monarch. Now I (Sukadeva Gosvami) shall describe to you (Maharaja Pariksit) the future of the Magadha dynasty. Please listen
- In this Kali-yuga, mandah sumanda-matayo (SB 1.1.10), everyone is fallen, manda-bhagya. So this human life should be utilized for understanding the Vedic knowledge, divya-jnana; then he'll be purified
- In this Kali-yuga, people are becoming so sinful that there is no possibility of rescue unless one takes to Krsna consciousness. The entire human civilization is falling into the illusory fire of maya. People fly into the fire just like moths
- In this Kali-yuga, people are forgetting Krsna more and more. They are not even interested in Him, but Krsna is interested because we are His sons
- In this Kali-yuga, the demoniac mentality is employed in manufacturing various machines to facilitate the process of sense gratification
- In this Kali-yuga, the present age, the dangerous modes of rajo-guna and tamo-guna, passion and ignorance, are especially prominent. Practically everyone in this age is contaminated by lusty desire, greed and ignorance
- In this Kali-yuga, when people are very, very fallen... Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah (SB 1.1.10). They are very unfortunate also, and manda-bhagya, and although unfortunate, they are disturbed by so many external factors
- In this Kali-yuga, where people are very short-living, duration of life is very short, they are unfortunate, they're very slow, and they take to unauthorized means of religious principles, they're prone to so many disturbances of life
- In this Kali-yuga, without any knowledge, without any inquiry, without any guru, without any book, everyone is God. That's all. This is going on, fool's paradise. So this will not help
- In this material world, we are always under troublesome condition. Especially in this age, Kali-yuga. So that we may come to our sense, if there is any possibility of making a solution of this miserable condition of life
- In this present age of Kali, when people are mandah sumanda-matayah - very bad because of a sudra mentality - such free mingling (with women without restriction) is prominent
- In this present age, Kali-yuga, people who are not in full knowledge are still attempting this meditative process which was recommended for a previous age
- In this sinful age of Kali, people have even taken to the process of killing the child in the womb. This is the most degraded practice; it can only perpetuate the miserable material conditions of those who perform it
- In this verse (of SB 10.1.14) the words krsna-caritam kali-kalmasa-ghnam indicate that the activities of Lord Krsna are certainly the greatest panacea for all miseries, especially in this age of Kali
- In this verse, the words dharmah and sanatanah are very important. Sanatana means "eternal," and dharma means "occupational duties." From Satya-yuga to Kali-yuga, the principles of religion and occupational duty gradually deteriorate
- In Treta-yuga, by sacrificing big, big yajna, performing yajna; in Dvapara-yuga by temple worship; and kalau tad dhari-kirtanat, and in this Kali-yuga, simply by hari-kirtana, by chanting the holy name of the Lord, you can get the same result
- India's original culture is all right. But unfortunately, our modern leaders, they are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture. Now it is openly there are beef shop, wine shop. So what can be done? It is Kali-yuga
- Inferior people cannot accept the real God, yet they are very eager to accept an imitation God who can simply bluff foolish people. All this is going on in this Age of Kali
- Instead of becoming a false sannyasi, do not accept sannyasa. This is the injunction of the sastra. But for preaching work we have to get the help of some sannyasi, but we should remember that we are in Kali-yuga
- Is (the sankirtana-yajna) especially recommended in this age of Kali. In Kali-yuga, performance of other types of sacrifice is not feasible due to insufficient arrangements and inexpert priesthood
- It appears from this statement that all these symptoms (greed, anger etc) of degraded society were unknown to the people of the time, and it was astonishing for them to have experienced them with the advent of the Kali-yuga, or the age of quarrel
- It has become the fashion of this age to be falsely proud of having taken birth in the family of a ksatriya or a brahmana, we see persons without any qualification other than birth claiming to be a brahmana or ksatriya or vaisya
- It is apparent that you have understood our philosophy nicely so you continue to read our books regularly and preach vigorously, and help to distribute this great transcendental knowledge to all the distressed souls of this Kali yuga
- It is better not to take up sannyasa in this age of Kali because provocations are very strong in this age. Only a very exalted person advanced in spiritual understanding should attempt to take up sannyasa
- It is described in Vedic literature that in Kali-yuga He (The Lord) comes as channa-avatara, or an incarnation, but He does not appear as a manifest incarnation
- It is easier to maintain a great empire than to maintain a small family, especially in these days, when the influence of Kali-yuga is so strong that everyone is harassed and full of anxieties because of accepting the false presentation of maya's family
- It is in Kali-yuga that the Lord engages in preaching love of Godhead through the sankirtana movement, and those living entities who are intelligent adopt this process of self-realization
- It is nonsensical to say that animal-killing has nothing to do with spiritual realization. By this dangerous theory many so-called sannyasis have sprung up by the grace of Kali-yuga who preach animal-killing under the garb of the Vedas
- It is not advisable in this Age of Kali to leave one’s family suddenly, for people are not trained as proper brahmacaris and grhasthas. Therefore Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu advised the brahmana not to be too eager to give up family life
- It is not possible that we can give up sinful activities by our own endeavor, because in this age, Kali-yuga, everyone is addicted to some sort of sinful activities
- It is not that it (chanting Hare Krsna) is recommended only for Kali-yuga. Actually, it is recommended for every age. There have always been many devotees who have chanted and reached perfection in all ages. That is the beauty of this KC movement
- It is recommended that everyone distribute prasada, considering every living being a part and parcel of the Supreme Lord. Even in feeding the poor, one should distribute prasada. In Kali-yuga there is a scarcity of food almost every year
- It is said in Bhagavatam (1.1.10): mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah. The total population in this age of Kali-yuga is very bad, lazy, unfortunate and disturbed by material conditions
- It is said in the sastras that in this age of Kali, sattva-guna, the mode of goodness, is practically nonexistent
- It is said in the sastras: kalau sudra-sambhavah. In this age of Kali, everyone is dependent on another's mercy for the maintenance of the body; therefore everyone is classified as a sudra
- It is said that in Kali-yuga lying is a common affair: mayaiva vyavaharike. Even in the most common dealings, people are accustomed to speaking so many lies
- It is said that in Kali-yuga people have only short lives, and they have no culture of spiritual consciousness
- It is said that in Kali-yuga, the present age, snanam eva prasadhanam (SB 12.2.5): if one can even bathe nicely, that is prasadhana
- It is said that in the year 289 of the Age of Kali, the Alvar of the name Tondaradippadi was born
- It is said that in this age of Kali everyone will be extremely disturbed by three kinds of tribulations: scarcity of rain, famine, and heavy taxation by the government
- It is said that unless one accepts a mantra from one of these (four) sampradayas, the so-called mantra will not act in Kali-yuga. Many sampradayas have sprung up without authority, and they are misleading the people by giving unauthorized mantras
- It is simply horrible for a pure-hearted soul to see organized animal-killing by the state in this age of Kali
- It is sometimes said that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu disapproved of the acceptance of the sannyasa order in this Kali-yuga because in the sastra it is said: asvamedham gavalambham sannyasam pala-paitrkam, devarena sutotpattim kalau panca vivarjayet
- It is stated herein (SB 2.7.38) that the governmental power of society in Kali-yuga will be passed over to the uncultured, godless laborer classes of men, and thus the nrdevas (government ministers) will be the vrsalas, or the uncultured lower-class men
- It is stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam that in Kali-yuga the heads of government will be plunderers and thieves. These thieves and plunderers take the money and property of the public by force or connivance
- It is stated in the Padma Purana that Lord Siva appeared as a brahmana in the age of Kali to preach the Mayavada philosophy, which is nothing but a type of Buddhist philosophy
- It is stated in the Twelfth Canto of Bhagavatam that at the end of Kali-yuga people will be so polluted that there will no longer be any grains, wheat, sugarcane or milk
- It is stated that without money, you cannot get justice even. In the court of justice, everyone is expected to get proper behavior, but in the Kali-yuga it is stated that you cannot get justice without money
- It is the duty of the executive heads of state and others to take all necessary actions against the activities of Kali or the persons influenced by the age of Kali
- It is the duty of the king to look after the comforts of the citizens, even at the cost of his own personal convenience. This is not the case, however, in Kali-yuga
- It is understood from the authoritative source of Vedic literature that especially in this age, Kali-yuga, people are generally short-living, extremely bad in their habits, and inclined to accept methods of devotional service that are not bona fide
- It is understood from the Ramayana that when Bibhisana became friends with Lord Ramacandra, he promised that if by chance or will he broke the laws of friendship with Lord Ramacandra, he would become a brahmana or a king in Kali-yuga
- It is understood that the Lord incarnates in different colors for the different yugas - Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali
- It is very, I mean to say, what is called, intelligent question: Why there is Kali-yuga? Kali-yuga means these ages are change
- It is, the Kali-yuga, it is an ocean of faults. How...? Suppose all over your body there are boils. So where you will apply ointment? You just dip down.
