Category:We Are Trying To (Disciples of SP)
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- I am very glad to learn that you are trying to distribute our books
- My Guru Maharaja used to say that "If people do not come to hear this philosophy, don't be discouraged. You sit down in a room and try to preach. The four walls will hear you. Don't be disappointed."
- Our Krsna consciousness movement does not say you stop anything, but by your work, try to satisfy Krsna
- We are trying to create some sadhu so that in different parts of the world they will preach Krsna consciousness
- A devotee should associate with fellow devotees, and in relationship to others the devotee should try to elevate them also onto the spiritual platform. So please follow this principle
- A little labor done for Krishna is never lost. But the greatest labor done for Maya is simply waste of time. So I think by the Grace of Krishna you are feeling nice now. Please try to work hard for Krishna, and your life will be glorious
- Acaryas in the disciplic succession of Lord Caitanya teach us that we shall try to place the message of Lord Caitanya very humbly to the people in general and that will make us successful in our service to the Lord
- According to place, time, and surroundings, try to push on this Sankirtana cult as far as possible and Krishna will be very very much pleased upon you
- Actually my ambition is to form a strong Sankirtana party and travel all over Europe, and then in Africa, Asia, India, and Japan, etc. This is my thought. Please try to give it effect
- Actually there is no difference between devotees living inside the temple and devotees living outside the temple. You are right that the important thing is to remember Krsna, whatever is your activity. So try to remember Krsna always
- Actually we need such a nice building in London. People of the world take it very seriously. During the British period in India, anything which was trademarked, "made in London'' was sold very quickly, so try to make your London Yatra equally important
- All of my students should read our books very diligently at least one or two hours daily and try to understand the subject matter from varieties of angles
- All of you there push on this movement in Germany which is the best country in Europe. The most intelligent class of men are there. Try to convince them about our philosophy. The German scholars are especially inclined toward Indian philosophy
- All the members of our Krsna consciousness movement, whether they be grhasthas or sannyasis, should try to spread the Krsna consciousness movement with determination, and Krsna will supply all necessities
- All the members of the Krsna consciousness movement should try to benefit the conditioned souls by inducing them to become Krsna conscious and giving them all facilities to do so. Such activities constitute real welfare work
- Although this world is dead body, when there is Krsna consciousness, it becomes enlivened. That is our movement. We are trying to inject Krsna consciousness in everything dead within this world
- And as far as possible try and associate exclusively with the devotees there. That is strongly recommended for one who is serious to make advancement in spiritual life
- And to become acarya is not very difficult. First of all, to become very faithful servant of your acarya, follow strictly what he says. Try to please him and spread Krsna consciousness. That's all. It is not at all difficult
- Another request I have to you is that there have now been two instances of when somebody does not agree you try to get them out by calling the police. This is never to be done. This is the mistaken policy of Shayasundar, but do not follow this principle
- Any friend in any part of the world that you may contact, try to infuse him with this Krishna Consciousness idea. Never waste your time in any other talks. I think our students have already developed this attitude and they are not interested in idle talks
- Any work you do, do it very nicely. That is expert. Don't do it haphazardly. To your best talent, to your best capacity, try to finish it very nicely, whatever it may be. You are entrusted with some work. Do it nicely. That is expert
- As far as possible try to adjust to a natural way of life free from dependence on machines
- As far as possible, I have trained you. Try to follow the principles. And go ahead. Don't be set back by maya's tricks. Go ahead, forward, at any cost
- As far as the seven transcendental meters for singing the names of the Lord, that is not so important for now. Better to try to increase the purity of the chanting first, that is our most important thing
- As much as possible try to increase our preaching programs by using all the mass media which are available. We are modern day Vaisnavas and we must preach vigorously using all the means available
- As President, now you will be forced to advance in Krishna Consciousness because you must always set the highest example yourself, and I think that this is Krishna's special favoring you. Try to always see the highest purity is maintained in all respects
- As soon as I remember that you are trying to fulfill my desire of trying to open ten centers, it gives me renewed vigor and life. Please do it nicely
- As soon as someone is trained then go to preach very nicely in Poland. Try to make some literature in Polish and Russian. Anyone can be trained to execute orders in sending out the books but preaching requires special qualification
- As soon as you become interested (in Krsna), oh, Krsna becomes very active: "Oh, he's trying to do something. I shall help him"
- As soon as you get sufficient initiated brahmanas try to open another center
- As the lowest of the mankind is atheist, similarly, the highest of the mankind is Krsna conscious. So try to be the highest kind of mankind. The world is suffering for want of highest kind of mankind. And be an example
- As we sincerely try to improve our chanting for the pleasure of Krishna, Krishna reciprocates and we feel our greatest pleasure which is devotional service to the Lord. So, you may continue with this method, it is very nice and approved by me
- As you are temple president, that is a great responsibility. So you must try to execute it with great care
- As you chant, try to hear each word very carefully and always complete your sixteen rounds. Regular and attentive chanting, along with following the four regulative principles will keep one pure
- Association is very meaningful; therefore ISKCON tries to perfect one who enters the society
- At present we are trying to enjoy our pleasure potency by means of the body in the material condition. By bodily contact we are attempting to derive pleasure from material sense objects
- Be seriously engaged in this task, and it will be a great service to Krishna. And try to finish the last act of Caitanya Caritamrta also
- Become yourself very convinced of this Krishna philosophy, be always preaching and trying to understand some basic points from different angle of vision, keep the devotees in your temple always satisfied and jolly, and that will be your success
- Best thing is if you continue your employment at the book store, try to sell my books there if possible. Visit the New York temple regularly with your family and try to help them as far as possible
- Best thing is that one should know he is in conditioned life and try to cure it. When a man is in diseased condition he should try to get out of diseased condition without harassing his brain when the disease has begun
- Better if we try to push on this Krishna Consciousness Movement and use our energy, education, scientific knowledge, etc. to simply convince the present generation that everyone is servant of God. Then our mission will be successful
- Better we should try to stay in this determination than to accept the sannyasa order by changing the dress and then again we fall down. That is not very good. There are instances like that, but it is not at all good. We should not trust the mind
- Better would be that you and my other dear disciples try to manage all centers as far as possible independently. For me, in my old age, moving constantly does not suit my health
- Bhakta-sane vasa. Tandera carane. We should live together as devotee and follow the footprints of the acaryas. Don't manufacture concoction. Then it will be spoiled. Simply try to follow. They'll protect. They'll give protection
- Boys who are not engaged in the temple service during daytime must try to get some money by working or some other way. Without money it is not possible to exist in the material world
- Brahminical means cleanliness. We are trying to create a brahminical society. So all the devotees under your care there in Cleveland should be trained up in that light
- By our Krsna consciousness movement, we are trying to distribute Srimad-Bhagavatam so that anyone in any part of the world can be absorbed in the KC movement by chanting and hearing about the activities of Krsna and be free from all material tribulations
- By the grace of Krsna and Caitanya Mahaprabhu there will be no trouble. You'll be happy. Try to preach this Krsna consciousness movement in India at least for some time, and help them to rise to their standard of Krsna consciousness
- By the grace of Krsna, you have first-class intelligence, those who have taken to Krsna consciousness. Now try to continue it. Don't give it up. Don't be foolish, mudha. Continue. Then you will be happy, and all problems of life will be solved
- By these activities I am just trying to satisfy my spiritual master and you are all trying to help me, so I am very much obliged to you. This is real co-operation on the platform of love
- Dai Nippon has upped their price for Hindi BTG considerably, so it is better to print in Bombay just as you have done with Gujarati BTG. When you return to Bombay, you can try for this
- Do not fight with anyone, try to remain always very humble and meek like the advanced Vaisnava devotee, always thinking yourself lower than the straw in the street and more tolerant than the tree
- Do not misunderstand that we are trying to spread Hinduism. Hinduism is a fictitious term. Because there is no fixed-up conclusion
- Do not quit your job, but try to earn some money for feeding our missionary activities
- Don't be at the present moment, very eager to serve gopi. Just try to get out of your conditional life. Then time will come when you'll be able to serve gopi
- Don't be entangled with these material affairs. Don't be entangled. Try to avoid. But if you are still unable, your sex impulse is very strong, all right, then you go and marry
- Draupadi prayed, "Krsna, if You like, You can save." So this is the position. So long we try to save ourself, then that is not very good. If you simply depend on Krsna, "Krsna, if You save me, that is all right. Otherwise kill me, as You like"
- Especially try to place our books in the schools and libraries. Our literatures are for the intelligent class also
- Even 10 year old boys are smoking, so much degraded. We are trying to convince people to become first class men rather than fifth class men. We have to fight
- Even if there may be some problems, always try to remain in Krishna Consciousness. Do not give up chanting the Hare Krishna mantra simply due to some external difficulties
- Even if we go to a materialistic person, we canvass, "Kindly become our member. Kindly read this book. Purchase this book," so we are not going to take their activities. We are trying to bring them in our activities
- Every member of the Krsna consciousness movement is interested in going door to door to try to convince people about the teachings of Bhagavad-gita As It Is, the teachings of Lord Caitanya. That is the purpose of the Hare Krsna movement
- Every one of us, we are trying to be successful in Krsna consciousness. Suppose that due to some reason we fall down. There is possibility because maya, illusory nature, is very, very strong. So we may become victim
- Execution of devotional service is prescribed first with enthusiasm and patience. One can execute this transcendental activities staying as he is, but he must follow and try to apply in practical life the instructions as they are given in the BG or SB
- Expertness is you just try to do which is easily performed by you. You don't accept anything heavy task because Krsna does not want that you have to do this heavy task. Whatever you know, you just apply it. You dovetail it in Krsna consciousness
- Fighting between husband and wife is not to be taken very seriously. So if you have any respect for me, I request you not to quarrel with your husband. Live peacefully, chant Hare Krishna and try to serve the cause as best as possible
- First make certain that our distribution is very nice organized. So after your exams you may plunge into this task whole-heartedly and try to enlist the help of all the others and make the project come out very successfully
- First of all we must understand what is spirit and what is Krsna and what is Radharani, and then we try to understand what is Krsna and Radharani's loving affairs
