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- A bona fide spiritual master is in the disciplic succession from time eternal, and he does not deviate at all from the instructions of the Supreme Lord as they were imparted millions of years ago. BG 1972 purports
- A conditioned soul is one who has forgotten Krsna as his eternal master. Thinking that he is enjoying the material world, the conditioned soul suffers the threefold miseries of material existence
- A few months passed, and then, bewildered by Krsna, all the descendants of Vrsni, Bhoja and Andhaka who were incarnations of demigods went to Prabhasa, while those who were eternal devotees of the Lord did not leave but remained in Dvaraka
- A Hindu may change his faith to become a Muslim, or a Muslim may change his faith to become a Hindu, or a Christian and so on. But the change of religious faith does not effect the eternal occupation of rendering service. BG 1972 Introduction
- A living being is eternal by constitution. He is, so to speak, in the whirlpool of birth and death due to his contact with material energy
- A living entity appears to be born because of the birth of the material body, but actually the living entity is eternal; he is not born, and in spite of his being situated in a material body, he is transcendental and eternal. BG 1972 purports
- A living entity deprived of eternal transcendental service to the Lord becomes illusioned in many ways. Even in his conditional life he is the eternal servant of the Lord
- A living entity is eternally an individual soul, & if he wants to merge into the spiritual whole, he may accomplish the realization of the eternal & knowledgeable aspects of his original nature, but the blissful portion is not realized. BG 1972 purports
- A man's pure consciousness is covered by his eternal enemy in the form of lust, which is never satisfied and which burns like fire. BG 3.39 - 1972
- A materially happy person is in need of the eternal relief that mundane religiosity in terms of fruitive work can never award
- A reflection is temporary, for it is sometimes seen and sometimes not seen. But the origin from whence the reflection is reflected is eternal. BG 1972 purports
- A wise man, however, learns from the sastras and guru that we living entities are all eternal but are put into troublesome conditions because of associating with different modes under the laws of material nature
- According to another accusation, Srila Jiva Gosvami did not approve of the principles of the parakiya-rasa of Vraja-dhama and therefore supported svakiya-rasa, showing that Radha and Krsna are eternally married
- According to astronomical calculation, the planets and the universe, they can increase. So the Absolute Truth, that is eternally increasing. There is no comparison of Brahman's increasement and magnitude. Sanatana: and that is also eternal
- According to Kapila, material nature is eternal and all-powerful. Originally there is no spirit, and matter has no cause. Matter itself is the chief cause of everything. It is the all-pervading cause of all causes
- According to the mimamsa philosophers, everything is eternal, nitya
- After reaching Vrndavana, where everyone lives eternally, very peacefully and happily, they encircled Vrndavana, drew all the carts together in a half circle, and in this way constructed a temporary residence
- After the discourse between the dead boy and Sri Caitanya, funeral ceremonies were performed, and Caitanya assured Srivasa Thakura - You have lost one son, but Nityananda Prabhu and I are your eternal sons. We shall never be able to give up your company
- All material or spiritual planes and planets are different parts and parcels of One Unit only but there are immense diversities in unity for variegatedness is the necessary paraphernalia of eternal pleasure which we are all seeking in the wrong way
- All of Krsna's lilas are present simultaneously throughout the innumerable universes. By our limited senses we cannot appreciate this; therefore Krsna’s eternal pastimes are very difficult for us to understand
- All of them (Jesus, Caitanya . . .) agreed that we have to go to a separate world, where peace and prosperity have their real being. We have to search out our eternal peace & prosperity in the kingdom of God, which is a place other than this mortal world
- All our creations are temporary, impermanent. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, is eternal, and similarly the living entities, who are parts of Him, are also eternal
- All pretentious religiosity based on gross or subtle sense gratification is completely rejected in the process of bhagavata-dharma, or the transcendental religion that is the eternal function of the living being
- All schemes (of material world) are only useless scraps of paper in the face of war, famine, earthquakes & other disasters. All these disasters are warnings from Mother Durga, & by them she confirms her eternal superiority over the illusioned planmakers
- All these living entity, they are never created; neither they ever die. Nityah sasvatam na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). They are eternal, ever existing
- All these performers who know the meaning of sacrifice become cleansed of sinful reaction, and, having tasted the nectar of the remnants of such sacrifice, they go to the supreme eternal atmosphere. BG 4.30 - 1972
- Along the Buddhist path there are nine principles: (1) The creation is eternal; therefore there is no need to accept a creator. (2) This cosmic manifestation is false. (3) "I am" is the truth. (4) There is repetition of birth and death
- Although Dhruva Maharaja's achievement of an eternal planet was not conceived of by him, Krsna thought, "What will Dhruva do with an exalted position within this material world?"
- Although he (the embodied soul) is constitutionally eternal, blissful and cognizant, due to the littleness of his existence he forgets his constitutional position of service to the Lord and is thus entrapped by nescience. BG 1972 purports
- Although one may struggle for existence in this material world, to live forever is impossible. One must understand, however, that this struggle for existence is due to ignorance, for otherwise every living being is an eternal part of the Supreme Lord
- Although she (mother Laksmiji) appeared to have been born of the ocean of milk, she immediately resorted to her eternal place on the bosom of Narayana
- Although the all-pervading PG manifests Himself in His various transcendental, eternal forms as incarnations or plenary portions or various partial portions, the sages recommended the worship of the eternal dual forms of Sri Sri Laksmi-Narayana
- Although the all-pervading PG manifests Himself in His various transcendental, eternal forms as incarnations or plenary portions or various partial portions, the sages recommended the worship of the eternal dual forms of Sri Sri Radha-Krsna
- Although the all-pervading PG manifests Himself in His various transcendental, eternal forms as incarnations or plenary portions or various partial portions, the sages recommended the worship of the eternal dual forms of Sri Sri Sita-Rama
- Although the Lord and the living entities are qualitatively one, the living entities are limited, while the Lord is unlimited. This understanding, called amrta-svarupa, makes one eligible for being eternally situated
- Although Visvarupa was the son of the daughter of their eternal enemies the demons, the demigods accepted him as their priest in accordance with the order of Brahma when they were abandoned by their spiritual master, Brhaspati, whom they had disrespected
- Although we are permanent and eternal, somehow or other we have become attracted to nonpermanent things. But the mind can be easily trained if it is simply fixed on Krsna
- An ordinary man with firm faith in the eternal injunctions of the Lord, even though unable to execute such orders, becomes liberated from the bondage of the law of karma. BG 1972 purports
- An outsider may think that there is no distinction between God & pure devotee, but it is due only to a poor fund of knowledge. Every individual person, every individual being, maintains his individuality eternally, even when dovetailed with the Supreme
- Another important item described here (in SB 3.27.7) is sva-dharmena, or being exclusively occupied in one's eternal occupation, which is to act as the eternal servitor of the Lord, or to act in Krsna consciousness
- Any comfort of life or any material happiness which does not warrant an eternal life is but illusion for the eternal living being
- Anyone who factually understands the transcendental appearance and disappearance of the Lord by His inconceivable energy becomes liberated from the laws of birth and death and is placed in the eternal spiritual sky where the Vaikuntha planets are
- As for elevation to higher planets, a devotee considers this to be simply hallucinatory. A devotee's attention is concentrated only upon the eternal loving service of the Lord, and therefore the power of death has no influence over him
- As human beings seem immortal to a tiny insect, so Lord Brahma and the demigods seem immortal to us. In fact, however, no material body of any form is ever eternal
- As living entities we want enjoyment. Being, in itself, is not enough. We want bliss (ananda) as well as being (sat). In his entirety, the living entity is composed of three qualities - eternality, knowledge, and bliss
- As living entities, we are eternal. So temporary business is not our business. Our business should be eternal because we are eternal. And that eternal business is how to serve Krsna
- As Lord Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita (15.7), mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah: The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts
- As soon as Arjuna took up the instructions of the Bhagavad-gita, expert as he was, he could at once eradicate the material conception of Lord Krsna, his eternal friend
- As soon as the real living entity is out of the body, even the body of the most dear son is no longer attractive. Therefore the living spark, or eternal part of the Supreme, is the real basis of affection, and not the body
- As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.20), the living entity is never created (na jayate mriyate va kadacin). There are five gross material elements and three minor material elements (mind, intelligence and ego), and there are eternal living entities
- As stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 9.2), all devotional activities are easy to perform (su-sukham kartum) and are eternal and spiritual - avyayam
- As stated in the Brahma-samhita (ramadi-murtisu), there are millions and trillions of expansions of Lord Visnu, as Rama, Nrsimha, Varaha and other incarnations. All of them are called eternals
- As stated in the Katha Upanisad (2.18), living entities, as individual spiritual souls, can have neither birth nor death. All Vedic literature declares that the living entities are eternal
- As the elements of the material body are eternal, the living entity who appears through these material elements is also eternal
- Asat means that does not exist, "not eternal." It is just opposite. Eternal is called sat, om tat sat, and asat means just the opposite. So here in this material world everything is asat. Even this body is asat; it will not exist
- At the end of every four yugas, the great saintly persons, upon seeing that the eternal occupational duties of mankind have been misused, reestablish the principles of religion
- Avyaktat sanatanah. This material nature has a beginning and an end, but that spiritual nature is sanatanah - eternal. It has neither beginning nor end. How is this possible
- Bali Maharaja appreciated the actions of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, although all the members of the demoniac families except Prahlada Maharaja and Bali Maharaja considered Visnu their eternal traditional enemy
- Bali Maharaja, by gaining the transcendental favor of the Lord in exchange for his great material sacrifice, was able to have a place in Vaikunthaloka with equal or greater facilities of eternal enjoyment
- Because demons like Ravana have no spiritual vision, they consider Lord Ramacandra an ordinary ksatriya king. Ravana therefore attempted to kidnap Lord Ramacandra's eternal consort, Sitadevi
- Because I am eternal, you are eternal, so I want to live forever. But we are put under certain condition of this material world that we have to die
- Because nondevotees do not realize that Lord Visnu stays with His eternal consort, Laksmi, within the hearts of all living entities, they are not endowed with the opulence of Lord Visnu
- Because of his (Narada Muni's) association with pure devotees, he was elevated to the position of an eternal spaceman and thus had freedom of movement
- Because of the material body, he (the living entity) forgets that he is the eternal (sanatana) part and parcel of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Because the living being is eternal, he can be happy only in the eternal abode of the kingdom of God (paravyoma), from which no one returns to this region of repeated birth and death, disease and old age
- Because the living entity is eternally part & parcel of God, when he is liberated, he revives his original, eternal, part-and-parcel identity. The realization of aham brahmasmi (I am not this body) does not mean that the living entity loses his identity
- Because you are eternal, you are not meant for death, but nature is forcing you, Must die
- Beginning from Satyaloka, the topmost planet of the universe, situated just below the eternal Brahmaloka, as described above (SB 2.5.40-41), all the planets are material
- Being thus covered by material energy, one cannot possibly overcome its influence. As previously stated, both the material and spiritual natures, being emanations from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are eternal. BG 1972 purports
- Beyond the river Viraja is the spiritual nature, which is indestructible, eternal, inexhaustible and unlimited. It is the supreme abode, consisting of three fourths of the Lord's opulences. It is known as paravyoma, the spiritual sky
- Beyond the sky there is another sky, which is called paravyoma, or sanatana, eternal sky. And in that sky there are innumerable Vaikuntha planets. Vaikuntha means vigata-kuntha hy asmat: there is no anxiety
- Beyond this temporary world there is another world of which we have information. This world consists of another nature which is sanatana, eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- Beyond this unmanifested matter is the spiritual kingdom, which is described in Bhagavad-gita as supreme and eternal. That kingdom is never annihilated
- Bhakti-yoga is the ultimate goal, but to analyze bhakti-yoga minutely one has to understand these other yogas. The yogi who is progressive is therefore on the true path of eternal good fortune. BG 1972 purports
- Bilvamangala Thakura intensely desired to enter into the eternal pastimes of the Lord, and he lived at Vrndavana for seven hundred years in the vicinity of Brahma-kunda, a still-existing bathing tank in Vrndavana
- Both material nature and the living entity are eternal. That is to say that they existed before the creation. BG 1972 purports
- Both the material and spiritual natures, being emanations from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, are eternal
- Brahman means spiritual or eternal; both the impersonalist and the devotee seek eternal blissful life. In any case, it is advised that one become perfect
- But for these three items - namely, eternal relation with God, exchange of dealings with Him and the attainment of love for Him - all that is instructed in the Vedas is superfluous and that any other explanation of the Vedas is concocted
- By following in the footsteps of such associates and by entering under their eternal guidance, one can acquire an intense desire to serve the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- By His external potency the Lord manifests the material creation, just as the sun with its rays creates fog. The material creation is but a perverse reflection of the eternal Vaikuntha nature
- By His internal potency, Maha-sankarsana maintains the transcendental existence of all the planets in the spiritual sky, where all the living beings are eternally liberated souls. The influence of the material energy is conspicuous there by its absence
- By material calculation all this (God's varieties of forms) may appear contradictory, but if we understand that the Supreme Personality of Godhead has inconceivable potencies, we can accept these facts as eternally possible in Him
- By practice, one will come to that stage. Because that spontaneous love is eternal. It is not artificial. We have got, but it is now covered by our material association. So it has to be uncovered
- By serving Radha-kunda, one can get an opportunity to become an assistant of Srimati Radharani under the eternal guidance of the gopis
- By spontaneous nature they (the raganuga devotees) become attracted to some of the eternal devotees such as Nanda or Yasoda, and they try to follow in their footsteps spontaneously
- By the grace of the Lord, a devotee like Brahma, or one in his chain of disciplic succession, can understand the almighty Personality of Godhead eternally engaged in His transcendental pastimes in the region of different energies
- By the letter O, Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is indicated; by the letter U, Krsna's eternal consort Srimati Radharani is indicated; and by the letter M, the eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord, the living entity, is indicated
- By this advancement in life (becoming cleansed of sinful reactions), one not only becomes happy and opulent in this life, but also, at the end, he enters into the eternal kingdom of God. BG 1972 purports
- By understanding the science of devotional service in Sankhya philosophy, one can become free from the modes of material nature. The eternal self, after becoming freed from the spell of material nature, becomes eligible to enter into the kingdom of God
- Caitanya says that by the symptoms we can understand that He is saktyavesa. By the symptoms and activities and influence. So what is that symptom? Symptom is that eternal and temporary
- Certainly the cosmic manifestation comes to a close and becomes void when the living entities merge into the body of Narayana to rest until another creation, and this may be called an impersonal condition, but these conditions are never eternal
- Chanting is eternal. After you become perfect, you will also chant more loudly
- Completely divine means eternal, blissful and full of knowledge. So automatically by divine consciousness you try to contact the persons who are developing divine consciousness
- Conditioned souls are under the spell of material energy, or eternal time - past, present and future - but as soon as one engages in Krsna consciousness, he transcends limits of past and present and becomes situated in the eternal activities of the soul
- Consciousness is eternal, and consciousness is the symptom of the soul. Soul is eternal. When the soul takes shelter in the matter, then the matter develops, not that that combination of matter, you can produce soul
- Cosmic manifestation is called "nature," but there is another nature, which is superior. The cosmic manifestation is inferior nature, but beyond this nature, which is manifested and unmanifested, there is another nature, which is called sanatana, eternal
- Death is a symptom of the material infection of the eternal living being; only due to material infection is the eternal living entity subjected to the law of birth, death, old age and disease
- Demons said, "All the demigods have taken part in churning the ocean of milk. As everyone has an equal right to partake in any public sacrifice, according to the eternal religious system it is befitting that the demigods now have a share of the nectar"
- Desire is the concomitant factor of the living entity. The living entity is eternal, and therefore his desires, which are natural for a living being, are also eternal. One cannot, therefore, stop desiring, but the subject matter for desires can be changed
- Despite this struggle (struggle for existence), however, the living entity does not die. As confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 2.20), the living entity is eternal
- Devaki is on the platform of vatsalya. She wanted to deal with her eternal son, Krsna, in that stage of love, and therefore she wanted the Supreme Personality of Godhead to withdraw His opulent form of Visnu
- Devotees are related to the Supreme Personality of Godhead in any of five transcendental mellows - namely neutrality, servitorship, friendship, parenthood and conjugal love. These relationships with the Lord are eternal
- Devotees of Lord Visnu may aspire for a position in Vaikunthaloka, but a devotee of Krsna never aspires even for the facilities of Vaikuntha; he wants to return to Goloka Vrndavana and associate with Lord Krsna in His eternal pastimes
- Dhruvaloka is one of the lokas like Svetadvipa, Mathura and Dvaraka. They are all eternal places in the kingdom of Godhead, which is described in the Bhagavad-gita (tad dhama paramam) and in the Vedas
- Diti thought: Indra considers his body eternal, and thus he has become unrestrained. I therefore wish to have a son who can remove Indra's madness. Let me adopt some means to help me in this
- Don't think that there is no real family life. There is real family. That is Krsna's real family, eternal family, blissful family
- Due to such (qualitative) oneness, both the eternals constitutionally have a complete range of sentiments, but the difference is that the sentiments of the chief eternal are different in quantity from the sentiments of the dependent eternals
- Each and every living being has his eternal form in the spiritual existence, and Krsna is the eternal attraction for all of them
- Each and every living entity is part and parcel of the Supreme Lord, and thus his eternal position is to cooperate or to dovetail his energy with the Supreme Lord. That is his unchanging position
- Each of them (Vaikuntha planets) is eternal, indestructible and free from all kinds of inebrieties experienced in the material world
- Each person is eternal. Because the Lord says that He existed as a person before the creation (agre) and will also exist after the annihilation, the Lord is a person eternally
- Either you change your faith or don't change your faith, your character is still to serve, will continue. That is the reality. That is sanatana. Sanatana means eternal
- Enjoyment is the goal of everyone's life. But the difference is that the materialist is trying to hanker after flickering enjoyment, and the transcendentalists, they are hankering after the spiritual enjoyment, or eternal enjoyment
- Eternal hell. What is that?
