Category:So Far
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- Actually these books are the foundation stone of our movement. Whatever we are is resting on these books, so far reading them and distributing them. This should be our only motto
- All these two groups (of Sankaracarya and Vaisnavas), following the Vedic principles, they accept Krsna as the SPG. So far India's authoritative persons are concerned, there is no two opinions, that Krsna is not God. Both of them accept Krsna the SP
- Although many different processes for developing love of Godhead have been explained so far, Srila Rupa Gosvami now gives us a general description of how one can best achieve such a high position
- And so far economic question is concerned, the bird, beast, animals, they have no economic concern. Why you have got? You are less than bird and beast, you have created this economic problem
- Any material thing you take, even stone, iron, it can be burned, it can be cut into pieces, it can dry up, and so many things, all applicable to the matter. But so far the spirit soul is concerned, it is just the opposite
- As far as your marriage, I have no objection if you marry in a civil wedding, but so far a Krishna Consciousness wedding, there is no question until the girl has been initiated
- Because we cannot explain something, we dismiss the whole thing. "There is void, nothing. Void." Because my mind, my intelligence, cannot go so far, we say, "Perhaps, maybe it was like this." So this is all mental speculation
- Because we have to prove that he (scientist) is a rascal to another rascal, we have to take your (Svarupa Damodara's) help. This is our policy. Otherwise, so far we are concerned, if they go on lecturing for millions of years, we shall kick on their face
- Bhagavad-gita is recognized, so far India is concerned, cent percent. Either they may be theist or atheist, that doesn't matter. Bhagavad-gita is accepted by all classes of men in India
- Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, jada-vidya sab, mayara vaibhava, jibake koroye gadha (Kalyana-kalpa-taru). He has said like that, that so far advancement of material education means that so-called educated man is becoming more, more, more an ass
- By following any guru or any principle, if you actually develop your love of God, then it is nice. Otherwise it is useless waste of time. That is the test. But they, so far I know, these yogis, they are themselves God. They say that everyone is God
- Dharma means it is translated into English as "religion." And religion means a kind of faith. But so far the Sanskrit word dharma is there, it does not mean a kind of faith. It is a fact
- Do not be discouraged if so far the collections have not been very great in terms of money. More important than the results is the activity. Krsna wants to see that you are fully engaged with all sincerity in preaching His glories
- Do not discuss these incidents because a devotee of Lord Caitanya does not feel very happy to discuss them. But so far we have heard from authorized sources, He simultaneously entered Jagannatha Temple and Gopinatha Temple in Puri and He did not come out
- Even though the Indian Hindus are very much inclined in my favor, so far I have experience it is very difficult to turn them into pure devotees
- Everyone wants akuto-bhayam: "I must be very safe and sound in every respect, in my social position, so far my health is concerned, anything." Everyone wants that security. But there is no security. That is called struggle for existence
- Everything depends on intense desire of the living entity, & Krishna gives all facilities for fulfilling such desires. So far as we are concerned, we should always be very much eager to directly contact Krishna, following the Footprints of Lord Caitanya
- Everything has got a different type of calculation, measurement. But so far the soul is concerned, it is said here, aprameyasya, there is no source of measurement. There is no source. Therefore, the so-called materialist science, they say there is no soul
- Except Your lotus feet, we have no other shelter. And so far our safetiness is concerned, we are already encircled by so many enemies, because in the fight one's father has died, so his son is preparing to fight with us. So we are not at all free now
- First of all you must know what is your identity. Your identity is . . . that I have already explained. You are part and parcel of God. So far we understand, our philosophy is, from Bhagavad-gita: mamaivamsah
- For technical matters, let Advaita go on working independently. He is certainly competent. So far as decision making regarding contents of publications, etc., that can be done conjointly
- For your sincere efforts in spreading this movement in so far away country as London, I am certain that Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu is most pleased and will surely bless you for your nice work
- Hare Krsna and omkara, there is no difference, so far the transcendental sound vibration is concerned. But the objective is different
- How is it possible for one to become his own friend? This is explained here; atma means mind, body and soul. When we speak of atma, insofar as we are in the bodily conception, we refer to the body
- However you may be great in the estimation of others, you will find somebody is greater than you, and somebody is lower than you, and somebody is equal to you. But so far the greatest Absolute PG is concerned, na tasya samah adhikas ca drsyate
- I am always anxious to know about the activities of my Temples so far established. I always pray to Krsna that you, all my students, may go ahead in this Krsna Consciousness Movement
- I am very eager for you to develop your area and so far there is good promise of our successful preaching work there. I have already notified other centers to send immediately literatures to you, and I am now printing again third edition KRSNA book
- I am very pleased that Jayadvaita Brahmacari will be going to Boston soon for typing BTG and our books. He is the first class typist in our society so far I have heard, so he can create so many assistants
- I am very sorry to inform you that there are some Indian "Swamis'' in this country who are living with so-called "Swaminies,'' but so far we are concerned we follow strictly the Vedic principles
- I cannot say what is going on in your mind, in your body, what pains and pleasure you are feeling. But I can speak about myself that, "I am feeling like this." That I can say. So my consciousness is not perfect. It is perfect so far I am concerned
- I do not think that place is very nice or suitable for our purpose, as it is outside the city I think, so far I know, and we want a place inside the city. Still if you let me know what kind of help you want from them, then I can advise you what to do
- I especially request you to try to open a center in China. So far I have information of the Chinese people and so far I have seen Chinese boys in Hong Kong, I am very hopeful for success in China
- I especially want that my books and literatures should be distributed profusely, but so far I understand this is not being done very perfectly
- I have arrived here in Vrindaban, but so far the project is concerned, why the money is so irregular?