- It may be argued that in Kali-yuga modern civilization is mainly situated in the cities. A great city, however, is like a great forest. Actually city life is more dangerous than life in the forest
- Jiva Goswami advises that in the Kali-yuga sankirtana is the principle worship
- Just as a condemned person can be relieved by a special favor of the chief executive head, the president or king, so the condemned people of this Kali-yuga can be delivered only by the SPG Himself or a person especially empowered for this purpose
- Just before the beginning of Kali-yuga - or, in other words, at the end of Dvapara-yuga - Lord Sri Krsna appeared and left His instructions in the form of Bhagavad-gita, in which He asked all living entities to surrender unto Him
- Kalau, in this age, most, major portion of the population will be sudras. Sudras means fourth-class men. Fourth-class men means sudra-karma svabhava-jam
- Kali-yuga entered after disappearance of Krsna. Pariksit Maharaja was also very vigilant. The Pandavas, they left their kingdom because they could understand that Kali-yuga has already entered
- Kali-yuga is compared to the rainy season because many difficulties in life are experienced during this damp season
- Kali-yuga is considered to be the most fallen age. We are thinking that we are making very much advance, but it is the most fallen age, because people are becoming like animals
- Kali-yuga is full of contamination. This is described in the Srimad-Bhagavatam - SB 12.3.51
- Kali-yuga is not very good age, simply faults. We have several times discussed that in this age, people's duration of life, mercifulness, bodily strength and so many things, eight kinds of things, will be reduced
- Kali-yuga is so fallen. If a young man sees another young man he's enjoying with another young girl, then naturally his lusty desires increases. So these things are forbidden therefore
- Kali-yuga is very strong. Time is very strong, that even coming in contact with Krsna consciousness, they are falling
- Kali-yuga means decrease of nourishment, necessities of life decreasing
- Kali-yuga means that people will be more and more unhappy. The first thing is that the duration of life will decrease, alpa-ayusa. And manda, all bad men. Hardly we'll find any good men
- Kali-yuga means the age of disagreement. Nobody agrees. Even husband, wife does not agree, what to speak of others. The father, son does not agree. Nobody agrees with anyone. This is the age like that
- Kali-yuga requested him to give him only one place where these four places are included, and Pariksit Maharaja gave him the place where gold is stored
- Kali-yuga, however, is so degraded that a father and mother even kill their children in the womb on the plea of their scientific knowledge that within the womb the child has no life. Prestigious medical practitioners give this opinion
- Kali-yuga, nobody is prepared to sacrifice. Especially when there is question of sacrificing for God, nobody's interested. So this, because they'll not sacrifice, they will enjoy themself, forgetting the supreme enjoyer
- Kapila Muni. He is also incarnation of God, and He preached the sankhya philosophy, original. Later on, in the, just in this Kali-yuga, there is an imitation sankhya philosophy. So there are two sankhya philosophies: atheistic and nonatheistic
- Karma-kandiya-yajnas are meant for sensuous persons, whereas yajna should actually be performed to please the Supreme Personality of Godhead. To please the Supreme Personality of Godhead in Kali-yuga, the sankirtana-yajna is recommended
- King Vena developed the demonic mentality and presented himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Such demons are numerous in this age of Kali, and all of them are condemned by great sages and saintly persons
- Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet: simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra, one can be freed from the contamination of Kali-yuga and, in his original spiritual body, can return home, back to Godhead. This is the opportunity of Kali-yuga
- Knowing well that the age of Kali has already begun, we are assembled here in this holy place to hear at great length the transcendental message of Godhead and in this way perform sacrifice
- Krsna consciousness is being distributed freely everywhere, yet not everyone takes to it, especially in this age of Kali. Because of this, Srimad-Bhagavatam characterizes people in the age of Kali as unfortunate
- Krsna is coming the rotation of four ages: Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, Kali-yuga is going on. So in different ages He comes in different colors. So this pita, yellowish color, is for Lord Caitanya
- Krsna worship existed at the beginning of creation and has continued to exist throughout Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga and Dvapara-yuga, and now it is continuing in Kali-yuga
- Later on, with the advent of the age of Kali, the wives gradually began to be less adherent to their husbands, and the voluntary embrace of the fire by the widows became a thing of the past
- Less than sudra, the candala, they are taking the part of ksatriya or brahmana or vaisya. That is the effect of this Kali-yuga. Therefore it is very lamentable. One must be trained up
- Let him chant the God's holy name, he'll see God. There is no difficult process in the Kali-yuga especially, this is a special prerogative of this age because God realization is very, very difficult for them
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu also confirmed that in this age of Kali, Krsna has descended in the form of sound vibration. Sound is one of the forms which the Lord takes. Therefore it is stated that there is no difference between Krsna and His name
- Lord Siva explained to his wife, Parvati, that in the age of Kali he would come in the form of a brahmana to preach an imperfect interpretation of the Vedas, known as Mayavadism, which in actuality is but a second edition of atheistic Buddhist philosophy
- Maha-moha means to be mad after material enjoyment. Especially in this age of Kali, everyone is overwhelmed by the madness to accumulate paraphernalia for material enjoyment
- Maharaja Pariksit knew also that the age of Kali had begun and that the first symptom of the age, namely degradation of the highly talented brahmana community, had also begun
- Maharaja Pariksit made an organized effort to propagate the chanting of the Lord's holy name, and thus he saved the citizens from the clutches of Kali. It is for this advantage only that great sages sometimes wish all good for the age of Kali
- Maharaja Pariksit, he was cursed by a boy brahmana that within seven days he'll be bitten by a snake and he'll die. The brahmanas were so powerful. So brahmana is not joke. In Kali-yuga there is no such brahmana
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was a great devotee of the Lord, and there was no necessity of his being afraid of the age of Kali, but he preferred to retire from active household life and prepare himself to go back home, back to Godhead
- Maharaja Yudhisthira was intelligent enough to understand the influence of the age of Kali, characterized by increasing avarice, falsehood, cheating and violence throughout the capital, state, home and among individuals
- Maitreya said: O Vidura, the four millenniums are called the Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali yugas. The aggregate number of years of all of these combined is equal to twelve thousand years of the demigods
- Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagyah, and all unfortunate. People cannot eat even properly. There is no milk, there is no ghee, there is no rice. This is the position of Kali-yuga
- Manufacture of the "necessities of life" in factories and workshops, excessively prominent in the age of Kali, or in the age of the machine, is the summit stage of the quality of darkness
- Many "isms" and cults will spring up in Kali-yuga only to kill the spotless bull of religion
- Material life means to be involved with so many unwanted things. That is material life. At the present moment, especially in this Kali-yuga, we are very, very much fallen
- Material miseries began in Dvapara-yuga, but they were not very stringent. Stringent material miseries really began from the advent of Kali-yuga
- Material nature is helping to bring him to the human body, or human species. When a human being is civilized he can take knowledge from Vedic literature. So in Kali Yuga the Srimad-Bhagavatam is the essence of Vedic literatures
- May Kalkideva, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, who appeared as an incarnation to protect religious principles, protect me from the dirt of the age of Kali
- Modern calculation of Satya yuga, Treta yuga, Dvapara yuga, Kali yuga, as golden age, bronze age, silver age, copper age, and other age, that is historical references. But the Vedic calculation is different from such calculation
- Modern heads of state are rogues & thieves who plunder the citizens instead of giving them protection. Rogues & thieves plunder without regard for law, but in this age of Kali, as stated in Srimad-Bhagavatam, the lawmakers themselves plunder the citizens
- My dear King, although Kali-yuga is full of faults, there is still 1 good quality about this age. It is that simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, one can become free from material bondage & be promoted to the transcendental kingdom - SB 12.3.51
- My dear Thakura Haridasa, in this Age of Kali most people are bereft of Vedic culture, and therefore they are called yavanas. They are concerned only with killing cows and brahminical culture. In this way they all engage in sinful acts
- Naturally a child, he thinks, "I am safe now with my mother." But the Kali-yuga is so cruel that even with mother you are not safe. And still you say it is a place of happiness? This is called illusion. It is not place
- Nature is like police force, this material nature. As soon as you become irreligious, making friendship with Kali and his friends, then you will be punished
- No other method will help you - yoga, karma, jnana, nothing. Bhakti-yoga is always strong, especially in this age, Kali-yuga. Therefore it is said, kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva, especially
- Nobody's married timely, either boys or girls. And nobody's secure. Nobody knows what will happen next moment. This is called Kali-yuga
- Not to be confused with Kali, the demigoddess who is the devastating feature of material nature. The latter is actually pronounced kah-lee, whereas the Kali under discussion here (as in the age of kali) is pronounced kuh-ly
- Now is the term of Vaivasvata Manu, during which Lord Caitanya appears. First Lord Krsna appears at the close of the Dvapara-yuga of the twenty-eighth divya-yuga, and then Lord Caitanya appears in the Kali-yuga of the same divya-yuga
- Now saintly persons have no such power due to the influence of the age of Kali. Indeed, the brahmanas do not even have the power to perform sacrifices in which animals are put into a fire to attain a new life
- Now the Kali-yuga is the age of the sudras. So they decorate the dead body. If a cobbler's father dies, he brings, he spends money. He brings nice covering cloth, and with flower and everything
- Now they are apprehending the appearance of a comet. So Krsna will appear just like a comet. Dhumaketum iva, Kalau ati karavalam. So that is the end of Kali-yuga, that people will be so mlecchacara, unclean habits
- Now this Kali-yuga, by bhakti-yoga, especially by chanting Hare Krsna maha-mantra, one can be fully reformed and come to spiritual platform, and that is success of life
- Now you have got food in chaos, but there will be no food also. Then the mother and father will eat his own children. This is world, this Kali-yuga, everything. No food will be produced
- Now, in the beginning of Kali-yuga, many irreligious principles are in effect, and as Kali-yuga advances, many pseudo religious principles will certainly be introduced
- Now, in this age, called Kali-yuga, the estimate is 100 years. But gradually, as the Kali-yuga progresses, our duration of life will decrease still further. This is the so-called progress of our modern civilization
- Nowadays in Kali-yuga the . . . some of the sannyasis, they are eating meat. Disastrous. So this kind of rascal sannyasism is prohibited in the sastra
- Nowadays Naxalites are coming. It is the time, Kali-yuga
- O learned brahmana, sometimes I accept the renounced order of life to induce the fallen people of the Age of Kali to accept devotional service to the Lord