- Foolish fourth-class men. So we are trying to bring them to become first-class men, and they are accusing of brainwash. "It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss." We are teaching that - These boys, they are becoming first class
- For the time being organize the health, education and care of the children and continue the Deity worship as it is going nicely now. Deities are satisfied with bhakti not marble. Therefore try to increase the bhakti
- Freedom is achieved when we are in constantly touch with the supreme spirit, Krsna. That supreme spirit is Krsna. So this assembly which we are trying to conduct is just to keep in touch constantly with Krsna
- From now on, the temples will operate independently and try to improve their spiritual life more carefully, so there is no more need for such financial arrangement of centralization, as you have proposed
- From your letter I can understand that you are always working hard and trying to improve things there. I am very much obliged to you for this and please go on in this spirit more and more improving the temple atmosphere
- Gargamuni Maharaja is trying for Florida. That is good. I've written to him one letter encouraging him. I think things are going nicely. So please cooperate with the sannyasis. Work with them so that they may go on with their missionary activities
- Gaurasundara has tried to make complete havoc of our affairs there but because I have faithful sons like yourself I think we shall be able to recover what he has tried to ruin
- Go ahead and continue your work and try to work co-operatively with Yasomatinandana dasa
- Good child means Krsna conscious child. That's all. Yes. So we are trying to turn these children of the Western world, good children. And people should cooperate with us, this movement
- Hansadutta is here with me now and other GBC members, they are consulting all problems and trying to relieve me of management, so in future you may consult with the local GBC and work co-operatively, that will give me relief for printing my books
- Happiness means, which is eternally possible. That is happiness. And we are trying to give people that happiness which will never be exhausted. That is our objective of happiness
- Hare Krishna Land is very popular with the residents of Bombay, in particular the local residents and devotees of Juhu Beach and surroundings. Many visitors regularly attend religious services and we are trying to provide suitable facilities to this end
- Have a European preaching center and try to enlist all the hippies and tourists who come to Vrndavana. Give them nice prasadam, engage them in chanting, cleaning the temple, reading our books, and give them all facilities for becoming devotees
- He (Nara Narayana) has knowledge about casting deities, so after his business with the temple work is completed you can try to encourage him to continue with his casting work
- He is witness. You cannot cheat Krsna. Be sincere, and try to serve Him. He'll accept your service. And He will give you intelligence. Your life will be successful
- He is young boy, so we should not take his actions too seriously, better to forget the past and try to reform him
- He should try to chant Hare Krsna mantra, instead of sixteen rounds, sixty-four rounds. That is the way. Sixteen round is the minimum
- Here in Mayapur we are trying to create a place of inspiration for people throughout the world. It is in Mayapur that the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, appeared. This information comes to us from the Srimad-Bhagavatam
- Hold kirtana and serve Prasadam, and gradually people will come, more and more. That is the program. And you are both sincere students, and very intelligent boys, and Krishna will supply you all facility for your preaching work if you try sincerely
- Householders can have small altars, and Guru-Gauranga and Jagannatha may be worshiped, but you should not spend a lot of time in this way to try to make the worship "first-class" as you say
- I always recommend that one should try to remain brahmacari if possible, and if you think that this will be possible for you, you should try for it
- I am also glad to hear that you are improving your position. So do your duty nicely, taking it as Krishna's mercy, and try to serve Krishna as far as possible
- I am anxious to hear from you, what are the activities there in Bombay. Did you try for the land, Grand Pardi at Kemps Corner? I look forward to receiving your reply
- I am glad that Purusottama is trying to get our Society recognized in the U.N. as a non-government organization. And if it is successful, then we shall be able to perform Kirtana in the U.N. stage
- I am glad to see that you are taking seriously to spreading this Krishna Consciousness Movement to all your fellow Americans. Try and increase Sankirtana Party more and more to new areas and ever-larger circulation of our literatures
- I am glad to see that you are working in the universities. They are a good field for spreading our Krishna Consciousness activities. Try and get all our books accepted in the college libraries and classroom courses. That will be our real success
- I am lower than you. I am the lowest of the all creatures. I am simply trying to execute the order of my spiritual master. That's all. That should be the business of everyone. Try best. Try your best to execute the higher order
- I am not talking of any government. We are not in politics. We are talking of preaching. Why? Why this government you should try to change? Where is the better replacement? First of all find out the better replacement. Then you talk of changing
- I am so glad to receive your letter dated October 28 in which you propose to go with your good wife, Indira Dasi, to St. Louis for opening a Krishna Consciousness center. The proposal is very nice so you try for it. I have all approval
- I am so much encouraged to learn that you have come to Kathmandu, Nepal. Please try and organize a center there nicely. It will be a great credit for you. Nepalese are mostly Hindus and they will take to this Krishna Consciousness movement very easily
- I am so much obliged to you for your kindly offering me your service. You are rightly placed by Krishna's Grace under Brahmananda, and you try to follow his instructions
- I am so much pleased to hear that you are travelling with a few men to each and every college campus to preach. That is wonderful news. Now try to build up and develop that programme to perfection
- I am so pleased to learn that you are constantly trying to follow my instructions. Of course, I have no particular instructions, save and except the instruction which I have also heard from my Spiritual Master
- I am sorry to see that you have so many quarrels with my disciples. They are working very hard on my behalf trying to serve Krsna
- I am sure if you all my beloved disciples combined together try to preach Krishna Consciousness in this spirit, Krishna will give the necessary strength
- I am very glad that you are trying to live Krishna Conscious lifestyle. If you simply try to follow very carefully the prescribed method that has been chalked out for us in the vedas
- I am very glad that you are trying with all the other GBC members to maintain all the various functions of our very large organization up to the standard as I have set for you. This is most important
- I am very glad to hear that you are very serious about Krsna Consciousness and are chanting 16 rounds, following the regulative principles and trying to distribute my books in New Zealand
- I am very happy to hear that the temple is improving more and more under your expert guidance. Now go on with our program and try to increase your attraction of KCM to the public and recruit local men more and more to become fixed up devotees of Krsna
- I am very much ambitious for leading a Kirtana party, especially all over your state, and Europe. Hamsaduta is trying to organize this party
- I am very much stressing nowadays that my students shall increase their reading of my books and try to understand them from different angles of vision. Each sloka can be seen from many, many angles of vision, so become practiced in seeing things like this
- I am very pleased to note that there are some nice boys and girls who are joining you at kirtana. Try to show them the importance of our movement, and the best way of doing this is by Sankirtana
- I am very pleased with the book distribution that you are doing there, and I was especially glad to know that 160 Srimad-Bhagavatams were distributed in Melbourne alone last Friday. There is good potency, please try further
- I do not know what I can do in these legal matters. You try your best in consultation with Tamala Krishna. I think that perennial watch-dog is playing some mischief
- I do not want immediately a very large storefront or anything like that; I simply want that a center may immediately be started in Berlin and gradually we will try to develop it
- I don't imitate the Gosvamis. That try to avoid. And avoid sleeping means if we eat less, then we'll avoid. Eating, sleeping. After eating, there is sleeping. So if we eat more, then more sleeping. If we eat less, then less sleeping
- I especially request my disciples who are cooperating with me that try to publish books as many as possible and distribute throughout the whole world. That will satisfy Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu as well as Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura
- I have got an ambition to finish the Srimad-Bhagavatam in the same way I have already done, so try to help me as far as possible to finish this high project
- I have heard that you are a very good man with cows. Your service would be very valuable here in India. I think that you could travel to the centers here where we keep cows and try to establish a very high cow-protection standard
- I have no objection to sending you some men from Los Angeles, but you also should try to recruit some men from amongst the residents of Columbus. That is the best plan
- I have received good report that you are selling Back To Godhead very nicely, and similarly you should try to sell our Bhagavad-gita As It Is and always request people to chant Hare Krishna
- I have seen your poetry and it is very nice. Try to write more and to have it published. If you like, I can send you more topics to write poetries about and to versify into the German language
- I hope that you are trying to follow the regulative principles and that both you and your husband are chanting your beads regularly daily. These two duties are essential for advancement in Krsna Consciousness
- I hope you are all meeting in New Vrndavana and try to make a strong program how our missionary activities can be pushed on with great stride
- I hope you are trying to place our books in the libraries and school & colleges. The program is everywhere very successful, so you please do this very thoroughly in your area and it will be a great service
- I may be most fallen rascal. But if I try to reach Krsna through Radharani, then my business is successful. Therefore we should worship Radharani first. That is our business
- I request you to simply translate into the French language our Back To Godhead and send the matters to Jaya Govinda for composing. In due course of time you will get the magazines, by selling which you try to pay part of the composing machine
- I said it long ago, that we are trying to make Brahmanas from anywhere in the world
- I shall always pray to Krishna for your steady advance, but try to follow the principles which are necessary to strengthen oneself in the matter of spiritual advance
- I started this movement alone in a foreign country and Krsna gave me all success. Krsna will certainly help you if you simply remain sincere and try to present Krsna consciousness as it is
- I suggest that you become serious about spiritual life and try to overlook the minor offenses of others
- I think for Krishna's sake we shall try to work together even at the risk of little personal inconvenience. Our foremost concern is Krishna. If Krishna's service is well done, then we should try to forget our personal inconveniences
- I think that because you are unable to tend the Deities in the temple, that you and your sister, Ekayani, may serve the small Radha-Krishna Deities which you will be receiving soon. Try to follow all the rules and regulations of Deity worship
- I think that since you are willing to observe the four principal rules of spiritual life, you may be initiated by me as soon as you like. The other rules you should try to follow as far as possible, but according to circumstances they may be adjusted
- I think there is no need of getting a degree. If you can spare some time, you try to learn Bengali, from Sriman Prabhansu. It will be a great asset for our Mission; and as you have decided to work to get money, I quite approve
- I understand that you are anxious to go to New Vrindaban. I think that it is Krishna's will that you shall go there and try to develop that nice land because there is so much potential there which can utilize your abilities in being developed
- I understand you are going to apply for legal recognition of Krishna Consciousness as a bona fide religious organization, and try to obtain a tax franchise also. They have done this in London also
