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Pages in category "Nation"
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- A living being does not belong to any nation or species of life. He has nothing to do with the body, as the moon has nothing to do with the moving clouds
- A public leader, a politician, he's thinking that - Without me, all the members of my nation will die. So let me work day and night. Up to the point of my death or up to the point until I am killed by somebody, I have to work so hard
- According to Vedic civilization, one should rise early in the morning and chant Hare Krsna, perform mangala aratrika, worship the Deity. This is the morning business. But the richest nation of the world, they are going to work at six-thirty for earning
- Actually, everyone is envious. Businessman to businessman, nation to nation. This is material world. Therefore spiritual advancement means for person who is not envious
- Actually, if the American nation take it seriously, "In God we trust," ...They must take it seriously because it is Constitution. Then the whole world will change. The whole world will change
- After creating in bodily relationships so many unwanted things, I am absorbed in thought that, - I belong to such-and-such nation. Therefore I have got my duty to do this, do that for the nation or to the society or to the family or to my personal self
- After the extinction of the fire of misunderstanding (a tremendous change of heart can take place by which the complete misunderstanding between the human nations created by politicians can at once be extinguished), other profits will follow
- After these empires are created, the bites of other nations have to be suffered. Sometimes nations declare war upon one another, and the human beehives become sources of misery
- Akrura continued, "Only by chance do we assemble together in a family, society, community, nation, at the end, because every one of us has to give up the body, we must be separated. One should not, be unnecessarily affectionate toward family members"
- All classes of men, from all groups of men, all religious societies or nation, they are joining this movement. They are joining it
- All these communities, societies, dynasties and nations simply expand from sex life
- All this is going on (worshiping hogs) in a country where the young people have good looking bodies, a great deal of money and so many other advantages over the young people of other nations
- Almost everyone is short span of life. Prayenalpayusah kalav asmin yuge janah (SB 1.1.10). Kalau. In this age, kalau. It is not for a particular nation or party or religion. Everyone is subjected to the laws of nature
- Although human beings are creating their beehives in order to enjoy the sweetness of their senses, they are at the same time suffering from the bites of other persons or nations. Godhead as Paramatma is simply witnessing all these activities
- Although we appear combined together in a family, society or nation, each of us has an individual destiny. Everyone takes birth according to individual past work; therefore everyone must individually enjoy or suffer the result of his own karma
- American or many other Western countries, the young men, they belong to a rich nation, so practically they have no want. But still, why they are becoming hopeless and confused? Because this material want is not all
- An ideal nation to lead the entire world
- An ordinary man works for his own sense enjoyment, and when this principle of sense enjoyment is extended to include his society, nation or humanity in general, it assumes various attractive names such as altruism, socialism, communism, nationalism etc
- Any nation, any empire, any man, as soon as one begins to defy the authority of the Supreme Lord, like Ravana, he'll be finished. Sooner or later, he's going to be finished
- Anyone goes any part of the world, ask him, "Who are you?" He will say, "I am the material body. I am Mr. such and such," "I am Russian" or "I am German," "I belong to this family" and so on, "this nation" - all the body. That is our practical experience
- Anyone who has developed how to exploit the resources of nature, that nation is called to be very highly civilized, or advanced. But that is the lowest stage of civilization
- As long as I think, "I belong to this family," "I belong to this nation," "I belong to this religion," "I belong to this color," and so on, there is no possibility of becoming Krsna conscious
- As long as one is hankering after these things (some honor in society, or in the nation, a happy family, with nice children, wife, and house), he has to work very hard. BG 1972 purports
- As our consciousness is now for my sense gratification, my society's sense gratification, my nation's sense gratification, similarly, if we change it to Krsna's sense gratification, then we become perfect. This is Krsna consciousness movement
- As soon as a king becomes rich in material opulences, he wants to dominate other nations by military aggression. Similarly, mercantile men want to monopolize a certain type of business and control other mercantile groups
- As the dog is thinking, "I am dog, very stout and strong dog," so another man is thinking, "I am big nation." But what is the basic principle? A dog is also thinking on the basis of his body, and this big nation is also thinking on the basis of body
- At the present moment civilized nations are unnecessarily maintaining many slaughterhouses for killing innocent animals
- At the present moment civilized nations have given up God consciousness for economic development. They are actually no longer interested in advancing in God consciousness. Formerly their forefathers were engaged in executing religious principles
- At the present moment, our senses are contaminated. I am thinking, - I am American, so my senses should be used for the service of my country, my society, my nation
- At the time of Maharaja Yudhisthira, there were no different nations, although there were different subordinate states
- Because I am not this body, so my expansion of body is also not "I am." But whole world is going on on this false impression. The whole world is going on. The fight, the fighting between one nation and another nation - because due to this body
- Because of attachment to the body and its by-products, he feels affected by union with and separation from his family, society and nation. As long as this continues, one continues his material life. (Otherwise, one is liberated) - SB 10.4.20
- Besides this, there is another conception by which one thinks, "This is my body, this is my society, this is my family, this is my nation," and so forth. This eleventh function, that of the mind, is called the false ego
- Bhagavad-gita is not meant for any particular party or nation but for everyone all over the world - even for the animals
- Big, big advertising, "United Nations." All nations, you... Because all the cats and dogs united. What they can do? If the all the world's cats and dogs meet together to make a formula, will they be able?