- O Sanatana, now hear from Me about the yuga-avataras, the incarnations for the millenniums. First of all, there are four yugas - Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga
- Of course, human life does not actually begin until there is some conception of religion (dharma). But in the present age, Kali-yuga, dharma is practically nil - there is no religion or morality, and there are no pious activities
- Of course, sacrifice is meant to please Lord Visnu. Yajnaih sankirtana-prayair yajanti hi sumedhasah: (SB 11.5.32) in Kali-yuga, those who are intelligent perform the sankirtana-yajna. One should follow this process conscientiously
- Of course, these (meditational) austerities were performed in the Satya-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Treta-yuga, but not in this age of Kali. In this Kali-yuga, one can attain the same results simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Of these 427,000 years, the 10,000 years of the sankirtana movement inaugurated by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu 500 years ago provide the opportunity for the fallen souls of Kali-yuga to take to the Krsna consciousness movement
- On coming out of the cave, Mucukunda saw that the human species had surprisingly been reduced in stature to pygmy size. Similarly, the trees had also been far reduced in size, and Mucukunda could immediately understand that the current age was Kali-yuga
- On the whole, when one is too much inclined toward sex, he does not care for the transcendental spiritual life. In this age of Kali especially, no one is interested in spiritual advancement
- On this earth there are such places as Vrndavana and Ayodhya, which are called dhamas. In the dhama, there is no influence from Kali-yuga or any demon
- One can compensate for a life of frustration by becoming a dhira, or leaving home for good without communicating with relatives, and Vidura advised his eldest brother to adopt this way without delay because very quickly the age of Kali was approaching
- One may be the lowest of the low - a candala, or dog-eater - but if he takes to chanting and hearing the holy name of the Lord, he is immediately eligible to perform Vedic sacrifices. This is especially true in this Age of Kali
- One should lament that, "We are under this rascal government, under the rascal guru, rascal father. But who are meant for giving protection, they are all rascals. This is our position." This is called Kali-yuga
- One should worship Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and His four associates, the Panca-tattva, by distributing prasadam and holding congregational chanting. Indeed, that, yajna or sacrifice, is most recommended in this Age of Kali
- One should worship the Supreme Personality of Godhead who appears in this Age of Kali with His associates as the Panca-tattva: the Lord Himself and His associates Nityananda Prabhu, Sri Advaita Prabhu, Sri Gadadhara Prabhu & Srivasa Thakura - SB 11.5.32
- One trained monarch is far better than hundreds of useless ministerial rogues, and it is hinted herein (SB 1.18.43) that by abolition of a monarchical regime like that of Maharaja Pariksit, the mass of people become open to many attacks of the age of Kali
- One who has accepted the simple method recommended for this age, he is called the intelligent. That is required. That much intelligence we must have
- One who is deficient in knowledge cannot be called arya. At the present, however, the word arya is used to refer to those who are godless. This is the unfortunate situation of Kali-yuga
- Only by the propagation of the chanting of the holy name of the Lord can we be immune from all effects of the age of Kali
- Only one who is especially qualified can be allowed to marry more than one husband. In this age of Kali, to find such an equipoised woman is very difficult
- Other kinds of marriage-by love, by exchange of garlands or by kidnapping the bride-are now forbidden in this Kali age
- Other yajnas prescribed in the Vedic literatures are not easy to perform in this age of Kali, but the sankirtana-yajna is easy and sublime for all purposes. BG 1972 purports
- Out of madness they (the people of Kali-yuga) frankly say that there is no need for self-realization because they do not realize that this brief life is but a moment on our great journey towards self-realization
- Para-dravyesu lostravat. And other's property? Just like garbage. Nobody goes, but I have seen. Nowadays garbage is also tackled. I have seen in Hong Kong, one woman is finding out something valuable from the garbage. This is Kali-yuga
- Pariksit Maharaja told Kali-yuga to leave his kingdom immediately and reside in four places: brothels, liquor shops, slaughterhouses and gambling casinos
- People are gradually losing interest in temple worship even, what to speak of yoga or offering sacrifices. Everything is now finished. Therefore kalau tad dhari-kirtanat. This is prescribed in the sastra
- People are not interested what is the aim of life, what is the mission of this human form of life; neither there is guidance. There are so many upadravas. That is Kali-yuga
- People are unfortunate in spiritual consciousness in the Kali-yuga, and nature disturbs them in so many ways, especially through incurable diseases like cancer and through frequent wars and among nations
- People do not know what they are doing in the name of economic development. The influence of Kali will keep them in the darkness of ignorance
- People in general are unaware that the message of Srimad-Bhagavatam can give all of human society relief from the pangs of Kali-yuga - kali-kalmasa-ghnam
- People in general, especially in this age of Kali, are enamored by the external energy of Krsna, and they wrongly think that by advancement of material comforts every man will be happy. BG 1972 Preface
- People in modern civilization do not like pregnancy or childbirth, and when there is a child, they sometimes kill it. We can just consider how human society has fallen since the inauguration of Kali-yuga
- People should take advantage of the chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra and thus gain relief from all the problems created in this age of Kali
- People should take advantage of the injunctions in different sastras concerning sacrifices in this age and not create unnecessary disturbances during the sinful age of Kali
- People will forget the real religious principles enunciated by Lord Krsna before the beginning of Kali-yuga, namely principles of surrender unto the lotus feet of the Lord
- Performance of any kind of sacrifice in this age of Kali is uncertain
- Persons who have lost their vision due to the dense darkness of ignorance in the age of Kali shall get light from this Purana
- Please chant sixteen rounds of japa mala daily and try to observe the regulative principles of no meat-eating, no intoxication, no gambling and no illicit sex life. These four are the pillars of sinful life, especially in this age of Kali Yuga
- Please preach this Krsna Consciousness very strongly so that we may give people real light for seeing the way out of the darkness of Kali Yuga. The modern scientists are confusing everyone with their false propaganda and it is our duty to expose them
- Practically speaking, this process is not very easy in this age of Kali. In Srimad-Bhagavatam a description is given of the people of this age. Their duration of life is said to be very short
- Practicing evil habits and behaving foolishly, the subjects will be like their rulers." The idea is that in the democratic days of Kali-yuga, the general population will fall down to the standard of sudras
- Prahlada said: In the Age of Kali, O Mahapurusa, You sometimes appear in a covered incarnation (Caitanya). Therefore You are known as Tri-yuga - one who appears in only three yugas
- Pramattas means to remain attached to this family life means madness. Means madness. It is very difficult to understand this madness, especially in this age, Kali-yuga, because we have very little knowledge
- Process of hearing in the association of the devotees is especially recommended in this age of quarrel (Kali)
- Prthivite ache yata naga . . . (CB Antya-khanda 4.126). All over the world, as many villages and towns are there, preach. But this paramahamsa says, "No, no. I cannot go beyond Vrndavana." Kali-yuga's paramahamsa
- Recently newspapers are reporting that faith in a personal God is diminishing. This means that people are becoming more and more foolish. This is natural in Kali-yuga, for as the age of Kali progresses, bodily strength, memory and mercy diminish
- Religion will practically vanish. So that means gradually human beings will descend to the platform of animals - in Kali-yuga
- Religious practice for the Age of Kali
- Repeatedly we are spending our gallons of blood, "Don't do this"; still they are doing. Cannot give up even sleeping. So condemned, Kali-yuga. Mandah sumanda-matayah. So it is very difficult with these rascals. Very, very difficult
- Resplendent with the radiance of molten gold, He has descended in the Age of Kali by His causeless mercy to bestow what no incarnation has ever offered before: the most elevated mellow of devotional service, the mellow of conjugal love
- Sannyasa does not mean begging from door to door to accumulate money for sense gratification. However, because in Kali-yuga people are more or less prone to sense gratification, immature sannyasa is not recommended
- Satya-yuga means perfect age. Then Treta-yuga - one-fourth less of perfection. And then Dvapara-yuga - half less; and Kali-yuga - three-fourth less. Three-fourth bad elements and one-fourth good elements. That is also very rare
- Satya-yuga means when cent percent people are pure. That is called Satya-yuga. And Treta-yuga means 75% are pure, 25% impure. And Dvapara-yuga means 50%, 50% pure and 50%... And Kali-yuga means 75% impure and 25% may be pure
- SB 12.3.52 says: "Whatever result one obtained in Satya-yuga by meditating on Visnu, in Treta-yuga by performing sacrifices and in Dvapara-yuga by serving His lotus feet one can also obtain in Kali-yuga simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra"
- Should it be thought that Sri Caitanya made statements that are contradictory (because Caitanya disapproved of the acceptance of the sannyasa order in this Kali-yuga but He Himself took sannyasa and His brother Visvarupa did so)? No, actually He did not
- Simply because of hearing this narration, they gain a reputation as devotees, they are unaffected by the contamination of Kali-yuga, and they never see bad dreams
- Simply by accepting the sankirtana movement and chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, the fallen souls of this Kali-yuga will be delivered
- Simply by chanting the holy name of the Lord one advances perfectly in spiritual life. This is the best process for success in life. In other ages the chanting of the holy name is equally powerful but especially in this age Kali-yuga, it is most powerful
- Simply we can waste our time by so-called meditation, but real meditation is not achievable at the present age. In this age of Kali, simply by chanting Hare Krsna you can attain the perfection. So these are the prescription. We have to follow
- Since the attitude of wives gradually changed with the advancement of Kali-yuga. Thus the system of saha-marana has practically been abolished
- Since the beginning of Kali-yuga, however, people have practically been unable to surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna
- Since the days of the Battle of Kuruksetra, about five thousand years ago, the influence of the age of Kali began manifesting, and from authentic scriptures it is learned that the age of Kali is still to run on for 427,000 years
- Since the material world is compared herein to a forest, it may be argued that in Kali-yuga modern civilization is mainly situated in the cities. A great city, however, is like a great forest. Actually city life is more dangerous than life in the forest
- Smrtis such as the Brhan-naradiya Purana say the same thing - that in this age of Kali-yuga, the only possible means of God-realization is chanting the Lord's name
- Snanam eva prasadhanam. In the Kali-yuga it will be very difficult even to take a bath
- So in Kali-yuga the practice of yoga is not possible. It was possible in the Satya-yuga. Krte yad dhyayato visnum. That is meditation. That was possible in the Satya-yuga. But in Kali-yuga you can do that, the same achievement you can have by hari-kirtana
- So in this way Kali-yuga is polluted. Everything is contaminated, polluted. So it is called the ocean of faults. Because the life is meant for liberation. If one is not interested in liberation, simply for sense gratification, that is conditional life
