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Pages in category "Social"
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- A brahmana is the spiritual teacher of all the social divisions
- A devotee should not be too concerned about social and political obligations, since all such activities belong to the body. He should similarly restrict his eating; this is essential to the execution of devotional service
- A Krsna conscious person does not make any distinction between species or castes. The brahmana and the outcaste may be different from the social point of view, or a dog, a cow, and an elephant may be different from the point of view of species. BG 1972 p
- A person who remains steadfast in his family duty or so-called social or family obligation but does not take to Krsna consciousness receives no profit
- According to the atheists, dharma, or religious principles, are meant to establish an imaginary God to encourage one to become moral, honest and just so that the social orders may be maintained in peace and tranquillity
- According to Vedic civilization, the ultimate perfection of life is to take sannyasa, but at the present moment people do not know why sannyasa is accepted. They think that one accepts sannyasa to escape social responsibilities
- According to Yajnavalkya's religious injunctions, a woman whose husband is away from home should not take part in any social functions, should not decorate her body, should not laugh and should not go to any relative's house in any circumstance
- Acts of sense gratification may be performed under the cover of public welfare, progress, family affection or fear of social ostracism or legal punishment, but all these categories are different subdivisions of one substance - sense gratification
- Actually all this is extended sense gratification, from personal to communal to social. This may all be very good from the material point of view, but such activities have no spiritual value
- Advancement of learning, a charitable disposition, political, social or religious leadership of human society, philosophical speculations, the practice of the yoga system, expertise in the Vedic rituals
- After describing the necessity of married life, Kardama Muni asserts that marriage and other social affairs are stereotyped regulations for persons who are addicted to material sense enjoyment
- All intelligent persons, they should join this movement and reform the present social, political, religious. All field of activities, they should reform. Then people will be happy
- All services in this world - whether social, political, communal, international or even interplanetary - will remain incomplete until they are dovetailed with the Complete Whole
- All teachings - political, economic, social, religious, cultural and philosophical - are to be found in Bhagavad-gita. One only has to follow them strictly
- All the gopis, girls, before their marriage, they prayed to Katyayani that "You give me Krsna as my husband." So Krsna..., it is not possible socially, but Krsna makes such a plan that He accepted every one of them as His wife. That is vastrana-lila
- All the samskaras, purificatory processes, are not mere formalities or social functions only, but they are all for practical purposes and can be successfully performed by expert brahmanas like Dhaumya and Krpa
- All these (the varnas and the asramas) anomalies of the present social system can be reformed only by cultivation of the human spirit in the devotional service of the Lord
- All these different social divisions are born, with their occupational duties and living conditions, from the SP of Godhead. Thus for unconditional life and self-realization one has to worship the Supreme Lord under the direction of the spiritual master
- Although according to the Vedic system of education one must be given instruction by intellectual persons like brahmanas, if someone lower on the social scale has learned the truth, one should accept him as a teacher and learn from him
- Although Haridasa Thakura was an exalted Vaisnava accepted by Advaita Acarya, Nityananda Prabhu and Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, nonetheless, in order not to disturb social tranquillity, he humbly kept himself in the position of a Muslim
- Although socially it is forbidden that brother and sister should not marry or should not have sex life, but that is also come. It is Kali-yuga
- Among the brahmanas, some are householders and are mostly attached to fruitive activities or the betterment of social conditions. Above them, however, are brahmanas who are very much attracted by austerities and penances and who retire from family life
- Any aristocracy, any social prestige or any advancement of material civilization without Krsna consciousness is as good as the decoration of a dead body
- Any knowledge of the world, and knowledge - even material, spiritual, social, political, scientific, philosophical - any knowledge you'll find entirely in this Bhagavad-gita
- Apart from spiritual division - brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa - the social division must be observed. The brain must be there, brahmana
- As a devotee of the Lord, he (Maharaja Pariksit) could understand that the cursing of the brahmana boy, although unwise, was a blessing upon him, being the cause of detachment from worldly affairs, both political and social
- As far as bodily affairs or social activities are concerned, although a person is purified on the spiritual platform, it is sometimes seen that he acts in terms of his bodily relationships
- As soon as a boy and girl are married, they want an apartment. Then they have children. And when they have children, they want social recognition - society, friendship, and love. In this way their material attachment goes on increasing
- As soon as one becomes Krsna conscious, he gives up all kinds of intoxication, all kinds of illicit sex, all kinds of meat-eating, all kinds of gambling. Is it not social service? Best social service
- As stated (kalau sudra-sambhavah), practically the whole population of the world will be sudra. A sudra is a fourth-class man who is only fit to work for the three higher social castes. Being fourth-class men, sudras are not very intelligent
- As to eradication of all social divisions, it cannot be done. This is still more foolishness, because Krsna Himself says, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah - BG 4.13
- At the full youthful age He gave up His family life, beautiful wife, most obedient, perfect wife, beautiful wife, mother, affectionate mother, very good prestige, social prestige
- At the present moment no one can perform the proper ritual of sacrifice, nor can anyone afford to pay for the marriage ceremony of sons and daughters. Therefore householders are very much distressed when they are confronted by these social duties
- At the present moment the whole world is full of such an incompatible combination of state and citizens, and therefore there is constant tension, war and anxiety as an inevitable result of such social conditions
- At the present moment we are not happy. This social system, observing the varnasrama-dharma, was so perfectly made as the king would see that they are actually being executed
- Ballal Sena was taking loans from Gauri Sena and spending money extravagantly, and therefore Gauri Sena stopped supplying money. Ballal Sena took revenge by instigating a social conspiracy to make the suvarna-vaniks outcastes
- Bhagavata-dharma means living according to the instructions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. In Bhagavad-gita we find that the Supreme Lord has arranged human society in four social divisions, namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra
- By nature these divisions are there. Varna, four varnas, and four asramas. Four varnas means social divisions, and four asrama, spiritual division
