Category:Find Out
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Pages in category "Find Out"
The following 382 pages are in this category, out of 382 total.
- A disciple should always meditate on the order of the spiritual master, and that is perfectional meditation. Not only should he meditate upon that order, but he should find out the means by which he can perfectly worship and execute it
- A doctor, medical man. He diagnoses according to the symptom. He finds out the cause. So symptom is required, not that a man has become diseased or healthy by birth. No
- A dog must find out a nice master. Otherwise it is a street dog; its condition is not very good. Similarly, a sudra means he must have a nice paying master. Otherwise his life is at risk
- A father's duty is, as soon as girl is thirteen years old, fourteen years old, it is the duty of the father, or in the absence of father, it is the duty of elder brother to get her married. Some way or other, find out any husband
- A hog, he is working day and night to find out where is stool. He likes stool. He eats stool and becomes very fatty. He enjoys
- A little elevated from speculative status, when one is intelligent enough, one tries to find out the supreme cause of all causes - within and without
- A living entity who is entrapped by this material energy, illusion, he's a madman. And the whole treatment is to get out of this disease of madness, misidentification, misconception of life. So it is not difficult to find out a madman. Any man is a madman
- A sane man should understand the miserable condition of this material body. Without being unnecessarily upset, he should try to find out if there is a remedy
- A vaisya will find out some business. He'll find out some business. So there is a practical story
- Absolute Truth is known in three different phases. - What is that? "Brahman, Paramatma and Bhagavan." If we really seeking knowledge, then we have to find out a person who is tattva-darsi, who has understood the Absolute Truth
- Absolute Truth is vision from three angles of vision. Those who are trying to understand the Absolute Truth by the ascending process, they can reach up to the impersonal Brahman. Those who are trying to find out the Absolute Truth within himself
- Actually everyone of my disciples are good, and my task is to find out the fault in you
- Actually the job is to go to such pilgrimages, holy places, to find out experience spiritual advancement. Because many spiritually advanced men, they live there
- After finding out such a Spiritual Master one should try to learn the truth from him by inquiring submissively and rendering service unto him
- After hard working, when man comes home, if he finds out good foodstuff and nicely satisfied by eating, and then the woman gives satisfaction by sex, then both of them remain fully satisfied, and then they can improve their spiritual understanding
- After hearing this lamentation and seeing the pitiable condition of the citizens, King Prthu contemplated this matter for a long time to see if he could find out the underlying causes
- After the attachment increases to some degree, then next degree is find out nice apartment to live together. That is another increase of attachment. Then we have got an apartment. Find out some means of earning money
- All the demigods are also trying to find out who is actually surrendered to Lord Vasudeva. Because the Praceta princes were surrendered to Vasudeva, Lord Siva willingly came forth to see them
- All the people of the world, they're fools and rascals. Why they are fools and rascals? Now, there are two things. Vyasadeva, by his bhakti-yoga meditation, he found out that there is God and there is maya
- An expert in the study of soil can find out where gold is and then dig there. He can then analyze the stone and test the gold with nitric acid. Similarly, one must analyze the whole body to find within the body the spirit soul
- Antah means within and bahih means without. "Those who are less intelligent, they simply try to find out God within, and those who are advanced in intelligence, they can see You within and without." That is the difference
- Anyone can take education as a brahmana or a ksatriya, as a vaisya. There is no... Vaisya doesn't require any education. Ksatriyas require little. Brahmana require. But that is free. Just find out a brahmana guru and he will give you free education
- As we are active in the karma, karmi life, so bhakti life is also activity. It is not sitting down idly or gossiping. One must find out some job to serve Krsna. That is bhakti life
- As you have described the placing of my photograph and offering to it Prasadam, that is good. In consultation with Aksayananda Maharaj, just find out some responsible men to stay there
- At least, we have got this experience in India. There are so many unemployed, educated. Because they have been educated as dog, they must find out a master. Otherwise, they have no independent power to work
- At the present moment it is very difficult to find out the association of sadhu. Therefore our teeny effort is, this KC movement, to create an association of the sadhus so people may take advantage of this association, and then his life becomes liberated
- At the present moment we are not finding out our proper identity. We are seeing to the body. I see you, your body, and you see me, my body. We have no vision of the real person, which is, who is occupying this body
- Because king is supposed to be God's representative, how to rule over, not that these cats and dogs will find out a lion and vote him to the chair. That is not the process
- Because the spirit soul is part and parcel of Krsna, so by nature, he is joyful. He is seeking after joy. Every one of us, we are working so hard to find out some pleasure of life
- Because we are bewildered, we are misdirected, so . . . so guru's word, that should be taken seriously. Ara na koriya . . . "No more, anything." That is . . . Therefore how much difficult it is to find out such guru
- Because we cannot find out in the modern day more than three thousand years of chronological history, that does not mean that there was no history before and there was no historical incidences. No. That we should not conclude in that way
- Because we, with our teeny brain, we cannot find out what is the actual niscitam, fixed-up sreya. That we do not know. That you have to ask from Krsna. Or his representative
- Before accepting the spiritual master, you must find out whether Krsna or Krsna's representative is there. Arjuna surrendered to Krsna. Sisyas te 'ham: "I am Your disciple." Similarly, everyone should surrender to Krsna or Krsna's representative
- Before we have a phone installed, we have a telephone conversation, and we simply inform the person, before we even talk money, that he should come immediately to find out where the connection can be made
- Best thing is if you chant Hare Krishna and go to Krishna Loka and find out the answers to all these questions yourself
- Both the mother and the son were lamenting Dhruva Maharaja's having been insulted by his stepmother and his father's not having taken any step on this issue. But mere lamentation is useless - one should find out the means to mitigate one's lamentation
- Brahman means wherefrom everything emanates. So science, philosophy, means to find out the ultimate cause of everything. That we are getting from the sastras, Vedic literature, that Krsna is the cause of all causes
- Bring all the books which are published in your country and find out a single man who is a Krsna's devotee. Nobody of them. Then what authority he has got to write on Bhagavad-gita? He has no right. It is simply poking your nose in other's business
- Business means dharma. Another . . . dharma means occupational duty. So svanusthitasya dharmasya samsiddhir. One must find out the perfection of his business. That is culture
- By God's arrangement there is everything. Purnam idam (Isopanisad, Invocation). Everything is complete. Purnam adah. This creation is complete. Purnat purnam udacyate. Because it is created by God, it is complete, so you cannot find out any deficiency
- By meditation to find out the supreme Paramatma within yourself, that is called yoga practice. Dhyanavasthita-tad-gatena manasa pasyanti yam yoginah. This is yogi. So that yoga is perfect when you see Krsna
- By the grace of Krsna, we have no debts. No. We have no scarcity of money. They will simply find out. Now in Bombay I am getting from my Book Fund seven lakhs of rupees per month regularly
- By the symptoms the expert gold miner finds out that, "Here is gold, gold mine." Because in the within the soil, or with the soil you find some gold particles. That is the way
- By the time you find out petrol in moon planet, your petrol will be finished. Then what you will do? Just see? Foolish attempt
- Devotee means he is able to tolerate all kinds of discomfort and whims of the material nature, and because he is so much absorbed in serving Krishna, he takes no time to become angry or take offense with others or find out some fault, no