- So long Maharaja Pariksit was there, there was no influence of Kali-yuga. So after all, the age has come. It is ordained. So Pariksit Maharaja was cursed by a brahmana to die within seven days, and after his death the Kali-yuga spreaded its influence
- So-called followers of Vedic principles simply accept the Vedas formally, but they act against Vedic principles. This is symptomatic of this Age of Kali
- Sometimes horses, sometimes cows were offered. But in this age, Kali-yuga, they are forbidden because there is no such yajnika-brahmana. All kinds of sacrifices are forbidden in this age
- Sometimes it is necessary to preach a philosophical doctrine which is against the Vedic conclusion. In the Siva Purana it is stated that Lord Siva said to Parvati that in the Kali-yuga, in the body of a brahmana, he would preach the Mayavada philosophy
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the incarnation for this age of Kali, as confirmed in many places throughout the puranas, the Mahabharata, Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Upanisads. The summary of His appearance is given in Caitanya-caritamrta - CC Madhya 6.99
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is the incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in this age of Kali, and He will be easily satisfied if the sankirtana movement is spread vigorously all over the world. This will also make people happy without a doubt
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu says herein (CC Madhya 19.146), veda-nisiddha papa kare, dharma nahi gane. In this age, men may profess a religion, but they actually do not follow the principles. Instead, they commit all kinds of sins
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's specific mission is to deliver fallen souls. Of course, in this Age of Kali there is hardly anyone who is not fallen according to the calculations of Vedic behavior
- Sri Caitanya's mission is to deliver the fallen souls of this age. In this Age of Kali, practically cent percent of the population is fallen. Caitanya Mahaprabhu certainly delivered many fallen souls, but His disciples mainly came from the upper classes
- Sri Vyasadeva and his many disciples were all historical personalities, and they were very kind and sympathetic toward the fallen souls of this age of Kali
- Srila Rupa Gosvami also says, karunayavatirnah kalau: it is only by His (Caitanya's) mercy that He has descended in this Age of Kali. Here (in CC Adi 7.150) this is exemplified
- Srila Sridhara Svami has verified that Lord Visnu appears in the Age of Kali but does not act as He does in other ages
- Srila Vyasadeva knew that in this Kali-yuga people would not be able to study Vedanta-sutra nicely on account of a lack of education, he personally wrote a commentary on the Vedanta-sutra. That commentary is Srimad-Bhagavatam. Bhasyam brahma-sutranam
- Srimad-Bhagavatam says, and we can actually see, that in Kali-yuga about eighty percent of the people are sinful. Illicit sex life, intoxication, meat-eating, and gambling are the four pillars of sinful life
- Srimad-Bhagavatam states that in the Age of Kali, thieves, rogues and fourth-class people who have neither education nor culture capture the seats of governments to exploit the citizens. This is a symptom of Kali-yuga that has already appeared
- Srimad-Bhagavatam was composed just prior to the beginning of the age of Kali (about five thousand years ago), and Lord Buddha appeared about twenty-six hundred years ago. Therefore in the Srimad-Bhagavatam Lord Buddha is foretold
- Sruti means it is received through hearing. Real process is hearing. And this age, Kali-yuga, people cannot study so much
- Such (so-called) sannyasa was introduced by Indra because of his jealousy of Maharaja Prthu, and what he introduced is again appearing in the age of Kali. practically none of the sannyasis in this age are bona fide
- Such devotional service (worshiping either Krsna or Caitanya without worshiping the other) is to be understood to be a product of Kali-yuga
- Such people worship the Age of Kali because in this age one can advance in spiritual knowledge and attain life's goal simply by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- Sukadeva Gosvami gave this warning (without contribution they should not ask food to the householders) especially for those mendicants who adopt this line of profession to solve their economic problems. Such mendicants are in abundance in the age of Kali
- Suta Gosvami said: While Maharaja Pariksit was residing in the capital of the Kuru empire, the symptoms of the age of Kali began to infiltrate within the jurisdiction of his state
- Taking brahminical initiation, he is acting as a candala, angry candala. You see? So this is Kali-yuga
- Taking into consideration the fallen condition of the people in general in this age of Kali, the sages of Naimisaranya suggested that Sri Suta Gosvami relate the essence of all such scriptures
- That is happening now in this Kali-yuga generally. Big, big court justice, magistrate, they are giving favorable judgment, being bribed. This is Kali-yuga
- That is Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mercy. He distributed the most confidential part of love of Godhead. Although we are living in this fallen age, Kali-yuga, but He is giving the topmost platform of loving Krsna, anarpita-carim cirat
- That is the future of the world in the age of Kali (rulers illegally gratify themselves at the cost of all comforts of the citizens), when irreligiosity prevails most prominently
- That P. of God, the reservoir of all goodness & beauty, Lord Krsna, has now closed His transcendental pastimes on the face of the earth. In His absence the age of Kali has spread its influence everywhere, so I am sorry to see this condition of existence
- That was animal sacrifice. Sometimes horses, sometimes cows were offered. But in this age, Kali-yuga, they are forbidden because there is no such yajnika-brahmin
- The activity most recommended by Krsna and Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu for taking oneself to the perfectional stage in this age of Kali-yuga is this sankirtana or preaching mission
- The age is so fallen that if one can maintain one wife and a few children, oh, he is Daksa Maharaja. Daksa Maharaja is called . . . Daksa means he was very expert in begetting children and maintaining them
- The age is so strong, the Kali-yuga, that it will dictate. Maya will dictate, "Why you go there? What is there?" But actually, those who have come to us, those who are following, they are so much changed
- The age of Kali aims at killing the higher principles of life, and although Maharaja Pariksit strongly resisted the domination of the personality of Kali within the world, the influence of the age of Kali came at an opportune moment
- The age of Kali began with gold standardization, and therefore falsity, intoxication, animal slaughter and prostitution are rampant all over the world, and the saner section is eager to drive out corruption
- The age of Kali ensued just after the Battle of Kuruksetra, but it could not exert its influence because of the presence of the Lord
- The age of Kali is called the fallen age. In this fallen age, because the living beings are in an awkward position, the Supreme Lord has given some special facilities to them
- The age of Kali is full of sinful reactions, and people are more and more addicted to the qualities of this age, but simply by hearing and chanting of krsna-katha one is sure to go back to Godhead
- The Age of Kali is so strong that it affects even the so-called followers of Lord Caitanya. At least the followers of Caitanya Mahaprabhu must come out of India to preach His cult all over the world, for this is the mission of Lord Caitanya
- The age of Kali is the most condemned age due to its quarrelsome features. Kali-yuga is so saturated with vicious habits that there is a great fight at the slightest misunderstanding
- The age of Kali is very dangerous for the human being. Human life is simply meant for self-realization, but due to this dangerous age, men have completely forgotten the aim of life
- The age of Kali literally means the age of quarrel, and the abovementioned four symptoms in human society are the root causes for all kinds of quarrel
- The age of Kali means mismanagement and quarrel. And the root cause of all mismanagement and quarrel is that worthless men with the modes of lower-class men, who have no higher ambition in life, come to the helm of the state management
- The age of Kali-yuga is 432,000's of years. Out of that we have passed only 5,000 years. The balance is 427,000's of years. And it will become, the condition of society, world, will be worse
- The barriers around an agricultural field sometimes break due to heavy torrents of rain. Similarly, the unauthorized atheistic propaganda in the Age of Kali breaks the boundary of the Vedic injunctions. Thus people gradually degenerate to godlessness
- The beginning of the misuse of brahminical power began, and gradually the brahmanas in the age of Kali became devoid of both brahminical powers and culture
- The best course, therefore, is to complete our KC and return home, back to Godhead. That will save us. Otherwise, if we come back again for another life in Kali-yuga, we shall find difficult days ahead, and we shall have to suffer more and more
- The bodily conception is the basic principle of suffering in material existence. In Kali-yuga especially, people are so uneducated that they cannot even understand that the body is changing at every moment and that the ultimate change is called death
- The Brahma-samhita describes the avataras. Indeed, all the avataras are described in the authentic scriptures. No one can become an avatara, or incarnation, although this has become fashionable in the age of Kali
- The Brhan-naradiya Purana recommends: For spiritual progress in this Age of Kali, there is no alternative, no alternative, no alternative to the holy name, the holy name, the holy name of the Lord
- The business is: "They are claiming all kinds of sinful conditioned souls." Their only business is. Because in this age, Kali-yuga, you cannot find any perfectly pious man or saintly person. Everyone is addicted to so many sinful activities
- The Caitanya-caritamrta states that in the Age of Kali the only spiritual function is to broadcast the holy name of the Lord, but this function can be performed only by one who is actually empowered by Lord Krsna
- The change of dress is only a formality. Lord Caitanya did not accept the name of a sannyasi, and in this age of Kali the so-called sannyasis should not change their former names, following in the footsteps of Lord Caitanya
- The characteristics of this age predicted by Srimad-Bhagavatam are already being experienced to some degree. Since Kali-yuga is a very miserable age, Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is Sri Krsna Himself, advises everyone simply to chant Hare Krsna
- The common man does not even have the intelligence to penetrate into the jugglery of words. He is better advised to chant the maha-mantra: Hare Krsna. In this quarrelsome age of Kali there is no alternative for self-realization
- The conditioned living entities in the material world, especially in the present age of Kali, are overpowered by the flood of love of God inaugurated by Lord Caitanya and His associates
- The counteracting process (to the age of Kali) is suggested above (allowing Kali to live in five places), and everyone can take advantage of this suggestion
- The cycle of the four yugas, namely Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali, rotates like the calendar months
- The demons who acted inimically toward the Personality of Godhead but were not killed by the Lord were allowed to take birth in the families of brahmanas to take advantage of the age of Kali
- The disease is there; the remedy is there. If you take the remedy, so there is no question of suffering from the disease. But you refuse to take the remedy. Just like this verse from Srimad-Bhagavatam, Twelfth Canto. This Kali-yuga is the ocean of faults
- The downfall of the brahminical powers began as they gave importance to birthright without culture. The downfall of the brahmana caste began in the age of Kali
- The duration of Kali-yuga is 432,000 years, and although only 5,000 years of it have passed, already we find so many difficulties, and the more we grow into this Kali-yuga, the more the times will be difficult