- By the influence of the age of Kali, everywhere, politically, socially or religiously, everything is topsy-turvy, and therefore for the sane man it is all regrettable
- Different classes of people in the social system are engaged in various professions, and when one inquires as to the well-being of a particular person, he should do so on the basis of that person's occupation
- Due to the change of social activities in the modern age, the importance of men has also changed in terms of occupational positions
- Due to the termination of the monarchical regimes and the plundering of the people's wealth by rogues and thieves, there will be great social disruptions
- Each of us has his own ideas, and we are becoming increasingly involved, individually, socially, communally and nationally, in the complexities of karmanubandha, sinful activities
- Educational centers should be opened for teaching people how to become genuine brahmanas and ksatriyas. Guna-karma-vibhagasah: (BG 4.13) according to their qualities and work, people naturally belong to different social groupings
- Either communally, socially or nationally, everyone is competing to be greater than all others, in the material concept of life
- Either nationally or socially, individually or collectively, we are all suffering; and this suffering is due to the body
- Even in ordinary social activities, these six types of dealings between two loving friends are absolutely necessary
- Everyone has got some idea. He has surrendered there. Either political, social, economical, religious, anything. Everyone has got some idea. And the leader of that ideal is also there. So our business is to surrender
- Everyone in the material world is trying his best to become the supreme controller - individually, nationally, socially and in many other ways
- Everyone is trying to become independent, and this is called maya, illusion. Individually, communally, socially, nationally, or universally, it is not possible to become independent
- Everyone is trying to get out of suffering, in any field of action; in the economic field, in the political field, or any field of activity, social or national, everyone is trying to get out of misery. There is no other activity
- Everyone is trying to make a solution of some temporary difficulties, politically, socially, economically. But real solution, as it is stated in the Bhagavad-gita, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi-duhkha-dosanudarsanam - BG 13.9
- Everyone should offer up the fruits of his occupational duty to the lotus feet of the Lord Visnu , or Krsna." That is why the Vedic system is called varnasrama - literally, "social organization with a spiritual perspective
- Everyone should understand that Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the ultimate proprietor of all the planets and is therefore the enjoyer of all activities, political, social, cultural, religious, economic and so on
- Everywhere, you take politically or socially or spiritually, for human beings, if you want to make your life successful, then you must keep the tradition of brahmana-vaisnava. So our, we are Vaisnava. Our only tradition is how to satisfy Visnu
- Fasting for some ulterior purpose, such as to promote a purely political end, is not mentioned in the scriptural directions. The scriptures recommend fasting for spiritual advancement, not for some political end or social purpose. BG 1972 purports
- For a devotee, all mundane activities, social and political, become unattractive, and in the mature state such a devotee becomes uninterested even in his own body, and what to speak of bodily relatives
- For as long as the body lasts, one should engage minimally in social and political activities and in such matters as eating
- For complete happy society, this Krsna consciousness movement is essential. All intelligent persons, they should join this movement and reform the present social, political, religious
- For Krsna's sake they sacrificed everything. They became, I mean to say, social outcaste. They transgressed the laws of the Vedas
- For one's own social benefit, one is advised to keep his wife satisfied. In this way, when one becomes the servant of his wife, he must act according to the desires of his wife. Thus one becomes more and more entangled
- From all angles of vision - from national point of view, from religious point of view, from social welfare point of view, any point of view - Krsna is all-perfect
- Generally religious system is taken for improving social and economic condition. Artha. Artha means economy. Artha is required for sense gratification. We require economic development for our sense gratification
- Generally, all conditioned souls desire to lord it over the material nature. Everyone wants to become a demilord, either by social or political activities or by Vedic rituals
- Generally, at the present moment, everyone is grha-vrata. That's all. They simply want "How to improve my economic condition." That's all. Individually, socially, family wise, internationally or nationally, that is their aim
- God says, catur-varnyam maya srstam guna-karma-vibhagasah: (BG 4.13) "For the proper management of human society, I have created these four social divisions, based on people's qualities and actions." So you have to accept it
- Gopis did not care for social, for religious or family and nothing. Sarva-dharman parityajya. They went: "Krsna now is calling. Let us go." This is the typical example of sarva-dharman parityajya mam ekam saranam
- Hare Krsna can be chanted by any man in any social position, in any country and in any age, for Krsna is the Supreme Lord of all people in all social positions, in all countries, in all ages
- He (God) plays exactly like the social, political or religious leaders. Because such roles ultimately culminate in the discussion of topics of the Lord, all such preliminary topics are also transcendental
- He (Krsna) lifted Govardhana Hill without ever practicing weight-lifting. He danced with the gopis without social restriction and without reproach
- He (Lord Caitanya) delivered Srila Rupa Gosvami, Sanatana Gosvami, Sarvabhauma Bhattacarya and many others who were socially elevated but fallen from the spiritual point of view
- He (Lord Krsna) danced with the gopis without social restriction and without reproach. Although the gopis approached Him with a paramour's feelings of love, the relationship between the gopis and Lord Krsna was worshiped even by Lord Caitanya
- He (Subuddhi Raya) could not, however, avoid the social misconception that one becomes a Muslim when water is sprinkled on one’s face from a Muslim’s pitcher. Actually he was planning to give up his material life and leave his family
- He gives up all engagements in the service of matter, engagements concocted under the names of social service, national service, community service, dog service, automobile service and so many other services conducted under the illusion of "I" and mine
- He said, "My dear friends, please hear of Krsna's sweetness. Because of a great desire for that sweetness, My mind has given up all social and Vedic religious principles and taken to the profession of begging, exactly like a mystic yogi"
- Historical events and other narrations concerning social and political incidents all become transcendental as soon as they are in relationship with Krsna. That is the way to transform mundane things into spiritual identity
- How they are spoiling the opportunity in the whole educational system, social system, political system. Let us do our duty. What can be done
- Human society must take this KC movement and teach people at least how to become second class, third class, if not first class. But there must be first-class men, second-class men. Then everything, social affair, political affair, will go very smoothly
- Human society should be divided into a social system of brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras, but everyone can engage in devotional service