- Do not waste even a moment of this rare opportunity of human form of life. Chant Hare Krsna, be always finding out some engagement in the service of the Lord, and be happy
- Doctors, medical practitioners, they first of all ply their knife on the dead body and find out where are the nerves, not a living man. When they are fully practiced, then they are allowed to practice surgical operation
- Dog's another business is that he is seeking always master. Unless he finds out a good master, it is a street dog and it has no place
- Dog, unless he finds out a very nice master, it is street dog, loitering in the street
- Don't surrender to any nonsense. You have to... And how that intelligent or nonsense can be found out? That is also mentioned in the sastra. That is mentioned in the Katha Upanisad
- Don't think that, "I am very learned scholar. I can manufacture my own way how to find out God," or "I am God," and so on, so on. This practice should be given up
- During the day they (materialistic householders) are busy trying to find out where money is, and if they get money they spend it to maintain their families. Yamaraja specifically advises his servants to bring these persons to him for punishment
- Eating, sleeping, mating & defending. This intelligence the dog has got. If you have got the same intelligence without utilizing your intelligence to find out the Supreme, with whom you are intimately related, then what is the value of your intelligence
- Education does not mean how to find out a fish expertly. That is being done by the birds. Education means to solve the problem of life. And what is the real problem? Birth, death, old age and disease
- Education means to find out the ultimate goal, Absolute Truth. In whatever field of education you may be, that doesn't matter. But try to find out the ultimate. Because in the Vedanta-sutra it is said - What is Absolute Truth
- Envious men will find out some fault anywhere. There is no fault, actually, but they will manufacture some fault. That is their business. So many persons were envious of my Guru Maharaja, but He was preaching and did not care for them
- Even a very old man, the doctor says that, "It is hopeless now," but still they have to find out some medicine to save him. Just see
- Even in the human form of life they are also trying for the same thing as cats and dogs are trying. The cats and dogs, they are trying to find out where it is, food, where sleeping comfort, where sex life and where defense
- Even Mr. Nixon is in such exalted post, he's also full of anxieties, when he'll be kicked out. You see. So find out any man who is not in anxiety. Not only human being but also animals, birds, beasts - everyone. That is the symptom of material existence
- Even though you are now in sudras, but don’t make mistake to find out a master who is a nonsense. Then life is spoiled
- Every scripture will say that you find out your real father. Come back, back to Godhead that is the real
- Everyone is relative controller. But if you try to find out who is the absolute controller, then He's Krsna
- Everyone needs money. Everyone needs. Who is not poor? Anyone find out. So many gentlemen sitting here. Who is not in need of food and money? You are also in need of money. So what do you distinguish poor and rich? Everyone needs
- Everyone should find out whether he is a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra and should thus be educated accordingly. Then his life will be successful. Otherwise, all of human society will be confused
- Everyone thinks that my contemporary devotees are doing better than me. We are trained to address Godbrothers as Prabhu, which means Master. This means we shall try to find out always the serving side of our Godbrothers
- Find out from the bank manager what the balance of these two accounts are and send the information to me immediately. Also, what is the progress with the municipal affairs?
- Find out some intelligent men from schools, colleges, and being always very tolerant try to convince them gradually to utilize their intelligence and education in the service of Krishna
- Find out the ultimate cause. That is darsana. In Sanskrit it is called darsana, find out what is the supreme cause
- Find out what is your occupation, what you can very nicely and easily perform, and do it for Krsna
- Finding out opportunity how to waste valuable time. They do not know that every moment they are dying. Death has begun since one takes birth. And our business is before dying we must be prepared for the next life
- Fire is considered to be pure. Therefore any ceremony is done before fire-god. So, Krsna says that even fire is so pure, still there are some defect, there is smoke. So, if you want to find out defect, you'll find out in fire also
- First of all you should find out somebody where you can surrender. If there is duplicity in surrender, that is useless. First of all see whether you can surrender there; then accept him spiritual master and then please him by your service and inquiry
- First-class education, without any fee, from the realized soul - that was educational system, varnasrama-dharma. So we have to find out such guru, Vaisnava
- Gandhiji although born in a Vaisya family, possessed almost all the nine qualifications of a Brahmin and if possible we can find out such Brahmin in other parts of the World
- Go on finding out more, more, more. When you come to the final, that is God or Krsna. So we take instruction from Him. Therefore we are better than the so-called university professors
- God means He is controller only, but He is not controlled. So if you find out somebody that He is not controlled but He is controller only, that is God. Simple definition of God
- God, in His Paramatma feature is sitting within everyone's heart - your heart, my heart, everyone's. You haven't got to find out God somewhere else. Therefore the yogis, they practice, "How to find out God within myself." That is called meditation
- Guru means weight, heavy, heavier, that heavier in knowledge. So you have to find out a person who is heavier than you, not ordinary. Must go. Not that may go or may not go. No. Must go. Tad vijnanartham sa gurum eva abhigacchet
- He (Asvatthama) manufactured this deadly weapon. It is material. Still, it is so deadly weapon, brahmastra. He was not working in a laboratory, finding out so many chemicals to make an atomic nuclear weapon. Simply water
- He (Maharaja Pariksit) decided to prepare himself for his imminent death and find out the way to go back to Godhead
- He (Sanatana Gosvami) did not approach Him to get some gold or some medicine. He went to find out his real self-interest. This is the real purpose for approaching a guru. Devahuti approached Lord Kapiladeva in the same way
- He (the father) should find out some suitable boys and give in charity: "My dear boy, take charge of this girl. So long she was under my charge. Now it is under your charge." So where is the brahmacarini? There is no question of brahmacarini
- He (very big scholar) has got some scientific knowledge, but he's busy to find out a nuclear weapon, how to kill other enemies. This is the research work. No. That is demonic
- He is always with you, so He understands what kind of knowledge you are in search after. So we must be sincere, that we want to know that Absolute Truth. Then you will find out; Krsna will help you
- Here is the truth, Bhagavad-gita, Krsna. So why don't you accept this truth? If you are actually trying to find out the truth, here is the truth. It is accepted by all learned scholars and acaryas of India: the Supreme Absolute Truth is Krsna
- Hog civilization is to work hard day and night to find out where is food, where is shelter, where is sex and where is defense. Wrong type of civilization. The human civilization means "Where is Brahman, the Absolute Truth?" Athato brahma jijnasa
- How do you know that, "Here is a medical practitioner"? Before going for treatment, you find out. How do you find out
- How you can trace out the history of Vedas? Vedas means knowledge. Vedas means knowledge. So first of all find out from which date knowledge began. Then you find out the date of the Vedas
- I (Usa) am sorry to inform you (Citralekha) that just after this he disappeared, and I have been thrown into the whirlpool of disappointment. My dear friend, I am very anxious to find this wonderful young man, the desired lord of my heart
- I am glad that you have arranged for a nice apartment on daily payment arrangement, and if by Krishna's Grace you find out a cheaper place in the meantime, we can transfer there
- I am not talking of any government. We are not in politics. We are talking of preaching. Why? Why this government you should try to change? Where is the better replacement? First of all find out the better replacement. Then you talk of changing
- I am stressing again that we have to find out a reliable person who can regularly supply us with goods from India. This is the sum and substance, and now you can do the needful. If Mr. Vora wants to be our supplying agent, we have no objection
- I am very much pleased to learn that you are trying to find out some place where I can give two or three times a week lecture-classes to university students in the philosophy of Krishna Consciousness or Bhagawat Dharma