- I want that my books and literatures be distributed profusely, so try to do this, especially when you go in the schools and colleges
- I was very glad that he speaks very nicely. So he can speak, also, in the class, and if there is none else there, he can speak to you. So don't feel lonely. Try to understand Krishna Consciousness mutually, and this will give you transcendental pleasure
- I wish that some of you among my American disciples may try to reclaim these fallen souls to the order of Lord Caitanya's Vaisnavite platform
- I would always prefer to distribute our books ourselves and publish them ourselves in our own press. That is my ambition, so you try to fulfill this desire of mine
- If all the members keep their faith in Krishna and try to please Him, certainly everyone will be pleased by hearing our Kirtana. It is sure and certain
- If Americans can take up this movement seriously why not Bangladesh people? Try to meet with educated public & if you can convince them it will be a great service. We are trying to unify the whole population of the globe by this cultural movement
- If any of our students artificially try to become scholars by associating with unwanted persons they become victimized, for a little learning is dangerous, especially for the Westerners
- If death takes place, let it take here. So there is nothing to be said new. Whatever I have to speak, I have spoken in my books. Now you try to understand it and continue your endeavor
- If every individual is peaceful, naturally there will be peace and prosperity in the community, society, and nation of all over the world. This is our principle. We are trying to broadcast this message on the authority of Vedic knowledge
- If He sees His devotee sincerely and seriously trying to serve Him, He is prepared to give His devotee anything and everything to mitigate any suffering conditions. That is mature understanding and realization of Krsna Consciousness
- If one man is turned by this, the movement is successful. So there is good prospect, good hope. And you all combine together, try. Push this movement more and more
- If Purusottama comes, please try to save this foolish boy. I like him very much; unfortunately he pretends now as the incarnation of St. Paul. Try to save him
- If the central point is Krsna, so there is no dissension. It is a competition, that "My Godbrother, my Godsister, is serving such a way. She is so well versed in this art. Why not try myself to do something?" This is variety
- If the police do not allow you to perform kirtana in public places, do not disobey their orders. Try to abide by the law of the state for taking advantage of performing kirtana as far as possible
- If this routine work is always done nicely and never neglected, then our all success is guaranteed in whatever we do. But if this our regular KC program is allowed to slacken, then everything else we try will fail. That is the simple formula for success
- If we become simply engaged in His preaching work, trying with whatever talent or education or experience or material advantages we have got, to spread Krishna Consciousness message all over the world. That is best friend of Krishna
- If we can go to Russia with our World Sankirtan Party, I am certain that it will be very much appreciated and people will see the real peace movement is chanting process - chanting the Holy Names Hare Krishna. So try for it
- If we say that your God is like this and our God is like that, then there will be great disturbance. Simply speak on general topics. Then let them read our literature and ask questions. In this way try to push on our missionary activities
- If we take seriously the instruction of our spiritual master and try to read Bhagavad-gita according to his instruction, then gradually we shall realize Krsna
- If you again give up sannyasa or you try to marry, it will be scandalous for our society
- If you have approached Krsna, then even the greatest fear will not agitate you. That is a fact. So such a thing is Krsna. Try to achieve this greatest boon, Krsna
- If you have got any doubts, you can question. Yes. Because this is a discussion. We are trying to understand God, so you must understand it nicely. Question is one of the items for understanding
- If you have one moon, it will light the whole sky, full moon. So we are trying to make one moon, not million stars. This is our policy
- If you kindly try to fulfill my mission for which you have been sent there, that will be our constant association
- If you try to follow my instruction you will feel that my body is in your presence always
- In India, we had many pandal programs and they were very successful, so you try to have one there also
- In order to bring the mass of people to the ideal position, we should try to introduce this varnasrama
- In our conditioned life we are trying to satisfy our senses, and in our Krsna consciousness life we are satisfying to please Krsna. That is the difference. So my work is not stopped, but the goal of life is changed. That is liberation
- In our Krsna consciousness movement we are trying to give this education, a standard education, Srimad-Bhagavatam
- In our parampara system we are trying to create some Vaisnavas in the world
- In pursuance of the order of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, following His footsteps, we are trying to introduce this sankirtana movement, Hare Krsna, and it is coming out very successful. Everywhere. I am especially preaching in the foreign countries
- In the dialectic process, try to bring this thesis, that within this body there is the real enjoyer, and try to convince them in that way. That will be great service
- In the Krsna consciousness movement these monkey disciples, being unable to follow the strict regulative principles, sometimes fall down and try to form societies based on sex
- In this way by Krishna Consciousness we can solve all the dogmatic confusions and speculations. This is the greatest need of the human beings and please try to do it as far as possible and Krishna will help you
- In your leisure hour you will try to repeat and get by heart some of the slokas. That will be very nice
- India’s spiritual culture of knowledge is in great demand in the Western countries and we are trying to deliver the ideas, I am very glad that it is progressing satisfactorily
- It doesn't matter I leave this body. Even in death I'll live. One year before or one year after... Now as far as possible, I have trained you. Try to follow the principles. And go ahead. Don't be set back by maya's tricks. Go ahead, forward, at any cost
- It doesn't matter you Europeans, Americans, not born in brahmana family. That is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's approval. If you try to understand the science of Krsna and if you behave properly, you can teach about Krsna all over your country, all over the world
- It is a very dangerous type of civilization without any spiritual knowledge. Very dangerous position. Risky. So this Krsna consciousness movement on authoritative basis trying to enlighten people to release him from these clutches of maya and ignorance
- It is a very great science of understanding God. So we have decided to discuss this great science for a few days here (in New Vrndavana). You take advantage of it. Try to understand this great science, how we can be related with God and be happy
- It is folly to be wise where ignorance is bliss - The whole world is full of ignorant. Therefore we are trying to preach this Krsna consciousness - it is our folly
- It is good to feel inadequate, and to try harder to please Krishna with better service. But one should never feel, oh, I have seen Krishna, and so I am reached perfection - this is not Krishna Consciousness
- It is my opinion that he has fallen victim to the woman. Maya is very strong, but if we try to save him by our combined efforts, because he is a good asset. So I am trying to save him from the victimization
- It is not brainwashing; it is heart-washing. Our heart is stacked with so many dirty things, so we are trying to wash it. And that is our movement. We are trying to cleanse the heart so that he can understand himself
- It is not the purpose, that we are trying to convert American into Indian, or Indian into American, or Christian into Hindu. That is not our mission. We are just preaching the science of Krsna, or science of God, Krsna consciousness
- It is the duty of the Indian to make his life perfect and spread his spiritual knowledge to the outside world. That is real welfare activity in the human society. That we are trying to do
- It is very difficult to.... Sarva-dharman - everything to give up, except Krsna. They are proud if they are little rich. And America is very proud. They are trying to accumulate money, and we are trying.... We say, "Give up this nonsense"
- It must be recognized that we are not just a religious sect. People are being kept in darkness, so we are trying our best to give this to the world; we must work in that spirit and become qualified
- Just like all these boys who have come to us, it is to be understood that they tried in their last life for making a solution of this problem, but it was not finished. There is another opportunity
- Just like our Krsna consciousness movement. We are trying to teach this perfection of life - how to become free from these four kinds of miserable condition: birth, death, old age and disease
- Just like we don't keep any furniture in our hou... What is the use of furniture? We can lie down on the floor. So many things, materialistic persons they possess. But we try to simplify matters, plain living. Well-wisher to all
- Just like you feel sometimes with your lover separation and you search, this is our process. Always feel separation from Krsna and try to search out. This is ekanta
- Just read from my books and try and explain the meaning in your own words. It does not matter that you are not so expert at Sanskrit
- Just try to be happy by chanting Hare Krishna and following the regulative principles
- Just try to give shape to the instructions of Caitanya Mahaprabhu. "My name will be spread in every nook and corner of every town and village of the world." That is your duty, and you are one of the foremost workers
- Just try to help them by giving them KC & the best way to do this is to set the example by being very enthusiastic to do anything and everything to please Krishna, even we may have to make sacrifice
- Just try to increase more and more our output of such books and magazines in many languages--otherwise how will preaching go on in these places?
- Just try to think over: "What Bhagavad-gita says? How Swamiji has discussed this matter?" Apply your arguments. Apply your logic. Don't take it as a sentiment or as a blind faith
- Keep bugs from the altar and Deity. You cannot allow them to disturb the Deity. Best is that you try and catch them and throw them out rather than kill them but if killing them is the only alternative, what can be done?
- Keep trying to place my books in auspicious places such as libraries, universities, clubs, etc. and someday the world will realize and appreciate these transcendental literatures
- Keep yourself strong in all respects by following very carefully all of our rules and regulations without fail. If you try sincerely, Krishna will help you, He will supply all strength and ability
- Krsna consciousness can be achieved simply by your intense desire that "This life I shall try to achieve favor of Krsna." Krsna will help you
- Krsna consciousness means we are trying to reach that platform of real love, exchange of love
- Krsna consciousness movement is so beneficial that He wants to benefit the whole human society how to stop this process of repetition of birth, death, old age and disease. My Guru Maharaja came for this purpose & we are also trying to follow his footstep
- Krsna consciousness movement is to rescue these rascals from ignorance and give Krsna consciousness. Most philanthropic work. They will become dog next life. We are trying to save them, "Don't become dog. Just become god, or godly." This is our movement
- Krsna consciousness movement means we are not manufacturing anything by our fertile brain. No. We don't create anything. We simply repeat, but we try to explain for modern understanding
- Krsna consciousness. We are all student. We are trying. But there are degrees also. Just like in a educational institution there is tenth class, eighth class, fifth class, sixth class. And with the yoga, it is just like a staircase or a lift
- Krsna has described everything in the Bhagavad-gita, and today, this night, we are trying to explain the mission of Krsna. Because the same mission is being carried out by us beginning from Brahma
- Krsna is already connected with you. You have forgotten, and we are trying to give you the process how you can revive your original consciousness
- Krsna is giving you an opportunity to become more advanced. Take to that. You are intelligent. You have understood. Now try to transfer knowledge to the innocent persons. There must be father. That you are convinced?