- I have already described to you the four divisions of social system and four division of spiritual orders. Now, all the social system and orders, they are so designed that everyone is working for the satisfaction of the Supreme Lord
- I think very confidently that this Krsna Consciousness Movement will solve all the problems of the world - political, social, economic, etc. I am writing books and articles on this subject strictly on the line of Acarya Parampara
- If economic development could drive away one's lamentations for family, social or international inebrieties, then Arjuna would not have said that even supremacy like that of the demigods would not be able to drive away his lamentations. BG 1972 purports
- If material comforts could drive away one's lamentations for family, social, national or international inebrieties, then Arjuna would not have said that an unrivalled kingdom on earth would not be able to drive away his lamentations. BG 1972 purports
- If one bona fide spiritual master is born in a brahmana family & another in a sudra family, one should accept the one who is born in a brahmana family. This statement serves as a social compromise, it has nothing to do with spiritual understanding
- If one is not fortunate enough to receive the bhakti-lata-bija from the spiritual master, he instead cultivates seeds as karma-bija, jnana-bija, or political, social or philanthropic bijas. However, the bhakti-lata-bija is different from these others
- If one thinks that Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the only perfect personality whereas the demigods, even demigods as Siva, are inclined to improper social affairs, he is an offender. Citraketu was somewhat harsh in his behavior with Siva
- If one thinks that Visnu, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the only perfect personality whereas the demigods, even such demigods as Lord Siva, are inclined to improper social affairs, he is an offender
- If the different castes or social sections, although apparently differently occupied in different activities, nevertheless act in full cooperation, then the Lord is pleased. This is the idea of the institution of four varnas and four asramas
- If the material desires of an individual are unfulfilled, he certainly becomes depressed, but when the mass of people remain dissatisfied, the distress is much greater and gives rise to social conflict
- If the woman does not become subordinate to man, then there is social disruption. Therefore, in the Western countries there are so many divorce cases because the woman does not agree to become subordinate to man
- If there is no Krsna consciousness, any kind of activity, be it philanthropic, political or social, simply causes karma-bandhana, bondage to material work
- If we are not ideal we cannot create others as ideal. Training is required for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd classes of social constitution. Persons who are not fit for being advanced by training are sudras or less than that
- If we do not change our consciousness in this life, whatever we do in the name of social, political, religious or communal and national welfare will be the cause of our bondage. This means we have to continue in material, conditional life
- If we do not follow regulations in life for social tranquillity, we cannot expect peace. Rather, we will have to undergo the stringent reactions of natural laws
- If we follow Bhagavad-gita from all angles of vision - social, political, economical, religious, cultural - you will be perfect. This is Bhagavad-gita
- If we follow the instruction of Bhagavad-gita and Krsna, then all problems will be solved. It is not a sectarian religious sentiment or fanaticism. It is not that. It is a science - social science, political science, cultural science
- If we want perfect education then we must follow the principle of Bhagavad gita. Such education will help the whole human society. In all different fields of activity, social, political, religious, cultural, economic and so on
- If you want material necessities, then you have got so many dharmas - this dharma, that dharma, social dharma, family dharma, national dharma, community dharma, and so on, so on. But Krsna demands, sarva-dharman parityajya
- In America they have created purposefully prostitutes. They know they will get money, and they have illicit sex. That's all. The social condition is not good
- In any field of activity - political, social, national or international - the result of our actions will be finished with the end of life. That is sure
- In Bhagavad-gita it is described that the Lord has divided the social system into four classifications of castes, or varnas, according to quality and work
- In modern civilization, human society is too busy in discharging national duties. Actually, national duties, social duties and humanitarian duties are obligatory only to those who are bereft of spiritual duties
- In order not to disturb social tranquillity, Haridasa Thakura humbly kept himself in the position of a Muslim, outside the jurisdiction of the Hindu community
- In order to check this social disturbance (varna-sankara or unwanted population), there are prescribed rules and regulations by which the population can automatically become peaceful and organized for spiritual progress in life. BG 1972 purports
- In order to keep the balance of social tranquility for progress in spiritual life. there are traditional family usages meant for every civilized man. BG 1972 purports
- In politics, social service, altruism, philanthropy and ultimately in religion or even in salvation, the very same tint of sense gratification is ever-increasingly predominant
- In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that when the population becomes varna-sankara, the whole social situation becomes hellish. Actually that is the fact
- In the material world, unless one is situated in one of the varnas (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra) one cannot manage social affairs properly to attain the ultimate goal. One also has to follow the principles of the asramas
- In this age (Kali-yuga), people are indulging in such necessities of life without following the rules and regulations, and this deterioration of social and moral rules is certainly lamentable because of the harmful effects of such beastly behavior
- In this Age of Kali everyone is perplexed by so many inconveniences - social, political and religious - and naturally no one is happy. Due to the contamination of this age, everyone has a very short life
- In this statement of the S P of God, it is understood that people who are generally attracted to philanthropic, ethical, moral, altruistic, political and social welfare activities may be considered nice men only in the calculation of the material world
- In this way (a boy and girl are married, they want an apartment. Then they have children. And when they have children, they want social recognition) their material attachment goes on increasing. And all of this requires money
- Intercaste marriage was not prohibited in the olden days, many millions of years ago, but there was a regular system of social behavior
- ISKCON is not going to be social reformer, but as far as possible, we can help
- It (going to the forest) may be beneficial for person, for his personal self, but real renunciation is to have no more interest in so-called limited jurisdiction of family, social, international, national, but the whole interest is for Krsna
- It appears from this verse (of SB 8.6.31) that politics, diplomacy, the propensity to cheat, and everything that we find in this world in individual and social negotiations between two parties are also present in the upper planetary systems
- It has been seen that great mayavadi (impersonalist) sannyasis - very highly educated and almost realized souls - may sometimes take to political activities or to social welfare activities