- I asked Mukunda to find out an apartment. He found this apartment, 26 Second Avenue. One storefront down and one living quarters up. So I found it very convenient. Down I would lecture and hold kirtana
- I have heard that the Nobel Prize Institution is in Sweden. Why don't you present them our books? Find out what to do if we can win Nobel Prize
- I join some political party because I am finding out the opportunity how I can become a minister or how I can capture some power by going through this political party. This is my real aim. I am not serving that party, but I am serving my ambition
- I shall be glad if the Brahmacarinis can have nice husbands, and live as Grhasthas. But if they cannot find out good husbands, it is better to remain a Brahmacarini all the life, even though it is little difficult
- I submitted a note of purpose in which it was stated that the money was meant for purchasing books and securing a small piece of land. You may find out this note in our file
- I will have the papers sent through Lloyd's bank as I have an account with them in London. So you can find out the Lloyd's branch there. You can deposit all monies received from sales of the saris in the Lloyd's Bank
- If anyone wants to satisfy his enquiries about higher transcendental subject matter, then this cannot be automatically achieved or performed. He must find out a spiritual master. That is the way
- If everyone is God, then what is the necessity of finding out a guru? Guru means who explains about God. Everyone is God, then what is the use of explanation? There is no need of guru
- If he fails to find out a good master, then he's street dog. Dog's life is good, provided he gets a good master. So therefore we have decided to become dog of Krsna, the best master
- If one is serious, Krsna is satisfied: "Now he's serious about finding out, about knowing Me." Then Krsna gives him direction that "Here is guru, My representative. You take shelter of him and you will get Me"
- If one wishes to engage in devotional service to the Supreme in order to be purified and to reach the goal of life - the transcendental loving service of God - then he should find out what the Lord desires of him. BG 1972 purports
- If we are searching for knowledge, we should conduct research to find out whether Krsna is not God. Without any objective, what is the point of thousands of years of speculation
- If we are seeking to find out some fault, maya will give us all facility to find any small thing and make it very big, that is maya
- If we have actually found out a person who is self-realized and we have surrendered there honestly, with enquiry and service, then we must know that our spiritual salvation is guaranteed. Guaranteed. There is no doubt about it
- If we have to work for the satisfaction of the yajna-purusa, Visnu, then we must find out the direction of work in Brahman, or the transcendental Vedas. The Vedas are therefore codes of working directions. BG 1972 purports
- If we want jnana - because the jnanamaya-yajna is recommended the highest yajna - if we actually want jnana, then we have to first of all find out a person who is tattva-darsi. Just like if you have to purchase gold, you must know where gold is available
- If you become always engaged for sense gratification, go on working, working, working, then go to the restaurant, eat, drink and make your body agitated, then find out liquor and woman, what is this life? This is not life. This is animal life
- If you become sober and think of everything, that is meditation. Meditation means the subject matter must be very sober and you think over and find out the solution. That is meditation
- If you can find out amongst your associate a person who is only dedicated to Krsna, you can associate with him. Then your path of liberation will be open
- If you find out somebody that He is not controlled but He is controller, that is God. Simple definition of God. Now the Vedic sastra, the Vedic knowledge, has found that controller. What is that controller? Krsna
- If you find out somebody where you can fully surrender, then accept guru. Don't make guru a fashion. People generally do that, "Everyone has a guru. Let me collect. Let me pick up some guru who will be dancing dog." That kind of guru will not help you
- If you find out such person, then surrender there. Pranipata. And try to serve him, try to please him, and question him. The whole thing will reveal. You have to find out such an authoritative person and surrender unto him
- If you have got some faith, then you will find out some sadhu, sadhu or some saint, some sage, who can give you some spiritual enlightenment. That is called sadhu-sanga
- If you like, you may contact the temple president in Paris and find out from him if he thinks it is a good idea for you to go there. Please chant 16 rounds and follow the 4 regulative principles strictly and read my books with great care
- If you not dull, if you are intelligent and if you take the sutra, this code, janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1), that is knowledge, that is philosophy, that is science - to find out the original source. That is Krsna consciousness
- If you simply go to the holy places and take bath in the water and finish your business... No. That is not recommended. Tirtha, going to tirtha means to find out a learned saintly person and take knowledge from him. That is tirtha
- If you study my books very carefully, then I am sure you will find out the means for applying this Krsna Consciousness philosophy in all spheres of life. There is no limitation. Simply it requires a little common sense practicality
- If you study, make research work, and find out Krsna is the original cause, then your love for Krsna will increase. This is required. So this verse is very important: siddhanta baliya citte na kara alasa (CC Adi 2.117)
- If you take scriptures, different scriptures there are, and one scripture may differ from another scripture. So that is also very difficult, to find out the real truth, transcendence, from the scriptures
- If you take the instruction of Arjuna, then you will understand the Absolute Truth. So what is the instruction of Arjuna? Find out in the tenth chapter
- If you think that you are not fit for my surrender, that's all right. But first of all you find out somebody where you can surrender; then talk
- If you want to be Krsna conscious, then you have to find out persons who are Krsna conscious. So firm conviction, then association. After association, the next stage is regulated life for following the KC movement. This is called initiation
- If you want to find out the Absolute Truth through this rituals and priesthood, then the result will be that you will be bitten by some poisonous insects and your attempt will be unsuccessful
- If you want to find out where is soul, and if you dissect the heart, then soul is gone. That is another danger. Better understand from the authority. That is knowledge. Sastra-caksusa
- If you want to go by the speculative knowledge, trying to find out what is God just like the theosophist and many other societies - they do that, speculating - you cannot reach God by speculation. That is not. Because your senses are limited
- If you want to learn about that then you must find out a guru. What kind of guru? Just like Kapiladeva, Krsna, or His representative. Not a bogus guru. Then you will be cheated
- If you want to learn the transcendental subject matter, then you must adopt three things. First of all surrender. Find out that kind of person where you can surrender. If there is no surrender, it is not possible
- If you want to purchase something, once or twice you may be cheated. A third time, you are very intelligent. So even despite being cheated, you should try to find out who is the real preacher. That requires little intelligence
- Impersonalism is only a solace for the frustrated. When we are frustrated by the relative personalism of this material world, we try to find out, in material way, the opposite number
- In a bookshop if you ask, "Supply me one copy of BG," he will have to find out. But if you ask a bookseller, "Give me some novels," he will present so many things. Because our inclination is like that. We are always anxious to learn these mundane affairs
- In Hrshikesha, the westerners are attracted for finding out some recluse, for practicing so-called yoga. So if you can attract them in India in that way, it will be a great service, and I am repeatedly requesting you to take up this matter seriously
- In the animal life they are after seeking where is food. Then, as soon as the body is strong, then "Where is sex? Find out the opposite sex." You'll find in the hogs' life very prominent, all these things
- In the Bhagavad-gita, it is stated that to understand the transcendental science, the science of God, these things are required. What is that? You must find out a person who can answer. You cannot ask the question of God to a storekeeper. No