- Eternal knowledge has nothing to be researched. There is no question of research. It is already established. Otherwise there is no meaning of eternal
- Eternal liberty means returning home, back to Godhead. A devotee is never concerned about anything material
- Eternal loving service
- Eternal peace and prosperity will be established only when there is vigorous propagation of this eternal religion of the living spirit soul. For then only shall we be relieved of physical transformations such as birth, death, disease, and old age
- Eternal sensory activities are called devotional service, whereas temporary sensory activities are called sense gratification
- Eternal servitude to the Lord is not the servitude of this material world
- Eternal, transcendental service of the Lord is misdirected under material conditions and takes the shape of (1) the aforementioned religiosity, (2) economic development, (3) sense gratification, and (4) salvation
- Eternal, transcendental service of the Lord is misdirected under material conditions and takes the shape of the attempt to negate all material variegatedness out of frustration
- Eternality belongs to everyone. Not that the Hindus, after giving up this body, exist, and the Muslims or Christians do not exist. Everyone exists eternally. So sanatana-dharma is meant for everyone
- Even a living being destined to reside in the Kumbhipaka hell is accompanied by his eternal companion, the Lord
- Even after attaining knowledge of one's spiritual identity if one doesn't come to the point of knowing that the living entities are eternal parts & parcels of the whole & can never become the whole, one has to fall down again into the material atmosphere
- Even after attaining knowledge of one's spiritual identity, if one does not come to the point of knowing that the living entities are eternal parts and parcels of the whole, one has to fall down again into the material atmosphere
- Even though one living entity becomes connected with another because of a relationship based on bodies that are perishable, the living entity is eternal. Actually it is the body that is born or lost, not the living entity
- Every human being not only shall take care of this body but should take care of his problems, because he is eternal - he is changing body after body, and that is very botheration, and there is no guarantee what sort of body you are going to get next
- Every living entity is an eternal part and parcel of Krsna in spiritual identity, and that the eternal position of the living entity is therefore never on the level of Krsna or greater than Him
- Every living entity is eternal, sanatana. God is also eternal, and we can live with God in His sanatana-dhama, His eternal abode. This reciprocation is called sanatana-dharma, the eternal nature and duty of the living being
- Every living entity is eternal. He must have his eternal body. But purposefully, to enjoy this material world, the living entity has accepted a material body. Not only once, but it is going on continually, one after another
- Every living entity is part and parcel of God. (BG 15.7) "The living entities in this conditioned world are My (Krsna's) eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind."
- Every one of us is always full of anxieties due to our this material existence. Asad-grahat. It is . . . our existence is in the environment or atmosphere of nonexistence. But actually, we are not nonexistent. Our existence is eternal
- Everyone is engaged in humanitarian activities on the basis of the body, but from the BG 2.18 we understand, anta-vanta ime deha nityasyoktah saririnah: “The material body is ultimately subject to destruction, whereas the spiritual soul is eternal.”
- Everyone is infinitesimal, and therefore in the Vedas the Supreme Lord is called the supreme eternal amongst all eternals. He is the proprietor of the material and spiritual worlds and the supreme cause of manifestation
- Everyone is searching for eternal peace or eternal life and with an aim to this destination everyone is studying the Vedas or other religious scriptures or undergoing severe austerity as empiric philosophers, as mystics yogis or as unalloyed devotees
- Everyone is trying to live. Nobody wants to die. Why this psychological desire is there? I want to live. That means that he is eternal. Therefore he wants to live
- Everything is temporary therefore ideal is eternal
- Evolution means to transmigrate from one body to another. But there is no such thing. Everyone is eternal. There is no death, there is no transmigration. This is botheration
- Factually, bhakti-yoga is the ultimate goal, but to analyze bhakti-yoga minutely one has to understand the other processes. The yogi who is progressive is therefore on the true path to eternal good fortune
- Foolish living beings are attracted by the temporary cloud, but intelligent men are more concerned with the eternal sky with all its variegatedness
- Foolish men, they cannot understand that beyond this body there is another force, which is helping the movement of the body. They cannot understand the Bhagavad-gita statement, tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). That moving force is perpetual, eternal
- For attaining spiritual existence, the human form is a chance for all to understand our eternal relation with God
- For our original characteristic, that we are eternal servant of God, Krsna, if we are situated in that platform or eternal platform, serving Krsna, that is mukti. Mukti means give up the false conception of life and take the real conception of life
- Forgetfulness of that eternal relation is called maya or illusion. This illusory energy of Godhead is conducted under three modes of nature under the name of mundane goodness, passion and ignorance
- Form of Krsna means there is no shadow of any material contamination. Ananda-matram. Ananda-matram avikalpam aviddha-varcah. And not that... Suppose we are sometimes happy and next time I am unhappy, but this ananda is eternal
- Fortunately we (Prabhupada) had the opportunity to be born of a Vaisnava father who took care of us very nicely. He prayed to Srimati Radharani that in the future we would become a servant of the eternal consort of Sri Krsna
- From Srimad-Bhagavatam (11.5.34): He (Caitanya) left His householder life, leaving aside His eternal consort, whom even the denizens of heaven adore. He went into the forest to deliver the fallen souls, who are put into illusion by material energy
- Go on with your life time plans making secure in distributing of books. There is no cessation. This movement is eternal
- God is the supreme living entity, and we are subordinate living entities. Eko bahunam yo vidadhati kaman. That one living entity, one eternal, He's supplying all the necessities of life to the plural number eternals
- He (a devotee) is guaranteed entrance there (in the transcendental abode, or Krsnaloka); there is no doubt about it. In that supreme abode, there is no change; everything is eternal, imperishable and full of knowledge. BG 1972 purports
- He (a maha-bhagavata) sees every living entity as an eternal part and parcel of the Lord, rendering service according to his capacity by the will of the Supreme Lord. As Krsna confirms in the Bhagavad-gita - 15.15
- He (a person is too much entangled in family life) does not know that he is wasting his limited duration of life simply for family affection. He is spoiling the life that was meant for realizing his eternal self, for realizing his real spiritual life
- He (the transcendentalist) knows that although temporarily within mundane existence, he is an eternal spirit, part and parcel of the Supreme Spirit
- He (Visnu) is also very beautiful in His eternal position, riding upon the shoulder of Garuda
- He is not making any eternal arrangement - I shall live here for fifty years or sixty years as an American or as an Indian. Make me gorgeous arrangement, defense and so on, so on, so on
- He's eternal. He does not know his eternal necessity. This is called ignorance
- Hiranyakasipu underwent a severe type of penance to become eternal in life, but his worshipful deity, Brahma, could not satisfy him with such blessings
- His (a wise man's) attitude is - I have an eternal connection with Krsna, the Supreme Lord. Now let me establish that relationship firmly so that Krsna will take me back to His kingdom
- His (Dhruva's) revengeful attitude towards his stepmother and stepbrother was satisfied, his desire for a more exalted position than that of his great-grandfather was also fulfilled, and at the same time, his eternal position in Dhruvaloka was fixed
- His (Hiranyakasipu's) decision was that since the self (atma) and time are both eternal, if he could not occupy that post (of Lord Brahma) in one lifetime he would continue to execute austerities life after life so that sometime he would be able to do so
- His (the living entity) servitude under the spell of illusory maya is also a manifestation of his eternal condition of service
- How greatly fortunate are Nanda Maharaja, the cowherd men and all the inhabitants of Vrajabhumi! There is no limit to their fortune, because the Absolute Truth, the source of transcendental bliss, the eternal Supreme Brahman, has become their friend
- How I am eternal? - There is proof. And who is giving the proof? Krsna, bhagavan uvaca. The highest authority, not ordinary person or any living being - Krsna. Krsnas tu bhagavan svayam - SB 1.3.28
- How long you shall remain American and Australian? That question does not come to the dull brain, because he does not know that he is eternal. And this is temporary dress. I . . . somehow or other, I wanted this, and prakrti, nature, has given me
- Human life is a means by which the living entity can end all the miseries of the hard struggle for life in material existence and by which he can return to Godhead, his eternal home
- I am eternal. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). I do not die after this body is finished, and again I will have to . . . tatha dehantara-praptih (BG 2.13). So this is knowledge. One has to always think of this. That is called tapasya
- I am permanent. And body is changing. This simple truth, what is the difficulty for the people to understand this simple truth? The body is changing, but I am not changing. I am eternal
- I am the basis of the impersonal Brahman, which is immortal, imperishable and eternal and is the constitutional position of ultimate happiness
- I am very glad that you have come to join our family of Krsna which is the original eternal, blissful family of all living souls as parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead Krsna
- I offer my obeisances to all the dear devotees of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu, the eternal tree of love of Godhead. I offer my respects to all the branches of the tree, the devotees of the Lord who distribute the fruit of love of Krsna
- I shall now explain the knowable, knowing which you will taste the eternal. This is beginningless, and it is subordinate to Me. It is called Brahman, the spirit, and it lies beyond the cause and effect of this material world. BG 13.13 - 1972
- I therefore take shelter of the lotus feet of the Supreme Lord, who is eternal, all-pervading and as great as the sky and who appears with six opulences in three yugas (Satya, Treta and Dvapara)
- Ideal is eternal
- If he (a living being) does not do so (reinstated in his constitutional position as an eternal servant of the Lord), then his eternality is still maintained, but he remains ignorant of it
- If I (Prabhupada) have any credit in this connection (of Krsna consciousness movement), it does not belong to me personally, but it is due to my eternal spiritual master. BG 1972 Preface
- If I am eternal as God is eternal, then why I am subjected to birth and death? This is real question
- If I am eternal, then why I shall remain in this material body which is subjected to death, birth, old age and disease? Therefore Krsna instructs that this miserable condition of life is due to this material body
- If I am eternal, why I am put into this condition of changing, of transmigrating from one body to another? Is there any possibility of not changing the body, to keep eternality? - Yes. That is possible
- If I am eternal, why there are so many miserable condition of life? And why I am forced to die?" So this is actually the intelligent question
- If individuality refers to the empirical universe, then there is no need of teaching by the Lord. The plurality of the individual soul and of the Lord is an eternal fact, and it is confirmed by the Vedas as above mentioned (in BG 2.12). BG 1972 purports
- If one can somehow or other, by the grace of the Lord, understand the transcendental position of the Lord, one becomes eternal. This is further confirmed by the Lord Himself in Bhagavad-gita - BG 4.9
- If one continues to hear Srimad-Bhagavatam, which is full of narratives of the pastimes of the Lord, at the end of this life, one is sure to be transferred to the eternal, transcendental abode of the Lord
- If one engages only in caring for the necessities of the body, not caring for the eternal necessities of life, then he is part of a civilization whose advancement puts the living entities in the darkest region of ignorance
- If Sankarsana is understood to represent the living entities created from the body of Vasudeva, the living entities would have to be noneternal
- If the living entities had been created from material nature at a certain point, they would be noneternal and would have no chance to be liberated and associate with the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- If we at all want to go to that spiritual sky and cultivate eternal, blissful life, full of knowledge, we will have to begin now to cultivate a sac-cid-ananda body
- If we have got a tinge of spiritual qualification, that will go with you, because you are spirit soul, you are eternal. Therefore whatever spiritual activities you do, that is also eternal
- If we participate in that eternal enjoyment with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, we become happy. We cannot become happy otherwise. BG 1972 Introduction
- If we revive our relationship with Krsna by the grace of Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu our eternal relationship will never break to cause our lamentation
- If you actually Vedantist, then you should be inquiring that - I am eternal. Why I am put into this temporary body, and on account of this body, I am subjected to so many miserable condition of material life
- If you fall from the instruction, how you can remain eternal? You have to stay on the platform. Then eternally you are safe. If you fall down from the platform, then it is your fault
- If you want eternal, continued happiness, then you have to purify your existential condition, you have to place yourself in the transcendental position, and you will feel that happiness
- If you want to purify your existence - because you are eternal - then you have to practice this tapasya. Not being carried away by the waves of material nature. You have to fight. You're fighting against. But you do not know how to fight. That is tapasya
- Impersonalism cannot give us the answer to our eternal search after peace
- Impersonalists do not agree to accept the eternal, blissful Personality of Godhead; consequently they cannot relish the bliss of transcendental personal service to the Lord, having extinguished their individuality. BG 1972 purports
- In Bhagavad-gita (15.7) the Lord (Krsna) says, mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah: "The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts"
- In Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7) the Lord says: The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- In brahminical culture a brahmana's transcendental position is eternally maintained because the injunctions of the Vedas are accepted with faith, austerity, scriptural conclusions, full sense and mind control, and meditation
- In different parts of the Upanisads, the Vedas declare, "The Supreme Brahman is eternal, full of all knowledge and all bliss. That one Supreme Personality of Godhead exists in the heart of every living entity"
- In every samhita, the jiva (living entity) has been accepted as eternal, and in the Pancaratras the birth of the jiva is completely denied
- In fact, it (KC) is the very quality of the self. We have only to invoke it by this process. Krsna consciousness is an eternal fact. It is not a doctrine or set of beliefs imposed by some organization
- In fact, we are engaged in real activities for obtaining the ultimate happiness in life. If one is not trained to satisfy the spiritual senses and continues in material sense gratification, he will never obtain happiness that is eternal and blissful
- In Krsnaloka there are also family, friends, society, father and mother; everything is there, but they are eternal. Here, as we change bodies, our family relationships also change
- In some of the Vedic literatures it is said that Agnideva, the fire-god, presented this weapon to Lord Sri Krsna, but factually this weapon is eternally carried by the Lord
- In some other Puranas it is stated that Garuda, the eternal carrier of Visnu, knew that Krsna would take this action in the future, and so he put some nectar on this tree to preserve it
- In such a devotional state (being concentrated only upon the eternal loving service of the Lord), a perfect yogi can attain the status of immortal knowledge and bliss
- In the above verse (BG. 7.10) the word bijam means seed, and that seed is proclaimed to be eternal (sanatanam). One may see a huge tree, but what is the origin of this tree? It is the seed, and that seed is eternal
- In the Bhagavad-gita Krsna says we should try to understand that consciousness is spread all over the body and that it is eternal. Similarly, consciousness is spread all over this universe. But that is not our consciousness. That is God's consciousness
- In the Bhagavad-gita the Lord and the living beings are both described as sanatana, or eternal, and the Lord's abode, far beyond the material sky, is also described as sanatana
- In the Bhagavad-gita the spiritual sparks are declared to be sanatana (eternal); therefore the material energy, maya, cannot affect their constitutional position
