Category:We Are Eternal Servants of God
"we are eternal servants of Krsna"|"i am eternal servant of god"|"we are eternal servant of god"|"Our position is eternal servant of God"|"we are eternally servant of God"|"I am eternal servant of God"|"you are the eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead"|"you are eternal servant of God"|"by constitutional position, is an eternal servant of God"|"eternal servant of the Supreme Brahman"|"A pure soul is the eternal servant of God"|"he is eternally servant of God"|"of being an eternal servant of God"|"God is one, all living entities are His eternal servants"|"thinks himself the eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead"|"himself as the eternal servant of Vasudeva"|"Being the eternal servant of Lord Ramacandra"|"the position of the eternal servant"|"agree as eternal servant of God"|"living entity is an eternal servant of God"|"he is God's eternal servant"|"all living entities are eternal servants of the Supreme Lord"|"living entity is an eternal servant of God"|"his position as an eternal servant of the Lord"|"all others are His eternal servants"|"is to be the eternal servant of God"|"he is eternally a servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead"
Pages in category "We Are Eternal Servants of God"
The following 131 pages are in this category, out of 131 total.
- A devotee who follows the six principles of surrender always thinks, "O Lord, I am Yours in every respect; I am Your eternal servant." In this way a pure devotee becomes cleansed. There is a nice verse in this connection in the SB 11.29.34
- A pure soul is the eternal servant of God as His fragmental part and parcel. He comes into contact with maya (illusion) due to the desire to lord it over maya, and that is the cause of his many sufferings. BG 1972 purports
- A transcendentally situated person has no sense desires resulting from petty materialism; rather, he remains always happy in his natural position of eternally serving the Supreme Lord. BG 1972 purports
- A Vaisnava is superior to a brahmana because whereas a brahmana knows that he is Brahman, not matter, a Vaisnava knows that he is not only Brahman but also an eternal servant of the Supreme Brahman
- According to Mayavadi philosophers, the Vaisnava conception of the Lord as the Supreme Personality of Godhead and of the jiva, or individual soul, as His eternal servant is a manifestation of ignorance
- Actually his (the conditioned soul) position is to know that he is an eternal servant of the Supreme Lord
- Actually, the constitutional position of the living entities are that he is eternally servant of God
- After many, many births of worshiping Brahman and Paramatma, when one surrenders unto Vasudeva as the supreme master and accepts himself as the eternal servant of Vasudeva, he becomes a great transcendentally realized soul
- All living entities are by constitution eternal servant. That is their healthy position. So long they remain servant of the Supreme, that is healthy
- Although everyone is a servant of the Lord, one Vaisnava servant, because of humility, sees another servant as his master
- An advanced devotee is attracted by the service rendered by an eternal servitor of the Lord. This attraction is called spontaneous attraction. Technically it is called svarupa-upalabdhi. This stage is not achieved in the beginning
- Anything which does not help me in serving Krsna, if we give it up, and anything which helps me to serve Krsna, if we accept, in that way if we live, then gradually we become situated in our original constitutional position, eternal servant of God
- As an eternal servitor of the Lord, he (Vidura) displayed his devotional activities very ardently and lived a life of a pious man, so much so that a materialistic man like Dhrtarastra also got salvation by his instruction
- As long as there is the slightest tinge of sense gratification or desire for sense gratification, peace will remain far, far away. This is because by nature we're all eternal servants of the SG & therefore cannot enjoy anything for our personal interests
- As one who is interested in gold accepts all the differently shaped gold ornaments, a Vaisnava, knowing well that all living entities are of the same quality as the Supreme Personality of Godhead, accepts all living entities as eternal servants of God
- As servant of God, I may have many activities. But my identity is that I am eternal servant of God. This is our identity. So if I love myself, because I am eternal servant of God, therefore, if I actually I love myself
- As soon as a person is awakened to the pure knowledge of understanding that he is an eternal servitor of the Lord, his own real position is revived
- Because the person in KC is devoid of all kinds of sense-gratificatory propensities, it is to be understood that he has burned up the reactions of his work by perfect knowledge of his constitutional position as the eternal servitor of the SPG. BG 1972 p
- Being the eternal servant of Lord Ramacandra, Hanumanji has been respectfully worshiped for many hundreds and thousands of years
- Bhagavan, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is everyone's real shelter (saranam saranyam). Everyone is seeking shelter because we are all constitutionally servants. Originally we are servants of God; therefore it is our nature to take His shelter