- In the Brahma-samhita also, it is said, vedesu durlabham, or simply by study of Vedanta one can hardly find out the existence of the Personality of Godhead, but the Lord is adurlabham atma-bhaktau, very easily available to His devotee
- In the course of their (Samba, Pradyumna, Caru, Bhanu and Gada) excursion, all of them became thirsty, and so they tried to find out where water was available in the forest
- In the record the play is going on, but one who does not know who has recorded this speech, he cannot find out. But one who knows voice, he can understand, "It is coming from Prabhupada, or the Swamiji"
- In the university or any educational institution, there is no department of knowledge to find out what is that thing which is entrapped within this body. We get this information from Bhagavad-gita: dehinah asmin dehe
- In Vedic literature, there was a poison ocean, so people could not find out what to do with it. Then Lord Siva said, "All right, I'll drink it." So he drank the whole poison ocean & kept it in his throat. Can you drink poison? Not the ocean - just one cup
- Intelligence must be utilized to find out where is really santi, peace. That is intelligence
- It is best to accept the injunctions of the Vedas, which are mentioned as yad-vaci. In accordance with those injunctions, everyone should find out whether he is a brahmana, ksatriya, vaisya or sudra and should thus be educated accordingly
- It is beyond my experience, because father existed before my birth. So beyond my experience. So I am finding out who is my father, and so many people are coming, "I am your father." No
- It is fashionable to research to try to find out who is God, but this is not necessary. God is present, and He Himself says - (this verse) BG 7.7
- It is heard from the sastra, "The God is within my heart. Now let me find out where is God within my heart." That is called yoga, yoga system
- It is the guardians' duty to find out a suitable husband or a suitable wife. Nowadays the boys and girls, they do not take parents' guidance, and they are not happy
- It is very difficult to find out a true Christian who is strictly following the words of Lord Jesus Christ. So he is a good example of sadhu. We therefore adore and offer our obeisances to Lord Christ. Sadhu, example
- It is very difficult to find out the real path how to realize perfection of life, but it is advised that if you simply follow the footsteps of the great personalities, authorities, or their representatives, then you will be led to the perfectional stage
- It is very difficult to find out Vaisnava directions from the book of Gopala Bhatta Gosvami
- It is very simple to understand. Everyone is prone to fall diseased. Is it not? Now, when you are diseased, there is no necessity of finding out the history when you became diseased. You are diseased; make your treatment. That's all
- It was the practice of Svarupa Damodara Gosvami to examine all literatures to find out whether their conclusions were correct. Only then would he allow them to be heard by Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu
- It was very difficult to find out a criminal. Because these four things were forbidden. What is that? No illicit sex, no intoxication, no gambling, no meat-eating. So if one follows these four principles, naturally he is sinless automatically
- Jagat is not mithya. How it can be mithya? Janmady asya yatah (SB 1.1.1). It is coming, emanating, from the Absolute Truth. It is truth. Therefore we have to find out the truth, what is that truth
- Jnani means they are finding out solution by mental speculation. And yogi means they are trying to find out spiritual salvation by bodily exercises. They are all, in strict sense, they are all materialist
- Just imagine the spirit soul, how much powerful he is. And they have no machine to find out. How they will find out? One ten-thousandth part of the hair, we cannot see - the tip of the hair is so small. That one part is the dimension of the soul
- Just like a student is working very hard to find out the possibilities of nuclear weapon. That is also tapasya. But what is that? For finding out some means to kill the human society. That sort of tapasya is not required
- Kalau sudra-sambhavah. Kalau means in this age, this iron age, almost everyone is a sudra. It is very difficult to find out really brahmana, ksatriya. Vaisyas maybe there are. But mostly sudras
- King Prthu found out the cause for the scarcity of food grains. He could understand that it was not the people's fault, for they were not lazy in executing their duties
- King Prthu found out the proper causes (of the lack of food grains) and took the necessary steps immediately
- Krsna consciousness is so nice. So find out some business for Krsna. Don't waste time. That is the perfection of Krsna consciousness
- Krsna did not go to find out a Vedantist to teach, a so-called Vedantist. "A Vedantist" means he's devotee. Veda. Veda means knowledge, and anta means ultimate
- Krsna is very much anxious to take you back home, back to Godhead. But we are stubborn. We do not wish. So He's always finding out the opportunity how you can be taken back home, back to Godhead
- Krsna says, "It is not that I live in the Kingdom of God, Vaikuntha; nor is it that I live in the heart of the yogi." The yogi wants to find out where Krsna is within the heart
- Maharaja Pariksit was a great saintly King, he found out that he was going to die in seven days. So he sought out Sukadeva Gosvami a great saintly person and he asked him about what is the absolute truth. What is Krsna?
- Man is called a rational animal, but his rationality is being used to further his animalistic propensities instead of to find out how to get liberation from this miserable condition - birth, old age, disease, and death
- Man is meant, rather, to find out the source from which all these things are coming. The Vedanta-sutra states that Brahman is that from which everything is emanating (janmady asya yatah) - SB 1.1.1
- Material activity means manufacturing things for sense gratification. Scientists are conducting research to find out how we can satisfy our senses more and more elaborately
- Material world means step by step, simply danger. That is material world. So we have to find out pratikaram, counteraction, how to save yourself from danger
- Meditation is very profusely used in your country especially. But what is the meditation? When you fix up your mind to find out God, Krsna, within your heart, that is called meditation, not thinking some foolish objective is meditation
- Meditation means concentrating the mind to find out God, where He is within my heart. That is real perfection of yoga. So people do not know this science
- Mind always acts. Mind is never unconscious, even not for a second. Now you have to find out what is consciousness
- Mother Yasoda, being a simple woman, could not find out the real cause of the vision (seeing universal form within Krsna's mouth); therefore, out of maternal affection, she simply offered obeisances unto the Supreme Lord to protect her child
- My position is that I want to see that at least one disciple has become pure devotee. Of course, I have got many sincere and pure devotees. That is my good luck. But I would have been satisfied if I could find out one only
- My suggestion is that the leaders who actually agree as eternal servant of God may sit together and find out the ways and means of one religious system in this world
- No one can see how far the tree (this banyan tree) extends, nor can one see the beginning of this tree. Yet one has to find out the cause. "I am the son of my father, my father is the son of such and such a person, etc." BG 1972 purports
- Nobody discloses his secrets before enemy, but a brahmin, if he, even he finds out a enemy, he will disclose all the secrets. He has no secret. brahmin means open-minded, liberal
- Nobody discloses his secrets before enemy, but a brahmin, if he, even he finds out a enemy, he will disclose all the secrets. He has no secret. brahmin means open-minded, liberal. And the opposite word is krpana, miser
- Nobody is being guided by Jesus Christ. They're falsely claiming. It is very hard to find out a man who is actually being guided by Jesus Christ
- Not guru finds you. You have to find out guru. Guru is there. Guru is there. But if you want to be cheated, then you find out. And if you want to be cheated, the cheaters will... Guru-krsna-krpa
- Now because there is no alternative we must get them printed here, but as you are going to Japan, I think you will be able to find out some printer who will be regularly supplying
- Now everyone is claiming, "I am God," but they do not know what is God. They are falsely claiming. But if you find out Parasara-sutra, there is definition of God
- Now they are trying to go to the moon planet to find out if there is any convenience. This is the tendency of the conditioned soul. So they have come to this material world
- Now we have manufactured such a nice medicine that cancer or any other disease will not attack us. That is very nice. But find out some medicine that death will not attack you. "Oh, that is not possible." Where is the meaning of your advancement?