- It is a very, very, very important movement. Any leader of the society, any political leader, any social leader, they should study. Our only request is that "Please try to understand this Krsna consciousness movement"
- It is a woman's nature to want to decorate herself with ornaments and nice dresses and accompany her husband to social functions, meet friends and relatives, and enjoy life in that way
- It is abominable for a vanaprastha to live in the village and engage in so-called social activities, or for a sannyasi to be addicted to sense gratification. One who acts in this way is to be considered the lowest renegade
- It is reformatory movement, inclusive all sides of life. Don't think that we are simply chanting and dancing. Our philosophy includes all different activities of humankind, either it may be religious or political or social or cultural
- It is said that man is a social animal, and, according to our association, we can mold our character. Businessmen associate with one another to develop their business capabilities
- It is so much pleasing to me that you are so carefully reading Srimad-Bhagavatam. We have discussed many things in that book - social, political, religious, cultural
- It is stated in the Bhagavad-gita by Lord Krsna that the four orders of the social system - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - are His creation
- It is understood that military art is also necessary knowledge for the upkeep of social order, as is the art of music. All these groups of knowledge are called the Upapurana, or supplements of the Vedas
- It may be that one is unable to even sympathize with the activities of Krsna consciousness because of social, familial or religious considerations or because of some other impediments. BG 1972 purports
- Jijnasa, enquiry, means not for any other purpose, any political, social or this . . . so many things are there in this material world. But real jijnasa is brahma-jijnasa. That is, the Vedanta-sutra begins
- Just like the United Nation: they are trying for the last thirty years to become united - but simply it is illusion. On that platform we cannot be united. On political platform or social platform, that is not possible, because the designations are there
- Knowledge means you must have knowledge of everything, social, political, religious, cultural, philosophical, chemical, physical, everything. So the Bhagavad-gita is like that. Vedic knowledge is like that. You receive any type of knowledge you want
- Krsna consciousness is a type of morality which is above social meaning. It is transcendental. Social means guided by the three modes of material nature. But Krsna's order is above, transcendental
- Krsna consciousness means all-round: social, political, philosophical, religious, cultural - everything. It is not one-sided. They take it as . . . they do not know. Therefore they are thinking it is a religious movement. No
- Krsna consciousness movement is meant for taking into account of the nonperishable. So it is the movement of the soul, not the movement as political movement, social movement or religious movement
- Krsna consciousness movement is the movement of the soul, not the movement as political movement, social movement or religious movement. They are pertaining to the perishable body. But Krsna consciousness movement is pertaining to the imperishable soul
- Krsna continued, "You have forsaken all kinds of social and religious obligations; you have given up all connection with your parents"
- Krsna does not say that. He says "according to quality and work." He never says "according to birth." So this so-called caste system in India is a false notion of catur-varnyam, the system of four social divisions
- Material activities performed for political emancipation and social and humanitarian activities performed with an idea that people of the world will be happy are also illusory because the basic principle is the bodily conception, which is illusory
- Mental absorption in social, political, pseudoreligious, national and communal consciousness is cause for bondage
- Mental absorption in social, political, pseudoreligious, national and communal consciousness is cause for bondage. During one's lifetime one has to change his activities in order to attain release from bondage
- Mundane reviewers of these songs (the songs of Candidasa, Vidyapati and Jayadeva) simply help people in general become debauchees, and this leads only to social scandals and atheism in the world
- My dear mother, I have explained to you the process of devotional service and its identity in four different social divisions. I have explained to you as well how eternal time is chasing the living entities, although it is imperceptible to them
- Naturally a devotee has no taste for unnecessary sporting or cinema-going or enjoying some social function, because he understands that these are simply a waste of time. BG 1972 purports
- Neither the execution of social responsibilities nor philanthropic work is ultimately good action. Devotional service to the Supreme Lord, which is beyond the three modes, must be accepted as the only good action
- Nonetheless, although they (fools and rascals) make elaborate political, social and cultural plans, they have all been described herein (in SB 7.9.43) as vimudha - fools
- One gentleman has written me that Marx said, "Religion is the opium of the people." That means the Communists are very adamant against God consciousness because they think that religion has spoiled the whole social atmosphere
- One has to get out of this false notion that human society is the proprietor of this world. When one is freed from such a false notion, he becomes free from all the false associations caused by familial, social, and national affections. BG 1972 purports
- One should conduct his social, political and religious affairs according to His instructions. We are spreading the Krsna consciousness movement to try to establish a society the way that Krsna wants it. This is the meaning of Krsna consciousness
- One should take serious note of this incident (Brahma was sexually inclined to his own daughter). The human being is a social animal, and his unrestricted mixing with the fair sex leads to downfall
- One who is advanced in spiritual life, he's not agitated by the so-called political upheavals or social disturbances
- One's social standing, according to the Vedic system, is determined by one's qualifications. This is very practical. Suppose a man is born the son of a high-court judge. This does not mean that he himself is also a high-court judge
- Ordinary karmis are busy acquiring money for sense gratification, and ordinary jnanis are socially aloof when they speculate on liberation, but actual devotees and saintly persons are always anxious to see how the people can be made happy
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is not a sentimental movement. It takes care of all-round social organization. It is not a something like religious sentiment. Everything should be take care of
- Out of the four orders of social administration, the second order, for the matter of good administration, is called ksatriya. Ksat means hurt. One who gives protection from harm is called ksatriya (trayate - to give protection). BG 1972 purports
- Out of the four social divisions, the brahmacari, vanaprastha and the sannyasi - three orders - are strictly prohibited from the association of women
- Out of the four social divisions, the members of the first order (namely brahmacarya), the third order (vanaprastha) and the fourth order (sannyasa) are strictly prohibited from female association
- Out of these four classes of social order, the brahmins, ksatriyas and vaisyas are considered higher caste. Brahmins means the most intelligent class of men in the society
- Outside the Temple they (householders) may wear American gentleman's dress, with Tilaka, flag, and beads. It is not required to wear dhotis, as this society does not understand, so outside the Temple dress suit is more socially acceptable