- Development of this knowledge of eternal servitorship to the Lord is compared to fire. Such a fire, once kindled, can burn up all kinds of reactions to work
- Devotees know that their position is to be eternally servants of the Supreme Lord and never to be one with Him. Therefore they are called sama-mati or jitatma. They detest oneness with the Supreme
- Every living entity has the constitutional position of being an eternal servant of God
- Every living entity is an eternal servant of the Lord; when one engages in the service of the Lord, he realizes the highest perfection of life
- Every moment should be utilized to understand your position. Your position means to understand you are eternal servant of God, and your duty, to carry out the orders of God
- Every religion believes in God, and we want that everyone should actively come to this understanding of accepting one's eternal servitorship to God
- Everyone is servant. That is the definition given by Lord Caitanya, jivera svarupa haya nitya krsna dasa (Cc. Madhya 20.108-109): "A living entity is eternally servant of God." That cannot be changed
- Everyone serves the purpose of the Supreme Godhead, & what to speak of such small and insignificant living entities as ourselves? We are surely eternal servants of the Lord
- Everyone, by constitutional position, is an eternal servant of God. Therefore, a devotee's business is to awaken everyone's Krsna consciousness. That is his mercy
- God is a person like us, but He is all-powerful with all opulences in full. The living entities are His eternal servants. There are varieties of living entities that have inherited the opulences of God in different degrees
- God is great, and I am very small; He is the supreme proprietor supplying all necessities, and I am His servant. Who can challenge this? It is a fact
- God is one, all living entities are His eternal servants, and therefore, the real religious system is to learn how to serve God
- God is one, but the living entities, including both the liberated and the conditioned, are many and have many different grades of positions. The living entities are never equal to God, but as parts and parcels of the Lord they are eternally His servitors
- God says that "You are My eternal servant. You must obey Me." That is religion. You try to understand the meaning of religion. Religion means the law given by God, and you must accept it. That is religion
- I am becoming a devotee for this purpose - no, that is not pure devotee. "I am eternal servant of God, so it is my duty to serve Him, that's all." That is peace. And so long he'll desire, then he'll not have any peace. That is not possible
- "I am this body" or "Everything in relationship to the body is mine" is called false ego, but when one is self-realized and thinks that he is an eternal servitor of the Supreme Lord, that identification is real ego
- I may have many activities. But my identity is that I am eternal servant of God. So if I love myself, because I am eternal servant of God, therefore, if I actually I love myself, I must always engage myself in the service of the Lord. This is love
- In another part of the Vedas it is said, "You have nothing to do. You are so perfect in Your knowledge & potency that everything becomes manifest simply by Your will. There is no one equal to or greater than You, & everyone acts as Your eternal servant"
- In his pure consciousness there is no such misconceived dream, and in that pure conscious state the living entity does not forget that he is never the Lord, but that he is eternally the servitor of the Lord in transcendental love
- In the dual world everyone is falsely trying to become the master of the world, whereas in the absolute world the Lord is the absolute Lord, and all others are His absolute servitors
- In the heavenly planets, although the residents enjoy superior sense gratification, they never forget their positions as eternal servants of the Supreme Being
- In the smrti it is said: dasa-bhuto harer eva nanyasvaiva kadacana. The living entities are eternally in the service of the Supreme Lord. This is also confirmed by Lord Caitanya in His teaching. BG 1972 purports
- In the Srimad-Bhagavatam (SB 7.5.23), Prahlada Maharaja very clearly states what the essential activities of devotional service are: (7) thinking oneself His (God's) eternal servant, (8) becoming His friend, and (9) surrendering everything to Him
- In this connection, Prahlada Maharaj cited the example of Hanuman, the eternal servitor of Lord Ramacandra, who also set an example by never asking any material favor from the Lord
- In this way, I congratulated Murari Gupta, saying, Indeed, you are the incarnation of Hanuman. Consequently you are the eternal servant of Lord Ramacandra. Why should you give up the worship of Lord Ramacandra and His lotus feet
- In unpurified consciousness one thinks of himself as the Lord of the universe, but in purified consciousness one thinks himself the eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Instead of thinking oneself in that position (of eternal servant of God), the living entity thinks that he is not servant, that he is the master of this material world, for he wants to lord it over the material nature. That is his illusion. BG 1972 p
- Krsna consciousness movement is for that purpose, that people should be taught that "You are eternal servant of God. Don't falsely claim that you are God. You don't care for God. You have to care."