- Krsna is more important than the parents. So do not miss the opportunity of your present human form of body. Try to understand Krsna, and make your life successful
- Leaders should try always to generate some atmosphere of fresh challenge to the devotees, so that they will agree enthusiastically to rise and meet it
- Let them say all nonsense. What can I say? Every nonsense will speak something nonsense. How can I check it? There are so many nonsenses; therefore we are trying to make all these nonsense into human beings. That is our program
- Let this life be dedicated for satisfying Krsna's senses. That is Krsna consciousness. One life. We have, several lives, we have tried to satisfy our personal senses. Let this life, at least one life, let me try, what happens
- Let us try to work cooperatively, otherwise the fighting spirit will ruin our great movement
- Little service to God is taken as great service. Krsna is so kind. So we should try always to give the best service, best energy, and you become liberated
- Lord Caitanya wanted to distribute this Holy Name in every city and town of the world; and in pursuance of His lotus feet we are trying to advance this Krsna consciousness chanting movement
- Lord Krsna personally is all-attractive. Following in the holy footsteps of Srila Sukadeva Gosvami, we have tried to present this book, Krsna, for being read and heard by the conditioned souls of this age
- Management should be done very cautiously so that everyone is satisfied in their autonomous managing capacity. Of course, the central point is the order of the Spiritual Master, and I am very glad that you are trying to give importance to this
- Manda-bhagyah: they are unfortunate. So you take it for granted. We are trying, even our Krsna consciousness mission, we are trying to awaken. Still, they are so unfortunate they cannot give up sense gratification
- Many others, the so-called gosvamis, have become envious about us, but if you become one of them, then your life is not very successful. You just try to follow the real Gosvamis and make your life as gosvami. Then people will adore you
- Material life means great risk-at every step there is danger. But, a devotee is not jolted by this. He simply tries to render whatever service possible and accepts everything as the mercy of Krishna
- Maya can take Krishna's place in our heart as soon as there is a slackness on our part. Otherwise, if Krishna's seated always, maya has no opportunity to occupy the seat. Try to follow this method and you will surely be successful
- Maya may try to pull us from Krishna's service, and try to engage us in her service, but we must simply persevere, and try to do as much as possible for Krishna each day
- My advice to you is that whatever instruction you have received from me, just try to follow to your best. You must keep your sannyasa stage, because you have taken it from me. Wherever you go, try to follow the regulations
- My blessings are there, you do it, try. Just like Guru Maharaja gave blessings to everyone, but if they do not try, what can be done?
- My Guru Maharaj always stressed the importance of distributing this Krishna Consciousness literature, so try to do it as far as possible
- My idea is to attract people of the whole world to Mayapur. So we are just trying to acquire three hundred fifty acres of land from the government. It is going on under consideration. Some men are against and some are in favor
- My point is that you are all Vaisnavas; try to do something good to the people, because they are all suffering
- My will I have already disclosed to you all that each and every one of you should chant the Mahamantra regularly in sixteen rounds, follow the four regulative principles, chant Hare Krsna mantra on the streets, try to distribute our books and literature
- No one should write songs of Krishna unless he is self-realized soul, that will spoil the value of the whole thing. But try to use your writing and singing talent for Krishna's preaching work, by writing articles, singing the kirtana, like that
- Nobody should try to imitate the all-powerful, but one should try to follow His instruction. That should be motto of life
- Now the Krishna Consciousness Movement is given to you, some selected European and American boys and girls. Please try to maintain it heart and soul with faith in Krishna, and your life will be successful
- Now we have got many many books in England and we must raise funds for our place there, so try to increase the selling of literatures and magazines and deposit everything in the building fund
- Now you should recruit men for our purpose from Europe as many as possible, in France, Germany, England, etc. All of you do everything conjointly, and at the same time try to organize the World Sankirtana Party
- Now, by the grace of Krsna, yourself and Upendra, the descendants of your adventurous forefathers, have gone there with a great mission, and try to execute it to your best capacity
- Of course such literatures are not meant for ordinary public, but I am sure if you try to introduce in the university circle; and I have got many testimonials of my books and thus they can be introduced without any difficulty
- Of course, if I die, there is nothing to be ruined. You are all participants. So organize this farm project, simple living. Human life is meant for God realization. Try to help them
- One big man came. So I talked about first-class men, and he admitted. So he said at the last moment, "Now let me go and engage myself in fourth-class activities." So everyone is engaged in fourth-class activities, and we are trying to make first-class men
- One may try to leave Him, but He is not going to leave you. Once come, "No, sir, you cannot go out." Just like our Ajamila. He was devotee in the beginning, and later on, by bad association of prostitute, he fell. But Krsna took him at the end
- One should conduct his social, political and religious affairs according to His instructions. We are spreading the Krsna consciousness movement to try to establish a society the way that Krsna wants it. This is the meaning of Krsna consciousness
- One should sincerely try to bring himself (the GBC member) to the stage of devotional service motivated by pure love of Krsna, and our personal example must set a guide for them (the new and old students)
- One who is unable to become a brahmin, let him become ksatriya. If he cannot become ksatriya, let him become a vaisya. Otherwise let him remain a sudra. But there should be ideal class, brahmin. So we are trying to create an ideal society of brahmin
- Only we, the Vaisnavas, we are trying to become servant. The karmis and jnanis, they do not like to become servant. They criticize us that - You Vaisnavas, you have got slave mentality
- Our ambition is far, far greater, nobler and more sublime than these astronauts because we are trying to reach the Supreme Planet, Krishna Loka, and live there eternally in association with Krishna
- Our devotees shouldn't remain in the neophyte position. Neither should they try to imitate the topmost devotee. Best is to remain in the middle class position, namely to love God, make friendship with devotees, enlighten the innocent, & avoid demons
- Our Krishna consciousness movement is a great boon to the human society. We are trying to save the human society from all kinds of suffering, past, present, and future
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is for this purpose, that simply we are trying to educate people how to give up the control of the material energy, and under the control... Not to control the material energy; that we cannot do, that is not possible
- Our members of Krishna Consciousness society should be ideal human beings, and if they try to follow the principles, surely they will be the ideal men in the world
- Our only business is as advised by Caitanya Maha..., yare dekha, tare kaha krsna-upadesa. This is our business. We are carrying this Bhagavad-gita as it is, and we are trying to educate people that "Here is real knowledge. Take it." This is our business
- Our propagation, this Krsna consciousness movement, is that we are trying to get our students well conversed in Bhagavad-gita & Srimad-Bhagavatam. So those who are our students, we have got our books now ready published so nicely. People are accepting it
- Our temples cannot support you and your two wives. You will then want three, four, and more. Anyway as an American it is illegal for you to do this. We are trying to minimize sex and you are trying to increase it
- Our this Krsna consciousness movement is not a sectarian movement. We are trying to bring back people to God consciousness. Because unless one comes to God consciousness, he cannot be happy. That's a fact
- Our whole program is to train the untrained. Nobody is in Krishna Consciousness and we are trying our best to bring people in that platform
- Please always try to remember me by my teachings and we shall always be together
- Please be sure that anyone who comes to live with us there follows strictly the four regulative principles and chants a minimum of 16 rounds daily. Try to distribute my books as much as possible
- Please continue this practice and the delight will continue to increase the more you increase sincerity. I understand also that your family is now reading Back To Godhead, and this is also very good. Just try to explain this philosophy to them
- Please continue to read the literature very attentively. Try to understand very soberly and you will feel ecstasy undoubtedly. The more we understand the spiritual literatures the more we become engladdened
- Please continue to try & convince the world leaders who are in Washington D.C. about our Krishna Consciousness program. Why don't you approach the Congressmen & Representatives & inform them of the work that our men are doing within their states & cities
- Please increase your program of distribution to the public as well as trying to place our books and magazines in the libraries. This is very successful in libraries in other centers
- Please try and render devotional service very carefully following all of the rules and regulations mentioned in our books. Always chant at least 16 good rounds daily. If you try very sincerely to do these things Krishna will help you
- Please try to become dependent on Krsna. That will make your life successful
- Please try to convince him that my presence in U.S.A. is essential because I have got to supervise at least 8 branches in U.S.A. I am qualified Religious Minister
- Please try to convince them that this movement of Krishna Consciousness is the only remedy for treatment for the diseased condition of human society
- Please try to follow this policy and publish in BTG only pure Krishna Conscious articles
- Please try to organize the students in the State University, that will be a great service to the cause, but do it very tactfully so that the administration may not be disturbed
- Please try to read all our books very carefully, and whenever there is any doubt, you ask me, and be expert preacher. That will make you a great doctor for protecting the human society from being fallen a victim to maya
- Please try very hard to remain fixed-up in devotional service to Lord Krishna, always chanting Hare Krishna (at least 16 rounds), following the four rules, and reading my books frequently
- Prahlada Maharaja is one of the mahajanas, authorized persons, authorized devotee. We should try to follow him
- Preaching is very important, and you should engage. That will help you. Every one of you should be pure in your activities and try to preach Krsna consciousness as far as possible
- Produce a page only, Back to Godhead. Oh, that will bring revolution to the human society about understanding of spiritual life. Don't produce nonsense literature. Try for one page
- Regarding antiques: we do not require of them in our Temple. For the time being don't spend money on antiques, better to try to expand our cult as far as possible with strenuous effort
- Regarding Sriman Hayagriva Dasa; it is our duty to rectify him. To create a devotee takes much labor and to reject him in a minute is not to our credit so please try to do the needful in this regard
- Regarding the Nectar of Instruction, why not distribute it to the common men? Every book is meant for everyone, but especially for the devotees. Please try to print a large number so that it can be distributed just like Sri Isopanisad
- Regarding what to do with the eyes while on Sankirtana, your suggestion to look into the faces of people and try to convince them of the sincerity of our movement is best. There is no need of artificial things like seeing the spirit soul
- Regarding your illness - so long we have got this material body, the miseries will be coming and going, simply we have to tolerate them and try to make advancement in Krishna Consciousness as best we can
- Regarding your present edition of Back To Godhead: I have already informed you in my previous letter that it has become very nice, and try to continue the effort improving the quality and I think you are getting good advertisement also