- People actually expect a sannyasi to preach and not take part in any social or political matters
- People are very much interested in hearing social and historical presentations, Srila Vyasadeva has compiled many books such as the Puranas and Mahabharata
- People should perform the yajna of chanting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra. Then the earth will produce all the necessities for life, and people will be happy economically, politically, socially, religiously and culturally. Everything will be in proper order
- Persons are after some name, fame and material gain, so if someone takes to Krsna consciousness for these reasons, he will never be able to understand this philosophy. Such persons take to religious principles as a social decoration
- Philosophers, historians, literary men, public speakers and social and political leaders are sometimes accepted as mahajanas. Such mahajanas are respected by certain men (who are like dogs, hogs, camels and asses) who have been described in SB 2.3.19
- Presently the governments are levying taxes without improving the citizens in any cultural, religious, social or political way. According to the Vedas, this is not recommended
- Ramananda was a confidential devotee of Caitanya, but a householder and responsible government official, he has given open instruction that it does not matter what is the social or ecclesiastical order, if one is fully in KC, he can act as Acarya
- Real renunciation is to have no more interest in so-called limited jurisdiction of family, social, international, national, but the whole interest is for Krsna. That is real renunciation. That is described in the Bhagavad-gita
- Regardless of one's social or spiritual position, however, one who is lacking in devotional service, or Krsna consciousness, cannot be released from material bondage, even if he executes his prescribed duty
- Religion means the order of God, just as law means the order of the state. Now, if in your social system there is no state, where is the question of the state's order? You will simply manufacture your own order
- Religious principles are taught for the sake of name and fame only and not for the sake of practical action. Thus there is animosity not only in social and political fields but in the field of religion as well
- Sacrifice, offering, these things are there. But the main thing is chanting Hare Krsna mantra. That is sufficient. So in our society we want to establish divine society. Therefore there is need of all classes of men and all classes of social orders
- Saintly persons are generally aloof from social activities and the materialistic way of life
- Sanatana Gosvami was considered to be fallen according to the Hindu social system because he was in the service of the Mohammedan government. Indeed, he had even been excommunicated from brahminical society due to his employment
- Sannyasa order is the topmost order in social division. So whatever he may be - the only qualification, if he knows the science of Krsna, he becomes spiritual master
- Sannyasi is supposed to be renounced order. He has nothing to do with this material world. Then why should he come to the social order or philanthropic order? That is his falldown
- Sex desire expands to various political, social, altruistic, philanthropic & many other unwanted engagements, resembling the foam of the sea waves, which becomes very prominent at one time and at the next moment vanishes as quickly as a cloud in the sky
- She (a woman) should be given protection by the father in her younger days, by the husband in her youth, and by the grownup sons in her old age. This is proper social behavior according to the Manu-samhita. BG 1972 purports
- Since one has to work even for the simple maintenance of the body, the prescribed duties for a particular social position and quality are so made that that purpose can be fulfilled
- Since the sage Kardama was a brahmana and Svayambhuva was a ksatriya, the sage was not supposed to offer obeisances to the King because socially his position was greater than the King's
- So if we want to elevate the social condition, we shall teach people to become purified. Without being purified, simply so-called performance of religious system will not help
- So in this material world, so long we'll be in the material service, either socially or family-wise or community, whatever you do, you'll never be able to satisfy them
- So Krishna Consciousness movement is all good from all sides. From social , political, economical, hygienic and many other points of view. And at last it is the greatest gift because at the end, we become associated with Krishna
- So-called social, national and government leaders mislead people more and more, under the bodily conception of life, with the result that all the leaders, with their followers, are gliding down to hellish conditions birth after birth
- Social and political issues do not affect him (the devotee) because he knows the situation of temporary upheavals and disturbances. BG 1972 purports
- Social freedom of man and woman, especially among the younger section, is certainly a great stumbling block on the path of spiritual progress
- Social literary men, scientists, mundane poets, theoretical philosophers and politicians who are completely absorbed in the material advancement of sense pleasure are all dolls of the material energy
- Social religious shows
- Social scandal
- Social service, community service, national service, sacrifice for one's country, etc., may be accepted so that some day one may come to the stage of pure devotional service to the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Socially you can teach how this catur-varnyam is scientific
- Somebody, by pious activities, by good work, he's already in the sattva-guna, but the arrangement, social, political, economical arrangement is so bad that one is dragged to the tamo-guna. This is not civilization. This is degradation
- Sometimes it may be seen that a person in Krsna consciousness commits some act which may be taken as most abominable socially or politically. But such a temporary falldown does not disqualify him. BG 1972 purports
- Sons and daughters should not be allowed freedom to intermingle with the opposite sex unless they are married. This Vedic social organization is very good in that it stops the promulgation of illicit sex life, or varna-sankara
- Spiritual life begins when a person understands that he is not the body. In the material world, all our connections - whether social or political or in the field of eating, sleeping, defending, and mating - are due only to the material body
- Srimad-Bhagavatam begins from the history of the Pandavas (with necessary politics and social activities), and yet it is said to be the Paramahamsa-samhita, or the Vedic literature meant for the topmost transcendentalist
- Still, in India, although it is fallen so much, in the interior village you'll find the social divisions are maintained and they live very peacefully. Very peacefully. Those who have gone into the interior village, they have seen
- Such simple habits did not deteriorate his (Chanakya Pandit's) high intelligence and dignity and as such he had compiled many useful literatures which are still read by millions for social and political guidance
- Sudras, the working class, would help the higher three classes by manual labor. This is the perfect social system
- System of four social divisions, according to quality and work, is ordained by Me." But the difficulty is that this so-called caste system has come in, on account of the false notion that in order to be a brahmana, one must be the son of a brahmana
- That system of human society was so nice that there were no political, social and economic upheavals. The different castes, or varna classifications, are essential for maintaining a peaceful human society