- Krsna consciousness movement is nothing extra; it is simply cleansing your heart to understand things as they are. That's all. Nothing external. You have to understand that you are eternal servant of God, or son
- O Lord, now that You have killed this great demon, we are in our normal condition. Kindly order us, Your eternal servants, what to do now
- O my Lord, O Supreme Personality of Godhead, will I again be able to be a servant of Your eternal servants who find shelter only at Your lotus feet?
- One who has learned perfectly knows that every living entity is the eternal servitor of the Lord and that consequently one has to act in Krsna consciousness. BG 1972 purports
- One's natural tendency is to serve because a living entity is an eternal servant of God
- Our characteristic is that we are eternal servant of God. When we forget this characteristic, that this is my original characteristic, that is adharma
- Our position is eternal servant of God. This is our position. But at the present moment, because we are not in the superior energy, in the activities of the superior energy, we are struggling hard with this material energy
- Our real identity is that we are eternally servant of God. This understanding, pure understanding, is called mukti
- People all over the world, especially in India, have forgotten their relationship with SPG and His eternal servants. Therefore the principles of morality, religion and ethics have almost disappeared. This situation is most unprofitable for human society
- People should simply engage in the chanting of the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, thus they will come to understand that they are not the Supreme Personality of Godhead, as they have been taught by the Mayavadi philosophers, but are eternal servants of the Lord
- Pure devotion means God should not be bothered; simply we shall render service. God is great. I am His servant. So my duty is to render service without any profit. The profit is there. To be accepted as God's servant, that is the greatest profit
- Pure self-realization is the pure consciousness of admitting oneself to be the eternal servitor of the Lord. Thus one is reinstated in his original position of transcendental loving service to the Lord
- Pure self-realization, as we have several times discussed, is the pure consciousness of admitting oneself to be the eternal servitor of the Lord
- Real position is we living entities, are eternal servant of God. As soon as we forget this formula, we are in the material existence. And as soon as we revive this original consciousness, that is called spiritual platform. Therefore we are propagating KC
- Real religious system is to understand that God is great; I am His servant. I am supported by Him; it is my duty to serve Him. This is religion. This is called bhagavata-dharma
- Real self realization means to understand that you are the eternal servant of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, and perfection is to develop love or bhakti, loving service in relationship with that Supreme Personality of Godhead
- Real spiritual life means acting in our constitutional position of the eternal servants of the Lord, so we must offer this sublime science of Bhagavad Gita to the population at large, and those who are actually serious will take advantage
- Simply because of his (the living entity) forgetfulness of his real nature as an eternal servitor of the Lord, he is overwhelmed and captured by maya
- Since a living entity is eternally the servitor of the Supreme Lord, when one seriously and sincerely engages in the transcendental loving service of the Lord, he is situated in the position of liberation
- Sinful life is due to ignorance, which means forgetfulness of one's constitutional position as an eternal servant of God, but when one is fully Krsna conscious he realizes that he is God's eternal servant
- Spiritually, when you understand that you are eternal servant of God, Krsna, and if you become fully convinced and do the needful, then you are liberated immediately
- Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura advised: "My friend, you are being washed away in material nature's waves of time. Please try to understand that you are the eternal servant of the Lord. Then everything will stop, and you will be eternally happy"
- Srimad-Bhagavatam begins with the surrender of the devotee unto the Absolute Person. The devotee is fully aware that he is one with the Absolute and at the same time in the eternal position of servant to the Absolute
- Such influence manifests the three qualitative modes of material nature, proving definitely that the living entities, the marginal potency, are eternally servitors of the Lord and are therefore controlled by either the internal or the external potency
- The characteristic is that I am eternally servant of God. So instead of serving God, if I serve the dog, that is called cheating religion
