Prabhupāda: is envious. So envious, upekṣā, means they should not be associated. Īśvare tad-adhīneṣu bāliśeṣu dviṣatsu ca. Four division: God, īśvara; and tad-adhīneṣu. Devotees, those who have accepted... (break) That is devotee. Bāliśa, those who are innocent. Preaching...
Jayapatākā: Like child, bāliśa.
Prabhupāda: Yes. They should be trained up. And dviṣatsu, envious. Four division. So four divisions you have to treat in different ways. Prema, Lord, prema, love. Maitrī, friendship with devotees. Kṛpā bāliśu, those who are innocent, the kṛpā. Let them learn. And upekṣā. As soon as come to the dviṣat, no cooperation. Keep aloof. So when we try to keep aloof from the envious, that is not our enviousness. That is just to avoid trouble for preaching work. Not that we hate them. But because... When you avoid a snake, it does not mean I hate the snake, but because he is harmful we have to take precaution. This is the statement of Bhāgavatam. And when you are in the mahā-bhāgavata stage, first-grade, that time, paramahaṁsa, nobody's enemy, nobody's friend. Everyone... That we cannot imitate. It is not... Preacher, even if he's mahā-bhāgavata, he comes to the second stage. Just like Guru Mahārāja. He's mahā-bhāgavata, but still he had to come to the second stage. He had to take precaution. That is natural. There are so many enemies of...
Jayapatākā: We were remembering how Nitāi had been poisoned, Nitāi and Yogānanda are your disciples. They were recently poisoned.
Prabhupāda: Hm. By whom?
Hari-śauri: Nitāi.
Jayapatākā: By bad association. Nitāi?
Prabhupāda: Ah hah, ah, yes.
Jayapatākā: That... So many devotees are very innocent. They'll fall prey. They'll be impressed by some fancy talking and then can be misled.
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Jayapatākā: But Your Divine Grace is very expert in very carefully training them up stage by stage.
Prabhupāda: Yes.
Jayapatākā: But other, they like to go right to the higher philosophy.
Prabhupāda: Last night I could not work.
Arundhati: Pradyumna just gave me a tape. It must have been from the other night?
Prabhupāda: Ācchā?
Arundhati: So...
Jayapatākā: It's a very...
Prabhupāda: Yes. Just to give them protection. So when we avoid envious persons, that is the injunction of the śāstras. This man wrote to the chief minister or prime minister complaining about them?