- Regarding your selling of BTG, we have taken a great risk of printing 20,000 copies per month, and before taking this risk, we consulted four different centers, and you all agreed. Now you try your best and the result will depend on Krishna's desire
- Regarding your young boy, do not be sorry because he is a little mischievous. This is only natural for a young boy. It is not anything unusual. Pray to Krishna that he may become a great preacher and try yourself to train him for that by being KC mother
- Remain always a servant of your spiritual master and present the thing as you have heard. You'll be spiritual master. This is secret. You should know it. Don't try to become overintelligent. That will spoil. Evam parampara
- Sankirtana means preaching, so for some time try in other ways to spread our Krishna philosophy anywhere and everywhere, by selling books, as many as possible, by holding kirtana and classes in schools and college
- Sauri, one who is learned, Hari-sauri, one who is learned in the science of Krsna. So try to be a learned scholar in Krsna science and deliver the whole world
- So don't make a cheater and cheated society. Just follow the parampara system as it is prescribed in the Vedic literature, as it is recommended by Krsna. Try to understand it from the authoritative source and try to apply it in your life
- So far brahminical rules for cleanliness, those I have already described in the letter mentioned by you. Brahminical means cleanliness. We are trying to create a brahminical society
- So far we are concerned we are trying to train first class men. How much great responsibility we have to follow regulative principles, chant the beads, live with personal character etc
- So senses should be cured, and then you will be able to enjoy. That is our program. We are not stopping sense enjoyment; we are trying to give you real sense enjoyment
- So that philosophy, Krsna consciousness, we are trying to distribute all over the world, and they are accepting. This is the first time in the history of the world that foreigners, they are becoming devotees of Krsna
- So try to understand this philosophy of Krishna Consciousness by reading our books and literatures, discussing amongst the devotees and chanting Hare Krishna Mantra as much as possible
- So we in our humble way are trying to spread this cult of Bhagavad-gita all over the world
- So, I am so much obliged to you that you are trying to get my books published somehow or other. I can simply pray to Krishna for your long life and valuable service to Krishna
- Something done in Krsna consciousness, knowing or not knowing, it will have its effect. These children who are bowing down, or trying to vibrate "Krsna", or clap, these things are being accumulated in bank account of Krsna consciousness
- Sometimes the members and supporters inquire very confidentially about the methods of performing devotional service, and we try to explain this
- Study our literatures attentively and try to understand the philosophy nicely with the help of your God-brothers. Always work cooperatively to spread Krsna consciousness movement and chant Hare Krsna and your life will be sublime
- Such work with the local newspapers as you are nicely doing is very good. Try to agitate as far as possible our activities. Always be engaged so that maya will not disturb you
- Tactfully, according to place, time, and surroundings, try to push on this Sankirtan cult as far as possible and Krishna will be very very much pleased upon you
- Take advantage and enchant those who are coming by your chanting of Hare Krishna Mantra. You will be victorious. And try to introduce our books there and it will be a great missionary success
- Thank you again and again for distributing my books with great enthusiasm. Now, try to double this enthusiasm. Anyone who even touches one of our books gets such great benefit
- Thank you very much for selling so many books there. This is very much wanted. Try to sell again more and more each day
- That is our unique situation. Perhaps throughout the whole world we are trying to preach that "You are not this body. You are different from body." And we have not manufactured this idea. This is the instruction in the Bhagavad-gita
- That is the plan of God, Krsna (to live in the village and keep cows and grow food grains, fruits, vegetables). Krsna personally exhibited. Vrndavana is village; it is not city. We are trying to go to the village of Krsna - Vrndavana
- The best thing for your wife is to try and tolerate the pains and to execute her devotional service to the best of her capacity. If this is difficult, then she should try to get the proper treatment for her problem
- The best thing I can suggest that you try to keep your bowels cleared, and take more fruits and milk. That will keep you healthy
- The brahmana class means the first-class ideal men, so that by the seeing their character, their behavior, others will try to follow. Yad yad acarati sresthah (BG 3.21). Krsna consciousness movement means we are trying to create some first-class men
- The conclusion is this: Without pleasing the spiritual master he cannot please Krishna. If anyone tries to please Krishna directly, he's fool number one
- The Deity should have nice flowers everyday etc., etc. You should try to bring Them up to the highest standard, such as we have in Los Angeles or New Vrndavana
- The father and mother are also as good as the Spiritual Master, and we are indebted to father and mother in so many ways. So as they are dependent on your income, try to help them as far as possible
- The first thing is we must hear. Srotavyah. Just try to hear what is God, what is His kingdom, how He acts, how He is cheerful. These things are to be heard. Sravanam
- The idea is that when a person becomes spiritually advanced then there is actual peace and unity. So, we are trying to establish this spiritual unity on the basis of love of God
- The incident in Florida is to be forgotten. Now, with new energy, and in good cooperation with Gaurasundara, please try to establish a nice center in Hawaii
- The list of offenses, 10 kinds, are in my apartment in N.Y., & you ask your God-brother, Brahmananda, & he will supply you. Similarly, there is another list of the qualifications, as well as prayer for Spiritual Master, are also there. Try to secure them
- The Lord was so liberal that He would give to every man prasadam quite sufficient for being eaten by two or three men. So we are trying to follow by distributing prasadam very liberally, and we invite everyone without any discrimination
- The maya, or the material nature, is misleading us. We are trying to adjust things according to the dictation of maya, that we shall be able to stop our struggle for existence
- The more you advance in Krsna Consciousness, the more you will feel such ecstasy. This is Krsna's grace. So remain fixed up in the service, at the same time try to train others because we shall have to open so many centers
- The perfect disciples of the acarya try to relieve the situation by sincerely following the instructions of the spiritual master
- The present scarcity of foodstuff means everybody is engaged in the city, producing bolts and nuts. Who is producing food grain? This is the solution of economic problem. Therefore we are trying to engage our men to produce their own food
- The real fighting is now. Krsna will give you all protection. So, chant Hare Krsna and fight. One movie expert has opined there are so many ideas in our movement. Try to get our ideas into movies
- The San Francisco temple, not being situated in a nice quarter, they are trying to remove to somewhere else. Now they have got a Berkeley temple. It is not my policy to close any temple, but if there is inconvenience, we change the place
- The Spiritual Master is present wherever his sincere disciple is trying to serve his instructions
- The standards I have already given you, now try to maintain them at all times under standard procedure. Do not try to innovate or create anything or manufacture anything, that will ruin everything
- The suggestion of Mr. Kallman of Krishna Consciousness Kit is very nice. Please try to fructify this idea as soon as possible. As there is still time to get Bhagavad-gita ready published by MacMillan Co., Mr. Kallman may not come to S.F. so quickly
- The whole process now we are trying from the Bhagavad-gita is to bring one to get him on the platform of consciousness
- There are many things like that. So you should try to understand it fully. Why should you understand it haphazardly? You must try to understand fully
- There are so many poems written by great acaryas. Why do you try to concoct something like this? It is not in our line
- There are ten kinds of offenses. You'll get the list. So we shall try to avoid. Then our chanting will be purified. And when the chanting is purified, then immediately you are liberated
- There is a certain pattern of behavior prescribed for those actually trying to become perfect. In our Krsna consciousness movement we advise our students not to eat meat, not to gamble, not to engage in illicit sex and not to indulge in intoxication
- There is a church in the United Nations, and we tried to get a room there for making our propaganda. The church unity denied to give us. So their crippled mind is not expanded. Sa mahatma... Mahatma means broad-minded
- There is a great need of brahmanas. Therefore, in the Krsna consciousness movement, we are trying to train some brahmanas to guide human society
- There is good potency. And try to make them stronger to fight with the demonic principles
- There is no more para-tattva, superior source, except Krsna. This Krsna consciousness movement is therefore..., we are trying to place before the civilized human society that the adi-purusa, the original Supreme Personality of Godhead
- There is no need to concoct anything new. You simply have to study carefully our books and then in your own words try to express what you have read. This will automatically make you a very successful preacher
- There is no question of being disappointed. After all, we commit so many mistakes. That is human nature. To err is human. That is not fault. But try to rectify with cool head. That is required
- There is no varnasrama; therefore all the children, they are varna-sankara. And as soon as there is varna-sankara population, the world becomes hell. Therefore we are trying to check, "No illicit sex" - to stop this varna-sankara
- There is very good chance for our success in India. We should follow the same principle; namely chanting the beads regularly, following the regulative principles, leading the Sankirtana Party on the street, try to sell our literature and books
- There will be no scarcity of acarya, and people will understand Krsna consciousness very easily. So make that organization. Don't be falsely puffed up. Follow the acarya's instruction and try to make yourself perfect, mature
- There will be no scarcity of money for the work, so you try to raise fund locally as far as possible. But whenever there is scarcity of money, you will have it in the usual way as you have already got it. So do everything very nicely and quickly
- These bodily relationships are only temporary. Our real relationship is with Krishna. Try to cultivate that
- These feelings of loneliness are simply temporary manifestations due to past conditioning, and we should try to concentrate our attention to our eternal friendship with Krishna. That will relieve us of all such botherations
- These Gosvamis, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's direct disciples, they tried to establish sad-dharma, and we are trying to follow their footprints, footstep, to establish real dharma all over the world. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- These Gosvamis, Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's direct disciples, they tried to establish sad-dharma, and we are trying to follow their footprints, footsteps, to establish real dharma all over the world. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- These things must be cleared up or there may be danger of split within our ranks. Try to keep the whole situation in unified condition, but if Siddha Svarupa and his disciples are living there separately and peacefully, I have no objection
- These verses of Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are Vedic mantras. They're not ordinary wording, set of wording. It is not. Veda-mantra; samhita. So every one of you must try to chant. This is required
- This (identifying with this body) is the grossest type of ignorance, and we are trying to dissipate this ignorance and bring people to real consciousness, real identity. And that is called Krsna consciousness
- This book, Nectar of Devotion, Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhu, if you read regularly, try to understand, this means you are associating with Srila Rupa Gosvami directly. And if you act accordingly, then you are serving their lotus feet
- This college program and school work you are doing is very encouraging to hear. In these schools try to get as many classes as possible. This traveling Sankirtana is very good; to go from village to village as Lord Caitanya has predicted
- This is not at all good if our big devotees fall down so easily and go away. Try to save them