- The duration of the Dvapara millennium equals 2,400 years; and that of the Kali millennium is 1,200 years of the demigods
- The duration of the material universe is limited. It is manifested in cycles of kalpas. A kalpa is a day of Brahma, and one day of Brahma consists of a thousand cycles of four yugas or ages: Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali. BG 1972 purports
- The duration of the Treta-yuga is 3,600 x 360, or 1,296,000 years. The duration of the Dvapara-yuga is 2,400 x 360, or 864,000 years. And the last, the Kali-yuga, is 1,200 x 360, or 432,000 years
- The entire Kali-yuga is full of faults. It is like an unlimited ocean of faults. But the Krsna consciousness movement is very authorized
- The fact is that by performing sankirtana-yajna one can immediately please the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Then Narayana Himself descends and immediately is present. In this age of Kali, Narayana is immediately present in the form of Lord Caitanya
- The faithless atheist class, they say, "There is no God." But let him chant the God's holy name, he'll see God. There is no difficult process in the Kali-yuga especially
- The first sign of misgivings was exhibited in the cursing of such a greatly intelligent and devoted king as Maharaja Pariksit because the age of Kali began to act just after the assumption of power by Maharaja Pariksit
- The four ages of earth (Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali) last only twelve thousand years according to the time scale of the upper planets. Such a length of time multiplied by one thousand constitutes one day of Brahma, and one night of Brahma is the same
- The fundamental religious system in the Age of Kali is the chanting of the holy name of Krsna. Unless empowered by Krsna, one cannot propagate the sankirtana movement
- The general mass of people work very hard, especially in the age of Kali
- The government administration in the present age (Kali-yuga) is bereft of all godly qualities. Considering all these points, the people today have no alternative but to take to Krsna consciousness for protection of religion, life and property
- The Hare Krsna movement, or Krsna consciousness movement, is meant for this purpose - to invoke the situation of Satya-yuga, even in this age of Kali
- The highest realization of spiritual value is to chant the holy name of God, as prescribed for the age - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare - Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- The human form of life is meant for liberation, but unfortunately, due to the influence of Kali-yuga, every day the grhasthas are working hard like asses. Early in the morning they rise and travel even a hundred miles away to earn bread
- The illusory potency, maya, constantly terrorizes and shackles the people in the present Age of Quarrel, Kali-yuga
- The illusory potency, maya, constantly terrorizes and shackles the people in the present Age of Quarrel, Kali-yuga. Due to forgetting their real identity as spirit souls, they bring disaster to the world
- The Kali begins with this animal killing. That is Kali-yuga. Meat-eating. Therefore, to avoid the influence of Kali we have to give up this habit
- The Kali's friends . . . just like a man is known by his company. So Kali-yuga is the age of irreligion. Therefore, quarrel and fighting. Quarrel and fighting, communal fighting
- The Kali-santarana Upanisad states, "Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare - these sixteen names composed of thirty-two syllables are the only means to counteract the evil effects of Kali-yuga
- The Kali-yuga is so powerful that it will not allow you to accept the real thing. You will be after non-real thing and waste your time and valuable life
- The Kali-yuga is spreading very rapidly, and wherever the Kali-yuga is very prominent, these four items are very prominent: unrestricted sex life, gambling and meat-eating and intoxication
- The Kalki avatara is the fierce incarnation who vanquishes the class of the atheists born in this age of Kali
- The kingdom of Rama was immensely popular and beneficial, and the spreading of this Hare Krsna movement can immediately introduce a similar situation, even in this Kali-yuga
- The ksetra-sannyasi lives in these places alone or with his family. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura considers ksetra-sannyasa to be the preferable vanaprastha situation in this Age of Kali
- The logic of this statement (the beginning of Dvapara-yuga in this context means just prior to the beginning of the Kali-yuga), according to Srila Jiva Gosvami, is comparable to that of calling the upper portion of the tree the beginning
- The Lord (Caitanya) has said that the varnasrama-dharma is not properly executed in this Age of Kali; therefore He ordered Ramananda Raya to go further into the matter
- The Lord is addressed in this verse (SB 3.16.22) as tri-yuga, or one who appears in three millenniums - namely the Satya, Dvapara and Treta yugas. He is not mentioned as appearing in the fourth millennium, or Kali-yuga
- The Lord is described as go-brahmana-hitaya because His incarnation is only for the protection of the cows & brahmanas. Unfortunately, because in Kali-yuga there is no protection of the cows and brahminical culture, everything is in a precarious position
- The Lord is so kind that in spite of Kali-yuga's being devoid of these three spiritual qualities (namely austerity, cleanliness and mercy), He comes and protects the people of this age in His covered incarnation as Lord Caitanya
- The Lord says that He incarnates Himself in every millennium. This indicates that He incarnates also in the age of Kali. BG 1972 purports
- The majority of people in this age of Kali are sinful, short-living, unfortunate and disturbed (mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah). For them, Caitanya Mahaprabhu has advised: harer nama harer nama, harer namaiva kevalam
- The Mayavadi philosophy claims to be directed by the Vedic conclusions. Lord Siva, however, admits that this philosophy is manufactured by him in the age of Kali in order to mislead the atheists
- The mission of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu is to spread the only medicine effective in this fallen Age of Kali - the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- The more the age of Kali-yuga will increase, these things (human becoming animals) will also increase more and more, more and more. Later on, you won't get foodstuff. You will be obliged to kill some animal and eat
- The more the books are distributed, the more the ignorance of the Age of Kali will be smashed
- The more we will pass this Kali-yuga, the symptoms will be more acute, intolerable. So we should care. We should take care of this so that we may not come back again to this Kali-yuga
- The most important factor in this Age of Kali, which is an ocean of faults, is that one can be free from all contamination and become eligible to enter the kingdom of God simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra
- The most regrettable characteristic of this age, is that man has forgotten God
- The number of materialistic persons in this age of Kali has increased more than in any other age
- The path of salvation or the path of transcendental bliss (in the age of Kali), retreated far, far away from human society
- The people in general in this age of Kali are too much interested in matter, which is temporary. Because of ignorance they are unable to evaluate the assets of life and be enlightened in spiritual knowledge
- The people in general, they do not know what is the goal of life, and still they are leaders. That is the defect of the modern civilization. It is the defect of material world, but especially in this Kali-yuga, it is the most abominable, fallen age
- The people of Kali-yuga will not perform any sacrifice. The mleccha population will care very little for performances of sacrifices, although performance of sacrifice is essential for persons who are materially engaged in sense enjoyment
- The people of the world in this age of Kali are always full of anxieties. Everyone is diseased with some kind of ailment. From the very faces of the people of this age, one can find out the index of the mind
- The performance of yajna is a very difficult task because all the demigods must be invited to participate in the yajna. In this Kali-yuga it is not possible to perform such costly sacrifices, nor is it possible to invite the demigods to participate
- The period of passion is called Treta-yuga, the period of mixed passion and ignorance is called Dvapara-yuga, and the period of darkness and ignorance (the last period) is called Kali-yuga, or the age of quarrel
- The periodic spiritual ceremonies are held for inspiration, and not for exploitation. If there are flaws now because of the age of Kali, they should be rectified, but the institutions must be saved
- The personality of Kali-yuga was seeking the opportunity to establish authority, and by the grace of the Lord he found a hole in the puffed-up, inexperienced son of a brahmana
- The present age is called Kali-yuga. Kali-yuga means the age of quarrel and disagreement. No one agrees with anyone else. Everyone has his own theory; everyone has his own philosophy
- The present Kali-yuga lasts 432,000 years, out of which we have passed only 5,000 years after the Battle of Kuruksetra and the end of the regime of King Pariksit
- The presidents and chief executives in the age of Kali are simply tax collectors who do not care whether religious principles are observed
- The principles of the parampara system were strictly honored in previous ages but in the present age, Kali-yuga, people neglect the importance of this system of srauta-parampara, or receiving knowledge by disciplic succession
- The process of chanting the holy name of the Lord is always superbly effective, but it is especially effective in this age of Kali
- The purport is that in the Kali-yuga, the government men, they will be all rogues and thieves. So the citizens also follow them
- The recommended means of attaining the mature stage of Love of God in the present age of 'Kali,' or quarrel, is to chant the Holy Name of the Lord. The easiest method for most people is to chant the Hare Krishna mantra
- The resultant action of human civilization in the age of Kali is dissatisfaction, so everyone is anxious to get peace of mind
- The rsis in those days, however, could not even imagine that in the advanced days of the age of Kali the lowest of the sudras will be elected as administrators and will open organized slaughterhouses for killing cows
- The sacrificial fire kindled by the sages of Naimisaranya was certainly full of smoke and doubts because of many flaws. The first flaw is that there is an acute scarcity of expert brahmanas able to carry out performances successfully in this age of Kali
- The same goal (satisfying the Supreme Personality of Godhead) could be achieved in Dvapara-yuga by worship of the Lord in the temple, and in this age of Kali one can achieve the same goal by performing sankirtana-yajna
- The sannyasis of Kali-yuga who change their robes from white to saffron and then think they can do whatever they like are more abominable than materialistic grhasthas. This is not recommended anywhere
- The secret of success is unknown to people in general, and therefore Srila Vyasadeva, being compassionate toward the poor souls in this material world, especially in this age of Kali, has given us the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- The self-realization can be achieved in the age of Kali simply by chanting the holy names, Hare Krsna. This is also confirmed in Visnu Purana
- The self-realization that was achieved in the Satya-yuga by meditation, in the Treta by the performance of different sacrifices, and in the Dvapara by worship of Lord Krsna can be achieved in the Age of Kali simply by chanting the holy names, Hare Krsna
- The self-realization which was achieved in the Satya millennium by meditation, in the Treta millennium by the performance of different sacrifices, & in the Dvapara millennium by worship of Krsna, can be achieved in the age of Kali by chanting Hare Krsna
- The so-called acaryas of the Age of Kali are more concerned with exploiting the resources of their followers than mitigating their miseries; but Sri Advaita Prabhu, as an ideal acarya, was concerned with improving the condition of the world situation
- The so-called administrators are now bewildered by the influence of this age of Kali, and thus they have put all state affairs into disorder. Are you now lamenting this disorder?