- In the Eleventh Chapter Krsna Himself is described as sanatanah. Do you remember? He is described as sanatanah, the supreme eternal
- In the eternal sky there is no need for the sun nor for the moon nor fire of any kind because the spiritual sky is already illuminated by the brahma-jyotir, the rays emanating from the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- In the Katha Upanisad (2.2.13) the Supreme Lord is described as the chief eternal being amongst all other eternal individual beings (nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam) and the one Supreme Lord who maintains innumerable other individual living beings
- In the material world a dog is sometimes elevated and is sometimes on the street, but in the spiritual world, Krsna's dog is perpetually, eternally happy
- In the material world the living being is still more conditioned, until he surrenders unto the Lord by reviving his original state of eternal servitorship. That is the last instruction of the Bhagavad-gita and all other recognized scriptures of the world
- In the revealed scriptures the Supreme Lord is described as sac-cid-ananda-vigraha (Bs. 5.1). Sat means eternal, cit means fully cognizant, ananda means joyful, and vigraha means that He is a person
- In the second chapter of Bhagavad-gita, the Personality of Godhead explains this fact elaborately: Although this material body is subject to annihilation, the proprietor of the body is eternal
- In the second chapter of Bhagavad-gita, the Personality of Godhead explains this fact elaborately: The spirit soul which pervades this body is eternal, and thus one should understand that no one can destroy the eternal, ever-existing spirit soul
- In the second chapter of the Vedanta-sutra’s second khanda, Acarya Vedavyasa has refuted the conception that the living beings were ever born (natma sruter nityatvac ca tabhyah). Because there is no creation for the living entities, they must be eternal
- In the spiritual sky all the planets dominated by the Narayana feature are eternal
- In the spiritual sky there is neither anxiety nor fear. It is eternally existing, and it consists of three fourths of the Lord's energy. The material world is an exhibition of only one fourth of the Lord's energy
- In the transcendental realm there is no creation and no destruction, and thus the duration of life is eternal unlimitedly. In other words, everything in the transcendental world is everlasting, full of knowledge and bliss without deterioration
- In the Upanisads (Katha Up. 2.2.13), which say, nityo nityanam cetanas cetananam - the Lord is the supreme leader among all the eternal living beings
- In the Vaikuntha planets the inhabitants fly in their airplanes, accompanied by their wives and consorts, and eternally sing of the character and activities of the Lord, which are always devoid of all inauspicious qualities
- In the Vaikuntha planets there is no scarcity of the things which are available in the material world; they are available, but they are more valuable because they are spiritual and therefore eternal and blissful
- In the Vedas the Supreme Lord is called the supreme eternal of all eternals (nityo nityanam). Both the Supreme Personality of Godhead and the living entities are eternal. The supreme eternals are the visnu-tattva, or Lord Visnu and His expansions
- In the Western countries there is only one philosopher, Socrates . . . he was condemned to death because he was speaking that "I am soul. I am eternal." That was his fault
- In this body, our consciousness being advanced, if we try, we can understand what is the problem of life, why we have accepted birth, death, old age and disease, how to get out of it, how to revive our original nature of body and again become eternal
- In this chapter (of BG 12) the religion of eternal engagement, the explanation of the process of transcendental service for approaching the Supreme Lord, is given. BG 1972 purports
- In this verse, the words dharmah and sanatanah are very important. Sanatana means "eternal," and dharma means "occupational duties." From Satya-yuga to Kali-yuga, the principles of religion and occupational duty gradually deteriorate
- In Vaikuntha there is no old age, although they are eternal. That is the real form of the spirit. The old age is due to this body, material body
- Instead of having eternal, blissful, knowledgeable life, we have got this body which is non-eternal, non-permanent and always miserable in condition, and not blissful. Always miserable and always in ignorance
- Instead of wasting his energy in matter, which is sure to be destroyed in due course by the supreme will, the conditioned soul should utilize his energy in the devotional service of the Lord so that he can be transferred to the other, eternal nature
- Is placed (anyone who understands the transcendental appearance and disappearance of God) in the eternal spiritual sky where the Vaikuntha planets are. There such liberated persons can eternally live without the pangs of birth, death, old age and disease
- Isvara (the Supreme Lord), jiva (the living entity),prakrti (nature), eternal time and karma (activity) are all explained in the Bhagavad-gita. Out of these five, the Lord, the living entities, material nature and time are eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- Isvarah paramah krsnah sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (Bs. 5.1). Sat means "eternal," cit means "full of knowledge," and ananda means "full of pleasure." Krsna is the reservoir of all pleasure
- It (Chanting the maha-mantra - Hare Krsna) goes beyond that, to the point where the pure spirit soul engages in his eternal, blissful, all-knowing activities in the loving service of God
- It is admitted by all schools of philosophy, that the living being is eternal and that the covering body of the five material elements is perishable and temporary
- It is also said in the Padma Purana that the kingdom of tripad-vibhuti is transcendental, whereas the pada-vibhuti is mundane; tripad-vibhuti is eternal, whereas the pada-vibhuti is transient
- It is also stated in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 4.5) that the Lord and His eternal associates descend on the earth many times, but the Lord remembers all the different roles of incarnations, whereas the associates, by His supreme will, forget them
- It is confirmed in the Katha Upanisad, nityo nityanam: there are many eternal living entities, but He is the chief maintainer. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita also, where Lord Krsna says, aham sarvasya prabhavah
- It is due to the living entity's forgetfulness of his eternal nature as eternal servitor of the Lord, and his false conception of being a so-called lord of the material nature, that he is obliged to enter into the existence of false sense enjoyment
- It is easy for a conditioned living entity to be falsely directed in this way, and once he is so directed he can never come to his actual position or enjoy his eternal activity in bhakti yoga
- It is necessary for us to establish a relationship with a preceptor who can really open our eyes and lift us from the clutches of nescience. This process of approaching the spiritual master is an eternal verity
- It is not possible to kill a living entity because factually he is eternal; he simply has to suffer the consequences of his activities of sense gratification
- It is not that they (Krsna, Arjuna and the assembled kings) did not exist as individuals in the past, and it is not that they will not remain eternal persons. BG 1972 purports
- It is not that they become old and there is no more enjoyment or they are separated or somebody, Krsna goes somewhere and the Radharani goes to somewhere. No. Everything is eternal. They are enjoying
- It is not that when you are delivered from the material consciousness and come to the spiritual platform your service stops to Krsna. That is not. Our service is eternal
- It is stated in the Katha Upanisad that eternality and the living force belong both to ourselves and God. Although this is true in that both God and ourselves are immortal, there is a difference
- It is the living entity's eternal position to serve the Lord; therefore to help one get release from material bondage is to awaken one to the dormant understanding that he is the eternal servant of Krsna
- It is there (in Goloka Vrndavana) that He (Krsna) stays with His father, mother and friends, exhibits His transcendental relationships and bestows His mercy amongst His eternal entourage. There yogamaya acts as His maidservant in the rasa-lila dance
- It is within our experience that every created thing is subject to annihilation. The eternality of the spirit soul is proved through its noncreatability by material means
- Jiva is also described as sanatana, eternal, and the Lord is also described as sanatana in the Eleventh Chapter of the Bhagavad-gita. BG 1972 Introduction
- Jivahimsa means that since every living entity has to pass through a particular type of body according to his past karma, although every living entity is eternal, he should not be disturbed in his gradual evolution
- Just as a boy is educated in order to become happy later, one should be educated in this life in order to attain an eternal and prosperous life after death
- Just try to understand that you are eternal. You have no death, you have no birth. Your the birth and death is due to this body. That's all. Just like I told you, death means sleeping for seven months, again rise up. Suptotthito nyaya
- Kamsa called all his counselors together & narrated the incidents that happened the night before. All the counselors of Kamsa were demons & eternal enemies of the demigods, so they became depressed upon hearing their master speak of the night’s events
- Karma is not eternal. Therefore we stated that of the five items (isvara, jiva, prakrti time and karma) four are eternal, whereas karma is not eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- Karma is not eternal. Therefore we stated that of the five items (isvara, jiva, prakrti, time and karma) four are eternal, whereas karma is not eternal
- Karma, is not eternal. The effects of karma may be very old indeed. BG 1972 Introduction
- Krishna Consciousness teaching does not depend on the age. It is the eternal platform of the soul
- Krishna has genitals certainly. It is said that He has eternal, blissful Body, full of knowledge. So when He has got a body, He must have all the parts of a body. But we should not consider that His parts of the body are the same as ours
- Krsna comes with full Vrndavana picture, and He demonstrates His Vrndavana life, cintamani-prakara-sadmasu (BS 5.29), just to attract us, that, You are trying to enjoy in this material world, but here you cannot enjoy because you are eternal
- Krsna consciousness is perfect and eternal, and it cannot be lost under any circumstances. Because the material world is full of obstructions to advancement in Krsna consciousness, there may appear to be many impediments
- Krsna Consciousness means blissful life, and also that blissful life is eternal and full of knowledge
- Krsna consciousness movement means to get ourselves out of this changing condition to the eternal condition
- Krsna indicates that beyond this changing (six transformations of material nature), cloudlike nature there is a spiritual nature, which is eternal. In addition, when this material nature is annihilated, that avyaktat sanatanah will remain
- Krsna is the Lord of all kinds of threes & is independently supreme by achievement of all kinds of fortune. He is worshiped by the eternal maintainers of the creation, who offer Him the paraphernalia of worship by touching their helmets to His feet
- Krsna remembered acts which were performed by Him millions of years before, but Arjuna could not, despite the fact that both Krsna and Arjuna are eternal in nature. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna showed that the spiritual world is not devoid of such pleasurable facilities of life. The only difference is that in the spiritual world such facilities are eternal, never-ending occurrences
- Krsna was manifest only to His devotees as the reservoir of all pleasure. But to others, to unintelligent nondevotees, He was covered by His eternal potency. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna's color is described there (in sastra). Krsna's peacock feather is described there. Krsna's flute is there. Krsna's ever-eternal consort . . . pranaya-keli. In loving mood always, Krsna. He's always in enjoying spirit. So we get idea of Krsna
- Krsna's lila, it is eternal. Somewhere it is going on. And you have no experience of one brahmanda, what to speak of innumerable brahmandas
- Krsna's pastimes, appearance and disappearance, is continuous and eternal. There is no stoppage
- Krsna's real family, eternal family, blissful family
- Krsna's superior spiritual energy is transcendental and eternal. It is beyond all the changes of material nature, which is manifest and annihilated during the days and nights of Brahma. BG 1972 purports
- Krsna's transcendental body is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss
- Laksmi, the goddess of fortune, is the eternal consort of Lord Visnu. Here (in SB 4.1.4) it is stated that both the Lord and Laksmi, who are eternal consorts, appeared from Akuti simultaneously
- Liberation from this material infection does not mean destruction of the original eternal position of the living entity. Patanjali also accepts this by his words kaivalyam svarupa-pratistha va citi-saktir iti. BG 1972 purports
- Liquidity cannot be taken from water, nor can heat be taken from fire. Similarly, the eternal function of the eternal living entity cannot be taken from the living entity. BG 1972 Introduction
- Living entities come together within this material world and are again separated by the laws of nature. We should always know, however, that the spirit soul, which is different from the body, is eternal, unadjustable, pure, all-pervading and aware
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu and Laksmidevi are eternal husband and wife. Therefore it was quite natural for their dormant love to awaken when they saw each other. Their natural feelings were immediately awakened by their meeting
- Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu explained the aphorisms of grammar to be eternal, like the holy name of Krsna
- Lord Krsna confirms this statement (of CC Madhya 19.140) in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): mamaivamso jiva-loke jiva-bhutah sanatanah. “The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal fragmental parts”
- Lord Krsna explains in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- Lord Krsna is Rama Himself, and wherever Lord Rama is, His eternal servitor Hanuman and His eternal consort Sita, the goddess of fortune, are present. Therefore, Arjuna had no cause to fear any enemies whatsoever. BG 1972 purports
- Lord Sri Krsna, along with His elder brother, Sri Baladeva, and other cowherd boys of the vicinity, entered the beautiful forest, accompanied by the cows, to display transcendental pastimes with His eternal friends
- Lord Visnu is the eternal Lord of everyone, and the representative of Lord Visnu is the Lord’s confidential servant. Such a person acts as the spiritual master for neophyte Vaisnavas
- Love of Godhead is the eternal nature of the soul; it is unchangeable, beginningless and endless. Therefore temporary sense gratification or a desire for liberation cannot compare with the transcendental nature of love of God
- Love of Godhead is the original function of the spirit soul, and it is as eternal as the soul and the Supreme Personality of Godhead. This eternity is called sanatana
- Mad-bhavam refers to the supreme nature of the Supreme Being. The Supreme Being is sac-cid-ananda-vigraha - eternal, full of knowledge and bliss. BG 1972 Introduction
- Material life means trying to imitate the Enjoyer, and spiritual life means to remain in one's eternal position as enjoyed
- Materialistic science may one day finally discover the eternal anti-material world which has for so long been unknown to the wranglers of gross materialism
- Mathura was also made the capital of the kings of the Yadu dynasty because the Yadus were a very pious family and knew that Mathura is the place where Krsna lives eternally, just as He also lives in Dvaraka
- Men with poor fund of knowledge do not know, in the material world however you try to arrange things very right, it will always fail. But in the spiritual world the spiritual varieties displayed by Krishna along with his associates gives eternal pleasure
- Modern civilization does not know that because of varied association in material nature, the living entity although eternal is placed in different diseased conditions known as the many species of life. Modern civilization is unaware of the laws of nature
- Modern history of the world cannot give any chronological data of historical event more than three thousand years, but this Krsna consciousness movement is still older - from prehistoric days. It is not new. Eternal
- My (Prabhupada) eternal spiritual master, His Divine Grace Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya 108 Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Gosvami Maharaja Prabhupada. BG 1972 Preface
- My advice to you, I am old man. So even I may not return, you shall continue this Krsna consciousness movement. This is eternal and I shall request you to keep the standard as I have already given you the program
- My dear devotee, unto those who rise from bed at the end of night and offer Me the prayers offered by you, I give an eternal residence in the spiritual world at the end of their lives
- My Lord, all obeisances unto You, who are eternal, beyond time's limits of past, present and future. You are inconceivable in Your activities, You are the master of the three modes of material nature, and, being transcendental to all material qualities
- Narada also says to Yudhisthira, "My dear King, it is Lord Krsna, known as Mukunda, who is the eternal protector of the Pandavas and the Yadus. He is also your spiritual master and instructor in every respect. He is the only worshipable God for you"