- I have got considerable experience now because I am wandering East and West, not only once, at least twice, thrice in a year. So far Krsna consciousness movement is concerned, we have no such thing, East and West
- I have got very good respect for Japanese people. So far I have met the Japanese boys and girls in our temple there, they are so well behaved that I was astonished that they were more respectful than my direct disciples
- I have traveled in Australia and come to your country, New Zealand. So far material necessities are concerned, you are all well-to-do. So why this question of frustration (among younger section), as Goswami Hanuman-Prasada was speaking?
- I'm very much indebted to you that you have gone so far away from your own comfortable country for the service of Caitanya Mahaprabhu and this service will be appreciated by the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If it (stool) becomes too much blocked, if it is not possible to be cleared, then the modern medical science, they cut the abdomen and cut the part and clear it, and again stitch it. That is appendicitis, so far I know
- If we can take some money and give some literature, that is a good service. So far irritation is concerned, a child is also irritated when he is given instructions, but that does not mean that we should stop
- If we work sincerely without any material aspirations, Krishna will help in all respects, be assured. So far the donation of roses, utilize them nicely. There will be flowers for the deity, it will be a great service
- In the Bible, Lord Jesus Christ is described as the son of God. Now, so far I have heard, that it is claimed that he is the only one son of God. Now according to Bhagavad-gita, every living entity is son of God. Now how to adjust
- In the modern age, man is trying to go to other planets, but so far he has been unsuccessful. It is not possible to travel to any other planets because by the laws of nature even the demigods cannot move from one planet to another
- In the Second Chapter, Arjuna surrenders: "So far we have been talking as friends, but now I accept You as my spiritual master." Anyone following the principle in this line accepts the guru as Krsna, and the student must represent Arjuna
- Insofar as liberation is concerned, they (atheists) say that there is no need to talk of liberation because after death everything is finished
- Insofar as your material condition is concerned, generally that cannot be checked. You have to suffer. But in the case of a devotee, that suffering also can be stopped or minimized. Otherwise, Krsna's statement would be false: aham tvam sarva-papebhyo
- It is very good to hear from you and that you are chanting and trying to follow my instructions, even though you are so far distant from any of our centers. This proves the potency of Lord Caitanya's mission
- Main teaching, so far we read Bible, Jesus Christ said: "Thou shall not kill." But they are, you are . . . everyone is killing. That's all. The first commandment is violated
- Modern medical science cut the abdomen and cut the part and clear it (stool), and again stitch it. That is appendicitis, so far I know - I am not medical man. There are so many diseases that is due to this non clearance of the intestines. You see?
- Narada questioned him that "So far we know, that you are the supreme, but you also sometimes meditate and worship somebody." So in that connection Brahma explained that "We are not supreme. We are all appointed agents"
- Narayana said, "What is your purpose? Why have you come so far? I see that you are fatigued, so I request you to take a little rest. You should not unnecessarily tire your body"
- No, no, whatever it may be, I want to see that, how the money is being saved. So far earning money, I can earn, even sitting here
- Nobody is prepared to become brahmana, and so far cow protection is concerned, it is in the oblivion. This is the whole world position. Therefore it is in chaotic condition
- One's position is safe only in so far as he does not falsely declare himself to be God or proprietor. It has become fashionable to claim to be God, and fools accept such claims, but from the Vedic literatures we understand that God is not so cheap
- Our devotees may become very much learned to remove their doubts and become very much fixed up in Krishna Consciousness, but so far preaching to the general public, especially the hippie class, it is better not to preach very much philosophy
- Our lives have meaning and direction only in so far as we strive to attain this transcendental knowledge of Krsna consciousness, raja-vidya, which is the king of all knowledge
- Our movement if it is introduced amongst the hippies, because so far I can understand, they are after such thing for peace of the mind. Not only for the hippies, but for everyone. Everyone is seeking after peace and happiness
- People may say that I've done wonderful, but there is nothing magic. Because I am following Krsna, the supreme leader, so far it has become successful
- Police business is that "You become law-abiding citizen; then I have no connection with you." So far. "And so long you are not a law-abiding (citizen), I shall kick you as much as possible." So Maya's business is like this
- Regarding China preaching, so far as I know Chinese people, although communists, they are not devoid of God consciousness. If they are sincere communists, they will accept our philosophy
- Regarding your request to sing prayers in English, this is nice suggestion, and you may do it. So far as the songs that you have written, you may send me a copy of them and I shall see them
- Sankaracarya, from whom we differ in philosophical discussion . . . not very much different - so far the procedure is concerned, the regulative principles are concerned, they are all the same
- Scientific advancement of knowledge, so far we have in this material world, that is bounded within the area of material energy. They have not succeeded in finding out the spiritual energy. Otherwise they would have given life to the dead man
- So far approaching the Indian community, you may do so with an appeal that Krishna Consciousness Movement is so nice that, by its propagation, there would be no more any other sect and that will be perfect position of the human society
- So far as "Back To Godhead" is concerned, the answers to your questions are as follows: Recipes are all right if you think that there is such a public demand. But just recipes, no pictures
- So far as a seal is concerned, you can make your own seal exactly like the one we have got in New York. Simply you make the seal replacing the word New York for Los Angeles. That will be nice. I have got full faith in you
- So far as Bhagavad-gita is concerned, there is no doubt about it that I am the only authority in your country in this matter
- So far as binding is concerned, if we have to make the binding work outside, then we will have to pay more charges, so you can take quotation what will be the cost of binding 10,000 books exactly on the same pattern as TLC