- The constitutional position of the living entities are that he is eternally servant of God. That is his position. He's meant for that purpose, but he forgets
- The demigods say, "We are Your eternal servants." So those who are servants, or devotees of the Lord, are not very much concerned with fruitive activities, the performance of the prescribed yajnas, or mental speculation
- The difference is that Krsna consciousness man knows that "I am eternal servant of God. Therefore let me willingly serve Krsna." And others, they are also serving Krsna, but by force, by maya, by the qualities of nature
- The direct process is: take to Krsna consciousness - "I am eternal servant of God. Let me take to this business. Finish." Perfect knowledge
- The impersonal monist does not believe that God is the only object of worship and that the living entities are His eternal servants
- The joy which follows realization arises from understanding - I was illusioned by false notions for so long. What a fool I was! I was thinking that I was God, but now I can understand that I am God's eternal servant
- The living entity is an eternal servant of God, but he comes to the material world and is bound by material conditions because of his desire to lord it over matter
- The priests began to offer prayers to the Lord, saying: O most worshipable one, we are simply Your servants. Although You are full in Yourself, please, out of Your causeless mercy, accept a little service from us, Your eternal servants
- The queens continued, "Or is it a fact that you also are willing to become an eternal servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead? We think that you are anxious to put a garland on the lotus feet of the Lord and then place it on your hair"
- The real explanation is that we are eternal servants of God and that as soon as we forget this relationship we are thrown into the material world, where we create our different activities and suffer or enjoy the result
- The real identity of the living entity is that he is an eternal servant of the Supreme (CC Madhya 20.108). As long as one does not come to this conclusion, he must be in ignorance
- The real identity of the living entity is that he is eternally servant of God. We should not understand this word servant in the meaning of materialistic servant. To become servant of God is a great position
- The real occupational duty of the living entity is to serve the Lord. Even if one prefers to deviate from this principle he remains a servant because that is his eternal position; but one serves maya, the illusory, material energy
- The real significance of "I" can be realized only when one is situated in the consciousness of "I am the eternal servitor of the Lord
- The real, spiritual form of the living entity is eternal servitorship to the Supreme Lord
- The sixty-four regulative principles (of devotional service) are as follows: (26) To pray to Him (God). (27) To think of oneself as the Lord's eternal servant. (28) To become the Lord's friend. (29) To offer everything to the Lord
- The sooner we realize this fact, that our constitutional position is servant, that means we are liberated
- The sum and substance of Lord Caitanya's teaching, is to understand that we are eternal servant of God, and if we immediately engage our energy to satisfy Krsna, then immediately we are transferred to the spiritual platform
- The Supreme Personality of Godhead is the friend of all living entities, and all living entities are eternal servants of the Supreme Lord. Oneness is possible through this understanding, not through artificially thinking that every one of us is God
- The word mohah is very important in this verse (BG 18.73). Mohah refers to that which is opposed to knowledge. Actually real knowledge is the understanding that every living being is eternally servitor of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- There are different stages. And when one comes to the ultimate stage, nihsreyasaya, that is called Krsna consciousness, or God consciousness. And how that consciousness acts? That - I am a servant of God. I am servant of Krsna
- There is no profit in denying the supremacy of the Lord, who is the controller of all energies, but one should be constitutionally situated in one's own glory, namely to be situated in the pure consciousness of being the eternal servitor of the Lord
- They manufacture so many demonic ideas, but real idea they forget. Real idea is "God is great; I am small. Therefore I am eternal servant of God." Simple thing
- This attachment of the devotee to a particular form of the Lord is due to natural inclination. Each and every living entity is originally attached to a particular type of transcendental service because he is eternally the servitor of the Lord
- This is religion. This is called bhagavata-dharma, to understand this philosophy, that God is the supreme master and I am His eternal servant. My duty is to serve God. That's all