- Narada said, "The conditioned souls, who have now been put into the blind well of material existence, can get out of this eternal captivity only by accepting Your (Krsna's) lotus feet. Thus, You are the only shelter of all conditioned souls"
- Nitya means eternal. And nityanam. Nityanam means plural number of nityas. So there are many nityas, means many living entities, but there is one nitya Supreme. That is God. He is also a living entity like us
- Nitya-lila means the pastimes, or the loving exchange, affairs between Radha and Krsna, that is eternal. That is not temporary
- Nitya-siddha, eternal perfection attained by never forgetting Krsna at any time
- Nityasyoktah saririnah refers to the living soul, or the living spark, within the body. That soul is eternal, but the body is not eternal
- No history can trace out the origin of Krsna consciousness because the living entities, they are eternal. The bodily concept of life is not correct. Nobody dies, nobody takes birth. Everyone is eternal
- No one can destroy the eternal spirit - that is what we need to understand at the present moment. The indestructible spirit is thus above the conception of violence and nonviolence
- Nobody is actually outside (of sanatana-dharma). Everyone is an eternal spirit soul, and therefore everyone is meant for the eternal religion, sanatana-dharma. You may think that you are not an eternal spirit soul, but that is simply illusion
- Nonetheless, You are eternal, having no beginning, end or middle. You are perceived to exist in these three phases, and thus You are permanent. When the cosmic manifestation does not exist, You exist as the original potency
- Not feeling, practically, training that I am spirit soul, I am eternal part & parcel of the Lord. When you come to this position, this is called sarvopadhi-vinirmuktam. Freed from all designation. These are, the bodily identification is designation
- Not only Arjuna, but every one of us is full of anxieties because of this material existence. Our existence is in the atmosphere of nonexistence. Actually we are not meant to be threatened by nonexistence. Our existence is eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- Nothing real is in this material world, but reality is in the spiritual world. The Lord's form and His abode - Goloka Vrndavana in the Vaikuntha planets - are eternal realities
- O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any creature - Bhagavad-gita 2.30
- O descendant of Bharata, he who dwells in the body is eternal and can never be slain. Therefore you need not grieve for any creature. BG 2.30 - 1972
- O Maharaja Pariksit, Yayati similarly requested his sons Turvasu, Druhyu and Anu to exchange their youth for his old age, but because they were unaware of religious principles, they thought that their flickering youth was eternal
- O my friends, O sons of demons, everyone, including you (the Yaksas and Raksasas), the unintelligent women, sudras and cowherd men, the birds, the lower animals and the sinful living entities, can revive his original, eternal spiritual life
- O people! Why are you being captivated by the waves of the ocean of nescience? If you would immediately accept Lord Krsna as your eternal master, there would be no chance of being carried away by the waves of illusion. Then all your sufferings would stop
- O scion of Bharata, knowing this eternal truth (that no one can destroy the eternal, ever-existing spirit soul. Although this material body is subject to annihilation, the proprietor of the body is eternal), you can go on with your fighting engagement
- O supreme eternal (Krsna), please, let my (Srila Rupa Gosvami) mind be fixed at Your lotus feet so that eternally I may be able to relish the taste of Your transcendental service
- O Supreme Eternal! If the embodied living entities were eternal and all-pervading like You (God), then they would not be under Your control (SB 10.87.30). BG 1972 purports
- O Vidura, while searching in that way about his existence, Brahma reached his ultimate time, which is the eternal wheel in the hand of Visnu and which generates fear in the mind of the living entity like the fear of death
- On one bank of the Viraja is the eternal nature, unlimited and all-blissful, called the spiritual sky, and this is the spiritual kingdom, or the kingdom of God
- One adjective used in this connection (to pradhana) is nitya, which indicates eternality
- One can attain the Supreme Brahman by becoming Brahman. This means that one must qualitatively become one with Brahman. By attainment of Brahman, one does not lose his eternal Brahman identity as individual soul. BG 1972 purports
- One eternal living entity supports all the other eternal living entities. Because the SPG maintains all the other living entities, they remain subordinate to the Lord, even when joined with Him in the reciprocation of loving affairs
- One may argue that an ordinary living being is eternal and unborn like the Lord and also takes birth in different species of life, and so there is no difference between the Lord and an ordinary living being
- One of His younger brothers, Laksmanaji, desired to go with Him, and so also His eternal wife, Sitaji, desired to go with Him. The Lord agreed to both of them, and all together they entered the Dandakaranya Forest, to live there for fourteen years
- One should be conscious of his precarious position, that "I am eternal, but I am encaged in a temporary body which will not exist. However I may try to make it youthful by so many arrangement, but no..." The science cannot give you permanent life
- One should be educated in this life in order to attain an eternal and prosperous life after death. It is therefore essential that people follow what is given in the srutis and smrtis to make sure that the human mission is successful
- One who comes intimately in touch with Lord Krsna by engaging in His eternal service sees the Supersoul as the localized partial representation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- One who executes Caitanya's mission must be considered eternally liberated. He is a transcendental person & does not belong to this material world. Such a devotee, engaging in the deliverance of the total population, is as magnanimous as Caitanya Himself
- One who has no compassion for humanity in its suffering and does not sacrifice his impermanent body for the higher causes of religious principles or eternal glory is certainly pitied even by the immovable beings
- One who is famous as a Krsna conscious man enjoys eternal fame
- One who is free from illusion, false prestige, and false association, who understands the eternal, who is done with material lust and is freed from the duality of happiness and distress, attains to that eternal kingdom. BG 15.5 - 1972
- One who knows how to surrender unto the Supreme Person, attains to that eternal kingdom. BG 15.5 - 1972
- Only difference is that God does not change His body; I change My body. That is also in this material world. When I shall go to the spiritual world, there is no more change of body. Eternal
- Only the material body of the indestructible, immeasurable, and eternal living entity is subject to destruction; therefore, fight, O descendant of Bharata - BG 2.18
- Only unto one who has unflinching devotion to the Lord and to the spiritual master does transcendental knowledge become automatically revealed. Such relationship between the disciple and the spiritual master is eternal
- Our existence is eternal. But somehow or other we are put into asat. Asat refers to that which does not exist. BG 1972 Introduction
- Our Krsna consciousness movement is that you have got this human form of body. Don't miss the opportunity. That you can, if you properly utilize, if you train yourself, you can be transferred to the platform of eternal, spiritual bliss
- Our lord, Bali Maharaja, because of his position in performing the yajna, has given up the power to punish. Taking advantage of this, our eternal enemy, Visnu, dressed in the form of a brahmacari beggar, has taken away all his possessions
- Our nature is sac-cid-ananda, eternal, blissful & full of knowledge, yet this body is destined to die, & while it is existing it is full of ignorance & miseries. The senses are imperfect, & it is not possible to attain perfect knowledge through them
- Our power to think about space and time is also limited. Time is eternal; we may imagine billions and trillions of years, but that will still be an inadequate estimate of the extent of time
- Our whole material existence is due to different kinds of work. So if we make the work also eternal, that is Krsna consciousness activities. Then we come to the eternal. But in the material existence our work is not eternal
- Out of desire to lord it over, the jiva soul forgets that he is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss and identifies with the material energy. So it is the consciousness of the conditioned soul that is affected
- Out of the five subjects, the Supreme Lord, the living entity, nature, and time and space are eternal, but the living entity, nature and time are under the direction of the Supreme Lord, who is absolute and completely independent of any other control
- Paras tu bhavah means "superior nature," and vyaktah refers to what we see manifested. We can see that the material universe is manifested through the earth, sun, stars, and planets. And beyond this universe is another nature, an eternal nature
- Parasurama is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and his eternal mission is to protect the devotees and annihilate the miscreants
- People are madly accumulating money and working very hard all day and night, not caring for the eternal spirit. This is madness. In their madness, they are very reluctant to make advancement in spiritual understanding
- People in general are ignorant and addicted to fruitive activities. Without disturbing their minds, the karma-yogi can benefit them by explaining the truth about man's eternal position as Lord Krsna's servant
- People in general have a natural inclination to read narrations in which ordinary jivas are glorified, but when they become attracted by the Vedic scriptures which delineate Your eternal pastimes, they actually dip into the ocean of transcendental bliss
- Persons desiring to follow in the footsteps of such eternal devotees of the Lord as the Vrsnis and Vrndavana denizens are called raganuga devotees, which means that they are trying to attain to the perfection of those devotees
- Persons with a poor fund of knowledge become illusioned & therefore the so-called scientists, physiologists, empiric philosophers, etc., become dazzled by the glaring reflection of the sun, moon, electricity, etc., & deny the existence of the Supreme Lord
- Physical conception is temporary. The vibration conception is eternal
- Pradyumna lives in Dvaraka-pura, and Aniruddha lies on the eternal bed of Sesa, generally known as ananta-sayya, on the island called Svetadvipa, in the ocean of milk
- Prakrti is eternal; it is not false. The Lord refers to this as "My prakrti." BG 1972 Introduction
- Prakrti, material nature, and purusa, the living entity, are eternal. When they both come in contact, there are different reactions and manifestations. All of them should be considered the results of the interaction of the three modes of material nature
- Prasannatma means he becomes immediately enlivened: I don't belong to this. Why I am identifying myself with these miseries of material world? I belong to the part and parcel of the Supreme, sac-cid-ananda-vigrahah (Bs. 5.1), eternal, blissful knowledge
- Process of approaching the spiritual master is an eternal verity. No one can do without abiding by this eternal rule
- Prthu Maharaja said that the Supreme Personality of Godhead attained this opulence of eternal fame simply by worshiping the lotus feet of the brahmanas. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said that the Lord does not need to work to achieve material gain
- Punishment may not be visible in this life, but because life is eternal, it is continuity, one must be prepared to accept such punishment in this life or next life
- Rahu, however, being an eternal enemy of the moon and sun, attacks them periodically during the nights of the full moon and the dark moon
- Real consciousness, as it is recommended by Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, that He identifies Himself as eternal servant of Krsna. This is Krsna consciousness
- Real knowledge means to develop the consciousness of I am not this body. I am spirit soul, an eternal part and parcel of the Supreme Lord
- Real pleasure is nityananda, eternal pleasure. So anyone who has no contact with Nityananda, it is to be understood that his life is spoiled
- Real transcendentalists are hungry for this happiness, and as a hungry man cannot be made happy by all comforts of life minus foodstuff, so the man hungry for eternal absolute happiness cannot be satisfied by any amount of material happiness
- Reality means eternal. Therefore real pleasure, that is Krsna. The material pleasure is temporary, not actual
- Rebirth means that... You are eternal
- Rejected persons of the material world who refuse to understand pure DS as the eternal function of the living entities, and as actual liberation of the living being from conditioned life, become bereft of all DS because of their poor fund of knowledge
- Sa kaleneha yogo nastah parantapa. That was lost. Although it is eternal, still, because the parampara system or the disciplic succession broke, therefore the real meaning or real purport of Bhagavad-gita was not received
- Sad-dharma means "eternal occupation." That eternal occupation is engagement in the transcendental loving service of the Lord
- Samhitam means Vedic knowledge, and satvata means eternal, or for the devotees
- Sanatana means "eternal." As Krsna says in the Bhagavad-gita, na hanyate hanyamane sarire: (BG 2.20) The living entity within the body is not destroyed when the body is destroyed, because he is eternal
- Sanatana means eternal, always and everywhere. Bhagavata means pertaining to Bhagavan, the Lord. The Lord is the master of all time and all space, and therefore the Lord's holy name must be heard, glorified and remembered everywhere in the world
- Sanatana-dharma does not refer to any sectarian process of religion. It is the eternal function of the eternal living entities in relationship with the eternal Supreme Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- Sanatana-dharma means devotional service. The word sanatana refers to that which is eternal, which does not change but continues in all circumstances
- Sanatana-dharma means that the living entity is eternal, he must seek out his eternal service. That is called sanatana-dharma
- Sanatana-dharma system is eternal
- Sankaracarya - who did not accept the Personality of Godhead and preached morality and ethics in the spirit of pantheism - never preached that there is any possibility of attaining eternal peace and prosperity in this material world
- Sankirtana should be done by you in the streets and at gatherings and in this manner display what is this Krsna consciousness movement and how it is for everyone's eternal welfare and happiness
- Sastra, says tad-vijnanartham: "If you want to know the real problem of your life and if you want to be enlightened how to become Krsna conscious, how to become eternal, go back to home, back to Godhead, then you must approach the guru"
- Sat means eternal, and the body is not eternal. Therefore it is very difficult to understand what is sat because we have no education, no experience. Everything is annihilated, destroyed, anything material
- Sat means eternal. Spiritual body never annihilates. The material body annihilates. Every one of us, we have got now material body. It will annihilate. But in the spiritual world, when you have got spiritual body, it does not annihilate. Eternal life
- Sat means eternal; there is no change. Just like Krsna. His body is sac-cid-ananda; therefore He never grows old. You'll never find a picture of Krsna that He has grown old. No
- Sat-cit-ananda. That is the formation of Krsna, and that is our formation also. Sat means eternal. Cit means full knowledge. Eternal, full knowledge and ananda. Ananda. Ananda means bliss
- Satam gatih, the path of the eternal, is very interesting to persons who are after liberation, and His Lordship Kapila began to speak about that path
- Service is the constant companion of the living being and that the rendering of service is the eternal religion of the living being. BG 1972 Introduction
- Service of the individual soul to the Supreme Soul is eternal, as is clearly stated. So bhakti or devotional service is eternal. One should be established in that philosophical conviction, otherwise it is only a waste of time, ignorance. BG 1972 purports
- She (Sati) addressed her husband (Siva) as aja, which refers to one who has transcended the bondage of birth and death, or one who has realized his eternal position
- Simply knowing that spirit soul is different from this body and that its nature is immutable, indestructible and eternal. But that gives no positive information about the soul. BG 1972 purports
- Since Krsna consciousness is eternal, it cannot be destroyed altogether, but advancement may be checked for the time being. Thus vaisnava-aparadha is one kind of impediment to devotional service
- Since Krsna is the supreme father, His affection for the living entity is eternal
- Since Mayavadi philosophers cannot understand this (that all devotional activities are easy to perform and are eternal), they take it for granted that a devotee’s activities (sravanam kirtanam, etc. (SB 7.5.23)) are all material and are therefore maya
- Since Rahu is an eternal enemy of the moon and the sun, he always tries to attack them on the nights of the full moon and the dark moon
- Since the living being is eternal, he exists just like the air within the body. Air is within and without the body. Therefore when the external covering, the material body, is vanquished, the living spark, like the air within the body, continues to exist
- Since the opportunity of human life is temporary, what benefit can these material opulences give to a sensible man who has understood himself to be eternal?