- The so-called brahmanas of the Kali-yuga are sometimes very proud that a great brahmana like Bhrgu Muni could touch the chest of Lord Visnu with his foot
- The so-called civilization of the Kali yuga with its over industrialization, has not been able to give to man the happiness he is seeking
- The social and the scriptural rules and regulations were followed. So when a child is born the astrologer is called. Still that system is followed. But due to this Kali-yuga the astrologer has also become a false, and this has become a formality
- The some rogues and frauds, they will combine together, and make a government, and take others' property, and they will remain honest, and he is fraud. This is Kali-yuga
- The special feature of this Age of Kali is that one can easily execute the process of cleansing the mind of contamination by chanting the holy names of God - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- The spiritual master delivered the Vedic hymns and their explanations to the student, who would then remember them forever, without consulting books - before the beginning of Kali-yuga
- The spiritual master is so kind that in spite of having bad dreams due to the sinful disciple, he accepts this troublesome business for the deliverance of the victims of Kali-yuga
- The Srimad-Bhagavatam was written five thousand years ago. So at that time the prediction is there that in the Kali-yuga the meat-eaters will be unlawful and they will especially eat cows and bulls
- The state is now callous to religious principles. Srimad-Bhagavatam predicts that in Kali-yuga the government will be entrusted with dasyu-dharma, which means the occupational duty of rogues and thieves
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Visnu, is known as Triyuga, which means that He is manifest in three yugas. However, this means that in the Age of Kali the Lord appears not directly but in disguise
- The teachings of Lord Rsabhadeva are for the people of all yugas-Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga & especially Kali-yuga. These instructions are so powerful that even in this age of Kali one can attain perfection simply by explaining the instructions
- The temple worship was introduced in the Dvapara-yuga. Kalau tad dhari-kirtanat. And in the, this age, it is called Kali-yuga, the age of quarrel and fight. In this age the only means is hari-kirtana
- The tendency in this age of Kali to make a classless society and not observe the principles of varna and asrama is a manifestation of an impossible dream
- The two brothers Jagai and Madhai epitomize the sinful population of this Age of Kali. They were most disturbing elements in society because they were meat-eaters, drunkards, woman-hunters, rogues and thieves
- The varna and asrama society was considered to be the best institution for lifting the human being to the spiritual platform, but due to Kali-yuga it is not possible to execute the rules and regulations of these institutions
- The Vedic literature clearly states three times that in this age of Kali—kalau nasty eva nasty eva nasty eva—there is no other alternative, no other alternative, no other alternative than harer nama (CC Adi 17.21), chanting the holy name of the Lord
- The Vedic sastras practically prohibit the adoption of sannyasa in the age of Kali because less intelligent men may accept the sannyasa order for cheating purposes
- The whole atmosphere is epidemic, whole atmosphere, this Kali-yuga. And still, by the superior orders we have to preach this Krsna consciousness movement
- The whole difficulty is that in this age of Kali there is no sattva-guna and no clearance of the heart, and therefore people are making the mistake of identifying with their bodies
- The word daksyam, meaning "famous for pious activities," comes from daksa, which means "expert." In Kali-yuga one will be considered expert if he can maintain a family consisting of himself, his wife, and one or two children
- The word kali means "quarrel." Kali-yuga is compared to the rainy season because many difficulties in life are experienced during this damp season
- The word yajna indicates Lord Visnu. We should work only for His satisfaction. In modern times (Kali-yuga), however, people have forgotten Visnu altogether, and they conduct their activities for sense gratification
- The words of Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu are firm and convincing, and I accept them as true. In this Age of Kali, one cannot be delivered from the material clutches simply by formally accepting the renounced order
- The younger brothers of Yudhisthira observed that the age of Kali had already arrived throughout the world & that the citizens of the kingdom were already affected by irreligious practice. Therefore they decided to follow their elder brother
- There are always disturbing diseases and economic problems in Kali-yuga. Therefore Lord Sri Krsna considered that in this age it is impossible for people to come to the perfectional stage of liberation by following the prescribed rules and regulations
- There are different kinds of men, beginning with the brahmana and going down to the lowest platform, candala. Whatever one’s position, everyone in this Age of Kali needs to be enlightened in Krsna consciousness. That is the greatest need of the day
- There are different periods in your country called summer, winter, fall, spring. They are coming by rotation. Similarly, there is rotation of time which is divided into four millenniums called Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, and Kali-yuga
- There are four yugas, or millennia - Satya, Treta, Dvapara, and Kali - and in each millennium the Supreme Lord incarnates, and each incarnation has a different color according to the yuga
- There are four yugas, or millenniums - Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali. In all the yugas but Kali-yuga, the Lord appears in various incarnations and asserts Himself as the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There are four yugas: Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga
- There are four yugas: Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga. So the aggregate of all these yugas is about forty-three hundred thousands of years. And if you multiply by one thousand, then that becomes Brahma's one day only, twelve hours
- There are many, so many theories for avoiding God consciousness. But that's not very practical. Therefore in the Kali-yuga, it is said, dharma satyam, the truth is neglected, the dharma is neglected. It is reduced
- There are the yugavataras, or the incarnations of the millennia. The yugas are known as Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga and Kali-yuga
- There is a chronological order of the four millenniums, namely Satya, Dvapara, Treta and Kali. But sometimes there is overlapping
- There is a type of spiritual master and disciple much advertised in this age of Kali. It is said that the master injects spiritual force into the disciple by an electrical current generated by the master, and the disciple begins to feel the shock
- There is full cooperation and spiritual advancement amongst all the different orders of society. And when there is no such cooperation, the members of society will fall down. That is the present position in the kali-yuga, this age of quarrel
- There is hereditary preference, certainly. If a man is born in a brahmin family, that is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita but by the contamination of Kali-yuga, all higher-class families, they have been contaminated
- There is no complete annihilation at the end of Kali yuga, there may be some disturbances, but not complete annihilation. There are thousands of Kali yugas in every day of Brahma, and they come and go just like seasonal changes
- There is no ksatriya; there is no Brahmin; there is no vaisya. Therefore the sastra says, "In the Kali-yuga there is only sudras"; there is no more brahmin. Of course, there is; not "no more," but very minor quantity
- There is no question of being hopeless. If we follow the injunction given in these authorized scriptures, then even in this Kali-yuga we can attain perfection. And the process is this: Hare Krsna
- There is very nice process in the Kali-yuga. In the midst of so many difficulties of this age, there is one boon, and that boon is one can become liberated from this material entanglement altogether simply by chanting this Hare Krsna
- There was but one victim like Ajamila in those days, but in this age of Kali the poor innocent students are daily victims of cinemas which attract men only for sex indulgence
- There was no need to fight with small states because everyone was peacefully under his (Maharaj Pariksit's) subordination, but the Kali-yuga miscreants gave his fighting spirit a chance for exhibition
- There was no need to refer to books, and therefore there were no written books in those days - before the beginning of Kali-yuga
- There were only one or two Raksasas in the previous ages due to negligence of the disciplinary methods, but during the age of Kali there is no discipline in sex life. How, then, can one expect good children
- These (punishing Maharaja Pariksit) are the principal signs of upstarts who want to take the place of Sri Krsna under the influence of the age of Kali. An upstart with a little power wants to become an incarnation of the Lord
- These are some of the great advantages of the age of Kali, and Maharaja Pariksit took all the advantages and did not think any ill of the age of Kali, true to his Vaisnavite cult
- These are the human assets - qualities which make a human being distinct from the animals.These things will decline (in Kali-yuga). There will be almost no mercy, there will be almost no truthfulness, memory will be shortened, duration of life shortened
- These attributes (austerity, cleanliness, mercy & truthfulness) have diminished in the Treta-yuga to three fourths, in the Dvapara to half, and in this age of Kali to one fourth, which is also gradually diminishing on account of prevailing untruthfulness
- These purposes (paritranaya sadhunam vinasaya ca duskrtam (BG 4.8)) are visible in the Satya, Treta and Dvapara yugas, but in Kali-yuga the Lord appears disguised. He does not directly kill demons and give protection to the faithful
- These words are very astonishing but quite befitting the Age of Kali; otherwise how could Balarama speak so vituperatively?