- Birth in high family or great nation, to be very opulent, rich, and very highly educated or very beautiful - these things are very good material possessions. But if we have got them, it is all right. Even if we have not got, there is no impediment
- British nation was very powerful nation, but at the present time it is different. So simply by taking birth in England, one cannot be proud. Your forefathers were very enthusiastic, colonized. So at the present moment that is not possible
- By ignorance we take this spot life as permanent settlement, & we think "We shall live here permanently & make arrangement to live here permanently, % make assets for my children, for my nation." But we do not know cycle of transmigration is not fixed up
- By performing pious activities one can take birth in a good family in a good nation, one can get a beautiful body or can become very well educated or very rich
- By the false ego one thinks oneself the body and thinks in terms of "my body, my house, my family, my society, my nation" and so on
- By the Grace of Krishna you have got good intelligence, you are born of a great nation, and good family; just utilize the opportunity to finish the business of Krishna Consciousness, without waiting for further incarnation
- Common people have joined. Everyone. We are opening centers so that any common man from any caste, any creed, any nation, they can come and join
- Cupid's provocations are going on, even among beastly societies who are all ugly-looking in the estimation of the civilized nations. Thus Cupid's influence is exerted even amongst the ugliest forms, and what to speak of the most perfect beauties
- Don't become stagnant - "Now I have understood Krsna consciousness, I shall sit down and chant Hare Krsna." We don't want that. Go, spread, preach, and make your nation glorified
- Drug is killing the whole Western nation. You will be spoiled, you will be finished with this drug habit. You are already finished. America is finished
- Due to business exchanges, relationships seem to be strained. Finally wars are declared between nations, and as a result of these upheavals there is destruction all over the world, and people suffer heavily
- Either you are born in a very big family or nation, or either you have got a very advanced academic education, at the time of death your work will be judged and you will get another body according to that work
- Even at home - the father may be an atheist like Hiranyakasipu, and the son a theist like Prahlada. So atheists and theists will always exist - in the family, in the community, in the nation
- Even though people may officially unite, they all have different interests. In the United Nations, for instance, all the nations have their particular national ambitions, and consequently they cannot be united
- Even within your mother's womb, you will be killed, where it is supposed to be good protection, there also you will be killed. The human nation being degenerated in such a way, the killing business is increasing daily, daily, daily
- Every civilized nation, every civilized man has got his scripture. May he be a Christian, may be a Hindu, may be a Muhammadan or may be a Buddhist. It doesn't matter. But everyone has got his authority, book of authority, scripture
- Every human being should try to become very important. That importance can be achieved by culture, and not by simply "I belong to this nation. I belong to this family. I am the son of such big father." No. You must be also qualified
- Every human being, especially one belonging to a civilized nation or culture, must be extremely responsible in his activities. He should not risk degradation in the next life
- Everyone falsely thinking, "I am free. Our nation is free. I am free." What nonsense free? You are locked up already. He has preferred to remain in this prison locked up by sex because he is rascal
- Everyone has to surrender to someone superior. That is always the nature of our living condition. At the present moment we are trying to surrender to someone - either to society or to our nation, family, state or government
- Everyone is thinking, "I am very comfortable at home. I have got my wife. I have got my children. I have got my bank balance. I have got so many things. I have got my nation, community. I am secure. I am secure." Why he is thinking like that?
