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Do not discuss these incidents because a devotee of Lord Caitanya does not feel very happy to discuss them. But so far we have heard from authorized sources, He simultaneously entered Jagannatha Temple and Gopinatha Temple in Puri and He did not come out

Expressions researched:
"do not discuss these incidents because a devotee of Lord Caitanya does not feel very happy to discuss them. But so far we have heard from authorized sources, He simultaneously entered Jagannatha Temple and Gopinatha Temple in Puri and He did not come out"


1972 Correspondence

Generally we do not discuss these incidents because a devotee of Lord Caitanya does not feel very happy to discuss them. But so far we have heard from authorized sources, He simultaneously entered Jagannatha Temple and Gopinatha Temple in Puri and He did not come out. That much is sufficient.

May 16, 1972

My Dear Madhudvisa,

Please accept my blessings. I beg to acknowledge receipt of your letter dated May 9, 1972, and I have noted the contents. By now you have received our request for you to become the GBC man for South-east Asia, South Pacific zone. If you like, you may take up this post and travel extensively through that zone and do something wonderful there. I think Sudama Vipra Maharaja and one assistant have gone to Manila in the Philippine Islands and their report is very encouraging. So I shall be very anxious to hear your reply in this connection.

So far the "Akash Ganga" people, I think they shall remain quiet. Regarding your questions, generally we do not discuss these incidents because a devotee of Lord Caitanya does not feel very happy to discuss them. But so far we have heard from authorized sources, He simultaneously entered Jagannatha Temple and Gopinatha Temple in Puri and He did not come out. That much is sufficient.

The living entities are not created, the material world is created. just like a building is constructed, not the inhabitants. Sometimes the word "created" is used in connection with the living entity, but then it is to be understood that it refers to the manifestation of the marginal energy of Krishna. We say that the spiritual world is a creation of the spiritual energy, but actually the spiritual world is never created and it is just to indicate to what department it belongs.

The living entity is the manifestation of the marginal energy of Krishna, and Krishna's energy is everywhere, so the living entity is also spread everywhere. Just like the sunshine is composed of small particles, so sunshine is distributed all over the universe, so also the shining particles are distributed. Similarly, the atomic living entities are existent in the Brahmajyoti and the Brahmajyoti is distributed everywhere, so the living entities are also spread everywhere. Their another name is "sarvaga," all-pervading.

Hoping this will meet you in good health.

Your ever well-wisher,

A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami

Page Title:Do not discuss these incidents because a devotee of Lord Caitanya does not feel very happy to discuss them. But so far we have heard from authorized sources, He simultaneously entered Jagannatha Temple and Gopinatha Temple in Puri and He did not come out
Created:2015-12-12, 14:27:02
Totals by Section:BG=0, SB=0, CC=0, OB=0, Lec=0, Con=0, Let=1
No. of Quotes:1