- This is our Krsna consciousness movement. We are trying to educate people to understand the value of life, the value of spiritual life especially, Bhagavata
- This is the blessing of my Guru Maharaja. He wanted it. And because we are trying to do this, he is giving us all blessings. He told me personally, "I wanted to sell this marble and publish some books"
- This is the position of the world, and they are suffering and they will continue to suffer. Nature will punish them. Yamaraja will take them. That is their next life. So you try to save them. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- This is the Vaisnava philosophy. We are trying to be servant. We don't identify with anything material. As soon as we identify with anything material, we become under the clutches of maya
- This Krsna consciousness movement is enacted just to create little faith in Krsna. Then the person whom we are trying to help, his business is to associate with sadhu
- This Krsna consciousness movement is not a sectarian movement. We are trying to bring back people to God consciousness. Because unless one comes to God consciousness, he cannot be happy. That's a fact
- This Krsna consciousness movement is started to educate people to understand Krsna, that's all. We have no other concoction. There is no invention. Simply we are trying to convince people to understand Krsna
- This Krsna consciousness movement is the topmost education, culture. Those who have come to Krsna consciousness movement, they should seriously take it and try to understand Krsna. Their life will be successful
- This Krsna consciousness, is required. It is a mistake to understand that we are trying to push on Hindu culture. Where is the Hindu culture? To become a gentleman is Hindu culture? It is for everyone
- This Maya will attack the body always, because the body itself is the source of all troubles. We try to make a solution of our misfortunes, but at the same time we want to keep this body
- This movement is greatly needed for the human society, so we are not working like any political party, but we are trying to execute the Will of the Supreme Lord
- This movement is very important movement. We are trying to educate people how to transfer one from this world of darkness to the world of light, which is called Goloka Vrndavana
- This movement of Krsna consciousness is an attempt to enlighten the whole world on the spiritual platform. We are trying to do this. Please try to help us
- This preaching work is our mission. It is Caitanya Mahaprabhu's mission, my Guru Maharaja's mission, and my mission. It is through the parampara. As I am trying to discharge my Guru Maharaja's mission, you also try and things will go on nicely
- Those who are in the modes of passion, they will remain here and those who are very addicted to all abominable habits, they are clearing their way to hellish life. So to abominable life is these four principles. That we are trying to avoid
- To become uttamadhikari, it is not so easy, but we are generally in the kanisthadhikari. But we shall try to come to the madhyamadhikari. Then our life will be successful
- To live in the society of devotees and to become puppet of the predecessor acarya. This is success. So we are trying to do that, Krsna consciousness society, and serve the predecessor. That's all
- To make people Vaisnava, pure Vaisnava, and to spread the sankirtana movement, this is the mission of Caitanya, and we are trying our best. Actually, it was the duty of the Indians, but fortunately, the Americans have taken up instead of Indians
- To understand Krsna is not so easy, but if you follow the mahajana, if you try to understand the philosophy through the parampara system, then you'll realize Krsna and your life will be successful
- Try and pay at this rate ($5,000) so that in seven months the whole debt will be closed
- Try and take care of all those devotees
- Try as far as possible to discipline the children with love and affection, so that they develop a taste for austerity of life and think it great fun to serve Krishna in many ways
- Try to always study our books and see our philosophy from different lights of directions
- Try to approach Stockholm University Nobel Prize authority in this connection. If things are going nicely, next summer I may go there
- Try to arrange many such programs with all different kinds of respectable gentlemen, philosophers, scholars, educationalists, etc
- Try to avoid too much business as this distracts us from our real mission. If Krishna sees that we are very active to spread information about Him, He is Master of the Goddess of Fortune, He will give everything!
- Try to concentrate on these farm projects. Let the villagers come and hear, and distribute prasadam. In this way draw their sympathy and gradually they'll become our associates. Then they can come to live with us and work with us
- Try to convince Gaurasundara and Siddha-svarupa to return to ISKCON and let us forget whatever has happened in the past
- Try to convince in the meeting that the difference between animal society and human society is that the human society has in some form the ideals of Krishna Consciousness or God Consciousness. That is religion
- Try to convince them (Tusta Krsna or Siddha-Svarupa Goswamis) to return to our Society and work cooperatively. That they have gone away is not good thing and it is a deviation from our line of parampara
- Try to convince them that without God Consciousness, no plan will be successful. Of course, the demoniac class of men will always remain
- Try to deliver these innocent persons who are suffering. Everyone is suffering. That should be the motto. Do not sit idly, eat and sleep. No. Either loitering, wandering... I know, our men in Krsna consciousness, they are bold enough
- Try to distribute our books very widely and preach also. These bogus yogis and swamis will vanish
- Try to enlighten them on this point and make them happy, that will please me and krishna, and thus you will become perfect yourself
- Try to get recognition from the police that we are a non-profit religious organization
- Try to get the certified copy. Otherwise, what can be done? Do not be discouraged. Go on serving sincerely. Your success is your sincere desire to serve Krsna
- Try to have Sankirtana and get one mrdanga from New York by paying them, and in this way try to improve the attendance of the temple. Your ideas you mention are very good
- Try to impress this fact, we should kill this restless spirit. Enthusiasm and patience, these things required
- Try to increase the sales of our literatures and particularly KRSNA book and that will be a great service
- Try to introduce our Bhagavad-gita As It Is into every university and college in Hawaii. Along with Gaurasundara try to convince them that our publication is the best. This will be great service
- Try to keep nice peace with the police as far as possible, because our method is to be tolerant more than the tree and humbler than the grass on the street. We don't mind for so-called prestige. If keeping peaceful we can execute our KC
- Try to keep up this present standard and think of new ways to make it always fresh and attractive. Krsna is all attractive and evergreen, and you must use your talent to layout the magazine so that Krsna appears in print as He is
- Try to keep yourself in Krsna consciousness without any deviation. Then you remain pure
- Try to learn our philosophy very nicely with the help of your elder God brothers and sisters, go on Samkirtan, and always be engaged in some kind of Krishna work, then Krishna will bless you to advance more and more in Krishna Consciousness
- Try to maintain the standard of a perfect person as is given in the Bhagavad-gita, and do not deviate from this wonderful method of Krishna consciousness
- Try to make your London Yatra equally important so that when the young boys and girls of England and America combine together in Sankirtana Party it will be a great revolution in the world, even in Russia and China
- Try to make your press department very nice. The magazine is already selling, and if you make further improvements, the sales will also improve. Just like our English BTG: from 5,000 copies they have increased to 25,000 copies per month
- Try to manage the whole world organization and all GBC men, suppose I am not there
- Try to organize a meeting and impress upon the people Srimad-Bhagavatam philosophy by explaining
- Try to organize our book selling department very nicely. That will be great service to the society and to the people in general
- Try to present Krsna as He is. People will be attracted, because everyone has got Krsna's intimate relationship. We are all part and parcel of Krsna
- Try to propagate Sankirtana as much as possible. This should be our life and soul
- Try to publish Persian books as many as possible. That will be a big success
- Try to remain a brahmacari as far as possible
- Try to spread this Krsna consciousness movement. And this is your sadhana, execution of austerity, penance. Because you have to meet so many opposing elements. You have to fight with them. That is tapasya
- Try to understand God scientifically and become a devotee, a lover of God, your life will be successful. That is Krsna consciousness movement
- Try to understand Krishna Consciousness mutually, and this will give you transcendental pleasure
- Try to understand that subject matter from every angle of vision
- Try to understand the philosophy (read 'Nectar of Devotion' repeatedly) nicely & spread it to your best capacity so that these suiciding men can be saved as far as possible. It is not, however, possible to check the suiciding policy of the modern society
- Try to understand the philosophy very nicely, because you are going to preach. So many opposing elements will come. So you have to defend yourself
- Try to understand this fact. Krsna does not require your nice dress or nice flower or nice food. Krsna does not require. But if you give Him, then you become benefited. It is Krsna's favor that He's accepting
- Try to understand with your intelligence but do not try to avoid
- Try your best to develop an ideal society there to set a perfect example for the human society of how one can live very simply, chanting Hare Krishna and developing love for Krishna
- Try your best to execute Krsna consciousness fully. That should be the motto of our life
- Ultimate transmigration means go back to home, back to Godhead. That should be the aim of life. That is first-class intelligent. But they do not know. Therefore we are trying to render our humble service to the human society, to give this information
- Unfortunately, the Bhagavad-gita is being interpreted by unauthorized persons unnecessarily, and people are kept into darkness. We are trying to protest against this process. We are presenting Bhagavad-gita as it is
- Unless Jadurani develops a better health and strength, I do not advise her to become pregnant. I think you will understand the instruction as I have given and try to follow it as far as possible
- Unless we get local devotees it is very difficult to maintain. So try to maintain the center with local devotees, that is my urgent desire
- We are creating interest on behalf of God. That is our business. We are servant of God. We are trying to save people from the cycle of repetition of birth and death in different varieties or species of life
- We are not manufacturing anything. Everything is there. Everything is there in the sastra. We do not invent anything. Yah sastra-vidhim utsrjya vartate kama-karatah (BG 16.23). The, we are trying to follow as far as possible, and we are teaching that
- We are now trying to get one very suitable house here for our India headquarters. The cost is rupees 10 lakhs, and it is located in a very rich quarter of the city, with many aristocratic houses nearby
- We are preaching Krsna consciousness. What Krsna has said, we are trying to spread. This is genuine, the simple thing. We have not manufactured anything, Transcendental Meditation or like that. That is not our business
- We are simply busy with Krsna business. We try to remember Krsna twenty-four hours. That is our method
- We are sitting here in this room, apartment. Others are sitting. We are trying to cultivate atma-tattvam, self-realization, and little chanting; but others, they cannot tolerate, because they are grhamedhi
- We are soliciting, "Please come here in this Hare Krsna Land and just become a brahmana-vaisnava, and we shall try to serve you by giving you good place," but nobody is coming. Therefore it is very difficult to revive the old varnasrama-dharma culture
- We are trying in India to establish some centers and the response of the people here has been very favorable towards our movement which they have found to be a great stimulus to the revival of Krsna consciousness
- We are trying our bit, this Krsna consciousness movement, to give education about this bhagavata-dharma and we are trying to present in so many languages. So we wish that you should cooperate, try to understand this philosophy
- We are trying to bring as many young men as possible to the Krsna consciousness movement for their ultimate benefit, but the parents of the young men joining this movement, being very sorry, are lamenting and making counterpropaganda