- They (Caitanya and Nityananda) come especially to deliver the fallen souls of this age. papi tapi yata chila, hari-name uddharila. Their weapon is sankirtana, hari-nama
- They (conditioned souls) are mostly engaged in sense enjoyment under the pretension of religiosity, knowledge or salvation. They are still more blind in the present age of quarrel, or Kali-yuga
- They (Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu) have appeared just to reclaim the fallen souls of this age. So They are more kind than Krsna. Krsna, He is also very kind. He comes to deliver. But Krsna demands that first of all surrender
- They (people in general, especially in this age of Kali) have no knowledge that the material or external nature is very strong, for everyone is strongly bound by the stringent laws of material nature. BG 1972 Preface
- They (so-called scientists, philosophers and politicians) cannot do anything good for the world, and unfortunately, because of Kali-yuga, they have plunged the affairs of the world into mismanagement
- They (the fathers and the guardians) should know that so many innocent children are victims of bad association awarded by the influence of this age of Kali
- They (the people of Kali-yuga) will be busy in ghora-rupa activities, horrible and fierceful activities, not yajna. They will neglect yajna. So then how your these bolts and nuts and rubber tires will help you? Therefore there is scarcity of anna
- They (the smrtis) cannot be changed. Nothing can be changed. But according to the time, you have to apply the principles properly. For instance, in Kali-yuga the smrti order is kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet
- They (the sudra-like population) will declare themselves as adherents of no religious principles, and many "isms" and cults will spring up in Kali-yuga only to kill the spotless bull of religion
- They (those who do not know the secret of success for this Age of Kali) are simply wasting their time and misleading their followers. When we point this out very plainly to an audience, members of opposing groups become angry at us
- They are all rogues with the advancement of Kali-yuga. Mandah sumanda-matayo manda-bhagya hy upadrutah (SB 1.1.10). Therefore there is no other method to save them. Harer namaiva kevalam. This is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's gift
- They have got different dresses. So Kali-yuga, simply by dress, he becomes a brahmacari, he become a grhastha, he becomes a sannyasi, simply by dress. What he is acting, nobody cares, that's all
- They may be descendants of brahmana or ksatriya forefathers, but in the age of Kali, for want of sufficient education and culture of Vedic wisdom, such a sudra-like population will defy the principles of religion
- They want to sleep twenty-four hours. That is their desire in Kali-yuga. But, no. Then you'll be wasting time. Minimize eating, sleeping, mating and defending. When it is nil, that is perfection
- Thieves, rogues, cheater - not ordinary persons, honest persons; they are not taken there (to Yamaraja). Similarly, only a few number of the whole human society. Now in the Kali-yuga it is increasing
- Things should be developed in such a way, based on devotional service, that there may not be any racial feelings. This is Kali-yuga. Very easily racial feelings are awakened on the material platform, but on the spiritual platform there is no such thing
- Thinking Him (Caitanya) to be one of the ordinary living entities, they discriminate between Gaurasundara and Sri Krsna. Such understanding is also demoniac and is against the conclusion of the acaryas. Such a conclusion is a product of Kali-yuga
- This (chanting and hearing the holy name of God) is especially recommended in this age of Kali
- This (that in Kali yuga the Lord appears not directly but in disguise) is confirmed in SB 7.9.38: In the Age of Kali, O Mahapurusa, You sometimes appear in a covered incarnation. Therefore You are known as Triyuga - one who appears in only three yugas
- This (the neglect of the real qualification of a brahmana) is all due to the influence of the age of Kali. Thus mother earth, represented as a cow, was lamenting the regrettable condition
- This age (Kali-yuga) is the age of bluffing and quarrel. Actually there is no possibility of attaining yoga perfection by such paltry proposals (meditating 15 minutes a day)
- This age called Kali, it is not very good time. Simply disagreement, fighting, quarreling, misunderstanding
- This age called Kali, it is not very good time. Simply disagreement, fighting, quarreling, misunderstanding. This age is full of that, all these happenings. Therefore to come to the spiritual platform is very difficult in this age
- This age is called Kali. Kali means the age of quarrel. On minor things we are prepared to fight with one another. That is the system of this age
- This age is called, according to the Vedic language, Kali. Kali-yuga means the age of disagreement and dissension
- This age is so polluted there is no other, alternative method. Nasty eva. Nasty means that there is nothing like this, nothing like this. So this Krsna consciousness movement is scientific, authorized according to the Vedic sanction
- This age of Kali is full of unlimited faults. Indeed, it is just like an ocean of faults (dosa-nidhi). But there is one chance, one opportunity
- This age of Kali is not at all suitable for self-realization as was Satya-yuga, the golden age, or Treta- or Dvapara-yugas, the silver and copper ages
- This age of Kali is not at all suitable for self-realization by the methods practiced in Satya-yuga, the golden age, or Treta- or Dvapara-yugas, the silver and copper ages
- This age of Kali will certainly be full of all activities of Kali, but this does not mean that the leaders of society, executive heads, learned and intelligent men, or above all devotees of God should sit down tightly & become callous to its reactions
- This age of Kali, we are condemning so much. But even the demigods, they, I mean to say, highly eulogize this Kali-yuga. Why? Oh, here is a great opportunity. Simply by chanting Hare Krsna, simply by this sankirtana movement, all interest is served
- This age, it is stated in authoritative scriptures, in this age the people are unfortunate. Of course, they are very much proud of advancing. From spiritual point of view, the people of this age, Kali-yuga, they are unfortunate
- This age, Kali-yuga, is compared to the cloudy season of the living entities. In this age, real knowledge is covered by the influence of the material advancement of civilization
- This artificial life is not actual life. We are perceiving. Suppose there have been no rain for one or two years. There is a time when for hundreds of years there will be no rain. You have to wait for that time. That time is coming at the end of Kali-yuga
- This began in Treta-yuga and was especially prominent in Dvapara-yuga (dvapare paricaryayam). But in Kali-yuga, worship of the Deity is being neglected. Therefore chanting of the Hare Krsna mantra is more powerful than Deity worship
- This description of the Kali-yuga is given in the Srimad-Bhagavatam. This is called sastra. This Srimad-Bhagavatam was written five thousand years ago when the Kali-yuga was to begin. Now, what will happen in future, everything is given there
- This doubtfulness (of the personality of religion) was due to the contamination of both Kali and the material energy. The whole atmosphere of the age of Kali is magnified by the deluding energy, and the proportion of measurement is inexplicable
- This is a sign of Kali-yuga. In this age, animals are kept nicely sheltered, completely confident that their masters will protect them, but unfortunately as soon as the animals are fat, they are immediately sent for slaughter
- This is Kali-yuga, means "Plunder the citizens, take money from them, and live comfortably at the cost of the poor citizens."
- This is Kali-yuga. It is untouchable, but still, people are trying to get something from the garbage, so downtrodden, this Kali-yuga
- This is Kali-yuga. Now this adulteration, prostitution, is common affair, common affair. Nobody sees other's wife as his mother, nobody. And neither the woman sees other's husband as father
- This is Kali-yuga. The leaders also do not associate with sat, and they create their own imagination. Sat, om tat sat. Bhagavan is the supreme sat. So they do not care for Bhagavan, so there is no sat-sanga. Asat-sanga
- This is only the beginning of Kali-yuga, but at the end of Kali-yuga the entire population will consist of mlecchas because no one will follow the Vedic principles
- This is our life. Everyone should take sannyasa. But because it is Kali-yuga, it is restricted because it is very difficult. But as far as possible, we have to preach the Krsna consciousness
- This is predicted in SB (12.2.1): In Kali-yuga, this age of quarrel and hypocrisy, there shall be a waning of these qualities: religiosity, truthfulness, cleanliness, tolerance, memory, bodily strength, duration of life, and mercy
- This is special concession to the Kali-yuga, that there are so many faults in this age, but if one sticks to this principle of kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet, he becomes liberated and go back to home, back to Godhead
- This is stated in the SB (6.1.15): Just as when the sun rises the all-pervading fog immediately disappears, so in this Kali-yuga, by the process of bhakti-yoga - especially by chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra - all one's sins are eradicated
- This is the advantage of this age, Kali-yuga. We have got many disadvantages. People are implicated in sinful activities, more and more trouble. And it will be exhibited there will be no food grains, no milk, no sugar
- This is the beginning of Kali-yuga. Out of four hundred thousands of years, we have passed only five thousand years. Not only four hundred thousand - four hundred and thirty-two thousands of years. There is regular calculation in the Vedic sastra
- This is the consideration of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu - In this age of quarrel and disagreement (Kali-yuga), there is no other way of spiritual realization but this chanting of the names. There is no other way, there is no other way, there is no other way
- This is the influence of Kali-yuga. One becomes disciple of a spiritual master, then he whimsically disagrees. So why, if you disagree, why should you accept somebody as spiritual master
- This Kali-yuga is full of faults, so many faults. It is the ocean of faults. But there is a very nice thing, asti hy eko mahan gunah, a very great quality. What is that? - If you simply chant Hare Krsna mantra, then you become perfect
- This Kali-yuga is full of faulty atmosphere. Kalau dosa-nidhe rajann. Dosa-nidhe: ocean of faults. But there is one opportunity. What is that opportunity? The opportunity is Sri Krsna Caitanya, who is teaching Krsna consciousness
- This Kali-yuga is the ocean of faults. Why should we lament for that? The remedy is there. Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta... (SB 12.3.51). You chant Hare Krsna
- This Kali-yuga so strong that it attacks even the so-called devotees also. Kali-yuga is very strong. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has recommended that if you want to save yourself, if you at all desire to take the position of amrta
- This Kali-yuga, which is an ocean of faults, there is one benediction, one opportunity. What is that? Kirtanad eva krsnasya mukta-sangah param vrajet: (SB 12.3.51) "One can become liberated simply by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra." This is real Vedanta
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the only means by which the sinful activities of men in this Kali-yuga can be counteracted
- This life is meant for not to live extravagantly without any responsibility like cats and dogs. We should be very responsible. Austerity. Little austerity. In the Kali-yuga you cannot undergo severe austerity
- This philosophy of rascals (yata mata tata patha) has killed the religious principles mentioned in the Vedas, and such philosophies will become increasingly influential as Kali-yuga progresses
- This process is not Caitanya Mahaprabhu's invention, but is advised by the sastras, the puranas. The process for this Kali-yuga is very simple. One need only chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra
- This system of visiting places of pilgrimage and providing the local brahmana priests with all necessities of life has greatly deteriorated in this Age of Kali
- Those who are advanced and highly qualified and are interested in the essence of life know the good qualities of Kali-yuga
- Those who are intelligent, su-medhasah, they will worship this form of God (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) in this Kali-yuga. And what is the process of worshiping? Yajnaih sankirtana-prayaih
- Those who do not follow the Vedic principles are unrestricted as far as sex life is concerned. Consequently they sometimes do not hesitate to have sex with their sisters. In this age of Kali there are many instances of such incest
- Those who do not know the secret of success for this Age of Kali unnecessarily indulge in the cultivation of knowledge, the practice of mystic yoga or the performance of fruitive activities or useless austerities