- The Bhagavad-gita is spoken by the Lord so that human society can be perfectly organized from all angles of vision - politically, socially, economically, philosophically and religiously
- The brahmana is always independent and busy studying sastra and preaching sastra to subordinate social members such as ksatriyas and vaisyas
- The citizens declared that through being under the protection of Maharaja Prthu, they were directly under the protection of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This understanding is the proper situation of social steadiness within this material world
- The demons do not accept any instruction which is good for society, & because they do not follow the experience of great sages and the rules and regulations laid down by the sages, the social condition of the demoniac people is very miserable. BG 1972 p
- The demons have now neglected such injunctions (that a woman should not be given freedom), and they think that women should be given as much freedom as men. However, this has not improved the social condition of the world. BG 1972 purports
- The demons misinterpret the words of Lord Krsna concerning caste and social division, and they act capriciously on that basis. But this cannot blemish Lord Krsna or His words
- The four orders of the social system - namely brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra - are arranged according to guna and karma, their qualities and work
- The gopis simply wanted to satisfy Krsna's senses, and thus they completely gave up the conventional path of social restriction, not caring for their relatives or the chastisement of their husbands
- The great sage Narada continued: My dear King Pracinabarhisat, like you King Puranjana also became implicated in so many desires. Thus he worshiped demigods, forefathers and social leaders with various sacrifices which were all very ghastly
- The great scientists, the great philosophers, the great mental speculators, the great politicians, the great industrialists, the great social reformers, etc., cannot give any relief to the restless society because they do not know the secret of success
- The human being is a social animal, and if one gives up the society of pure devotees, he must associate with nondevotees - asat-sanga
- The husband of one's sister is considered one's brother. By that social relationship, Lord Siva happened to be the younger brother of Kasyapa
- The kings were very severe to punish unwanted social elements. So the kings were therefore allowed sometimes to hunt in the jungle to practice killing
- The ksatriya kings and rich mercantile men would provide them with all that they needed, and in exchange the brahmanas were completely devoted to the elevation of society. That was the way of social cooperation between the different castes
- The leaders of the society, they should take very serious attention how you can improve the social condition of this world. Not only here; everywhere
- The Lord creates the social divisions of human society - brahmanas, ksatriyas, vaisyas and sudras - and ordains that they follow rules and regulations suited to their particular position
- The Manu-samhita is the standard lawbook for humanity, and every human being is advised to follow this great book of social knowledge
- The material world is full of envious persons, but if one frees himself of envy, he becomes liberal in his social dealings and can think of others' welfare
- The materialistic workers - they see, "These men are not working like us, like dogs & asses. So they are escaping." Yes, escaping your fruitless endeavor.The Vedic civilization of self-realization begins from the varnasrama system of social organization
- The modern civilization is a sort of a social body without a head, or actually it is a dead body. The body is dead since the very beginning of it's birth, and it is the spirit that keeps it moving
- The perfection of any activity - social, political, religious or philanthropic - is to satisfy the Supreme Lord
- The point is that superficially it may appear sometimes against the social and religious rules and regulation, but if it is done for Krsna, anukulyena . . . bhakti means anukulyena krsnanu-silanam
- The Puranas and other Vedic literatures set forth four asramas, which are the divisions of spiritual life. Therefore bhagavata-dharma means the varnasrama-dharma of the four social and four spiritual divisions
- The real system of catur-varnyam means guna-karma-vibhagasah, determination of the four social divisions according to quality and work. One must be qualified
- The social and the scriptural rules and regulations were followed. So when a child is born the astrologer is called. Still that system is followed. But due to this Kali-yuga the astrologer has also become a false, and this has become a formality
- The social classes can be further characterized as follows: (1) He whose aim is to understand the Supreme Lord, the Personality of Godhead, and devote himself to the learning of the Vedas and similar literatures is called a brahmana
- The social classes can be further characterized as follows: (2) He who has taken to displaying force and entering government administration is called a ksatriya
- The social classes can be further characterized as follows: (3) He who is engaged in agriculture, herding cows and carrying out a trade or business is called a vaisya
- The social classes can be further characterized as follows: (4) He who has no special knowledge but is satisfied by serving the other three classes (namely brahmanas, ksatriyas and vaisyas) is called a sudra
- The social division is brahmana first, then ksatriya, then vaisya, then sudra. And there is a spiritual division: brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha, sannyasa. This is compulsory regulation for becoming human being
- The symptoms of such uncultured social animals are already in vogue and it is the duty of the leaders of men to take note of it and try to reform the social order by introducing the principles of twice-born men trained in the science of God consciousness
- The system of caste, or varnasrama-dharma, is no longer regular even amongst the so-called followers of the system. Nor is it now possible to reestablish the institutional function in the present context of social, political and economic revolution
- The vaisyas and sudras were unimportant elements in society, and they are not mentioned herein (SB 1.9.41). Due to the change of social activities in the modern age, the importance of men has also changed in terms of occupational positions
- The varnasrama system has four social and four spiritual divisions. the social divisions are the brahmanas - teachers and priests, ksatriyas - administrators and military men, vaisyas - farmers and merchants, and sudras - laborers and craftsmen
- The Vedas contain regulated principles of knowledge covering social, political, religious, economic, military, medicinal, chemical, physical and metaphysical subject matter and all that may be necessary to keep the body and soul together
- The Vedic sociological conception is that a sannyasi should not be restricted; he is allowed to go anywhere and everywhere he wants, and he is not refused any gift he might demand from a householder
- The Vedic system of religion we have been describing - the varnasrama system created by Krsna - is not to be confused with the present-day caste system - determination of social divisions by birth
- The Vedic system of varna and asrama is never to be neglected, for these divisions are created by the Supreme Lord Himself for the upkeep of social and religious order in human society
- The whole aim of the different varnas and asramas is the worship of the Supreme Lord. One can attain this understanding through this social system, which admits of gradations