- We are trying to bring them (the living entities, those who revolted against the service of the Lord) into practice, how to serve Lord, how to . . . how to serve the Supreme Lord. That is our movement. It is not patchwork
- We are trying to change the consciousness of the people so that this preparation will help him to get exactly a body like Krsna in next life, and he may dance with Krsna in rasa dance. That is our propaganda
- We are trying to construct a city (our Mayapur City in W. Bengal) where people from all over the world can come to visit and live according to the Vedic tenets of "simple living and high thinking"
- We are trying to create a position that not only the Indians have got this responsibility, but according to Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, anyone - prthivite ache yata nagaradi grama (CB Antya-khanda 4.126) - they should take up this missionary work
- We are trying to distribute this knowledge from authoritative books like Srimad-Bhagavad-gita and Srimad-Bhagavatam, and as far as possible, we are using our all talents in this, and we welcome you. And take advantage, participate with us
- We are trying to educate people to be honest, very very gentle, fair-dealing, but actually, the result is people are becoming dishonest, miscreant, rogue, thief, due to lack of God consciousness
- We are trying to educate people to understand the value of life, the value of spiritual life especially, Bhagavata
- We are trying to elevate the demoralized human society to God consciousness
- We are trying to establish an ideal colony in New Vrindaban and other places
- We are trying to form character and God consciousness, Krsna consciousness. So therefore it is not that this society is opened for exploiting others. This society is for giving good association to the misguided people
- We are trying to fulfill the Lord’s desire, and our attempt has become fairly successful, but the enemies of this movement unnecessarily try to find faults in it, exactly like the old rascal Ramacandra Khan, who opposed Haridasa Thakura
- We are trying to give Lennon and Ginsberg all facilities to understand this philosophy and it will take some time on account of their not following rigidly the rules
- We are trying to give protection to the cows, to the animals, to the trees. This is sarva-bhuta-hite ratah. If one is not devoted to Krsna, he cannot become sarva-bhuta-hite ratah. Kleso 'dhikataras tesam (BG 12.5). Simply they will suffer, that's all
- We are trying to give them solid personification of the Absolute Truth. Here also, India, they are spoiled by these Mayavadi. Now it is in your able hands. You are resourceful, intelligent. Spread this Vaisnava philosophy and challenge this Mayavada
- We are trying to give this information (next life one should have better or eternal body) to the human society, but they are so callous, they are so bodily conscious, they are not very much serious about it
- We are trying to invoke the dormant Krsna's love in every human being. And this is the duty of the Indians
- We are trying to keep you on the spiritual platform. That is bhakti-yoga - always engaged in devotional service. Then you are above all these material qualities
- We are trying to make our disciples perfectly men of character: no illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat-eating. And people will take it very lightly. Because they do not know what is brahminical culture, what is the perfection of human life
- We are trying to make our students the first-class yogi, always think of Krsna. This is our Krsna consciousness movement
- We are trying to manage a great institution
- We are trying to organize this institution that, "You come. Whatever you do, that doesn't matter. Everything will be adjusted by and by." Everything will be adjusted as our mind becomes clear, clear, clear, simply by hearing
- We are trying to present an ideal Society to the world, so although we are very rigidly following these principles, still, we are very liberal to everyone. For this reason we are being appreciated everywhere
- We are trying to present Krishna Consciousness all over the world in a very scientific and philosophical way, and as such your help in this connection will be of great value
- We are trying to present Sri Caitanya-caritamrta in English and do not know how successful it will be, but if one reads the original Caitanya-caritamrta in Bengali he will relish increasing ecstasy in devotional service
- We are trying to push on this movement on many fronts, one of the most important being the production and distribution of our Krsna Conscious literature for the upliftment of mankind
- We are trying to push on this movement, change the consciousness. Now our consciousness is polluted, muddy. Somebody is thinking, "I am Indian," somebody is thinking, "I am American," and they are fighting one another
- We are trying to render our humble service to the human society, to give this information that, You are trying for so many things for becoming happy, but instead of being happy, you are becoming hippie. So take this KC, and actually you will be happy
- We are trying to save the living entity from disastrous condition. This is the aim and mission of Krsna consciousness movement. It is not a religious sentiment. No. It is very scientific
- We are trying to save them, "Don't become dog. Just become god or godly." This is our movement. But they are persistent to become dog. Even they are coming here, again falling. Persistent to become dog. So that is nature's law, what can be done?
- We are trying to set a perfect example according to the Bhagavad-gita as it is, how to execute simple living and high thinking. We are not interested in any material comforts of life which are limited and temporary
- We are trying to spread His (Lord Caitanya's) message throughout the whole world, and by the grace of His Lordship we are getting good response
- We are trying to spread this Krsna consciousness movement for total benefit of the human society
- We are trying to take facilities from Krsna beginning from "O God, give us our daily bread, then give me motorcar, then give me airplane, then give me this, give me that." "Take all, but you will never be happy unless you surrender to Me"
- We are trying to the best of our ability to introduce the KC movement directly into the countries of the yavanas & mlecchas. Such yavanas and mlecchas are coming to us and becoming purified Vaisnavas who follow in the footsteps of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- We are trying to train first-class men. So if, from the very beginning of life, one is trained... That is the Vedic civilization
- We are trying to train them from animalism to humanism by associating with this Krsna consciousness movement
- We are trying to, I mean, to introduce in the modern society Krsna consciousness, and that will make us all-perfect, happy, and after leaving this body we shall enter into the kingdom of God
- We do not believe. "Oh, God cannot give us protection. Let me try my own technology. I shall protect myself"
- We do not know when we shall meet our next death, our next exit from this platform. But before going out of this platform, we may try to finish Krishna Consciousness. That is our main business
- We don't want to disturb the present condition of the society. No. But we try to make them understand that, "There is a great necessity of you to understand this Krsna consciousness." That is our goal
- We have got consciousness. Everyone is conscious, but that consciousness is covered consciousness. So we are trying to clear the consciousness without any cover, without any color
- We have to somehow or other push on and Krishna will give us a chance. For yourself also you can try and take a visa as a teacher and some of your students may demand your presence. We have to play some tricks for Krishna's sake
- We must always sincerely try to do our best with great determination. This is the transcendental position. Success or failure, this is not our business. We leave that up to Krishna
- We must try to avoid becoming too much overly organized like the material businessmen. Our business is to ourselves become Krishna conscious, advance in spiritual life, and to preach to others how they can also take advantage
- We shall try to construct a very nice temple for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- We shall try to construct a very nice temple for Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu. This morning we were thinking of this. So from this place, this moon, Sri Krsna Caitanya Mahaprabhu, will distribute
- We should always remember, Krishna is always full in Himself; He does not want a pinch of our help for his satisfaction, but if we try to satisfy Him in so many ways as directed by acaryas and scriptures, indirectly we become benefited by such activities
- We should not be angry with these poor souls. Try to convince them by argument and reason but do not become angry with them
- We should not become religious fanatics, nor dry mental speculators. Both these classes of men are dangerous. They cannot make any advance. The combination. You should be religious, but try to understand each and every line philosophically
- We should take up the words from the spiritual master as our life and soul. We should try to carry out the instruction, the specific instruction of the spiritual master, very rigidly, without caring for our personal benefit or loss
- We should try to keep our friendship with everyone in the world, but we cannot sacrifice the principles of Krishna Consciousness on being employed by some relative of this world
- We should try very fast before the next death comes. And death will come. So we shall prepare in such a way that before the next death comes over, we finish our Krsna consciousness business and go back to home, back to Godhead
- We try to explain how God is working. So one should have brain to study things. One must have clear idea how God is person, how He is working, how this cosmic manifestation is manifested by God's energy
- We understand, we people who are conducting this KC movement, that without being Krsna conscious, nobody will be happy. Therefore our struggle is different. We are trying to make the people actually happy. Sarve sukhino bhavantu: Everyone become happy
- We work so that men of all languages and cultures may join us in chanting Hare Krishna and for this we need so many literatures in so many different languages. So please try for this
- Whatever allocation of duty there may be, if we try to execute such specific duty sincerely, that alone can make us much more advanced in Krishna Consciousness
- Whatever I have done, I have given my will and purpose of honor; you try and maintain it. Otherwise I have no desire - nothing. I have no such sentiment, "This is my country, this is my…"
- Whatever sound is there in this material world, the original sound is produced by God. So spiritual sound is so powerful. And we are trying to catch you directly from that sound vibration, Hare Krsna, and I am sure it is acting. Simply, sabdad anavrttih
- When I learn that you are selling many BTGs and are receiving nice support from the community, I am very much encouraged. Now we have published our Isopanisad and you must try to sell it as far as possible
- When it is clear, there is no question of interpretation. Unfortunately, the Bhagavad-gita is being interpreted by unauthorized persons unnecessarily, and people are kept into darkness. We are trying to protest against this process
- When Krishna sees that we are trying very sincerely to preach His message to others He becomes very pleased and showers all blessings upon the devotee. So please continue to progress in this spirit
- When one is a professional, there may be something wrong. That doesn't matter. But you try to discharge your duties, rightly, whatever you are prescribed to do. Then everything will come to the right point
- When these young boys are fully ready, vast preaching will take place in these Western countries through them. I remind them that I am old. "At any time I may have to say namaskara to Yamaraja, so you all try to understand this KC philosophy properly"
- When we are in need of money to carry on Krishna's work, then we can resort to whatever means there is available. So long it is always for Krishna and never for personal sense gratification. So you can try to get some money in that way
- When we see that so many men and women are simply committing suicide as described in the Isopanisad ye ke catma-hano janah, let us try to save them through this Krsna Consciousness Movement
- When we try to keep aloof from the envious, that is not our enviousness. That is just to avoid trouble for preaching work. Not that we hate them
- When you speak in the classroom (of the university), just quote from any of my books and then try and explain the meaning in your own words and the students will appreciate it very much
- When you will seek after God, God is situated within your heart, He will give you all facility. And so long you want to become God, you will be cheated, because you are trying to cheat yourself. How you can become God?