- Since the Supreme Lord of such eternal and unchangeable qualities is never subjugated by anything like material influence, how can His activities and form be conceived to be under the influence of illusory maya, as is the case with the living entities
- Since the Vedic literatures say that the living entity is eternal, one should not think the living being to be produced at a certain time
- Since this sanatana-dharma system is eternal, one can elevate himself to the highest standard of spiritual life by following the Vedic principles
- Since we as living entities are eternal, temporary activities are not our concern. Our engagements should be eternal because we are eternal, and that eternal engagement is the rendering of service to Krsna in love
- Situated in eternal trance and freed from illusion impelled by the modes of material nature, she (Devahuti) forgot her material body, just as one forgets his different bodies in a dream
- So far as the Vedic religion is concerned, it is not simply for the so-called Hindus. That is to be understood. This is sanatana-dharma, the eternal and universal nature and duty of every living being. It is for all living entities, all living beings
- So the idea that we don't want this material opulence, that is called vairagya. And why you want Krsna? Because Krsna is your eternal master, eternal father. That is called jnana
- So the sanatana-dharma means that to find out the eternal engagement of the living entity. At the present moment, the living entity is changing the position
- So Vedic culture is very old. It is not a concocted thing or a new pattern. It is eternal. Therefore it is called sanatana
- So-called educated philosophers and scientists who are simply on the mental platform cannot distinguish between what is actually sat, eternal, and what is asat, temporary
- Soul is permanent, all-pervading, and eternal. He cannot be explained by any human language, nor can he be perfectly conceived of by any human mind. He remains always unchangeable, and knowing all these facts, one should not lament over his disappearance
- Spirit soul in his original condition is joyful, blissful, eternal and full of knowledge. Only by his implication in material activities has he become miserable, temporary and full of ignorance. This is due to vikarma
- Spiritual life is never retired. It is eternal. There is no question of retire
- Spiritual master is eternal
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu confirms, jivera ‘svarupa’ haya - krsnera nitya-dasa: (CC Madhya 20.108). “Every living entity is an eternal part, an eternal servant, of the Supreme Personality of Godhead”
- Sri Caitanya Mahaprabhu's philanthropic activities are performed in connection with the eternal soul
- Sri Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead, with an eternal, all-blissful, transcendental form. He is the original person, known as Govinda. He is without any cause, and He is the cause of all other causes
- Sri Narada Muni said: After first offering my obeisances unto Lord Krsna, the protector of the religious principles of all living entities, let me explain the principles of the eternal religious system, of which I have heard from the mouth of Narayana
- Sri Naradaji is an eternal spaceman, having been endowed with a spiritual body by the grace of the Lord. He can travel in the outer spaces of both the material and spiritual worlds without restriction
- Sridhara Swami said, "My dear Lord, I am eternally a part of You, but I have been entrapped by the material potencies, which are also an emanation from You"
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura explains these verses (CC Madhya 20.108-109) as follows: Sanatana Gosvami asked Caitanya, "Who am I?" In answer, the Lord replied - Actually you are a spirit soul, eternally part and parcel of the Supreme Soul, Krsna
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has said that a Vaisnava is recognized by his preaching work - that is, by convincing the conditioned soul about his eternal position, which is explained here (in CC Madhya 20.6) as nija-dharma
- Srila Rupa Goswami offers his respectful prayers to the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead, who is always so beautiful and for whom the pure devotees are always engaged in loving transcendental service
- Srila Sridhara Svami rightly commenting on this verse (SB 2.5.39), says that the Brahmaloka mentioned here is Vaikuntha, the kingdom of God, which is sanatana, or eternal, and is not exactly like the material creations described above
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura has commented that the very word navartate indicates that this planet (Dhruvaloka) is eternal
- Srila Visvanatha Cakravarti Thakura illuminates this fact (Devaki wanted to deal with her eternal son, Krsna, in vatsalya, and therefore she wanted Krsna to withdraw His opulent form of Visnu) very clearly in his explanation of this verse - SB 10.3.31
- Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the surrender of the devotee unto the Absolute Person. The devotee is fully aware that he is one with the Absolute and at the same time in the eternal position of servant to the Absolute
- Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the surrender of the living entity unto the Absolute Person. This surrender is made with clear consciousness & awareness of the devotee's oneness with the Absolute & at the same time, of his eternal position of servitorship
- Srimad-Bhagavatam is the transcendental narration of the activities of the same Lord Krsna, which alone can satisfy the hankering desires of the living being for eternal peace and liberation from miseries
- Such eternal vayasyas are also found beyond the jurisdiction of Vrndavana, in places such as Dvaraka and Hastinapura. Except for Vrndavana, all the places of Krsna's pastimes are called puras
- Such eternal, blissful, all-knowing forms of the Lord (Krsna) cannot be understood even by the best Vedic scholars, but they are always manifest to pure, unalloyed devotees
- Such manifestations of the Lord's potencies are eternal and are called nirguna, or free from all tinges of the modes of material nature, even up to the mode of material goodness
- Sukadeva Gosvami said: When the supreme, ancient, eternal PG had thus spoken to Bali Maharaja, who is universally accepted as a pure devotee of the Lord and therefore a great soul, Bali Maharaja, his eyes filled with tears, responded as follows
- That destination is called the sanatana sky, the eternal spiritual sky. BG 1972 Introduction
- That is the defect of their civilization. Na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). They are taking care of the body, but beyond the body there is something else, which is eternal. Even after the annihilation of the body, it does not become destroyed
- That is the purport of the words vyakta-avyakta in the Hari-vamsa. In the Bhagavad-gita it is said, avyakto ’vyaktat sanatanah: both these energies are eternally manifested
- That is the real existence, that I am Brahman. Brahman means eternal. But Krsna is Para-brahman
- That is the whole process of Krsna consciousness - the revival of our original sac-cid-ananda spiritual body. That body is eternal (sat), full of knowledge (cit), and blissful - ananda
- That kingdom is described in the Bhagavad-gita as supreme and eternal, never to be annihilated. This material nature is subjected to repeated creation and annihilation. But that part, the spiritual nature, remains as it is, eternally
- That padam avyayam or eternal kingdom can be reached by one who is nirmana-moha. What does this mean? BG 1972 Introduction
- That spiritual sky is far beyond the material sky, and it is confirmed also in the Bhagavad-gita that beyond this material sky there is another, eternal sky
- That spontaneous love is eternal. It is not artificial. We have got, but it is now covered by our material association. So it has to be uncovered
- That superior nature which is beyond this material nature is eternal. There is no history of its ever having begun; it has neither beginning nor end - 8.20-21
- The "mysterious unity" you speak of is devotional service, whereby the eternal part and parcel of God renders loving service in union with Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead. It is not an impersonal or vague thing
- The Absolute is mentioned here as the purusa, or person. The Absolute Personality of Godhead is mentioned in so many Vedic literatures, and in the Bhagavad-gita, the purusa is confirmed as the eternal and original person
- The Absolute Personality, Sri Krsna, descends to revive the five eternally existing relationships - namely neutrality, servitorship, friendship, filial love and amorous love
- The almighty God awards the results we desire, and therefore we should desire that which is eternal, blissful, and full of knowledge. In devotional service we should not endeavor for that which is temporary and useless
- The attention of human being should be drawn to the cultivation of the human spirit, for this will gradually protect him from all sorts of discomfiture & elevate him to a higher status of life for real & eternal enjoyment in personal contact with the PG
- The BG is the spoken message of the Lord Himself recorded by Vyasadeva, and the SB is the transcendental narration of the activities of the same Krsna, which alone can satisfy the hankering desires of the living being for eternal peace and liberation
- The bodily beauty of Sri Krsna is like a wave in the ocean of eternal youth. In that great ocean is the whirlpool of the awakening of ecstatic love
- The body of Krsna, the ocean of the eternal beauty of youth, can be seen to move in waves of beauty
- The brahmana inquired as follows: Who are you? Whose wife or daughter are you? Who is the man lying here? It appears you are lamenting for this dead body. Don't you recognize Me? I am your eternal friend
- The capitalist serves his family and the family serves the head man in terms of the eternal capacity of eternal being. In this way we can see no living being is exempted from the practice of rendering service to other living being
- The chanting of the holy name of Krsna has been praised by Srila Rupa Gosvami in his Namastaka (verse 1): O Hari-nama! You are eternally adored by liberated souls such as Narada and Sukadeva. I take complete shelter of You
- The children that he (a man) conceives will also die. So death is sure. Still, people are madly accumulating money and working very hard all day and night, not caring for the eternal spirit. This is madness. BG 1972 purports
- The conclusion is that no one falls from the spiritual world, or Vaikuntha planet, for it is the eternal abode. But sometimes, as the Lord desires, devotees come into this material world as preachers or as atheists
- The conditioned soul should utilize his energy in the devotional service of the Lord so that he can be transferred to the other, eternal nature, where there is no birth, no death, no creation, no destruction, but permanent life instead
- The connection of Lord Siva and Ambika, or Durga, is eternal. Sati could not accept any husband but Lord Siva. How Lord Siva remarried Durga as Himavati, the daughter of the Himalayas, and how Karttikeya was born, is a great story in itself
- The constant symptom of the spiritual master is that he can deliver his disciple from the blazing fire of this material existence. That is the eternal qualification of the spiritual master
- The creation of His (God's) internal potency, the spiritual world, is not a temporary manifestation like the material world, but is eternal and full of transcendental knowledge, opulence, energy, strength, beauties and glories
- The demigods saw Lord Siva sitting under that tree, which was competent to give perfection to mystic yogis and deliver all people. As grave as time eternal, he appeared to have given up all anger
- The descriptions of Laksmi as being different from Visnu are stated when an eternally liberated living entity is imbued with the quality of Laksmi; they do not pertain to mother Laksmi, the eternal consort of Lord Visnu
- The devotees of Lord Krsna alone can fully take to heart the instructions of the Gita, and by acting accordingly they are liberated from the awesome and eternal enslavement of the cycle of karma
- The difference between matter and spirit is that matter has no consciousness like the living entity; therefore this consciousness is supreme and eternal. Consciousness cannot be produced by a combination of matter. BG 1972 purports
- The difference between the two living beings is that the one, the Personality of Godhead, provides for all other living beings, and by knowing Him one can achieve eternal peace (Katha Upanisad)
- The difference between worshiping the Lord and worshiping the demigods is that the worshiper of the Lord also becomes eternal, whereas whatever benedictions one can get from the demigods are impermanent
- The direct meaning of the 15th Chapter 7th verse is that every living entity is the eternal part and parcel of Krishna. How can you think of contradiction in the Bhagavad-gita?