- Now we shall have to find out why our happiness has been disturbed so that life after life, we are searching after happiness but we are becoming frustrated. That is our business, not to make the temporary place very comfortable
- Now, find some future main source of income for our institution, and main source is publications. So if we can organize a good sales organization, that is our main hope
- Nowadays, as soon as there is little discrepancy, disagreement, and divorce: find out another husband. No. She (Devahuti) remained. And then she got the nicest child, Personality of Godhead, Kapila
- On the way (of Jagannatha Puri) they (Sanatana Gosvami and Isana) stopped at a sarai, or hotel, and when the hotel keeper found out that Isana had some gold coins with him, he planned to kill both Sanatana Gosvami and Isana to take away the coins
- Once Caitanya said, "You must at least have enough sense to test to find out who is a spiritual master and who is not." For instance, if we want to purchase something, we must at least have some idea of what that thing is, otherwise we will be cheated
- Once while Lord Ramacandra was walking at night incognito, hiding Himself by a disguise to find out the people's opinion of Himself, He heard a man speaking unfavorably about His wife, Sitadevi
- One has to find out the cause. "I am the son of my father, my father is the son of such and such a person, etc." By searching in this way, one comes to Brahma, who is generated by the Garbhodakasayi Visnu. BG 1972 purports
- One in the preliminary stage must find out always some duty, "What is there to work now for Krsna consciousness?" Karma karanam ucyate. They should not remain idle for a second. Always find out some duty. That is meditation. "How I shall work for Krsna?"
- One should culture knowledge in the following way: There is no use in making plans to get rid of these miseries of the material body. The best course is to find out the means by which one may regain his spiritual identity
- One should go to such holy places not simply to take bath in the water, but he must be intelligent enough to find out some spiritually advanced man living there and take instruction from him
- One who takes to Krsna consciousness immediately becomes very dear to anyone who is simply finding out and beginning to understand what Krsna consciousness actually is
- Our book sales are increasing. If we attempt to do something the Indian community also will contribute. George will also contribute. So try to find out the best one. Krishna will help you
- Our inquiries should be about the transcendental worlds which lie beyond this universe. If one is desirous to find out about these spiritual worlds, he should seek out a spiritual master; otherwise there is no point in searching
- Our movement is so large it requires expert management and strong vigilence. Now you (a GBC member) are finding out so many things were mismanaged, but why didn't you find out before? What is the use of complaining now?
- Our point is that if we actually want to expand this international feeling, then we must find out the real center. That center is Krsna
- Our process of Vedic knowledge is how to surrender, not that I hear and I reject it. That is not the way. That is another rascaldom. First of all find out the person where you can surrender
- Out of these four classes of men (karmi, jnani, yogi and bhakta), the three classes - means karmi, jnani and yogi - they are restless, because they actually did not find out what is the solution
- Para-dravyesu lostravat. And other's property? Just like garbage. Nobody goes, but I have seen. Nowadays garbage is also tackled. I have seen in Hong Kong, one woman is finding out something valuable from the garbage. This is Kali-yuga
- Peace is not possible unless you have got a leader or king like Bharata Maharaja, after whose name this planet is called Bharatavarsa, this Bharata Maharaja. So we have to find out such leader. Then everything will be adjusted
- Philosophers, scientists, yogis, jnanis and transcendentalists are all trying to find out the ultimate source of everything. This source is given in Brahma-samhita, sarva-karana-karanam: (Bs. 5.1) Krsna is the cause of all causes
- Philosophy means to find out the actual source of everything
- Philosophy means to find out the actual source of everything. Our Vedanta philosophy begins athato brahma jijnasa, to enquire about Brahma, that is real philosophy
- Please continue to use your intelligence to find out how to distribute my books more and more. I am especially pleased to learn that you are introducing my books as textbooks in the colleges
- Pranipat means you must find out a person where you can, I mean to say, surrender. You should not go to a person who is less intelligent than you. That is useless, because you cannot learn from him anything
- Pranipata means you must have the qualification to, at least, to find out a person who is actually qualified to give you real instruction. That you have to do. That remains on you
- Professor Einstein was a great scientist, but he could not find out any means that instead of living for, eighty years, he could live eighty years, one day. No, that is not possible
- Real business of human life, to understand oneself, that is called self-realization, brahma-bhuta (SB 4.30.20), and find out the remedy and act accordingly. That is the mission of human life. Not like to dance like cats and dogs
- Real meditation is to find out the Supersoul within the core of the heart. That is real meditation. God is situated in everyone's heart, so the yogis, they try to find out the Supersoul within the heart. That is real yogi
- Real process is one should go to the guru. But intelligent man goes: "My life is meant for spiritual realization. So I must find out a guru." That is his business
- Real yoga system is to find out within the heart where is God. My business is that I've forgotten God. The karmis, they . . . karmis, real karmis, they do not forget. The upstarts, the rascals, they forget
- Real yogic process is to find out Paramatma, but side by side, many other dormant powers become awakened. Another example: that tree is producing chemicals. So every living entity has got dormant potencies, more or less
- Religion means to find out the supreme controller who is forcing everything. That is religion. That is stated in the dictionary. Religion is not some sentiment, some ritualistic ceremony. No. This inquiry about the supreme controller
- Restlessness is there because we are searching after that eternal happiness. We are trying to find out in one place, and when it is finished we try to go to another place
- Round about our temple there are many apartment houses constructed. Will you enquire about an apartment not less than three rooms and up to four rooms and find out what is the price and what are the terms
- Sadhu is always in good habit. But due to past practice, sometimes we may see some discrepancy. You can find out some fault. But Krsna says that, "Never mind there is some fault. Still, he is sadhu." "Why?" - He has taken Me as everything
- Saintly person should depend on Krsna. If Krsna is not supplying cloth, all right, find out some torn, thrown-out cloth on the street
- Sastra says - Don't waste your valuable time in that way (by finding out cure for diseases). Try to understand God. Use your intelligence for this purpose
- Sastra says that this is the sadhu. Now, you find out a sadhu and associate with him. Then your path of liberation will be open
- Scientific advancement of knowledge, so far we have in this material world, that is bounded within the area of material energy. They have not succeeded in finding out the spiritual energy. Otherwise they would have given life to the dead man
- Service must be there. So you have to find out some service that you can render. Then your progress will be very quick
- Show something, Bhagavan. They simply cheap Bhagavan, and rascal present as cheap Bhagavan, and rascal accept them as Bhagavan. This is not good. Try to find out the actual Bhagavan. That is Krsna
- Simply find out how Krsna conscious you can be. If you want to be really at peace, if you want to be happy, then develop Krsna consciousness
- Simply squeezing, squeezing. Moghasa mogha-karmanah. That is not the process to find out real pleasure. If you have to find out real pleasure, then you have to take to this Krsna consciousness
- So even you have not found out any place at Hamburg, you three together you can chant Hare Krishna kirtana in the same way as they are doing in London and other cities. We are more or less concerned for preaching
- So how I can find out the real guru by whose words I'll be nicely directed and achieve? - That is not very difficult. You read Bhagavad-gita. You'll understand
- So long we are in the material world, the so-called happiness and distress will come and go, but our, the human life, the endeavor should be how to find out or revive our relationship with God. That is our main business
- So long you have got petrol, you are talking all nonsense as scientist. But when this petrol will be finished, you will no longer be able to talk even, what to speak of finding out petrol in moon planet. Where is that problem is solved?