- Everyone, individual to individual, nation to nation, society to society, religion to religion, so-called religion - everyone is trying to become the master
- Everything belongs to Krsna. Why you are claiming yourself, as nation or individual or community? That's not proper. Just like pickpocket and a gang, gangsters, organized rogues, thieves. It does not change the quality
- Everything is enacted by the laws of nature, and these laws are under the direction of Godhead. The atheists, or unintelligent men, do not know this. They are busy making their own plans, and big nations are busy expanding their empires
- Following in the footsteps of Lord Sri Krsna, one can live with his family members or within the society or nation, not for the purpose of indulging in sense gratification but to realize Krsna by advancing in attachment for Him
- For a person devoid of devotional service, birth in a great family or nation, knowledge of the revealed scriptures, performance of austerities and penance, and chanting of Vedic mantras are all like ornaments on a dead body
- For sense gratification, a man in the mode of passion wants some honor in society, or in the nation, and he wants to have a happy family, with nice children, wife, and house. These are the products of the mode of passion. BG 1972 purports
- For so long I have been controlled by these rascals. There is no benefit. I have been controlled by my senses. So under the control of the senses I have served so-called family, society, country, nation - up to serving the dogs
- For the more than fifty-five, sixty years, they are all good brains of the nation, what they have done? That means they have no brain. The problems are increasing. Instead of decreasing the problems, they are increasing
- Formerly, in this planet also, there was only one king, and he was ruling over all the planets. Gradually, people have divided their interests and become different nations
- Fortunately, the remedy to unite not only the Hindus and Muslims but all communities and all nations can still be implemented by the Hare Krsna movement on the strong basic platform of love of Godhead
- Four things: birth either in good nation or in good family, janma; and aisvarya means wealth, richness; and sruta means education; and sri means beauty. So this is the consideration of material pious or impious
- Free nation means you are free, certainly, but not absolutely free. You are dependent on the state laws. Similarly, nobody can be free. That is not possible
- He (Bhaktivinoda Thakura) wanted to combine the whole civilized nations under this Caitanya Mahaprabhu's cult, Hare Krsna movement
- He (the living entity) remains within the material world simply for the purpose of sense gratification & transmigrates from one body to another. His process of reproducing so many sons & grandsons results in so-called societies, nations, communities
- He wants to satisfy his senses or expanded senses. His senses or family senses or nation's senses, community senses - the purpose is sense gratification; it may be centralized or expanded. This is the world going on
- How you can become svami? Because we are falsely thinking that "I am the proprietor. I am the enjoyer. I am the leader. I am the friend of my family, my society, my nation," so many ways, you have to convert these things
- Huge sums of money are being thrown into the sea by way of experiments with dreadful weapons. Such experiments are being carried out not only at huge costs but also at the cost of many lives. In this way the nations are being bound by the laws of karma
- Human civilization is now unfortunately based on tanu-mani, the bodily concept of life, by which one thinks - I belong to this nation - I belong to this group - I belong to that group - and so on
- I am always speak to this, my American disciples, that - You are so much, I mean to say, taken care of by God. This is . . . your position is very good. Now you take to Krsna consciousness, and you become a perfect nation
- I am going to the assembly, United Nation, but I am keeping myself as American or as German, as Russian or Indian that, "My nation shall be happy in this way." They are keeping themself in that limited area
- I get great pleasure when I see my own disciples from America going to far off places leaving their rich nation with all facilities and their families, to preach. The secret of success in spiritual life is to satisfy one's spiritual master
- I like the American nation. Simply little reformation required. Now just, for example, this "In God we trust." This is very nice example. Now, they do not know what is God, how to trust. That is, that has to be done. That has to be learned
- I replied Him at that time, who would care for the message of Lord Caitanya while we are a subject nation? In this way, I had some argument with my Spiritual Master, and at the end I was defeated
- I say to my American and European disciples always that your nation, American nation, you have got your birth in a very rich nation or rich family
- If a race appears strong in body, their country is materially considered to be among the highly advanced nations of the world
- If America takes it seriously, other nations will follow. As there is the United Nations Organization in America, and make a nice organization to understand God. United Nations God Consciousness. People will benefit
- If he (the child) becomes expert in KC, he can help not only his children but his society and nation. But if he himself is bound by ignorance, how can he untie others who are similarly bound? Before one can make others free, he must be free himself
- If he has no connection with Nityananda and if he does not come to the Krsna consciousness, his vidya, or his so-called academic education, and kula, and birth in high family or great nation, will not protect him, because nature's law will act
- If society is guided by political diplomacy, with one nation maneuvering against another, it will certainly sink like a stone boat. Political maneuvering and diplomacy will not save human society
- If the American nation trusts in God... If not... They say, they have declared. Now, the difficulty is they do not know actually what is God, how to trust. That we are teaching. So the government must come forward to cooperate with us
- If the American people are serious about curbing the degraded criminal life of their nation, they must take to the Krsna consciousness movement and try to create the kind of human society advised in Bhagavad-gita 4.13
- If the members of human society actually want peace of mind, tranquillity and friendly relations between men and nations, they must follow the Krsna conscious system of religion, by which they can develop their dormant love for Krsna, the S P of God
- If the poor animals can become your food, the big nation can say: "The small nation is my food. I can kill them. We can kill them." Everyone can say. And that is happening, like - Might is right
- If the world affairs are adjusted according to our Krsna conscious plan, there will be no difficulty for all the nations, all the countries. They will be happy
- If this philosophy (Krsna consciousness) is accepted, the failure of the United Nations to unite all nations will be sufficiently compensated all over the world by a great Krsna consciousness movement
- If we are recognized by the representatives for different nations, then we may be invited from different parts of the world, then our Sankirtana movement will be successful
- If we constantly think of being a member of a particular nation, society or family and continuously think about them, we become very strongly entangled in the conditioned life of birth and death
- If you don't become servant of Krsna, then you become servant of your wife, your children, your relative, your country, your nation, your dog. At last, if you have no family, then you become servant of your dog
- If you take up this Krsna consciousness movement, which is meant for the brahmanas, if you become brahmana by quality, then your, the Western nations will be... Especially in America, they'll be first-class nation
- In all other business, there is no question of pleasing Krsna. When one nation declares war upon another, there is no question of pleasing Krsna or serving Krsna. They're pleasing their own senses, serving their own whims
- In Europe, Hitler unnecessarily picked up some war, & there was devastation all over the world. There was no gain. The Germany become defeated & bifurcated. So this leader could not do anything good to the nation, but unnecessarily picked up some quarrel
- In modern civilization also, they say sometimes that a nation is calculated how far he is civilized by the conjunction of amount of soap. The soap-using nation means that cleansed. So cleanliness is still considered as the civilized status of man
- In one sense, of course, material opulences are God's grace. To take birth in a very aristocratic family or nation like America, to be very rich, to be advanced in knowledge and education, and to be endowed with beauty are gifts of pious activities
- In some nations there is so much surplus grain that sometimes extra grain is thrown into the sea, and sometimes the government forbids further production of grain
- In the beginning, I want to enjoy. Then if I extend my enjoyment family-wise, community-wise or nation-wise, that does not change the quality of selfishness
- In the human society there are welfare activities for some society or nation or community or human being. But this (chanting Hare Krsna mantra) welfare activity is beneficial not only to the human society but to the birds
- In the lower stage of human life the same misconception is also prominent in the shape of "It is my body," "It is my house," "It is my family," "It is my caste," "It is my nation," "It is my country," and so on
- In the material world there is keen competition between animals, men, communities and even nations in an attempt to gratify the senses, but the devotees of the Lord are above all this
- In the world, we see that every nation is trying to supersede every other nation and that every man is trying to advance beyond his fellow man. All these activities are going on under the name of advancement of civilization
- In this age of Kali the propensity for mercy is almost nil. Consequently there is always fighting and wars between men and nations
- In this material world, there are many transactions between peoples and societies as well as between nations, but gradually these end in enmity between the two parties
- Inform them: "Take this Krsna consciousness philosophy. Your nationality will be first class."