- The diverse principles are the eternal paraphernalia through which the Absolute Truth can be approached
- The effects of war or pitched upheavals touch the body only and not the soul, much as the effects of a sumptuous feast touch the hunger of the stomach only and not that of the mind. None of these material effects ever touches the eternal living entity
- The eternal bond between disciple and spiritual master begins from the first day he hears. Just like my spiritual master. In 1922 he said in our first meeting, you are educated boys, why don't you preach this cult
- The eternal living entity transmigrates from one material body to another by the law of karma, and material bodies are perishable by their fundamental structures
- The eternal pastimes of Krsna are continuously taking place in the original Goloka Vrndavana planet. These same pastimes are gradually manifested within the material world, in each and every brahmanda
- The eternal pastimes of the Lord in the spiritual planet Krsnaloka are called aprakata, or unmanifested, pastimes because they are beyond the purview of the conditioned souls
- The eternal position of the living entity is never on the level of Krsna or greater than Him. This understanding of Krsna consciousness is the basic principle of real peace. BG 1972 purports
- The eternal relation of an individual soul with the Supreme Soul Personality of Godhead is constitutionally one of being the eternal servitor of the eternal master
- The every living entity is sanatana. And Krsna is sanatana. And there is place, sanatana. So our business is how to transfer ourself in that sanatana-dhama
- The example of the damsels of Vrajabhumi Vrndavana (the gopis) is given because these eternal consorts of God terribly suffered the separation of Lord Krsna when God was absent from their presence for His engagement in tending the cows in the forest
- The field of material nature is the arena of the activities of fruitive actors, and since the material field is externally related with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, it is also eternal
- The fine and immeasurable anti-material particle is always indestructible, permanent and eternal. After a certain period, however, its encagement by material particles is annihilated
- The finger is part and parcel of the total body, and its eternal function is to serve the body. Indeed, that is the very purpose for the finger, and if it cannot serve the whole body, it is diseased or useless
- The first plenary expansion of Krsna is Baladeva, also known as Sesa. The Sesa incarnation of the Supreme Personality of Godhead supports the entire universe, and the eternal mother of this incarnation is mother Rohini
- The five stores are the five working sensory organs. They transact their business through the combined forces of the five elements, which are eternal. Behind all this activity is the soul. The soul is a person and an enjoyer in reality
- The foolish worker will untiringly continue to hear of the sense-enjoyable tidings of the flickering mundane world, but will have very little time to hear about the eternal living force that moves the material world
- The form of the Lord and the expansions of His form as svayam-rupa and vaibhava-prakasa are directly the enjoyers of the internal energy, which is the eternal exhibitor of the spiritual world
- The form of the Lord is sac-cid-ananda, or eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. But the material form of the living being is neither eternal, nor full of knowledge, nor blissful
- The good sages said: O grave Suta Gosvami! May you live many years and have eternal fame, for you are speaking very nicely about the activities of Lord Krsna, the Personality of Godhead. This is just like nectar for mortal beings like us
- The gopis were not ordinary women. In essence they were on an equal level with Krsna. They are His eternal associates. As it is confirmed in the Brahma-samhita, they are expansions of the pleasure potency of Krsna
- The happiness and distress of the body and mind and will relish a transcendental peace eternal, even in the midst of worldly happiness and distress
- The highest development of one's spiritual sense is described in this mantra: One should give up the material body, which will be turned to ashes, and allow the air of life to merge into the eternal reservoir of air
- The human form of life is not meant for cheap happiness. The human life is meant for attaining eternal and unlimited happiness by spiritual realization
- The impersonal monists have no information of full-fledged independent life in the eternal spiritual realm. According to them, the spiritual realm is simply void. This is like prisoners thinking that there is no life outside the prison
- The inhabitants of the Carana planet said: O Lord, because You have destroyed the demon Hiranyakasipu, who was always a stake in the hearts of all honest men, we are now relieved, and we eternally take shelter of Your lotus feet
- The intelligent man should know this, that "I want permanent settlement in my life, but that is not being done." Only intelligent man can understand because intelligent means to understand that we are all eternal
- The interaction of the three qualities makes it possible for things to be created, maintained and annihilated. But in the spiritual world, or the kingdom of God, there is no such exhibition, since everything is eternal, sentient and blissful
- The knowledge that we gather by our education in the schools and colleges may help us temporarily in the study of some particular subject in the present span of life, but this acquisition of knowledge cannot satisfy our eternal need
- The Krsna consciousness movement introduced by Lord Caitanya is extremely important because one who takes to it becomes eternal, being freed from birth, death and old age
- The ksetrajna is the eternal spirit, whereas the ksetra is matter, which is temporary and ephemeral. This eternal truth is summarized in the Vedas in the aphorism brahma satyam jagan mithya: "Spirit is fact and the world is a false shadow"
- The liberated living entities, however, in the sanatana (eternal) manifestation, are unconditionally surrendered souls, and therefore they are not subject to the conditions of creation and annihilation
- The living being himself, of course, is eternal, and if he so desires he can realize his eternality by merging into the body of the Absolute Truth or being reinstated in his constitutional position as an eternal servant of the Lord
- The living being is eternal by nature, but due to his bondage in material existence he has to change his body over and over
- The living entities and other potencies merge into Maha-Visnu as the Lord lies down and winds up (destroys) the cosmic manifestation. Liberation means being situated in one's eternal, original form after giving up the changeable gross and subtle bodies
- The living entities are also eternal and are also living forces, but they are very minute in quantity, whereas the Supreme Lord is the supreme living force and the supreme eternal
- The living entities belong to the eternal superior nature of the Lord, but due to contamination by the inferior nature, matter, their illusion is also eternal. The conditioned soul is therefore called nitya-baddha, or eternally conditioned. BG 1972 pur
- The living entities in this conditioned world are My (Krsna's) eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- The living entities, however, are actually eternal. They want an eternal home, an eternal residence, but because of accepting a temporal abode in the material world, they are naturally full of anxiety
- The living entities, not only the human beings and the cats and dogs, but even the greater controllers of the material world-Brahma, Siva, & even Visnu-are all parts & parcels of the Supreme Lord. They are all eternal, not temporary. BG 1972 purports
- The living entity has neither birth nor death, but is eternal
- The living entity is eternal, and he existed before the creation of this material world. Unfortunately he has forgotten his relationship with Krsna
- The living entity is eternal, but because of his accepting nonpermanent things, misidentifying his interest, he is put into ignorance, and therefore he suffers material pangs
- The living entity is never born and never dies. Because he is eternal, his activities are eternal, although they are performed in different types of bodies
- The living spirit is eternal - he has no end and no beginning and thus can never be created by any method whatsoever. After all, it is within our experience that every created thing is subject to annihilation
- The Lord confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- The Lord descends to reclaim all of these fallen, conditioned souls to call them back to the sanatana eternal sky so that the sanatana living entities may regain their eternal sanatana positions in eternal association with the Lord. BG 1972 Introduction
- The Lord does not belong to the material mode of goodness, for He is above the position of material goodness. He belongs to the transcendental, eternal status of bliss and knowledge
- The Lord is also described here as sad-dharma-vidam varistham. This indicates that of all transcendental occupations the best occupation is eternal loving service unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- The Lord is eternal, and those who want the favor of the Supreme Lord perpetually are also eternal
- The Lord is eternal; therefore any relationship in which we accept Him is also eternal
- The Lord is eternally the maintainer of the individual living entities both in their conditioned as well as in their liberated situations. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord is the transcendental form of eternity, cognition and beauty. And thus the creation of the energy of the Lord appears to be partially eternal, full of knowledge and beautiful also
- The Lord says clearly that He Himself, Arjuna, and all the kings who are assembled on the battlefield (of Kuruksetra), are eternally individual beings. BG 1972 purports
- The Lord's abode is described in the Bhagavad-gita, Eighth Chapter, twentieth verse, where it is stated that there is another, eternal nature, the spiritual sky, which is transcendental to this manifested and nonmanifested matter
- The Lord, awarded Dhruva Maharaja both benefits - that is, the Lord fulfilled his desires and also gave him eternal salvation. Such are the lessons we learn from all the revealed scriptures
- The Lord, the living entity, material nature and time are all interrelated and are all eternal. BG 1972 Introduction
- The lust, or so-called love, arising out of this body is as temporary as the body itself, but the love arising from the eternal soul in the spiritual world is on the spiritual platform, and that love is also eternal
- The marginal jiva, or living entity, misuses his independence and becomes averse to the eternal service attitude when he independently thinks he is not energy but the energetic
- The material atmosphere is robbing us of our eternality
- The material body, which is subject to birth and death, diseases and old age, is the cause of all sufferings of the living being, otherwise the living being is eternal; he is never born, nor does he ever die
- The material nature has always existed. It was never created, and it will never be annihilated, and there is no other cause. It's simply an eternal fact
- The material world is a shadow phantasmagoria of the spiritual kingdom of the Lord, and because it is a shadow it is never eternal; the variegatedness in the material world of duality (spirit and matter) cannot be compared to that of the spiritual world
- The material world means we are running after false family. But don't think that there is no real family life. There is real family. That is Krsna's real family, eternal family, blissful family
- The mind has to be fixed at the eternal lotus feet of the Supreme Lord. Sa vai manah krsna-padaravindayoh (SB 9.4.18). One has to fix the mind at the lotus feet of Krsna; then everything will be very nice. The seriousness of bhakti-yoga is stressed
- The mind is material, just like the material body, but when the material coverings are taken away, as we revive our spiritual body, similarly we revive our spiritual mind
- The natural hankering of the minute spirit spark is for the qualities of the whole - knowledge, bliss, and eternality - but these hankerings are being frustrated due to the material body. The information on how to attain the soul's desire is given in BG
- The omniscient Personality of Godhead could immediately understand the incident, and He came with His eternal consort, the goddess of fortune. The Catuhsana Kumaras immediately offered their obeisances unto the Lord
- The other, greater part of His (God's) creation, namely the Vaikuntha world, is neither created nor annihilated; otherwise the Vaikuntha-dhama would not have been called eternal
- The owner of the body, is eternal, but not the body. In so many ways, Krsna is explaining about the material condition of this body. But those who are not very intelligent, with poor fund of knowledge, it is very difficult for them to understand
- The Pandavas are eternal companions of the Lord, and they are more interested in the company of the Lord than anything else
- The Pandavas, especially Sri Arjuna, were eternal companions of the Lord, and therefore Arjuna went to Dvaraka to hear from the Lord of His next program of work
- The pastimes of Krsna are the essence of all nectar, and that nectar is flowing in hundreds of rivers in all directions. The pastimes of Caitanya are an eternal reservoir, and one is advised to let his mind swim like a swan on this transcendental lake
- The person I have described as unknown is the SPG, the master and eternal friend of the living entity. Since the living entities cannot realize the SPG by material names, activities or qualities, He remains everlastingly unknown to the conditioned soul
- The Personality of Godhead Hari appeared at once on the back of His eternal bearer, Garuḍa, and delivered the elephant. The elephant was conscious of his relation with the Supreme Lord. He addressed the Lord as ādi-puruṣa, or the original enjoyer
- The Personality of Godhead Sri Krsna appeared before us just a little prior to the beginning of Kali-yuga, and He returned to His eternal home practically at the commencement of Kali-yuga
- The personified Vedas continued, "One should try to understand the distinctions between the supreme eternal and the subordinate eternals"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Only due to their mistakenly identifying themselves as products of the material nature are they transmigrating from one kind of body to another in forgetfulness of their eternal relationship with You"
- The personified Vedas continued, "Your Lordship is eternally dear to the living entity, so when the mind is engaged in thought of You one immediately feels the great satisfaction for which he has been hankering life after life"
- The potent prabhava manifestations are also of two varieties: temporary and eternal. The Mohini, Hamsa and Sukla forms are manifested only temporarily, in terms of a particular age
- The presence of the soul is perceived by consciousness, and one must purify his consciousness from material to spiritual, or, in other words, to Krsna consciousness. That which is spiritual is eternal, and that which is material is temporary
- The problem of life is not to live very so-called comfortably for twenty years or fifty years. No. You are eternal, you have to search out the ways by which you can be eternally situated in comfortable life. That is your problem
- The pure devotees of the Lord are worshipers of the Lord both in the beginning and also in the perfect stage of salvation, eternally
- The question is that "If I am eternal, why there are so many miserable condition of life? And why I am forced to die?" So this is actually the intelligent question
- The real purpose of life, especially human life, is meant for reviving our sanatana-dharma, sanatana occupation, eternal occupation
- The relationship of these substantive portions with the Supreme Substance can never be annihilated, for it is an eternal quality inherent in the living being
- The religious principles which promote a follower to the highest platform of serving the eternal, supreme God, that is called sanatana-dharma
- The samskaras of the school of sanatana-dharma (man's eternal engagement) are highly suitable for creating an atmosphere for taking advantage of good stellar influences
- The Sanskrit word sanatana (eternal) is used. The fragmental portion is eternal. BG 1972 purports
- The sastras say that this (dharma's) essential quality is to render eternal service, and the proper object of this service is the Supreme Truth, Lord Krsna, the Absolute Personality of Godhead
- The servant always remains subordinate to the master, and this relationship is eternal and undisturbed. As soon as the servant feels like becoming the master, he falls into maya. Thus it is by misuse of free will that one falls under the influence of maya
- The servant serves the master so long there is payment. If the payment is stopped, then no more the servant will be available. But in the eternal world - the Krsna's servant, that's eternal, without any payment. They serve Krsna not for any material gain
- The shopkeeper serves the customer, and the artisan serves the capitalist. The capitalist serves the family, and the family serves the state in the terms of the eternal capacity of the eternal living being. BG 1972 Introduction
- The significance of spirituality is that everything is eternal and inexhaustible. Everything taken from everything remains everything, or, as has been stated, in the spiritual world one minus one equals one, and one plus one equals one
- The simple truth is that although life is eternal, in this material world one changes from one body to another. Foolish people, especially in this age, do not understand this simple truth
- The soul is eternal, therefore willing is eternal. It can be suppressed for sometime. Just like death. What is death? Death means stop willingness for seven months, that's all
- The sound of this material world and that of the spiritual world are completely different. The sound of the spiritual world is nectarean and eternal, whereas the sound of the material world is hackneyed and subject to end
- The spirit soul in its original condition is joyful, blissful, eternal and full of knowledge, and only by his implication in material activities has he become miserable, temporary and full of ignorance. This is due to vikarma
- The Spirit Soul is certainly eternal and changeless; and the fall is superficial, just like the relation between father and son cannot be broken ever
- The spirit soul is eternal, and the Supreme Lord is eternal; therefore reciprocation of their loving exchanges is eternal
- The spirit soul, the living entity, has no death, for he is eternal and inexhaustible. Being free from material contamination, he can go anywhere in the material or spiritual worlds
