It is very good news that you have got good prospects of the future of that center in Buffalo. And you will be glad to know that in New York and Boston, by following this process of chanting in public places like parks and streets, they are getting very good response by contributions from the public, as well as by selling our literatures.
Yes, I quite agree with you, on this money subject. This subject matter I have discussed here also. The difficulty is that in your country the Brahmacaris cannot go and beg from door to door, therefore the process which is now adopted by Hamsaduta is coming to be very hopeful. But boys who are not engaged in the temple service during daytime must try to get some money be working or some other way. Without money it is not possible to exist in the material world. Although Krishna is always on the background, still Krishna advised Arjuna that you have to fight, at the same time, remember Me. The same principles we have to follow. We have to work, just like others, and at the same time think of Krishna constantly. Outsiders should be educated to know that we are the most humble service of the human society.
The word klin is significance of the mantras being the root of devotional activities. Krishnyaya, unto Krishna; Govindaya, unto Govinda; Gopijanavallabhaya, unto the Pleasure Reservoir of the damsels of Vraja, and Svaha, offering oblations unto Him. You will get in time the translations of all the mantras.
Yes, we have got all the qualities of the Supersoul. Therefore, unless the Supersoul has got consciousness, how we can have consciousness? We are the samples, therefore the origin must have all the qualities that we have. There is no such thing as acceptance or rejection by the mind of the Supersoul. Our mind is in the present material existence a nonsense. It's business is simply to accept or reject. The Supersoul has no separate mind like that, but He has got mind also, and whatever He thinks in His mind, also, that is a fact. There is no question of accepting or rejecting. In Sanskrit language it is called Satya Sankalpa. And our mind is Vikalpa. The mind, body and the Supersoul is the same Absolute truth, there is no distinction between Them. This is in answer to your question, "is the 'conscience' the symptom of the Supersoul?"