- Where ever you deliver your lectures to students try to introduce at least our small books. If the students purchase these cheaper, smaller books, they will get a permanent impression of Krishna Consciousness
- Where is the difficulty to understand Krsna consciousness? Everything is there in the Bhagavad-gita. If you diligently study and try to understand, you remain fully Krsna conscious always. Everything is there
- Which philosophy is better, 50 or 100 year old Darwin philosophy, or eternal Krishna philosophy? Just try to understand. Approach Krishna way of life from every angle - it is perfect
- While dealing with the ordinary men, we must spread this movement in such a way that they will not misunderstand us and take offense. Try to sell as many of my books as possible to your best ability
- Why you are disturbing? Sit down. Hear. Try to hear
- Yes, it certainly requires many leaders to manage the many affairs of a large scale institution, so you must train up whatever men you have got and try to manage this way
- Yes, try to convince your brothers gradually to come to the temple and take up this Krishna Consciousness. It will be a great service
- Yes, try to pick up Chayavan Swami. He seems to want to do some good for the African people but you must convince him that besides Krishna Consciousness all other so-called welfare work is simply a waste of time
- You also try to read this Bhagavatam, and don't commit sinful activities, the four things (illicit sex, meat-eating, intoxication, gambling), and chant Hare Krsna. Then your life is saved from hellish condition of life
- You are all intelligent boys and girls. You try to understand this Krsna consciousness philosophy with all your reason or argument. But try to understand it seriously. Don't make it a farce. That is the object of life
- You are chanting very regularly and trying to follow the four principels of restriction as far as possible. I have got an account with the Canadian Imperial Bank of Commerce in Montreal, and, if you like, you may deposit the money there in my account
- You are in charge of the Seattle branch. You should try to develop and manage this temple as your life interest. Don't be flickering, thinking of going here and there
- You are my initiated disciple, and I must instruct you to be sure to always follow the regulative principles like chanting 16 rounds on the beads daily, reading my books, eating only prasadam, and in every way trying to serve Krsna
- You are not transcendental. You are trying to be transcendental. You should always remember that "We are trying to be transcendental." When you are actually on transcendental state, you will not be affected by any modes of material nature
- You are thinking that by adjustment of this external energy, you will be able to live very happily. Is it possible? You are trying, problem after problem
- You are trying for the new Temple, but our main business is Sankirtana and distribution of literature. If Krsna gives us a better place, that is all-right. Otherwise, we can remain at any place never mind hell or heaven
- You are very intelligent and nice boy and girl, and trying to understand Krishna Consciousness, and I can simply pray that you shall try to understand more and more about this transcendental science
- You are very sincere boy trying your best to serve Krishna and by His Grace you are quite fit for this business, and considering all these points, I have entrusted Back To Godhead in your hand. Because this paper is the beginning of my spiritual life
- You big managers now try to train up more and more some competent preachers and managers like yourselves. Forget this centralizing and bureaucracy
- You can continue to work at trying to get the park for constructing our temple there as previously planned. Keep me informed as to the progress
- You can produce your cloth also if you produce cotton. And we are trying in Mayapura to produce our own cloth. So we require our own cloth, own food, and time saved for advancing in Krsna consciousness. That is required. That is actual civilization
- You continue to endeavor sincerely in Krishna Consciousness, being very careful to follow all of our principles very seriously and try to co-operate fully with this Hare Krishna movement in spreading the message of Lord Caitanya all over the world
- You have dedicated your life for Krsna and therefore you should be ideal. We are introducing KCM for the harmony and good will of humanity. But if you are suffering from the very ills we are trying to remove, how can the people be influenced favorably
- You have got a new house very suitable for our purpose; it is very nice. So try to purchase some land as soon as possible
- You have to follow great personalities. Therefore we are trying to follow Lord Krsna or Lord Caitanya. That is perfection. You have to take evidences from the Vedas. You have to follow the instruction. The success is sure
- You have to follow the rules and regulations. That will give you progress. Don't try to imitate. Just be in your position, try to follow the rules and regulations, and chant Hare Krsna, and gradually you'll get result. There is no need of being hasty
- You have to take this sword of Krsna consciousness. Then you become free. The knot is cut by this sword. Now how we can get this sword? That process is described here that you simply, with faith, you try to hear
- You have tried to explain the reasons for your recent traveling excursions, but there is no need to explain; the reason is that you are restless. I wanted you to concentrate your mind on painting and utilizing your talents for Krishna's service
- You just try to realize the importance of Krsna consciousness and make your life cent per cent engaged in Krsna's service - that is perfection
- You lament that you are not qualified to present Krsna Consciousness properly, but this is the qualification: hold kirtanas with your friends, read passages from my books, distribute prasadam and try to get more people to read the books
- You left Vrndavana on account of Yamuna, but she has left you there also, although you wanted to live with her. Anyway, try to forget all this material attachment and try to be attached to Krishna more and more
- You may all try to distribute this (Bhagavad-gita As It Is) book as far as possible and it will be a great service to our movement. If any sincere person reads this book I think that he will be impressed by the solid footing on which our KC is based
- You mention that you are fixing up your temple for nice Love feast program and this is cent per cent approved by me. Try to have very nice Love feasts
- You must try to utilize the whole thing for the purpose of Krsna because everything belongs to Krsna. That is your duty
- You shall try to learn the various literatures very carefully and present everywhere in classes and books, that is very good. This is a nice idea and if you can do it, it is great service and Krsna will bless you
- You should always remember that you are helping me. Without your help I cannot do anything, so you do not be disturbed. Try to help me. That is my request
- You should be very serious for trying for it, as I think that you are one of my senior disciples and I am very much relying on you now to carry on this mission with full responsibility
- You should not be discouraged if people are not coming to your meetings. We are trying to please Krishna. That is all. We simply must go on with our business, to the best of our ability
- You should not try to speculate on the "level of consciousness" of the pure devotee of the Lord
- You should present Krsna consciousness not as a religion, but a science of God realization. Try to convince them that it is not just a kind of faith
- You should rectify, but not reject. Members are coming to join us to be rectified, not to be rejected. So, try to rectify the incorrigible, and if not possible, then change. What can we do?
- You should try and get these TV personalities to show our books and advertise them over the air. This will be the real success of our endeavors with the media
- You should try to model the arrangement after the Los Angeles temple, and you should live separately, men and women, if you live in the temple itself
- You try to convince people that this simple method of chanting Hare Krishna and following the easy process; actually one enhances love of Godhead without fail
- You try to convince people that this simple method of chanting Hare Krsna and following the easy process; actually one enhances love of Godhead without fail. So why one should be against this principle? In this way, we have to preach, depending on Krsna
- You try to develop your love which is already dormant in you, and when you are efficient in loving God, you will see God face to face
- You try to make successful BTG as you have recently planned and then you may proceed to London
- You try to prove that chemical combination can never bring about life; this is our main argument
- You try to understand this philosophy more seriously, and as you are able try to write articles on this subject matter without being inclined to compromise with any other religious faith
- You will never agree to your father's demoniac principles, but still you will try to serve him as faithfully as a nice obedient son. I am sure your father will be responsive and gradually our mission may be successful
- You will read the letter of your husband & try to know my mind. I am coming very soon to see you when everything will be adjusted
- Your attempt to serve the cause of the society and my mission is very much appreciated by me. Please go on serving the cause of Krsna Consciousness as far as possible, and try to execute the routine work of chanting
- Your child is very nice, and Krishna has given him a great opportunity to perfect himself in spiritual life because He has placed him under the care of a mother who is a sincere devotee. Try to help him grow up peacefully in Krishna Consciousness
- Your Columbus center is very nice, and the place you have got is a very suitable place. So you try to organize your center very nicely
- Your desire for leading a sankirtana party, preaching and traveling is a very good one, and I suggest that you talk to your temple president or GBC and try to arrange such a program if it is possible
- Your idea to go to San Francisco for a short time is nice. Yes, the San Francisco temple has deteriorated from its original position, so please try to reinstate it
- Your picture shows you are a very nice boy, promising to become a good Vaisnava in the future. Krishna has sent you for being taken care of by us, so we shall do our best. You also kindly try to follow our instructions
- Your plan to get a large vehicle for traveling with built in shower, kitchen etc. is approved by me. But you should try to get new, because the old ones are always needing repair
- Your program for traveling on the West coast holding festivals at schools and communes is approved by me. Especially you must try to convince these students to join us
- Your program of speaking in colleges and other places and getting paid is very much liked by me; in this way, try to penetrate every school and college and introduce our books profusely
- Your remark that we cannot make Krishna our order supplier is very appropriate. We should always try to supply everything to Krishna and we shall try to avoid any return by Krishna. That is Vaisnava philosophy
- Yukta Vairagya means that we should simply accept the bare necessities of our material part of life, and try to save time for spiritual advancement. This should be the motto of New Vrindaban, if you at all develop it to the perfectional stage