- Introduce this Vedic culture in your country. In future they will appreciate. There will be history how Vedic culture was . . . and the whole nation will be benefited - from material side. And spiritual side there will be, what to speak of
- It does not depend that what family, what heritage, what country, what nation, what color, what education. No, nothing. Simply one has to become willing devotee of Krsna
- It does, however, indicate that in a broader sense there is one interest, just as in a family the interest of all members is one, or in a nation the national interest is one, although there are many different individual citizens
- It is a very dangerous age, and all nations should take care to provide the easiest process, Krsna consciousness, to save humanity from the greatest danger. BG 1972 purports
- It is Vedic version, dharma, to make them religious. Therefore every civilized nation has some sort of religion. Because without becoming religious, there is no possibility of peace and prosperity
- It seems if these people without adopting the aforesaid wrong way of doing harm to our International Society for Krishna Consciousness, do themselves join our movement, there is every chance of a formation of the body of a Great United Nation
- Just as when there is war one person or nation may side with another person or nation and show partiality, Lord Krsna on the battlefield shows some partiality and sides with Arjuna
- Just like Englishmen: Englishmen, they established the British Empire, great, powerful, most powerful nation in the world. Now they are not so. Because they misused their power. So you get power, opulence, by the grace of Lord Krsna
- Just like there are some nation still now, protectorate. America is protecting. America is a big nation, and protecting another small nation. That does not mean they have no independence. They are also independent. They are acting like that
- Maharaja Priyavrata divided the surface of the globe into different islands so that each class of men would live peacefully and not clash with the others. The modern idea of nationhood has gradually developed from the divisions made by Maharaja Priyavrata
- Many ksatriyas have laid down their lives on the battlefield for their nations, but hardly a person can be found who has given up all his property and his accumulated wealth in charity to a person worthy of the gift
- Material facilities, I think you American boys and girls, you have got material facilities better than any other nation. At least better than India, that I can say by my experience
- Material life . . . by chance, we have come in a family or in a nation or in a community, but this will be . . . after some years it will be broken, and everybody will be thrown in the laws of nature - we do not know where - according to his karma
- Material sense gratification is now the standard of civilization. For the maintenance of such material civilizations, man has formed complex nations and communities, and there is a constant strain of hot and cold wars between these different groups
- Maya, the material nature, is causing us to dance, telling us, "You are a member of this family and a member of this nation." Thus we are dancing like monkeys
- More than fifty percent of a nation's energy is devoted to defense measures and thus spoiled. No one cares for the cultivation of real knowledge, yet people are falsely proud of being advanced in both material and spiritual knowledge
- My mission is for the Western country, but it is not meant for any particular country, nation; it is meant for every living entity
- Nation - this word is not there in the Vedic language. There's no conception of nation. There is conception of varnasrama, everywhere
- Nation, this word is not there in the Vedic language
- Never think of the arca-murti as wood or stone - never think of the spiritual master as ordinary human being - never think of a Vaisnava as belonging to a certain caste or nation
- No one can escape the threefold miseries of materialistic life, namely (1) miseries pertaining to the body and mind, (2) miseries pertaining to the difficulties imposed by society, community, nation and other living entities
- No one is thinking of Krsna and how Krsna will be happy. Rather, everyone is thinking in terms of his own happiness: "How shall I be happy? How will my children, my community, my society, and my nation be happy?" Everywhere we shall find this
- Nobody wants to surrender. He wants to compete. Individually, person to person, family to family, nation to nation, everyone is trying to become the master. Where is the question of surrendering?