- So far as common sense is concerned, we come to the conclusion that there are three identities, namely matter, spirit and Superspirit. Now if we go to the Bhagavad-gita, or the Vedic intelligence, we can further understand that
- So far as controlling "kam" or lust, best thing is don't eat any highly spiced food stuffs and always think of Krishna. Chant regularly and get yourself married as soon as possible, and live a peaceful householder's life in Krishna Consciousness
- So far as cooperating with my Godbrothers is concerned, that is not very urgent business. So far until now my Godbrothers have regularly not cooperated with me and by the grace of my Spiritual Master, things are still going ahead
- So far as eating only two chopaties and a little vegetables daily, I never said that. I do not know why such news has spread without my written authority
- So far as Gayatri initiations are concerned, the tape is not required
- So far as Gurukula is concerned, literary education is for the Brahminical class, not for all
- So far as householders are concerned, they may contribute at least half of their income to Krishna. Then life is sublime
- So far as Indian philosophy is concerned, Vedanta Sutra is the topmost, and Srimad Bhagavatam is the natural commentary on Vedanta Sutra
- So far as initiating disciples is concerned, anyone who is qualified can do this
- So far as learning the film industry, that is out of the question. Krishna industry is good engagement for us
- So far as milk is concerned, I can arrange for financing in the matter of purchasing cows
- So far as musical instruments are concerned I don't think it is worthwhile. Shipping charges and packing and duty come to more than that one could purchase in the states
- So far as my starting a separate organization known as International Society for Krishna Consciousness, it was inevitable because none of our godbrothers are cooperating with one another
- So far as my translating of the rest of Srimad-Bhagavatam is concerned, that is my next program. After returning from India I shall be seriously engaged in translating work
- So far as our Krishna Consciousness is concerned, we can supply millions of pictures of Krishna, Visnu & Their multi-incarnations, as well as Their transcendental Pastimes. We have to create a unique position for this paper, at least in the western world
- So far as publication is concerned, our Society has got branches all over the world. It is written in the book "published by the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, branches throughout the world, Headquarters USA"
- So far as reading scriptures out loud, this depends upon the circumstances. If you can understanding by reading silently, there is no need to read out loud, because this may make others feel disturbed
- So far as Savitri getting her 2nd initiation you have written to say that she had difficulty now to even chant a few mantras. So you must observe first whether she will be able to keep the Brahminical vows
- So far as the bowing down in Deity worship, before opening the door you should bow down. Then turn on the light and bow down again. There is no restriction on bowing down
- So far as the certificates are concerned, they are very beautiful and nicely done. But I have noticed that there is one small spelling mistake which you may be able to correct. "Srimati" you have spelled as "Srimate"
- So far as the Deities are concerned, they should be repaired nicely and replaced on the altar. While being repaired, where is the question of offering? The picture on the altar is all right for the present
- So far as the devotees at our Montreal center working at regular jobs during the winter months, that is not very good, but if there is no other way what can be done?
- So far as the lady psychiatrist making tests with our children, you should know that our children are fireproof and waterproof due to Krishna Consciousness so there is no harm for them. Let them test if they wish, we shall come out successful
- So far as the mistake on the certificates, I think that only on the certificates to be given to brahmacarinis is it necessary to change the spelling, because on the brahmacari's certificate this word Srimate will be crossed out
- So far as the money is concerned, it is not meant for banking, but it is meant for spending. Our policy should be to collect millions of dollars or more than that daily, and spend it daily
- So far as the Vedic religion is concerned, it is not simply for the so-called Hindus. That is to be understood. This is sanatana-dharma, the eternal and universal nature and duty of every living being. It is for all living entities, all living beings
- So far as translating our literatures into Japanese language, you should endeavor to do so vigorously. You have published only one Japanese BTG, but they should be regularly published. So if you go on and engage your mind in all this positive work
- So far as Trivikram is concerned, he is a super first-class brahmachary. His service attitude, his submission is very nice although he is still a new member
- So far as we are convinced, this land's name Bharata-varsa was established from the reign of Bharata the son of King Rsabha
- So far as we get information, our knowledge is from the Vedic information, andantara-stha paramanu: Krsna is within, the Paramatma. It does not say the soul is within, the Paramatma
- So far as you writing you are lonely I think that there is no need for this. Such sentiments of wishing for me to be there is nice but a girl is meant for living with her husband and not her father
- So far as your fraternal quarrel is concerned, I may recite in this connection one story
- So far as your going to Russia, you should not take interest in this Russian program. Your presence in Delhi is absolutely required
- So far as your occasional agitation from maya, the answer is very simple that one must either strictly control his senses, or else he must get himself married. If one is strong enough in Krishna Consciousness, then there is no reason to become grhastha
- So far as your relocating your temple from Tucson to Phoenix, that is a GBC matter and so it should be discussed with the GBC members
- So far as your relocating your temple from Tucson to Phoenix, that is a GBC matter and so it should be discussed with the GBC members and especially with Karandhar Prabhu
- So far as your utilizing machinery at New Vrindaban, if such machinery is helpful than you may take advantage of them.We are not enemies of machines. If they can be used for Krishna's service then we welcome them
- So far as your wife is concerned you must be very careful. They are previously two miscarriages, so it is to be understood that she is diseased. A medical practitioner or gynaecologist should be consulted in this connection
- So far attending pujas at the houses of the Hindus there we can go and hold our kirtana but we should not take prasadam there. We can accept raw materials and take them to our temple but we should not accept any prasadam prepared by them