- Though some might think Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura disobeyed his guru's order, he preached not only in Calcutta but in other capitals of Kali-yuga
- Time will come in this Kali-yuga when actually people will become what is called man-eater
- To accept ecstatic love is the main reason He appeared and reestablished the religious system for this age. I shall now explain that reason. Everyone please listen
- To become a devotee of the Lord, Krsna, one has to follow the principles of sruti and smrti, and pascaratriki-vidhi. Especially in this age, Kali-yuga, there is no Vedic vidhi, because Vedic vidhi is lost
- To cleanse the heart so that one may become sober and wise in this age of Kali, there is no value to any method other than the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Prahlada Maharaja has confirmed this process in previous verses - SB 7.9.39
- To save oneself from the contamination of Kali, there is no alternative but the chanting of these sixteen words - Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama, Rama Rama, Hare Hare
- To show causeless mercy to the devotees who would take birth in the future in this age of Kali, the SPG, Krsna, acted in such a way that simply by remembering Him one will be freed from all the lamentation and unhappiness of material existence
- Traditionally, brahmanas are meant to be spiritual masters, but in this age of Kali, it is very difficult to find a qualified brahmana. Consequently it is very difficult to find a qualified spiritual master
- Ultimately, with the advancement of Kali-yuga you'll have no food. Food means there will be no food grains, there will be no milk, there will be no sugar, like that. No fruits. If you get fruits, there will be no pulp, it is simply seeds
- Unfortunately in Kali-yuga, due to an absence of yajna, there are many big trees in the forests, but they do not supply sufficient fruits and honey. Thus everything is dependent on the performance of yajna
- Unfortunately in this age of Kali there are no ideal husbands and wives; unwanted children are produced, and there is no peace and prosperity in the present-day world
- Unfortunately Manu-samhita is now being insulted, and the Aryans, the members of Vedic society, cannot do anything. Such is the nature of Kali-yuga. Nothing happens unless ordained by destiny
- Unfortunately there is no discussion, there is no education, there is no institute for these important factors of life, and people are kept in darkness. This is Kali-yuga. They do not care to know
- Unfortunately this is the age of Kali and people are not very much eager to accept genuine things, so don't be disappointed. Do as you are doing now and Krsna will help you without fail
- Unfortunately, because of Kali-yuga, foolish people do not surrender to the lotus feet of Krsna
- Unfortunately, because of the influence of Kali-yuga, everything is now being lost. The inhabitants of Bharata-varsa are gradually becoming degraded mlecchas and yavanas. How then will they teach others
- Unfortunately, because people in Kali-yuga are mandah, all bad, and sumanda-matayah, misled by false conceptions of life, they are killing cows in the thousands
- Unfortunately, especially in this age of Kali, everyone is an atheist, people do not even believe in God, what to speak of following His words. The words nija-veda-patha can also mean "one's own set of religious principles
- Unfortunately, in the present age of Kali, the head of government does not follow the instructions given by the saintly persons; therefore neither the citizens nor the men of government are very happy
- Unfortunately, in this age of Kali there are many bogus gurus who display magic to their disciples, and many foolish disciples want to see such magic for material benefits
- Unfortunately, in this Age of Kali there are many mundane persons in the dress of Vaisnavas, and Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has described them as disciples of Kali. He says, kali-cela
- Unfortunately, in this age of Kali, the executive is not selected by very intelligent people, nor is he guided by qualified brahmanas. Consequently, chaos results
- Unfortunately, in this yuga, Kali-yuga, the religious principles are tampered with, and the government cannot properly judge who is to be punished and who is not. It is said that in the Kali-yuga if one cannot spend money in court, one cannot get justice
- Unfortunately, our modern leaders, they are killing the original culture. They want to introduce Western culture. Now it is openly there are beef shop, wine shop. So what can be done? It is Kali-yuga. Everything is possible
- Unfortunately, the people of this age of Kali do not even know the meaning of austerity. Under these circumstances, the Lord has appeared as Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu to bestow upon the fallen souls the easiest method of self-realization
- Unfortunately, there are many so-called Visnu incarnations in this Age of Kali. People do not know that posing oneself as an incarnation is most offensive
- Unfortunately, with the progress of Kali-yuga, the so-called brahmanas, although very proud of taking birth in brahmana families, no longer worship the salagrama-sila
- Unless one can train a child for liberation in that life, there is no need to marry or produce children. If human society produces children like cats and dogs for the disturbance of social order, the world becomes hellish, as it has in this age of Kali
- Unless one is very sincere and serious, he should not take up the order of sannyasa. One should not use this order as a means to cheat the public. It is better not to take up sannyasa in this age of Kali because provocations are very strong in this age
- Unscrupulous greedy brahmanas of the age of Kali induce the innocent public to such uncertain sacrificial shows without disclosing the scriptural injunction that in the age of Kali there is no fruitful sacrificial performance
- Vipratve sutram eva hi (SB 12.2.3): in Kali-yuga, simply by putting on a thread worth two paise, one becomes a brahmana. Such brahmanas were not called for by Nanda Maharaja
- Visvamitra Muni cursed his sons to become mlecchas. But in the present age, Kali-yuga, there is no need of cursing, for people are automatically mlecchas
- Vyasadeva appeared at the end of Dvapara-yuga as the son of Satyavati, and therefore the word dvapara-adau, or "the beginning of Dvapara-yuga," in this context means just prior to the beginning of the Kali-yuga
- We actually see that in Kali-yuga, Bhagavan has appeared in pita-varna, or a yellow color, as Gaurasundara, although the Bhagavatam speaks of krsna-varnam
- We also receive information from Srimad-Bhagavatam that in this age of Kali the time is quickly approaching when a relative will kill another relative for a small farthing
- We are not aware what is the aim of life. So Krsna is very kind. He therefore comes. He came just before the beginning of this Kali-yuga, the most fallen age, and left for us the Bhagavad-gita
- We are short-lived, and there are so many people without food, shelter, married life or defense from the onslaughts of nature. This is due to the influence of this age of Kali
- We are teaching and propagating this bhakti-yoga. People are disturbed in so many ways in this age of Kali. To give them real satisfaction of life is to awaken them to the platform of God consciousness
- We can certainly imagine how deteriorated human civilization will be by the end of Kali-yuga. Indeed, there will no longer be a sane man capable of understanding God and our relationship with Him
- We have to see things by their resultant action. The resultant action of human civilization in the age of Kali is dissatisfaction, so everyone is anxious to get peace of mind
- We know that there are four ages (yugas), namely Satya, Treta, Dvapara and Kali. These four together constitute one divya-yuga
- We should learn how to act from Bhagavad-gita, which explains everything for human understanding. Thus we can become happy even in this age of Kali
- We're not very intelligent, and, at the same time, we're unfortunate. These are the characteristics of man living in Kaliyuga, a degraded age. So properly speaking we can never attain success in this meditational yoga system described by Krsna
- What was achieved in the Satyayuga by this meditational process, would be achieved at the present time, in this Kaliyuga, by simply chanting the names of God, hari-kirtana, Hare Krsna
- Whatever Krsna consciousness movement is going forward, it is due to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's magnanimous compassion for the poor people suffering in this Kali-yuga. Otherwise, to become Krsna conscious is not very easy job, is not easy job
- When Caitanya Mahaprabhu was having His discussion with the Chand Kazi, the Muslim magistrate of Navadvipa, He recited a verse from the Vedic literature to the effect that the order of sannyasa is prohibited in this Age of Kali
- When he (Vyasadeva) wanted to record the great epic Mahabharata for the welfare of all people in the age of Kali, he was feeling the necessity of a powerful writer who could take up his dictation
- When Lord Caitanya described the incarnation for this age of Kali, Sanatana Gosvami, who had been a government minister and was perfectly capable of drawing conclusions, directly asked of the Lord, "How can one understand the advent of an incarnation?"
- When Maharaja Pariksit learned all the defects of this Kali-yuga, then he was little disappointed, "How these men?" Men means human being. - How they will be relieved from the miserable condition of materialistic life in this age of Kali
- When Maharaja Pariksit was on his way to conquer the world, he saw the master of Kali-yuga, who was lower than a sudra, disguised as a king and hurting the legs of a cow and bull. The King at once caught hold of him to deal sufficient punishment
- When Prakasananda Sarasvati inquired from Lord Caitanya why He neither studied Vedanta nor performed meditation, Lord Caitanya presented Himself as a number one fool in order to indicate that the present age, Kali-yuga, is an age of fools and rascals
- When religion, economic development and sense gratification are adjusted, liberation from this material birth, death, old age and disease is assured. In the present age of Kali, however, there is no question of religion and liberation
- When the description of this Kali-yuga was given, Maharaja Pariksit became very sorry that, because he was a pious king, he was thinking always of the welfare of the citizens
- When the father is going to give birth to the child, he has to undergo a ritualistic ceremony, which is called garbhadhana-samskara, seed-giving ceremony. That is the Vedic function. But in the Kali-yuga all these samskaras are not followed strictly
- When the Lord took the place of the incarnation of Kali-yuga to spread the glories of chanting Hare Krsna - the system of worship recommended in this age
- When there are too many materialistic activities by the people in general all over the world, there is no wonder that a person or a nation attacks another person or nation on slight provocation. That is the rule of this age of Kali or quarrel
- White, red and yellow - these are the three bodily lusters that the Lord, the husband of the goddess of fortune, assumes in the ages of Satya, Treta and Kali respectively
- Why don't you accept this process, Krsna consciousness? Why you are after something, false thing? Just see how unfortunate people are in this Kali-yuga. They will not accept the real thing without any payment, without any loss
- With the progress of the age of Kali, four things particularly, namely the duration of life, mercy, the power of recollection, and moral or religious principles will gradually diminish
- With the progression of the age of Kali, people are becoming very proud, and attached to women and intoxication
- Without intelligence . . . just like your brain, if he, if brain is crazy, your body may be very strong, but that is useless, because there is no brain. So at the present moment, especially in this Kali-yuga, there is lack of intelligent class of men
- You are a great president of a great nation. In this age of unrest and quarrel, your strength, as well as the strength of your nation, will be lasting if it is built upon the pillars of spiritual knowledge and Absolute Truth
- You are victimized by that Kali-yuga. That's all. No explaining. Our trademark is clean-shaven. We are known as shaven hair. Why you should be victimized?
- You have given up Krsna's instruction, now you have to suffer. You do not train brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya, sudra. So anyone who is in power, he is good. That is Kali-yuga
- Your body, my body, in youthhood it is very beautiful, and in due course of time it will be ugly like me. So this is the work of the time. Similarly, nature's way, there are four ages: Satya-yuga, Treta-yuga, Dvapara-yuga, Kali-yuga. Seasonal changes
- Your form is composed of transcendental goodness. You are known as tri-yuga because in Kali-yuga You appeared as a concealed incarnation and because You always fully possess the three pairs of opulences