- Not only in India, but also throughout the whole universe, in every country, in every nation, in every society, there must be some people who have brahminical tendency
- Now America has to do the same thing to stop demonism. Then your nation will be leader. You understand; you have trust in God. Now it is your business to trust in real God and work for Him
- One cannot establish a friendship with the Supreme Lord Ramacandra on the basis of material qualities such as one's birth in an aristocratic family, one's personal beauty, one's eloquence, one's sharp intelligence or one's superior race or nation
- One is intoxicated by thinking, "I am very rich, I am very educated and beautiful, and I have taken birth in an aristocratic family in a great nation." That's all right, but how long will these advantages exist
- One man is trying to exploit another; one nation is trying to exploit another nation; one society is trying to... This is struggle for existence. They have invented this law that "Might is right"
- One may work for himself, family, wife, children, society, community, nation or humanity at large. This is simply expanded sense gratification. Whether one steals for himself, family, community or whatever, the fact remains that he is a thief
- One should not be jealous of members of other castes or nations. It is not that only Indians or brahmanas can become Vaisnavas. Anyone can become a Vaisnava. Therefore one should recognize that the bhakti cult must be spread all over the world
- One should not consider a Vaisnava a member of a particular caste or nation. Nor should a Vaisnava be considered material. All this is offensive
- One thinks, "I shall be happy. My sons will be happy. My community will be happy. My nation will be happy." This is extended selfishness
- One will never be successful in pleasing his so-called family, society and nation, even if one endeavors to sacrifice his life
- Our young men must be trained at the earliest age to not be attached to so many things like the home, family, friendship, society, and nation
- Passion means strong desire to enjoy this material world. Generally, the kings, the politicians, they are very much passionate to encroach upon others' property, other nations, like that. And ignorance means they are neither passionate nor good
- People are thinking, "I belong to this family, this nation, this community. I have this duty or that duty," and so on. People do not know that these are all false designations
- People are unfortunate in spiritual consciousness in the Kali-yuga, and nature disturbs them in so many ways, especially through incurable diseases like cancer and through frequent wars and among nations
- People at present are killing animals daily, because of this the entire world is suffering in so many ways. Politicians are unnecessarily declaring war, and according to the stringent laws of material nature, massacres are taking place between nations
- People bewildered by material conditions try to be united, but although they strive for unity among men and nations, all their attempts are futile. Everyone must struggle alone for existence with the many elements of nature
- Persons or nations anxious to spread their influence all over the world should consider this point. If one is able to eradicate completely the threefold miseries of the citizens, he should aspire to rule the world
- Pleasing one's society, family, community and nation is extremely difficult. Pleasing Narayana is not at all difficult; it is very easy
- Politicians are unnecessarily declaring war, and according to the stringent laws of material nature, massacres are taking place between nations
- Practically this institution is the real U.N. We have the co-operation from all nations, all religions, all communities, etc. It will be an international institute
- Presently we are wasting our time thinking, "This is my country. This is my nation. This is my body and my family," and so on. Nityam bhagavata-sevaya
- Since I have come to this part of the world in 1965, so many boys are chased by the government draft board. You see? They belong to the independent nation, and formerly they were independent. And what is this nonsense independence
- So this is a chance given, human form of life. Just like after imprisonment you are again given little freedom. You cannot be completely free; however, you may declare that, I belong to free nation
- So under the control of the senses, I have served family, so-called family, society, country, nation, up to serving the dog, but nothing has given me the satisfaction
- So what is this idea of nation? "I am American," "I am Indian," "I am Hindustani," "I am Pakistani." Bodily concept of life. But sastra rejects immediately. If anyone is under the bodily conception of life, he is . . . sa eva go-kharah
- Some say work done on the platform of Brahman is good action. Others say that good action includes works beneficial for the self, the society, the nation & humanity at large. When a person acts with such lofty intentions, he is surely known as a good man
- Somebody goes to reduce fat. You see? Reduce fat. Because you are rich nation, you eat more and become fatty and again pay yoga practice fees and reduce your fat. That is going on
- Somebody's identifying with this body, somebody's identifying with the society or community or nation or country. But Krsna does not become such materially affected. Vijnanena vijrmbhitah. He's always conscious
- Someone has got attachment for his family, some to society, some to nation, some in business and so many things. Asakti is there. But to make your life perfect, you have to transfer the asakti to Krsna
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu enjoins, jivera 'svarupa' haya-krsnera 'nitya-dasa': our actual position is that of eternal servants of Krsna. We are mistakenly thinking that we are servants of a family or nation, but this is due to ignorance, tamo-guna
- Such foolish people draw up various plans to render national demarcations perfectly, a task that is totally impossible. Yet for this purpose each and every nation has become a source of anxiety for others
- Such persons (who have no information of Krsna consciousness) complacently believe that their nations, communities or families can protect them, unaware that all such fallible soldiers will be destroyed in due course of time
- Sweden they are the richest men, but the largest number of suicide cases are there. So this kind of material richness will not help you. That will not help. Actually, practically, we are experiencing. Why their every nation is dissatisfied?