- So far Bhagavad-gita is concerned, if we become fully Krsna consciousness, then our ultimate solution of all problems will be solved. That is a fact
- So far Calcutta branch is concerned, it cannot be closed. It must be maintained. You have got permits for five men, and all of these men must go to Mayapur immediately and perform Sankirtan day and night
- So far colors that may be offered to the Deities, all colors may be utilized just suitable to your scheme. But black should not be used for the Deities dresses or for Temple decorations
- So far Dayananda, I have no objection if the grhasthas live outside and earn money, but I do not want them to leave. The strict temple procedure is only for those who live in the temple
- So far designation is concerned, the spiritual master authorizes every one of his disciple. But it is up to the disciple to carry out the order, able to carry out or not. It is not that spiritual master is partial, he designates one and rejects other
- So far devotees being hesitant to distribute books on account of pressure, sometimes pressure is required, especially when one is not so advanced. Of course it has to be applied properly, otherwise there may be some bad taste
- So far dreaming is concerned, we regard dreaming condition as another form of illusion or maya, only more subtle, that's all
- So far envy is concerned it can be used only upon the non-devotees
- So far Eric is concerned, he is developing K.C. from very childhood, and it is a great opportunity on a human being
- So far financial matters are concerned, these (the programs) are also important, and we should not neglect them
- So far foodstuffs offered do the needful. Whatever is available and also very nice, that is offerable, as long as no meat, fish, eggs, garlic, onions, or other very objectionable foodstuffs are there
- So far foodstuffs, you should collect profusely. If you collect more distribute more, and if you collect less, distribute less, but only distribute what you have collected. If there is no food, do not contribute our own funds for this purpose
- So far geography and history are concerned, you may teach geography as it is, there is no harm to getting knowledge about our material earth planet
- So far Ginsberg is concerned, he promised before me that everywhere he would chant Hare Krishna Mantra, and actually he is doing it everywhere. So Ginsberg may sometimes be able to understand our philosophy in the future
- So far Giriraja is concerned, he requires a little freedom to work. I think he should be given that opportunity
- So far going to Madras is concerned, the first thing is that we are now short of man power. Whatever men we have got in India are engaged in Calcutta, Bombay and Delhi
- So far grammar is concerned, one has to learn Sanskrit grammar for at least 12 years, then he becomes an expert grammarian
- So far Hindu religion is concerned, there are millions of Krishna Temples in India and there is not a single Hindu who does not worship Krishna. Therefore, Krishna Consciousness movement is not a concocted idea. The chanting process is also authorized
- So far his asrama in Puerto Vallarta, we are not taking that place on lease or rent, only if he gives it to us can we manage
- So far history is concerned, we shall not teach the history as Darwin has given, but there is no harm to learn what is the history of your country, just like Washington was the first president, and after him came so-and-so, like that.
- So far human being is concerned, their food is also designated, that you take prasadam
- So far I am personally experienced, in our childhood there were not so many problems. Now India is faced with so many problems on account of imitating Western civilization
- So far I have studied the American minds they are eager and apt to receive Bhakti Cult of Srimad-Bhagavatam because the Christian religion is based on the same principle
- So far I know about you, you're intelligent, qualified & willing worker for KC & I hope if you try to establish a center of our society in Sydney or any one of the important cities, of Australia, it will be a record in the history of Chaitanya's movement
- So far I know Gopalaji is coming from Madhavendra Puri, the original acharya of Goudiya Vaishnavas. His disciple was Ishvara Puri, and his disciple was Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
- So far I know that a pregnant woman should not eat any pungent food stuffs, she should not move in cars, and she should not sit idly. She should move and do some physical work. These are the general rules and regulations I have seen in India
- So far I know, Christian, there is consideration of hell and heaven. Somebody is going to hell, somebody's going to heaven. Is it not? After death
- So far I know, you have not sold any books of ours. More when we meet
- So far I remember, the moon is also like the sun, that it is fire blazing, but it is surrounded by a cool atmosphere. Therefore it is soothing. I think there is such description
- So far increasing the New Orleans' farm, yes, if you have got more men, you can get more land. You should make a stock of ghee from the farm and if possible open a restaurant in the city for attracting people. You can prepare samosas, kacoris, rasgullas
- So far Jadurani is concerned, inform her that this body is Krsna's body. Therefore, she should take care of her health
- So far knowing capacity is concerned, you are one with God. Because Krsna or God is cognizant, you are also cognizant. But you are cognizant with very limited sphere, and He is cognizant unlimitedly everywhere. That is the difference
- So far Krsna consciousness is concerned, we equally distribute. There is no such thing that "Oh, you are woman, less intelligent or more intelligent. Therefore you cannot come." We don't say that. We welcome women, men, poor, rich, everyone
- So far Krsna Consciousness philosophy is concerned, it is now tested by my last three years' experiment that this philosophy will be accepted in any part of the world irrespective of caste, creed, color, and language
- So far Krsna is concerned, there is no two opinions about His authority throughout the whole world. And so far we are concerned, Hindus, or the followers of the Vedic religion, there is no difference of opinion so far Krsna's authority is concerned
- So far Lord Brahma paint him just like you have painted already in the poster where he is flying on the swan for stealing Krishna's cowherds friends and cows
- So far Lord Buddha is concerned, he was Hindu, there is no doubt, but he started a separate type of religion - nonviolence - because at that time there was need for such religion
- So far material body is concerned, you cannot change the quality. This is already. One has got the particular type of body by nature's arrangement according to the quality
- So far material condition, He (Caitanya Mahaprabhu) had His very affectionate mother. He was the only son of His mother; all brothers and sister died. And His wife Laksmi-priya died first, then He married, second time, Visnu-priya. So very happy life