- The spiritual entities are meant for enjoyment, as stated in the Vedanta-sutra (1.1.12): ananda-mayo 'bhyasat. By nature and constitution, every living being-including the Supreme Lord and each of His parts and parcels-is meant for eternal enjoyment
- The spiritual knowledge a devotee possesses not only allows him to reject material existence, but it also provides him with an understanding of the reality of positive, eternal spiritual existence
- The spiritual master’s eternal occupation is to expand the service of the Lord by training disciples in a service attitude. A spiritual master never poses as the Supreme Lord Himself; he is considered a representative of the Lord
- The spiritual nature is eternal, and even when all the material universes are destroyed, the planets in the spiritual world abide. They remain exactly as the spirit soul remains even after the annihilation of the material body
- The spiritual planets are called Vaikunthas because there is no lamentation or fear there; everything is eternal
- The spiritual world is mentioned in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.20): Yet there is another unmanifested nature, which is eternal and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and is never annihilated
- The strength is eternal, and thus Baladeva is the original spiritual master of all devotees
- The Supersoul lives within the heart to direct or control the individual living entity. Although both are dhruva, or eternal, the living entity is always under the direction of the Supreme
- The Supreme Lord is the master of innumerable eternal energies, which are unlimited. Sometimes these energies are manifested, and sometimes they are not. In any case, all energies are under His control
- The Supreme Lord is unborn, there is no cessation to His appearance in different forms as incarnations like Lord Krsna and Lord Rama. Since His incarnations are eternal, the various activities performed by these incarnations are also eternal
- The Supreme Lord said, The indestructible, transcendental living entity is called Brahman, and his eternal nature is called the self. Action pertaining to the development of these material bodies is called karma, or fruitive activities. BG 8.3 - 1972
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead (Krsna) has no cause, for He is the cause of everything. The Lord is beyond the workings of cause and effect. He is eternally existing
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead in His transcendental form of bliss and knowledge is covered by the eternal potency of brahmajyoti and the less intelligent impersonalists cannot see the Supreme on this account. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is also, by His plenary portions, alive in the heart of every living entity. Only saintly persons who can see, within and without, the same Supreme Lord, can actually attain to perfect & eternal peace. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the supreme individual person, and Arjuna, the Lord's eternal associate, and all the kings assembled there (at the battlefield of Kuruksetra) are individual, eternal persons. BG 1972 purports
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead said: The unmanifested eternal combination of the three modes is the cause of the manifest state and is called pradhana. It is called prakrti when in the manifested stage of existence
- The system of varnasrama-dharma is known also as sanatana-dharma, or the eternal occupation
- The system which teaches this eternal system of reciprocation - that is called sanatana-dharma, the eternal religion. It is meant for everyone
- The systematic activities of the time factor are perpetual and eternal and cannot be stated to be false. The manifestation is temporary and occasional, but it is not false as claimed by the Mayavadi philosophers
- The temporary creation is also a relative truth. It is in fact the temporary picture of the eternal creation
- The two eternal potencies have somehow or other been combined, and since it is so difficult to separate one from the other, how is it possible for the individual soul to become liberated
- The universal form of the Lord is the secondary imagination of the impersonal form of the Lord, but the primary form of the Lord is Syamasundara, with two hands, playing on His eternal flute
- The varieties of energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead are differently known. From this statement of the Vedas one can understand that there are eternal varieties of humors, or tastes, in the spiritual world
- The Vedas are My eternal transcendental sound incarnation. Therefore the Vedas are sabda-brahma. The brahmanas thoroughly study all the Vedas, & because they assimilate the Vedic conclusions, they are also to be considered the Vedas personified
- The Vedic culture is not for any sect of country, it is meant for the whole human society. In other words, Vedic culture is also known as Sanatana Dharma which means - eternal function of the eternal living entities
- The Vedic injunction is asato ma jyotir gama: everyone should give up the platform of temporary existence and approach the eternal platform. The soul is eternal, and topics concerning the eternal soul are actually knowledge
- The Vedic religion, or varnasrama-dharma, is also called eternal because no one can trace out its beginning
- The Vedic scriptures make no mention of such a thing as "Hinduism." but they do mention sanatana-dharma, the eternal and universal religion, and also varnasrama-dharma, the natural organization of human society. That we can find in the Vedic scriptures
- The Vrndavana-dhama on this earth is a replica of that same abode. As stated in Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.20), in the spiritual sky there is another, eternal nature, transcendental to manifested and unmanifested matter
- The whole process of spiritual culture is aimed at changing the heart of the living being in the matter of his eternal relation with the Supreme Lord as subordinate servant, which is his eternal constitutional position
- The wives of the brahmanas replied, "Dear Lord, this sort of instruction does not befit You. Your eternal promise is that You will always protect Your devotees, and now You must fulfill this promise"
- The word aham indicates a person. As explained in the Vedas (Katha Upanisad): the Lord is the supreme eternal among innumerable eternals and the supreme living being among the innumerable living beings. God is a person who also has impersonal features
- The word atma is "nature." In this case the word atmarama indicates that everyone is enjoying the particular nature he has acquired. However, the ultimate nature, or the perpetual eternal nature of the living entity, is to serve the Supreme Lord
- The word kalpayanti, or "imagine," is significant. The virat universal form of the Absolute is an imagination of the speculative philosophers who are unable to adjust to the eternal two-handed form of Lord Sri Krsna
- The word sanatana is significant. This very idea of eternity is expressed in the Bhagavad-gita (BG 8.20), where it is said that beyond the material creation is the spiritual sky, where everything is eternal
- The word sanatana means "eternal," and the word amsa means "particles." God, Krsna, is very great. No one is equal to Him or greater than Him
- The world beyond the twenty-four elements (5 gross material elements, 3 subtle material elements, 5 knowledge-acquiring senses, 5 active senses, 5 objects of sense pleasure, & mahat-tattva) is not inexplicable, for it is explained in the BG as eternal
- The yoga system instructed in this chapter is called sanatana-yoga, or eternal activities performed by the living entity. BG 1972 purports
- The yoga system instructed in this chapter is called sanatana-yoga, or eternal activities performed by the living entity. This yoga has two divisions of action, called sacrifices
- There (in Krsna-sandarbha) are also descriptions of the Goloka planet, Vrndavana - the eternal place of Krsna, the identity of Goloka and Vrndavana, the Yadavas and the cowherd boys - both eternal associates of Krsna
- There (in the spiritual sky) all the planets are eternal, & the lives of all the beings on them are eternal. In this verse (BG 8.20) the word bhavah means "nature," and here another nature is indicated. In this world we have experience also of two natures
- There are different kinds of purusas, or enjoyers, within the universe. Generally they can be divided into three classes - those who are conditioned, those who are liberated and those who are eternal
- There are immense diversities in unity for variegatedness is the necessary paraphernalia of eternal pleasure which we are all seeking in the wrong way without the right information to have it
- There are millions of elephants in African jungle. They eat at a time fifty kilos. But they're getting their food. Similarly, a small ant, he's also getting his food. So the supreme eternal has arranged food, or the economic problems are solved by nature
- There are no spiritual diversities in brahmajyoti as there are in the Vaikunthalokas, and the impersonalist accepts this brahmajyoti as the ultimate eternal goal. BG 1972 purports
- There are qualities in the spiritual world, but they are different from the material qualities because everything there is eternal, unlimited and pure
- There are two conceptions of presence - the physical conception and the vibrational conception. The physical conception is temporary, whereas the vibrational conception is eternal
- There are two things: sat and asat. Sat means what is eternal, perpetual - no beginning, no end. Sanatana. And asat means just the opposite: "which is temporary." So sastra means it must give you knowledge of the eternal world. That is sastra
- There is an eternal residence of Narayana in the spiritual sky. In the upper portion of the spiritual sky is a planet known as Krsnaloka, which is filled with all opulences
- There is another unmanifested nature, which is eternal and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and is never annihilated. When all in this world is annihilated, that part remains as it is - CC Intro
- There is no birth, death, old age and disease for the spiritual body, so one who attains a spiritual body, becomes one of the associates of the Supreme Personality of Godhead and engages in eternal devotional service, is really liberated. BG 1972 purports
- There is no birth, death, old age and disease. That eternal land is full of transcendental enjoyment and full of beauty and bliss. This very fact is also corroborated in this verse of SB (2.6.18) and the transcendental nature is described as amrta
- There is no possibility of becoming happy within this material world. The father and the sons are eternal, but if a living entity does not come to the platform of his eternal life of bliss and knowledge, there is no question of happiness
- There is no question of creation and annihilation in the brahmajyoti, or spiritual sky. The Bhagavad-gita also confirms that beyond the material sky there is another, eternal, spiritual sky, where everything is eternally existing
- There is no retirement from such service (service of the Lord), which is eternal and ever encouraging
- There is no use interpreting Bhagavad-gita; it is eternal
- There is now a flood of the eternal nectar of love of Godhead due to the incarnation of Lord Caitanya. All living entities are floating in that flood. The entire world is now thankful to the Lord
- There is something within the body which is spreading consciousness. That is eternal. There's no question of believing. It is a fact
- Thereafter the brahmana took his bath in the water and controlled his speech by practicing trance, meditating on the eternal effulgence and chanting the holy Gayatri hymns within his mouth
- These descriptions, even if considered overestimations, must be taken as they are in order to divert our attention from the fleeting material beauty to the eternal beauty of Krsna consciousness
- These fragmental portions (of the Supreme) are eternally so, and even after liberation, the individual soul remains the same - fragmental. But once liberated, he lives an eternal life in bliss & knowledge with the Personality of Godhead. BG 1972 purports
- These instructions were all from the eternal Vedic literature (brahma). Thus the King and sages had no doubt about the Absolute Truth
- These people do not know that at any moment they can be kicked out of their material situation. Due to ignorance, they do not know that real life is eternal
- These Vaikuntha planets are known as sanatana-dhama, and they are eternal. They are never annihilated, not even by the annihilation of this material world
- They (mayayapahrta-jnana) do not know that the blessed form of human life is designed after the eternal and transcendental feature of the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- They (people) aspire for an eternal body because even though they engage in sense enjoyment, that sense enjoyment is not eternal
- They (the gopis and all the other inhabitants of Vrndavana) were guaranteed to be promoted to Goloka Vrndavana in the next life, to live with Krsna eternally in spiritual happiness - because they have some transcendental relationship with Krsna
- They (the ignorant people) do not know that this span of life in a particular type of body is but a flash in the eternal journey
- They (the Mayavadi philosopher) want to make the spiritual world as zero or imperson due to less intelligence. But actually, real life, real pleasure, eternal pleasure is there in the spiritual world, not in this material world
- They (the rascals) do not know that living creature is eternal, therefore they want to make the ultimate solution as void, zero. But it cannot be zero. It is not possible, because you are eternal. Therefore you have to cure & that curing process is KC
- They (those who do not belive in laws of God) may not come to their senses despite the countless sufferings they are put into for committing such sins, but that does not affect the existence of God or His eternal laws
- They are actually unable to understand how You live in every living entity as the Supersoul, nor can they understand Your absolute position. But You are the eternal friend and protector of all surrendered souls
- They do not know that the goal of life is not to increase the material necessities of existence, because the body will not exist more than a few years. The living beings are eternal, and they have their eternal need
- This acquisition of knowledge (which we gather by our education in the schools and colleges) cannot satisfy our eternal need for which we hanker life after life, day after day, hour after hour
- This body is neither eternal nor blissful nor all-awareness. Therefore this body is different from God's body
- This body, wherever you pinch, you feel pain. Why? Because the consciousness is there. So Krsna advises that consciousness is eternal, not this body
- This Brahmaloka is eternal, whereas the Satyaloka planetary system is not eternal. And to distinguish between the two, the adjective sanatana has been used in this case
- This calculation of one year is history but the summer and winter seasons are also eternal. There is a saying, "History repeats itself." Why make a distinction between history and eternity. Things are happening eternally; this is history
- This eternal engagement in bhakti-rasa can be understood by a serious student upon studying The Nectar of Devotion. Adoption of bhakti-rasa, or Krsna consciousness, will immediately bring one to an auspicious life free from anxieties
- This family tradition, according to Vedic civilization, was very strictly observed so that the family may be kept in order in religious principles. Why? Now, because the human life is meant for reviving his eternal position
- This gross body and subtle body is changing according to the change of the situation. So when you remain in your spiritual body, that is eternal. Therefore to keep in spiritual body is to accept devotional service
- This illusory struggle against material nature can be stopped at once by revival of our eternal Krsna consciousness
- This is a natural characteristic of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Although He is personally complete and full in all opulences, He takes transcendental pleasure in the association of His devotees, with whom He has a variety of eternal pastimes
- This is confirmed in Bhagavad-gita (BG 15.7): The living entities in this conditioned world are My eternal, fragmental parts. Due to conditioned life, they are struggling very hard with the six senses, which include the mind
- This is the understanding King Kulasekhara expresses in this prayer - that the spiritual knowledge a devotee possesses not only allows him to reject material existence, but it also provides him with an understanding of the reality of positive eternal SE
- This Krsna consciousness movement is spiritual. As spirit soul is eternal, permanent, similarly, any activity on the spiritual platform is eternal. It will never be lost
- This Krsna consciousness movement is to revive the Vedic culture. And the Vedic culture, another name of Vedic culture is sanatana-dharma. Sanatana means eternal, and dharma means characteristic
- This life is a chance for the conditioned soul to regain his eternal God consciousness and thus fulfill the mission of life. Maharaja Prahlada is the right type of representative of the Lord in the family of asuras
- This nullifying expression (nirvisesanam) is described in four transcendental qualifications, namely unmanifested, transcendental, eternal, and beyond the conception of mind or word
- This rascal civilization, they cannot understand that I am eternal, I am put into this condition of birth and death. No rascal understands. So-called philosophers, scientists, all of them, therefore rascals, fools. Reject them
- This same enjoyment (of sporting) is displayed by Krsna and His associates in the spiritual world, but there the enjoyment is eternal, whereas on the material platform, it is temporary; there the enjoyment is brahman, whereas here the enjoyment is jada
- This span of life in a particular type of body is but a flash in the eternal journey. Not knowing this fact, the mass of people take the small flash of life to be everything, and they waste time in improving economic conditions
- This transcendental knowledge is based on self-realization - namely, knowing perfectly well that every living entity is the eternal part and parcel of Krsna in spiritual identity. BG 1972 purports
- This verse (BG 8.3) also speaks of the living entity as "an eternal fragment of Myself (Krsna)." BG 1972 purports
- This voidism or impersonalism is a symptom of frustration, not being able to cure the disease. But actually, the living entity is eternal
- This waste of energy is due to the ignorance of the mass of people, who do not know that they are eternal and that they have an eternal engagement also
- This world is temporary, but there is another world which is eternal. This world is miserable, but the other world is eternal and blissful. BG 1972 purports