- So on the principle that God is Supreme, God is Great, I do not think there is any difference of opinion between us and the Christians. But the Vedic literatures being older and disseminated by many, many superior acaryas we can find out how God is great
- So the real intelligence means you have to find out where there is no danger. That is the... Where there is real happiness. In the material world, we cannot have happiness
- So the sanatana-dharma means that to find out the eternal engagement of the living entity. At the present moment, the living entity is changing the position
- So this knowledge required, how to find out real guru and how to surrender unto Him. The guru does not mean that I keep a guru, so, as order-supplier: "My dear guru, I am suffering from this. Can you give me some medicine?
- Some of our devotees, they left, that "There is no bhajana here," and asking me my blessing to find out another guru. So he wants my blessing for find out a guru. So this rascaldom is no good. So best thing is that mahajano yena gatah sa panthah
- Speculative philosophers, however, do not recognize the sanction of the Lord; they try to find out the cause of sufferings in their own way, as will be described in the following verses
- Sri Rupa Gosvami sent two people to Jagannatha Puri to find out when Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu would depart for Vrndavana
- Suppose if you want to learn engineering, so you cannot go to a butcher; you must find out an engineer. You must admit yourself into the engineering college, learn how to practice engineering
- Suppose they're making research, find out petrol on the moon planet. But say it takes forty to fifty years: by that time your personal petrol will be finished. You cannot move; you cannot stop all nonsense. Then what you will do?
- Tatha dehantara-praptih. This is the crucial point, dehantara-praptih. One has to accept another body. So if you can find out a means so that you do not accept another body, then you are safe
- That is human life, not that to work hard like hogs and dogs throughout the whole day for find out some stool, where it is. That is not human life. So people are being educated to work very hard. That is not human life
- That is not possible for any material scientist to find out where the spiritual sky is. But you can understand from authoritative scriptures and from authorities like Lord Caitanya
- That is your duty - to find out a man who knows God. Then you'll get. Just like . . . this is commonsense affair. Suppose if you want to purchase something in the market, some milk. So you have to know that - I'll have to go to some store
- That school (in Dallas) is very, very important business, and the best man must be found out for taking charge there and developing it nicely, and if he sticks and works hard to build it up, that will please me very much
- The boy and the girl must be equally rich, equally cultured, equally educated. Equality. They find out. Even by horoscope, they test whether their astronomical calculations are also equal, so that after marriage they may not be unhappy
- The cats and dogs, they are busy, "Where is food? Find out some food." The pig is finding out, "Where is stool? Where is stool?" Here (in USA) I do not know whether you have got experience. In our country, in the villages, there are so many pigs loitering
- The crowlike birds or crowlike men or karmis, they're envious. You'll find. And even, without any offense... Just like dog: You pass on. Without any offense, he'll bark, Ow, ow, ow, ow
- The doctors are daily operating, heart operation, and so many finer, finer surgical operation, but they cannot find out where is the soul
- The hog is whole day working to find out stool. And as soon as he gets some stool, little strength, immediately sex life, without any discrimination. This kind of life is described in the sastras as hog civilization
- The hogs are stool-eater, and they are working very hard day and night, and the business is kastan kaman, to satisfy the senses, these two business: where to find out source of income, and eat anything without any discrimination
- The human life, human brain should be sober to understand what is the problem of life, why I'm subjected to so many tribulations, how to remedy, how to find out the remedy, and that requires tapasya
- The inquisitive are usually intelligent. They are always researching to understand things. They may ask, "What is God?" & then conduct scientific research to find out. They are also considered pious because their research is directed to the proper object
- The jnanis are trying to merge into the effulgence of isvara, or the yogis are trying to find out the isvara, the supreme controller
- The Kali had to face so many difficulties to find out such place, because there was no place where illicit sex was going on, there was no place where unnecessarily animals are killed, there was no place where wines and intoxication used
- The Lord bestows mercy upon His devotee by helping him find out his constitutional position. For that purpose, the Lord is always ready to help the devotee in every way
- The man's knowledge should be developed to find out this technology, what is the difference between a living man and a dead man, a living body and dead body. That is spiritual knowledge
- The modern scientists despite their experience of imperfectness, they take everything that they find out as the last word of perfection
- The new program of preaching on Sankirtana using one basic verse from BG is an excellent idea. We should always be eager to find out such nice ways to spread this Movement. This will automatically bring joy to the devotees as well as to the nondevotees
- The ordinary man does not require to search out the guru to find out astrology: "Guruji, kindly tell me what will be the price next...?" Not that guru. Jijnasuh sreya uttamam. One who is serious to understand about the transcendental knowledge
- The people of the world in this age of Kali are always full of anxieties. Everyone is diseased with some kind of ailment. From the very faces of the people of this age, one can find out the index of the mind
- The program as we have followed with good success is to find out some local boy who is well acquainted with the English language and train him to preach to the general less educated public
- The real scientific research should be how to stop death. That is real scientific. That we are giving. To find out some medicine for some disease, that is not triumph. Real triumph is how to stop disease
- The research scholar finds out the cause and the effect of everything
- The same (scientific) knowledge can be utilized for finding out God. That is mahatma. This is the difference
- The scientist, they are finding out so many miracles within the atom, but here Vedic information is that within the atom there is God. Find out God. Without God, without the spirit, nothing material can develop
- The spirit soul by nature is jubilant." So the Supreme Personality of Godhead, He is supreme living being, and we are also living being, but we are not the Supreme. Try to find out this difference
- The symmetry of creation and its regulative actions and reactions suggests the plan of an intelligent brain behind them, and by genuine inquiry one may find out the ultimate cause with the help of one who knows them factually
- The ultimate cause is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and only those in ignorance try to find out other causes by posing different theories
- The Vedic literature is meant for to find out Krsna, vedais ca sarvair aham eva vedyah . . . (BG 15.15). All knowledge . . . vedic, veda means knowledge. So any department of knowledge you may pursue, the business is how to find out Krsna
- The Vedic literatures being older and disseminated by many, many superior acaryas we can find out how God is great, how the creation took place one after another. These details are not found in any other scriptures in the world
- The whole history of the battle of Kurukshetra is based on this principle of finding out a rajarsi on the throne of the kingdom
- There are many gurus. They are very expert in plundering disciples' money, but it is very difficult to find out a guru who can take out all the anxieties of the disciple
- There are many impersonalists within our experience who renounced this world to merge into the impersonal existence, but being baffled there they come down again to the material world to find out engagement as altruist, philanthropist, communist, etc
- There are many kinds of yogis. The topmost yogi is he who try to find out by samadhi the Supreme Person within the heart
- There are so many religious performances, ritualistic performances. You have to spend money, so you must find out so many performances. So they have all these in the sastras
- There are some people who are pure in consciousness and who try to find out the Supersoul by meditation, and when they discover the Supersoul within themselves, they become transcendentally situated. BG 1972 purports
- There are two kinds of men already described, daiva asura eva ca. These two kinds of activities will go on. This is material world. You cannot find out cent percent perfect man. That is not possible
- There is a propensity of men, association with woman, mithuni-bhavam etat. Everyone is trying to find out a man or woman. And when they unite, that attraction becomes tightly knot
- There is another kanda (platform of activity), called jnana-kanda, or philosophical speculation about the effects of ku-visaya and su-visaya with the intention to find out the means of deliverance from material entanglement
- There is no difficulty in finding out who is a third-class or fourth-class man, for one's position can be understood simply by this crucial test: is he or is he not a devotee of Krsna?