- The whole process of sacrifice, either by yoga system or by jnana system or by observing the rules and regulation of the social system, everything is meant for reaching to that point. What is that? To surrender unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The whole world will be hell. That has become now. The whole world has now become hell. So the Krsna consciousness movement is very important movement. It is overhauling the whole human, social, political, religious
- The wife of Advaita Acarya (Sita Thakurani), being a very respectable lady, observed the customary rules (riding on a palanquin carried by four men) current in that social environment - five hundred years ago
- The word dharma-pratipaksah ("opponents of religious principles") refers not to a particular faith, but to varnasrama-dharma, the division of society, socially and spiritually, into four varnas (brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya and sudra) and four asramas
- The world's movements for freedom through political, economic, social, and cultural propaganda can do no benefit to anyone, for they are controlled by superior power
- There are a number of parties - political, social, and communal - and there are party whips, party whims, and so on. But no one is well enough trained to look after the factual interests of the governed
- There are four orders of the social system: brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa. For the grhasthas, or householders, performance of sacrifices, distribution of charity, and action according to prescribed duties are especially recommended
- There are many authorities and leaders have gone there, and social-religious reformers who practice the yoga, jnana, karma, etcetera, etcetera. But the one person imbued and empowered fully, transcendental form, by Caitanya Himself, and by his guru
- There are many instances of devotional service rendered by previous acaryas who did not care about social behavior when intensely absorbed in love for Krsna. Unfortunately, as long as we are within this material world, we must observe social customs
- There are many social functions for keeping a prestigious position in society. In different countries and societies there are various festivals and rituals
- There are one's own father and mother to be taken care of, and one also becomes concerned with the social atmosphere and with pleasing his brothers and sisters
- There are prescribed duties for the different social classes of men - the brahmanas, the vaisyas, the ksatriyas and the sudras - and for the different asramas - brahmacarya, grhastha, vanaprastha and sannyasa
- There are three kinds of ceremonies - specifically, ceremonies to please the Supreme Lord or the demigods, those performed for social celebrations like marriages and birthdays, and those meant to please the forefathers, like the sraddha ceremony
- There is a need of such (expert) vipras in the social structure, and it is the duty of the state to maintain them comfortably, as designed in the Vedic procedure
- There should be a thorough overhauling of the social system, and society should revert to the Vedic principles, that is, the four varnas and the four asramas
- There were and are many political and social heroes who have conquered enemies of equal power, yet due to their ignorance in believing that the land is theirs, they fight one another and lay down their lives in battle
- There were many politicians, social reformers and philosophers who died very miserably, without deriving any practical value from their material plans
- These fools (who make elaborate political, social and cultural plans) are trying to turn the material world into sukhalayam, a place of happiness, not knowing how everything acts by the arrangement of material nature, which works in her own way
- They (people) are more attracted by the Vedic superficial rituals and other costly performances of social religious shows
- They (social literary men, scientists, mundane poets) take pleasure in a place where rejected subject matters are thrown. According to Svami Sridhara, this is the pleasure of the prostitute-hunters
- They are not interested in all these political affairs or so-called social affairs and resolution, because they know this is not the method of becoming peaceful or prosperous. This is not the method
- They have many subject matters for hearing - political, scientific, social, economic and so on - but due to a poor fund of knowledge, they set aside the question of the ultimate miseries of life, namely miseries of birth, death, old age and disease
- This is bhakti-yoga. Automatically everything will be . . . hygienic principle, health question, economic question, and social, political - everything will be solved
- This Krishna Consciousness movement is a major revolutionary renaissance specifically delineating social and religious conception of life based on authorized Vedic culture
- This Krsna Consciousness movement has such a vast potency that by its philosophy the whole human race can be united politically, socially, religiously, and culturally
- This para-upakara business, welfare activities to spread Krsna consciousness all over the world, is the most important business at the present moment. It will unite everyone politically, socially, culturally, religiously, in every way, Krsna
- This sense gratifying social and political set-up, maintained by various plans and schemes, has been described in Bhagavad-gita as follows - BG 16.10-11
- Those who are properly trained can be considered human beings; if one is not trained socially and spiritually - that is, if one is uneducated and unregulated - his life is on the animal platform
- Those who are unfortunate will find time to hear ordinary social and political topics, but when they are invited to attend an assembly to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, they are reluctant to attend
- Those who obey the rules and regulations of scriptures, the moral and social laws, and are, more or less, devoted to the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Though claiming that the world is an illusion -- jagan mithya -- such an unsuccessful transcendentalist then becomes entangled in political, social, and altruistic affairs
- To decrease his (devotee's) material entanglement and help his advancement in spiritual life, he always minimizes his social and political activities and his eating, sleeping, defending, and mating
- To maintain proper social order and help the citizens gradually progress toward the goal of life - namely spiritual understanding - the principles of varnasrama-dharma must be accepted
- To serve human beings by medical aid, social help and educational facilities while at the same time cutting the throats of poor animals in slaughterhouses is no service at all to the soul, the living being
- Under the circumstances, in this age, in order to keep the balance of social peace and prosperity, all intelligent men should execute the performance of sankirtana-yajna by chanting the holy names Hare Krsna, Hare Krsna, Krsna Krsna, Hare Hare
- Unfortunate people find enough time to hear idle social and political conversations, but when invited to attend a meeting of devotees to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam they suddenly become reluctant
- Unfortunately, for want of proper protection by responsible kings, the system of social and spiritual orders has now become a hereditary caste system. But this is not the actual system
- Unless one can train a child for liberation in that life, there is no need to marry or produce children. If human society produces children like cats and dogs for the disturbance of social order, the world becomes hellish, as it has in this age of Kali
- Unless the children are married, the father's or the mother's responsibility continues. That is our social system, at least in India
- Unless the social leaders, the leaders of the society, they take care of the mass of people to educate them, dina-ganesakau karunaya, if they do not become compassionate to the poor mass of people, who will deliver them?