- So far merging of temples, do the needful. If there is waste of time they may be merged, I have no objection
- So far miseries from other living entities, we can take protection, we can defend ourself. But so far miseries offered by the demigods, daiva, there is no remedy
- So far my certificates are concerned, if the originals are required I can send them, but I hope that these offset duplicates are as good as the original and I hope you will make proper use of them
- So far my coming to Moscow, yes I will come, but I may not be arrested. Still I shall go, and I shall speak on pure communism
- So far my coming to Vrindaban, if I don't go to Manipur then I shall certainly come
- So far my experience goes, the whole world will take to Krsna consciousness. Unfortunately, I am struggling single-handed
- So far my going there, it is not very important thing - I may go or not go, my beloved spiritual sons are there, and they are acting very nicely. That is my great satisfaction
- So far my health is concerned, there was a slight indication of a heart attack but it was not very acute. Krishna saved me. I have had many times such slight heart attacks since 1970 but it does not hamper my activities in Krishna Consciousness
- So far my health is concerned, you know that it is a broken old house. You cannot expect as good as you are doing. So my future hope is you all good spiritual sons
- So far my injuries are concerned, by the grace of Krishna and good wishes of friends and relatives it is already completely cured. Thank you very much for your kind inquiries
- So far my name being inserted just on the left hand of the Lord, is also very much appreciated
- So far my travels, from Bombay you may have heard, I went to Moscow. We stayed there for five days. There are many younger Muscovites who are very anxious for joining our movement
- So far my writing is concerned, yes I want to settle down somewhere and write my books. That is my aim
- So far my writings, avoid publishing them in hodge-podge journals
- So far Narada Muni is concerned, in His previous life He was a maidservant's son, but by the mercy of the devotees He later on became siddha and next life He appeared as Narada with complete freedom to move anywhere by the grace of the Lord
- So far nuclear weapon is concerned, so there is no much credit. Because it is a weapon for killing, death. Is it not? Not for that purpose?
- So far opening of a branch in Chicago, this is a very encouraging proposal, but I think before opening a center we must be confident that things will go on nicely. Chicago is a very important place, and we need a strong man to manage affairs there
- So far other incarnations are concerned, we have somehow counted three or say ten, like that. But here, when we speak of manvantaravatara, they are countless. Asankhya. Asankhya means countless. Nobody can count how many manvantaravataras
- So far other swamis and panditas are concerned, actually nobody would be equal to us because they do not come in the parampara system. As such their line of thought is null and void according to our understanding
- So far our constitutional position is, we learn from Bhagavad-gita that this distinction is there, that I am the soul and my body is the matter
- So far our devotees, Americans are concerned, they have nothing to do with politics
- So far our economic condition is concerned, as I explained yesterday, that one is destined to certain material comforts and discomforts, according to his body - already he has got
- So far our experience is concerned, we can understand the distinction between sat and asat, permanent and temporary. We cannot say, "nonexistent" exactly. Existing
- So far our movement is concerned, actually it is not a so-called religion movement
- So far our position is, we accept God Krsna, on the authority, as well as by the action. Both
- So far our position is, we are approaching directly God through His agent, and our conception of God is there in the temple worship or our working for God. But we have got no vague idea of God. We have got complete idea: Krsna
- So far our society is concerned, we are maintaining first class literature produced but if there is difficulty what can I say?
- So far outside India is concerned, all scholars, all religionists, all philosophers, they have accepted this Bhagavad-gita as authority. So there is no doubt about Bhagavad-gita's being authority. Even Professor Einstein, he was reading regularly
- So far personal association with the Guru is concerned, I was only with my Guru Maharaja four or five times, but I have never left his association, not even for a moment. Because I am following his instructions, I have never felt any separation
- So far purchase of press is concerned, that is a GBC matter for which you must consult the others
- So far remembering me and Krishna, it should be simultaneous. I am your Spiritual Father, and Krishna is your Spiritual Husband. A girl can never forget either her father or her husband
- So far Sankirtana is concerned, that should be continued in all circumstances. Chanting of Hare Krishna, Sankirtana is our life and soul. Side by side, if possible, then you can attempt for the ISKCON restaurant and Krishna Prasadam distribution
- So far scriptures are concerned, there are also different scriptures. And a philosopher is not a philosopher if he does not agree other philosophers. So in this way, you are perplexed
- So far scriptures are concerned, you'll find different scriptures describing in a different way. So that also, you'll be bewildered
- So far Srimad-Bhagavatam is concerned, now Pradyumna and yourself immediately revise the 3 volumes already published. My next attempt will be to get them in 1 volume, as I have already suggested
- So far taking sannyasa is concerned, you are already more than Sannyasi because your life is dedicated to Krsna. Sannyas does not mean change of dress
- So far the administrator class of men, or mercantile class of men, and laborer class of men, there are many institutions but to train a first class intellectual man, there is no institution all over the world
- So far the Advent Day of Lord Rama Candra, it should be celebrated as Lord Caitanya's Birthday was done. Fasting up to evening, and then take prasadam, and chant Hare Krishna whole day, and be engaged in reading and chanting off and on
- So far the animals are concerned they are also working. They are also working, but working with the help of the nature. But we go beyond the nature. Because we have got better intelligence, we are not satisfied with the nature's product
- So far the Bhagavad-gita is concerned every one, let him be a very great scholar in the mundane sense, must be in confirmed position along with the mode of understanding of Shri Arjuna. That is the crucial point of testing an Acarya false or real
- So far the bodily enjoyment, especially sex enjoyment, we had in dog's life, cat's life. So if by restricting this kind of sex life, if I can get back to home, back to Godhead & solve all problems of life, is it not the decision of the intelligent man?