- There is no God. God is dead. I am God. You are God. So many Gods are loitering in the street. Why you are finding out God? These are so many statements. So God has become so cheap
- There is no question of interpretation. We have to understand Bhagavad-gita as it is. If we cannot understand, that is a defect in me, not in the Bhagavad-gita. So we have to find out the defect in me
- These Gosvamis were studying so many books, Vedic literature, and found out the cream, how to establish sad-dharma, not cheating dharma. Dharma means religion. Real religion, sad-dharma
- These three things required. One must find out a suitable person where to put your question, and the question should be put by surrender and service. Then the science of God will be learnt
- They (pigs) are simply finding out where is stool. In the village the children, they pass stool here and there, and the men, they go to the field and pass, evacuate. So the all these pigs are always loitering there
- They (scientists) have not succeeded in finding out the spiritual energy. Otherwise they would have given life to the dead man. That has not been possible
- They (the individual living entities) are all given a chance to take advantage of the Vedic wisdom and find out what is their relationship with the Supreme Lord, how they can be liberated, and what the ultimate profit is in such liberation
- They (the neighborhood friends) told Mother Yasoda, - Your son comes to our house and steals butter. We try to conceal it in the dark so that He cannot see it, but somehow He still finds it out
- They do not know that, My svartha, my interest, my goal of life, is to love, to find out God and to love Him. That is my real interest
- They have become (dog). But when he becomes street dog? That means he has to depend on good master. Big apartment for dog means he belongs to the master. So he has to find out a good master
- This (the notice of the arrival of death) is explained before Dhrtarastra because he might ask Vidura to find out some remedial measure for the imminent fearful situation, as he had ordered many times before
- This is human civilization, not that so many so-called sadhus and... They are now preaching openly the yoga by sex. Yoga by sex. They have invented. Yoga means to find out the Supreme Lord within one's self, within the core of the heart. That is real yoga
- This is the verdict of the Vedic literature, that people are searching after God, making great research work to find out what is God
- This is very nice verse (SB 6.1.17), substance of Krsna consciousness movement, that those who are conducting this movement, they must be susila, very well behaved; nobody can find out any fault
- This Krsna consciousness movement means to find out the supreme father. Supreme father. That is the sum and substance of this movement. If we do not know who is our father, that is not a very good position
- This rascal wants so much. It is simply joking. Anyway, I think you cannot find out, let Jayapataka find out. The composition charges should not be more than Rs. 250 for 100 pages, very small pages
- Those who are factually engaged in the loving service of the Lord have attained the ultimate goal of life, and for them there is no need of mental speculation to find out the true nature of God or His activities
- Those who are finding out the original cause of material creation, they should know this fact, that creation takes place when there is spirit soul. That means living
- Those who are in highly exalted post of the state, you cannot find out fault with him. That is real Vedic way. Otherwise, if he is taken as ordinary citizen, then he is . . . what is the meaning of his exalted post
- Those who are then following the path of auspiciousness can be divided into three sections, namely, 2) those who are trying to find out the ultimate liberation from material existence, and 3) those who are devotees in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are trying to find out God by speculation, they are theosophist. And theologist means one who knows God and abides by His order
- Those who are yogis, they want to find out that "God is sitting with me. Let me see by meditation." That is yogi's business
- Tirtha Maharaja belonged to Ramakrishna Mission Society. So he is very ambitious. He took the opportunity of starting this movement, finding out the saintly person. Apart from that, with his help this Gaudiya Mission was started, & gradually it developed
- To find out different information from different scriptures, it is very difficult, but if we become in the line of disciplic succession, all the experience is at once achieved
- To find out some medicine for some disease, that is not triumph. Real triumph is how to stop disease
- To understand the truth, what is the truth there, that without something this body is dead, no more value, and with that something the body is so valuable. So one who is intelligent, he'll try to find out what is that truth
- Truth is there, but when we misunderstand the truth or misuse the truth, then we are in trouble. That is Vaisnava philosophy. We have to find out what is the truth in everything. And that can be understood when you are advanced. Vasudevah sarvam iti
- Unless our Brahmacaris are very adamant remaining as Brahmacari, I shall recommend everyone to marry. Because these girls generally come to our society to find out a suitable husband, so there is no harm to live as husband and wife
- Unless we find out such a person who has actually seen the Absolute Truth or who has in his experience what is Absolute Truth, so there is very little chance of our spiritual advancement
- Unless you find out some Christian who is actually intelligent, it is useless to try for convincing them of these points
- Unless you voluntarily give, it will be failure. You will try to find out ways how you can take everything . . . just like income tax. The government is trying to take more money from the public, & public is hiding them in black market. This is going on
- We all, living entities within this material world, we are worshiper of the material nature. The scientist also trying to find out means how to exploit the resources of material nature. That is also one kind of worshiping
- We are giving the name of God, the address of God, the father, God's father's name also, Nanda-nandana, Devaki-nandana. So where is the difficulty to find out? There is no difficulty. But the rascals will not accept. They will continue their rascaldom
- We are not expert in any way, unless you take to Krsna consciousness. There are many animals, they are far more expert. There are, just like a vulture goes three miles, but the business to find out where is a corpse. Just see
- We are to end this material life only after finding out the true blissful life of eternity
- We can be trained up how to become bona fide disciple, how to find out bona fide guru, how to establish our relationship with guru and act accordingly and make our life successful
- We cannot apply experimental knowledge to find out who is my father. That is not possible. But how we can know? The know it . . . I can know from the authority of the mother
- We cannot chalk out what is the path of religion. It is very difficult to find out, because there are many different scriptures and there are many philosophers. Nasau munir yasya matam na bhinnam. Each philosopher has got different opinion
- We cannot find out or understand Krsna by our own endeavor. We have to qualify ourselves through Krsna consciousness and wait for Him to reveal Himself
- We cannot stop serving. We want to give service to the family, to the society, to the country, to the humanity. And we will find out where it is are liquefied
- We cannot understand who our father is by experimental knowledge. One cannot say, - Let me find out who my father is by experiment
- We found out a very nice suitable place at 6th Street on Grand, but the difficulty is just on the side there is a butcher and the smell is obnoxious, so we could not do it
- We have got our ideas of richness. I may be rich, but you are richer than me. Somebody is richer than you. Somebody is richer than another, another, another. You go, make proceed. When you find out the final richest person, that is Bhagavan
- We have manufactured such a nice medicine that cancer or any other disease will not attack us. That is very nice. But find out some medicine that death will not attack you, "Oh, that is not possible." Then where is the meaning of your advancement
- We have to find out "Where I shall be happy even by bowing down?" That is Krsna. Your bowing down will not be stopped, because you are meant for that. But if you bow down to Krsna and Krsna's representative, you become happy
- We have to find out the real existence, sanatana existence. That is Krsna
- We have to understand what is the condition of the society. Just like in the Koran it is said by Muhammad that, "From this day you have no sex intercourse with your mother." Just find out the condition of the society
- We Krsna conscious people, we do not kill even a plant because, Krsna says - find out this - patram puspam phalam toyam yo me bhaktya prayacchati - BG 9.26
- We must find out a person who is actually bona fide spiritual master by this test, that he's not, I mean to say, adulterating Krsna's message. He's not playing havoc with the message of Krsna in order to introduce himself