- This tattva of Lord Caitanya's is shared by all four sampradayas of the Vaisnava school (all accepting eternal servitude to the Lord even after salvation), and there is no authorized Vaisnava acarya who may think of the Lord and himself as one
- This tendency to be battered by the waves of maya can be changed to one's original, natural tendency, which is spiritual, when the living entity comes to understand that he is eternally krsna-dasa, a servant of God, Krsna
- To be the servant of the Lord is the greatest position; if one can understand this and can thus revive one's original nature of eternal servitorship, one stands fully independent
- To become free from designation means "I do not belong to any of these categories (I am Hindu, I am Muslim, I am Christian). I am eternal servant of God." If you come to that position, then that is the common platform
- To understand Krsna consciousness and action according to its modes, one has to learn one's relationship with the Supreme; i.e., one who has learned perfectly knows that every living entity is an eternal servitor of the Lord. BG 1972 purports
- Under the spell of material nature, we are becoming servants and masters, but if we agree to be controlled by the Supreme Personality of Godhead and His eternal servants, this temporary condition ceases to exist
- Unless he thinks that everything belongs to God, there is no question of humanity. That is "dognity," doggish mentality. Humanity means that he understands that everything belongs to God, I am servant of God. That is humanity
- Upon gaining such realization (that "I am God's eternal servant"), one attains liberation and becomes prasannatma, or jolly, for this is the constitutional position of the living entity
- We are eternal servant of God. So our duty is to help the master to enjoy
- We have no such conception that "I am Indian," "I am American," "I am brahmin" or "I am sudra," or "I am black," "I am white." We all are the same. We are eternal servant of Krsna, or God. That is our position
- We in this material world are called conditioned souls, who have forgotten our eternal servitorship to the Lord. Our time is lost in serving maya, the illusory energy. So by chanting this Hare Krsna, we can get rid of this illusory energy
- We living entities are eternal servants of God, and our duty is to help our master enjoy. Srimati Radharani is the topmost servant of Krsna, and Her business is always to keep Krsna pleased
- We must rise to the platform of pure knowledge, which is the pure realization that we are the eternal servitors of the SG & enjoyers of His transcendental pastimes. The Supreme Lord is the master-enjoyer of those pastimes, & we are the servitor-enjoyers
- What is my own constitutional position? I am eternal servant of God, Krsna. This is my position. So when we give up all these designation service and engage myself in the real service of the real master, that is called mukti, liberation
- What is that connection? We are all His eternal servants. We should not foolishly think that we can become one with God or equal to God. This is all the result of rascaldom
- When he (the conditioned soul) is actually in perfect knowledge, he knows that the Lord is the supreme worshipful object & that the living entity is His eternal servant. Without this knowledge, he engages in material activities; that is called ignorance
- When he forgets this relationship, that he is eternal servant of God, that means his material existence. In the material existence, nobody is prepared to become servant. Everyone is prepared to become the master
- When one is fully purified, he realizes that his constitutional position is to be the eternal servant of God. BG 1972 purports
- When the florist was offered benedictions, he begged from the Lord that he might remain His eternal servant in devotional service and by such service do good to all living creatures
- When uncontaminated pure knowledge is uncovered from the modes of material nature, the actual identity of the living entity is discovered: he is eternally a servitor of the Supreme Personality of Godhead
- When you understand that you are eternal servant of God, Krsna, and if you become fully convinced and do the needful, then you are liberated immediately
- Whether one is engaged in material activity involving pounds, shillings and pence or is in the renounced order, he should always think that he is an eternal servant of God, for that is the real position of the living being
- You just try to understand yourself that you are eternal servant of God. Then you are perfect. And you can enjoy God's property very nicely. There is no distress at all
- You understand simply these two things: that you are eternal servant of God and you have to carry out the orders of God . . . He is the supreme proprietor. He is the supreme friend
- Your position means to understand you are eternal servant of God, and your duty, to carry out the orders of God