- Those who are free from false prestige, illusion and false association, who understand the eternal, who are done with material lust, who are freed from the dualities of happiness and distress, and who, unbewildered, know how to surrender unto the Lord
- Those who are interested to attain that standard of pleasure which is eternal, for them this Krsna consciousness movement is essential
- Those who are living are thinking that they will not die. They see that their friends are dying, but somehow or other they think that they are eternal
- Those who are not conversant with factual knowledge put forward many speculative propositions about the real position of the living entity. It is admitted, however, by all schools of philosophy, that the living being is eternal
- Those who are pure devotees in Krsna consciousness condemn their (the prakrta-sahajiyas') activities. The eternal vraja-vasis like Svarupa Damodara did not even come to Vrndavana-dhama
- Those who enter impersonally into the brahma-jyotir can remain there for some time in full knowledge that they are now merged homogeneously with Brahman, but they cannot have that eternal ananda, bliss, because that part is wanting
- Those who progress in Krsna consciousness in the higher planets are gradually elevated to higher and higher planets and at the time of universal devastation are transferred to the eternal spiritual kingdom. BG 1972 purports
- Those with the vision of eternity can see that the imperishable soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature
- Those with the vision of eternity can see that the imperishable soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature. Despite contact with the material body, O Arjuna, the soul neither does anything nor is entangled
- Those with the vision of eternity can see that the soul is transcendental, eternal, and beyond the modes of nature. Despite contact with the material body, O Arjuna, the soul neither does anything nor is entangled. BG 13.32 - 1972
- Through these, he can understand the Supreme Personality of Godhead as He is, and he can understand that Lord Krsna is his eternal master and deliverer from the clutches of maya. In this way one can acquire real knowledge of his conditioned life
- Time is eternal, and in the material world one passes through different phases of his eternal life
- To become nirguna means to achieve eternal peace, fearlessness, religiousness, knowledge and renunciation. All these are symptoms of becoming free from the contamination of the material qualities
- To draw your attention that, - You are My part and parcel. You are My eternal son. Why you are rotting in this miserable condition of life, janma-mrtyu-jara-vyadhi - BG 13.9
- To the sincere devotee, however, this ocean of maya is easily crossed by the cool breeze of Krishna's Grace. So this is our business, to submit to Krishna's desire to have us back with Him in the eternal sky of Krishna Loka
- Transcendental knowledge is based on self-realization-namely, knowing perfectly well that every living entity is an eternal part and parcel of Krsna in spiritual identity
- Two words are there. One is singular number, nitya, eternal, and the other is plural number, nityanam. So we are plural number. Plural number eternals. We do not know what is the numerical strength of the living entities. They are described as asankhya
- Understanding by whose mercy this had happened, he immediately offered his respectful obeisances with his head and began chanting prayers just suitable for the transcendental Lord, the supreme eternal, who is worshiped by the choicest verses
- Undoubtedly the eternal living entity cannot be annihilated at any point
- Unless one tries to solve his problems from the perspective of eternal varities, there cannot be any peace whatsoever, either in this life or in the life after death. That is the supreme teaching of Bhagavad-gita
- Varieties of humors are enjoyed by the devotees and Lord Krsna during His manifest pastimes. After all, His pastimes in Mathura, Vrndavana and Dvaraka are eternal and are going on perpetually somewhere in some part of the universe
- Varuna continued: On reaching Him you will be rid of your pride at once and will lie down on the field of battle, surrounded by dogs, for eternal sleep
- Vasudeva and Devaki did not obtain the SP of Godhead as their son very easily, nor does the Supreme Godhead accept merely anyone as His father and mother. Here (in SB 10.3.34-35) we can see how Vasudeva and Devaki obtained Krsna as their eternal son
- Vasudeva said, "Illusioned by the external energy, people generally do not utilize this advantage of the human form of life. Thus they miss the chance of eternal freedom and unnecessarily spoil the progress they have made after thousands of births"
- Vedic culture is also known as Sanatana Dharma which means eternal function of the eternal living entities
- We are eternal. We understand from Bhagavad-gita, na hanyate hanyamane sarire (BG 2.20). So if I am eternal, then why I am accepting death? This is real question. But foolishly we are thinking, "I am this body": therefore we remain as an animal
- We are given the opportunity for leaving this material world and get our eternal life in the eternal kingdom
- We are giving that information, how you can keep yourself eternal. This is the greatest gift to the human society
- We are going to Krsna consciousness means we are going to our eternal consciousness. We are changing from the temporary, bodily consciousness to the eternal consciousness. This is the sum and substance of Krsna consciousness
- We are migrating or transmigrating from one to another. This business, if we want to stop... Because we are eternal, our aims and object should be to attain that eternal status. That we can attain by Krsna consciousness
- We are presenting the best and easiest method of making final solution of all the discrepancies of life and achieving the highest bliss, which is eternal
- We are so fool that we do not understand what is the real problem of life. We are simply busy in temporary problems. Real problem is that a living being is eternal, and by the laws of nature, by his karma, he has to change his body. That is real problem
- We are spirit soul, and as such we are eternal. Why, then, should we subject ourselves to birth and death? One who asks this question is to be considered intelligent
- We can see that if someone has no object of love, he generally directs his love to a pet animal like a cat or a dog. Thus the eternal propensity for love in all living entities is always searching for a place to reside
- We do not know that these things will be finished today or tomorrow or hundred years after. And I am living soul, I am eternal, and I have been engaged in these material activities without knowing my progress of life, or without knowing my transmigration
- We feel pleasure and pain because consciousness is present, and Krsna advises us that it is this consciousness that is eternal, not the body
- We get information from BG, by simply doing one thing you can make your life permanent, eternal and never to die again, or never to take birth again. What is that? Krsna says - Simply by understanding about My appearance and My activities
- We have heard about His (Krsna's) dhama, or place, eternal Goloka Vrndavana, but there are many scholars who interpret this abode in different ways
- We have to enter the eternal planets and associate with the Supreme Personality of Godhead in order to be happy. If we do not attain this position, we will return to the material world
- We have to purify our consciousness in order to understand that consciousness is eternal. If we can do this, our lives will be successful
- We have to search out our eternal peace and prosperity in the kingdom of God, which is a place other than this mortal world
- We must discover the essential part of the living being, that part which is his constant companion. That constant companion is his eternal quality, and that eternal quality is his eternal religion. BG 1972 Introduction
- We take bitter medicine just to cure our existence. Similarly, at the present moment, our existence is impure. Therefore we have to accept birth, death, old age and disease on account of impure existence. Otherwise, we are spirit soul, we are eternal
- What is actually happiness, and what is actually distress? Because the waves flow constantly, none of them has an eternal effect
- What is the secrecy and what is the mystical? We don't teach that you press your nose, you put your head, you go up and down. Nothing required. Simply to know that "God is my father; I am His eternal son. My duty is to love Him," that's all
- What profiteth a man who gains the whole world but he loses his eternal soul?
- What should be our occupational duty? Sad-dharma. Sad-dharma means . . . sat means eternal. Real occupational duty
- Whatever advancement of knowledge, whether in art or science, that has been made by mundane scholars without reference to the eternal spirit soul is but a manifestation of the illusory modes of nature that encompass and limit the material body and mind
- Whatever is changeable, that is not sanatana-dharma. Sanatana, try to understand sanatana. Sanatana means eternal, and the living entity, being eternal, he must have some eternal engagement. That is called sanatana-dharma
- Whatever percentage of Krsna consciousness we can perform will become an eternal asset to our life, for it is imperishable in all circumstances
- Whatever relationship we have with Krsna goes on. If we have a relationship in friendship, that friendship is eternal and continues from life to life
- Whatever we (Narada Muni) can understand by the nomenclature, characteristics and features of a particular thing - superior, inferior or equal, eternal or temporary - is not created from any source other than that of Your Lordship (Brahma)
- Whatever we can understand by the nomenclature, characteristics and features of a particular thing - superior, inferior or equal, eternal or temporary - is not created from any source other than that of Your Lordship, thou so great
- When a devotee becomes perfect, he is transferred to the universe where Krsna’s pastimes are taking place. Krsna’s eternal associates go wherever Krsna manifests His pastimes
- When one desires Krsna, the Lord takes special care and encourages one to desire in such a way that one can attain to Him and be eternally happy. BG 1972 purports
- When one develops even further in Krsna consciousness, or spiritual understanding, he can appreciate that the Paramatma, the Supersoul, is the eternal worshipable object, and he surrenders unto Him
- When one engages his senses in devotional service, the eternal Supreme Personality of Godhead is revealed on the platform of the soul
- When one is actually liberated from material contamination, he can always remember an eternal devotee in Vrndavana in order to love Krsna in the same capacity. And developing such an aptitude, one will always live in Vrndavana, even within his mind
- When one is advanced in spiritual knowledge, the spirit soul is saved from eternal transmigration
- When one is fixed in the understanding that he is part and parcel of the Supreme Soul and that his eternal position is to serve in association with the Supreme Lord, he becomes self-realized
- When one is intelligent actually, then he considers that "If I am eternal, why should I accept repetition of birth and death?" That is intelligence
- When the contamination is completely removed and the senses act in the purity of unalloyed Krsna consciousness, we have reached sad-indriya, or eternal sensory activities
- When the flower is taken from the tree, it remains same; it does not lose aroma. The bees are equally attracted to flowers whether they are on the garland or on the trees. The significance of spirituality is that everything is eternal and inexhaustible
- When the jiva performs all his activities under the direction of the Lord's internal, spiritual energy, he enjoys eternal transcendental bliss, which is a billion times greater than the happiness of Brahman realization
- When the Lord descends on the earth along with His eternal ever-liberated associates, He not only displays the divine energy possessed by Himself, but also empowers His associate devotees with the required energy to execute His mission of incarnation
- When the time element is present, there is the certainty of destruction, but when there is no time element - past, present or future - then everything is eternal
- When there is a difference of opinion between son & parents, the son leaves home & the relationship is severed. The same with husband & wife; a slight difference of opinion, & there is divorce. No relationship in this material world is actual or eternal
- When they (penance, sacrifice, charity and foods) are aimed at the Supreme-om tat sat, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, the eternal - they become means for spiritual elevation. In the scriptural injunctions such an objective is indicated. BG 1972 pur
- When we speak of sanatana-dharma, don't think that sanatana-dharma is meant for the Hindus. Sanatana means eternal, and dharma means occupation
- When wealth is lost, there is no use lamenting, but as long as there is wealth, one has to utilize it properly and thereby gain eternal profit
- Which philosophy is better, 50 or 100 year old Darwin philosophy, or eternal Krishna philosophy? Just try to understand. Approach Krishna way of life from every angle - it is perfect
- Whole sastra, whole Vedic literature is meant for, to awaken you to your sat position, eternal position. Now we are in temporary position with this body, on account of getting this material body. Everything here temporary
- Why do you not like to die? Because you are eternal. Therefore atma's nature is eternal, full of knowledge and full of bliss. This is knowledge. Sat cit ananda
- Why it is called sanatana-dharma. That I have already explained. The living entity is sanatana, or eternal; God is sanatana; and there is sanatana-dhama, the Lord's eternal abode. As Krsna describes in the Bhagavad-gita (8.20), paras tasmat tu bhavo 'nyo
- Why should he (Arjuna) risk his life and eternal salvation by killing his own kinsmen? Arjuna's addressing of Krsna as - Madhava, or the husband of the goddess of fortune, is also significant in this connection (BG 1.36). BG 1972 purports
- With the destruction of dynasty, the eternal family tradition is vanquished, and thus the rest of the family becomes involved in irreligious practice. BG 1.39 - 1972
- Within the sun itself resides the sun-god, and similarly within the supreme spiritual planet, Goloka Vrndavana, from which the brahmajyoti effulgence is emanating, the Lord enjoys His eternal pastimes, as verified in the Brahma-samhita
- Without reviving our eternal affinity with the SPG, we cannot be happy. The Vedic injunction is sarve sukhino bhavantu: "Everyone become happy." We are actually struggling for existence to become happy, but we do not know how to become happy
- Without sex life there can be higher transcendental, eternal pleasure, they do not know it. Whole world, whole universe, whole material creation is centered round that. It is the pivot
- Yada yada hi dharmasya glanir bhavati bharata (BG 4.7). Dharma means the real occupation of the living entity. When there is a discrepancy in the eternal occupation of the living entity, the Lord comes and introduces the real occupation of life
- Yato va imani bhutani jayante. "The Supreme Absolute Truth is that from which everything is born." He is the prime eternal among all eternals. He is the supreme living entity of all living entities, and He alone is maintaining all life. BG 1972 purports
- Yes, it is worst. Because I am spirit soul, I am now imprisoned with this material body. It is my unnatural state, and I am eternal, and because I have accepted this material body I have to undergo birth, death, old age and disease
- Yet there is another nature, which is eternal and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and is never annihilated. When all in this world is annihilated, that part remains as it is - BG 8.20
- Yet there is another nature, which is eternal and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and is never annihilated. When all in this world is annihilated, that part remains as it is. BG 8.20 - 1972
- Yet there is another unmanifest nature, which is eternal and is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and is never annihilated. When all in this world is annihilated, that part remains as it is - BG 8.20
- Yet there is another unmanifested nature, which is eternal & is transcendental to this manifested and unmanifested matter. It is supreme and is never annihilated. When all in this world is annihilated, that part remains as it is - BG 8.20
- You are a experienced preacher and this is to your eternal credit. If we can do something even a little thing, in the service of Krishna in this life, then it is considered that this life is a success
- You are all working very hard, and this will not go in vain. Whatever we do for Krishna, that is to our eternal credit
- You are eternal, suppose you have got this shirt and coat. When it is torn down, when it is old enough, you have to give it up. Then you have to purchase another shirt and coat. So are you not prepared for that, - What kind of shirt and coat I shall have?
- You are situated in everyone's heart as the Supersoul just to show Your causeless mercy, and You are the eternal well-wisher, but You are unavailable for the nondevotee
- You can enter into the spiritual world by taking shelter of sound. That sound vibration is Hare Krsna maha-mantra. If you chant Hare Krsna maha-mantra, by chanting this transcendental, eternal sound, you can approach
- You cannot say, "This is Hindu gold," "This is Muslim gold," "This is Christian gold." Gold is gold. Similarly, God is one. You cannot say, "This is Hindu God," "This is Muslim God," "This is Christian God." God is one, and eternal
- You don't think of your future. That is foolishness. This is natural. Because every living entity is eternal; therefore he has future. But for himself he is thinking, There is no life, next
- You have asked what is the nature of atma. The atma's nature is that he is eternal. He never dies. Never takes birth. He is already existing
- You will also be able to give up the belief that this material world, or anything not directly in touch with service to Krsna, is eternal. Thus you will obtain peace
- You will certainly be unable to fulfill your promise, and I think that because of this inability your eternal residence will be in hell
- Your life is not for hundred years or sixty years or thousands years or millions of years. You are eternal. You have to attain your eternal life. That is the whole problem
- Your Lordship gives knowledge that is eternal, and the intelligent person receiving such knowledge is quickly situated in his original constitutional position
- Your problem is how to be reestablished again as eternal. Because we are eternal. Some way or other, we have fallen in this material world. Therefore, we have to accept birth and death