- Thanks to the culture of nescience, befooled men have created their own nations within these planets in order to grasp sense enjoyment more effectively for these few years
- That will guide the whole nation. The rascals, anyway, the naked and prostitute-hunter, what they can do? These third-class, fourth-class, tenth-class men are being elected. There is no happiness. There is no solution of problems
- The aborigines in the jungle. They were hunting one animal, then eating, not that civilized nation, organized slaughterhouse
- The above-mentioned historical names (Kirata, Huna, Andhra, Pulinda, Pulkasa, Abhira, Sumbha, Yavana, Khasa) are different nations of the world
- The activities of this office will be simply to educate the United Nations people, the leaders of all nations, and the representatives of all nations, about our missionary activities, analyzing the present society's position, and how they can be elevated
- The advancement of civilization is tested when a nation or person is interested to inquire about God. Athato brahma jijnasa
- The American nation should be so strong that anyone godless, he should be fired. Any nation who does not believe in God, war declared. "Either you believe in God or come on. Fight. Come under us"
- The complete misunderstanding between the human nations created by politicians can at once be extinguished
- The entire American nation has tried to advance in material opulence without striving to produce ideal human beings. The result is that Americans are now regretting the wholesale criminality of American society
- The head of a family thinks of himself as the master of the family, or the leader of a nation thinks of himself as the master of the nation, whereas actually he is serving, and by serving maya he is gradually going to hell
- The householders are specifically responsible for seeing that the laws of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are maintained, without fighting between men, communities, societies or nations
- The human nation being degenerated in such a way, the killing business is increasing daily, daily, daily. Isvarasya vicestitam
- The human society is meant for liberal co-operation for this movement of all round perfection of the human society without any bar for class or nation or dogmatic faith
- The idea is that we want to get some facilities (from the United Nations) for presenting our formulas to the different nations of the world. The formula is very simple, but sublime at the same time
- The ISKCON movement has actually got together all nations in the world by their adoption of nonviolence creed and spreading of Krishna's name, door-to-door
- The joy which follows realization arises from understanding - I was illusioned by false notions for so long. What a fool I was! I was thinking that I was God, but now I can understand that I am God's eternal servant
- The leader of a nation thinks of himself as the master of the nation, whereas actually he is serving, and by serving maya he is gradually going to hell
- The main purpose of life was brahminical culture. Brahma-druha. When the kings were neglectful to see that the people are being enlightened about spiritual self-realization, that was (not) good administration. Without that aim, no nation can become happy
- The nations of the world are very eager to again have one state under one flag
- The nations of the world are very eager to again have one state under one flag, but for this they must seek the favor of Lord Krsna, who alone can help us become one worldwide nation
- The perfection of one's occupational duty, whether in the sphere of duty to oneself, one's community or one's nation, is judged by the degree to which the Lord is satisfied
- The personified Vedas continued, "When elevated to the human form of life, they identify with a particular class of men, or a particular nation or race or so-called religion, forgetting their real identity as eternal servants of Your Lordship"
- The politicians want a peaceful situation between man and man, and nation and nation, but at the same time, because of too much attachment for material domination, there is illusion and fearfulness
- The quality will change when this sense gratification will be transferred to Krsna, not sense gratification for me, for my family, for my society, for my nation, or for my species
- The real friend is Krsna, and if we want to benefit our family, nation or planet, we will work for Him. If we have our family's welfare in mind, we will try to make all members Krsna conscious
- The remedy to unite all communities and all nations
- The richest nation of the world (America), having all facilities for material comfort, is producing a class of men completely confused and frustrated in life. I am appealing herewith to such confused men to learn the art of devotional service
- The Russian people as a growing nation and having a good feeling upon India's culture may take advantage of this treasure house of transcendental literatures, not only for the benefit of the Russian people but for the whole world
- The scientists invent nuclear weapons and collaborate with the big leaders to protect the interests of their own nation or society
- The senses engage themselves on behalf of family, society, nation and so on. When they are so engaged, they cannot cultivate Krsna consciousness. The senses must be purified, and this is possible when one purely understands that he belongs to Krsna
- The so-called freedom . . . we declare that "I belong to the free nation. I am free." These are all simply mental speculation. There is no freedom. So long I am bound up by the conditions of nature, there is no freedom
- The so-called political leaders are busy making plans to advance the material prosperity of their nation, but factually these political leaders only want an exalted position for themselves
- The span of human life is scheduled for about a hundred years, although it is gradually decreasing. Thanks to the culture of nescience, befooled men have created their own nations within these planets in order to grasp sense enjoyment
- The United Nation is there, and there are many other organizations. They are trying to have real peace and tranquillity, no misunderstanding between man to man, nation to nation. But that is not happening
- The United Nations is trying to adjust things, the whole worldly affairs, by a United Nations organization, UNO. But they could not do anything. Because they do not know that how the nation should be united
- The whole material world is trying . . . one man is trying to exploit another; one nation is trying to exploit another nation; one society is trying to . . . this is struggle for existence. They have invented this law that - Might is right