- So far the body is concerned, there are so many obstacles. Everyone is struggling hard, that is for struggle for existence, to get out of the obstacles. Whole struggle for existence is to save ourselves from the obstacles
- So far the body's concerned, either it is dead or alive, it is not the subject matter of any talk. Nanusocanti panditah. Those who are learned scholars don't talk about the body. They'll talk about the soul. That is pandita
- So far the Christian preachers are concerned you may ask them to leave the Temple and address them like this - If you have to preach your Christian philosophy, why don't you ask people to come to your place? Why do you come here and disturb
- So far the framework is done. I have done with your help. Now we have to push this movement. It is very important movement. It is not a farce. It is actually for the benefit of the human society
- So far the Garuda Stambha is concerned, from the photograph, yes, it is approved what you have done
- So far the leaflets sent by you which you want to publish during the Delhi festival, that is approved by me and you can do the needful
- So far the living arrangement is concerned, the grhasthas should be given chance to live together as husband and wife. If not, then all the girls can stay in a place and all the boys can stay in a place, if there is not sufficient space
- So far the managing committee is concerned, when I shall return to Bombay, I shall personally form it. In the meantime, go on managing as it is
- So far the marriage proposed for 29th August, I have no objection provided they are firmly in agreement never to separate and are willing to sign such a statement. This was done recently by Rupanuga Prabhu and you can get the wording from him
- So far the meaning of the word "cheating," there are only three things to be known - Krishna is Supreme Enjoyer, Supreme Proprietor of everything, and Supreme Friend of everyone, and we say that honesty is acting upon the knowledge of these three facts
- So far the modern society is concerned, it is based on mental speculation. There is no standard. Some society has a different standard, another society has a different standard. But none of them are based on some authority
- So far the new towers are concerned, not a single space should be allotted without my permission
- So far the overseeing of the temples in your Zone, I am very glad that you are travelling there and preaching and thus feeling enlivened
- So far the pastimeous functions and inconceivable energy of the Supreme Lord is concerned - it is described in the Laghu Bhagwatamrita
- So far the people asking you what is the actual birth site of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, ask them to go to Tirtha Maharaja. We do not bother about these things
- So far the picture of three-headed Brahma in the assembly of other Brahmas, I have not seen, so what can I say? Whatever is palatable to everyone, you can do it that way
- So far the presidents are concerned, they should not be abruptly changed in future. If there is any complaint they should be first of all informed to me
- So far the question of marriage, this is generally not the concern of a sannyasi
- So far the school is concerned, we have got in Africa and America, and we have got men experienced to teach on our line. But for dispensary, we have no experience at all
- So far the sign is concerned, you can call our place the ISKCON Krsna-Balarama Temple
- So far the singing of the prayers to the Spiritual Master is concerned, there is no limitation on how many times it is sung. But it should be done three times daily, and morning it is required
- So far the title Swami is concerned, although this word is used generally for Sannyasins, this Swami is my particular name as Sannyasi. Therefore, it must be suffixed at the end of my real name, A.C. Bhaktivedanta
- So far the Vaisnava is concerned, sometimes they come forward to fight with us: "Why we should be vegetarian?" No, no, we have no quarrel with the nonvegetarian. Let them eat at their risk
- So far this Krsna consciousness movement, there is no need of analogy. It is accepted as truth, and Krsna is accepted as the SPG, and whatever He says is truth. There is no mistake, and if we carry that message, there is no mistake
- So far Vedic literature is concerned, God is person and accepted by the acaryas. We have to follow the acaryas; otherwise our own interpretation, our own tiny brain, we cannot conceive
- So far Vedic literatures are concerned, they are very much strict about association, free association of man and woman. They are very much strict. They have compared woman as fire and man as the pot of butter
- So far Vedic religion is concerned, it is not for the Hindus. That is to be understood. The sanatana-dharma. It is for all living entities, all human beings. It is called sanatana-dharma
- So far vegetable is concerned, everyone has to eat something. So if you can eat vegetables, that does not mean because somebody is killing vegetables, he should kill his own father and mother on that plea
- So far we are concerned, not only we, everyone, the human life is only meant for spiritual purpose. Not for material purpose
- So far we are concerned, we have no business, we have no profession. We do not know what we shall eat tomorrow. Or in the evening. We are in such a position. But we have no anxiety. You can see practically
- So far we can see, those who are busy with bolts and nuts, how this dull brain, they can manufacture such things (which can reach topmost planet)? That is not possible. It requires another brain. The yogis can go, the yogis can go
- So far we have these daughters, and we have enjoyed material life in the aerial mansion, traveling all over the universe. These boons have come by your grace, but they have all been for sense gratification
- So far we understand from authoritative sources the dissatisfaction of the human race can be mitigated only by the acceptance of Krishna consciousness
- So far you are concerned, I am especially stressing the importance of our Dallas Gurukula for training up the next generation of Krishna Consciousness preachers. This is the most important task ahead
- So far you are concerned, I request all my spiritual sons and daughters to help me in this great adventure, and if you all help me, I am sure I shall be successful
- So far you being philosophically-minded, that I can see and appreciate, but in future I think you can ask any questions you may have to one of the Swamis or to your GBC man. I have given them the answers to all such questions, so they can help you
- So far your acceptance by my other disciples is concerned, in the beginning there may be some inconveniences but if your decision is to work with us without any reservation, then there will be no difficulty
- So far your adopting me as father or child is the same thing, because child is the father of man. And the father is the old child of his grown-up sons and daughters