- We must find out a way to take permission from the draft board that our institution is a recognized religious institution of Hindu Vedic origin, and we are training students for preaching God-consciousness
- We must have a guru where exact knowledge is coming, without any mistake. Because we cannot argue. So we must find out such guru, where perfect knowledge is coming
- We must have a very efficient office at each temple, with facilities for prompt distribution of mail to the proper persons, not that the mail is simply left in a corner for everyone to pick through and find out for themselves
- We must have our books printed, we have wasted much time in the matter of editing and finding out a suitable publisher
- We must know, we must find out guru who knows sastra, the essence of sastra, Vedic, Vedas. What is the essence of Vedas? Vedanta. Vedanta means to know Krsna
- We say that in whatever occupation you may be, try to find out some time and chant Hare Krsna. This is our preaching. So it will help you
- We should take advantage. Not that we shall live like animal, without any inquiry, without finding out the remedy, how to stop this miserable condition of life
- We should try to understand what is God. If you can find out a person who is superior in everything, in wealth, in strength, in beauty, in fame, in knowledge, in renouncement, He is God. Don't capture any fourth-class God
- What capacity we have got to find out Krsna by research work? That's not possible. That is aksaja. Krsna is adhoksaja. Your paltry research work with limited power of sense, how you can find out Krsna? That's not possible
- What is the talking of advaita-vada philosophy or dvaita-vada philosophy when you are needy, you require anna? That is practical solution given by Krsna. Annad bhavanti bhutani. You must find out sufficient grains
- What will be their (the so-called scientists and advanced research scholars) credit if they find out the chemical composition of life? All their chemicals are nothing but different transformations of the five elements - earth, water, fire, air and ether
- Whatever department of knowledge or whatever department of activities you are engaged in, it doesn't matter. But if you can find out the Supreme by your pursuit of knowledge, that is your perfection
- When Lord Brahma was perplexed about how to construct the material manifestations in the universe and went down within the water to find out the means and the source of his lotus seat, he heard the word tapa vibrated twice
- When one finds out the supreme goal of life, he naturally becomes detached from the bodily concept
- When one male finds out another woman, or one finds out another man, they unite. So this attachment becomes fixed up again. Already there is attachment, and as soon as they are united, that attachment becomes more firm
- When they (people of Kasi) found out that there were earrings on it, they could understand that it was someone's head. They conjectured as to whose head it might be
- When we are frustrated by the relative personalism of this material world, we try to find out, in material way, the opposite number
- Where is such yogi? Find out. Where is such yogi? He should remain alone, and in a secluded place and a sacred place. And he should not change his asana. Then he becomes a yogi. These are the preliminary things
- Where is the atomic energy or petrol to keep yourself, to find out petrol in the moon planet? Where is that problem solved?
- Where is the difficulty in finding a guru? If one is sincere he can find the guru and learn everything. One should take lessons from the guru and find out the goal of life
- Wherever we go, we find out sincere persons, immediately attract. Yes. But if he's not sincere, we cannot attract. If he's sincere, immediately attracted. That is the value of this movement
- Why do they (the scientists) not find out petrol for himself, so that he may continue the research work? So why they're lacking this knowledge?
- Why shall I find out petrol, when my petrol will be finished and I'll have to take a body like a dog or a cat? They have no such knowledge
- Why we should waste our time to find out how there is life, how it is working? Take instruction from Krsna. Everything is given. And if you are intelligent, you’ll understand; then you can learn
- Why you are suffering? Forgetting Krsna. That's all. Now you revive your memory about Krsna, you become happy. That's all. Very simple thing. Now don't try to find out the history when you forgot
- You (Narada Muni) are as good as the all-pervasive Supersoul. Please, therefore, find out the deficiency in me (Vyasadeva), despite my being absorbed in transcendence under disciplinary regulations and vows
- You are engaged in some research work, tapasya, for what purpose? Now, finding out some deadly bomb, a very big scholar, very big research student
- You are wandering all over the universe. Find out something new. But there is nothing new. Everything is old
- You can find out rascal mahatma, simply by changing dress, without Krsna consciousness, declaring himself as God or Krsna. Kick on their face. Krsna is different from all these rascals
- You can find out some rich man, but you cannot find out the richest man. Every day you will find so many competitors. So as soon as you find the richest man, nobody can surpass him, then he is God
- You cannot estimate when Krsna's body began. Anadi. Adi, again adi. He is the beginning of everyone. Anadi. He Himself is anadi; nobody can find out what is the date of His appearance. He is beyond history
- You cannot find out God by simply reading and philosophizing all the scriptures and books. No. If you want to know God, then you must be in confidence. You must be a devotee, a lover of God. Then you can understand God. Otherwise it is not possible
- You cannot find out Krsna by simply academic education. Adurlabha atma-bhaktau. But He is available from His devotee. If you approach a devotee of Krsna, he can deliver you Krsna like anything - Here is Krsna. Take
- You cannot understand who is your father by experimental knowledge: "Let me make experiment and find out who is my father." That is not possible. Because it is beyond your experience. Your father was existing when you were not existing
- You find out who created this universe. If you deny this fact, "No. God does not create," then you explain how it was created. So there is no difference between Bible and Vedic literature. We accept also, - God created
- You go on searching who is the most powerful. If you are fortunate enough, if you can find out such a person, the most powerful, nobody is more powerful than Him, that is God. So God's definition is not very difficult
- You go to the airport, any high-class standard man. They search out the pocket. So nobody is believable. So this is the result of modern education. You cannot find out an ideal character man
- You have to approach such a person who has seen the truth. You have to find out a person who has seen the transcendence and receive knowledge of transcendence from him. Then it is perfect
- You have to find out a bona fide school, you have to find out a bona fide teacher, and then you learn. That's all
- You have to find out pratikaram, counteraction, how to save yourself from danger. Just like when we walk, we see in so many doors, "Danger," so that you may be . . . you are warned. Sometimes the doors are, "Beware of the dog." So you have to take care
- You have to find out such an authoritative person (who is coming under the disciplic succession) and surrender unto him. Surrendering unto him means surrendering unto God because he is God's representative
- You have to find out such person. Then your life is successful. So that will also . . . you will get according to your sincerity of purpose, because Krsna is within you
- You have to take shelter, not find out. You have to take shelter of a bona fide spiritual master. That is the beginning, adau gurvasrayam sad-dharma-prccha. Then you'll have to inquire, inquiry, sad-dharma, about pure devotional service
- You haven't got to find out who is mahajana. The mahajana means who is following another mahajana, say follow Arjuna. He is mahajana
- You must find out a suitable person where you can question and get the proper answer, a spiritual master. That means surrender. Then question. Question is not a challenge. Question is to understand
- You must find out somebody whom you can accept as guru. That guru must be bona fide. Otherwise what is the use of accepting a bogus guru? So what is that bona fide guru? That bona fide guru means one who has accepted Krsna as guru
- You should not go to the forest to find out some living entities, living beings, to kill. That is not your business. That is himsa
- You study Caitanya Mahaprabhu's behavior, character - He's ideal. Throughout His whole life you'll not find a spot. You read CC. Find out some fault, that "Here is Caitanya . . . Sri Krsna Caitanya is faulty." No. That is susila. And that is sadhu
- You study Caitanya's behavior, character - He's ideal. Throughout His whole life you'll not find a spot. You read Caitanya-caritamrta. Find out some fault, that "Here is Caitanya . . . Sri Krsna Caitanya is faulty." No. That is susila. And that is sadhu
- You take the superior quality activities and you forget inferior quality. Param drstva nivartate (BG 2.59). This is the Vedic version. When one finds out superior engagement, he gives up inferior engagement