- Varna means four social division: Brahmin, Ksatriya, Vaisya, Sudra; and asrama means four spiritual division: brahmacari, grhastha, vanaprastha . . . so accepting these four spiritual and four material principles of life, that is humanity
- Vidura explained to Maitreya his position of being fully satiated with the knowledge of mundane social and political topics and having no more interest in them. He was anxious to hear transcendental topics regarding Lord Sri Krsna
- We are not interested in the matter of general principles of morality, social culture, ethics. They are required, but because this material world means it is a infected world, so here in this material world, so-called morality is infected
- We are trying to expand our feeling socially, communally or nationally or internationally or universally or some other way. This is going on. We try to do it. That is our natural function, especially in the human form of life - expanded consciousness
- We do not need any high qualifications to offer prayers to the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Whatever our social or intellectual position may be, we can offer prayers
- We don't want any political independence, social reformation, or humanitarian benefit, nothing; we simply request people, "Please chant Hare Krsna and come with us," that's all
- We have no concern with any political movement or social movement. We have taken simply Krsna consciousness movement
- We have to study all this information (of Bhagavad-gita) and utilize for the social benefit. Then everything will be adjusted. If we simply become disturbed by the external symptoms, it is not possible to make them solved
- We learn further that if a person simply acts in K C and discharges devotional service, he is considered to be far, far better situated than all of those persons engaged in philanthropic, ethical, moral, altruistic and social welfare activities
- We should know that our aim of life should be to understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead. We should make every arrangement - social, political, philosophical or religious - but the aim should be to approach the Supreme person
- What is the interest of maintaining body and soul together? One earns money for maintenance of the body - personal or social
- Whatever a person may be in the estimation of the social order of things, if a person tries to reciprocate a feeling of love towards the Supreme Personality of Godhead and is satisfied with the blessings of the Lord
- Whatever activities they (all the Yadus and the residents) performed - social, political, religious or conventional - were transcendental
- When I was mature, when I met my Guru Maharaja, then I thought all these things bogus. It has nothing, no value. This social movement, political movement, they are simply wasting time. Real movement is Krsna consciousness
- When the brahmana caste degraded themselves other members of society also gradually fell down from the social standard of progressive life
- When there is some disturbance caused by wild animals in a village or town, the police or others take action to kill them. Similarly, it is the duty of the government to kill at once all bad social elements such as thieves, dacoits and murderers
- When these varieties become intolerable, social condition unbearable, then he commits suicide. So this sunyavadi, mayavadi means it is spiritual suicide, because they have no information of the spiritual varieties
- When you fully surrender to Krsna, you can give up all the regulations pertaining to these four social classes
- When you get your salary, then you have to deposit it in the bank, and they'll adjust - and again you are penniless; again you take loan. The social arrangement is so made that you simply depend on loan
- Where there are women and meat, there must be liquor and sex indulgence. When these are prominent in society, by God's grace one can expect a change in the social order by the Lord Himself or by His bona fide representative
- Who in this world does not want to possess wealth, beauty and the social respectability that come from these opulences? People generally desire material enjoyment, material opulence and the association of aristocratic family members
- Without looking to Krsna's lotus feet, all religious, social or political endeavors will fail. It is not possible to make progress as long as our desires are anchored in the material world
- Without the spread of brahminical culture and without proper protection from the government, no social standard can be maintained properly
- Woman, children, brahmana, cow, old men, diseased men, they are to be protected. That is the social order
- You are the Supreme Personality of Godhead; no one can excel You, nor can anyone come up to an equal level with You. The perfect social system is that in which You remain in the center, being served as the Supreme
- You can take part in such classes and present the subject matter in such a way that it may at first appear like socio-political-philosophical affairs, but actually introduce our Krishna Consciousness philosophy. That requires tactful handling
- You cannot avoid it (social groupings), but because you have created a false caste system, that should be abolished, and the system recommended by Krsna - that should be adopted
- You cannot avoid the natural occurrence of various social divisions. Nature's caste system will remain. Take, for example, the brahminical quality of truthfulness. All over the world, wherever you go, you'll find at least one person who is truthful
- You cannot make society classless. If you try to make it classless, naturally people will all be sudras, fourth-class men, and worse. Then there will be social chaos