- So far your arranging to bring other men with you to India for opening a center, that is all right, but if they come as tourists and then go away that is not good
- So far your becoming GBC is concerned, yes, I had wanted that, but there are so many complaints. This is not good. GBC must mean that by his managing, there is not any complaints so that I can be relieved in order to do my translation work
- So far your daughter's marriage is concerned, I have no business. I cannot negotiate marriage. That is impossible. Neither there is any need for her to be sent to India
- So far your daughter, there is already one devotee named Visakha, so instead your daughter may be named Vaisnavi Dasi
- So far your dreams are concerned, it is very nice that you are thinking about Krsna Consciousness even while sleeping. Krsna is so nice that we want to remember Him even more than twenty-four hours daily
- So far your going to Buffalo, Brahmananda will see to it, and if it is already changed I have no objection. We have to serve Krishna from any circumstance or position. That shall be our mode of life
- So far your keeping your job is concerned, if you are still engaged in that dishwashing job, you should give it up. That kind of work is meant for sudras, not for the brahmanas
- So far your machinery to print cards, leaflets, and other color pictures. This is very nice if it is not too costly. Better to repay our debts than spend for costly machinery at this point
- So far your management of different centers in Eastern Zone, I have already advised Rupanuga to do the needful; if there is waste then you can merge various centres. You can thin milk by adding water and you can make it thick by boiling
- So far your personal matter is concerned, you are a Brahmacari, you can marry at any time
- So far your proposal is concerned, when the vote has been tallied and is presented to me at that time I shall give my approval
- So far your question about the earthquake, so suppose if there is plane crash, there are many good men, bad men, so everyone is crashed. But the good man gets a good body again, the bad man gets a bad body again
- So far your question as to whether it is more important to organize the women's book distribution or to work on College preaching, the book distribution is more important
- So far your question regarding Deity worship, during arati everything should be offered first to the Guru
- So far your question regarding women, I have always accepted the service of women without any discrimination, so I have no objection if Yamuna devi contributes her ideas on this construction project. Nothing should be done without group consultation
- So far your question, how far should the orders of my duly appointed officers like GBC, etc., be obeyed and followed, the answer is that they must always be followed exactly as he says
- So far your request for initiations for Patrick and Jane, that is approved by me. So far the infant is concerned, let him wait until he is older
- So far your son is concerned, last year when I was in Los Angeles I invited your son to come and see me; and if he comes to me, surely I shall try my best to bring him into our line of devotional service
- So far your statement, "Our final success will be when you actually sit tight and translate books and let us manage successfully,'' yes, that is my desire, but if you can do it or not, that has again disturbed me very much
- So far your telling me that some other devotees discouraged you in the past, I also had trouble with some of my Godbrothers, but I never let it affect my service
- So far, all of our success is due to our following the regulative rules of devotional service
- So far, up to date, actually I am the only superior controller, but as the boys are getting experienced I shall very soon transfer the administration to them, simply keeping myself as an overseer guide
- So generally prayers offered in every religious institution. But so far we are concerned, we not only offer prayers, but also hear about Him (Krsna)
- So gradually we have to organize the students to our movement, and your work so far has my approval in this connection
- So this endeavor to go there (to some planets) by so-called scientific advancement is simply defeat, because you will not be allowed, neither you can go there. And actually it is happening so. What they have achieved so far? Nothing
- So what is the difficulty of understanding this simple truth that the soul is different from the body? And so far eternity of the soul, that is also, there is proof
- So whatever is spoken by the Supreme Lord Himself is certainly the most authoritative. So far as we are concerned, we do not make any alterations in the statements of Krishna. Therefore we are also authority
- Some people say that for spiritual realization there is no need for a spiritual master, but so far as Vedic literature is concerned, and as far as Bhagavad-gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam and the Upanisads are concerned, there is need of a spiritual master
- Sri Maitreya said: O learned Vidura, so far I have explained to you the glories of the form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead in His feature of kala. Now you can hear from me about the creation of Brahma, the reservoir of all Vedic knowledge
- Sva-dharmam. This is material division. The spiritual is different. So far... I am combination of matter and spirit; so far my body is concerned, there is division. But when I come to Krsna consciousness, it is not like that
- Tattva means the Absolute Truth. Now, so far tattva is concerned, you'll find in the Bhagavad-gita that Krsna is the supreme tattva, Absolute Truth
- That Absolute Truth is aware of everything, directly and indirectly, of all this creation. In this way, if you step-by-step study, it is not very difficult so far the word meanings are concerned, but it is a question of realization
- The city of Dvaraka was well protected by the descendants of Vrsni, who were as powerful as the Lord, insofar as He manifested His strength upon this earth
- The duration of life, so far as the body is concerned, may be taken; however one tries to keep it intact, no one can do it. But the spiritual education we receive in Krsna consciousness cannot be taken away by the sun. It becomes a solid asset
- The eternally existing anti-material world is unmanifested to the material scientist. He can simply have information of it insofar as the principles of its existence are contrary to the modes of the material world
- The knowledge explained in this chapter (BG 14) is proclaimed by the Supreme Lord to be superior to the knowledge given so far in other chapters. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord is far away but very near also. The abode of the Lord is beyond the material sky, and we have no means to measure even this material sky. If the material sky extends so far, then what to speak of the spiritual sky, which is altogether beyond it?