- There are fights between nations, societies, communities and families. People are thinking, "Why are you interfering with my business?" Then there is a fight. Because of illusion, we do not consider these situations temporary
- There are histories of particular countries and nations and of the world, but the Puranas are the histories of the universe, not only in one millennium, but in many kalpas
- There are many demoniac people, and each is enemy to the others. This enmity becomes more and more deep-between persons, then between families, then between societies, and at last between nations. BG 1972 purports
- There is no difference between this dog and this big nation. The only difference is that human being, by nature's gift, he got better senses. And he has no power, or there is no education to utilize the better senses, how to advance spiritually
- There is no feeling of nationality because they are not thinking of the nation; they are thinking of their own pocket, that's all. Where is the nationality? They are simply bogus slogans. Actual unity, nationality, universality, is in Krsna consciousness
- There is the supreme will of God, and no nation or society can live in peace and prosperity without acceptance of this vital truth
- These European and American boys who are with me, there are hundreds and thousands of them sacrificed their life. They are not coming of foolish parents or foolish nation. Unless there is some profit, how they are doing? There must be some profit
- These false identifications (my body, my house, my family, my society, my nation) are due to the expansions of the false ego. Thus one thinks that he is this or that. Thus the living entity becomes entangled in material existence
- They (karmis) require only six feet of space to sleep. Nonetheless, these big karmis are thinking themselves very important. They think, - Without me, all the members of my nation will die. Let me work day and night to the point of death
- They (the American people) should take advice from the spiritual master, the representative of Krsna. If they do so, they will be happy, and theirs will be an ideal nation to lead the entire world
- They (these European and Americans) are pure devotees. They have no other business. They have sacrificed everything. They are coming from rich family, rich nation, educated, everything. There is no scarcity in their country
- They are creating societies of sense gratification. Therefore, in any group, either in societies, or communities, or nations, or at last in the United Nations, they are all unhappy. Because the real point is missing
- They are denying the actual fact that everything belongs to God. It is common sense. Such a vast ocean, who has created this? Has any nation has created, or any individual person has created? So to whom belongs this ocean
- They are trying to have real peace and tranquillity, no misunderstanding between man to man, nation to nation. But that is not happening. That is not happening. The defect is that in the root is wrong. Everyone's thinking "It is my country"
- They are, by the freaks of nature, by the arrangement of nature, they are gathering together. So-called nation, so-called family, so-called society. Again, by freaks of nature, they are thrown here and there
- They're still more misled by giving them education that "You are born in this land. You must feel for your nation, you must act for your nation," or the so-called nationality is taught. But nobody is taught actually what he is
- This American nation, if their young men are becoming so irresponsible, careless, then what is the future?
- This is not some sentiment. No, it is a great science. You have to understand it nicely. Then the human form of life will be successful, and otherwise it is defeated. You may become a very great nation, but that is not the solution of the problem of life
- This is the best service. Instead of serving myself, let me serve the whole humanity, whole community, whole nation - But they are all asad-dharma. They are not sad-dharma
- This is the golden opportunity with these nice American bodies. You have high intelligence, opulences, birth in the families of the rich nation. Use this opportunity for making life successful and go back to Krishna, back to Home
- This kindness of your nation will cause the blessings of Lord Caitanya to be showered upon them and the higher section of American people will all of them become Krsna conscious
- This process of chanting is so nice that it cleanses the heart, misunderstanding that "I am this body. I belong to this nation. I belong to this community. I belong to this religion." No. "I belong to Krsna," that's all
- This world is full of danger (padam padam yad vipadam (SB 10.14.58)). Therefore we should be encouraged to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra so that in our family, society, neighborhood and nation, everything will be smooth and free from danger
- Those who are animal-food eaters, they are fourth class - and less than that, those who have no distinction of eating any kind of flesh . . . there are certain classes of nation also. They say the Chinese people, they eat anything
- Varna means four classification of the society, and asrama means four division of spiritual life. The society, it is not meant for any particular nation or particular community. It is meant for the whole human society
- Vasudeva continued to say that the maintenance of religious principles, economic development and the satisfactory execution of meeting the demands of the senses depend on cooperation among relatives, nations and all humanity
- Washington D.C. is the capital of your country, and therefore it is a very strategic location for preaching amongst the nations leaders
- We accept some leader and follow his principles. Just like you have elected your leader as President Johnson, the president of your state. He is supposed to be the leader of your nation, and he is asking you to go to the Vietnam and sacrifice your life
- We are envious of our friends, envious of our father, our son even, what to speak of others - businessmen, nation, society, community, only enviousness, matsarata. "Why he should go ahead?" I become envious
- We are expanding our feelings of love, different types of love - love of the country, love of the nation, love of the society, love of the community, love of the family, or love of the cats and dogs and so on
- We are isvara, we may be isvara. I may be isvara for few persons, another may be for a big nation, another may be for the... You can go on increasing. But you cannot reach the, position of God
- We are misconceiving, that "This body I am, and anything in relation with the body is mine." That is going on in different name - family, society, community, nation, so on, so on, country
- We are so foolish, we are thinking that "God is dead, and I shall continue my life, and my wife, my children, my countrymen, my nation will save me." That is not possible