- The Mayavadis, there are two kinds of Mayavadis: the impersonalists and the voidists. They are all Mayavadi. So their philosophy is good so far, because a foolish man cannot understand more than this
- The one particular animal is strongly under the influence of a particular sense, but so far we human being, we are such a big animal that we are servant of all the senses
- The pasandis went so far as to request the magistrate, or Kazi, to have Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu expelled from the town because of His introducing hari-nama-sankirtana
- The progress which is going on, let it go; we do not want that, but it has come so far, it is not possible to stop it. But here is the remedy: you can purify it
- The Raksasas act independently, as they like, going even so far as to kidnap the goddess of fortune. This policy of Ravana's is extremely dangerous for the materialist; indeed, it brings ruin to the materialistic civilization
- There are different stages of devotional life. But so far we are concerned, we have to preach. That is the second platform of devotional life
- There are many passages in the Gospel which are later on set up to be spoken by Lord Jesus Christ, but actually they were manufactured by different devotees. So far as our Bhagavad Gita is concerned, we do not find any such thing
- There are two isvaras. I am also isvara. So far my, this body is concerned or my family is concerned, I am controlling. But the supreme controller, He is controlling everything. That is God
- There is a long history, how the human society was distributed all over this planet. So far Mahabharata is concerned, you Americans or Europeans, you also originally belonged to India, according to Mahabharata
- There is difference between false knowledge and authoritative knowledge. So far we are concerned at the present moment, whatever knowledge we are giving or accepting, they are more or less false knowledge. Not authoritative
- There is no hindrance of your being a householder so far as distributing books are concerned. Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu had many householder disciples who would preach Krishna Consciousness
- There is not a single Hindu in India who is not more or less Krishna Conscious. So far descendants are concerned, material nature is so strong that she does not allow anything to go on steadily
- There is not a single Hindu temple here at least in New York or all the places so far I have traveled in this country. Regarding management of the temple is concerned for the present I have called for one of my disciples from Delhi
- These are beneficial only insofar as they are complementary to devotional service. Caitanya Mahaprabhu therefore told Sanatana Gosvami that without a touch of devotional service, jnana, yoga and Sankhya philosophy cannot give one the desired results
- These are the first duty of the government, to see everyone is nicely situated so far his physical necessities are concerned. But a sane man, when he sees this disturbance, or everything mismanaged, he becomes very unhappy & tries to set up by KC movement
- These days the propagation for landing on the moon planet is very encouraging to the common man, but so far as a Krishna Conscious person is concerned, he is not at all interested in any of the material planets
- These people might be impersonalists, so far I can understand from the handbill, but still, we can perform Kirtana in any place. It does not matter what they are. By our Kirtana process we have to influence others
- They (the modern scientists) have so far traveled at a speed of 18,000 miles per hour, but here (in SB 3.30.24) we see that a criminal passes 792,000 miles within a few seconds only, although the process is not spiritual but material
- They are trying to get out of this old age - so many medicines, so many cosmetics - but old age is taking place. And so far disease, we can discover many high-grade medicines, but there is no stoppage of disease
- This is first chastisement, that so far this body is concerned, it is a dead lump of matter, either it is moving or not moving. When there is life, it will move. When there is not life, it does not move. But both cases, it is a lump of matter
- This position, forgetfulness, can be changed, and human life is meant for that purpose. So far improvement of economic condition or other condition, that is already fixed up. One cannot change it
- This program to make each and every center spiritually strong should be the duty of the GBC. So far financing, let them do in their own way
- This was the system, that a ksatriya is presented with a kind of weapon, a brahmana is presented with Vedas, and so far vaisyas and sudras are concerned, they are not very important
- Traditionally, yoga cannot be executed in a public place, but insofar as kirtana - mantra-yoga, or the yoga of chanting the Hare Krsna mantra - is concerned, the more people present, the better
- We are atomic small, and Krsna is unlimitedly great. That is the difference. Otherwise, so far quality is concerned, Krsna and ourself, the same. As the parts and parcel of Krsna, if we live always with Krsna, then we are in spiritual life
- We are equal, that's all right, but there is difference. So far I am a living being, He's also a living being, but He's supreme living being. How? Because I breathe, some dust comes and goes out, and when He breathes some universes come out
- We cannot agree to make a mixed up association without any authorized principles. So far as Hindus are concerned, they are not fixed up in one principle
- We have no business to come so far. In Vrndavana I could live very peacefully; there is two room still, in Radha-Damodara Temple. But because there is Krsna consciousness. Krsna consciousness means serving the Lord
- We have to accept economic development so far as we keep our body and soul together, fit for Krsna consciousness. We do not recommend that unnecessarily you should give trouble to the body
- We know how to execute the mission of Krsna. Anyone can know because direction is there. It is not a secret thing. It is open secret. But you have to act upon it. That requires training. And so far my experience goes, the whole world will take to KC
- What is the difference between sex life as married man and woman and without? So far sex life is concerned, there is no difference. But the restriction and the rules and regulation will not make him mad after sex life
- When I first came to America I never imagined that this movement would spread so far and wide. I thought that my Guru Maharaja has ordered me to try to spread his teachings in the English language, so let me try
- When I go to India, sometimes they speak like that, that "India does not require Krsna consciousness," because they are in a very awkward position so far economic condition is there. But that is not the actual fact
- When people say in India, "Swamiji, you have done wonderful," and yes, I do not know. I'm not a magician. But so far I am confident that I did not adulterated the words of Krsna. That's all. That's my credit
- Yogic life can be very nicely successful if you adjust your material necessities of life. If you become extravagant so far your material necessities of life is concerned, then you cannot make successful in yogic life
- You mention ghosts. So far I have experience, the best way to remove them is to chant Hare Krishna very loudly and have jubilant kirtana until they leave
- You pour water on the leg of the tree, it becomes very luxuriant, healthy. So different. And so far God is concerned, He can eat with legs; He can see with hands; He can eat with eyes. That is God
- You, the Supreme Person, You are also speaking to me. And so far I am concerned, I have realized now that You are the Supreme Lord, Parabrahma. - So if we follow Arjuna, then there is no difficulty. Accept Krsna as Parabrahma