- We are thinking my nation, my community, my country, my society, my friend, my children, my wife, my body, they will give me protection. But sastra says that, This person, he is so mad that he is thinking that these things will give him protection
- We are, like you, the good public leaders of your nation, interested in material improvement, but also there must be spiritual improvement as well
- We do not approve this so-called nationalism. Therefore we have named "Internationalism," "International," no distinction between this nation or that nation, this religion or that religion
- We shall not think that this is my zone, that is his zone, just like the Indian and Pakistan nation are thinking, and then there is war, no
- We simply request the leading personalities of all nations to take to the science of Krsna for their own good, for the good of society, and for the good of all the people of the world
- We would like to quote the substance of a speech delivered by Sri Radhakrishnan at a recent meeting of UNESCO in Paris. He said that when a nation proudly turns away from God and concentrates on worldly success and prosperity, it meets its doom
- What was the result of the disastrous war twice? The whole European nations ruined. They are not now more rich
- Whatever is done by a great nation or a great man is followed by ordinary persons, so it is my mission to distribute the treasure house of India's transcendental knowledge to the whole world, and your cooperation in this connection will be a great asset
- When a nation is attacked by its enemies, the wholesale slaughter of the citizens should be taken as a reaction to their own sinful activities. That is nature's law
- When Europeans came to America, they put up their flag and claimed it for their nation. This flag planting and flag waving is all due to ignorance
- When he (the living entity) is purified he gives up his bodily conception of life and his false identity as belonging to a certain community, a certain nation, a certain society, a certain family and so on
- When one's mind is absorbed in the material conception, he thinks that he belongs to a particular nation, family, country or creed. These are all called upadhis, designations, and one has to become freed from them
- When such acknowledgement (no one can get nice facilities without mercy of God) is given, either by a family, nation or society, their abode becomes almost like Vaikuntha, and it becomes free from the operation of threefold miseries of this material world
- When there are too many materialistic activities by the people in general all over the world, there is no wonder that a person or a nation attacks another person or nation on slight provocation. That is the rule of this age of Kali or quarrel
- When we claim proprietorship over a certain piece of land, whether individually or for our families or nations, we should also consider how we became the proprietors
- When you understand that "I am not this body." We are unity: economic unity, historical unity, scientific unity - still we are fighting one another: nation to nation. There is no unity. The only cause is that they do not know that we are not this body
- Whenever there is disobedience of the established rules enacted by the Lord, there is war between men and nations
- Why manufacture nation and create trouble and again united? Nation - this word is not there in the Vedic language. There's no conception of nation. There is conception of varnasrama, everywhere. Not for any particular nation or any particular country
- Why the nations are not united? Because lack of knowledge
- Why you should think of others who have come from America as American? That is less intelligent. Krsna-bhakta... Vaisnave jati-buddhih. If one thinks of Vaisnava as belonging to this class, this nation, he has no vision. Naraki
- Without being educated properly, the mass of people are following in the footsteps of the vested interests by exploiting natural reserves, and therefore there is acute competition between individual and individual and nation and nation
- Yayati: The great emperor of the world and the original forefather of all great nations of the world who belong to the Aryan and Indo-European stock
- Yes, they are animals. Yes. If they are sensible, they can understand, now, what is the difference. A dog is thinking, "I am very stout and strong dog." He has, on the basis of his body. And another man, a big American, thinks, "We are very big nation"
- You (American boys and girls) have high intelligence, opulences, birth in the families of the rich nation. Use this opportunity for making life successful and go back to Krishna, back to Home
- You are a great president of a great nation. In this age of unrest and quarrel, your strength, as well as the strength of your nation, will be lasting if it is built upon the pillars of spiritual knowledge and Absolute Truth
- You are a very prominent country all over the world - America. You have got your prestige as the richest nation. Not only that: you are advanced in economic development, scientific development
- You are Americans, and they are responding. You are responding means Americans responding. So do very carefully, and if one fourth of America becomes Vaisnava, the whole world will change. They are the leading nation
- You are still pious. Otherwise, how you have taken to Krsna consciousness? You are still pious, but you are misguided. Your, your nation is very good. I like the American nation
- You can revive your British Empire. It is not story. If you people take little advice from me, I can help you. Yes. You are intelligent nation. So kindly do this service to the students and awaken their dormant Krsna consciousness
- You give up this nonsense engagement. Your so-called leadership of the family, so-called leadership of community, nation, these are all false
- You go to the Parliament and Westminster Abbey. They have kept all the statues of Sir Isaac Newton and this Churchill, this.... Mean, they want to show that "It is only our nation who has produced all these intelligent persons"
- You have high intelligence, opulences, birth in the families of the rich nation. Use this opportunity for making life successful and go back to Krishna, back to Home
- You have to make yourself expert. Then you can help your children also. Then you can help your nation also. Then you can help your society also
- You write articles, you are theologicians. The America must rise up to the occasion. They have pledged themselves, "In God we trust." Every human nation or every human being should be like that. In God they must trust
- Your so-called leadership of the family, so-called leadership of community, nation, these are all false. This is creation of maya, illusion